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1 | AN ACT concerning transportation.
| |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| |||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | changing Section 11-208 as follows:
| |||||||||||||||||||
6 | (625 ILCS 5/11-208)
(from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-208)
| |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 11-208. Powers of local authorities.
| |||||||||||||||||||
8 | (a) The provisions of this Code shall not be deemed to | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | prevent
local authorities with respect to streets and highways | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | under their
jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | the police power from:
| |||||||||||||||||||
12 | 1. Regulating the standing or parking of vehicles, | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | except as
limited by Sections 11-1306 and 11-1307 of this | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | Act;
| |||||||||||||||||||
15 | 2. Regulating traffic by means of police officers or | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | traffic control
| |||||||||||||||||||
17 | 3. Regulating or prohibiting processions or | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | assemblages on the highways; and certifying persons to | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | control traffic for processions or assemblages;
| |||||||||||||||||||
20 | 4. Designating particular highways as one-way highways | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | and requiring that
all vehicles thereon be moved in one | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | specific direction;
| |||||||||||||||||||
23 | 5. Regulating the speed of vehicles in public parks |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subject to the
limitations set forth in Section 11-604;
| ||||||
2 | 6. Designating any highway as a through highway, as | ||||||
3 | authorized in Section
11-302, and requiring that all | ||||||
4 | vehicles stop before entering or crossing
the same or | ||||||
5 | designating any intersection as a stop intersection or a | ||||||
6 | yield
right-of-way intersection and requiring all vehicles | ||||||
7 | to stop or yield the
right-of-way at one or more entrances | ||||||
8 | to such intersections;
| ||||||
9 | 7. Restricting the use of highways as authorized in | ||||||
10 | Chapter 15;
| ||||||
11 | 8. Regulating the operation of mobile carrying | ||||||
12 | devices, bicycles, low-speed electric bicycles, and | ||||||
13 | low-speed gas bicycles, and requiring the
registration and | ||||||
14 | licensing of same, including the requirement of a
| ||||||
15 | registration fee;
| ||||||
16 | 9. Regulating or prohibiting the turning of vehicles | ||||||
17 | or specified
types of vehicles at intersections;
| ||||||
18 | 10. Altering the speed limits as authorized in Section | ||||||
19 | 11-604;
| ||||||
20 | 11. Prohibiting U-turns;
| ||||||
21 | 12. Prohibiting pedestrian crossings at other than | ||||||
22 | designated and marked
crosswalks or at intersections;
| ||||||
23 | 13. Prohibiting parking during snow removal operation;
| ||||||
24 | 14. Imposing fines in accordance with Section | ||||||
25 | 11-1301.3 as penalties
for use of any parking place | ||||||
26 | reserved for persons with disabilities, as defined
by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 1-159.1, or veterans with disabilities by any | ||||||
2 | person using a motor
vehicle not bearing registration | ||||||
3 | plates specified in Section 11-1301.1
or a special decal | ||||||
4 | or device as defined in Section 11-1301.2
as evidence that | ||||||
5 | the vehicle is operated by or for a person
with | ||||||
6 | disabilities or a veteran with a disability;
| ||||||
7 | 15. Adopting such other traffic regulations as are | ||||||
8 | specifically
authorized by this Code; or
| ||||||
9 | 16. Enforcing the provisions of subsection (f) of | ||||||
10 | Section 3-413 of this
Code or a similar local ordinance.
| ||||||
11 | (b) No ordinance or regulation enacted under paragraph 1, | ||||||
12 | 4, 5, 6, 7,
9, 10, 11 or 13 of subsection (a) shall be | ||||||
13 | effective until signs giving
reasonable notice of such local | ||||||
14 | traffic regulations are posted.
| ||||||
15 | (c) The provisions of this Code shall not prevent any
| ||||||
16 | municipality having a population of 500,000 or more | ||||||
17 | inhabitants from
prohibiting any person from driving or | ||||||
18 | operating any motor vehicle upon
the roadways of such | ||||||
19 | municipality with headlamps on high beam or bright.
| ||||||
20 | (d) The provisions of this Code shall not be deemed to | ||||||
21 | prevent local
authorities within the reasonable exercise of | ||||||
22 | their police power from
prohibiting, on private property, the | ||||||
23 | unauthorized use of parking spaces
reserved for persons with | ||||||
24 | disabilities.
| ||||||
25 | (e) No unit of local government, including a home rule | ||||||
26 | unit, may enact or
enforce an ordinance that applies only to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | motorcycles if the principal purpose
for that ordinance is to | ||||||
2 | restrict the access of motorcycles to any highway or
portion | ||||||
3 | of a highway for which federal or State funds have been used | ||||||
4 | for the
planning, design, construction, or maintenance of that | ||||||
5 | highway. No unit of
local government, including a home rule | ||||||
6 | unit, may enact an ordinance requiring
motorcycle users to | ||||||
7 | wear protective headgear. Nothing in this subsection
(e) shall | ||||||
8 | affect the authority of a unit of local government to regulate
| ||||||
9 | motorcycles for traffic control purposes or in accordance with | ||||||
10 | Section 12-602
of this Code. No unit of local government, | ||||||
11 | including a home rule unit, may
regulate motorcycles in a | ||||||
12 | manner inconsistent with this Code. This subsection
(e) is a | ||||||
13 | limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of | ||||||
14 | the
Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home | ||||||
15 | rule units of powers
and functions exercised by the State.
| ||||||
16 | (e-5) The City of Chicago shall may enact an ordinance | ||||||
17 | providing for a noise monitoring system upon any portion of | ||||||
18 | the roadway known as Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable Lake Shore | ||||||
19 | Drive. Installation of the noise monitoring system shall be | ||||||
20 | completed within 6 months after the effective date of this | ||||||
21 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly. Twelve months | ||||||
22 | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd | ||||||
23 | General Assembly installation of the noise monitoring system , | ||||||
24 | and any time after the first report as the City deems | ||||||
25 | necessary, the City of Chicago shall prepare a noise | ||||||
26 | monitoring report with the data collected from the system and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall, upon request, make the report available to the public. | ||||||
2 | For purposes of this subsection (e-5), "noise monitoring | ||||||
3 | system" means an automated noise monitor capable of recording | ||||||
4 | noise levels 24 hours per day and 365 days per year with | ||||||
5 | computer equipment sufficient to process the data. | ||||||
6 | A home rule or non-home rule municipality may not conduct | ||||||
7 | noise monitoring in a manner that is inconsistent with this | ||||||
8 | subsection. This subsection is a limitation under subsection | ||||||
9 | (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on | ||||||
10 | the concurrent exercise by home rule units of the powers and | ||||||
11 | functions exercised by the State. | ||||||
12 | (e-10) A unit of local government, including a home rule | ||||||
13 | unit, may not enact an ordinance prohibiting the use of | ||||||
14 | Automated Driving System equipped vehicles on its roadways. | ||||||
15 | Nothing in this subsection (e-10) shall affect the authority | ||||||
16 | of a unit of local government to regulate Automated Driving | ||||||
17 | System equipped vehicles for traffic control purposes. No unit | ||||||
18 | of local government, including a home rule unit, may regulate | ||||||
19 | Automated Driving System equipped vehicles in a manner | ||||||
20 | inconsistent with this Code. For purposes of this subsection | ||||||
21 | (e-10), "Automated Driving System equipped vehicle" means any | ||||||
22 | vehicle equipped with an Automated Driving System of hardware | ||||||
23 | and software that are collectively capable of performing the | ||||||
24 | entire dynamic driving task on a sustained basis, regardless | ||||||
25 | of whether it is limited to a specific operational domain. | ||||||
26 | This subsection (e-10) is a limitation under subsection (i) of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the | ||||||
2 | concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions | ||||||
3 | exercised by the State. | ||||||
4 | (f) A municipality or county designated in Section | ||||||
5 | 11-208.6 may enact an ordinance providing for an
automated | ||||||
6 | traffic law enforcement system to enforce violations of this | ||||||
7 | Code or
a similar provision of a local ordinance and imposing | ||||||
8 | liability on a registered owner or lessee of a vehicle used in | ||||||
9 | such a violation.
| ||||||
10 | (g) A municipality or county, as provided in Section | ||||||
11 | 11-1201.1, may enact an ordinance providing for an automated | ||||||
12 | traffic law enforcement system to enforce violations of | ||||||
13 | Section 11-1201 of this Code or a similar provision of a local | ||||||
14 | ordinance and imposing liability on a registered owner of a | ||||||
15 | vehicle used in such a violation.
| ||||||
16 | (h) A municipality designated in Section 11-208.8 may | ||||||
17 | enact an ordinance providing for an
automated speed | ||||||
18 | enforcement system to enforce violations of Article VI of | ||||||
19 | Chapter 11 of this Code or a similar provision of a local | ||||||
20 | ordinance. | ||||||
21 | (i) A municipality or county designated in Section | ||||||
22 | 11-208.9 may enact an ordinance providing for an
automated | ||||||
23 | traffic law enforcement system to enforce violations of | ||||||
24 | Section 11-1414 of this Code or
a similar provision of a local | ||||||
25 | ordinance and imposing liability on a registered owner or | ||||||
26 | lessee of a vehicle used in such a violation. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: P.A. 100-209, eff. 1-1-18; 100-257, eff. 8-22-17; | ||||||
2 | 100-352, eff. 6-1-18; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 101-123, eff. | ||||||
3 | 7-26-19.)