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1 | AN ACT concerning State government.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The State Finance Act is amended by adding | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Section 5.990 as follows: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | (30 ILCS 105/5.990 new) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 5.990. The Behavioral Health Education Program Fund. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Section 10. The Mental Health and Developmental | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Disabilities Administrative Act is amended by adding Sections | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | 71B, 71C, and 71D as follows: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | (20 ILCS 1705/71B new) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Sec. 71B. Behavioral Health Education Program Fund. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | (a) The Behavioral Health Education Program Fund is | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | created in the State treasury as a special fund. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | (b) The Fund is created for the purpose of funding | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | scholarships and employment opportunities in the behavioral | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | health field as provided in Sections 71C and 71D. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | (20 ILCS 1705/71C new) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Sec. 71C. Behavioral Health Scholarship Program. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | (a) Definitions. As used in this Section: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Behavioral health discipline" means: | ||||||
2 | (1) undergraduate behavioral health disciplines that | ||||||
3 | may be offered through universities or community colleges, | ||||||
4 | including psychology, social work, and community health; | ||||||
5 | (2) graduate behavioral health disciplines, including | ||||||
6 | clinical or counseling psychology, mental health or | ||||||
7 | addiction counseling, social work, marriage and family | ||||||
8 | therapy, and mental health or psychiatric nursing; and | ||||||
9 | (3) certified behavioral health disciplines, including | ||||||
10 | certified recovery support specialists, certified peer | ||||||
11 | recovery specialists, or certified community health | ||||||
12 | workers. | ||||||
13 | "Eligible applicant" means a student who is enrolled in a
| ||||||
14 | program of study at a participating university and who meets
| ||||||
15 | all of the qualifications and requirements under this Section. | ||||||
16 | "Federally qualified health center" has the meaning given | ||||||
17 | to that term in Section 1905(1)(2)(B) of the federal Social | ||||||
18 | Security Act. | ||||||
19 | "Participating university" means a public university in | ||||||
20 | this State that is a party to an intergovernmental agreement | ||||||
21 | entered into with the Department in order to participate in | ||||||
22 | the program established under this Section. | ||||||
23 | "Tuition, university fees, and books" includes the
| ||||||
24 | customary charge for instruction and books or course material
| ||||||
25 | and the additional fixed fees charged for purposes
that are | ||||||
26 | required generally of students who are not Program
applicants |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | under this Section for each academic year for which
a Program | ||||||
2 | applicant under this Section actually enrolls. "Tuition, | ||||||
3 | university fees, and books" does not include room and board, | ||||||
4 | transportation fees, fees
payable only once, breakage fees, | ||||||
5 | and other contingent
deposits that are refundable in whole or | ||||||
6 | in part. The
Department may adopt, by rule not inconsistent | ||||||
7 | with this
Section, detailed provisions concerning the | ||||||
8 | computation of tuition, university fees, and books. | ||||||
9 | (b) Subject to appropriation, beginning with the 2023-2024 | ||||||
10 | academic year, the Department shall establish and administer | ||||||
11 | the Behavioral Health Scholarship Program for the purpose of | ||||||
12 | incentivizing students to pursue degrees in a behavioral | ||||||
13 | health discipline. The Department shall enter | ||||||
14 | intergovernmental agreements with public universities in this | ||||||
15 | State to participate in the Program. Under the Program, the | ||||||
16 | Department shall provide financial assistance to an eligible | ||||||
17 | applicant. | ||||||
18 | (c) Subject to appropriation, the Department shall award | ||||||
19 | financial assistance in the form of a scholarship to an | ||||||
20 | applicant to cover the cost of tuition, university fees, and | ||||||
21 | books each year for a maximum of 4 years at a participating | ||||||
22 | university if the applicant meets all of the following | ||||||
23 | criteria: | ||||||
24 | (1) The applicant is a resident of this State or a | ||||||
25 | child of a noncitizen of the United States. | ||||||
26 | (2) The applicant has committed to work in a community |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | not-for-profit behavioral health agency or a federally | ||||||
2 | qualified health center for at least 6 years. | ||||||
3 | (3) The applicant maintains at least a grade point | ||||||
4 | average of no less than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. | ||||||
5 | (d) Each participating university shall post on its
| ||||||
6 | website the criteria and eligibility requirements to
receive | ||||||
7 | financial assistance under this Section and must
identify that | ||||||
8 | the financial assistance is for a maximum of 4
academic years, | ||||||
9 | with the total amount of financial assistance
awarded to an | ||||||
10 | eligible applicant not to exceed the cost of
tuition, | ||||||
11 | university fees, and books or a higher education
student loan. | ||||||
12 | This information must also be reported to the
Department and | ||||||
13 | the Board of Higher Education, and the
Department and the | ||||||
14 | Board shall post the information on the Department's and | ||||||
15 | Board's
respective websites. | ||||||
16 | (e) Prior to receiving financial assistance for any
| ||||||
17 | academic year, an eligible applicant under this Section shall
| ||||||
18 | be required by the participating university to sign an
| ||||||
19 | agreement with the Department under which the eligible
| ||||||
20 | applicant pledges that, within 6 months from the date of the
| ||||||
21 | eligible applicant's graduation from the participating
| ||||||
22 | university, the eligible applicant must search for, apply for, | ||||||
23 | and accept full-time employment at a community not-for-profit | ||||||
24 | behavioral health agency or a federally qualified health | ||||||
25 | center. The recipient of financial assistance must, for at | ||||||
26 | least 6 years, maintain this employment. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (f) If the recipient of financial assistance under this
| ||||||
2 | Section fails to search for, apply for, and accept full-time
| ||||||
3 | employment as required under subsection (e) within 6 months
| ||||||
4 | following his or her graduation from a participating
| ||||||
5 | university, the Department shall require the recipient to
| ||||||
6 | begin to repay the total amount of any financial assistance
| ||||||
7 | received no later than 90 calendar days after the end of the | ||||||
8 | 6-month
period or as otherwise agreed to by the Department. | ||||||
9 | The Department may include in the amount to be repaid (i) | ||||||
10 | interest at a rate of 5% per year beginning 6 months following | ||||||
11 | the recipient's graduation from a participating university and | ||||||
12 | (ii) if applicable, reasonable attorney's fees and collection | ||||||
13 | fees.
The repayment amount
shall be prorated according to the | ||||||
14 | fraction of the employment
obligation not completed if the | ||||||
15 | recipient accepts full-time employment at a community | ||||||
16 | not-for-profit behavioral health agency or a federally | ||||||
17 | qualified health center. All repayments collected under this | ||||||
18 | Section shall be forwarded
to the State Comptroller for | ||||||
19 | deposit into the Behavioral Health Education Program Fund. | ||||||
20 | (g) A student recipient of financial assistance under this
| ||||||
21 | Section must immediately notify the participating university
| ||||||
22 | and the Department of any changes to the recipient's
| ||||||
23 | enrollment status or if the recipient withdraws from the
| ||||||
24 | academic program for which the recipient was awarded financial | ||||||
25 | assistance in accordance with this Section. The Department | ||||||
26 | shall require the student recipient to begin to repay the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | total amount of any financial assistance received no later | ||||||
2 | than 90 calendar days after the end of the 6 months after the | ||||||
3 | student's enrollment status changes or after the recipient | ||||||
4 | withdraws, whichever is earlier, or as otherwise agreed to by | ||||||
5 | the Department. The Department may include in the amount to be | ||||||
6 | repaid (i) interest at a rate of 5% per year beginning 6 months | ||||||
7 | after the student's enrollment status changes or after the | ||||||
8 | recipient withdraws, whichever is earlier and (ii) if | ||||||
9 | applicable, reasonable attorney's fees and collection fees. If | ||||||
10 | the student reenrolls at the participating university in the | ||||||
11 | same academic program and begins attending classes again, then | ||||||
12 | no more repayments are necessary by the student if the student | ||||||
13 | graduates. | ||||||
14 | (h) If a recipient's qualified employment is terminated
| ||||||
15 | for any reason other than for cause prior to the completion of | ||||||
16 | the Program's 6-year
employment requirement, the recipient | ||||||
17 | shall, within 90 calendar days
from the recipient's | ||||||
18 | termination of full-time employment, search for, apply for, | ||||||
19 | and accept new,
qualified, full-time employment as a mental | ||||||
20 | health or substance use clinician, counselor, therapist, case | ||||||
21 | manager, community health worker, social worker, mental health | ||||||
22 | or detox nurse, or similar position providing direct care | ||||||
23 | services to Medicaid patients for a
contracted or | ||||||
24 | subcontracted provider of the Department or
another State | ||||||
25 | agency, otherwise the recipient must repay the
awarded | ||||||
26 | financial assistance to the Department as provided in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsection (f). | ||||||
2 | (i) If a recipient's qualified employment is terminated
| ||||||
3 | for cause prior to the completion of the Program's 6-year
| ||||||
4 | employment requirement, the recipient shall repay the total
| ||||||
5 | amount of financial assistance received under the Program
no | ||||||
6 | later than 90 calendar days from termination or as otherwise | ||||||
7 | agreed to by the
Department. The amount of repayment owed by | ||||||
8 | the recipient
shall be prorated based on the amount of the | ||||||
9 | employment
requirement that has been satisfied. The Department | ||||||
10 | may include in the amount to be repaid (i) interest at a rate | ||||||
11 | of 5% per year beginning at the date the recipient is | ||||||
12 | terminated and (ii) if applicable, reasonable attorney's fees | ||||||
13 | and collection fees. | ||||||
14 | (j) Repayments and interest payments made under this | ||||||
15 | Section shall be deposited into the Behavioral Health | ||||||
16 | Education Program Fund. | ||||||
17 | (k) The Department may use moneys from the Behavioral | ||||||
18 | Health Education Program Fund to fund the Program as described | ||||||
19 | under this Section. | ||||||
20 | (l) The Department shall adopt rules to implement this
| ||||||
21 | Section and may adopt rules relating to its collection
| ||||||
22 | activities for the repayment of any financial assistance
| ||||||
23 | provided under this Section. | ||||||
24 | (20 ILCS 1705/71D new) | ||||||
25 | Sec. 71D. Employment Funding Grant Program. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) As used in this Section, "qualified individual"means: | ||||||
2 | (1) a student pursuing a degree in behavioral health | ||||||
3 | who works at a community not-for-profit behavioral health | ||||||
4 | agency or a federally qualified health center as an unpaid | ||||||
5 | intern or volunteer; | ||||||
6 | (2) a person who is hired within the 6 months prior to | ||||||
7 | applying for a grant under this Section as a paid employee | ||||||
8 | or contractor on a full-time, part-time, or hourly basis; | ||||||
9 | or | ||||||
10 | (3) a faculty member, staff member, postdoctoral | ||||||
11 | student or fellow, individual who has received an | ||||||
12 | applied-research fellowship, or graduate student at an | ||||||
13 | institution of higher education who engages in applied | ||||||
14 | work at a community not-for-profit behavioral health | ||||||
15 | agency or a federally qualified health center to improve | ||||||
16 | the quality and consistency of clinical supervision, help | ||||||
17 | implement research-supported or evidenced-based | ||||||
18 | interventions, or improve the effectiveness or cost | ||||||
19 | effectiveness of the behavioral health agency or the | ||||||
20 | federally qualified health center. | ||||||
21 | (b) Subject to appropriation, the Department shall | ||||||
22 | establish the Employment Funding Grant Program to provide | ||||||
23 | grants to qualified individuals who work for community | ||||||
24 | not-for-profit behavioral health agencies or federally | ||||||
25 | qualified health centers. | ||||||
26 | (c) Under the Program, the Department shall provide |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | financial assistance to qualified individuals. | ||||||
2 | (d) A person who is a qualified individual under paragraph | ||||||
3 | (1) of subsection (a) is eligible to receive a grant to | ||||||
4 | compensate the individual for work as a unpaid intern or | ||||||
5 | volunteer. The grant amount shall provide an equivalent amount | ||||||
6 | of compensation to the individual similar to the expected | ||||||
7 | market rate of a person performing similar duties as the | ||||||
8 | individual in either a community profit or not-for-profit | ||||||
9 | behavioral health agency or a federally qualified health | ||||||
10 | center. | ||||||
11 | (e) A person who is a qualified individual under paragraph | ||||||
12 | (2) of subsection (a) is eligible to receive a grant as a bonus | ||||||
13 | for the individual for working at a community not-for-profit | ||||||
14 | behavioral health agency or federally qualified health center. | ||||||
15 | The grant may be renewed every 6 months and renewed up to 4 | ||||||
16 | times per qualified individual based on meeting performance | ||||||
17 | standards set by the Department. The grant amount shall be | ||||||
18 | determined by the Department. | ||||||
19 | (f) A person who is a qualified individual under paragraph | ||||||
20 | (3) of subsection (a) is eligible to receive a grant covering | ||||||
21 | the time that the individual does applied work at the | ||||||
22 | behavioral health agency or the federally qualified health | ||||||
23 | center. The grant amount shall provide an equivalent amount of | ||||||
24 | compensation to the individual similar to the expected market | ||||||
25 | rate of a person performing similar duties to the individual | ||||||
26 | in a community profit behavioral health agency, not-for-profit |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | behavioral health agency, or federally qualified health | ||||||
2 | center. If a qualified individual under paragraph (3) of | ||||||
3 | subsection (a) is a graduate student, then the graduate | ||||||
4 | student shall be eligible for a grant to cover tuition costs. | ||||||
5 | The grant may be renewed every 6 months and renewed up to 4 | ||||||
6 | times per qualified individual. | ||||||
7 | (g) The Department may use moneys from the Behavioral | ||||||
8 | Health Education Program Fund to fund the Program as described | ||||||
9 | under this Section. | ||||||
10 | (h) The Department shall adopt rules to implement this | ||||||
11 | Section.