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2 | WHEREAS, Altamont is a city in Effingham County with a | ||||||
3 | population of 2,319 as of the 2010 census and is located along | ||||||
4 | Interstate 70 and U.S. Route 40 (The Cumberland Road); and
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5 | WHEREAS, Altamont was settled by German immigrants from | ||||||
6 | the banks of the Rhine River, who came through Pennsylvania | ||||||
7 | and Ohio; agriculture is a prominent industry with a good mix | ||||||
8 | of manufacturing employment in Altamont; and
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9 | WHEREAS, Altamont, the "City of Plain", was charted in | ||||||
10 | Mound Township and got its name from J.W. Conlogue, a Latin | ||||||
11 | language romantic, because of the elevation or "mound" that | ||||||
12 | lies northwest; "alta" means altitude or height, and "mont" | ||||||
13 | means mound; and
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14 | WHEREAS, At 23 years old, Dr. Charles M. Wright came to | ||||||
15 | Effingham County in 1857; the town of Altamont was organized | ||||||
16 | in 1871, and Dr. Charles M. Wright purchased five acres from | ||||||
17 | the Vandalia Railroad and built a home in 1874 at 3 West | ||||||
18 | Jackson Street, which was added to the National Registry of | ||||||
19 | Historic Places in 1986; he established the C.M. Wright & Co. | ||||||
20 | private bank in his former medical building in Altamont in | ||||||
21 | 1878; and
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1 | WHEREAS, The Altamont Living Museum is housed in the | ||||||
2 | former First Presbyterian Church of Altamont; the church was | ||||||
3 | declared organized with a congregation of 30 charter members | ||||||
4 | on February 16, 1913; and
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5 | WHEREAS, Altamont is home to the Effingham County Fair and | ||||||
6 | the Wolf Family Farm of Mound Township; the farm was | ||||||
7 | established on September 30, 1869 and is designated a | ||||||
8 | sesquicentennial farm by the Illinois Department of | ||||||
9 | Agriculture; and
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10 | WHEREAS, Altamont is home to the Annual Mill Road | ||||||
11 | Thresherman's Association Steam, Gas & Threshing Show; and
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12 | WHEREAS, Local legend states that Griffin Tipsword, whose | ||||||
13 | original family name was Souards, came to the Altamont, Mound | ||||||
14 | Township area first; living with the Kickapoo Native | ||||||
15 | Americans, he was a pioneer, a missionary preacher, a hunter, | ||||||
16 | and a medicine man; he was a veteran of the Revolutionary War | ||||||
17 | who first fought at Ramsour's Mill in the Carolinas; he died in | ||||||
18 | 1845 and was buried on the banks of Wolf Creek in the Tipsword | ||||||
19 | family cemetery in Effingham; and
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20 | WHEREAS, A trading center called Montville had existed on | ||||||
21 | the bank of the creek south of what is now Altamont but was | ||||||
22 | then called Southmore Heights; the Southmore Heights |
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1 | postmaster was G.H. Milleville, and in 1871, the post office | ||||||
2 | moved to this new place called Altamont, which was officially | ||||||
3 | organized as a town in 1871; and
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4 | WHEREAS, On August 8, 1872, Altamont adopted the village | ||||||
5 | form of government with a mayor and four council members; on | ||||||
6 | April 16, 1901, the Altamont voters adopted a city form of | ||||||
7 | government and became the City of Altamont; and
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8 | WHEREAS, Altamont is home to the Effingham County | ||||||
9 | Fairgrounds, where the Effingham County Fair has been held | ||||||
10 | annually in the first week of August since 1945; the Effingham | ||||||
11 | County Fair
hosts nationally known country singers, a touring | ||||||
12 | rodeo, ITPA truck and tractor pulls, a queen pageant, a talent | ||||||
13 | show, Standardbred and Thoroughbred races, and a demolition | ||||||
14 | derby; the fairgrounds were once host to the Illinois High | ||||||
15 | School rodeo finals and currently host the Mill Road | ||||||
16 | Thresherman's gathering and the annual Schutzenfest; and
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17 | WHEREAS, Altamont is home to the Ballard Nature Center; | ||||||
18 | the nature preserve and educational center consists of 217 | ||||||
19 | acres and is located east of town; it includes 107 acres of | ||||||
20 | woodland, 15 acres of restored prairie, 10 acres of shallow | ||||||
21 | water wetlands, and 85 acres of agricultural land for | ||||||
22 | educational programs and the enjoyment of families and | ||||||
23 | visitors; Ernie Ballard donated 210 acres for the site of a |
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1 | nature center and the funds to construct a visitor center; in | ||||||
2 | 2014, the Glen Mathias family donated another 7 acres of land | ||||||
3 | adjacent to the original 210 acres; and
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4 | WHEREAS, Altamont Lutheran Interparish School (ALIS) is a | ||||||
5 | private school that serves grades K-8; the cornerstone reads | ||||||
6 | "Immanuel Lutheran School 1959", but the school is now a joint | ||||||
7 | effort of Immanuel, Bethlehem, St. Paul (Blue Point), and Zion | ||||||
8 | Lutheran Churches; and
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9 | WHEREAS, The Altamont Living Museum is a not-for-profit | ||||||
10 | organization and offers many forms of entertainment, including | ||||||
11 | award winning performers, plays performed by local theater | ||||||
12 | troupe A.C.T. and Altamont High school students, | ||||||
13 | country/bluegrass variety shows on Tuesday nights, and | ||||||
14 | memorabilia exhibits on display for visitors' enjoyment; the | ||||||
15 | Altamont Living Museum building was a church built in the late | ||||||
16 | 1800s that still has all of its original stained glass | ||||||
17 | windows, wooden pews, wood floors, antique tin patterned | ||||||
18 | ceiling, and lighting fixtures; therefore, be it
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21 | we congratulate the City of Altamont on the occasion of its | ||||||
22 | 150th year; and be it further
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1 | RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | ||||||
2 | presented to the City of Altamont as an expression of our | ||||||
3 | esteem and respect.