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1 | AN ACT concerning wildlife.
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2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
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3 | represented in the General Assembly:
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4 | Section 5. The Wildlife Code is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Section 3.1-6 as follows: | ||||||
6 | (520 ILCS 5/3.1-6) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 3.1-6. Special deer, turkey, and combination hunting | ||||||
8 | licenses. | ||||||
9 | (a) For the purpose of this Section: | ||||||
10 | "Bona fide equity member" means an individual who: | ||||||
11 | (1) (i) became a member upon the formation of the | ||||||
12 | limited liability company or (ii) has purchased a | ||||||
13 | distributional interest in a limited liability company for | ||||||
14 | a value equal to the percentage of the appraised value of | ||||||
15 | the LLC assets represented by the distributional interest | ||||||
16 | in the LLC and subsequently becomes a member of the | ||||||
17 | company under Article 30 of the Limited Liability Company | ||||||
18 | Act; and | ||||||
19 | (2) intends to retain the membership for at least 5 | ||||||
20 | years. | ||||||
21 | "Bona fide equity partner" means an individual who: | ||||||
22 | (1) (i) became a partner, either general or limited, | ||||||
23 | upon the formation of a partnership or limited |
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1 | partnership, or (ii) has purchased, acquired, or been | ||||||
2 | gifted a partnership interest accurately representing his | ||||||
3 | or her percentage distributional interest in the profits, | ||||||
4 | losses, and assets of a partnership or limited | ||||||
5 | partnership; | ||||||
6 | (2) intends to retain ownership of the partnership | ||||||
7 | interest for at least 5 years; and | ||||||
8 | (3) is a resident of this State. | ||||||
9 | "Bona fide equity shareholder" means an individual who: | ||||||
10 | (1) purchased, for market price, publicly sold stock | ||||||
11 | shares in a corporation, purchased shares of a | ||||||
12 | privately-held corporation for a value equal to the | ||||||
13 | percentage of the appraised value of the corporate assets | ||||||
14 | represented by the ownership in the corporation, or is a | ||||||
15 | member of a closely-held family-owned corporation and has | ||||||
16 | purchased or been gifted with shares of stock in the | ||||||
17 | corporation accurately reflecting his or her percentage of | ||||||
18 | ownership; and | ||||||
19 | (2) intends to retain the ownership of the shares of | ||||||
20 | stock for at least 5 years. | ||||||
21 | (b) Landowner Deer, Turkey, and combination permits shall | ||||||
22 | be issued without charge to: | ||||||
23 | (1) Illinois landowners residing in this State who own | ||||||
24 | at least 40 acres of Illinois land and wish to hunt upon | ||||||
25 | their land only; | ||||||
26 | (2) resident tenants of at least 40 acres of |
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1 | commercial agricultural land where they will hunt; and | ||||||
2 | (3) bona fide equity shareholders of a corporation, | ||||||
3 | bona fide equity members of a limited liability company, | ||||||
4 | or bona fide equity partners of a general or limited | ||||||
5 | partnership which owns at least 40 acres of land in a | ||||||
6 | county in this State who wish to hunt on the | ||||||
7 | corporation's, company's, or partnership's land only. One | ||||||
8 | permit shall be issued without charge to one bona fide | ||||||
9 | equity shareholder, one bona fide equity member, or one | ||||||
10 | bona fide equity partner for each 40 acres of land owned by | ||||||
11 | the corporation, company, or partnership in a county; | ||||||
12 | however, the number of permits issued without charge to | ||||||
13 | bona fide equity shareholders of any corporation or bona | ||||||
14 | fide equity members of a limited liability company in any | ||||||
15 | county shall not exceed 15, and shall not exceed 3 in the | ||||||
16 | case of bona fide equity partners of a partnership.
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17 | Bona fide landowners or tenants who do not wish to hunt | ||||||
18 | only on the land they own, rent, or lease or bona fide equity | ||||||
19 | shareholders, bona fide equity members, or bona fide equity | ||||||
20 | partners who do not wish to hunt only on the land owned by the | ||||||
21 | corporation, limited liability company, or partnership shall | ||||||
22 | be charged the same fee as the applicant who is not a | ||||||
23 | landowner, tenant, bona fide equity shareholder, bona fide | ||||||
24 | equity member, or bona fide equity partner. Nonresidents of | ||||||
25 | this State who own at least 40 acres of land and wish to hunt | ||||||
26 | on their land only shall be charged a fee set by administrative |
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1 | rule. The method for obtaining these permits shall be | ||||||
2 | prescribed by administrative rule. | ||||||
3 | (c) The deer, turkey, or combination hunting permit issued | ||||||
4 | without fee shall be valid on all farm lands which the person | ||||||
5 | to whom it is issued owns, leases or rents, except that in the | ||||||
6 | case of a permit issued to a bona fide equity shareholder, bona | ||||||
7 | fide equity member, or bona fide equity partner, the permit | ||||||
8 | shall be valid on all lands owned by the corporation, limited | ||||||
9 | liability company, or partnership in the county.
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10 | (d) Resident and nonresident landowners shall complete a | ||||||
11 | landowner permit application and submit proof of eligible land | ||||||
12 | ownership to the Department once every 5 years. | ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 99-869, eff. 1-1-17 .)