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1 | AN ACT concerning civil law. | ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly: | ||||||
4 | Section 5. The State of Illinois is authorized to execute | ||||||
5 | and deliver to the City of Venice, for and in consideration of | ||||||
6 | $1 paid to the State of Illinois, a quit claim deed to the | ||||||
7 | following described real property located in Madison County, | ||||||
8 | to wit: | ||||||
9 | A tract of land in the east half of Section 35, Township 3 | ||||||
10 | North, Range 10 West of the Third Principal Meridian, in | ||||||
11 | the City of Venice, Madison County, Illinois, described as | ||||||
12 | follows: | ||||||
13 | Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly | ||||||
14 | prolongation of the southeasterly right of way line of | ||||||
15 | Washington Avenue (60 feet wide) with the southwesterly | ||||||
16 | right of way line of Klein Avenue (60 feet wide); thence on | ||||||
17 | an assumed bearing of South 36 degrees 36 minutes 16 | ||||||
18 | seconds East on said southwesterly right of way line, | ||||||
19 | 215.90 feet; thence southeasterly 93.15 feet on said | ||||||
20 | southwesterly right of way line being a curve to the right | ||||||
21 | having a radius of 353.08 feet, the chord of said curve | ||||||
22 | bears South 29 degrees 02 minutes 47 seconds East, 92.88 |
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1 | feet; thence South 53 degrees 33 minutes 36 seconds West, | ||||||
2 | 525.95 feet; thence North 23 degrees 46 minutes 53 seconds | ||||||
3 | West on a line 75.00 feet northeasterly and parallel with | ||||||
4 | the centerline of FA Route 14 (IL 3) Corridor Protection | ||||||
5 | Map, recorded as Document Number A01656129 (Book, 125, | ||||||
6 | Page 59), 36.23 feet; thence northwesterly 85.32 feet on a | ||||||
7 | curve to the left being 75.00 feet northeasterly and | ||||||
8 | parallel with said centerline, having a radius of 1,602.89 | ||||||
9 | feet, the chord of said curve bears North 25 degrees 18 | ||||||
10 | minutes 23 seconds West, 85.31 feet to the east right of | ||||||
11 | way line of Fourth Street (varying width); thence North 01 | ||||||
12 | degrees 27 minutes 27 seconds West on said east right of | ||||||
13 | way line, 230.62 feet; thence North 53 degrees 33 minutes | ||||||
14 | 36 seconds East, 380.65 feet to the Point of Beginning. | ||||||
15 | Said Parcel 800XD85 contains 146,622 square feet, or | ||||||
16 | 3.3660 acres, more or less. | ||||||
17 | Section 10. (a) The conveyances of real property shall be | ||||||
18 | made subject to: (1) existing public utilities, existing | ||||||
19 | public roads, and any and all reservations, easements, | ||||||
20 | encumbrances, covenants, and restrictions of record; and (2) | ||||||
21 | the express condition that if the real property ceases to be | ||||||
22 | used for public purposes, it shall revert to the State of | ||||||
23 | Illinois. |
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1 | (b) The State of Illinois shall obtain a certified copy of | ||||||
2 | this Act within 60 days after its effective date and, upon | ||||||
3 | receipt of the payment required by Section 5, if any payment is | ||||||
4 | required, shall record the certified document in the | ||||||
5 | Recorder's Office in the county in which the land is located. | ||||||
6 | Section 15. The Capital Development Board Act is amended | ||||||
7 | by adding Section 10.19 as follows: | ||||||
8 | (20 ILCS 3105/10.19 new) | ||||||
9 | Sec. 10.19. Local regulation of remediation, | ||||||
10 | redevelopment, and improvements of inoperable State | ||||||
11 | facilities. | ||||||
12 | (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an | ||||||
13 | ordinance of a unit of local government may not be enforced | ||||||
14 | against the remediation, redevelopment, or improvement of an | ||||||
15 | inoperable State facility conveyed to a unit of local | ||||||
16 | government for a recreational public purpose if the ordinance | ||||||
17 | prohibits, restricts, or limits the remediation, | ||||||
18 | redevelopment, or improvement of the inoperable State facility | ||||||
19 | for a recreational public purpose. A unit of local government | ||||||
20 | may not require payment of permitting fees or require permit | ||||||
21 | inspections for the remediation, redevelopment, or improvement | ||||||
22 | of an inoperable State facility conveyed to a unit of local | ||||||
23 | government for the purpose of remediation, redevelopment, or | ||||||
24 | improvement for a recreational public purpose. |
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1 | (b) This Section applies to remediation, redevelopment, or | ||||||
2 | improvement projects that are ongoing on the effective date of | ||||||
3 | this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly and to all | ||||||
4 | projects started on or after the effective date of this | ||||||
5 | amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly. | ||||||
6 | (c) A home rule unit may not regulate remediation, | ||||||
7 | redevelopment, or improvement of an inoperable State facility | ||||||
8 | conveyed to a unit of local government for a recreational | ||||||
9 | public purpose in a manner inconsistent with this Section. | ||||||
10 | This Section is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 | ||||||
11 | of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent | ||||||
12 | exercise by home rule units of powers and functions exercised | ||||||
13 | by the State. | ||||||
14 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
15 | becoming law. |