Sen. Elgie R. Sims, Jr.
Filed: 5/17/2023
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2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 779 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Article 1. General Provisions | ||||||
5 | Section 1-1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | ||||||
6 | Pawnbroker Regulation Act of 2023. | ||||||
7 | Section 1-5. Definitions. | ||||||
8 | As used in this Act: | ||||||
9 | "Applicant" means a person applying for a license pursuant | ||||||
10 | to this Act. | ||||||
11 | "Department" means the Department of Financial and | ||||||
12 | Professional Regulation. | ||||||
13 | "Licensee" means a person licensed pursuant to this Act. | ||||||
14 | "Pawn" means the advance of money on the deposit or pledge | ||||||
15 | of physically delivered personal property, other than property |
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1 | the ownership of which is subject to a legal dispute or other | ||||||
2 | exempt property or instruments. | ||||||
3 | "Pawnbroker" means every individual or business entity | ||||||
4 | that: | ||||||
5 | (1) advances money on the pledge of tangible personal | ||||||
6 | property, other than securities, printed evidence of | ||||||
7 | indebtedness, or printed evidence of ownership of the | ||||||
8 | personal property; or | ||||||
9 | (2) deals in the purchase of personal property on the | ||||||
10 | condition of selling the property back again at a | ||||||
11 | stipulated price. | ||||||
12 | "Pawn customer" means a person who pawns or pledges and | ||||||
13 | physically delivers personal property in exchange for money. | ||||||
14 | "Secretary" means the Secretary of Financial and | ||||||
15 | Professional Regulation, or his or her designee, including the | ||||||
16 | Director of the Division of Banking of the Department of | ||||||
17 | Financial and Professional Regulation. | ||||||
18 | Article 5. Licensure | ||||||
19 | Section 5-1. Scope; number of pawnbroker licenses. | ||||||
20 | (a) It is unlawful for any person to operate as a | ||||||
21 | pawnbroker in Illinois except as authorized by this Act and | ||||||
22 | without first having obtained a license in accordance with | ||||||
23 | this Act. | ||||||
24 | (b) The business of a pawnbroker does not include advances |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of money secured by a deposit or pledge of title to personal | ||||||
2 | property or motor vehicles. | ||||||
3 | (c) There shall not be more than 250 active pawnbroker | ||||||
4 | licenses at any one time within the State of Illinois. There | ||||||
5 | shall not be more than 150 active pawnbroker licenses issued | ||||||
6 | for the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and | ||||||
7 | Will at any one time. | ||||||
8 | Section 5-5. Licensee name. | ||||||
9 | (a) No person, partnership, association, corporation, | ||||||
10 | limited liability company, or other entity engaged in the | ||||||
11 | business regulated by this Act shall operate the business | ||||||
12 | under a name other than the real names of the entity and | ||||||
13 | individuals conducting the business. The business may in | ||||||
14 | addition operate under an assumed corporate name pursuant to | ||||||
15 | the Business Corporation Act of 1983, an assumed limited | ||||||
16 | liability company name pursuant to the Limited Liability | ||||||
17 | Company Act, or an assumed business name pursuant to the | ||||||
18 | Assumed Business Name Act. | ||||||
19 | (b) It is unlawful for an individual or business entity to | ||||||
20 | conduct business in this State using the word "pawn", | ||||||
21 | "pawnshop", or "pawnbroker" in connection with the business or | ||||||
22 | to transact business in this State in a manner that has a | ||||||
23 | substantial likelihood of misleading the public by implying | ||||||
24 | that the business is a pawnshop, without first obtaining a | ||||||
25 | license from the Secretary. |
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1 | Section 5-10. Application process; investigation; fees. | ||||||
2 | (a) The Secretary shall issue a license upon completion of | ||||||
3 | all of the following: | ||||||
4 | (1) The filing of an application for license with the | ||||||
5 | Secretary or the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System | ||||||
6 | and Registry as approved by the Secretary. | ||||||
7 | (2) The filing with the Secretary of a listing of | ||||||
8 | judgments entered against, and bankruptcy petitions by, | ||||||
9 | the license applicant for the preceding 10 years. | ||||||
10 | (3) The payment, in certified funds, of the following | ||||||
11 | investigation and application fees: | ||||||
12 | (A) the fees for licensure shall be a $2,000 | ||||||
13 | application fee and an additional $800 fee for | ||||||
14 | investigation. These fees are nonrefundable; and | ||||||
15 | (B) the fee for an application renewal shall be | ||||||
16 | $2,000. The fee is nonrefundable. | ||||||
17 | (4) An investigation of the application, which | ||||||
18 | investigation must allow the Secretary to issue positive | ||||||
19 | findings stating that the financial responsibility, | ||||||
20 | experience, character, and general fitness of the license | ||||||
21 | applicant and of the members thereof if the license | ||||||
22 | applicant is a partnership or association, of the officers | ||||||
23 | and directors thereof if the license applicant is a | ||||||
24 | corporation, and of the managers and members that retain | ||||||
25 | any authority or responsibility under the operating |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | agreement if the license applicant is a limited liability | ||||||
2 | company, are such as to command the confidence of the | ||||||
3 | community and to warrant belief that the business will be | ||||||
4 | operated honestly, fairly, and efficiently within the | ||||||
5 | purpose of this Act; if the Secretary does not so find, he | ||||||
6 | or she shall not issue the license, and he or she shall | ||||||
7 | notify the license applicant of the denial. | ||||||
8 | The Secretary may impose conditions on a license if the | ||||||
9 | Secretary determines that those conditions are necessary or | ||||||
10 | appropriate. These conditions shall be imposed in writing and | ||||||
11 | shall continue in effect for the period prescribed by the | ||||||
12 | Secretary. | ||||||
13 | (b) All licenses shall be issued to the license applicant. | ||||||
14 | Upon issuance of the license, a pawnbroker licensee shall be | ||||||
15 | authorized to engage in the business regulated by this Act. | ||||||
16 | The license shall remain in full force and effect until it | ||||||
17 | expires without renewal, is surrendered by the licensee, or | ||||||
18 | revoked or suspended. | ||||||
19 | Section 5-15. Application form. | ||||||
20 | (a) Application for a pawnbroker license must be made in | ||||||
21 | accordance with Section 5-20 and, if applicable, in accordance | ||||||
22 | with requirements of the Nationwide Multistate Licensing | ||||||
23 | System and Registry. The application shall be in writing, | ||||||
24 | under oath or affirmation, and on a form obtained from and | ||||||
25 | prescribed by the Secretary, or may be submitted |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | electronically, with attestation, to the Nationwide Multistate | ||||||
2 | Licensing System and Registry. | ||||||
3 | (b) The application shall contain the name, complete | ||||||
4 | business, and residential address or addresses of the license | ||||||
5 | applicant. If the license applicant is a partnership, | ||||||
6 | association, corporation, or other form of business | ||||||
7 | organization, the application shall contain the names and | ||||||
8 | complete business and residential addresses of each member, | ||||||
9 | director, and principal officer thereof. The application shall | ||||||
10 | also include a description of the activities of the license | ||||||
11 | applicant in such detail and for such periods as the Secretary | ||||||
12 | may require, including all of the following: | ||||||
13 | (1) an affirmation of financial solvency noting such | ||||||
14 | capitalization requirements as may be required by the | ||||||
15 | Secretary and access to such credit as may be required by | ||||||
16 | the Secretary; | ||||||
17 | (2) an affirmation that the license applicant or its | ||||||
18 | members, directors, or principals, as may be appropriate, | ||||||
19 | are at least 18 years of age; | ||||||
20 | (3) information as to the character, fitness, | ||||||
21 | financial and business responsibility, background, | ||||||
22 | experience, and criminal record of any: | ||||||
23 | (A) person, entity, or ultimate equitable owner | ||||||
24 | that owns or controls, directly or indirectly, 10% or | ||||||
25 | more of any class of stock of the license applicant; | ||||||
26 | (B) person, entity, or ultimate equitable owner |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that is not a depository institution, as defined in | ||||||
2 | Section 1007.50 of the Savings Bank Act, that lends, | ||||||
3 | provides, or infuses, directly or indirectly, in any | ||||||
4 | way, funds to or into a license applicant in an amount | ||||||
5 | equal to or more than 10% of the license applicant's | ||||||
6 | net worth; | ||||||
7 | (C) person, entity, or ultimate equitable owner | ||||||
8 | that controls, directly or indirectly, the election of | ||||||
9 | 25% or more of the members of the board of directors of | ||||||
10 | a license applicant; or | ||||||
11 | (D) person, entity, or ultimate equitable owner | ||||||
12 | that the Secretary finds influences management of the | ||||||
13 | license applicant; the provisions of this subsection | ||||||
14 | shall not apply to a public official serving on the | ||||||
15 | board of directors of a State guaranty agency; | ||||||
16 | (4) upon written request by the licensee and | ||||||
17 | notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) | ||||||
18 | of this subsection, the Secretary may permit the licensee | ||||||
19 | to omit all or part of the information required by those | ||||||
20 | paragraphs if, instead of the omitted information, the | ||||||
21 | licensee submits an affidavit stating that the information | ||||||
22 | submitted on the licensee's previous renewal application | ||||||
23 | is still true and accurate; then the Secretary may adopt | ||||||
24 | rules prescribing the form and content of the affidavit | ||||||
25 | that are necessary to accomplish the purposes of this | ||||||
26 | Section; and |
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1 | (5) such other information as required by rules of the | ||||||
2 | Secretary. | ||||||
3 | Section 5-20. Pawnbroker license application and issuance. | ||||||
4 | (a) Applicants for a license shall apply in a form | ||||||
5 | prescribed by the Secretary. Each form shall contain content | ||||||
6 | as set forth by rule, regulation, instruction, or procedure of | ||||||
7 | the Department or Secretary and may be changed or updated as | ||||||
8 | necessary by the Department or Secretary in order to carry out | ||||||
9 | the purposes of this Act. | ||||||
10 | (b) In order to fulfill the purposes of this Act, the | ||||||
11 | Secretary is authorized to establish relationships or | ||||||
12 | contracts with the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and | ||||||
13 | Registry or other entities designated by the Nationwide | ||||||
14 | Multistate Licensing System and Registry to collect and | ||||||
15 | maintain records and process transaction fees or other fees | ||||||
16 | related to licensees or other persons subject to this Act. | ||||||
17 | (c) In connection with an application for licensing, the | ||||||
18 | applicant may be required, at a minimum, to furnish to the | ||||||
19 | Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry | ||||||
20 | information concerning the applicant's identity, including: | ||||||
21 | (1) fingerprints for submission to the Federal Bureau | ||||||
22 | of Investigation or any governmental agency or entity | ||||||
23 | authorized to receive such information for a State, | ||||||
24 | national, and international criminal history background | ||||||
25 | check; and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) personal history and experience in a form | ||||||
2 | prescribed by the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System | ||||||
3 | and Registry, including the submission of authorization | ||||||
4 | for the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and | ||||||
5 | Registry and the Secretary to obtain: | ||||||
6 | (A) an independent credit report obtained from a | ||||||
7 | consumer reporting agency described in Section 603(p) | ||||||
8 | of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. 1681a(p); | ||||||
9 | and | ||||||
10 | (B) information related to any administrative, | ||||||
11 | civil, or criminal findings by any governmental | ||||||
12 | jurisdiction. | ||||||
13 | (d) For the purposes of this Section, and in order to | ||||||
14 | reduce the points of contact that the Federal Bureau of | ||||||
15 | Investigation may have to maintain for purposes of subsection | ||||||
16 | (c), the Secretary may use the Nationwide Multistate Licensing | ||||||
17 | System and Registry as a channeling agent for requesting | ||||||
18 | information from and distributing information to the federal | ||||||
19 | Department of Justice or any governmental agency. | ||||||
20 | (e) For the purposes of this Section, and in order to | ||||||
21 | reduce the points of contact that the Secretary may have to | ||||||
22 | maintain for purposes of paragraph (2) of subsection (c), the | ||||||
23 | Secretary may use the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System | ||||||
24 | and Registry as a channeling agent for requesting and | ||||||
25 | distributing information to and from any source as directed by | ||||||
26 | the Secretary. |
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1 | Section 5-25. Prohibited acts and practices for licensees. | ||||||
2 | (a) It is a violation of this Act for a licensee subject to | ||||||
3 | this Act to: | ||||||
4 | (1) fail to file with the Secretary or Nationwide | ||||||
5 | Multistate Licensing System and Registry, as applicable, | ||||||
6 | when due, any report or reports that it is required to file | ||||||
7 | under any of the provisions of this Act; | ||||||
8 | (2) commit a crime against the law of this State, any | ||||||
9 | other state, or of the United States involving moral | ||||||
10 | turpitude or fraudulent or dishonest dealing, and that no | ||||||
11 | final judgment has been entered against it in a civil | ||||||
12 | action upon grounds of fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit | ||||||
13 | that has not been previously reported to the Secretary; | ||||||
14 | (3) engage in any conduct that would be cause for | ||||||
15 | denial of a license; | ||||||
16 | (4) become insolvent; | ||||||
17 | (5) submit an application for a license under this Act | ||||||
18 | that contains a material misstatement; | ||||||
19 | (6) demonstrate by course of conduct, negligence, or | ||||||
20 | incompetence in performing any act for which it is | ||||||
21 | required to hold a license under this Act; | ||||||
22 | (7) fail to advise the Secretary in writing or the | ||||||
23 | Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, as | ||||||
24 | applicable, of any changes to the information submitted on | ||||||
25 | the most recent application for license or averments of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | record within 30 days after the change; the written notice | ||||||
2 | must be signed in the same form as the application for the | ||||||
3 | license being amended; | ||||||
4 | (8) fail to comply with the provisions of this Act and | ||||||
5 | with any lawful order, rule, or regulation made or issued | ||||||
6 | under the provisions of this Act; | ||||||
7 | (9) fail to submit to periodic examination by the | ||||||
8 | Secretary as required by this Act; and | ||||||
9 | (10) fail to advise the Secretary in writing of | ||||||
10 | judgments entered against and bankruptcy petitions by the | ||||||
11 | license applicant within 5 days after the occurrence. | ||||||
12 | (b) A licensee who fails to comply with this Section or | ||||||
13 | otherwise violates any of the provisions of this Section shall | ||||||
14 | be subject to the penalties in Section 30-30. | ||||||
15 | Section 5-30. Refusal to issue license. The Secretary | ||||||
16 | shall refuse to issue or renew a license if: | ||||||
17 | (1) it is determined that the applicant is not in | ||||||
18 | compliance with any provisions of this Act; | ||||||
19 | (2) there is substantial continuity between the | ||||||
20 | applicant and any violator of this Act; or | ||||||
21 | (3) the Secretary cannot make the findings specified | ||||||
22 | in subsection (a) of Section 5-10. | ||||||
23 | Section 5-35. License issuance and renewal; fees. | ||||||
24 | (a) Licenses shall be renewed every year using the common |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | renewal date of the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and | ||||||
2 | Registry, as adopted by the Secretary. Properly completed | ||||||
3 | renewal application forms and filing fees may be received by | ||||||
4 | the Secretary 60 days before the license expiration date, but, | ||||||
5 | to be deemed timely, the completed renewal application forms | ||||||
6 | and filing fees must be received by the Secretary no later than | ||||||
7 | 30 days before the license expiration date. | ||||||
8 | (b) It shall be the responsibility of each licensee to | ||||||
9 | accomplish renewal of its license. Failure by a licensee to | ||||||
10 | submit a properly completed renewal application form and fees | ||||||
11 | in a timely fashion, absent a written extension from the | ||||||
12 | Secretary, shall result in the license becoming inactive. | ||||||
13 | (c) No activity regulated by this Act shall be conducted | ||||||
14 | by the licensee when a license becomes inactive. An inactive | ||||||
15 | license may be reactivated by the Secretary upon payment of | ||||||
16 | the renewal fee and payment of a reactivation fee equal to the | ||||||
17 | renewal fee. | ||||||
18 | (d) A licensee ceasing an activity regulated by this Act | ||||||
19 | and desiring to no longer be licensed shall so inform the | ||||||
20 | Secretary in writing and, at the same time, convey any license | ||||||
21 | issued and all other symbols or indicia of licensure. The | ||||||
22 | licensee shall include a plan for the withdrawal from | ||||||
23 | regulated business, including a timetable for the disposition | ||||||
24 | of the business, and comply with the surrender guidelines or | ||||||
25 | requirements of the Secretary. Upon receipt of such written | ||||||
26 | notice, the Secretary shall post the cancellation or issue a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | certified statement canceling the license. | ||||||
2 | (e) The expenses of administering this Act, including | ||||||
3 | investigations and examinations provided for in this Act, | ||||||
4 | shall be borne by and assessed against entities regulated by | ||||||
5 | this Act. Subject to the limitations set forth in Section | ||||||
6 | 5-10, the Department shall establish fees by rule in at least | ||||||
7 | the following categories: | ||||||
8 | (1) investigation of licensees and license | ||||||
9 | applicant fees; | ||||||
10 | (2) examination fees; | ||||||
11 | (3) contingent fees; and | ||||||
12 | (4) such other categories as may be required to | ||||||
13 | administer this Act. | ||||||
14 | Article 10. Supervision | ||||||
15 | Section 10-5. Functions; powers; duties. | ||||||
16 | The functions, powers, and duties of the Secretary shall | ||||||
17 | include the following: | ||||||
18 | (1) to issue or refuse to issue any license as | ||||||
19 | provided by this Act; | ||||||
20 | (2) to revoke or suspend for cause any license issued | ||||||
21 | under this Act; | ||||||
22 | (3) to keep records of all licenses issued under this | ||||||
23 | Act; | ||||||
24 | (4) to receive, consider, investigate, and act upon |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | complaints made by any person in connection with any | ||||||
2 | pawnbroker licensee in this State; | ||||||
3 | (5) to prescribe the forms of and receive: | ||||||
4 | (A) applications for licenses; and | ||||||
5 | (B) all reports and all books and records required | ||||||
6 | to be made by any licensee under this Act; | ||||||
7 | (6) to adopt rules necessary and proper for the | ||||||
8 | administration of this Act; | ||||||
9 | (7) to subpoena documents and witnesses and compel | ||||||
10 | their attendance and production, to administer oaths and | ||||||
11 | affirmations, and to require the production of any books, | ||||||
12 | papers, or other materials relevant to any inquiry | ||||||
13 | authorized by this Act; | ||||||
14 | (8) to issue orders against any person, including, but | ||||||
15 | not limited to, any officer, director, employee, | ||||||
16 | prospective employee, or agent of the licensee, if the | ||||||
17 | Secretary has reasonable cause to believe that an unsafe, | ||||||
18 | unsound, or unlawful practice has occurred, is occurring, | ||||||
19 | or is about to occur; if any person has violated, is | ||||||
20 | violating, or is about to violate any law, rule, or | ||||||
21 | written agreement with the Secretary; or for the purpose | ||||||
22 | of administering the provisions of this Act and any rule | ||||||
23 | adopted in accordance with this Act; | ||||||
24 | (9) to address any inquiries to any licensee, or the | ||||||
25 | officers thereof, in relation to its activities and | ||||||
26 | conditions, or any other matter connected with its |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | affairs, and it shall be the duty of any licensee or person | ||||||
2 | so addressed to promptly reply in writing to those | ||||||
3 | inquiries; the Secretary may also require reports from any | ||||||
4 | licensee at any time the Secretary may deem desirable; | ||||||
5 | (10) to examine the books and records of every | ||||||
6 | licensee under this Act; | ||||||
7 | (11) to enforce provisions of this Act; | ||||||
8 | (12) to levy fees, fines, and charges for services | ||||||
9 | performed in administering this Act; the aggregate of all | ||||||
10 | fees collected by the Secretary on and after the effective | ||||||
11 | date of this Act shall be paid promptly after receipt, | ||||||
12 | accompanied by a detailed statement thereof, into the | ||||||
13 | Pawnbroker Regulation Fund under Section 10-10; the | ||||||
14 | amounts deposited into that Fund shall be used for the | ||||||
15 | ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department; | ||||||
16 | nothing in this Act shall prevent the continuation of the | ||||||
17 | practice of paying expenses involving salaries, | ||||||
18 | retirement, social security, and State-paid insurance of | ||||||
19 | State officers by appropriation from the General Revenue | ||||||
20 | Fund; | ||||||
21 | (13) to appoint examiners, supervisors, experts, and | ||||||
22 | special assistants as needed to effectively and | ||||||
23 | efficiently administer this Act; | ||||||
24 | (14) to conduct hearings for the purpose of: | ||||||
25 | (A) appeals of orders of the Secretary; | ||||||
26 | (B) suspensions or revocations of licenses, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | fining of licensees; | ||||||
2 | (C) investigating complaints against licensees; | ||||||
3 | and | ||||||
4 | (D) carrying out the purposes of this Act; | ||||||
5 | (15) to exercise exclusive visitorial power over a | ||||||
6 | licensee unless otherwise authorized by this Act or as | ||||||
7 | vested in the courts; | ||||||
8 | (16) to assign on an emergency basis an examiner or | ||||||
9 | examiners to monitor the affairs of a licensee with | ||||||
10 | whatever frequency the Secretary determines appropriate | ||||||
11 | and to charge the licensee for reasonable and necessary | ||||||
12 | expenses of the Secretary, if in the opinion of the | ||||||
13 | Secretary an emergency exists or appears likely to occur; | ||||||
14 | (17) to impose civil penalties of up to $50 per day | ||||||
15 | against a licensee for failing to respond to a regulatory | ||||||
16 | request or reporting requirement; | ||||||
17 | (18) to enter into agreements in connection with the | ||||||
18 | Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry; and | ||||||
19 | (19) to perform any other lawful acts necessary or | ||||||
20 | desirable to carry out the purposes and provisions of this | ||||||
21 | Act. | ||||||
22 | Section 10-10. Pawnbroker Regulation Fund. The Pawnbroker | ||||||
23 | Regulation Fund, which was established by Public Act 90-477, | ||||||
24 | shall continue to be a special fund in the State treasury. All | ||||||
25 | moneys received by the Secretary under this Act in conjunction |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | with the provisions relating to pawnbrokers shall be deposited | ||||||
2 | into the Pawnbroker Regulation Fund and used for the | ||||||
3 | administration of this Act. Moneys in the Pawnbroker | ||||||
4 | Regulation Fund may be transferred to the Professions Indirect | ||||||
5 | Cost Fund, as authorized under Section 2105-300 of the | ||||||
6 | Department of Professional Regulation Law of the Civil | ||||||
7 | Administrative Code of Illinois. | ||||||
8 | Section 10-15. Examination; prohibited activities. | ||||||
9 | (a) The business affairs of a licensee under this Act | ||||||
10 | shall be examined for compliance with this Act as often as the | ||||||
11 | Secretary deems necessary and proper. The Department may adopt | ||||||
12 | rules with respect to the frequency and manner of examination. | ||||||
13 | The Secretary shall appoint a suitable person to perform such | ||||||
14 | examination. The Secretary and his or her appointees may | ||||||
15 | examine the entire books, records, documents, and operations | ||||||
16 | of each licensee and its subsidiary, affiliate, or agent, and | ||||||
17 | may examine any of the licensee's or its subsidiary's, | ||||||
18 | affiliate's, or agent's officers, directors, employees, and | ||||||
19 | agents under oath or affirmation. | ||||||
20 | (b) The Secretary shall prepare a sufficiently detailed | ||||||
21 | report of each licensee's examination, shall issue a copy of | ||||||
22 | the report to each licensee's principals, officers, or | ||||||
23 | directors, and shall take appropriate steps to ensure | ||||||
24 | correction of violations of this Act. | ||||||
25 | (c) Affiliates of a licensee shall be subject to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | examination by the Secretary on the same terms as the | ||||||
2 | licensee, but only if reports from or examination of a | ||||||
3 | licensee provides for documented evidence of unlawful activity | ||||||
4 | between a licensee and affiliate benefiting, affecting, or | ||||||
5 | deriving from the activities regulated by this Act. | ||||||
6 | (d) The expenses of any examination of the licensee and | ||||||
7 | affiliates shall be borne by the licensee and assessed by the | ||||||
8 | Secretary as may be established by rule. | ||||||
9 | (e) Upon completion of the examination, the Secretary | ||||||
10 | shall issue a report to the licensee. All confidential | ||||||
11 | supervisory information, including the examination report and | ||||||
12 | the work papers of the report, shall belong to the Secretary's | ||||||
13 | office and may not be disclosed to anyone other than the | ||||||
14 | licensee, law enforcement officials or other regulatory | ||||||
15 | agencies that have an appropriate regulatory interest as | ||||||
16 | determined by the Secretary, or to a party presenting a lawful | ||||||
17 | subpoena to the Department. The Secretary may, through the | ||||||
18 | Attorney General, immediately appeal to the court of | ||||||
19 | jurisdiction the disclosure of such confidential supervisory | ||||||
20 | information and seek a stay of the subpoena pending the | ||||||
21 | outcome of the appeal. Reports required of licensees by the | ||||||
22 | Secretary under this Act and results of examinations performed | ||||||
23 | by the Secretary under this Act shall be the property of only | ||||||
24 | the Secretary, but may be shared with the licensee. Access | ||||||
25 | under this Act to the books and records of each licensee shall | ||||||
26 | be limited to the Secretary and his or her agents as provided |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in this Act and to the licensee and its authorized agents and | ||||||
2 | designees. No other person shall have access to the books and | ||||||
3 | records of a licensee under this Act. Any person upon whom a | ||||||
4 | demand for production of confidential supervisory information | ||||||
5 | is made, whether by subpoena, order, or other judicial or | ||||||
6 | administrative process, must withhold production of the | ||||||
7 | confidential supervisory information and must notify the | ||||||
8 | Secretary of the demand, at which time the Secretary is | ||||||
9 | authorized to intervene for the purpose of enforcing the | ||||||
10 | limitations of this Section or seeking the withdrawal or | ||||||
11 | termination of the attempt to compel production of the | ||||||
12 | confidential supervisory information. The Secretary may impose | ||||||
13 | any conditions and limitations on the disclosure of | ||||||
14 | confidential supervisory information that are necessary to | ||||||
15 | protect the confidentiality of that information. Except as | ||||||
16 | authorized by the Secretary, no person obtaining access to | ||||||
17 | confidential supervisory information may make a copy of the | ||||||
18 | confidential supervisory information. The Secretary may | ||||||
19 | condition a decision to disclose confidential supervisory | ||||||
20 | information on entry of a protective order by the court or | ||||||
21 | administrative tribunal presiding in the particular case or on | ||||||
22 | a written agreement of confidentiality. In a case in which a | ||||||
23 | protective order or agreement has already been entered between | ||||||
24 | parties other than the Secretary, the Secretary may | ||||||
25 | nevertheless condition approval for release of confidential | ||||||
26 | supervisory information upon the inclusion of additional or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | amended provisions in the protective order. The Secretary may | ||||||
2 | authorize a party who obtained the records for use in one case | ||||||
3 | to provide them to another party in another case, subject to | ||||||
4 | any conditions that the Secretary may impose on either or both | ||||||
5 | parties. The requester shall promptly notify other parties to | ||||||
6 | a case of the release of confidential supervisory information | ||||||
7 | obtained and, upon entry of a protective order, shall provide | ||||||
8 | copies of confidential supervisory information to the other | ||||||
9 | parties. | ||||||
10 | (f) The Secretary and employees of the Department shall be | ||||||
11 | subject to the restrictions provided in Section 2.5 of the | ||||||
12 | Division of Banking Act, including, without limitation, the | ||||||
13 | restrictions on: | ||||||
14 | (1) owning shares of stock or holding any other equity | ||||||
15 | interest in an entity regulated under this Act or in any | ||||||
16 | corporation or company that owns or controls an entity | ||||||
17 | regulated under this Act; | ||||||
18 | (2) being an officer, director, employee, or agent of | ||||||
19 | an entity regulated under this Act; and | ||||||
20 | (3) obtaining a pawn or accepting a gratuity from an | ||||||
21 | entity regulated under this Act. | ||||||
22 | Section 10-20. Subpoena power of the Secretary. | ||||||
23 | (a) The Secretary shall have the power to issue and to | ||||||
24 | serve subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum to compel the | ||||||
25 | attendance of witnesses and the production of all books, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | accounts, records, and other documents and materials relevant | ||||||
2 | to an examination or investigation. The Secretary, or his or | ||||||
3 | her duly authorized representative, shall have power to | ||||||
4 | administer oaths and affirmations to any person. | ||||||
5 | (b) In the event of noncompliance with a subpoena or | ||||||
6 | subpoena duces tecum issued or caused to be issued by the | ||||||
7 | Secretary, the Secretary may, through the Attorney General, | ||||||
8 | petition the circuit court of the county in which the person | ||||||
9 | subpoenaed resides or has its principal place of business for | ||||||
10 | an order requiring the subpoenaed person to appear and testify | ||||||
11 | and to produce such books, accounts, records, and other | ||||||
12 | documents as are specified in the subpoena duces tecum. The | ||||||
13 | court may grant injunctive relief restraining the person from | ||||||
14 | advertising, promoting, soliciting, entering into, offering to | ||||||
15 | enter into, continuing, or completing any pawn transaction. | ||||||
16 | The court may grant other relief, including, but not limited | ||||||
17 | to, the restraint, by injunction or appointment of a receiver, | ||||||
18 | of any transfer, pledge, assignment, or other disposition of | ||||||
19 | the person's assets or any concealment, alteration, | ||||||
20 | destruction, or other disposition of books, accounts, records, | ||||||
21 | or other documents and materials as the court deems | ||||||
22 | appropriate, until the person has fully complied with the | ||||||
23 | subpoena or subpoena duces tecum and the Secretary has | ||||||
24 | completed an investigation or examination. | ||||||
25 | (c) If it appears to the Secretary that the compliance | ||||||
26 | with a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued or caused to be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | issued by the Secretary pursuant to this Section is essential | ||||||
2 | to an investigation or examination, the Secretary, in addition | ||||||
3 | to the other remedies provided for in this Act, may, through | ||||||
4 | the Attorney General, apply for relief to the circuit court of | ||||||
5 | the county in which the subpoenaed person resides or has its | ||||||
6 | principal place of business. The court shall thereupon direct | ||||||
7 | the issuance of an order against the subpoenaed person | ||||||
8 | requiring sufficient bond conditioned on compliance with the | ||||||
9 | subpoena or subpoena duces tecum. The court shall cause to be | ||||||
10 | endorsed on the order a suitable amount of bond or payment | ||||||
11 | pursuant to which the person named in the order shall be freed, | ||||||
12 | having a due regard to the nature of the case. | ||||||
13 | (d) In addition, the Secretary may, through the Attorney | ||||||
14 | General, seek a writ of attachment or an equivalent order from | ||||||
15 | the circuit court having jurisdiction over the person who has | ||||||
16 | refused to obey a subpoena, who has refused to give testimony, | ||||||
17 | or who has refused to produce the matters described in the | ||||||
18 | subpoena duces tecum. | ||||||
19 | Section 10-25. Inspection of records and reports required | ||||||
20 | of licensee. | ||||||
21 | (a) Inspection of records. | ||||||
22 | (1) The book or computer records, as well as every | ||||||
23 | article or other thing of value so pawned or pledged, | ||||||
24 | shall at all times be open to the inspection of the | ||||||
25 | Secretary, the sheriff of the county, his deputies, or any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | members of the police force of any city in the county in | ||||||
2 | which such pawnbroker does business. In addition, the | ||||||
3 | Secretary shall be authorized to inspect the books or | ||||||
4 | records of any business he or she has reasonable cause to | ||||||
5 | believe is conducting pawn transactions and should be | ||||||
6 | licensed under this Act. | ||||||
7 | (2) The book or computer records, pawn tickets, or any | ||||||
8 | other records required by the Secretary under this Act or | ||||||
9 | any rule adopted in accordance with this Act shall be | ||||||
10 | maintained for a period of 3 years after the date on which | ||||||
11 | the record or ticket was prepared. These records and | ||||||
12 | tickets shall be open to inspection of the Secretary at | ||||||
13 | all times during the 3-year period. | ||||||
14 | (b) Daily report. | ||||||
15 | (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this | ||||||
16 | subsection, it shall be the duty of every pawnbroker to | ||||||
17 | make out and deliver to the sheriff of the county in which | ||||||
18 | such pawnbroker does business, on each day before noon, a | ||||||
19 | legible and exact copy from the standard record book, as | ||||||
20 | required in subsection (a) of Section 15-25, that lists | ||||||
21 | all personal property and any other valuable thing | ||||||
22 | received on deposit or purchased during the preceding day, | ||||||
23 | including the exact time when received or purchased, and a | ||||||
24 | description of the person or person by whom left in | ||||||
25 | pledge, or from whom the same were purchased; however, in | ||||||
26 | cities or towns having 25,000 or more inhabitants, a copy |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of the report shall at the same time also be delivered to | ||||||
2 | the superintendent of police or the chief police officer | ||||||
3 | of such city or town. The report may be made by computer | ||||||
4 | printout or input memory device if the format has been | ||||||
5 | approved by the local law enforcement agency. | ||||||
6 | (2) In counties with more than 3,000,000 inhabitants, | ||||||
7 | a pawnbroker must provide the daily report to the sheriff | ||||||
8 | only if the pawnshop is located in an unincorporated area | ||||||
9 | of the county. Pawnbrokers located in cities or towns in | ||||||
10 | such counties must deliver such reports to the | ||||||
11 | superintendent of police or the chief police officer of | ||||||
12 | the city or town. | ||||||
13 | (c) Report to the Secretary. The Secretary, as often as | ||||||
14 | the Secretary shall deem necessary or proper, may require a | ||||||
15 | pawnshop to submit a full and detailed report of its | ||||||
16 | operations including, but not limited to, the number of pawns | ||||||
17 | made, the amount advanced on pawn transactions, the number and | ||||||
18 | amount of pawns surrendered to law enforcement, and any | ||||||
19 | information required for purposes of reporting pursuant to | ||||||
20 | Section 10-60. The Secretary shall prescribe the form of the | ||||||
21 | report and establish the date by which the report must be | ||||||
22 | filed. | ||||||
23 | Section 10-30. Suspension; revocation of licenses; fines. | ||||||
24 | (a) Upon written notice to a licensee, the Secretary may | ||||||
25 | suspend or revoke any license issued pursuant to this Act if, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in the notice, he or she makes a finding of one or more of the | ||||||
2 | following: | ||||||
3 | (1) that through separate acts or an act or a course of | ||||||
4 | conduct, the licensee has violated any provisions of this | ||||||
5 | Act, any rule adopted by the Department, or any other law, | ||||||
6 | rule, or regulation of this State or the United States; | ||||||
7 | (2) that any fact or condition exists that, if it had | ||||||
8 | existed at the time of the original application for the | ||||||
9 | license, would have warranted the Secretary in refusing | ||||||
10 | originally to issue the license; or | ||||||
11 | (3) that if a licensee is not an individual, any | ||||||
12 | ultimate equitable owner, officer, director, or member of | ||||||
13 | the licensed partnership, association, corporation, or | ||||||
14 | other entity has acted or failed to act in a way that would | ||||||
15 | be cause for suspending or revoking a license to that | ||||||
16 | party as an individual. | ||||||
17 | (b) No license shall be suspended or revoked, except as | ||||||
18 | provided in this Section, nor shall any licensee be fined | ||||||
19 | without notice of his or her right to a hearing as provided in | ||||||
20 | Section 10-75. | ||||||
21 | (c) The Secretary, on good cause shown that an emergency | ||||||
22 | exists, may suspend any license for a period not exceeding 180 | ||||||
23 | days, pending investigation. | ||||||
24 | (d) The provisions of subsection (d) of Section 5-35 shall | ||||||
25 | not affect a licensee's civil or criminal liability for acts | ||||||
26 | committed before surrender of a license. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (e) No revocation, suspension, or surrender of any license | ||||||
2 | shall impair or affect the obligation of any preexisting | ||||||
3 | lawful contract between the licensee and any person. | ||||||
4 | (f) Every license issued under this Act shall remain in | ||||||
5 | force and effect until the license expires without renewal, is | ||||||
6 | surrendered, is revoked, or is suspended in accordance with | ||||||
7 | the provisions of this Act, but the Secretary shall have | ||||||
8 | authority to reinstate a suspended license or to issue a new | ||||||
9 | license to a licensee whose license has been revoked if no fact | ||||||
10 | or condition then exists which would have warranted the | ||||||
11 | Secretary in refusing originally to issue that license under | ||||||
12 | this Act. | ||||||
13 | (g) Whenever the Secretary revokes or suspends a license | ||||||
14 | issued pursuant to this Act or fines a licensee under this Act, | ||||||
15 | he or she shall execute a written order to that effect. The | ||||||
16 | Secretary shall post notice of the order on an agency website | ||||||
17 | maintained by the Secretary or on the Nationwide Multistate | ||||||
18 | Licensing System and Registry and shall serve a copy of the | ||||||
19 | order upon the licensee. Any such order may be reviewed in the | ||||||
20 | manner provided by Section 10-75. | ||||||
21 | (h) If the Secretary finds any person in violation of the | ||||||
22 | grounds set forth in subsection (i), he or she may enter an | ||||||
23 | order imposing one or more of the following penalties: | ||||||
24 | (1) revocation of license; | ||||||
25 | (2) suspension of a license subject to reinstatement | ||||||
26 | upon satisfying all reasonable conditions the Secretary |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | may specify; | ||||||
2 | (3) placement of the licensee or applicant on | ||||||
3 | probation for a period of time and subject to all | ||||||
4 | reasonable conditions as the Secretary may specify; | ||||||
5 | (4) issuance of a reprimand; | ||||||
6 | (5) imposition of a fine not to exceed $25,000 for | ||||||
7 | each count of separate offense; except that a fine may be | ||||||
8 | imposed not to exceed $75,000 for each separate count of | ||||||
9 | offense of paragraph (2) of subsection (i); or | ||||||
10 | (6) denial of a license. | ||||||
11 | (i) The following acts shall constitute grounds for which | ||||||
12 | the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (h) may be | ||||||
13 | taken: | ||||||
14 | (1) being convicted or found guilty, regardless of | ||||||
15 | pendency of an appeal, of a crime in any jurisdiction that | ||||||
16 | involves fraud, dishonest dealing, or any other act of | ||||||
17 | moral turpitude; | ||||||
18 | (2) fraud, misrepresentation, deceit, or negligence in | ||||||
19 | any pawn transaction; | ||||||
20 | (3) a material or intentional misstatement of fact on | ||||||
21 | an initial or renewal application; | ||||||
22 | (4) insolvency or filing under any provision of the | ||||||
23 | federal Bankruptcy Code as a debtor; | ||||||
24 | (5) failure to account or deliver to any person any | ||||||
25 | property, such as any money, fund, deposit, check, draft, | ||||||
26 | or other document or thing of value, that has come into his |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or her hands and that is not his or her property or that he | ||||||
2 | or she is not in law or equity entitled to retain, under | ||||||
3 | the circumstances and at the time which has been agreed | ||||||
4 | upon or is required by law or, in the absence of a fixed | ||||||
5 | time, upon demand of the person entitled to such | ||||||
6 | accounting and delivery; | ||||||
7 | (6) failure to disburse funds in accordance with | ||||||
8 | agreements; | ||||||
9 | (7) having a license, or the equivalent, to practice | ||||||
10 | any profession or occupation revoked, suspended, or | ||||||
11 | otherwise acted against, including the denial of licensure | ||||||
12 | by a licensing authority of this State or another state, | ||||||
13 | territory, or country for fraud, dishonest dealing, or any | ||||||
14 | other act of moral turpitude; | ||||||
15 | (8) failure to comply with an order of the Secretary | ||||||
16 | or rule made or issued under the provisions of this Act; | ||||||
17 | (9) engaging in activities regulated by this Act | ||||||
18 | without a current, active license unless specifically | ||||||
19 | exempted by this Act; | ||||||
20 | (10) failure to pay in a timely manner any fee, | ||||||
21 | charge, or fine under this Act; | ||||||
22 | (11) failure to maintain, preserve, and keep available | ||||||
23 | for examination all books, accounts, or other documents | ||||||
24 | required by the provisions of this Act and the rules of the | ||||||
25 | Secretary; | ||||||
26 | (12) refusing, obstructing, evading, or unreasonably |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | delaying an investigation, information request, or | ||||||
2 | examination authorized under this Act, or refusing, | ||||||
3 | obstructing, evading, or unreasonably delaying compliance | ||||||
4 | with the Secretary's subpoena or subpoena duces tecum; and | ||||||
5 | (13) failure to comply with or a violation of any | ||||||
6 | provision of this Act. | ||||||
7 | (j) A licensee shall be subject to the disciplinary | ||||||
8 | actions specified in this Act for violations of subsection (i) | ||||||
9 | by any officer, director, shareholder, joint venture, partner, | ||||||
10 | ultimate equitable owner, or employee of the licensee. | ||||||
11 | (k) A licensee shall be subject to suspension or | ||||||
12 | revocation for unauthorized employee actions only if there is | ||||||
13 | a pattern of repeated violations by employees or the licensee | ||||||
14 | has knowledge of the violations or there is substantial harm | ||||||
15 | to a consumer. | ||||||
16 | (l) Procedures for surrender of a license include the | ||||||
17 | following: | ||||||
18 | (1) The Secretary may, after 10 days' notice by | ||||||
19 | certified mail to the licensee at the address set forth on | ||||||
20 | the license, stating the contemplated action and in | ||||||
21 | general the grounds for the contemplated action and the | ||||||
22 | date, time, and place of a hearing thereon, and after | ||||||
23 | providing the licensee with a reasonable opportunity to be | ||||||
24 | heard at the hearing before the action, fine such licensee | ||||||
25 | an amount not exceeding $25,000 per violation, or revoke | ||||||
26 | or suspend any license issued under this Act if he or she |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | finds that: | ||||||
2 | (A) the licensee has failed to comply with any | ||||||
3 | provision of this Act or any order, decision, finding, | ||||||
4 | rule, regulation, or direction of the Department or | ||||||
5 | Secretary lawfully made pursuant to the authority of | ||||||
6 | this Act; or | ||||||
7 | (B) any fact or condition exists that, if it had | ||||||
8 | existed at the time of the original application for | ||||||
9 | the license, clearly would have warranted the | ||||||
10 | Secretary in refusing to issue the license. | ||||||
11 | (2) Any licensee may submit an application to | ||||||
12 | surrender a license, but, upon the Secretary approving the | ||||||
13 | surrender, it shall not affect the licensee's civil or | ||||||
14 | criminal liability for acts committed before surrender or | ||||||
15 | entitle the licensee to a return of any part of the license | ||||||
16 | fee. | ||||||
17 | Section 10-35. Investigation of complaints. The Secretary | ||||||
18 | shall maintain staff and facilities adequate to receive, | ||||||
19 | record, and investigate complaints and inquiries made by any | ||||||
20 | person concerning this Act and any licensees under this Act. | ||||||
21 | Each licensee shall open its books, records, documents, and | ||||||
22 | offices wherever situated to the Secretary or his or her | ||||||
23 | appointees as needed to facilitate such investigations. | ||||||
24 | Section 10-40. Additional investigation and examination |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | authority. In addition to any authority allowed under this | ||||||
2 | Act, the Secretary shall have the authority to conduct | ||||||
3 | investigations and examinations as follows: | ||||||
4 | (1) For purposes of initial licensing, license | ||||||
5 | renewal, license discipline, license conditioning, license | ||||||
6 | revocation or termination, or general or specific inquiry | ||||||
7 | or investigation to determine compliance with this Act, | ||||||
8 | the Secretary shall have the authority to access, receive, | ||||||
9 | and use any books, accounts, records, files, documents, | ||||||
10 | information, or evidence, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
11 | the following: | ||||||
12 | (A) criminal, civil, and administrative history | ||||||
13 | information, including nonconviction data as specified | ||||||
14 | in the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
15 | (B) personal history and experience information, | ||||||
16 | including independent credit reports obtained from a | ||||||
17 | consumer reporting agency described in Section 603(p) | ||||||
18 | of the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act; and | ||||||
19 | (C) any other documents, information, or evidence | ||||||
20 | the Secretary deems relevant to the inquiry or | ||||||
21 | investigation, regardless of the location, possession, | ||||||
22 | control, or custody of the documents, information, or | ||||||
23 | evidence. | ||||||
24 | (2) For the purposes of investigating violations or | ||||||
25 | complaints arising under this Act or for the purposes of | ||||||
26 | examination, the Secretary may review, investigate, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | examine any licensee, individual, or person subject to | ||||||
2 | this Act as often as necessary in order to carry out the | ||||||
3 | purposes of this Act. The Secretary may direct, subpoena, | ||||||
4 | or order the attendance of and examine under oath or | ||||||
5 | affirmation all persons whose testimony may be required | ||||||
6 | about the pawn transactions or the business or subject | ||||||
7 | matter of any such examination or investigation, and may | ||||||
8 | direct, subpoena, or order the person to produce books, | ||||||
9 | accounts, records, files, and any other documents the | ||||||
10 | Secretary deems relevant to the inquiry. | ||||||
11 | (3) Each licensee, individual, or person subject to | ||||||
12 | this Act shall make available to the Secretary upon | ||||||
13 | request the books and records relating to the operations | ||||||
14 | of the licensee, individual, or person subject to this | ||||||
15 | Act. The Secretary shall have access to those books and | ||||||
16 | records and interview the officers, principals, employees, | ||||||
17 | independent contractors, agents, and customers of the | ||||||
18 | licensee, individual, or person subject to this Act | ||||||
19 | concerning their business. | ||||||
20 | (4) Each licensee, individual, or person subject to | ||||||
21 | this Act shall make or compile reports or prepare other | ||||||
22 | information as directed by the Secretary in order to carry | ||||||
23 | out the purposes of this Section, including, but not | ||||||
24 | limited to: | ||||||
25 | (A) accounting compilations; | ||||||
26 | (B) information lists and data concerning pawn |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | transactions in a format prescribed by the Secretary; | ||||||
2 | or | ||||||
3 | (C) other information deemed necessary to carry | ||||||
4 | out the purposes of this Section. | ||||||
5 | (5) In making any examination or investigation | ||||||
6 | authorized by this Act, the Secretary may control access | ||||||
7 | to any documents and records of the licensee or person | ||||||
8 | under examination or investigation. The Secretary may take | ||||||
9 | possession of the documents and records or place a person | ||||||
10 | in exclusive charge of the documents and records in the | ||||||
11 | place where they are usually kept. During the period of | ||||||
12 | control, no person shall remove or attempt to remove any | ||||||
13 | of the documents or records, except pursuant to a court | ||||||
14 | order or with the consent of the Secretary. Unless the | ||||||
15 | Secretary has reasonable grounds to believe the documents | ||||||
16 | or records of the licensee have been, or are at risk of | ||||||
17 | being altered or destroyed for purposes of concealing a | ||||||
18 | violation of this Act, the licensee or owner of the | ||||||
19 | documents and records shall have access to the documents | ||||||
20 | or records as necessary to conduct its ordinary business | ||||||
21 | affairs. | ||||||
22 | (6) In order to carry out the purposes of this | ||||||
23 | Section, the Secretary may: | ||||||
24 | (A) retain attorneys, accountants, or other | ||||||
25 | professionals and specialists as examiners, auditors, | ||||||
26 | or investigators to conduct or assist in the conduct |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of examinations or investigations; | ||||||
2 | (B) enter into agreements or relationships with | ||||||
3 | other government officials or regulatory associations | ||||||
4 | in order to improve efficiencies and reduce regulatory | ||||||
5 | burden by sharing resources, standardized or uniform | ||||||
6 | methods or procedures, and documents, records, | ||||||
7 | information, or evidence obtained under this Section; | ||||||
8 | (C) use, hire, contract, or employ public or | ||||||
9 | privately available analytical systems, methods, or | ||||||
10 | software to examine or investigate the licensee, | ||||||
11 | individual, or person subject to this Act; | ||||||
12 | (D) accept and rely on examination or | ||||||
13 | investigation reports made by other government | ||||||
14 | officials, within or outside this State; or | ||||||
15 | (E) accept audit reports made by an independent | ||||||
16 | certified public accountant for the licensee, | ||||||
17 | individual, or person subject to this Act in the | ||||||
18 | course of that part of the examination covering the | ||||||
19 | same general subject matter as the audit and may | ||||||
20 | incorporate the audit report in the report of the | ||||||
21 | examination, report of investigation, or other writing | ||||||
22 | of the Secretary. | ||||||
23 | (7) The authority of this Section shall remain in | ||||||
24 | effect, whether such a licensee, individual, or person | ||||||
25 | subject to this Act acts or claims to act under any | ||||||
26 | licensing or registration law of this State or claims to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | act without the authority. | ||||||
2 | (8) No licensee, individual, or person subject to | ||||||
3 | investigation or examination under this Section may | ||||||
4 | knowingly withhold, abstract, remove, mutilate, destroy, | ||||||
5 | or secrete any books, records, computer records, or other | ||||||
6 | information. | ||||||
7 | Section 10-45. Confidential information. In hearings | ||||||
8 | conducted under this Act, information presented into evidence | ||||||
9 | that was acquired by the licensee when serving any individual | ||||||
10 | in connection with a pawn transaction, including all financial | ||||||
11 | information of the individual, shall be deemed strictly | ||||||
12 | confidential and shall be made available only as part of the | ||||||
13 | record of a hearing under this Act or otherwise (i) when the | ||||||
14 | record is required, in its entirety, for purposes of judicial | ||||||
15 | review or (ii) upon the express written consent of the | ||||||
16 | individual served, or in the case of his or her death or | ||||||
17 | disability, the consent of his or her personal representative. | ||||||
18 | Section 10-50. Confidentiality. | ||||||
19 | (a) In order to promote more effective regulation and | ||||||
20 | reduce regulatory burden through supervisory information | ||||||
21 | sharing, except as otherwise provided in 12 U.S.C. Section | ||||||
22 | 5111, the requirements under any federal law or State law | ||||||
23 | regarding the privacy or confidentiality of any information or | ||||||
24 | material provided to the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and Registry, and any privilege arising under federal or State | ||||||
2 | law, including the rules of any federal or State court, with | ||||||
3 | respect to such information or material, shall continue to | ||||||
4 | apply to information or material after the information or | ||||||
5 | material has been disclosed to the Nationwide Mortgage | ||||||
6 | Licensing System and Registry. The information and material | ||||||
7 | may be shared with all State and federal regulatory officials | ||||||
8 | with pawnbroker industry oversight authority without the loss | ||||||
9 | of privilege or the loss of confidentiality protections | ||||||
10 | provided by federal law or State law. | ||||||
11 | (b) In order to promote more effective regulation and | ||||||
12 | reduce regulatory burden through supervisory information | ||||||
13 | sharing, the Secretary is authorized to enter agreements or | ||||||
14 | sharing into arrangements with other governmental agencies, | ||||||
15 | the Conference of State Bank Supervisors or other associations | ||||||
16 | representing governmental agencies as established by rule, | ||||||
17 | regulation, or order of the Secretary. The sharing of | ||||||
18 | confidential supervisory information or any information or | ||||||
19 | material described in subsection (a) pursuant to an agreement | ||||||
20 | or sharing arrangement shall not result in the loss of | ||||||
21 | privilege or the loss of confidentiality protections provided | ||||||
22 | by federal law or State law. | ||||||
23 | (c) In order to promote more effective regulation and | ||||||
24 | reduce regulatory burden through supervisory information | ||||||
25 | sharing, information or material that is subject to a | ||||||
26 | privilege or confidentiality under subsection (a) shall not be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subject to the following: | ||||||
2 | (1) disclosure under any State law governing the | ||||||
3 | disclosure to the public of information held by an officer | ||||||
4 | or an agency of the State; or | ||||||
5 | (2) subpoena, discovery, or admission into evidence, | ||||||
6 | in any private civil action or administrative process, | ||||||
7 | unless with respect to any privilege held by the | ||||||
8 | Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry with | ||||||
9 | respect to the information or material, the person to whom | ||||||
10 | such information or material pertains waives, in whole or | ||||||
11 | in part, in the discretion of that person, that privilege. | ||||||
12 | (d) In order to promote more effective regulation and | ||||||
13 | reduce regulatory burden through supervisory information | ||||||
14 | sharing, any other law relating to the disclosure of | ||||||
15 | confidential supervisory information or any information or | ||||||
16 | material described in subsection (a) that is inconsistent with | ||||||
17 | subsection (a) shall be superseded by the requirements of this | ||||||
18 | Section to the extent the other law provides less | ||||||
19 | confidentiality or a weaker privilege. | ||||||
20 | Section 10-55. Reports of violations. Any person licensed | ||||||
21 | under this Act or any other person may report to the Secretary | ||||||
22 | any information to show that a person subject to this Act is or | ||||||
23 | may be in violation of this Act. A licensee who files a report | ||||||
24 | with the Department that another licensee is engaged in one or | ||||||
25 | more violations pursuant to this Act shall not be the subject |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of disciplinary action by the Department, unless the | ||||||
2 | Department determines, by a preponderance of the evidence | ||||||
3 | available to the Department, that the reporting person | ||||||
4 | knowingly or recklessly participated in the violation that was | ||||||
5 | reported. | ||||||
6 | Section 10-60. Pawnbroker annual report. The Department | ||||||
7 | shall, in conjunction with advice from a professional | ||||||
8 | association that represents 50 or more licensees, issue an | ||||||
9 | annual report, via an Internet-based program, of aggregate | ||||||
10 | pawnbroker activity within 180 days after the beginning of the | ||||||
11 | calendar year. The report shall contain at a minimum: | ||||||
12 | (1) The number of licensed pawnbrokers. | ||||||
13 | (2) The total dollar amount financed. | ||||||
14 | (3) The total number of pawns for each value threshold | ||||||
15 | set forth in subsection (c) of Section 15-10. | ||||||
16 | (4) The total dollar amount of extensions. | ||||||
17 | (5) The total number of extensions for each value | ||||||
18 | threshold set forth in subsection (c) of Section 15-10. | ||||||
19 | (6) The average pawn dollar amount for each value | ||||||
20 | threshold set forth in subsection (c) of Section 15-10. | ||||||
21 | (7) The average monthly finance charge for each value | ||||||
22 | threshold set forth in subsection (c) of Section 15-10. | ||||||
23 | (8) The percentage of pawns surrendered to law | ||||||
24 | enforcement. | ||||||
25 | (9) The percentage of total pawns surrendered to law |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | enforcement by dollar amount. | ||||||
2 | (10) The percentage of pawns redeemed. | ||||||
3 | (11) The percentage of pawns extended. | ||||||
4 | (12) The total number of pawnbroker employees. | ||||||
5 | (13) The total number of licensees reporting. | ||||||
6 | (14) The total number of complaints received by the | ||||||
7 | Department. | ||||||
8 | Section 10-65. Responsible pawnbroker training; pawnbroker | ||||||
9 | managers and employees. | ||||||
10 | (a) A person who manages or is an employee of a pawnbroker | ||||||
11 | that provides pawnbroker services and related functions shall | ||||||
12 | complete, within 90 days after commencing employment, a | ||||||
13 | minimum of 4 hours of training, which may be provided in a | ||||||
14 | classroom or seminar setting or via Internet-based online | ||||||
15 | learning programs, such training shall be provided at the | ||||||
16 | employer's expense and shall be provided by qualified vendor | ||||||
17 | approved by the Secretary. The training subjects shall be | ||||||
18 | established by rule, and may include the following: | ||||||
19 | (1) federal, State, and local laws, administrative | ||||||
20 | rules, and regulations that pertain to the business of | ||||||
21 | being a licensed pawnbroker under this Act; | ||||||
22 | (2) procedures for identifying possible fraudulent | ||||||
23 | transactions; | ||||||
24 | (3) anti-money laundering; | ||||||
25 | (4) store operations, maintenance of records, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | inventory management, recording and reporting of serial | ||||||
2 | numbers; | ||||||
3 | (5) general product knowledge, including, but not | ||||||
4 | limited to, jewelry and firearms; | ||||||
5 | (6) identification, verification, and weighing of | ||||||
6 | precious metals; | ||||||
7 | (7) inspections by State and local licensing and law | ||||||
8 | enforcement authorities, including hold order procedures; | ||||||
9 | (8) the federal Military Lending Act; | ||||||
10 | (9) pawn forfeits; and | ||||||
11 | (10) security, risk, and crisis management. | ||||||
12 | (b) The training may be provided in a classroom or seminar | ||||||
13 | setting or via Internet-based online learning programs, as | ||||||
14 | established by rule. The substance of the training shall be | ||||||
15 | related to the work performed by the registered employee. | ||||||
16 | (c) In addition to the training provided for in | ||||||
17 | subsections (a) and (b), registered employees of a pawnbroker | ||||||
18 | shall complete an additional 4 hours of refresher training on | ||||||
19 | subjects to be determined by the employer each calendar year | ||||||
20 | commencing with the calendar year following the employee's | ||||||
21 | first employment anniversary date, which refresher training | ||||||
22 | may be site-specific and may be conducted on the job. | ||||||
23 | (d) It is the responsibility of the pawnbroker or the | ||||||
24 | Secretary-approved qualified vendor to certify, on a form | ||||||
25 | prescribed by the Secretary, that the employee has | ||||||
26 | successfully completed the basic and refresher training. The |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | original form or a copy shall be a permanent record of training | ||||||
2 | completed by the employee and shall be placed in the | ||||||
3 | employee's file with the employer for the period the employee | ||||||
4 | remains with the employer. The original form or a copy shall be | ||||||
5 | given to the employee when his or her employment is | ||||||
6 | terminated. Failure to return the original form or a copy to | ||||||
7 | the employee is grounds for disciplinary action. The employee | ||||||
8 | shall not be required to repeat the required training once the | ||||||
9 | employee has been issued the form. An employer may provide or | ||||||
10 | require additional training. | ||||||
11 | (e) It shall be the responsibility of the pawnbroker and | ||||||
12 | the Secretary-approved qualified training vendor to keep and | ||||||
13 | maintain a personal log of all training hours earned along | ||||||
14 | with sufficient documentation necessary for the Secretary to | ||||||
15 | verify the annual training completed for at least 5 years. The | ||||||
16 | personal training log and documentation shall be provided to | ||||||
17 | the Secretary in the same manner as other documentation and | ||||||
18 | records required under this Act. | ||||||
19 | (f) Notwithstanding any other professional license a | ||||||
20 | pawnbroker holds under this Act, no more than 8 hours of annual | ||||||
21 | training shall be required for any one year. | ||||||
22 | (g) The license of a pawnbroker whose managers or | ||||||
23 | employees fail to comply with this Section may be suspended or | ||||||
24 | revoked or may face other disciplinary action. | ||||||
25 | (h) The regulation of pawnbroker employee training is an | ||||||
26 | exclusive power and function of the State. A home rule unit may |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | not regulate pawnbroker employee training or require a | ||||||
2 | pawnbroker that is licensed by the State under this Act, or its | ||||||
3 | employees, to maintain licenses in addition to licensure under | ||||||
4 | the Act, to operate. This subsection is a denial and | ||||||
5 | limitation of home rule powers and functions under subsection | ||||||
6 | (h) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution. | ||||||
7 | (i) Persons seeking the Secretary's approval to offer the | ||||||
8 | training required by subsection (b) may apply for such | ||||||
9 | approval between August 1 and August 31 every 4 years in a | ||||||
10 | manner prescribed by the Secretary. | ||||||
11 | (j) Persons seeking the Secretary's approval to offer the | ||||||
12 | training required by subsection (b) shall submit a | ||||||
13 | nonrefundable application fee of $2,000 or a fee set by rule, | ||||||
14 | to be deposited into the Pawnbroker Regulation Fund. Any | ||||||
15 | changes made to the training module shall be approved by the | ||||||
16 | Secretary. | ||||||
17 | (k) The Secretary shall not unreasonably deny approval of | ||||||
18 | a training module, whether in-person or online, that meets all | ||||||
19 | the requirements of subsection (b). A denial of approval shall | ||||||
20 | include a detailed description of the reasons for the denial. | ||||||
21 | (l) A person approved to provide the training required by | ||||||
22 | subsection (b) shall submit an application for re-approval | ||||||
23 | between August 1 and August 31 of each even-numbered year and | ||||||
24 | include a nonrefundable application fee of $2,000 or a fee set | ||||||
25 | by rule, to be deposited into the Pawnbroker Regulation Fund. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 10-70. 10-70. Rules and regulations. | ||||||
2 | (a) In addition to such powers as may be prescribed by this | ||||||
3 | Act, the Department is hereby authorized and empowered to | ||||||
4 | adopt rules consistent with the purposes of this Act, | ||||||
5 | including, but not limited to: | ||||||
6 | (1) rules in connection with the activities of | ||||||
7 | licensees as may be necessary and appropriate for the | ||||||
8 | protection of consumers in this State; | ||||||
9 | (2) rules as may be necessary and appropriate to | ||||||
10 | define improper or fraudulent business practices in | ||||||
11 | connection with the activities of licensees in operating | ||||||
12 | as a pawnbroker; | ||||||
13 | (3) rules that define the terms used in this Act and as | ||||||
14 | may be necessary and appropriate to interpret and | ||||||
15 | implement the provisions of this Act; and | ||||||
16 | (4) rules as may be necessary for the enforcement of | ||||||
17 | this Act. | ||||||
18 | (b) The Secretary is hereby authorized and empowered to | ||||||
19 | make specific rulings, demands, and findings that he or she | ||||||
20 | deems necessary for the proper conduct of the pawnbroker | ||||||
21 | industry. | ||||||
22 | (c) A person or entity may make a written application to | ||||||
23 | the Department for a written interpretation of this Act. The | ||||||
24 | Department may then, in its sole discretion, choose to issue a | ||||||
25 | written interpretation. To be valid, a written interpretation | ||||||
26 | must be signed by the Secretary, or his or her designee, and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the Department's general counsel or his or her designee. A | ||||||
2 | written interpretation expires 2 years after the date that it | ||||||
3 | was issued. | ||||||
4 | (d) No provision in this Act that imposes liability or | ||||||
5 | establishes violations shall apply to any act taken by a | ||||||
6 | person or entity in conformity with a written interpretation | ||||||
7 | of this Act that is in effect at the time the act is taken, | ||||||
8 | notwithstanding whether the written interpretation is later | ||||||
9 | amended, rescinded, or determined by judicial or other | ||||||
10 | authority to be invalid for any reason. | ||||||
11 | Section 10-75. Appeal and review. | ||||||
12 | (a) Any person or entity affected by a decision of the | ||||||
13 | Secretary under any provision of this Act may obtain review of | ||||||
14 | that decision within the Department. | ||||||
15 | (b) The Department may, in accordance with the Illinois | ||||||
16 | Administrative Procedure Act, adopt rules to provide for | ||||||
17 | review within the Department of the Secretary's decisions | ||||||
18 | affecting the rights of entities under this Act. The review | ||||||
19 | shall provide for, at a minimum: | ||||||
20 | (1) appointment of a hearing officer other than a | ||||||
21 | regular employee of the Division of Banking; | ||||||
22 | (2) appropriate procedural rules, specific deadlines | ||||||
23 | for filings, and standards of evidence and of proof; and | ||||||
24 | (3) provision for apportioning costs among parties to | ||||||
25 | the appeal. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) All final agency determinations of appeals to | ||||||
2 | decisions of the Secretary may be reviewed in accordance with | ||||||
3 | and under the provisions of the Administrative Review Law. | ||||||
4 | Appeals from all final orders and judgments entered by a court | ||||||
5 | in review of any final administrative decision of the | ||||||
6 | Secretary or of any final agency review of a decision of the | ||||||
7 | Secretary may be taken as in other civil cases. | ||||||
8 | Section 10-80. Violations of this Act; Secretary's orders. | ||||||
9 | (a) If the Secretary finds, as the result of examination, | ||||||
10 | investigation, or review of reports submitted by a licensee, | ||||||
11 | that the business and affairs of a licensee are not being | ||||||
12 | conducted in accordance with this Act, the Secretary shall | ||||||
13 | notify the licensee of the correction necessary. If a licensee | ||||||
14 | fails to correct such violations, the Secretary shall issue an | ||||||
15 | order requiring immediate correction and compliance with this | ||||||
16 | Act, specifying a reasonable date for performance. | ||||||
17 | (b) The Department may adopt rules to provide for an | ||||||
18 | orderly and timely appeal of all orders within the Department. | ||||||
19 | The rules may include provision for assessment of fees and | ||||||
20 | costs. | ||||||
21 | Section 10-85. Collection of compensation. Unless exempt | ||||||
22 | from licensure under this Act, no person engaged in or | ||||||
23 | offering to engage in any act or service for which a license | ||||||
24 | under this Act is required may bring or maintain any action in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | any court of this State to collect compensation for the | ||||||
2 | performance of the licensable services without alleging and | ||||||
3 | proving that he or she was the holder of a valid pawnbroker | ||||||
4 | license under this Act at all times during the performance of | ||||||
5 | those services. | ||||||
6 | Section 10-90. Injunction. The Secretary, through the | ||||||
7 | Attorney General, may maintain an action in the name of the | ||||||
8 | People of the State of Illinois and may apply for an injunction | ||||||
9 | in the circuit court to enjoin a person from engaging in | ||||||
10 | unlicensed pawnbroker activity, to restrain any person from | ||||||
11 | violating or continuing to violate any of the provisions of | ||||||
12 | this Act, or to file a complaint to take possession and control | ||||||
13 | of a pawnshop for the purpose of examination, reorganization, | ||||||
14 | or liquidation through receivership and to appoint a receiver, | ||||||
15 | which may be the Secretary, a pawnshop, or another suitable | ||||||
16 | person | ||||||
17 | Article 15. Pawn Customer Bill of Rights | ||||||
18 | Section 15-5. General provisions. | ||||||
19 | (a) It is unlawful for an individual or business entity to | ||||||
20 | conduct business in this State using the word "pawn", | ||||||
21 | "pawnshop", or "pawnbroker" in connection with the business or | ||||||
22 | to transact business in this State in a manner that has a | ||||||
23 | substantial likelihood of misleading the public by implying |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that the business is a pawnshop, without first obtaining a | ||||||
2 | license from the Secretary. It shall be unlawful for any | ||||||
3 | business to advertise in a pawnbroker category, digitally or | ||||||
4 | in print without including that business's pawnbroker and | ||||||
5 | Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry license | ||||||
6 | number. | ||||||
7 | (b) It is unlawful for an entity licensed under this Act to | ||||||
8 | do any of the following: | ||||||
9 | (1) Engage, have engaged, or propose to engage in any | ||||||
10 | unlawful, unfair, deceptive, or abusive act or practice | ||||||
11 | with respect to financial products or services. | ||||||
12 | (2) Offer or provide to a consumer any financial | ||||||
13 | product or service not in conformity with this Act or | ||||||
14 | otherwise commit any act or omission in violation of a | ||||||
15 | financial law. | ||||||
16 | (3) Fail or refuse, as required by this Act or any rule | ||||||
17 | or order issued by the Department hereunder, to do any of | ||||||
18 | the following: | ||||||
19 | (A) Permit the Department to access or copy | ||||||
20 | records. | ||||||
21 | (B) Establish or maintain records. | ||||||
22 | (C) Make reports or provide information to the | ||||||
23 | Department. | ||||||
24 | Section 15-10. Fees. | ||||||
25 | (a) It is unlawful for any pawnbroker to charge or collect |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | a greater benefit or percentage upon money advanced, and for | ||||||
2 | the use and forbearance thereof, than the amount specified in | ||||||
3 | subsection (c). Nothing in this Section shall be construed to | ||||||
4 | conflict with the law pertaining to usury and the person | ||||||
5 | receiving money so advanced may hold the moneys to pay any fees | ||||||
6 | in addition to interest. | ||||||
7 | (b) Each pawnbroker, when making a pawn under this | ||||||
8 | Section, must disclose in printed form on the pawn contract | ||||||
9 | the following information to the persons receiving the pawn: | ||||||
10 | (1) the amount of money advanced, which must be | ||||||
11 | designated as the amount pawned; | ||||||
12 | (2) the maturity date of the pawn, which must be at | ||||||
13 | least 30 days after the originating date of the pawn; | ||||||
14 | (3) the total pawn interest and service charge payable | ||||||
15 | on the maturity date, which must be designated as the | ||||||
16 | finance charge; | ||||||
17 | (4) the total of payments that must be paid to redeem | ||||||
18 | the pledged goods on the maturity date, which must be | ||||||
19 | designated as the total of payments; and | ||||||
20 | (5) the annual percentage rate, computed according to | ||||||
21 | the regulations adopted by the Consumer Financial | ||||||
22 | Protection Bureau under the federal Truth in Lending Act. | ||||||
23 | (c) Each pawnbroker may contract for and receive a monthly | ||||||
24 | finance charge, including interest and fees not to exceed | ||||||
25 | one-fifth of the pawn amount for pawns under $500; one-sixth | ||||||
26 | of the pawn amount for pawns $500 or more and $1,500 or less; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | one-eighth of the pawn amount for pawns of over $1,500 and | ||||||
2 | $5,000 or less; and one-twentieth of the pawn amount for pawns | ||||||
3 | of over $5,000, pursuant to Section 15-30, for appraising, | ||||||
4 | investigating title, storing, insuring the pledged property, | ||||||
5 | making daily reports to local law enforcement including | ||||||
6 | enhanced computerized reporting, and complying with regulatory | ||||||
7 | requirements. Such fees, when made and collected, shall not be | ||||||
8 | deemed interest for any purpose of law. A pawnbroker shall not | ||||||
9 | require a customer to pay such fees by means of an electronic | ||||||
10 | fund transfer, as that term is defined in Section 10 of the | ||||||
11 | Electronic Fund Transfer Act, including through the use of an | ||||||
12 | automated clearinghouse system. | ||||||
13 | (d) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a | ||||||
14 | pawn transaction made pursuant to this Act shall be exempt | ||||||
15 | from the provisions of the Predatory Loan Prevention Act. | ||||||
16 | Section 15-15. Display of fee provision. Every pawnbroker | ||||||
17 | shall at all times have and keep Section 15-10 printed in the | ||||||
18 | English and Spanish languages and framed and posted in a | ||||||
19 | prominent and conspicuous position in its place of business, | ||||||
20 | so that the same shall be plainly legible and visible to all | ||||||
21 | persons depositing or pledging property with such pawnbroker. | ||||||
22 | Section 15-20. Disclosure of article description and pawn | ||||||
23 | terms. | ||||||
24 | (a) Every pawnbroker shall, at the time of making any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | advancement or pawn, deliver to the person pawning or pledging | ||||||
2 | any property, a memorandum, contract, or note signed by the | ||||||
3 | person pawning the property containing an accurate account and | ||||||
4 | description, in the English language, of the following: | ||||||
5 | (1) All the goods, articles or other things pawned or | ||||||
6 | pledged. | ||||||
7 | (2) The amount of money and the time of pledging the | ||||||
8 | same. | ||||||
9 | (3) The rate of interest to be paid on the pawn. | ||||||
10 | (4) The name and residence of the person making the | ||||||
11 | pawn or pledge. | ||||||
12 | (5) The dollar amount of any fees as specified in | ||||||
13 | Section 15-10. | ||||||
14 | (6) A disclosure that by extending the pawn, the fees | ||||||
15 | may exceed the value of the item pawned. | ||||||
16 | (b) The Secretary may adopt rules prescribing the form and | ||||||
17 | content of the disclosures required by subsection (a). | ||||||
18 | Section 15-25. Record requirements. | ||||||
19 | (a) Except in municipalities located in counties having | ||||||
20 | 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, every pawnbroker shall keep a | ||||||
21 | standard record book that has been approved by the sheriff of | ||||||
22 | the county in which the pawnbroker does business. In | ||||||
23 | municipalities in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, | ||||||
24 | the record book shall be approved by the police department of | ||||||
25 | the municipality in which the pawnbroker does business. At the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | time of each and every pawn or purchase, an accurate account | ||||||
2 | and description, in the English language, of each of the items | ||||||
3 | listed in subsection (a) of Section 15-20 shall be printed, | ||||||
4 | typed, or written in ink in the record book. Such entry shall | ||||||
5 | include the serial number or identification number of items | ||||||
6 | received that bear such number. Except for items purchased | ||||||
7 | from dealers possessing a federal employee identification | ||||||
8 | number who have provided a receipt to the pawnbroker, every | ||||||
9 | pawnbroker shall also record in his book, an accurate account | ||||||
10 | and description, in the English language, of all goods, | ||||||
11 | articles, and other things purchased or received for the | ||||||
12 | purpose of resale or items pawned by the pawnbroker from any | ||||||
13 | source, including other pawnshop locations owned by the same | ||||||
14 | pawnbroker, not in the course of a pledge or pawn, the time of | ||||||
15 | such purchase or receipt and the name and address of the person | ||||||
16 | or business which sold or delivered such goods, articles, or | ||||||
17 | other things to the pawnbroker. No entry in such book shall be | ||||||
18 | erased, mutilated, or changed. | ||||||
19 | (b) Every pawnbroker shall require identification to be | ||||||
20 | shown by each person selling or pawning any goods, articles, | ||||||
21 | or other things to the pawnbroker. If the identification shown | ||||||
22 | is a driver's license, State identification card, or consular | ||||||
23 | identification card and contains a photograph of the person | ||||||
24 | being identified, only one form of identification must be | ||||||
25 | shown. If the identification shown is not a driver's license, | ||||||
26 | State identification card, or consular identification card or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | does not contain a photograph, 2 forms of identification must | ||||||
2 | be shown, and one of the 2 forms of identification must include | ||||||
3 | the person's residence address. These forms of identification | ||||||
4 | shall include, but not be limited to, any of the following: | ||||||
5 | passport, driver's license, social security card, utility | ||||||
6 | bill, employee or student identification card, credit card, or | ||||||
7 | a civic, union, or professional association membership card. | ||||||
8 | In addition, in a municipality with a population of 1,000,000 | ||||||
9 | or more inhabitants, if the customer does not have an | ||||||
10 | identification issued by a governmental entity containing a | ||||||
11 | photograph of the person being identified, the pawnbroker | ||||||
12 | shall photograph the customer in color and record the | ||||||
13 | customer's name, residence address, date of birth, gender, | ||||||
14 | height, and weight along with the photograph. | ||||||
15 | (c) A county or municipality, including a home rule unit, | ||||||
16 | may regulate a pawnbroker's identification requirements for | ||||||
17 | persons pledging or pawning goods, articles, or other things | ||||||
18 | to the pawnbroker in a manner that is not less restrictive than | ||||||
19 | the regulation by this State of a pawnbroker's identification | ||||||
20 | requirements for persons pledging or pawning goods, articles, | ||||||
21 | or other things. A home rule unit may not regulate a | ||||||
22 | pawnbroker's identification requirements for persons pledging | ||||||
23 | or pawning goods, articles, or other things to the pawnbroker | ||||||
24 | in a manner less restrictive than the regulation by this State | ||||||
25 | of a pawnbroker's identification requirements for persons | ||||||
26 | selling or pawning goods, articles, or other things. This |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of | ||||||
2 | Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent | ||||||
3 | exercise by home rule units of the powers and functions | ||||||
4 | exercised by this State. | ||||||
5 | (d) A pawnbroker may maintain the records required by | ||||||
6 | subsection (a) in computer form if the computer form has been | ||||||
7 | approved by the Secretary or his or her designee, the sheriff | ||||||
8 | of the county in which the shop is located, and the police | ||||||
9 | department of the municipality in which the shop is located. | ||||||
10 | (e) Records, including reports to the Secretary or his or | ||||||
11 | her designee, maintained by pawnbrokers shall be confidential, | ||||||
12 | and no disclosure of pawnbroker records shall be made, except | ||||||
13 | disclosures authorized by this Act or ordered by a court of | ||||||
14 | competent jurisdiction. No record transferred to a | ||||||
15 | governmental official shall be improperly disclosed, however, | ||||||
16 | use of those records as evidence of a felony or misdemeanor | ||||||
17 | shall be a proper purpose. | ||||||
18 | (f) Pawnbrokers and their associations may lawfully give | ||||||
19 | appropriate governmental agencies computer equipment for the | ||||||
20 | purpose of transferring information pursuant to this Act. | ||||||
21 | Section 15-30. Replacement of articles or property; | ||||||
22 | insurance. | ||||||
23 | (a) If any articles or property pledged are lost or | ||||||
24 | rendered inoperable, the pawnbroker shall replace the articles | ||||||
25 | or property with identical articles or property, except that |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | if the pawnbroker cannot reasonably obtain identical articles | ||||||
2 | or property, the pawnbroker shall replace the articles or | ||||||
3 | property with like articles or property. | ||||||
4 | (b) No pawnbroker shall conduct business in this State, | ||||||
5 | unless the pawnbroker maintains insurance coverage covering | ||||||
6 | all hazards equal to at least 2 times the aggregate value of | ||||||
7 | the outstanding pawns for items held in pawn. Such insurance | ||||||
8 | shall be obtained from an insurance company authorized to do | ||||||
9 | business in Illinois. | ||||||
10 | (c) The pawnbroker shall file a copy of proof of insurance | ||||||
11 | coverage with the Secretary. A pawnbroker or an insurance | ||||||
12 | company shall not cancel the insurance coverage, except upon | ||||||
13 | notice to the Secretary by certified mail, return receipt | ||||||
14 | requested. The cancellation is not effective until 30 days | ||||||
15 | after the Secretary receives the notice. | ||||||
16 | Section 15-35. Minors. No pawnbroker shall purchase, take, | ||||||
17 | or receive any pawn, any property of any kind from any minor | ||||||
18 | who is under 18 years of age, or the ownership of which is in, | ||||||
19 | or which is claimed by, any such minor, or which may be in the | ||||||
20 | possession or under the control of any such minor. | ||||||
21 | Section 15-40. Intoxicated persons; persons convicted of | ||||||
22 | theft. No pawnbroker shall knowingly or recklessly purchase or | ||||||
23 | take any article in pawn or purchase from any person appearing | ||||||
24 | to be intoxicated, nor from any person known to have been |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | convicted of theft. A law enforcement officer may provide such | ||||||
2 | criminal conviction information to a pawnbroker. Such | ||||||
3 | information must be provided in writing. | ||||||
4 | Section 15-45. Altered property; serial number and | ||||||
5 | manufacturer's identification number. | ||||||
6 | (a) No pawnbroker shall receive or purchase any article if | ||||||
7 | the manufacturer's make, model, or serial number, personal | ||||||
8 | identification number, or identifying marks engraved or etched | ||||||
9 | upon an item of personal property has been removed, altered, | ||||||
10 | or obliterated. | ||||||
11 | (b) The prohibition in subsection (a) does not apply if | ||||||
12 | the article's manufacturer's make, model, or serial number, | ||||||
13 | personal identification number, or identifying marks have been | ||||||
14 | worn in the ordinary course of use. However, no article | ||||||
15 | described in this subsection (b) shall be sold or transferred | ||||||
16 | to another pawnshop location of such pawnbroker for a period | ||||||
17 | of 15 days after the delivery of the copy and statement | ||||||
18 | required by subsection (b) of Section 10-25 required to be | ||||||
19 | delivered to the officer or officers named therein. | ||||||
20 | Section 15-50. Sale of property. | ||||||
21 | (a) No personal property pledged or received on deposit by | ||||||
22 | any pawnbroker shall be permitted to be redeemed from such | ||||||
23 | pawnbroker for a period of 48 hours after the delivery of the | ||||||
24 | copy and statement required by subsection (b) of Section 10-25 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to be delivered to the officer or officers named therein. | ||||||
2 | (b) No personal property purchased by any pawnbroker shall | ||||||
3 | be sold or removed from the place of business or transferred to | ||||||
4 | another pawnshop location of such pawnbroker for a period of | ||||||
5 | 10 days after the delivery of the copy and statement required | ||||||
6 | by subsection (b) of Section 10-25 to be delivered to the | ||||||
7 | officer or officers named therein. | ||||||
8 | (c) If the pawner fails to repay or extend the pawn during | ||||||
9 | the period specified on the pawn ticket, the pawnbroker shall | ||||||
10 | automatically extend a grace period of 30 days after the | ||||||
11 | default date on the pawn during which the pawnbroker shall not | ||||||
12 | dispose of or sell the personal property pawned. The parties | ||||||
13 | may agree to extend or renew a pawn upon terms agreed upon by | ||||||
14 | the parties, if the terms comply with the requirements of this | ||||||
15 | Act. Title to the pledged property transfers to the pawnbroker | ||||||
16 | after the default date grace period expires or upon expiration | ||||||
17 | of an agreed extension. | ||||||
18 | (d) A county or municipality, including a home rule unit, | ||||||
19 | may regulate holding periods in a manner that is more | ||||||
20 | restrictive than the regulation provided in this Section. | ||||||
21 | (e) A home rule unit may not regulate the holding periods | ||||||
22 | in this Section in a manner less restrictive than the | ||||||
23 | regulation by this State. This Section is a limitation under | ||||||
24 | subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois | ||||||
25 | Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of | ||||||
26 | the powers and functions exercised by this State. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 15-55. Hold order. | ||||||
2 | (a) For the purposes of this Section, "hold order" means a | ||||||
3 | written legal instrument issued to a pawnbroker by a law | ||||||
4 | enforcement officer commissioned by the law enforcement agency | ||||||
5 | of the municipality or county that licenses and regulates the | ||||||
6 | pawnbroker, evidencing a criminal law enforcement | ||||||
7 | investigation, and ordering the pawnbroker to retain physical | ||||||
8 | possession of pawned goods in the possession of the pawnbroker | ||||||
9 | or property purchased by and in the possession of the | ||||||
10 | pawnbroker and to not return, sell, or otherwise dispose of | ||||||
11 | such property as such property is believed to be | ||||||
12 | misappropriated goods. | ||||||
13 | (b) Upon written notice from a law enforcement officer | ||||||
14 | indicating that property in the possession of a pawnbroker and | ||||||
15 | subject to a hold order is needed for the purpose of furthering | ||||||
16 | a criminal investigation and prosecution, the pawnbroker shall | ||||||
17 | release the property subject to the hold order to the custody | ||||||
18 | of the law enforcement officer for such purpose and the law | ||||||
19 | enforcement officer shall provide a written acknowledgment | ||||||
20 | that the property has been released to the officer. The | ||||||
21 | release of the property to the custody of the law enforcement | ||||||
22 | officer shall not be considered a waiver or release of the | ||||||
23 | pawnbroker's property rights or interest in the property. Upon | ||||||
24 | completion of the criminal investigation, the property shall | ||||||
25 | be returned to the pawnbroker who consented to its release; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | except that: | ||||||
2 | (1) if the criminal investigation took place within a | ||||||
3 | county or counties with a population of less than 300,000 | ||||||
4 | and that investigation: | ||||||
5 | (A) has determined that the property is stolen | ||||||
6 | property, | ||||||
7 | (B) has determined that the fair market value of | ||||||
8 | the stolen property is $500 or less, | ||||||
9 | (C) has identified the rightful owner of the | ||||||
10 | stolen property, and | ||||||
11 | (D) contains a court-admissible sworn statement by | ||||||
12 | the rightful owner that they are the true owners of the | ||||||
13 | stolen property, then law enforcement shall return the | ||||||
14 | property to that owner without the payment of the | ||||||
15 | money advanced by the pawnbroker or any costs or | ||||||
16 | charges of any kind that the pawnbroker may have | ||||||
17 | placed upon the same; or | ||||||
18 | (2) if the criminal investigation took place within a | ||||||
19 | county or counties with a population of more than 300,000 | ||||||
20 | and that investigation: | ||||||
21 | (A) has determined that the property is stolen | ||||||
22 | property, | ||||||
23 | (B) has determined that the then-fair market value | ||||||
24 | of the stolen property is $1,000 or less, | ||||||
25 | (C) has identified the rightful owner of the | ||||||
26 | stolen property, and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (D) contains a court-admissible sworn statement by | ||||||
2 | the rightful owner that they are the true owners of the | ||||||
3 | stolen property, then law enforcement shall return the | ||||||
4 | property to that owner without the payment of the | ||||||
5 | money advanced by the pawnbroker or any costs or | ||||||
6 | charges of any kind that the pawnbroker may have | ||||||
7 | placed upon the same. | ||||||
8 | (c) After the return of said property, the pawnbroker | ||||||
9 | shall not be liable to any private person or government entity | ||||||
10 | for any further claims on the returned property. Law | ||||||
11 | enforcement shall provide all information related to such | ||||||
12 | persons involved in the investigation to the pawnbroker, | ||||||
13 | including the investigative report, without the need for a | ||||||
14 | subpoena, court order, or further legal action of government | ||||||
15 | filing. The hold order shall expire on the 120th day after it | ||||||
16 | is issued, at which time the pawnbroker may exercise its | ||||||
17 | rights under any applicable pawn ticket or extension. If the | ||||||
18 | law enforcement officer has not completed the criminal | ||||||
19 | investigation within 120 days after the issuance of the hold | ||||||
20 | order, the officer shall immediately return any property in | ||||||
21 | law enforcement custody to the pawnbroker or obtain and | ||||||
22 | furnish to the pawnbroker a warrant for a maximum 120-day hold | ||||||
23 | order extension and, as applicable, continued law enforcement | ||||||
24 | custody of the property. | ||||||
25 | The pawnbroker shall not release or dispose of the | ||||||
26 | property, except pursuant to a court order or the expiration |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of the holding period of the hold order, including all | ||||||
2 | extensions. | ||||||
3 | In cases where criminal charges have been filed and the | ||||||
4 | property may be needed as evidence, the prosecuting attorney | ||||||
5 | shall notify the pawnbroker in writing. The notice shall | ||||||
6 | contain the case number, the style of the case, and a | ||||||
7 | description of the property. The pawnbroker shall hold the | ||||||
8 | property until receiving notice of the disposition of the case | ||||||
9 | from the prosecuting attorney. The prosecuting attorney shall | ||||||
10 | notify the pawnbroker and claimant in writing within 15 days | ||||||
11 | after the disposition of the case. | ||||||
12 | (d) A hold order, and a foregoing notice of criminal | ||||||
13 | charges, must specify: | ||||||
14 | (1) the name and address of the pawnbroker; | ||||||
15 | (2) the law enforcement investigation number, the | ||||||
16 | name, title, and identification number of the law | ||||||
17 | enforcement officer placing the hold order or the court | ||||||
18 | placing the hold order; | ||||||
19 | (3) a complete description of the property to be held, | ||||||
20 | including model number and serial number if available, to | ||||||
21 | law enforcement; | ||||||
22 | (4) the name of the alleged owner or person reporting | ||||||
23 | the alleged misappropriated property, unless otherwise | ||||||
24 | prohibited by law; | ||||||
25 | (5) the mailing address of the pawnbroker where the | ||||||
26 | property is held; and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (6) the issuance and expiration date of the holding | ||||||
2 | period. | ||||||
3 | (e) The pawnbroker or the pawnbroker's representative must | ||||||
4 | sign and date a copy of the hold order as evidence of receipt | ||||||
5 | of the hold order and the beginning of the 120-day holding | ||||||
6 | period. | ||||||
7 | Article 20. Consumer Fraud Protections | ||||||
8 | Section 20-5. Enforcement; Consumer Fraud and Deceptive | ||||||
9 | Business Practices Act. The Attorney General may enforce a | ||||||
10 | violation of Article 15 of this Act as an unlawful practice | ||||||
11 | under the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act. | ||||||
12 | Article 25. Transition provisions | ||||||
13 | Section 25-5. Savings provisions.
| ||||||
14 | (a) This Act is intended to replace the Pawnbroker | ||||||
15 | Regulation Act
in all respects.
| ||||||
16 | (b) Beginning on the effective date of this Act, the | ||||||
17 | rights, powers, and duties exercised by
Department of | ||||||
18 | Financial and
Professional Regulation under the Pawnbroker | ||||||
19 | Regulation Act shall continue to be
vested in, to be the | ||||||
20 | obligation of,
and to be exercised by the Department of | ||||||
21 | Financial and Professional Regulation under the provisions
of | ||||||
22 | this Act.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) This Act does not affect any act done, ratified, or | ||||||
2 | cancelled, any
right occurring or established,
or any action | ||||||
3 | or proceeding commenced in an administrative, civil, or | ||||||
4 | criminal
cause before the effective date of this Act by the | ||||||
5 | Department of Financial and Professional Regulation under the | ||||||
6 | Pawnbroker Regulation Act. Those
actions or proceedings may be | ||||||
7 | prosecuted and continued by the Department of Financial and | ||||||
8 | Professional Regulation under
this Act.
| ||||||
9 | (d) This Act does not affect any license, certificate, | ||||||
10 | permit, or other form
of licensure
issued by the Department of | ||||||
11 | Financial and
Professional Regulation under the Pawnbroker | ||||||
12 | Regulation Act. All such
licenses, certificates, permits, or | ||||||
13 | other form of licensure
shall continue to be valid under
the | ||||||
14 | terms and conditions of this Act.
| ||||||
15 | (e) The rules adopted by the Department of Financial and
| ||||||
16 | Professional Regulation relating to the
Pawnbroker Regulation | ||||||
17 | Act, unless inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are | ||||||
18 | not
affected by this Act, and on
the effective date of this | ||||||
19 | Act, those rules become rules under this Act.
| ||||||
20 | (f) This Act does not affect any discipline, suspension, | ||||||
21 | or termination
that has occurred under the
Pawnbroker | ||||||
22 | Regulation Act or other predecessor Act. Any action for
| ||||||
23 | discipline, suspension, or
termination instituted under the | ||||||
24 | Pawnbroker Regulation Act shall be
continued under this Act. | ||||||
25 | Article 90. Amendatory Provisions |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 90-5. The Division of Banking Act is amended by | ||||||
2 | changing Sections 2.5 and 5 as follows:
| ||||||
3 | (20 ILCS 3205/2.5)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 2.5. Prohibited activities.
| ||||||
5 | (a) For the purposes of this Section, "regulated entity" | ||||||
6 | means any person,
business, company, corporation, institution, | ||||||
7 | or other entity who is subject to
regulation by the Office of | ||||||
8 | Banks and Real Estate under Sections 3 and 46 of the Illinois | ||||||
9 | Banking
Act, Section 1-5 of the Illinois Savings and Loan Act | ||||||
10 | of 1985, Section 1004 of the Savings Bank Act, Section 1-3 of | ||||||
11 | the Residential
Mortgage License Act of 1987, Section 2-4 of | ||||||
12 | the Corporate Fiduciary Act, Section 3.02 of the Illinois Bank
| ||||||
13 | Holding Company Act of 1957, the Savings and Loan Share and | ||||||
14 | Account Act, Section 1.5 of the Pawnbroker Regulation Act of | ||||||
15 | 2023 , Section 3 of the Foreign Banking Office Act, or Section | ||||||
16 | 30 of the Electronic
Fund Transfer Act.
| ||||||
17 | (b) The Commissioner and the deputy commissioners shall | ||||||
18 | not be an officer,
director, employee, or agent of a regulated | ||||||
19 | entity or of a corporation or
company that owns or controls a | ||||||
20 | regulated entity.
| ||||||
21 | The Commissioner and the deputy commissioners shall not | ||||||
22 | own shares of
stock or hold any other equity interest in a | ||||||
23 | regulated entity or in a
corporation or company that owns or | ||||||
24 | controls a regulated entity. If the
Commissioner or a deputy |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | commissioner owns shares of stock or holds an equity
interest | ||||||
2 | in a regulated entity at the time of appointment, he or she | ||||||
3 | shall
dispose of such shares or other equity interest within | ||||||
4 | 120 days from the date
of appointment.
| ||||||
5 | The Commissioner and the deputy commissioners shall not | ||||||
6 | directly or
indirectly obtain a loan from a regulated entity | ||||||
7 | or accept a gratuity from a
regulated entity that is intended | ||||||
8 | to influence the performance of official
| ||||||
9 | (c) Employees of the Office of Banks and Real Estate shall | ||||||
10 | not be officers,
directors, employees, or agents of a | ||||||
11 | regulated entity or of a corporation
or company that owns or | ||||||
12 | controls a regulated entity.
| ||||||
13 | Except as provided by standards which the Office of Banks | ||||||
14 | and Real Estate may
establish, employees of the Office of | ||||||
15 | Banks and Real Estate shall not own
shares of stock or hold any | ||||||
16 | other equity interest in a regulated entity or in
a | ||||||
17 | corporation or company that owns or controls a regulated | ||||||
18 | entity, or
directly or indirectly obtain a loan from a | ||||||
19 | regulated entity, or accept a
gratuity from a regulated entity | ||||||
20 | that is intended to influence the performance
of official | ||||||
21 | duties. However, in no case shall an employee of the Office of
| ||||||
22 | Banks and Real Estate participate in any manner in the | ||||||
23 | examination or direct
regulation of a regulated entity in | ||||||
24 | which the employee owns shares of stock or
holds any other | ||||||
25 | equity interest, or which is servicing a loan to which the
| ||||||
26 | employee is an obligor.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (d) If the Commissioner, a deputy commissioner, or any | ||||||
2 | employee of the
Office of Banks and Real Estate properly | ||||||
3 | obtains a loan or extension of credit
from an entity that is | ||||||
4 | not a regulated entity, and the loan or extension of
credit is | ||||||
5 | subsequently acquired by a regulated entity or the entity | ||||||
6 | converts to
become a regulated entity after the loan is made, | ||||||
7 | such purchase by or
conversion to a regulated entity shall not | ||||||
8 | cause the loan or extension of
credit to be deemed a violation | ||||||
9 | of this Section.
| ||||||
10 | Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to prevent
the | ||||||
11 | ownership of a checking account, a savings deposit account, a | ||||||
12 | money market
account, a certificate of deposit, a credit or | ||||||
13 | debit card account, or shares in
open-end investment companies | ||||||
14 | registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission | ||||||
15 | pursuant to the federal Investment Company Act of 1940 and the
| ||||||
16 | Securities Act of 1933 (commonly referred to as mutual or | ||||||
17 | money market
| ||||||
18 | (e) No Commissioner, deputy commissioner, employee, or | ||||||
19 | agent of the
Office of Banks and Real Estate shall, either | ||||||
20 | during or after the holding of
his or her term of office or | ||||||
21 | employment, disclose confidential information
concerning any | ||||||
22 | regulated entity or person except as authorized by law or
| ||||||
23 | prescribed by rule. "Confidential information", as used in | ||||||
24 | this Section, means
any information that the person or officer | ||||||
25 | obtained during his or her term of
office or employment that is | ||||||
26 | not available from the Office of Banks and Real
Estate |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | pursuant to a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
| ||||||
2 | (Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)
| ||||||
3 | (20 ILCS 3205/5) (from Ch. 17, par. 455)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 5. Powers. In addition to all the other powers and | ||||||
5 | duties provided
by law, the Commissioner shall have the | ||||||
6 | following powers:
| ||||||
7 | (a) To exercise the rights, powers and duties formerly | ||||||
8 | vested by law in
the Director of Financial Institutions under | ||||||
9 | the Illinois Banking Act.
| ||||||
10 | (b) To exercise the rights, powers and duties formerly | ||||||
11 | vested by law in
the Department of Financial Institutions | ||||||
12 | under "An act to provide for and
regulate the administration | ||||||
13 | of trusts by trust companies", approved June 15,
1887, as | ||||||
14 | amended.
| ||||||
15 | (c) To exercise the rights, powers and duties formerly | ||||||
16 | vested by law in
the Director of Financial Institutions under | ||||||
17 | "An act authorizing foreign
corporations, including banks and | ||||||
18 | national banking associations domiciled in
other states, to | ||||||
19 | act in a fiduciary capacity in this state upon certain
| ||||||
20 | conditions herein set forth", approved July 13, 1953, as | ||||||
21 | amended.
| ||||||
22 | (c-5) To exercise all of the rights, powers, and duties | ||||||
23 | granted to the Director or Secretary under the Illinois | ||||||
24 | Banking Act, the Corporate Fiduciary Act, the Electronic Fund | ||||||
25 | Transfer Act, the Illinois Bank Holding Company Act of 1957, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the Savings Bank Act, the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of | ||||||
2 | 1985, the Savings and Loan Share and Account Act, the | ||||||
3 | Residential Mortgage License Act of 1987, and the Pawnbroker | ||||||
4 | Regulation Act of 2023 . | ||||||
5 | (c-15) To enter into cooperative agreements with | ||||||
6 | appropriate federal and out-of-state state regulatory agencies | ||||||
7 | to conduct and otherwise perform any examination of a | ||||||
8 | regulated entity as authorized under the Illinois Banking Act, | ||||||
9 | the Corporate Fiduciary Act, the Electronic Fund Transfer Act, | ||||||
10 | the Illinois Bank Holding Company Act of 1957, the Savings | ||||||
11 | Bank Act, the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985, the | ||||||
12 | Residential Mortgage License Act of 1987, and the Pawnbroker | ||||||
13 | Regulation Act of 2023 . | ||||||
14 | (d) Whenever the Commissioner is authorized or required by | ||||||
15 | law to consider
or to make findings regarding the character of | ||||||
16 | incorporators, directors,
management personnel, or other | ||||||
17 | relevant individuals under the Illinois Banking
the | ||||||
18 | Corporate Fiduciary Act, the Pawnbroker Regulation Act of | ||||||
19 | 2023 , or at other
times as the Commissioner deems necessary | ||||||
20 | for the purpose of carrying out the
Commissioner's statutory | ||||||
21 | powers
and responsibilities, the Commissioner shall consider | ||||||
22 | criminal
history record information, including nonconviction | ||||||
23 | information, pursuant to
the Criminal Identification Act. The | ||||||
24 | Commissioner shall, in the
form and manner required by
the | ||||||
25 | Illinois State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, | ||||||
26 | cause
to be conducted a criminal history record investigation |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to obtain
information currently contained in the files of the | ||||||
2 | Illinois State Police
or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, | ||||||
3 | provided that the Commissioner need
not cause additional | ||||||
4 | criminal history record investigations to be conducted
on | ||||||
5 | individuals for whom the Commissioner, a federal bank | ||||||
6 | regulatory
agency, or any other government agency has caused | ||||||
7 | such investigations to
have been conducted previously unless | ||||||
8 | such additional investigations are
otherwise required by law | ||||||
9 | or unless the Commissioner deems such additional
| ||||||
10 | investigations to be necessary for the purposes of
carrying | ||||||
11 | out the Commissioner's statutory powers and responsibilities.
| ||||||
12 | The Illinois State Police shall
provide, on the Commissioner's | ||||||
13 | request, information concerning criminal
charges and their | ||||||
14 | disposition currently on file with respect to a relevant
| ||||||
15 | individual. Information obtained as a result
of an | ||||||
16 | investigation under this Section shall be used in determining | ||||||
17 | eligibility
to be an incorporator, director, management | ||||||
18 | personnel, or other relevant
individual in relation to a | ||||||
19 | financial institution or other entity
supervised by the | ||||||
20 | Commissioner. Upon request and payment of fees in
conformance | ||||||
21 | with the
requirements of Section 2605-400 of the Illinois | ||||||
22 | State Police Law, the Illinois State Police is authorized
to | ||||||
23 | furnish, pursuant to positive identification, such information | ||||||
24 | contained in
State files as is necessary to fulfill the | ||||||
25 | request.
| ||||||
26 | (e) When issuing charters, permits, licenses, or other |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | authorizations,
the Commissioner may impose such terms and | ||||||
2 | conditions on the issuance
as he deems necessary or | ||||||
3 | appropriate. Failure to
abide by those terms and conditions | ||||||
4 | may result in the revocation of the
issuance, the imposition | ||||||
5 | of corrective orders, or the imposition of civil
money | ||||||
6 | penalties.
| ||||||
7 | (f) If the Commissioner has reasonable cause to believe | ||||||
8 | that any entity
that has not submitted an application for | ||||||
9 | authorization or licensure is
conducting any activity that | ||||||
10 | would otherwise require authorization or
licensure by the | ||||||
11 | Commissioner, the Commissioner shall have the power to
| ||||||
12 | subpoena witnesses, to compel their attendance, to require the | ||||||
13 | production
of any relevant books, papers, accounts, and | ||||||
14 | documents, and to conduct an examination of the entity in | ||||||
15 | order to determine
whether the entity is subject to | ||||||
16 | authorization or licensure by the
Commissioner or the | ||||||
17 | Division. If the Secretary determines that the entity is | ||||||
18 | subject to authorization or licensure by the Secretary, then | ||||||
19 | the Secretary shall have the power to issue orders against or | ||||||
20 | take any other action, including initiating a receivership | ||||||
21 | against the unauthorized or unlicensed entity.
| ||||||
22 | (g) The Commissioner may, through the Attorney General, | ||||||
23 | request
the circuit court of any county to issue an injunction | ||||||
24 | to restrain any person
from violating the provisions of any | ||||||
25 | Act administered by the Commissioner.
| ||||||
26 | (h) Whenever the Commissioner is authorized to take any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | action or
required by law to consider or make findings, the | ||||||
2 | Commissioner may delegate
or appoint, in writing, an officer | ||||||
3 | or employee of the Division to
take that action or make that | ||||||
4 | finding.
| ||||||
5 | (i) Whenever the Secretary determines that it is in the | ||||||
6 | public's interest, he or she may publish any cease and desist | ||||||
7 | order or other enforcement action issued by the Division. | ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
| ||||||
9 | (205 ILCS 510/Act rep.)
| ||||||
10 | Section 90-10. The Pawnbroker Regulation Act is repealed. | ||||||
11 | Section 90-15. The Uniform Commercial Code is amended by | ||||||
12 | changing Section 9-201 as follows:
| ||||||
13 | (810 ILCS 5/9-201) (from Ch. 26, par. 9-201)
| ||||||
14 | Sec. 9-201. General effectiveness of security agreement.
| ||||||
15 | (a) General effectiveness. Except as otherwise provided in | ||||||
16 | the Uniform
Commercial Code, a security agreement is effective | ||||||
17 | according to its terms
the parties, against purchasers | ||||||
18 | of the collateral, and against creditors.
| ||||||
19 | (b) Applicable consumer laws and other law. A transaction | ||||||
20 | subject to
this Article is subject to any applicable rule of | ||||||
21 | law, statute, or regulation
which establishes a
rule | ||||||
22 | for
consumers, including:
| ||||||
23 | (1) the Retail Installment Sales Act;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) the Motor Vehicle Retail Installment Sales Act;
| ||||||
2 | (3) Article II of Chapter 3 of the Illinois Vehicle | ||||||
3 | Code;
| ||||||
4 | (4) Article IIIB of the Boat Registration and Safety | ||||||
5 | Act;
| ||||||
6 | (5) the Pawnbroker Regulation Act of 2023 ;
| ||||||
7 | (6) the Motor Vehicle Leasing Act;
| ||||||
8 | (7) the Consumer Installment Loan Act; and
| ||||||
9 | (8) the Consumer Deposit Security Act of 1987.
| ||||||
10 | (c) Other applicable law controls. In case of conflict | ||||||
11 | between this Article
and a rule of law, statute, or regulation | ||||||
12 | described in subsection
(b), the rule
of law,
statute, or | ||||||
13 | regulation controls. Failure to comply with a rule of law,
| ||||||
14 | statute, or
described in subsection (b) has only | ||||||
15 | the effect such rule of law, statute, or
| ||||||
16 | (d) Further deference to other applicable law. This | ||||||
17 | Article does not:
| ||||||
18 | (1) validate any rate, charge, agreement, or practice | ||||||
19 | that violates a rule
of law, statute, or regulation | ||||||
20 | described in subsection (b); or
| ||||||
21 | (2) extend the application of the rule of law, | ||||||
22 | statute, or regulation to a
transaction not otherwise | ||||||
23 | subject to it.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 91-893, eff. 7-1-01.)
| ||||||
25 | Section 90-20. The Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Practices Act is amended by adding Section 2BBBB as follows: | ||||||
2 | (815 ILCS 505/2BBBB new) | ||||||
3 | Sec. 2BBBB. Violations of the Pawnbroker Regulation Act of | ||||||
4 | 2023. Any person who violates Article 15 of the Pawnbroker | ||||||
5 | Regulation Act of 2023 commits an unlawful practice within the | ||||||
6 | meaning of this Act. | ||||||
7 | Article 99. Severability; Effective Date | ||||||
8 | Section 99-97. Severability. The provisions of this Act | ||||||
9 | are severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes. | ||||||
10 | Section 99-99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
11 | becoming law.".