| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning transportation.
| |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| |||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | changing Section 11-208.6 as follows:
| |||||||||||||||||||
6 | (625 ILCS 5/11-208.6)
| |||||||||||||||||||
7 | (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 102-982 ) | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | Sec. 11-208.6. Automated traffic law enforcement system.
| |||||||||||||||||||
9 | (a) As used in this Section, "automated traffic law | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | enforcement
system" means a device with one or more motor | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | vehicle sensors working
in conjunction with a red light signal | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | to produce recorded images of
motor vehicles entering an | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | intersection against a red signal
indication in violation of | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | Section 11-306 of this Code or a similar provision
of a local | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | ordinance.
| |||||||||||||||||||
16 | An
automated traffic law enforcement system is a system, | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | in a municipality or
county operated by a
governmental agency, | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | that
produces a recorded image of a motor vehicle's
violation | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance
and is | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | designed to obtain a clear recorded image of the
vehicle and | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | the vehicle's license plate. The recorded image must also
| |||||||||||||||||||
22 | display the time, date, and location of the violation.
| |||||||||||||||||||
23 | (b) As used in this Section, "recorded images" means |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | images
recorded by an automated traffic law enforcement system | ||||||
2 | on:
| ||||||
3 | (1) 2 or more photographs;
| ||||||
4 | (2) 2 or more microphotographs;
| ||||||
5 | (3) 2 or more electronic images; or
| ||||||
6 | (4) a video recording showing the motor vehicle and, | ||||||
7 | on at
least one image or portion of the recording, clearly | ||||||
8 | identifying the
registration plate or digital registration | ||||||
9 | plate number of the motor vehicle.
| ||||||
10 | (b-5) A municipality or
county that
produces a recorded | ||||||
11 | image of a motor vehicle's
violation of a provision of this | ||||||
12 | Code or a local ordinance must make the recorded images of a | ||||||
13 | violation accessible to the alleged violator by providing the | ||||||
14 | alleged violator with a website address, accessible through | ||||||
15 | the Internet. | ||||||
16 | (c) Except as provided under Section 11-208.8 of this | ||||||
17 | Code, a county or municipality, including a home rule county | ||||||
18 | or municipality, may not use an automated traffic law | ||||||
19 | enforcement system to provide recorded images of a motor | ||||||
20 | vehicle for the purpose of recording its speed. Except as | ||||||
21 | provided under Section 11-208.8 of this Code, the regulation | ||||||
22 | of the use of automated traffic law enforcement systems to | ||||||
23 | record vehicle speeds is an exclusive power and function of | ||||||
24 | the State. This subsection (c) is a denial and limitation of | ||||||
25 | home rule powers and functions under subsection (h) of Section | ||||||
26 | 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c-5) A county or municipality, including a home rule | ||||||
2 | county or municipality, may not use an automated traffic law | ||||||
3 | enforcement system to issue violations in instances where the | ||||||
4 | motor vehicle comes to a complete stop and does not enter the | ||||||
5 | intersection, as defined by Section 1-132 of this Code, during | ||||||
6 | the cycle of the red signal indication unless one or more | ||||||
7 | pedestrians or bicyclists are present, even if the motor | ||||||
8 | vehicle stops at a point past a stop line or crosswalk where a | ||||||
9 | driver is required to stop, as specified in subsection (c) of | ||||||
10 | Section 11-306 of this Code or a similar provision of a local | ||||||
11 | ordinance. | ||||||
12 | (c-6) A county, or a municipality with less than 2,000,000 | ||||||
13 | inhabitants, including a home rule county or municipality, may | ||||||
14 | not use an automated traffic law enforcement system to issue | ||||||
15 | violations in instances where a motorcyclist enters an | ||||||
16 | intersection against a red signal
indication when the red | ||||||
17 | signal fails to change to a green signal within a reasonable | ||||||
18 | period of time not less than 120 seconds because of a signal | ||||||
19 | malfunction or because the signal has failed to detect the | ||||||
20 | arrival of the motorcycle due to the motorcycle's size or | ||||||
21 | weight. | ||||||
22 | (d) For each violation of a provision of this Code or a | ||||||
23 | local ordinance
recorded by an automatic
traffic law | ||||||
24 | enforcement system, the county or municipality having
| ||||||
25 | jurisdiction shall issue a written notice of the
violation to | ||||||
26 | the registered owner of the vehicle as the alleged
violator. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | The notice shall be delivered to the registered
owner of the | ||||||
2 | vehicle, by mail, within 30 days after the Secretary of State | ||||||
3 | notifies the municipality or county of the identity of the | ||||||
4 | owner of the vehicle, but in no event later than 90 days after | ||||||
5 | the violation.
| ||||||
6 | The notice shall include:
| ||||||
7 | (1) the name and address of the registered owner of | ||||||
8 | the
| ||||||
9 | (2) the registration number of the motor vehicle
| ||||||
10 | involved in the violation;
| ||||||
11 | (3) the violation charged;
| ||||||
12 | (4) the location where the violation occurred;
| ||||||
13 | (5) the date and time of the violation;
| ||||||
14 | (6) a copy of the recorded images;
| ||||||
15 | (7) the amount of the civil penalty imposed and the | ||||||
16 | requirements of any traffic education program imposed and | ||||||
17 | the date
by which the civil penalty should be paid and the | ||||||
18 | traffic education program should be completed;
| ||||||
19 | (8) a statement that recorded images are evidence of a
| ||||||
20 | violation of a red light signal;
| ||||||
21 | (9) a warning that failure to pay the civil penalty, | ||||||
22 | to complete a required traffic education program, or to
| ||||||
23 | contest liability in a timely manner is an admission of
| ||||||
24 | liability;
| ||||||
25 | (10) a statement that the person may elect to proceed | ||||||
26 | by:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (A) paying the fine, completing a required traffic | ||||||
2 | education program, or both; or
| ||||||
3 | (B) challenging the charge in court, by mail, or | ||||||
4 | by administrative hearing; and
| ||||||
5 | (11) a website address, accessible through the | ||||||
6 | Internet, where the person may view the recorded images of | ||||||
7 | the violation. | ||||||
8 | (e) (Blank).
| ||||||
9 | (f) Based on inspection of recorded images produced by an
| ||||||
10 | automated traffic law enforcement system, a notice alleging | ||||||
11 | that the violation occurred shall be evidence of the facts | ||||||
12 | contained
in the notice and admissible in any proceeding | ||||||
13 | alleging a
violation under this Section.
| ||||||
14 | (g) Recorded images made by an automatic traffic law
| ||||||
15 | enforcement system are confidential and shall be made
| ||||||
16 | available only to the alleged violator and governmental and
| ||||||
17 | law enforcement agencies for purposes of adjudicating a
| ||||||
18 | violation of this Section, for statistical purposes, or for | ||||||
19 | other governmental purposes. Any recorded image evidencing a
| ||||||
20 | violation of this Section, however, may be admissible in
any | ||||||
21 | proceeding resulting from the issuance of the citation.
| ||||||
22 | (h) The court or hearing officer may consider in defense | ||||||
23 | of a violation:
| ||||||
24 | (1) that the motor vehicle or registration plates or | ||||||
25 | digital registration plates of the motor
vehicle were | ||||||
26 | stolen before the violation occurred and not
under the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | control of or in the possession of the owner or lessee at
| ||||||
2 | the time of the violation;
| ||||||
3 | (1.5) that the motor vehicle was hijacked before the | ||||||
4 | violation occurred and not under the control of or in the | ||||||
5 | possession of the owner or lessee at the time of the | ||||||
6 | violation; | ||||||
7 | (2) that the driver of the vehicle passed through the
| ||||||
8 | intersection when the light was red either (i) in order to
| ||||||
9 | yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle or (ii) as
| ||||||
10 | part of a funeral procession; and
| ||||||
11 | (3) any other evidence or issues provided by municipal | ||||||
12 | or county ordinance.
| ||||||
13 | (i) To demonstrate that the motor vehicle was hijacked or | ||||||
14 | the motor vehicle or registration
plates or digital | ||||||
15 | registration plates were stolen before the violation occurred | ||||||
16 | and were not under the
control or possession of the owner or | ||||||
17 | lessee at the time of the violation, the
owner or lessee must | ||||||
18 | submit proof that a report concerning the
motor vehicle or | ||||||
19 | registration plates was filed with a law enforcement agency in | ||||||
20 | a timely manner.
| ||||||
21 | (j) Unless the driver of the motor vehicle received a | ||||||
22 | Uniform
Traffic Citation from a police officer at the time of | ||||||
23 | the violation,
the motor vehicle owner is subject to a civil | ||||||
24 | penalty not exceeding
$100 or the completion of a traffic | ||||||
25 | education program, or both, plus an additional penalty of not | ||||||
26 | more than $100 for failure to pay the original penalty or to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | complete a required traffic education program, or both, in a | ||||||
2 | timely manner, if the motor vehicle is recorded by an | ||||||
3 | automated traffic law
enforcement system. A violation for | ||||||
4 | which a civil penalty is imposed
under this Section is not a | ||||||
5 | violation of a traffic regulation governing
the movement of | ||||||
6 | vehicles and may not be recorded on the driving record
of the | ||||||
7 | owner of the vehicle.
| ||||||
8 | (j-3) A registered owner who is a holder of a valid | ||||||
9 | commercial driver's license is not required to complete a | ||||||
10 | traffic education program. | ||||||
11 | (j-5) For purposes of the required traffic education | ||||||
12 | program only, a registered owner may submit an affidavit to | ||||||
13 | the court or hearing officer swearing that at the time of the | ||||||
14 | alleged violation, the vehicle was in the custody and control | ||||||
15 | of another person. The affidavit must identify the person in | ||||||
16 | custody and control of the vehicle, including the person's | ||||||
17 | name and current address. The person in custody and control of | ||||||
18 | the vehicle at the time of the violation is required to | ||||||
19 | complete the required traffic education program. If the person | ||||||
20 | in custody and control of the vehicle at the time of the | ||||||
21 | violation completes the required traffic education program, | ||||||
22 | the registered owner of the vehicle is not required to | ||||||
23 | complete a traffic education program. | ||||||
24 | (k) An intersection equipped with an automated traffic law
| ||||||
25 | enforcement system must be posted with a sign visible to | ||||||
26 | approaching traffic
indicating that the intersection is being |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | monitored by an automated
traffic law enforcement system. | ||||||
2 | (k-3) A municipality or
county that has one or more | ||||||
3 | intersections equipped with an automated traffic law
| ||||||
4 | enforcement system must provide notice to drivers by posting | ||||||
5 | the locations of automated traffic law systems on the | ||||||
6 | municipality or county website.
| ||||||
7 | (k-5) An intersection equipped with an automated traffic | ||||||
8 | law
enforcement system must have a yellow change interval that | ||||||
9 | conforms with the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control | ||||||
10 | Devices (IMUTCD) published by the Illinois Department of | ||||||
11 | Transportation. | ||||||
12 | (k-7) A municipality or county operating an automated | ||||||
13 | traffic law enforcement system shall conduct a statistical | ||||||
14 | analysis to assess the safety impact of each automated traffic | ||||||
15 | law enforcement system at an intersection following | ||||||
16 | installation of the system. The statistical analysis shall be | ||||||
17 | based upon the best available crash, traffic, and other data, | ||||||
18 | and shall cover a period of time before and after installation | ||||||
19 | of the system sufficient to provide a statistically valid | ||||||
20 | comparison of safety impact. The statistical analysis shall be | ||||||
21 | consistent with professional judgment and acceptable industry | ||||||
22 | practice. The statistical analysis also shall be consistent | ||||||
23 | with the data required for valid comparisons of before and | ||||||
24 | after conditions and shall be conducted within a reasonable | ||||||
25 | period following the installation of the automated traffic law | ||||||
26 | enforcement system. The statistical analysis required by this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsection (k-7) shall be made available to the public and | ||||||
2 | shall be published on the website of the municipality or | ||||||
3 | county. If the statistical analysis for the 36-month 36 month | ||||||
4 | period following installation of the system indicates that | ||||||
5 | there has been an increase in the rate of accidents at the | ||||||
6 | approach to the intersection monitored by the system, the | ||||||
7 | municipality or county shall undertake additional studies to | ||||||
8 | determine the cause and severity of the accidents, and may | ||||||
9 | take any action that it determines is necessary or appropriate | ||||||
10 | to reduce the number or severity of the accidents at that | ||||||
11 | intersection. | ||||||
12 | (l) The compensation paid for an automated traffic law | ||||||
13 | enforcement system
must be based on the value of the equipment | ||||||
14 | or the services provided and may
not be based on the number of | ||||||
15 | traffic citations issued or the revenue generated
by the | ||||||
16 | system.
| ||||||
17 | (m) This Section applies only to the counties of Cook, | ||||||
18 | DuPage, Kane, Lake, Madison, McHenry, St. Clair, and Will and | ||||||
19 | to municipalities located within those counties.
| ||||||
20 | (n) The fee for participating in a traffic education | ||||||
21 | program under this Section shall not exceed $25. | ||||||
22 | A low-income individual required to complete a traffic | ||||||
23 | education program under this Section who provides proof of | ||||||
24 | eligibility for the federal earned income tax credit under | ||||||
25 | Section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code or the Illinois earned | ||||||
26 | income tax credit under Section 212 of the Illinois Income Tax |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Act shall not be required to pay any fee for participating in a | ||||||
2 | required traffic education program. | ||||||
3 | (o) (Blank). | ||||||
4 | (p) No person who is the lessor of a motor vehicle pursuant | ||||||
5 | to a written lease agreement shall be liable for an automated | ||||||
6 | speed or traffic law enforcement system violation involving | ||||||
7 | such motor vehicle during the period of the lease; provided | ||||||
8 | that upon the request of the appropriate authority received | ||||||
9 | within 120 days after the violation occurred, the lessor | ||||||
10 | provides within 60 days after such receipt the name and | ||||||
11 | address of the lessee. | ||||||
12 | Upon the provision of information by the lessor pursuant | ||||||
13 | to this subsection, the county or municipality may issue the | ||||||
14 | violation to the lessee of the vehicle in the same manner as it | ||||||
15 | would issue a violation to a registered owner of a vehicle | ||||||
16 | pursuant to this Section, and the lessee may be held liable for | ||||||
17 | the violation. | ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 101-395, eff. 8-16-19; 101-652, eff. 7-1-21; | ||||||
19 | 102-905, eff. 1-1-23; revised 12-14-22.) | ||||||
20 | (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 102-982 )
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 11-208.6. Automated traffic law enforcement system.
| ||||||
22 | (a) As used in this Section, "automated traffic law | ||||||
23 | enforcement
system" means a device with one or more motor | ||||||
24 | vehicle sensors working
in conjunction with a red light signal | ||||||
25 | to produce recorded images of
motor vehicles entering an |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | intersection against a red signal
indication in violation of | ||||||
2 | Section 11-306 of this Code or a similar provision
of a local | ||||||
3 | ordinance.
| ||||||
4 | An
automated traffic law enforcement system is a system, | ||||||
5 | in a municipality or
county operated by a
governmental agency, | ||||||
6 | that
produces a recorded image of a motor vehicle's
violation | ||||||
7 | of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance
and is | ||||||
8 | designed to obtain a clear recorded image of the
vehicle and | ||||||
9 | the vehicle's license plate. The recorded image must also
| ||||||
10 | display the time, date, and location of the violation.
| ||||||
11 | (b) As used in this Section, "recorded images" means | ||||||
12 | images
recorded by an automated traffic law enforcement system | ||||||
13 | on:
| ||||||
14 | (1) 2 or more photographs;
| ||||||
15 | (2) 2 or more microphotographs;
| ||||||
16 | (3) 2 or more electronic images; or
| ||||||
17 | (4) a video recording showing the motor vehicle and, | ||||||
18 | on at
least one image or portion of the recording, clearly | ||||||
19 | identifying the
registration plate or digital registration | ||||||
20 | plate number of the motor vehicle.
| ||||||
21 | (b-5) A municipality or
county that
produces a recorded | ||||||
22 | image of a motor vehicle's
violation of a provision of this | ||||||
23 | Code or a local ordinance must make the recorded images of a | ||||||
24 | violation accessible to the alleged violator by providing the | ||||||
25 | alleged violator with a website address, accessible through | ||||||
26 | the Internet. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) Except as provided under Section 11-208.8 of this | ||||||
2 | Code, a county or municipality, including a home rule county | ||||||
3 | or municipality, may not use an automated traffic law | ||||||
4 | enforcement system to provide recorded images of a motor | ||||||
5 | vehicle for the purpose of recording its speed. Except as | ||||||
6 | provided under Section 11-208.8 of this Code, the regulation | ||||||
7 | of the use of automated traffic law enforcement systems to | ||||||
8 | record vehicle speeds is an exclusive power and function of | ||||||
9 | the State. This subsection (c) is a denial and limitation of | ||||||
10 | home rule powers and functions under subsection (h) of Section | ||||||
11 | 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
| ||||||
12 | (c-5) A county or municipality, including a home rule | ||||||
13 | county or municipality, may not use an automated traffic law | ||||||
14 | enforcement system to issue violations in instances where the | ||||||
15 | motor vehicle comes to a complete stop and does not enter the | ||||||
16 | intersection, as defined by Section 1-132 of this Code, during | ||||||
17 | the cycle of the red signal indication unless one or more | ||||||
18 | pedestrians or bicyclists are present, even if the motor | ||||||
19 | vehicle stops at a point past a stop line or crosswalk where a | ||||||
20 | driver is required to stop, as specified in subsection (c) of | ||||||
21 | Section 11-306 of this Code or a similar provision of a local | ||||||
22 | ordinance. | ||||||
23 | (c-6) A county, or a municipality with less than 2,000,000 | ||||||
24 | inhabitants, including a home rule county or municipality, may | ||||||
25 | not use an automated traffic law enforcement system to issue | ||||||
26 | violations in instances where a motorcyclist enters an |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | intersection against a red signal
indication when the red | ||||||
2 | signal fails to change to a green signal within a reasonable | ||||||
3 | period of time not less than 120 seconds because of a signal | ||||||
4 | malfunction or because the signal has failed to detect the | ||||||
5 | arrival of the motorcycle due to the motorcycle's size or | ||||||
6 | weight. | ||||||
7 | (d) For each violation of a provision of this Code or a | ||||||
8 | local ordinance
recorded by an automatic
traffic law | ||||||
9 | enforcement system, the county or municipality having
| ||||||
10 | jurisdiction shall issue a written notice of the
violation to | ||||||
11 | the registered owner of the vehicle as the alleged
violator. | ||||||
12 | The notice shall be delivered to the registered
owner of the | ||||||
13 | vehicle, by certified mail, within 30 days after the Secretary | ||||||
14 | of State notifies the municipality or county of the identity | ||||||
15 | of the owner of the vehicle, but in no event later than 90 days | ||||||
16 | after the violation.
| ||||||
17 | The notice shall include:
| ||||||
18 | (1) the name and address of the registered owner of | ||||||
19 | the
| ||||||
20 | (2) the registration number of the motor vehicle
| ||||||
21 | involved in the violation;
| ||||||
22 | (3) the violation charged;
| ||||||
23 | (4) the location where the violation occurred;
| ||||||
24 | (5) the date and time of the violation;
| ||||||
25 | (6) a copy of the recorded images;
| ||||||
26 | (7) the amount of the civil penalty imposed and the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | requirements of any traffic education program imposed and | ||||||
2 | the date
by which the civil penalty should be paid and the | ||||||
3 | traffic education program should be completed;
| ||||||
4 | (8) a statement that recorded images are evidence of a
| ||||||
5 | violation of a red light signal;
| ||||||
6 | (9) a warning that failure to pay the civil penalty, | ||||||
7 | to complete a required traffic education program, or to
| ||||||
8 | contest liability in a timely manner is an admission of
| ||||||
9 | liability;
| ||||||
10 | (10) a statement that the person may elect to proceed | ||||||
11 | by:
| ||||||
12 | (A) paying the fine, completing a required traffic | ||||||
13 | education program, or both; or
| ||||||
14 | (B) challenging the charge in court, by mail, or | ||||||
15 | by administrative hearing; and
| ||||||
16 | (11) a website address, accessible through the | ||||||
17 | Internet, where the person may view the recorded images of | ||||||
18 | the violation. | ||||||
19 | (e) (Blank).
| ||||||
20 | (f) Based on inspection of recorded images produced by an
| ||||||
21 | automated traffic law enforcement system, a notice alleging | ||||||
22 | that the violation occurred shall be evidence of the facts | ||||||
23 | contained
in the notice and admissible in any proceeding | ||||||
24 | alleging a
violation under this Section.
| ||||||
25 | (g) Recorded images made by an automatic traffic law
| ||||||
26 | enforcement system are confidential and shall be made
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | available only to the alleged violator and governmental and
| ||||||
2 | law enforcement agencies for purposes of adjudicating a
| ||||||
3 | violation of this Section, for statistical purposes, or for | ||||||
4 | other governmental purposes. Any recorded image evidencing a
| ||||||
5 | violation of this Section, however, may be admissible in
any | ||||||
6 | proceeding resulting from the issuance of the citation.
| ||||||
7 | (h) The court or hearing officer may consider in defense | ||||||
8 | of a violation:
| ||||||
9 | (1) that the motor vehicle or registration plates or | ||||||
10 | digital registration plates of the motor
vehicle were | ||||||
11 | stolen before the violation occurred and not
under the | ||||||
12 | control of or in the possession of the owner or lessee at
| ||||||
13 | the time of the violation;
| ||||||
14 | (1.5) that the motor vehicle was hijacked before the | ||||||
15 | violation occurred and not under the control of or in the | ||||||
16 | possession of the owner or lessee at the time of the | ||||||
17 | violation; | ||||||
18 | (2) that the driver of the vehicle passed through the
| ||||||
19 | intersection when the light was red either (i) in order to
| ||||||
20 | yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle or (ii) as
| ||||||
21 | part of a funeral procession; and
| ||||||
22 | (2.5) that any action for a violation of this Section | ||||||
23 | is barred by the statute of limitation under subsection | ||||||
24 | (q); and | ||||||
25 | (3) any other evidence or issues provided by municipal | ||||||
26 | or county ordinance.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (i) To demonstrate that the motor vehicle was hijacked or | ||||||
2 | the motor vehicle or registration
plates or digital | ||||||
3 | registration plates were stolen before the violation occurred | ||||||
4 | and were not under the
control or possession of the owner or | ||||||
5 | lessee at the time of the violation, the
owner or lessee must | ||||||
6 | submit proof that a report concerning the
motor vehicle or | ||||||
7 | registration plates was filed with a law enforcement agency in | ||||||
8 | a timely manner.
| ||||||
9 | (j) Unless the driver of the motor vehicle received a | ||||||
10 | Uniform
Traffic Citation from a police officer at the time of | ||||||
11 | the violation,
the motor vehicle owner is subject to a civil | ||||||
12 | penalty not exceeding
$100 or the completion of a traffic | ||||||
13 | education program, or both, plus an additional penalty of not | ||||||
14 | more than $100 for failure to pay the original penalty or to | ||||||
15 | complete a required traffic education program, or both, in a | ||||||
16 | timely manner, if the motor vehicle is recorded by an | ||||||
17 | automated traffic law
enforcement system. A violation for | ||||||
18 | which a civil penalty is imposed
under this Section is not a | ||||||
19 | violation of a traffic regulation governing
the movement of | ||||||
20 | vehicles and may not be recorded on the driving record
of the | ||||||
21 | owner of the vehicle.
| ||||||
22 | (j-3) A registered owner who is a holder of a valid | ||||||
23 | commercial driver's license is not required to complete a | ||||||
24 | traffic education program. | ||||||
25 | (j-5) For purposes of the required traffic education | ||||||
26 | program only, a registered owner may submit an affidavit to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the court or hearing officer swearing that at the time of the | ||||||
2 | alleged violation, the vehicle was in the custody and control | ||||||
3 | of another person. The affidavit must identify the person in | ||||||
4 | custody and control of the vehicle, including the person's | ||||||
5 | name and current address. The person in custody and control of | ||||||
6 | the vehicle at the time of the violation is required to | ||||||
7 | complete the required traffic education program. If the person | ||||||
8 | in custody and control of the vehicle at the time of the | ||||||
9 | violation completes the required traffic education program, | ||||||
10 | the registered owner of the vehicle is not required to | ||||||
11 | complete a traffic education program. | ||||||
12 | (k) An intersection equipped with an automated traffic law
| ||||||
13 | enforcement system must be posted with a sign visible to | ||||||
14 | approaching traffic
indicating that the intersection is being | ||||||
15 | monitored by an automated
traffic law enforcement system. | ||||||
16 | (k-3) A municipality or
county that has one or more | ||||||
17 | intersections equipped with an automated traffic law
| ||||||
18 | enforcement system must provide notice to drivers by posting | ||||||
19 | the locations of automated traffic law systems on the | ||||||
20 | municipality or county website.
| ||||||
21 | (k-5) An intersection equipped with an automated traffic | ||||||
22 | law
enforcement system must have a yellow change interval that | ||||||
23 | conforms with the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control | ||||||
24 | Devices (IMUTCD) published by the Illinois Department of | ||||||
25 | Transportation. | ||||||
26 | (k-7) A municipality or county operating an automated |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | traffic law enforcement system shall conduct a statistical | ||||||
2 | analysis to assess the safety impact of each automated traffic | ||||||
3 | law enforcement system at an intersection following | ||||||
4 | installation of the system. The statistical analysis shall be | ||||||
5 | based upon the best available crash, traffic, and other data, | ||||||
6 | and shall cover a period of time before and after installation | ||||||
7 | of the system sufficient to provide a statistically valid | ||||||
8 | comparison of safety impact. The statistical analysis shall be | ||||||
9 | consistent with professional judgment and acceptable industry | ||||||
10 | practice. The statistical analysis also shall be consistent | ||||||
11 | with the data required for valid comparisons of before and | ||||||
12 | after conditions and shall be conducted within a reasonable | ||||||
13 | period following the installation of the automated traffic law | ||||||
14 | enforcement system. The statistical analysis required by this | ||||||
15 | subsection (k-7) shall be made available to the public and | ||||||
16 | shall be published on the website of the municipality or | ||||||
17 | county. If the statistical analysis for the 36-month 36 month | ||||||
18 | period following installation of the system indicates that | ||||||
19 | there has been an increase in the rate of crashes at the | ||||||
20 | approach to the intersection monitored by the system, the | ||||||
21 | municipality or county shall undertake additional studies to | ||||||
22 | determine the cause and severity of the crashes, and may take | ||||||
23 | any action that it determines is necessary or appropriate to | ||||||
24 | reduce the number or severity of the crashes at that | ||||||
25 | intersection. | ||||||
26 | (l) The compensation paid for an automated traffic law |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | enforcement system
must be based on the value of the equipment | ||||||
2 | or the services provided and may
not be based on the number of | ||||||
3 | traffic citations issued or the revenue generated
by the | ||||||
4 | system.
| ||||||
5 | (m) This Section applies only to the counties of Cook, | ||||||
6 | DuPage, Kane, Lake, Madison, McHenry, St. Clair, and Will and | ||||||
7 | to municipalities located within those counties.
| ||||||
8 | (n) The fee for participating in a traffic education | ||||||
9 | program under this Section shall not exceed $25. | ||||||
10 | A low-income individual required to complete a traffic | ||||||
11 | education program under this Section who provides proof of | ||||||
12 | eligibility for the federal earned income tax credit under | ||||||
13 | Section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code or the Illinois earned | ||||||
14 | income tax credit under Section 212 of the Illinois Income Tax | ||||||
15 | Act shall not be required to pay any fee for participating in a | ||||||
16 | required traffic education program. | ||||||
17 | (o) (Blank). | ||||||
18 | (p) No person who is the lessor of a motor vehicle pursuant | ||||||
19 | to a written lease agreement shall be liable for an automated | ||||||
20 | speed or traffic law enforcement system violation involving | ||||||
21 | such motor vehicle during the period of the lease; provided | ||||||
22 | that upon the request of the appropriate authority received | ||||||
23 | within 120 days after the violation occurred, the lessor | ||||||
24 | provides within 60 days after such receipt the name and | ||||||
25 | address of the lessee. | ||||||
26 | Upon the provision of information by the lessor pursuant |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to this subsection, the county or municipality may issue the | ||||||
2 | violation to the lessee of the vehicle in the same manner as it | ||||||
3 | would issue a violation to a registered owner of a vehicle | ||||||
4 | pursuant to this Section, and the lessee may be held liable for | ||||||
5 | the violation. | ||||||
6 | (q) A municipality or county shall not take action on any | ||||||
7 | violation issued under this Section one year after issuance of | ||||||
8 | the citation. | ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 101-395, eff. 8-16-19; 101-652, eff. 7-1-21; | ||||||
10 | 102-905, eff. 1-1-23; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23; revised 12-14-22.)
| ||||||
11 | Section 95. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes | ||||||
12 | changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text | ||||||
13 | that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section | ||||||
14 | represented by multiple versions), the use of that text does | ||||||
15 | not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the changes | ||||||
16 | made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any other | ||||||
17 | Public Act.