Sen. Christopher Belt
Filed: 4/16/2021
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2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 2091 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section | ||||||
5 | 2-3.162 as follows: | ||||||
6 | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.162) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 2-3.162. Student discipline report; school discipline | ||||||
8 | improvement plan. | ||||||
9 | (a) On or before October 31, 2015 and on or before October | ||||||
10 | 31 of each subsequent year, the State Board of Education, | ||||||
11 | through the State Superintendent of Education, shall prepare a | ||||||
12 | report on student discipline in all school districts in this | ||||||
13 | State, including State-authorized charter schools. This report | ||||||
14 | shall include data from all public schools within school | ||||||
15 | districts, including district-authorized charter schools. This | ||||||
16 | report must be posted on the Internet website of the State |
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| |||||||
1 | Board of Education. The report shall include data on the | ||||||
2 | issuance of out-of-school suspensions, expulsions, and | ||||||
3 | removals to alternative settings in lieu of another | ||||||
4 | disciplinary action, disaggregated by race and ethnicity, | ||||||
5 | gender, age, grade level, whether a student is an English | ||||||
6 | learner, incident type, and discipline duration. | ||||||
7 | (a-5) Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, the State | ||||||
8 | Board of Education must annually collect data on all of the | ||||||
9 | data elements pertaining to school discipline, student | ||||||
10 | seclusion, and student restraint collected by the U.S. | ||||||
11 | Department of Education as part of its Civil Rights Data | ||||||
12 | Collection. The school discipline data elements to be | ||||||
13 | collected must include, at a minimum, all of the data elements | ||||||
14 | pertaining to school discipline collected as part of the | ||||||
15 | 2017-2018 Civil Rights Data Collection, including, but not | ||||||
16 | limited to data elements concerning out-of-school suspensions, | ||||||
17 | expulsions, transfers to alternative schools, referrals to law | ||||||
18 | enforcement, and school-related arrests. The State Board must | ||||||
19 | use the most current definitions provided by the U.S. | ||||||
20 | Department of Education for these categories of data. | ||||||
21 | (a-10) Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, the State | ||||||
22 | Board of Education must collect data on all disciplinary | ||||||
23 | incidents that result in office referrals but do not result in | ||||||
24 | out-of-school suspensions, expulsions, disciplinary transfers | ||||||
25 | to alternative schools, referrals to law enforcement, or | ||||||
26 | school-related arrests. |
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1 | (a-15) The State Board of Education must collect the data | ||||||
2 | described in subsections (a-5) and (a-10) in a manner that | ||||||
3 | allows for disaggregation by all of the demographic categories | ||||||
4 | used by the Civil Rights Data Collection, by student grade | ||||||
5 | level and, with the exception of school-related arrest data, | ||||||
6 | by disciplinary offense and discipline duration. The | ||||||
7 | categories of disciplinary offense data to be collected must | ||||||
8 | include those used within the Civil Rights Data Collection and | ||||||
9 | all of the following: | ||||||
10 | (1) Disruption. | ||||||
11 | (2) Disrespect. | ||||||
12 | (3) Insubordination. | ||||||
13 | (4) Defiance of authority. | ||||||
14 | (5) Truancy. | ||||||
15 | (6) Tardiness or class-cutting. | ||||||
16 | (7) Alcohol. | ||||||
17 | (8) Harassment or bullying. | ||||||
18 | (9) Dress code violation. | ||||||
19 | (10) Drugs or controlled substances. | ||||||
20 | (11) Theft. | ||||||
21 | (12) Property damage. | ||||||
22 | (13) Tobacco. | ||||||
23 | (14) Trespassing. | ||||||
24 | (15) Other. | ||||||
25 | The categories of discipline duration data to be collected | ||||||
26 | shall be the following: |
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1 | (A) less than or equal to one day; | ||||||
2 | (B) 2 days; | ||||||
3 | (C) 3 days; | ||||||
4 | (D) 4 days; | ||||||
5 | (E) 5 days; | ||||||
6 | (F) 6 days; | ||||||
7 | (G) 7 days; | ||||||
8 | (H) 8 days; | ||||||
9 | (I) 9 days; or | ||||||
10 | (J) 10 days. | ||||||
11 | For durations longer than 10 days, the data must be reported by | ||||||
12 | number of semesters. | ||||||
13 | (a-20) The report compiled by the State Board of Education | ||||||
14 | under subsection (a) must include all of the categories of | ||||||
15 | data referenced in subsections (a-5) and (a-10). The report | ||||||
16 | must include the total number of school days and semesters | ||||||
17 | missed by students in each school district as a result of | ||||||
18 | out-of-school suspensions and expulsions. The State Board must | ||||||
19 | also ensure that, for each category of data, the report allows | ||||||
20 | for cross-tabulation using the categories of disaggregation | ||||||
21 | under subsection (a-15). The State Board must set disclosure | ||||||
22 | avoidance standards by rule and must post the report on its | ||||||
23 | Internet website. | ||||||
24 | (b) For each school district in this State, the The State | ||||||
25 | Board of Education shall annually calculate all of analyze the | ||||||
26 | data under subsection (a) of this Section on an annual basis |
| |||||||
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1 | and determine the top 20% of school districts for the | ||||||
2 | following metrics: | ||||||
3 | (1) The district's out-of-school suspension rate, as | ||||||
4 | calculated by the U.S. Department of Education as part of | ||||||
5 | the Civil Rights Data Collection. Total number of | ||||||
6 | out-of-school suspensions divided by the total district | ||||||
7 | enrollment by the last school day in September for the | ||||||
8 | year in which the data was collected, multiplied by 100. | ||||||
9 | (2) The district's expulsion rate, as calculated by | ||||||
10 | the U.S. Department of Education as part of the Civil | ||||||
11 | Rights Data Collection. Total number of out-of-school | ||||||
12 | expulsions divided by the total district enrollment by the | ||||||
13 | last school day in September for the year in which the data | ||||||
14 | was collected, multiplied by 100. | ||||||
15 | (3) The district's out-of-school suspension racial | ||||||
16 | disproportionality rates, as calculated by the U.S. | ||||||
17 | Department of Education as part of the Civil Rights Data | ||||||
18 | Collection. Racial disproportionality, defined as the | ||||||
19 | overrepresentation of students of color or white students | ||||||
20 | in comparison to the total number of students of color or | ||||||
21 | white students on October 1st of the school year in which | ||||||
22 | data are collected, with respect to the use of | ||||||
23 | out-of-school suspensions and expulsions, which must be | ||||||
24 | calculated using the same method as the U.S. Department of | ||||||
25 | Education's Office for Civil Rights uses. | ||||||
26 | The analysis must be based on data collected over 3 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | consecutive school years, beginning with the 2014-2015 school | ||||||
2 | year. | ||||||
3 | The State Board of Education shall annually publish a list | ||||||
4 | identifying each school district with an out-of-school | ||||||
5 | suspension rate greater than 4.2, an expulsion rate greater | ||||||
6 | than 0.05, or an out-of-school suspension racial | ||||||
7 | disproportionality rate greater than 1.5, which rates must be | ||||||
8 | referred to as the identified metrics. This calculation must | ||||||
9 | exclude all school districts for which the relevant number of | ||||||
10 | out-of-school suspensions or expulsions was one for 3 | ||||||
11 | consecutive years in the same category. | ||||||
12 | Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year and for each | ||||||
13 | school year thereafter, the State Board of Education must | ||||||
14 | identify each district that met at least one of the identified | ||||||
15 | metrics during that school year and the 2 preceding school | ||||||
16 | years. The State Board must require each of the school | ||||||
17 | districts that are identified to submit a school discipline | ||||||
18 | improvement plan identifying the strategies the school | ||||||
19 | district will implement to reduce the use of the disciplinary | ||||||
20 | practices that resulted in it exceeding the identified metrics | ||||||
21 | during the 3-year period. | ||||||
22 | Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, the State Board | ||||||
23 | of Education shall require each of the school districts that | ||||||
24 | are identified in the top 20% of any of the metrics described | ||||||
25 | in this subsection (b) for 3 consecutive years to submit a plan | ||||||
26 | identifying the strategies the school district will implement |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to reduce the use of exclusionary disciplinary practices or | ||||||
2 | racial disproportionality or both, if applicable. School | ||||||
3 | districts that no longer meet the criteria described in any of | ||||||
4 | the metrics described in this subsection (b) for 3 consecutive | ||||||
5 | years shall no longer be required to submit a plan. | ||||||
6 | This plan may be combined with any other improvement plans | ||||||
7 | required under federal or State law. | ||||||
8 | The calculation of the top 20% of any of the metrics | ||||||
9 | described in this subsection (b) shall exclude all school | ||||||
10 | districts, State-authorized charter schools, and special | ||||||
11 | charter districts that issued fewer than a total of 10 | ||||||
12 | out-of-school suspensions or expulsions, whichever is | ||||||
13 | applicable, during the school year. The calculation of the top | ||||||
14 | 20% of the metric described in subdivision (3) of this | ||||||
15 | subsection (b) shall exclude all school districts with an | ||||||
16 | enrollment of fewer than 50 white students or fewer than 50 | ||||||
17 | students of color. | ||||||
18 | The school discipline improvement plan must be approved at | ||||||
19 | a public school board meeting and posted on the school | ||||||
20 | district's Internet website. The plan must also be submitted | ||||||
21 | to the State Board of Education on or before June 30 of each | ||||||
22 | year and posted on the State Board's Internet website. If the | ||||||
23 | school district is required to submit a school discipline | ||||||
24 | improvement plan for 2 or more consecutive years, its | ||||||
25 | successive plans must also include a progress report | ||||||
26 | describing the implementation of the previous plan or plans |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Within one year after being identified, the school district | ||||||
2 | shall submit to the State Board of Education and post on the | ||||||
3 | district's Internet website a progress report describing the | ||||||
4 | implementation of the plan and the results achieved.
| ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 99-30, eff. 7-10-15; 99-78, eff. 7-20-15; | ||||||
6 | 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)
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7 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
8 | becoming law.".