HB4412 EnrolledLRB103 36073 SPS 66161 b

1    AN ACT concerning regulation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Child Care Act of 1969 is amended by
5changing Section 4.1 as follows:
6    (225 ILCS 10/4.1)  (from Ch. 23, par. 2214.1)
7    Sec. 4.1. Criminal background investigations.
8    (a) In this Section, "third-party vendor" means a
9third-party fingerprinting vendor who is licensed by the
10Department of Financial and Professional Regulation and
11regulated by 68 Ill. Adm. Code 1240.600.
12    (b) The Department shall require that each child care
13facility license applicant as part of the application process,
14and each employee and volunteer of a child care facility or
15non-licensed service provider, as a condition of employment,
16authorize an investigation to determine if such applicant,
17employee, or volunteer has ever been charged with a crime and
18if so, the disposition of those charges; this authorization
19shall indicate the scope of the inquiry and the agencies which
20may be contacted. A child care facility, non-licensed service
21provider, day care center, group day care home, or day care
22home may authorize the Department or a third-party vendor to
23collect fingerprints for the investigation. If a third-party



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1vendor is used for fingerprinting, then the child care
2facility, non-licensed service provider, day care center,
3group day care home, or day care home shall pay the third-party
4vendor for that service directly. If a child care facility,
5non-licensed service provider, day care center, group day care
6home, or day care home authorizes the Department or a
7third-party vendor to collect fingerprints for the
8investigation, Upon this authorization, the Director shall
9request and receive information and assistance from any
10federal, State, or local governmental agency as part of the
11authorized investigation. Each applicant, employee, or
12volunteer of a child care facility or non-licensed service
13provider shall submit the applicant's, employee's, or
14volunteer's fingerprints to the Illinois State Police in the
15form and manner prescribed by the Illinois State Police. These
16fingerprints shall be checked against the fingerprint records
17now and hereafter filed in the Illinois State Police and
18Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history records
19databases. The Illinois State Police shall charge a fee for
20conducting the criminal history records check, which shall be
21deposited in the State Police Services Fund and shall not
22exceed the actual cost of the records check. The Illinois
23State Police shall provide information concerning any criminal
24charges, and their disposition, now or hereafter filed,
25against an applicant, employee, or volunteer of a child care
26facility or non-licensed service provider upon request of the



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1Department of Children and Family Services when the request is
2made in the form and manner required by the Illinois State
4    Information concerning convictions of a license applicant,
5employee, or volunteer of a child care facility or
6non-licensed service provider investigated under this Section,
7including the source of the information and any conclusions or
8recommendations derived from the information, shall be
9provided, upon request, to such applicant, employee, or
10volunteer of a child care facility or non-licensed service
11provider prior to final action by the Department on the
12application. State conviction information provided by the
13Illinois State Police regarding employees, prospective
14employees, or volunteers of non-licensed service providers and
15child care facilities licensed under this Act shall be
16provided to the operator of such facility, and, upon request,
17to the employee, prospective employee, or volunteer of a child
18care facility or non-licensed service provider. Any
19information concerning criminal charges and the disposition of
20such charges obtained by the Department shall be confidential
21and may not be transmitted outside the Department, except as
22required herein, and may not be transmitted to anyone within
23the Department except as needed for the purpose of evaluating
24an application or an employee or volunteer of a child care
25facility or non-licensed service provider. Only information
26and standards which bear a reasonable and rational relation to



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1the performance of a child care facility shall be used by the
2Department or any licensee. Any employee of the Department of
3Children and Family Services, Illinois State Police, or a
4child care facility receiving confidential information under
5this Section who gives or causes to be given any confidential
6information concerning any criminal convictions of an
7applicant, employee, or volunteer of a child care facility or
8non-licensed service provider, shall be guilty of a Class A
9misdemeanor unless release of such information is authorized
10by this Section.
11    A child care facility may hire, on a probationary basis,
12any employee or volunteer of a child care facility or
13non-licensed service provider authorizing a criminal
14background investigation under this Section, pending the
15result of such investigation. Employees and volunteers of a
16child care facility or non-licensed service provider shall be
17notified prior to hiring that such employment may be
18terminated on the basis of criminal background information
19obtained by the facility.
20(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 103-22, eff. 8-8-23.)