Rep. Tom Weber
Filed: 3/22/2023
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| ||||||
2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3583 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The Acupuncture Practice Act is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Section 110 and by adding Section 40.5 as follows: | ||||||
6 | (225 ILCS 2/40.5 new) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 40.5. Criminal history. Any Department process under | ||||||
8 | statute or rule used to verify the criminal history of an | ||||||
9 | applicant for licensure under this Act shall be used for all | ||||||
10 | applicants for licensure, applicants for renewal of a license, | ||||||
11 | or persons whose conviction of a crime or other behavior | ||||||
12 | warrants review of a license under this Act.
| ||||||
13 | (225 ILCS 2/110)
| ||||||
14 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2028)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 110. Grounds for disciplinary action.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) The Department may refuse to issue or to renew, place | ||||||
2 | on probation,
suspend, revoke or take other disciplinary or | ||||||
3 | non-disciplinary action as deemed appropriate
including the | ||||||
4 | imposition of fines not to exceed $10,000 for each
| ||||||
5 | as the Department may deem proper,
regard to a license for | ||||||
6 | any one or combination of the
| ||||||
7 | (1) Violations of this Act or its rules.
| ||||||
8 | (2) Conviction by plea of guilty or nolo contendere, | ||||||
9 | finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or | ||||||
10 | sentencing, including, but not limited to, convictions, | ||||||
11 | preceding sentences of supervision, conditional discharge, | ||||||
12 | or first offender probation, under the laws of any | ||||||
13 | jurisdiction of the United States that is (i) a felony or | ||||||
14 | (ii) a misdemeanor, an
essential element of which is | ||||||
15 | dishonesty or that is directly
related to the practice of | ||||||
16 | the profession.
| ||||||
17 | (3) Making any misrepresentation for the purpose of
| ||||||
18 | obtaining a license.
| ||||||
19 | (4) Aiding or assisting another person in violating | ||||||
20 | any
provision of this Act or its rules.
| ||||||
21 | (5) Failing to provide information within 60 days in
| ||||||
22 | response to a written request made by the Department which | ||||||
23 | has
been sent by certified or registered mail to the | ||||||
24 | licensee's
address of record or by email to the licensee's | ||||||
25 | email address of record.
| ||||||
26 | (6) Discipline by another U.S. jurisdiction or foreign
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | nation, if at least one of the grounds for the discipline | ||||||
2 | is the same or
substantially equivalent to one set forth | ||||||
3 | in this Section.
| ||||||
4 | (7) Solicitation of professional services by means | ||||||
5 | other
than permitted under this Act.
| ||||||
6 | (8) Failure to provide a patient with a copy of his or
| ||||||
7 | her record upon the written request of the patient.
| ||||||
8 | (9) Gross negligence in the practice of acupuncture.
| ||||||
9 | (10) Habitual or excessive use or addiction to | ||||||
10 | alcohol, narcotics,
stimulants, or any other chemical | ||||||
11 | agent or drug that results in an
acupuncturist's inability | ||||||
12 | to practice with reasonable judgment, skill, or
| ||||||
13 | (11) A finding that licensure has been
applied for or
| ||||||
14 | obtained by fraudulent means.
| ||||||
15 | (12) A pattern of practice or other behavior that | ||||||
16 | demonstrates
incapacity or incompetence to practice under | ||||||
17 | this Act.
| ||||||
18 | (13) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated | ||||||
19 | report
by the Department of Children and Family Services | ||||||
20 | under the
Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act and | ||||||
21 | upon proof by
clear and convincing evidence that the | ||||||
22 | licensee has caused a
child to be an abused child or a | ||||||
23 | neglected child as defined in
the Abused and Neglected | ||||||
24 | Child Reporting Act.
| ||||||
25 | (14) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
26 | suspected
child abuse or neglect as required by the Abused |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and Neglected
Child Reporting Act.
| ||||||
2 | (15) The use of any words, abbreviations, figures or
| ||||||
3 | letters (such as "Acupuncturist", "Licensed | ||||||
4 | Acupuncturist",
"Certified Acupuncturist", "Doctor of | ||||||
5 | Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine", "Doctor of Acupuncture | ||||||
6 | and Oriental Medicine", "Doctor of Acupuncture", "Oriental | ||||||
7 | Medicine Practitioner", "Licensed Oriental Medicine | ||||||
8 | Practitioner", "Oriental Medicine Doctor", "Licensed | ||||||
9 | Oriental Medicine Doctor", "C.A.", "Act.", "Lic. Act.", | ||||||
10 | "Lic. Ac.", "D.Ac.", "DACM", "DAOM", or "O.M.D.") or any | ||||||
11 | designation used by the Accreditation Commission for | ||||||
12 | Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
with the intention of | ||||||
13 | indicating practice as a licensed
acupuncturist without a | ||||||
14 | valid license as an acupuncturist
issued under this Act.
| ||||||
15 | When the name of the licensed acupuncturist is used | ||||||
16 | professionally in oral, written, or printed announcements, | ||||||
17 | professional cards, or publications for the information of | ||||||
18 | the public, the degree title or degree abbreviation shall | ||||||
19 | be added immediately following title and name. When the | ||||||
20 | announcement, professional card, or publication is in | ||||||
21 | writing or in print, the explanatory addition shall be in | ||||||
22 | writing, type, or print not less than 1/2 the size of that | ||||||
23 | used in the name and title. No person other than the holder | ||||||
24 | of a valid existing license under this Act shall use the | ||||||
25 | title and designation of "acupuncturist", either directly | ||||||
26 | or indirectly, in connection with his or her profession or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | business. | ||||||
2 | (16) Using claims of superior quality of care to | ||||||
3 | entice
the public or advertising fee comparisons of | ||||||
4 | available services with those of
other persons providing | ||||||
5 | acupuncture services.
| ||||||
6 | (17) Advertising of professional services that the | ||||||
7 | offeror of the
services is not licensed to render. | ||||||
8 | Advertising of professional services that
contains false, | ||||||
9 | fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading material or | ||||||
10 | guarantees of
statements that play upon the | ||||||
11 | vanity or fears of the public, or statements that
promote | ||||||
12 | or produce unfair competition.
| ||||||
13 | (18) Having treated ailments other than by
the | ||||||
14 | practice of
acupuncture as defined in this Act, or having | ||||||
15 | treated ailments of
as a licensed acupuncturist pursuant | ||||||
16 | to a
referral by written order
that provides for | ||||||
17 | management of the patient by a physician or dentist | ||||||
18 | without having notified the
physician or dentist who | ||||||
19 | established the diagnosis that the patient is
receiving | ||||||
20 | acupuncture treatments.
| ||||||
21 | (19) Unethical, unauthorized, or unprofessional | ||||||
22 | conduct as defined by
| ||||||
23 | (20) Physical illness, mental illness, or other | ||||||
24 | impairment that results in the inability
to practice the | ||||||
25 | profession with reasonable judgment, skill, and safety, | ||||||
26 | including, without limitation, deterioration through the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | aging process, mental illness, or disability.
| ||||||
2 | (21) Violation of the Health Care Worker Self-Referral | ||||||
3 | Act.
| ||||||
4 | (22) Failure to refer a patient whose condition | ||||||
5 | should, at the time of evaluation or treatment, be | ||||||
6 | determined to be beyond the scope of practice of the | ||||||
7 | acupuncturist to a licensed physician or dentist. | ||||||
8 | (23) Holding himself or herself out as being trained | ||||||
9 | in Chinese herbology without being able to provide the | ||||||
10 | Department with proof of status as a Diplomate of Oriental | ||||||
11 | Medicine certified by the National Certification | ||||||
12 | Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine or a | ||||||
13 | substantially equivalent status approved by the Department | ||||||
14 | or proof that he or she has successfully completed the | ||||||
15 | National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and | ||||||
16 | Oriental Medicine Chinese Herbology Examination or a | ||||||
17 | substantially equivalent examination approved by the | ||||||
18 | Department. | ||||||
19 | Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, | ||||||
20 | a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
21 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
22 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
23 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
24 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
25 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
26 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
2 | The entry of an order by a circuit court establishing that | ||||||
3 | any person
holding a license under this Act is subject to | ||||||
4 | involuntary admission or
judicial admission as provided for in | ||||||
5 | the Mental Health and Developmental
Disabilities Code operates | ||||||
6 | as an automatic suspension of that license. That
person may | ||||||
7 | have his or her license restored only upon the determination | ||||||
8 | by a
circuit court that the patient is no longer subject to | ||||||
9 | involuntary admission or
judicial admission and the issuance | ||||||
10 | of an order so finding and discharging the
patient and upon the | ||||||
11 | Board's recommendation to the Department that the license
be | ||||||
12 | restored. Where the circumstances so indicate, the Board may | ||||||
13 | recommend to
the Department that it require an examination | ||||||
14 | prior to restoring a suspended
| ||||||
15 | The Department may refuse to issue or renew the license
of | ||||||
16 | any person
fails to (i) file a return or to pay the tax,
| ||||||
17 | penalty or interest shown in a filed return or (ii) pay any | ||||||
18 | final
assessment of the tax, penalty, or interest as required | ||||||
19 | by any tax
Act administered by the Illinois Department of | ||||||
20 | Revenue, until the
time that the requirements of that tax Act | ||||||
21 | are satisfied.
| ||||||
22 | In enforcing this Section, the Department upon a showing | ||||||
23 | of
violation may compel an individual licensed to | ||||||
24 | practice under this Act, or
who has applied for licensure | ||||||
25 | under this Act, to submit
to a mental or physical examination, | ||||||
26 | or both, as required by and at the expense
of the Department. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | The Department may order the examining physician to
| ||||||
2 | testimony concerning the mental or physical examination of the | ||||||
3 | licensee or
applicant. No information shall be excluded by | ||||||
4 | reason of any common law or
statutory privilege relating to | ||||||
5 | communications between the licensee or
applicant and the | ||||||
6 | examining physician. The examining
shall be | ||||||
7 | specifically designated by the Department.
The individual to | ||||||
8 | be examined may have, at his or her own expense, another
| ||||||
9 | physician of his or her choice present during all
aspects of | ||||||
10 | this examination. Failure of an individual to submit to a | ||||||
11 | mental
physical examination, when directed, shall be | ||||||
12 | grounds for suspension of his or
license until the | ||||||
13 | individual submits to the examination if the Department
| ||||||
14 | after notice and hearing, that the refusal to submit to the | ||||||
15 | examination was
without reasonable cause.
| ||||||
16 | If the Department finds an individual unable to practice | ||||||
17 | because of
set forth in this Section, the | ||||||
18 | Department may require that individual
to submit
care, | ||||||
19 | counseling, or treatment by physicians approved
or designated | ||||||
20 | by the Department, as a condition, term, or restriction
for | ||||||
21 | continued,
restored, or
renewed licensure to practice; or, in | ||||||
22 | lieu of care, counseling, or treatment,
the Department may | ||||||
23 | file a complaint to immediately
suspend, revoke, or otherwise | ||||||
24 | discipline the license of the individual.
An individual whose
| ||||||
25 | license was granted, continued, restored, renewed, disciplined | ||||||
26 | or supervised
subject to such terms, conditions, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | restrictions, and who fails to comply
such terms, | ||||||
2 | conditions, or restrictions, shall be referred to the | ||||||
3 | Secretary for
determination as to whether the individual | ||||||
4 | shall have his or her license
suspended immediately, pending a | ||||||
5 | hearing by the Department.
| ||||||
6 | In instances in which the Secretary immediately suspends a | ||||||
7 | person's license
under this Section, a hearing on that | ||||||
8 | person's license must be convened by
the Department within 30 | ||||||
9 | days after the suspension and completed without
| ||||||
10 | delay.
The Department and Board shall have the authority to | ||||||
11 | review the subject
individual's record of
treatment and | ||||||
12 | counseling regarding the impairment to the extent permitted by
| ||||||
13 | applicable federal statutes and regulations safeguarding the | ||||||
14 | confidentiality of
medical records.
| ||||||
15 | An individual licensed under this Act and affected under | ||||||
16 | this Section shall
afforded an opportunity to demonstrate | ||||||
17 | to the Department that he or
she can resume
practice in | ||||||
18 | compliance with acceptable and prevailing standards under the
| ||||||
19 | provisions of his or her license.
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 100-375, eff. 8-25-17; 101-201, eff. 1-1-20 .)
| ||||||
21 | Section 10. The Illinois Athletic Trainers Practice Act is | ||||||
22 | amended by changing Sections 9 and 16 as follows:
| ||||||
23 | (225 ILCS 5/9) (from Ch. 111, par. 7609)
| ||||||
24 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2026)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 9. Qualifications for licensure. A person shall be | ||||||
2 | qualified for licensure as an athletic trainer if he or she | ||||||
3 | fulfills all of the following:
| ||||||
4 | (a) Has graduated from a curriculum in athletic | ||||||
5 | training accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of | ||||||
6 | Athletic Training Education (CAATE), its successor entity, | ||||||
7 | or its equivalent, as approved by the Department.
| ||||||
8 | (b) Gives proof of current certification, on the date | ||||||
9 | of application, in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and | ||||||
10 | automated external defibrillators (AED) for Healthcare | ||||||
11 | Providers and Professional Rescuers or its equivalent | ||||||
12 | based on American Red Cross or American Heart Association | ||||||
13 | standards. | ||||||
14 | (b-5) Has graduated from a 4 year accredited college | ||||||
15 | or
| ||||||
16 | (c) Has passed an examination approved by the | ||||||
17 | Department to determine his
or her fitness for practice as | ||||||
18 | an athletic trainer, or is entitled to be
licensed without | ||||||
19 | examination as provided in Sections 7 and 8 of this Act.
| ||||||
20 | Any Department process under statute or rule used to | ||||||
21 | verify the criminal history of an applicant for licensure | ||||||
22 | under this Act shall be used for all applicants for licensure, | ||||||
23 | applicants for renewal of a license, or persons whose | ||||||
24 | conviction of a crime or other behavior warrants review of a | ||||||
25 | license under this Act. | ||||||
26 | (Source: P.A. 99-469, eff. 8-26-15.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (225 ILCS 5/16) (from Ch. 111, par. 7616)
| ||||||
2 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2026)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 16. Grounds for discipline. | ||||||
4 | (1) The
Department may refuse to issue or renew, or may | ||||||
5 | revoke, suspend,
place on probation, reprimand, or take other | ||||||
6 | disciplinary
action as the Department may deem proper, | ||||||
7 | including fines not to exceed $10,000
for each violation, with | ||||||
8 | regard to any licensee for any one or
combination of the | ||||||
9 | following:
| ||||||
10 | (A) Material misstatement in furnishing information to | ||||||
11 | the
| ||||||
12 | (B) Violations of this Act, or of
the rules or | ||||||
13 | regulations promulgated hereunder;
| ||||||
14 | (C) Conviction of or plea of guilty to any crime under | ||||||
15 | the Criminal Code of 2012 or the laws of any jurisdiction | ||||||
16 | of the United States that is (i) a felony, (ii) a
| ||||||
17 | misdemeanor, an essential element of which is dishonesty, | ||||||
18 | or (iii) of any crime
that is
directly related to the | ||||||
19 | practice of the profession;
| ||||||
20 | (D) Fraud or any misrepresentation in applying for or | ||||||
21 | procuring a license under this Act, or in connection with | ||||||
22 | applying for renewal of a license under this Act;
| ||||||
23 | (E) Professional incompetence or gross negligence;
| ||||||
24 | (F) Malpractice;
| ||||||
25 | (G) Aiding or assisting another person, firm, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | partnership, or corporation in violating any provision of | ||||||
2 | this
Act or rules;
| ||||||
3 | (H) Failing, within 60 days, to provide information in | ||||||
4 | response to a written
request made by the Department;
| ||||||
5 | (I) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical, or | ||||||
6 | unprofessional conduct of a
character likely to deceive, | ||||||
7 | defraud or harm the public;
| ||||||
8 | (J) Habitual or excessive use or abuse of drugs | ||||||
9 | defined in law as controlled substances, alcohol, or any | ||||||
10 | other substance that results in the inability to practice | ||||||
11 | with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety;
| ||||||
12 | (K) Discipline by another state, unit of government, | ||||||
13 | government agency, the District of Columbia, territory, or | ||||||
14 | foreign
nation, if at least one of the grounds for the | ||||||
15 | discipline is the same
or substantially equivalent to | ||||||
16 | those set forth herein;
| ||||||
17 | (L) Directly or indirectly giving to or receiving from | ||||||
18 | any person, firm,
corporation, partnership, or association | ||||||
19 | any fee, commission, rebate,
or other form of compensation | ||||||
20 | for any professional services not actually or
personally | ||||||
21 | rendered. Nothing in this subparagraph (L) affects any | ||||||
22 | bona fide independent contractor or employment | ||||||
23 | arrangements among health care professionals, health | ||||||
24 | facilities, health care providers, or other entities, | ||||||
25 | except as otherwise prohibited by law. Any employment | ||||||
26 | arrangements may include provisions for compensation, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | health insurance, pension, or other employment benefits | ||||||
2 | for the provision of services within the scope of the | ||||||
3 | licensee's practice under this Act. Nothing in this | ||||||
4 | subparagraph (L) shall be construed to require an | ||||||
5 | employment arrangement to receive professional fees for | ||||||
6 | services rendered;
| ||||||
7 | (M) A finding by the Department that the
licensee | ||||||
8 | after having his or her license disciplined has violated | ||||||
9 | the terms of probation;
| ||||||
10 | (N) Abandonment of an athlete;
| ||||||
11 | (O) Willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
12 | reports in his or her
practice, including but not limited | ||||||
13 | to false records filed with State agencies
| ||||||
14 | (P) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
15 | suspected child abuse or
neglect as required by the Abused | ||||||
16 | and Neglected Child Reporting
| ||||||
17 | (Q) Physical illness, including but not limited to | ||||||
18 | deterioration
the aging process, or loss of motor | ||||||
19 | skill that results in the
inability to practice the | ||||||
20 | profession with reasonable judgment, skill, or
| ||||||
21 | (R) Solicitation of professional services other than | ||||||
22 | by permitted
institutional policy;
| ||||||
23 | (S) The use of any words, abbreviations, figures or | ||||||
24 | letters with the
intention of indicating practice as an | ||||||
25 | athletic trainer without a valid
license as an athletic | ||||||
26 | trainer under this Act;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (T) The evaluation or treatment of ailments of human | ||||||
2 | beings other than by the practice of athletic training as | ||||||
3 | defined in this Act or the treatment of injuries of | ||||||
4 | athletes by a licensed
athletic trainer except by the | ||||||
5 | referral of a physician, physician assistant, advanced | ||||||
6 | practice registered nurse, podiatric physician,
or | ||||||
7 | dentist;
| ||||||
8 | (U) Willfully violating or knowingly assisting in the | ||||||
9 | violation of any
law of this State relating to the use of | ||||||
10 | habit-forming drugs;
| ||||||
11 | (V) Willfully violating or knowingly assisting in the | ||||||
12 | violation of any
of this State relating to the | ||||||
13 | practice of abortion;
| ||||||
14 | (W) Continued practice by a person knowingly having an | ||||||
15 | infectious
communicable or contagious disease;
| ||||||
16 | (X) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated | ||||||
17 | report by the
Department of Children and Family Services | ||||||
18 | pursuant to the Abused and
Neglected Child Reporting Act | ||||||
19 | and upon
proof by clear and convincing evidence that the | ||||||
20 | licensee has
caused a child to be an abused child or | ||||||
21 | neglected child as defined in the
Abused and Neglected | ||||||
22 | Child Reporting Act;
| ||||||
23 | (X-5) Failure to provide a monthly report on the | ||||||
24 | patient's progress to the referring physician, physician | ||||||
25 | assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, podiatric | ||||||
26 | physician, or dentist; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Y) (Blank);
| ||||||
2 | (Z) Failure to fulfill continuing education | ||||||
3 | requirements;
| ||||||
4 | (AA) Allowing one's license under this Act to be used | ||||||
5 | by an unlicensed person in violation of this Act; | ||||||
6 | (BB) Practicing under a false or, except as provided | ||||||
7 | by law, assumed name; | ||||||
8 | (CC) Promotion of the sale of drugs, devices, | ||||||
9 | appliances, or goods provided in any manner to exploit the | ||||||
10 | client for the financial gain of the licensee; | ||||||
11 | (DD) Gross, willful, or continued overcharging for | ||||||
12 | professional services; | ||||||
13 | (EE) Mental illness or disability that results in the | ||||||
14 | inability to practice under this Act with reasonable | ||||||
15 | judgment, skill, or safety; | ||||||
16 | (FF) Cheating on or attempting to subvert the | ||||||
17 | licensing examination administered under this Act; | ||||||
18 | (GG) Violation of the Health Care Worker Self-Referral | ||||||
19 | Act; or | ||||||
20 | (HH) Failure by a supervising athletic trainer of an | ||||||
21 | aide to maintain contact, including personal supervision | ||||||
22 | and instruction, to ensure the safety and welfare of an | ||||||
23 | athlete. | ||||||
24 | All fines imposed under this Section shall be paid within | ||||||
25 | 60 days after the effective date of the order imposing the fine | ||||||
26 | or in accordance with the terms set forth in the order imposing |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the fine. | ||||||
2 | (1.5) Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the | ||||||
3 | contrary, a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
4 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
5 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
6 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
7 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
8 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
9 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
10 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
11 | (2) The determination by a circuit court that a
licensee | ||||||
12 | is subject to
involuntary admission or judicial admission as | ||||||
13 | provided in the Mental Health
and Developmental Disabilities | ||||||
14 | Code operates as an automatic suspension. Such
suspension will | ||||||
15 | end only upon a finding by a court that the licensee is no | ||||||
16 | longer subject to involuntary admission or judicial
admission | ||||||
17 | and issuance of an order so finding and discharging the | ||||||
18 | licensee.
| ||||||
19 | (3) The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend | ||||||
20 | without hearing, as provided for in the Code of Civil | ||||||
21 | Procedure, the license of any person who fails to file a | ||||||
22 | return, to pay the tax, penalty, or interest shown in a filed | ||||||
23 | return, or to pay any final assessment of tax, penalty, or | ||||||
24 | interest as required by any tax Act administered by the | ||||||
25 | Illinois Department of Revenue, until such time as the | ||||||
26 | requirements of any such tax Act are satisfied in accordance |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | with subsection (a) of Section 2105-15 of the Department of | ||||||
2 | Professional Regulation Law of the Civil Administrative Code | ||||||
3 | of Illinois. | ||||||
4 | (4) In enforcing this Section, the Department, upon a | ||||||
5 | showing of a possible violation, may compel any individual who | ||||||
6 | is licensed under this Act or any individual who has applied | ||||||
7 | for licensure to submit to a mental or physical examination or | ||||||
8 | evaluation, or both, which may include a substance abuse or | ||||||
9 | sexual offender evaluation, at the expense of the Department. | ||||||
10 | The Department shall specifically designate the examining | ||||||
11 | physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches | ||||||
12 | or, if applicable, the multidisciplinary team involved in | ||||||
13 | providing the mental or physical examination and evaluation. | ||||||
14 | The multidisciplinary team shall be led by a physician | ||||||
15 | licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches and may | ||||||
16 | consist of one or more or a combination of physicians licensed | ||||||
17 | to practice medicine in all of its branches, licensed | ||||||
18 | chiropractic physicians, licensed clinical psychologists, | ||||||
19 | licensed clinical social workers, licensed clinical | ||||||
20 | professional counselors, and other professional and | ||||||
21 | administrative staff. Any examining physician or member of the | ||||||
22 | multidisciplinary team may require any person ordered to | ||||||
23 | submit to an examination and evaluation pursuant to this | ||||||
24 | Section to submit to any additional supplemental testing | ||||||
25 | deemed necessary to complete any examination or evaluation | ||||||
26 | process, including, but not limited to, blood testing, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | urinalysis, psychological testing, or neuropsychological | ||||||
2 | testing. | ||||||
3 | The Department may order the examining physician or any | ||||||
4 | member of the multidisciplinary team to provide to the | ||||||
5 | Department any and all records, including business records, | ||||||
6 | that relate to the examination and evaluation, including any | ||||||
7 | supplemental testing performed. The Department may order the | ||||||
8 | examining physician or any member of the multidisciplinary | ||||||
9 | team to present testimony concerning this examination and | ||||||
10 | evaluation of the licensee or applicant, including testimony | ||||||
11 | concerning any supplemental testing or documents relating to | ||||||
12 | the examination and evaluation. No information, report, | ||||||
13 | record, or other documents in any way related to the | ||||||
14 | examination and evaluation shall be excluded by reason of any | ||||||
15 | common law or statutory privilege relating to communication | ||||||
16 | between the licensee or applicant and the examining physician | ||||||
17 | or any member of the multidisciplinary team. No authorization | ||||||
18 | is necessary from the licensee or applicant ordered to undergo | ||||||
19 | an evaluation and examination for the examining physician or | ||||||
20 | any member of the multidisciplinary team to provide | ||||||
21 | information, reports, records, or other documents or to | ||||||
22 | provide any testimony regarding the examination and | ||||||
23 | evaluation. The individual to be examined may have, at his or | ||||||
24 | her own expense, another physician of his or her choice | ||||||
25 | present during all aspects of the examination. | ||||||
26 | Failure of any individual to submit to a mental or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | physical examination or evaluation, or both, when directed, | ||||||
2 | shall result in an automatic suspension without hearing, until | ||||||
3 | such time as the individual submits to the examination. If the | ||||||
4 | Department finds a licensee unable to practice because of the | ||||||
5 | reasons set forth in this Section, the Department shall | ||||||
6 | require the licensee to submit to care, counseling, or | ||||||
7 | treatment by physicians approved or designated by the | ||||||
8 | Department as a condition for continued, reinstated, or | ||||||
9 | renewed licensure. | ||||||
10 | When the Secretary immediately suspends a license under | ||||||
11 | this Section, a hearing upon such person's license must be | ||||||
12 | convened by the Department within 15 days after the suspension | ||||||
13 | and completed without appreciable delay. The Department shall | ||||||
14 | have the authority to review the licensee's record of | ||||||
15 | treatment and counseling regarding the impairment to the | ||||||
16 | extent permitted by applicable federal statutes and | ||||||
17 | regulations safeguarding the confidentiality of medical | ||||||
18 | records. | ||||||
19 | Individuals licensed under this Act who are affected under | ||||||
20 | this Section shall be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate | ||||||
21 | to the Department that they can resume practice in compliance | ||||||
22 | with acceptable and prevailing standards under the provisions | ||||||
23 | of their license. | ||||||
24 | (5) (Blank). | ||||||
25 | (6) In cases where the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
26 | Services has previously determined a licensee or a potential |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | licensee is more than 30 days delinquent in the payment of | ||||||
2 | child support and has subsequently certified the delinquency | ||||||
3 | to the Department, the Department may refuse to issue or renew | ||||||
4 | or may revoke or suspend that person's license or may take | ||||||
5 | other disciplinary action against that person based solely | ||||||
6 | upon the certification of delinquency made by the Department | ||||||
7 | of Healthcare and Family Services in accordance with paragraph | ||||||
8 | (5) of subsection (a) of Section 2105-15 of the Department of | ||||||
9 | Professional Regulation Law of the Civil Administrative Code | ||||||
10 | of Illinois. | ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 102-940, eff. 1-1-23 .)
| ||||||
12 | Section 15. The Illinois Dental Practice Act is amended by | ||||||
13 | changing Section 23 and by adding Section 23d as follows:
| ||||||
14 | (225 ILCS 25/23) (from Ch. 111, par. 2323)
| ||||||
15 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2026)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 23. Refusal, revocation or suspension of dental | ||||||
17 | licenses. The
Department may refuse to issue or renew, or may | ||||||
18 | revoke, suspend, place on
probation, reprimand or take other | ||||||
19 | disciplinary or non-disciplinary action as the Department
may | ||||||
20 | deem proper, including imposing fines not to exceed $10,000 | ||||||
21 | per violation, with
regard to any license for any one or any | ||||||
22 | combination of
the following causes:
| ||||||
23 | 1. Fraud or misrepresentation in applying for or | ||||||
24 | procuring a license under this Act, or in connection with |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | applying for renewal of a license under this Act.
| ||||||
2 | 2. Inability to practice with reasonable judgment, | ||||||
3 | skill, or safety as a result of habitual or excessive use | ||||||
4 | or addiction to alcohol, narcotics, stimulants, or any | ||||||
5 | other chemical agent or drug.
| ||||||
6 | 3. Willful or repeated violations of the rules of the | ||||||
7 | Department of
Public Health or Department of Nuclear | ||||||
8 | Safety.
| ||||||
9 | 4. Acceptance of a fee for service as a witness, | ||||||
10 | without the
knowledge of the court, in addition to the fee | ||||||
11 | allowed by the court.
| ||||||
12 | 5. Division of fees or agreeing to split or divide the | ||||||
13 | fees received
for dental services with any person for | ||||||
14 | bringing or referring a patient,
except in regard to | ||||||
15 | referral services as provided for under Section 45,
or | ||||||
16 | assisting in the care or treatment of a patient,
without | ||||||
17 | the
knowledge of the patient or his or her legal | ||||||
18 | representative. Nothing in this item 5 affects any bona | ||||||
19 | fide independent contractor or employment arrangements | ||||||
20 | among health care professionals, health facilities, health | ||||||
21 | care providers, or other entities, except as otherwise | ||||||
22 | prohibited by law. Any employment arrangements may include | ||||||
23 | provisions for compensation, health insurance, pension, or | ||||||
24 | other employment benefits for the provision of services | ||||||
25 | within the scope of the licensee's practice under this | ||||||
26 | Act. Nothing in this item 5 shall be construed to require |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | an employment arrangement to receive professional fees for | ||||||
2 | services rendered.
| ||||||
3 | 6. Employing, procuring, inducing, aiding or abetting | ||||||
4 | a person not
licensed or registered as a dentist or dental | ||||||
5 | hygienist to engage in the practice of
dentistry or dental | ||||||
6 | hygiene. The person practiced upon is not an accomplice, | ||||||
7 | employer,
procurer, inducer, aider, or abetter within the | ||||||
8 | meaning of this Act.
| ||||||
9 | 7. Making any misrepresentations or false promises, | ||||||
10 | directly or
indirectly, to influence, persuade or induce | ||||||
11 | dental patronage.
| ||||||
12 | 8. Professional connection or association with or | ||||||
13 | lending his or her name
to another for the illegal | ||||||
14 | practice of dentistry by another, or
professional | ||||||
15 | connection or association with any person, firm or
| ||||||
16 | corporation holding himself, herself, themselves, or | ||||||
17 | itself out in any manner
contrary to this Act.
| ||||||
18 | 9. Obtaining or seeking to obtain practice, money, or | ||||||
19 | any other
things of value by false or fraudulent | ||||||
20 | representations, but
not limited to, engaging in such | ||||||
21 | fraudulent practice to defraud the
medical assistance | ||||||
22 | program of the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
23 | Services (formerly Department of Public Aid) under the | ||||||
24 | Illinois Public Aid Code.
| ||||||
25 | 10. Practicing under a false or, except as provided by | ||||||
26 | law, an assumed name.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 11. Engaging in dishonorable,
unethical, or | ||||||
2 | unprofessional conduct of a character likely to deceive,
| ||||||
3 | defraud, or harm the public.
| ||||||
4 | 12. Conviction by plea of guilty or nolo contendere, | ||||||
5 | finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or by | ||||||
6 | sentencing for any crime, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
7 | convictions, preceding sentences of supervision, | ||||||
8 | conditional discharge, or first offender probation, under | ||||||
9 | the laws of any jurisdiction of the United States that (i) | ||||||
10 | is a felony under the laws of this State or (ii) is a | ||||||
11 | misdemeanor, an essential element of which is dishonesty, | ||||||
12 | or that is directly related to the practice of dentistry.
| ||||||
13 | 13. Permitting a dental hygienist, dental assistant or | ||||||
14 | other person
under his or her supervision to perform
any | ||||||
15 | operation not authorized by this Act.
| ||||||
16 | 14. Permitting more than 4 dental hygienists to be | ||||||
17 | employed under
his or her supervision at any one time.
| ||||||
18 | 15. A violation of any provision of this
Act or any | ||||||
19 | rules promulgated under this Act.
| ||||||
20 | 16. Taking impressions for or using the services of | ||||||
21 | any person, firm
or corporation violating this Act.
| ||||||
22 | 17. Violating any provision of Section 45 relating to | ||||||
23 | advertising.
| ||||||
24 | 18. Discipline by another U.S. jurisdiction or foreign | ||||||
25 | nation,
if at least one of the grounds for the discipline | ||||||
26 | is the
same or substantially equivalent to those set forth |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | within this Act.
| ||||||
2 | 19. Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
3 | suspected child abuse or
neglect as required by the Abused | ||||||
4 | and Neglected Child Reporting
| ||||||
5 | 20. Gross negligence in practice under this Act.
| ||||||
6 | 21. The use or prescription for use of narcotics or | ||||||
7 | controlled substances
or designated products as listed in | ||||||
8 | the Illinois Controlled Substances
Act, in any way other | ||||||
9 | than for therapeutic purposes.
| ||||||
10 | 22. Willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
11 | reports in his or her practice
as a dentist, including, | ||||||
12 | but not limited to, false records to support claims
| ||||||
13 | against the dental assistance program of the Department of | ||||||
14 | Healthcare and Family Services (formerly
Illinois | ||||||
15 | Department of Public
| ||||||
16 | 23. Professional incompetence as manifested by poor | ||||||
17 | standards of care.
| ||||||
18 | 24. Physical or mental illness, including, but not | ||||||
19 | limited to,
the aging process, or | ||||||
20 | loss of motor skills which results in a dentist's
| ||||||
21 | inability to practice dentistry with reasonable judgment, | ||||||
22 | skill or safety. In
enforcing this paragraph, the | ||||||
23 | Department may compel a person licensed to
practice under | ||||||
24 | this Act to submit to a mental or physical examination | ||||||
25 | pursuant
to the terms and conditions of Section 23b.
| ||||||
26 | 25. Gross or repeated irregularities in billing for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | services rendered
to a patient. For purposes of this | ||||||
2 | paragraph 25, "irregularities in billing"
shall include:
| ||||||
3 | (a) Reporting excessive charges for the purpose of | ||||||
4 | obtaining a total
in excess of that usually | ||||||
5 | received by the dentist for the services rendered.
| ||||||
6 | (b) Reporting charges for services not rendered.
| ||||||
7 | (c) Incorrectly reporting services rendered for | ||||||
8 | the purpose of obtaining
payment not earned.
| ||||||
9 | 26. Continuing the active practice of dentistry while | ||||||
10 | knowingly having
any infectious, communicable, or | ||||||
11 | contagious disease proscribed by rule or
regulation of the | ||||||
12 | Department.
| ||||||
13 | 27. Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated | ||||||
14 | report by the
Department of Children and Family Services | ||||||
15 | pursuant to the Abused and
Neglected Child Reporting Act, | ||||||
16 | and upon
proof by clear and convincing evidence that the | ||||||
17 | licensee has
caused a child to be an abused child or | ||||||
18 | neglected child as defined in the
Abused and Neglected | ||||||
19 | Child Reporting Act.
| ||||||
20 | 28. Violating the Health Care Worker Self-Referral | ||||||
21 | Act.
| ||||||
22 | 29. Abandonment of a patient.
| ||||||
23 | 30. Mental incompetency as declared by a court of | ||||||
24 | competent
| ||||||
25 | 31. A finding by the Department that the licensee, | ||||||
26 | after having his or her license placed on probationary |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | status, has violated the terms of probation. | ||||||
2 | 32. Material misstatement in furnishing information to | ||||||
3 | the Department. | ||||||
4 | 33. Failing, within 60 days, to provide information in | ||||||
5 | response to a written request by the Department in the | ||||||
6 | course of an investigation. | ||||||
7 | 34. Immoral conduct in the commission of any act, | ||||||
8 | including, but not limited to, commission of an act of | ||||||
9 | sexual misconduct related to the licensee's practice. | ||||||
10 | 35. Cheating on or attempting to subvert the licensing | ||||||
11 | examination administered under this Act. | ||||||
12 | 36. A pattern of practice or other behavior that | ||||||
13 | demonstrates incapacity or incompetence to practice under | ||||||
14 | this Act. | ||||||
15 | 37. Failure to establish and maintain records of | ||||||
16 | patient care and treatment as required under this Act. | ||||||
17 | 38. Failure to provide copies of dental records as | ||||||
18 | required by law. | ||||||
19 | All proceedings to suspend, revoke, place on probationary | ||||||
20 | status, or
take any other disciplinary action as the | ||||||
21 | Department may deem proper, with
regard to a license on any of | ||||||
22 | the foregoing grounds, must be commenced
within 5 years after | ||||||
23 | receipt by the Department of a complaint alleging the
| ||||||
24 | commission of or notice of the conviction order for any of the | ||||||
25 | acts
described herein. Except for fraud in procuring a | ||||||
26 | license, no
action shall be commenced more than 7 years after |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the date of the incident
or act alleged to have violated this | ||||||
2 | Section. The time during which the
holder of the license was | ||||||
3 | outside the State of Illinois shall not be
included within any | ||||||
4 | period of time limiting the commencement of
disciplinary | ||||||
5 | action by the Department.
| ||||||
6 | Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, | ||||||
7 | a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
8 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
9 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
10 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
11 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
12 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
13 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
14 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
15 | All fines imposed under this Section shall be paid within | ||||||
16 | 60 days after the effective date of the order imposing the fine | ||||||
17 | or in accordance with the terms set forth in the order imposing | ||||||
18 | the fine. | ||||||
19 | The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend the | ||||||
20 | license of any
person who fails to file a return, or to pay the | ||||||
21 | tax, penalty or interest
shown in a filed return, or to pay any | ||||||
22 | final assessment of tax, penalty or
interest, as required by | ||||||
23 | any tax Act administered by the Illinois
Department of | ||||||
24 | Revenue, until such time as the requirements of
any such tax | ||||||
25 | Act are satisfied.
| ||||||
26 | Any dentist who has had his or her license suspended or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | revoked for more than 5 years must comply with the | ||||||
2 | requirements for restoration set forth in Section 16 prior to | ||||||
3 | being eligible for reinstatement from the suspension or | ||||||
4 | revocation. | ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 99-492, eff. 12-31-15.)
| ||||||
6 | (225 ILCS 25/23d new) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 23d. Criminal history. Any Department process under | ||||||
8 | statute or rule used to verify the criminal history of an | ||||||
9 | applicant for licensure under this Act shall be used for all | ||||||
10 | applicants for licensure, applicants for renewal of a license, | ||||||
11 | or persons whose conviction of a crime or other behavior | ||||||
12 | warrants review of a license under this Act. | ||||||
13 | Section 20. The Health Care Worker Background Check Act is | ||||||
14 | amended by changing Sections 10, 15, and 25 as follows:
| ||||||
15 | (225 ILCS 46/10)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 10. Applicability. | ||||||
17 | (a) This Act applies to all individuals employed or
| ||||||
18 | retained by a health care employer as home health care aides, | ||||||
19 | nurse aides,
personal care assistants, private duty nurse | ||||||
20 | aides, day
training personnel, or an individual working in any | ||||||
21 | similar health-related
occupation where he or she provides | ||||||
22 | direct care or has access to long-term care residents or the | ||||||
23 | living quarters or financial, medical, or personal records of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | long-term care residents. This Act also applies to all | ||||||
2 | employees of licensed or certified long-term care facilities | ||||||
3 | who have or may have contact with residents or access to the | ||||||
4 | living quarters or the financial, medical, or personal records | ||||||
5 | of residents.
| ||||||
6 | (b) This Act applies to persons licensed, certified, or | ||||||
7 | registered by the Department of Financial and Professional | ||||||
8 | Regulation under the Medical Practice Act of 1987, the Nurse | ||||||
9 | Practice Act, the Illinois Dental Practice Act, the Massage | ||||||
10 | Licensing Act, the Illinois Optometric Practice Act of 1987, | ||||||
11 | the Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics Practice Act, the | ||||||
12 | Illinois Physical Therapy Act, the Physician Assistant | ||||||
13 | Practice Act of 1987, the Podiatric Medical Practice Act of | ||||||
14 | 1987, the Respiratory Care Practice Act, the Registered | ||||||
15 | Surgical Assistant and Registered Surgical Technologist Title | ||||||
16 | Protection Act, the Acupuncture Practice Act, and the Illinois | ||||||
17 | Athletic Trainers Practice Act and estheticians and esthetics | ||||||
18 | teachers licensed under the Barber, Cosmetology, Esthetics, | ||||||
19 | Hair Braiding, and Nail Technology Act of 1985. | ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 94-665, eff. 1-1-06.)
| ||||||
21 | (225 ILCS 46/15)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 15. Definitions. In this Act:
| ||||||
23 | "Applicant" means an individual enrolling in a training | ||||||
24 | program, seeking employment, whether paid or on a volunteer | ||||||
25 | basis, with a health care
employer who has received a bona fide |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | conditional offer of employment.
| ||||||
2 | "Conditional offer of employment" means a bona fide offer | ||||||
3 | of employment by a
health care employer to an applicant, which | ||||||
4 | is contingent upon the receipt of a
report from the Department | ||||||
5 | of Public Health indicating that the applicant does
not have a | ||||||
6 | record of conviction of any of the criminal offenses | ||||||
7 | enumerated in
Section 25.
| ||||||
8 | "Department" means the Department of Public Health or the | ||||||
9 | Department of Financial and Professional Regulation with | ||||||
10 | regard to persons licensed, certified, or registered by the | ||||||
11 | Department of Professional Regulation under any of the Acts | ||||||
12 | specified in subsection (b) of Section 10 . | ||||||
13 | "Direct care" means the provision of nursing care or | ||||||
14 | assistance with feeding,
dressing, movement, bathing, | ||||||
15 | toileting, or other personal needs, including home services as | ||||||
16 | defined in the Home Health, Home Services, and Home Nursing | ||||||
17 | Agency Licensing Act. The entity
responsible for inspecting | ||||||
18 | and licensing, certifying, or registering the
health care | ||||||
19 | employer may, by administrative rule, prescribe guidelines for
| ||||||
20 | interpreting this definition with regard to the health care | ||||||
21 | employers that it
| ||||||
22 | "Director" means the Director of Public Health. | ||||||
23 | "Disqualifying offenses" means those offenses set forth in | ||||||
24 | Section 25 of this Act. | ||||||
25 | "Employee" means any individual hired, employed, or | ||||||
26 | retained, whether paid or on a volunteer basis, to which this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Act applies. | ||||||
2 | "Finding" means the Department's determination of whether | ||||||
3 | an allegation is verified and substantiated. | ||||||
4 | "Fingerprint-based criminal history records check" means a | ||||||
5 | livescan fingerprint-based criminal history records check | ||||||
6 | submitted as a fee applicant inquiry in the form and manner | ||||||
7 | prescribed by the Illinois State Police.
| ||||||
8 | "Health care employer" means:
| ||||||
9 | (1) the owner or licensee of any of the
| ||||||
10 | (i) a community living facility, as defined in the | ||||||
11 | Community Living
Facilities Licensing Act;
| ||||||
12 | (ii) a life care facility, as defined in the Life | ||||||
13 | Care Facilities Act;
| ||||||
14 | (iii) a long-term care facility;
| ||||||
15 | (iv) a home health agency, home services agency, | ||||||
16 | or home nursing agency as defined in the Home Health, | ||||||
17 | Home Services, and Home Nursing Agency Licensing
| ||||||
18 | (v) a hospice care program or volunteer hospice | ||||||
19 | program, as defined in the Hospice Program Licensing | ||||||
20 | Act;
| ||||||
21 | (vi) a hospital, as defined in the Hospital | ||||||
22 | Licensing Act;
| ||||||
23 | (vii) (blank);
| ||||||
24 | (viii) a nurse agency, as defined in the Nurse | ||||||
25 | Agency Licensing Act;
| ||||||
26 | (ix) a respite care provider, as defined in the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Respite Program Act;
| ||||||
2 | (ix-a) an establishment licensed under the | ||||||
3 | Assisted Living and Shared
Housing Act;
| ||||||
4 | (x) a supportive living program, as defined in the | ||||||
5 | Illinois Public Aid
| ||||||
6 | (xi) early childhood intervention programs as | ||||||
7 | described in 59 Ill. Adm.
Code 121;
| ||||||
8 | (xii) the University of Illinois Hospital, | ||||||
9 | Chicago;
| ||||||
10 | (xiii) programs funded by the Department on Aging | ||||||
11 | through the Community
Care Program;
| ||||||
12 | (xiv) programs certified to participate in the | ||||||
13 | Supportive Living Program
authorized pursuant to | ||||||
14 | Section 5-5.01a of the Illinois Public Aid Code;
| ||||||
15 | (xv) programs listed by the Emergency Medical | ||||||
16 | Services (EMS) Systems Act
Freestanding Emergency | ||||||
17 | Centers;
| ||||||
18 | (xvi) locations licensed under the Alternative | ||||||
19 | Health Care Delivery
| ||||||
20 | (2) a day training program certified by the Department | ||||||
21 | of Human Services;
| ||||||
22 | (3) a community integrated living arrangement operated | ||||||
23 | by a community
mental health and developmental service | ||||||
24 | agency, as defined in the
Community-Integrated Living | ||||||
25 | Arrangements Licensure and Certification Act;
| ||||||
26 | (4) the State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | including any regional long term care ombudsman programs | ||||||
2 | under Section 4.04 of the Illinois Act on the Aging, only | ||||||
3 | for the purpose of securing background checks; or
| ||||||
4 | (5) the Department of Corrections or a third-party | ||||||
5 | vendor employing certified nursing assistants working with | ||||||
6 | the Department of Corrections. | ||||||
7 | "Initiate" means obtaining from
a student, applicant, or | ||||||
8 | employee his or her social security number, demographics, a | ||||||
9 | disclosure statement, and an authorization for the Department | ||||||
10 | of Public Health or its designee to request a | ||||||
11 | fingerprint-based criminal history records check; transmitting | ||||||
12 | this information electronically to the Department of Public | ||||||
13 | Health; conducting Internet searches on certain web sites, | ||||||
14 | including without limitation the Illinois Sex Offender | ||||||
15 | Registry, the Department of Corrections' Sex Offender Search | ||||||
16 | Engine, the Department of Corrections' Inmate Search Engine, | ||||||
17 | the Department of Corrections Wanted Fugitives Search Engine, | ||||||
18 | the National Sex Offender Public Registry, and the List of | ||||||
19 | Excluded Individuals and Entities database on the website of | ||||||
20 | the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General to | ||||||
21 | determine if the applicant has been adjudicated a sex | ||||||
22 | offender, has been a prison inmate, or has committed Medicare | ||||||
23 | or Medicaid fraud, or conducting similar searches as defined | ||||||
24 | by rule; and having the student, applicant, or employee's | ||||||
25 | fingerprints collected and transmitted electronically to the | ||||||
26 | Illinois State Police.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Livescan vendor" means an entity whose equipment has been | ||||||
2 | certified by the Illinois State Police to collect an | ||||||
3 | individual's demographics and inkless fingerprints and, in a | ||||||
4 | manner prescribed by the Illinois State Police and the | ||||||
5 | Department of Public Health, electronically transmit the | ||||||
6 | fingerprints and required data to the Illinois State Police | ||||||
7 | and a daily file of required data to the Department of Public | ||||||
8 | Health. The Department of Public Health shall negotiate a | ||||||
9 | contract with one or more vendors that effectively demonstrate | ||||||
10 | that the vendor has 2 or more years of experience transmitting | ||||||
11 | fingerprints electronically to the Illinois State Police and | ||||||
12 | that the vendor can successfully transmit the required data in | ||||||
13 | a manner prescribed by the Department of Public Health. Vendor | ||||||
14 | authorization may be further defined by administrative rule.
| ||||||
15 | "Long-term care facility" means a facility licensed by the | ||||||
16 | State or certified under federal law as a long-term care | ||||||
17 | facility, including without limitation facilities licensed | ||||||
18 | under the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health | ||||||
19 | Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or | ||||||
20 | the MC/DD Act, a supportive living facility, an assisted | ||||||
21 | living establishment, or a shared housing establishment or | ||||||
22 | registered as a board and care home.
| ||||||
23 | "Resident" means a person, individual, or patient under | ||||||
24 | the direct care of a health care employer or who has been | ||||||
25 | provided goods or services by a health care employer. | ||||||
26 | (Source: P.A. 101-176, eff. 7-31-19; 102-226, eff. 7-30-21; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 102-503, eff. 8-20-21; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. | ||||||
2 | 5-13-22.)
| ||||||
3 | (225 ILCS 46/25)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 25. Hiring of people with criminal records by health | ||||||
5 | care employers and long-term care facilities.
| ||||||
6 | (a) A health care employer or long-term care facility may | ||||||
7 | hire, employ, or retain any individual in a position involving | ||||||
8 | direct care for clients, patients, or residents, or access to | ||||||
9 | the living quarters or the financial, medical, or personal | ||||||
10 | records of clients, patients, or residents who has been | ||||||
11 | convicted of committing or attempting to commit one or more of | ||||||
12 | the following offenses only with a waiver described in Section | ||||||
13 | 40: those defined in Sections 8-1(b), 8-1.1, 8-1.2, 9-1,
| ||||||
14 | 9-1.2, 9-2, 9-2.1, 9-3, 9-3.1, 9-3.2, 9-3.3, 9-3.4, 10-1, | ||||||
15 | 10-2, 10-3, 10-3.1, 10-4,
10-5, 10-7, 11-1.20, 11-1.30, | ||||||
16 | 11-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, 11-6, 11-9.1, 11-9.2, 11-9.3, | ||||||
17 | 11-9.4-1, 11-9.5, 11-19.2, 11-20.1, 11-20.1B, 11-20.3, 12-1, | ||||||
18 | 12-2, 12-3.05, 12-3.1,
12-3.2, 12-3.3, 12-4, 12-4.1, 12-4.2, | ||||||
19 | 12-4.3, 12-4.4, 12-4.5, 12-4.6, 12-4.7, 12-7.4,
12-11, 12-13, | ||||||
20 | 12-14, 12-14.1, 12-15, 12-16, 12-19, 12-20.5, 12-21, 12-21.5, | ||||||
21 | 12-21.6, 12-32,
12-33, 12C-5, 12C-10, 16-1, 16-1.3, 16-25,
| ||||||
22 | 16A-3, 17-3, 17-56, 18-1, 18-2, 18-3, 18-4, 18-5, 19-1, 19-3, | ||||||
23 | 19-4, 19-6, 20-1, 20-1.1,
24-1, 24-1.2, 24-1.5, 24-1.8, | ||||||
24 | 24-3.8, or 33A-2, or subdivision (a)(4) of Section 11-14.4, or | ||||||
25 | in subsection (a) of Section 12-3 or subsection (a) or (b) of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 12-4.4a, of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal | ||||||
2 | Code of 2012; those provided in
Section 4 of the Wrongs to | ||||||
3 | Children Act; those provided in Section 53 of the
Criminal | ||||||
4 | Jurisprudence Act; those defined in subsection (c), (d), (e), | ||||||
5 | (f), or (g) of Section 5 or Section 5.1, 5.2, 7, or 9 of
the | ||||||
6 | Cannabis Control Act; those defined in the Methamphetamine | ||||||
7 | Control and Community Protection Act; those defined in | ||||||
8 | Sections 401, 401.1, 404, 405,
405.1, 407, or 407.1 of the | ||||||
9 | Illinois Controlled Substances Act; or subsection (a) of | ||||||
10 | Section 3.01, Section 3.02, or Section 3.03 of the Humane Care | ||||||
11 | for Animals Act.
| ||||||
12 | (a-1) A health care employer or long-term care facility | ||||||
13 | may hire, employ, or retain any individual in a position | ||||||
14 | involving direct care for clients, patients, or residents, or | ||||||
15 | access to the living quarters or the financial, medical, or | ||||||
16 | personal records of clients, patients, or residents who has | ||||||
17 | been convicted of committing or attempting to commit one or | ||||||
18 | more of the following offenses only with a waiver described in | ||||||
19 | Section 40: those offenses defined in Section 12-3.3, | ||||||
20 | 12-4.2-5,
16-2, 16-30, 16G-15, 16G-20, 17-33, 17-34, 17-36, | ||||||
21 | 17-44, 18-5, 20-1.2, 24-1.1, 24-1.2-5, 24-1.6, 24-3.2, or | ||||||
22 | 24-3.3, or subsection (b) of Section 17-32, subsection (b) of | ||||||
23 | Section 18-1, or subsection (b) of Section 20-1,
of the | ||||||
24 | Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012; Section 4, | ||||||
25 | 5, 6, 8, or 17.02 of the Illinois
Credit Card and Debit Card | ||||||
26 | Act; or Section 11-9.1A of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Criminal Code of 2012 or Section 5.1 of the Wrongs to Children | ||||||
2 | Act;
or (ii) violated Section 50-50 of the Nurse Practice Act.
| ||||||
3 | A health care employer is not required to retain an | ||||||
4 | individual in a position
with duties involving direct care for | ||||||
5 | clients, patients, or residents, and no long-term care | ||||||
6 | facility is required to retain an individual in a position | ||||||
7 | with duties that involve or may involve
contact with residents | ||||||
8 | or access to the living quarters or the financial, medical, or | ||||||
9 | personal records of residents, who has
been convicted of | ||||||
10 | committing or attempting to commit one or more of
the offenses | ||||||
11 | enumerated in this subsection.
| ||||||
12 | (a-5) A felony conviction of any of the following offenses | ||||||
13 | is a disqualifying offense and requires immediate review of | ||||||
14 | the license, registration, or certification under the relevant | ||||||
15 | Acts for the professions identified in subsection (b) of | ||||||
16 | Section 10: | ||||||
17 | (1) first degree murder, under Section 9-1 of the | ||||||
18 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
19 | (2) second degree murder, under Section 9-2 of the | ||||||
20 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
21 | (3) predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, | ||||||
22 | under Section 11-1.40 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
23 | (4) aggravated criminal sexual assault, under Section | ||||||
24 | 11-1.30 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
25 | (5) criminal sexual assault; under Section 11-1.20 of | ||||||
26 | the Criminal Code of 2012; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (6) aggravated kidnaping, under Section 10-2 of the | ||||||
2 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
3 | (7) kidnapping, under Section 10-1 of the Criminal | ||||||
4 | Code of 2012; | ||||||
5 | (8) aggravated battery resulting in great bodily harm | ||||||
6 | or permanent disability or disfigurement, under subsection | ||||||
7 | (a) of Section 12-3.05 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
8 | (9) solicitation of murder, under subsection (b) of | ||||||
9 | Section 8-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
10 | (10) solicitation of murder for hire, under Section | ||||||
11 | 8-1.2 of the Criminal code of 2012; | ||||||
12 | (11) intentional homicide of an unborn child, under | ||||||
13 | Section 9-1.2 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
14 | (12) voluntary manslaughter of an unborn child, under | ||||||
15 | Section 9-2.1 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
16 | (13) concealment of homicidal death, if committed in | ||||||
17 | the pursuance of job duties, under Section 9-3.4 of the | ||||||
18 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
19 | (14) concealment of death, if committed in the | ||||||
20 | pursuance of job duties, under Section 9-3.5 of the | ||||||
21 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
22 | (15) aggravated unlawful restraint, under Section | ||||||
23 | 10-3.1 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
24 | (16) forcible detention, under Section 10-4 of the | ||||||
25 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
26 | (17) child abduction, under Section 10-5 of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
2 | (18) luring of a minor, under Section 10-5.1 of the | ||||||
3 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
4 | (19) aiding or abetting child abduction, under Section | ||||||
5 | 10-7 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
6 | (20) trafficking in person, involuntary servitude, and | ||||||
7 | related offenses, under Section 10-9 of the Criminal Code | ||||||
8 | of 2012; | ||||||
9 | (21) failure to report the death or disappearance of a | ||||||
10 | child under 13 years of age, if committed in the pursuance | ||||||
11 | of job duties, under Section 10-10 of the Criminal Code of | ||||||
12 | 2012; | ||||||
13 | (22) aggravated criminal sexual abuse, under Section | ||||||
14 | 11-1.60 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
15 | (23) indecent solicitation of a child, under Section | ||||||
16 | 11-6 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
17 | (24) solicitation to meet a child, under Section | ||||||
18 | 11-6.6 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
19 | (25) sexual exploitation of a child, under Section | ||||||
20 | 11-9.1 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
21 | (26) permitting sexual abuse of a child, under Section | ||||||
22 | 11-9.1A of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
23 | (27) failure to report sexual abuse of a child, if | ||||||
24 | committed in pursuance of job duties, under Section | ||||||
25 | 11-9.1B of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
26 | (28) custodial sexual misconduct, under Section 11-9.2 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
2 | (29) sexual misconduct with a person with a | ||||||
3 | disability, under Section 11-9.5 of the Criminal Code of | ||||||
4 | 2012; | ||||||
5 | (30) promoting juvenile prostitution, under Section | ||||||
6 | 11-14.4 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
7 | (31) patronizing a minor engaged in prostitution, | ||||||
8 | under Section 11-18.1 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
9 | (32) child pornography, under Section 11-20.1 of the | ||||||
10 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
11 | (33) distributing harmful material to a minor, under | ||||||
12 | Section 11-21 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
13 | (34) non-consensual dissemination of private sexual | ||||||
14 | images, under Section 11-23.5 of the Criminal Code of | ||||||
15 | 2012; | ||||||
16 | (35) grooming, under Section 11-25 of the Criminal | ||||||
17 | Code of 2012; | ||||||
18 | (36) traveling to meet a child, under Section 11-26 of | ||||||
19 | the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
20 | (37) aggravated assault, under Section 12-2 of the | ||||||
21 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
22 | (38) aggravated battery, under Section 12-3.05 of the | ||||||
23 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
24 | (39) aggravated battery of an unborn child, under | ||||||
25 | Section 12-3.1 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
26 | (40) aggravated domestic battery, under Section 12-3.3 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
2 | (41) criminal abuse or neglect of a long term care | ||||||
3 | facility resident, under paragraph (2) of subsection (a) | ||||||
4 | of Section 12-4.4a of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
5 | (42) aggravated intimidation, under Section 12-6.2 of | ||||||
6 | the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
7 | (43) compelling confession or information by force or | ||||||
8 | threat, under Section 12-7 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
9 | (44) educational intimidation, under Section 12-7.2 of | ||||||
10 | the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
11 | (45) aggravated stalking, under Section 12-7.4 of the | ||||||
12 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
13 | (46) tongue splitting, under Section 12-10.2 of the | ||||||
14 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
15 | (47) sale of body parts, under Section 12-10 of the | ||||||
16 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
17 | (48) dismembering of a human body, under Section | ||||||
18 | 12-20.5 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
19 | (49) abuse of a corpse, under Section 12-20.6 of the | ||||||
20 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
21 | (50) ritual mutilation, under Section 12-32 of the | ||||||
22 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
23 | (51) ritualized abuse of child, under Section 12-33 of | ||||||
24 | the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
25 | (52) female genital mutilation, under Section 12-34 of | ||||||
26 | the Criminal Code of 2012; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (53) inducement to commit suicide, under Section | ||||||
2 | 12-34.5 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
3 | (54) organized retail crime; under paragraphs (1) and | ||||||
4 | (2) of subsection (a) of Section 16-25.2 of the Criminal | ||||||
5 | Code of 2012; | ||||||
6 | (55) financial exploitation of an elderly person or a | ||||||
7 | person with a disability by intimidation, under Section | ||||||
8 | 16-1.3 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
9 | (56) aggravated robbery, under subsection (b) of | ||||||
10 | Section 18-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
11 | (57) armed robbery, under Section 18-2 of the Criminal | ||||||
12 | Code of 2012; | ||||||
13 | (58) aggravated vehicular hijacking, under Section | ||||||
14 | 18-4 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
15 | (59) vehicular invasion, under Section 18-6 of the | ||||||
16 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
17 | (60) burglary, under Section 19-1 of the Criminal Code | ||||||
18 | of 2012; | ||||||
19 | (61) aggravated arson, under Section 20-1.1 of the | ||||||
20 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
21 | (62) aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, under | ||||||
22 | Section 24-1.6 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
23 | (63) unlawful manufacture or delivery of nitrous | ||||||
24 | oxide, under Section 24.5-10 of the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
25 | (64) mob action, under paragraphs (1) and (3) of | ||||||
26 | subsection (a) of Section 25-1 of the Criminal Code of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 2012; | ||||||
2 | (65) terrorism, under Section 29D-14.9 of the Criminal | ||||||
3 | Code of 2012; | ||||||
4 | (66) causing a catastrophe, under Section 29D-15.1 of | ||||||
5 | the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
6 | (67) treason, under Section 30-1 of the Criminal Code | ||||||
7 | of 2012; | ||||||
8 | (68) perjury, under Section 32-2 of the Criminal Code | ||||||
9 | of 2012; | ||||||
10 | (69) subordination of perjury, under Section 32-3 of | ||||||
11 | the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
12 | (70) armed violence, under Section 33A-2 of the | ||||||
13 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
14 | (71) solicitation of any of the offenses specified in | ||||||
15 | this subsection, under subsection (a) of Section 801 of | ||||||
16 | the Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
17 | (72) conspiracy to commit any of the offenses | ||||||
18 | specified in this subsection, under Section 802 of the | ||||||
19 | Criminal Code of 2012; | ||||||
20 | (73) attempt to commit any of the offenses specified | ||||||
21 | in this subsection, under Section 8-4 of the Criminal Code | ||||||
22 | of 2012; or | ||||||
23 | (74) any felony not listed for which an offense | ||||||
24 | specified in this subsection is a lesser included offense. | ||||||
25 | This subsection applies after the effective date of this | ||||||
26 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly to all initial |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | applications for licensure, certification, or registration | ||||||
2 | with the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation | ||||||
3 | under the Acts specified in subsection (b) of Section 10. For | ||||||
4 | every licensure, certification, or registration renewal under | ||||||
5 | the Acts specified in subsection (b) of Section 10, the | ||||||
6 | Department of Financial and Professional Regulation shall | ||||||
7 | conduct a review of the applicant's criminal background to | ||||||
8 | determine whether the applicant committed an offense specified | ||||||
9 | in this subsection after the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
10 | Act of the 103rd General Assembly. | ||||||
11 | (b) A health care employer shall not hire, employ, or | ||||||
12 | retain, whether paid or on a volunteer basis, any
individual | ||||||
13 | in a position with duties involving direct care of clients,
| ||||||
14 | patients, or residents, and no long-term care facility shall | ||||||
15 | knowingly hire, employ, or retain, whether paid or on a | ||||||
16 | volunteer basis, any individual in a position with duties that | ||||||
17 | involve or may involve
contact with residents or access to the | ||||||
18 | living quarters or the financial, medical, or personal records | ||||||
19 | of residents, if the health care employer becomes aware that | ||||||
20 | the
individual has been convicted in another state of | ||||||
21 | committing or attempting to
commit an offense that has the | ||||||
22 | same or similar elements as an offense listed in
subsection | ||||||
23 | (a) , or (a-1), or (a-5), as verified by court records, records | ||||||
24 | from a state
agency, or an FBI criminal history record check, | ||||||
25 | unless the applicant or employee obtains a waiver pursuant to | ||||||
26 | Section 40 of this Act. This shall not be construed to
mean |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that a health care employer has an obligation to conduct a | ||||||
2 | criminal
history records check in other states in which an | ||||||
3 | employee has resided.
| ||||||
4 | (c) A health care employer shall not hire, employ, or | ||||||
5 | retain, whether paid or on a volunteer basis, any individual | ||||||
6 | in a position with duties involving direct care of clients, | ||||||
7 | patients, or residents, who has a finding by the Department of | ||||||
8 | abuse, neglect, misappropriation of property, or theft denoted | ||||||
9 | on the Health Care Worker Registry. | ||||||
10 | (d) A health care employer shall not hire, employ, or | ||||||
11 | retain, whether paid or on a volunteer basis, any individual | ||||||
12 | in a position with duties involving direct care of clients, | ||||||
13 | patients, or residents if the individual has a verified and | ||||||
14 | substantiated finding of abuse, neglect, or financial | ||||||
15 | exploitation, as identified within the Adult Protective | ||||||
16 | Service Registry established under Section 7.5 of the Adult | ||||||
17 | Protective Services Act. | ||||||
18 | (e) A health care employer shall not hire, employ, or | ||||||
19 | retain, whether paid or on a volunteer basis, any individual | ||||||
20 | in a position with duties involving direct care of clients, | ||||||
21 | patients, or residents who has a finding by the Department of | ||||||
22 | Human Services of physical or sexual abuse, financial | ||||||
23 | exploitation, or egregious neglect of an individual denoted on | ||||||
24 | the Health Care Worker Registry. | ||||||
25 | (Source: P.A. 99-872, eff. 1-1-17; 100-432, eff. 8-25-17.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 25. The Massage Licensing Act is amended by | ||||||
2 | changing Sections 15 and 45 as follows:
| ||||||
3 | (225 ILCS 57/15)
| ||||||
4 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2027)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 15. Licensure requirements.
| ||||||
6 | (a) Persons
engaged in massage for
must be | ||||||
7 | licensed by the Department. The Department shall issue a | ||||||
8 | license to
an individual who meets all of the following | ||||||
9 | requirements:
| ||||||
10 | (1) The applicant has applied in writing on the | ||||||
11 | prescribed forms and has
paid the
required fees.
| ||||||
12 | (2) The applicant is at least 18 years of age and of | ||||||
13 | good moral character.
determining good
moral character, | ||||||
14 | the Department may take into consideration
conviction of | ||||||
15 | any crime under the laws of the United States or any state | ||||||
16 | or
thereof that is a felony or a misdemeanor or | ||||||
17 | any crime that is directly related
to the practice of the | ||||||
18 | profession.
Such a conviction shall not operate | ||||||
19 | automatically as a complete
bar to a license,
except in | ||||||
20 | the case of any conviction for prostitution, rape, or | ||||||
21 | sexual
or where the applicant is a registered | ||||||
22 | sex offender.
| ||||||
23 | (3) The applicant has successfully completed a massage | ||||||
24 | therapy program approved by the Department that requires
a | ||||||
25 | minimum
of 500 hours, except applicants applying on or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | after January 1, 2014 shall meet a minimum requirement of | ||||||
2 | 600 hours,
and has
passed a
competency examination
| ||||||
3 | approved by the Department.
| ||||||
4 | (b) Each applicant for licensure as a massage therapist | ||||||
5 | shall have his or her fingerprints submitted to the Illinois | ||||||
6 | State Police in an electronic format that complies with the | ||||||
7 | form and manner for requesting and furnishing criminal history | ||||||
8 | record information as prescribed by the Illinois State Police. | ||||||
9 | These fingerprints shall be checked prior to the Department | ||||||
10 | issuing or renewing a license against the Illinois State | ||||||
11 | Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history | ||||||
12 | record databases now and hereafter filed. The Illinois State | ||||||
13 | Police shall charge applicants a fee for conducting the | ||||||
14 | criminal history records check, which shall be deposited into | ||||||
15 | the State Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the actual | ||||||
16 | cost of the records check. The Illinois State Police shall | ||||||
17 | furnish, pursuant to positive identification, records of | ||||||
18 | Illinois convictions to the Department. The Department may | ||||||
19 | require applicants to pay a separate fingerprinting fee, | ||||||
20 | either to the Department or to a vendor. The Department, in its | ||||||
21 | discretion, may allow an applicant who does not have | ||||||
22 | reasonable access to a designated vendor to provide his or her | ||||||
23 | fingerprints in an alternative manner. The Department may | ||||||
24 | adopt any rules necessary to implement this Section.
| ||||||
25 | (Source: P.A. 102-20, eff. 1-1-22; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; | ||||||
26 | 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (225 ILCS 57/45)
| ||||||
2 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2027)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 45. Grounds for discipline.
| ||||||
4 | (a) The Department may refuse to issue or renew, or may | ||||||
5 | revoke, suspend,
probation, reprimand, or take other | ||||||
6 | disciplinary or non-disciplinary action, as the Department
| ||||||
7 | considers appropriate,
including the imposition of fines not | ||||||
8 | to exceed $10,000 for each violation, with
regard to any | ||||||
9 | license or licensee
for any one or more of the following:
| ||||||
10 | (1) violations of this Act or of the rules adopted | ||||||
11 | under this Act;
| ||||||
12 | (2) conviction by plea of guilty or nolo contendere, | ||||||
13 | finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or by | ||||||
14 | sentencing of any crime, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
15 | convictions, preceding sentences of supervision, | ||||||
16 | conditional discharge, or first offender probation, under | ||||||
17 | the laws of any jurisdiction of the United States: (i) | ||||||
18 | that is a felony; or (ii) that is a misdemeanor, an | ||||||
19 | essential element of which is dishonesty, or that is | ||||||
20 | directly related to the practice of the profession;
| ||||||
21 | (3) professional incompetence;
| ||||||
22 | (4) advertising in a false, deceptive, or misleading | ||||||
23 | manner, including failing to use the massage therapist's | ||||||
24 | own license number in an advertisement; | ||||||
25 | (5) aiding, abetting, assisting, procuring, advising, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | employing, or contracting with any unlicensed person to | ||||||
2 | practice massage contrary to any rules or provisions of | ||||||
3 | this Act; | ||||||
4 | (6) engaging in immoral conduct in the commission of | ||||||
5 | any act, such as
sexual abuse, sexual misconduct, or | ||||||
6 | sexual exploitation, related to the
licensee's practice;
| ||||||
7 | (7) engaging in dishonorable, unethical, or | ||||||
8 | unprofessional conduct of a
likely to deceive, | ||||||
9 | defraud, or harm the public;
| ||||||
10 | (8) practicing or offering to practice beyond the | ||||||
11 | scope permitted by law
accepting and performing | ||||||
12 | professional responsibilities which the licensee knows
or | ||||||
13 | has reason to
know that he or she is not competent to | ||||||
14 | perform;
| ||||||
15 | (9) knowingly delegating professional | ||||||
16 | responsibilities to a person
unqualified by
training, | ||||||
17 | experience, or licensure to perform;
| ||||||
18 | (10) failing to provide information in response to a | ||||||
19 | written request made
by the
Department within 60 days;
| ||||||
20 | (11) having a habitual or excessive use of or | ||||||
21 | addiction to alcohol,
stimulants, or
any other | ||||||
22 | chemical agent or drug which results in the inability to | ||||||
23 | practice
with reasonable
judgment, skill, or safety;
| ||||||
24 | (12) having a pattern of practice or other behavior | ||||||
25 | that demonstrates
incompetence to practice | ||||||
26 | under this Act;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (13) discipline by another state, District of | ||||||
2 | Columbia, territory, or foreign nation, if at least one of | ||||||
3 | the grounds for the discipline is the same or | ||||||
4 | substantially equivalent to those set forth in this | ||||||
5 | Section; | ||||||
6 | (14) a finding by the Department that the licensee, | ||||||
7 | after having his or her license placed on probationary | ||||||
8 | status, has violated the terms of probation; | ||||||
9 | (15) willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
10 | reports in his or her practice, including, but not limited | ||||||
11 | to, false records filed with State agencies or | ||||||
12 | departments; | ||||||
13 | (16) making a material misstatement in furnishing | ||||||
14 | information to the
Department or
otherwise making | ||||||
15 | misleading, deceptive, untrue, or fraudulent | ||||||
16 | representations
in violation of this
Act or otherwise in | ||||||
17 | the practice of the profession;
| ||||||
18 | (17) fraud or misrepresentation in applying for or | ||||||
19 | procuring a license under this Act or in connection with | ||||||
20 | applying for renewal of a license under this Act;
| ||||||
21 | (18) inability to practice the profession with | ||||||
22 | reasonable judgment, skill, or safety as a result of | ||||||
23 | physical illness, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
24 | deterioration through the aging process, loss of motor | ||||||
25 | skill, or a mental illness or disability;
| ||||||
26 | (19) charging for professional services not rendered, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | including filing false statements for the collection of | ||||||
2 | fees for which services are not rendered; | ||||||
3 | (20) practicing under a false or, except as provided | ||||||
4 | by law, an assumed name; or | ||||||
5 | (21) cheating on or attempting to subvert the | ||||||
6 | licensing examination administered under this Act. | ||||||
7 | All fines shall be paid within 60 days of the effective | ||||||
8 | date of the order imposing the fine. | ||||||
9 | (a-5) Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the | ||||||
10 | contrary, a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
11 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
12 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
13 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
14 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
15 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
16 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
17 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
18 | (b) A person not licensed under this Act and engaged in the | ||||||
19 | business of offering massage therapy services through others, | ||||||
20 | shall not aid, abet, assist, procure, advise, employ, or | ||||||
21 | contract with any unlicensed person to practice massage | ||||||
22 | therapy contrary to any rules or provisions of this Act. A | ||||||
23 | person violating this subsection (b) shall be treated as a | ||||||
24 | licensee for the purposes of disciplinary action under this | ||||||
25 | Section and shall be subject to cease and desist orders as | ||||||
26 | provided in Section 90 of this Act. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) The Department shall revoke any license issued under | ||||||
2 | this Act of any person who is convicted of prostitution, rape, | ||||||
3 | sexual misconduct, or any crime that subjects the licensee to | ||||||
4 | compliance with the requirements of the Sex Offender | ||||||
5 | Registration Act and any such conviction shall operate as a | ||||||
6 | permanent bar in the State of Illinois to practice as a massage | ||||||
7 | therapist. | ||||||
8 | (d) The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend the | ||||||
9 | license of any
person who
fails to file a tax return, to pay | ||||||
10 | the tax, penalty, or interest shown in a
tax return, or | ||||||
11 | to pay any final
assessment of tax, penalty, or interest, as | ||||||
12 | required by any tax Act
administered by the Illinois
| ||||||
13 | Department of Revenue, until such time as the requirements of | ||||||
14 | the tax Act are
satisfied in accordance with subsection (g) of | ||||||
15 | Section 2105-15 of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
| ||||||
16 | (e) (Blank). | ||||||
17 | (f) In cases where the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
18 | Services has previously determined that a licensee or a | ||||||
19 | potential licensee is more than 30 days delinquent in the | ||||||
20 | payment of child support and has subsequently certified the | ||||||
21 | delinquency to the Department, the Department may refuse to | ||||||
22 | issue or renew or may revoke or suspend that person's license | ||||||
23 | or may take other disciplinary action against that person | ||||||
24 | based solely upon the certification of delinquency made by the | ||||||
25 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services in accordance | ||||||
26 | with item (5) of subsection (a) of Section 2105-15 of the Civil |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Administrative Code of Illinois. | ||||||
2 | (g) The determination by a circuit court that a licensee | ||||||
3 | is
to involuntary admission or judicial admission, as | ||||||
4 | provided in the Mental
Health and
Developmental Disabilities | ||||||
5 | Code, operates as an automatic suspension. The
will | ||||||
6 | end only upon a finding by a court that the patient is no | ||||||
7 | longer
subject to
involuntary admission or judicial admission | ||||||
8 | and the issuance of a court
order so finding
and discharging | ||||||
9 | the patient.
| ||||||
10 | (h) In enforcing this Act, the Department or Board, upon a | ||||||
11 | showing of a
possible violation, may compel an individual | ||||||
12 | licensed to practice under this
Act, or who
has applied for | ||||||
13 | licensure under this Act, to submit to a mental or physical
| ||||||
14 | examination, or
both, as required by and at the expense of the | ||||||
15 | Department. The Department or
Board may
order the examining | ||||||
16 | physician to present testimony concerning the mental or
| ||||||
17 | physical
examination of the licensee or applicant. No | ||||||
18 | information shall be excluded by
reason of
any common law or | ||||||
19 | statutory privilege relating to communications between the
| ||||||
20 | licensee
or applicant and the examining physician. The | ||||||
21 | examining physicians shall be
designated by the | ||||||
22 | Board or Department. The individual to be examined may have,
| ||||||
23 | at his
or her own expense, another physician of his or her | ||||||
24 | choice present during all aspects of
this examination. The | ||||||
25 | examination shall be performed by a physician licensed
to | ||||||
26 | practice
medicine in all its branches. Failure of an |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | individual to submit to a mental
or physical
examination, when | ||||||
2 | directed, shall result in an automatic suspension without | ||||||
3 | hearing.
| ||||||
4 | A person holding a license under this Act or who has | ||||||
5 | applied for a license under this Act who, because of a physical | ||||||
6 | or mental illness or disability, including, but not limited | ||||||
7 | to, deterioration through the aging process or loss of motor | ||||||
8 | skill, is unable to practice the profession with reasonable | ||||||
9 | judgment, skill, or safety, may be required by the Department | ||||||
10 | to submit to care, counseling, or treatment by physicians | ||||||
11 | approved or designated by the Department as a condition, term, | ||||||
12 | or restriction for continued, reinstated, or renewed licensure | ||||||
13 | to practice. Submission to care, counseling, or treatment as | ||||||
14 | required by the Department shall not be considered discipline | ||||||
15 | of a license. If the licensee refuses to enter into a care, | ||||||
16 | counseling, or treatment agreement or fails to abide by the | ||||||
17 | terms of the agreement, the Department may file a complaint to | ||||||
18 | revoke, suspend, or otherwise discipline the license of the | ||||||
19 | individual. The Secretary may order the license suspended | ||||||
20 | immediately, pending a hearing by the Department. Fines shall | ||||||
21 | not be assessed in disciplinary actions involving physical or | ||||||
22 | mental illness or impairment.
| ||||||
23 | In instances in which the Secretary immediately suspends a | ||||||
24 | person's license
this Section, a hearing on that | ||||||
25 | person's license must be convened by the
within 15 | ||||||
26 | days after the suspension and completed without appreciable |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | delay.
Department and Board shall have the authority to | ||||||
2 | review the subject
individual's record
of treatment and | ||||||
3 | counseling regarding the impairment to the extent permitted by
| ||||||
4 | applicable federal statutes and regulations safeguarding the | ||||||
5 | confidentiality of
| ||||||
6 | An individual licensed under this Act and affected under | ||||||
7 | this Section shall
afforded an opportunity to demonstrate | ||||||
8 | to the Department or Board that he or
she can
resume practice | ||||||
9 | in compliance with acceptable and prevailing standards under
| ||||||
10 | the
provisions of his or her license.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 102-20, eff. 1-1-22 .)
| ||||||
12 | Section 30. The Medical Practice Act of 1987 is amended by | ||||||
13 | changing Sections 9.7 and 22 as follows:
| ||||||
14 | (225 ILCS 60/9.7)
| ||||||
15 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2027)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 9.7. Criminal history records background check. Each | ||||||
17 | applicant for licensure or permit under Sections 9, 18, and 19 | ||||||
18 | shall have his or her fingerprints submitted to the Illinois | ||||||
19 | State Police in an electronic format that complies with the | ||||||
20 | form and manner for requesting and furnishing criminal history | ||||||
21 | record information as prescribed by the Illinois State Police. | ||||||
22 | These fingerprints shall be checked prior to the Department | ||||||
23 | issuing or renewing a license against the Illinois State | ||||||
24 | Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | record databases now and hereafter filed. The Illinois State | ||||||
2 | Police shall charge applicants a fee for conducting the | ||||||
3 | criminal history records check, which shall be deposited into | ||||||
4 | the State Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the actual | ||||||
5 | cost of the records check. The Illinois State Police shall | ||||||
6 | furnish, pursuant to positive identification, records of | ||||||
7 | Illinois convictions to the Department. The Department may | ||||||
8 | require applicants to pay a separate fingerprinting fee, | ||||||
9 | either to the Department or to a Department designated or | ||||||
10 | approved vendor. The Department, in its discretion, may allow | ||||||
11 | an applicant who does not have reasonable access to a | ||||||
12 | designated vendor to provide his or her fingerprints in an | ||||||
13 | alternative manner. The Department may adopt any rules | ||||||
14 | necessary to implement this Section.
| ||||||
15 | (Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
| ||||||
16 | (225 ILCS 60/22) (from Ch. 111, par. 4400-22)
| ||||||
17 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2027)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 22. Disciplinary action.
| ||||||
19 | (A) The Department may revoke, suspend, place on | ||||||
20 | probation, reprimand, refuse to issue or renew, or take any | ||||||
21 | other disciplinary or non-disciplinary action as the | ||||||
22 | Department may deem proper
with regard to the license or | ||||||
23 | permit of any person issued
under this Act, including imposing | ||||||
24 | fines not to exceed $10,000 for each violation, upon any of the | ||||||
25 | following grounds:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) (Blank).
| ||||||
2 | (2) (Blank).
| ||||||
3 | (3) A plea of guilty or nolo contendere, finding of | ||||||
4 | guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or sentencing, | ||||||
5 | including, but not limited to, convictions, preceding | ||||||
6 | sentences of supervision, conditional discharge, or first | ||||||
7 | offender probation, under the laws of any jurisdiction of | ||||||
8 | the United States of any crime that is a felony.
| ||||||
9 | (4) Gross negligence in practice under this Act.
| ||||||
10 | (5) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical, or | ||||||
11 | unprofessional
conduct of a
character likely to deceive, | ||||||
12 | defraud, or harm the public.
| ||||||
13 | (6) Obtaining any fee by fraud, deceit, or
| ||||||
14 | misrepresentation.
| ||||||
15 | (7) Habitual or excessive use or abuse of drugs | ||||||
16 | defined in law
controlled substances, of alcohol, or of | ||||||
17 | any other substances which results in
the inability to | ||||||
18 | practice with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety.
| ||||||
19 | (8) Practicing under a false or, except as provided by | ||||||
20 | law, an
| ||||||
21 | (9) Fraud or misrepresentation in applying for, or | ||||||
22 | procuring, a
under this Act or in connection with | ||||||
23 | applying for renewal of a license under
this Act.
| ||||||
24 | (10) Making a false or misleading statement regarding | ||||||
25 | their
skill or the
efficacy or value of the medicine, | ||||||
26 | treatment, or remedy prescribed by them at
their direction |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in the treatment of any disease or other condition of the | ||||||
2 | body
or mind.
| ||||||
3 | (11) Allowing another person or organization to use | ||||||
4 | their
license, procured
under this Act, to practice.
| ||||||
5 | (12) Adverse action taken by another state or | ||||||
6 | jurisdiction
against a license
or other authorization to | ||||||
7 | practice as a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy,
doctor | ||||||
8 | of osteopathic medicine, or
doctor of chiropractic, a | ||||||
9 | certified copy of the record of the action taken by
the | ||||||
10 | other state or jurisdiction being prima facie evidence | ||||||
11 | thereof. This includes any adverse action taken by a State | ||||||
12 | or federal agency that prohibits a medical doctor, doctor | ||||||
13 | of osteopathy, doctor of osteopathic medicine, or doctor | ||||||
14 | of chiropractic from providing services to the agency's | ||||||
15 | participants.
| ||||||
16 | (13) Violation of any provision of this Act or of the | ||||||
17 | Medical
Practice Act
prior to the repeal of that Act, or | ||||||
18 | violation of the rules, or a final
administrative action | ||||||
19 | of the Secretary, after consideration of the
| ||||||
20 | recommendation of the Medical Board.
| ||||||
21 | (14) Violation of the prohibition against fee | ||||||
22 | splitting in Section 22.2 of this Act.
| ||||||
23 | (15) A finding by the Medical Board that the
| ||||||
24 | registrant after
having his or her license placed on | ||||||
25 | probationary status or subjected to
conditions or | ||||||
26 | restrictions violated the terms of the probation or failed |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to
comply with such terms or conditions.
| ||||||
2 | (16) Abandonment of a patient.
| ||||||
3 | (17) Prescribing, selling, administering, | ||||||
4 | distributing, giving,
self-administering any drug | ||||||
5 | classified as a controlled substance (designated
product) | ||||||
6 | or narcotic for other than medically accepted therapeutic
| ||||||
7 | purposes.
| ||||||
8 | (18) Promotion of the sale of drugs, devices, | ||||||
9 | appliances, or
goods provided
for a patient in such manner | ||||||
10 | as to exploit the patient for financial gain of
the | ||||||
11 | physician.
| ||||||
12 | (19) Offering, undertaking, or agreeing to cure or | ||||||
13 | treat
disease by a secret
method, procedure, treatment, or | ||||||
14 | medicine, or the treating, operating, or
prescribing for | ||||||
15 | any human condition by a method, means, or procedure which | ||||||
16 | the
licensee refuses to divulge upon demand of the | ||||||
17 | Department.
| ||||||
18 | (20) Immoral conduct in the commission of any act | ||||||
19 | including,
but not limited to, commission of an act of | ||||||
20 | sexual misconduct related to the
| ||||||
21 | (21) Willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
22 | reports in his
or her
practice as a physician, including, | ||||||
23 | but not limited to, false records to
support claims | ||||||
24 | against the medical assistance program of the Department | ||||||
25 | of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of
| ||||||
26 | Public Aid)
under the Illinois Public Aid Code.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (22) Willful omission to file or record, or willfully | ||||||
2 | impeding
the filing or
recording, or inducing another | ||||||
3 | person to omit to file or record, medical
reports as | ||||||
4 | required by law, or willfully failing to report an | ||||||
5 | instance of
suspected abuse or neglect as required by law.
| ||||||
6 | (23) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated | ||||||
7 | report by
the Department
of Children and Family Services | ||||||
8 | under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
Act, and | ||||||
9 | upon proof by clear and convincing evidence that the | ||||||
10 | licensee has
caused a child to be an abused child or | ||||||
11 | neglected child as defined in the
Abused and Neglected | ||||||
12 | Child Reporting Act.
| ||||||
13 | (24) Solicitation of professional patronage by any
| ||||||
14 | corporation, agents, or
persons, or profiting from those | ||||||
15 | representing themselves to be agents of the
| ||||||
16 | (25) Gross and willful and continued overcharging for
| ||||||
17 | professional services,
including filing false statements | ||||||
18 | for collection of fees for which services are
not | ||||||
19 | rendered, including, but not limited to, filing such false | ||||||
20 | statements for
collection of monies for services not | ||||||
21 | rendered from the medical assistance
program of the | ||||||
22 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly | ||||||
23 | Department of Public Aid)
under the Illinois Public Aid
| ||||||
24 | Code.
| ||||||
25 | (26) A pattern of practice or other behavior which
| ||||||
26 | demonstrates
or incompetence to practice under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this Act.
| ||||||
2 | (27) Mental illness or disability which results in the
| ||||||
3 | inability to
practice under this Act with reasonable | ||||||
4 | judgment, skill, or safety.
| ||||||
5 | (28) Physical illness, including, but not limited to,
| ||||||
6 | deterioration through
the aging process, or loss of motor | ||||||
7 | skill which results in a physician's
inability to practice | ||||||
8 | under this Act with reasonable judgment, skill, or
| ||||||
9 | (29) Cheating on or attempting to subvert the | ||||||
10 | licensing
administered under this Act.
| ||||||
11 | (30) Willfully or negligently violating the | ||||||
12 | confidentiality
physician and patient except as | ||||||
13 | required by law.
| ||||||
14 | (31) The use of any false, fraudulent, or deceptive | ||||||
15 | statement
in any
document connected with practice under | ||||||
16 | this Act.
| ||||||
17 | (32) Aiding and abetting an individual not licensed | ||||||
18 | under this
Act in the
practice of a profession licensed | ||||||
19 | under this Act.
| ||||||
20 | (33) Violating State or federal laws or regulations | ||||||
21 | relating
to controlled
substances, legend
drugs, or | ||||||
22 | ephedra as defined in the Ephedra Prohibition Act.
| ||||||
23 | (34) Failure to report to the Department any adverse | ||||||
24 | final
action taken
against them by another licensing | ||||||
25 | jurisdiction (any other state or any
territory of the | ||||||
26 | United States or any foreign state or country), by any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | peer
review body, by any health care institution, by any | ||||||
2 | professional society or
association related to practice | ||||||
3 | under this Act, by any governmental agency, by
any law | ||||||
4 | enforcement agency, or by any court for acts or conduct | ||||||
5 | similar to acts
or conduct which would constitute grounds | ||||||
6 | for action as defined in this
| ||||||
7 | (35) Failure to report to the Department surrender of | ||||||
8 | a
license or
authorization to practice as a medical | ||||||
9 | doctor, a doctor of osteopathy, a
doctor of osteopathic | ||||||
10 | medicine, or doctor
of chiropractic in another state or | ||||||
11 | jurisdiction, or surrender of membership on
any medical | ||||||
12 | staff or in any medical or professional association or | ||||||
13 | society,
while under disciplinary investigation by any of | ||||||
14 | those authorities or bodies,
for acts or conduct similar | ||||||
15 | to acts or conduct which would constitute grounds
for | ||||||
16 | action as defined in this Section.
| ||||||
17 | (36) Failure to report to the Department any adverse | ||||||
18 | judgment,
or award arising from a liability | ||||||
19 | claim related to acts or conduct similar to
acts or | ||||||
20 | conduct which would constitute grounds for action as | ||||||
21 | defined in this
| ||||||
22 | (37) Failure to provide copies of medical records as | ||||||
23 | required
by law.
| ||||||
24 | (38) Failure to furnish the Department, its | ||||||
25 | investigators or
representatives, relevant information, | ||||||
26 | legally requested by the Department
after consultation |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | with the Chief Medical Coordinator or the Deputy Medical
| ||||||
2 | Coordinator.
| ||||||
3 | (39) Violating the Health Care Worker Self-Referral
| ||||||
4 | Act.
| ||||||
5 | (40) (Blank).
| ||||||
6 | (41) Failure to establish and maintain records of | ||||||
7 | patient care and
treatment as required by this law.
| ||||||
8 | (42) Entering into an excessive number of written | ||||||
9 | collaborative
agreements with licensed advanced practice | ||||||
10 | registered nurses resulting in an inability to
adequately | ||||||
11 | collaborate.
| ||||||
12 | (43) Repeated failure to adequately collaborate with a | ||||||
13 | licensed advanced practice registered nurse. | ||||||
14 | (44) Violating the Compassionate Use of Medical | ||||||
15 | Cannabis Program Act.
| ||||||
16 | (45) Entering into an excessive number of written | ||||||
17 | collaborative agreements with licensed prescribing | ||||||
18 | psychologists resulting in an inability to adequately | ||||||
19 | collaborate. | ||||||
20 | (46) Repeated failure to adequately collaborate with a | ||||||
21 | licensed prescribing psychologist. | ||||||
22 | (47) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
23 | suspected abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or | ||||||
24 | self-neglect of an eligible adult as defined in and | ||||||
25 | required by the Adult Protective Services Act. | ||||||
26 | (48) Being named as an abuser in a verified report by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the Department on Aging under the Adult Protective | ||||||
2 | Services Act, and upon proof by clear and convincing | ||||||
3 | evidence that the licensee abused, neglected, or | ||||||
4 | financially exploited an eligible adult as defined in the | ||||||
5 | Adult Protective Services Act. | ||||||
6 | (49) Entering into an excessive number of written | ||||||
7 | collaborative agreements with licensed physician | ||||||
8 | assistants resulting in an inability to adequately | ||||||
9 | collaborate. | ||||||
10 | (50) Repeated failure to adequately collaborate with a | ||||||
11 | physician assistant. | ||||||
12 | Except
for actions involving the ground numbered (26), all | ||||||
13 | proceedings to suspend,
revoke, place on probationary status, | ||||||
14 | or take any
other disciplinary action as the Department may | ||||||
15 | deem proper, with regard to a
license on any of the foregoing | ||||||
16 | grounds, must be commenced within 5 years next
after receipt | ||||||
17 | by the Department of a complaint alleging the commission of or
| ||||||
18 | notice of the conviction order for any of the acts described | ||||||
19 | herein. Except
for the grounds numbered (8), (9), (26), and | ||||||
20 | (29), no action shall be commenced more
than 10 years after the | ||||||
21 | date of the incident or act alleged to have violated
this | ||||||
22 | Section. For actions involving the ground numbered (26), a | ||||||
23 | pattern of practice or other behavior includes all incidents | ||||||
24 | alleged to be part of the pattern of practice or other behavior | ||||||
25 | that occurred, or a report pursuant to Section 23 of this Act | ||||||
26 | received, within the 10-year period preceding the filing of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the complaint. In the event of the settlement of any claim or | ||||||
2 | cause of action
in favor of the claimant or the reduction to | ||||||
3 | final judgment of any civil action
in favor of the plaintiff, | ||||||
4 | such claim, cause of action, or civil action being
grounded on | ||||||
5 | the allegation that a person licensed under this Act was | ||||||
6 | negligent
in providing care, the Department shall have an | ||||||
7 | additional period of 2 years
from the date of notification to | ||||||
8 | the Department under Section 23 of this Act
of such settlement | ||||||
9 | or final judgment in which to investigate and
commence formal | ||||||
10 | disciplinary proceedings under Section 36 of this Act, except
| ||||||
11 | as otherwise provided by law. The time during which the holder | ||||||
12 | of the license
was outside the State of Illinois shall not be | ||||||
13 | included within any period of
time limiting the commencement | ||||||
14 | of disciplinary action by the Department.
| ||||||
15 | The entry of an order or judgment by any circuit court | ||||||
16 | establishing that any
person holding a license under this Act | ||||||
17 | is a person in need of mental treatment
operates as a | ||||||
18 | suspension of that license. That person may resume his or her
| ||||||
19 | practice only upon the entry of a Departmental order based | ||||||
20 | upon a finding by
the Medical Board that the person has been | ||||||
21 | determined to be recovered
from mental illness by the court | ||||||
22 | and upon the Medical Board's
recommendation that the person be | ||||||
23 | permitted to resume his or her practice.
| ||||||
24 | The Department may refuse to issue or take disciplinary | ||||||
25 | action concerning the license of any person
who fails to file a | ||||||
26 | return, or to pay the tax, penalty, or interest shown in a
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | filed return, or to pay any final assessment of tax, penalty, | ||||||
2 | or interest, as
required by any tax Act administered by the | ||||||
3 | Illinois Department of Revenue,
until such time as the | ||||||
4 | requirements of any such tax Act are satisfied as
determined | ||||||
5 | by the Illinois Department of Revenue.
| ||||||
6 | The Department, upon the recommendation of the Medical | ||||||
7 | Board, shall
adopt rules which set forth standards to be used | ||||||
8 | in determining:
| ||||||
9 | (a) when a person will be deemed sufficiently | ||||||
10 | rehabilitated to warrant the
public trust;
| ||||||
11 | (b) what constitutes dishonorable, unethical, or | ||||||
12 | unprofessional conduct of
a character likely to deceive, | ||||||
13 | defraud, or harm the public;
| ||||||
14 | (c) what constitutes immoral conduct in the commission | ||||||
15 | of any act,
including, but not limited to, commission of | ||||||
16 | an act of sexual misconduct
to the licensee's | ||||||
17 | practice; and
| ||||||
18 | (d) what constitutes gross negligence in the practice | ||||||
19 | of medicine.
| ||||||
20 | However, no such rule shall be admissible into evidence in | ||||||
21 | any civil action
except for review of a licensing or other | ||||||
22 | disciplinary action under this Act.
| ||||||
23 | In enforcing this Section, the Medical Board,
upon a | ||||||
24 | showing of a possible violation, may compel any individual who | ||||||
25 | is licensed to
practice under this Act or holds a permit to | ||||||
26 | practice under this Act, or any individual who has applied for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | licensure or a permit
pursuant to this Act, to submit to a | ||||||
2 | mental or physical examination and evaluation, or both,
which | ||||||
3 | may include a substance abuse or sexual offender evaluation, | ||||||
4 | as required by the Medical Board and at the expense of the | ||||||
5 | Department. The Medical Board shall specifically designate the | ||||||
6 | examining physician licensed to practice medicine in all of | ||||||
7 | its branches or, if applicable, the multidisciplinary team | ||||||
8 | involved in providing the mental or physical examination and | ||||||
9 | evaluation, or both. The multidisciplinary team shall be led | ||||||
10 | by a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its | ||||||
11 | branches and may consist of one or more or a combination of | ||||||
12 | physicians licensed to practice medicine in all of its | ||||||
13 | branches, licensed chiropractic physicians, licensed clinical | ||||||
14 | psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, licensed | ||||||
15 | clinical professional counselors, and other professional and | ||||||
16 | administrative staff. Any examining physician or member of the | ||||||
17 | multidisciplinary team may require any person ordered to | ||||||
18 | submit to an examination and evaluation pursuant to this | ||||||
19 | Section to submit to any additional supplemental testing | ||||||
20 | deemed necessary to complete any examination or evaluation | ||||||
21 | process, including, but not limited to, blood testing, | ||||||
22 | urinalysis, psychological testing, or neuropsychological | ||||||
23 | testing.
The Medical Board or the Department may order the | ||||||
24 | examining
physician or any member of the multidisciplinary | ||||||
25 | team to provide to the Department or the Medical Board any and | ||||||
26 | all records, including business records, that relate to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | examination and evaluation, including any supplemental testing | ||||||
2 | performed. The Medical Board or the Department may order the | ||||||
3 | examining physician or any member of the multidisciplinary | ||||||
4 | team to present testimony concerning this examination
and | ||||||
5 | evaluation of the licensee, permit holder, or applicant, | ||||||
6 | including testimony concerning any supplemental testing or | ||||||
7 | documents relating to the examination and evaluation. No | ||||||
8 | information, report, record, or other documents in any way | ||||||
9 | related to the examination and evaluation shall be excluded by | ||||||
10 | reason of
any common
law or statutory privilege relating to | ||||||
11 | communication between the licensee, permit holder, or
| ||||||
12 | applicant and
the examining physician or any member of the | ||||||
13 | multidisciplinary team.
No authorization is necessary from the | ||||||
14 | licensee, permit holder, or applicant ordered to undergo an | ||||||
15 | evaluation and examination for the examining physician or any | ||||||
16 | member of the multidisciplinary team to provide information, | ||||||
17 | reports, records, or other documents or to provide any | ||||||
18 | testimony regarding the examination and evaluation. The | ||||||
19 | individual to be examined may have, at his or her own expense, | ||||||
20 | another
physician of his or her choice present during all | ||||||
21 | aspects of the examination.
Failure of any individual to | ||||||
22 | submit to mental or physical examination and evaluation, or | ||||||
23 | both, when
directed, shall result in an automatic suspension, | ||||||
24 | without hearing, until such time
as the individual submits to | ||||||
25 | the examination. If the Medical Board finds a physician unable
| ||||||
26 | to practice following an examination and evaluation because of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the reasons set forth in this Section, the Medical Board shall | ||||||
2 | require such physician to submit to care, counseling, or | ||||||
3 | treatment
by physicians, or other health care professionals, | ||||||
4 | approved or designated by the Medical Board, as a condition
| ||||||
5 | for issued, continued, reinstated, or renewed licensure to | ||||||
6 | practice. Any physician,
whose license was granted pursuant to | ||||||
7 | Section 9, 17, or 19 of this Act, or,
continued, reinstated, | ||||||
8 | renewed, disciplined, or supervised, subject to such
terms, | ||||||
9 | conditions, or restrictions who shall fail to comply with such | ||||||
10 | terms,
conditions, or restrictions, or to complete a required | ||||||
11 | program of care,
counseling, or treatment, as determined by | ||||||
12 | the Chief Medical Coordinator or
Deputy Medical Coordinators, | ||||||
13 | shall be referred to the Secretary for a
determination as to | ||||||
14 | whether the licensee shall have his or her license suspended
| ||||||
15 | immediately, pending a hearing by the Medical Board. In | ||||||
16 | instances in
which the Secretary immediately suspends a | ||||||
17 | license under this Section, a hearing
upon such person's | ||||||
18 | license must be convened by the Medical Board within 15
days | ||||||
19 | after such suspension and completed without appreciable delay. | ||||||
20 | The Medical
Board shall have the authority to review the | ||||||
21 | subject physician's
record of treatment and counseling | ||||||
22 | regarding the impairment, to the extent
permitted by | ||||||
23 | applicable federal statutes and regulations safeguarding the
| ||||||
24 | confidentiality of medical records.
| ||||||
25 | An individual licensed under this Act, affected under this | ||||||
26 | Section, shall be
afforded an opportunity to demonstrate to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the Medical Board that he or she can
resume practice in | ||||||
2 | compliance with acceptable and prevailing standards under
the | ||||||
3 | provisions of his or her license.
| ||||||
4 | The Department may promulgate rules for the imposition of | ||||||
5 | fines in
disciplinary cases, not to exceed
$10,000 for each | ||||||
6 | violation of this Act. Fines
may be imposed in conjunction | ||||||
7 | with other forms of disciplinary action, but
shall not be the | ||||||
8 | exclusive disposition of any disciplinary action arising out
| ||||||
9 | of conduct resulting in death or injury to a patient. Any funds | ||||||
10 | collected from
such fines shall be deposited in the Illinois | ||||||
11 | State Medical Disciplinary Fund.
| ||||||
12 | All fines imposed under this Section shall be paid within | ||||||
13 | 60 days after the effective date of the order imposing the fine | ||||||
14 | or in accordance with the terms set forth in the order imposing | ||||||
15 | the fine. | ||||||
16 | (B) The Department shall revoke the license or
permit | ||||||
17 | issued under this Act to practice medicine or a chiropractic | ||||||
18 | physician who
has been convicted a second time of committing | ||||||
19 | any felony under the
Illinois Controlled Substances Act or the | ||||||
20 | Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, or who | ||||||
21 | has been convicted a second time of
committing a Class 1 felony | ||||||
22 | under Sections 8A-3 and 8A-6 of the Illinois Public
Aid Code. A | ||||||
23 | person whose license or permit is revoked
this | ||||||
24 | subsection B shall be prohibited from practicing
medicine or | ||||||
25 | treating human ailments without the use of drugs and without
| ||||||
26 | operative surgery.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (C) The Department shall not revoke, suspend, place on | ||||||
2 | probation, reprimand, refuse to issue or renew, or take any | ||||||
3 | other disciplinary or non-disciplinary action against the | ||||||
4 | license or permit issued under this Act to practice medicine | ||||||
5 | to a physician: | ||||||
6 | (1) based solely upon the recommendation of the | ||||||
7 | physician to an eligible patient regarding, or | ||||||
8 | prescription for, or treatment with, an investigational | ||||||
9 | drug, biological product, or device; | ||||||
10 | (2) for experimental treatment for Lyme disease or | ||||||
11 | other tick-borne diseases, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
12 | the prescription of or treatment with long-term | ||||||
13 | antibiotics; | ||||||
14 | (3) based solely upon the physician providing, | ||||||
15 | authorizing, recommending, aiding, assisting, referring | ||||||
16 | for, or otherwise participating in any health care | ||||||
17 | service, so long as the care was not unlawful under the | ||||||
18 | laws of this State, regardless of whether the patient was | ||||||
19 | a resident of this State or another state; or | ||||||
20 | (4) based upon the physician's license being revoked | ||||||
21 | or suspended, or the physician being otherwise disciplined | ||||||
22 | by any other state, if that revocation, suspension, or | ||||||
23 | other form of discipline was based solely on the physician | ||||||
24 | violating another state's laws prohibiting the provision | ||||||
25 | of, authorization of, recommendation of, aiding or | ||||||
26 | assisting in, referring for, or participation in any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | health care service if that health care service as | ||||||
2 | provided would not have been unlawful under the laws of | ||||||
3 | this State and is consistent with the standards of conduct | ||||||
4 | for the physician if it occurred in Illinois. | ||||||
5 | (D) (Blank).
| ||||||
6 | (E) The conduct specified in subsection (C) shall not | ||||||
7 | trigger reporting requirements under Section 23, constitute | ||||||
8 | grounds for suspension under Section 25, or be included on the | ||||||
9 | physician's profile required under Section 10 of the Patients' | ||||||
10 | Right to Know Act. | ||||||
11 | (F) An applicant seeking licensure, certification, or | ||||||
12 | authorization pursuant to this Act and who has been subject to | ||||||
13 | disciplinary action by a duly authorized professional | ||||||
14 | disciplinary agency of another jurisdiction solely on the | ||||||
15 | basis of having provided, authorized, recommended, aided, | ||||||
16 | assisted, referred for, or otherwise participated in health | ||||||
17 | care shall not be denied such licensure, certification, or | ||||||
18 | authorization, unless the Department determines that the | ||||||
19 | action would have constituted professional misconduct in this | ||||||
20 | State; however, nothing in this Section shall be construed as | ||||||
21 | prohibiting the Department from evaluating the conduct of the | ||||||
22 | applicant and making a determination regarding the licensure, | ||||||
23 | certification, or authorization to practice a profession under | ||||||
24 | this Act. | ||||||
25 | (G) The Department may adopt rules to implement the | ||||||
26 | changes made by this amendatory Act of the 102nd General |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Assembly. | ||||||
2 | (H) Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the | ||||||
3 | contrary, a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
4 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
5 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
6 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
7 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
8 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
9 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
10 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 101-13, eff. 6-12-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; | ||||||
12 | 101-363, eff. 8-9-19; 102-20, eff. 1-1-22; 102-558, eff. | ||||||
13 | 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-1117, eff. 1-13-23.)
| ||||||
14 | Section 35. The Nurse Practice Act is amended by changing | ||||||
15 | Sections 50-35 and 70-5 as follows:
| ||||||
16 | (225 ILCS 65/50-35)
(was 225 ILCS 65/5-23)
| ||||||
17 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2028)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 50-35. Criminal history records background check. | ||||||
19 | Each applicant for licensure by examination or restoration | ||||||
20 | shall have his or her fingerprints submitted to the Illinois | ||||||
21 | State Police in an electronic format that complies with the | ||||||
22 | form and manner for requesting and furnishing criminal history | ||||||
23 | record information as prescribed by the Illinois State Police. | ||||||
24 | These fingerprints shall be checked prior to the Department |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | issuing or renewing a license against the Illinois State | ||||||
2 | Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history | ||||||
3 | record databases now and hereafter filed. The Illinois State | ||||||
4 | Police shall charge applicants a fee for conducting the | ||||||
5 | criminal history records check, which shall be deposited into | ||||||
6 | the State Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the actual | ||||||
7 | cost of the records check. The Illinois State Police shall | ||||||
8 | furnish, pursuant to positive identification, records of | ||||||
9 | Illinois convictions to the Department. The Department may | ||||||
10 | require applicants to pay a separate fingerprinting fee, | ||||||
11 | either to the Department or to a vendor. The Department, in its | ||||||
12 | discretion, may allow an applicant who does not have | ||||||
13 | reasonable access to a designated vendor to provide his or her | ||||||
14 | fingerprints in an alternative manner. The Department may | ||||||
15 | adopt any rules necessary to implement this Section.
| ||||||
16 | (Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
| ||||||
17 | (225 ILCS 65/70-5)
(was 225 ILCS 65/10-45)
| ||||||
18 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2028)
| ||||||
19 | Sec. 70-5. Grounds for disciplinary action.
| ||||||
20 | (a) The Department may
refuse to issue or
to renew, or may | ||||||
21 | revoke, suspend, place on
probation, reprimand, or take other | ||||||
22 | disciplinary or non-disciplinary action as the Department
may | ||||||
23 | deem appropriate, including fines not to exceed $10,000 per | ||||||
24 | violation, with regard to a license for any one or combination
| ||||||
25 | of the causes set forth in subsection (b) below.
All fines |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | collected under this Section shall be deposited in the Nursing
| ||||||
2 | Dedicated and Professional Fund.
| ||||||
3 | (b) Grounds for disciplinary action include the following:
| ||||||
4 | (1) Material deception in furnishing information to | ||||||
5 | the
| ||||||
6 | (2) Material violations of any provision of this Act | ||||||
7 | or violation of the rules of or final administrative | ||||||
8 | action of
the Secretary, after consideration of the | ||||||
9 | recommendation of the Board.
| ||||||
10 | (3) Conviction by plea of guilty or nolo contendere, | ||||||
11 | finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or by | ||||||
12 | sentencing of any crime, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
13 | convictions, preceding sentences of supervision, | ||||||
14 | conditional discharge, or first offender probation, under | ||||||
15 | the laws of any jurisdiction
of the
United States: (i) | ||||||
16 | that is a felony; or (ii) that is a misdemeanor, an
| ||||||
17 | essential element of which is dishonesty, or that is
| ||||||
18 | directly related to the practice of the profession.
| ||||||
19 | (4) A pattern of practice or other behavior which | ||||||
20 | demonstrates
or incompetency to practice under | ||||||
21 | this Act.
| ||||||
22 | (5) Knowingly aiding or assisting another person in | ||||||
23 | violating
provision of this Act or rules.
| ||||||
24 | (6) Failing, within 90 days, to provide a response to | ||||||
25 | a request
information in response to a written request | ||||||
26 | made by the Department by
certified or registered mail or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | by email to the email address of record.
| ||||||
2 | (7) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical, or | ||||||
3 | unprofessional
conduct of a
character likely to deceive, | ||||||
4 | defraud, or harm the public, as defined by
| ||||||
5 | (8) Unlawful taking, theft, selling, distributing, or | ||||||
6 | manufacturing of any drug, narcotic, or
| ||||||
7 | device.
| ||||||
8 | (9) Habitual or excessive use or addiction to alcohol,
| ||||||
9 | narcotics,
stimulants, or any other chemical agent or drug | ||||||
10 | that could result in a licensee's
inability to practice | ||||||
11 | with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety.
| ||||||
12 | (10) Discipline by another U.S. jurisdiction or | ||||||
13 | foreign
nation, if at
least one of the grounds for the | ||||||
14 | discipline is the same or substantially
equivalent to | ||||||
15 | those set forth in this Section.
| ||||||
16 | (11) A finding that the licensee, after having her or | ||||||
17 | his
license placed on
probationary status or subject to | ||||||
18 | conditions or restrictions, has violated the terms of | ||||||
19 | probation or failed to comply with such terms or | ||||||
20 | conditions.
| ||||||
21 | (12) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated | ||||||
22 | report by
Department of Children and Family Services | ||||||
23 | and under the Abused and
Neglected Child Reporting Act, | ||||||
24 | and upon proof by clear and
convincing evidence that the | ||||||
25 | licensee has caused a child to be an abused
child or | ||||||
26 | neglected child as defined in the Abused and Neglected |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Child
Reporting Act.
| ||||||
2 | (13) Willful omission to file or record, or willfully | ||||||
3 | impeding
filing or recording or inducing another | ||||||
4 | person to omit to file or record
medical reports as | ||||||
5 | required by law. | ||||||
6 | (13.5) Willfully failing to report an
instance of | ||||||
7 | suspected child abuse or neglect as required by the Abused | ||||||
8 | and
Neglected Child Reporting Act.
| ||||||
9 | (14) Gross negligence in the practice of practical, | ||||||
10 | professional, or advanced practice registered nursing.
| ||||||
11 | (15) Holding oneself out to be practicing nursing | ||||||
12 | under any
name other
than one's own.
| ||||||
13 | (16) Failure of a licensee to report to the Department | ||||||
14 | any adverse final action taken against him or her by | ||||||
15 | another licensing jurisdiction of the United States or any | ||||||
16 | foreign state or country, any peer review body, any health | ||||||
17 | care institution, any professional or nursing society or | ||||||
18 | association, any governmental agency, any law enforcement | ||||||
19 | agency, or any court or a nursing liability claim related | ||||||
20 | to acts or conduct similar to acts or conduct that would | ||||||
21 | constitute grounds for action as defined in this Section. | ||||||
22 | (17) Failure of a licensee to report to the Department | ||||||
23 | surrender by the licensee of a license or authorization to | ||||||
24 | practice nursing or advanced practice registered nursing | ||||||
25 | in another state or jurisdiction or current surrender by | ||||||
26 | the licensee of membership on any nursing staff or in any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | nursing or advanced practice registered nursing or | ||||||
2 | professional association or society while under | ||||||
3 | disciplinary investigation by any of those authorities or | ||||||
4 | bodies for acts or conduct similar to acts or conduct that | ||||||
5 | would constitute grounds for action as defined by this | ||||||
6 | Section. | ||||||
7 | (18) Failing, within 60 days, to provide information | ||||||
8 | in response to a written request made by the Department. | ||||||
9 | (19) Failure to establish and maintain records of | ||||||
10 | patient care and treatment as required by law. | ||||||
11 | (20) Fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation in applying | ||||||
12 | for or
a license under this Act or in connection | ||||||
13 | with applying for renewal of a
license under this Act.
| ||||||
14 | (21) Allowing another person or organization to use | ||||||
15 | the licensee's
license to deceive the public.
| ||||||
16 | (22) Willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
17 | reports in
licensee's practice, including, but not | ||||||
18 | limited to, false
records to support claims against the | ||||||
19 | medical assistance program of the
Department of Healthcare | ||||||
20 | and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid)
| ||||||
21 | under the Illinois Public Aid Code.
| ||||||
22 | (23) Attempting to subvert or cheat on a
| ||||||
23 | examination
administered under this Act.
| ||||||
24 | (24) Immoral conduct in the commission of an act, | ||||||
25 | including, but not limited to, sexual abuse,
sexual | ||||||
26 | misconduct, or sexual exploitation, related to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | licensee's practice.
| ||||||
2 | (25) Willfully or negligently violating the | ||||||
3 | confidentiality
between nurse
and patient except as | ||||||
4 | required by law.
| ||||||
5 | (26) Practicing under a false or assumed name, except | ||||||
6 | as provided by law.
| ||||||
7 | (27) The use of any false, fraudulent, or deceptive | ||||||
8 | statement
in any
document connected with the licensee's | ||||||
9 | practice.
| ||||||
10 | (28) Directly or indirectly giving to or receiving | ||||||
11 | from a person, firm,
corporation, partnership, or | ||||||
12 | association a fee, commission, rebate, or other
form of | ||||||
13 | compensation for professional services not actually or | ||||||
14 | personally
rendered. Nothing in this paragraph (28) | ||||||
15 | affects any bona fide independent contractor or employment | ||||||
16 | arrangements among health care professionals, health | ||||||
17 | facilities, health care providers, or other entities, | ||||||
18 | except as otherwise prohibited by law. Any employment | ||||||
19 | arrangements may include provisions for compensation, | ||||||
20 | health insurance, pension, or other employment benefits | ||||||
21 | for the provision of services within the scope of the | ||||||
22 | licensee's practice under this Act. Nothing in this | ||||||
23 | paragraph (28) shall be construed to require an employment | ||||||
24 | arrangement to receive professional fees for services | ||||||
25 | rendered.
| ||||||
26 | (29) A violation of the Health Care Worker |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Self-Referral Act.
| ||||||
2 | (30) Physical illness, mental illness, or disability | ||||||
3 | that
results in the inability to practice the profession | ||||||
4 | with reasonable judgment,
skill, or safety.
| ||||||
5 | (31) Exceeding the terms of a collaborative agreement | ||||||
6 | or the prescriptive authority delegated to a licensee by | ||||||
7 | his or her collaborating physician or podiatric physician | ||||||
8 | in guidelines established under a written collaborative | ||||||
9 | agreement. | ||||||
10 | (32) Making a false or misleading statement regarding | ||||||
11 | a licensee's skill or the efficacy or value of the | ||||||
12 | medicine, treatment, or remedy prescribed by him or her in | ||||||
13 | the course of treatment. | ||||||
14 | (33) Prescribing, selling, administering, | ||||||
15 | distributing, giving, or self-administering a drug | ||||||
16 | classified as a controlled substance (designated product) | ||||||
17 | or narcotic for other than medically accepted therapeutic | ||||||
18 | purposes. | ||||||
19 | (34) Promotion of the sale of drugs, devices, | ||||||
20 | appliances, or goods provided for a patient in a manner to | ||||||
21 | exploit the patient for financial gain. | ||||||
22 | (35) Violating State or federal laws, rules, or | ||||||
23 | regulations relating to controlled substances. | ||||||
24 | (36) Willfully or negligently violating the | ||||||
25 | confidentiality between an advanced practice registered | ||||||
26 | nurse, collaborating physician, dentist, or podiatric |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | physician and a patient, except as required by law. | ||||||
2 | (37) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
3 | suspected abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or | ||||||
4 | self-neglect of an eligible adult as defined in and | ||||||
5 | required by the Adult Protective Services Act. | ||||||
6 | (38) Being named as an abuser in a verified report by | ||||||
7 | the Department on Aging and under the Adult Protective | ||||||
8 | Services Act, and upon proof by clear and convincing | ||||||
9 | evidence that the licensee abused, neglected, or | ||||||
10 | financially exploited an eligible adult as defined in the | ||||||
11 | Adult Protective Services Act. | ||||||
12 | (39) A violation of any provision of this Act or any | ||||||
13 | rules adopted under this Act. | ||||||
14 | (40) Violating the Compassionate Use of Medical | ||||||
15 | Cannabis Program Act. | ||||||
16 | (b-5) The Department shall not revoke, suspend, summarily | ||||||
17 | suspend, place on probation, reprimand, refuse to issue or | ||||||
18 | renew, or take any other disciplinary or non-disciplinary | ||||||
19 | action against the license or permit issued under this Act to | ||||||
20 | practice as a registered nurse or an advanced practice | ||||||
21 | registered nurse based solely upon the registered nurse or | ||||||
22 | advanced practice registered nurse providing, authorizing, | ||||||
23 | recommending, aiding, assisting, referring for, or otherwise | ||||||
24 | participating in any health care service, so long as the care | ||||||
25 | was not unlawful under the laws of this State, regardless of | ||||||
26 | whether the patient was a resident of this State or another |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | state. | ||||||
2 | (b-10) The Department shall not revoke, suspend, summarily | ||||||
3 | suspend, place on prohibition, reprimand, refuse to issue or | ||||||
4 | renew, or take any other disciplinary or non-disciplinary | ||||||
5 | action against the license or permit issued under this Act to | ||||||
6 | practice as a registered nurse or an advanced practice | ||||||
7 | registered nurse based upon the registered nurse's or advanced | ||||||
8 | practice registered nurse's license being revoked or | ||||||
9 | suspended, or the registered nurse or advanced practice | ||||||
10 | registered nurse being otherwise disciplined by any other | ||||||
11 | state, if that revocation, suspension, or other form of | ||||||
12 | discipline was based solely on the registered nurse or | ||||||
13 | advanced practice registered nurse violating another state's | ||||||
14 | laws prohibiting the provision of, authorization of, | ||||||
15 | recommendation of, aiding or assisting in, referring for, or | ||||||
16 | participation in any health care service if that health care | ||||||
17 | service as provided would not have been unlawful under the | ||||||
18 | laws of this State and is consistent with the standards of | ||||||
19 | conduct for the registered nurse or advanced practice | ||||||
20 | registered nurse practicing in Illinois. | ||||||
21 | (b-15) The conduct specified in subsections (b-5) and | ||||||
22 | (b-10) shall not trigger reporting requirements under Section | ||||||
23 | 65-65 or constitute grounds for suspension under Section | ||||||
24 | 70-60. | ||||||
25 | (b-20) An applicant seeking licensure, certification, or | ||||||
26 | authorization under this Act who has been subject to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | disciplinary action by a duly authorized professional | ||||||
2 | disciplinary agency of another jurisdiction solely on the | ||||||
3 | basis of having provided, authorized, recommended, aided, | ||||||
4 | assisted, referred for, or otherwise participated in health | ||||||
5 | care shall not be denied such licensure, certification, or | ||||||
6 | authorization, unless the Department determines that such | ||||||
7 | action would have constituted professional misconduct in this | ||||||
8 | State; however, nothing in this Section shall be construed as | ||||||
9 | prohibiting the Department from evaluating the conduct of such | ||||||
10 | applicant and making a determination regarding the licensure, | ||||||
11 | certification, or authorization to practice a profession under | ||||||
12 | this Act. | ||||||
13 | (c) The determination by a circuit court that a licensee | ||||||
14 | is
subject to
involuntary admission or judicial admission as | ||||||
15 | provided in the Mental
Health and Developmental Disabilities | ||||||
16 | Code, as amended, operates as an
automatic suspension. The | ||||||
17 | suspension will end only upon a finding
by a
court that the | ||||||
18 | patient is no longer subject to involuntary admission or
| ||||||
19 | judicial admission and issues an order so finding and | ||||||
20 | discharging the
patient; and upon the recommendation of the | ||||||
21 | Board to the
Secretary that
the licensee be allowed to resume | ||||||
22 | his or her practice.
| ||||||
23 | (d) The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend or | ||||||
24 | otherwise discipline the
license of any
person who fails to | ||||||
25 | file a return, or to pay the tax, penalty or interest
shown in | ||||||
26 | a filed return, or to pay any final assessment of the tax,
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | penalty, or interest as required by any tax Act administered | ||||||
2 | by the
Department of Revenue, until such time as the | ||||||
3 | requirements of any
such tax Act are satisfied.
| ||||||
4 | (e) In enforcing this Act, the Department,
upon a showing | ||||||
5 | of a
violation, may compel an individual licensed to | ||||||
6 | practice under this Act or
who has applied for licensure under | ||||||
7 | this Act, to submit
to a mental or physical examination, or | ||||||
8 | both, as required by and at the expense
of the Department. The | ||||||
9 | Department may order the examining physician to
| ||||||
10 | testimony concerning the mental or physical examination of the | ||||||
11 | licensee or
applicant. No information shall be excluded by | ||||||
12 | reason of any common law or
statutory privilege relating to | ||||||
13 | communications between the licensee or
applicant and the | ||||||
14 | examining physician. The examining
shall be | ||||||
15 | specifically designated by the Department.
The individual to | ||||||
16 | be examined may have, at his or her own expense, another
| ||||||
17 | physician of his or her choice present during all
aspects of | ||||||
18 | this examination. Failure of an individual to submit to a | ||||||
19 | mental
physical examination, when directed, shall result in | ||||||
20 | an automatic
suspension without hearing.
| ||||||
21 | All substance-related violations shall mandate an | ||||||
22 | automatic substance abuse assessment. Failure to submit to an | ||||||
23 | assessment by a licensed physician who is certified as an | ||||||
24 | addictionist or an advanced practice registered nurse with | ||||||
25 | specialty certification in addictions may be grounds for an | ||||||
26 | automatic suspension, as defined by rule.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | If the Department finds an individual unable to practice | ||||||
2 | or unfit for duty because
set forth in this | ||||||
3 | subsection (e), the Department may require that individual
to | ||||||
4 | submit
a substance abuse evaluation or treatment by | ||||||
5 | individuals or programs
or designated by the | ||||||
6 | Department, as a condition, term, or restriction
for | ||||||
7 | continued, restored, or
renewed licensure to practice; or, in | ||||||
8 | lieu of evaluation or treatment,
the Department may file, or
| ||||||
9 | the Board may recommend to the Department to file, a complaint | ||||||
10 | to immediately
suspend, revoke, or otherwise discipline the | ||||||
11 | license of the individual.
An individual whose
license was | ||||||
12 | granted, continued, restored, renewed, disciplined, or | ||||||
13 | supervised
subject to such terms, conditions, or restrictions, | ||||||
14 | and who fails to comply
such terms, conditions, or | ||||||
15 | restrictions, shall be referred to the Secretary for
| ||||||
16 | determination as to whether the individual shall have his or | ||||||
17 | her license
suspended immediately, pending a hearing by the | ||||||
18 | Department.
| ||||||
19 | In instances in which the Secretary immediately suspends a | ||||||
20 | person's license
under this subsection (e), a hearing on that | ||||||
21 | person's license must be convened by
the Department within 15 | ||||||
22 | days after the suspension and completed without
| ||||||
23 | delay.
The Department and Board shall have the authority to | ||||||
24 | review the subject
individual's record of
treatment and | ||||||
25 | counseling regarding the impairment to the extent permitted by
| ||||||
26 | applicable federal statutes and regulations safeguarding the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | confidentiality of
medical records.
| ||||||
2 | An individual licensed under this Act and affected under | ||||||
3 | this subsection (e) shall
afforded an opportunity to | ||||||
4 | demonstrate to the Department that he or
she can resume
| ||||||
5 | practice in compliance with nursing standards under the
| ||||||
6 | provisions of his or her license.
| ||||||
7 | (f) The Department may adopt rules to implement the | ||||||
8 | changes made by this amendatory Act of the 102nd General | ||||||
9 | Assembly. | ||||||
10 | (g) Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the | ||||||
11 | contrary, a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
12 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
13 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
14 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
15 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
16 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
17 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
18 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 101-363, eff. 8-9-19; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; | ||||||
20 | 102-1117, eff. 1-13-23.)
| ||||||
21 | Section 40. The Illinois Optometric Practice Act of 1987 | ||||||
22 | is amended by changing Section 24 and by adding Section 12.3 as | ||||||
23 | follows: | ||||||
24 | (225 ILCS 80/12.3 new) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 12.3. Criminal history. Any Department process under | ||||||
2 | statute or rule used to verify the criminal history of an | ||||||
3 | applicant for licensure under this Act shall be used for all | ||||||
4 | applicants for licensure, applicants for renewal of a license, | ||||||
5 | or persons whose conviction of a crime or other behavior | ||||||
6 | warrants review of a license under this Act.
| ||||||
7 | (225 ILCS 80/24) (from Ch. 111, par. 3924)
| ||||||
8 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2027)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 24. Grounds for disciplinary action.
| ||||||
10 | (a) The Department may refuse to issue or to renew, or may
| ||||||
11 | revoke, suspend, place on probation, reprimand or take other
| ||||||
12 | disciplinary or non-disciplinary action as the Department may | ||||||
13 | deem appropriate, including fines not
to exceed $10,000 for | ||||||
14 | each violation, with regard to any license for any one or | ||||||
15 | combination of the causes set forth in subsection (a-3) of | ||||||
16 | this Section. All fines collected under this Section shall be | ||||||
17 | deposited in the Optometric Licensing and Disciplinary Board | ||||||
18 | Fund. Any fine imposed shall be payable within 60 days after | ||||||
19 | the effective date of the order imposing the fine.
| ||||||
20 | (a-3) Grounds for disciplinary action include the | ||||||
21 | following: | ||||||
22 | (1) Violations of this Act, or of the rules | ||||||
23 | promulgated
| ||||||
24 | (2) Conviction of or entry of a plea of guilty to any | ||||||
25 | crime under the laws of any U.S. jurisdiction
thereof that |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | is a felony or that is a misdemeanor of which an essential | ||||||
2 | element
is dishonesty, or any crime that is directly | ||||||
3 | related to the practice of the
| ||||||
4 | (3) Making any misrepresentation for the purpose of | ||||||
5 | obtaining a
| ||||||
6 | (4) Professional incompetence or gross negligence in | ||||||
7 | the
practice of optometry.
| ||||||
8 | (5) Gross malpractice, prima facie evidence
of which | ||||||
9 | may be a conviction or judgment of
malpractice in any | ||||||
10 | court of competent jurisdiction.
| ||||||
11 | (6) Aiding or assisting another person in violating | ||||||
12 | any
provision of this Act or rules.
| ||||||
13 | (7) Failing, within 60 days, to provide information in | ||||||
14 | response
to a
written request made by the Department that | ||||||
15 | has been sent by
certified or
registered mail to the | ||||||
16 | licensee's last known address.
| ||||||
17 | (8) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical, or | ||||||
18 | unprofessional
conduct of a
character likely to deceive, | ||||||
19 | defraud, or harm the public.
| ||||||
20 | (9) Habitual or excessive use or addiction to alcohol,
| ||||||
21 | narcotics,
stimulants or any other chemical agent or drug | ||||||
22 | that results in
inability to practice with reasonable | ||||||
23 | judgment, skill, or safety.
| ||||||
24 | (10) Discipline by another U.S. jurisdiction or | ||||||
25 | foreign
nation, if at
least one of the grounds for the | ||||||
26 | discipline is the same or substantially
equivalent to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | those set forth herein.
| ||||||
2 | (11) Violation of the prohibition against fee | ||||||
3 | splitting in Section 24.2 of this Act.
| ||||||
4 | (12) A finding by the Department that the licensee, | ||||||
5 | after
having his or
license placed on probationary | ||||||
6 | status has violated the terms of
| ||||||
7 | (13) Abandonment of a patient.
| ||||||
8 | (14) Willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
9 | reports in
his or her
including but not limited | ||||||
10 | to false records filed with State agencies or
| ||||||
11 | (15) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
12 | suspected
abuse or
neglect as required by law.
| ||||||
13 | (16) Physical illness, including but not limited to,
| ||||||
14 | deterioration
through the aging process, or loss of motor | ||||||
15 | skill, mental illness, or
disability that results in the
| ||||||
16 | inability to practice the profession with reasonable | ||||||
17 | judgment, skill,
or safety.
| ||||||
18 | (17) Solicitation of professional services other than
| ||||||
19 | permitted
| ||||||
20 | (18) Failure to provide a patient with a copy of his or
| ||||||
21 | her record or
prescription in accordance with federal law.
| ||||||
22 | (19) Conviction by any court of competent | ||||||
23 | jurisdiction, either
within or
without this State, of any | ||||||
24 | violation of any law governing the practice of
optometry, | ||||||
25 | conviction in this or another State of any crime that
is a
| ||||||
26 | felony under the laws of this State or conviction of a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | felony in a federal
court, if the Department determines, | ||||||
2 | after investigation, that such person
has not been | ||||||
3 | sufficiently rehabilitated to warrant the public trust.
| ||||||
4 | (20) A finding that licensure has been applied for or | ||||||
5 | obtained
fraudulent means.
| ||||||
6 | (21) Continued practice by a person knowingly having | ||||||
7 | an
or contagious
| ||||||
8 | (22) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated | ||||||
9 | report by
Department of Children and Family Services | ||||||
10 | under the Abused and
Neglected Child Reporting Act, and | ||||||
11 | upon proof by clear and
convincing evidence that the | ||||||
12 | licensee has caused a child to be an abused
child or a | ||||||
13 | neglected child as defined in the Abused and Neglected | ||||||
14 | Child
Reporting Act.
| ||||||
15 | (23) Practicing or attempting to practice under a name | ||||||
16 | other
than the
full name as shown on his or her license.
| ||||||
17 | (24) Immoral conduct in the commission of any act, | ||||||
18 | such as
sexual abuse,
sexual misconduct or sexual | ||||||
19 | exploitation, related to the licensee's
| ||||||
20 | (25) Maintaining a professional relationship with any | ||||||
21 | person,
firm, or
corporation when the optometrist knows, | ||||||
22 | or should know, that such person,
firm, or corporation is | ||||||
23 | violating this Act.
| ||||||
24 | (26) Promotion of the sale of drugs, devices, | ||||||
25 | appliances or
provided for a client or patient in | ||||||
26 | such manner as to exploit the patient
or client for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | financial gain of the licensee.
| ||||||
2 | (27) Using the title "Doctor" or its abbreviation | ||||||
3 | without
qualifying that title or abbreviation with | ||||||
4 | the word "optometry" or
| ||||||
5 | (28) Use by a licensed optometrist of the
| ||||||
6 | "infirmary",
"hospital", "school", "university", in | ||||||
7 | English or any other
language, in connection with the | ||||||
8 | place where optometry may be practiced or
demonstrated | ||||||
9 | unless the licensee is employed by and practicing at a | ||||||
10 | location that is licensed as a hospital or accredited as a | ||||||
11 | school or university.
| ||||||
12 | (29) Continuance of an optometrist in the employ of | ||||||
13 | any
person, firm or
corporation, or as an assistant to any | ||||||
14 | optometrist or optometrists,
directly or indirectly, after | ||||||
15 | his or her employer or superior has been
guilty of | ||||||
16 | violating or has been enjoined from violating the laws of | ||||||
17 | the
State of Illinois relating to the practice of | ||||||
18 | optometry, when the employer
or superior persists in that | ||||||
19 | violation.
| ||||||
20 | (30) The performance of optometric service in | ||||||
21 | conjunction with
a scheme
or plan with another person, | ||||||
22 | firm or corporation known to be advertising in
a manner | ||||||
23 | contrary to this Act or otherwise violating the laws of | ||||||
24 | the State of
Illinois concerning the practice of | ||||||
25 | optometry.
| ||||||
26 | (31) Failure to provide satisfactory proof of having
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | participated in
approved continuing education programs as | ||||||
2 | determined by the Board and
approved by the Secretary. | ||||||
3 | Exceptions for extreme hardships are to be
defined by the | ||||||
4 | rules of the Department.
| ||||||
5 | (32) Willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
6 | reports in
the practice
of optometry, including, but not | ||||||
7 | limited to false records to support claims
against the | ||||||
8 | medical assistance program of the Department of Healthcare | ||||||
9 | and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid)
| ||||||
10 | under the Illinois Public Aid Code.
| ||||||
11 | (33) Gross and willful overcharging for professional | ||||||
12 | services
filing false statements for collection | ||||||
13 | of fees for which services are not
rendered, including, | ||||||
14 | but not limited to filing false statements for
collection | ||||||
15 | of monies for services not rendered from the medical | ||||||
16 | assistance
program of the Department of Healthcare and | ||||||
17 | Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid) under | ||||||
18 | the Illinois Public Aid
| ||||||
19 | (34) In the absence of good reasons to the contrary, | ||||||
20 | failure
to perform a
minimum eye examination as required | ||||||
21 | by the rules of the Department.
| ||||||
22 | (35) Violation of the Health Care Worker Self-Referral | ||||||
23 | Act.
| ||||||
24 | The Department shall refuse to issue or shall suspend the | ||||||
25 | license of any person who fails to file a return, or to pay the | ||||||
26 | tax,
penalty or interest shown in a filed return, or to pay any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | final assessment
of the tax, penalty or interest, as required | ||||||
2 | by any tax Act administered by
the Illinois Department of | ||||||
3 | Revenue, until such time as the requirements of
any such tax | ||||||
4 | Act are satisfied.
| ||||||
5 | (a-5) In enforcing this Section, the Board or Department, | ||||||
6 | upon a showing of a possible
violation, may compel any | ||||||
7 | individual licensed to practice under this Act, or
who has | ||||||
8 | applied for licensure or certification pursuant to this Act,
| ||||||
9 | to submit to a
mental or physical
examination, or both, as | ||||||
10 | required by and at the expense of the Department. The
| ||||||
11 | examining physicians or clinical psychologists shall be those | ||||||
12 | specifically
designated by the Department. The Board or the | ||||||
13 | Department may order the examining
physician or clinical | ||||||
14 | psychologist to present testimony concerning this mental
or | ||||||
15 | physical examination of the licensee or applicant. No | ||||||
16 | information shall be
excluded by reason of any common law or | ||||||
17 | statutory privilege relating to
communications between the | ||||||
18 | licensee or applicant and the examining physician or
clinical | ||||||
19 | psychologist. Eye examinations may be provided by a licensed
| ||||||
20 | optometrist. The individual to be examined may have,
at his or | ||||||
21 | her own expense, another physician of his or her choice | ||||||
22 | present
during all aspects of the examination. Failure of any | ||||||
23 | individual to submit to
a mental or physical examination, when | ||||||
24 | directed, shall be grounds for
suspension of a license until | ||||||
25 | such time as the individual submits to the
examination if the | ||||||
26 | Board or Department finds, after notice and hearing, that the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | refusal to
submit to the examination was without reasonable | ||||||
2 | cause.
| ||||||
3 | If the Board or Department finds an individual unable to | ||||||
4 | practice because of the reasons
set forth in this Section, the | ||||||
5 | Board or Department shall require such individual to submit to
| ||||||
6 | care, counseling, or treatment by physicians or clinical | ||||||
7 | psychologists approved
or designated by the Department, as a | ||||||
8 | condition, term, or restriction for continued,
reinstated, or | ||||||
9 | renewed licensure to practice, or in lieu of care, counseling,
| ||||||
10 | or treatment, the Board may recommend to the Department to | ||||||
11 | file a complaint to immediately suspend, revoke, or otherwise | ||||||
12 | discipline the
license of the individual, or the Board may | ||||||
13 | recommend to the Department to file
a complaint to suspend, | ||||||
14 | revoke, or otherwise discipline the license of the
individual. | ||||||
15 | Any individual whose license was granted pursuant to this Act, | ||||||
16 | or
continued, reinstated, renewed, disciplined, or supervised, | ||||||
17 | subject to such
conditions, terms, or restrictions, who shall | ||||||
18 | fail to comply with such
conditions, terms, or restrictions, | ||||||
19 | shall be referred to the Secretary for a
determination as to | ||||||
20 | whether the individual shall have his or her license
suspended | ||||||
21 | immediately, pending a hearing by the Board.
| ||||||
22 | (a-10) Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the | ||||||
23 | contrary, a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
24 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
25 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
26 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
2 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
3 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
4 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
5 | (b) The determination by a circuit court that a licensee | ||||||
6 | is subject to
involuntary admission or judicial admission as | ||||||
7 | provided in the Mental
Health and Developmental Disabilities | ||||||
8 | Code operates as an
automatic suspension. The suspension will | ||||||
9 | end only upon a finding by a
court that the patient is no | ||||||
10 | longer subject to involuntary admission or
judicial admission | ||||||
11 | and issues an order so finding and discharging the
patient; | ||||||
12 | and upon the recommendation of the Board to the Secretary
| ||||||
13 | the licensee be allowed to resume his or her practice.
| ||||||
14 | (Source: P.A. 99-43, eff. 1-1-16; 99-909, eff. 1-1-17.)
| ||||||
15 | Section 45. The Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics | ||||||
16 | Practice Act is amended by changing Section 90 and by adding | ||||||
17 | Section 45.5 as follows: | ||||||
18 | (225 ILCS 84/45.5 new) | ||||||
19 | Sec. 45.5. Criminal history. Any Department process under | ||||||
20 | statute or rule used to verify the criminal history of an | ||||||
21 | applicant for licensure under this Act shall be used for all | ||||||
22 | applicants for licensure, applicants for renewal of a license, | ||||||
23 | or persons whose conviction of a crime or other behavior | ||||||
24 | warrants review of a license under this Act.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (225 ILCS 84/90)
| ||||||
2 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2030)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 90. Grounds for discipline.
| ||||||
4 | (a) The Department may refuse to issue or renew a license, | ||||||
5 | or may revoke or
suspend a license, or may suspend, place on | ||||||
6 | probation, or reprimand a
or take other disciplinary | ||||||
7 | or non-disciplinary action as the Department may deem proper, | ||||||
8 | including, but not limited to, the imposition of fines not to | ||||||
9 | exceed $10,000 for each violation for one or any combination | ||||||
10 | of the following:
| ||||||
11 | (1) Making a material misstatement in furnishing | ||||||
12 | information to the
Department or the Board.
| ||||||
13 | (2) Violations of or negligent or intentional | ||||||
14 | disregard of this Act or
its rules.
| ||||||
15 | (3) Conviction of, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo | ||||||
16 | contendere, finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of | ||||||
17 | judgment or sentencing, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
18 | convictions, preceding sentences of supervision, | ||||||
19 | conditional discharge, or first offender probation under | ||||||
20 | the laws of the United States or any state or that is (i) a | ||||||
21 | felony, or (ii) a misdemeanor, an essential element of | ||||||
22 | which is dishonesty, or any crime that is directly related | ||||||
23 | to the practice of the profession.
| ||||||
24 | (4) Making a misrepresentation for the purpose of | ||||||
25 | obtaining a
license under this Act or in connection with |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | applying for renewal or restoration of a license under | ||||||
2 | this Act.
| ||||||
3 | (5) A pattern of practice or other behavior that | ||||||
4 | demonstrates incapacity
or incompetence to practice under | ||||||
5 | this Act.
| ||||||
6 | (6) Gross negligence under this Act.
| ||||||
7 | (7) Aiding or assisting another person in violating a | ||||||
8 | provision of
this Act or its rules.
| ||||||
9 | (8) Failing to provide information within 60 days in | ||||||
10 | response to a
written request made by the Department.
| ||||||
11 | (9) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical, or | ||||||
12 | unprofessional conduct
or conduct of a character likely to | ||||||
13 | deceive, defraud, or harm the public.
| ||||||
14 | (10) Inability to practice with reasonable judgment, | ||||||
15 | skill, or safety as a result of habitual or excessive use | ||||||
16 | or addiction to alcohol, narcotics, stimulants, or any | ||||||
17 | other chemical agent or drug.
| ||||||
18 | (11) Discipline by another state or territory of the | ||||||
19 | United States, the
federal government, or foreign nation, | ||||||
20 | if at least one of the grounds for the
discipline is the | ||||||
21 | same or substantially equivalent to one set forth in this
| ||||||
22 | Section.
| ||||||
23 | (12) Directly or indirectly giving to or receiving | ||||||
24 | from a person,
firm, corporation, partnership, or | ||||||
25 | association a fee, commission, rebate, or
other form of | ||||||
26 | compensation for professional services not actually or
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | personally rendered. Nothing in this paragraph (12) | ||||||
2 | affects any bona fide independent contractor or employment | ||||||
3 | arrangements among health care professionals, health | ||||||
4 | facilities, health care providers, or other entities, | ||||||
5 | except as otherwise prohibited by law. Any employment | ||||||
6 | arrangements may include provisions for compensation, | ||||||
7 | health insurance, pension, or other employment benefits | ||||||
8 | for the provision of services within the scope of the | ||||||
9 | licensee's practice under this Act. Nothing in this | ||||||
10 | paragraph (12) shall be construed to require an employment | ||||||
11 | arrangement to receive professional fees for services | ||||||
12 | rendered.
| ||||||
13 | (13) A finding by the Board that the licensee or | ||||||
14 | registrant, after
having his or her license placed on | ||||||
15 | probationary status, has violated the terms
of probation | ||||||
16 | or failed to comply with such terms.
| ||||||
17 | (14) Abandonment of a patient or client.
| ||||||
18 | (15) Willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
19 | reports related to the licensee's
practice, including, but | ||||||
20 | not limited to, false records filed with federal or State | ||||||
21 | agencies
or departments.
| ||||||
22 | (16) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
23 | suspected abuse,
neglect, financial exploitation, or | ||||||
24 | self-neglect of an eligible child or adult as required by | ||||||
25 | the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act and the Adult | ||||||
26 | Protective Services Act.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (17) Inability to practice the profession with | ||||||
2 | reasonable judgment, skill, or safety as a result of a | ||||||
3 | physical illness, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
4 | deterioration through the aging process or loss of motor | ||||||
5 | skill, or a mental illness or disability.
| ||||||
6 | (18) Solicitation of professional services using false | ||||||
7 | or misleading
| ||||||
8 | (a-5) Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the | ||||||
9 | contrary, a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
10 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
11 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
12 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
13 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
14 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
15 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
16 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
17 | (b) In enforcing this Section, the Department or Board | ||||||
18 | upon a showing of a possible violation, may compel a licensee | ||||||
19 | or applicant to submit to a mental or physical examination, or | ||||||
20 | both, as required by and at the expense of the Department. The | ||||||
21 | Department or Board may order the examining physician to | ||||||
22 | present testimony concerning the mental or physical | ||||||
23 | examination of the licensee or applicant. No information shall | ||||||
24 | be excluded by reason of any common law or statutory privilege | ||||||
25 | relating to communications between the licensee or applicant | ||||||
26 | and the examining physician. The examining physicians shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | specifically designated by the Board or Department. The | ||||||
2 | individual to be examined may have, at his or her own expense, | ||||||
3 | another physician of his or her choice present during all | ||||||
4 | aspects of this examination. Failure of an individual to | ||||||
5 | submit to a mental or physical examination, when directed, | ||||||
6 | shall be grounds for the immediate suspension of his or her | ||||||
7 | license until the individual submits to the examination if the | ||||||
8 | Department finds that the refusal to submit to the examination | ||||||
9 | was without reasonable cause as defined by rule. | ||||||
10 | If the Secretary immediately suspends a person's license | ||||||
11 | for his or her failure to submit to a mental or physical | ||||||
12 | examination, when directed, a hearing on that person's license | ||||||
13 | must be convened by the Department within 15 days after the | ||||||
14 | suspension and completed without appreciable delay. | ||||||
15 | If the Secretary otherwise suspends a person's license | ||||||
16 | pursuant to the results of a compelled mental or physical | ||||||
17 | examination, a hearing on that person's license must be | ||||||
18 | convened by the Department within 15 days after the suspension | ||||||
19 | and completed without appreciable delay. The Department and | ||||||
20 | Board shall have the authority to review the subject | ||||||
21 | individual's record of treatment and counseling regarding the | ||||||
22 | impairment to the extent permitted by applicable federal | ||||||
23 | statutes and regulations safeguarding the confidentiality of | ||||||
24 | medical records. | ||||||
25 | An individual licensed under this Act and affected under | ||||||
26 | this Section shall be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to the Department or Board that he or she can resume practice | ||||||
2 | in compliance with acceptable and prevailing standards under | ||||||
3 | his or her license.
| ||||||
4 | (c) (Blank).
| ||||||
5 | (d) If the Department of Healthcare and Family Services | ||||||
6 | (formerly Department of Public Aid) has previously determined | ||||||
7 | that a licensee or a potential licensee is more than 30 days | ||||||
8 | delinquent in the payment of child support and has | ||||||
9 | subsequently certified the delinquency to the Department, the | ||||||
10 | Department may refuse to issue or renew or may revoke or | ||||||
11 | suspend that person's license or may take other disciplinary | ||||||
12 | action against that person based solely upon the certification | ||||||
13 | of delinquency made by the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
14 | Services in accordance with subsection (a)(5) of Section | ||||||
15 | 2105-15 of the Department of Professional Regulation Law of | ||||||
16 | the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. | ||||||
17 | (e) The Department shall refuse to issue or renew a | ||||||
18 | license, or may revoke or suspend a license, for failure to | ||||||
19 | file a return, to pay the tax, penalty, or interest shown in a | ||||||
20 | filed return, or to pay any final assessment of tax, penalty, | ||||||
21 | or interest as required by any tax Act administered by the | ||||||
22 | Department of Revenue, until the requirements of the tax Act | ||||||
23 | are satisfied in accordance with subsection (g) of Section | ||||||
24 | 2105-15 of the Department of Professional Regulation Law of | ||||||
25 | the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. | ||||||
26 | (Source: P.A. 100-872, eff. 8-14-18; 101-269, eff. 8-9-19.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 50. The Illinois Physical Therapy Act is amended | ||||||
2 | by changing Section 17 and by adding Section 9.5 as follows: | ||||||
3 | (225 ILCS 90/9.5 new) | ||||||
4 | Sec. 9.5. Criminal history records background check. Each | ||||||
5 | applicant for licensure under this Act, or for renewal | ||||||
6 | thereof, shall have his or her fingerprints submitted to the | ||||||
7 | Illinois State Police in an electronic format that complies | ||||||
8 | with the form and manner for requesting and furnishing | ||||||
9 | criminal history record information as prescribed by the | ||||||
10 | Illinois State Police. These fingerprints shall be checked | ||||||
11 | against the Illinois State Police and Federal Bureau of | ||||||
12 | Investigation criminal history record databases now and | ||||||
13 | hereafter filed. The Illinois State Police shall charge | ||||||
14 | applicants a fee for conducting the criminal history records | ||||||
15 | check, which shall be deposited into the State Police Services | ||||||
16 | Fund and shall not exceed the actual cost of the records check. | ||||||
17 | The Illinois State Police shall furnish, pursuant to positive | ||||||
18 | identification, records of Illinois convictions to the | ||||||
19 | Department. The Department may require applicants to pay a | ||||||
20 | separate fingerprinting fee, either to the Department or to a | ||||||
21 | vendor. The Department, in its discretion, may allow an | ||||||
22 | applicant who does not have reasonable access to a designated | ||||||
23 | vendor to provide his or her fingerprints in an alternative | ||||||
24 | manner. The Department may adopt any rules necessary to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | implement this Section.
| ||||||
2 | (225 ILCS 90/17) (from Ch. 111, par. 4267)
| ||||||
3 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2026)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 17. (1) The Department may refuse to issue or to | ||||||
5 | renew, or may
revoke, suspend, place on probation, reprimand, | ||||||
6 | or
take other disciplinary action as the Department deems | ||||||
7 | appropriate,
including the issuance of fines not to exceed | ||||||
8 | $5000, with regard to a
license for any one or a combination of | ||||||
9 | the following:
| ||||||
10 | A. Material misstatement in furnishing information to | ||||||
11 | the Department
or otherwise making misleading, deceptive, | ||||||
12 | untrue, or fraudulent
representations in violation of this | ||||||
13 | Act or otherwise in the practice of
the profession;
| ||||||
14 | B. Violations of this Act, or of
the rules or | ||||||
15 | regulations promulgated hereunder;
| ||||||
16 | C. Conviction of any crime under the laws of the | ||||||
17 | United States or any
state or territory thereof which is a | ||||||
18 | felony or which is a misdemeanor,
an essential element of | ||||||
19 | which is dishonesty, or of any crime which is directly
| ||||||
20 | related to the practice of the profession; conviction, as | ||||||
21 | used in this
paragraph, shall include a finding or verdict | ||||||
22 | of guilty, an admission of
guilt or a plea of nolo | ||||||
23 | contendere;
| ||||||
24 | D. Making any misrepresentation for the purpose of | ||||||
25 | obtaining licenses,
or violating any provision of this Act |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or the rules promulgated thereunder
pertaining to | ||||||
2 | advertising;
| ||||||
3 | E. A pattern of practice or other behavior which | ||||||
4 | demonstrates incapacity
or incompetency to practice under | ||||||
5 | this Act;
| ||||||
6 | F. Aiding or assisting another person in violating any
| ||||||
7 | provision of this Act or Rules;
| ||||||
8 | G. Failing, within 60 days, to provide information in | ||||||
9 | response to a written
request made by the Department;
| ||||||
10 | H. Engaging in dishonorable, unethical or | ||||||
11 | unprofessional conduct of a
character likely to deceive, | ||||||
12 | defraud or harm the public. Unprofessional
conduct shall | ||||||
13 | include any departure from or the failure to conform to | ||||||
14 | the
minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing | ||||||
15 | physical therapy practice,
in which proceeding actual | ||||||
16 | injury to a patient need not be established;
| ||||||
17 | I. Unlawful distribution of any drug or narcotic, or | ||||||
18 | unlawful
conversion of any drug or narcotic not belonging | ||||||
19 | to the person for such
person's own use or benefit or for | ||||||
20 | other than medically accepted
therapeutic purposes;
| ||||||
21 | J. Habitual or excessive use or addiction to alcohol, | ||||||
22 | narcotics,
stimulants, or any other chemical agent or drug | ||||||
23 | which results in a physical
therapist's or physical | ||||||
24 | therapist assistant's
inability to practice with | ||||||
25 | reasonable judgment, skill or safety;
| ||||||
26 | K. Revocation or suspension of a license to practice |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | physical therapy
as a physical therapist or physical | ||||||
2 | therapist assistant or the taking
of other disciplinary | ||||||
3 | action by the proper licensing authority of
another state, | ||||||
4 | territory or country;
| ||||||
5 | L. Directly or indirectly giving to or receiving from | ||||||
6 | any person, firm,
corporation, partnership, or association | ||||||
7 | any fee, commission, rebate or other
form of compensation | ||||||
8 | for any professional services not actually or
personally | ||||||
9 | rendered. Nothing contained in this paragraph prohibits | ||||||
10 | persons holding valid and current licenses under this Act | ||||||
11 | from practicing physical therapy in partnership under a | ||||||
12 | partnership agreement, including a limited liability | ||||||
13 | partnership, a limited liability company, or a corporation | ||||||
14 | under the Professional Service Corporation Act or from | ||||||
15 | pooling, sharing, dividing, or apportioning the fees and | ||||||
16 | monies received by them or by the partnership, company, or | ||||||
17 | corporation in accordance with the partnership agreement | ||||||
18 | or the policies of the company or professional | ||||||
19 | corporation. Nothing in this paragraph (L) affects any | ||||||
20 | bona fide independent contractor or employment | ||||||
21 | arrangements among health care professionals, health | ||||||
22 | facilities, health care providers, or other entities, | ||||||
23 | except as otherwise prohibited by law. Any employment | ||||||
24 | arrangements may include provisions for compensation, | ||||||
25 | health insurance, pension, or other employment benefits | ||||||
26 | for the provision of services within the scope of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | licensee's practice under this Act. Nothing in this | ||||||
2 | paragraph (L) shall be construed to require an employment | ||||||
3 | arrangement to receive professional fees for services | ||||||
4 | rendered;
| ||||||
5 | M. A finding by the Board that the licensee after | ||||||
6 | having his or
her license
placed on probationary status | ||||||
7 | has violated the terms of probation;
| ||||||
8 | N. Abandonment of a patient;
| ||||||
9 | O. Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
10 | suspected child abuse or
neglect as required by the Abused | ||||||
11 | and Neglected Child Reporting Act;
| ||||||
12 | P. Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
13 | suspected elder abuse or
neglect as required by the Elder | ||||||
14 | Abuse Reporting Act;
| ||||||
15 | Q. Physical illness, including but not limited to, | ||||||
16 | deterioration through
the aging process, or loss of motor | ||||||
17 | skill which results in the inability
to practice the | ||||||
18 | profession with reasonable judgement, skill or safety;
| ||||||
19 | R. The use of any words (such as physical therapy, | ||||||
20 | physical therapist
physiotherapy or physiotherapist), | ||||||
21 | abbreviations, figures or letters with
the intention of | ||||||
22 | indicating practice as a licensed physical therapist
| ||||||
23 | without a valid license as a physical therapist issued | ||||||
24 | under this Act;
| ||||||
25 | S. The use of the term physical therapist assistant, | ||||||
26 | or abbreviations,
figures, or letters with the intention |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of indicating practice as a physical
therapist assistant | ||||||
2 | without a valid license as a physical therapist
assistant | ||||||
3 | issued under this Act;
| ||||||
4 | T. Willfully violating or knowingly assisting in the | ||||||
5 | violation of any
law of this State relating to the | ||||||
6 | practice of abortion;
| ||||||
7 | U. Continued practice by a person knowingly having an | ||||||
8 | infectious,
communicable or contagious disease;
| ||||||
9 | V. Having treated ailments of human beings otherwise | ||||||
10 | than by
the practice of physical therapy as defined in | ||||||
11 | this Act, or having treated
ailments of human beings as a | ||||||
12 | licensed physical therapist in violation of Section 1.2;
| ||||||
13 | W. Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated report | ||||||
14 | by the
Department of Children and Family Services pursuant | ||||||
15 | to the Abused and
Neglected Child Reporting Act, and upon | ||||||
16 | proof by clear and convincing
evidence that the licensee | ||||||
17 | has caused a child to be an abused child or
neglected child | ||||||
18 | as defined in the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting | ||||||
19 | Act;
| ||||||
20 | X. Interpretation of referrals, performance of | ||||||
21 | evaluation procedures,
planning or making major | ||||||
22 | modifications of patient programs by a physical
therapist | ||||||
23 | assistant;
| ||||||
24 | Y. Failure by a physical therapist assistant and | ||||||
25 | supervising physical
therapist to maintain continued | ||||||
26 | contact, including periodic personal
supervision and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | instruction, to insure safety and welfare of patients;
| ||||||
2 | Z. Violation of the Health Care Worker Self-Referral | ||||||
3 | Act.
| ||||||
4 | (1.5) Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the | ||||||
5 | contrary, a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
6 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
7 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
8 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
9 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
10 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
11 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
12 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
13 | (2) The determination by a circuit court that a licensee | ||||||
14 | is subject to
involuntary admission or judicial admission as | ||||||
15 | provided in the Mental Health
and Developmental Disabilities | ||||||
16 | Code operates as an automatic suspension.
Such suspension will | ||||||
17 | end only upon a finding by a court that the patient is
no | ||||||
18 | longer subject to involuntary admission or judicial admission | ||||||
19 | and the
issuance of an order so finding and discharging the | ||||||
20 | patient; and upon the
recommendation of the Board to the | ||||||
21 | Director that the licensee be
allowed to resume his practice.
| ||||||
22 | (3) The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend the | ||||||
23 | license of any
person who fails to file a return, or to pay the | ||||||
24 | tax, penalty or interest
shown in a filed return, or to pay any | ||||||
25 | final assessment of tax, penalty or
interest, as required by | ||||||
26 | any tax Act administered by the Illinois
Department of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Revenue, until such time as the requirements of any such tax
| ||||||
2 | Act are satisfied.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 100-513, eff. 1-1-18; 100-897, eff. 8-16-18.)
| ||||||
4 | Section 55. The Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987 | ||||||
5 | is amended by changing Section 21 and by adding Section 9.9 as | ||||||
6 | follows: | ||||||
7 | (225 ILCS 95/9.9 new) | ||||||
8 | Sec. 9.9. Criminal history. Any Department process under | ||||||
9 | statute or rule used to verify the criminal history of an | ||||||
10 | applicant for licensure under this Act shall be used for all | ||||||
11 | applicants for licensure, applicants for renewal of a license, | ||||||
12 | or persons whose conviction of a crime or other behavior | ||||||
13 | warrants review of a license under this Act.
| ||||||
14 | (225 ILCS 95/21) (from Ch. 111, par. 4621)
| ||||||
15 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2028)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 21. Grounds for disciplinary action.
| ||||||
17 | (a) The Department may refuse to issue or to renew, or may
| ||||||
18 | revoke, suspend, place on probation, reprimand, or take other
| ||||||
19 | disciplinary or non-disciplinary action with regard to any | ||||||
20 | license issued under this Act as the
Department may deem | ||||||
21 | proper, including the issuance of fines not to exceed
| ||||||
22 | for each violation, for any one or combination of the | ||||||
23 | following causes:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) Material misstatement in furnishing information to | ||||||
2 | the Department.
| ||||||
3 | (2) Violations of this Act, or the rules adopted under | ||||||
4 | this Act.
| ||||||
5 | (3) Conviction by plea of guilty or nolo contendere, | ||||||
6 | finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or | ||||||
7 | sentencing, including, but not limited to, convictions, | ||||||
8 | preceding sentences of supervision, conditional discharge, | ||||||
9 | or first offender probation, under the laws of any | ||||||
10 | jurisdiction of the United States that is: (i) a felony; | ||||||
11 | or (ii) a misdemeanor, an essential element of which is | ||||||
12 | dishonesty, or that is directly related to the practice of | ||||||
13 | the profession.
| ||||||
14 | (4) Making any misrepresentation for the purpose of | ||||||
15 | obtaining licenses.
| ||||||
16 | (5) Professional incompetence.
| ||||||
17 | (6) Aiding or assisting another person in violating | ||||||
18 | any provision of this
Act or its rules.
| ||||||
19 | (7) Failing, within 60 days, to provide information in | ||||||
20 | response to a
written request made by the Department.
| ||||||
21 | (8) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical, or | ||||||
22 | unprofessional conduct, as
defined by rule, of a character | ||||||
23 | likely to deceive, defraud, or harm the public.
| ||||||
24 | (9) Habitual or excessive use or addiction to alcohol, | ||||||
25 | narcotics,
stimulants, or any other chemical agent or drug | ||||||
26 | that results in a physician
assistant's inability to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | practice with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety.
| ||||||
2 | (10) Discipline by another U.S. jurisdiction or | ||||||
3 | foreign nation, if at
least one of the grounds for | ||||||
4 | discipline is the same or substantially equivalent
to | ||||||
5 | those set forth in this Section.
| ||||||
6 | (11) Directly or indirectly giving to or receiving | ||||||
7 | from any person, firm,
corporation, partnership, or | ||||||
8 | association any fee, commission, rebate or
other form of | ||||||
9 | compensation for any professional services not actually or
| ||||||
10 | personally rendered. Nothing in this paragraph (11) | ||||||
11 | affects any bona fide independent contractor or employment | ||||||
12 | arrangements, which may include provisions for | ||||||
13 | compensation, health insurance, pension, or other | ||||||
14 | employment benefits, with persons or entities authorized | ||||||
15 | under this Act for the provision of services within the | ||||||
16 | scope of the licensee's practice under this Act.
| ||||||
17 | (12) A finding by the Board that the licensee, after | ||||||
18 | having
his or her license placed on probationary status, | ||||||
19 | has violated the terms of
| ||||||
20 | (13) Abandonment of a patient.
| ||||||
21 | (14) Willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
22 | reports in his or her
practice, including but not limited | ||||||
23 | to false records filed with State agencies
or departments.
| ||||||
24 | (15) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
25 | suspected child abuse or
neglect as required by the Abused | ||||||
26 | and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (16) Physical illness, or mental illness or impairment
| ||||||
2 | that results in the inability to practice the profession | ||||||
3 | with
reasonable judgment, skill, or safety, including, but | ||||||
4 | not limited to, deterioration through the aging process or | ||||||
5 | loss of motor skill.
| ||||||
6 | (17) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated | ||||||
7 | report by the
Department of Children and Family Services | ||||||
8 | under the Abused and
Neglected Child Reporting Act, and | ||||||
9 | upon proof by clear and convincing evidence
that the | ||||||
10 | licensee has caused a child to be an abused child or | ||||||
11 | neglected child
as defined in the Abused and Neglected | ||||||
12 | Child Reporting Act.
| ||||||
13 | (18) (Blank).
| ||||||
14 | (19) Gross negligence
resulting in permanent injury or | ||||||
15 | death
of a patient.
| ||||||
16 | (20) Employment of fraud, deception or any unlawful | ||||||
17 | means in applying for
or securing a license as a physician | ||||||
18 | assistant.
| ||||||
19 | (21) Exceeding the authority delegated to him or her | ||||||
20 | by his or her collaborating
physician in a written | ||||||
21 | collaborative agreement.
| ||||||
22 | (22) Immoral conduct in the commission of any act, | ||||||
23 | such as sexual abuse,
sexual misconduct, or sexual | ||||||
24 | exploitation related to the licensee's practice.
| ||||||
25 | (23) Violation of the Health Care Worker Self-Referral | ||||||
26 | Act.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (24) Practicing under a false or assumed name, except | ||||||
2 | as provided by law.
| ||||||
3 | (25) Making a false or misleading statement regarding | ||||||
4 | his or her skill or
the efficacy or value of the medicine, | ||||||
5 | treatment, or remedy prescribed by him
or her in the | ||||||
6 | course of treatment.
| ||||||
7 | (26) Allowing another person to use his or her license | ||||||
8 | to practice.
| ||||||
9 | (27) Prescribing, selling, administering, | ||||||
10 | distributing, giving, or
self-administering a drug | ||||||
11 | classified as a controlled substance for other than | ||||||
12 | medically accepted therapeutic purposes.
| ||||||
13 | (28) Promotion of the sale of drugs, devices, | ||||||
14 | appliances, or goods
provided for a patient in a manner to | ||||||
15 | exploit the patient for financial gain.
| ||||||
16 | (29) A pattern of practice or other behavior that | ||||||
17 | demonstrates incapacity
or incompetence to practice under | ||||||
18 | this Act.
| ||||||
19 | (30) Violating State or federal laws or regulations | ||||||
20 | relating to controlled
substances or other legend drugs or | ||||||
21 | ephedra as defined in the Ephedra Prohibition Act.
| ||||||
22 | (31) Exceeding the prescriptive authority delegated by | ||||||
23 | the collaborating
physician or violating the written | ||||||
24 | collaborative agreement delegating that
| ||||||
25 | (32) Practicing without providing to the Department a | ||||||
26 | notice of collaboration
or delegation of
prescriptive |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | authority.
| ||||||
2 | (33) Failure to establish and maintain records of | ||||||
3 | patient care and treatment as required by law. | ||||||
4 | (34) Attempting to subvert or cheat on the examination | ||||||
5 | of the National Commission on Certification of Physician | ||||||
6 | Assistants or its successor agency. | ||||||
7 | (35) Willfully or negligently violating the | ||||||
8 | confidentiality between physician assistant and patient, | ||||||
9 | except as required by law. | ||||||
10 | (36) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
11 | suspected abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or | ||||||
12 | self-neglect of an eligible adult as defined in and | ||||||
13 | required by the Adult Protective Services Act. | ||||||
14 | (37) Being named as an abuser in a verified report by | ||||||
15 | the Department on Aging under the Adult Protective | ||||||
16 | Services Act and upon proof by clear and convincing | ||||||
17 | evidence that the licensee abused, neglected, or | ||||||
18 | financially exploited an eligible adult as defined in the | ||||||
19 | Adult Protective Services Act. | ||||||
20 | (38) Failure to report to the Department an adverse | ||||||
21 | final action taken against him or her by another licensing | ||||||
22 | jurisdiction of the United States or a foreign state or | ||||||
23 | country, a peer review body, a health care institution, a | ||||||
24 | professional society or association, a governmental | ||||||
25 | agency, a law enforcement agency, or a court acts or | ||||||
26 | conduct similar to acts or conduct that would constitute |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | grounds for action under this Section. | ||||||
2 | (39) Failure to provide copies of records of patient | ||||||
3 | care or treatment, except as required by law. | ||||||
4 | (40) Entering into an excessive number of written | ||||||
5 | collaborative agreements with licensed physicians | ||||||
6 | resulting in an inability to adequately collaborate. | ||||||
7 | (41) Repeated failure to adequately collaborate with a | ||||||
8 | collaborating physician. | ||||||
9 | (42) Violating the Compassionate Use of Medical | ||||||
10 | Cannabis Program Act. | ||||||
11 | (a-5) Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the | ||||||
12 | contrary, a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
13 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
14 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
15 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
16 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
17 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
18 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
19 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
20 | (b) The Department may, without a hearing, refuse to issue | ||||||
21 | or renew or may suspend the license of any
person who fails to | ||||||
22 | file a return, or to pay the tax, penalty or interest
shown in | ||||||
23 | a filed return, or to pay any final assessment of the tax,
| ||||||
24 | penalty, or interest as required by any tax Act administered | ||||||
25 | by the
Illinois Department of Revenue, until such time as the | ||||||
26 | requirements of any
such tax Act are satisfied.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b-5) The Department shall not revoke, suspend, summarily | ||||||
2 | suspend, place on prohibition, reprimand, refuse to issue or
| ||||||
3 | renew, or take any other disciplinary or non-disciplinary
| ||||||
4 | action against the license or permit issued under this Act to
| ||||||
5 | practice as a physician assistant based solely upon the
| ||||||
6 | physician assistant providing, authorizing, recommending,
| ||||||
7 | aiding, assisting, referring for, or otherwise participating
| ||||||
8 | in any health care service, so long as the care was not | ||||||
9 | unlawful
under the laws of this State,
regardless of whether | ||||||
10 | the patient was a resident of this State
or another state. | ||||||
11 | (b-10) The Department shall not revoke, suspend, summarily
| ||||||
12 | suspend, place on prohibition, reprimand, refuse to issue or
| ||||||
13 | renew, or take any other disciplinary or non-disciplinary
| ||||||
14 | action against the license or permit issued under this Act to
| ||||||
15 | practice as a physician assistant based upon the physician
| ||||||
16 | assistant's license being revoked or suspended, or the
| ||||||
17 | physician assistant being otherwise disciplined by any other
| ||||||
18 | state, if that revocation, suspension, or other form of
| ||||||
19 | discipline was based solely on the physician assistant
| ||||||
20 | violating another state's laws prohibiting the provision of,
| ||||||
21 | authorization of, recommendation of, aiding or assisting in,
| ||||||
22 | referring for, or participation in any health care service if
| ||||||
23 | that health care service as provided would not have been | ||||||
24 | unlawful under the laws of this State
and is consistent with | ||||||
25 | the standards of conduct for a physician
assistant practicing | ||||||
26 | in Illinois. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b-15) The conduct specified in subsections (b-5) and | ||||||
2 | (b-10)
shall not constitute grounds for suspension under | ||||||
3 | Section
22.13. | ||||||
4 | (b-20) An applicant seeking licensure, certification, or
| ||||||
5 | authorization pursuant to this Act who has been subject to
| ||||||
6 | disciplinary action by a duly authorized professional
| ||||||
7 | disciplinary agency of another jurisdiction solely on the
| ||||||
8 | basis of having provided, authorized, recommended, aided,
| ||||||
9 | assisted, referred for, or otherwise participated in health
| ||||||
10 | care shall not be denied such licensure, certification, or
| ||||||
11 | authorization, unless the Department determines that such | ||||||
12 | action would have constituted professional misconduct in this
| ||||||
13 | State; however, nothing in this Section shall be
construed as | ||||||
14 | prohibiting the Department from evaluating the
conduct of such | ||||||
15 | applicant and making a determination regarding
the licensure, | ||||||
16 | certification, or authorization to practice a
profession under | ||||||
17 | this Act. | ||||||
18 | (c) The determination by a circuit court that a licensee | ||||||
19 | is subject to
involuntary admission or judicial admission as | ||||||
20 | provided in the Mental Health
and Developmental Disabilities | ||||||
21 | Code operates as an automatic suspension.
suspension will | ||||||
22 | end only upon a finding by a court that the patient is no
| ||||||
23 | longer subject to involuntary admission or judicial admission | ||||||
24 | and issues an
order so finding and discharging the patient, | ||||||
25 | and upon the
recommendation of
the Board to the Secretary
that | ||||||
26 | the licensee be allowed to resume
his or her practice.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (d) In enforcing this Section, the Department upon a | ||||||
2 | showing of a
violation may compel an individual | ||||||
3 | licensed to practice under this Act, or
who has applied for | ||||||
4 | licensure under this Act, to submit
to a mental or physical | ||||||
5 | examination, or both, which may include a substance abuse or | ||||||
6 | sexual offender evaluation, as required by and at the expense
| ||||||
7 | of the Department. | ||||||
8 | The Department shall specifically designate the examining | ||||||
9 | physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches | ||||||
10 | or, if applicable, the multidisciplinary team involved in | ||||||
11 | providing the mental or physical examination or both. The | ||||||
12 | multidisciplinary team shall be led by a physician licensed to | ||||||
13 | practice medicine in all of its branches and may consist of one | ||||||
14 | or more or a combination of physicians licensed to practice | ||||||
15 | medicine in all of its branches, licensed clinical | ||||||
16 | psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, licensed | ||||||
17 | clinical professional counselors, and other professional and | ||||||
18 | administrative staff. Any examining physician or member of the | ||||||
19 | multidisciplinary team may require any person ordered to | ||||||
20 | submit to an examination pursuant to this Section to submit to | ||||||
21 | any additional supplemental testing deemed necessary to | ||||||
22 | complete any examination or evaluation process, including, but | ||||||
23 | not limited to, blood testing, urinalysis, psychological | ||||||
24 | testing, or neuropsychological testing. | ||||||
25 | The Department may order the examining physician or any | ||||||
26 | member of the multidisciplinary team to provide to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department any and all records, including business records, | ||||||
2 | that relate to the examination and evaluation, including any | ||||||
3 | supplemental testing performed. | ||||||
4 | The Department may order the examining physician or any | ||||||
5 | member of the multidisciplinary team to
testimony | ||||||
6 | concerning the mental or physical examination of the licensee | ||||||
7 | or
applicant. No information, report, record, or other | ||||||
8 | documents in any way related to the examination shall be | ||||||
9 | excluded by reason of any common law or
statutory privilege | ||||||
10 | relating to communications between the licensee or
applicant | ||||||
11 | and the examining physician or any member of the | ||||||
12 | multidisciplinary team. No authorization is necessary from the | ||||||
13 | licensee or applicant ordered to undergo an examination for | ||||||
14 | the examining physician or any member of the multidisciplinary | ||||||
15 | team to provide information, reports, records, or other | ||||||
16 | documents or to provide any testimony regarding the | ||||||
17 | examination and evaluation. | ||||||
18 | The individual to be examined may have, at his or her own | ||||||
19 | expense, another
physician of his or her choice present during | ||||||
20 | all
aspects of this examination. However, that physician shall | ||||||
21 | be present only to observe and may not interfere in any way | ||||||
22 | with the examination. | ||||||
23 | Failure of an individual to submit to a mental
physical | ||||||
24 | examination, when ordered, shall result in an automatic | ||||||
25 | suspension of his or
license until the individual submits | ||||||
26 | to the examination.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | If the Department finds an individual unable to practice | ||||||
2 | because of
set forth in this Section, the | ||||||
3 | Department may require that individual
to submit
care, | ||||||
4 | counseling, or treatment by physicians approved
or designated | ||||||
5 | by the Department, as a condition, term, or restriction
for | ||||||
6 | continued,
reinstated, or
renewed licensure to practice; or, | ||||||
7 | in lieu of care, counseling, or treatment,
the Department may | ||||||
8 | file
a complaint to immediately
suspend, revoke, or otherwise | ||||||
9 | discipline the license of the individual.
An individual whose
| ||||||
10 | license was granted, continued, reinstated, renewed, | ||||||
11 | disciplined, or supervised
subject to such terms, conditions, | ||||||
12 | or restrictions, and who fails to comply
such terms, | ||||||
13 | conditions, or restrictions, shall be referred to the | ||||||
14 | Secretary
determination as to whether the individual | ||||||
15 | shall have his or her license
suspended immediately, pending a | ||||||
16 | hearing by the Department.
| ||||||
17 | In instances in which the Secretary
immediately suspends a | ||||||
18 | person's license
under this Section, a hearing on that | ||||||
19 | person's license must be convened by
the Department within 30
| ||||||
20 | days after the suspension and completed without
| ||||||
21 | delay.
The Department shall have the authority to review the | ||||||
22 | subject
individual's record of
treatment and counseling | ||||||
23 | regarding the impairment to the extent permitted by
applicable | ||||||
24 | federal statutes and regulations safeguarding the | ||||||
25 | confidentiality of
medical records.
| ||||||
26 | An individual licensed under this Act and affected under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this Section shall
afforded an opportunity to demonstrate | ||||||
2 | to the Department that he or
she can resume
practice in | ||||||
3 | compliance with acceptable and prevailing standards under the
| ||||||
4 | provisions of his or her license.
| ||||||
5 | (e) An individual or organization acting in good faith, | ||||||
6 | and not in a willful and wanton manner, in complying with this | ||||||
7 | Section by providing a report or other information to the | ||||||
8 | Board, by assisting in the investigation or preparation of a | ||||||
9 | report or information, by participating in proceedings of the | ||||||
10 | Board, or by serving as a member of the Board, shall not be | ||||||
11 | subject to criminal prosecution or civil damages as a result | ||||||
12 | of such actions. | ||||||
13 | (f) Members of the Board shall be indemnified by the State | ||||||
14 | for any actions occurring within the scope of services on the | ||||||
15 | Board, done in good faith and not willful and wanton in nature. | ||||||
16 | The Attorney General shall defend all such actions unless he | ||||||
17 | or she determines either that there would be a conflict of | ||||||
18 | interest in such representation or that the actions complained | ||||||
19 | of were not in good faith or were willful and wanton. | ||||||
20 | If the Attorney General declines representation, the | ||||||
21 | member has the right to employ counsel of his or her choice, | ||||||
22 | whose fees shall be provided by the State, after approval by | ||||||
23 | the Attorney General, unless there is a determination by a | ||||||
24 | court that the member's actions were not in good faith or were | ||||||
25 | willful and wanton. | ||||||
26 | The member must notify the Attorney General within 7 days |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | after receipt of notice of the initiation of any action | ||||||
2 | involving services of the Board. Failure to so notify the | ||||||
3 | Attorney General constitutes an absolute waiver of the right | ||||||
4 | to a defense and indemnification. | ||||||
5 | The Attorney General shall determine, within 7 days after | ||||||
6 | receiving such notice, whether he or she will undertake to | ||||||
7 | represent the member. | ||||||
8 | (g) The Department may adopt rules to implement the | ||||||
9 | changes made by this amendatory Act of the 102nd General | ||||||
10 | Assembly. | ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 101-363, eff. 8-9-19; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; | ||||||
12 | 102-1117, eff. 1-13-23.)
| ||||||
13 | Section 60. The Podiatric Medical Practice Act of 1987 is | ||||||
14 | amended by changing Section 24 and by adding Section 13.5 as | ||||||
15 | follows: | ||||||
16 | (225 ILCS 100/13.5 new) | ||||||
17 | Sec. 13.5. Criminal history. Any Department process under | ||||||
18 | statute or rule used to verify the criminal history of an | ||||||
19 | applicant for licensure under this Act shall be used for all | ||||||
20 | applicants for licensure, applicants for renewal of a license, | ||||||
21 | or persons whose conviction of a crime or other behavior | ||||||
22 | warrants review of a license under this Act.
| ||||||
23 | (225 ILCS 100/24) (from Ch. 111, par. 4824)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2028)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 24. Grounds for disciplinary action.
The Department | ||||||
3 | may refuse to issue, may refuse to renew,
may refuse to | ||||||
4 | restore, may suspend, or may revoke any license, or may place
| ||||||
5 | on probation, reprimand or take other disciplinary or | ||||||
6 | non-disciplinary action as the
Department may deem proper, | ||||||
7 | including fines not to exceed $10,000
for each violation upon | ||||||
8 | anyone licensed under this Act for any of the
following | ||||||
9 | reasons:
| ||||||
10 | (1) Making a material misstatement in furnishing | ||||||
11 | information
to the
| ||||||
12 | (2) Violations of this Act, or of the rules adopted | ||||||
13 | under this Act.
| ||||||
14 | (3) Conviction by plea of guilty or nolo contendere, | ||||||
15 | finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or | ||||||
16 | sentencing, including, but not limited to, convictions, | ||||||
17 | preceding sentences of supervision, conditional discharge, | ||||||
18 | or first offender probation, under the laws of any | ||||||
19 | jurisdiction of the United States that is (i) a felony or | ||||||
20 | (ii) a misdemeanor, an essential element of which is | ||||||
21 | dishonesty, or that is directly related to the practice of | ||||||
22 | the profession.
| ||||||
23 | (4) Making any misrepresentation for the purpose of | ||||||
24 | obtaining
licenses, or
violating any provision of this Act | ||||||
25 | or the rules promulgated thereunder
pertaining to | ||||||
26 | advertising.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (5) Professional incompetence.
| ||||||
2 | (6) Gross or repeated malpractice or negligence.
| ||||||
3 | (7) Aiding or assisting another person in violating | ||||||
4 | any provision
of this Act or rules.
| ||||||
5 | (8) Failing, within 30 days, to provide information in | ||||||
6 | response
to a written
request made by the Department.
| ||||||
7 | (9) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical or | ||||||
8 | unprofessional conduct
of a
character likely to deceive, | ||||||
9 | defraud or harm the public.
| ||||||
10 | (10) Habitual or excessive use of alcohol, narcotics, | ||||||
11 | stimulants
or other
chemical agent or drug that results in | ||||||
12 | the inability to practice
medicine with | ||||||
13 | reasonable judgment, skill or safety.
| ||||||
14 | (11) Discipline by another United States jurisdiction | ||||||
15 | if at
least one of
the grounds for the discipline is the | ||||||
16 | same or substantially equivalent to
those set forth in | ||||||
17 | this Section.
| ||||||
18 | (12) Violation of the prohibition against fee | ||||||
19 | splitting in Section 24.2 of this Act.
| ||||||
20 | (13) A finding by the Board that the
after | ||||||
21 | having his
or her
license placed on probationary status, | ||||||
22 | has violated the
terms of probation.
| ||||||
23 | (14) Abandonment of a patient.
| ||||||
24 | (15) Willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
25 | reports in his
or her practice,
including but not limited | ||||||
26 | to false records filed with state agencies or
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (16) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
2 | suspected child
abuse or
neglect as required by the Abused | ||||||
3 | and Neglected Child Report Act.
| ||||||
4 | (17) Physical illness, mental illness, or other | ||||||
5 | impairment, including, but not limited to,
deterioration | ||||||
6 | through
the aging process, or loss of motor skill
that | ||||||
7 | results in the inability to
practice the profession with | ||||||
8 | reasonable judgment, skill or safety.
| ||||||
9 | (18) Solicitation of professional services other than | ||||||
10 | permitted
| ||||||
11 | (19) The determination by a circuit court that a | ||||||
12 | licensed
physician is subject to involuntary | ||||||
13 | admission or judicial admission as
provided in the Mental | ||||||
14 | Health and Developmental Disabilities Code
operates as an | ||||||
15 | automatic suspension.
Such suspension will end only upon a | ||||||
16 | finding by a court that the
patient is no longer subject to | ||||||
17 | involuntary admission or judicial admission
and issues an | ||||||
18 | order so finding and discharging the patient; and upon the
| ||||||
19 | recommendation of the Board to the Secretary
that the | ||||||
20 | licensee be allowed to resume his or her practice.
| ||||||
21 | (20) Holding oneself out to treat human ailments under | ||||||
22 | any name
than his or her own, or the impersonation of | ||||||
23 | any other physician.
| ||||||
24 | (21) Revocation or suspension or other action taken | ||||||
25 | with
respect to a podiatric medical license in
another | ||||||
26 | jurisdiction that would constitute disciplinary action |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | under this
| ||||||
2 | (22) Promotion of the sale of drugs, devices, | ||||||
3 | appliances or
provided for a patient in such manner | ||||||
4 | as to exploit the patient for
financial gain of the | ||||||
5 | podiatric physician.
| ||||||
6 | (23) Gross, willful, and continued overcharging for | ||||||
7 | professional
including filing false statements | ||||||
8 | for collection of fees for those
services, including, but | ||||||
9 | not limited to, filing false statement for
collection of | ||||||
10 | monies for services not rendered from the medical | ||||||
11 | assistance
program of the Department of Healthcare and | ||||||
12 | Family Services (formerly
Department of Public Aid) under | ||||||
13 | the Illinois Public Aid Code
or other private or public | ||||||
14 | third party payor.
| ||||||
15 | (24) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated | ||||||
16 | report by the
Department of Children and Family Services | ||||||
17 | under the Abused and
Neglected Child Reporting Act, and | ||||||
18 | upon
proof by clear and convincing evidence that the | ||||||
19 | licensee has caused a child
to be an abused child or | ||||||
20 | neglected child as defined in the Abused and
Neglected | ||||||
21 | Child Reporting Act.
| ||||||
22 | (25) Willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
23 | reports in the
practice of podiatric medicine, including, | ||||||
24 | but not limited to, false
records to support claims | ||||||
25 | against the medical assistance program of the
Department | ||||||
26 | of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Public Aid) under the Illinois Public Aid Code.
| ||||||
2 | (26) (Blank).
| ||||||
3 | (27) Immoral conduct in the commission of any act
| ||||||
4 | including,
abuse, sexual misconduct, or sexual | ||||||
5 | exploitation, related to the licensee's
| ||||||
6 | (28) Violation of the Health Care Worker Self-Referral | ||||||
7 | Act.
| ||||||
8 | (29) Failure to report to the Department any adverse | ||||||
9 | final action taken
against him or her by another licensing | ||||||
10 | jurisdiction of the United States or any foreign state or | ||||||
11 | country, any peer
body, any health care | ||||||
12 | institution, any professional society or association, any | ||||||
13 | governmental agency, any law
enforcement agency, or any | ||||||
14 | court for acts or conduct similar to acts or
conduct that | ||||||
15 | would constitute grounds for action as defined in this | ||||||
16 | Section.
| ||||||
17 | (30) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
18 | suspected abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or | ||||||
19 | self-neglect of an eligible adult as defined in and | ||||||
20 | required by the Adult Protective Services Act. | ||||||
21 | (31) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated | ||||||
22 | report by the Department on Aging under the Adult | ||||||
23 | Protective Services Act, and upon proof by clear and | ||||||
24 | convincing evidence that the licensee has caused an | ||||||
25 | eligible adult to be abused, neglected, or financially | ||||||
26 | exploited as defined in the Adult Protective Services Act. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, | ||||||
2 | a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
3 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
4 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
5 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
6 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
7 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
8 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
9 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
10 | The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend the | ||||||
11 | license of any
person who fails to file a return, or to pay the | ||||||
12 | tax, penalty or interest
shown in a filed return, or to pay any | ||||||
13 | final assessment of tax, penalty or
interest, as required by | ||||||
14 | any tax Act administered by the Illinois
Department of | ||||||
15 | Revenue, until such time as the requirements of any such tax
| ||||||
16 | Act are satisfied.
| ||||||
17 | Upon receipt of a written
communication from the Secretary | ||||||
18 | of Human Services, the Director of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
19 | Services (formerly Director of
Public Aid), or the Director of | ||||||
20 | Public Health that
continuation of practice of a person | ||||||
21 | licensed under
this Act constitutes an immediate danger to the | ||||||
22 | public, the Secretary may
immediately suspend
the license of | ||||||
23 | such person without a hearing. In instances in which the | ||||||
24 | Secretary immediately suspends a license under this Section, a | ||||||
25 | hearing upon
such person's license must be convened by the | ||||||
26 | Board within 15 days after
such suspension and completed |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | without appreciable delay, such hearing held
to determine | ||||||
2 | whether to recommend to the Secretary that the person's | ||||||
3 | license
be revoked, suspended, placed on probationary status | ||||||
4 | or restored, or such
person be subject to other disciplinary | ||||||
5 | action. In such hearing, the
written communication and any | ||||||
6 | other evidence submitted therewith may be
introduced as | ||||||
7 | evidence against such person; provided, however, the person
or | ||||||
8 | his counsel shall have the opportunity to discredit or impeach | ||||||
9 | such
evidence and submit evidence rebutting the same.
| ||||||
10 | Except for fraud in procuring a license, all
proceedings | ||||||
11 | to suspend, revoke, place on probationary status, or take
| ||||||
12 | other disciplinary action as the Department may deem proper, | ||||||
13 | with regard to a
license on any of the foregoing grounds, must | ||||||
14 | be commenced within 5 years after
receipt by the Department of | ||||||
15 | a complaint alleging the commission of or notice
of the | ||||||
16 | conviction order for any of the acts described in this | ||||||
17 | Section. Except
for the grounds set forth in items (8), (9), | ||||||
18 | (26), and (29) of this Section, no action shall be commenced | ||||||
19 | more than 10 years after
the date of the incident or act | ||||||
20 | alleged to have
been a
violation of this Section.
In the event | ||||||
21 | of the settlement of any claim or cause of action in favor of
| ||||||
22 | the claimant or the reduction to final judgment of any civil | ||||||
23 | action in favor of
the plaintiff, such claim, cause of action, | ||||||
24 | or civil action being grounded on
the allegation that a person | ||||||
25 | licensed under this Act was negligent in providing
care, the | ||||||
26 | Department shall have an additional period of 2 years from the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | date
of notification to the Department under Section 26 of | ||||||
2 | this Act of such
settlement or final judgment in which to | ||||||
3 | investigate and commence formal
disciplinary proceedings under | ||||||
4 | Section 24 of this Act, except as otherwise
provided by law.
| ||||||
5 | The
time during which the holder of the license was outside the | ||||||
6 | State of Illinois
shall not be included within any period of | ||||||
7 | time limiting the commencement of
disciplinary action by the | ||||||
8 | Department.
| ||||||
9 | In enforcing this Section, the Department or Board upon a | ||||||
10 | showing of a
violation may compel an individual | ||||||
11 | licensed to practice under this Act, or
who has applied for | ||||||
12 | licensure under this Act, to submit
to a mental or physical | ||||||
13 | examination, or both, as required by and at the expense
of the | ||||||
14 | Department. The Department or Board may order the examining | ||||||
15 | physician to
testimony concerning the mental or | ||||||
16 | physical examination of the licensee or
applicant. No | ||||||
17 | information shall be excluded by reason of any common law or
| ||||||
18 | statutory privilege relating to communications between the | ||||||
19 | licensee or
applicant and the examining physician. The | ||||||
20 | examining
shall be specifically designated by the | ||||||
21 | Board or Department.
The individual to be examined may have, | ||||||
22 | at his or her own expense, another
physician of his or her | ||||||
23 | choice present during all
aspects of this examination. Failure | ||||||
24 | of an individual to submit to a mental
physical | ||||||
25 | examination, when directed, shall be grounds for suspension of | ||||||
26 | his or
license until the individual submits to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | examination if the Department
after notice and hearing, | ||||||
2 | that the refusal to submit to the examination was
without | ||||||
3 | reasonable cause.
| ||||||
4 | If the Department or Board finds an individual unable to | ||||||
5 | practice because of
set forth in this Section, the | ||||||
6 | Department or Board may require that individual
to submit
| ||||||
7 | care, counseling, or treatment by physicians approved
or | ||||||
8 | designated by the Department or Board, as a condition, term, | ||||||
9 | or restriction
for continued,
restored, or
renewed licensure | ||||||
10 | to practice; or, in lieu of care, counseling, or treatment,
| ||||||
11 | the Department may file, or
the Board may recommend to the | ||||||
12 | Department to file, a complaint to immediately
suspend, | ||||||
13 | revoke, or otherwise discipline the license of the individual.
| ||||||
14 | An individual whose
license was granted, continued, restored, | ||||||
15 | renewed, disciplined or supervised
subject to such terms, | ||||||
16 | conditions, or restrictions, and who fails to comply
such | ||||||
17 | terms, conditions, or restrictions, shall be referred to the | ||||||
18 | Secretary for
determination as to whether the individual | ||||||
19 | shall have his or her license
suspended immediately, pending a | ||||||
20 | hearing by the Department.
| ||||||
21 | In instances in which the Secretary immediately suspends a | ||||||
22 | person's license
under this Section, a hearing on that | ||||||
23 | person's license must be convened by
the Department within 30 | ||||||
24 | days after the suspension and completed without
| ||||||
25 | delay.
The Department and Board shall have the authority to | ||||||
26 | review the subject
individual's record of
treatment and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | counseling regarding the impairment to the extent permitted by
| ||||||
2 | applicable federal statutes and regulations safeguarding the | ||||||
3 | confidentiality of
medical records.
| ||||||
4 | An individual licensed under this Act and affected under | ||||||
5 | this Section shall
afforded an opportunity to demonstrate | ||||||
6 | to the Department or Board that he or
she can resume
practice | ||||||
7 | in compliance with acceptable and prevailing standards under | ||||||
8 | the
provisions of his or her license.
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 100-525, eff. 9-22-17.)
| ||||||
10 | Section 65. The Respiratory Care Practice Act is amended | ||||||
11 | by changing Section 95 and by adding Section 55.5 as follows: | ||||||
12 | (225 ILCS 106/55.5 new) | ||||||
13 | Sec. 55.5. Criminal history. Any Department process under | ||||||
14 | statute or rule used to verify the criminal history of an | ||||||
15 | applicant for licensure under this Act shall be used for all | ||||||
16 | applicants for licensure, applicants for renewal of a license, | ||||||
17 | or persons whose conviction of a crime or other behavior | ||||||
18 | warrants review of a license under this Act.
| ||||||
19 | (225 ILCS 106/95)
| ||||||
20 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2026)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 95. Grounds for discipline.
| ||||||
22 | (a) The Department may refuse to issue, renew, or may | ||||||
23 | revoke, suspend, place
on probation, reprimand, or take other |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | disciplinary or non-disciplinary action as the Department
| ||||||
2 | considers appropriate, including the issuance of fines not to | ||||||
3 | exceed $10,000 for
each violation, with regard to any license | ||||||
4 | for any one or combination of the
| ||||||
5 | (1) Material misstatement in furnishing information to | ||||||
6 | the Department or
to any other State or federal agency.
| ||||||
7 | (2) Violations of this Act, or any
of the rules | ||||||
8 | adopted under this Act.
| ||||||
9 | (3) Conviction by plea of guilty or nolo contendere, | ||||||
10 | finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or by | ||||||
11 | sentencing of any crime, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
12 | convictions preceding sentences of supervision, | ||||||
13 | conditional discharge, or first offender probation, under | ||||||
14 | the laws of any jurisdiction of the United States or any
| ||||||
15 | state or territory thereof: (i) that is a felony or (ii) | ||||||
16 | that is a misdemeanor, an essential
element of which is | ||||||
17 | dishonesty, or that is directly related to the
practice of | ||||||
18 | the profession.
| ||||||
19 | (4) Making any misrepresentation for the purpose of | ||||||
20 | obtaining a license.
| ||||||
21 | (5) Professional incompetence or negligence in the | ||||||
22 | rendering of
respiratory care services.
| ||||||
23 | (6) Malpractice.
| ||||||
24 | (7) Aiding or assisting another person in violating | ||||||
25 | any rules or
provisions of this Act.
| ||||||
26 | (8) Failing to provide information within 60 days in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | response to a written
request made by the Department.
| ||||||
2 | (9) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical, or | ||||||
3 | unprofessional conduct of a
character likely to deceive, | ||||||
4 | defraud, or harm the public.
| ||||||
5 | (10) Violating the rules of professional conduct | ||||||
6 | adopted by the
| ||||||
7 | (11) Discipline by another jurisdiction, if at least | ||||||
8 | one of the grounds
for the discipline is the same or | ||||||
9 | substantially equivalent to those set forth
in this Act.
| ||||||
10 | (12) Directly or indirectly giving to or receiving | ||||||
11 | from any person, firm,
corporation, partnership, or | ||||||
12 | association any fee, commission, rebate, or other
form of | ||||||
13 | compensation for any professional services not actually | ||||||
14 | rendered. Nothing in this paragraph (12) affects any bona | ||||||
15 | fide independent contractor or employment arrangements | ||||||
16 | among health care professionals, health facilities, health | ||||||
17 | care providers, or other entities, except as otherwise | ||||||
18 | prohibited by law. Any employment arrangements may include | ||||||
19 | provisions for compensation, health insurance, pension, or | ||||||
20 | other employment benefits for the provision of services | ||||||
21 | within the scope of the licensee's practice under this | ||||||
22 | Act. Nothing in this paragraph (12) shall be construed to | ||||||
23 | require an employment arrangement to receive professional | ||||||
24 | fees for services rendered.
| ||||||
25 | (13) A finding that the licensee, after having her or | ||||||
26 | his license placed on probationary status or subject to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | conditions or restrictions, has violated the terms of | ||||||
2 | probation or failed to comply with such terms or | ||||||
3 | conditions.
| ||||||
4 | (14) Abandonment of a patient.
| ||||||
5 | (15) Willfully filing false records or reports | ||||||
6 | relating to a licensee's practice
including, but not | ||||||
7 | limited to, false records filed with a federal or State
| ||||||
8 | agency or department.
| ||||||
9 | (16) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
10 | suspected child abuse or
neglect as required by the Abused | ||||||
11 | and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
| ||||||
12 | (17) Providing respiratory care, other than pursuant | ||||||
13 | to an order.
| ||||||
14 | (18) Physical or mental disability
including, but not | ||||||
15 | limited to, deterioration through
the aging process or | ||||||
16 | loss of motor skills that results in the inability to
| ||||||
17 | practice the profession with reasonable judgment, skill, | ||||||
18 | or safety.
| ||||||
19 | (19) Solicitation of professional services by using | ||||||
20 | false or misleading
| ||||||
21 | (20) Failure to file a tax return, or to pay the tax, | ||||||
22 | penalty, or interest
shown in a filed return, or to pay any | ||||||
23 | final assessment of tax penalty, or
interest, as required | ||||||
24 | by any tax Act administered by the Illinois Department of
| ||||||
25 | Revenue or any successor agency or the Internal Revenue | ||||||
26 | Service or
successor agency.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (21) Irregularities in billing a third party for | ||||||
2 | services rendered or in
reporting charges for services not | ||||||
3 | rendered.
| ||||||
4 | (22) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated | ||||||
5 | report by the Department
of Children and Family Services | ||||||
6 | under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
Act, and | ||||||
7 | upon proof by clear and convincing evidence that the | ||||||
8 | licensee has
caused a child to be an abused child or | ||||||
9 | neglected child as defined in the
Abused and Neglected | ||||||
10 | Child Reporting Act.
| ||||||
11 | (23) Habitual or excessive use or addiction to | ||||||
12 | alcohol, narcotics,
stimulants, or any other chemical | ||||||
13 | agent or drug that results in an inability to
practice | ||||||
14 | with reasonable skill, judgment, or safety.
| ||||||
15 | (24) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated | ||||||
16 | report by the
Department on Aging under the Adult | ||||||
17 | Protective Services Act, and upon proof by
clear and | ||||||
18 | convincing evidence that the licensee has caused an adult | ||||||
19 | with disabilities or an older adult to
be abused or | ||||||
20 | neglected as defined in the Adult Protective Services Act.
| ||||||
21 | (25) Willfully failing to report an instance of | ||||||
22 | suspected abuse,
neglect, financial exploitation, or | ||||||
23 | self-neglect of an adult with disabilities or an older | ||||||
24 | adult as required by the Adult Protective Services Act.
| ||||||
25 | (26) Willful omission to file or record, or willfully | ||||||
26 | impeding the filing or recording, or inducing another |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | person to omit to file or record medical reports as | ||||||
2 | required by law or willfully failing to report an instance | ||||||
3 | of suspected child abuse or neglect as required by the | ||||||
4 | Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act. | ||||||
5 | (27) Practicing under a false or assumed name, except | ||||||
6 | as provided by law. | ||||||
7 | (28) Willfully or negligently violating the | ||||||
8 | confidentiality between licensee and patient, except as | ||||||
9 | required by law. | ||||||
10 | (29) The use of any false, fraudulent, or deceptive | ||||||
11 | statement in any document connected with the licensee's | ||||||
12 | practice. | ||||||
13 | (a-5) Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the | ||||||
14 | contrary, a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
15 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
16 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
17 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
18 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
19 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
20 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
21 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
22 | (b) The determination by a court that a licensee is | ||||||
23 | subject to involuntary
admission or judicial admission as | ||||||
24 | provided in the Mental Health and
Developmental Disabilities | ||||||
25 | Code will result in an automatic suspension of his
her | ||||||
26 | license. The suspension will end upon a finding by a court that |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the
licensee is no
longer subject to involuntary admission or | ||||||
2 | judicial admission, the issuance
of an order so finding and | ||||||
3 | discharging the patient, and the recommendation of
the Board | ||||||
4 | to the Secretary that the licensee be allowed to resume his or | ||||||
5 | her
| ||||||
6 | All fines imposed under this Section shall be paid within | ||||||
7 | 60 days after the effective date of the order imposing the fine | ||||||
8 | or in accordance with the terms set forth in the order imposing | ||||||
9 | the fine. | ||||||
10 | (Source: P.A. 98-49, eff. 7-1-13; 99-230, eff. 8-3-15.)
| ||||||
11 | Section 70. The Registered Surgical Assistant and | ||||||
12 | Registered Surgical
Technologist Title Protection Act is | ||||||
13 | amended by changing Section 75 and by adding Section 60.5 as | ||||||
14 | follows: | ||||||
15 | (225 ILCS 130/60.5 new) | ||||||
16 | Sec. 60.5. Criminal history. Any Department process under | ||||||
17 | statute or rule used to verify the criminal history of an | ||||||
18 | applicant for licensure under this Act shall be used for all | ||||||
19 | applicants for licensure, applicants for renewal of a license, | ||||||
20 | or persons whose conviction of a crime or other behavior | ||||||
21 | warrants review of a license under this Act.
| ||||||
22 | (225 ILCS 130/75)
| ||||||
23 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 75. Grounds for disciplinary action.
| ||||||
2 | (a) The Department may refuse to issue, renew, or restore | ||||||
3 | a
registration, may revoke or suspend a registration, or may | ||||||
4 | place on
probation, reprimand, or take other disciplinary or | ||||||
5 | non-disciplinary
action with regard to a person registered | ||||||
6 | under this Act,
including but not limited to the imposition of | ||||||
7 | fines not to
exceed $10,000 for each violation and the | ||||||
8 | assessment of costs as provided for in Section 90, for any one | ||||||
9 | or combination
of the following causes:
| ||||||
10 | (1) Making a material misstatement in furnishing
| ||||||
11 | information to the Department.
| ||||||
12 | (2) Violating a provision of this Act or rules adopted | ||||||
13 | under this Act.
| ||||||
14 | (3) Conviction by plea of guilty or nolo contendere, | ||||||
15 | finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or by | ||||||
16 | sentencing of any crime, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
17 | convictions, preceding sentences of supervision, | ||||||
18 | conditional discharge, or first offender probation, under | ||||||
19 | the laws of any jurisdiction of the United States that is | ||||||
20 | (i) a felony or (ii) a misdemeanor, an essential element | ||||||
21 | of which is dishonesty, or that is directly related to the | ||||||
22 | practice of the profession.
| ||||||
23 | (4) Fraud or misrepresentation in applying for, | ||||||
24 | renewing, restoring, reinstating, or procuring a | ||||||
25 | registration under this Act.
| ||||||
26 | (5) Aiding or assisting another person in
violating a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | provision of this Act or its rules.
| ||||||
2 | (6) Failing to provide information within 60 days
in | ||||||
3 | response to a written request made by the Department.
| ||||||
4 | (7) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical, or
| ||||||
5 | unprofessional conduct of a character likely to deceive,
| ||||||
6 | defraud, or harm the public, as defined by rule of the
| ||||||
7 | Department.
| ||||||
8 | (8) Discipline by another United States
jurisdiction, | ||||||
9 | governmental agency, unit of government, or foreign | ||||||
10 | nation, if at least one of the
grounds for discipline is | ||||||
11 | the same or substantially
equivalent to those set forth in | ||||||
12 | this Section.
| ||||||
13 | (9) Directly or indirectly giving to or receiving
from | ||||||
14 | a person, firm, corporation, partnership, or
association a | ||||||
15 | fee, commission, rebate, or other form of
compensation for | ||||||
16 | professional services not actually or
personally rendered. | ||||||
17 | Nothing in this paragraph (9) affects any bona fide | ||||||
18 | independent contractor or employment arrangements among | ||||||
19 | health care professionals, health facilities, health care | ||||||
20 | providers, or other entities, except as otherwise | ||||||
21 | prohibited by law. Any employment arrangements may include | ||||||
22 | provisions for compensation, health insurance, pension, or | ||||||
23 | other employment benefits for the provision of services | ||||||
24 | within the scope of the registrant's practice under this | ||||||
25 | Act. Nothing in this paragraph (9) shall be construed to | ||||||
26 | require an employment arrangement to receive professional |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | fees for services rendered.
| ||||||
2 | (10) A finding by the Department that the registrant, | ||||||
3 | after
having his or her registration placed on | ||||||
4 | probationary status,
has violated the terms of probation.
| ||||||
5 | (11) Willfully making or filing false records or
| ||||||
6 | reports in his or her practice, including but not limited
| ||||||
7 | to false records or reports filed with State agencies.
| ||||||
8 | (12) Willfully making or signing a false statement,
| ||||||
9 | certificate, or affidavit to induce payment.
| ||||||
10 | (13) Willfully failing to report an instance of
| ||||||
11 | suspected child abuse or neglect as required under the
| ||||||
12 | Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
| ||||||
13 | (14) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated
| ||||||
14 | report by the Department of Children and Family Services
| ||||||
15 | under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act and
| ||||||
16 | upon proof by clear and convincing evidence that the
| ||||||
17 | registrant has caused a child to be an abused child or
| ||||||
18 | neglected child as defined in the Abused and Neglected
| ||||||
19 | Child Reporting Act.
| ||||||
20 | (15) (Blank).
| ||||||
21 | (16) Failure to report to the Department (A) any
| ||||||
22 | adverse final action taken against the registrant by
| ||||||
23 | another registering or licensing jurisdiction,
government | ||||||
24 | agency, law enforcement agency, or
any court or (B) | ||||||
25 | liability for conduct that would
constitute grounds for | ||||||
26 | action as set forth in this
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (17) Habitual or excessive use or abuse of drugs | ||||||
2 | defined in law as controlled substances, alcohol, or any | ||||||
3 | other substance that results in the inability to practice | ||||||
4 | with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety.
| ||||||
5 | (18) Physical or mental illness, including but not | ||||||
6 | limited to
deterioration through the aging process or loss | ||||||
7 | of motor
skills, which results in the inability to | ||||||
8 | practice the
profession for which he or she is registered | ||||||
9 | with
reasonable judgment, skill, or safety.
| ||||||
10 | (19) Gross malpractice.
| ||||||
11 | (20) Immoral conduct in the commission of an act | ||||||
12 | related to the
registrant's practice, including but not | ||||||
13 | limited to sexual abuse, sexual
or sexual | ||||||
14 | exploitation.
| ||||||
15 | (21) Violation of
the Health Care Worker Self-Referral | ||||||
16 | Act.
| ||||||
17 | (a-5) Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the | ||||||
18 | contrary, a felony conviction after the effective date of this | ||||||
19 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly of any of the | ||||||
20 | offenses listed in subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section 25 of | ||||||
21 | the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for | ||||||
22 | Section 16-25 of the Criminal Code of 2012, is a disqualifying | ||||||
23 | offense and requires immediate review of an individual's | ||||||
24 | license, subject to the notice and hearing requirements set | ||||||
25 | forth in this Act. | ||||||
26 | (b) The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | without hearing the
registration of a person who fails to file | ||||||
2 | a return, to pay the
tax, penalty, or interest shown in a filed | ||||||
3 | return, or to pay
a final assessment of the tax, penalty, or | ||||||
4 | interest as
required by a tax Act administered by the | ||||||
5 | Department of
Revenue, until the requirements of the tax Act | ||||||
6 | are satisfied in accordance with subsection (g) of Section | ||||||
7 | 2105-15 of the Department of Regulation Law of the Civil | ||||||
8 | Administrative Code of Illinois.
| ||||||
9 | (b-1) The Department shall not revoke, suspend, summarily | ||||||
10 | suspend, place on probation, reprimand, refuse to issue or | ||||||
11 | renew, or take any other disciplinary or non-disciplinary | ||||||
12 | action against the license issued under this Act to practice | ||||||
13 | as a registered surgical assistant or registered surgical | ||||||
14 | technologist based solely upon the registered surgical | ||||||
15 | assistant or registered surgical technologist providing, | ||||||
16 | authorizing, recommending, aiding, assisting, referring for, | ||||||
17 | or otherwise participating in any health care service, so long | ||||||
18 | as the care was not unlawful under the laws of this State, | ||||||
19 | regardless of whether the patient was a resident of this State | ||||||
20 | or another state. | ||||||
21 | (b-2) The Department shall not revoke, suspend, summarily | ||||||
22 | suspend, place on prohibition, reprimand, refuse to issue or | ||||||
23 | renew, or take any other disciplinary or non-disciplinary | ||||||
24 | action against the license issued under this Act to practice | ||||||
25 | as a registered surgical assistant or registered surgical | ||||||
26 | technologist based upon the registered surgical assistant's or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | registered surgical technologist's license being revoked or | ||||||
2 | suspended, or the registered surgical assistant's or | ||||||
3 | registered surgical technologist's being otherwise disciplined | ||||||
4 | by any other state, if that revocation, suspension, or other | ||||||
5 | form of discipline was based solely on the registered surgical | ||||||
6 | assistant or registered surgical technologist violating | ||||||
7 | another state's laws prohibiting the provision of, | ||||||
8 | authorization of, recommendation of, aiding or assisting in, | ||||||
9 | referring for, or participation in any health care service if | ||||||
10 | that health care service as provided would not have been | ||||||
11 | unlawful under the laws of this State and is consistent with | ||||||
12 | the standards of conduct for the registered surgical assistant | ||||||
13 | or registered surgical technologist practicing in this State. | ||||||
14 | (b-3) The conduct specified in subsection (b-1) or (b-2) | ||||||
15 | shall not constitute grounds for suspension under Section 145. | ||||||
16 | (b-4) An applicant seeking licensure, certification, or | ||||||
17 | authorization pursuant to this Act who has been subject to | ||||||
18 | disciplinary action by a duly authorized professional | ||||||
19 | disciplinary agency of another jurisdiction solely on the | ||||||
20 | basis of having provided, authorized, recommended, aided, | ||||||
21 | assisted, referred for, or otherwise participated in health | ||||||
22 | care shall not be denied such licensure, certification, or | ||||||
23 | authorization, unless the Department determines that such | ||||||
24 | action would have constituted professional misconduct in this | ||||||
25 | State. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as | ||||||
26 | prohibiting the Department from evaluating the conduct of such |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | applicant and making a determination regarding the licensure, | ||||||
2 | certification, or authorization to practice a profession under | ||||||
3 | this Act. | ||||||
4 | (c) The determination by a circuit court that a registrant
| ||||||
5 | is subject to involuntary admission or judicial admission as
| ||||||
6 | provided in the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
| ||||||
7 | Code operates as an automatic suspension. The suspension will
| ||||||
8 | end only upon (1) a finding by a court that the patient is no
| ||||||
9 | longer subject to involuntary admission or judicial
admission, | ||||||
10 | (2) issuance of an order so finding and
discharging the | ||||||
11 | patient, and (3) filing of a petition for restoration | ||||||
12 | demonstrating fitness to practice.
| ||||||
13 | (d) (Blank). | ||||||
14 | (e) In cases where the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
15 | Services has previously determined a registrant or a potential | ||||||
16 | registrant is more than 30 days delinquent in the payment of | ||||||
17 | child support and has subsequently certified the delinquency | ||||||
18 | to the Department, the Department may refuse to issue or renew | ||||||
19 | or may revoke or suspend that person's registration or may | ||||||
20 | take other disciplinary action against that person based | ||||||
21 | solely upon the certification of delinquency made by the | ||||||
22 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services in accordance | ||||||
23 | with paragraph (5) of subsection (a) of Section 2105-15 of the | ||||||
24 | Department of Professional Regulation Law of the Civil | ||||||
25 | Administrative Code of Illinois. | ||||||
26 | (f) In enforcing this Section, the Department, upon a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | showing of a possible violation, may compel any individual | ||||||
2 | registered under this Act or any individual who has applied | ||||||
3 | for registration to submit to a mental or physical examination | ||||||
4 | and evaluation, or both, that may include a substance abuse or | ||||||
5 | sexual offender evaluation, at the expense of the Department. | ||||||
6 | The Department shall specifically designate the examining | ||||||
7 | physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches | ||||||
8 | or, if applicable, the multidisciplinary team involved in | ||||||
9 | providing the mental or physical examination and evaluation, | ||||||
10 | or both. The multidisciplinary team shall be led by a | ||||||
11 | physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches | ||||||
12 | and may consist of one or more or a combination of physicians | ||||||
13 | licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches, licensed | ||||||
14 | chiropractic physicians, licensed clinical psychologists, | ||||||
15 | licensed clinical social workers, licensed clinical | ||||||
16 | professional counselors, and other professional and | ||||||
17 | administrative staff. Any examining physician or member of the | ||||||
18 | multidisciplinary team may require any person ordered to | ||||||
19 | submit to an examination and evaluation pursuant to this | ||||||
20 | Section to submit to any additional supplemental testing | ||||||
21 | deemed necessary to complete any examination or evaluation | ||||||
22 | process, including, but not limited to, blood testing, | ||||||
23 | urinalysis, psychological testing, or neuropsychological | ||||||
24 | testing. | ||||||
25 | The Department may order the examining physician or any | ||||||
26 | member of the multidisciplinary team to provide to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department any and all records, including business records, | ||||||
2 | that relate to the examination and evaluation, including any | ||||||
3 | supplemental testing performed. The Department may order the | ||||||
4 | examining physician or any member of the multidisciplinary | ||||||
5 | team to present testimony concerning this examination and | ||||||
6 | evaluation of the registrant or applicant, including testimony | ||||||
7 | concerning any supplemental testing or documents relating to | ||||||
8 | the examination and evaluation. No information, report, | ||||||
9 | record, or other documents in any way related to the | ||||||
10 | examination and evaluation shall be excluded by reason of any | ||||||
11 | common law or statutory privilege relating to communication | ||||||
12 | between the registrant or applicant and the examining | ||||||
13 | physician or any member of the multidisciplinary team. No | ||||||
14 | authorization is necessary from the registrant or applicant | ||||||
15 | ordered to undergo an evaluation and examination for the | ||||||
16 | examining physician or any member of the multidisciplinary | ||||||
17 | team to provide information, reports, records, or other | ||||||
18 | documents or to provide any testimony regarding the | ||||||
19 | examination and evaluation. The individual to be examined may | ||||||
20 | have, at his or her own expense, another physician of his or | ||||||
21 | her choice present during all aspects of the examination. | ||||||
22 | Failure of any individual to submit to mental or physical | ||||||
23 | examination and evaluation, or both, when directed, shall | ||||||
24 | result in an automatic suspension without a hearing until such | ||||||
25 | time as the individual submits to the examination. If the | ||||||
26 | Department finds a registrant unable to practice because of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the reasons set forth in this Section, the Department shall | ||||||
2 | require such registrant to submit to care, counseling, or | ||||||
3 | treatment by physicians approved or designated by the | ||||||
4 | Department as a condition for continued, reinstated, or | ||||||
5 | renewed registration. | ||||||
6 | When the Secretary immediately suspends a registration | ||||||
7 | under this Section, a hearing upon such person's registration | ||||||
8 | must be convened by the Department within 15 days after such | ||||||
9 | suspension and completed without appreciable delay. The | ||||||
10 | Department shall have the authority to review the registrant's | ||||||
11 | record of treatment and counseling regarding the impairment to | ||||||
12 | the extent permitted by applicable federal statutes and | ||||||
13 | regulations safeguarding the confidentiality of medical | ||||||
14 | records. | ||||||
15 | Individuals registered under this Act and affected under | ||||||
16 | this Section shall be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate | ||||||
17 | to the Department that they can resume practice in compliance | ||||||
18 | with acceptable and prevailing standards under the provisions | ||||||
19 | of their registration. | ||||||
20 | (g) All fines imposed under this Section shall be paid | ||||||
21 | within 60 days after the effective date of the order imposing | ||||||
22 | the fine or in accordance with the terms set forth in the order | ||||||
23 | imposing the fine. | ||||||
24 | (f) The Department may adopt rules to implement the
| ||||||
25 | changes made by this amendatory Act of the 102nd General
| ||||||
26 | Assembly. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: P.A. 102-1117, eff. 1-13-23.)
| ||||||
2 | Section 75. The Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act | ||||||
3 | is amended by changing Section 4 as follows:
| ||||||
4 | (725 ILCS 120/4) (from Ch. 38, par. 1404)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 4. Rights of crime victims.
| ||||||
6 | (a) Crime victims shall have the following rights:
| ||||||
7 | (1) The right to be treated with fairness and respect | ||||||
8 | for their dignity
and privacy and to be free from | ||||||
9 | harassment, intimidation, and abuse throughout the | ||||||
10 | criminal justice process.
| ||||||
11 | (1.5) The right to notice and to a hearing before a | ||||||
12 | court ruling on a request for access to any of the victim's | ||||||
13 | records, information, or communications which are | ||||||
14 | privileged or confidential by law. | ||||||
15 | (2) The right to timely notification of all court | ||||||
16 | proceedings.
| ||||||
17 | (3) The right to communicate with the prosecution.
| ||||||
18 | (4) The right to be heard at any post-arraignment | ||||||
19 | court proceeding in which a right of the victim is at issue | ||||||
20 | and any court proceeding involving a post-arraignment | ||||||
21 | release decision, plea, or sentencing.
| ||||||
22 | (5) The right to be notified of the conviction, the | ||||||
23 | sentence, the imprisonment
and the release of the accused.
| ||||||
24 | (6) The right to the timely disposition of the case |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | following the arrest
of the accused.
| ||||||
2 | (7) The right to be reasonably protected from the | ||||||
3 | accused through the
criminal justice process.
| ||||||
4 | (7.5) The right to have the safety of the victim and | ||||||
5 | the victim's family considered in determining whether to | ||||||
6 | release the defendant and setting conditions of release | ||||||
7 | after arrest and conviction. | ||||||
8 | (8) The right to be present at the trial and all other | ||||||
9 | court proceedings
on the same basis as the accused, unless | ||||||
10 | the victim is to testify and the court
determines that the | ||||||
11 | victim's testimony would be materially affected if the
| ||||||
12 | victim hears other testimony at the trial.
| ||||||
13 | (9) The right to have present at all court | ||||||
14 | proceedings, including proceedings under the Juvenile | ||||||
15 | Court Act of 1987, subject to the
rules of evidence, an | ||||||
16 | advocate and other support person of the victim's choice.
| ||||||
17 | (10) The right to restitution.
| ||||||
18 | (11) The right to file a complaint against the accused | ||||||
19 | with the agency or department that licensed, certified, | ||||||
20 | permitted, or registered the accused if the accused holds | ||||||
21 | a license, certificate, permit, or registration to | ||||||
22 | practice a profession. | ||||||
23 | (b) Any law enforcement agency that investigates an | ||||||
24 | offense committed in this State shall provide a crime victim | ||||||
25 | with a written statement and explanation of the rights of | ||||||
26 | crime victims under this amendatory Act of the 99th General |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Assembly within 48 hours of law enforcement's initial contact | ||||||
2 | with a victim. The statement shall include information about | ||||||
3 | crime victim compensation, including how to contact the Office | ||||||
4 | of the Illinois Attorney General to file a claim, and | ||||||
5 | appropriate referrals to local and State programs that provide | ||||||
6 | victim services. The content of the statement shall be | ||||||
7 | provided to law enforcement by the Attorney General. Law | ||||||
8 | enforcement shall also provide a crime victim with a sign-off | ||||||
9 | sheet that the victim shall sign and date as an | ||||||
10 | acknowledgement that he or she has been furnished with | ||||||
11 | information and an explanation of the rights of crime victims | ||||||
12 | and compensation set forth in this Act. | ||||||
13 | (b-5) Upon the request of the victim, the law enforcement | ||||||
14 | agency having jurisdiction shall provide a free copy of the | ||||||
15 | police report concerning the victim's incident, as soon as | ||||||
16 | practicable, but in no event later than 5 business days from | ||||||
17 | the request. | ||||||
18 | (c) The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall post the rights of | ||||||
19 | crime victims set forth in Article I, Section 8.1(a) of the | ||||||
20 | Illinois Constitution and subsection (a) of this Section | ||||||
21 | within 3 feet of the door to any courtroom where criminal | ||||||
22 | proceedings are conducted. The clerk may also post the rights | ||||||
23 | in other locations in the courthouse. | ||||||
24 | (d) At any point, the victim has the right to retain a | ||||||
25 | victim's attorney who may be present during all stages of any | ||||||
26 | interview, investigation, or other interaction with |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | representatives of the criminal justice system. Treatment of | ||||||
2 | the victim should not be affected or altered in any way as a | ||||||
3 | result of the victim's decision to exercise this right.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 100-1087, eff. 1-1-19; 101-652, eff. 1-1-23 .)
| ||||||
5 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect 6 months | ||||||
6 | after becoming law.".