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| ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning safety.
| |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| |||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Solid Waste Management Act is | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | amended by changing Section 3 as follows:
| |||||||||||||||||||
6 | (415 ILCS 20/3) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 7053)
| |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 3. State agency materials recycling program.
| |||||||||||||||||||
8 | (a) All State agencies and local governments shall | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | consider whether compost products can be used in the land | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | maintenance activity project when soliciting and reviewing | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | bids for land maintenance activity projects. If compost | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | products can be used in the project, the State agency or local | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | government must use compost products unless the compost | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | products: responsible for the maintenance of public lands in
| |||||||||||||||||||
15 | the State shall, to the maximum extent feasible, use compost | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | materials in all land maintenance
activities which are to be | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | paid with public funds. | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | (1) are not available within a reasonable period of | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | time; | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | (2) do not comply with existing purchasing standards; | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | or | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | (3) do not comply with federal or State health and | |||||||||||||||||||
23 | safety standards. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | State agencies and local governments are encouraged to | ||||||
2 | give priority to purchasing compost products from companies | ||||||
3 | that produce compost products locally, are certified by a | ||||||
4 | nationally recognized organization, and produce compost | ||||||
5 | products that are derived from municipal solid waste compost | ||||||
6 | programs.
| ||||||
7 | (a-5) All State agencies responsible for the maintenance | ||||||
8 | of public lands in the State shall review its procurement | ||||||
9 | specifications and policies to determine (1) if incorporating | ||||||
10 | compost materials will help reduce stormwater run-off and | ||||||
11 | increase infiltration of moisture in land maintenance | ||||||
12 | activities and (2) the current recycled content usage and | ||||||
13 | potential for additional recycled content usage by the Agency | ||||||
14 | in land maintenance activities and report to the General | ||||||
15 | Assembly by December 15, 2015. | ||||||
16 | (b) The Department of Central Management Services, in | ||||||
17 | coordination
with the Agency, shall implement
waste reduction | ||||||
18 | programs, including source separation and collection, for
| ||||||
19 | office wastepaper, corrugated containers, newsprint and mixed | ||||||
20 | paper, in all
State buildings as appropriate and feasible. | ||||||
21 | Such waste reduction programs
shall be designed to achieve | ||||||
22 | waste reductions of at least 25% of
all such waste by December | ||||||
23 | 31, 1995, and at least 50% of all such waste by
December 31, | ||||||
24 | 2000. Any source separation and collection program
shall | ||||||
25 | include, at a minimum, procedures for collecting and storing
| ||||||
26 | recyclable materials, bins or containers for storing |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | materials, and
contractual or other arrangements with buyers | ||||||
2 | of recyclable materials. If
market conditions so warrant, the | ||||||
3 | Department of Central Management
Services, in coordination | ||||||
4 | with the Agency, may modify programs developed pursuant to | ||||||
5 | this Section.
| ||||||
6 | The Department of Commerce and Community Affairs (now | ||||||
7 | Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity) shall conduct | ||||||
8 | waste
categorization studies of all State facilities for | ||||||
9 | calendar years 1991,
1995 and 2000. Such studies shall be | ||||||
10 | designed to assist the Department of
Central Management | ||||||
11 | Services to achieve the waste reduction goals
established in | ||||||
12 | this subsection.
| ||||||
13 | (c) Each State agency shall, upon consultation with the | ||||||
14 | Agency,
periodically review its procurement procedures and | ||||||
15 | specifications related
to the purchase of products or | ||||||
16 | supplies. Such procedures and
specifications shall be modified | ||||||
17 | as necessary to require the procuring
agency to seek out | ||||||
18 | products and supplies that contain recycled materials,
and to | ||||||
19 | ensure that purchased products or supplies are reusable, | ||||||
20 | durable or
made from recycled materials whenever economically | ||||||
21 | and practically
feasible. In choosing among products or | ||||||
22 | supplies that contain recycled
material, consideration shall | ||||||
23 | be given to products and supplies with the
highest recycled | ||||||
24 | material content that is consistent with the effective and
| ||||||
25 | efficient use of the product or supply.
| ||||||
26 | (d) Wherever economically and practically feasible, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department of
Central Management Services shall procure | ||||||
2 | recycled paper and paper products
as follows:
| ||||||
3 | (1) Beginning July 1, 1989, at least 10% of the
total | ||||||
4 | dollar value of paper and paper products purchased by
the | ||||||
5 | Department of Central Management Services shall be
| ||||||
6 | recycled paper and paper products.
| ||||||
7 | (2) Beginning July 1, 1992, at least 25% of the
total | ||||||
8 | dollar value of paper and paper products purchased by
the | ||||||
9 | Department of Central Management Services shall be
| ||||||
10 | recycled paper and paper products.
| ||||||
11 | (3) Beginning July 1, 1996, at least
40% of the total | ||||||
12 | dollar value of paper and paper products
purchased by the | ||||||
13 | Department of Central Management Services shall be
| ||||||
14 | recycled paper and paper products.
| ||||||
15 | (4) Beginning July 1, 2000, at least 50% of the total | ||||||
16 | dollar value of
paper and paper products purchased by the | ||||||
17 | Department of Central Management
Services shall be | ||||||
18 | recycled paper and paper products.
| ||||||
19 | (e) Paper and paper products purchased from private | ||||||
20 | vendors
pursuant to printing contracts are not considered | ||||||
21 | paper products for the
purposes of subsection (d). However, | ||||||
22 | the Department of Central Management
Services shall report to | ||||||
23 | the General Assembly on an annual
basis the total dollar value | ||||||
24 | of printing contracts awarded to private
sector vendors that | ||||||
25 | included the use of recycled paper.
| ||||||
26 | (f)(1) Wherever economically and practically feasible, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the recycled paper
and paper products referred to in | ||||||
2 | subsection (d) shall contain postconsumer
or recovered | ||||||
3 | paper materials as specified by paper category in this | ||||||
4 | subsection:
| ||||||
5 | (i) Recycled high grade printing and writing paper | ||||||
6 | shall contain at
least 50% recovered paper material. | ||||||
7 | Such recovered paper material, until
July 1, 1994, | ||||||
8 | shall consist of at least 20% deinked stock or | ||||||
9 | postconsumer
material; and beginning July 1, 1994, | ||||||
10 | shall consist of at least 25%
deinked stock or | ||||||
11 | postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, | ||||||
12 | shall
consist of at least 30% deinked stock or | ||||||
13 | postconsumer material; and
beginning July 1, 1998, | ||||||
14 | shall consist of at least 40% deinked stock or
| ||||||
15 | postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 2000, | ||||||
16 | shall consist of at
least 50% deinked stock or | ||||||
17 | postconsumer material.
| ||||||
18 | (ii) Recycled tissue products, until July 1, 1994, | ||||||
19 | shall contain at
least 25% postconsumer material; and | ||||||
20 | beginning July 1, 1994, shall contain
at least 30% | ||||||
21 | postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, | ||||||
22 | shall
contain at least 35% postconsumer material; and | ||||||
23 | beginning July 1, 1998,
shall contain at least 40% | ||||||
24 | postconsumer material; and beginning July 1,
2000, | ||||||
25 | shall contain at least 45% postconsumer material.
| ||||||
26 | (iii) Recycled newsprint, until July 1, 1994, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall contain at least
40% postconsumer material; and | ||||||
2 | beginning July 1, 1994, shall contain at
least 50% | ||||||
3 | postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, | ||||||
4 | shall contain
at least 60% postconsumer material; and | ||||||
5 | beginning July 1, 1998, shall
contain at least 70% | ||||||
6 | postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 2000,
| ||||||
7 | shall contain at least 80% postconsumer material.
| ||||||
8 | (iv) Recycled unbleached packaging, until July 1, | ||||||
9 | 1994, shall
contain at least 35% postconsumer | ||||||
10 | material; and beginning July 1, 1994,
shall contain at | ||||||
11 | least 40% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1,
| ||||||
12 | 1996, shall contain at least 45% postconsumer | ||||||
13 | material; and beginning July
1, 1998, shall contain at | ||||||
14 | least 50% postconsumer material; and beginning
July 1, | ||||||
15 | 2000, shall contain at least 55% postconsumer | ||||||
16 | material.
| ||||||
17 | (v) Recycled paperboard, until July 1, 1994, shall | ||||||
18 | contain at least
80% postconsumer material; and | ||||||
19 | beginning July 1, 1994, shall contain at
least 85% | ||||||
20 | postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, | ||||||
21 | shall contain
at least 90% postconsumer material; and | ||||||
22 | beginning July 1, 1998, shall
contain at least 95% | ||||||
23 | postconsumer material.
| ||||||
24 | (2) For the purposes of this Section, "postconsumer | ||||||
25 | material" includes:
| ||||||
26 | (i) paper, paperboard, and fibrous wastes from |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | retail stores, office
buildings, homes, and so forth, | ||||||
2 | after the waste has passed through its end
usage as a | ||||||
3 | consumer item, including used corrugated boxes, old | ||||||
4 | newspapers,
mixed waste paper, tabulating cards, and | ||||||
5 | used cordage; and
| ||||||
6 | (ii) all paper, paperboard, and fibrous wastes | ||||||
7 | that are diverted or
separated from the municipal | ||||||
8 | solid waste stream.
| ||||||
9 | (3) For the purposes of this Section, "recovered paper | ||||||
10 | material" includes:
| ||||||
11 | (i) postconsumer material;
| ||||||
12 | (ii) dry paper and paperboard waste generated | ||||||
13 | after completion of the
papermaking process (that is, | ||||||
14 | those manufacturing operations up to and
including the | ||||||
15 | cutting and trimming of the paper machine reel into | ||||||
16 | smaller
rolls or rough sheets), including envelope | ||||||
17 | cuttings, bindery trimmings, and
other paper and | ||||||
18 | paperboard waste resulting from printing, cutting,
| ||||||
19 | forming, and other converting operations, or from bag, | ||||||
20 | box and carton
manufacturing, and butt rolls, mill | ||||||
21 | wrappers, and rejected unused stock; and
| ||||||
22 | (iii) finished paper and paperboard from obsolete | ||||||
23 | inventories of
paper and paperboard manufacturers, | ||||||
24 | merchants, wholesalers, dealers,
printers, converters, | ||||||
25 | or others.
| ||||||
26 | (g) The Department of Central Management Services may
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | adopt regulations to carry out the provisions and
purposes of | ||||||
2 | this Section.
| ||||||
3 | (h) Every State agency shall, in its procurement | ||||||
4 | documents, specify
that, whenever economically and practically | ||||||
5 | feasible, a product to be
procured must consist, wholly or in | ||||||
6 | part, of recycled materials, or be
recyclable or reusable in | ||||||
7 | whole or in part. When applicable, if state
guidelines are not | ||||||
8 | already prescribed, State agencies shall follow USEPA
| ||||||
9 | guidelines for federal procurement.
| ||||||
10 | (i) All State agencies shall cooperate with the Department | ||||||
11 | of Central
Management Services in carrying out this Section. | ||||||
12 | The Department of
Central Management Services may enter into | ||||||
13 | cooperative purchasing
agreements with other governmental | ||||||
14 | units in order to obtain volume
discounts, or for other | ||||||
15 | reasons in accordance with the Governmental Joint
Purchasing | ||||||
16 | Act, or in accordance with the Intergovernmental Cooperation | ||||||
17 | Act
if governmental units of other states or the federal | ||||||
18 | government are involved.
| ||||||
19 | (j) The Department of Central Management Services shall | ||||||
20 | submit an annual
report to the General Assembly concerning its | ||||||
21 | implementation of the
State's collection and recycled paper | ||||||
22 | procurement programs. This report
shall include a description | ||||||
23 | of the actions that the Department of Central
Management | ||||||
24 | Services has taken in the previous fiscal year to implement | ||||||
25 | this
Section. This report shall be submitted on or before | ||||||
26 | November 1 of each year.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (k) The Department of Central Management Services, in
| ||||||
2 | cooperation with all other appropriate departments and | ||||||
3 | agencies of the
State, shall institute whenever economically | ||||||
4 | and practically feasible the
use of re-refined motor oil in | ||||||
5 | all State-owned motor vehicles and the use
of remanufactured | ||||||
6 | and retread tires whenever such use is practical,
beginning no | ||||||
7 | later than July 1, 1992.
| ||||||
8 | (l) (Blank).
| ||||||
9 | (m) The Department of Central Management Services, in | ||||||
10 | coordination with
the Department of Commerce and Community | ||||||
11 | Affairs (now Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity), | ||||||
12 | has implemented an aluminum
can recycling program in all State | ||||||
13 | buildings within 270 days of the effective
date of this | ||||||
14 | amendatory Act of 1997. The program provides for (1) the
| ||||||
15 | collection and storage of used aluminum cans in bins or other | ||||||
16 | appropriate
containers made reasonably available to occupants | ||||||
17 | and visitors of State
buildings and (2) the sale of used | ||||||
18 | aluminum cans to buyers of recyclable
| ||||||
19 | Proceeds from the sale of used aluminum cans shall be | ||||||
20 | deposited into I-CYCLE
accounts maintained in the Facilities | ||||||
21 | Management Revolving Fund and, subject
to appropriation, shall | ||||||
22 | be used by the Department of Central Management
Services and | ||||||
23 | any other State agency to offset the costs of implementing the
| ||||||
24 | aluminum can recycling program under this Section.
| ||||||
25 | All State agencies having an aluminum can recycling | ||||||
26 | program in place shall
continue with their current plan. If a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | State agency has an existing recycling
program in place, | ||||||
2 | proceeds from the aluminum can recycling program may be
| ||||||
3 | retained and distributed pursuant to that program, otherwise | ||||||
4 | all revenue
resulting from these programs shall be forwarded | ||||||
5 | to Central Management
Services, I-CYCLE for placement into the | ||||||
6 | appropriate account within the Facilities Management Revolving | ||||||
7 | Fund, minus any operating costs associated with the
| ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 101-636, eff. 6-10-20; 102-444, eff. 8-20-21.)