| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning criminal law.
| |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| |||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Statute on Statutes is amended by changing | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | Section 1.43 as follows: | |||||||||||||||||||
6 | (5 ILCS 70/1.43) | |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 1.43. Reference to "pretrial release", "denial of | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | pretrial release", "conditions of release", or "violations of | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | the conditions of release" bail, bail bond, or conditions of | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | bail . Whenever there is a reference in any Act to the terms | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | "release", "denial of release", "conditions of release", or | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | "violations of the conditions of release", the terms shall be | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | construed to mean "bail", "denial of bail", "conditions of | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | bail", or "forfeiture of bail" respectively "bail", "bail | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | bond", or "conditions of bail", these terms shall be construed | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | as "pretrial release" or "conditions of pretrial release" .
| |||||||||||||||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 101-652, eff. 1-1-23.) | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | Section 10. The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 is | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | amended by changing the heading of Article 110 and by changing | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | Sections 102-6, 102-7, 103-1, 103-5, 103-7, 103-9, 104-13, | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | 104-17, 106D-1, 107-4, 107-9, 109-1, 109-2, 109-3, 109-3.1, | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | 110-1, 110-2, 110-3, 110-4, 110-5, 110-5.2, 110-6, 110-6.1, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 110-6.2, 110-6.4, 110-7, 110-10, 110-11, 110-12, 111-2, | ||||||
2 | 112A-23, 114-1, 115-4.1, and 122-6 and by adding Sections | ||||||
3 | 110-1.1 and 110-7.1 as follows:
| ||||||
4 | (725 ILCS 5/102-6) (from Ch. 38, par. 102-6)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 102-6. Pretrial release "Bail" .
| ||||||
6 | "Pretrial release" "Bail" has the meaning ascribed to bail | ||||||
7 | in Section 9 of Article I of the Illinois Constitution that is | ||||||
8 | non-monetary means the amount of money set by the court which | ||||||
9 | is required to
be obligated and secured as provided by law for | ||||||
10 | the release of a person in
custody in order that he will appear | ||||||
11 | before the court in which his
appearance may be required and | ||||||
12 | that he will comply with such conditions as
set forth in the | ||||||
13 | bail bond .
| ||||||
14 | (Source: Laws 1963, p. 2836; P.A. 101-652.)
| ||||||
15 | (725 ILCS 5/102-7) (from Ch. 38, par. 102-7)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 102-7.
Conditions of pretrial release "Bail
bond" .
| ||||||
17 | "Conditions of pretrial release" "Bail bond" means the | ||||||
18 | conditions established by the court an undertaking secured by | ||||||
19 | bail entered into by a
person in custody by which he binds | ||||||
20 | himself to comply with such conditions
as are set forth | ||||||
21 | therein.
| ||||||
22 | (Source: Laws 1963, p. 2836; P.A. 101-652.)
| ||||||
23 | (725 ILCS 5/103-1) (from Ch. 38, par. 103-1)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 103-1. Rights on arrest. | ||||||
2 | (a) After an arrest on a warrant the
person making the | ||||||
3 | arrest shall inform the person arrested that a warrant
has | ||||||
4 | been issued for his arrest and the nature of the offense | ||||||
5 | specified
in the warrant.
| ||||||
6 | (b) After an arrest without a warrant the person making | ||||||
7 | the arrest
shall inform the person arrested of the nature of | ||||||
8 | the offense on which
the arrest is based.
| ||||||
9 | (b-1) Upon booking, a pretrial services staff shall assess | ||||||
10 | a defendant utilizing a statewide validated risk assessment | ||||||
11 | tool and make recommendations to the prosecution, defense and | ||||||
12 | judge. | ||||||
13 | | ||||||
14 | (b-5) This subsection is intended to implement and be | ||||||
15 | interpreted consistently with the Vienna Convention on | ||||||
16 | Consular Relations, to which the United States is a party. | ||||||
17 | Article 36 of that Convention guarantees that when foreign | ||||||
18 | nationals are arrested or detained, they must be advised of | ||||||
19 | their right to have their consular officials notified, and if | ||||||
20 | an individual chooses to exercise that right, a law | ||||||
21 | enforcement official is required to notify the consulate. It | ||||||
22 | does not create any new substantive State right or remedy. | ||||||
23 | (1) In accordance with federal law and the provisions | ||||||
24 | of this Section, the law enforcement official in charge of | ||||||
25 | a custodial facility shall ensure that any individual | ||||||
26 | booked and detained at the facility, within 48 hours of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | booking or detention, shall be advised that if that | ||||||
2 | individual is a foreign national, he or she has a right to | ||||||
3 | communicate with an official from the consulate of his or | ||||||
4 | her country. This subsection (b-5) does not create any | ||||||
5 | affirmative duty to investigate whether an arrestee or | ||||||
6 | detainee is a foreign national. | ||||||
7 | (2) If the foreign national requests consular | ||||||
8 | notification or the notification is mandatory by law, the | ||||||
9 | law enforcement official in charge of the custodial | ||||||
10 | facility shall ensure the notice is given to the | ||||||
11 | appropriate officer at the consulate of the foreign | ||||||
12 | national in accordance with the U.S. Department of State | ||||||
13 | Instructions for Consular Notification and Access. | ||||||
14 | (3) The law enforcement official in charge of the | ||||||
15 | custodial facility where a foreign national is located | ||||||
16 | shall ensure that the foreign national is allowed to | ||||||
17 | communicate with, correspond with, and be visited by, a | ||||||
18 | consular officer of his or her country. | ||||||
19 | (c) No person arrested for a traffic, regulatory or | ||||||
20 | misdemeanor
offense, except in cases involving weapons or a | ||||||
21 | controlled substance,
shall be strip searched unless there is | ||||||
22 | reasonable belief that the
individual is concealing a weapon | ||||||
23 | or controlled substance.
| ||||||
24 | (d) "Strip search" means having an arrested person remove | ||||||
25 | or arrange
some or all of his or her clothing so as to permit a | ||||||
26 | visual inspection
of the genitals, buttocks, anus, female |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | breasts or undergarments of such
| ||||||
2 | (e) All strip searches conducted under this Section shall | ||||||
3 | be
performed by persons of the same sex as the arrested person | ||||||
4 | and on
premises where the search cannot be observed by persons | ||||||
5 | not physically
conducting the search.
| ||||||
6 | (f) Every peace officer or employee of a police department
| ||||||
7 | conducting a strip search shall:
| ||||||
8 | (1) Obtain the written permission of the police | ||||||
9 | commander or an
agent thereof designated for the purposes | ||||||
10 | of authorizing a strip search
in accordance with this | ||||||
11 | Section.
| ||||||
12 | (2) Prepare a report of the strip search. The report | ||||||
13 | shall include
the written authorization required by | ||||||
14 | paragraph (1) of this subsection
the name of the | ||||||
15 | person subjected to the search, the names of the
persons | ||||||
16 | conducting the search, and the time, date and place of the
| ||||||
17 | search. A copy of the report shall be provided to the | ||||||
18 | person subject to
the search.
| ||||||
19 | (g) No search of any body cavity other than the mouth shall | ||||||
20 | be
conducted without a duly executed search warrant; any | ||||||
21 | warrant
authorizing a body cavity search shall specify that | ||||||
22 | the search must be
performed under sanitary conditions and | ||||||
23 | conducted either by or under the
supervision of a physician | ||||||
24 | licensed to practice medicine in all of its
branches in this | ||||||
25 | State.
| ||||||
26 | (h) Any peace officer or employee who knowingly or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | intentionally
fails to comply with any provision of this | ||||||
2 | Section, except subsection (b-5) of this Section, is guilty of | ||||||
3 | official
misconduct as provided in Section 103-8; provided | ||||||
4 | however, that nothing
contained in this Section shall preclude | ||||||
5 | prosecution of a peace officer
or employee under another | ||||||
6 | section of this Code.
| ||||||
7 | (i) Nothing in this Section shall be construed as limiting | ||||||
8 | any
statutory or common law rights of any person for purposes | ||||||
9 | of any civil
action or injunctive relief.
| ||||||
10 | (j) The provisions of subsections (c) through (h) of this | ||||||
11 | Section
shall not apply when the person is taken into custody | ||||||
12 | by or remanded to
the sheriff or correctional institution | ||||||
13 | pursuant to a court order.
| ||||||
14 | (Source: P.A. 99-190, eff. 1-1-16 .)
| ||||||
15 | (725 ILCS 5/103-5) (from Ch. 38, par. 103-5)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 103-5. Speedy trial.) | ||||||
17 | (a) Every person in custody in this State for an alleged | ||||||
18 | offense shall
be tried by the court having jurisdiction within | ||||||
19 | 120 days from the date he or she
was taken into custody unless | ||||||
20 | delay is occasioned by the defendant, by an
examination for | ||||||
21 | fitness ordered pursuant to Section 104-13 of this Act, by
a | ||||||
22 | fitness hearing, by an adjudication of unfitness to stand | ||||||
23 | trial, by a
continuance allowed pursuant to Section 114-4 of | ||||||
24 | this Act after a court's
determination of the defendant's | ||||||
25 | physical incapacity for trial, or by an
interlocutory appeal. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Delay shall be considered to be agreed to by the
defendant | ||||||
2 | unless he or she objects to the delay by making a written | ||||||
3 | demand for
trial or an oral demand for trial on the record. The | ||||||
4 | provisions of this subsection
(a) do not apply to a person on | ||||||
5 | pretrial release bail or recognizance for an offense
but who | ||||||
6 | is in custody for a violation of his or her parole, aftercare | ||||||
7 | release, or mandatory
supervised release for another offense.
| ||||||
8 | The 120-day term must be one continuous period of | ||||||
9 | incarceration. In
computing the 120-day term, separate periods | ||||||
10 | of incarceration may not be
combined. If a defendant is taken | ||||||
11 | into custody a second (or subsequent) time
for the same | ||||||
12 | offense, the term will begin again at day zero.
| ||||||
13 | (b) Every person on pretrial release bail or recognizance | ||||||
14 | shall be tried by the court
having jurisdiction within 160 | ||||||
15 | days from the date defendant demands
trial unless delay is | ||||||
16 | occasioned by the defendant, by an examination for
fitness | ||||||
17 | ordered pursuant to Section 104-13 of this Act, by a fitness
| ||||||
18 | hearing, by an adjudication of unfitness to stand trial, by a | ||||||
19 | continuance
allowed pursuant to Section 114-4 of this Act | ||||||
20 | after a court's determination
of the defendant's physical | ||||||
21 | incapacity for trial, or by an interlocutory
appeal. The | ||||||
22 | defendant's failure to appear for any court date set by the
| ||||||
23 | court operates to waive the defendant's demand for trial made | ||||||
24 | under this
| ||||||
25 | For purposes of computing the 160 day period under this | ||||||
26 | subsection (b),
every person who was in custody for an alleged |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | offense and demanded trial
and is subsequently released on | ||||||
2 | pretrial release bail or recognizance and demands trial,
shall | ||||||
3 | be given credit for time spent in custody following the making | ||||||
4 | of the
demand while in custody. Any demand for trial made under | ||||||
5 | this
subsection (b)
shall be in writing; and in the
case of a | ||||||
6 | defendant not in custody, the
demand for trial shall include | ||||||
7 | the date of any prior demand made under this
provision while | ||||||
8 | the defendant was in custody.
| ||||||
9 | (c) If the court determines that the State has exercised | ||||||
10 | without
success due diligence to obtain evidence material to | ||||||
11 | the case and that
there are reasonable grounds to believe that | ||||||
12 | such evidence may be
obtained at a later day the court may | ||||||
13 | continue the cause on application
of the State for not more | ||||||
14 | than an additional 60 days. If the court
determines that the | ||||||
15 | State has exercised without success due diligence to
obtain | ||||||
16 | results of DNA testing that is material to the case and that | ||||||
17 | there
are reasonable grounds to believe that such results may | ||||||
18 | be obtained at a
later day, the court may continue the cause on | ||||||
19 | application of the State for
not more than an additional 120 | ||||||
20 | days.
| ||||||
21 | (d) Every person not tried in accordance with subsections | ||||||
22 | (a), (b)
and (c) of this Section shall be discharged from | ||||||
23 | custody or released
from the obligations of his pretrial | ||||||
24 | release bail or recognizance.
| ||||||
25 | (e) If a person is simultaneously in custody upon more | ||||||
26 | than one
charge pending against him in the same county, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | simultaneously demands
trial upon more than one charge pending | ||||||
2 | against him in the same county,
he shall be tried, or adjudged | ||||||
3 | guilty after waiver of trial, upon at
least one such charge | ||||||
4 | before expiration relative to any of such pending
charges of | ||||||
5 | the period prescribed by subsections (a) and (b) of this
| ||||||
6 | Section. Such person shall be tried upon all of the remaining | ||||||
7 | charges
thus pending within 160 days from the date on which | ||||||
8 | judgment relative to
the first charge thus prosecuted is | ||||||
9 | rendered pursuant to the Unified Code of
Corrections or, if | ||||||
10 | such trial upon such first charge is terminated
without | ||||||
11 | judgment and there is no subsequent trial of, or adjudication | ||||||
12 | of
guilt after waiver of trial of, such first charge within a | ||||||
13 | reasonable
time, the person shall be tried upon all of the | ||||||
14 | remaining charges thus
pending within 160 days from the date | ||||||
15 | on which such trial is terminated;
if either such period of 160 | ||||||
16 | days expires without the commencement of
trial of, or | ||||||
17 | adjudication of guilt after waiver of trial of, any of such
| ||||||
18 | remaining charges thus pending, such charge or charges shall | ||||||
19 | be
dismissed and barred for want of prosecution unless delay | ||||||
20 | is occasioned
by the defendant, by an examination for fitness | ||||||
21 | ordered pursuant to
Section 104-13 of this Act, by a fitness | ||||||
22 | hearing, by an adjudication
of unfitness for trial, by a | ||||||
23 | continuance allowed pursuant to Section
114-4 of this Act | ||||||
24 | after a court's determination of the defendant's
physical | ||||||
25 | incapacity for trial, or by an interlocutory appeal; provided,
| ||||||
26 | however, that if the court determines that the State has |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | exercised
without success due diligence to obtain evidence | ||||||
2 | material to the case
and that there are reasonable grounds to | ||||||
3 | believe that such evidence may
be obtained at a later day the | ||||||
4 | court may continue the cause on
application of the State for | ||||||
5 | not more than an additional 60 days.
| ||||||
6 | (f) Delay occasioned by the defendant shall temporarily | ||||||
7 | suspend for
the time of the delay the period within which a | ||||||
8 | person shall be tried as
prescribed by subsections (a), (b), | ||||||
9 | or (e) of this Section and on the
day of expiration of the | ||||||
10 | delay the said period shall continue at the
point at which it | ||||||
11 | was suspended. Where such delay occurs within 21 days
of the | ||||||
12 | end of the period within which a person shall be tried as
| ||||||
13 | prescribed by subsections (a), (b), or (e) of this Section, | ||||||
14 | the court
may continue the cause on application of the State | ||||||
15 | for not more than an
additional 21 days beyond the period | ||||||
16 | prescribed by subsections (a), (b), or
(e). This subsection | ||||||
17 | (f) shall become effective on, and apply to persons
charged | ||||||
18 | with alleged offenses committed on or after, March 1, 1977.
| ||||||
19 | (g) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section | ||||||
20 | to the contrary, when a defendant's liberty is substantially | ||||||
21 | impaired prior to trial, the defendant shall be brought to | ||||||
22 | trial within 120 days, unless good cause is shown. | ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 98-558, eff. 1-1-14; 101-652.)
| ||||||
24 | (725 ILCS 5/103-7) (from Ch. 38, par. 103-7)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 103-7. Posting notice of rights.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Every sheriff, chief of police or other person who is in | ||||||
2 | charge of any
jail, police station or other building where | ||||||
3 | persons under arrest are held
in custody pending | ||||||
4 | investigation, pretrial release bail or other criminal | ||||||
5 | proceedings, shall
post in every room, other than cells, of | ||||||
6 | such buildings where persons are
held in custody, in | ||||||
7 | conspicuous places where it may be seen and read by
persons in | ||||||
8 | custody and others, a poster, printed in large type, | ||||||
9 | containing
a verbatim copy in the English language of the | ||||||
10 | provisions of Sections 103-2,
103-3, 103-4, 109-1, 110-2, | ||||||
11 | 110-4, and sub-parts (a) and (b) of
Sections 110-7 and 113-3 of | ||||||
12 | this Code. Each person who is in charge of
any courthouse or | ||||||
13 | other building in which any trial of an offense is
conducted | ||||||
14 | shall post in each room primarily used for such trials and in
| ||||||
15 | each room in which defendants are confined or wait, pending | ||||||
16 | trial, in
conspicuous places where it may be seen and read by | ||||||
17 | persons in custody and
others, a poster, printed in large | ||||||
18 | type, containing a verbatim copy in the
English language of | ||||||
19 | the provisions of Sections 103-6, 113-1, 113-4 and
115-1 and | ||||||
20 | of subparts (a) and (b) of Section 113-3 of this Code.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: Laws 1965, p. 2622 ; P.A. 101-652.)
| ||||||
22 | (725 ILCS 5/103-9) (from Ch. 38, par. 103-9)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 103-9. Bail bondsmen. No bail bondsman from any state | ||||||
24 | may seize
or transport unwillingly any person found in this | ||||||
25 | State who is allegedly in
violation of a bail bond posted in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | some other state or conditions of pretrial release . The return | ||||||
2 | of any
such person to another state may be accomplished only as | ||||||
3 | provided by the
laws of this State. Any bail bondsman who | ||||||
4 | violates this Section is fully
subject to the criminal and | ||||||
5 | civil penalties provided by the laws of this
State for his | ||||||
6 | actions.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 84-694; 101-652.)
| ||||||
8 | (725 ILCS 5/104-13) (from Ch. 38, par. 104-13)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 104-13. Fitness Examination.
| ||||||
10 | (a) When the issue of fitness involves
the defendant's | ||||||
11 | mental condition, the court shall order an examination of
the | ||||||
12 | defendant by one or more licensed physicians, clinical | ||||||
13 | psychologists,
or psychiatrists chosen by the court. No | ||||||
14 | physician, clinical
psychologist or psychiatrist employed by | ||||||
15 | the Department of Human Services shall
be ordered to perform,
| ||||||
16 | in his official capacity, an examination under this Section.
| ||||||
17 | (b) If the issue of fitness involves the defendant's | ||||||
18 | physical condition,
the court shall appoint one or more | ||||||
19 | physicians and in addition, such other
experts as it may deem | ||||||
20 | appropriate to examine the defendant and to report
to the | ||||||
21 | court regarding the defendant's condition.
| ||||||
22 | (c) An examination ordered under this Section shall be | ||||||
23 | given at the place
designated by the person who will conduct | ||||||
24 | the examination, except that if
the defendant is being held in | ||||||
25 | custody, the examination shall take place
at such location as |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the court directs. No examinations under this
Section shall be | ||||||
2 | ordered to take place at mental health or developmental
| ||||||
3 | disabilities facilities operated by the Department of Human | ||||||
4 | Services.
If the defendant fails to keep appointments
without | ||||||
5 | reasonable cause or if the person conducting the examination | ||||||
6 | reports
to the court that diagnosis requires hospitalization | ||||||
7 | or extended observation,
the court may order the defendant | ||||||
8 | admitted to an appropriate facility for
an examination, other | ||||||
9 | than a screening examination, for not more than 7
days. The | ||||||
10 | court may, upon a showing of good cause, grant an additional
7 | ||||||
11 | days to complete the examination.
| ||||||
12 | (d) Release on pretrial release bail or on recognizance | ||||||
13 | shall not be revoked and an
application therefor shall not be | ||||||
14 | denied on the grounds that an examination
has been ordered.
| ||||||
15 | (e) Upon request by the defense and if the defendant is | ||||||
16 | indigent, the
court may appoint, in addition to the expert or | ||||||
17 | experts chosen pursuant to
subsection (a) of this Section, a | ||||||
18 | qualified expert selected by the defendant
to examine him and | ||||||
19 | to make a report as provided in Section 104-15. Upon
the filing | ||||||
20 | with the court of a verified statement of services rendered, | ||||||
21 | the
court shall enter an order on the county board to pay such | ||||||
22 | expert a
reasonable fee stated in the order.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 89-507, eff. 7-1-97; 101-652.)
| ||||||
24 | (725 ILCS 5/104-17) (from Ch. 38, par. 104-17)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 104-17. Commitment for treatment; treatment plan.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) If the defendant
is eligible to be or has been released | ||||||
2 | on pretrial release bail or on his own recognizance,
the court | ||||||
3 | shall select the least physically restrictive form of | ||||||
4 | treatment
therapeutically appropriate and consistent with the | ||||||
5 | treatment plan. The placement may be ordered either on an | ||||||
6 | inpatient or an outpatient basis.
| ||||||
7 | (b) If the defendant's disability is mental, the court may | ||||||
8 | order him placed
for treatment in the custody of the | ||||||
9 | Department of Human Services, or the court may order him | ||||||
10 | placed in
the custody of any other
appropriate public or | ||||||
11 | private mental health facility or treatment program
which has | ||||||
12 | agreed to provide treatment to the defendant. If the court | ||||||
13 | orders the defendant placed in the custody of the Department | ||||||
14 | of Human Services, the Department shall evaluate the defendant | ||||||
15 | to determine to which secure facility the defendant shall be | ||||||
16 | transported and, within 20 days of the transmittal by the | ||||||
17 | clerk of the circuit court of the placement court order, | ||||||
18 | notify the sheriff of the designated facility. Upon receipt of | ||||||
19 | that notice, the sheriff shall promptly transport the | ||||||
20 | defendant to the designated facility. If the defendant
is | ||||||
21 | placed in the custody of the Department of Human Services, the | ||||||
22 | defendant shall be placed in a
secure setting. During
the | ||||||
23 | period of time required to determine the appropriate placement | ||||||
24 | the
defendant shall remain in jail. If during the course of | ||||||
25 | evaluating the defendant for placement, the Department of | ||||||
26 | Human Services determines that the defendant is currently fit |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to stand trial, it shall immediately notify the court and | ||||||
2 | shall submit a written report within 7 days. In that | ||||||
3 | circumstance the placement shall be held pending a court | ||||||
4 | hearing on the Department's report. Otherwise, upon completion | ||||||
5 | of the placement process, the
sheriff shall be notified and | ||||||
6 | shall transport the defendant to the designated
facility. If, | ||||||
7 | within 20 days of the transmittal by the clerk of the circuit | ||||||
8 | court of the placement court order, the Department fails to | ||||||
9 | notify the sheriff of the identity of the facility to which the | ||||||
10 | defendant shall be transported, the sheriff shall contact a | ||||||
11 | designated person within the Department to inquire about when | ||||||
12 | a placement will become available at the designated facility | ||||||
13 | and bed availability at other facilities. If, within
20 days | ||||||
14 | of the transmittal by the clerk of the circuit court of the | ||||||
15 | placement court order, the Department
fails to notify the | ||||||
16 | sheriff of the identity of the facility to
which the defendant | ||||||
17 | shall be transported, the sheriff shall
notify the Department | ||||||
18 | of its intent to transfer the defendant to the nearest secure | ||||||
19 | mental health facility operated by the Department and inquire | ||||||
20 | as to the status of the placement evaluation and availability | ||||||
21 | for admission to such facility operated by the Department by | ||||||
22 | contacting a designated person within the Department. The | ||||||
23 | Department shall respond to the sheriff within 2 business days | ||||||
24 | of the notice and inquiry by the sheriff seeking the transfer | ||||||
25 | and the Department shall provide the sheriff with the status | ||||||
26 | of the evaluation, information on bed and placement |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | availability, and an estimated date of admission for the | ||||||
2 | defendant and any changes to that estimated date of admission. | ||||||
3 | If the Department notifies the sheriff during the 2 business | ||||||
4 | day period of a facility operated by the Department with | ||||||
5 | placement availability, the sheriff shall promptly transport | ||||||
6 | the defendant to that facility. The placement may be ordered | ||||||
7 | either on an inpatient or an outpatient
| ||||||
8 | (c) If the defendant's disability is physical, the court | ||||||
9 | may order him
placed under the supervision of the Department | ||||||
10 | of Human
which shall place and maintain the defendant | ||||||
11 | in a suitable treatment facility
or program, or the court may | ||||||
12 | order him placed in an appropriate public or
private facility | ||||||
13 | or treatment program which has agreed to provide treatment
to | ||||||
14 | the defendant. The placement may be ordered either on an | ||||||
15 | inpatient or
an outpatient basis.
| ||||||
16 | (d) The clerk of the circuit court shall within 5 days of | ||||||
17 | the entry of the order transmit to the Department, agency
or | ||||||
18 | institution, if any, to which the defendant is remanded for | ||||||
19 | treatment, the
| ||||||
20 | (1) a certified copy of the order to undergo | ||||||
21 | treatment. Accompanying the certified copy of the order to | ||||||
22 | undergo treatment shall be the complete copy of any report | ||||||
23 | prepared under Section 104-15 of this Code or other report | ||||||
24 | prepared by a forensic examiner for the court;
| ||||||
25 | (2) the county and municipality in which the offense | ||||||
26 | was committed;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) the county and municipality in which the arrest | ||||||
2 | took place; | ||||||
3 | (4) a copy of the arrest report, criminal charges, | ||||||
4 | arrest record; and
| ||||||
5 | (5) all additional matters which the Court directs the | ||||||
6 | clerk to transmit.
| ||||||
7 | (e) Within 30 days of entry of an order to undergo | ||||||
8 | treatment, the person
supervising the defendant's treatment | ||||||
9 | shall file with the court, the State,
and the defense a report | ||||||
10 | assessing the facility's or program's capacity
to provide | ||||||
11 | appropriate treatment for the defendant and indicating his | ||||||
12 | opinion
as to the probability of the defendant's attaining | ||||||
13 | fitness within a period
of time from the date of the finding of | ||||||
14 | unfitness. For a defendant charged with a felony, the period | ||||||
15 | of time shall be one year. For a defendant charged with a | ||||||
16 | misdemeanor, the period of time shall be no longer than the | ||||||
17 | sentence if convicted of the most serious offense. If the | ||||||
18 | report indicates
that there is a substantial probability that | ||||||
19 | the defendant will attain fitness
within the time period, the | ||||||
20 | treatment supervisor shall also file a treatment
plan which | ||||||
21 | shall include:
| ||||||
22 | (1) A diagnosis of the defendant's disability;
| ||||||
23 | (2) A description of treatment goals with respect to | ||||||
24 | rendering the
fit, a specification of the | ||||||
25 | proposed treatment modalities, and an estimated
timetable | ||||||
26 | for attainment of the goals;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) An identification of the person in charge of | ||||||
2 | supervising the
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 99-140, eff. 1-1-16; 100-27, eff. 1-1-18 ; | ||||||
4 | 101-652.)
| ||||||
5 | (725 ILCS 5/106D-1)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 106D-1. Defendant's appearance by closed circuit | ||||||
7 | television and video conference.
| ||||||
8 | (a) Whenever the appearance in person in court, in either | ||||||
9 | a civil or criminal proceeding, is required of anyone held in a | ||||||
10 | place of custody or confinement operated by the State or any of | ||||||
11 | its political subdivisions, including counties and | ||||||
12 | municipalities, the chief judge of the circuit by rule may | ||||||
13 | permit the personal appearance to be made by means of two-way | ||||||
14 | audio-visual communication, including closed circuit | ||||||
15 | television and computerized video conference, in the following | ||||||
16 | proceedings: | ||||||
17 | (1) the initial appearance before a judge on a | ||||||
18 | criminal complaint, at which the conditions of pretrial | ||||||
19 | release bail will be set; | ||||||
20 | (2) the waiver of a preliminary hearing; | ||||||
21 | (3) the arraignment on an information or indictment at | ||||||
22 | which a plea of not guilty will be entered; | ||||||
23 | (4) the presentation of a jury waiver; | ||||||
24 | (5) any status hearing; | ||||||
25 | (6) any hearing conducted under the Sexually Violent |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Persons Commitment Act at which no witness testimony will | ||||||
2 | be taken; and | ||||||
3 | (7) at any hearing at which no witness testimony will | ||||||
4 | be taken conducted under the following: | ||||||
5 | (A) Section 104-20 of this Code (90-day hearings); | ||||||
6 | (B) Section 104-22 of this Code (trial with | ||||||
7 | special provisions and assistance); | ||||||
8 | (C) Section 104-25 of this Code (discharge | ||||||
9 | hearing); or | ||||||
10 | (D) Section 5-2-4 of the Unified Code of | ||||||
11 | Corrections (proceedings after acquittal by reason of | ||||||
12 | insanity).
| ||||||
13 | (b) The two-way audio-visual communication facilities must | ||||||
14 | provide two-way audio-visual communication between the court | ||||||
15 | and the place of custody or confinement, and must include a | ||||||
16 | secure line over which the person in custody and his or her | ||||||
17 | counsel, if any, may communicate. | ||||||
18 | (c) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prohibit | ||||||
19 | other court appearances through the use of two-way | ||||||
20 | audio-visual communication, upon waiver of any right the | ||||||
21 | person in custody or confinement may have to be present | ||||||
22 | physically. | ||||||
23 | (d) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to | ||||||
24 | establish a right of any person held in custody or confinement | ||||||
25 | to appear in court through two-way audio-visual communication | ||||||
26 | or to require that any governmental entity, or place of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | custody or confinement, provide two-way audio-visual | ||||||
2 | communication.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 101-652, eff. 1-1-23; 102-486, eff. 8-20-21; | ||||||
4 | revised 10-12-21.)
| ||||||
5 | (725 ILCS 5/107-4) (from Ch. 38, par. 107-4)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 107-4. Arrest by peace officer from other | ||||||
7 | jurisdiction.
| ||||||
8 | (a) As used in this Section:
| ||||||
9 | (1) "State" means any State of the United States and | ||||||
10 | the District of
| ||||||
11 | (2) "Peace Officer" means any peace officer or member | ||||||
12 | of any duly
organized State, County, or Municipal peace | ||||||
13 | unit, any police force of another
State, the United States | ||||||
14 | Department of Defense, or any police force whose members, | ||||||
15 | by statute, are granted and authorized to exercise powers | ||||||
16 | similar to those conferred upon any peace officer employed | ||||||
17 | by a law enforcement agency of this State.
| ||||||
18 | (3) "Fresh pursuit" means the immediate pursuit of a | ||||||
19 | person who is
endeavoring to avoid arrest.
| ||||||
20 | (4) "Law enforcement agency" means a municipal police | ||||||
21 | department or
sheriff's office of this State.
| ||||||
22 | (a-3) Any peace officer employed by a law enforcement | ||||||
23 | agency of this State
may conduct temporary questioning | ||||||
24 | pursuant to Section 107-14 of this Code and
may make arrests in | ||||||
25 | any jurisdiction within this State: (1) if the officer is
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | engaged in the investigation of criminal activity that | ||||||
2 | occurred in the officer's
primary jurisdiction and the | ||||||
3 | temporary questioning or arrest relates to, arises from, or is | ||||||
4 | conducted pursuant to that investigation; or (2) if the | ||||||
5 | officer, while on duty as a
peace officer, becomes personally | ||||||
6 | aware of the immediate commission of a felony
or misdemeanor | ||||||
7 | violation of the laws of this State; or (3) if
the officer, | ||||||
8 | while on duty as a peace officer, is requested by an
| ||||||
9 | appropriate State or local law enforcement official to render | ||||||
10 | aid or
assistance to the requesting law enforcement agency | ||||||
11 | that is outside the
officer's primary jurisdiction; or (4) in | ||||||
12 | accordance with Section 2605-580 of the Illinois State Police | ||||||
13 | Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. While acting | ||||||
14 | pursuant to this subsection, an
officer has the same authority | ||||||
15 | as within his or her
own jurisdiction.
| ||||||
16 | (a-7) The law enforcement agency of the county or | ||||||
17 | municipality in which any
arrest is made under this Section | ||||||
18 | shall be immediately notified of the
| ||||||
19 | (b) Any peace officer of another State who enters this | ||||||
20 | State in
pursuit and continues within this State in | ||||||
21 | fresh pursuit of a person in
order to arrest him on the ground | ||||||
22 | that he has committed an offense in the
other State has the | ||||||
23 | same authority to arrest and hold the person in custody
as | ||||||
24 | peace officers of this State have to arrest and hold a person | ||||||
25 | in custody
on the ground that he has committed an offense in | ||||||
26 | this State.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) If an arrest is made in this State by a peace officer | ||||||
2 | of
State in accordance with the provisions of this | ||||||
3 | Section he shall without
unnecessary delay take the person | ||||||
4 | arrested before the circuit court of the
county in which the | ||||||
5 | arrest was made. Such court shall conduct a hearing for
the | ||||||
6 | purpose of determining the lawfulness of the arrest. If the | ||||||
7 | court
determines that the arrest was lawful it shall commit | ||||||
8 | the person arrested,
to await for a reasonable time the | ||||||
9 | issuance of an extradition warrant by
the Governor of this | ||||||
10 | State, or admit him to pretrial release bail for such purpose. | ||||||
11 | If the
court determines that the arrest was unlawful it shall | ||||||
12 | discharge the person
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 101-652, eff. 1-1-23; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; | ||||||
14 | revised 10-20-21.)
| ||||||
15 | (725 ILCS 5/107-9) (from Ch. 38, par. 107-9)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 107-9. Issuance of arrest warrant upon complaint.
| ||||||
17 | (a) When a complaint is presented to a court charging that | ||||||
18 | an offense
has been committed it shall examine upon oath or | ||||||
19 | affirmation the
complainant or any witnesses.
| ||||||
20 | (b) The complaint shall be in writing and shall:
| ||||||
21 | (1) State the name of the accused if known, and if not | ||||||
22 | known the accused
may be designated by any name or | ||||||
23 | description by which he can be identified
with reasonable | ||||||
24 | certainty;
| ||||||
25 | (2) State the offense with which the accused is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | charged;
| ||||||
2 | (3) State the time and place of the offense as | ||||||
3 | definitely as can be done
by the complainant; and
| ||||||
4 | (4) Be subscribed and sworn to by the complainant.
| ||||||
5 | (b-5) If an arrest warrant is sought and the request is | ||||||
6 | made by electronic means that has a simultaneous video and | ||||||
7 | audio transmission between the requester and a judge, the | ||||||
8 | judge may issue an arrest warrant based upon a sworn complaint | ||||||
9 | or sworn testimony communicated in the transmission. | ||||||
10 | (c) A warrant shall be issued by the court for the arrest | ||||||
11 | of the person
complained against if it appears from the | ||||||
12 | contents of the complaint and the
examination of the | ||||||
13 | complainant or other witnesses, if any, that the person
| ||||||
14 | against whom the complaint was made has committed an offense.
| ||||||
15 | (d) The warrant of arrest shall:
| ||||||
16 | (1) Be in writing;
| ||||||
17 | (2) Specify the name, sex and birth date of the person | ||||||
18 | to be arrested
or if his name, sex or birth date is | ||||||
19 | unknown, shall designate such person
by any name or | ||||||
20 | description by which he can be identified with reasonable
| ||||||
21 | certainty;
| ||||||
22 | (3) Set forth the nature of the offense;
| ||||||
23 | (4) State the date when issued and the municipality or | ||||||
24 | county where
| ||||||
25 | (5) Be signed by the judge of the court with the title | ||||||
26 | of his office;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (6) Command that the person against whom the complaint | ||||||
2 | was made be
arrested and brought before the court issuing | ||||||
3 | the warrant or if he is
absent or unable to act before the | ||||||
4 | nearest or most accessible court in the
same county;
| ||||||
5 | (7) Specify the conditions of pretrial release amount | ||||||
6 | of bail ; and
| ||||||
7 | (8) Specify any geographical limitation placed on the | ||||||
8 | execution of the
warrant, but such limitation shall not be | ||||||
9 | expressed in mileage.
| ||||||
10 | (e) The warrant shall be directed to all peace officers in | ||||||
11 | the State. It
shall be executed by the peace officer, or by a | ||||||
12 | private person specially
named therein, at any location within | ||||||
13 | the geographic limitation for
execution placed on the warrant. | ||||||
14 | If no geographic limitation is placed on
the warrant, then it | ||||||
15 | may be executed anywhere in the State.
| ||||||
16 | (f) The arrest warrant may be issued electronically or | ||||||
17 | electromagnetically by
use of electronic mail or a facsimile | ||||||
18 | transmission machine and any arrest warrant shall have the
| ||||||
19 | same validity as a written warrant.
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 101-239, eff. 1-1-20 ; 101-652.)
| ||||||
21 | (725 ILCS 5/109-1) (from Ch. 38, par. 109-1)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 109-1. Person arrested ; release from law enforcement | ||||||
23 | custody and court appearance; geographical constraints prevent | ||||||
24 | in-person appearances .
| ||||||
25 | (a) A person arrested with or without a warrant for an |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | offense for which pretrial release may be denied under | ||||||
2 | paragraphs (1) through (6) of Section 110-6.1 shall be taken | ||||||
3 | without
unnecessary delay before the nearest and most | ||||||
4 | accessible judge
in that county, except when such county is a | ||||||
5 | participant in a
regional jail authority, in which event such | ||||||
6 | person may be taken to the
nearest and most accessible judge, | ||||||
7 | irrespective of the county where such
judge presides,
and a | ||||||
8 | charge shall be filed.
Whenever a person arrested either with | ||||||
9 | or without a warrant is required
to be taken
before a judge, a | ||||||
10 | charge
may be filed against such person by way of a two-way | ||||||
11 | closed circuit
television system, except that a hearing to | ||||||
12 | deny pretrial release bail to the defendant may
not be | ||||||
13 | conducted by way of closed circuit television.
| ||||||
14 | (a-4) Law enforcement shall issue a citation in lieu of | ||||||
15 | custodial arrest, upon proper identification, for those | ||||||
16 | accused of Class B and C traffic and criminal misdemeanor | ||||||
17 | offenses, or of petty and business offenses unless: (i) a law | ||||||
18 | enforcement officer reasonably believes the accused poses a | ||||||
19 | threat to the community or any person, (ii) a custodial arrest | ||||||
20 | is necessary because the criminal activity persists after the | ||||||
21 | issuance of a citation, (iii) the accused has an obvious | ||||||
22 | medical or mental health issue that poses a risk to the | ||||||
23 | accused's own safety or (iv) to verify the person's identity. | ||||||
24 | Nothing in this Section requires arrest in the case of Class A | ||||||
25 | misdemeanor and felony offenses, or otherwise limits existing | ||||||
26 | law enforcement discretion to decline to effect a custodial |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | arrest. | ||||||
2 | (a-4.1) A person arrested shall not be released prior to | ||||||
3 | arraignment if the person is arrested for a weapons-related or | ||||||
4 | sex offense. Upon release, the defendant shall be provided | ||||||
5 | written notification of the defendant's scheduled court date, | ||||||
6 | which shall scheduled within 21 days after arrest, and | ||||||
7 | conditions of release, and shall be sent subsequent court | ||||||
8 | reminder notification by mail, electronically, text, or | ||||||
9 | telephone. | ||||||
10 | (a-4.2) A pretrial services agency shall screen each | ||||||
11 | defendant who is statutorily eligible for release before the | ||||||
12 | initial court appearance and provide a written report for the | ||||||
13 | bail hearing. The screen shall include a defendant interview, | ||||||
14 | criminal history investigation, verification of interview | ||||||
15 | information, administration of a validated pretrial risk | ||||||
16 | assessment instrument, and any other information as required | ||||||
17 | to assist the court in making informed release or detention | ||||||
18 | determinations. | ||||||
19 | (a-1) Law enforcement shall issue a citation in lieu of | ||||||
20 | custodial arrest, upon proper identification, for those | ||||||
21 | accused of traffic and Class B and C criminal misdemeanor | ||||||
22 | offenses, or of petty and business offenses, who pose no | ||||||
23 | obvious threat to the community or any person, or who have no | ||||||
24 | obvious medical or mental health issues that pose a risk to | ||||||
25 | their own safety. Those released on citation shall be | ||||||
26 | scheduled into court within 21 days. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a-3) A person arrested with or without a warrant for an | ||||||
2 | offense for which pretrial release may not be denied may, | ||||||
3 | except as otherwise provided in this Code, be released by the | ||||||
4 | officer without appearing before a judge. The releasing | ||||||
5 | officer shall issue the person a summons to appear within 21 | ||||||
6 | days. A presumption in favor of pretrial release shall by | ||||||
7 | applied by an arresting officer in the exercise of his or her | ||||||
8 | discretion under this Section. | ||||||
9 | (a-5) A person charged with an offense shall be allowed | ||||||
10 | counsel at the hearing at which pretrial release bail is | ||||||
11 | determined under Article 110 of this Code and at all pretrial | ||||||
12 | detention hearings and shall have the right to cross examine | ||||||
13 | the prosecution's witnesses and present evidence . If the | ||||||
14 | defendant desires counsel for his or her initial appearance | ||||||
15 | but is unable to obtain counsel, the court shall appoint a | ||||||
16 | public defender or licensed attorney at law of this State to | ||||||
17 | represent him or her for purposes of that hearing. At all | ||||||
18 | pretrial detention hearings, the prosecution shall have the | ||||||
19 | burden to prove by clear and convincing evidence that no | ||||||
20 | conditions of release will reasonably assure the safety of the | ||||||
21 | community or the defendant's appearance in court. At all | ||||||
22 | pretrial detention hearings, when detention is ordered, the | ||||||
23 | court shall make a written finding, explaining why less | ||||||
24 | restrictive conditions of release would be insufficient to | ||||||
25 | protect community safety or reasonably assure the defendant's | ||||||
26 | appearance at future court hearings. A public defender shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be appointed prior to the defendant's first appearance, with | ||||||
2 | sufficient time for meaningful attorney-client contact to | ||||||
3 | gather information in order to advocate effectively for | ||||||
4 | defendant's pretrial release under the least restrictive | ||||||
5 | conditions to reasonably assure community safety and court | ||||||
6 | appearance. Defense counsel shall have access to the same | ||||||
7 | documentary information relied upon by the prosecution and | ||||||
8 | presented to the court. | ||||||
9 | (a-6) The defendant shall appear before the court in | ||||||
10 | person at the first appearance, but based on geographical or | ||||||
11 | other constraints, may appear through remote access. | ||||||
12 | (a-7) At the initial pretrial court appearance, the court, | ||||||
13 | upon written motion by the prosecution, may order the | ||||||
14 | defendant's temporary detention, pending a full pretrial | ||||||
15 | detention hearing within 3 calendar days, if: | ||||||
16 | (1) the court finds probable cause for the crime | ||||||
17 | charged; | ||||||
18 | (2) the defendant falls within the narrowly drawn | ||||||
19 | detention-eligible criteria; and | ||||||
20 | (3) the court finds by the preponderance of the | ||||||
21 | evidence that the defendant poses an unmanageable level of | ||||||
22 | risk to commit or attempt to commit a crime of violence, or | ||||||
23 | intentional failure to appear for scheduled court | ||||||
24 | appearances, or both, setting forth the factual basis for | ||||||
25 | temporary detention. | ||||||
26 | (b) Upon initial appearance of a person before the court, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the The judge shall:
| ||||||
2 | (1) inform Inform the defendant of the charge against | ||||||
3 | him and shall provide him
with a copy of the charge;
| ||||||
4 | (2) advise Advise the defendant of his right to | ||||||
5 | counsel and if indigent shall
appoint a public defender or | ||||||
6 | licensed attorney at law of this State to
represent him in | ||||||
7 | accordance with the provisions of Section 113-3 of this
| ||||||
8 | Code;
| ||||||
9 | (3) schedule Schedule a preliminary hearing in | ||||||
10 | appropriate cases;
| ||||||
11 | (4) admit Admit the defendant to pretrial release bail | ||||||
12 | in accordance with the provisions of
Article 110/5 110 of | ||||||
13 | this Code , or upon verified petition of the State, proceed | ||||||
14 | with the setting of a detention hearing as provided in | ||||||
15 | Section 110-6.1 ; and
| ||||||
16 | (5) Order the confiscation of the person's passport or | ||||||
17 | impose travel restrictions on a defendant arrested for | ||||||
18 | first degree murder or other violent crime as defined in | ||||||
19 | Section 3 of the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses | ||||||
20 | Act, if the judge determines, based on the factors in | ||||||
21 | Section 110-5 of this Code, that this will reasonably | ||||||
22 | ensure the appearance of the defendant and compliance by | ||||||
23 | the defendant with all conditions of release. | ||||||
24 | (c) The court may issue an order of protection in | ||||||
25 | accordance with
the provisions of Article 112A of this Code. | ||||||
26 | Crime victims shall be given notice by the State's Attorney's |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | office of this hearing as required in paragraph (2) of | ||||||
2 | subsection (b) of the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses | ||||||
3 | Act and shall be informed of their opportunity at this hearing | ||||||
4 | to obtain an order of protection under Article 112A of this | ||||||
5 | Code.
| ||||||
6 | (d) At the initial appearance of a defendant in any | ||||||
7 | criminal proceeding, the court must advise the defendant in | ||||||
8 | open court that any foreign national who is arrested or | ||||||
9 | detained has the right to have notice of the arrest or | ||||||
10 | detention given to his or her country's consular | ||||||
11 | representatives and the right to communicate with those | ||||||
12 | consular representatives if the notice has not already been | ||||||
13 | provided. The court must make a written record of so advising | ||||||
14 | the defendant. | ||||||
15 | (e) If consular notification is not provided to a | ||||||
16 | defendant before his or her first appearance in court, the | ||||||
17 | court shall grant any reasonable request for a continuance of | ||||||
18 | the proceedings to allow contact with the defendant's | ||||||
19 | consulate. Any delay caused by the granting of the request by a | ||||||
20 | defendant shall temporarily suspend for the time of the delay | ||||||
21 | the period within which a person shall be tried as prescribed | ||||||
22 | by subsections (a), (b), or (e) of Section 103-5 of this Code | ||||||
23 | and on the day of the expiration of delay the period shall | ||||||
24 | continue at the point at which it was suspended. | ||||||
25 | (f) At the hearing at which conditions of pretrial release | ||||||
26 | are determined, the person charged shall be present in person |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | rather than by video phone or any other form of electronic | ||||||
2 | communication, unless the physical health and safety of the | ||||||
3 | person would be endangered by appearing in court or the | ||||||
4 | accused waives the right to be present in person. | ||||||
5 | (g) Defense counsel shall be given adequate opportunity to | ||||||
6 | confer with Defendant prior to any hearing in which conditions | ||||||
7 | of release or the detention of the Defendant is to be | ||||||
8 | considered, with a physical accommodation made to facilitate | ||||||
9 | attorney/client consultation. | ||||||
10 | (Source: P.A. 99-78, eff. 7-20-15; 99-190, eff. 1-1-16; 100-1, | ||||||
11 | eff. 1-1-18 ; 101-652.)
| ||||||
12 | (725 ILCS 5/109-2) (from Ch. 38, par. 109-2)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 109-2. Person arrested in another county. (a) Any | ||||||
14 | person arrested in a county other than the one in which a | ||||||
15 | warrant
for his arrest was issued shall be taken without | ||||||
16 | unnecessary delay before
the nearest and most accessible judge | ||||||
17 | in the county where the arrest was
made or, if no additional | ||||||
18 | delay is created, before the nearest and most
accessible judge | ||||||
19 | in the county from which the warrant was issued. Upon arrival | ||||||
20 | in the county in which the warrant was issued, the status of | ||||||
21 | the arrested person's release status shall be determined by | ||||||
22 | the release revocation process described in Section 110-6. He
| ||||||
23 | shall be admitted to bail in the amount specified in the | ||||||
24 | warrant or, for
offenses other than felonies, in an amount as | ||||||
25 | set by the judge, and such
bail shall be conditioned on his |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | appearing in the court issuing the warrant
on a certain date. | ||||||
2 | The judge may hold a hearing to determine if the
defendant is | ||||||
3 | the same person as named in the warrant.
| ||||||
4 | (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), any | ||||||
5 | person
arrested in a county other than the one in which a | ||||||
6 | warrant for his arrest
was issued, may waive the right to be | ||||||
7 | taken before a judge in the county
where the arrest was made. | ||||||
8 | If a person so arrested waives such right, the
arresting | ||||||
9 | agency shall surrender such person to a law enforcement agency | ||||||
10 | of
the county that issued the warrant without unnecessary | ||||||
11 | delay. The
provisions of Section 109-1 shall then apply to the | ||||||
12 | person so arrested.
| ||||||
13 | (c) If a defendant is charged with a felony offense, but | ||||||
14 | has a warrant in another county, the defendant shall be taken | ||||||
15 | to the county that issued the warrant within 72 hours of the | ||||||
16 | completion of condition or detention hearing, so that release | ||||||
17 | or detention status can be resolved. This provision shall not | ||||||
18 | apply to warrants issued outside of Illinois. | ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 86-298; 101-652.)
| ||||||
20 | (725 ILCS 5/109-3) (from Ch. 38, par. 109-3)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 109-3. Preliminary examination.)
| ||||||
22 | (a) The judge shall hold the defendant to answer to the | ||||||
23 | court having
jurisdiction of the offense if from the evidence | ||||||
24 | it appears there is
probable cause to believe an offense has | ||||||
25 | been committed by the
defendant, as provided in Section |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 109-3.1 of this Code, if the offense is a felony.
| ||||||
2 | (b) If the defendant waives preliminary examination the | ||||||
3 | judge shall hold
him to answer and may, or on the demand of the | ||||||
4 | prosecuting attorney shall,
cause the witnesses for the State | ||||||
5 | to be examined. After hearing the
testimony if it appears that | ||||||
6 | there is not probable cause to believe the
defendant guilty of | ||||||
7 | any offense the judge shall discharge him.
| ||||||
8 | (c) During the examination of any witness or when the | ||||||
9 | defendant is
making a statement or testifying the judge may | ||||||
10 | and on the request of the
defendant or State shall exclude all | ||||||
11 | other witnesses. He may also cause the
witnesses to be kept | ||||||
12 | separate and to be prevented from communicating with
each | ||||||
13 | other until all are examined.
| ||||||
14 | (d) If the defendant is held to answer the judge may | ||||||
15 | require any
material witness for the State or defendant to | ||||||
16 | enter into a written
undertaking to appear at the trial, and | ||||||
17 | may provide for the forfeiture of a
sum certain in the event | ||||||
18 | the witness does not appear at the trial. Any
witness who | ||||||
19 | refuses to execute a recognizance may be committed by the | ||||||
20 | judge
to the custody of the sheriff until trial or further | ||||||
21 | order of the court
having jurisdiction of the cause. Any | ||||||
22 | witness who executes a recognizance
and fails to comply with | ||||||
23 | its terms shall, in addition to any forfeiture
provided in the | ||||||
24 | recognizance, be subject to the penalty provided in Section
| ||||||
25 | 32-10 of the Criminal Code of 2012 for violation of the | ||||||
26 | conditions of pretrial release bail bond .
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (e) During preliminary hearing or examination the | ||||||
2 | defendant may move for
an order of suppression of evidence | ||||||
3 | pursuant to Section 114-11 or 114-12
of this Act or for other | ||||||
4 | reasons, and may move for dismissal of the charge
pursuant to | ||||||
5 | Section 114-1 of this Act or for other reasons.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13; 101-652.)
| ||||||
7 | (725 ILCS 5/109-3.1) (from Ch. 38, par. 109-3.1)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 109-3.1. Persons Charged with Felonies. (a) In any | ||||||
9 | case involving a person charged with a felony in this State,
| ||||||
10 | alleged to have been committed on or after January 1, 1984, the | ||||||
11 | provisions
of this Section shall apply.
| ||||||
12 | (b) Every person in custody in this State for the alleged | ||||||
13 | commission of
a felony shall receive either a preliminary | ||||||
14 | examination as provided in Section
109-3 or an indictment by | ||||||
15 | Grand Jury as provided in Section 111-2, within
30 days from | ||||||
16 | the date he or she was taken into custody. Every person on | ||||||
17 | pretrial release
bail or recognizance for the alleged | ||||||
18 | commission of a felony shall receive
either a preliminary | ||||||
19 | examination as provided in Section 109-3 or an indictment
by | ||||||
20 | Grand Jury as provided in Section 111-2, within 60 days from | ||||||
21 | the date he
or she was arrested.
| ||||||
22 | The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply in the | ||||||
23 | following situations:
| ||||||
24 | (1) when delay is occasioned by the defendant; or
| ||||||
25 | (2) when the defendant has been indicted by the Grand Jury |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | on the felony
offense for which he or she was initially taken | ||||||
2 | into custody or on an offense
arising from the same | ||||||
3 | transaction or conduct of the defendant that was the
basis for | ||||||
4 | the felony offense or offenses initially charged; or
| ||||||
5 | (3) when a competency examination is ordered by the court; | ||||||
6 | or
| ||||||
7 | (4) when a competency hearing is held; or
| ||||||
8 | (5) when an adjudication of incompetency for trial has | ||||||
9 | been made; or
| ||||||
10 | (6) when the case has been continued by the court under | ||||||
11 | Section 114-4 of
this Code after a determination that the | ||||||
12 | defendant is physically incompetent
to stand trial.
| ||||||
13 | (c) Delay occasioned by the defendant shall temporarily | ||||||
14 | suspend, for the
time of the delay, the period within which the | ||||||
15 | preliminary examination must
be held. On the day of expiration | ||||||
16 | of the delay the period in question shall
continue at the point | ||||||
17 | at which it was suspended.
| ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 83-644; 101-652.)
| ||||||
19 | (725 ILCS 5/Art. 110 heading) | ||||||
| ||||||
21 | (725 ILCS 5/110-1) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-1)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 110-1. Definitions. (a) (Blank). "Security" is that | ||||||
23 | which is required to be
pledged to insure the payment of bail.
| ||||||
24 | (b) "Sureties" encompasses the monetary and nonmonetary |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | requirements
set by the court as conditions for release either | ||||||
2 | before or after
conviction. "Surety" is one who executes a | ||||||
3 | bail bond and binds himself to pay
the bail if the person in | ||||||
4 | custody fails to comply with all conditions of
the bail bond.
| ||||||
5 | (c) The phrase "for which a sentence of imprisonment, | ||||||
6 | without
conditional and revocable release, shall be imposed by | ||||||
7 | law as a consequence
of conviction" means an offense for which | ||||||
8 | a sentence of imprisonment,
without probation, periodic | ||||||
9 | imprisonment or conditional discharge, is
required by law upon | ||||||
10 | conviction.
| ||||||
11 | (d) (Blank.) "Real and present threat to the physical | ||||||
12 | safety of any person or
persons", as used in this Article, | ||||||
13 | includes a threat to the community,
person, persons or class | ||||||
14 | of persons. | ||||||
15 | (e) Willful flight means planning or attempting to | ||||||
16 | intentionally evade prosecution by concealing oneself. Simple | ||||||
17 | past non-appearance in court alone is not evidence of future | ||||||
18 | intent to evade prosecution.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 85-892; 101-652.)
| ||||||
20 | (725 ILCS 5/110-1.1 new) | ||||||
21 | Sec. 110-1.1. Legislative findings. The General Assembly | ||||||
22 | finds that: | ||||||
23 | (1) The constitutional presumption of innocence and | ||||||
24 | reasonable bail shall be honored, by providing for release of | ||||||
25 | persons charged with crimes on the least restrictive |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | conditions that reasonably assure the person would (i) not | ||||||
2 | endanger public safety while awaiting trial and (ii) appear in | ||||||
3 | court as directed. | ||||||
4 | (2) Courts should first and foremost consider nonfinancial | ||||||
5 | bail alternatives and release on recognizance. To the extent | ||||||
6 | that it is used, money bail should be a method of release, not | ||||||
7 | a de facto method of detention, and must be attainable. No | ||||||
8 | defendant should be detained solely because they are | ||||||
9 | financially unable to post a money bond. | ||||||
10 | (3) Decisions regarding release, conditions of release, | ||||||
11 | and detention prior to trial should be individualized. | ||||||
12 | (4) Locally imposed exceptions to release of individuals | ||||||
13 | who are statutorily eligible for pretrial release shall be | ||||||
14 | precluded. | ||||||
15 | (5) Limited preventive detention of individuals charged | ||||||
16 | with statutory delineated exceptions shall be allowed, but | ||||||
17 | only after a due process hearing at which the individual's | ||||||
18 | risk to public safety or risk of flight is lawfully | ||||||
19 | established by clear and convincing evidence. | ||||||
20 | (6) Pretrial detention of any individual solely due to | ||||||
21 | inability to meet a financial condition of release shall be | ||||||
22 | prohibited. | ||||||
23 | (7) A systematic mechanism to identify any individual who | ||||||
24 | remains in custody solely due to inability to meet a financial | ||||||
25 | condition of release shall be established and used to cause | ||||||
26 | prompt reconsideration in that case. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (8) The entire pretrial services system must be fair, | ||||||
2 | efficient, transparent, accountable and adequately-resourced; | ||||||
3 | it must use legal and evidence-based practices and have an | ||||||
4 | operational structure guided by the National Institute of | ||||||
5 | Corrections.
| ||||||
6 | (725 ILCS 5/110-2) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-2)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 110-2. Release on own recognizance. | ||||||
8 | (a) It is presumed that a defendant is entitled to release | ||||||
9 | on personal recognizance on the condition that the defendant | ||||||
10 | attend all required court proceedings and the defendant does | ||||||
11 | not commit any criminal offense, and complies with all terms | ||||||
12 | of pretrial release, including, but not limited to, orders of | ||||||
13 | protection under both Section 112A-4 of this Code and Section | ||||||
14 | 214 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986, all civil no | ||||||
15 | contact orders, and all stalking no contact orders. | ||||||
16 | (b) Additional conditions of release, including those | ||||||
17 | highlighted above, shall be set only when it is determined | ||||||
18 | that they are necessary to assure the defendant's appearance | ||||||
19 | in court, assure the defendant does not commit any criminal | ||||||
20 | offense, and complies with all conditions of pretrial release. | ||||||
21 | (c) Detention only shall be imposed when it is determined | ||||||
22 | that the defendant poses a specific, real and present threat | ||||||
23 | to a person, or has a high likelihood of willful flight. If the | ||||||
24 | court deems that the defendant is to be released on personal | ||||||
25 | recognizance, the court may require that a written |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | admonishment be signed by When from all the circumstances the | ||||||
2 | court is of the opinion that the
defendant will appear as | ||||||
3 | required either before or after
conviction and the
defendant | ||||||
4 | will not pose a danger to any person or the community
and that | ||||||
5 | the
defendant will comply with all conditions of bond, which
| ||||||
6 | shall include the defendant's current address with a written | ||||||
7 | admonishment to
the defendant requiring that he or she must | ||||||
8 | comply with the provisions of Section 110-12
of this Code | ||||||
9 | regarding any change in his or her address . The , the defendant | ||||||
10 | may be released on his or her own recognizance upon signature . | ||||||
11 | The
defendant's address shall at all times remain a matter of | ||||||
12 | public record with
the clerk of the court. A failure to appear | ||||||
13 | as
required by such recognizance shall constitute an offense | ||||||
14 | subject to the
penalty provided in Section 32-10 of the | ||||||
15 | Criminal Code of 2012 for violation of the conditions of | ||||||
16 | pretrial release
bail bond, and any obligated sum fixed in the | ||||||
17 | recognizance shall be
forfeited and collected in accordance | ||||||
18 | with subsection (g) of Section 110-7
of this Code .
| ||||||
19 | (d) If, after the procedures set out in Section 110-6.1, | ||||||
20 | the court decides to detain the defendant, the Court must make | ||||||
21 | a written finding as to why less restrictive conditions would | ||||||
22 | not assure safety to the community and assure the defendant's | ||||||
23 | appearance in court. At each subsequent appearance of the | ||||||
24 | defendant before the Court, the judge must find that continued | ||||||
25 | detention or the current set of conditions imposed are | ||||||
26 | necessary to avoid the specific, real and present threat to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | any person or of willful flight from prosecution to continue | ||||||
2 | detention of the defendant. The court is not required to be | ||||||
3 | presented with new information or a change in circumstance to | ||||||
4 | consider reconsidering pretrial detention on current | ||||||
5 | conditions. | ||||||
6 | (e) This Section shall be liberally construed to | ||||||
7 | effectuate the purpose of
relying upon contempt of court | ||||||
8 | proceedings or criminal sanctions
instead of financial loss to | ||||||
9 | assure the
appearance of the defendant, and that the defendant | ||||||
10 | will not pose a danger to
any person or the community and that | ||||||
11 | the defendant will not pose comply with all
conditions of | ||||||
12 | bond. Monetary bail should be set only when it is
determined | ||||||
13 | that no other conditions of release will reasonably assure the
| ||||||
14 | defendant's appearance in court, that the defendant does not | ||||||
15 | present a
danger to any person or the community and that the | ||||||
16 | defendant will comply
with all conditions of pretrial release | ||||||
17 | bond .
| ||||||
18 | The State may appeal any order permitting release by | ||||||
19 | personal recognizance.
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13; 101-652.)
| ||||||
21 | (725 ILCS 5/110-3) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-3)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 110-3. Options for warrant alternatives Issuance of | ||||||
23 | warrant . | ||||||
24 | (a) Upon failure to comply with any condition of pretrial | ||||||
25 | release a bail bond or recognizance
the court having |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | jurisdiction at the time of such failure may, on its own motion | ||||||
2 | or upon motion from the State, issue an order to show cause as | ||||||
3 | to why he or she shall not be subject to revocation of pretrial | ||||||
4 | release, or for sanctions, as provided in Section 110-6. | ||||||
5 | Nothing in this Section prohibits the court from issuing a | ||||||
6 | warrant under subsection (c) upon failure to comply with any | ||||||
7 | condition of pretrial release or recognizance. | ||||||
8 | (b) The order issued by the court shall state the facts | ||||||
9 | alleged to constitute the hearing to show cause or otherwise | ||||||
10 | why the person is subject to revocation of pretrial release. A | ||||||
11 | certified copy of the order shall be served upon the person at | ||||||
12 | least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled hearing. | ||||||
13 | (c) If the person does not appear at the hearing to show | ||||||
14 | cause or absconds, the court may, in addition
to any other | ||||||
15 | action provided by law, issue a warrant for the arrest of the
| ||||||
16 | person at liberty on pretrial release bail or his own | ||||||
17 | recognizance .
The contents of such a warrant shall be the same | ||||||
18 | as required for an arrest
warrant issued upon complaint and | ||||||
19 | may modify any previously imposed conditions placed upon the | ||||||
20 | person, rather than revoking pretrial release or issuing a | ||||||
21 | warrant for the person in accordance with the requirements in | ||||||
22 | subsections (d) and (e) of Section 110-5 . When a defendant is | ||||||
23 | at liberty on pretrial release bail or
his own recognizance on | ||||||
24 | a
felony charge and fails to appear in court as directed, the | ||||||
25 | court may shall
issue a warrant for the arrest of such person | ||||||
26 | after his or her failure to appear at the show for cause |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | hearing as provided in this Section . Such warrant shall be | ||||||
2 | noted
with a directive to peace officers to arrest the person | ||||||
3 | and hold such
person without pretrial release bail and to | ||||||
4 | deliver such person before the court for further
proceedings. | ||||||
5 | (d) If the order as described in Subsection B is issued, a | ||||||
6 | failure to appear shall not be recorded until the Defendant | ||||||
7 | fails to appear at the hearing to show cause. For the purpose | ||||||
8 | of any risk assessment or future evaluation of risk of willful | ||||||
9 | flight or risk of failure to appear, a non-appearance in court | ||||||
10 | cured by an appearance at the hearing to show cause shall not | ||||||
11 | be considered as evidence of future likelihood appearance in | ||||||
12 | court. A defendant who is arrested or surrenders within 30 | ||||||
13 | days of
the issuance of such warrant shall not be bailable in | ||||||
14 | the case in question
unless he shows by the preponderance of | ||||||
15 | the evidence that his failure to
appear was not intentional.
| ||||||
16 | (Source: P.A. 86-298; 86-984; 86-1028; 101-652.)
| ||||||
17 | (725 ILCS 5/110-4) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-4)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 110-4. Pretrial release Bailable Offenses .
| ||||||
19 | (a) All persons charged with an offense shall be eligible | ||||||
20 | for pretrial
release before conviction. Pretrial release may | ||||||
21 | only be denied when a
person is charged with an offense listed | ||||||
22 | in Section 110-6.1 or when the defendant has a high likelihood | ||||||
23 | of willful
flight, and after the court has held a hearing under | ||||||
24 | Section
110-6.1. All persons shall be bailable before | ||||||
25 | conviction, except the
following offenses where the proof is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | evident or the presumption great that
the defendant is guilty | ||||||
2 | of the offense: capital offenses; offenses for
which a | ||||||
3 | sentence of life imprisonment may be imposed as a consequence | ||||||
4 | of
conviction; felony offenses for which a sentence of | ||||||
5 | imprisonment,
without conditional and revocable release, shall | ||||||
6 | be imposed
by law as a consequence of conviction, where the | ||||||
7 | court after a hearing,
determines that the release of the | ||||||
8 | defendant would pose a real and present
threat to the physical | ||||||
9 | safety of any person or persons; stalking or
aggravated | ||||||
10 | stalking, where the court, after a hearing, determines that | ||||||
11 | the
release of the defendant would pose a real and present | ||||||
12 | threat to the
physical safety of the alleged victim of the | ||||||
13 | offense and denial of bail
is necessary to prevent fulfillment | ||||||
14 | of the threat upon which the charge
is based;
or unlawful use | ||||||
15 | of weapons in violation of item (4) of subsection (a) of
| ||||||
16 | Section 24-1 of the
Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code | ||||||
17 | of 2012 when that offense occurred in a school or in any
| ||||||
18 | conveyance owned,
leased, or contracted by a school to | ||||||
19 | transport students to or from school or a
| ||||||
20 | activity, or on any public way within 1,000 feet of real | ||||||
21 | property comprising
any school, where
the court, after a | ||||||
22 | hearing, determines that the release of the defendant would
| ||||||
23 | pose a real and
present threat to the physical safety of any | ||||||
24 | person and denial of bail is
necessary to prevent
fulfillment | ||||||
25 | of that threat; or making a terrorist threat in violation of
| ||||||
26 | Section 29D-20 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Code of 2012 or an attempt to commit the offense of making a | ||||||
2 | terrorist threat, where the court, after a hearing, determines | ||||||
3 | that the release of the defendant would pose a real and present | ||||||
4 | threat to the physical safety of any person and denial of bail | ||||||
5 | is necessary to prevent fulfillment of that threat.
| ||||||
6 | (b) A person seeking pretrial release on bail who is | ||||||
7 | charged with a capital
offense or an offense for which a | ||||||
8 | sentence of life imprisonment may be
imposed shall not be | ||||||
9 | eligible for release pretrial bailable until a hearing is held | ||||||
10 | wherein such person
has the burden of demonstrating that the | ||||||
11 | proof of his guilt is not evident
and the presumption is not | ||||||
12 | great.
| ||||||
13 | (c) Where it is alleged that pretrial bail should be | ||||||
14 | denied to a person upon the
grounds that the person presents a | ||||||
15 | real and present threat to the physical
safety of any person or | ||||||
16 | persons, the burden of proof of such allegations
shall be upon | ||||||
17 | the State.
| ||||||
18 | (d) When it is alleged that pretrial bail should be denied | ||||||
19 | to a person
charged with stalking or aggravated stalking upon | ||||||
20 | the grounds set forth in
Section 110-6.3 of this Code, the | ||||||
21 | burden of proof of those allegations shall be
upon the State.
| ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13; 101-652.)
| ||||||
23 | (725 ILCS 5/110-5) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-5)
| ||||||
24 | Sec. 110-5. Determining the amount of bail and conditions | ||||||
25 | of release.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) In determining which the amount of monetary bail or | ||||||
2 | conditions of pretrial release, if
which will reasonably | ||||||
3 | assure the appearance of a defendant as required or
the safety | ||||||
4 | of any other person or the community and the likelihood of
| ||||||
5 | compliance by the
defendant with all the conditions of | ||||||
6 | pretrial release bail , the court shall, on the
basis of | ||||||
7 | available information, take into account such matters as : | ||||||
8 | (1) the
nature and circumstances of the offense | ||||||
9 | charged ; | ||||||
10 | (2) the weight of the evidence against the eligible | ||||||
11 | defendant, except that the court may consider the | ||||||
12 | admissibility of any evidence sought to be excluded; | ||||||
13 | (3) the history and characteristics of the eligible | ||||||
14 | defendant, including: | ||||||
15 | (A) the eligible defendant's character, physical | ||||||
16 | and mental condition, family ties, employment, | ||||||
17 | financial resources, length of residence in the | ||||||
18 | community, community ties, past relating to drug or | ||||||
19 | alcohol abuse, conduct, history criminal history, and | ||||||
20 | record concerning appearance at court proceedings; and | ||||||
21 | (B) whether, at the time of the current offense or | ||||||
22 | arrest, the eligible defendant was on probation, | ||||||
23 | parole, or on other release pending trial, sentencing, | ||||||
24 | appeal, or completion of sentence for an offense under | ||||||
25 | federal law, or the law of this or any other state; | ||||||
26 | (4) the nature and seriousness of the risk of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | obstructing or attempting to obstruct the criminal justice | ||||||
2 | process that would be posed by the eligible defendant's | ||||||
3 | release, if applicable; and | ||||||
4 | (4.1) the release recommendation of the pretrial | ||||||
5 | services agency, obtained using a risk assessment | ||||||
6 | instrument. | ||||||
7 | The court may consider the risk assessed through an | ||||||
8 | actuarial pretrial risk assessment instrument, except that the | ||||||
9 | court may not detain based solely on the results of that | ||||||
10 | instrument. specific, real and present threat to any person | ||||||
11 | that would be posed by the eligible defendant's release, if | ||||||
12 | applicable; as required under paragraph (7.5) of Section 4 of | ||||||
13 | the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act; and | ||||||
14 | (a-1) The Court shall, upon a detention determination, | ||||||
15 | state in writing the factual basis for its finding that, by | ||||||
16 | clear and convincing evidence, the defendant poses an | ||||||
17 | unmanageable risk to commit a violent offense or to willfully | ||||||
18 | fail to appear for scheduled court appearances and explaining | ||||||
19 | why less restrictive conditions of release would be | ||||||
20 | insufficient to protect the public or ensure that the | ||||||
21 | defendant returns to court. This written finding shall be | ||||||
22 | entered in every instance in which detention is ordered or in | ||||||
23 | which the conditions imposed by the court do not result in the | ||||||
24 | defendant's immediate release. | ||||||
25 | (5) the nature and seriousness of the risk of | ||||||
26 | obstructing or attempting to obstruct the criminal justice |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | process that would be posed by the eligible defendant's | ||||||
2 | release, if applicable. | ||||||
3 | (b) The court shall impose any conditions that are | ||||||
4 | mandatory under Section 110-10. The court may impose any | ||||||
5 | conditions that are permissible under Section 110-10.
| ||||||
6 | (a-5) There shall be a presumption that any conditions of | ||||||
7 | release imposed shall be non-monetary in nature and the court | ||||||
8 | shall impose the least restrictive and individualized | ||||||
9 | conditions or combination of conditions necessary to | ||||||
10 | reasonably assure the appearance of the defendant for further | ||||||
11 | court proceedings, provide reasonable assurance of public | ||||||
12 | safety, and protect the integrity of
the judicial proceedings | ||||||
13 | from a specific threat to a witness or
participant. Conditions | ||||||
14 | of release may include, but not be limited to, electronic home | ||||||
15 | monitoring, drug counseling, stay-away orders, and in-person | ||||||
16 | reporting. The court shall consider the defendant's | ||||||
17 | socio-economic circumstance when setting conditions of release | ||||||
18 | or imposing monetary bail. Conditions of bail requiring the | ||||||
19 | defendant to be placed on electronic home monitoring or to | ||||||
20 | undergo drug counseling are appropriate when used in | ||||||
21 | accordance with national best practices as detailed in the | ||||||
22 | Pretrial Supervision Standards of the Illinois Supreme Court. | ||||||
23 | (b) The amount of bail shall be:
| ||||||
24 | (1) Sufficient to assure compliance with the | ||||||
25 | conditions set forth in the
bail bond, which shall include | ||||||
26 | the defendant's current address with a written
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | admonishment to the defendant that he or she must comply | ||||||
2 | with the provisions of
Section 110-12 regarding any change | ||||||
3 | in his or her address. The defendant's
address shall at | ||||||
4 | all times remain a matter of public record with the clerk
| ||||||
5 | of the court.
| ||||||
6 | (2) Not oppressive.
| ||||||
7 | (3) Considerate of the financial ability of the | ||||||
8 | accused.
| ||||||
9 | (b-1) No defendant shall be solely detained due to his or | ||||||
10 | her inability to meet a financial condition of release. | ||||||
11 | (b-2) Sequential review procedures shall be adopted to | ||||||
12 | review pretrial release and detention decisions throughout the | ||||||
13 | pendency of the case. | ||||||
14 | (b-3) A defendant shall receive verbal and written | ||||||
15 | notification of all court-imposed bail conditions with clear | ||||||
16 | instructions for each condition. A Defendant shall also | ||||||
17 | receive verbal and written notification of subsequent court | ||||||
18 | dates, including date, time, and courtroom. | ||||||
19 | (c) When a person is charged with an offense punishable by | ||||||
20 | fine only the
amount of the bail shall not exceed double the | ||||||
21 | amount of the maximum penalty.
| ||||||
22 | (d) When a person has been convicted of an offense and only | ||||||
23 | a fine has
been imposed the amount of the bail shall not exceed | ||||||
24 | double the amount of
the fine.
| ||||||
25 | (e) The State may appeal any order granting bail or | ||||||
26 | setting
a given amount for bail. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (f) (b) When a person is charged with a violation of an | ||||||
2 | order of protection under Section 12-3.4 or 12-30 of the | ||||||
3 | Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 or when a | ||||||
4 | person is charged with domestic battery, aggravated domestic | ||||||
5 | battery, kidnapping, aggravated kidnaping, unlawful restraint, | ||||||
6 | aggravated unlawful restraint, stalking, aggravated stalking, | ||||||
7 | cyberstalking, harassment by telephone, harassment through | ||||||
8 | electronic communications, or an attempt to commit first | ||||||
9 | degree murder committed against an intimate partner regardless | ||||||
10 | whether an order of protection has been issued against the | ||||||
11 | person, | ||||||
12 | (1) whether the alleged incident involved harassment | ||||||
13 | or abuse, as defined in the Illinois Domestic Violence Act | ||||||
14 | of 1986; | ||||||
15 | (2) whether the person has a history of domestic | ||||||
16 | violence, as defined in the Illinois Domestic Violence | ||||||
17 | Act, or a history of other criminal acts; | ||||||
18 | (3) based on the mental health of the person; | ||||||
19 | (4) whether the person has a history of violating the | ||||||
20 | orders of any court or governmental entity; | ||||||
21 | (5) whether the person has been, or is, potentially a | ||||||
22 | threat to any other person; | ||||||
23 | (6) whether the person has access to deadly weapons or | ||||||
24 | a history of using deadly weapons; | ||||||
25 | (7) whether the person has a history of abusing | ||||||
26 | alcohol or any controlled substance; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (8) based on the severity of the alleged incident that | ||||||
2 | is the basis of the alleged offense, including, but not | ||||||
3 | limited to, the duration of the current incident, and | ||||||
4 | whether the alleged incident involved the use of a weapon, | ||||||
5 | physical injury, sexual assault, strangulation, abuse | ||||||
6 | during the alleged victim's pregnancy, abuse of pets, or | ||||||
7 | forcible entry to gain access to the alleged victim; | ||||||
8 | (9) whether a separation of the person from the victim | ||||||
9 | of abuse alleged victim or a termination of the | ||||||
10 | relationship between the person and the victim of abuse | ||||||
11 | alleged victim has recently occurred or is pending; | ||||||
12 | (10) whether the person has exhibited obsessive or | ||||||
13 | controlling behaviors toward the victim of abuse alleged | ||||||
14 | victim , including, but not limited to, stalking, | ||||||
15 | surveillance, or isolation of the victim of abuse alleged | ||||||
16 | victim or victim's family member or members; | ||||||
17 | (11) whether the person has expressed suicidal or | ||||||
18 | homicidal ideations; | ||||||
19 | (11.5) any other factors deemed by the court to have a | ||||||
20 | reasonable bearing upon the defendant's propensity or | ||||||
21 | reputation for violent, abusive or assaultive behavior, or | ||||||
22 | lack of that behavior | ||||||
23 | (12) based on any information contained in the | ||||||
24 | complaint and any police reports, affidavits, or other | ||||||
25 | documents accompanying the complaint, | ||||||
26 | the court may, in its discretion, order the respondent to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | undergo a risk assessment evaluation using a recognized, | ||||||
2 | evidence-based instrument conducted by an Illinois Department | ||||||
3 | of Human Services approved partner abuse intervention program | ||||||
4 | provider, pretrial service, probation, or parole agency. These | ||||||
5 | agencies shall have access to summaries of the defendant's | ||||||
6 | criminal history, which shall not include victim interviews or | ||||||
7 | information, for the risk evaluation. Based on the information | ||||||
8 | collected from the 12 points to be considered at a bail hearing | ||||||
9 | under this subsection (f), the results of any risk evaluation | ||||||
10 | conducted and the other circumstances of the violation, the | ||||||
11 | court may order that the person, as a condition of bail, be | ||||||
12 | placed under electronic surveillance as provided in Section | ||||||
13 | 5-8A-7 of the Unified Code of Corrections. Upon making a | ||||||
14 | determination whether or not to order the respondent to | ||||||
15 | undergo a risk assessment evaluation or to be placed under | ||||||
16 | electronic surveillance and risk assessment, the court shall | ||||||
17 | document in the record the court's reasons for making those | ||||||
18 | determinations. The cost of the electronic surveillance and | ||||||
19 | risk assessment shall be paid by, or on behalf, of the | ||||||
20 | defendant. As used in this subsection (f), "intimate partner" | ||||||
21 | means a spouse or a current or former partner in a cohabitation | ||||||
22 | or dating relationship. | ||||||
23 | (c) In cases of stalking or aggravated stalking under | ||||||
24 | Section 12-7.3 or 12-7.4 of the Criminal Code of 2012, the | ||||||
25 | court may consider the following additional factors: | ||||||
26 | (1) Any evidence of the defendant's prior criminal |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | history indicative of violent, abusive or assaultive | ||||||
2 | behavior, or lack of that behavior. The evidence may | ||||||
3 | include testimony or documents received in juvenile | ||||||
4 | proceedings, criminal, quasi-criminal, civil commitment, | ||||||
5 | domestic relations or other proceedings; | ||||||
6 | (2) Any evidence of the defendant's psychological, | ||||||
7 | psychiatric or other similar social history that tends to | ||||||
8 | indicate a violent, abusive, or assaultive nature, or lack | ||||||
9 | of any such history. | ||||||
10 | (3) The nature of the threat which is the basis of the | ||||||
11 | charge against the defendant; | ||||||
12 | (4) Any statements made by, or attributed to the | ||||||
13 | defendant, together with the circumstances surrounding | ||||||
14 | them; | ||||||
15 | (5) The age and physical condition of any person | ||||||
16 | allegedly assaulted by the defendant; | ||||||
17 | (6) Whether the defendant is known to possess or have | ||||||
18 | access to any weapon or weapons; | ||||||
19 | (7) Any other factors deemed by the court to have a | ||||||
20 | reasonable bearing upon the defendant's propensity or | ||||||
21 | reputation for violent, abusive or assaultive behavior, or | ||||||
22 | lack of that behavior. | ||||||
23 | (d) The Court may use a regularly validated risk | ||||||
24 | assessment tool to aid it determination of appropriate | ||||||
25 | conditions of release as provided for in Section 110-6.4. Risk | ||||||
26 | assessment tools may not be used as the sole basis to deny |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | pretrial release. If a risk assessment tool is used, the | ||||||
2 | defendant's counsel shall be provided with the information and | ||||||
3 | scoring system of the risk assessment tool used to arrive at | ||||||
4 | the determination. The defendant retains the right to | ||||||
5 | challenge the validity of a risk assessment tool used by the | ||||||
6 | court and to present evidence relevant to the defendant's | ||||||
7 | challenge. | ||||||
8 | (e) If a person remains in pretrial detention after his or | ||||||
9 | her pretrial conditions hearing after having been ordered | ||||||
10 | released with pretrial conditions, the court shall hold a | ||||||
11 | hearing to determine the reason for continued detention. If | ||||||
12 | the reason for continued detention is due to the | ||||||
13 | unavailability or the defendant's ineligibility for one or | ||||||
14 | more pretrial conditions previously ordered by the court or | ||||||
15 | directed by a pretrial services agency, the court shall reopen | ||||||
16 | the conditions of release hearing to determine what available | ||||||
17 | pretrial conditions exist that will reasonably assure the | ||||||
18 | appearance of a defendant as required or the safety of any | ||||||
19 | other person and the likelihood of compliance by the defendant | ||||||
20 | with all the conditions of pretrial release. The inability of | ||||||
21 | Defendant to pay for a condition of release or any other | ||||||
22 | ineligibility for a condition of pretrial release shall not be | ||||||
23 | used as a justification for the pretrial detention of that | ||||||
24 | Defendant. | ||||||
25 | (f) Prior to the defendant's first appearance, the Court | ||||||
26 | shall appoint the public defender or a licensed attorney at |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | law of this State to represent the Defendant for purposes of | ||||||
2 | that hearing, unless the defendant has obtained licensed | ||||||
3 | counsel for themselves. | ||||||
4 | (g) Electronic monitoring, GPS monitoring, or home | ||||||
5 | confinement can only be imposed condition of pretrial release | ||||||
6 | if a no less restrictive condition of release or combination | ||||||
7 | of less restrictive condition of release would reasonably | ||||||
8 | ensure the appearance of the defendant for later hearings or | ||||||
9 | protect an identifiable person or persons from imminent threat | ||||||
10 | of serious physical harm. | ||||||
11 | (h) If the court imposes electronic monitoring, GPS | ||||||
12 | monitoring, or home confinement the court shall set forth in | ||||||
13 | the record the basis for its finding. A defendant shall be | ||||||
14 | given custodial credit for each day he or she was subjected to | ||||||
15 | that program, at the same rate described in subsection (b) of | ||||||
16 | Section 5-4.5-100 of the unified code of correction. | ||||||
17 | (i) If electronic monitoring, GPS monitoring, or home | ||||||
18 | confinement is imposed, the court shall determine every 60 | ||||||
19 | days if no less restrictive condition of release or | ||||||
20 | combination of less restrictive conditions of release would | ||||||
21 | reasonably ensure the appearance, or continued appearance, of | ||||||
22 | the defendant for later hearings or protect an identifiable | ||||||
23 | person or persons from imminent threat of serious physical | ||||||
24 | harm. If the court finds that there are less restrictive | ||||||
25 | conditions of release, the court shall order that the | ||||||
26 | condition be removed. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (g) (j) Crime Victims shall be given notice by the State's | ||||||
2 | Attorney's office of this hearing as required in paragraph (1) | ||||||
3 | of subsection (b) of Section 4.5 of the Rights of Crime Victims | ||||||
4 | and Witnesses Act and shall be informed of their opportunity | ||||||
5 | at this hearing to obtain an order of protection under Article | ||||||
6 | 112A of this Code.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 100-1, eff. 1-1-18; 101-652, eff. 1-1-23.)
| ||||||
8 | (725 ILCS 5/110-5.2) | ||||||
9 | Sec. 110-5.2. Pretrial release Bail ; pregnant pre-trial | ||||||
10 | detainee. | ||||||
11 | (a) It is the policy of this State that a pre-trial | ||||||
12 | detainee shall not be required to deliver a child while in | ||||||
13 | custody absent a finding by the court that continued pre-trial | ||||||
14 | custody is necessary to protect the public or the victim of the | ||||||
15 | offense on which the charge is based. | ||||||
16 | (b) If the court reasonably believes that a pre-trial | ||||||
17 | detainee will give birth while in custody, the court shall | ||||||
18 | order an alternative to custody unless, after a hearing, the | ||||||
19 | court determines: | ||||||
20 | (1) that the release of the pregnant pre-trial | ||||||
21 | detainee would pose a real and present threat to the | ||||||
22 | physical safety of the alleged victim of the offense and | ||||||
23 | continuing custody is necessary to prevent the fulfillment | ||||||
24 | of the threat upon which the charge is based; or | ||||||
25 | (2) that the release of the pregnant pre-trial |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | detainee would pose a real and present threat to the | ||||||
2 | physical safety of any person or persons or the general | ||||||
3 | public. | ||||||
4 | (c) The court may order a pregnant or post-partum detainee | ||||||
5 | to be subject to electronic monitoring as a condition of | ||||||
6 | pre-trial release or order other condition or combination of | ||||||
7 | conditions the court reasonably determines are in the best | ||||||
8 | interest of the detainee and the public. | ||||||
9 | (d) This Section shall be applicable to a pregnant | ||||||
10 | pre-trial detainee in custody on or after the effective date | ||||||
11 | of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly.
| ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 100-630, eff. 1-1-19 ; 101-652.)
| ||||||
13 | (725 ILCS 5/110-6) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-6)
| ||||||
14 | Sec. 110-6. Revocation of pretrial release, modification | ||||||
15 | of conditions of pretrial release, and sanctions for | ||||||
16 | violations of conditions of pretrial release Modification of | ||||||
17 | bail or conditions . | ||||||
18 | (a) When a defendant is granted pretrial release under | ||||||
19 | this section, that pretrial release may be revoked only under | ||||||
20 | the following conditions: | ||||||
21 | (1) if the defendant is charged with a detainable | ||||||
22 | felony as defined in 110-6.1, a defendant may be detained | ||||||
23 | after the State files a verified petition for such a | ||||||
24 | hearing, and gives the defendant notice as prescribed in | ||||||
25 | 110-6.1; or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) in accordance with subsection (b) of this section. | ||||||
2 | (b) Revocation due to a new criminal charge: If an | ||||||
3 | individual, while on pretrial release for a Felony or Class A | ||||||
4 | misdemeanor under this Section, is charged with a new felony | ||||||
5 | or Class A misdemeanor under the Criminal Code of 2012, the | ||||||
6 | court may, on its own motion or motion of the state, begin | ||||||
7 | proceedings to revoke the individual's' pretrial release. | ||||||
8 | (1) When the defendant is charged with a felony or | ||||||
9 | class A misdemeanor offense and while free on pretrial | ||||||
10 | release bail is charged with a subsequent felony or class | ||||||
11 | A misdemeanor offense that is alleged to have occurred | ||||||
12 | during the defendant's pretrial release, the state may | ||||||
13 | file a verified petition for revocation of pretrial | ||||||
14 | release. | ||||||
15 | (2) When a defendant on pretrial release is charged | ||||||
16 | with a violation of an order of protection issued under | ||||||
17 | Section 112A-14 of this Code, or Section 214 of the | ||||||
18 | Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 or previously was | ||||||
19 | convicted of a violation of an order of protection under | ||||||
20 | Section 12-3.4 or 12-30 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the | ||||||
21 | Criminal Code of 2012, and the subject of the order of | ||||||
22 | protection is the same person as the victim in the | ||||||
23 | underlying matter, the state shall file a verified | ||||||
24 | petition for revocation of pretrial release. | ||||||
25 | (3) Upon the filing of this petition, the court shall | ||||||
26 | order the transfer of the defendant and the application to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the court before which the previous felony matter is | ||||||
2 | pending. The defendant shall be held without bond pending | ||||||
3 | transfer to and a hearing before such court. The defendant | ||||||
4 | shall be transferred to the court before which the | ||||||
5 | previous matter is pending without unnecessary delay. In | ||||||
6 | no event shall the time between the filing of the state's | ||||||
7 | petition for revocation and the defendant's appearance | ||||||
8 | before the court before which the previous matter is | ||||||
9 | pending exceed 72 hours. | ||||||
10 | (4) The court before which the previous felony matter | ||||||
11 | is pending may revoke the defendant's pretrial release | ||||||
12 | only if it finds, after considering all relevant | ||||||
13 | circumstances including, but not limited to, the nature | ||||||
14 | and seriousness of the violation or criminal act alleged, | ||||||
15 | by the court finds clear and convincing evidence that no | ||||||
16 | condition or combination of conditions of release would | ||||||
17 | reasonably assure the appearance of the defendant for | ||||||
18 | later hearings or prevent the defendant from being charged | ||||||
19 | with a subsequent felony or class A misdemeanor. | ||||||
20 | (5) In lieu of revocation, the court may release the | ||||||
21 | defendant pre-trial, with or without modification of | ||||||
22 | conditions of pretrial release. | ||||||
23 | (6) If the case that caused the revocation is | ||||||
24 | dismissed, the defendant is found not guilty in the case | ||||||
25 | causing the revocation, or the defendant completes a | ||||||
26 | lawfully imposed sentence on the case causing the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | revocation, the court shall, without unnecessary delay, | ||||||
2 | hold a hearing on conditions of release pursuant to | ||||||
3 | section 110-5 and release the defendant with or without | ||||||
4 | modification of conditions of pretrial release. | ||||||
5 | (7) Both the state and the defense may appeal an order | ||||||
6 | revoking pretrial release or denying a petition for | ||||||
7 | revocation of release. | ||||||
8 | (c) Violations other than re-arrest for a felony or class | ||||||
9 | A misdemeanor. If a defendant: | ||||||
10 | (1) fails to appear in court as required by their | ||||||
11 | conditions of release; | ||||||
12 | (2) is charged with a class B or C misdemeanor, petty | ||||||
13 | offense, traffic offense, or ordinance violation that is | ||||||
14 | alleged to have occurred during the defendant's pretrial | ||||||
15 | release; or | ||||||
16 | (3) violates any other condition of release set by the | ||||||
17 | court,
| ||||||
18 | the court shall follow the procedures set forth in Section | ||||||
19 | 110-3 to ensure the defendant's appearance in court to address | ||||||
20 | the violation. | ||||||
21 | (d) When a defendant appears in court for a notice to show | ||||||
22 | cause hearing, or after being arrested on a warrant issued | ||||||
23 | because of a failure to appear at a notice to show cause | ||||||
24 | hearing, or after being arrested for an offense other than a | ||||||
25 | felony or class A misdemeanor, the state may file a verified | ||||||
26 | petition requesting a hearing for sanctions. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (e) During the hearing for sanctions, the defendant shall | ||||||
2 | be represented by counsel and have an opportunity to be heard | ||||||
3 | regarding the violation and evidence in mitigation. The court | ||||||
4 | shall only impose sanctions if it finds by clear and | ||||||
5 | convincing evidence that: | ||||||
6 | 1. The defendant committed an act that violated a term | ||||||
7 | of their pretrial release; | ||||||
8 | 2. The defendant had actual knowledge that their | ||||||
9 | action would violate a court order; | ||||||
10 | 3. The violation of the court order was willful; and | ||||||
11 | 4. The violation was not caused by a lack of access to | ||||||
12 | financial monetary resources. | ||||||
13 | (f) Sanctions: sanctions for violations of pretrial | ||||||
14 | release may include: | ||||||
15 | 1. A verbal or written admonishment from the court; | ||||||
16 | 2. Imprisonment in the county jail for a period not | ||||||
17 | exceeding 30 days; | ||||||
18 | 3. A fine of not more than $200; or | ||||||
19 | 4. A modification of the defendant's pretrial | ||||||
20 | conditions. | ||||||
21 | (g) Modification of Pretrial Conditions | ||||||
22 | (a) The court may, at any time, after motion by either | ||||||
23 | party or on its own motion, remove previously set | ||||||
24 | conditions of pretrial release, subject to the provisions | ||||||
25 | in section (e). The court may only add or increase | ||||||
26 | conditions of pretrial release at a hearing under this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section, in a warrant issued under Section 110-3, or upon | ||||||
2 | motion from the state. | ||||||
3 | (b) Modification of conditions of release regarding | ||||||
4 | contact with victims or witnesses. The court shall not | ||||||
5 | remove a previously set condition of bond regulating | ||||||
6 | contact with a victim or witness in the case, unless the | ||||||
7 | subject of the condition has been given notice of the | ||||||
8 | hearing as required in paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of | ||||||
9 | Section 4.5 of the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses | ||||||
10 | Act. If the subject of the condition of release is not | ||||||
11 | present, the court shall follow the procedures of | ||||||
12 | paragraph (10) of subsection (c-1) of the Rights of Crime | ||||||
13 | Victims and Witnesses Act. | ||||||
14 | (a-1) (h) Notice to Victims: Crime Victims shall be given | ||||||
15 | notice by the State's Attorney's office of all hearings in | ||||||
16 | this section as required in paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of | ||||||
17 | Section 4.5 of the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act | ||||||
18 | and shall be informed of their opportunity at these hearing to | ||||||
19 | obtain an order of protection under Article 112A of this Code. | ||||||
20 | Upon verified application by
the State or the defendant or on | ||||||
21 | its own motion the court before which the
proceeding is
| ||||||
22 | pending may increase or reduce the amount of bail or may alter | ||||||
23 | the
conditions of the bail bond or grant bail where it has been | ||||||
24 | previously
revoked or denied.
If bail has been previously | ||||||
25 | revoked pursuant to subsection (f) of this
Section or if bail | ||||||
26 | has been denied to the defendant pursuant to subsection
(e) of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 110-6.1 or subsection (e) of Section 110-6.3, the | ||||||
2 | defendant
be required to present a
verified application | ||||||
3 | setting forth in detail any new facts not known or
obtainable | ||||||
4 | at the time of the previous revocation or denial of bail
| ||||||
5 | proceedings. If the court grants bail where it has been | ||||||
6 | previously revoked
or denied, the court shall state on the | ||||||
7 | record of the proceedings the
findings of facts and conclusion | ||||||
8 | of law upon which such order is based.
| ||||||
9 | (a-5) In addition to any other available motion or | ||||||
10 | procedure under this Code, a person in custody solely for a | ||||||
11 | Category B offense due to an inability to post monetary bail | ||||||
12 | shall be brought before the court at the next available court | ||||||
13 | date or 7 calendar days from the date bail was set, whichever | ||||||
14 | is earlier, for a rehearing on the amount or conditions of bail | ||||||
15 | or release pending further court proceedings. The court may | ||||||
16 | reconsider conditions of release for any other person whose | ||||||
17 | inability to post monetary bail is the sole reason for | ||||||
18 | continued incarceration, including a person in custody for a | ||||||
19 | Category A offense or a Category A offense and a Category B | ||||||
20 | offense. The court may deny the rehearing permitted under this | ||||||
21 | subsection (a-5) if the person has failed to appear as | ||||||
22 | required before the court and is incarcerated based on a | ||||||
23 | warrant for failure to appear on the same original criminal | ||||||
24 | offense. | ||||||
25 | (b) Violation of the conditions of Section
110-10 of this | ||||||
26 | Code or any special conditions of bail as ordered by the
court |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall constitute grounds for the court to increase
the amount | ||||||
2 | of bail, or otherwise alter the conditions of bail, or, where
| ||||||
3 | the alleged offense committed on bail is a forcible felony in | ||||||
4 | Illinois or
a Class 2 or greater offense under the Illinois
| ||||||
5 | Controlled Substances Act, the
Cannabis Control Act, or the | ||||||
6 | Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, revoke | ||||||
7 | bail
pursuant to the appropriate provisions of subsection (e) | ||||||
8 | of this
| ||||||
9 | (c) Reasonable notice of such application by the defendant | ||||||
10 | shall be
given to the State.
| ||||||
11 | (d) Reasonable notice of such application by the State | ||||||
12 | shall be
given to the defendant, except as provided in | ||||||
13 | subsection (e).
| ||||||
14 | (e) Upon verified application by the State stating facts | ||||||
15 | or
circumstances constituting a violation or a threatened
| ||||||
16 | violation of any of the
conditions of the bail bond the court | ||||||
17 | may issue a warrant commanding any
peace officer to bring the | ||||||
18 | defendant without unnecessary delay before
the court for a | ||||||
19 | hearing on the matters set forth in the application. If
the | ||||||
20 | actual court before which the proceeding is pending is absent | ||||||
21 | or
otherwise unavailable another court may issue a warrant | ||||||
22 | pursuant to this
Section. When the defendant is charged with a | ||||||
23 | felony offense and while
free on bail is charged with a | ||||||
24 | subsequent felony offense and is the subject
of a proceeding | ||||||
25 | set forth in Section 109-1 or 109-3 of this Code, upon the
| ||||||
26 | filing of a verified petition by the State alleging a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | violation of Section
110-10 (a) (4) of this Code, the court | ||||||
2 | shall without prior notice to the
defendant, grant leave to | ||||||
3 | file such application and shall order the
transfer of the | ||||||
4 | defendant and the application without unnecessary delay to
the | ||||||
5 | court before which the previous felony matter is pending for a | ||||||
6 | hearing
as provided in subsection (b) or this subsection of | ||||||
7 | this Section. The
defendant shall be held
without bond pending | ||||||
8 | transfer to and a hearing before such court. At
the conclusion | ||||||
9 | of the hearing based on a violation of the conditions of
| ||||||
10 | Section 110-10 of this Code or any special conditions of bail | ||||||
11 | as ordered by
the court the court may enter an order
increasing | ||||||
12 | the amount of bail or alter the conditions of bail as deemed
| ||||||
13 | appropriate.
| ||||||
14 | (f) Where the alleged violation consists of the violation | ||||||
15 | of
one or more felony statutes of any jurisdiction which would | ||||||
16 | be a
forcible felony in Illinois or a Class 2 or greater | ||||||
17 | offense under the
Illinois Controlled Substances Act, the
| ||||||
18 | Cannabis Control Act, or the Methamphetamine Control and | ||||||
19 | Community Protection Act and the
defendant is on bail for the | ||||||
20 | alleged
commission of a felony, or where the defendant is on | ||||||
21 | bail for a felony
domestic battery (enhanced pursuant to | ||||||
22 | subsection (b) of Section 12-3.2 of the
Criminal Code of 1961 | ||||||
23 | or the Criminal Code of 2012), aggravated
domestic battery, | ||||||
24 | aggravated battery, unlawful restraint, aggravated unlawful
| ||||||
25 | restraint or domestic battery in violation
of item (1) of | ||||||
26 | subsection (a) of Section 12-3.2 of the Criminal Code of 1961 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or the Criminal Code of 2012
against a
family or household | ||||||
2 | member as defined in Section 112A-3 of this Code and the
| ||||||
3 | violation is an offense of domestic battery against
the same | ||||||
4 | victim the court shall, on the motion of the State
or its own | ||||||
5 | motion, revoke bail
in accordance with the following | ||||||
6 | provisions:
| ||||||
7 | (1) The court shall hold the defendant without bail | ||||||
8 | pending
the hearing on the alleged breach; however, if the | ||||||
9 | defendant
is not admitted to bail the
hearing shall be | ||||||
10 | commenced within 10 days from the date the defendant is
| ||||||
11 | taken into custody or the defendant may not be held any | ||||||
12 | longer without bail, unless delay is occasioned by the | ||||||
13 | defendant. Where defendant
occasions the delay, the | ||||||
14 | running of the 10 day period is temporarily
suspended and | ||||||
15 | resumes at the termination of the period of delay. Where
| ||||||
16 | defendant occasions the delay with 5 or fewer days | ||||||
17 | remaining in the 10
day period, the court may grant a | ||||||
18 | period of up to 5 additional days to
the State for good | ||||||
19 | cause shown. The State, however, shall retain the
right to | ||||||
20 | proceed to hearing on the alleged violation at any time, | ||||||
21 | upon
reasonable notice to the defendant and the court.
| ||||||
22 | (2) At a hearing on the alleged violation the State | ||||||
23 | has the burden
of going forward and proving the violation | ||||||
24 | by clear and convincing
evidence. The evidence shall be | ||||||
25 | presented in open court with the
opportunity to testify, | ||||||
26 | to present witnesses in his behalf, and to
cross-examine |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | witnesses if any are called by the State, and | ||||||
2 | representation
by counsel and
if the defendant is indigent | ||||||
3 | to have counsel appointed for him. The
rules of evidence | ||||||
4 | applicable in criminal trials in this State shall not
| ||||||
5 | govern the admissibility of evidence at such hearing.
| ||||||
6 | Information used by the court in its findings or stated in | ||||||
7 | or offered in
connection with hearings for increase or | ||||||
8 | revocation of bail may be by way
of proffer based upon | ||||||
9 | reliable information offered by the State or
defendant. | ||||||
10 | All evidence shall be admissible if it is relevant and | ||||||
11 | reliable
regardless of whether it would be admissible | ||||||
12 | under the rules of evidence
applicable at criminal trials. | ||||||
13 | A motion by the defendant to suppress
evidence or to | ||||||
14 | suppress a confession shall not be entertained at such a
| ||||||
15 | hearing. Evidence that proof may have been obtained as a | ||||||
16 | result of an
unlawful search and seizure or through | ||||||
17 | improper interrogation is not
relevant to this hearing.
| ||||||
18 | (3) Upon a finding by the court that the State has | ||||||
19 | established by
clear and convincing evidence that the | ||||||
20 | defendant has committed a
forcible felony or a Class 2 or | ||||||
21 | greater offense under the Illinois Controlled
Substances | ||||||
22 | Act, the Cannabis Control Act, or the Methamphetamine | ||||||
23 | Control and Community Protection Act while admitted to | ||||||
24 | bail, or where the
defendant is on bail for a felony | ||||||
25 | domestic battery (enhanced pursuant to
subsection (b) of | ||||||
26 | Section 12-3.2 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Criminal Code of 2012), aggravated
domestic battery, | ||||||
2 | aggravated battery, unlawful
restraint, aggravated | ||||||
3 | unlawful restraint or domestic battery in violation of
| ||||||
4 | item (1) of subsection (a) of Section 12-3.2 of the | ||||||
5 | Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012
| ||||||
6 | a family or household member as defined in
Section 112A-3 | ||||||
7 | of this Code and the violation is an offense of domestic
| ||||||
8 | battery, against the same victim, the court
shall revoke | ||||||
9 | the bail of
the defendant and hold the defendant for trial | ||||||
10 | without bail. Neither the
finding of the court nor any | ||||||
11 | transcript or other record of the hearing
shall be | ||||||
12 | admissible in the State's case in chief, but shall be | ||||||
13 | admissible
for impeachment, or as provided in Section | ||||||
14 | 115-10.1 of this Code or in a
perjury proceeding.
| ||||||
15 | (4) If the bail of any defendant is revoked pursuant | ||||||
16 | to paragraph
(f) (3) of this Section, the defendant may | ||||||
17 | demand and shall be entitled
to be brought to trial on the | ||||||
18 | offense with respect to which he was
formerly released on | ||||||
19 | bail within 90 days after the date on which his
bail was | ||||||
20 | revoked. If the defendant is not brought to trial within | ||||||
21 | the
90 day period required by the preceding sentence, he | ||||||
22 | shall not be held
longer without bail. In computing the 90 | ||||||
23 | day period, the court shall
omit any period of delay | ||||||
24 | resulting from a continuance granted at the
request of the | ||||||
25 | defendant.
| ||||||
26 | (5) If the defendant either is arrested on a warrant |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | issued pursuant
to this Code or is arrested for an | ||||||
2 | unrelated offense and it is subsequently
discovered that | ||||||
3 | the defendant is a subject of another warrant or warrants
| ||||||
4 | issued pursuant to this Code, the defendant shall be | ||||||
5 | transferred promptly
to the court which issued such | ||||||
6 | warrant. If, however, the defendant appears
initially | ||||||
7 | before a court other than the court which issued such | ||||||
8 | warrant,
the non-issuing court shall not alter the amount | ||||||
9 | of bail set on
such warrant unless the court sets forth on | ||||||
10 | the record of proceedings the
conclusions of law and facts | ||||||
11 | which are the basis for such altering of
another court's | ||||||
12 | bond. The non-issuing court shall not alter another | ||||||
13 | court's
bail set on a warrant unless the interests of | ||||||
14 | justice and public safety are
served by such action.
| ||||||
15 | (g) The State may appeal any order where the court has | ||||||
16 | increased or reduced
the amount of bail or altered the | ||||||
17 | conditions of the bail bond or granted bail where it has | ||||||
18 | previously been revoked.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 100-1, eff. 1-1-18; 100-929, eff. 1-1-19 ; | ||||||
20 | 101-652.)
| ||||||
21 | (725 ILCS 5/110-6.1) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-6.1)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 110-6.1. Denial of pretrial release bail for certain | ||||||
23 | offenses .
| ||||||
24 | (a) Upon verified petition by the State, the court shall | ||||||
25 | hold a hearing and may deny to
determine whether bail should be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | denied to a defendant pretrial release only if: | ||||||
2 | (1) the defendant who is charged with
a forcible | ||||||
3 | felony offense for which a sentence of imprisonment, | ||||||
4 | without probation,
periodic imprisonment or conditional | ||||||
5 | discharge, is required by law upon
conviction, and when it | ||||||
6 | is alleged that the defendant's pretrial release poses a | ||||||
7 | specific, real and present threat to any person or the | ||||||
8 | community. admission to bail poses
a real and present | ||||||
9 | threat to the physical safety of any person or persons ; .
| ||||||
10 | (2) the defendant is charged with stalking or | ||||||
11 | aggravated stalking and it is alleged that the defendant's | ||||||
12 | pre-trial release poses a real and present threat to the | ||||||
13 | physical safety of a victim of the alleged offense, and | ||||||
14 | denial of release is necessary to prevent fulfillment of | ||||||
15 | the threat upon which the charge is based; | ||||||
16 | (3) the victim of abuse was a family or household | ||||||
17 | member as defined by paragraph (6) of Section 103 of the | ||||||
18 | Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986, and the person | ||||||
19 | charged, at the time of the alleged offense, was subject | ||||||
20 | to the terms of an order of protection issued under | ||||||
21 | Section 112A-14 of this Code, or Section 214 of the | ||||||
22 | Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 or previously was | ||||||
23 | convicted of a violation of an order of protection under | ||||||
24 | Section 12-3.4 or 12-30 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the | ||||||
25 | Criminal Code of 2012 or a violent crime if the victim was | ||||||
26 | a family or household member as defined by paragraph (6) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 at the time | ||||||
2 | of the offense or a violation of a substantially similar | ||||||
3 | municipal ordinance or law of this or any other state or | ||||||
4 | the United States if the victim was a family or household | ||||||
5 | member as defined by paragraph (6) of Section 103 of the | ||||||
6 | Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 at the time of the | ||||||
7 | offense, and it is alleged that the defendant's pre-trial | ||||||
8 | release poses a real and present threat to the physical | ||||||
9 | safety of any person or persons; | ||||||
10 | (4) the defendant is charged with domestic battery or | ||||||
11 | aggravated domestic battery under Section 12-3.2 or 12-3.3 | ||||||
12 | of the Criminal Code of 2012 and it is alleged that the | ||||||
13 | defendant's pretrial release poses a real and present | ||||||
14 | threat to the physical safety of any person or persons; | ||||||
15 | (5) the defendant is charged with any offense under | ||||||
16 | Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 2012, except for | ||||||
17 | Sections 11-30, 11-35, 11-40, and 11-45 of the Criminal | ||||||
18 | Code of 2012, or similar provisions of the Criminal Code | ||||||
19 | of 1961 and it is alleged that the defendant's pretrial | ||||||
20 | release poses a real and present threat to the physical | ||||||
21 | safety of any person or persons; | ||||||
22 | (6) the defendant is charged with any of these | ||||||
23 | violations under the Criminal Code of 2012 and it is | ||||||
24 | alleged that the defendant's pretrial releases poses a | ||||||
25 | real and present threat to the physical safety of any | ||||||
26 | specifically identifiable person or persons. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (A) Section 24-1.2 (aggravated discharge of a | ||||||
2 | firearm); | ||||||
3 | (B) Section 24-2.5 (aggravated discharge of a | ||||||
4 | machine gun or a firearm equipped with a device | ||||||
5 | designed or use for silencing the report of a | ||||||
6 | firearm); | ||||||
7 | (C) Section 24-1.5 (reckless discharge of a | ||||||
8 | firearm); | ||||||
9 | (D) Section 24-1.7 (armed habitual criminal); | ||||||
10 | (E) Section 24-2.2 2 (manufacture, sale or | ||||||
11 | transfer of bullets or shells represented to be armor | ||||||
12 | piercing bullets, dragon's breath shotgun shells, bolo | ||||||
13 | shells or flechette shells); | ||||||
14 | (F) Section 24-3 (unlawful sale or delivery of | ||||||
15 | firearms); | ||||||
16 | (G) Section 24-3.3 (unlawful sale or delivery of | ||||||
17 | firearms on the premises of any school); | ||||||
18 | (H) Section 24-34 (unlawful sale of firearms by | ||||||
19 | liquor license); | ||||||
20 | (I) Section 24-3.5 {unlawful purchase of a | ||||||
21 | firearm); | ||||||
22 | (J) Section 24-3A (gunrunning); or | ||||||
23 | (K) Section on 24-3B (firearms trafficking ); | ||||||
24 | (L) Section 10-9 (b) (involuntary servitude); | ||||||
25 | (M) Section 10-9 (c) (involuntary sexual servitude | ||||||
26 | of a minor); |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (N) Section 10-9(d) (trafficking in persons); | ||||||
2 | (O) Non-probationable violations: (i) (unlawful | ||||||
3 | use or possession of weapons by felons or persons in | ||||||
4 | the Custody of the Department of Corrections | ||||||
5 | facilities (Section 24-1.1), (ii) aggravated unlawful | ||||||
6 | use of a weapon (Section 24-1.6, or (iii) aggravated | ||||||
7 | possession of a stolen firearm (Section 24-3.9); | ||||||
8 | (7) the person has a high likelihood of willful flight | ||||||
9 | to avoid prosecution and is charged with: | ||||||
10 | (A) Any felony described in Sections (a)(1) | ||||||
11 | through (a)(5) of this Section; or | ||||||
12 | (B) A felony offense other than a Class 4 offense. | ||||||
13 | (b) If the charged offense is a felony, the Court shall | ||||||
14 | hold a hearing pursuant to 109-3 of this Code to | ||||||
15 | determine whether there is probable cause the | ||||||
16 | defendant has committed an offense, unless a grand | ||||||
17 | jury has returned a true bill of indictment against | ||||||
18 | the defendant. If there is a finding of no probable | ||||||
19 | cause, the defendant shall be released. No such | ||||||
20 | finding is necessary if the defendant is charged with | ||||||
21 | a misdemeanor. | ||||||
22 | (c) Timing of petition.
| ||||||
23 | (1) A petition may be filed without prior notice to | ||||||
24 | the defendant at the
first appearance before a judge, or | ||||||
25 | within the 21 calendar days, except as
provided in Section | ||||||
26 | 110-6, after arrest and release of the defendant upon
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | reasonable notice to defendant; provided that while such | ||||||
2 | petition is
pending before the court, the defendant if | ||||||
3 | previously released shall not be
| ||||||
4 | (2) (2) Upon filing, the court shall immediately hold | ||||||
5 | a hearing on the petition unless a continuance is | ||||||
6 | requested. If a continuance is requested, the hearing | ||||||
7 | shall be held within 48 hours of the defendant's first | ||||||
8 | appearance if the defendant is charged with a Class X, | ||||||
9 | Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3 felony, and within 24 hours if | ||||||
10 | the defendant is charged with a Class 4 or misdemeanor | ||||||
11 | offense. The Court may deny and or grant the request for | ||||||
12 | continuance. If the court decides to grant the | ||||||
13 | continuance, the Court retains the discretion to detain or | ||||||
14 | release the defendant in the time between the filing of | ||||||
15 | the petition and the hearing. | ||||||
16 | (d) Contents of petition. | ||||||
17 | (1) The petition shall be verified by the State and | ||||||
18 | shall state the grounds upon which it contends the | ||||||
19 | defendant should be denied pretrial release, including the | ||||||
20 | identity of the specific person or persons the State | ||||||
21 | believes the defendant poses a danger to. | ||||||
22 | (2) Only one petition may be filed under this Section. | ||||||
23 | (e) Eligibility: All defendants shall be presumed eligible | ||||||
24 | for pretrial release, and the State shall bear the burden of | ||||||
25 | proving by clear and convincing evidence that: The hearing | ||||||
26 | shall be held immediately upon the defendant's appearance
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | before the court, unless for good cause shown the defendant or | ||||||
2 | the State
seeks a continuance. A continuance on motion of the
| ||||||
3 | defendant may not exceed 5 calendar days, and a continuance on | ||||||
4 | the motion
of the State may not exceed 3 calendar days. The | ||||||
5 | defendant may be held in
custody during such continuance.
| ||||||
6 | (b) The court may deny bail to the defendant where, after | ||||||
7 | the hearing, it
is determined that:
| ||||||
8 | (1) the proof is evident or the presumption great that | ||||||
9 | the defendant has
committed an offense listed in | ||||||
10 | paragraphs (1) through (6) of subsection (a) for which a | ||||||
11 | sentence of imprisonment, without
probation, periodic | ||||||
12 | imprisonment or conditional discharge, must be imposed
by | ||||||
13 | law as a consequence of conviction , and
| ||||||
14 | (2) the defendant poses a real and present threat to | ||||||
15 | the physical safety
of a specific, identifiable any person | ||||||
16 | or persons, by conduct which may include, but is not | ||||||
17 | limited
to, a forcible felony, the obstruction of justice,
| ||||||
18 | intimidation, injury, or abuse as defined by paragraph (1) | ||||||
19 | of Section 103 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of | ||||||
20 | 1986 physical harm, an offense under the Illinois
| ||||||
21 | Controlled Substances Act which is a Class X felony, or an | ||||||
22 | offense under the Methamphetamine Control and Community | ||||||
23 | Protection Act which is a Class X felony , and
| ||||||
24 | (3) the court finds that no condition or combination | ||||||
25 | of conditions set
forth in subsection (b) of Section | ||||||
26 | 110-10 of this Article can mitigate the real and present |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | threat to the safety of any ,
can reasonably assure the | ||||||
2 | physical safety of any other person or persons or the | ||||||
3 | defendant's willful flight .
| ||||||
4 | (b-5) The court shall deny bail only to a defendant | ||||||
5 | charged with a Class X felony, a Class 1 felony, or a crime of | ||||||
6 | violence as defined in Section 2 of the Crime Victims | ||||||
7 | Compensation Act. | ||||||
8 | (b-6) The court may order the pretrial detention of a | ||||||
9 | defendant only upon clear and convincing evidence as shown | ||||||
10 | through relevant facts and circumstances that: | ||||||
11 | (1) the person poses an unmanageable level of risk to | ||||||
12 | commit or attempt to commit an offense, while on pretrial | ||||||
13 | release against a reasonably identifiable person or groups | ||||||
14 | of persons; and | ||||||
15 | (2) that no condition or combination of conditions | ||||||
16 | will reasonably assure public safety or manage the | ||||||
17 | person's unmanageable level of risk. | ||||||
18 | (f) (c) Conduct of the hearings.
| ||||||
19 | (1) Prior
to the hearing the State shall tender to the | ||||||
20 | defendant copies of
defendant's criminal history | ||||||
21 | available, any written or
recorded statements, and the | ||||||
22 | substance of any oral statements made by
any person, if | ||||||
23 | relied upon by the State in its petition, and any police
| ||||||
24 | reports in the State's Attorney's possession at the time | ||||||
25 | of the hearing
that are required to be disclosed to the | ||||||
26 | defense under Illinois Supreme
Court rules. The hearing on |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the defendant's culpability and dangerousness shall be
| ||||||
2 | conducted in accordance with the following provisions:
| ||||||
3 | (2) The State or defendant may present evidence at the | ||||||
4 | hearing (A) Information used by the court in its findings | ||||||
5 | or stated in or
offered at such hearing may be by way of | ||||||
6 | proffer based upon reliable
information offered by the | ||||||
7 | State or by defendant . | ||||||
8 | (3) The defendant Defendant has the right to
be | ||||||
9 | represented by counsel, and if he or she is indigent, to | ||||||
10 | have counsel appointed
for him or her. The defendant . | ||||||
11 | Defendant shall have the opportunity to testify, to | ||||||
12 | present
witnesses on in his or her own behalf, and to | ||||||
13 | cross-examine any witnesses that if any are
called by the | ||||||
14 | State. | ||||||
15 | (4) If the defense seeks to call the complaining | ||||||
16 | witness as a witness in its favor, it shall petition the | ||||||
17 | court for permission. When the ends of justice so require, | ||||||
18 | the court may exercise its discretion and compel the | ||||||
19 | appearance of a complaining
witness. The court shall state | ||||||
20 | on the record reasons for granting a
defense request to | ||||||
21 | compel the presence of a complaining witness. In making a | ||||||
22 | determination under this section, the court shall state on | ||||||
23 | the record the reason for granting a defense request to | ||||||
24 | compel the presence of a complaining witness, and only | ||||||
25 | grant the request if the court finds by clear and | ||||||
26 | convincing evidence that the defendant will be materially |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | prejudiced if the complaining witness does not appear.
| ||||||
2 | Cross-examination of a complaining witness at the pretrial | ||||||
3 | detention hearing
for the purpose of impeaching the | ||||||
4 | witness' credibility is insufficient reason
to compel the | ||||||
5 | presence of the witness. In deciding whether to compel the
| ||||||
6 | appearance of a complaining witness, the court shall be | ||||||
7 | considerate of the
emotional and physical well-being of | ||||||
8 | the witness. The pre-trial detention
hearing is not to be | ||||||
9 | used for purposes of discovery, and the post
arraignment | ||||||
10 | rules of discovery do not apply. The State shall tender to | ||||||
11 | the
defendant, prior to the hearing, copies of defendant's | ||||||
12 | criminal history, if
any, if available, and any written or | ||||||
13 | recorded statements and the substance
of any oral | ||||||
14 | statements made by any person, if relied upon by the State | ||||||
15 | in
its petition. | ||||||
16 | (5) The rules concerning the admissibility of evidence | ||||||
17 | in
criminal trials do not apply to the presentation and | ||||||
18 | consideration of
information at the hearing. At the trial | ||||||
19 | concerning the offense for which
the hearing was conducted | ||||||
20 | neither the finding of the court nor any
transcript or | ||||||
21 | other record of the hearing shall be admissible in the
| ||||||
22 | State's case in chief, but shall be admissible for | ||||||
23 | impeachment, or as
provided in Section 115-10.1 of this | ||||||
24 | Code, or in a perjury proceeding.
| ||||||
25 | (6) The (B) A motion by the defendant may not move to | ||||||
26 | suppress evidence or to suppress a
confession , however, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | evidence shall not be entertained. Evidence that proof of | ||||||
2 | the charged crime may have been
obtained as the result of | ||||||
3 | an unlawful search or and seizure , or both, or through
| ||||||
4 | improper interrogation , is not relevant in assessing the | ||||||
5 | weight of the evidence against the defendant to this state | ||||||
6 | of the prosecution . | ||||||
7 | (7) Decisions regarding release, conditions of release | ||||||
8 | and detention prior trial should be individualized, and no | ||||||
9 | single factor or standard should be used exclusively to | ||||||
10 | make a condition or detention decision.
| ||||||
11 | (2) The facts relied upon by the court to support a | ||||||
12 | finding that the
defendant poses a real and present threat | ||||||
13 | to the physical safety of any
person or persons shall be | ||||||
14 | supported by clear and convincing evidence
presented by | ||||||
15 | the State.
| ||||||
16 | (g) (d) Factors to be considered in making a determination | ||||||
17 | of dangerousness.
The court may, in determining whether the | ||||||
18 | defendant poses a specific, imminent real and
present threat | ||||||
19 | of serious to the physical harm to an identifiable safety of | ||||||
20 | any person or persons, consider but
shall not be limited to | ||||||
21 | evidence or testimony concerning:
| ||||||
22 | (1) The nature and circumstances of any offense | ||||||
23 | charged, including
whether the offense is a crime of | ||||||
24 | violence, involving a weapon , or a sex offense .
| ||||||
25 | (2) The history and characteristics of the defendant | ||||||
26 | including:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (A) Any evidence of the defendant's prior criminal | ||||||
2 | history indicative of
violent, abusive or assaultive | ||||||
3 | behavior, or lack of such behavior. Such
evidence may | ||||||
4 | include testimony or documents received in juvenile
| ||||||
5 | proceedings, criminal, quasi-criminal, civil | ||||||
6 | commitment, domestic relations
or other proceedings.
| ||||||
7 | (B) Any evidence of the defendant's psychological, | ||||||
8 | psychiatric or other
similar social history which | ||||||
9 | tends to indicate a violent, abusive, or
assaultive | ||||||
10 | nature, or lack of any such history.
| ||||||
11 | (3) The identity of any person or persons to whose | ||||||
12 | safety the defendant
is believed to pose a threat, and the | ||||||
13 | nature of the threat;
| ||||||
14 | (4) Any statements made by, or attributed to the | ||||||
15 | defendant, together with
the circumstances surrounding | ||||||
16 | them;
| ||||||
17 | (5) The age and physical condition of any person | ||||||
18 | assaulted
by the defendant;
| ||||||
19 | (6) The age and physical condition of any victim or | ||||||
20 | complaining witness; | ||||||
21 | (7) Whether the defendant is known to possess or have | ||||||
22 | access to any
weapon or weapons;
| ||||||
23 | (8) (7) Whether, at the time of the current offense or | ||||||
24 | any other offense or
arrest, the defendant was on | ||||||
25 | probation, parole, aftercare release, mandatory supervised
| ||||||
26 | release or other release from custody pending trial, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | sentencing, appeal or
completion of sentence for an | ||||||
2 | offense under federal or state law;
| ||||||
3 | (9) (8) Any other factors, including those listed in | ||||||
4 | Section 110-5 of this
Article deemed by the court to have a | ||||||
5 | reasonable bearing upon the
defendant's propensity or | ||||||
6 | reputation for violent, abusive or assaultive
behavior, or | ||||||
7 | lack of such behavior.
| ||||||
8 | (h) (e) Detention order. The court shall, in any order for | ||||||
9 | detention:
| ||||||
10 | (1) briefly summarize the evidence of the defendant's | ||||||
11 | guilt or innocence, culpability and the court's its
| ||||||
12 | reasons for concluding that the defendant should be denied | ||||||
13 | pretrial release held without bail ;
| ||||||
14 | (2) direct that the defendant be committed to the | ||||||
15 | custody of the sheriff
for confinement in the county jail | ||||||
16 | pending trial;
| ||||||
17 | (3) direct that the defendant be given a reasonable | ||||||
18 | opportunity for
private consultation with counsel, and for | ||||||
19 | communication with others of his
or her choice by | ||||||
20 | visitation, mail and telephone; and
| ||||||
21 | (4) direct that the sheriff deliver the defendant as | ||||||
22 | required for
appearances in connection with court | ||||||
23 | proceedings.
| ||||||
24 | (i) Detention. (f) If the court enters an order for the | ||||||
25 | detention of the defendant
pursuant to subsection (e) of this | ||||||
26 | Section, the defendant
shall be brought to trial on the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | offense for which he is
detained within 90 days after the date | ||||||
2 | on which the order for detention was
entered. If the defendant | ||||||
3 | is not brought to trial within the 90 day period
required by | ||||||
4 | the preceding sentence, he shall not be denied pretrial | ||||||
5 | release held longer without
bail . In computing the 90 day | ||||||
6 | period, the court shall omit any period of
delay resulting | ||||||
7 | from a continuance granted at the request of the defendant.
| ||||||
8 | (j) (g) Rights of the defendant. Any person shall be | ||||||
9 | entitled to appeal any
order entered under this Section | ||||||
10 | denying pretrial release bail to the defendant.
| ||||||
11 | (k) Appeal. (h) The State may appeal any order entered | ||||||
12 | under this Section denying any
motion for denial of pretrial | ||||||
13 | release bail .
| ||||||
14 | (l) Presumption of innocence. (i) Nothing in this Section | ||||||
15 | shall be construed as modifying or limiting
in any way the | ||||||
16 | defendant's presumption of innocence in further criminal
| ||||||
17 | proceedings. | ||||||
18 | (j) (m) Victim notice. | ||||||
19 | (1) Crime Victims shall be given notice by the State's | ||||||
20 | Attorney's office of this hearing as required in paragraph | ||||||
21 | (1) of subsection (b) of Section 4.5 of the Rights of Crime | ||||||
22 | Victims and Witnesses Act and shall be informed of their | ||||||
23 | opportunity at this hearing to obtain an order of | ||||||
24 | protection under Article 112A of this Code.
| ||||||
25 | (Source: P.A. 98-558, eff. 1-1-14; 101-652.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (725 ILCS 5/110-6.2) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-6.2)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 110-6.2. Post-conviction Detention. | ||||||
3 | (a) The court may order
that a person who has been found | ||||||
4 | guilty of an offense and who is waiting
imposition or | ||||||
5 | execution of sentence be held without release bond unless the | ||||||
6 | court finds by
clear and convincing evidence that the person | ||||||
7 | is not likely to flee or pose
a danger to any other person or | ||||||
8 | the community if released under Sections
110-5 and 110-10 of | ||||||
9 | this Act.
| ||||||
10 | (b) The court may order that person who has been found | ||||||
11 | guilty of an
offense and sentenced to a term of imprisonment be | ||||||
12 | held without release bond
unless the court finds by clear and | ||||||
13 | convincing evidence that:
| ||||||
14 | (1) the person is not likely to
flee or pose a danger | ||||||
15 | to the safety of any other person or the community if
| ||||||
16 | released on bond pending appeal; and
| ||||||
17 | (2) that the appeal is not for purpose of delay and | ||||||
18 | raises a substantial
question of law or fact likely to | ||||||
19 | result in reversal or an order for a new trial.
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 96-1200, eff. 7-22-10; 101-652.)
| ||||||
21 | (725 ILCS 5/110-6.4) | ||||||
22 | Sec. 110-6.4. Statewide risk-assessment tool. | ||||||
23 | (a) In the interest of providing a state-specific tool to | ||||||
24 | be utilized in bail hearings, the Administrative Office of the | ||||||
25 | Illinois Courts shall develop a pretrial risk assessment |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | instrument based on research of the local defendant population | ||||||
2 | utilizing a comprehensive and robust source of statewide data | ||||||
3 | with the ability to differentiate as follows: | ||||||
4 | (1) Risk of failure to appear. | ||||||
5 | (2) Risk of willful failure to appear. | ||||||
6 | (3) Risk of new criminal offense. | ||||||
7 | (4) Risk of new violent criminal offense. | ||||||
8 | (5) Risk of new domestic violence criminal offense. | ||||||
9 | (b) In the interim of developing a statewide risk | ||||||
10 | assessment instrument, counties may continue to utilize their | ||||||
11 | current pretrial risk assessment instrument. Counties that are | ||||||
12 | not currently using a risk assessment instrument shall adopt, | ||||||
13 | in consultation with the Administrative Office of the Illinois | ||||||
14 | Courts, one of the following validated pretrial risk | ||||||
15 | assessment instruments when determining release and detention | ||||||
16 | decisions: | ||||||
17 | (1) Revised Virginia Pretrial Risk Assessment. | ||||||
18 | (2) Public Safety Assessment (PSA). | ||||||
19 | (3) Ohio Pretrial Risk Assessment. | ||||||
20 | (c) The Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts shall | ||||||
21 | develop a process to evaluate and improve the quality, | ||||||
22 | completeness and availability of data needed and collected to | ||||||
23 | develop and validate a statewide pretrial risk assessment | ||||||
24 | instrument. | ||||||
25 | (d) The Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts shall | ||||||
26 | adopt a mission and vision statement for pretrial supervision. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | The Supreme Court may establish a statewide | ||||||
2 | risk-assessment tool to be used in proceedings to assist the | ||||||
3 | court in establishing conditions of pretrial release for a | ||||||
4 | defendant by assessing the defendant's likelihood of appearing | ||||||
5 | at future court proceedings or determining if the defendant | ||||||
6 | poses a real and present threat to the physical safety of any | ||||||
7 | person or persons. The Supreme Court shall consider | ||||||
8 | establishing a risk-assessment tool that does not discriminate | ||||||
9 | on the basis of race, gender, educational level, | ||||||
10 | socio-economic status, or neighborhood. If a risk-assessment | ||||||
11 | tool is utilized within a circuit that does not require a | ||||||
12 | personal interview to be completed, the Chief Judge of the | ||||||
13 | circuit or the director of the pretrial services agency may | ||||||
14 | exempt the requirement under Section 9 and subsection (a) of | ||||||
15 | Section 7 of the Pretrial Services Act. | ||||||
16 | (e) For the purpose of this Section, "risk-assessment | ||||||
17 | tool" means an empirically validated, evidence-based screening | ||||||
18 | instrument that demonstrates reduced instances of a | ||||||
19 | defendant's failure to appear for further court proceedings or | ||||||
20 | prevents future criminal activity.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 100-1, eff. 1-1-18; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18; | ||||||
22 | 101-652.) | ||||||
23 | (725 ILCS 5/110-7.1 new) | ||||||
24 | Sec. 110-7.1. Deposit of bail security. | ||||||
25 | (a) The person for whom bail has been set shall execute the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | bail bond and deposit with the clerk of the court before which
| ||||||
2 | the proceeding is pending a sum of money equal to 10% of the
| ||||||
3 | bail, but in no event shall such deposit be less than $25. The
| ||||||
4 | clerk of the court shall provide a space on each form for a
| ||||||
5 | person other than the accused who has provided the money for
| ||||||
6 | the posting of bail to so indicate and a space signed by an
| ||||||
7 | accused who has executed the bail bond indicating whether a
| ||||||
8 | person other than the accused has provided the money for the
| ||||||
9 | posting of bail. The form shall also include a written notice
| ||||||
10 | to such person who has provided the defendant with the money
| ||||||
11 | for the posting of bail indicating that the bail may be used to
| ||||||
12 | pay costs, attorney's fees, fines, or other purposes
| ||||||
13 | authorized by the court and if the defendant fails to comply
| ||||||
14 | with the conditions of the bail bond, the court shall enter an
| ||||||
15 | order declaring the bail to be forfeited. The written notice | ||||||
16 | must be: | ||||||
17 | (1) distinguishable from the surrounding text; | ||||||
18 | (2) in
bold type or underscored; and | ||||||
19 | (3) in a type size at least 2
points larger than the | ||||||
20 | surrounding type. | ||||||
21 | When a person for
whom bail has been set is charged with an | ||||||
22 | offense under the
Illinois Controlled Substances Act or the | ||||||
23 | Methamphetamine
Control and Community Protection Act which is | ||||||
24 | a Class X
felony, or making a terrorist threat in violation of | ||||||
25 | Section
29D-20 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal | ||||||
26 | Code of
2012 or an attempt to commit the offense of making a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | terrorist
threat, the court may require the defendant to | ||||||
2 | deposit a sum
equal to 100% of the bail. Where any person is | ||||||
3 | charged with a
forcible felony while free on bail and is the | ||||||
4 | subject of
proceedings under Section 109-3 of this Code the | ||||||
5 | judge
conducting the preliminary examination may also conduct | ||||||
6 | a
hearing upon the application of the State pursuant to the
| ||||||
7 | provisions of Section 110-6 of this Code to increase or revoke
| ||||||
8 | the bail for that person's prior alleged offense. | ||||||
9 | (b) Upon depositing this sum and any bond fee authorized
| ||||||
10 | by law, the person shall be released from custody subject to
| ||||||
11 | the conditions of the bail bond. | ||||||
12 | (c) Once bail has been given and a charge is pending or is
| ||||||
13 | thereafter filed in or transferred to a court of competent
| ||||||
14 | jurisdiction the latter court shall continue the original bail | ||||||
15 | in that court subject to the provisions of Section 110-6 of
| ||||||
16 | this Code. | ||||||
17 | (d) After conviction the court may order that the original | ||||||
18 | bail stand as bail pending appeal or deny, increase or reduce
| ||||||
19 | bail subject to the provisions of Section 110-6.2. | ||||||
20 | (e) After the entry of an order by the trial court allowing
| ||||||
21 | or denying bail pending appeal either party may apply to the
| ||||||
22 | reviewing court having jurisdiction or to a justice thereof
| ||||||
23 | sitting in vacation for an order increasing or decreasing the
| ||||||
24 | amount of bail or allowing or denying bail pending appeal
| ||||||
25 | subject to the provisions of Section 110-6.2. | ||||||
26 | (f)(1) This paragraph (1) applies in cases other than the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | acquittal of the defendant. When the conditions of the bail
| ||||||
2 | bond have been performed and the accused has been discharged
| ||||||
3 | from all obligations in the cause the clerk of the court shall
| ||||||
4 | return to the accused or to the defendant's designee by an
| ||||||
5 | assignment executed at the time the bail amount is deposited, | ||||||
6 | unless the court orders otherwise, 90% of the sum which had
| ||||||
7 | been deposited and shall retain as bail bond costs 10% of the
| ||||||
8 | amount deposited. Bail bond deposited
by or on behalf of a | ||||||
9 | defendant in one case may be used, in the
court's discretion, | ||||||
10 | to satisfy financial obligations of that
same defendant | ||||||
11 | incurred in a different case due to a fine,
court costs, | ||||||
12 | restitution or fees of the defendant's attorney
of record. In | ||||||
13 | counties with a population of 3,000,000 or more, the court | ||||||
14 | shall not order bail bond deposited by or on behalf
of a | ||||||
15 | defendant in one case to be used to satisfy financial
| ||||||
16 | obligations of that same defendant in a different case until
| ||||||
17 | the bail bond is first used to satisfy court costs and
| ||||||
18 | attorney's fees in the case in which the bail bond has been
| ||||||
19 | deposited and any other unpaid child support obligations are
| ||||||
20 | satisfied. In counties with a population of less than
| ||||||
21 | 3,000,000, the court shall not order bail bond deposited by or
| ||||||
22 | on behalf of a defendant in one case to be used to satisfy
| ||||||
23 | financial obligations of that same defendant in a different
| ||||||
24 | case until the bail bond is first used to satisfy court costs
| ||||||
25 | in the case in which the bail bond has been deposited. At the
| ||||||
26 | request of the defendant the court may order such 90% of
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | defendant's bail deposit, or whatever amount is repayable to
| ||||||
2 | defendant from such deposit, to be paid to defendant's
| ||||||
3 | attorney of record. | ||||||
4 | (2) This paragraph (2) applies in cases of the acquittal
| ||||||
5 | of the defendant. If the defendant is acquitted, the court
| ||||||
6 | shall order 100% of the defendant's bail deposit returned to
| ||||||
7 | 20the defendant or to the defendant's designee by an | ||||||
8 | assignment
executed at the time the bail amount is deposited. | ||||||
9 | (g) If the accused does not comply with the conditions of
| ||||||
10 | the bail bond the court having jurisdiction shall enter an
| ||||||
11 | order declaring the bail to be forfeited. Notice of such order
| ||||||
12 | of forfeiture shall be mailed forthwith to the accused at his | ||||||
13 | last known address. If the accused does not appear and | ||||||
14 | surrender to the court having jurisdiction within 30 days from
| ||||||
15 | the date of the forfeiture or within such period satisfy the
| ||||||
16 | court that appearance and surrender by the accused is
| ||||||
17 | impossible and without his fault the court shall enter
| ||||||
18 | judgment for the State if the charge for which the bond was
| ||||||
19 | given was a felony or misdemeanor, or if the charge was
| ||||||
20 | quasi-criminal or traffic, judgment for the political
| ||||||
21 | subdivision of the State which prosecuted the case, against
| ||||||
22 | the accused for the amount of the bail and costs of the court
| ||||||
23 | proceedings; however, in counties with a population of less
| ||||||
24 | than 3,000,000, instead of the court entering a judgment for
| ||||||
25 | the full amount of the bond the court may, in its discretion,
| ||||||
26 | enter judgment for the cash deposit on the bond, less costs,
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | retain the deposit for further disposition or, if a cash bond
| ||||||
2 | was posted for failure to appear in a matter involving
| ||||||
3 | enforcement of child support or maintenance, the amount of the
| ||||||
4 | cash deposit on the bond, less outstanding costs, may be
| ||||||
5 | awarded to the person or entity to whom the child support or
| ||||||
6 | maintenance is due. The deposit made in accordance with
| ||||||
7 | paragraph (a) shall be applied to the payment of costs. If
| ||||||
8 | judgment is entered and any amount of such deposit remains
| ||||||
9 | after the payment of costs it shall be applied to payment of
| ||||||
10 | the judgment and transferred to the treasury of the municipal | ||||||
11 | corporation wherein the bond was taken if the offense was a
| ||||||
12 | violation of any penal ordinance of a political subdivision of
| ||||||
13 | this State, or to the treasury of the county wherein the bond | ||||||
14 | was taken if the offense was a violation of any penal statute
| ||||||
15 | of this State. The balance of the judgment may be enforced and
| ||||||
16 | collected in the same manner as a judgment entered in a civil
| ||||||
17 | action. | ||||||
18 | (h) After a judgment for a fine and court costs or either
| ||||||
19 | is entered in the prosecution of a cause in which a deposit had
| ||||||
20 | been made in accordance with paragraph (a) the balance of such
| ||||||
21 | deposit, after deduction of bail bond costs, shall be applied
| ||||||
22 | to the payment of the judgment. | ||||||
23 | (i) When a court appearance is required for an alleged
| ||||||
24 | violation of the Criminal Code of 1961, the Criminal Code of
| ||||||
25 | 2012, the Illinois Vehicle Code, the Wildlife Code, the Fish
| ||||||
26 | and Aquatic Life Code, the Child Passenger Protection Act, or
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | a comparable offense of a unit of local government as
| ||||||
2 | specified in Supreme Court Rule 551, and if the accused does
| ||||||
3 | not appear in court on the date set for appearance or any date | ||||||
4 | to which the case may be continued and the court issues an
| ||||||
5 | arrest warrant for the accused, based upon his or her failure
| ||||||
6 | to appear when having so previously been ordered to appear by
| ||||||
7 | the court, the accused upon his or her admission to bail shall
| ||||||
8 | be assessed by the court a fee of $75. Payment of the fee shall
| ||||||
9 | be a condition of release unless otherwise ordered by the
| ||||||
10 | court. The fee shall be in addition to any bail that the
| ||||||
11 | accused is required to deposit for the offense for which the
| ||||||
12 | accused has been charged and may not be used for the payment of
| ||||||
13 | court costs or fines assessed for the offense. The clerk of the | ||||||
14 | court shall remit $70 of the fee assessed to the arresting
| ||||||
15 | agency who brings the offender in on the arrest warrant. If the
| ||||||
16 | Illinois State Police is the arresting agency, $70 of the
fee | ||||||
17 | assessed shall be remitted by the clerk of the court to the
| ||||||
18 | State Treasurer within one month after receipt for deposit
| ||||||
19 | into the State Police Operations Assistance Fund. The clerk of
| ||||||
20 | the court shall remit $5 of the fee assessed to the Circuit
| ||||||
21 | Court Clerk Operation and Administrative Fund as provided in
| ||||||
22 | Section 27.3d of the Clerks of Courts Act.
| ||||||
23 | (725 ILCS 5/110-10) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-10)
| ||||||
24 | Sec. 110-10. Conditions of pretrial release bail bond .
| ||||||
25 | (a) Conditions of the bail bond shall be based on the least |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | restrictive means and focus only on requirements directly | ||||||
2 | related to reasonably assuring community safety and a | ||||||
3 | defendant's appearance as required in court. If a person is | ||||||
4 | released prior to conviction, either upon payment of
bail | ||||||
5 | security or on his or her own recognizance, the conditions of | ||||||
6 | pretrial release the bail
bond shall be that he or she will:
| ||||||
7 | (1) Appear to answer the charge in the court having | ||||||
8 | jurisdiction on
a day certain and thereafter as ordered by | ||||||
9 | the court until discharged or
final order of the court;
| ||||||
10 | (2) Submit himself or herself to the orders and | ||||||
11 | process of the court;
| ||||||
12 | (3) (Blank); Not depart this State without leave of | ||||||
13 | the court;
| ||||||
14 | (4) Not violate any criminal statute of any | ||||||
15 | jurisdiction;
| ||||||
16 | (5) At a time and place designated by the court, | ||||||
17 | surrender all firearms
in his or her possession to a law | ||||||
18 | enforcement officer designated by the court
to take | ||||||
19 | custody of and impound the firearms
and physically
| ||||||
20 | surrender his or her Firearm Owner's Identification Card | ||||||
21 | to the clerk of the
circuit court
when the offense the | ||||||
22 | person has
been charged with is a forcible felony, | ||||||
23 | stalking, aggravated stalking, domestic
battery, any | ||||||
24 | violation of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, the | ||||||
25 | Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, or | ||||||
26 | the
Cannabis Control Act that is classified as a Class 2 or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | greater felony, or any
felony violation of Article 24 of | ||||||
2 | the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012; the | ||||||
3 | court
however, forgo the imposition of this condition | ||||||
4 | when the
circumstances of the
case clearly do not warrant | ||||||
5 | it or when its imposition would be
if the | ||||||
6 | Firearm Owner's Identification Card is confiscated, the | ||||||
7 | clerk of the circuit court shall mail the confiscated card | ||||||
8 | to the Illinois State Police; all legally possessed | ||||||
9 | firearms shall be returned to the person upon
the charges | ||||||
10 | being dismissed, or if the person is found not guilty, | ||||||
11 | unless the
finding of not guilty is by reason of insanity; | ||||||
12 | and
| ||||||
13 | (6) At a time and place designated by the court, | ||||||
14 | submit to a
evaluation when the person has | ||||||
15 | been charged with a violation of item (4) of
| ||||||
16 | (a) of Section 24-1 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the | ||||||
17 | Criminal Code of 2012 and that violation occurred in
a | ||||||
18 | school
or in any conveyance owned, leased, or contracted | ||||||
19 | by a school to transport
students to or
from school or a | ||||||
20 | school-related activity, or on any public way within 1,000
| ||||||
21 | feet of real
property comprising any school.
| ||||||
22 | Psychological evaluations ordered pursuant to this Section | ||||||
23 | shall be completed
and made available to the State, | ||||||
24 | the defendant, and the court. As a further
condition of | ||||||
25 | pretrial release bail under
these circumstances, the court | ||||||
26 | shall order the defendant to refrain from
entering upon the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | property of the school, including any conveyance owned, | ||||||
2 | leased, or contracted
by a school to
transport students to or | ||||||
3 | from school or a school-related activity, or on any public way | ||||||
4 | within
1,000 feet of real property comprising any school. Upon | ||||||
5 | receipt of the psychological evaluation,
either the State or | ||||||
6 | the defendant may request a change in the conditions of | ||||||
7 | pretrial release bail , pursuant to
Section 110-6 of this Code. | ||||||
8 | The court may change the conditions of pretrial release bail | ||||||
9 | to include a
requirement that the defendant follow the | ||||||
10 | recommendations of the psychological evaluation,
including | ||||||
11 | undergoing psychiatric treatment. The conclusions of the
| ||||||
12 | psychological evaluation and
any statements elicited from the | ||||||
13 | defendant during its administration are not
admissible as | ||||||
14 | evidence
of guilt during the course of any trial on the charged | ||||||
15 | offense, unless the
defendant places his or her
mental | ||||||
16 | competency in issue.
| ||||||
17 | (b) The court may impose other conditions, such as the | ||||||
18 | following, if the
court finds that such conditions are | ||||||
19 | reasonably necessary to assure the
defendant's appearance in | ||||||
20 | court, protect the public from the defendant, or
prevent the | ||||||
21 | defendant's unlawful interference with the orderly | ||||||
22 | administration
of justice:
| ||||||
23 | (0.05) Not depart this State without leave of the | ||||||
24 | court; | ||||||
25 | (1) Report to or appear in person before such person | ||||||
26 | or agency as the
court may direct;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) Refrain from possessing a firearm or other | ||||||
2 | dangerous weapon;
| ||||||
3 | (3) Refrain from approaching or communicating with | ||||||
4 | particular persons or
classes of persons;
| ||||||
5 | (4) Refrain from going to certain described | ||||||
6 | geographical areas or
| ||||||
7 | (5) Refrain from engaging in certain activities or | ||||||
8 | indulging in
intoxicating liquors or in certain drugs;
| ||||||
9 | (6) Undergo treatment for drug addiction or | ||||||
10 | alcoholism;
| ||||||
11 | (7) Undergo medical or psychiatric treatment;
| ||||||
12 | (8) Work or pursue a course of study or vocational | ||||||
13 | training;
| ||||||
14 | (9) Attend or reside in a facility designated by the | ||||||
15 | court;
| ||||||
16 | (10) Support his or her dependents;
| ||||||
17 | (11) If a minor resides with his or her parents or in a | ||||||
18 | foster home,
attend school, attend a non-residential | ||||||
19 | program for youths, and contribute
to his or her own | ||||||
20 | support at home or in a foster home;
| ||||||
21 | (12) Observe any curfew ordered by the court;
| ||||||
22 | (13) Remain in the custody of such designated person | ||||||
23 | or organization
agreeing to supervise his release. Such | ||||||
24 | third party custodian shall be
responsible for notifying | ||||||
25 | the court if the defendant fails to observe the
conditions | ||||||
26 | of release which the custodian has agreed to monitor, and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall
be subject to contempt of court for failure so to | ||||||
2 | notify the court;
| ||||||
3 | (14) Be placed under direct supervision of the | ||||||
4 | Pretrial Services
Agency, Probation Department or Court | ||||||
5 | Services Department in a pretrial
bond home supervision | ||||||
6 | capacity with or without the use of an approved
electronic | ||||||
7 | monitoring device subject to Article 8A of Chapter V of | ||||||
8 | the
Unified Code of Corrections;
| ||||||
9 | (14.1) The court may shall impose upon a defendant who | ||||||
10 | is charged with any
alcohol, cannabis, methamphetamine, or | ||||||
11 | controlled substance violation and is placed under
direct | ||||||
12 | supervision of the Pretrial Services Agency, Probation | ||||||
13 | Department or
Court Services Department in a pretrial bond | ||||||
14 | home supervision capacity with
the use of an approved | ||||||
15 | monitoring device, as a condition of such pretrial | ||||||
16 | monitoring bail bond ,
a fee that represents costs | ||||||
17 | incidental to the electronic monitoring for each
day of | ||||||
18 | such pretrial bail supervision ordered by the
court, | ||||||
19 | unless after determining the inability of the defendant to | ||||||
20 | pay the
fee, the court assesses a lesser fee or no fee as | ||||||
21 | the case may be. The fee
shall be collected by the clerk of | ||||||
22 | the circuit court, except as provided in an administrative | ||||||
23 | order of the Chief Judge of the circuit court. The clerk of | ||||||
24 | the
circuit court shall pay all monies collected from this | ||||||
25 | fee to the county
treasurer for deposit in the substance | ||||||
26 | abuse services fund under Section
5-1086.1 of the Counties |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Code, except as provided in an administrative order of the | ||||||
2 | Chief Judge of the circuit court. | ||||||
3 | The Chief Judge of the circuit court of the county may | ||||||
4 | by administrative order establish a program for electronic | ||||||
5 | monitoring of offenders with regard to drug-related and | ||||||
6 | alcohol-related offenses, in which a vendor supplies and | ||||||
7 | monitors the operation of the electronic monitoring | ||||||
8 | device, and collects the fees on behalf of the county. The | ||||||
9 | program shall include provisions for indigent offenders | ||||||
10 | and the collection of unpaid fees. The program shall not | ||||||
11 | unduly burden the offender and shall be subject to review | ||||||
12 | by the Chief Judge. | ||||||
13 | The Chief Judge of the circuit court may suspend any | ||||||
14 | additional charges or fees for late payment, interest, or | ||||||
15 | damage to any device;
| ||||||
16 | (14.2) The court may shall impose upon all defendants, | ||||||
17 | including those
defendants subject to paragraph (14.1) | ||||||
18 | above, placed under direct supervision
of the Pretrial | ||||||
19 | Services Agency, Probation Department or Court Services
| ||||||
20 | Department in a pretrial bond home supervision capacity | ||||||
21 | with the use of an
approved monitoring device, as a | ||||||
22 | condition of such release bail bond , a fee
which shall | ||||||
23 | represent costs incidental to such
electronic monitoring | ||||||
24 | for each day of such bail supervision ordered by the
| ||||||
25 | court, unless after determining the inability of the | ||||||
26 | defendant to pay the fee,
the court assesses a lesser fee |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or no fee as the case may be. The fee shall be
collected by | ||||||
2 | the clerk of the circuit court, except as provided in an | ||||||
3 | administrative order of the Chief Judge of the circuit | ||||||
4 | court. The clerk of the circuit court
shall pay all monies | ||||||
5 | collected from this fee to the county treasurer who shall
| ||||||
6 | use the monies collected to defray the costs of | ||||||
7 | corrections. The county
treasurer shall deposit the fee | ||||||
8 | collected in the county working cash fund under
Section | ||||||
9 | 6-27001 or Section 6-29002 of the Counties Code, as the | ||||||
10 | case may
be, except as provided in an administrative order | ||||||
11 | of the Chief Judge of the circuit court. | ||||||
12 | The Chief Judge of the circuit court of the county may | ||||||
13 | by administrative order establish a program for electronic | ||||||
14 | monitoring of offenders with regard to drug-related and | ||||||
15 | alcohol-related offenses, in which a vendor supplies and | ||||||
16 | monitors the operation of the electronic monitoring | ||||||
17 | device, and collects the fees on behalf of the county. The | ||||||
18 | program shall include provisions for indigent offenders | ||||||
19 | and the collection of unpaid fees. The program shall not | ||||||
20 | unduly burden the offender and shall be subject to review | ||||||
21 | by the Chief Judge. | ||||||
22 | The Chief Judge of the circuit court may suspend any | ||||||
23 | additional charges or fees for late payment, interest, or | ||||||
24 | damage to any device;
| ||||||
25 | (14.3) The Chief Judge of the Judicial Circuit may | ||||||
26 | establish reasonable
fees to be paid by a person receiving |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | pretrial services while under supervision
of a pretrial | ||||||
2 | services agency, probation department, or court services
| ||||||
3 | department. Reasonable fees may be charged for pretrial | ||||||
4 | services
including, but not limited to, pretrial | ||||||
5 | supervision, diversion programs,
electronic monitoring, | ||||||
6 | victim impact services, drug and alcohol testing, DNA | ||||||
7 | testing, GPS electronic monitoring, assessments and | ||||||
8 | evaluations related to domestic violence and other | ||||||
9 | victims, and
victim mediation services. The person | ||||||
10 | receiving pretrial services may be
ordered to pay all | ||||||
11 | costs incidental to pretrial services in accordance with | ||||||
12 | his
or her ability to pay those costs;
| ||||||
13 | (14.4) For persons charged with violating Section | ||||||
14 | 11-501 of the Illinois
Vehicle Code, refrain from | ||||||
15 | operating a motor vehicle not equipped with an
ignition | ||||||
16 | interlock device, as defined in Section 1-129.1 of the | ||||||
17 | Illinois
Vehicle Code,
pursuant to the rules promulgated | ||||||
18 | by the Secretary of State for the
installation of ignition
| ||||||
19 | interlock devices. Under this condition the court may | ||||||
20 | allow a defendant who is
self-employed to operate a | ||||||
21 | vehicle owned by the defendant's employer that is
not | ||||||
22 | equipped with an ignition interlock device in the course | ||||||
23 | and scope of the
defendant's employment;
| ||||||
24 | (15) Comply with the terms and conditions of an order | ||||||
25 | of protection
issued by the court under the Illinois | ||||||
26 | Domestic Violence Act of 1986 or an
order of protection |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | issued by the court of another state, tribe, or United
| ||||||
2 | States territory;
| ||||||
3 | (16) (Blank); and
| ||||||
4 | (17) Such other reasonable conditions as the court may | ||||||
5 | impose.
| ||||||
6 | (b-5) Conditions of bail bond shall not mandate | ||||||
7 | rehabilitative services, such as substance abuse, mental | ||||||
8 | health, or partner abuse intervention programs, unless the | ||||||
9 | court finds them to be a risk factor directly related to | ||||||
10 | further criminal behavior and failure to appear at court | ||||||
11 | hearings. The inability to pay for such court-ordered services | ||||||
12 | shall not affect the defendant's release on bail bond. The | ||||||
13 | conditions of the bail bond shall not include punitive | ||||||
14 | measures of community service or restitution. | ||||||
15 | (b-6) If a defendant is released on bail or his or her own | ||||||
16 | recognizance, pretrial services agencies shall meet with the | ||||||
17 | defendant to review the court-ordered conditions, establish | ||||||
18 | expectations during pretrial supervision, answer questions, | ||||||
19 | and review future court appointments. Pretrial services | ||||||
20 | agencies shall monitor and maintain records of defendants' | ||||||
21 | compliance with conditions of release. | ||||||
22 | (b-7) Office visits to pretrial services agencies shall be | ||||||
23 | purposeful and used only to promote pretrial success. Office | ||||||
24 | visits shall not interfere with defendant protective factors, | ||||||
25 | such as work and school. | ||||||
26 | (b-8) Court ordered conditions of release shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | individualized in accordance with the defendant's identified | ||||||
2 | level of risk to reasonably assure public safety and guard | ||||||
3 | against non-court appearance during the pretrial phase of the | ||||||
4 | case. | ||||||
5 | (b-9) Conditions of bail bond requiring the defendant to | ||||||
6 | be placed on electronic home monitoring or to undergo drug | ||||||
7 | counseling are appropriate when used in accordance with | ||||||
8 | national best practices as detailed in the Pretrial | ||||||
9 | Supervision Standards of the Illinois Supreme Court. | ||||||
10 | (c) When a person is charged with an offense under Section | ||||||
11 | 11-1.20, 11-1.30, 11-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, 12-13, 12-14,
| ||||||
12 | 12-14.1,
12-15 or 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the | ||||||
13 | Criminal Code of 2012, involving a victim who is a
minor under | ||||||
14 | 18 years of age living in the same household with the defendant
| ||||||
15 | at the time of the offense, in granting bail or releasing the | ||||||
16 | defendant on
his own recognizance , the judge shall impose | ||||||
17 | conditions to restrict the
defendant's access to the victim | ||||||
18 | which may include, but are not limited to
conditions that he | ||||||
19 | will:
| ||||||
20 | 1. Vacate the household.
| ||||||
21 | 2. Make payment of temporary support to his | ||||||
22 | dependents.
| ||||||
23 | 3. Refrain from contact or communication with the | ||||||
24 | child victim, except
as ordered by the court.
| ||||||
25 | (d) When a person is charged with a criminal offense and | ||||||
26 | the victim is
a family or household member as defined in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Article 112A, conditions shall
be imposed at the time of the | ||||||
2 | defendant's release on bond that restrict the
defendant's | ||||||
3 | access to the victim.
Unless provided otherwise by the court, | ||||||
4 | the
restrictions shall include
requirements that the defendant | ||||||
5 | do the following:
| ||||||
6 | (1) refrain from contact or communication with the | ||||||
7 | victim for a
minimum period of 72 hours following the | ||||||
8 | defendant's release; and
| ||||||
9 | (2) refrain from entering or remaining at the victim's | ||||||
10 | residence for a
minimum period of 72 hours following the | ||||||
11 | defendant's release ; and | ||||||
12 | (3) based upon risk as determined by the court, be | ||||||
13 | placed on electronic home monitoring as provided in | ||||||
14 | Section 5-8A-7 of the Unified Code of Corrections .
| ||||||
15 | (e) Local law enforcement agencies shall develop | ||||||
16 | standardized pretrial release bond forms
for use in cases | ||||||
17 | involving family or household members as defined in
Article | ||||||
18 | 112A, including specific conditions of pretrial release bond | ||||||
19 | as provided in
subsection (d). Failure of any law enforcement | ||||||
20 | department to develop or use
those forms shall in no way limit | ||||||
21 | the applicability and enforcement of
subsections (d) and (f).
| ||||||
22 | (f) If the defendant is released admitted to bail after | ||||||
23 | conviction following appeal or other post-conviction | ||||||
24 | proceeding, the
conditions of the pretrial release bail bond | ||||||
25 | shall be that he will, in addition to the
conditions set forth | ||||||
26 | in subsections (a) and (b) hereof:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) Duly prosecute his appeal;
| ||||||
2 | (2) Appear at such time and place as the court may | ||||||
3 | direct;
| ||||||
4 | (3) Not depart this State without leave of the court;
| ||||||
5 | (4) Comply with such other reasonable conditions as | ||||||
6 | the court may
impose; and
| ||||||
7 | (5) If the judgment is affirmed or the cause reversed | ||||||
8 | and remanded
for a new trial, forthwith surrender to the | ||||||
9 | officer from whose custody
he was released bailed .
| ||||||
10 | (g) Upon a finding of guilty for any felony offense, the | ||||||
11 | defendant shall
physically surrender, at a time and place | ||||||
12 | designated by the court,
any and all firearms in his or her | ||||||
13 | possession and his or her Firearm Owner's
Identification Card | ||||||
14 | as a condition of being released remaining on bond pending | ||||||
15 | sentencing.
| ||||||
16 | (h) In the event the defendant is denied pretrial release | ||||||
17 | unable to post bond , the court may impose a no contact | ||||||
18 | provision with the victim or other interested party that shall | ||||||
19 | be enforced while the defendant remains in custody. | ||||||
20 | (i) If a defendant is on pretrial release, in order to | ||||||
21 | detain the defendant in response to noncompliance with bail | ||||||
22 | conditions, willful failures to appear or rearrests, the court | ||||||
23 | must find probable cause that a defendant on pretrial release | ||||||
24 | for any jailable offense has committed a new jailable offense | ||||||
25 | or failed to appear for court to avoid prosecution. The Court | ||||||
26 | must find by clear and convincing evidence as shown through |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | relevant facts and circumstances that the defendant poses | ||||||
2 | either a high risk to commit or attempt to commit any new | ||||||
3 | jailable offense against a person or persons or their property | ||||||
4 | or to willfully fail to appear for court to avoid prosecution.
| ||||||
5 | The Court must find by clear and convincing evidence that no | ||||||
6 | condition or combination of conditions will suffice to manage | ||||||
7 | the defendant's high level of risk.
The State must file a | ||||||
8 | written petition for detention and provide notice to the | ||||||
9 | defendant and the defendant's counsel. The petition shall | ||||||
10 | identify the eligible charged offense or offenses and list all | ||||||
11 | relevant facts and circumstances upon which the prosecution | ||||||
12 | intends to rely in seeking detention.
In considering the facts | ||||||
13 | and circumstances to detain persons under this subsection, the | ||||||
14 | court may rely substantially on the assessed risk from an | ||||||
15 | actuarial pretrial risk assessment instrument.
The court may | ||||||
16 | not impose a condition of release that results in the pretrial | ||||||
17 | detention of the defendant. However, the defendant's willful | ||||||
18 | refusal to agree to lawful conditions of release may result in | ||||||
19 | the detention of that defendant.
The court shall issue a | ||||||
20 | written order detailing the detention or restrictive | ||||||
21 | conditions of release and the factors upon which the court | ||||||
22 | relied to order the detention or restrictive conditions of | ||||||
23 | release. If detention is ordered, the court must further | ||||||
24 | detail the reasons why less restrictive conditions of release | ||||||
25 | would be insufficient to protect the public or ensure that the | ||||||
26 | defendant returns to court. No single offense or aggravating |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | factor should mandate a denial of bail. | ||||||
2 | (j) Each circuit, in consultation with the Administrative | ||||||
3 | Office of the Illinois Courts, shall develop and approve a | ||||||
4 | local process to promptly notify the court of facts concerning | ||||||
5 | compliance or noncompliance that may warrant modification of | ||||||
6 | release conditions and of any arrest of an individual released | ||||||
7 | pending further court appearances. | ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 101-138, eff. 1-1-20 ; 101-652.)
| ||||||
9 | (725 ILCS 5/110-11) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-11)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 110-11. Pretrial release Bail on a new trial. If the | ||||||
11 | judgment of conviction is reversed and the cause remanded for | ||||||
12 | a
new trial the trial court may order that the conditions of | ||||||
13 | pretrial release bail stand pending such trial,
or modify the | ||||||
14 | conditions of pretrial release reduce or increase bail .
| ||||||
15 | (Source: Laws 1963, p. 2836 ; P.A. 101-652.)
| ||||||
16 | (725 ILCS 5/110-12) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-12)
| ||||||
17 | Sec. 110-12. Notice of change of address.
| ||||||
18 | A defendant who has been admitted to pretrial release bail | ||||||
19 | shall file a written notice with the
clerk of the court before | ||||||
20 | which the proceeding is pending of any change in
his or her | ||||||
21 | address within 24 hours after such change, except that a
| ||||||
22 | defendant who
has been admitted to pretrial release bail for a | ||||||
23 | forcible felony as defined in Section 2-8 of
the Criminal Code | ||||||
24 | of 2012 shall
file a written notice with the clerk of the court |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | before which the proceeding
is pending and the clerk shall | ||||||
2 | immediately deliver a time stamped copy of the
written notice | ||||||
3 | to the State's Attorney charged with the prosecution within 24
| ||||||
4 | hours prior to such change. The address of a defendant who has | ||||||
5 | been admitted
to pretrial release bail shall at all times | ||||||
6 | remain a matter of public record with the clerk of
the court.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13; 101-652.)
| ||||||
8 | (725 ILCS 5/111-2) (from Ch. 38, par. 111-2)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 111-2. Commencement of prosecutions.
| ||||||
10 | (a) All prosecutions of
felonies shall be by information | ||||||
11 | or by indictment. No prosecution may be
pursued by information | ||||||
12 | unless a preliminary hearing has been held or
waived in | ||||||
13 | accordance with Section 109-3 and at that hearing probable
| ||||||
14 | cause to believe the defendant committed an offense was found, | ||||||
15 | and the
provisions of Section 109-3.1 of this Code have been | ||||||
16 | complied with.
| ||||||
17 | (b) All other prosecutions may be by indictment, | ||||||
18 | information or
| ||||||
19 | (c) Upon the filing of an information or indictment in | ||||||
20 | open
court charging the defendant with the commission of a sex | ||||||
21 | offense
defined in any Section of Article 11 of the Criminal | ||||||
22 | Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012,
and a minor as | ||||||
23 | defined in Section 1-3 of the Juvenile
Court Act of 1987 is | ||||||
24 | alleged to be the victim of the
commission of the acts of the | ||||||
25 | defendant in the commission of
such offense, the court may |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | appoint a guardian ad litem for the
minor as provided in | ||||||
2 | Section 2-17, 3-19, 4-16 or 5-610 of the
Juvenile Court Act of | ||||||
3 | 1987.
| ||||||
4 | (d) Upon the filing of an information or indictment in | ||||||
5 | open court,
the court shall immediately issue a warrant for | ||||||
6 | the arrest of each
person charged with an offense directed to a | ||||||
7 | peace officer or some other
person specifically named | ||||||
8 | commanding him to arrest such person.
| ||||||
9 | (e) When the offense is eligible for pretrial release | ||||||
10 | bailable , the judge shall endorse on the
warrant the | ||||||
11 | conditions of pretrial release amount of bail required by the | ||||||
12 | order of the court, and if
the court orders the process | ||||||
13 | returnable forthwith, the warrant shall
require that the | ||||||
14 | accused be arrested and brought immediately into court.
| ||||||
15 | (f) Where the prosecution of a felony is by information or | ||||||
16 | complaint
after preliminary hearing, or after a waiver of | ||||||
17 | preliminary hearing in
accordance with paragraph (a) of this | ||||||
18 | Section, such prosecution may be
for all offenses, arising | ||||||
19 | from the same transaction or conduct of a
defendant even | ||||||
20 | though the complaint or complaints filed at the
preliminary | ||||||
21 | hearing charged only one or some of the offenses arising
from | ||||||
22 | that transaction or conduct.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13; 101-652.)
| ||||||
24 | (725 ILCS 5/112A-23) (from Ch. 38, par. 112A-23)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 112A-23. Enforcement of protective orders.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) When violation is crime. A violation of any protective | ||||||
2 | order,
whether issued in a civil, quasi-criminal proceeding, | ||||||
3 | shall be
enforced by a
criminal court when:
| ||||||
4 | (1) The respondent commits the crime of violation of a | ||||||
5 | domestic violence order of
protection pursuant to Section | ||||||
6 | 12-3.4 or 12-30 of the Criminal Code of
1961 or the | ||||||
7 | Criminal Code of 2012, by
having knowingly violated:
| ||||||
8 | (i) remedies described in paragraph paragraphs | ||||||
9 | (1), (2), (3), (14),
of subsection (b) of | ||||||
10 | Section 112A-14 of this Code,
| ||||||
11 | (ii) a remedy, which is substantially similar to | ||||||
12 | the remedies
under paragraph paragraphs | ||||||
13 | (1), (2), (3), (14), or (14.5) of subsection (b) of | ||||||
14 | Section 214
of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of | ||||||
15 | 1986, in a valid order of protection,
which is | ||||||
16 | authorized under the laws of another state, tribe , or | ||||||
17 | United States
territory, or
| ||||||
18 | (iii) or any other remedy when the act
constitutes | ||||||
19 | a crime against the protected parties as defined by | ||||||
20 | the Criminal
Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012.
| ||||||
21 | Prosecution for a violation of a domestic violence | ||||||
22 | order of protection shall
not bar concurrent prosecution | ||||||
23 | for any other crime, including any crime
that may have | ||||||
24 | been committed at the time of the violation of the | ||||||
25 | domestic violence order
of protection; or
| ||||||
26 | (2) The respondent commits the crime of child |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | abduction pursuant
to Section 10-5 of the Criminal Code of | ||||||
2 | 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, by having knowingly | ||||||
3 | violated:
| ||||||
4 | (i) remedies described in paragraph paragraphs | ||||||
5 | (5), (6), or (8) of subsection
Section 112A-14 | ||||||
6 | of this Code, or
| ||||||
7 | (ii) a remedy, which is substantially similar to | ||||||
8 | the remedies
under paragraph paragraphs | ||||||
9 | (1),
(5), (6), or (8) of subsection (b) of Section 214
| ||||||
10 | of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986, in a | ||||||
11 | valid domestic violence order of protection,
which is | ||||||
12 | authorized under the laws of another state, tribe , or | ||||||
13 | United States
| ||||||
14 | (3) The respondent commits the crime of violation of a | ||||||
15 | civil no contact order when the respondent violates | ||||||
16 | Section 12-3.8 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
Prosecution | ||||||
17 | for a violation of a civil no contact order shall not bar | ||||||
18 | concurrent prosecution for any other crime, including any | ||||||
19 | crime that may have been committed at the time of the | ||||||
20 | violation of the civil no contact order. | ||||||
21 | (4) The respondent commits the crime of violation of a | ||||||
22 | stalking no contact order when the respondent violates | ||||||
23 | Section 12-3.9 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
Prosecution | ||||||
24 | for a violation of a stalking no contact order shall not | ||||||
25 | bar concurrent prosecution for any other crime, including | ||||||
26 | any crime that may have been committed at the time of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | violation of the stalking no contact order. | ||||||
2 | (b) When violation is contempt of court. A violation of | ||||||
3 | any valid protective order, whether issued in a civil or | ||||||
4 | criminal
proceeding, may be enforced through civil or criminal | ||||||
5 | contempt procedures,
as appropriate, by any court with | ||||||
6 | jurisdiction, regardless where the act or
acts which violated | ||||||
7 | the protective order were committed, to the extent
consistent | ||||||
8 | with the venue provisions of this Article. Nothing in this
| ||||||
9 | Article shall preclude any Illinois court from enforcing any | ||||||
10 | valid protective order issued in another state. Illinois | ||||||
11 | courts may enforce protective orders through both criminal | ||||||
12 | prosecution and contempt proceedings,
unless the action which | ||||||
13 | is second in time is barred by collateral estoppel
or the | ||||||
14 | constitutional prohibition against double jeopardy.
| ||||||
15 | (1) In a contempt proceeding where the petition for a | ||||||
16 | rule to show
cause sets forth facts evidencing an | ||||||
17 | immediate danger that the
respondent will flee the | ||||||
18 | jurisdiction, conceal a child, or inflict physical
abuse | ||||||
19 | on the petitioner or minor children or on dependent adults | ||||||
20 | in
petitioner's care, the court may order the
attachment | ||||||
21 | of the respondent without prior service of the rule to | ||||||
22 | show
cause or the petition for a rule to show cause. Bond | ||||||
23 | shall be set unless
specifically denied in writing.
| ||||||
24 | (2) A petition for a rule to show cause for violation | ||||||
25 | of a protective order shall be treated as an expedited | ||||||
26 | proceeding.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) Violation of custody, allocation of parental | ||||||
2 | responsibility, or support orders. A violation of remedies
| ||||||
3 | described in paragraph paragraphs (5), (6), (8), or (9) of | ||||||
4 | subsection (b) of Section
112A-14 of this Code may be enforced | ||||||
5 | by any remedy provided by Section 607.5 of
the Illinois | ||||||
6 | Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. The court may
| ||||||
7 | enforce any order for support issued under paragraph (12) of | ||||||
8 | subsection (b)
of Section 112A-14 of this Code in the manner | ||||||
9 | provided for under Parts
V and VII of the
Illinois Marriage and | ||||||
10 | Dissolution of Marriage Act.
| ||||||
11 | (d) Actual knowledge. A protective order may be
enforced | ||||||
12 | pursuant to this Section if the respondent violates the order
| ||||||
13 | after the respondent has actual knowledge of its contents
as | ||||||
14 | shown through one of the following means:
| ||||||
15 | (1) (Blank).
| ||||||
16 | (2) (Blank).
| ||||||
17 | (3) By service of a protective order under subsection | ||||||
18 | (f) of Section 112A-17.5 or Section 112A-22 of this Code.
| ||||||
19 | (4) By other means demonstrating actual knowledge of | ||||||
20 | the contents of the order.
| ||||||
21 | (e) The enforcement of a protective order in civil or | ||||||
22 | criminal court
shall not be affected by either of the | ||||||
23 | following:
| ||||||
24 | (1) The existence of a separate, correlative order | ||||||
25 | entered under Section
112A-15 of this Code.
| ||||||
26 | (2) Any finding or order entered in a conjoined |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | criminal proceeding.
| ||||||
2 | (e-5) If a civil no contact order entered under subsection | ||||||
3 | (6) of Section 112A-20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of | ||||||
4 | 1963 conflicts with an order issued pursuant to the Juvenile | ||||||
5 | Court Act of 1987 or the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of | ||||||
6 | Marriage Act, the conflicting order issued under subsection | ||||||
7 | (6) of Section 112A-20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of | ||||||
8 | 1963 shall be void. | ||||||
9 | (f) Circumstances. The court, when determining whether or | ||||||
10 | not a
violation of a protective order has occurred, shall not | ||||||
11 | require
physical manifestations of abuse on the person of the | ||||||
12 | victim.
| ||||||
13 | (g) Penalties.
| ||||||
14 | (1) Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this
| ||||||
15 | subsection (g), where the court finds the commission of a | ||||||
16 | crime or contempt of
court under subsection subsections | ||||||
17 | (a) or (b) of this Section, the penalty shall be
the | ||||||
18 | penalty that generally applies in such criminal or | ||||||
19 | contempt
proceedings, and may include one or more of the | ||||||
20 | following: incarceration,
payment of restitution, a fine, | ||||||
21 | payment of attorneys' fees and costs, or
community | ||||||
22 | service.
| ||||||
23 | (2) The court shall hear and take into account | ||||||
24 | evidence of any factors
in aggravation or mitigation | ||||||
25 | before deciding an appropriate penalty under
paragraph (1) | ||||||
26 | of this subsection (g).
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) To the extent permitted by law, the court is | ||||||
2 | encouraged to:
| ||||||
3 | (i) increase the penalty for the knowing violation | ||||||
4 | of
any protective order over any penalty previously | ||||||
5 | imposed by any court
for respondent's violation of any | ||||||
6 | protective order or penal statute
involving petitioner | ||||||
7 | as victim and respondent as defendant;
| ||||||
8 | (ii) impose a minimum penalty of 24 hours | ||||||
9 | imprisonment for respondent's
first violation of any | ||||||
10 | protective order; and
| ||||||
11 | (iii) impose a minimum penalty of 48 hours | ||||||
12 | imprisonment for
respondent's second or subsequent | ||||||
13 | violation of a protective order | ||||||
14 | unless the court explicitly finds that an increased | ||||||
15 | penalty or that
period of imprisonment would be manifestly | ||||||
16 | unjust.
| ||||||
17 | (4) In addition to any other penalties imposed for a | ||||||
18 | violation of a protective order, a criminal court may | ||||||
19 | consider evidence of any
violations of a protective order:
| ||||||
20 | (i) to increase, revoke, or modify the conditions | ||||||
21 | of pretrial release bail bond on an underlying
| ||||||
22 | criminal charge pursuant to Section 110-6 of this | ||||||
23 | Code;
| ||||||
24 | (ii) to revoke or modify an order of probation, | ||||||
25 | conditional discharge, or
supervision, pursuant to | ||||||
26 | Section 5-6-4 of the Unified Code of Corrections;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (iii) to revoke or modify a sentence of periodic | ||||||
2 | imprisonment, pursuant
to Section 5-7-2 of the Unified | ||||||
3 | Code of Corrections.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 101-652, eff. 1-1-23; 102-184, eff. 1-1-22; | ||||||
5 | 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; revised 10-12-21.)
| ||||||
6 | (725 ILCS 5/114-1) (from Ch. 38, par. 114-1)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 114-1. Motion to dismiss charge.
| ||||||
8 | (a) Upon the written motion of the defendant made prior to | ||||||
9 | trial before
or after a plea has been entered the court may | ||||||
10 | dismiss the indictment,
information or complaint upon any of | ||||||
11 | the following grounds:
| ||||||
12 | (1) The defendant has not been placed on trial in | ||||||
13 | compliance
with Section 103-5 of this Code.
| ||||||
14 | (2) The prosecution of the offense is barred by | ||||||
15 | Sections 3-3 through
3-8 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
| ||||||
16 | (3) The defendant has received immunity from | ||||||
17 | prosecution for the offense
| ||||||
18 | (4) The indictment was returned by a Grand Jury which | ||||||
19 | was improperly
selected and which results in substantial | ||||||
20 | injustice to the defendant.
| ||||||
21 | (5) The indictment was returned by a Grand Jury which | ||||||
22 | acted contrary to
Article 112 of this Code and which | ||||||
23 | results in substantial injustice to the
| ||||||
24 | (6) The court in which the charge has been filed does | ||||||
25 | not have
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (7) The county is an improper place of trial.
| ||||||
2 | (8) The charge does not state an offense.
| ||||||
3 | (9) The indictment is based solely upon the testimony | ||||||
4 | of an incompetent
| ||||||
5 | (10) The defendant is misnamed in the charge and the | ||||||
6 | misnomer results in
substantial injustice to the | ||||||
7 | defendant.
| ||||||
8 | (11) The requirements of Section 109-3.1 have not been | ||||||
9 | complied with.
| ||||||
10 | (b) The court shall require any motion to dismiss to be | ||||||
11 | filed within a
reasonable time after the defendant has been | ||||||
12 | arraigned. Any motion not
filed within such time or an | ||||||
13 | extension thereof shall not be considered by
the court and the | ||||||
14 | grounds therefor, except as to subsections (a)(6) and
(a)(8) | ||||||
15 | of this Section, are waived.
| ||||||
16 | (c) If the motion presents only an issue of law the court | ||||||
17 | shall
determine it without the necessity of further pleadings. | ||||||
18 | If the motion
alleges facts not of record in the case the State | ||||||
19 | shall file an answer
admitting or denying each of the factual | ||||||
20 | allegations of the motion.
| ||||||
21 | (d) When an issue of fact is presented by a motion to | ||||||
22 | dismiss and the
answer of the State the court shall conduct a | ||||||
23 | hearing and determine the
| ||||||
24 | (d-5) When a defendant seeks dismissal of the charge upon | ||||||
25 | the ground set
forth in subsection (a)(7) of this Section, the | ||||||
26 | defendant shall make a prima
facie showing that the county is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | an improper place of trial. Upon such
showing, the State shall | ||||||
2 | have the burden of proving, by a preponderance of
the | ||||||
3 | evidence, that the county is the proper place of trial.
| ||||||
4 | (d-6) When a defendant seeks dismissal of the charge upon | ||||||
5 | the grounds set forth in subsection (a)(2) of this Section, | ||||||
6 | the prosecution shall have the burden of proving, by a | ||||||
7 | preponderance of the evidence, that the
prosecution of the | ||||||
8 | offense is not barred by Sections 3-3 through 3-8 of the | ||||||
9 | Criminal Code of 2012. | ||||||
10 | (e) Dismissal of the charge upon the grounds set forth in | ||||||
11 | subsections
(a)(4) through (a)(11) of this Section shall not | ||||||
12 | prevent the return of a
new indictment or the filing of a new | ||||||
13 | charge, and upon such dismissal
the court may order that the | ||||||
14 | defendant be held in custody or, if the
defendant had been | ||||||
15 | previously released on pretrial release bail , that the | ||||||
16 | pretrial release bail be continued for a specified time | ||||||
17 | pending the return of a new
indictment or the filing of a new | ||||||
18 | charge.
| ||||||
19 | (f) If the court determines that the motion to dismiss | ||||||
20 | based upon the
grounds set forth in subsections (a)(6) and | ||||||
21 | (a)(7) is well founded it
may, instead of dismissal, order the | ||||||
22 | cause transferred to a court of
competent jurisdiction or to a | ||||||
23 | proper place of trial.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 100-434, eff. 1-1-18 ; 101-652.)
| ||||||
25 | (725 ILCS 5/115-4.1) (from Ch. 38, par. 115-4.1)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 115-4.1. Absence of defendant.
| ||||||
2 | (a) When a defendant after arrest
and an initial court | ||||||
3 | appearance for a non-capital felony or a misdemeanor,
fails to | ||||||
4 | appear for trial, at the request of the State and after the | ||||||
5 | State
has affirmatively proven through substantial evidence | ||||||
6 | that the defendant
is willfully avoiding trial, the court may | ||||||
7 | commence trial in the absence
of the defendant. Absence of a | ||||||
8 | defendant as specified in this Section
shall not be a bar to | ||||||
9 | indictment of a defendant, return of information
against a | ||||||
10 | defendant, or arraignment of a defendant for the charge for | ||||||
11 | which
pretrial release bail has been granted. If a defendant | ||||||
12 | fails
to appear at arraignment, the court may enter a plea of | ||||||
13 | "not guilty" on his
behalf. If a defendant absents himself | ||||||
14 | before trial on a capital felony,
trial may proceed as | ||||||
15 | specified in this Section provided that the State
certifies | ||||||
16 | that it will not seek a death sentence following conviction.
| ||||||
17 | Trial in the defendant's absence shall be by jury unless
the | ||||||
18 | defendant had previously waived trial by jury. The absent | ||||||
19 | defendant
must be represented by retained or appointed | ||||||
20 | counsel.
The court, at the conclusion of all of the | ||||||
21 | proceedings, may order the clerk
of the circuit court to pay | ||||||
22 | counsel such sum as the court deems reasonable,
from any bond | ||||||
23 | monies which were posted by the defendant with the clerk,
| ||||||
24 | after the clerk has first deducted all court costs. If trial | ||||||
25 | had previously
commenced in the presence of the defendant and | ||||||
26 | the defendant willfully absents
himself for two successive |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | court days, the court shall proceed to trial. All
procedural | ||||||
2 | rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, | ||||||
3 | Constitution
of the State of Illinois, statutes of the State | ||||||
4 | of Illinois, and rules of court
shall apply to the proceedings | ||||||
5 | the same as if the defendant were present
in court and had not | ||||||
6 | either had his or her pretrial release revoked forfeited his | ||||||
7 | bail bond or escaped
from custody. The court may set the case | ||||||
8 | for a trial which may be conducted
under this Section despite | ||||||
9 | the failure of the defendant to appear at the
hearing at which | ||||||
10 | the trial date is set. When such trial date is set the
clerk | ||||||
11 | shall send to the defendant, by certified mail at his last | ||||||
12 | known address
indicated on his bond slip, notice of the new | ||||||
13 | date which has been set for
trial. Such notification shall be | ||||||
14 | required when the defendant was not
personally present in open | ||||||
15 | court at the time when the case was set for trial.
| ||||||
16 | (b) The absence of a defendant from a trial conducted | ||||||
17 | pursuant to this
Section does not operate as a bar to | ||||||
18 | concluding the trial, to a judgment
of conviction resulting | ||||||
19 | therefrom, or to a final disposition of the trial
in favor of | ||||||
20 | the defendant.
| ||||||
21 | (c) Upon a verdict of not guilty, the court shall enter | ||||||
22 | judgment for the
defendant. Upon a verdict of guilty, the | ||||||
23 | court shall set a date for the
hearing of post-trial motions | ||||||
24 | and shall hear such motion in the absence
of the defendant. If | ||||||
25 | post-trial motions are denied, the court shall proceed
to | ||||||
26 | conduct a sentencing hearing and to impose a sentence upon the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | defendant.
| ||||||
2 | (d) A defendant who is absent for part of the proceedings | ||||||
3 | of trial,
post-trial motions, or sentencing, does not thereby | ||||||
4 | forfeit his right to be
present at all remaining proceedings.
| ||||||
5 | (e) When a defendant who in his absence has been either | ||||||
6 | convicted or
sentenced or both convicted and sentenced appears | ||||||
7 | before the court, he must
be granted a new trial or new | ||||||
8 | sentencing hearing if the defendant can
establish that his | ||||||
9 | failure to appear in court was both without his fault
and due | ||||||
10 | to circumstances beyond his control. A hearing with notice to | ||||||
11 | the
State's Attorney on the defendant's request for a new | ||||||
12 | trial or a new
sentencing hearing must be held before any such | ||||||
13 | request may be granted. At
any such hearing both the defendant | ||||||
14 | and the State may present evidence.
| ||||||
15 | (f) If the court grants only the defendant's request for a | ||||||
16 | new sentencing
hearing, then a new sentencing hearing shall be | ||||||
17 | held in accordance with
the provisions of the Unified Code of | ||||||
18 | Corrections. At any such hearing,
both the defendant and the | ||||||
19 | State may offer evidence of the defendant's conduct
during his | ||||||
20 | period of absence from the court. The court may impose any | ||||||
21 | sentence
authorized by the Unified Code of Corrections and is | ||||||
22 | not in any way limited
or restricted by any sentence | ||||||
23 | previously imposed.
| ||||||
24 | (g) A defendant whose motion under paragraph (e) for a new | ||||||
25 | trial or new
sentencing hearing has been denied may file a | ||||||
26 | notice of appeal therefrom.
Such notice may also include a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | request for review of the judgment and sentence
not vacated by | ||||||
2 | the trial court.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 90-787, eff. 8-14-98; 101-652.)
| ||||||
4 | (725 ILCS 5/122-6) (from Ch. 38, par. 122-6)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 122-6. Disposition in trial court.
| ||||||
6 | The court may receive proof by affidavits, depositions, | ||||||
7 | oral testimony,
or other evidence. In its discretion the court | ||||||
8 | may order the petitioner
brought before the court for the | ||||||
9 | hearing. If the court finds in favor of
the petitioner, it | ||||||
10 | shall enter an appropriate order with respect to the
judgment | ||||||
11 | or sentence in the former proceedings and such supplementary
| ||||||
12 | orders as to rearraignment, retrial, custody, conditions of | ||||||
13 | pretrial release bail or discharge as may be
necessary and | ||||||
14 | proper.
| ||||||
15 | (Source: Laws 1963, p. 2836; P.A. 101-652.)
| ||||||
16 | (725 ILCS 5/110-1.5 rep.) | ||||||
17 | Section 15. The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 is | ||||||
18 | amended by repealing Section 110-1.5. | ||||||
19 | Section 20. The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 is | ||||||
20 | amended by changing Sections 103-2, 103-3, and 108-8 as | ||||||
21 | follows:
| ||||||
22 | (725 ILCS 5/103-2) (from Ch. 38, par. 103-2)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 103-2. Treatment while in custody.
| ||||||
2 | (a) On being taken into custody every person shall have | ||||||
3 | the right to
remain silent.
| ||||||
4 | (b) No unlawful means of any kind shall be used to obtain a | ||||||
5 | statement,
admission or confession from any person in custody.
| ||||||
6 | (c) Persons in custody shall be treated humanely and | ||||||
7 | provided with
proper food, shelter and, if required, medical | ||||||
8 | treatment without unreasonable delay if the need for the | ||||||
9 | treatment is apparent .
| ||||||
10 | (Source: Laws 1963, p. 2836; P.A. 101-652.)
| ||||||
11 | (725 ILCS 5/103-3) (from Ch. 38, par. 103-3)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 103-3.
to communicate with attorney and family; | ||||||
13 | transfers.
| ||||||
14 | (a) (Blank). Persons who are arrested shall have the right | ||||||
15 | to communicate with an
attorney of their choice and a member of | ||||||
16 | their family by making a
reasonable number of telephone calls | ||||||
17 | or in any other reasonable manner.
Such communication shall be | ||||||
18 | permitted within a reasonable time after
arrival at the first | ||||||
19 | place of custody.
| ||||||
20 | (a-5) Persons who are in police custody have the right to
| ||||||
21 | communicate free of charge with an attorney of their choice | ||||||
22 | and members of their family as soon as possible upon being | ||||||
23 | taken
into police custody, but no later than three hours after | ||||||
24 | arrival
at the first place of custody. Persons in police | ||||||
25 | custody must be given: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) access to use a telephone via a land line or
| ||||||
2 | cellular phone to make three phone calls; and | ||||||
3 | (2) the ability to retrieve phone numbers contained in
| ||||||
4 | his or her contact list on his or her cellular phone prior
| ||||||
5 | to the phone being placed into inventory. | ||||||
6 | (a-10) In accordance with Section 103-7, at every facility | ||||||
7 | where a
person is in police custody a sign containing, at | ||||||
8 | minimum, the
following information in bold block type must be | ||||||
9 | posted in a
conspicuous place: | ||||||
10 | (1) a short statement notifying persons who are in
| ||||||
11 | police custody of their right to have access to a phone
| ||||||
12 | within three hours after being taken into police custody; | ||||||
13 | and | ||||||
14 | (2) persons who are in police custody have the right | ||||||
15 | to
make three phone calls within three hours after being | ||||||
16 | taken
into custody, at no charge. | ||||||
17 | (a-15) In addition to the information listed in subsection
| ||||||
18 | (a-10), if the place of custody is located in a jurisdiction
| ||||||
19 | where the court has appointed the public defender or other
| ||||||
20 | attorney to represent persons who are in police custody, the
| ||||||
21 | telephone number to the public defender or appointed | ||||||
22 | attorney's
office must also be displayed. The telephone call | ||||||
23 | to the public
defender or other attorney must not be | ||||||
24 | monitored, eavesdropped
upon, or recorded. | ||||||
25 | (b) (Blank). In the event the accused is transferred to a | ||||||
26 | new place of custody
his right to communicate with an attorney |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and a member of his family is
| ||||||
2 | (c) In the event a person who is in police custody is
| ||||||
3 | transferred to a new place of custody, his or her right to make
| ||||||
4 | telephone calls under this Section within three hours after | ||||||
5 | arrival is renewed. | ||||||
6 | (d) In this Section "custody" means the restriction of a
| ||||||
7 | person's freedom of movement by a law enforcement officer's
| ||||||
8 | exercise of his or her lawful authority. | ||||||
9 | (e) The three hours requirement shall not apply while the | ||||||
10 | person in police custody is asleep, unconscious, or otherwise | ||||||
11 | incapacitated. | ||||||
12 | (f) Nothing in this Section shall interfere with a | ||||||
13 | person's rights or override procedures required in the Bill of | ||||||
14 | Rights of the Illinois and US Constitutions, including but not | ||||||
15 | limited to Fourth Amendment search and seizure rights, Fifth | ||||||
16 | Amendment due process rights and rights to be free from | ||||||
17 | self-incrimination and Sixth Amendment right to counsel. | ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 101-652, eff. 7-1-21.)
| ||||||
19 | (725 ILCS 5/108-8) (from Ch. 38, par. 108-8)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 108-8. Use of force in execution of search warrant.
| ||||||
21 | (a) All necessary and reasonable force may be used to | ||||||
22 | effect an entry into
any building or property or part thereof | ||||||
23 | to execute a search warrant.
| ||||||
24 | (b) The court issuing a warrant may authorize the officer | ||||||
25 | executing the
warrant to make entry without first knocking and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | announcing his or her office
if it finds, based upon a showing | ||||||
2 | of specific facts, the existence of the
following exigent | ||||||
3 | circumstances:
| ||||||
4 | (1) That the officer reasonably believes that if | ||||||
5 | notice were given a
weapon would be used:
| ||||||
6 | (i) against the officer executing the search | ||||||
7 | warrant; or
| ||||||
8 | (ii) against another person.
| ||||||
9 | (2) That if notice were given there is an imminent | ||||||
10 | "danger" that evidence
will be destroyed.
| ||||||
11 | (c) Prior to the issuing of a warrant under subsection | ||||||
12 | (b), the officer must attest that: | ||||||
13 | (1) prior to entering the location described in the | ||||||
14 | search warrant, a supervising officer will ensure that | ||||||
15 | each participating member is assigned a body worn camera | ||||||
16 | and is following policies and procedures in accordance | ||||||
17 | with Section 10-20 of the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn | ||||||
18 | Body Camera Act; provided that the law enforcement agency | ||||||
19 | has implemented body worn camera in accordance with | ||||||
20 | Section 10-15 of the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body
| ||||||
21 | Camera Act. If a law enforcement agency has not | ||||||
22 | implemented a body camera in accordance with Section 10-15 | ||||||
23 | of the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body
Camera Act, the | ||||||
24 | officer must attest that the interaction authorized by the | ||||||
25 | warrant is otherwise recorded; | ||||||
26 | (2) steps were taken in planning the search to ensure |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | accuracy and plan for children or other vulnerable people | ||||||
2 | on-site; and | ||||||
3 | (3) if an officer becomes aware the search warrant was | ||||||
4 | executed at an address, unit, or apartment different from | ||||||
5 | the location listed on the search warrant, that member | ||||||
6 | will immediately notify a supervisor who will ensure an | ||||||
7 | internal investigation ensues. | ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 101-652, eff. 7-1-21.)
| ||||||
9 | Section 25. The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 is | ||||||
10 | amended by reenacting Sections 110-6.3, 110-7, 110-8, 110-9, | ||||||
11 | 110-13, 110-14, 110-15, 110-16, 110-17, and 110-18 as follows:
| ||||||
12 | (725 ILCS 5/110-6.3) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-6.3)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 110-6.3. Denial of bail in stalking and aggravated | ||||||
14 | stalking
offenses. | ||||||
15 | (a) Upon verified petition by the State, the court shall | ||||||
16 | hold a
hearing to determine whether bail should be denied to a | ||||||
17 | defendant who is
charged with
stalking or aggravated stalking, | ||||||
18 | when it is alleged that the defendant's
admission to bail | ||||||
19 | poses a real and present threat to the physical safety of
the | ||||||
20 | alleged victim of the offense, and denial of release on bail or
| ||||||
21 | personal recognizance is necessary to prevent fulfillment of | ||||||
22 | the threat
upon which the charge is based.
| ||||||
23 | (1) A petition may be filed without prior notice to | ||||||
24 | the defendant at the
first appearance before a judge, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | within 21 calendar days, except as
provided in Section | ||||||
2 | 110-6, after arrest and release of the defendant upon
| ||||||
3 | reasonable notice to defendant; provided that while the | ||||||
4 | petition is
pending before the court, the defendant if | ||||||
5 | previously released shall not be
| ||||||
6 | (2) The hearing shall be held immediately upon the | ||||||
7 | defendant's
appearance before the court, unless for good | ||||||
8 | cause shown the defendant or
the State seeks a | ||||||
9 | continuance. A continuance on motion of the defendant
may | ||||||
10 | not exceed 5 calendar days, and the defendant may be held | ||||||
11 | in custody
during the continuance. A continuance on the | ||||||
12 | motion of the State may not
exceed 3 calendar days; | ||||||
13 | however, the defendant may be held in custody
during the | ||||||
14 | continuance under this provision if the defendant has been
| ||||||
15 | previously found to have violated an order of protection | ||||||
16 | or has been
previously convicted of, or granted court | ||||||
17 | supervision for, any of the
offenses set forth in Sections | ||||||
18 | 11-1.20, 11-1.30, 11-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, 12-2,
| ||||||
19 | 12-3.05, 12-3.2, 12-3.3, 12-4, 12-4.1, 12-7.3, 12-7.4, | ||||||
20 | 12-13,
12-14, 12-14.1, 12-15 or 12-16 of the Criminal Code | ||||||
21 | of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, against the
same | ||||||
22 | person
as the alleged victim of the stalking or aggravated | ||||||
23 | stalking offense.
| ||||||
24 | (b) The court may deny bail to the defendant when, after | ||||||
25 | the hearing, it
is determined that:
| ||||||
26 | (1) the proof is evident or the presumption great that |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the defendant has
committed the offense of stalking or | ||||||
2 | aggravated stalking; and
| ||||||
3 | (2) the defendant poses a real and present threat to | ||||||
4 | the physical safety
of the alleged victim of the offense; | ||||||
5 | and
| ||||||
6 | (3) the denial of release on bail or personal | ||||||
7 | recognizance is
necessary to prevent fulfillment of the | ||||||
8 | threat upon which the charge is based;
| ||||||
9 | (4) the court finds that no condition or combination | ||||||
10 | of conditions set
forth in subsection (b) of Section | ||||||
11 | 110-10 of this Code, including mental
health treatment at | ||||||
12 | a community mental health center, hospital, or
facility of | ||||||
13 | the Department of Human Services,
can reasonably assure | ||||||
14 | the physical safety of the alleged victim of the offense.
| ||||||
15 | (c) Conduct of the hearings.
| ||||||
16 | (1) The hearing on the defendant's culpability and | ||||||
17 | threat to the
alleged victim of the offense shall be
| ||||||
18 | conducted in accordance with the following provisions:
| ||||||
19 | (A) Information used by the court in its findings | ||||||
20 | or stated in or
at the hearing may be by way of | ||||||
21 | proffer based upon reliable information
offered by the | ||||||
22 | State or by defendant. Defendant has the right to be
| ||||||
23 | represented by counsel, and if he is indigent, to have | ||||||
24 | counsel appointed
for him. Defendant shall have the | ||||||
25 | opportunity to testify, to present
witnesses in his | ||||||
26 | own behalf, and to cross-examine witnesses if any are
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | called by the State. The defendant has the right to | ||||||
2 | present witnesses in
his favor. When the ends of | ||||||
3 | justice so require, the court may exercise
its | ||||||
4 | discretion and compel the appearance of a complaining
| ||||||
5 | witness. The court shall state on the record reasons | ||||||
6 | for granting a
defense request to compel the presence | ||||||
7 | of a complaining witness.
Cross-examination of a | ||||||
8 | complaining witness at the pretrial detention hearing | ||||||
9 | for
the purpose of impeaching the witness' credibility | ||||||
10 | is insufficient reason
to compel the presence of the | ||||||
11 | witness. In deciding whether to compel the
appearance | ||||||
12 | of a complaining witness, the court shall be | ||||||
13 | considerate of the
emotional and physical well-being | ||||||
14 | of the witness.
The pretrial detention hearing is not | ||||||
15 | to be used for the purposes of
discovery, and the post | ||||||
16 | arraignment rules of discovery do not apply. The
State | ||||||
17 | shall tender to the
defendant, prior to the hearing, | ||||||
18 | copies of defendant's criminal history, if
any, if | ||||||
19 | available, and any written or recorded statements and | ||||||
20 | the substance
of any oral statements made by any | ||||||
21 | person, if relied upon by the State.
The rules | ||||||
22 | concerning the admissibility of evidence in
criminal | ||||||
23 | trials do not apply to the presentation and | ||||||
24 | consideration of
information at the hearing. At the | ||||||
25 | trial concerning the offense for which
the hearing was | ||||||
26 | conducted neither the finding of the court nor any
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | transcript or other record of the hearing shall be | ||||||
2 | admissible in the
State's case in chief, but shall be | ||||||
3 | admissible for impeachment, or as
provided in Section | ||||||
4 | 115-10.1 of this Code, or in a perjury proceeding.
| ||||||
5 | (B) A motion by the defendant to suppress evidence | ||||||
6 | or to suppress a
confession shall not be entertained. | ||||||
7 | Evidence that proof may have been
obtained as the | ||||||
8 | result of an unlawful search and seizure or through
| ||||||
9 | improper interrogation is not relevant to this state | ||||||
10 | of the prosecution.
| ||||||
11 | (2) The facts relied upon by the court to support a | ||||||
12 | finding that:
| ||||||
13 | (A) the
defendant poses a real and present threat | ||||||
14 | to the physical safety of the
alleged victim of the | ||||||
15 | offense; and
| ||||||
16 | (B) the denial of release on bail or personal
| ||||||
17 | recognizance is necessary to prevent fulfillment of | ||||||
18 | the threat upon which
the charge is based;
| ||||||
19 | shall be supported by clear and convincing evidence
| ||||||
20 | presented by the State.
| ||||||
21 | (d) Factors to be considered in making a determination of | ||||||
22 | the threat to
the alleged victim of the offense.
The court may, | ||||||
23 | in determining whether the defendant poses, at the time of
the | ||||||
24 | hearing, a real and
present threat to the physical safety of | ||||||
25 | the alleged victim of the offense,
consider but
shall not be | ||||||
26 | limited to evidence or testimony concerning:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) The nature and circumstances of the offense | ||||||
2 | charged;
| ||||||
3 | (2) The history and characteristics of the defendant | ||||||
4 | including:
| ||||||
5 | (A) Any evidence of the defendant's prior criminal | ||||||
6 | history indicative of
violent, abusive or assaultive | ||||||
7 | behavior, or lack of that behavior. The
evidence may | ||||||
8 | include testimony or documents received in juvenile
| ||||||
9 | proceedings, criminal, quasi-criminal, civil | ||||||
10 | commitment, domestic relations
or other proceedings;
| ||||||
11 | (B) Any evidence of the defendant's psychological, | ||||||
12 | psychiatric or other
similar social history that tends | ||||||
13 | to indicate a violent, abusive, or
assaultive nature, | ||||||
14 | or lack of any such history.
| ||||||
15 | (3) The nature of the threat which is the basis of the | ||||||
16 | charge against the defendant;
| ||||||
17 | (4) Any statements made by, or attributed to the | ||||||
18 | defendant, together with
the circumstances surrounding | ||||||
19 | them;
| ||||||
20 | (5) The age and physical condition of any person | ||||||
21 | assaulted
by the defendant;
| ||||||
22 | (6) Whether the defendant is known to possess or have | ||||||
23 | access to any
weapon or weapons;
| ||||||
24 | (7) Whether, at the time of the current offense or any | ||||||
25 | other offense or
arrest, the defendant was on probation, | ||||||
26 | parole, aftercare release, mandatory supervised
release or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | other release from custody pending trial, sentencing, | ||||||
2 | appeal or
completion of sentence for an offense under | ||||||
3 | federal or state law;
| ||||||
4 | (8) Any other factors, including those listed in | ||||||
5 | Section 110-5 of this
Code, deemed by the court to have a | ||||||
6 | reasonable bearing upon the
defendant's propensity or | ||||||
7 | reputation for violent, abusive or assaultive
behavior, or | ||||||
8 | lack of that behavior.
| ||||||
9 | (e) The court shall, in any order denying bail to a person | ||||||
10 | charged with
stalking or aggravated stalking:
| ||||||
11 | (1) briefly summarize the evidence of the defendant's | ||||||
12 | culpability and its
reasons for concluding that the | ||||||
13 | defendant should be held without bail;
| ||||||
14 | (2) direct that the defendant be committed to the | ||||||
15 | custody of the sheriff
for confinement in the county jail | ||||||
16 | pending trial;
| ||||||
17 | (3) direct that the defendant be given a reasonable | ||||||
18 | opportunity for
private consultation with counsel, and for | ||||||
19 | communication with others of his
choice by visitation, | ||||||
20 | mail and telephone; and
| ||||||
21 | (4) direct that the sheriff deliver the defendant as | ||||||
22 | required for
appearances in connection with court | ||||||
23 | proceedings.
| ||||||
24 | (f) If the court enters an order for the detention of the | ||||||
25 | defendant
under subsection (e) of this Section, the defendant | ||||||
26 | shall be brought to
trial on the offense for which he is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | detained within 90 days after the date
on which the order for | ||||||
2 | detention was entered. If the defendant is not
brought to | ||||||
3 | trial within the 90 day period required by this subsection | ||||||
4 | (f),
he shall not be held longer without bail. In computing the | ||||||
5 | 90 day period,
the court shall omit any period of delay | ||||||
6 | resulting from a continuance
granted at the request of the | ||||||
7 | defendant.
The court shall immediately notify the alleged | ||||||
8 | victim of the offense that the defendant
has been admitted to | ||||||
9 | bail under this subsection.
| ||||||
10 | (g) Any person shall be entitled to appeal any
order | ||||||
11 | entered under this Section denying bail to the defendant.
| ||||||
12 | (h) The State may appeal any order entered under this | ||||||
13 | Section denying any
motion for denial of bail.
| ||||||
14 | (i) Nothing in this Section shall be construed as | ||||||
15 | modifying or limiting
in any way the defendant's presumption | ||||||
16 | of innocence in further criminal
| ||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 97-1109, eff. 1-1-13; 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13; | ||||||
18 | 98-558, eff. 1-1-14; 101-652, eff. 7-1-21 .)
| ||||||
19 | (725 ILCS 5/110-7) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-7)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 110-7. Deposit of bail security.
| ||||||
21 | (a) The person for whom bail has been set shall execute the | ||||||
22 | bail bond and
deposit with the clerk of the court before which | ||||||
23 | the proceeding is pending a
sum of money equal to 10% of the | ||||||
24 | bail, but in no event shall such deposit be
less than $25. The | ||||||
25 | clerk of the court shall provide a space on each form for a
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | person other than the accused who has provided the money for | ||||||
2 | the posting of
bail to so indicate and a space signed by an
| ||||||
3 | accused who has executed the bail bond indicating whether a | ||||||
4 | person other
than the accused has provided the money for the | ||||||
5 | posting of bail. The form
shall also include a written notice | ||||||
6 | to such person who has provided
the defendant with the money | ||||||
7 | for the posting of bail indicating that the bail
may be used to | ||||||
8 | pay costs, attorney's fees, fines, or other purposes | ||||||
9 | authorized
by the court and if the
defendant fails to comply | ||||||
10 | with the conditions of the bail bond, the court
shall enter an | ||||||
11 | order declaring the bail to be forfeited. The written notice
| ||||||
12 | must be: (1) distinguishable from the surrounding text; (2) in | ||||||
13 | bold type or
underscored; and (3) in a type size at least 2 | ||||||
14 | points larger than the
surrounding type. When a person for | ||||||
15 | whom
bail has been set is charged with an offense under the | ||||||
16 | Illinois Controlled
Substances Act or the Methamphetamine | ||||||
17 | Control and Community Protection Act which is a Class X | ||||||
18 | felony, or making a terrorist threat in violation of
Section | ||||||
19 | 29D-20 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of | ||||||
20 | 2012 or an attempt to commit the offense of making a terrorist | ||||||
21 | threat, the court may require the
defendant to deposit a sum | ||||||
22 | equal to 100% of the bail.
Where any person is charged with a | ||||||
23 | forcible felony while free on bail and
is the subject of | ||||||
24 | proceedings under Section 109-3 of this Code the judge
| ||||||
25 | conducting the preliminary examination may also conduct a | ||||||
26 | hearing upon the
application of the State pursuant to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | provisions of Section 110-6 of this
Code to increase or revoke | ||||||
2 | the bail for that person's prior alleged offense.
| ||||||
3 | (b) Upon depositing this sum and any bond fee authorized | ||||||
4 | by law, the person
shall be released
from custody subject to | ||||||
5 | the conditions of the bail bond.
| ||||||
6 | (c) Once bail has been given and a charge is pending or
is | ||||||
7 | thereafter filed in or transferred to a court of competent
| ||||||
8 | jurisdiction the latter court shall continue the original bail
| ||||||
9 | in that court subject to the provisions of Section 110-6 of | ||||||
10 | this Code.
| ||||||
11 | (d) After conviction the court may order that the original
| ||||||
12 | bail stand as bail pending appeal or deny, increase or reduce | ||||||
13 | bail
subject to the provisions of Section 110-6.2.
| ||||||
14 | (e) After the entry of an order by the trial court allowing
| ||||||
15 | or denying bail pending appeal either party may apply to the
| ||||||
16 | reviewing court having jurisdiction or to a justice thereof
| ||||||
17 | sitting in vacation for an order increasing or decreasing the
| ||||||
18 | amount of bail or allowing or denying bail pending appeal | ||||||
19 | subject to the
provisions of Section 110-6.2.
| ||||||
20 | (f) When the conditions of the bail bond have been | ||||||
21 | performed
and the accused has been discharged from all | ||||||
22 | obligations in the
cause the clerk of the court shall return to | ||||||
23 | the accused or to the
defendant's designee by an assignment | ||||||
24 | executed at the time the bail amount
is deposited, unless
the | ||||||
25 | court orders otherwise, 90% of the sum which had been
| ||||||
26 | deposited and shall retain as bail bond costs 10% of the amount
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | deposited. However, in no event shall the amount retained by | ||||||
2 | the
clerk as bail bond costs be less than $5. Notwithstanding | ||||||
3 | the foregoing, in counties with a population of 3,000,000 or | ||||||
4 | more, in no event shall the amount retained by the clerk as | ||||||
5 | bail bond costs exceed $100. Bail bond deposited by or on
| ||||||
6 | behalf of a defendant in one case may be used, in the court's | ||||||
7 | discretion,
to satisfy financial obligations of that same | ||||||
8 | defendant incurred in a
different case due to a fine, court | ||||||
9 | costs,
restitution or fees of the defendant's attorney of | ||||||
10 | record. In counties with
a population of 3,000,000 or more, | ||||||
11 | the court shall
not order bail bond deposited by or on behalf | ||||||
12 | of a defendant in one case to
be used to satisfy financial | ||||||
13 | obligations of that same defendant in a
different case until | ||||||
14 | the bail bond is first used to satisfy court costs and
| ||||||
15 | attorney's fees in
the case in which the bail bond has been | ||||||
16 | deposited and any other unpaid child
support obligations are | ||||||
17 | satisfied. In counties with a population of less than | ||||||
18 | 3,000,000, the court shall
not order bail bond deposited by or | ||||||
19 | on behalf of a defendant in one case to
be used to satisfy | ||||||
20 | financial obligations of that same defendant in a
different | ||||||
21 | case until the bail bond is first used to satisfy court costs
| ||||||
22 | in
the case in which the bail bond has been deposited.
| ||||||
23 | At the request of the defendant the court may order such | ||||||
24 | 90% of
defendant's bail deposit, or whatever amount is | ||||||
25 | repayable to defendant
from such deposit, to be paid to | ||||||
26 | defendant's attorney of record.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (g) If the accused does not comply with the conditions of
| ||||||
2 | the bail bond the court having jurisdiction shall enter an
| ||||||
3 | order declaring the bail to be forfeited. Notice of such order
| ||||||
4 | of forfeiture shall be mailed forthwith to the accused at his
| ||||||
5 | last known address. If the accused does not appear and | ||||||
6 | surrender
to the court having jurisdiction within 30 days from | ||||||
7 | the date of
the forfeiture or within such period satisfy the | ||||||
8 | court
that appearance and surrender by the accused is | ||||||
9 | impossible
and without his fault the court shall enter | ||||||
10 | judgment for the State if the
charge for which the bond was | ||||||
11 | given was a felony
or misdemeanor, or if the charge was | ||||||
12 | quasi-criminal or traffic,
judgment for the political | ||||||
13 | subdivision of the State which
prosecuted the case, against | ||||||
14 | the accused for the amount of
the bail and costs of the court | ||||||
15 | proceedings; however,
in counties with a population of less | ||||||
16 | than 3,000,000, instead of the court
entering a judgment for | ||||||
17 | the full amount
of the bond the court may, in its discretion, | ||||||
18 | enter judgment for the cash
deposit on the bond, less costs, | ||||||
19 | retain the deposit for further disposition or,
if a cash bond | ||||||
20 | was posted for failure to appear in a matter involving
| ||||||
21 | enforcement of child support or maintenance, the amount of the | ||||||
22 | cash deposit on
the bond, less outstanding costs, may be | ||||||
23 | awarded to the person or entity to
whom the child support or | ||||||
24 | maintenance is due. The deposit
made in accordance with | ||||||
25 | paragraph (a) shall be applied to
the payment of costs. If | ||||||
26 | judgment is entered and any amount of such
deposit remains
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | after the payment of costs it shall be applied to payment of
| ||||||
2 | the judgment and transferred to the treasury of the municipal
| ||||||
3 | corporation wherein the bond was taken if the offense was a
| ||||||
4 | violation of any penal ordinance of a political subdivision
of | ||||||
5 | this State, or to the treasury of the county wherein the
bond | ||||||
6 | was taken if the offense was a violation of any penal
statute | ||||||
7 | of this State. The balance of the judgment may be
enforced and | ||||||
8 | collected in the same manner as a judgment entered
in a civil | ||||||
9 | action.
| ||||||
10 | (h) After a judgment for a fine and court costs or either | ||||||
11 | is
entered in the prosecution of a cause in which a deposit had
| ||||||
12 | been made in accordance with paragraph (a) the balance of such
| ||||||
13 | deposit, after deduction of bail bond costs, shall be applied
| ||||||
14 | to the payment of the judgment.
| ||||||
15 | (i) When a court appearance is required for an alleged | ||||||
16 | violation of the Criminal Code of 1961, the Criminal Code of | ||||||
17 | 2012, the Illinois Vehicle Code, the Wildlife Code, the Fish | ||||||
18 | and Aquatic Life Code, the Child Passenger Protection Act, or | ||||||
19 | a comparable offense of a unit of local government as | ||||||
20 | specified in Supreme Court Rule 551, and if the accused does | ||||||
21 | not appear in court on the date set for appearance or any date | ||||||
22 | to which the case may be continued and the court issues an | ||||||
23 | arrest warrant for the accused, based upon his or her failure | ||||||
24 | to appear when having so previously been ordered to appear by | ||||||
25 | the court, the accused upon his or her admission to bail shall | ||||||
26 | be assessed by the court a fee of $75. Payment of the fee shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be a condition of release unless otherwise ordered by the | ||||||
2 | court. The fee shall be in addition to any bail that the | ||||||
3 | accused is required to deposit for the offense for which the | ||||||
4 | accused has been charged and may not be used for the payment of | ||||||
5 | court costs or fines assessed for the offense. The clerk of the | ||||||
6 | court shall remit $70 of the fee assessed to the arresting | ||||||
7 | agency who brings the offender in on the arrest warrant. If the | ||||||
8 | Department of State Police is the arresting agency, $70 of the | ||||||
9 | fee assessed shall be remitted by the clerk of the court to the | ||||||
10 | State Treasurer within one month after receipt for deposit | ||||||
11 | into the State Police Operations Assistance Fund. The clerk of | ||||||
12 | the court shall remit $5 of the fee assessed to the Circuit | ||||||
13 | Court Clerk Operation and Administrative Fund as provided in | ||||||
14 | Section 27.3d of the Clerks of Courts Act.
| ||||||
15 | (Source: P.A. 99-412, eff. 1-1-16; 101-652, eff. 7-1-21 .)
| ||||||
16 | (725 ILCS 5/110-8) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-8)
| ||||||
17 | Sec. 110-8. Cash, stocks, bonds and real estate as | ||||||
18 | security for bail.
| ||||||
19 | (a) In lieu of the bail deposit provided for in Section | ||||||
20 | 110-7 of this
Code any person for whom bail has been set may | ||||||
21 | execute the bail bond with
or without sureties which bond may | ||||||
22 | be secured:
| ||||||
23 | (1) By a deposit, with the clerk of the court, of an amount | ||||||
24 | equal to the
required bail, of cash, or stocks and bonds in | ||||||
25 | which trustees are
authorized to invest trust funds under the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | laws of this State; or
| ||||||
2 | (2) By real estate situated in this State with | ||||||
3 | unencumbered equity not
exempt owned by the accused or | ||||||
4 | sureties worth double the amount of bail set
in the bond.
| ||||||
5 | (b) If the bail bond is secured by stocks and bonds the | ||||||
6 | accused or
sureties shall file with the bond a sworn schedule | ||||||
7 | which shall be approved
by the court and shall contain:
| ||||||
8 | (1) A list of the stocks and bonds deposited | ||||||
9 | describing each in
sufficient detail that it may be | ||||||
10 | identified;
| ||||||
11 | (2) The market value of each stock and bond;
| ||||||
12 | (3) The total market value of the stocks and bonds | ||||||
13 | listed;
| ||||||
14 | (4) A statement that the affiant is the sole owner of | ||||||
15 | the stocks and
bonds listed and they are not exempt from | ||||||
16 | the enforcement of a judgment
| ||||||
17 | (5) A statement that such stocks and bonds have not | ||||||
18 | previously been used
or accepted as bail in this State | ||||||
19 | during the 12 months preceding the date
of the bail bond; | ||||||
20 | and
| ||||||
21 | (6) A statement that such stocks and bonds are | ||||||
22 | security for the
appearance of the accused in accordance | ||||||
23 | with the conditions of the bail
| ||||||
24 | (c) If the bail bond is secured by real estate the accused | ||||||
25 | or sureties
shall file with the bond a sworn schedule which | ||||||
26 | shall contain:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) A legal description of the real estate;
| ||||||
2 | (2) A description of any and all encumbrances on the | ||||||
3 | real estate
including the amount of each and the holder | ||||||
4 | thereof;
| ||||||
5 | (3) The market value of the unencumbered equity owned | ||||||
6 | by the affiant;
| ||||||
7 | (4) A statement that the affiant is the sole owner of | ||||||
8 | such unencumbered
equity and that it is not exempt from | ||||||
9 | the enforcement of a judgment
| ||||||
10 | (5) A statement that the real estate has not | ||||||
11 | previously been used or
accepted as bail in this State | ||||||
12 | during the 12 months preceding the date of
the bail bond; | ||||||
13 | and
| ||||||
14 | (6) A statement that the real estate is security for | ||||||
15 | the appearance of
the accused in accordance with the | ||||||
16 | conditions of the bail bond.
| ||||||
17 | (d) The sworn schedule shall constitute a material part of | ||||||
18 | the bail
bond. The affiant commits perjury if in the sworn | ||||||
19 | schedule he makes a false
statement which he does not believe | ||||||
20 | to be true. He shall be prosecuted and
punished accordingly, | ||||||
21 | or, he may be punished for contempt.
| ||||||
22 | (e) A certified copy of the bail bond and schedule of real | ||||||
23 | estate shall
be filed immediately in the office of the | ||||||
24 | registrar of titles or recorder
of the county in which the real | ||||||
25 | estate is situated and the State
shall have a lien on such real | ||||||
26 | estate from the time such copies are filed
in the office of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | registrar of titles or recorder. The
registrar of titles or | ||||||
2 | recorder shall enter, index and record (or
register as the | ||||||
3 | case may be) such bail bonds and schedules without
requiring | ||||||
4 | any advance fee, which fee shall be taxed as costs in the
| ||||||
5 | proceeding and paid out of such costs when collected.
| ||||||
6 | (f) When the conditions of the bail bond have been | ||||||
7 | performed and the
accused has been discharged from his | ||||||
8 | obligations in the cause, the clerk of
the court shall return | ||||||
9 | to him or his sureties the deposit of any cash,
stocks or | ||||||
10 | bonds. If the bail bond has been secured by real estate the | ||||||
11 | clerk
of the court shall forthwith notify in writing the | ||||||
12 | registrar of titles or
recorder and the lien of the bail bond | ||||||
13 | on the real estate shall be
| ||||||
14 | (g) If the accused does not comply with the conditions of | ||||||
15 | the bail bond
the court having jurisdiction shall enter an | ||||||
16 | order declaring the bail to be
forfeited. Notice of such order | ||||||
17 | of forfeiture shall be mailed forthwith by
the clerk of the | ||||||
18 | court to the accused and his sureties at their last known
| ||||||
19 | address. If the accused does not appear and surrender to the | ||||||
20 | court having
jurisdiction within 30 days from the date of the | ||||||
21 | forfeiture or within such
period satisfy the court that | ||||||
22 | appearance and surrender by the accused is
impossible and | ||||||
23 | without his fault
the court shall enter judgment for the
State | ||||||
24 | against the accused and his sureties for the amount of the bail | ||||||
25 | and
costs of the proceedings; however,
in counties with a | ||||||
26 | population of less than
3,000,000, if the defendant has
posted |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | a
cash bond, instead of the court entering a judgment for the | ||||||
2 | full amount of the
bond the court may, in its discretion, enter | ||||||
3 | judgment for the cash deposit on
the bond, less costs, retain | ||||||
4 | the deposit for further disposition or, if a cash
bond was | ||||||
5 | posted for failure to appear in a matter involving enforcement | ||||||
6 | of
child support or maintenance, the amount of the cash | ||||||
7 | deposit on the bond, less
outstanding costs, may be awarded to | ||||||
8 | the person or entity to whom the child
support or maintenance | ||||||
9 | is due.
| ||||||
10 | (h) When judgment is entered in favor of the State on any | ||||||
11 | bail bond
given for a felony or misdemeanor, or judgement for a | ||||||
12 | political subdivision
of the state on any bail bond given for a | ||||||
13 | quasi-criminal or traffic
offense, the State's Attorney or | ||||||
14 | political subdivision's attorney shall
forthwith obtain a | ||||||
15 | certified copy of the
judgment and deliver same to the
sheriff | ||||||
16 | to be enforced by levy on the stocks or
bonds deposited with
| ||||||
17 | the clerk of the court and the real estate described in the | ||||||
18 | bail bond
schedule. Any cash forfeited under subsection (g) of | ||||||
19 | this
Section shall be used to satisfy the judgment and costs | ||||||
20 | and, without
necessity of levy, ordered paid
into the treasury | ||||||
21 | of the municipal corporation wherein the bail bond was
taken | ||||||
22 | if the offense was a violation of any penal ordinance of a | ||||||
23 | political
subdivision of this State, or into the treasury of | ||||||
24 | the county wherein the
bail bond was taken if the offense was a | ||||||
25 | violation of any penal statute of
this State, or to the person | ||||||
26 | or entity to whom child support or maintenance
is owed if the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | bond was taken for failure to appear in a matter involving | ||||||
2 | child
support or maintenance. The stocks, bonds and real | ||||||
3 | estate shall be sold in
the same
manner as in sales for the | ||||||
4 | enforcement of a judgment in
civil actions and the proceeds of | ||||||
5 | such sale
shall be used to satisfy all court costs, prior | ||||||
6 | encumbrances, if any, and
from the balance a sufficient amount | ||||||
7 | to satisfy the judgment shall be paid
into the treasury of the | ||||||
8 | municipal corporation wherein the bail bond was
taken if the | ||||||
9 | offense was a violation of any penal ordinance of a political
| ||||||
10 | subdivision of this State, or into the treasury of the county | ||||||
11 | wherein the
bail bond was taken if the offense was a violation | ||||||
12 | of any penal statute of
this State. The balance shall be | ||||||
13 | returned to the owner. The real estate so
sold may be redeemed | ||||||
14 | in the same manner as real estate may be redeemed
after | ||||||
15 | judicial sales or sales for the enforcement of
judgments in | ||||||
16 | civil actions.
| ||||||
17 | (i) No stocks, bonds or real estate may be used or accepted | ||||||
18 | as bail bond
security in this State more than once in any 12 | ||||||
19 | month period.
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 89-469, eff. 1-1-97; 101-652, eff. 7-1-21 .)
| ||||||
21 | (725 ILCS 5/110-9) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-9)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 110-9. Taking of bail by peace officer. When bail has | ||||||
23 | been set by a judicial officer for a particular offense or
| ||||||
24 | offender any sheriff or other peace officer may take bail in | ||||||
25 | accordance
with the provisions of Section 110-7 or 110-8 of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this Code and release
the offender to appear in accordance | ||||||
2 | with the conditions of the bail bond,
the Notice to Appear or | ||||||
3 | the Summons. The officer shall give a receipt to
the offender | ||||||
4 | for the bail so taken and within a reasonable time deposit
such | ||||||
5 | bail with the clerk of the court having jurisdiction of the | ||||||
6 | offense. A sheriff or other peace officer taking bail in | ||||||
7 | accordance with the provisions of Section 110-7 or 110-8 of | ||||||
8 | this Code shall accept payments made in the form of currency, | ||||||
9 | and may accept other forms of payment as the sheriff shall by | ||||||
10 | rule authorize. For purposes of this Section, "currency" has | ||||||
11 | the meaning provided in subsection (a) of Section 3 of the | ||||||
12 | Currency Reporting Act.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 99-618, eff. 1-1-17; 101-652, eff. 7-1-21 .)
| ||||||
14 | (725 ILCS 5/110-13) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-13)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 110-13. Persons prohibited from furnishing bail | ||||||
16 | security. No attorney at law practicing in this State and no | ||||||
17 | official authorized
to admit another to bail or to accept bail | ||||||
18 | shall furnish any part of any
security for bail in any criminal | ||||||
19 | action or any proceeding nor shall any
such person act as | ||||||
20 | surety for any accused admitted to bail.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: Laws 1963, p. 2836; 101-652, eff. 7-1-21 .)
| ||||||
22 | (725 ILCS 5/110-14) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-14)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 110-14. Credit for incarceration on bailable offense; | ||||||
24 | credit against monetary bail for certain offenses. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) Any person incarcerated on a bailable offense who does | ||||||
2 | not supply
bail and against whom a fine is levied on conviction | ||||||
3 | of the offense
shall be allowed a credit of $30 for each day so | ||||||
4 | incarcerated upon application
of the defendant. However,
in no | ||||||
5 | case shall the amount so allowed or
credited exceed the amount | ||||||
6 | of the fine. | ||||||
7 | (b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a person incarcerated | ||||||
8 | for sexual assault as defined in paragraph (1) of subsection | ||||||
9 | (a) of Section 5-9-1.7 of the Unified Code of Corrections.
| ||||||
10 | (c) A person subject to bail on a Category B offense shall | ||||||
11 | have $30 deducted from his or her 10% cash bond amount every | ||||||
12 | day the person is incarcerated. The sheriff shall calculate | ||||||
13 | and apply this $30 per day reduction and send notice to the | ||||||
14 | circuit clerk if a defendant's 10% cash bond amount is reduced | ||||||
15 | to $0, at which point the defendant shall be released upon his | ||||||
16 | or her own recognizance.
| ||||||
17 | (d) The court may deny the incarceration credit in | ||||||
18 | subsection (c) of this Section if the person has failed to | ||||||
19 | appear as required before the court and is incarcerated based | ||||||
20 | on a warrant for failure to appear on the same original | ||||||
21 | criminal offense. | ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 100-1, eff. 1-1-18; 100-929, eff. 1-1-19; | ||||||
23 | 101-408, eff. 1-1-20; 101-652, eff. 7-1-21 .)
| ||||||
24 | (725 ILCS 5/110-15) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-15)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 110-15. Applicability of provisions for giving and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | taking bail. The provisions of Sections 110-7 and 110-8 of | ||||||
2 | this Code are exclusive of
other provisions of law for the | ||||||
3 | giving, taking, or enforcement of bail. In
all cases where a | ||||||
4 | person is admitted to bail the provisions of Sections
110-7 | ||||||
5 | and 110-8 of this Code shall be applicable.
| ||||||
6 | However, the Supreme Court may, by rule or order, | ||||||
7 | prescribe a uniform
schedule of amounts of bail in all but | ||||||
8 | felony offenses. The uniform schedule shall not require a | ||||||
9 | person cited for violating the Illinois Vehicle Code or a | ||||||
10 | similar provision of a local ordinance for which a violation | ||||||
11 | is a petty offense as defined by Section 5-1-17 of the Unified | ||||||
12 | Code of Corrections, excluding business offenses as defined by | ||||||
13 | Section 5-1-2 of the Unified Code of Corrections or a | ||||||
14 | violation of Section 15-111 or subsection (d) of Section 3-401 | ||||||
15 | of the Illinois Vehicle Code, to post bond to secure bail for | ||||||
16 | his or her release. Such uniform schedule may
provide that the | ||||||
17 | cash deposit provisions of Section 110-7 shall not apply
to | ||||||
18 | bail amounts established for alleged violations punishable by | ||||||
19 | fine
alone, and the schedule may further provide that in | ||||||
20 | specified traffic cases
a valid Illinois chauffeur's or | ||||||
21 | operator's license must be deposited, in
addition to 10% of | ||||||
22 | the amount of the bail specified in the schedule.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 98-870, eff. 1-1-15; 98-1134, eff. 1-1-15; | ||||||
24 | 101-652, eff. 7-1-21 .)
| ||||||
25 | (725 ILCS 5/110-16) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-16)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 110-16. Bail bond-forfeiture in same case or absents | ||||||
2 | self during trial-not
bailable. If a person admitted to bail | ||||||
3 | on a felony charge forfeits his bond and
fails to appear in | ||||||
4 | court during the 30 days immediately after such
forfeiture, on | ||||||
5 | being taken into custody thereafter he shall not be bailable
| ||||||
6 | in the case in question, unless the court finds that his | ||||||
7 | absence was not
for the purpose of obstructing justice or | ||||||
8 | avoiding prosecution.
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 77-1447; 101-652, eff. 7-1-21 .)
| ||||||
10 | (725 ILCS 5/110-17) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-17)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 110-17. Unclaimed bail deposits. Any sum
of money | ||||||
12 | deposited by any person to secure his or her release from | ||||||
13 | custody which
remains unclaimed by the person entitled to its | ||||||
14 | return for 3
years after the conditions of the bail bond have | ||||||
15 | been performed
and the accused has been discharged from all | ||||||
16 | obligations in the
cause shall be presumed to be abandoned and | ||||||
17 | subject to disposition under the Revised Uniform Unclaimed | ||||||
18 | Property Act.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 100-22, eff. 1-1-18; 100-929, eff. 1-1-19; | ||||||
20 | 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; 101-652, eff. 7-1-21 .)
| ||||||
21 | (725 ILCS 5/110-18) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-18)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 110-18. Reimbursement. The sheriff of each county | ||||||
23 | shall certify
to the treasurer of each county the number of | ||||||
24 | days that persons had been
detained in the custody of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | sheriff without a bond being set as a result
of an order | ||||||
2 | entered pursuant to Section 110-6.1 of this Code. The county | ||||||
3 | treasurer shall,
no later than January 1, annually certify to | ||||||
4 | the Supreme Court the number
of days that persons had been | ||||||
5 | detained without bond during the twelve-month
period ending | ||||||
6 | November 30. The Supreme Court shall reimburse, from funds
| ||||||
7 | appropriated to it by the General Assembly for such purposes, | ||||||
8 | the treasurer
of each county an amount of money for deposit in | ||||||
9 | the county general revenue
fund at a rate of $50 per day for | ||||||
10 | each day that persons were detained in
custody without bail as | ||||||
11 | a result of an order entered pursuant to Section
110-6.1 of | ||||||
12 | this Code.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 85-892; 101-652, eff. 7-1-21 .)
| ||||||
14 | Section 30. The Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act | ||||||
15 | is amended by changing Section 4.5 as follows:
| ||||||
16 | (725 ILCS 120/4.5)
| ||||||
17 | Sec. 4.5. Procedures to implement the rights of crime | ||||||
18 | victims. To afford
crime victims their rights, law | ||||||
19 | enforcement, prosecutors, judges, and
corrections will provide | ||||||
20 | information, as appropriate, of the following
| ||||||
21 | (a) At the request of the crime victim, law enforcement | ||||||
22 | authorities
investigating the case shall provide notice of the | ||||||
23 | status of the investigation,
except where the State's Attorney | ||||||
24 | determines that disclosure of such
information would |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | unreasonably interfere with the investigation, until such
time | ||||||
2 | as the alleged assailant is apprehended or the investigation | ||||||
3 | is closed.
| ||||||
4 | (a-5) When law enforcement authorities reopen a closed | ||||||
5 | case to resume investigating, they shall provide notice of the | ||||||
6 | reopening of the case, except where the State's Attorney | ||||||
7 | determines that disclosure of such information would | ||||||
8 | unreasonably interfere with the investigation. | ||||||
9 | (b) The office of the State's Attorney:
| ||||||
10 | (1) shall provide notice of the filing of an | ||||||
11 | information, the return of an
indictment, or the
filing of | ||||||
12 | a petition to adjudicate a minor as a delinquent for a | ||||||
13 | violent
| ||||||
14 | (2) shall provide timely notice of the date, time, and | ||||||
15 | place of court proceedings; of any change in the date, | ||||||
16 | time, and place of court proceedings; and of any | ||||||
17 | cancellation of court proceedings. Notice shall be | ||||||
18 | provided in sufficient time, wherever possible, for the | ||||||
19 | victim to
make arrangements to attend or to prevent an | ||||||
20 | unnecessary appearance at court proceedings;
| ||||||
21 | (2.5) shall provide to the victim at pretrial stages | ||||||
22 | of the proceedings notification of all pretrial hearings, | ||||||
23 | all bail decisions, conditions of release related to the | ||||||
24 | victim's safety, the defendant's release from custody, and | ||||||
25 | instructions on seeking enforcement of release conditions; | ||||||
26 | (3) or victim advocate personnel shall provide |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | information of social
services and financial assistance | ||||||
2 | available for victims of crime, including
information of | ||||||
3 | how to apply for these services and assistance;
| ||||||
4 | (3.5) or victim advocate personnel shall provide | ||||||
5 | information about available victim services, including | ||||||
6 | referrals to programs, counselors, and agencies that | ||||||
7 | assist a victim to deal with trauma, loss, and grief; | ||||||
8 | (4) shall assist in having any stolen or other | ||||||
9 | personal property held by
law enforcement authorities for | ||||||
10 | evidentiary or other purposes returned as
expeditiously as | ||||||
11 | possible, pursuant to the procedures set out in Section | ||||||
12 | 115-9
of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963;
| ||||||
13 | (5) or victim advocate personnel shall provide | ||||||
14 | appropriate employer
intercession services to ensure that | ||||||
15 | employers of victims will cooperate with
the criminal | ||||||
16 | justice system in order to minimize an employee's loss of | ||||||
17 | pay and
other benefits resulting from court appearances;
| ||||||
18 | (6) shall provide, whenever possible, a secure waiting
| ||||||
19 | area during court proceedings that does not require | ||||||
20 | victims to be in close
proximity to defendants or | ||||||
21 | juveniles accused of a violent crime, and their
families | ||||||
22 | and friends;
| ||||||
23 | (7) shall provide notice to the crime victim of the | ||||||
24 | right to have a
translator present at all court | ||||||
25 | proceedings and, in compliance with the federal Americans
| ||||||
26 | with Disabilities Act of 1990, the right to communications |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | access through a
sign language interpreter or by other | ||||||
2 | means;
| ||||||
3 | (8) (blank);
| ||||||
4 | (8.5) shall inform the victim of the right to be | ||||||
5 | present at all court proceedings, unless the victim is to | ||||||
6 | testify and the court determines that the victim's | ||||||
7 | testimony would be materially affected if the victim hears | ||||||
8 | other testimony at trial; | ||||||
9 | (9) shall inform the victim of the right to have | ||||||
10 | present at all court
proceedings, subject to the rules of | ||||||
11 | evidence and confidentiality, an advocate and other | ||||||
12 | support
person of the victim's choice; | ||||||
13 | (9.3) shall inform the victim of the right to retain | ||||||
14 | an attorney, at the
victim's own expense, who, upon | ||||||
15 | written notice filed with the clerk of the
court and | ||||||
16 | State's Attorney, is to receive copies of all notices, | ||||||
17 | motions, and
court orders filed thereafter in the case, in | ||||||
18 | the same manner as if the victim
were a named party in the | ||||||
19 | case;
| ||||||
20 | (9.5) shall inform the victim of (A) the victim's | ||||||
21 | right under Section 6 of this Act to make a statement at | ||||||
22 | the sentencing hearing; (B) the right of the victim's | ||||||
23 | spouse, guardian, parent, grandparent, and other immediate | ||||||
24 | family and household members under Section 6 of this Act | ||||||
25 | to present a statement at sentencing; and (C) if a | ||||||
26 | presentence report is to be prepared, the right of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | victim's spouse, guardian, parent, grandparent, and other | ||||||
2 | immediate family and household members to submit | ||||||
3 | information to the preparer of the presentence report | ||||||
4 | about the effect the offense has had on the victim and the | ||||||
5 | person; | ||||||
6 | (10) at the sentencing shall make a good faith attempt | ||||||
7 | to explain
the minimum amount of time during which the | ||||||
8 | defendant may actually be
physically imprisoned. The | ||||||
9 | Office of the State's Attorney shall further notify
the | ||||||
10 | crime victim of the right to request from the Prisoner | ||||||
11 | Review Board
or Department of Juvenile Justice information | ||||||
12 | concerning the release of the defendant;
| ||||||
13 | (11) shall request restitution at sentencing and as | ||||||
14 | part of a plea agreement if the victim requests | ||||||
15 | restitution;
| ||||||
16 | (12) shall, upon the court entering a verdict of not | ||||||
17 | guilty by reason of insanity, inform the victim of the | ||||||
18 | notification services available from the Department of | ||||||
19 | Human Services, including the statewide telephone number, | ||||||
20 | under subparagraph (d)(2) of this Section;
| ||||||
21 | (13) shall provide notice within a reasonable time | ||||||
22 | after receipt of notice from
the custodian, of the release | ||||||
23 | of the defendant on pretrial release or personal | ||||||
24 | recognizance
or the release from detention of a minor who | ||||||
25 | has been detained;
| ||||||
26 | (14) shall explain in nontechnical language the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | details of any plea or verdict of
a defendant, or any | ||||||
2 | adjudication of a juvenile as a delinquent;
| ||||||
3 | (15) shall make all reasonable efforts to consult with | ||||||
4 | the crime victim before the Office of
the State's Attorney | ||||||
5 | makes an offer of a plea bargain to the defendant or
enters | ||||||
6 | into negotiations with the defendant concerning a possible | ||||||
7 | plea
agreement, and shall consider the written statement, | ||||||
8 | if prepared
prior to entering into a plea agreement. The | ||||||
9 | right to consult with the prosecutor does not include the | ||||||
10 | right to veto a plea agreement or to insist the case go to | ||||||
11 | trial. If the State's Attorney has not consulted with the | ||||||
12 | victim prior to making an offer or entering into plea | ||||||
13 | negotiations with the defendant, the Office of the State's | ||||||
14 | Attorney shall notify the victim of the offer or the | ||||||
15 | negotiations within 2 business days and confer with the | ||||||
16 | victim;
| ||||||
17 | (16) shall provide notice of the ultimate disposition | ||||||
18 | of the cases arising from
an indictment or an information, | ||||||
19 | or a petition to have a juvenile adjudicated
as a | ||||||
20 | delinquent for a violent crime;
| ||||||
21 | (17) shall provide notice of any appeal taken by the | ||||||
22 | defendant and information
on how to contact the | ||||||
23 | appropriate agency handling the appeal, and how to request | ||||||
24 | notice of any hearing, oral argument, or decision of an | ||||||
25 | appellate court;
| ||||||
26 | (18) shall provide timely notice of any request for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | post-conviction review filed by the
defendant under | ||||||
2 | Article 122 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963, and | ||||||
3 | of
the date, time and place of any hearing concerning the | ||||||
4 | petition. Whenever
possible, notice of the hearing shall | ||||||
5 | be given within 48 hours of the court's scheduling of the | ||||||
6 | hearing;
| ||||||
7 | (19) shall forward a copy of any statement presented | ||||||
8 | under Section 6 to the
Prisoner Review Board or Department | ||||||
9 | of Juvenile Justice to be considered in making a | ||||||
10 | determination
under Section 3-2.5-85 or subsection (b) of | ||||||
11 | Section 3-3-8 of the Unified Code of Corrections;
| ||||||
12 | (20) shall, within a reasonable time, offer to
meet | ||||||
13 | with the crime victim regarding the decision of the
| ||||||
14 | State's Attorney not to charge an offense, and shall meet
| ||||||
15 | with the victim, if the victim agrees. The victim has a
| ||||||
16 | right to have an attorney, advocate, and other support
| ||||||
17 | person of the victim's choice attend this meeting with the
| ||||||
18 | victim; and | ||||||
19 | (21) shall give the crime victim timely notice of any | ||||||
20 | decision not to pursue charges and consider the safety of | ||||||
21 | the victim when deciding how to give such notice. | ||||||
22 | (c) The court shall ensure that the rights of the victim | ||||||
23 | are afforded. | ||||||
24 | (c-5) The following procedures shall be followed to afford | ||||||
25 | victims the rights guaranteed by Article I, Section 8.1 of the | ||||||
26 | Illinois Constitution: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) Written notice. A victim may complete a written | ||||||
2 | notice of intent to assert rights on a form prepared by the | ||||||
3 | Office of the Attorney General and provided to the victim | ||||||
4 | by the State's Attorney. The victim may at any time | ||||||
5 | provide a revised written notice to the State's Attorney. | ||||||
6 | The State's Attorney shall file the written notice with | ||||||
7 | the court. At the beginning of any court proceeding in | ||||||
8 | which the right of a victim may be at issue, the court and | ||||||
9 | prosecutor shall review the written notice to determine | ||||||
10 | whether the victim has asserted the right that may be at | ||||||
11 | issue. | ||||||
12 | (2) Victim's retained attorney. A victim's attorney | ||||||
13 | shall file an entry of appearance limited to assertion of | ||||||
14 | the victim's rights. Upon the filing of the entry of | ||||||
15 | appearance and service on the State's Attorney and the | ||||||
16 | defendant, the attorney is to receive copies of all | ||||||
17 | notices, motions and court orders filed thereafter in the | ||||||
18 | case. | ||||||
19 | (3) Standing. The victim has standing to assert the | ||||||
20 | rights enumerated in subsection (a) of Article I, Section | ||||||
21 | 8.1 of the Illinois Constitution and the statutory rights | ||||||
22 | under Section 4 of this Act in any court exercising | ||||||
23 | jurisdiction over the criminal case. The prosecuting | ||||||
24 | attorney, a victim, or the victim's retained attorney may | ||||||
25 | assert the victim's rights. The defendant in the criminal | ||||||
26 | case has no standing to assert a right of the victim in any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | court proceeding, including on appeal. | ||||||
2 | (4) Assertion of and enforcement of rights. | ||||||
3 | (A) The prosecuting attorney shall assert a | ||||||
4 | victim's right or request enforcement of a right by | ||||||
5 | filing a motion or by orally asserting the right or | ||||||
6 | requesting enforcement in open court in the criminal | ||||||
7 | case outside the presence of the jury. The prosecuting | ||||||
8 | attorney shall consult with the victim and the | ||||||
9 | victim's attorney regarding the assertion or | ||||||
10 | enforcement of a right. If the prosecuting attorney | ||||||
11 | decides not to assert or enforce a victim's right, the | ||||||
12 | prosecuting attorney shall notify the victim or the | ||||||
13 | victim's attorney in sufficient time to allow the | ||||||
14 | victim or the victim's attorney to assert the right or | ||||||
15 | to seek enforcement of a right. | ||||||
16 | (B) If the prosecuting attorney elects not to | ||||||
17 | assert a victim's right or to seek enforcement of a | ||||||
18 | right, the victim or the victim's attorney may assert | ||||||
19 | the victim's right or request enforcement of a right | ||||||
20 | by filing a motion or by orally asserting the right or | ||||||
21 | requesting enforcement in open court in the criminal | ||||||
22 | case outside the presence of the jury. | ||||||
23 | (C) If the prosecuting attorney asserts a victim's | ||||||
24 | right or seeks enforcement of a right, unless the | ||||||
25 | prosecuting attorney objects or the trial court does | ||||||
26 | not allow it, the victim or the victim's attorney may |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be heard regarding the prosecuting attorney's motion | ||||||
2 | or may file a simultaneous motion to assert or request | ||||||
3 | enforcement of the victim's right. If the victim or | ||||||
4 | the victim's attorney was not allowed to be heard at | ||||||
5 | the hearing regarding the prosecuting attorney's | ||||||
6 | motion, and the court denies the prosecuting | ||||||
7 | attorney's assertion of the right or denies the | ||||||
8 | request for enforcement of a right, the victim or | ||||||
9 | victim's attorney may file a motion to assert the | ||||||
10 | victim's right or to request enforcement of the right | ||||||
11 | within 10 days of the court's ruling. The motion need | ||||||
12 | not demonstrate the grounds for a motion for | ||||||
13 | reconsideration. The court shall rule on the merits of | ||||||
14 | the motion. | ||||||
15 | (D) The court shall take up and decide any motion | ||||||
16 | or request asserting or seeking enforcement of a | ||||||
17 | victim's right without delay, unless a specific time | ||||||
18 | period is specified by law or court rule. The reasons | ||||||
19 | for any decision denying the motion or request shall | ||||||
20 | be clearly stated on the record. | ||||||
21 | (E) No later than January 1, 2023, the Office of | ||||||
22 | the Attorney General shall: | ||||||
23 | (i) designate an administrative authority | ||||||
24 | within the Office of the Attorney General to | ||||||
25 | receive and investigate complaints relating to the | ||||||
26 | provision or violation of the rights of a crime |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | victim as described in Article I, Section 8.1 of | ||||||
2 | the Illinois Constitution and in this Act; | ||||||
3 | (ii) create and administer a course of | ||||||
4 | training for employees and offices of the State of | ||||||
5 | Illinois that fail to comply with provisions of | ||||||
6 | Illinois law pertaining to the treatment of crime | ||||||
7 | victims as described in Article I, Section 8.1 of | ||||||
8 | the Illinois Constitution and in this Act as | ||||||
9 | required by the court under Section 5 of this Act; | ||||||
10 | and | ||||||
11 | (iii) have the authority to make | ||||||
12 | recommendations to employees and offices of the | ||||||
13 | State of Illinois to respond more effectively to | ||||||
14 | the needs of crime victims, including regarding | ||||||
15 | the violation of the rights of a crime victim. | ||||||
16 | (F) Crime victims' rights may also be asserted by
| ||||||
17 | filing a complaint for mandamus, injunctive, or
| ||||||
18 | declaratory relief in the jurisdiction in which the
| ||||||
19 | victim's right is being violated or where the crime is
| ||||||
20 | being prosecuted. For complaints or motions filed by | ||||||
21 | or on behalf of the victim, the clerk of court shall | ||||||
22 | waive
filing fees that would otherwise be owed by the | ||||||
23 | victim
for any court filing with the purpose of | ||||||
24 | enforcing crime victims' rights. If the court denies | ||||||
25 | the relief
sought by the victim, the reasons for the | ||||||
26 | denial shall
be clearly stated on the record in the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | transcript of
the proceedings, in a written opinion, | ||||||
2 | or in the
docket entry, and the victim may appeal the | ||||||
3 | circuit
court's decision to the appellate court. The | ||||||
4 | court
shall issue prompt rulings regarding victims' | ||||||
5 | rights.
Proceedings seeking to enforce victims' rights | ||||||
6 | shall
not be stayed or subject to unreasonable delay | ||||||
7 | via
continuances. | ||||||
8 | (5) Violation of rights and remedies. | ||||||
9 | (A) If the court determines that a victim's right | ||||||
10 | has been violated, the court shall determine the | ||||||
11 | appropriate remedy for the violation of the victim's | ||||||
12 | right by hearing from the victim and the parties, | ||||||
13 | considering all factors relevant to the issue, and | ||||||
14 | then awarding appropriate relief to the victim. | ||||||
15 | (A-5) Consideration of an issue of a substantive | ||||||
16 | nature or an issue that implicates the constitutional | ||||||
17 | or statutory right of a victim at a court proceeding | ||||||
18 | labeled as a status hearing shall constitute a per se | ||||||
19 | violation of a victim's right. | ||||||
20 | (B) The appropriate remedy shall include only | ||||||
21 | actions necessary to provide the victim the right to | ||||||
22 | which the victim was entitled. Remedies may include, | ||||||
23 | but are not limited to: injunctive relief requiring | ||||||
24 | the victim's right to be afforded; declaratory | ||||||
25 | judgment recognizing or clarifying the victim's | ||||||
26 | rights; a writ of mandamus; and may include reopening |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | previously held proceedings; however, in no event | ||||||
2 | shall the court vacate a conviction. Any remedy shall | ||||||
3 | be tailored to provide the victim an appropriate | ||||||
4 | remedy without violating any constitutional right of | ||||||
5 | the defendant. In no event shall the appropriate | ||||||
6 | remedy to the victim be a new trial or damages. | ||||||
7 | The court shall impose a mandatory training course | ||||||
8 | provided by the Attorney General for the employee under | ||||||
9 | item (ii) of subparagraph (E) of paragraph (4), which must | ||||||
10 | be successfully completed within 6 months of the entry of | ||||||
11 | the court order. | ||||||
12 | This paragraph (5) takes effect January 2, 2023. | ||||||
13 | (6) Right to be heard. Whenever a victim has the right | ||||||
14 | to be heard, the court shall allow the victim to exercise | ||||||
15 | the right in any reasonable manner the victim chooses. | ||||||
16 | (7) Right to attend trial. A party must file a written | ||||||
17 | motion to exclude a victim from trial at least 60 days | ||||||
18 | prior to the date set for trial. The motion must state with | ||||||
19 | specificity the reason exclusion is necessary to protect a | ||||||
20 | constitutional right of the party, and must contain an | ||||||
21 | offer of proof. The court shall rule on the motion within | ||||||
22 | 30 days. If the motion is granted, the court shall set | ||||||
23 | forth on the record the facts that support its finding | ||||||
24 | that the victim's testimony will be materially affected if | ||||||
25 | the victim hears other testimony at trial. | ||||||
26 | (8) Right to have advocate and support person present |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | at court proceedings. | ||||||
2 | (A) A party who intends to call an advocate as a | ||||||
3 | witness at trial must seek permission of the court | ||||||
4 | before the subpoena is issued. The party must file a | ||||||
5 | written motion at least 90 days before trial that sets | ||||||
6 | forth specifically the issues on which the advocate's | ||||||
7 | testimony is sought and an offer of proof regarding | ||||||
8 | (i) the content of the anticipated testimony of the | ||||||
9 | advocate; and (ii) the relevance, admissibility, and | ||||||
10 | materiality of the anticipated testimony. The court | ||||||
11 | shall consider the motion and make findings within 30 | ||||||
12 | days of the filing of the motion. If the court finds by | ||||||
13 | a preponderance of the evidence that: (i) the | ||||||
14 | anticipated testimony is not protected by an absolute | ||||||
15 | privilege; and (ii) the anticipated testimony contains | ||||||
16 | relevant, admissible, and material evidence that is | ||||||
17 | not available through other witnesses or evidence, the | ||||||
18 | court shall issue a subpoena requiring the advocate to | ||||||
19 | appear to testify at an in camera hearing. The | ||||||
20 | prosecuting attorney and the victim shall have 15 days | ||||||
21 | to seek appellate review before the advocate is | ||||||
22 | required to testify at an ex parte in camera | ||||||
23 | proceeding. | ||||||
24 | The prosecuting attorney, the victim, and the | ||||||
25 | advocate's attorney shall be allowed to be present at | ||||||
26 | the ex parte in camera proceeding. If, after |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | conducting the ex parte in camera hearing, the court | ||||||
2 | determines that due process requires any testimony | ||||||
3 | regarding confidential or privileged information or | ||||||
4 | communications, the court shall provide to the | ||||||
5 | prosecuting attorney, the victim, and the advocate's | ||||||
6 | attorney a written memorandum on the substance of the | ||||||
7 | advocate's testimony. The prosecuting attorney, the | ||||||
8 | victim, and the advocate's attorney shall have 15 days | ||||||
9 | to seek appellate review before a subpoena may be | ||||||
10 | issued for the advocate to testify at trial. The | ||||||
11 | presence of the prosecuting attorney at the ex parte | ||||||
12 | in camera proceeding does not make the substance of | ||||||
13 | the advocate's testimony that the court has ruled | ||||||
14 | inadmissible subject to discovery. | ||||||
15 | (B) If a victim has asserted the right to have a | ||||||
16 | support person present at the court proceedings, the | ||||||
17 | victim shall provide the name of the person the victim | ||||||
18 | has chosen to be the victim's support person to the | ||||||
19 | prosecuting attorney, within 60 days of trial. The | ||||||
20 | prosecuting attorney shall provide the name to the | ||||||
21 | defendant. If the defendant intends to call the | ||||||
22 | support person as a witness at trial, the defendant | ||||||
23 | must seek permission of the court before a subpoena is | ||||||
24 | issued. The defendant must file a written motion at | ||||||
25 | least 45 days prior to trial that sets forth | ||||||
26 | specifically the issues on which the support person |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | will testify and an offer of proof regarding: (i) the | ||||||
2 | content of the anticipated testimony of the support | ||||||
3 | person; and (ii) the relevance, admissibility, and | ||||||
4 | materiality of the anticipated testimony. | ||||||
5 | If the prosecuting attorney intends to call the | ||||||
6 | support person as a witness during the State's | ||||||
7 | case-in-chief, the prosecuting attorney shall inform | ||||||
8 | the court of this intent in the response to the | ||||||
9 | defendant's written motion. The victim may choose a | ||||||
10 | different person to be the victim's support person. | ||||||
11 | The court may allow the defendant to inquire about | ||||||
12 | matters outside the scope of the direct examination | ||||||
13 | during cross-examination. If the court allows the | ||||||
14 | defendant to do so, the support person shall be | ||||||
15 | allowed to remain in the courtroom after the support | ||||||
16 | person has testified. A defendant who fails to | ||||||
17 | question the support person about matters outside the | ||||||
18 | scope of direct examination during the State's | ||||||
19 | case-in-chief waives the right to challenge the | ||||||
20 | presence of the support person on appeal. The court | ||||||
21 | shall allow the support person to testify if called as | ||||||
22 | a witness in the defendant's case-in-chief or the | ||||||
23 | State's rebuttal. | ||||||
24 | If the court does not allow the defendant to | ||||||
25 | inquire about matters outside the scope of the direct | ||||||
26 | examination, the support person shall be allowed to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | remain in the courtroom after the support person has | ||||||
2 | been called by the defendant or the defendant has | ||||||
3 | rested. The court shall allow the support person to | ||||||
4 | testify in the State's rebuttal. | ||||||
5 | If the prosecuting attorney does not intend to | ||||||
6 | call the support person in the State's case-in-chief, | ||||||
7 | the court shall verify with the support person whether | ||||||
8 | the support person, if called as a witness, would | ||||||
9 | testify as set forth in the offer of proof. If the | ||||||
10 | court finds that the support person would testify as | ||||||
11 | set forth in the offer of proof, the court shall rule | ||||||
12 | on the relevance, materiality, and admissibility of | ||||||
13 | the anticipated testimony. If the court rules the | ||||||
14 | anticipated testimony is admissible, the court shall | ||||||
15 | issue the subpoena. The support person may remain in | ||||||
16 | the courtroom after the support person testifies and | ||||||
17 | shall be allowed to testify in rebuttal. | ||||||
18 | If the court excludes the victim's support person | ||||||
19 | during the State's case-in-chief, the victim shall be | ||||||
20 | allowed to choose another support person to be present | ||||||
21 | in court. | ||||||
22 | If the victim fails to designate a support person | ||||||
23 | within 60 days of trial and the defendant has | ||||||
24 | subpoenaed the support person to testify at trial, the | ||||||
25 | court may exclude the support person from the trial | ||||||
26 | until the support person testifies. If the court |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | excludes the support person the victim may choose | ||||||
2 | another person as a support person. | ||||||
3 | (9) Right to notice and hearing before disclosure of | ||||||
4 | confidential or privileged information or records. | ||||||
5 | (A) A defendant who seeks to subpoena testimony or | ||||||
6 | records of or concerning the victim that are | ||||||
7 | confidential or privileged by law must seek permission | ||||||
8 | of the court before the subpoena is issued. The | ||||||
9 | defendant must file a written motion and an offer of | ||||||
10 | proof regarding the relevance, admissibility and | ||||||
11 | materiality of the testimony or records. If the court | ||||||
12 | finds by a preponderance of the evidence that: | ||||||
13 | (i) the testimony or records are not protected | ||||||
14 | by an absolute privilege and | ||||||
15 | (ii) the testimony or records contain | ||||||
16 | relevant, admissible, and material evidence that | ||||||
17 | is not available through other witnesses or | ||||||
18 | evidence, the court shall issue a subpoena | ||||||
19 | requiring the witness to appear in camera or a | ||||||
20 | sealed copy of the records be delivered to the | ||||||
21 | court to be reviewed in camera. If, after | ||||||
22 | conducting an in camera review of the witness | ||||||
23 | statement or records, the court determines that | ||||||
24 | due process requires disclosure of any potential | ||||||
25 | testimony or any portion of the records, the court | ||||||
26 | shall provide copies of the records that it |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | intends to disclose to the prosecuting attorney | ||||||
2 | and the victim. The prosecuting attorney and the | ||||||
3 | victim shall have 30 days to seek appellate review | ||||||
4 | before the records are disclosed to the defendant, | ||||||
5 | used in any court proceeding, or disclosed to | ||||||
6 | anyone or in any way that would subject the | ||||||
7 | testimony or records to public review. The | ||||||
8 | disclosure of copies of any portion of the | ||||||
9 | testimony or records to the prosecuting attorney | ||||||
10 | under this Section does not make the records | ||||||
11 | subject to discovery or required to be provided to | ||||||
12 | the defendant. | ||||||
13 | (B) A prosecuting attorney who seeks to subpoena | ||||||
14 | information or records concerning the victim that are | ||||||
15 | confidential or privileged by law must first request | ||||||
16 | the written consent of the crime victim. If the victim | ||||||
17 | does not provide such written consent, including where | ||||||
18 | necessary the appropriate signed document required for | ||||||
19 | waiving privilege, the prosecuting attorney must serve | ||||||
20 | the subpoena at least 21 days prior to the date a | ||||||
21 | response or appearance is required to allow the | ||||||
22 | subject of the subpoena time to file a motion to quash | ||||||
23 | or request a hearing. The prosecuting attorney must | ||||||
24 | also send a written notice to the victim at least 21 | ||||||
25 | days prior to the response date to allow the victim to | ||||||
26 | file a motion or request a hearing. The notice to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | victim shall inform the victim (i) that a subpoena has | ||||||
2 | been issued for confidential information or records | ||||||
3 | concerning the victim, (ii) that the victim has the | ||||||
4 | right to request a hearing prior to the response date | ||||||
5 | of the subpoena, and (iii) how to request the hearing. | ||||||
6 | The notice to the victim shall also include a copy of | ||||||
7 | the subpoena. If requested, a hearing regarding the | ||||||
8 | subpoena shall occur before information or records are | ||||||
9 | provided to the prosecuting attorney. | ||||||
10 | (10) Right to notice of court proceedings. If the | ||||||
11 | victim is not present at a court proceeding in which a | ||||||
12 | right of the victim is at issue, the court shall ask the | ||||||
13 | prosecuting attorney whether the victim was notified of | ||||||
14 | the time, place, and purpose of the court proceeding and | ||||||
15 | that the victim had a right to be heard at the court | ||||||
16 | proceeding. If the court determines that timely notice was | ||||||
17 | not given or that the victim was not adequately informed | ||||||
18 | of the nature of the court proceeding, the court shall not | ||||||
19 | rule on any substantive issues, accept a plea, or impose a | ||||||
20 | sentence and shall continue the hearing for the time | ||||||
21 | necessary to notify the victim of the time, place and | ||||||
22 | nature of the court proceeding. The time between court | ||||||
23 | proceedings shall not be attributable to the State under | ||||||
24 | Section 103-5 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963. | ||||||
25 | (11) Right to timely disposition of the case. A victim | ||||||
26 | has the right to timely disposition of the case so as to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | minimize the stress, cost, and inconvenience resulting | ||||||
2 | from the victim's involvement in the case. Before ruling | ||||||
3 | on a motion to continue trial or other court proceeding, | ||||||
4 | the court shall inquire into the circumstances for the | ||||||
5 | request for the delay and, if the victim has provided | ||||||
6 | written notice of the assertion of the right to a timely | ||||||
7 | disposition, and whether the victim objects to the delay. | ||||||
8 | If the victim objects, the prosecutor shall inform the | ||||||
9 | court of the victim's objections. If the prosecutor has | ||||||
10 | not conferred with the victim about the continuance, the | ||||||
11 | prosecutor shall inform the court of the attempts to | ||||||
12 | confer. If the court finds the attempts of the prosecutor | ||||||
13 | to confer with the victim were inadequate to protect the | ||||||
14 | victim's right to be heard, the court shall give the | ||||||
15 | prosecutor at least 3 but not more than 5 business days to | ||||||
16 | confer with the victim. In ruling on a motion to continue, | ||||||
17 | the court shall consider the reasons for the requested | ||||||
18 | continuance, the number and length of continuances that | ||||||
19 | have been granted, the victim's objections and procedures | ||||||
20 | to avoid further delays. If a continuance is granted over | ||||||
21 | the victim's objection, the court shall specify on the | ||||||
22 | record the reasons for the continuance and the procedures | ||||||
23 | that have been or will be taken to avoid further delays. | ||||||
24 | (12) Right to Restitution. | ||||||
25 | (A) If the victim has asserted the right to | ||||||
26 | restitution and the amount of restitution is known at |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the time of sentencing, the court shall enter the | ||||||
2 | judgment of restitution at the time of sentencing. | ||||||
3 | (B) If the victim has asserted the right to | ||||||
4 | restitution and the amount of restitution is not known | ||||||
5 | at the time of sentencing, the prosecutor shall, | ||||||
6 | within 5 days after sentencing, notify the victim what | ||||||
7 | information and documentation related to restitution | ||||||
8 | is needed and that the information and documentation | ||||||
9 | must be provided to the prosecutor within 45 days | ||||||
10 | after sentencing. Failure to timely provide | ||||||
11 | information and documentation related to restitution | ||||||
12 | shall be deemed a waiver of the right to restitution. | ||||||
13 | The prosecutor shall file and serve within 60 days | ||||||
14 | after sentencing a proposed judgment for restitution | ||||||
15 | and a notice that includes information concerning the | ||||||
16 | identity of any victims or other persons seeking | ||||||
17 | restitution, whether any victim or other person | ||||||
18 | expressly declines restitution, the nature and amount | ||||||
19 | of any damages together with any supporting | ||||||
20 | documentation, a restitution amount recommendation, | ||||||
21 | and the names of any co-defendants and their case | ||||||
22 | numbers. Within 30 days after receipt of the proposed | ||||||
23 | judgment for restitution, the defendant shall file any | ||||||
24 | objection to the proposed judgment, a statement of | ||||||
25 | grounds for the objection, and a financial statement. | ||||||
26 | If the defendant does not file an objection, the court |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | may enter the judgment for restitution without further | ||||||
2 | proceedings. If the defendant files an objection and | ||||||
3 | either party requests a hearing, the court shall | ||||||
4 | schedule a hearing. | ||||||
5 | (13) Access to presentence reports. | ||||||
6 | (A) The victim may request a copy of the | ||||||
7 | presentence report prepared under the Unified Code of | ||||||
8 | Corrections from the State's Attorney. The State's | ||||||
9 | Attorney shall redact the following information before | ||||||
10 | providing a copy of the report: | ||||||
11 | (i) the defendant's mental history and | ||||||
12 | condition; | ||||||
13 | (ii) any evaluation prepared under subsection | ||||||
14 | (b) or (b-5) of Section 5-3-2; and | ||||||
15 | (iii) the name, address, phone number, and | ||||||
16 | other personal information about any other victim. | ||||||
17 | (B) The State's Attorney or the defendant may | ||||||
18 | request the court redact other information in the | ||||||
19 | report that may endanger the safety of any person. | ||||||
20 | (C) The State's Attorney may orally disclose to | ||||||
21 | the victim any of the information that has been | ||||||
22 | redacted if there is a reasonable likelihood that the | ||||||
23 | information will be stated in court at the sentencing. | ||||||
24 | (D) The State's Attorney must advise the victim | ||||||
25 | that the victim must maintain the confidentiality of | ||||||
26 | the report and other information. Any dissemination of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the report or information that was not stated at a | ||||||
2 | court proceeding constitutes indirect criminal | ||||||
3 | contempt of court. | ||||||
4 | (14) Appellate relief. If the trial court denies the | ||||||
5 | relief requested, the victim, the victim's attorney, or | ||||||
6 | the prosecuting attorney may file an appeal within 30 days | ||||||
7 | of the trial court's ruling. The trial or appellate court | ||||||
8 | may stay the court proceedings if the court finds that a | ||||||
9 | stay would not violate a constitutional right of the | ||||||
10 | defendant. If the appellate court denies the relief | ||||||
11 | sought, the reasons for the denial shall be clearly stated | ||||||
12 | in a written opinion. In any appeal in a criminal case, the | ||||||
13 | State may assert as error the court's denial of any crime | ||||||
14 | victim's right in the proceeding to which the appeal | ||||||
15 | relates. | ||||||
16 | (15) Limitation on appellate relief. In no case shall | ||||||
17 | an appellate court provide a new trial to remedy the | ||||||
18 | violation of a victim's right. | ||||||
19 | (16) The right to be reasonably protected from the | ||||||
20 | accused throughout the criminal justice process and the | ||||||
21 | right to have the safety of the victim and the victim's | ||||||
22 | family considered in determining whether to release the | ||||||
23 | defendant, and setting conditions of release after arrest | ||||||
24 | and conviction. A victim of domestic violence, a sexual | ||||||
25 | offense, or stalking may request the entry of a protective | ||||||
26 | order under Article 112A of the Code of Criminal Procedure |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of 1963. | ||||||
2 | (d) Procedures after the imposition of sentence. | ||||||
3 | (1) The Prisoner Review Board shall inform a victim or | ||||||
4 | any other
concerned citizen, upon written request, of the | ||||||
5 | prisoner's release on parole,
mandatory supervised | ||||||
6 | release, electronic detention, work release, international | ||||||
7 | transfer or exchange, or by the
custodian, other than the | ||||||
8 | Department of Juvenile Justice, of the discharge of any | ||||||
9 | individual who was adjudicated a delinquent
for a crime | ||||||
10 | from State custody and by the sheriff of the appropriate
| ||||||
11 | county of any such person's final discharge from county | ||||||
12 | custody.
The Prisoner Review Board, upon written request, | ||||||
13 | shall provide to a victim or
any other concerned citizen a | ||||||
14 | recent photograph of any person convicted of a
felony, | ||||||
15 | upon his or her release from custody.
The Prisoner
Review | ||||||
16 | Board, upon written request, shall inform a victim or any | ||||||
17 | other
concerned citizen when feasible at least 7 days | ||||||
18 | prior to the prisoner's release
on furlough of the times | ||||||
19 | and dates of such furlough. Upon written request by
the | ||||||
20 | victim or any other concerned citizen, the State's | ||||||
21 | Attorney shall notify
the person once of the times and | ||||||
22 | dates of release of a prisoner sentenced to
periodic | ||||||
23 | imprisonment. Notification shall be based on the most | ||||||
24 | recent
information as to the victim's or other concerned | ||||||
25 | citizen's residence or other
location available to the | ||||||
26 | notifying authority.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) When the defendant has been committed to the | ||||||
2 | Department of
Human Services pursuant to Section 5-2-4 or | ||||||
3 | any other
provision of the Unified Code of Corrections, | ||||||
4 | the victim may request to be
notified by the releasing | ||||||
5 | authority of the approval by the court of an on-grounds | ||||||
6 | pass, a supervised off-grounds pass, an unsupervised | ||||||
7 | off-grounds pass, or conditional release; the release on | ||||||
8 | an off-grounds pass; the return from an off-grounds pass; | ||||||
9 | transfer to another facility; conditional release; escape; | ||||||
10 | death; or final discharge from State
custody. The | ||||||
11 | Department of Human Services shall establish and maintain | ||||||
12 | a statewide telephone number to be used by victims to make | ||||||
13 | notification requests under these provisions and shall | ||||||
14 | publicize this telephone number on its website and to the | ||||||
15 | State's Attorney of each county.
| ||||||
16 | (3) In the event of an escape from State custody, the | ||||||
17 | Department of
Corrections or the Department of Juvenile | ||||||
18 | Justice immediately shall notify the Prisoner Review Board | ||||||
19 | of the escape
and the Prisoner Review Board shall notify | ||||||
20 | the victim. The notification shall
be based upon the most | ||||||
21 | recent information as to the victim's residence or other
| ||||||
22 | location available to the Board. When no such information | ||||||
23 | is available, the
Board shall make all reasonable efforts | ||||||
24 | to obtain the information and make
the notification. When | ||||||
25 | the escapee is apprehended, the Department of
Corrections | ||||||
26 | or the Department of Juvenile Justice immediately shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | notify the Prisoner Review Board and the Board
shall | ||||||
2 | notify the victim.
| ||||||
3 | (4) The victim of the crime for which the prisoner has | ||||||
4 | been sentenced
has the right to register with the Prisoner | ||||||
5 | Review Board's victim registry. Victims registered with | ||||||
6 | the Board shall receive reasonable written notice not less | ||||||
7 | than 30 days prior to the
parole hearing or target | ||||||
8 | aftercare release date. The victim has the right to submit | ||||||
9 | a victim statement for consideration by the Prisoner | ||||||
10 | Review Board or the Department of Juvenile Justice in | ||||||
11 | writing, on film, videotape, or other electronic means, or | ||||||
12 | in the form of a recording prior to the parole hearing or | ||||||
13 | target aftercare release date, or in person at the parole | ||||||
14 | hearing or aftercare release protest hearing, or by | ||||||
15 | calling the toll-free number established in subsection (f) | ||||||
16 | of this Section. The
victim shall be notified within 7 | ||||||
17 | days after the prisoner has been granted
parole or | ||||||
18 | aftercare release and shall be informed of the right to | ||||||
19 | inspect the registry of parole
decisions, established | ||||||
20 | under subsection (g) of Section 3-3-5 of the Unified
Code | ||||||
21 | of Corrections. The provisions of this paragraph (4) are | ||||||
22 | subject to the
Open Parole Hearings Act. Victim statements | ||||||
23 | provided to the Board shall be confidential and | ||||||
24 | privileged, including any statements received prior to | ||||||
25 | January 1, 2020 (the effective date of Public Act | ||||||
26 | 101-288), except if the statement was an oral statement |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | made by the victim at a hearing open to the public.
| ||||||
2 | (4-1) The crime victim has the right to submit a | ||||||
3 | victim statement for consideration by the Prisoner Review | ||||||
4 | Board or the Department of Juvenile Justice prior to or at | ||||||
5 | a hearing to determine the conditions of mandatory | ||||||
6 | supervised release of a person sentenced to a determinate | ||||||
7 | sentence or at a hearing on revocation of mandatory | ||||||
8 | supervised release of a person sentenced to a determinate | ||||||
9 | sentence. A victim statement may be submitted in writing, | ||||||
10 | on film, videotape, or other electronic means, or in the | ||||||
11 | form of a recording, or orally at a hearing, or by calling | ||||||
12 | the toll-free number established in subsection (f) of this | ||||||
13 | Section. Victim statements provided to the Board shall be | ||||||
14 | confidential and privileged, including any statements | ||||||
15 | received prior to January 1, 2020 (the effective date of | ||||||
16 | Public Act 101-288), except if the statement was an oral | ||||||
17 | statement made by the victim at a hearing open to the | ||||||
18 | public. | ||||||
19 | (4-2) The crime victim has the right to submit a | ||||||
20 | victim statement to the Prisoner Review Board for | ||||||
21 | consideration at an executive clemency hearing as provided | ||||||
22 | in Section 3-3-13 of the Unified Code of Corrections. A | ||||||
23 | victim statement may be submitted in writing, on film, | ||||||
24 | videotape, or other electronic means, or in the form of a | ||||||
25 | recording prior to a hearing, or orally at a hearing, or by | ||||||
26 | calling the toll-free number established in subsection (f) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of this Section. Victim statements provided to the Board | ||||||
2 | shall be confidential and privileged, including any | ||||||
3 | statements received prior to January 1, 2020 (the | ||||||
4 | effective date of Public Act 101-288), except if the | ||||||
5 | statement was an oral statement made by the victim at a | ||||||
6 | hearing open to the public. | ||||||
7 | (5) If a statement is presented under Section 6, the | ||||||
8 | Prisoner Review Board or Department of Juvenile Justice
| ||||||
9 | shall inform the victim of any order of discharge pursuant
| ||||||
10 | to Section 3-2.5-85 or 3-3-8 of the Unified Code of | ||||||
11 | Corrections.
| ||||||
12 | (6) At the written or oral request of the victim of the | ||||||
13 | crime for which the
prisoner was sentenced or the State's | ||||||
14 | Attorney of the county where the person seeking parole or | ||||||
15 | aftercare release was prosecuted, the Prisoner Review | ||||||
16 | Board or Department of Juvenile Justice shall notify the | ||||||
17 | victim and the State's Attorney of the county where the | ||||||
18 | person seeking parole or aftercare release was prosecuted | ||||||
19 | of
the death of the prisoner if the prisoner died while on | ||||||
20 | parole or aftercare release or mandatory
supervised | ||||||
21 | release.
| ||||||
22 | (7) When a defendant who has been committed to the | ||||||
23 | Department of
Corrections, the Department of Juvenile | ||||||
24 | Justice, or the Department of Human Services is released | ||||||
25 | or discharged and
subsequently committed to the Department | ||||||
26 | of Human Services as a sexually
violent person and the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | victim had requested to be notified by the releasing
| ||||||
2 | authority of the defendant's discharge, conditional | ||||||
3 | release, death, or escape from State custody, the | ||||||
4 | releasing
authority shall provide to the Department of | ||||||
5 | Human Services such information
that would allow the | ||||||
6 | Department of Human Services to contact the victim.
| ||||||
7 | (8) When a defendant has been convicted of a sex | ||||||
8 | offense as defined in Section 2 of the Sex Offender | ||||||
9 | Registration Act and has been sentenced to the Department | ||||||
10 | of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice, the | ||||||
11 | Prisoner Review Board or the Department of Juvenile | ||||||
12 | Justice shall notify the victim of the sex offense of the | ||||||
13 | prisoner's eligibility for release on parole, aftercare | ||||||
14 | release,
mandatory supervised release, electronic | ||||||
15 | detention, work release, international transfer or | ||||||
16 | exchange, or by the
custodian of the discharge of any | ||||||
17 | individual who was adjudicated a delinquent
for a sex | ||||||
18 | offense from State custody and by the sheriff of the | ||||||
19 | appropriate
county of any such person's final discharge | ||||||
20 | from county custody. The notification shall be made to the | ||||||
21 | victim at least 30 days, whenever possible, before release | ||||||
22 | of the sex offender. | ||||||
23 | (e) The officials named in this Section may satisfy some | ||||||
24 | or all of their
obligations to provide notices and other | ||||||
25 | information through participation in a
statewide victim and | ||||||
26 | witness notification system established by the Attorney
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | General under Section 8.5 of this Act.
| ||||||
2 | (f) The Prisoner Review Board
shall establish a toll-free | ||||||
3 | number that may be accessed by the crime victim to present a | ||||||
4 | victim statement to the Board in accordance with paragraphs | ||||||
5 | (4), (4-1), and (4-2) of subsection (d).
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; 101-288, eff. 1-1-20; | ||||||
7 | 101-652, eff. 1-1-23; 102-22, eff. 6-25-21; 102-558, eff. | ||||||
8 | 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22 .)
| ||||||
9 | Section 35. The Pretrial Services Act is amended by adding | ||||||
10 | Sections 8.1 and 8.2 as follows: | ||||||
11 | (725 ILCS 185/8.1 new) | ||||||
12 | Sec. 8.1. Additional duties of pretrial services agencies. | ||||||
13 | (a) Pretrial services agencies shall perform such duties | ||||||
14 | as prescribed to them by the Code of Criminal Procedure of | ||||||
15 | 1963. | ||||||
16 | (b) Pretrial services agencies shall implement a system of | ||||||
17 | court date reminders, including location, date, and time of | ||||||
18 | the court appearance. Reminders shall be provided one to 3 | ||||||
19 | days prior to each scheduled court appearance. | ||||||
20 | (c) Electronic monitoring is available for pretrial | ||||||
21 | detention. "Electronic monitoring" has the meaning ascribed to | ||||||
22 | it in Section 5-8A-2 of the Unified Code of Corrections. | ||||||
23 | (725 ILCS 185/8.2 new) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 8.2. Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts; | ||||||
2 | data; additional duties; criminal justice coordinating | ||||||
3 | councils. | ||||||
4 | (a) The Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts | ||||||
5 | shall: | ||||||
6 | (1) develop a process to evaluate and improve the | ||||||
7 | quality, completeness and availability of data needed and | ||||||
8 | collected to evaluate the use of electronic monitoring and | ||||||
9 | its impact on pretrial success; | ||||||
10 | (2) establish and adopt performance measurements to | ||||||
11 | analyze the criminal justice system's effectiveness in | ||||||
12 | administering pretrial justice; | ||||||
13 | (3) adopt the following goals of performance | ||||||
14 | measurements in identifying data metrics: | ||||||
15 | (A) highlight opportunities for pretrial system | ||||||
16 | improvements; | ||||||
17 | (B) obtain a view of the landscape of pretrial in | ||||||
18 | this State; | ||||||
19 | (C) allow for county comparisons; | ||||||
20 | (D) highlight data collection issues and quality; | ||||||
21 | and | ||||||
22 | (E) identify model and high functioning county | ||||||
23 | systems; | ||||||
24 | (4) establish a Pretrial Division to assist and | ||||||
25 | support statewide implementation of pretrial | ||||||
26 | recommendations. The pretrial services component shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | have a clearly defined, pretrial service-related function | ||||||
2 | as its purpose. Pretrial staff shall be assigned only to | ||||||
3 | pretrial-related work with pretrial defendants. Pretrial | ||||||
4 | component management can make independent decisions on | ||||||
5 | budget, staffing, and policy; | ||||||
6 | (5) allow for agreements with external research | ||||||
7 | entities such as the Illinois Criminal Justice Information | ||||||
8 | Authority or universities to use the data to further study | ||||||
9 | pretrial practices, risk assessment instrument development | ||||||
10 | and validation. Training shall include the utility of risk | ||||||
11 | assessment instruments, offered not only for those who | ||||||
12 | will implement the instruments, but those receiving the | ||||||
13 | results, including judges, prosecutors, and defense | ||||||
14 | counsel; | ||||||
15 | (6) encourage collaborative training with judges, | ||||||
16 | probation, and pretrial service agencies through the | ||||||
17 | Illinois Judicial College; | ||||||
18 | (7) partner with other stakeholder organizations to | ||||||
19 | provide joint training regarding legal and evidence-based | ||||||
20 | pretrial practices; | ||||||
21 | (8) create and maintain a central repository on the | ||||||
22 | Illinois Courts website, available to all criminal justice | ||||||
23 | stakeholders, the public and media, to easily access | ||||||
24 | information regarding pretrial reform; and | ||||||
25 | (9) create a traveling press team to visit editorial | ||||||
26 | boards at the State's major media outlets and provide |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | education, training, and outcome data of pretrial decision | ||||||
2 | making. | ||||||
3 | (b) Each of the 24 judicial circuits shall create a | ||||||
4 | criminal justice coordinating council, to interface with other | ||||||
5 | criminal justice stakeholders. The Chief Judge of each circuit | ||||||
6 | shall chair the criminal justice coordinating council in his | ||||||
7 | or her circuit. | ||||||
8 | Section 40. The Unified Code of Corrections is amended by | ||||||
9 | changing Sections 5-8A-3 and 5-8A-7 and by adding Section | ||||||
10 | 5-8A-10 as follows:
| ||||||
11 | (730 ILCS 5/5-8A-3) (from Ch. 38, par. 1005-8A-3)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 5-8A-3. Application.
| ||||||
13 | (a) Except as provided in subsection (d), a person charged | ||||||
14 | with
or convicted of an
excluded offense may not be placed in | ||||||
15 | an electronic monitoring or home
detention program, except for | ||||||
16 | bond pending trial or appeal or while on parole, aftercare | ||||||
17 | release,
or mandatory supervised release.
| ||||||
18 | (b) A person serving a sentence for a conviction of a Class | ||||||
19 | 1 felony,
other than an excluded offense, may be placed in an | ||||||
20 | electronic monitoring or home detention
program for a period | ||||||
21 | not to exceed the last 90 days of incarceration.
| ||||||
22 | (c) A person serving a sentence for a conviction
of a Class | ||||||
23 | X felony, other than an excluded offense, may be placed
in an | ||||||
24 | electronic monitoring or home detention program for a period |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | not to exceed the last 90
days of incarceration, provided that | ||||||
2 | the person was sentenced on or after August 11, 1993 (the
| ||||||
3 | effective date of Public Act 88-311) and provided that the | ||||||
4 | court has
not prohibited the program for the person in the | ||||||
5 | sentencing order.
| ||||||
6 | (d) A person serving a sentence for conviction of an | ||||||
7 | offense other than
for predatory criminal sexual assault of a | ||||||
8 | child, aggravated criminal
sexual assault, criminal sexual | ||||||
9 | assault, aggravated
criminal sexual abuse, or felony criminal | ||||||
10 | sexual abuse, may be placed in an
electronic monitoring or | ||||||
11 | home detention program for a period not to exceed the last 12 | ||||||
12 | months
of incarceration, provided that (i) the person is 55 | ||||||
13 | years of age or older;
(ii) the person is serving a determinate | ||||||
14 | sentence; (iii) the person has served
at least 25% of the | ||||||
15 | sentenced prison term; and (iv) placement in an electronic
| ||||||
16 | monitoring or home detention program is approved by the | ||||||
17 | Prisoner Review Board or the Department of Juvenile Justice.
| ||||||
18 | (e) A person serving a sentence for conviction
of a Class | ||||||
19 | 2, 3, or 4 felony offense which is not an excluded offense may | ||||||
20 | be
placed in an
electronic monitoring or home detention | ||||||
21 | program pursuant to Department administrative
directives. | ||||||
22 | These directives shall encourage inmates to apply for | ||||||
23 | electronic detention to incentivize positive behavior and | ||||||
24 | program participation prior to and following their return to | ||||||
25 | the community, consistent with Section 5-8A-4.2 of this Code. | ||||||
26 | These directives shall not prohibit application solely for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | prior mandatory supervised release violation history, | ||||||
2 | outstanding municipal warrants, current security | ||||||
3 | classification, and prior criminal history, though these | ||||||
4 | factors may be considered when reviewing individual | ||||||
5 | applications in conjunction with additional factors, such as | ||||||
6 | the applicant's institution behavior, program participation, | ||||||
7 | and reentry plan.
| ||||||
8 | (f) Applications for electronic monitoring or home | ||||||
9 | detention
may include the following:
| ||||||
10 | (1) pretrial or pre-adjudicatory detention;
| ||||||
11 | (2) probation;
| ||||||
12 | (3) conditional discharge;
| ||||||
13 | (4) periodic imprisonment;
| ||||||
14 | (5) parole, aftercare release, or mandatory supervised | ||||||
15 | release;
| ||||||
16 | (6) work release;
| ||||||
17 | (7) furlough; or
| ||||||
18 | (8) post-trial incarceration.
| ||||||
19 | (g) A person convicted of an offense described in clause | ||||||
20 | (4) or (5) of
subsection (d) of Section 5-8-1 of this Code | ||||||
21 | shall be placed in an electronic monitoring or
home detention | ||||||
22 | program for at least the first 2 years of the person's | ||||||
23 | mandatory
supervised release term.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 99-628, eff. 1-1-17; 99-797, eff. 8-12-16; | ||||||
25 | 100-201, eff. 8-18-17; 100-431, eff. 8-25-17; 100-575, eff. | ||||||
26 | 1-8-18.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (730 ILCS 5/5-8A-7) | ||||||
2 | Sec. 5-8A-7. Domestic violence surveillance program. If | ||||||
3 | the Prisoner Review Board, Department of Corrections, | ||||||
4 | Department of Juvenile Justice, or court (the supervising | ||||||
5 | authority) orders electronic surveillance as a condition of | ||||||
6 | parole, aftercare release, mandatory supervised release, early | ||||||
7 | release, probation, or conditional discharge for a violation | ||||||
8 | of an order of protection or as a condition of pretrial release | ||||||
9 | for a person charged with a violation of
one or more felony | ||||||
10 | statutes of any jurisdiction which would be a
forcible felony | ||||||
11 | in Illinois or a Class 2 or greater offense under the
Illinois | ||||||
12 | Controlled Substances Act, the
Cannabis Control Act, or the | ||||||
13 | Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act and the
| ||||||
14 | defendant is on bail for the alleged
commission of a felony, or | ||||||
15 | where the defendant is on bail for a felony
domestic battery | ||||||
16 | (enhanced pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 12-3.2 of the
| ||||||
17 | Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012), | ||||||
18 | aggravated
domestic battery, aggravated battery, unlawful | ||||||
19 | restraint, aggravated unlawful
restraint or domestic battery | ||||||
20 | in violation
of item (1) of subsection (a) of Section 12-3.2 of | ||||||
21 | the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012
against | ||||||
22 | a
family or household member as defined in Section 112A-3 of | ||||||
23 | this Code and the
violation is an offense of domestic battery | ||||||
24 | against
the same victim or a violation of an order of | ||||||
25 | protection, the supervising authority shall use the best |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | available global positioning technology to track domestic | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | violence offenders , if available and reliable in the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | supervising authority's jurisdiction . Best available | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | technology must have real-time and interactive capabilities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | that facilitate the following objectives: (1) immediate | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | notification to the supervising authority of a breach of a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | court ordered exclusion zone; (2) notification of the breach | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | to the offender; and (3) communication between the supervising | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | authority, law enforcement, and the victim, regarding the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | breach. The supervising authority may also require that the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | electronic surveillance ordered under this Section monitor the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | consumption of alcohol or drugs.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17; 101-652, eff. 1-1-23 .) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Section 95. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | represented by multiple versions), the use of that text does | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the changes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any other | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Public Act. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect June 1, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | 2025. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||