| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning government.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The State Employment Records Act is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Sections 10 and 15 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (5 ILCS 410/10)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 10. Definitions. As used in this Act:
| ||||||
8 | (a) "Agency work force" means those persons employed by a | ||||||
9 | State agency
who are part of the State work force.
| ||||||
10 | (b) "Contractual services employee" means a person | ||||||
11 | employed by the
State, or a State supported institution of | ||||||
12 | higher education, under a
written contract and paid by a State | ||||||
13 | system CO-2 voucher (or its
administrative equivalent) whose | ||||||
14 | daily duties and responsibilities are
directly or indirectly | ||||||
15 | supervised or managed by a person paid by a payroll
warrant (or | ||||||
16 | its administrative equivalent) funded by State funds or pass
| ||||||
17 | through funds.
| ||||||
18 | (c) "Agency" or "State agency" means those entities | ||||||
19 | included in the
definition of "State agencies" in the Illinois | ||||||
20 | State Auditing Act.
| ||||||
21 | (d) "Minority" means a person who is any of the following:
| ||||||
22 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
23 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
2 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
3 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
4 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
5 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
6 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
7 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
8 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
9 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
10 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
11 | African American". | ||||||
12 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
13 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
14 | culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
15 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
16 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
17 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
| ||||||
18 | (e) "Professional employee" means a person employed to | ||||||
19 | perform
employment duties requiring academic training, | ||||||
20 | evidenced by a graduate or
advanced degree from an accredited | ||||||
21 | institution of higher education, and
who, in the performance | ||||||
22 | of those employment duties, may only engage in active
practice | ||||||
23 | of the academic training received when licensed or certified | ||||||
24 | by
the State of Illinois.
| ||||||
25 | (f) "State employee" means any person employed within the | ||||||
26 | State work force.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (g) "State work force" means all persons employed by the | ||||||
2 | State of
Illinois as evidenced by:
| ||||||
3 | (1) the total number of all payroll warrants (or their | ||||||
4 | administrative
equivalent) issued by the Comptroller to | ||||||
5 | pay:
| ||||||
6 | (i) persons subject to the Personnel Code; and
| ||||||
7 | (ii) for the sole purpose of providing accurate | ||||||
8 | statistical
information, all persons exempt from the | ||||||
9 | Personnel Code; and
| ||||||
10 | (2) the total number of payroll warrants (or their | ||||||
11 | administrative
equivalent) funded by State appropriation | ||||||
12 | which are issued by educational
institutions governed by | ||||||
13 | the Board of Trustees of the University of
Illinois, the | ||||||
14 | Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, the | ||||||
15 | Board
of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, and | ||||||
16 | the Board of Regents; and
| ||||||
17 | (3) the total number of contractual payroll system | ||||||
18 | CO-2 vouchers (or
their administrative equivalent) funded | ||||||
19 | by State revenues and issued by:
| ||||||
20 | (i) the State Comptroller; and
| ||||||
21 | (ii) the issuing agents of the educational | ||||||
22 | institutions listed in
subdivision (2) of this | ||||||
23 | subsection (g).
| ||||||
24 | "State work force" does not, however, include
persons holding | ||||||
25 | elective State office.
| ||||||
26 | (Source: P.A. 97-396, eff. 1-1-12 .)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (5 ILCS 410/15)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 15. Reported information.
| ||||||
3 | (a) State agencies shall, if necessary, consult with the | ||||||
4 | Office of the
Comptroller and the
Governor's Office of | ||||||
5 | Management and Budget to confirm the accuracy of information
| ||||||
6 | required by this Act. State agencies shall collect and | ||||||
7 | maintain information
and publish reports including but not | ||||||
8 | limited to the following information
arranged in the indicated | ||||||
9 | categories:
| ||||||
10 | (i) the total number of persons employed by the agency | ||||||
11 | who are part of
the State work force, as defined by this | ||||||
12 | Act, and the number and statistical
percentage of women, | ||||||
13 | minorities, and persons with physical disabilities | ||||||
14 | employed
within the agency work force;
| ||||||
15 | (ii) the total number of persons employed within the | ||||||
16 | agency work force
receiving levels of State remuneration | ||||||
17 | within incremental levels of
$10,000, and the number and | ||||||
18 | statistical percentage of minorities, women, and
persons | ||||||
19 | with physical disabilities in the agency work force | ||||||
20 | receiving levels of
State remuneration within incremented | ||||||
21 | levels of $10,000;
| ||||||
22 | (iii) the number of open positions of employment or | ||||||
23 | advancement in the
agency work force, reported on a fiscal | ||||||
24 | year basis;
| ||||||
25 | (iv) the number and percentage of open positions of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | employment or
advancement in the agency work force filled | ||||||
2 | by minorities, women, and
persons with physical | ||||||
3 | disabilities, reported on a fiscal year basis;
| ||||||
4 | (v) the total number of persons employed within the | ||||||
5 | agency work force
as professionals, and the number and | ||||||
6 | percentage of minorities, women, and
persons with physical | ||||||
7 | disabilities employed within the agency work force as
| ||||||
8 | professional employees; and
| ||||||
9 | (vi) the total number of persons employed within the | ||||||
10 | agency work force
as contractual service employees, and | ||||||
11 | the number and percentage of minorities,
women, and | ||||||
12 | persons with physical disabilities employed within the | ||||||
13 | agency work force as
contractual services employees.
| ||||||
14 | (b) The numbers and percentages of minorities required to | ||||||
15 | be reported by
this Section shall be identified by the | ||||||
16 | following categories: | ||||||
17 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
18 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
19 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
20 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
21 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
22 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
23 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
24 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
25 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
26 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
2 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
3 | African American". | ||||||
4 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
5 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
6 | culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
7 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
8 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
9 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands). | ||||||
10 | Data concerning women shall be
reported on a minority and | ||||||
11 | nonminority basis.
The numbers and percentages of persons with | ||||||
12 | physical disabilities required to be
reported under this | ||||||
13 | Section shall be identified by categories as male and
| ||||||
14 | (c) To accomplish consistent and uniform classification | ||||||
15 | and collection of
information from each State agency, and to | ||||||
16 | ensure full compliance and that all
required information is | ||||||
17 | provided, the Index Department of the Office of the
Secretary | ||||||
18 | of State, in consultation with the Department of Human Rights, | ||||||
19 | the
Department of Central Management Services, and the Office | ||||||
20 | of the Comptroller,
shall develop appropriate forms to be used | ||||||
21 | by all State agencies subject to the
reporting requirements of | ||||||
22 | this Act.
| ||||||
23 | All State agencies shall make the reports required by this | ||||||
24 | Act using the
forms developed under this subsection. The | ||||||
25 | reports must be certified and
signed by an official of the | ||||||
26 | agency who is responsible for the information
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15 .)
| ||||||
2 | Section 10. The Illinois Act on the Aging is amended by | ||||||
3 | changing Section 3.10 as follows:
| ||||||
4 | (20 ILCS 105/3.10)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 3.10.
"Minority senior citizen" means any person
55 | ||||||
6 | years of age or older for whom
opportunities for employment | ||||||
7 | and participation in community life are
unavailable or
| ||||||
8 | severely limited and who is any of the following:
| ||||||
9 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
10 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
11 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
12 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
13 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
14 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
15 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
16 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
17 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
18 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
19 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
20 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
21 | African American". | ||||||
22 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
23 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
24 | culture or origin, regardless of race). |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
2 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
3 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 97-396, eff. 1-1-12.)
| ||||||
5 | Section 15. The Department of Public Health Powers and | ||||||
6 | Duties Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is | ||||||
7 | amended by changing Section 2310-215 as follows:
| ||||||
8 | (20 ILCS 2310/2310-215) (was 20 ILCS 2310/55.62)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 2310-215. Center for Minority Health Services.
| ||||||
10 | (a) The Department shall establish a Center for Minority | ||||||
11 | Health
Services to advise the Department on matters pertaining | ||||||
12 | to the health needs
of minority populations within the State.
| ||||||
13 | (b) The Center shall have the following duties:
| ||||||
14 | (1) To assist in the assessment of the health needs of | ||||||
15 | minority
populations in the State.
| ||||||
16 | (2) To recommend treatment methods and programs that | ||||||
17 | are sensitive and
relevant to the unique linguistic, | ||||||
18 | cultural, and ethnic characteristics of
minority | ||||||
19 | populations.
| ||||||
20 | (3) To provide consultation, technical assistance, | ||||||
21 | training programs, and
reference materials to service | ||||||
22 | providers, organizations, and other
| ||||||
23 | (4) To promote awareness of minority health concerns, | ||||||
24 | and
encourage, promote, and aid in the establishment of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | minority services.
| ||||||
2 | (5) To disseminate information on available minority | ||||||
3 | services.
| ||||||
4 | (6) To provide adequate and effective opportunities | ||||||
5 | for minority
populations to express their views on | ||||||
6 | Departmental policy development and
program | ||||||
7 | implementation.
| ||||||
8 | (7) To coordinate with the Department on Aging and the | ||||||
9 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services to coordinate | ||||||
10 | services designed to meet the needs of minority senior
| ||||||
11 | citizens.
| ||||||
12 | (8) To promote awareness of the incidence of | ||||||
13 | Alzheimer's disease and related dementias among minority | ||||||
14 | populations and to encourage, promote, and aid in the | ||||||
15 | establishment of prevention and treatment programs and | ||||||
16 | services relating to this health problem.
| ||||||
17 | (c) For the purpose of this Section, "minority" shall mean | ||||||
18 | and include
any person or group of persons who are any of the | ||||||
19 | following:
| ||||||
20 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
21 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
22 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
23 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
24 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
25 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
26 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
2 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
3 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
4 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
5 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
6 | African American". | ||||||
7 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
8 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
9 | culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
10 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
11 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
12 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 97-396, eff. 1-1-12.)
| ||||||
14 | Section 20. The State Construction Minority and Female | ||||||
15 | Building Trades Act is amended by changing Section 35-5 as | ||||||
16 | follows: | ||||||
17 | (30 ILCS 577/35-5)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 35-5. Definitions. For the purposes of this Article: | ||||||
19 | "Under-represented minority" means a person who is any of | ||||||
20 | the following: | ||||||
21 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
22 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
23 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
24 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
2 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
3 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
4 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
5 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
6 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
7 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
8 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
9 | African American". | ||||||
10 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
11 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
12 | culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
13 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
14 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
15 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands). | ||||||
16 | "Construction" means any constructing, altering, | ||||||
17 | reconstructing, repairing, rehabilitating, refinishing, | ||||||
18 | refurbishing, remodeling, remediating, renovating, custom | ||||||
19 | fabricating, maintenance, landscaping, improving, wrecking, | ||||||
20 | painting, decorating, demolishing, and adding to or | ||||||
21 | subtracting from any building, structure, highway, roadway, | ||||||
22 | street, bridge, alley, sewer, ditch, sewage disposal plant, | ||||||
23 | water works, parking facility, railroad, excavation or other | ||||||
24 | structure, project, development, real property or improvement, | ||||||
25 | or to do any part thereof, whether or not the performance of | ||||||
26 | the work herein described involves the addition to, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | fabrication into, any structure, project, development, real | ||||||
2 | property or improvement herein described of any material or | ||||||
3 | article of merchandise. Construction shall also include moving | ||||||
4 | construction related materials on the job site to or from the | ||||||
5 | job site.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 96-37, eff. 7-13-09; 97-396, eff. 1-1-12.) | ||||||
7 | Section 25. The Inclusion of Women and Minorities in | ||||||
8 | Clinical Research Act is amended by changing Section 5 as | ||||||
9 | follows:
| ||||||
10 | (30 ILCS 785/5)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 5. Definitions. In this Act:
| ||||||
12 | "Grantee" means any qualified public, private, or | ||||||
13 | not-for-profit agency or
individual, including, but not | ||||||
14 | limited to, a college, university, hospital,
| ||||||
15 | research institution, local health department, voluntary | ||||||
16 | health agency, health
organization, corporation, | ||||||
17 | student, fellow, or entrepreneur, conducting
clinical research
| ||||||
18 | using State funds. A grantee may also be a corporation that is | ||||||
19 | headquartered in
and that conducts research using | ||||||
20 | State funds.
| ||||||
21 | "Minority group" means a group that is a readily | ||||||
22 | identifiable subset of the U.S. population that is | ||||||
23 | distinguished by racial, ethnic, or cultural heritage and that | ||||||
24 | is made up of persons who are any of the following: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
2 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
3 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
4 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
5 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
6 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
7 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
8 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
9 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
10 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
11 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
12 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
13 | African American". | ||||||
14 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
15 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
16 | culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
17 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
18 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
19 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
| ||||||
20 | "Project of clinical research" includes a clinical trial.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 97-396, eff. 1-1-12.)
| ||||||
22 | Section 30. The Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority | ||||||
23 | Act is amended by changing Section 23.1 as follows:
| ||||||
24 | (70 ILCS 210/23.1) (from Ch. 85, par. 1243.1)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 23.1. Affirmative action.
| ||||||
2 | (a) The Authority shall, within 90 days after the | ||||||
3 | effective
date of this amendatory Act of 1984, establish and | ||||||
4 | maintain an affirmative
action program designed to promote | ||||||
5 | equal employment opportunity and
eliminate the effects of past | ||||||
6 | discrimination. Such program shall include a
plan, including | ||||||
7 | timetables where appropriate, which shall specify goals
and | ||||||
8 | methods for increasing participation by women and minorities | ||||||
9 | in
employment, including employment related to the planning, | ||||||
10 | organization, and staging of the games, by the Authority and | ||||||
11 | by parties which contract with the Authority.
The Authority | ||||||
12 | shall submit a detailed plan with the General Assembly prior
| ||||||
13 | to September 1 of each year. Such program shall also establish | ||||||
14 | procedures and
sanctions, which the Authority shall enforce to
| ||||||
15 | ensure compliance with the plan established pursuant to this | ||||||
16 | Section and
with State and federal laws and regulations | ||||||
17 | relating to the employment of
women and minorities. A | ||||||
18 | determination by the Authority as to whether a
party to a | ||||||
19 | contract with the Authority has achieved the goals or employed
| ||||||
20 | the methods for increasing participation by women and | ||||||
21 | minorities shall be
determined in accordance with the terms of | ||||||
22 | such contracts or the applicable
provisions of rules and | ||||||
23 | regulations of the Authority existing at the time
such | ||||||
24 | contract was executed, including any provisions for | ||||||
25 | consideration of
good faith efforts at compliance which the | ||||||
26 | Authority may reasonably adopt.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) The Authority shall adopt and maintain minority-owned | ||||||
2 | and women-owned
business enterprise procurement programs under | ||||||
3 | the affirmative
action program described in subsection (a) for | ||||||
4 | any and all work, including all contracting related to the | ||||||
5 | planning, organization, and staging of the games, undertaken
| ||||||
6 | by the Authority. That work shall include, but is not limited | ||||||
7 | to, the
purchase of professional services, construction | ||||||
8 | services, supplies,
materials, and equipment. The programs | ||||||
9 | shall establish goals of awarding
not less than 25% of the | ||||||
10 | annual dollar value of all contracts, purchase
orders, or | ||||||
11 | other agreements (collectively referred to as "contracts") to | ||||||
12 | minority-owned
businesses and 5% of the annual dollar value of | ||||||
13 | all
contracts to women-owned businesses. Without limiting the | ||||||
14 | generality of
the foregoing, the programs shall require in | ||||||
15 | connection with the
prequalification or consideration of | ||||||
16 | vendors for professional service
contracts, construction | ||||||
17 | contracts, and contracts for supplies, materials,
equipment, | ||||||
18 | and services that each proposer or bidder submit as part of his
| ||||||
19 | or her proposal or bid a commitment detailing how he or she | ||||||
20 | will expend 25%
or more of the dollar value of his or her | ||||||
21 | contracts with one or more minority-owned
businesses and 5% or | ||||||
22 | more of the dollar value with one or
more women-owned | ||||||
23 | businesses. Bids or proposals that do not include such
| ||||||
24 | detailed commitments are not responsive and shall be rejected | ||||||
25 | unless the
Authority deems it appropriate to grant a waiver of | ||||||
26 | these requirements. In
addition the Authority may, in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | connection with the selection of providers
of professional | ||||||
2 | services, reserve the right to select a minority-owned or | ||||||
3 | women-owned business or businesses to fulfill the commitment | ||||||
4 | to minority and woman
business participation. The commitment | ||||||
5 | to minority and woman
business participation may be met by the | ||||||
6 | contractor or professional service
provider's status as a | ||||||
7 | minority-owned or women-owned business, by joint venture
or by | ||||||
8 | subcontracting a portion of the work with or purchasing | ||||||
9 | materials for
the work from one or more such businesses, or by | ||||||
10 | any combination thereof.
Each contract shall require the | ||||||
11 | contractor or provider to submit a
certified monthly report | ||||||
12 | detailing the status of that contractor or
provider's | ||||||
13 | compliance with the Authority's minority-owned and women-owned
| ||||||
14 | business enterprise procurement program. The Authority, after | ||||||
15 | reviewing
the monthly reports of the contractors and | ||||||
16 | providers, shall
compile a comprehensive report regarding | ||||||
17 | compliance with this procurement
program and file it quarterly | ||||||
18 | with the General Assembly. If, in connection
with a particular | ||||||
19 | contract, the Authority determines that it is
impracticable or | ||||||
20 | excessively costly to obtain minority-owned or women-owned
| ||||||
21 | businesses to perform sufficient work to fulfill the | ||||||
22 | commitment required by
this subsection, the Authority shall | ||||||
23 | reduce or waive the commitment in the
contract, as may be | ||||||
24 | appropriate. The Authority shall establish rules and
| ||||||
25 | regulations setting forth the standards to be used in | ||||||
26 | determining whether
or not a reduction or waiver is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | appropriate. The terms "minority-owned
business" and | ||||||
2 | "women-owned business" have the meanings given to those
terms | ||||||
3 | in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons | ||||||
4 | with Disabilities Act.
| ||||||
5 | (c) The Authority shall adopt and maintain an affirmative
| ||||||
6 | action program in connection with the hiring
of minorities and | ||||||
7 | women on the Expansion Project and on any and all
construction | ||||||
8 | projects, including all contracting related to the planning, | ||||||
9 | organization, and staging of the games, undertaken by the | ||||||
10 | Authority. The program shall be
designed to promote equal | ||||||
11 | employment opportunity and shall specify the
goals and methods | ||||||
12 | for increasing the participation of minorities and women
in a | ||||||
13 | representative mix of job classifications required to perform | ||||||
14 | the
respective contracts awarded by the Authority.
| ||||||
15 | (d) In connection with the Expansion Project, the | ||||||
16 | Authority shall
incorporate the following elements into its | ||||||
17 | minority-owned and women-owned
business procurement programs | ||||||
18 | to the extent feasible: (1) a major
contractors program that | ||||||
19 | permits minority-owned businesses and women-owned
businesses | ||||||
20 | to bear significant responsibility and risk for a portion of | ||||||
21 | the
project; (2) a mentor/protege program that provides | ||||||
22 | financial, technical,
managerial, equipment, and personnel | ||||||
23 | support to minority-owned businesses
and women-owned | ||||||
24 | businesses; (3) an emerging firms program that includes | ||||||
25 | minority-owned
businesses and women-owned businesses that | ||||||
26 | would not
otherwise qualify for the project due to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | inexperience or limited resources;
(4) a small projects | ||||||
2 | program that includes participation by smaller minority-owned
| ||||||
3 | businesses and women-owned businesses on jobs where the
total | ||||||
4 | dollar value is $5,000,000 or less; and (5) a set-aside | ||||||
5 | program that
will identify contracts requiring the expenditure | ||||||
6 | of funds less than
$50,000 for bids to be submitted solely by | ||||||
7 | minority-owned businesses and women-owned
| ||||||
8 | (e) The Authority is authorized to enter into agreements | ||||||
9 | with
contractors' associations, labor unions, and the | ||||||
10 | contractors working on the
Expansion Project to establish an | ||||||
11 | Apprenticeship Preparedness Training
Program to provide for an | ||||||
12 | increase in the number of minority and women
journeymen and | ||||||
13 | apprentices in the building trades and to enter into
| ||||||
14 | agreements with Community College District 508 to provide | ||||||
15 | readiness training.
The Authority is further authorized to | ||||||
16 | enter into contracts with public and
private educational | ||||||
17 | institutions and persons in the hospitality industry to
| ||||||
18 | provide training for employment in the hospitality industry.
| ||||||
19 | (f) McCormick Place Advisory Board. There is created a | ||||||
20 | McCormick Place
Advisory Board composed as follows:
2 members | ||||||
21 | shall be appointed by the Mayor of Chicago;
2 members shall be | ||||||
22 | appointed by the Governor;
2 members shall be State Senators | ||||||
23 | appointed by the President of the Senate;
2 members shall be | ||||||
24 | State Senators appointed by the Minority Leader of the
| ||||||
25 | 2 members shall be State Representatives appointed by the | ||||||
26 | Speaker of the House
of Representatives; and
2 members shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be State Representatives appointed by the Minority Leader of
| ||||||
2 | the House of Representatives.
The terms of all previously | ||||||
3 | appointed members of the Advisory Board expire on
the | ||||||
4 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General | ||||||
5 | Assembly. A
State Senator or State Representative member may | ||||||
6 | appoint a designee to serve
on the McCormick Place Advisory | ||||||
7 | Board in his or her absence.
| ||||||
8 | A "member of a minority group" shall mean a person who is a | ||||||
9 | citizen or
lawful permanent resident of the United States and | ||||||
10 | who is any of the following:
| ||||||
11 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
12 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
13 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
14 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
15 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
16 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
17 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
18 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
19 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
20 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
21 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
22 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
23 | African American". | ||||||
24 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
25 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
26 | culture or origin, regardless of race). |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
2 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
3 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
| ||||||
4 | Members of the McCormick Place Advisory Board shall serve | ||||||
5 | 2-year terms
and until their successors are appointed, except | ||||||
6 | members who serve as a
result of their elected position whose | ||||||
7 | terms shall continue as long as
they hold their designated | ||||||
8 | elected positions. Vacancies shall be filled by
appointment | ||||||
9 | for the unexpired term in the same manner as original
| ||||||
10 | appointments are made. The McCormick Place Advisory Board | ||||||
11 | shall elect
its own chairperson.
| ||||||
12 | Members of the McCormick Place Advisory Board shall serve | ||||||
13 | without
compensation but, at the Authority's discretion, shall | ||||||
14 | be reimbursed for
necessary expenses in connection with the | ||||||
15 | performance of their duties.
| ||||||
16 | The McCormick Place Advisory Board shall meet quarterly, | ||||||
17 | or as needed,
shall produce any reports it deems necessary, | ||||||
18 | and shall:
| ||||||
19 | (1) Work with the Authority on ways to improve the | ||||||
20 | area physically
and economically;
| ||||||
21 | (2) Work with the Authority regarding potential means | ||||||
22 | for providing
increased economic opportunities to | ||||||
23 | minorities and women produced
indirectly or directly from | ||||||
24 | the construction and operation of the
Expansion Project;
| ||||||
25 | (3) Work with the Authority to minimize any potential | ||||||
26 | impact on the
area surrounding the McCormick Place |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Expansion Project, including any
impact on minority-owned | ||||||
2 | or women-owned businesses, resulting from the
construction | ||||||
3 | and operation of the Expansion Project;
| ||||||
4 | (4) Work with the Authority to find candidates for | ||||||
5 | building trades
apprenticeships, for employment in the | ||||||
6 | hospitality industry, and to identify
job training | ||||||
7 | programs;
| ||||||
8 | (5) Work with the Authority to implement the | ||||||
9 | provisions of subsections
(a) through (e) of this Section | ||||||
10 | in the construction of the Expansion
Project, including | ||||||
11 | the Authority's goal of awarding not less than 25% and
5% | ||||||
12 | of the annual dollar value of contracts to minority-owned | ||||||
13 | and women-owned
businesses, the outreach program for | ||||||
14 | minorities and women, and the
mentor/protege program for | ||||||
15 | providing assistance to minority-owned and women-owned | ||||||
16 | businesses.
| ||||||
17 | (g) The Authority shall comply with subsection (e) of | ||||||
18 | Section 5-42 of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (2016) | ||||||
19 | Law. For purposes of this Section, the term "games" has the | ||||||
20 | meaning set forth in the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games | ||||||
21 | (2016) Law. | ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 100-391, eff. 8-25-17.)
| ||||||
23 | Section 35. The School Code is amended by changing Section | ||||||
24 | 34-18 as follows:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (105 ILCS 5/34-18) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 34-18. Powers of the board. The board shall exercise | ||||||
3 | general
supervision and jurisdiction over the public education | ||||||
4 | and the public
school system of the city, and, except as | ||||||
5 | otherwise provided by this
Article, shall have power:
| ||||||
6 | 1. To make suitable provision for the establishment | ||||||
7 | and maintenance
throughout the year or for such portion | ||||||
8 | thereof as it may direct, not
less than 9 months and in | ||||||
9 | compliance with Section 10-19.05, of schools of all grades | ||||||
10 | and kinds, including normal
schools, high schools, night | ||||||
11 | schools, schools for defectives and
delinquents, parental | ||||||
12 | and truant schools, schools for the blind, the
deaf , and | ||||||
13 | persons with physical disabilities, schools or classes in | ||||||
14 | manual training,
constructural and vocational teaching, | ||||||
15 | domestic arts , and physical
culture, vocation and | ||||||
16 | extension schools and lecture courses, and all
other | ||||||
17 | educational courses and facilities, including | ||||||
18 | establishing,
equipping, maintaining and operating | ||||||
19 | playgrounds and recreational
programs, when such programs | ||||||
20 | are conducted in, adjacent to, or connected
with any | ||||||
21 | public school under the general supervision and | ||||||
22 | jurisdiction
of the board; provided that the calendar for | ||||||
23 | the school term and any changes must be submitted to and | ||||||
24 | approved by the State Board of Education before the | ||||||
25 | calendar or changes may take effect, and provided that in | ||||||
26 | allocating funds
from year to year for the operation of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | all attendance centers within the
district, the board | ||||||
2 | shall ensure that supplemental general State aid or | ||||||
3 | supplemental grant funds
are allocated and applied in | ||||||
4 | accordance with Section 18-8, 18-8.05, or 18-8.15. To
| ||||||
5 | admit to such
schools without charge foreign exchange | ||||||
6 | students who are participants in
an organized exchange | ||||||
7 | student program which is authorized by the board.
The | ||||||
8 | board shall permit all students to enroll in | ||||||
9 | apprenticeship programs
in trade schools operated by the | ||||||
10 | board, whether those programs are
union-sponsored or not. | ||||||
11 | No student shall be refused admission into or
be excluded | ||||||
12 | from any course of instruction offered in the common | ||||||
13 | schools
by reason of that student's sex. No student shall | ||||||
14 | be denied equal
access to physical education and | ||||||
15 | interscholastic athletic programs
supported from school | ||||||
16 | district funds or denied participation in
comparable | ||||||
17 | physical education and athletic programs solely by reason | ||||||
18 | of
the student's sex. Equal access to programs supported | ||||||
19 | from school
district funds and comparable programs will be | ||||||
20 | defined in rules
promulgated by the State Board of | ||||||
21 | Education in
consultation with the Illinois High School | ||||||
22 | Association.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this | ||||||
23 | Article, neither the board
of education nor any local | ||||||
24 | school council or other school official shall
recommend | ||||||
25 | that children with disabilities be placed into regular | ||||||
26 | education
classrooms unless those children with |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | disabilities are provided with
supplementary services to | ||||||
2 | assist them so that they benefit from the regular
| ||||||
3 | classroom instruction and are included on the teacher's | ||||||
4 | regular education
class register;
| ||||||
5 | 2. To furnish lunches to pupils, to make a reasonable | ||||||
6 | charge
therefor, and to use school funds for the payment | ||||||
7 | of such expenses as
the board may determine are necessary | ||||||
8 | in conducting the school lunch
| ||||||
9 | 3. To co-operate with the circuit court;
| ||||||
10 | 4. To make arrangements with the public or | ||||||
11 | quasi-public libraries
and museums for the use of their | ||||||
12 | facilities by teachers and pupils of
the public schools;
| ||||||
13 | 5. To employ dentists and prescribe their duties for | ||||||
14 | the purpose of
treating the pupils in the schools, but | ||||||
15 | accepting such treatment shall
be optional with parents or | ||||||
16 | guardians;
| ||||||
17 | 6. To grant the use of assembly halls and classrooms | ||||||
18 | when not
otherwise needed, including light, heat, and | ||||||
19 | attendants, for free public
lectures, concerts, and other | ||||||
20 | educational and social interests, free of
charge, under | ||||||
21 | such provisions and control as the principal of the
| ||||||
22 | affected attendance center may prescribe;
| ||||||
23 | 7. To apportion the pupils to the several schools; | ||||||
24 | provided that no pupil
shall be excluded from or | ||||||
25 | segregated in any such school on account of his
color, | ||||||
26 | race, sex, or nationality. The board shall take into |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | consideration
the prevention of segregation and the | ||||||
2 | elimination of separation of children
in public schools | ||||||
3 | because of color, race, sex, or nationality. Except that
| ||||||
4 | children may be committed to or attend parental and social | ||||||
5 | adjustment schools
established and maintained either for | ||||||
6 | boys or girls only. All records
pertaining to the | ||||||
7 | creation, alteration or revision of attendance areas shall
| ||||||
8 | be open to the public. Nothing herein shall limit the | ||||||
9 | board's authority to
establish multi-area attendance | ||||||
10 | centers or other student assignment systems
for | ||||||
11 | desegregation purposes or otherwise, and to apportion the | ||||||
12 | pupils to the
several schools. Furthermore, beginning in | ||||||
13 | school year 1994-95, pursuant
to a board plan adopted by | ||||||
14 | October 1, 1993, the board shall offer, commencing
on a | ||||||
15 | phased-in basis, the opportunity for families within the | ||||||
16 | school
district to apply for enrollment of their children | ||||||
17 | in any attendance center
within the school district which | ||||||
18 | does not have selective admission
requirements approved by | ||||||
19 | the board. The appropriate geographical area in
which such | ||||||
20 | open enrollment may be exercised shall be determined by | ||||||
21 | the
board of education. Such children may be admitted to | ||||||
22 | any such attendance
center on a space available basis | ||||||
23 | after all children residing within such
attendance | ||||||
24 | center's area have been accommodated. If the number of
| ||||||
25 | applicants from outside the attendance area exceed the | ||||||
26 | space available,
then successful applicants shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | selected by lottery. The board of
education's open | ||||||
2 | enrollment plan must include provisions that allow | ||||||
3 | low-income low
income students to have access to | ||||||
4 | transportation needed to exercise school
choice. Open | ||||||
5 | enrollment shall be in compliance with the provisions of | ||||||
6 | the
Consent Decree and Desegregation Plan cited in Section | ||||||
7 | 34-1.01;
| ||||||
8 | 8. To approve programs and policies for providing | ||||||
9 | transportation
services to students. Nothing herein shall | ||||||
10 | be construed to permit or empower
the State Board of | ||||||
11 | Education to order, mandate, or require busing or other
| ||||||
12 | transportation of pupils for the purpose of achieving | ||||||
13 | racial balance in any
| ||||||
14 | 9. Subject to the limitations in this Article, to | ||||||
15 | establish and
approve system-wide curriculum objectives | ||||||
16 | and standards, including graduation
standards, which | ||||||
17 | reflect the
multi-cultural diversity in the city and are | ||||||
18 | consistent with State law,
provided that for all purposes | ||||||
19 | of this Article courses or
proficiency in American Sign | ||||||
20 | Language shall be deemed to constitute courses
or | ||||||
21 | proficiency in a foreign language; and to employ | ||||||
22 | principals and teachers,
appointed as provided in this
| ||||||
23 | Article, and fix their compensation. The board shall | ||||||
24 | prepare such reports
related to minimal competency testing | ||||||
25 | as may be requested by the State
Board of Education , and , | ||||||
26 | in addition , shall monitor and approve special
education |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and bilingual education programs and policies within the | ||||||
2 | district to ensure
assure that appropriate services are | ||||||
3 | provided in accordance with applicable
State and federal | ||||||
4 | laws to children requiring services and education in those
| ||||||
5 | areas;
| ||||||
6 | 10. To employ non-teaching personnel or utilize | ||||||
7 | volunteer personnel
for: (i) non-teaching duties not | ||||||
8 | requiring instructional judgment or
evaluation of pupils, | ||||||
9 | including library duties; and (ii) supervising study
| ||||||
10 | halls, long distance teaching reception areas used | ||||||
11 | incident to instructional
programs transmitted by | ||||||
12 | electronic media such as computers, video, and audio,
| ||||||
13 | detention and discipline areas, and school-sponsored | ||||||
14 | extracurricular
activities. The board may further utilize | ||||||
15 | volunteer non-certificated
personnel or employ | ||||||
16 | non-certificated personnel to
assist in the instruction of | ||||||
17 | pupils under the immediate supervision of a
teacher | ||||||
18 | holding a valid certificate, directly engaged in teaching
| ||||||
19 | subject matter or conducting activities; provided that the | ||||||
20 | teacher
shall be continuously aware of the | ||||||
21 | non-certificated persons' activities and
shall be able to | ||||||
22 | control or modify them. The general superintendent shall
| ||||||
23 | determine qualifications of such personnel and shall | ||||||
24 | prescribe rules for
determining the duties and activities | ||||||
25 | to be assigned to such personnel;
| ||||||
26 | 10.5. To utilize volunteer personnel from a regional |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | School Crisis
Assistance Team (S.C.A.T.), created as part | ||||||
2 | of the Safe to Learn Program
established pursuant to | ||||||
3 | Section 25 of the Illinois Violence Prevention Act
of | ||||||
4 | 1995, to provide assistance to schools in times of | ||||||
5 | violence or other
traumatic incidents within a school | ||||||
6 | community by providing crisis
intervention services to | ||||||
7 | lessen the effects of emotional trauma on
individuals and | ||||||
8 | the community; the School Crisis Assistance Team
Steering | ||||||
9 | Committee shall determine the qualifications for | ||||||
10 | volunteers;
| ||||||
11 | 11. To provide television studio facilities in not to | ||||||
12 | exceed one
school building and to provide programs for | ||||||
13 | educational purposes,
provided, however, that the board | ||||||
14 | shall not construct, acquire, operate,
or maintain a | ||||||
15 | television transmitter; to grant the use of its studio
| ||||||
16 | facilities to a licensed television station located in the | ||||||
17 | school
district; and to maintain and operate not to exceed | ||||||
18 | one school radio
transmitting station and provide programs | ||||||
19 | for educational purposes;
| ||||||
20 | 12. To offer, if deemed appropriate, outdoor education | ||||||
21 | courses,
including field trips within the State of | ||||||
22 | Illinois, or adjacent states,
and to use school | ||||||
23 | educational funds for the expense of the said outdoor
| ||||||
24 | educational programs, whether within the school district | ||||||
25 | or not;
| ||||||
26 | 13. During that period of the calendar year not |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | embraced within the
regular school term, to provide and | ||||||
2 | conduct courses in subject matters
normally embraced in | ||||||
3 | the program of the schools during the regular
school term | ||||||
4 | and to give regular school credit for satisfactory
| ||||||
5 | completion by the student of such courses as may be | ||||||
6 | approved for credit
by the State Board of Education;
| ||||||
7 | 14. To insure against any loss or liability of the | ||||||
8 | board,
the former School Board Nominating Commission, | ||||||
9 | Local School Councils, the
Chicago Schools Academic | ||||||
10 | Accountability Council, or the former Subdistrict
Councils | ||||||
11 | or of any member, officer, agent , or employee thereof, | ||||||
12 | resulting
from alleged violations of civil rights arising | ||||||
13 | from incidents occurring on
or after September 5, 1967 or | ||||||
14 | from the wrongful or negligent act or
omission of any such | ||||||
15 | person whether occurring within or without the school
| ||||||
16 | premises, provided the officer, agent , or employee was, at | ||||||
17 | the time of the
alleged violation of civil rights or | ||||||
18 | wrongful act or omission, acting
within the scope of his | ||||||
19 | or her employment or under direction of the board, the
| ||||||
20 | former School
Board Nominating Commission, the Chicago | ||||||
21 | Schools Academic Accountability
Council, Local School | ||||||
22 | Councils, or the former Subdistrict Councils;
and to | ||||||
23 | provide for or participate in insurance plans for its | ||||||
24 | officers and
employees, including , but not limited to , | ||||||
25 | retirement annuities, medical,
surgical and | ||||||
26 | hospitalization benefits in such types and amounts as may |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be
determined by the board; provided, however, that the | ||||||
2 | board shall contract
for such insurance only with an | ||||||
3 | insurance company authorized to do business
in this State. | ||||||
4 | Such insurance may include provision for employees who | ||||||
5 | rely
on treatment by prayer or spiritual means alone for | ||||||
6 | healing, in accordance
with the tenets and practice of a | ||||||
7 | recognized religious denomination;
| ||||||
8 | 15. To contract with the corporate authorities of any | ||||||
9 | municipality
or the county board of any county, as the | ||||||
10 | case may be, to provide for
the regulation of traffic in | ||||||
11 | parking areas of property used for school
purposes, in | ||||||
12 | such manner as is provided by Section 11-209 of the The
| ||||||
13 | Illinois Vehicle Code , approved September 29, 1969, as | ||||||
14 | amended ;
| ||||||
15 | 16. (a) To provide, on an equal basis, access to a high
| ||||||
16 | school campus and student directory information to the
| ||||||
17 | official recruiting representatives of the armed forces of | ||||||
18 | Illinois and
the United States for the purposes of | ||||||
19 | informing students of the educational
and career | ||||||
20 | opportunities available in the military if the board has | ||||||
21 | provided
such access to persons or groups whose purpose is | ||||||
22 | to acquaint students with
educational or occupational | ||||||
23 | opportunities available to them. The board
is not required | ||||||
24 | to give greater notice regarding the right of access to
| ||||||
25 | recruiting representatives than is given to other persons | ||||||
26 | and groups. In
this paragraph 16, "directory information" |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | means a high school
student's name, address, and telephone | ||||||
2 | number.
| ||||||
3 | (b) If a student or his or her parent or guardian | ||||||
4 | submits a signed,
written request to the high school | ||||||
5 | before the end of the student's sophomore
year (or if the | ||||||
6 | student is a transfer student, by another time set by
the | ||||||
7 | high school) that indicates that the student or his or her | ||||||
8 | parent or
guardian does
not want the student's directory | ||||||
9 | information to be provided to official
recruiting | ||||||
10 | representatives under subsection (a) of this Section, the | ||||||
11 | high
school may not provide access to the student's | ||||||
12 | directory information to
these recruiting representatives. | ||||||
13 | The high school shall notify its
students and their | ||||||
14 | parents or guardians of the provisions of this
subsection | ||||||
15 | (b).
| ||||||
16 | (c) A high school may require official recruiting | ||||||
17 | representatives of
the armed forces of Illinois and the | ||||||
18 | United States to pay a fee for copying
and mailing a | ||||||
19 | student's directory information in an amount that is not
| ||||||
20 | more than the actual costs incurred by the high school.
| ||||||
21 | (d) Information received by an official recruiting | ||||||
22 | representative
under this Section may be used only to | ||||||
23 | provide information to students
concerning educational and | ||||||
24 | career opportunities available in the military
and may not | ||||||
25 | be released to a person who is not involved in recruiting
| ||||||
26 | students for the armed forces of Illinois or the United |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | States;
| ||||||
2 | 17. (a) To sell or market any computer program | ||||||
3 | developed by an employee
of the school district, provided | ||||||
4 | that such employee developed the computer
program as a | ||||||
5 | direct result of his or her duties with the school | ||||||
6 | district
or through the utilization of the school district | ||||||
7 | resources or facilities.
The employee who developed the | ||||||
8 | computer program shall be entitled to share
in the | ||||||
9 | proceeds of such sale or marketing of the computer | ||||||
10 | program. The
distribution of such proceeds between the | ||||||
11 | employee and the school district
shall be as agreed upon | ||||||
12 | by the employee and the school district, except
that | ||||||
13 | neither the employee nor the school district may receive | ||||||
14 | more than 90%
of such proceeds. The negotiation for an | ||||||
15 | employee who is represented by an
exclusive bargaining | ||||||
16 | representative may be conducted by such bargaining
| ||||||
17 | representative at the employee's request.
| ||||||
18 | (b) For the purpose of this paragraph 17:
| ||||||
19 | (1) "Computer" means an internally programmed, | ||||||
20 | general purpose digital
device capable of | ||||||
21 | automatically accepting data, processing data and | ||||||
22 | supplying
the results of the operation.
| ||||||
23 | (2) "Computer program" means a series of coded | ||||||
24 | instructions or
statements in a form acceptable to a | ||||||
25 | computer, which causes the computer to
process data in | ||||||
26 | order to achieve a certain result.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) "Proceeds" means profits derived from the | ||||||
2 | marketing or sale of a product
after deducting the | ||||||
3 | expenses of developing and marketing such product;
| ||||||
4 | 18. To delegate to the general superintendent of
| ||||||
5 | schools, by resolution, the authority to approve contracts | ||||||
6 | and expenditures
in amounts of $10,000 or less;
| ||||||
7 | 19. Upon the written request of an employee, to | ||||||
8 | withhold from
the compensation of that employee any dues, | ||||||
9 | payments , or contributions
payable by such employee to any | ||||||
10 | labor organization as defined in the
Illinois Educational | ||||||
11 | Labor Relations Act. Under such arrangement, an
amount | ||||||
12 | shall be withheld from each regular payroll period which | ||||||
13 | is equal to
the pro rata share of the annual dues plus any | ||||||
14 | payments or contributions,
and the board shall transmit | ||||||
15 | such withholdings to the specified labor
organization | ||||||
16 | within 10 working days from the time of the withholding;
| ||||||
17 | 19a. Upon receipt of notice from the comptroller of a | ||||||
18 | municipality with
a population of 500,000 or more, a | ||||||
19 | county with a population of 3,000,000 or
more, the Cook | ||||||
20 | County Forest Preserve District, the Chicago Park | ||||||
21 | District, the
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, the | ||||||
22 | Chicago Transit Authority, or
a housing authority of a | ||||||
23 | municipality with a population of 500,000 or more
that a | ||||||
24 | debt is due and owing the municipality, the county, the | ||||||
25 | Cook County
Forest Preserve District, the Chicago Park | ||||||
26 | District, the Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Chicago Transit Authority, or the housing authority
by an | ||||||
2 | employee of the Chicago Board of Education, to withhold, | ||||||
3 | from the
compensation of that employee, the amount of the | ||||||
4 | debt that is due and owing
and pay the amount withheld to | ||||||
5 | the municipality, the county, the Cook County
Forest | ||||||
6 | Preserve District, the Chicago Park District, the | ||||||
7 | Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District, the Chicago | ||||||
8 | Transit Authority, or the housing authority;
provided, | ||||||
9 | however, that the amount
deducted from any one salary or | ||||||
10 | wage payment shall not exceed 25% of the net
amount of the | ||||||
11 | payment. Before the Board deducts any amount from any | ||||||
12 | salary or
wage of an employee under this paragraph, the | ||||||
13 | municipality, the county, the
Cook County Forest Preserve | ||||||
14 | District, the Chicago Park District, the
Metropolitan | ||||||
15 | Water Reclamation District, the Chicago Transit Authority, | ||||||
16 | or the
housing authority shall certify that (i) the | ||||||
17 | employee has been afforded an
opportunity for a hearing to | ||||||
18 | dispute the debt that is due and owing the
municipality, | ||||||
19 | the county, the Cook County Forest Preserve District, the | ||||||
20 | Chicago
Park District, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation | ||||||
21 | District, the Chicago Transit
Authority, or the housing | ||||||
22 | authority and (ii) the employee has received notice
of a | ||||||
23 | wage deduction order and has been afforded an opportunity | ||||||
24 | for a hearing to
object to the order. For purposes of this | ||||||
25 | paragraph, "net amount" means that
part of the salary or | ||||||
26 | wage payment remaining after the deduction of any amounts
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | required by law to be deducted and "debt due and owing" | ||||||
2 | means (i) a specified
sum of money owed to the | ||||||
3 | municipality, the county, the Cook County Forest
Preserve | ||||||
4 | District, the Chicago Park District, the Metropolitan | ||||||
5 | Water
Reclamation District, the Chicago Transit Authority, | ||||||
6 | or the housing authority
for services, work, or goods, | ||||||
7 | after the period granted for payment has expired,
or (ii) | ||||||
8 | a specified sum of money owed to the municipality, the | ||||||
9 | county, the Cook
County Forest Preserve District, the | ||||||
10 | Chicago Park District, the Metropolitan
Water Reclamation | ||||||
11 | District, the Chicago Transit Authority, or the housing
| ||||||
12 | authority pursuant to a court order or order of an | ||||||
13 | administrative hearing
officer after the exhaustion of, or | ||||||
14 | the failure to exhaust, judicial review;
| ||||||
15 | 20. The board is encouraged to employ a sufficient | ||||||
16 | number of
certified school counselors to maintain a | ||||||
17 | student/counselor ratio of 250 to
1 by July 1, 1990. Each | ||||||
18 | counselor shall spend at least 75% of his work
time in | ||||||
19 | direct contact with students and shall maintain a record | ||||||
20 | of such time;
| ||||||
21 | 21. To make available to students vocational and | ||||||
22 | career
counseling and to establish 5 special career | ||||||
23 | counseling days for students
and parents. On these days | ||||||
24 | representatives of local businesses and
industries shall | ||||||
25 | be invited to the school campus and shall inform students
| ||||||
26 | of career opportunities available to them in the various |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | businesses and
industries. Special consideration shall be | ||||||
2 | given to counseling minority
students as to career | ||||||
3 | opportunities available to them in various fields.
For the | ||||||
4 | purposes of this paragraph, minority student means a | ||||||
5 | person who is any of the following:
| ||||||
6 | (a) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
7 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
8 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
9 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
10 | (b) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
11 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
12 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
13 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
14 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
15 | (c) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
16 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
17 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
18 | African American". | ||||||
19 | (d) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
20 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
21 | culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
22 | (e) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
23 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
24 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
| ||||||
25 | Counseling days shall not be in lieu of regular school | ||||||
26 | days;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 22. To report to the State Board of Education the | ||||||
2 | annual
student dropout rate and number of students who | ||||||
3 | graduate from, transfer
from , or otherwise leave bilingual | ||||||
4 | programs;
| ||||||
5 | 23. Except as otherwise provided in the Abused and | ||||||
6 | Neglected Child
Reporting Act or other applicable State or | ||||||
7 | federal law, to permit school
officials to withhold, from | ||||||
8 | any person, information on the whereabouts of
any child | ||||||
9 | removed from school premises when the child has been taken | ||||||
10 | into
protective custody as a victim of suspected child | ||||||
11 | abuse. School officials
shall direct such person to the | ||||||
12 | Department of Children and Family Services ,
or to the | ||||||
13 | local law enforcement agency , if appropriate;
| ||||||
14 | 24. To develop a policy, based on the current state of | ||||||
15 | existing school
facilities, projected enrollment , and | ||||||
16 | efficient utilization of available
resources, for capital | ||||||
17 | improvement of schools and school buildings within
the | ||||||
18 | district, addressing in that policy both the relative | ||||||
19 | priority for
major repairs, renovations , and additions to | ||||||
20 | school facilities , and the
advisability or necessity of | ||||||
21 | building new school facilities or closing
existing schools | ||||||
22 | to meet current or projected demographic patterns within
| ||||||
23 | the district;
| ||||||
24 | 25. To make available to the students in every high | ||||||
25 | school attendance
center the ability to take all courses | ||||||
26 | necessary to comply with the Board
of Higher Education's |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | college entrance criteria effective in 1993;
| ||||||
2 | 26. To encourage mid-career changes into the teaching | ||||||
3 | profession,
whereby qualified professionals become | ||||||
4 | certified teachers, by allowing
credit for professional | ||||||
5 | employment in related fields when determining point
of | ||||||
6 | entry on the teacher pay scale;
| ||||||
7 | 27. To provide or contract out training programs for | ||||||
8 | administrative
personnel and principals with revised or | ||||||
9 | expanded duties pursuant to this Code
Act in order to | ||||||
10 | ensure assure they have the knowledge and skills to | ||||||
11 | perform
their duties;
| ||||||
12 | 28. To establish a fund for the prioritized special | ||||||
13 | needs programs, and
to allocate such funds and other lump | ||||||
14 | sum amounts to each attendance center
in a manner | ||||||
15 | consistent with the provisions of part 4 of Section | ||||||
16 | 34-2.3.
Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to | ||||||
17 | require any additional
appropriations of State funds for | ||||||
18 | this purpose;
| ||||||
19 | 29. (Blank);
| ||||||
20 | 30. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or | ||||||
21 | any other law to
the contrary, to contract with third | ||||||
22 | parties for services otherwise performed
by employees, | ||||||
23 | including those in a bargaining unit, and to layoff those
| ||||||
24 | employees upon 14 days written notice to the affected | ||||||
25 | employees. Those
contracts may be for a period not to | ||||||
26 | exceed 5 years and may be awarded on a
system-wide basis. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | The board may not operate more than 30 contract schools, | ||||||
2 | provided that the board may operate an additional 5 | ||||||
3 | contract turnaround schools pursuant to item (5.5) of | ||||||
4 | subsection (d) of Section 34-8.3 of this Code, and the | ||||||
5 | governing bodies of contract schools are subject to the | ||||||
6 | Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act;
| ||||||
7 | 31. To promulgate rules establishing procedures | ||||||
8 | governing the layoff or
reduction in force of employees | ||||||
9 | and the recall of such employees, including,
but not | ||||||
10 | limited to, criteria for such layoffs, reductions in force | ||||||
11 | or recall
rights of such employees and the weight to be | ||||||
12 | given to any particular
criterion. Such criteria shall | ||||||
13 | take into account factors , including, but not be
limited | ||||||
14 | to, qualifications, certifications, experience, | ||||||
15 | performance ratings or
evaluations, and any other factors | ||||||
16 | relating to an employee's job performance;
| ||||||
17 | 32. To develop a policy to prevent nepotism in the | ||||||
18 | hiring of personnel
or the selection of contractors;
| ||||||
19 | 33. (Blank); and
| ||||||
20 | 34. To establish a Labor Management Council to the | ||||||
21 | board
comprised of representatives of the board, the chief | ||||||
22 | executive
officer, and those labor organizations that are | ||||||
23 | the exclusive
representatives of employees of the board | ||||||
24 | and to promulgate
policies and procedures for the | ||||||
25 | operation of the Council.
| ||||||
26 | The specifications of the powers herein granted are not to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be
construed as exclusive , but the board shall also exercise | ||||||
2 | all other
powers that they may be requisite or proper for the | ||||||
3 | maintenance and the
development of a public school system, not | ||||||
4 | inconsistent with the other
provisions of this Article or | ||||||
5 | provisions of this Code which apply to all
school districts.
| ||||||
6 | In addition to the powers herein granted and authorized to | ||||||
7 | be exercised
by the board, it shall be the duty of the board to | ||||||
8 | review or to direct
independent reviews of special education | ||||||
9 | expenditures and services.
The board shall file a report of | ||||||
10 | such review with the General Assembly on
or before May 1, 1990.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17; 100-1046, eff. 8-23-18; | ||||||
12 | 101-12, eff. 7-1-19; 101-88, eff. 1-1-20; revised 8-19-19.)
| ||||||
13 | Section 40. The Board of Higher Education Act is amended | ||||||
14 | by changing Section 9.16 as follows:
| ||||||
15 | (110 ILCS 205/9.16) (from Ch. 144, par. 189.16)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 9.16. Underrepresentation of certain groups in higher | ||||||
17 | education.
To require public institutions of higher education | ||||||
18 | to develop and implement
methods and strategies to increase | ||||||
19 | the participation of minorities, women
and individuals with | ||||||
20 | disabilities who are traditionally underrepresented in
| ||||||
21 | education programs and activities. For the purpose of this | ||||||
22 | Section,
minorities shall mean persons who are citizens of the | ||||||
23 | United States or
lawful permanent resident aliens of the | ||||||
24 | United States and who are any of the following: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
2 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
3 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
4 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
5 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
6 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
7 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
8 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
9 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
10 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
11 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
12 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
13 | African American". | ||||||
14 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
15 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
16 | culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
17 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
18 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
19 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
| ||||||
20 | The Board shall adopt any rules necessary to administer | ||||||
21 | this Section.
The Board shall also do the following:
| ||||||
22 | (a) require all public institutions of higher education to | ||||||
23 | develop and
submit plans for the implementation of this | ||||||
24 | Section;
| ||||||
25 | (b) conduct periodic review of public institutions of | ||||||
26 | higher education to
determine compliance with this Section; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and if the Board finds that a public
institution of higher | ||||||
2 | education is not in compliance with this Section,
it shall | ||||||
3 | notify the institution of steps to take to attain compliance;
| ||||||
4 | (c) provide advice and counsel pursuant to this Section;
| ||||||
5 | (d) conduct studies of the effectiveness of methods and | ||||||
6 | strategies
designed to increase participation of students in | ||||||
7 | education programs and
activities in which minorities, women | ||||||
8 | and individuals with disabilities are
traditionally | ||||||
9 | underrepresented, and monitor the success of students in such
| ||||||
10 | education programs and activities;
| ||||||
11 | (e) encourage minority student recruitment and retention | ||||||
12 | in colleges
and universities. In implementing this paragraph, | ||||||
13 | the Board shall undertake
but need not be limited to the | ||||||
14 | following: the establishment of guidelines
and plans for | ||||||
15 | public institutions of higher education for minority student
| ||||||
16 | recruitment and retention, the review and monitoring of | ||||||
17 | minority student
programs implemented at public institutions | ||||||
18 | of higher education to
determine their compliance with any | ||||||
19 | guidelines and plans so established,
the determination of the | ||||||
20 | effectiveness and funding requirements of minority
student | ||||||
21 | programs at public institutions of higher education, the
| ||||||
22 | dissemination of successful programs as models, and the | ||||||
23 | encouragement of
cooperative partnerships between community | ||||||
24 | colleges and local school
attendance centers which are | ||||||
25 | experiencing difficulties in enrolling
minority students in | ||||||
26 | four-year colleges and universities;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (f) mandate all public institutions of higher education to | ||||||
2 | submit data
and information essential to determine compliance | ||||||
3 | with this Section. The
Board shall prescribe the format and | ||||||
4 | the date for submission of this data
and any other education | ||||||
5 | equity data; and
| ||||||
6 | (g) report to the General Assembly and the Governor | ||||||
7 | annually with a
description of the plans submitted by each | ||||||
8 | public institution of higher
education for implementation of | ||||||
9 | this Section, including financial data
relating to the most | ||||||
10 | recent fiscal year expenditures for specific minority
| ||||||
11 | programs, the effectiveness of such
plans and programs and the | ||||||
12 | effectiveness of the methods and strategies developed by the
| ||||||
13 | Board in meeting the purposes of this Section, the degree of | ||||||
14 | compliance
with this Section by each public institution of | ||||||
15 | higher education as
determined by the Board pursuant to its | ||||||
16 | periodic review responsibilities,
and the findings made by the | ||||||
17 | Board in conducting its studies and monitoring
student success | ||||||
18 | as required by paragraph d) of this Section. With
respect to | ||||||
19 | each public institution of higher education such report also | ||||||
20 | shall
include, but need not be limited to, information with | ||||||
21 | respect to each
institution's minority program budget | ||||||
22 | allocations; minority student
admission, retention and | ||||||
23 | graduation statistics; admission, retention, and graduation | ||||||
24 | statistics of all students who are the first in their | ||||||
25 | immediate family to attend an institution of higher education; | ||||||
26 | number of financial
assistance awards to undergraduate and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | graduate minority students; and
minority faculty | ||||||
2 | representation. This paragraph shall not be construed to
| ||||||
3 | prohibit the Board from making, preparing or issuing | ||||||
4 | additional surveys or
studies with respect to minority | ||||||
5 | education in Illinois.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
| ||||||
7 | Section 45. The Dental Student Grant Act is amended by | ||||||
8 | changing Section 3.07 as follows:
| ||||||
9 | (110 ILCS 925/3.07) (from Ch. 144, par. 1503.07)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 3.07. "Racial minority" means a person who is any of | ||||||
11 | the following:
| ||||||
12 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
13 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
14 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
15 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
16 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
17 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
18 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
19 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
20 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
21 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
22 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
23 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
24 | African American". |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
2 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
3 | culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
4 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
5 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
6 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 97-396, eff. 1-1-12.)
| ||||||
8 | Section 50. The Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in | ||||||
9 | Illinois Act is amended by changing Section 2 as follows:
| ||||||
10 | (110 ILCS 930/2) (from Ch. 144, par. 2302)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Act, unless the | ||||||
12 | context otherwise requires:
| ||||||
13 | "Board" means the Board of Higher Education.
| ||||||
14 | "DFI" means the Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in | ||||||
15 | Illinois Program of financial assistance to minorities who are | ||||||
16 | traditionally
underrepresented as participants in | ||||||
17 | postsecondary education. The program
shall assist them in | ||||||
18 | pursuing a graduate or professional degree and shall also | ||||||
19 | assist program graduates to find employment at an Illinois | ||||||
20 | institution of higher education, including a community | ||||||
21 | college, in a faculty or staff position.
| ||||||
22 | "Program Board" means the entity created to administer the | ||||||
23 | grant program authorized by this Act.
| ||||||
24 | "Qualified institution of higher education" means a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | qualifying publicly or privately
operated educational | ||||||
2 | institution located within Illinois (i) that
offers | ||||||
3 | instruction leading toward or prerequisite to an academic or
| ||||||
4 | professional degree beyond the baccalaureate degree, excluding | ||||||
5 | theological
schools, and (ii) that is authorized to operate in | ||||||
6 | the State of Illinois.
| ||||||
7 | "Racial minority" means a person who is a citizen of the | ||||||
8 | United
States or a lawful permanent resident alien of the | ||||||
9 | United States and who is any of the following:
| ||||||
10 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
11 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
12 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
13 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
14 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
15 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
16 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
17 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
18 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
19 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
20 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
21 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
22 | African American". | ||||||
23 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
24 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
25 | culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
26 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
2 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 97-396, eff. 1-1-12.)
| ||||||
4 | Section 55. The Higher Education Student Assistance Act is | ||||||
5 | amended by changing Sections 50 and 65.30 as follows: | ||||||
6 | (110 ILCS 947/50)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 50. Minority Teachers of Illinois scholarship | ||||||
8 | program.
| ||||||
9 | (a) As used in this Section:
| ||||||
10 | "Eligible applicant" means a minority student who has | ||||||
11 | graduated
from high school or has received a high school | ||||||
12 | equivalency certificate
and has
maintained a cumulative | ||||||
13 | grade point average of
less than 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, and | ||||||
14 | who by reason thereof is entitled to
apply for | ||||||
15 | scholarships to be awarded under this Section.
| ||||||
16 | "Minority student" means a student who is any of the | ||||||
17 | following: | ||||||
18 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person | ||||||
19 | having origins in any of the original peoples of North | ||||||
20 | and South America, including Central America, and who | ||||||
21 | maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
22 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
23 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or | ||||||
24 | the Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, | ||||||
2 | Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and | ||||||
3 | Vietnam). | ||||||
4 | (3) Black or African American (a person having | ||||||
5 | origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa). | ||||||
6 | Terms such as "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in | ||||||
7 | addition to "Black or African American". | ||||||
8 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, | ||||||
9 | Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or | ||||||
10 | other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
11 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
12 | person having origins in any of the original peoples | ||||||
13 | of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
| ||||||
14 | "Qualified student" means a person (i) who is a | ||||||
15 | resident of this State
and a citizen or permanent resident | ||||||
16 | of the United States; (ii) who is a
minority student, as | ||||||
17 | defined in this Section; (iii) who, as an eligible
| ||||||
18 | applicant, has made a timely application for a minority | ||||||
19 | teaching
scholarship under this Section; (iv) who is | ||||||
20 | enrolled on at least a
half-time basis at a
qualified | ||||||
21 | Illinois institution of
higher learning; (v) who is | ||||||
22 | enrolled in a course of study leading to
teacher | ||||||
23 | licensure, including alternative teacher licensure, or, if | ||||||
24 | the student is already licensed to teach, in a course of | ||||||
25 | study leading to an additional teaching endorsement or a | ||||||
26 | master's degree in an academic field in which he or she is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | teaching or plans to teach; (vi)
who maintains a grade | ||||||
2 | point average of no
less than 2.5 on a 4.0 scale;
and (vii) | ||||||
3 | who continues to advance satisfactorily toward the | ||||||
4 | attainment
of a degree.
| ||||||
5 | (b) In order to encourage academically talented Illinois | ||||||
6 | minority
students to pursue teaching careers at the preschool | ||||||
7 | or elementary or
level, each qualified | ||||||
8 | student shall be awarded a minority teacher
scholarship to any | ||||||
9 | qualified Illinois institution of higher learning.
However, | ||||||
10 | preference may be given to qualified applicants enrolled at or | ||||||
11 | above
junior level.
| ||||||
12 | (c) Each minority teacher scholarship awarded under this | ||||||
13 | Section shall
be in an amount sufficient to pay the tuition and | ||||||
14 | fees and room and board
costs of the qualified Illinois | ||||||
15 | institution of higher learning at which the
recipient is | ||||||
16 | enrolled, up to an annual maximum of $5,000;
except that
the | ||||||
17 | case of a recipient who does not reside on-campus at the | ||||||
18 | institution at
which he or she is enrolled, the amount of the | ||||||
19 | scholarship shall be
sufficient to pay tuition and fee | ||||||
20 | expenses and a commuter allowance, up to
an annual maximum of | ||||||
21 | $5,000.
| ||||||
22 | (d) The total amount of minority teacher scholarship | ||||||
23 | assistance awarded by
the Commission under this Section to an | ||||||
24 | individual in any given fiscal
year, when added to other | ||||||
25 | financial assistance awarded to that individual
for that year, | ||||||
26 | shall not exceed the cost of attendance at the institution
at |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | which the student is enrolled. If the amount of minority | ||||||
2 | teacher
scholarship to be awarded to a qualified student as | ||||||
3 | provided in
subsection (c) of this Section exceeds the cost of | ||||||
4 | attendance at the
institution at which the student is | ||||||
5 | enrolled, the minority teacher
scholarship shall be reduced by | ||||||
6 | an amount equal to the amount by which the
combined financial | ||||||
7 | assistance available to the student exceeds the cost
of | ||||||
8 | attendance.
| ||||||
9 | (e) The maximum number of academic terms for which a | ||||||
10 | qualified
can receive minority teacher scholarship | ||||||
11 | assistance shall be 8 semesters or
12 quarters.
| ||||||
12 | (f) In any academic year for which an eligible applicant | ||||||
13 | under this
Section accepts financial assistance through the | ||||||
14 | Paul Douglas Teacher
Scholarship Program, as authorized by | ||||||
15 | Section 551 et seq. of the Higher
Education Act of 1965, the | ||||||
16 | applicant shall not be eligible for scholarship
assistance | ||||||
17 | awarded under this Section.
| ||||||
18 | (g) All applications for minority teacher scholarships to | ||||||
19 | be awarded
under this Section shall be made to the Commission | ||||||
20 | on forms which the
Commission shall provide for eligible | ||||||
21 | applicants. The form of applications
and the information | ||||||
22 | required to be set forth therein shall be determined by
the | ||||||
23 | Commission, and the Commission shall require eligible | ||||||
24 | applicants to
submit with their applications such supporting | ||||||
25 | documents or recommendations
as the Commission deems | ||||||
26 | necessary.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (h) Subject to a separate appropriation for such purposes, | ||||||
2 | payment of
any minority teacher scholarship awarded under this | ||||||
3 | Section shall be
determined by the Commission. All scholarship | ||||||
4 | funds distributed in
accordance with this subsection shall be | ||||||
5 | paid to the institution and used
only for payment of the | ||||||
6 | tuition and fee and room and board expenses
incurred by the | ||||||
7 | student in connection with his or her attendance at a | ||||||
8 | qualified Illinois institution of higher
learning. Any | ||||||
9 | minority teacher scholarship awarded under this Section
shall | ||||||
10 | be applicable to 2 semesters or 3 quarters of enrollment. If a
| ||||||
11 | qualified student withdraws from enrollment prior to | ||||||
12 | completion of the
first semester or quarter for which the | ||||||
13 | minority teacher scholarship is
applicable, the school shall | ||||||
14 | refund to the Commission the full amount of the
minority | ||||||
15 | teacher scholarship.
| ||||||
16 | (i) The Commission shall administer the minority teacher | ||||||
17 | scholarship aid
program established by this Section and shall | ||||||
18 | make all necessary and proper
rules not inconsistent with this | ||||||
19 | Section for its effective implementation.
| ||||||
20 | (j) When an appropriation to the Commission for a given | ||||||
21 | fiscal year is
insufficient to provide scholarships to all | ||||||
22 | qualified students, the
Commission shall allocate the | ||||||
23 | appropriation in accordance with this
subsection. If funds are | ||||||
24 | insufficient to provide all qualified students
with a | ||||||
25 | scholarship as authorized by this Section, the Commission | ||||||
26 | shall
allocate the available scholarship funds for that fiscal |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | year on the basis
of the date the Commission receives a | ||||||
2 | complete application form.
| ||||||
3 | (k) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (j) or | ||||||
4 | any other
provision of this Section, at least 30% of the funds | ||||||
5 | appropriated for
scholarships awarded under this Section in | ||||||
6 | each fiscal year shall be reserved
for qualified male minority | ||||||
7 | applicants.
If the Commission does not receive enough | ||||||
8 | applications from qualified male
minorities on or before
| ||||||
9 | January 1 of each fiscal year to award 30% of the funds | ||||||
10 | appropriated for these
scholarships to qualified
male minority | ||||||
11 | applicants, then the Commission may award a portion of the
| ||||||
12 | reserved funds to qualified
female minority applicants.
| ||||||
13 | (l) Prior to receiving scholarship assistance for any | ||||||
14 | academic year,
each recipient of a minority teacher | ||||||
15 | scholarship awarded under this Section
shall be required by | ||||||
16 | the Commission to sign an agreement under which the
recipient | ||||||
17 | pledges that, within the one-year period following the
| ||||||
18 | termination
of the program for which the recipient was awarded | ||||||
19 | a minority
teacher scholarship, the recipient (i) shall begin | ||||||
20 | teaching for a
period of not less
than one year for each year | ||||||
21 | of scholarship assistance he or she was awarded
under this | ||||||
22 | Section; and (ii) shall fulfill this teaching obligation at a
| ||||||
23 | nonprofit Illinois public, private, or parochial preschool, | ||||||
24 | elementary school,
or secondary school at which no less than | ||||||
25 | 30% of the enrolled students are
minority students in the year | ||||||
26 | during which the recipient begins teaching at the
school; and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (iii) shall, upon request by the Commission, provide the | ||||||
2 | Commission
with evidence that he or she is fulfilling or has | ||||||
3 | fulfilled the terms of the
teaching agreement provided for in | ||||||
4 | this subsection.
| ||||||
5 | (m) If a recipient of a minority teacher scholarship | ||||||
6 | awarded under this
Section fails to fulfill the teaching | ||||||
7 | obligation set forth in subsection
(l) of this Section, the | ||||||
8 | Commission shall require the recipient to repay
the amount of | ||||||
9 | the scholarships received, prorated according to the fraction
| ||||||
10 | of the teaching obligation not completed, at a rate of | ||||||
11 | interest equal to
5%, and, if applicable, reasonable | ||||||
12 | collection fees.
The Commission is authorized to establish | ||||||
13 | rules relating to its collection
activities for repayment of | ||||||
14 | scholarships under this Section. All repayments
collected | ||||||
15 | under this Section shall be forwarded to the State Comptroller | ||||||
16 | for
deposit into the State's General Revenue Fund.
| ||||||
17 | (n) A recipient of minority teacher scholarship shall not | ||||||
18 | be considered
in violation of the agreement entered into | ||||||
19 | pursuant to subsection (l) if
the recipient (i) enrolls on a | ||||||
20 | full time basis as a graduate student in a
course of study | ||||||
21 | related to the field of teaching at a qualified Illinois
| ||||||
22 | institution of higher learning; (ii) is serving, not in excess | ||||||
23 | of 3 years,
as a member of the armed services of the United | ||||||
24 | States; (iii) is
a person with a temporary total disability | ||||||
25 | for a period of time not to exceed 3 years as
established by | ||||||
26 | sworn affidavit of a qualified physician; (iv) is seeking
and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | unable to find full time employment as a teacher at an Illinois | ||||||
2 | public,
private, or parochial preschool or elementary or | ||||||
3 | secondary school that
satisfies the
criteria set forth in | ||||||
4 | subsection (l) of this Section and is able to provide
evidence | ||||||
5 | of that fact; (v) becomes a person with a permanent total | ||||||
6 | disability as
established by sworn affidavit of a qualified | ||||||
7 | physician; (vi) is taking additional courses, on at least a | ||||||
8 | half-time basis, needed to obtain licensure as a teacher in | ||||||
9 | Illinois; or (vii) is fulfilling teaching requirements | ||||||
10 | associated with other programs administered by the Commission | ||||||
11 | and cannot concurrently fulfill them under this Section in a | ||||||
12 | period of time equal to the length of the teaching obligation.
| ||||||
13 | (o) Scholarship recipients under this Section who withdraw | ||||||
14 | from
a program of teacher education but remain enrolled in | ||||||
15 | school
to continue their postsecondary studies in another | ||||||
16 | academic discipline shall
not be required to commence | ||||||
17 | repayment of their Minority Teachers of Illinois
scholarship | ||||||
18 | so long as they remain enrolled in school on a full-time basis | ||||||
19 | or
if they can document for the Commission special | ||||||
20 | circumstances that warrant
extension of repayment.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15; 100-235, eff. 6-1-18 .)
| ||||||
22 | (110 ILCS 947/65.30)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 65.30. Equal opportunity scholarships.
| ||||||
24 | (a) The Commission
may annually award a number of | ||||||
25 | scholarships to students who are
interested in pursuing |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | studies in educational administration. Such
scholarships shall | ||||||
2 | be issued to students who make application to the
Commission | ||||||
3 | and who agree to take courses at qualified
institutions of | ||||||
4 | higher learning that will allow them to complete a degree
in | ||||||
5 | educational administration.
| ||||||
6 | (b) Scholarships awarded under this Section shall be | ||||||
7 | issued pursuant to
regulations promulgated by the Commission;
| ||||||
8 | provided that no rule or regulation promulgated by the State | ||||||
9 | Board of
Education prior to the effective date of this | ||||||
10 | amendatory Act of 1993 pursuant
to the exercise of any right, | ||||||
11 | power, duty, responsibility or matter of pending
business | ||||||
12 | transferred from the State Board of Education to the | ||||||
13 | Commission under
this Section shall be affected thereby, and | ||||||
14 | all such rules and regulations
shall become the rules and | ||||||
15 | regulations of the Commission until modified or
changed by the | ||||||
16 | Commission in accordance with law.
| ||||||
17 | (c) Such scholarships shall be utilized for the payment of
| ||||||
18 | tuition and non-revenue bond fees at any qualified institution | ||||||
19 | of higher
learning. Such tuition and fees shall only be | ||||||
20 | available for courses that
will enable the student to complete | ||||||
21 | training in educational
administration. The Commission shall | ||||||
22 | determine which courses
are eligible for tuition payments | ||||||
23 | under this Section.
| ||||||
24 | (d) The Commission may make tuition payments directly to
| ||||||
25 | the qualified institution of higher learning which the student | ||||||
26 | attends for
the courses prescribed or may make payments to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | student. Any student
who receives payments and who fails to | ||||||
2 | enroll in the courses prescribed
shall refund the payments to | ||||||
3 | the Commission.
| ||||||
4 | (e) The Commission, with the cooperation of the State | ||||||
5 | Board of Education,
shall assist students who have
| ||||||
6 | participated in the scholarship program established by this | ||||||
7 | Section in
finding employment in positions relating to | ||||||
8 | educational administration.
| ||||||
9 | (f) Appropriations for the scholarships outlined in this | ||||||
10 | Section shall be
made to the Commission from funds | ||||||
11 | appropriated by the General Assembly.
| ||||||
12 | (g) This Section is substantially the same as Section | ||||||
13 | 30-4d of the School
which Section is repealed by this | ||||||
14 | amendatory Act of 1993, and shall be
construed as a | ||||||
15 | continuation of the equal opportunity scholarship program
| ||||||
16 | established under that prior law, and not as a new or different | ||||||
17 | equal
opportunity scholarship program. The State Board of | ||||||
18 | Education shall transfer
to the Commission, as the
successor | ||||||
19 | to the State Board of Education for all purposes of | ||||||
20 | administering
and implementing the provisions of this Section, | ||||||
21 | all books, accounts, records,
papers, documents, contracts, | ||||||
22 | agreements, and pending business in any way
relating to the | ||||||
23 | equal opportunity scholarship program continued under this
| ||||||
24 | Section;
and all scholarships at any time awarded under that | ||||||
25 | program
by, and all applications for any such scholarship
at | ||||||
26 | any
time made to, the State Board of Education shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | unaffected by the transfer
to the Commission of all | ||||||
2 | responsibility for the administration and
implementation of | ||||||
3 | the equal opportunity scholarship
program continued under this
| ||||||
4 | Section. The State Board of Education shall furnish to the | ||||||
5 | Commission such
other information as the Commission may | ||||||
6 | request to assist it in administering
this Section.
| ||||||
7 | (h) For purposes of this Section:
| ||||||
8 | (1) "Qualified institution of higher learning" means | ||||||
9 | the University of
Illinois; Southern Illinois University; | ||||||
10 | Chicago State University; Eastern
Illinois University; | ||||||
11 | Governors State University; Illinois State University;
| ||||||
12 | Northeastern Illinois University; Northern Illinois | ||||||
13 | University; Western
Illinois University; the public | ||||||
14 | community colleges of the State; any
other public | ||||||
15 | universities, colleges and community colleges now or | ||||||
16 | hereafter
established or authorized by the General | ||||||
17 | Assembly; and any Illinois privately
operated, not for | ||||||
18 | profit institution located in this State which provides
at | ||||||
19 | least an organized 2-year program of collegiate grade in | ||||||
20 | liberal arts
or sciences, or both, directly applicable | ||||||
21 | toward the attainment of a
baccalaureate or graduate | ||||||
22 | degree.
| ||||||
23 | (2) "Racial minority" means a person who is any of the | ||||||
24 | following:
| ||||||
25 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person | ||||||
26 | having origins in any of the original peoples of North |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and South America, including Central America, and who | ||||||
2 | maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
3 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
4 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or | ||||||
5 | the Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited | ||||||
6 | to, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, | ||||||
7 | Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and | ||||||
8 | Vietnam). | ||||||
9 | (3) Black or African American (a person having | ||||||
10 | origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa). | ||||||
11 | Terms such as "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in | ||||||
12 | addition to "Black or African American". | ||||||
13 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, | ||||||
14 | Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or | ||||||
15 | other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
16 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
17 | person having origins in any of the original peoples | ||||||
18 | of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
| ||||||
19 | (3) "Student" means a woman or racial minority.
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 97-396, eff. 1-1-12.)
| ||||||
21 | Section 60. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by | ||||||
22 | changing Section 500-50 as follows:
| ||||||
23 | (215 ILCS 5/500-50)
| ||||||
24 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2027)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 500-50. Insurance producers; examination statistics.
| ||||||
2 | (a) The use of examinations for the purpose of determining | ||||||
3 | qualifications of
to be licensed as insurance | ||||||
4 | producers has a direct and far-reaching effect on
persons | ||||||
5 | seeking
those licenses, on insurance companies, and on the | ||||||
6 | public. It is in the public
interest and it will
further the | ||||||
7 | public welfare to insure that examinations for licensing do | ||||||
8 | not
have the effect of
unlawfully discriminating against | ||||||
9 | applicants for licensing as insurance
producers on the basis | ||||||
10 | of
race, color, national origin, or sex.
| ||||||
11 | (b) As used in this Section, the following words have the | ||||||
12 | meanings given in
| ||||||
13 | Examination. "Examination" means the examination in each | ||||||
14 | line of insurance
administered pursuant to Section 500-30.
| ||||||
15 | Examinee. "Examinee" means a person who takes an | ||||||
16 | examination.
| ||||||
17 | Part. "Part" means a portion of an examination for which a | ||||||
18 | score is
| ||||||
19 | Operational item. "Operational item" means a test question | ||||||
20 | considered in
determining an
examinee's score.
| ||||||
21 | Test form. "Test form" means the test booklet or | ||||||
22 | instrument used for a part
| ||||||
23 | Pretest item. "Pretest item" means a prospective test | ||||||
24 | question that is
in a test
form in order to assess its | ||||||
25 | performance, but is not considered in determining
an | ||||||
26 | examinee's score.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Minority group or examinees. "Minority group" or "minority | ||||||
2 | examinees" means
examinees who are American Indian or Alaska | ||||||
3 | Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, | ||||||
4 | or Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
| ||||||
5 | Correct-answer rate. "Correct-answer rate" for an item | ||||||
6 | means the number of
who provided the correct answer | ||||||
7 | on an item divided by the number of examinees
who answered
the | ||||||
8 | item.
| ||||||
9 | Correlation. "Correlation" means a statistical measure of | ||||||
10 | the relationship
performance on an item and | ||||||
11 | performance on a part of the examination.
| ||||||
12 | (c) The Director shall ask each examinee to self-report on | ||||||
13 | a voluntary basis
on the
answer sheet, application form, or by | ||||||
14 | other appropriate means, the following
| ||||||
15 | (1) race or ethnicity (American Indian or Alaska | ||||||
16 | Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or | ||||||
17 | Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or | ||||||
18 | White);
| ||||||
19 | (2) education (8th grade or less; less than 12th | ||||||
20 | grade; high school
diploma or high school equivalency | ||||||
21 | certificate; some college, but no 4-year degree; or 4-year | ||||||
22 | degree or more); and
| ||||||
23 | (3) gender (male or female).
| ||||||
24 | The Director must advise all examinees that they are not | ||||||
25 | required to provide
information, that they will not be | ||||||
26 | penalized for not doing so, and that the
Director will use the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | information provided exclusively for research and statistical | ||||||
2 | purposes and to
improve the quality
and fairness of the | ||||||
3 | examinations.
| ||||||
4 | (d) No later than May 1 of each year, the Director must | ||||||
5 | prepare, publicly
and publish an Examination Report | ||||||
6 | of summary statistical information relating
to each
| ||||||
7 | examination administered during the preceding calendar year. | ||||||
8 | Each Examination
Report shall
show with respect to each | ||||||
9 | examination:
| ||||||
10 | (1) For all examinees combined and separately by race | ||||||
11 | or ethnicity, by
educational level, by gender, by | ||||||
12 | educational level within race or ethnicity, by
| ||||||
13 | level within gender, and by race or ethnicity within | ||||||
14 | gender:
| ||||||
15 | (A) number of examinees;
| ||||||
16 | (B) percentage and number of examinees who passed | ||||||
17 | each part;
| ||||||
18 | (C) percentage and number of examinees who passed | ||||||
19 | all parts;
| ||||||
20 | (D) mean scaled scores on each part; and
| ||||||
21 | (E) standard deviation of scaled scores on each | ||||||
22 | part.
| ||||||
23 | (2) For male examinees, female examinees, Black or | ||||||
24 | African American examinees,
white examinees, American | ||||||
25 | Indian or Alaska Native examinees, Asian examinees, | ||||||
26 | Hispanic or Latino
examinees, and Native Hawaiian or Other |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Pacific Islander, respectively, with a high school diploma | ||||||
2 | or high school equivalency certificate, the distribution
| ||||||
3 | of scaled
scores on each part.
| ||||||
4 | No later than May 1 of each year, the Director must prepare | ||||||
5 | and make
available on
request an Item Report of summary | ||||||
6 | statistical information relating to each
operational item on
| ||||||
7 | each test form administered during the preceding calendar | ||||||
8 | year. The Item Report
shall show, for
each operational item, | ||||||
9 | for all examinees combined and separately for Black or African
| ||||||
10 | American
examinees, white examinees, American Indian or Alaska | ||||||
11 | Native examinees, Asian examinees,
Hispanic or Latino | ||||||
12 | examinees, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, the | ||||||
13 | correct-answer rates and correlations.
| ||||||
14 | The Director is not required to report separate | ||||||
15 | statistical information
for any group or
subgroup comprising | ||||||
16 | fewer than 50 examinees.
| ||||||
17 | (e) The Director must obtain a regular analysis of the | ||||||
18 | data collected under
Section, and any other relevant | ||||||
19 | information, for purposes of the development of
new test | ||||||
20 | forms.
The analysis shall continue the implementation of the | ||||||
21 | item selection
methodology as
recommended in the Final Report | ||||||
22 | of the Illinois Insurance Producer's Licensing
| ||||||
23 | Advisory Committee dated November 19, 1991, and filed with the | ||||||
24 | Department
unless some other
methodology is determined by the | ||||||
25 | Director to be as effective in minimizing
differences between
| ||||||
26 | white and minority examinee pass-fail rates.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (f) The Director has the discretion to set cutoff scores | ||||||
2 | for the
examinations, provided
that scaled scores on test | ||||||
3 | forms administered after July 1, 1993, shall be made
| ||||||
4 | comparable to
scaled scores on test forms administered in 1991 | ||||||
5 | by use of professionally
acceptable methods so
as to minimize | ||||||
6 | changes in passing rates related to the presence or absence of
| ||||||
7 | or changes in
equating or scaling equations or methods or | ||||||
8 | content outlines. Each calendar
year, the scaled
cutoff score | ||||||
9 | for each part of each examination shall fluctuate by no more | ||||||
10 | than
the standard error
of measurement from the scaled cutoff | ||||||
11 | score employed during the preceding year.
| ||||||
12 | (g) No later than May 1, 2003 and no later than May 1 of | ||||||
13 | every fourth year
the Director must release to the | ||||||
14 | public and make generally available one
representative test | ||||||
15 | form
and set of answer keys for each part of each examination.
| ||||||
16 | (h) The Director must maintain, for a period of 3 years | ||||||
17 | after they are
prepared or
used, all registration forms, test | ||||||
18 | forms, answer sheets, operational items and
pretest items, | ||||||
19 | item
analyses, and other statistical analyses relating to the | ||||||
20 | examinations. All
personal identifying
information regarding | ||||||
21 | examinees and the content of test items must be
maintained | ||||||
22 | confidentially
as necessary for purposes of protecting the | ||||||
23 | personal privacy of examinees and
the maintenance of
test | ||||||
24 | security.
| ||||||
25 | (i) In administering the examinations, the Director must | ||||||
26 | make such
for examinees with disabilities as |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | are reasonably warranted by the particular disability
| ||||||
2 | involved,
including the provision of additional time if | ||||||
3 | necessary to complete an
examination or special
assistance in | ||||||
4 | taking an examination. | ||||||
5 | (j) For the purposes of this Section:
| ||||||
6 | (1) "American Indian or Alaska Native" means a person | ||||||
7 | having origins in any of the original peoples of North and | ||||||
8 | South America, including Central America, and who | ||||||
9 | maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. | ||||||
10 | (2) "Asian" means a person having origins in any of | ||||||
11 | the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or | ||||||
12 | the Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
13 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
14 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. | ||||||
15 | (3) "Black or African American" means a person having | ||||||
16 | origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms | ||||||
17 | such as "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to | ||||||
18 | "Black or African American". | ||||||
19 | (4) "Hispanic or Latino" means a person of Cuban, | ||||||
20 | Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other | ||||||
21 | Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. | ||||||
22 | (5) "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" means | ||||||
23 | a person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
24 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. | ||||||
25 | (6) "White" means a person having origins in any of | ||||||
26 | the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Africa. | ||||||
2 | (Source: P.A. 98-718, eff. 1-1-15; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15 .)
| ||||||
3 | Section 65. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by | ||||||
4 | changing Section 4-23 as follows: | ||||||
5 | (305 ILCS 5/4-23)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 4-23. Civil rights impact statement. | ||||||
7 | (a) The Department of Human Services
submit to the | ||||||
8 | Governor and the General Assembly
on January 1 of each | ||||||
9 | even-numbered year a written report
that details the disparate | ||||||
10 | impact of various
provisions of the TANF program on people of | ||||||
11 | different racial or ethnic
identify themselves in | ||||||
12 | an application for benefits as any of the following: | ||||||
13 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
14 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
15 | America, including Central America, and who maintains | ||||||
16 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
17 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
18 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
19 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
20 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
21 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
22 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
23 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
24 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | African American". | ||||||
2 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
3 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
4 | culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
5 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
6 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
7 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands). | ||||||
8 | (6) White (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
9 | original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North | ||||||
10 | Africa).
| ||||||
11 | (b) The report must
at least compare the
number of
persons | ||||||
12 | in each group:
| ||||||
13 | (1) who are receiving TANF assistance;
| ||||||
14 | (2) whose 60-month lifetime limit on receiving | ||||||
15 | assistance has expired;
| ||||||
16 | (3) who have left TANF due to earned income;
| ||||||
17 | (4) who have left TANF due to non-compliance with | ||||||
18 | program rules;
| ||||||
19 | (5) whose TANF grants have been reduced by sanctions | ||||||
20 | for non-compliance
with program rules;
| ||||||
21 | (6) who have returned to TANF 6 months after leaving | ||||||
22 | due to earned
| ||||||
23 | (7) who have returned to TANF 12 months after leaving | ||||||
24 | due to earned
| ||||||
25 | (8) who have one or more children excluded from | ||||||
26 | receiving TANF
cash assistance due to the child exclusion |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | rule;
| ||||||
2 | (9) who have been granted an exemption from work | ||||||
3 | requirements; and
| ||||||
4 | (10) who are participating in post-secondary education
| ||||||
5 | activities.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 97-396, eff. 1-1-12.) | ||||||
7 | Section 70. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by | ||||||
8 | changing Section 11-212 as follows:
| ||||||
9 | (625 ILCS 5/11-212)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 11-212. Traffic and pedestrian stop statistical | ||||||
11 | study.
| ||||||
12 | (a) Whenever a State or local law enforcement officer | ||||||
13 | issues a
uniform traffic citation or warning citation for an | ||||||
14 | alleged
violation of the Illinois Vehicle Code, he or she | ||||||
15 | shall
record at least the following:
| ||||||
16 | (1) the name, address, gender, and
the officer's | ||||||
17 | subjective determination of the race of
the person
| ||||||
18 | stopped; the person's race shall be selected from the | ||||||
19 | following list:
American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, | ||||||
20 | Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native | ||||||
21 | Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or White;
| ||||||
22 | (2) the alleged traffic violation that led to the
stop | ||||||
23 | of the motorist;
| ||||||
24 | (3) the make and year of the vehicle
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (4) the date and time of the stop, beginning when the | ||||||
2 | vehicle was stopped and ending when the driver is free to | ||||||
3 | leave or taken into physical custody;
| ||||||
4 | (5) the location of the traffic stop; | ||||||
5 | (5.5) whether or not a consent search contemporaneous | ||||||
6 | to the stop was requested of the vehicle, driver, | ||||||
7 | passenger, or passengers; and, if so, whether consent was | ||||||
8 | given or denied;
| ||||||
9 | (6) whether or not a search contemporaneous to the | ||||||
10 | stop was conducted of
vehicle, driver, passenger, or | ||||||
11 | passengers; and, if so, whether it was with
consent or by | ||||||
12 | other means; | ||||||
13 | (6.2) whether or not a police dog performed a sniff of | ||||||
14 | the vehicle; and, if so, whether or not the dog alerted to | ||||||
15 | the presence of contraband; and, if so, whether or not an | ||||||
16 | officer searched the vehicle; and, if so, whether or not | ||||||
17 | contraband was discovered; and, if so, the type and amount | ||||||
18 | of contraband; | ||||||
19 | (6.5) whether or not contraband was found during a | ||||||
20 | search; and, if so, the type and amount of contraband | ||||||
21 | seized; and
| ||||||
22 | (7) the name and badge number of the issuing officer.
| ||||||
23 | (b) Whenever a State or local law enforcement officer | ||||||
24 | stops a
motorist for an alleged violation of the Illinois | ||||||
25 | Vehicle Code
and does not issue a uniform traffic citation or
| ||||||
26 | warning citation for an alleged violation of the Illinois
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Vehicle Code, he or she shall complete a uniform stop card, | ||||||
2 | which includes
contact cards, or any other existing form | ||||||
3 | currently used by law enforcement
information | ||||||
4 | required pursuant to this Act,
that records
at least the | ||||||
5 | following:
| ||||||
6 | (1) the name, address, gender,
the officer's | ||||||
7 | subjective determination of the race of the person
| ||||||
8 | stopped; the person's race shall be selected from the | ||||||
9 | following list:
American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, | ||||||
10 | Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native | ||||||
11 | Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or White;
| ||||||
12 | (2) the reason that led to the stop of the
| ||||||
13 | (3) the make and year of the vehicle
| ||||||
14 | (4) the date and time of the stop, beginning when the | ||||||
15 | vehicle was stopped and ending when the driver is free to | ||||||
16 | leave or taken into physical custody;
| ||||||
17 | (5) the location of the traffic stop; | ||||||
18 | (5.5) whether or not a consent search contemporaneous | ||||||
19 | to the stop was requested of the vehicle, driver, | ||||||
20 | passenger, or passengers; and, if so, whether consent was | ||||||
21 | given or denied;
| ||||||
22 | (6) whether or not a search contemporaneous to the | ||||||
23 | stop was conducted of
vehicle, driver, passenger, or | ||||||
24 | passengers; and, if so, whether it was with
consent or by | ||||||
25 | other means; | ||||||
26 | (6.2) whether or not a police dog performed a sniff of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the vehicle; and, if so, whether or not the dog alerted to | ||||||
2 | the presence of contraband; and, if so, whether or not an | ||||||
3 | officer searched the vehicle; and, if so, whether or not | ||||||
4 | contraband was discovered; and, if so, the type and amount | ||||||
5 | of contraband; | ||||||
6 | (6.5) whether or not contraband was found during a | ||||||
7 | search; and, if so, the type and amount of contraband | ||||||
8 | seized; and
| ||||||
9 | (7) the name and badge number of the issuing
| ||||||
10 | (b-5) For purposes of this subsection (b-5), "detention" | ||||||
11 | means all frisks, searches, summons, and arrests. Whenever a | ||||||
12 | law enforcement officer subjects a pedestrian to detention in | ||||||
13 | a public place, he or she shall complete a uniform pedestrian | ||||||
14 | stop card, which includes any existing form currently used by | ||||||
15 | law enforcement containing all the information required under | ||||||
16 | this Section, that records at least the following: | ||||||
17 | (1) the gender, and the officer's subjective | ||||||
18 | determination of the race of the person stopped; the | ||||||
19 | person's race shall be selected from the following list: | ||||||
20 | American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African | ||||||
21 | American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other | ||||||
22 | Pacific Islander, or White; | ||||||
23 | (2) all the alleged reasons that led to the stop of the | ||||||
24 | person; | ||||||
25 | (3) the date and time of the stop; | ||||||
26 | (4) the location of the stop; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (5) whether or not a protective pat down or frisk was | ||||||
2 | conducted of the person; and, if so, all the alleged | ||||||
3 | reasons that led to the protective pat down or frisk, and | ||||||
4 | whether it was with consent or by other means; | ||||||
5 | (6) whether or not contraband was found during the | ||||||
6 | protective pat down or frisk; and, if so, the type and | ||||||
7 | amount of contraband seized; | ||||||
8 | (7) whether or not a search beyond a protective pat | ||||||
9 | down or frisk was conducted of the person or his or her | ||||||
10 | effects; and, if so, all the alleged reasons that led to | ||||||
11 | the search, and whether it was with consent or by other | ||||||
12 | means; | ||||||
13 | (8) whether or not contraband was found during the | ||||||
14 | search beyond a protective pat down or frisk; and, if so, | ||||||
15 | the type and amount of contraband seized; | ||||||
16 | (9) the disposition of the stop, such as a warning, a | ||||||
17 | ticket, a summons, or an arrest; | ||||||
18 | (10) if a summons or ticket was issued, or an arrest | ||||||
19 | made, a record of the violations, offenses, or crimes | ||||||
20 | alleged or charged; and | ||||||
21 | (11) the name and badge number of the officer who | ||||||
22 | conducted the detention. | ||||||
23 | This subsection (b-5) does not apply to searches or | ||||||
24 | inspections for compliance authorized under the Fish and | ||||||
25 | Aquatic Life Code, the Wildlife Code, the Herptiles-Herps Act, | ||||||
26 | or searches or inspections during routine security screenings |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | at facilities or events. | ||||||
2 | (c) The Illinois Department of Transportation shall | ||||||
3 | provide a
standardized law
enforcement data compilation form | ||||||
4 | on its website.
| ||||||
5 | (d) Every law enforcement agency shall, by March 1 with | ||||||
6 | regard to data collected during July through December of the | ||||||
7 | previous calendar year and by August 1 with regard to data | ||||||
8 | collected during January through June of the current calendar | ||||||
9 | year, compile the data described in subsections (a), (b), and | ||||||
10 | (b-5) on
standardized law enforcement data compilation | ||||||
11 | form provided by the Illinois
of Transportation and | ||||||
12 | transmit the data to the Department.
| ||||||
13 | (e) The Illinois Department of Transportation shall | ||||||
14 | analyze the data
by law
enforcement agencies required | ||||||
15 | by this Section and submit a report of the
previous year's
| ||||||
16 | findings to the
Governor, the General Assembly, the Racial | ||||||
17 | Profiling Prevention and Data Oversight Board, and each law | ||||||
18 | enforcement agency no later than
July 1
of each year. The | ||||||
19 | Illinois Department of
Transportation may contract with
an | ||||||
20 | outside entity for the analysis of the data provided. In | ||||||
21 | analyzing the data
under this Section, the analyzing | ||||||
22 | entity shall scrutinize the data for evidence
of statistically
| ||||||
23 | significant aberrations. The following list, which
is | ||||||
24 | illustrative, and not exclusive, contains examples of areas in | ||||||
25 | which
significant aberrations may be found:
| ||||||
26 | (1) The percentage of minority drivers, passengers, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | pedestrians being stopped in a
is substantially | ||||||
2 | higher than the proportion of the overall population in or
| ||||||
3 | traveling
through the area that the minority constitutes.
| ||||||
4 | (2) A substantial number of false stops including | ||||||
5 | stops not resulting in
issuance of a traffic ticket or | ||||||
6 | the making of an arrest.
| ||||||
7 | (3) A disparity between the proportion of citations | ||||||
8 | issued to minorities
proportion of minorities in the | ||||||
9 | population.
| ||||||
10 | (4) A disparity among the officers of the same law | ||||||
11 | enforcement agency with
regard to the number of minority | ||||||
12 | drivers, passengers, or pedestrians being stopped in a | ||||||
13 | given
| ||||||
14 | (5) A disparity between the frequency of searches | ||||||
15 | performed on minority
drivers or pedestrians
and the | ||||||
16 | frequency of searches performed on non-minority drivers or | ||||||
17 | pedestrians.
| ||||||
18 | (f) Any law enforcement officer identification information | ||||||
19 | and driver or pedestrian
identification information
that is
| ||||||
20 | compiled by any law enforcement agency or the Illinois | ||||||
21 | Department of
pursuant to this Act for
the | ||||||
22 | purposes of fulfilling the requirements of this Section shall | ||||||
23 | be
confidential and exempt
public inspection and copying, | ||||||
24 | as provided under Section 7 of the Freedom of
| ||||||
25 | and the information shall not be transmitted to anyone except | ||||||
26 | as needed to
comply with
this Section. This Section shall not |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | exempt those materials that, prior to the
effective date of | ||||||
2 | this
amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, were | ||||||
3 | available under the Freedom
Information Act. This | ||||||
4 | subsection (f) shall not preclude law enforcement agencies | ||||||
5 | from reviewing data to perform internal reviews.
| ||||||
6 | (g) Funding to implement this Section shall come from | ||||||
7 | federal highway
funds available to Illinois, as | ||||||
8 | directed by the Governor.
| ||||||
9 | (h) The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, | ||||||
10 | in consultation with
law enforcement agencies, officials, and | ||||||
11 | organizations, including Illinois
chiefs of police,
the | ||||||
12 | Department of State Police, the Illinois Sheriffs Association, | ||||||
13 | and the
Chicago Police
Department, and community groups and | ||||||
14 | other experts, shall undertake a study to
determine the best | ||||||
15 | use of technology to collect, compile, and analyze the
traffic | ||||||
16 | stop
statistical study data required by this Section. The | ||||||
17 | Department shall report
its findings
and recommendations to | ||||||
18 | the Governor and the General Assembly by March 1, 2022. | ||||||
19 | (h-1) The Traffic and Pedestrian Stop Data Use and | ||||||
20 | Collection Task Force is hereby created. | ||||||
21 | (1) The Task Force shall undertake a study to | ||||||
22 | determine the best use of technology to collect, compile, | ||||||
23 | and analyze the traffic stop statistical study data | ||||||
24 | required by this Section. | ||||||
25 | (2) The Task Force shall be an independent Task Force | ||||||
26 | under the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | for administrative purposes, and shall consist of the | ||||||
2 | following members: | ||||||
3 | (A) 2 academics or researchers who have studied | ||||||
4 | issues related to traffic or pedestrian stop data | ||||||
5 | collection and have education or expertise in | ||||||
6 | statistics; | ||||||
7 | (B) one professor from an Illinois university who | ||||||
8 | specializes in policing and racial equity; | ||||||
9 | (C) one representative from the Illinois State | ||||||
10 | Police; | ||||||
11 | (D) one representative from the Chicago Police | ||||||
12 | Department; | ||||||
13 | (E) one representative from the Illinois Chiefs of | ||||||
14 | Police; | ||||||
15 | (F) one representative from the Illinois Sheriffs | ||||||
16 | Association; | ||||||
17 | (G) one representative from the Chicago Fraternal | ||||||
18 | Order of Police; | ||||||
19 | (H) one representative from the Illinois Fraternal | ||||||
20 | Order of Police; | ||||||
21 | (I) the Executive Director of the American Civil | ||||||
22 | Liberties Union of Illinois, or his or her designee; | ||||||
23 | and | ||||||
24 | (J) 5 representatives from different community | ||||||
25 | organizations who specialize in civil or human rights, | ||||||
26 | policing, or criminal justice reform work, and that |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | represent a range of minority interests or different | ||||||
2 | parts of the State. | ||||||
3 | (3) The Illinois Criminal Justice Information | ||||||
4 | Authority may consult, contract, work in conjunction with, | ||||||
5 | and obtain any information from any individual, agency, | ||||||
6 | association, or research institution deemed appropriate by | ||||||
7 | the Authority. | ||||||
8 | (4) The Task Force shall report its findings and | ||||||
9 | recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly | ||||||
10 | by March 1, 2022 and every 3 years after. | ||||||
11 | (h-5) For purposes of this Section: | ||||||
12 | (1) "American Indian or Alaska Native" means a person | ||||||
13 | having origins in any of the original peoples of North and | ||||||
14 | South America, including Central America, and who | ||||||
15 | maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. | ||||||
16 | (2) "Asian" means a person having origins in any of | ||||||
17 | the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or | ||||||
18 | the Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
19 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
20 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. | ||||||
21 | (2.5) "Badge" means an officer's department issued | ||||||
22 | identification number associated with his or her position | ||||||
23 | as a police officer with that department. | ||||||
24 | (3) "Black or African American" means a person having | ||||||
25 | origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms | ||||||
26 | such as "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Black or African American". | ||||||
2 | (4) "Hispanic or Latino" means a person of Cuban, | ||||||
3 | Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other | ||||||
4 | Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. | ||||||
5 | (5) "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" means | ||||||
6 | a person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
7 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. | ||||||
8 | (6) "White" means a person having origins in any of | ||||||
9 | the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North | ||||||
10 | Africa. | ||||||
11 | (i) (Blank).
| ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 101-24, eff. 6-21-19.) | ||||||
13 | Section 75. The Criminal Code of 2012 is amended by | ||||||
14 | changing Section 17-10.2 as follows: | ||||||
15 | (720 ILCS 5/17-10.2) (was 720 ILCS 5/17-29) | ||||||
16 | Sec. 17-10.2. Businesses owned by minorities, females, and | ||||||
17 | persons with disabilities; fraudulent contracts with | ||||||
18 | governmental units. | ||||||
19 | (a) In this Section: | ||||||
20 | "Minority person" means a person who is any of the | ||||||
21 | following: | ||||||
22 | (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having | ||||||
23 | origins in any of the original peoples of North and South | ||||||
24 | America, including Central America, and who maintains |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | tribal affiliation or community attachment). | ||||||
2 | (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the | ||||||
3 | original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the | ||||||
4 | Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
5 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
6 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam). | ||||||
7 | (3) Black or African American (a person having origins | ||||||
8 | in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as | ||||||
9 | "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or | ||||||
10 | African American". | ||||||
11 | (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, | ||||||
12 | Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish | ||||||
13 | culture or origin, regardless of race). | ||||||
14 | (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a | ||||||
15 | person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
16 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands). | ||||||
17 | "Female" means a person who is of the female gender.
| ||||||
18 | "Person with a disability" means a person who is a | ||||||
19 | person qualifying as having a disability.
| ||||||
20 | "Disability" means a severe physical or mental | ||||||
21 | disability that:
(1) results from:
| ||||||
22 | autism,
burn injury,
cerebral palsy,
| ||||||
23 | cystic fibrosis,
head injury,
heart disease,
| ||||||
24 | hemiplegia,
respiratory or pulmonary | ||||||
25 | dysfunction, an intellectual disability,
mental illness,
| ||||||
26 | multiple sclerosis,
muscular dystrophy,
musculoskeletal |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | disorders,
neurological disorders, including stroke and | ||||||
2 | epilepsy,
quadriplegia and other spinal cord | ||||||
3 | conditions,
sickle cell anemia,
specific learning | ||||||
4 | disabilities, or
end stage renal failure disease; and
(2) | ||||||
5 | substantially limits one or more of the person's major | ||||||
6 | life activities. | ||||||
7 | "Minority owned business" means a business concern | ||||||
8 | that is at least 51% owned by one or more minority persons, | ||||||
9 | or in the case of a corporation, at least 51% of the stock | ||||||
10 | in which is owned by one or more minority persons; and the | ||||||
11 | management and daily business operations of which are | ||||||
12 | controlled by one or more of the minority individuals who | ||||||
13 | own it. | ||||||
14 | "Female owned business" means a business concern that | ||||||
15 | is at least 51% owned by one or more females, or, in the | ||||||
16 | case of a corporation, at least 51% of the stock in which | ||||||
17 | is owned by one or more females; and the management and | ||||||
18 | daily business operations of which are controlled by one | ||||||
19 | or more of the females who own it. | ||||||
20 | "Business owned by a person with a disability" means a | ||||||
21 | business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more | ||||||
22 | persons with a disability and the management and daily | ||||||
23 | business operations of which are controlled by one or more | ||||||
24 | of the persons with disabilities who own it. A | ||||||
25 | not-for-profit agency for persons with disabilities that | ||||||
26 | is exempt from taxation under Section 501 of the Internal |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Revenue Code of 1986 is also considered a "business owned | ||||||
2 | by a person with a disability". | ||||||
3 | "Governmental unit" means the State, a unit of local | ||||||
4 | government, or school district. | ||||||
5 | (b) In addition to any other penalties imposed by law or by | ||||||
6 | an ordinance or resolution of a unit of local government or | ||||||
7 | school district, any individual or entity that knowingly | ||||||
8 | obtains, or knowingly assists another to obtain, a contract | ||||||
9 | with a governmental unit, or a subcontract or written | ||||||
10 | commitment for a subcontract under a contract with a | ||||||
11 | governmental unit, by falsely representing that the individual | ||||||
12 | or entity, or the individual or entity assisted, is a minority | ||||||
13 | owned business, female owned business, or business owned by a | ||||||
14 | person with a disability is guilty of a Class 2 felony, | ||||||
15 | regardless of whether the preference for awarding the contract | ||||||
16 | to a minority owned business, female owned business, or | ||||||
17 | business owned by a person with a disability was established | ||||||
18 | by statute or by local ordinance or resolution. | ||||||
19 | (c) In addition to any other penalties authorized by law, | ||||||
20 | the court shall order that an individual or entity convicted | ||||||
21 | of a violation of this Section must pay to the governmental | ||||||
22 | unit that awarded the contract a penalty equal to one and | ||||||
23 | one-half times the amount of the contract obtained because of | ||||||
24 | the false representation.
| ||||||
25 | (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 80. The Illinois Human Rights Act is amended by | ||||||
2 | changing Section 2-105 as follows:
| ||||||
3 | (775 ILCS 5/2-105) (from Ch. 68, par. 2-105)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 2-105. Equal Employment Opportunities; Affirmative | ||||||
5 | Action.
| ||||||
6 | (A) Public Contracts. Every party to a public contract and | ||||||
7 | every
eligible bidder shall:
| ||||||
8 | (1) Refrain from unlawful discrimination and | ||||||
9 | discrimination based on
citizenship status in employment | ||||||
10 | and undertake affirmative action to assure
equality of | ||||||
11 | employment opportunity and eliminate the effects of past
| ||||||
12 | discrimination;
| ||||||
13 | (2) Comply with the procedures and requirements of the | ||||||
14 | Department's
regulations concerning equal employment | ||||||
15 | opportunities and affirmative action;
| ||||||
16 | (3) Provide such information, with respect to its | ||||||
17 | employees and
applicants for employment, and assistance as | ||||||
18 | the Department may
reasonably request;
| ||||||
19 | (4) Have written sexual harassment policies that shall | ||||||
20 | include, at a
minimum, the following information: (i) the | ||||||
21 | illegality of
sexual harassment; (ii) the definition of | ||||||
22 | sexual harassment under State
law; (iii) a description of | ||||||
23 | sexual harassment, utilizing examples; (iv) the
vendor's | ||||||
24 | internal complaint process including penalties; (v) the | ||||||
25 | legal
recourse, investigative and complaint process |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | available through the
Department and the Commission; (vi) | ||||||
2 | directions on how to contact the
Department and | ||||||
3 | Commission; and (vii) protection against retaliation as
| ||||||
4 | provided by Section 6-101 of this Act. A copy of the | ||||||
5 | policies shall
be provided to the Department upon request. | ||||||
6 | Additionally, each bidder who submits a bid or offer for a | ||||||
7 | State contract under the Illinois Procurement Code shall | ||||||
8 | have a written copy of the bidder's sexual harassment | ||||||
9 | policy as required under this paragraph (4). A copy of the | ||||||
10 | policy shall be provided to the State agency entering into | ||||||
11 | the contract upon request.
| ||||||
12 | (B) State Agencies. Every State executive department, | ||||||
13 | State agency,
board, commission, and instrumentality shall:
| ||||||
14 | (1) Comply with the procedures and requirements of the | ||||||
15 | Department's
regulations concerning equal employment | ||||||
16 | opportunities and affirmative action;
| ||||||
17 | (2) Provide such information and assistance as the | ||||||
18 | Department may request.
| ||||||
19 | (3) Establish, maintain, and carry out a continuing | ||||||
20 | affirmative action
plan consistent with this Act and the | ||||||
21 | regulations of the Department designed
to promote equal | ||||||
22 | opportunity for all State residents in every aspect of
| ||||||
23 | agency personnel policy and practice. For purposes of | ||||||
24 | these affirmative
action plans, the race and national | ||||||
25 | origin categories to be included in the
plans are: | ||||||
26 | American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other | ||||||
2 | Pacific Islander. | ||||||
3 | This plan shall
include a current detailed status | ||||||
4 | report:
| ||||||
5 | (a) indicating, by each position in State service, | ||||||
6 | the number,
percentage, and average salary of | ||||||
7 | individuals employed by race, national
origin, sex and | ||||||
8 | disability, and any other category that the Department | ||||||
9 | may
require by rule;
| ||||||
10 | (b) identifying all positions in which the | ||||||
11 | percentage of the people
employed by race, national | ||||||
12 | origin, sex and disability, and any other
category | ||||||
13 | that the Department may require by rule, is less than | ||||||
14 | four-fifths of
the percentage of each of those | ||||||
15 | components in the State work force;
| ||||||
16 | (c) specifying the goals and methods for | ||||||
17 | increasing the percentage
by race, national origin, | ||||||
18 | sex and disability, and any other category
that the | ||||||
19 | Department may require by rule, in State positions;
| ||||||
20 | (d) indicating progress and problems toward | ||||||
21 | meeting equal employment
opportunity goals, including, | ||||||
22 | if applicable, but not limited to, Department
of | ||||||
23 | Central Management Services recruitment efforts, | ||||||
24 | publicity, promotions,
and use of options designating | ||||||
25 | positions by linguistic abilities;
| ||||||
26 | (e) establishing a numerical hiring goal for the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | employment of
qualified persons with disabilities in | ||||||
2 | the agency as a whole, to be based
on the proportion of | ||||||
3 | people with work disabilities in the Illinois labor
| ||||||
4 | force as reflected in the most recent employment data | ||||||
5 | made available by the United States Census Bureau.
| ||||||
6 | (4) If the agency has 1000 or more employees, appoint | ||||||
7 | a full-time Equal
Employment Opportunity officer, subject | ||||||
8 | to the Department's approval, whose
duties shall include:
| ||||||
9 | (a) Advising the head of the particular State | ||||||
10 | agency with respect to the
preparation of equal | ||||||
11 | employment opportunity programs, procedures, | ||||||
12 | regulations,
reports, and the agency's affirmative | ||||||
13 | action plan.
| ||||||
14 | (b) Evaluating in writing each fiscal year the | ||||||
15 | sufficiency of the total
agency program for equal | ||||||
16 | employment opportunity and reporting thereon to
the | ||||||
17 | head of the agency with recommendations as to any | ||||||
18 | improvement or
correction in recruiting, hiring or | ||||||
19 | promotion needed, including remedial or
disciplinary | ||||||
20 | action with respect to managerial or supervisory | ||||||
21 | employees who
have failed to cooperate fully or who | ||||||
22 | are in violation of the program.
| ||||||
23 | (c) Making changes in recruitment, training and | ||||||
24 | promotion programs
and in hiring and promotion | ||||||
25 | procedures designed to eliminate
discriminatory | ||||||
26 | practices when authorized.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (d) Evaluating tests, employment policies,
| ||||||
2 | practices and qualifications
and reporting to the head | ||||||
3 | of the agency and to the Department any policies,
| ||||||
4 | practices and qualifications that have unequal impact | ||||||
5 | by race, national origin
as required by Department | ||||||
6 | rule, sex or disability or any other category that
the | ||||||
7 | Department may require by rule, and to assist in the | ||||||
8 | recruitment of people
in underrepresented | ||||||
9 | classifications. This function shall be performed in
| ||||||
10 | cooperation with the State Department of Central | ||||||
11 | Management Services.
| ||||||
12 | (e) Making any aggrieved employee or applicant for | ||||||
13 | employment aware of
his or her remedies under this | ||||||
14 | Act.
| ||||||
15 | In any meeting, investigation, negotiation, | ||||||
16 | conference, or other
proceeding between a State | ||||||
17 | employee and an Equal Employment Opportunity
officer, | ||||||
18 | a State employee (1) who is not covered by a collective | ||||||
19 | bargaining
agreement and (2) who is the complaining | ||||||
20 | party or the subject of such
proceeding may be | ||||||
21 | accompanied, advised and represented by (1) an | ||||||
22 | attorney
licensed to practice law in the State of | ||||||
23 | Illinois or (2) a representative of an
employee | ||||||
24 | organization whose membership is composed of employees | ||||||
25 | of the State
and of which the employee is a member. A | ||||||
26 | representative of an employee, other
than an attorney, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | may observe but may not actively participate, or | ||||||
2 | advise the
State employee during the course of such | ||||||
3 | meeting, investigation, negotiation,
conference or | ||||||
4 | other proceeding. Nothing in this Section shall be
| ||||||
5 | construed to permit any person who is not licensed to | ||||||
6 | practice law in Illinois
to deliver any legal services | ||||||
7 | or otherwise engage in any activities that would
| ||||||
8 | constitute the unauthorized practice of law. Any | ||||||
9 | representative of an employee
who is present with the | ||||||
10 | consent of the employee, shall not, during or after
| ||||||
11 | termination of the relationship permitted by this | ||||||
12 | Section with the State
employee, use or reveal any | ||||||
13 | information obtained during the course of the
meeting, | ||||||
14 | investigation, negotiation, conference or other | ||||||
15 | proceeding without the
consent of the complaining | ||||||
16 | party and any State employee who is the subject of
the | ||||||
17 | proceeding and pursuant to rules and regulations | ||||||
18 | governing confidentiality
of such information as | ||||||
19 | promulgated by the appropriate State agency.
| ||||||
20 | Intentional or reckless disclosure of information in | ||||||
21 | violation of these
confidentiality requirements shall | ||||||
22 | constitute a Class B misdemeanor.
| ||||||
23 | (5) Establish, maintain and carry out a continuing | ||||||
24 | sexual harassment
program that shall include the | ||||||
25 | following:
| ||||||
26 | (a) Develop a written sexual harassment policy |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that includes at a
minimum the following information: | ||||||
2 | (i) the illegality of sexual harassment;
(ii) the | ||||||
3 | definition of sexual harassment under State law; (iii) | ||||||
4 | a
description of sexual harassment, utilizing | ||||||
5 | examples; (iv) the agency's
internal complaint process | ||||||
6 | including penalties; (v) the legal recourse,
| ||||||
7 | investigative and complaint process available through | ||||||
8 | the Department and
the Commission; (vi) directions on | ||||||
9 | how to contact the Department and
Commission; and | ||||||
10 | (vii) protection against retaliation as provided by | ||||||
11 | Section
6-101 of this Act. The policy shall be | ||||||
12 | reviewed annually.
| ||||||
13 | (b) Post in a prominent and accessible location | ||||||
14 | and distribute in a
manner to assure notice to all | ||||||
15 | agency employees without exception the
agency's sexual | ||||||
16 | harassment policy. Such documents may meet, but shall | ||||||
17 | not
exceed, the 6th grade literacy level. Distribution | ||||||
18 | shall be effectuated within
90 days of the effective | ||||||
19 | date of this amendatory Act of 1992 and shall occur
| ||||||
20 | annually thereafter.
| ||||||
21 | (c) Provide training on sexual harassment | ||||||
22 | prevention and the
agency's sexual harassment policy | ||||||
23 | as a component of all ongoing or new
employee training | ||||||
24 | programs.
| ||||||
25 | (6) Notify the Department 30 days before effecting any | ||||||
26 | layoff. Once
notice is given, the following shall occur:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) No layoff may be effective
earlier than 10 | ||||||
2 | working days after
notice to the Department, unless an
| ||||||
3 | emergency layoff situation exists.
| ||||||
4 | (b) The State executive department, State agency, | ||||||
5 | board, commission,
or instrumentality in which the | ||||||
6 | layoffs are to occur must
notify each employee | ||||||
7 | targeted for layoff, the employee's union
| ||||||
8 | representative (if applicable), and the State | ||||||
9 | Dislocated Worker Unit at the
Department of Commerce | ||||||
10 | and Economic Opportunity.
| ||||||
11 | (c) The State executive department, State agency, | ||||||
12 | board, commission,
or instrumentality in
which the | ||||||
13 | layoffs are to occur must conform to applicable | ||||||
14 | collective
bargaining agreements.
| ||||||
15 | (d) The State executive department, State agency, | ||||||
16 | board, commission, or
instrumentality in which the | ||||||
17 | layoffs are to occur should notify each employee
| ||||||
18 | targeted for layoff that transitional assistance may | ||||||
19 | be available to him or her
under the Economic | ||||||
20 | Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act
| ||||||
21 | administered by the Department of Commerce and | ||||||
22 | Economic Opportunity. Failure to
give such notice | ||||||
23 | shall not invalidate the layoff or postpone its | ||||||
24 | effective
| ||||||
25 | As used in this subsection (B), "disability" shall be | ||||||
26 | defined in
rules promulgated under the Illinois Administrative
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Procedure Act.
| ||||||
2 | (C) Civil Rights Violations. It is a civil rights | ||||||
3 | violation for any
public contractor or eligible bidder to:
| ||||||
4 | (1) fail to comply with the public contractor's or | ||||||
5 | eligible bidder's
duty to refrain from unlawful | ||||||
6 | discrimination and discrimination based on
citizenship | ||||||
7 | status in employment under subsection (A)(1) of this | ||||||
8 | Section; or
| ||||||
9 | (2) fail to comply with the public contractor's or | ||||||
10 | eligible bidder's
duties of affirmative action under | ||||||
11 | subsection (A) of this Section, provided
however, that the
| ||||||
12 | Department has notified the public contractor or eligible | ||||||
13 | bidder in writing
by certified mail that the public | ||||||
14 | contractor or eligible bidder may not be
in compliance | ||||||
15 | with affirmative action requirements of subsection (A). A
| ||||||
16 | minimum
of 60 days to comply with the requirements shall | ||||||
17 | be afforded to the public
contractor or eligible bidder | ||||||
18 | before the Department may issue formal notice of
| ||||||
19 | non-compliance.
| ||||||
20 | (D) As used in this Section: | ||||||
21 | (1) "American Indian or Alaska Native" means a person | ||||||
22 | having origins in any of the original peoples of North and | ||||||
23 | South America, including Central America, and who | ||||||
24 | maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. | ||||||
25 | (2) "Asian" means a person having origins in any of | ||||||
26 | the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
2 | Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, | ||||||
3 | the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. | ||||||
4 | (3) "Black or African American" means a person having | ||||||
5 | origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms | ||||||
6 | such as "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to | ||||||
7 | "Black or African American". | ||||||
8 | (4) "Hispanic or Latino" means a person of Cuban, | ||||||
9 | Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other | ||||||
10 | Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. | ||||||
11 | (5) "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" means | ||||||
12 | a person having origins in any of the original peoples of | ||||||
13 | Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. | ||||||
14 | (Source: P.A. 99-933, eff. 1-27-17; 100-698, eff. 1-1-19 .)