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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate MaryBeth and Jim Westin
4on the occasion of their respective retirements after a
5combined six decades of teaching in the Rockford Region; and
6    WHEREAS, MaryBeth Westin earned a Bachelor of Science in
7Special Education from Illinois State University in 1991; she
8obtained a Master of Arts in Education from St. Xavier
9University in 1994; she later earned a Library Information
10Specialist endorsement from Northern Illinois University in
112011; and
12    WHEREAS, MaryBeth Westin has always striven to participate
13and advocate for students; she has made a tremendous impact on
14the lives of her pupils while embracing the challenges and
15responsibilities of educating special education students with
16unwavering commitment, patience, and empathy, ensuring that
17each student received the personalized support and
18accommodations necessary to thrive academically, socially, and
19emotionally; her work ethic is reflective of her guiding
20principle that every student possesses the ability to learn,
21even if learning cannot traditionally manifest itself; and
22    WHEREAS, MaryBeth Westin has worked tirelessly to break



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1down barriers and overcome obstacles that special education
2students often face, advocating for their rights, access to
3resources, and opportunities for full participation in our
4academic system; and
5    WHEREAS, Marybeth Westin has served as a member of
6multiple union bargaining teams, including during the height
7of the COVID-19 pandemic when she leveraged her expertise,
8insight, and experience in negotiating the contracts of over
91,500 teachers in the State's third-largest district, proving
10her relentless dedication to ensuring that the terms and
11conditions of employment were fair, equitable, and reflective
12of the needs and priorities of educators, students, and the
13broader school community; and
14    WHEREAS, In her years as a librarian, MaryBeth Westin has
15initiated book clubs to help students foster a love for
16reading, critical thinking, and intellectual curiosity,
17including a parent-student book club that provided
18opportunities for students and parents to engage in meaningful
19discussions, share diverse perspectives, and connect and bond
20over education; and
21    WHEREAS, MaryBeth Westin has exemplified a deep commitment
22to the holistic development of her students, going above and
23beyond to support their involvement in extracurricular



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1activities; she has served as a steadfast champion and mentor
2for students, encouraging them to explore their passions,
3interests, and talents beyond the confines of the traditional
4classroom setting; and
5    WHEREAS, Jim Westin received a Bachelor of Science in
6Education from Illinois State University in 1995; he later
7obtained a Master of Education from Northern Illinois
8University in 2001; and
9    WHEREAS, Jim Westin began his career as a special
10education teacher at Abraham Lincoln Middle School, where he
11worked for 20 years, serving and educating children at the
12same school he attended as a student; and
13    WHEREAS, For the last years of his career, Jim Westin has
14demonstrated an exceptional commitment to serving
15nontraditional students during his tenure at the Winnebago
16County Juvenile Detention Center, displaying unwavering
17dedication in his educational endeavors and embracing head-on
18the unique challenges and opportunities of teaching in a
19juvenile detention center; further, he has recognized the
20importance of education as a pathway to rehabilitation,
21empowerment, and hope for incarcerated youth; and
22    WHEREAS, Jim Westin has gone above and beyond to create a



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1supportive and open learning environment within the confines
2of the detention center, providing personalized attention,
3mentorship, and encouragement to students who often previously
4faced significant academic, social, and emotional barriers;
6    WHEREAS, Jim Westin has demonstrated remarkable
7creativity, adaptability, and resourcefulness in developing
8and implementing educational programs tailored to meet the
9diverse needs and backgrounds of incarcerated youth; he has
10also exhibited extraordinary empathy, patience, and
11understanding in working with students grappling with trauma,
12adversity, and systemic challenges, recognizing the inherent
13dignity and potential of every individual under his care; and
14    WHEREAS, At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, MaryBeth
15and Jim Westin will conclude their respective careers as
16educators of Rockford's youth after more than 60 combined
17years of service to the community they have both called home
18all their lives; and
19    WHEREAS, MaryBeth and Jim Westin's tireless efforts,
20passion for teaching, and commitment to excellence have set a
21standard of professionalism and excellence that will continue
22to inspire future educators for years to come, and the impact
23of their work extends far beyond the walls of the classroom,



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1shaping the minds and futures of generations of students and
2contributing to the fabric of our community in ways that are
3beyond measure; therefore, be it
6we congratulate MaryBeth and Jim Westin on their respective
7retirements after more than 60 combined years of teaching in
8the Rockford Region, thank them for their commitment to
9education, and wish them all the best in their future
10endeavors; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
12presented to MaryBeth and Jim Westin as a symbol of our esteem
13and respect.