Rep. Norine K. Hammond
Filed: 3/2/2023
| |||||||
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| |||||||
| ||||||
2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 1712 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Sections 15-103.1, 15-103.2, 15-103.3, 15-107, | ||||||
6 | 15-135, 15-153.3, and 15-198 and by adding Sections 3-110.15, | ||||||
7 | 15-113.13, and 15-153.4 as follows: | ||||||
8 | (40 ILCS 5/3-110.15 new) | ||||||
9 | Sec. 3-110.15. Transfer to Article 15. A participant who | ||||||
10 | is actively employed as a police officer under Article 15 may | ||||||
11 | make a written election to transfer up to 10 years of | ||||||
12 | creditable service from a fund established under this Article | ||||||
13 | to the State Universities Retirement System established under | ||||||
14 | Article 15. Upon receiving a written election by a participant | ||||||
15 | under this Section, the creditable service shall be | ||||||
16 | transferred to the State Universities Retirement System as |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | soon as practicable upon payment by the police pension fund to | ||||||
2 | the State Universities Retirement System of an amount equal | ||||||
3 | to: | ||||||
4 | (1) the amounts accumulated to the credit of the
| ||||||
5 | applicant on the books of the fund on the date of the
| ||||||
6 | transfer; and | ||||||
7 | (2) employer contributions in an amount equal to the
| ||||||
8 | amount determined under paragraph (1). | ||||||
9 | Participation in the police pension fund with respect to | ||||||
10 | the
service to be transferred shall terminate on the date of
| ||||||
11 | transfer. This Section does not allow reinstatement of credits
| ||||||
12 | in this Article that were previously forfeited.
| ||||||
13 | (40 ILCS 5/15-103.1)
| ||||||
14 | Sec. 15-103.1. Traditional Benefit Package. "Traditional | ||||||
15 | benefit
The defined benefit retirement program | ||||||
16 | maintained under the System which
includes retirement | ||||||
17 | annuities payable directly from the System as provided in
| ||||||
18 | Sections 15-135 through 15-140 (but disregarding Section | ||||||
19 | 15-136.4), disability
retirement annuities payable under | ||||||
20 | Section 15-153.2, line of duty disability annuities under | ||||||
21 | Section 15-153.4, death benefits payable
directly from the | ||||||
22 | System as provided in Sections 15-141 through 15-144,
| ||||||
23 | survivors insurance benefits payable directly from the System | ||||||
24 | as provided in
Sections 15-145 through 15-149, and | ||||||
25 | contribution refunds as provided in Section
15-154. The |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | traditional benefit package also includes disability benefits | ||||||
2 | as
provided in Sections 15-150 through 15-153.3.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 90-766, eff. 8-14-98.)
| ||||||
4 | (40 ILCS 5/15-103.2)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 15-103.2. Portable Benefit Package. "Portable benefit | ||||||
6 | package": The
defined benefit retirement program maintained | ||||||
7 | under the System which includes
retirement annuities payable | ||||||
8 | directly from the System as provided in Sections
15-135 | ||||||
9 | through 15-139 (specifically including Section 15-136.4), | ||||||
10 | disability
retirement annuities payable under Section | ||||||
11 | 15-153.2, line of duty disability annuities under Section | ||||||
12 | 15-153.4, death benefits payable
directly from the System as | ||||||
13 | provided in Sections 15-141 through 15-144, and
contribution | ||||||
14 | refunds as provided in Section 15-154. The portable benefit
| ||||||
15 | package also includes disability benefits as provided in | ||||||
16 | Sections 15-150
through 15-153.3. The portable benefit package | ||||||
17 | does not include the survivors
insurance benefits payable | ||||||
18 | directly from the System as provided in Sections
15-145 | ||||||
19 | through 15-149.
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 90-766, eff. 8-14-98.)
| ||||||
21 | (40 ILCS 5/15-103.3)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 15-103.3. Self-Managed Plan. "Self-managed plan": The | ||||||
23 | defined
contribution retirement program maintained under the | ||||||
24 | System as described in
Section 15-158.2. The self-managed plan |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | also includes disability benefits as
provided in Sections | ||||||
2 | 15-150 through 15-153.4 15-153.3 (but disregarding disability
| ||||||
3 | retirement annuities under Section 15-153.2). The self-managed | ||||||
4 | plan does not
include retirement annuities, death benefits, or | ||||||
5 | survivors insurance benefits
payable directly from the System | ||||||
6 | as provided in Sections 15-135 through 15-149
and Section | ||||||
7 | 15-153.2, or refunds determined under Section 15-154.
| ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 90-766, eff. 8-14-98.)
| ||||||
9 | (40 ILCS 5/15-107) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-107)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 15-107. Employee.
| ||||||
11 | (a) "Employee" means any member of the educational, | ||||||
12 | administrative,
secretarial, clerical, mechanical, labor or | ||||||
13 | other staff of an employer
whose employment is permanent and | ||||||
14 | continuous or who is employed in a
position in which services | ||||||
15 | are expected to be rendered on a continuous
basis for at least | ||||||
16 | 4 months or one academic term, whichever is less, who
(A) | ||||||
17 | receives payment for personal services on a warrant issued | ||||||
18 | pursuant to
a payroll voucher certified by an employer and | ||||||
19 | drawn by the State
Comptroller upon the State Treasurer or by | ||||||
20 | an employer upon trust, federal
or other funds, or (B) is on a | ||||||
21 | leave of absence without pay. Employment
which is irregular, | ||||||
22 | intermittent or temporary shall not be considered
continuous | ||||||
23 | for purposes of this paragraph.
| ||||||
24 | However, a person is not an "employee" if he or she:
| ||||||
25 | (1) is a student enrolled in and regularly attending |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | classes in a
college or university which is an employer, | ||||||
2 | and is employed on a temporary
basis at less than full | ||||||
3 | time;
| ||||||
4 | (2) is currently receiving a retirement annuity or a | ||||||
5 | disability
retirement annuity under Section 15-153.2 from | ||||||
6 | this System;
| ||||||
7 | (3) is on a military leave of absence;
| ||||||
8 | (4) is eligible to participate in the Federal Civil | ||||||
9 | Service Retirement
System and is currently making | ||||||
10 | contributions to that system based upon
earnings paid by | ||||||
11 | an employer;
| ||||||
12 | (5) is on leave of absence without pay for more than 60 | ||||||
13 | days
immediately following termination of disability | ||||||
14 | benefits under this
| ||||||
15 | (6) is hired after June 30, 1979 as a public service | ||||||
16 | employment program
participant under the Federal | ||||||
17 | Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
and receives | ||||||
18 | earnings in whole or in part from funds provided under | ||||||
19 | that
Act; or
| ||||||
20 | (7) is employed on or after July 1, 1991 to perform | ||||||
21 | services that
are excluded by subdivision (a)(7)(f) or | ||||||
22 | (a)(19) of Section 210 of the
federal Social Security Act | ||||||
23 | from the definition of employment given in that
Section | ||||||
24 | (42 U.S.C. 410) ; or . | ||||||
25 | (8) receives a line of duty disability annuity under | ||||||
26 | Section 15-153.4.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) Any employer may, by filing a written notice with the | ||||||
2 | board, exclude
from the definition of "employee" all persons | ||||||
3 | employed pursuant to a federally
funded contract entered into | ||||||
4 | after July 1, 1982 with a federal military
department in a | ||||||
5 | program providing training in military courses to federal
| ||||||
6 | military personnel on a military site owned by the United | ||||||
7 | States Government,
if this exclusion is not prohibited by the | ||||||
8 | federally funded contract or
federal laws or rules governing | ||||||
9 | the administration of the contract.
| ||||||
10 | (c) Any person appointed by the Governor under the Civil | ||||||
11 | Administrative
Code of Illinois is an employee, if he or she is | ||||||
12 | a participant in this
system on the effective date of the | ||||||
13 | appointment.
| ||||||
14 | (d) A participant on lay-off status under civil service | ||||||
15 | rules is
considered an employee for not more than 120 days from | ||||||
16 | the date of the lay-off.
| ||||||
17 | (e) A participant is considered an employee during (1) the | ||||||
18 | first 60 days
of disability leave, (2) the period, not to | ||||||
19 | exceed one year, in which his
or her eligibility for | ||||||
20 | disability benefits is being considered by the board
or | ||||||
21 | reviewed by the courts, and (3) the period he or she receives | ||||||
22 | disability
benefits under the provisions of Section 15-152, | ||||||
23 | workers' compensation or
occupational disease benefits, or | ||||||
24 | disability income under an insurance
contract financed wholly | ||||||
25 | or partially by the employer.
| ||||||
26 | (f) Absences without pay, other than formal leaves of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | absence, of less
than 30 calendar days, are not considered as | ||||||
2 | an interruption of a person's
status as an employee. If such | ||||||
3 | absences during any period of 12 months
exceed 30 work days, | ||||||
4 | the employee status of the person is considered as
interrupted | ||||||
5 | as of the 31st work day.
| ||||||
6 | (g) A staff member whose employment contract requires | ||||||
7 | services during
an academic term is to be considered an | ||||||
8 | employee during the summer and
other vacation periods, unless | ||||||
9 | he or she declines an employment contract
for the succeeding | ||||||
10 | academic term or his or her employment status is
otherwise | ||||||
11 | terminated, and he or she receives no earnings during these | ||||||
12 | periods.
| ||||||
13 | (h) An individual who was a participating employee | ||||||
14 | employed in the fire
department of the University of | ||||||
15 | Illinois's Champaign-Urbana campus immediately
prior to the | ||||||
16 | elimination of that fire department and who immediately after | ||||||
17 | the
elimination of that fire department became employed by the | ||||||
18 | fire department of
the City of Urbana or the City of Champaign | ||||||
19 | shall continue to be considered as
an employee for purposes of | ||||||
20 | this Article for so long as the individual remains
employed as | ||||||
21 | a firefighter by the City of Urbana or the City of Champaign. | ||||||
22 | The
individual shall cease to be considered an employee under | ||||||
23 | this subsection (h)
upon the first termination of the | ||||||
24 | individual's employment as a firefighter by
the City of Urbana | ||||||
25 | or the City of Champaign.
| ||||||
26 | (i) An individual who is employed on a full-time basis as |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | an officer
or employee of a statewide teacher organization | ||||||
2 | that serves System
participants or an officer of a national | ||||||
3 | teacher organization that serves
System participants may | ||||||
4 | participate in the System and shall be deemed an
employee, | ||||||
5 | provided that (1) the individual has previously earned
| ||||||
6 | creditable service under this Article, (2) the individual | ||||||
7 | files with the
System an irrevocable election to become a | ||||||
8 | participant before January 5, 2012 (the effective date of | ||||||
9 | Public Act 97-651), (3) the
individual does not receive credit | ||||||
10 | for that employment under any other Article
of this Code, and | ||||||
11 | (4) the individual first became a full-time employee of the | ||||||
12 | teacher organization and becomes a participant before January | ||||||
13 | 5, 2012 (the effective date of Public Act 97-651). An employee | ||||||
14 | under this subsection (i) is responsible for paying
to the | ||||||
15 | System both (A) employee contributions based on the actual | ||||||
16 | compensation
received for service with the teacher | ||||||
17 | organization and (B) employer
contributions equal to the | ||||||
18 | normal costs (as defined in Section 15-155)
resulting from | ||||||
19 | that service; all or any part of these contributions may be
| ||||||
20 | paid on the employee's behalf or picked up for tax purposes (if | ||||||
21 | authorized
under federal law) by the teacher organization.
| ||||||
22 | A person who is an employee as defined in this subsection | ||||||
23 | (i) may establish
service credit for similar employment prior | ||||||
24 | to becoming an employee under this
subsection by paying to the | ||||||
25 | System for that employment the contributions
specified in this | ||||||
26 | subsection, plus interest at the effective rate from the
date |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of service to the date of payment. However, credit shall not be | ||||||
2 | granted
under this subsection for any such prior employment | ||||||
3 | for which the applicant
received credit under any other | ||||||
4 | provision of this Code, or during which
the applicant was on a | ||||||
5 | leave of absence under Section 15-113.2.
| ||||||
6 | (j) A person employed by the State Board of Higher | ||||||
7 | Education in a position with the Illinois Century Network as | ||||||
8 | of June 30, 2004 shall be considered to be an employee for so | ||||||
9 | long as he or she remains continuously employed after that | ||||||
10 | date by the Department of Central Management Services in a | ||||||
11 | position with the Illinois Century Network, the Bureau of | ||||||
12 | Communication and Computer Services, or, if applicable, any | ||||||
13 | successor bureau
or the Department of Innovation and | ||||||
14 | Technology and meets the requirements of subsection (a).
| ||||||
15 | (k) The Board shall promulgate rules with respect to | ||||||
16 | determining whether any person is an employee within the | ||||||
17 | meaning of this Section. In the case of doubt as to whether any | ||||||
18 | person is an employee within the meaning of this
Section or any | ||||||
19 | rule adopted by the Board, the decision of the Board shall be
| ||||||
20 | final. | ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; 101-321, eff. 8-9-19.)
| ||||||
22 | (40 ILCS 5/15-113.13 new) | ||||||
23 | Sec. 15-113.13. Transfer from Article 3. A police officer
| ||||||
24 | may elect to transfer up to
10 years of service credit to the | ||||||
25 | System as set forth in Section
3-110.15. To establish |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | creditable service under this Section,
the police officer may | ||||||
2 | elect to do either
of the following: | ||||||
3 | (1) pay to the System an amount to be determined by the
| ||||||
4 | Board, equal to (i) the difference between the amount of
| ||||||
5 | employee and employer contributions transferred to the
| ||||||
6 | System under Section 3-110.15 and the amounts that would
| ||||||
7 | have been contributed had such contributions been made at
| ||||||
8 | the rates applicable to a police officer
under this | ||||||
9 | Article, plus (ii) interest thereon at
the actuarially | ||||||
10 | assumed rate, compounded annually, from
the date of | ||||||
11 | service to the date of payment; or | ||||||
12 | (2) have the amount of his or her creditable service
| ||||||
13 | established under this Section reduced by an amount
| ||||||
14 | corresponding to the amount by which (i) the employer and
| ||||||
15 | employee contributions that would have been required if he
| ||||||
16 | or she had participated in the System as a police officer | ||||||
17 | during the period for which credit is
being transferred, | ||||||
18 | plus interest thereon at the
actuarially assumed rate, | ||||||
19 | compounded annually, from the
date of termination of the | ||||||
20 | service for which credit is
being transferred to the date | ||||||
21 | of payment, exceeds (ii) the
amount actually transferred | ||||||
22 | to the System. | ||||||
23 | Notwithstanding the amount transferred by the Article 3
| ||||||
24 | fund pursuant to Section 3-110.15, in no event shall the
| ||||||
25 | service credit established under this Section exceed the
| ||||||
26 | lesser of 10 years or the actual amount of service credit that
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | had been earned in the Article 3 fund.
| ||||||
2 | (40 ILCS 5/15-135) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-135)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 15-135. Retirement annuities; conditions.
| ||||||
4 | (a) This subsection (a) applies only to a Tier 1 member. A | ||||||
5 | participant who retires in one of the following specified | ||||||
6 | years with
the specified amount of service is entitled to a | ||||||
7 | retirement annuity at any age
under the retirement program | ||||||
8 | applicable to the participant:
| ||||||
9 | 35 years if retirement is in 1997 or before;
| ||||||
10 | 34 years if retirement is in 1998;
| ||||||
11 | 33 years if retirement is in 1999;
| ||||||
12 | 32 years if retirement is in 2000;
| ||||||
13 | 31 years if retirement is in 2001;
| ||||||
14 | 30 years if retirement is in 2002 or later.
| ||||||
15 | A participant with 8 or more years of service after | ||||||
16 | September 1, 1941, is
entitled to a retirement annuity on or | ||||||
17 | after attainment of age 55.
| ||||||
18 | A participant with at least 5 but less than 8 years
of | ||||||
19 | service after September 1, 1941, is entitled to a retirement | ||||||
20 | annuity on
or after attainment of age 62.
| ||||||
21 | A participant who has at least 25 years of service in this | ||||||
22 | system as a
police officer or firefighter is entitled to a | ||||||
23 | retirement
annuity on or after the attainment of age 50, if | ||||||
24 | Rule 4 of Section
15-136 is applicable to the participant.
| ||||||
25 | (a-5) A Tier 2 member is entitled to a retirement annuity |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | upon written application if he or she has attained age 67 and | ||||||
2 | has at least 10 years of service credit and is otherwise | ||||||
3 | eligible under the requirements of this Article. A Tier 2 | ||||||
4 | member who has attained age 62 and has at least 10 years of | ||||||
5 | service credit and is otherwise eligible under the | ||||||
6 | requirements of this Article may elect to receive the lower | ||||||
7 | retirement annuity provided in subsection (b-5) of Section | ||||||
8 | 15-136 of this Article. | ||||||
9 | (a-10) A Tier 2 member who has at least 20 years of service | ||||||
10 | in this system as a police officer or firefighter is entitled | ||||||
11 | to a retirement annuity upon written application on or after | ||||||
12 | the attainment of age 60 if Rule 4 of Section 15-136 is | ||||||
13 | applicable to the participant. A Tier 2 member who has at least | ||||||
14 | 20 years of service in this system as a police officer is | ||||||
15 | entitled to a retirement annuity upon written application on | ||||||
16 | or after the attainment of age 55 if Rule 4 of Section 15-136 | ||||||
17 | is applicable to the participant. The changes made to this | ||||||
18 | subsection by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General | ||||||
19 | Assembly and Public Act 101-610 this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
20 | 101st General Assembly apply retroactively to January 1, 2011. | ||||||
21 | (b) The annuity payment period shall begin on the date | ||||||
22 | specified by the
participant or the recipient of a disability | ||||||
23 | retirement annuity submitting a written application. For a | ||||||
24 | participant, the date on which the annuity payment period | ||||||
25 | begins shall not be prior
to termination of employment or more | ||||||
26 | than one year before the application is
received by the board; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | however, if the participant is not an employee of an
employer | ||||||
2 | participating in this System or in a participating system as | ||||||
3 | defined
in Article 20 of this Code on April 1 of the calendar | ||||||
4 | year next following
the calendar year in which the participant | ||||||
5 | attains the age specified under Section 401(a)(9) of the | ||||||
6 | Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the annuity
payment | ||||||
7 | period shall begin on that date regardless of whether an | ||||||
8 | application
has been filed. For a recipient of a disability | ||||||
9 | retirement annuity, the date on which the annuity payment | ||||||
10 | period begins shall not be prior to the discontinuation of the | ||||||
11 | disability retirement annuity under Section 15-153.2.
| ||||||
12 | (c) An annuity is not payable if the amount provided under | ||||||
13 | Section
15-136 is less than $10 per month.
| ||||||
14 | (Source: P.A. 101-610, eff. 1-1-20; 102-210, eff. 7-30-21.)
| ||||||
15 | (40 ILCS 5/15-153.3) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-153.3)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 15-153.3. Automatic increase in disability benefit. | ||||||
17 | Each disability
benefit payable under Section 15-150 and | ||||||
18 | calculated under Section 15-153 or
15-153.2 and each line of | ||||||
19 | duty disability annuity under Section 15-153.4 that has not | ||||||
20 | yet received an initial increase under this Section
shall be | ||||||
21 | increased by 0.25% of the monthly disability benefit | ||||||
22 | multiplied by
the number of full months that have elapsed | ||||||
23 | since the benefit began on January 1, 2002 or
the January 1 | ||||||
24 | next following the
granting of the benefit, whichever occurs | ||||||
25 | later.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | On each January 1 following the initial increase under | ||||||
2 | this
Section, the disability benefit shall be increased by 3% | ||||||
3 | of the current
amount of the benefit, including prior | ||||||
4 | increases under this Article.
| ||||||
5 | The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of | ||||||
6 | the 92nd
General Assembly apply without regard to whether the | ||||||
7 | benefit recipient
was in service on or after the effective | ||||||
8 | date of this amendatory Act.
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 92-749, eff. 8-2-02.)
| ||||||
10 | (40 ILCS 5/15-153.4 new) | ||||||
11 | Sec. 15-153.4. Line of duty disability annuity. | ||||||
12 | (a) This Section applies only to police officers, and the | ||||||
13 | annuities provided under this Section are in lieu of the | ||||||
14 | benefits under Section 15-150, disability retirement | ||||||
15 | annuities, and retirement annuities. If a police officer, as | ||||||
16 | the result of sickness, accident, or injury incurred in or | ||||||
17 | resulting from the performance of an act of duty, is found to | ||||||
18 | be physically or mentally disabled for service as a police | ||||||
19 | officer so as to render necessary his or her suspension or | ||||||
20 | retirement from the police service or is found to be unable to | ||||||
21 | perform his or her duties as a police officer by reason of | ||||||
22 | heart disease, stroke, tuberculosis, or any disease of the | ||||||
23 | lungs or respiratory tract, resulting from service as a police | ||||||
24 | officer, then the police officer shall be entitled to a line of | ||||||
25 | duty disability annuity under this Section equal to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | greater of: (1) 65% of the salary attached to the rank on the | ||||||
2 | police force held by the officer at the date of suspension of | ||||||
3 | duty or retirement; or (2) the retirement annuity that the | ||||||
4 | police officer would be eligible to receive if he or she | ||||||
5 | retired (but not including any automatic annual increase in | ||||||
6 | that retirement annuity). The amount of the benefit shall be | ||||||
7 | subject to the reductions specified in Section 15-153.1. | ||||||
8 | Any police officer who suffers a heart attack or stroke as | ||||||
9 | a result of the performance and discharge of police duty shall | ||||||
10 | be considered to have been injured in the performance of an act | ||||||
11 | of duty and shall be eligible for the benefits provided under | ||||||
12 | this Section. | ||||||
13 | A police officer shall be considered to be in the | ||||||
14 | performance of an act of duty while on any assignment approved | ||||||
15 | by the police officer's chief, whether the assignment is on or | ||||||
16 | off the employer's property. | ||||||
17 | (b) A line of duty disability annuity shall not be paid | ||||||
18 | unless there is filed with the Board certificates of the | ||||||
19 | police officer's disability, subscribed and sworn to by the | ||||||
20 | police officer if he or she is not under legal disability, or | ||||||
21 | by a representative if the police officer is under legal | ||||||
22 | disability, and by the police surgeon (if there is one) and 3 | ||||||
23 | practicing physicians selected by the Board. The Board may | ||||||
24 | require other evidence of disability. Medical examination of a | ||||||
25 | police officer receiving a line of duty disability annuity | ||||||
26 | shall be made at least once each year prior to attainment of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | age 50, as verification of the continuance of disability for | ||||||
2 | service as a police officer. No examination shall be required | ||||||
3 | after age 50. | ||||||
4 | (c) The System may take appropriate steps to verify the | ||||||
5 | applicant's disability and earnings status and, for this | ||||||
6 | purpose, may request from the Department of Revenue a | ||||||
7 | certified copy of the applicant's Illinois income tax return | ||||||
8 | for any year for which an annuity under this Section is payable | ||||||
9 | or has been paid. | ||||||
10 | (d) A disabled police officer who (1) is receiving a line | ||||||
11 | of duty disability annuity, (2) annually files with the | ||||||
12 | System, while the line of duty disability annuity remains | ||||||
13 | payable, a written application for the benefits of this | ||||||
14 | subsection, including an affidavit stating that the applicant | ||||||
15 | has not earned any income from gainful employment during the | ||||||
16 | most recently concluded tax year and a copy of his or her most | ||||||
17 | recent Illinois income tax return, (3) has service credit | ||||||
18 | under this Article for at least 7 years of active duty, and (4) | ||||||
19 | has been receiving the annuity under this Section for a period | ||||||
20 | that, when added to the officer's total service credit under | ||||||
21 | this Article, equals at least 20 years, shall be eligible to | ||||||
22 | receive an annual noncompounded increase in his or her annuity | ||||||
23 | under this Section, equal to 3% of the original annuity. The | ||||||
24 | annual increase shall accrue on each anniversary of the | ||||||
25 | initial payment date of the line of duty disability annuity | ||||||
26 | under this Section for so long as the annuity remains payable |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to the disabled police officer and the required annual | ||||||
2 | application is made, except that the annual increases under | ||||||
3 | this Section shall cease if the disabled police officer earns | ||||||
4 | income from gainful employment. Within 60 days after accepting | ||||||
5 | an initial application under this Section, the System shall | ||||||
6 | pay to the disabled police officer, in a lump sum without | ||||||
7 | interest, the amounts resulting from the annual increases that | ||||||
8 | have accrued retroactively. | ||||||
9 | (e) This Section is not limited to persons in active | ||||||
10 | service on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
11 | of the 103rd General Assembly, but it applies only to an | ||||||
12 | annuity that is payable under this Section to a disabled | ||||||
13 | police officer (rather than a survivor). Upon the death of the | ||||||
14 | disabled police officer, the line of duty disability annuity | ||||||
15 | payable under this Section to his or her survivors shall | ||||||
16 | include any annual increases previously received, but no | ||||||
17 | additional increases shall accrue under this subsection. | ||||||
18 | (f) If a police officer who receives a line of duty | ||||||
19 | disability annuity under this Section dies while still | ||||||
20 | disabled, the line of duty disability annuity under this | ||||||
21 | Section shall continue to be paid to his or her survivors in | ||||||
22 | the sequence provided in Section 15-145 in lieu of the | ||||||
23 | survivors insurance benefits provided in Section 15-145, | ||||||
24 | unless the survivors insurance benefits are greater. | ||||||
25 | (g) The Board shall adopt rules governing the filing, | ||||||
26 | investigation, control, and supervision of line of duty |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | disability annuity claims. | ||||||
2 | (40 ILCS 5/15-198)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 15-198. Application and expiration of new benefit | ||||||
4 | increases. | ||||||
5 | (a) As used in this Section, "new benefit increase" means | ||||||
6 | an increase in the amount of any benefit provided under this | ||||||
7 | Article, or an expansion of the conditions of eligibility for | ||||||
8 | any benefit under this Article, that results from an amendment | ||||||
9 | to this Code that takes effect after June 1, 2005 (the | ||||||
10 | effective date of Public Act 94-4). "New benefit increase", | ||||||
11 | however, does not include any benefit increase resulting from | ||||||
12 | the changes made to Article 1 or this Article by Public Act | ||||||
13 | 100-23, Public Act 100-587, Public Act 100-769, Public Act | ||||||
14 | 101-10, Public Act 101-610, Public Act 102-16, or this | ||||||
15 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly this amendatory | ||||||
16 | Act of the 102nd General Assembly . | ||||||
17 | (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or | ||||||
18 | any subsequent amendment to this Code, every new benefit | ||||||
19 | increase is subject to this Section and shall be deemed to be | ||||||
20 | granted only in conformance with and contingent upon | ||||||
21 | compliance with the provisions of this Section.
| ||||||
22 | (c) The Public Act enacting a new benefit increase must | ||||||
23 | identify and provide for payment to the System of additional | ||||||
24 | funding at least sufficient to fund the resulting annual | ||||||
25 | increase in cost to the System as it accrues. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Every new benefit increase is contingent upon the General | ||||||
2 | Assembly providing the additional funding required under this | ||||||
3 | subsection. The Commission on Government Forecasting and | ||||||
4 | Accountability shall analyze whether adequate additional | ||||||
5 | funding has been provided for the new benefit increase and | ||||||
6 | shall report its analysis to the Public Pension Division of | ||||||
7 | the Department of Insurance. A new benefit increase created by | ||||||
8 | a Public Act that does not include the additional funding | ||||||
9 | required under this subsection is null and void. If the Public | ||||||
10 | Pension Division determines that the additional funding | ||||||
11 | provided for a new benefit increase under this subsection is | ||||||
12 | or has become inadequate, it may so certify to the Governor and | ||||||
13 | the State Comptroller and, in the absence of corrective action | ||||||
14 | by the General Assembly, the new benefit increase shall expire | ||||||
15 | at the end of the fiscal year in which the certification is | ||||||
16 | made.
| ||||||
17 | (d) Every new benefit increase shall expire 5 years after | ||||||
18 | its effective date or on such earlier date as may be specified | ||||||
19 | in the language enacting the new benefit increase or provided | ||||||
20 | under subsection (c). This does not prevent the General | ||||||
21 | Assembly from extending or re-creating a new benefit increase | ||||||
22 | by law. | ||||||
23 | (e) Except as otherwise provided in the language creating | ||||||
24 | the new benefit increase, a new benefit increase that expires | ||||||
25 | under this Section continues to apply to persons who applied | ||||||
26 | and qualified for the affected benefit while the new benefit |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | increase was in effect and to the affected beneficiaries and | ||||||
2 | alternate payees of such persons, but does not apply to any | ||||||
3 | other person, including, without limitation, a person who | ||||||
4 | continues in service after the expiration date and did not | ||||||
5 | apply and qualify for the affected benefit while the new | ||||||
6 | benefit increase was in effect.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; | ||||||
8 | 101-610, eff. 1-1-20; 102-16, eff. 6-17-21.)
| ||||||
9 | Section 90. The State Mandates Act is amended by adding | ||||||
10 | Section 8.47 as follows: | ||||||
11 | (30 ILCS 805/8.47 new) | ||||||
12 | Sec. 8.47. Exempt mandate. Notwithstanding Sections 6 and | ||||||
13 | 8 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for | ||||||
14 | the implementation of any mandate created by this amendatory | ||||||
15 | Act of the 103rd General Assembly. ".