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2    WHEREAS, The State of Illinois and the Illinois Department
3of Corrections (IDOC) are committed to enhancing public safety
4and reducing recidivism; and
5    WHEREAS, Studies have shown that community-based
6residential treatment facilities offering housing, counseling,
7workforce training, and other supportive services can reduce
8recidivism rates and improve successful reentry for
9individuals in the justice system; and
10    WHEREAS, Partnerships with non-profit providers can enable
11Illinois to offer safe, community-based residential
12facilities, where individuals receive mental health
13counseling, job training, substance abuse treatment, and
14restorative justice services, all of which contribute to
15lowering recidivism and enhancing community safety; and
16    WHEREAS, Alternatives to incarceration administered by
17community-based, non-profit organizations alleviate burdens on
18the Illinois budget by reducing the cost of incarcerating
19individuals in IDOC facilities; and
20    WHEREAS, IDOC currently spends $4,106 per person per month
21to incarcerate an individual in a department facility,



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1according to its FY2024 Financial Impact Statement; and
2    WHEREAS, IDOC is permitted to contract with
3community-based, non-profit providers at that same rate on a
4per person, per month basis to house and support these
5individuals who would otherwise be incarcerated in a
6department facility at the same cost; and
7    WHEREAS, The contracts would support eligible individuals
8when subject to a judicial order to live and be served in a
9community-based facility as an alternative to incarceration;
11    WHEREAS, These community-based non-profit facilities could
12neither be a private correctional facility nor a private
13detention facility pursuant to State law, but a residential
14treatment facility is permitted; and
15    WHEREAS, This approach envisions long-term outcomes such
16as reducing recidivism, promoting workforce readiness, and
17facilitating smoother transitions for individuals back into
18society; therefore, be it
21we urge the Illinois Department of Corrections under their



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1existing statutory authority to draft and adopt administrative
2rules authorizing community-based, non-profit residential
3treatment providers to apply for the same monthly Financial
4Impact Statement funds per person and per month to support
5their operations; and be it further
6    RESOLVED, That we urge that these rules enable IDOC to
7automatically fund qualified community-based non-profit
8residential providers that meet objective state standards for
9service provision, safety, and rehabilitative support; and be
10it further
11    RESOLVED, That IDOC has existing statutory and budget
12authority to enter into these funding agreements with
13community-based, non-profit residential treatment providers
14that are not private correctional facilities or private
15detention facilities; and be it further
16    RESOLVED, That administrative rules governing
17applications, standards, and metrics for residential treatment
18facilities to qualify for automatic funding with IDOC would
19enhance transparency and incentivize more development of these
20non-profit residential treatment facilities; and be it further
21    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
22delivered to the Director of the Illinois Department of



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1Corrections and the Governor of Illinois to encourage
2immediate steps toward implementing alternatives to
3incarceration contractual programs that emphasize
4rehabilitation, reintegration, and public safety.