State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/9/2023, by Sen. Robert F. Martwick


40 ILCS 5/1-160
40 ILCS 5/7-114  from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 7-114
40 ILCS 5/7-116  from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 7-116
40 ILCS 5/7-141  from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 7-141
40 ILCS 5/7-142  from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 7-142
40 ILCS 5/15-111  from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-111
40 ILCS 5/15-112  from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-112
40 ILCS 5/15-135  from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-135
40 ILCS 5/15-136  from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-136
40 ILCS 5/15-198
40 ILCS 5/16-203
30 ILCS 805/8.47 new

     Amends the General Provisions, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), State Universities, and Downstate Teacher Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. With regard to Tier 2 members under the Downstate Teacher or State Universities Article and Tier 2 regular employees under the IMRF Article who are employees of an educational employer: makes changes to the age and service credit requirements for receiving an annuity; increases the amount of the automatic annual increases to retirement annuities; makes changes to the formula for calculating final average salary; and increases the limitation on the amount of salary that is used to calculate benefits. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately.

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SB2024LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    AN ACT concerning public employee benefits.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 10. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by
5changing Sections 1-160, 7-114, 7-116, 7-141, 7-142, 15-111,
615-112, 15-135, 15-136, 15-198, and 16-203 as follows:
7    (40 ILCS 5/1-160)
8    (Text of Section from P.A. 102-719)
9    Sec. 1-160. Provisions applicable to new hires.
10    (a) The provisions of this Section apply to a person who,
11on or after January 1, 2011, first becomes a member or a
12participant under any reciprocal retirement system or pension
13fund established under this Code, other than a retirement
14system or pension fund established under Article 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
157, 15, or 18 of this Code, notwithstanding any other provision
16of this Code to the contrary, but do not apply to any
17self-managed plan established under this Code or to any
18participant of the retirement plan established under Section
1922-101; except that this Section applies to a person who
20elected to establish alternative credits by electing in
21writing after January 1, 2011, but before August 8, 2011,
22under Section 7-145.1 of this Code. Notwithstanding anything
23to the contrary in this Section, for purposes of this Section,



SB2024- 2 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1a person who is a Tier 1 regular employee as defined in Section
27-109.4 of this Code or who participated in a retirement
3system under Article 15 prior to January 1, 2011 shall be
4deemed a person who first became a member or participant prior
5to January 1, 2011 under any retirement system or pension fund
6subject to this Section. The changes made to this Section by
7Public Act 98-596 are a clarification of existing law and are
8intended to be retroactive to January 1, 2011 (the effective
9date of Public Act 96-889), notwithstanding the provisions of
10Section 1-103.1 of this Code.
11    This Section does not apply to a person who first becomes a
12noncovered employee under Article 14 on or after the
13implementation date of the plan created under Section 1-161
14for that Article, unless that person elects under subsection
15(b) of Section 1-161 to instead receive the benefits provided
16under this Section and the applicable provisions of that
18    This Section does not apply to a person who first becomes a
19member or participant under Article 16 on or after the
20implementation date of the plan created under Section 1-161
21for that Article, unless that person elects under subsection
22(b) of Section 1-161 to instead receive the benefits provided
23under this Section and the applicable provisions of that
25    This Section does not apply to a person who elects under
26subsection (c-5) of Section 1-161 to receive the benefits



SB2024- 3 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1under Section 1-161.
2    This Section does not apply to a person who first becomes a
3member or participant of an affected pension fund on or after 6
4months after the resolution or ordinance date, as defined in
5Section 1-162, unless that person elects under subsection (c)
6of Section 1-162 to receive the benefits provided under this
7Section and the applicable provisions of the Article under
8which he or she is a member or participant.
9    (b) "Final average salary" means, except as otherwise
10provided in this subsection, the average monthly (or annual)
11salary obtained by dividing the total salary or earnings
12calculated under the Article applicable to the member or
13participant during the 96 consecutive months (or 8 consecutive
14years) of service within the last 120 months (or 10 years) of
15service in which the total salary or earnings calculated under
16the applicable Article was the highest by the number of months
17(or years) of service in that period. For the purposes of a
18person who first becomes a member or participant of any
19retirement system or pension fund to which this Section
20applies on or after January 1, 2011, in this Code, "final
21average salary" shall be substituted for the following:
22        (1) (Blank).
23        (2) In Articles 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, "highest average
24    annual salary for any 4 consecutive years within the last
25    10 years of service immediately preceding the date of
26    withdrawal".



SB2024- 4 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1        (3) In Article 13, "average final salary".
2        (4) In Article 14, "final average compensation".
3        (5) In Article 17, "average salary".
4        (6) In Section 22-207, "wages or salary received by
5    him at the date of retirement or discharge".
6    A member of the Teachers' Retirement System of the State
7of Illinois who retires on or after June 1, 2021 and for whom
8the 2020-2021 school year is used in the calculation of the
9member's final average salary shall use the higher of the
10following for the purpose of determining the member's final
11average salary:
12        (A) the amount otherwise calculated under the next
13    first paragraph of this subsection; or
14        (B) an amount calculated by the Teachers' Retirement
15    System of the State of Illinois using the average of the
16    monthly (or annual) salary obtained by dividing the total
17    salary or earnings calculated under Article 16 applicable
18    to the member or participant during the 72 96 months (or 6
19    8 years) of service within the last 120 months (or 10
20    years) of service in which the total salary or earnings
21    calculated under the Article was the highest by the number
22    of months (or years) of service in that period.
23    For a member under Article 16, "final average salary"
24means the greater of: (i) the amount otherwise calculated
25under this subsection; or (ii) the average monthly (or annual)
26salary obtained by dividing the total salary calculated under



SB2024- 5 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1Article 16 during the 72 consecutive months (or 6 consecutive
2years) of service within the last 120 months (or 10 years) of
3service in which the total salary calculated under the Article
4was the highest by the number of months (or years) of service
5in that period.
6    (b-5) Beginning on January 1, 2011, for all purposes under
7this Code (including without limitation the calculation of
8benefits and employee contributions), the annual earnings,
9salary, or wages (based on the plan year) of a member or
10participant to whom this Section applies shall not exceed
11$106,800; however, that amount shall annually thereafter be
12increased by the lesser of (i) 3% of that amount, including all
13previous adjustments, or (ii) one-half the annual unadjusted
14percentage increase (but not less than zero) in the consumer
15price index-u for the 12 months ending with the September
16preceding each November 1, including all previous adjustments;
17except that beginning in 2024 for purposes of Article 16 of
18this Code (including, without limitation, the calculation of
19benefits and employee contributions), that amount shall
20annually be increased by the greater of: (i) 3%; or (ii) the
21annual unadjusted percentage increase in the consumer price
22index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding
23each November 1, including all previous adjustments.
24    For the purposes of this Section, "consumer price index-u"
25means the index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of
26the United States Department of Labor that measures the



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1average change in prices of goods and services purchased by
2all urban consumers, United States city average, all items,
31982-84 = 100. The new amount resulting from each annual
4adjustment shall be determined by the Public Pension Division
5of the Department of Insurance and made available to the
6boards of the retirement systems and pension funds by November
71 of each year.
8    (c) A member or participant is entitled to a retirement
9annuity upon written application if he or she has attained age
1067 (age 65, with respect to service under Article 12 that is
11subject to this Section, for a member or participant under
12Article 12 who first becomes a member or participant under
13Article 12 on or after January 1, 2022 or who makes the
14election under item (i) of subsection (d-15) of this Section)
15and has at least 10 years of service credit and is otherwise
16eligible under the requirements of the applicable Article.
17    A member or participant who has attained age 62 (age 60,
18with respect to service under Article 12 that is subject to
19this Section, for a member or participant under Article 12 who
20first becomes a member or participant under Article 12 on or
21after January 1, 2022 or who makes the election under item (i)
22of subsection (d-15) of this Section) and has at least 10 years
23of service credit and is otherwise eligible under the
24requirements of the applicable Article may elect to receive
25the lower retirement annuity provided in subsection (d) of
26this Section.



SB2024- 7 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    (c-5) A person who first becomes a member or a participant
2subject to this Section on or after July 6, 2017 (the effective
3date of Public Act 100-23), notwithstanding any other
4provision of this Code to the contrary, is entitled to a
5retirement annuity under Article 8 or Article 11 upon written
6application if he or she has attained age 65 and has at least
710 years of service credit and is otherwise eligible under the
8requirements of Article 8 or Article 11 of this Code,
9whichever is applicable.
10    (c-10) Notwithstanding subsection (c), a member under
11Article 16 is entitled to a retirement annuity if he or she has
12attained age 60; has at least 35 years of service credit; and
13is otherwise eligible under the requirements of Article 16.
14    Notwithstanding subsection (c), a member under Article 16
15is entitled to a retirement annuity upon written application
16if he or she has attained age 62; has at least 10 years of
17service credit; and is otherwise eligible under the
18requirements of Article 16.
19    (d) The retirement annuity of a member or participant who
20is retiring after attaining age 62 (age 60, with respect to
21service under Article 12 that is subject to this Section, for a
22member or participant under Article 12 who first becomes a
23member or participant under Article 12 on or after January 1,
242022 or who makes the election under item (i) of subsection
25(d-15) of this Section) with at least 10 years of service
26credit shall be reduced by one-half of 1% for each full month



SB2024- 8 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1that the member's age is under age 67 (age 65, with respect to
2service under Article 12 that is subject to this Section, for a
3member or participant under Article 12 who first becomes a
4member or participant under Article 12 on or after January 1,
52022 or who makes the election under item (i) of subsection
6(d-15) of this Section). This subsection does not apply to a
7person who meets the requirements under subsection (c-10).
8    (d-5) The retirement annuity payable under Article 8 or
9Article 11 to an eligible person subject to subsection (c-5)
10of this Section who is retiring at age 60 with at least 10
11years of service credit shall be reduced by one-half of 1% for
12each full month that the member's age is under age 65.
13    (d-10) Each person who first became a member or
14participant under Article 8 or Article 11 of this Code on or
15after January 1, 2011 and prior to July 6, 2017 (the effective
16date of Public Act 100-23) shall make an irrevocable election
18        (i) to be eligible for the reduced retirement age
19    provided in subsections (c-5) and (d-5) of this Section,
20    the eligibility for which is conditioned upon the member
21    or participant agreeing to the increases in employee
22    contributions for age and service annuities provided in
23    subsection (a-5) of Section 8-174 of this Code (for
24    service under Article 8) or subsection (a-5) of Section
25    11-170 of this Code (for service under Article 11); or
26        (ii) to not agree to item (i) of this subsection



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1    (d-10), in which case the member or participant shall
2    continue to be subject to the retirement age provisions in
3    subsections (c) and (d) of this Section and the employee
4    contributions for age and service annuity as provided in
5    subsection (a) of Section 8-174 of this Code (for service
6    under Article 8) or subsection (a) of Section 11-170 of
7    this Code (for service under Article 11).
8    The election provided for in this subsection shall be made
9between October 1, 2017 and November 15, 2017. A person
10subject to this subsection who makes the required election
11shall remain bound by that election. A person subject to this
12subsection who fails for any reason to make the required
13election within the time specified in this subsection shall be
14deemed to have made the election under item (ii).
15    (d-15) Each person who first becomes a member or
16participant under Article 12 on or after January 1, 2011 and
17prior to January 1, 2022 shall make an irrevocable election
19        (i) to be eligible for the reduced retirement age
20    specified in subsections (c) and (d) of this Section, the
21    eligibility for which is conditioned upon the member or
22    participant agreeing to the increase in employee
23    contributions for service annuities specified in
24    subsection (b) of Section 12-150; or
25        (ii) to not agree to item (i) of this subsection
26    (d-15), in which case the member or participant shall not



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1    be eligible for the reduced retirement age specified in
2    subsections (c) and (d) of this Section and shall not be
3    subject to the increase in employee contributions for
4    service annuities specified in subsection (b) of Section
5    12-150.
6    The election provided for in this subsection shall be made
7between January 1, 2022 and April 1, 2022. A person subject to
8this subsection who makes the required election shall remain
9bound by that election. A person subject to this subsection
10who fails for any reason to make the required election within
11the time specified in this subsection shall be deemed to have
12made the election under item (ii).
13    (e) Any retirement annuity or supplemental annuity shall
14be subject to annual increases on the January 1 occurring
15either on or after the attainment of age 67 (age 65, with
16respect to service under Article 12 that is subject to this
17Section, for a member or participant under Article 12 who
18first becomes a member or participant under Article 12 on or
19after January 1, 2022 or who makes the election under item (i)
20of subsection (d-15); and beginning on July 6, 2017 (the
21effective date of Public Act 100-23), age 65 with respect to
22service under Article 8 or Article 11 for eligible persons
23who: (i) are subject to subsection (c-5) of this Section; or
24(ii) made the election under item (i) of subsection (d-10) of
25this Section) or the first anniversary of the annuity start
26date, whichever is later. Except for retirement annuities



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1under Article 16, each Each annual increase shall be
2calculated at 3% or one-half the annual unadjusted percentage
3increase (but not less than zero) in the consumer price
4index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding
5each November 1, whichever is less, of the originally granted
6retirement annuity. If the annual unadjusted percentage change
7in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months ending with the
8September preceding each November 1 is zero or there is a
9decrease, then the annuity shall not be increased.
10    For retirement annuities under Article 16, each annual
11increase shall be calculated at 3% or one-half the annual
12unadjusted percentage increase in the consumer price index-u
13for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each
14November 1, whichever is greater, of the originally granted
15retirement annuity.
16    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1 of this Code, the
17changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the
18103rd General Assembly are applicable without regard to
19whether the employee was in active service on or after the
20effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General
22    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1 of this Code, the
23changes made to this Section by Public Act 102-263 are
24applicable without regard to whether the employee was in
25active service on or after August 6, 2021 (the effective date
26of Public Act 102-263).



SB2024- 12 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1 of this Code, the
2changes made to this Section by Public Act 100-23 are
3applicable without regard to whether the employee was in
4active service on or after July 6, 2017 (the effective date of
5Public Act 100-23).
6    (f) The initial survivor's or widow's annuity of an
7otherwise eligible survivor or widow of a retired member or
8participant who first became a member or participant on or
9after January 1, 2011 shall be in the amount of 66 2/3% of the
10retired member's or participant's retirement annuity at the
11date of death. In the case of the death of a member or
12participant who has not retired and who first became a member
13or participant on or after January 1, 2011, eligibility for a
14survivor's or widow's annuity shall be determined by the
15applicable Article of this Code. The initial benefit shall be
1666 2/3% of the earned annuity without a reduction due to age. A
17child's annuity of an otherwise eligible child shall be in the
18amount prescribed under each Article if applicable. Any
19survivor's or widow's annuity shall be increased (1) on each
20January 1 occurring on or after the commencement of the
21annuity if the deceased member died while receiving a
22retirement annuity or (2) in other cases, on each January 1
23occurring after the first anniversary of the commencement of
24the annuity. Each annual increase shall be calculated at 3% or
25one-half the annual unadjusted percentage increase (but not
26less than zero) in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months



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1ending with the September preceding each November 1, whichever
2is less, of the originally granted survivor's annuity. If the
3annual unadjusted percentage change in the consumer price
4index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding
5each November 1 is zero or there is a decrease, then the
6annuity shall not be increased.
7    (g) The benefits in Section 14-110 apply if the person is a
8fire fighter in the fire protection service of a department, a
9security employee of the Department of Corrections or the
10Department of Juvenile Justice, or a security employee of the
11Department of Innovation and Technology, as those terms are
12defined in subsection (b) and subsection (c) of Section
1314-110. A person who meets the requirements of this Section is
14entitled to an annuity calculated under the provisions of
15Section 14-110, in lieu of the regular or minimum retirement
16annuity, only if the person has withdrawn from service with
17not less than 20 years of eligible creditable service and has
18attained age 60, regardless of whether the attainment of age
1960 occurs while the person is still in service.
20    (g-5) The benefits in Section 14-110 apply if the person
21is a State policeman, investigator for the Secretary of State,
22conservation police officer, investigator for the Department
23of Revenue or the Illinois Gaming Board, investigator for the
24Office of the Attorney General, Commerce Commission police
25officer, or arson investigator, as those terms are defined in
26subsection (b) and subsection (c) of Section 14-110. A person



SB2024- 14 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1who meets the requirements of this Section is entitled to an
2annuity calculated under the provisions of Section 14-110, in
3lieu of the regular or minimum retirement annuity, only if the
4person has withdrawn from service with not less than 20 years
5of eligible creditable service and has attained age 55,
6regardless of whether the attainment of age 55 occurs while
7the person is still in service.
8    (h) If a person who first becomes a member or a participant
9of a retirement system or pension fund subject to this Section
10on or after January 1, 2011 is receiving a retirement annuity
11or retirement pension under that system or fund and becomes a
12member or participant under any other system or fund created
13by this Code and is employed on a full-time basis, except for
14those members or participants exempted from the provisions of
15this Section under subsection (a) of this Section, then the
16person's retirement annuity or retirement pension under that
17system or fund shall be suspended during that employment. Upon
18termination of that employment, the person's retirement
19annuity or retirement pension payments shall resume and be
20recalculated if recalculation is provided for under the
21applicable Article of this Code.
22    If a person who first becomes a member of a retirement
23system or pension fund subject to this Section on or after
24January 1, 2012 and is receiving a retirement annuity or
25retirement pension under that system or fund and accepts on a
26contractual basis a position to provide services to a



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1governmental entity from which he or she has retired, then
2that person's annuity or retirement pension earned as an
3active employee of the employer shall be suspended during that
4contractual service. A person receiving an annuity or
5retirement pension under this Code shall notify the pension
6fund or retirement system from which he or she is receiving an
7annuity or retirement pension, as well as his or her
8contractual employer, of his or her retirement status before
9accepting contractual employment. A person who fails to submit
10such notification shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and
11required to pay a fine of $1,000. Upon termination of that
12contractual employment, the person's retirement annuity or
13retirement pension payments shall resume and, if appropriate,
14be recalculated under the applicable provisions of this Code.
15    (i) (Blank).
16    (j) In the case of a conflict between the provisions of
17this Section and any other provision of this Code, the
18provisions of this Section shall control.
19(Source: P.A. 101-610, eff. 1-1-20; 102-16, eff. 6-17-21;
20102-210, eff. 1-1-22; 102-263, eff. 8-6-21; 102-719, eff.
22    (Text of Section from P.A. 102-813)
23    Sec. 1-160. Provisions applicable to new hires.
24    (a) The provisions of this Section apply to a person who,
25on or after January 1, 2011, first becomes a member or a



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1participant under any reciprocal retirement system or pension
2fund established under this Code, other than a retirement
3system or pension fund established under Article 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
47, 15, or 18 of this Code, notwithstanding any other provision
5of this Code to the contrary, but do not apply to any
6self-managed plan established under this Code or to any
7participant of the retirement plan established under Section
822-101; except that this Section applies to a person who
9elected to establish alternative credits by electing in
10writing after January 1, 2011, but before August 8, 2011,
11under Section 7-145.1 of this Code. Notwithstanding anything
12to the contrary in this Section, for purposes of this Section,
13a person who is a Tier 1 regular employee as defined in Section
147-109.4 of this Code or who participated in a retirement
15system under Article 15 prior to January 1, 2011 shall be
16deemed a person who first became a member or participant prior
17to January 1, 2011 under any retirement system or pension fund
18subject to this Section. The changes made to this Section by
19Public Act 98-596 are a clarification of existing law and are
20intended to be retroactive to January 1, 2011 (the effective
21date of Public Act 96-889), notwithstanding the provisions of
22Section 1-103.1 of this Code.
23    This Section does not apply to a person who first becomes a
24noncovered employee under Article 14 on or after the
25implementation date of the plan created under Section 1-161
26for that Article, unless that person elects under subsection



SB2024- 17 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1(b) of Section 1-161 to instead receive the benefits provided
2under this Section and the applicable provisions of that
4    This Section does not apply to a person who first becomes a
5member or participant under Article 16 on or after the
6implementation date of the plan created under Section 1-161
7for that Article, unless that person elects under subsection
8(b) of Section 1-161 to instead receive the benefits provided
9under this Section and the applicable provisions of that
11    This Section does not apply to a person who elects under
12subsection (c-5) of Section 1-161 to receive the benefits
13under Section 1-161.
14    This Section does not apply to a person who first becomes a
15member or participant of an affected pension fund on or after 6
16months after the resolution or ordinance date, as defined in
17Section 1-162, unless that person elects under subsection (c)
18of Section 1-162 to receive the benefits provided under this
19Section and the applicable provisions of the Article under
20which he or she is a member or participant.
21    (b) "Final average salary" means, except as otherwise
22provided in this subsection, the average monthly (or annual)
23salary obtained by dividing the total salary or earnings
24calculated under the Article applicable to the member or
25participant during the 96 consecutive months (or 8 consecutive
26years) of service within the last 120 months (or 10 years) of



SB2024- 18 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1service in which the total salary or earnings calculated under
2the applicable Article was the highest by the number of months
3(or years) of service in that period. For the purposes of a
4person who first becomes a member or participant of any
5retirement system or pension fund to which this Section
6applies on or after January 1, 2011, in this Code, "final
7average salary" shall be substituted for the following:
8        (1) (Blank).
9        (2) In Articles 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, "highest average
10    annual salary for any 4 consecutive years within the last
11    10 years of service immediately preceding the date of
12    withdrawal".
13        (3) In Article 13, "average final salary".
14        (4) In Article 14, "final average compensation".
15        (5) In Article 17, "average salary".
16        (6) In Section 22-207, "wages or salary received by
17    him at the date of retirement or discharge".
18    A member of the Teachers' Retirement System of the State
19of Illinois who retires on or after June 1, 2021 and for whom
20the 2020-2021 school year is used in the calculation of the
21member's final average salary shall use the higher of the
22following for the purpose of determining the member's final
23average salary:
24        (A) the amount otherwise calculated under the next
25    first paragraph of this subsection; or
26        (B) an amount calculated by the Teachers' Retirement



SB2024- 19 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    System of the State of Illinois using the average of the
2    monthly (or annual) salary obtained by dividing the total
3    salary or earnings calculated under Article 16 applicable
4    to the member or participant during the 72 96 months (or 6
5    8 years) of service within the last 120 months (or 10
6    years) of service in which the total salary or earnings
7    calculated under the Article was the highest by the number
8    of months (or years) of service in that period.
9    For a member under Article 16, "final average salary"
10means the greater of: (i) the amount otherwise calculated
11under this subsection; or (ii) the average monthly (or annual)
12salary obtained by dividing the total salary calculated under
13Article 16 during the 72 consecutive months (or 6 consecutive
14years) of service within the last 120 months (or 10 years) of
15service in which the total salary calculated under the Article
16was the highest by the number of months (or years) of service
17in that period.
18    (b-5) Beginning on January 1, 2011, for all purposes under
19this Code (including without limitation the calculation of
20benefits and employee contributions), the annual earnings,
21salary, or wages (based on the plan year) of a member or
22participant to whom this Section applies shall not exceed
23$106,800; however, that amount shall annually thereafter be
24increased by the lesser of (i) 3% of that amount, including all
25previous adjustments, or (ii) one-half the annual unadjusted
26percentage increase (but not less than zero) in the consumer



SB2024- 20 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1price index-u for the 12 months ending with the September
2preceding each November 1, including all previous adjustments;
3except that beginning in 2024 for purposes of Article 16 of
4this Code (including, without limitation, the calculation of
5benefits and employee contributions), that amount shall
6annually be increased by the greater of: (i) 3%; or (ii) the
7annual unadjusted percentage increase in the consumer price
8index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding
9each November 1, including all previous adjustments.
10    For the purposes of this Section, "consumer price index-u"
11means the index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of
12the United States Department of Labor that measures the
13average change in prices of goods and services purchased by
14all urban consumers, United States city average, all items,
151982-84 = 100. The new amount resulting from each annual
16adjustment shall be determined by the Public Pension Division
17of the Department of Insurance and made available to the
18boards of the retirement systems and pension funds by November
191 of each year.
20    (c) A member or participant is entitled to a retirement
21annuity upon written application if he or she has attained age
2267 (age 65, with respect to service under Article 12 that is
23subject to this Section, for a member or participant under
24Article 12 who first becomes a member or participant under
25Article 12 on or after January 1, 2022 or who makes the
26election under item (i) of subsection (d-15) of this Section)



SB2024- 21 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1and has at least 10 years of service credit and is otherwise
2eligible under the requirements of the applicable Article.
3    A member or participant who has attained age 62 (age 60,
4with respect to service under Article 12 that is subject to
5this Section, for a member or participant under Article 12 who
6first becomes a member or participant under Article 12 on or
7after January 1, 2022 or who makes the election under item (i)
8of subsection (d-15) of this Section) and has at least 10 years
9of service credit and is otherwise eligible under the
10requirements of the applicable Article may elect to receive
11the lower retirement annuity provided in subsection (d) of
12this Section.
13    (c-5) A person who first becomes a member or a participant
14subject to this Section on or after July 6, 2017 (the effective
15date of Public Act 100-23), notwithstanding any other
16provision of this Code to the contrary, is entitled to a
17retirement annuity under Article 8 or Article 11 upon written
18application if he or she has attained age 65 and has at least
1910 years of service credit and is otherwise eligible under the
20requirements of Article 8 or Article 11 of this Code,
21whichever is applicable.
22    (c-10) Notwithstanding subsection (c), a member under
23Article 16 is entitled to a retirement annuity if he or she has
24attained age 60; has at least 35 years of service credit; and
25is otherwise eligible under the requirements of Article 16.
26    Notwithstanding subsection (c), a member under Article 16



SB2024- 22 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1is entitled to a retirement annuity upon written application
2if he or she has attained age 62; has at least 10 years of
3service credit; and is otherwise eligible under the
4requirements of Article 16.
5    (d) The retirement annuity of a member or participant who
6is retiring after attaining age 62 (age 60, with respect to
7service under Article 12 that is subject to this Section, for a
8member or participant under Article 12 who first becomes a
9member or participant under Article 12 on or after January 1,
102022 or who makes the election under item (i) of subsection
11(d-15) of this Section) with at least 10 years of service
12credit shall be reduced by one-half of 1% for each full month
13that the member's age is under age 67 (age 65, with respect to
14service under Article 12 that is subject to this Section, for a
15member or participant under Article 12 who first becomes a
16member or participant under Article 12 on or after January 1,
172022 or who makes the election under item (i) of subsection
18(d-15) of this Section). This subsection does not apply to a
19person who meets the requirements under subsection (c-10).
20    (d-5) The retirement annuity payable under Article 8 or
21Article 11 to an eligible person subject to subsection (c-5)
22of this Section who is retiring at age 60 with at least 10
23years of service credit shall be reduced by one-half of 1% for
24each full month that the member's age is under age 65.
25    (d-10) Each person who first became a member or
26participant under Article 8 or Article 11 of this Code on or



SB2024- 23 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1after January 1, 2011 and prior to July 6, 2017 (the effective
2date of Public Act 100-23) shall make an irrevocable election
4        (i) to be eligible for the reduced retirement age
5    provided in subsections (c-5) and (d-5) of this Section,
6    the eligibility for which is conditioned upon the member
7    or participant agreeing to the increases in employee
8    contributions for age and service annuities provided in
9    subsection (a-5) of Section 8-174 of this Code (for
10    service under Article 8) or subsection (a-5) of Section
11    11-170 of this Code (for service under Article 11); or
12        (ii) to not agree to item (i) of this subsection
13    (d-10), in which case the member or participant shall
14    continue to be subject to the retirement age provisions in
15    subsections (c) and (d) of this Section and the employee
16    contributions for age and service annuity as provided in
17    subsection (a) of Section 8-174 of this Code (for service
18    under Article 8) or subsection (a) of Section 11-170 of
19    this Code (for service under Article 11).
20    The election provided for in this subsection shall be made
21between October 1, 2017 and November 15, 2017. A person
22subject to this subsection who makes the required election
23shall remain bound by that election. A person subject to this
24subsection who fails for any reason to make the required
25election within the time specified in this subsection shall be
26deemed to have made the election under item (ii).



SB2024- 24 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    (d-15) Each person who first becomes a member or
2participant under Article 12 on or after January 1, 2011 and
3prior to January 1, 2022 shall make an irrevocable election
5        (i) to be eligible for the reduced retirement age
6    specified in subsections (c) and (d) of this Section, the
7    eligibility for which is conditioned upon the member or
8    participant agreeing to the increase in employee
9    contributions for service annuities specified in
10    subsection (b) of Section 12-150; or
11        (ii) to not agree to item (i) of this subsection
12    (d-15), in which case the member or participant shall not
13    be eligible for the reduced retirement age specified in
14    subsections (c) and (d) of this Section and shall not be
15    subject to the increase in employee contributions for
16    service annuities specified in subsection (b) of Section
17    12-150.
18    The election provided for in this subsection shall be made
19between January 1, 2022 and April 1, 2022. A person subject to
20this subsection who makes the required election shall remain
21bound by that election. A person subject to this subsection
22who fails for any reason to make the required election within
23the time specified in this subsection shall be deemed to have
24made the election under item (ii).
25    (e) Any retirement annuity or supplemental annuity shall
26be subject to annual increases on the January 1 occurring



SB2024- 25 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1either on or after the attainment of age 67 (age 65, with
2respect to service under Article 12 that is subject to this
3Section, for a member or participant under Article 12 who
4first becomes a member or participant under Article 12 on or
5after January 1, 2022 or who makes the election under item (i)
6of subsection (d-15); and beginning on July 6, 2017 (the
7effective date of Public Act 100-23), age 65 with respect to
8service under Article 8 or Article 11 for eligible persons
9who: (i) are subject to subsection (c-5) of this Section; or
10(ii) made the election under item (i) of subsection (d-10) of
11this Section) or the first anniversary of the annuity start
12date, whichever is later. Except for retirement annuities
13under Article 16, each Each annual increase shall be
14calculated at 3% or one-half the annual unadjusted percentage
15increase (but not less than zero) in the consumer price
16index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding
17each November 1, whichever is less, of the originally granted
18retirement annuity. If the annual unadjusted percentage change
19in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months ending with the
20September preceding each November 1 is zero or there is a
21decrease, then the annuity shall not be increased.
22    For retirement annuities under Article 16, each annual
23increase shall be calculated at 3% or one-half the annual
24unadjusted percentage increase in the consumer price index-u
25for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each
26November 1, whichever is greater, of the originally granted



SB2024- 26 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1retirement annuity.
2    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1 of this Code, the
3changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the
4103rd General Assembly are applicable without regard to
5whether the employee was in active service on or after the
6effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General
8    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1 of this Code, the
9changes made to this Section by Public Act 102-263 are
10applicable without regard to whether the employee was in
11active service on or after August 6, 2021 (the effective date
12of Public Act 102-263).
13    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1 of this Code, the
14changes made to this Section by Public Act 100-23 are
15applicable without regard to whether the employee was in
16active service on or after July 6, 2017 (the effective date of
17Public Act 100-23).
18    (f) The initial survivor's or widow's annuity of an
19otherwise eligible survivor or widow of a retired member or
20participant who first became a member or participant on or
21after January 1, 2011 shall be in the amount of 66 2/3% of the
22retired member's or participant's retirement annuity at the
23date of death. In the case of the death of a member or
24participant who has not retired and who first became a member
25or participant on or after January 1, 2011, eligibility for a
26survivor's or widow's annuity shall be determined by the



SB2024- 27 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1applicable Article of this Code. The initial benefit shall be
266 2/3% of the earned annuity without a reduction due to age. A
3child's annuity of an otherwise eligible child shall be in the
4amount prescribed under each Article if applicable. Any
5survivor's or widow's annuity shall be increased (1) on each
6January 1 occurring on or after the commencement of the
7annuity if the deceased member died while receiving a
8retirement annuity or (2) in other cases, on each January 1
9occurring after the first anniversary of the commencement of
10the annuity. Each annual increase shall be calculated at 3% or
11one-half the annual unadjusted percentage increase (but not
12less than zero) in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months
13ending with the September preceding each November 1, whichever
14is less, of the originally granted survivor's annuity. If the
15annual unadjusted percentage change in the consumer price
16index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding
17each November 1 is zero or there is a decrease, then the
18annuity shall not be increased.
19    (g) The benefits in Section 14-110 apply only if the
20person is a State policeman, a fire fighter in the fire
21protection service of a department, a conservation police
22officer, an investigator for the Secretary of State, an arson
23investigator, a Commerce Commission police officer,
24investigator for the Department of Revenue or the Illinois
25Gaming Board, a security employee of the Department of
26Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice, or a



SB2024- 28 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1security employee of the Department of Innovation and
2Technology, as those terms are defined in subsection (b) and
3subsection (c) of Section 14-110. A person who meets the
4requirements of this Section is entitled to an annuity
5calculated under the provisions of Section 14-110, in lieu of
6the regular or minimum retirement annuity, only if the person
7has withdrawn from service with not less than 20 years of
8eligible creditable service and has attained age 60,
9regardless of whether the attainment of age 60 occurs while
10the person is still in service.
11    (h) If a person who first becomes a member or a participant
12of a retirement system or pension fund subject to this Section
13on or after January 1, 2011 is receiving a retirement annuity
14or retirement pension under that system or fund and becomes a
15member or participant under any other system or fund created
16by this Code and is employed on a full-time basis, except for
17those members or participants exempted from the provisions of
18this Section under subsection (a) of this Section, then the
19person's retirement annuity or retirement pension under that
20system or fund shall be suspended during that employment. Upon
21termination of that employment, the person's retirement
22annuity or retirement pension payments shall resume and be
23recalculated if recalculation is provided for under the
24applicable Article of this Code.
25    If a person who first becomes a member of a retirement
26system or pension fund subject to this Section on or after



SB2024- 29 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1January 1, 2012 and is receiving a retirement annuity or
2retirement pension under that system or fund and accepts on a
3contractual basis a position to provide services to a
4governmental entity from which he or she has retired, then
5that person's annuity or retirement pension earned as an
6active employee of the employer shall be suspended during that
7contractual service. A person receiving an annuity or
8retirement pension under this Code shall notify the pension
9fund or retirement system from which he or she is receiving an
10annuity or retirement pension, as well as his or her
11contractual employer, of his or her retirement status before
12accepting contractual employment. A person who fails to submit
13such notification shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and
14required to pay a fine of $1,000. Upon termination of that
15contractual employment, the person's retirement annuity or
16retirement pension payments shall resume and, if appropriate,
17be recalculated under the applicable provisions of this Code.
18    (i) (Blank).
19    (j) In the case of a conflict between the provisions of
20this Section and any other provision of this Code, the
21provisions of this Section shall control.
22(Source: P.A. 101-610, eff. 1-1-20; 102-16, eff. 6-17-21;
23102-210, eff. 1-1-22; 102-263, eff. 8-6-21; 102-813, eff.
25    (Text of Section from P.A. 102-956)



SB2024- 30 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    Sec. 1-160. Provisions applicable to new hires.
2    (a) The provisions of this Section apply to a person who,
3on or after January 1, 2011, first becomes a member or a
4participant under any reciprocal retirement system or pension
5fund established under this Code, other than a retirement
6system or pension fund established under Article 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
77, 15, or 18 of this Code, notwithstanding any other provision
8of this Code to the contrary, but do not apply to any
9self-managed plan established under this Code or to any
10participant of the retirement plan established under Section
1122-101; except that this Section applies to a person who
12elected to establish alternative credits by electing in
13writing after January 1, 2011, but before August 8, 2011,
14under Section 7-145.1 of this Code. Notwithstanding anything
15to the contrary in this Section, for purposes of this Section,
16a person who is a Tier 1 regular employee as defined in Section
177-109.4 of this Code or who participated in a retirement
18system under Article 15 prior to January 1, 2011 shall be
19deemed a person who first became a member or participant prior
20to January 1, 2011 under any retirement system or pension fund
21subject to this Section. The changes made to this Section by
22Public Act 98-596 are a clarification of existing law and are
23intended to be retroactive to January 1, 2011 (the effective
24date of Public Act 96-889), notwithstanding the provisions of
25Section 1-103.1 of this Code.
26    This Section does not apply to a person who first becomes a



SB2024- 31 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1noncovered employee under Article 14 on or after the
2implementation date of the plan created under Section 1-161
3for that Article, unless that person elects under subsection
4(b) of Section 1-161 to instead receive the benefits provided
5under this Section and the applicable provisions of that
7    This Section does not apply to a person who first becomes a
8member or participant under Article 16 on or after the
9implementation date of the plan created under Section 1-161
10for that Article, unless that person elects under subsection
11(b) of Section 1-161 to instead receive the benefits provided
12under this Section and the applicable provisions of that
14    This Section does not apply to a person who elects under
15subsection (c-5) of Section 1-161 to receive the benefits
16under Section 1-161.
17    This Section does not apply to a person who first becomes a
18member or participant of an affected pension fund on or after 6
19months after the resolution or ordinance date, as defined in
20Section 1-162, unless that person elects under subsection (c)
21of Section 1-162 to receive the benefits provided under this
22Section and the applicable provisions of the Article under
23which he or she is a member or participant.
24    (b) "Final average salary" means, except as otherwise
25provided in this subsection, the average monthly (or annual)
26salary obtained by dividing the total salary or earnings



SB2024- 32 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1calculated under the Article applicable to the member or
2participant during the 96 consecutive months (or 8 consecutive
3years) of service within the last 120 months (or 10 years) of
4service in which the total salary or earnings calculated under
5the applicable Article was the highest by the number of months
6(or years) of service in that period. For the purposes of a
7person who first becomes a member or participant of any
8retirement system or pension fund to which this Section
9applies on or after January 1, 2011, in this Code, "final
10average salary" shall be substituted for the following:
11        (1) (Blank).
12        (2) In Articles 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, "highest average
13    annual salary for any 4 consecutive years within the last
14    10 years of service immediately preceding the date of
15    withdrawal".
16        (3) In Article 13, "average final salary".
17        (4) In Article 14, "final average compensation".
18        (5) In Article 17, "average salary".
19        (6) In Section 22-207, "wages or salary received by
20    him at the date of retirement or discharge".
21    A member of the Teachers' Retirement System of the State
22of Illinois who retires on or after June 1, 2021 and for whom
23the 2020-2021 school year is used in the calculation of the
24member's final average salary shall use the higher of the
25following for the purpose of determining the member's final
26average salary:



SB2024- 33 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1        (A) the amount otherwise calculated under the next
2    first paragraph of this subsection; or
3        (B) an amount calculated by the Teachers' Retirement
4    System of the State of Illinois using the average of the
5    monthly (or annual) salary obtained by dividing the total
6    salary or earnings calculated under Article 16 applicable
7    to the member or participant during the 72 96 months (or 6
8    8 years) of service within the last 120 months (or 10
9    years) of service in which the total salary or earnings
10    calculated under the Article was the highest by the number
11    of months (or years) of service in that period.
12    For a member under Article 16, "final average salary"
13means the greater of: (i) the amount otherwise calculated
14under this subsection; or (ii) the average monthly (or annual)
15salary obtained by dividing the total salary calculated under
16Article 16 during the 72 consecutive months (or 6 consecutive
17years) of service within the last 120 months (or 10 years) of
18service in which the total salary calculated under the Article
19was the highest by the number of months (or years) of service
20in that period.
21    (b-5) Beginning on January 1, 2011, for all purposes under
22this Code (including without limitation the calculation of
23benefits and employee contributions), the annual earnings,
24salary, or wages (based on the plan year) of a member or
25participant to whom this Section applies shall not exceed
26$106,800; however, that amount shall annually thereafter be



SB2024- 34 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1increased by the lesser of (i) 3% of that amount, including all
2previous adjustments, or (ii) one-half the annual unadjusted
3percentage increase (but not less than zero) in the consumer
4price index-u for the 12 months ending with the September
5preceding each November 1, including all previous adjustments;
6except that beginning in 2024 for purposes of Article 16 of
7this Code (including, without limitation, the calculation of
8benefits and employee contributions), that amount shall
9annually be increased by the greater of: (i) 3%; or (ii) the
10annual unadjusted percentage increase in the consumer price
11index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding
12each November 1, including all previous adjustments.
13    For the purposes of this Section, "consumer price index-u"
14means the index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of
15the United States Department of Labor that measures the
16average change in prices of goods and services purchased by
17all urban consumers, United States city average, all items,
181982-84 = 100. The new amount resulting from each annual
19adjustment shall be determined by the Public Pension Division
20of the Department of Insurance and made available to the
21boards of the retirement systems and pension funds by November
221 of each year.
23    (c) A member or participant is entitled to a retirement
24annuity upon written application if he or she has attained age
2567 (age 65, with respect to service under Article 12 that is
26subject to this Section, for a member or participant under



SB2024- 35 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1Article 12 who first becomes a member or participant under
2Article 12 on or after January 1, 2022 or who makes the
3election under item (i) of subsection (d-15) of this Section)
4and has at least 10 years of service credit and is otherwise
5eligible under the requirements of the applicable Article.
6    A member or participant who has attained age 62 (age 60,
7with respect to service under Article 12 that is subject to
8this Section, for a member or participant under Article 12 who
9first becomes a member or participant under Article 12 on or
10after January 1, 2022 or who makes the election under item (i)
11of subsection (d-15) of this Section) and has at least 10 years
12of service credit and is otherwise eligible under the
13requirements of the applicable Article may elect to receive
14the lower retirement annuity provided in subsection (d) of
15this Section.
16    (c-5) A person who first becomes a member or a participant
17subject to this Section on or after July 6, 2017 (the effective
18date of Public Act 100-23), notwithstanding any other
19provision of this Code to the contrary, is entitled to a
20retirement annuity under Article 8 or Article 11 upon written
21application if he or she has attained age 65 and has at least
2210 years of service credit and is otherwise eligible under the
23requirements of Article 8 or Article 11 of this Code,
24whichever is applicable.
25    (c-10) Notwithstanding subsection (c), a member under
26Article 16 is entitled to a retirement annuity if he or she has



SB2024- 36 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1attained age 60; has at least 35 years of service credit; and
2is otherwise eligible under the requirements of Article 16.
3    Notwithstanding subsection (c), a member under Article 16
4is entitled to a retirement annuity upon written application
5if he or she has attained age 62; has at least 10 years of
6service credit; and is otherwise eligible under the
7requirements of Article 16.
8    (d) The retirement annuity of a member or participant who
9is retiring after attaining age 62 (age 60, with respect to
10service under Article 12 that is subject to this Section, for a
11member or participant under Article 12 who first becomes a
12member or participant under Article 12 on or after January 1,
132022 or who makes the election under item (i) of subsection
14(d-15) of this Section) with at least 10 years of service
15credit shall be reduced by one-half of 1% for each full month
16that the member's age is under age 67 (age 65, with respect to
17service under Article 12 that is subject to this Section, for a
18member or participant under Article 12 who first becomes a
19member or participant under Article 12 on or after January 1,
202022 or who makes the election under item (i) of subsection
21(d-15) of this Section). This subsection does not apply to a
22person who meets the requirements under subsection (c-10).
23    (d-5) The retirement annuity payable under Article 8 or
24Article 11 to an eligible person subject to subsection (c-5)
25of this Section who is retiring at age 60 with at least 10
26years of service credit shall be reduced by one-half of 1% for



SB2024- 37 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1each full month that the member's age is under age 65.
2    (d-10) Each person who first became a member or
3participant under Article 8 or Article 11 of this Code on or
4after January 1, 2011 and prior to July 6, 2017 (the effective
5date of Public Act 100-23) shall make an irrevocable election
7        (i) to be eligible for the reduced retirement age
8    provided in subsections (c-5) and (d-5) of this Section,
9    the eligibility for which is conditioned upon the member
10    or participant agreeing to the increases in employee
11    contributions for age and service annuities provided in
12    subsection (a-5) of Section 8-174 of this Code (for
13    service under Article 8) or subsection (a-5) of Section
14    11-170 of this Code (for service under Article 11); or
15        (ii) to not agree to item (i) of this subsection
16    (d-10), in which case the member or participant shall
17    continue to be subject to the retirement age provisions in
18    subsections (c) and (d) of this Section and the employee
19    contributions for age and service annuity as provided in
20    subsection (a) of Section 8-174 of this Code (for service
21    under Article 8) or subsection (a) of Section 11-170 of
22    this Code (for service under Article 11).
23    The election provided for in this subsection shall be made
24between October 1, 2017 and November 15, 2017. A person
25subject to this subsection who makes the required election
26shall remain bound by that election. A person subject to this



SB2024- 38 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1subsection who fails for any reason to make the required
2election within the time specified in this subsection shall be
3deemed to have made the election under item (ii).
4    (d-15) Each person who first becomes a member or
5participant under Article 12 on or after January 1, 2011 and
6prior to January 1, 2022 shall make an irrevocable election
8        (i) to be eligible for the reduced retirement age
9    specified in subsections (c) and (d) of this Section, the
10    eligibility for which is conditioned upon the member or
11    participant agreeing to the increase in employee
12    contributions for service annuities specified in
13    subsection (b) of Section 12-150; or
14        (ii) to not agree to item (i) of this subsection
15    (d-15), in which case the member or participant shall not
16    be eligible for the reduced retirement age specified in
17    subsections (c) and (d) of this Section and shall not be
18    subject to the increase in employee contributions for
19    service annuities specified in subsection (b) of Section
20    12-150.
21    The election provided for in this subsection shall be made
22between January 1, 2022 and April 1, 2022. A person subject to
23this subsection who makes the required election shall remain
24bound by that election. A person subject to this subsection
25who fails for any reason to make the required election within
26the time specified in this subsection shall be deemed to have



SB2024- 39 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1made the election under item (ii).
2    (e) Any retirement annuity or supplemental annuity shall
3be subject to annual increases on the January 1 occurring
4either on or after the attainment of age 67 (age 65, with
5respect to service under Article 12 that is subject to this
6Section, for a member or participant under Article 12 who
7first becomes a member or participant under Article 12 on or
8after January 1, 2022 or who makes the election under item (i)
9of subsection (d-15); and beginning on July 6, 2017 (the
10effective date of Public Act 100-23), age 65 with respect to
11service under Article 8 or Article 11 for eligible persons
12who: (i) are subject to subsection (c-5) of this Section; or
13(ii) made the election under item (i) of subsection (d-10) of
14this Section) or the first anniversary of the annuity start
15date, whichever is later. Except for retirement annuities
16under Article 16, each Each annual increase shall be
17calculated at 3% or one-half the annual unadjusted percentage
18increase (but not less than zero) in the consumer price
19index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding
20each November 1, whichever is less, of the originally granted
21retirement annuity. If the annual unadjusted percentage change
22in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months ending with the
23September preceding each November 1 is zero or there is a
24decrease, then the annuity shall not be increased.
25    For retirement annuities under Article 16, each annual
26increase shall be calculated at 3% or one-half the annual



SB2024- 40 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1unadjusted percentage increase in the consumer price index-u
2for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each
3November 1, whichever is greater, of the originally granted
4retirement annuity.
5    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1 of this Code, the
6changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the
7103rd General Assembly are applicable without regard to
8whether the employee was in active service on or after the
9effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General
11    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1 of this Code, the
12changes made to this Section by Public Act 102-263 are
13applicable without regard to whether the employee was in
14active service on or after August 6, 2021 (the effective date
15of Public Act 102-263).
16    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1 of this Code, the
17changes made to this Section by Public Act 100-23 are
18applicable without regard to whether the employee was in
19active service on or after July 6, 2017 (the effective date of
20Public Act 100-23).
21    (f) The initial survivor's or widow's annuity of an
22otherwise eligible survivor or widow of a retired member or
23participant who first became a member or participant on or
24after January 1, 2011 shall be in the amount of 66 2/3% of the
25retired member's or participant's retirement annuity at the
26date of death. In the case of the death of a member or



SB2024- 41 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1participant who has not retired and who first became a member
2or participant on or after January 1, 2011, eligibility for a
3survivor's or widow's annuity shall be determined by the
4applicable Article of this Code. The initial benefit shall be
566 2/3% of the earned annuity without a reduction due to age. A
6child's annuity of an otherwise eligible child shall be in the
7amount prescribed under each Article if applicable. Any
8survivor's or widow's annuity shall be increased (1) on each
9January 1 occurring on or after the commencement of the
10annuity if the deceased member died while receiving a
11retirement annuity or (2) in other cases, on each January 1
12occurring after the first anniversary of the commencement of
13the annuity. Each annual increase shall be calculated at 3% or
14one-half the annual unadjusted percentage increase (but not
15less than zero) in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months
16ending with the September preceding each November 1, whichever
17is less, of the originally granted survivor's annuity. If the
18annual unadjusted percentage change in the consumer price
19index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding
20each November 1 is zero or there is a decrease, then the
21annuity shall not be increased.
22    (g) The benefits in Section 14-110 apply only if the
23person is a State policeman, a fire fighter in the fire
24protection service of a department, a conservation police
25officer, an investigator for the Secretary of State, an
26investigator for the Office of the Attorney General, an arson



SB2024- 42 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1investigator, a Commerce Commission police officer,
2investigator for the Department of Revenue or the Illinois
3Gaming Board, a security employee of the Department of
4Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice, or a
5security employee of the Department of Innovation and
6Technology, as those terms are defined in subsection (b) and
7subsection (c) of Section 14-110. A person who meets the
8requirements of this Section is entitled to an annuity
9calculated under the provisions of Section 14-110, in lieu of
10the regular or minimum retirement annuity, only if the person
11has withdrawn from service with not less than 20 years of
12eligible creditable service and has attained age 60,
13regardless of whether the attainment of age 60 occurs while
14the person is still in service.
15    (h) If a person who first becomes a member or a participant
16of a retirement system or pension fund subject to this Section
17on or after January 1, 2011 is receiving a retirement annuity
18or retirement pension under that system or fund and becomes a
19member or participant under any other system or fund created
20by this Code and is employed on a full-time basis, except for
21those members or participants exempted from the provisions of
22this Section under subsection (a) of this Section, then the
23person's retirement annuity or retirement pension under that
24system or fund shall be suspended during that employment. Upon
25termination of that employment, the person's retirement
26annuity or retirement pension payments shall resume and be



SB2024- 43 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1recalculated if recalculation is provided for under the
2applicable Article of this Code.
3    If a person who first becomes a member of a retirement
4system or pension fund subject to this Section on or after
5January 1, 2012 and is receiving a retirement annuity or
6retirement pension under that system or fund and accepts on a
7contractual basis a position to provide services to a
8governmental entity from which he or she has retired, then
9that person's annuity or retirement pension earned as an
10active employee of the employer shall be suspended during that
11contractual service. A person receiving an annuity or
12retirement pension under this Code shall notify the pension
13fund or retirement system from which he or she is receiving an
14annuity or retirement pension, as well as his or her
15contractual employer, of his or her retirement status before
16accepting contractual employment. A person who fails to submit
17such notification shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and
18required to pay a fine of $1,000. Upon termination of that
19contractual employment, the person's retirement annuity or
20retirement pension payments shall resume and, if appropriate,
21be recalculated under the applicable provisions of this Code.
22    (i) (Blank).
23    (j) In the case of a conflict between the provisions of
24this Section and any other provision of this Code, the
25provisions of this Section shall control.
26(Source: P.A. 101-610, eff. 1-1-20; 102-16, eff. 6-17-21;



SB2024- 44 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1102-210, eff. 1-1-22; 102-263, eff. 8-6-21; 102-956, eff.
3    (40 ILCS 5/7-114)  (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 7-114)
4    Sec. 7-114. Earnings. "Earnings":
5    (a) An amount to be determined by the board, equal to the
6sum of:
7        1. The total amount of money paid to an employee for
8    personal services or official duties as an employee
9    (except those employed as independent contractors) paid
10    out of the general fund, or out of any special funds
11    controlled by the municipality, or by any instrumentality
12    thereof, or participating instrumentality, including
13    compensation, fees, allowances (but not including amounts
14    associated with a vehicle allowance payable to an employee
15    who first becomes a participating employee on or after the
16    effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General
17    Assembly), or other emolument paid for official duties
18    (but not including automobile maintenance, travel expense,
19    or reimbursements for expenditures incurred in the
20    performance of duties) and, for fee offices, the fees or
21    earnings of the offices to the extent such fees are paid
22    out of funds controlled by the municipality, or
23    instrumentality or participating instrumentality; and
24        2. The money value, as determined by rules prescribed
25    by the governing body of the municipality, or



SB2024- 45 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    instrumentality thereof, of any board, lodging, fuel,
2    laundry, and other allowances provided an employee in lieu
3    of money.
4    (b) For purposes of determining benefits payable under
5this fund payments to a person who is engaged in an
6independently established trade, occupation, profession or
7business and who is paid for his service on a basis other than
8a monthly or other regular salary, are not earnings.
9    (c) If a disabled participating employee is eligible to
10receive Workers' Compensation for an accidental injury and the
11participating municipality or instrumentality which employed
12the participating employee when injured continues to pay the
13participating employee regular salary or other compensation or
14pays the employee an amount in excess of the Workers'
15Compensation amount, then earnings shall be deemed to be the
16total payments, including an amount equal to the Workers'
17Compensation payments. These payments shall be subject to
18employee contributions and allocated as if paid to the
19participating employee when the regular payroll amounts would
20have been paid if the participating employee had continued
21working, and creditable service shall be awarded for this
23    (d) If an elected official who is a participating employee
24becomes disabled but does not resign and is not removed from
25office, then earnings shall include all salary payments made
26for the remainder of that term of office and the official shall



SB2024- 46 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1be awarded creditable service for the term of office.
2    (e) If a participating employee is paid pursuant to "An
3Act to provide for the continuation of compensation for law
4enforcement officers, correctional officers and firemen who
5suffer disabling injury in the line of duty", approved
6September 6, 1973, as amended, the payments shall be deemed
7earnings, and the participating employee shall be awarded
8creditable service for this period.
9    (f) Additional compensation received by a person while
10serving as a supervisor of assessments, assessor, deputy
11assessor or member of a board of review from the State of
12Illinois pursuant to Section 4-10 or 4-15 of the Property Tax
13Code shall not be earnings for purposes of this Article and
14shall not be included in the contribution formula or
15calculation of benefits for such person pursuant to this
17    (g) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article,
18calendar year earnings for Tier 2 regular employees to whom
19this Section applies shall not exceed the amount determined by
20the Public Pension Division of the Department of Insurance as
21required in this subsection; however, that amount shall
22annually thereafter be increased by the lesser of (i) 3% of
23that amount, including all previous adjustments, or (ii)
24one-half the annual unadjusted percentage increase (but not
25less than zero) in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months
26ending with the September preceding each November 1, including



SB2024- 47 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1all previous adjustments; except that beginning in 2024, for
2Tier 2 regular employees who are employees of an educational
3employer, that amount shall annually be increased by the
4greater of: (i) 3%; or (ii) the annual unadjusted percentage
5increase in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months
6ending with the September preceding each November 1, including
7all previous adjustments.
8    For the purposes of this Section, "consumer price index-u"
9means the index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of
10the United States Department of Labor that measures the
11average change in prices of goods and services purchased by
12all urban consumers, United States city average, all items,
131982-84 = 100. The new amount resulting from each annual
14adjustment shall be determined by the Public Pension Division
15of the Department of Insurance and made available to the Fund
16by November 1 of each year.
17    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1 of this Code, the
18changes made to this Section, Section 7-141, and Section 7-142
19by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly are
20applicable without regard to whether the Tier 2 regular
21employee was in active service on or after the effective date
22of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly.
23(Source: P.A. 102-210, eff. 1-1-22.)
24    (40 ILCS 5/7-116)  (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 7-116)
25    Sec. 7-116. "Final rate of earnings":



SB2024- 48 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    (a) For retirement and survivor annuities, the monthly
2earnings obtained by dividing the total earnings received by
3the employee during the period of either (1) for Tier 1 regular
4employees, the 48 consecutive months of service within the
5last 120 months of service in which his total earnings were the
6highest, (2) for Tier 2 regular employees who are not
7employees of an educational employer, the 96 consecutive
8months of service within the last 120 months of service in
9which his total earnings were the highest, (3) for Tier 2
10regular employees who are employees of an educational
11employer, the 72 consecutive months of service within the last
12120 months of service in which total earnings were the
13highest, or (4) (3) the employee's total period of service, by
14the number of months of service in such period.
15    (b) For death benefits, the higher of the rate determined
16under paragraph (a) of this Section or total earnings received
17in the last 12 months of service divided by twelve. If the
18deceased employee has less than 12 months of service, the
19monthly final rate shall be the monthly rate of pay the
20employee was receiving when he began service.
21    (c) For disability benefits, the total earnings of a
22participating employee in the last 12 calendar months of
23service prior to the date he becomes disabled divided by 12.
24    (d) In computing the final rate of earnings: (1) the
25earnings rate for all periods of prior service shall be
26considered equal to the average earnings rate for the last 3



SB2024- 49 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1calendar years of prior service for which creditable service
2is received under Section 7-139 or, if there is less than 3
3years of creditable prior service, the average for the total
4prior service period for which creditable service is received
5under Section 7-139; (2) for out of state service and
6authorized leave, the earnings rate shall be the rate upon
7which service credits are granted; (3) periods of military
8leave shall not be considered; (4) the earnings rate for all
9periods of disability shall be considered equal to the rate of
10earnings upon which the employee's disability benefits are
11computed for such periods; (5) the earnings to be considered
12for each of the final three months of the final earnings period
13for persons who first became participants before January 1,
142012 and the earnings to be considered for each of the final 24
15months for participants who first become participants on or
16after January 1, 2012 shall not exceed 125% of the highest
17earnings of any other month in the final earnings period; and
18(6) the annual amount of final rate of earnings shall be the
19monthly amount multiplied by the number of months of service
20normally required by the position in a year.
21(Source: P.A. 102-210, eff. 1-1-22.)
22    (40 ILCS 5/7-141)  (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 7-141)
23    Sec. 7-141. Retirement annuities; conditions. Retirement
24annuities shall be payable as hereinafter set forth:
25    (a) A participating employee who, regardless of cause, is



SB2024- 50 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1separated from the service of all participating municipalities
2and instrumentalities thereof and participating
3instrumentalities shall be entitled to a retirement annuity
5        1. He is at least age 55 if he is a Tier 1 regular
6    employee; , he is age 62 if he is a Tier 2 regular employee;
7    he is age 60 if he has at least 35 years of creditable
8    service, is a Tier 2 regular employee, and is an employee
9    of an educational employer; , or, in the case of a person
10    who is eligible to have his annuity calculated under
11    Section 7-142.1, he is at least age 50;
12        2. He is not entitled to receive earnings for
13    employment in a position requiring him, or entitling him
14    to elect, to be a participating employee;
15        3. The amount of his annuity, before the application
16    of paragraph (b) of Section 7-142 is at least $10 per
17    month;
18        4. If he first became a participating employee after
19    December 31, 1961 and is a Tier 1 regular employee, he has
20    at least 8 years of service, or, if he is a Tier 2 regular
21    member, he has at least 10 years of service. This service
22    requirement shall not apply to any participating employee,
23    regardless of participation date, if the General Assembly
24    terminates the Fund.
25    (b) Retirement annuities shall be payable:
26        1. As provided in Section 7-119;



SB2024- 51 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1        2. Except as provided in item 3, upon receipt by the
2    fund of a written application. The effective date may be
3    not more than one year prior to the date of the receipt by
4    the fund of the application;
5        3. Upon attainment of the required age of distribution
6    under Section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code of
7    1986, as amended, if the member (i) is no longer in
8    service, and (ii) is otherwise entitled to an annuity
9    under this Article;
10        4. To the beneficiary of the deceased annuitant for
11    the unpaid amount accrued to date of death, if any.
12(Source: P.A. 102-210, Article 5, Section 5-5, eff. 7-30-21;
13102-210, Article 10, Section 10-5, eff. 1-1-22; 102-813, eff.
15    (40 ILCS 5/7-142)  (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 7-142)
16    Sec. 7-142. Retirement annuities; amount annuities -
18    (a) The amount of a retirement annuity shall be the sum of
19the following, determined in accordance with the actuarial
20tables in effect at the time of the grant of the annuity:
21        1. For Tier 1 regular employees with 8 or more years of
22    service or for Tier 2 regular employees, an annuity
23    computed pursuant to subparagraphs a or b of this
24    subparagraph 1, whichever is the higher, and for employees
25    with less than 8 or 10 years of service, respectively, the



SB2024- 52 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    annuity computed pursuant to subparagraph a:
2            a. The monthly annuity which can be provided from
3        the total accumulated normal, municipality and prior
4        service credits, as of the attained age of the
5        employee on the date the annuity begins provided that
6        such annuity shall not exceed 75% of the final rate of
7        earnings of the employee.
8            b. (i) The monthly annuity amount determined as
9        follows by multiplying (a) 1 2/3% for annuitants with
10        not more than 15 years or (b) 1 2/3% for the first 15
11        years and 2% for each year in excess of 15 years for
12        annuitants with more than 15 years by the number of
13        years plus fractional years, prorated on a basis of
14        months, of creditable service and multiply the product
15        thereof by the employee's final rate of earnings.
16            (ii) For the sole purpose of computing the formula
17        (and not for the purposes of the limitations
18        hereinafter stated) $125 shall be considered the final
19        rate of earnings in all cases where the final rate of
20        earnings is less than such amount.
21            (iii) The monthly annuity computed in accordance
22        with this subparagraph b, shall not exceed an amount
23        equal to 75% of the final rate of earnings.
24            (iv) For employees who have less than 35 years of
25        service, the annuity computed in accordance with this
26        subparagraph b (as reduced by application of



SB2024- 53 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1        subparagraph (iii) above) shall be reduced by 0.25%
2        thereof (0.5% if service was terminated before January
3        1, 1988 or if the employee is a Tier 2 regular
4        employee) for each month or fraction thereof (1) that
5        the employee's age is less than 60 years for Tier 1
6        regular employees, (2) that the employee's age is less
7        than 67 years for Tier 2 regular employees, or (3) if
8        the employee has at least 30 years of service credit,
9        that the employee's service credit is less than 35
10        years, whichever is less, on the date the annuity
11        begins. The following persons are not subject to this
12        subparagraph (iv): a Tier 2 regular employee who is an
13        employee of an educational employer, has attained age
14        60, and has at least 35 years of creditable service;
15        and a Tier 2 regular employee who is an employee of an
16        educational employer, has attained age 62, and has at
17        least 10 years of creditable service.
18        2. The annuity which can be provided from the total
19    accumulated additional credits as of the attained age of
20    the employee on the date the annuity begins.
21    (b) If payment of an annuity begins prior to the earliest
22age at which the employee will become eligible for an old age
23insurance benefit under the Federal Social Security Act, he
24may elect that the annuity payments from this fund shall
25exceed those payable after his attaining such age by an
26amount, computed as determined by rules of the Board, but not



SB2024- 54 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1in excess of his estimated Social Security Benefit, determined
2as of the effective date of the annuity, provided that in no
3case shall the total annuity payments made by this fund exceed
4in actuarial value the annuity which would have been payable
5had no such election been made.
6    (c) Beginning January 1, 1984 and each January 1
7thereafter, the retirement annuity of a Tier 1 regular
8employee shall be increased by 3% each year, not compounded.
9This increase shall be computed from the effective date of the
10retirement annuity, the first increase being 0.25% of the
11monthly amount times the number of months from the effective
12date to January 1. This increase shall not be applicable to
13annuitants who are not in service on or after September 8,
15    A retirement annuity of a Tier 2 regular employee shall
16receive annual increases on the January 1 occurring either on
17or after the attainment of age 67 or the first anniversary of
18the annuity start date, whichever is later. Each annual
19increase shall be calculated at the lesser of 3% or one-half
20the annual unadjusted percentage increase (but not less than
21zero) in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months ending
22with the September preceding each November 1 of the originally
23granted retirement annuity; except that each annual increase
24to the retirement annuity of a Tier 2 regular employee who was
25an employee of an educational employer shall be calculated at
26the greater of 3% or one-half the annual unadjusted percentage



SB2024- 55 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1increase (but not less than zero) in the consumer price
2index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding
3each November 1 of the originally granted retirement annuity.
4If the annual unadjusted percentage change in the consumer
5price index-u for the 12 months ending with the September
6preceding each November 1 is zero or there is a decrease, then
7the annuity shall not be increased.
8    (d) Any elected county officer who was entitled to receive
9a stipend from the State on or after July 1, 2009 and on or
10before June 30, 2010 may establish earnings credit for the
11amount of stipend not received, if the elected county official
12applies in writing to the fund within 6 months after the
13effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General
14Assembly and pays to the fund an amount equal to (i) employee
15contributions on the amount of stipend not received, (ii)
16employer contributions determined by the Board equal to the
17employer's normal cost of the benefit on the amount of stipend
18not received, plus (iii) interest on items (i) and (ii) at the
19actuarially assumed rate.
20(Source: P.A. 102-210, eff. 1-1-22.)
21    (40 ILCS 5/15-111)  (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-111)
22    Sec. 15-111. Earnings.
23    (a) "Earnings": Subject to Section 15-111.5, an amount
24paid for personal services equal to the sum of the basic
25compensation plus extra compensation for summer teaching,



SB2024- 56 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1overtime or other extra service. For periods for which an
2employee receives service credit under subsection (c) of
3Section 15-113.1 or Section 15-113.2, earnings are equal to
4the basic compensation on which contributions are paid by the
5employee during such periods. Compensation for employment
6which is irregular, intermittent and temporary shall not be
7considered earnings, unless the participant is also receiving
8earnings from the employer as an employee under Section
10    With respect to transition pay paid by the University of
11Illinois to a person who was a participating employee employed
12in the fire department of the University of Illinois's
13Champaign-Urbana campus immediately prior to the elimination
14of that fire department:
15        (1) "Earnings" includes transition pay paid to the
16    employee on or after the effective date of this amendatory
17    Act of the 91st General Assembly.
18        (2) "Earnings" includes transition pay paid to the
19    employee before the effective date of this amendatory Act
20    of the 91st General Assembly only if (i) employee
21    contributions under Section 15-157 have been withheld from
22    that transition pay or (ii) the employee pays to the
23    System before January 1, 2001 an amount representing
24    employee contributions under Section 15-157 on that
25    transition pay. Employee contributions under item (ii) may
26    be paid in a lump sum, by withholding from additional



SB2024- 57 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    transition pay accruing before January 1, 2001, or in any
2    other manner approved by the System. Upon payment of the
3    employee contributions on transition pay, the
4    corresponding employer contributions become an obligation
5    of the State.
6    (b) For a Tier 2 member, the annual earnings shall not
7exceed $106,800; however, that amount shall annually
8thereafter be increased by the lesser of (i) 3% of that amount,
9including all previous adjustments, or (ii) one half the
10annual unadjusted percentage increase (but not less than zero)
11in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months ending with the
12September preceding each November 1, including all previous
13adjustments; except that beginning in 2024, that amount shall
14annually be increased by the greater of: (i) 3% of that amount;
15or (ii) the annual unadjusted percentage increase in the
16consumer price index-u for the 12 months ending with the
17September preceding each November 1, including all previous
19    For the purposes of this Section, "consumer price index u"
20means the index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of
21the United States Department of Labor that measures the
22average change in prices of goods and services purchased by
23all urban consumers, United States city average, all items,
241982-84 = 100. The new amount resulting from each annual
25adjustment shall be determined by the Public Pension Division
26of the Department of Insurance and made available to the



SB2024- 58 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1boards of the retirement systems and pension funds by November
21 of each year.
3    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1 of this Code, the
4changes made to this Section, Section 15-135, and Section
515-136 by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly
6are applicable without regard to whether the employee was in
7active service on or after the effective date of this
8amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly.
9    (c) With each submission of payroll information in the
10manner prescribed by the System, the employer shall certify
11that the payroll information is correct and complies with all
12applicable State and federal laws.
13(Source: P.A. 98-92, eff. 7-16-13; 99-897, eff. 1-1-17.)
14    (40 ILCS 5/15-112)  (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-112)
15    Sec. 15-112. Final rate of earnings. "Final rate of
17    (a) This subsection (a) applies only to a Tier 1 member.
18    For an employee who is paid on an hourly basis or who
19receives an annual salary in installments during 12 months of
20each academic year, the average annual earnings during the 48
21consecutive calendar month period ending with the last day of
22final termination of employment or the 4 consecutive academic
23years of service in which the employee's earnings were the
24highest, whichever is greater. For any other employee, the
25average annual earnings during the 4 consecutive academic



SB2024- 59 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1years of service in which his or her earnings were the highest.
2For an employee with less than 48 months or 4 consecutive
3academic years of service, the average earnings during his or
4her entire period of service. The earnings of an employee with
5more than 36 months of service under item (a) of Section
615-113.1 prior to the date of becoming a participant are, for
7such period, considered equal to the average earnings during
8the last 36 months of such service.
9    (b) This subsection (b) applies to a Tier 2 member.
10    For an employee who is paid on an hourly basis or who
11receives an annual salary in installments during 12 months of
12each academic year, the average annual earnings obtained by
13dividing by 6 8 the total earnings of the employee during the
1472 96 consecutive months in which the total earnings were the
15highest within the last 120 months prior to termination.
16    For any other employee, the average annual earnings during
17the 6 8 consecutive academic years within the 10 years prior to
18termination in which the employee's earnings were the highest.
19For an employee with less than 72 96 consecutive months or 6 8
20consecutive academic years of service, whichever is necessary,
21the average earnings during his or her entire period of
23    (c) For an employee on leave of absence with pay, or on
24leave of absence without pay who makes contributions during
25such leave, earnings are assumed to be equal to the basic
26compensation on the date the leave began.



SB2024- 60 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    (d) For an employee on disability leave, earnings are
2assumed to be equal to the basic compensation on the date
3disability occurs or the average earnings during the 24 months
4immediately preceding the month in which disability occurs,
5whichever is greater.
6    (e) For a Tier 1 member who retires on or after the
7effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997 with at least 20
8years of service as a firefighter or police officer under this
9Article, the final rate of earnings shall be the annual rate of
10earnings received by the participant on his or her last day as
11a firefighter or police officer under this Article, if that is
12greater than the final rate of earnings as calculated under
13the other provisions of this Section.
14    (f) If a Tier 1 member is an employee for at least 6 months
15during the academic year in which his or her employment is
16terminated, the annual final rate of earnings shall be 25% of
17the sum of (1) the annual basic compensation for that year, and
18(2) the amount earned during the 36 months immediately
19preceding that year, if this is greater than the final rate of
20earnings as calculated under the other provisions of this
22    (g) In the determination of the final rate of earnings for
23an employee, that part of an employee's earnings for any
24academic year beginning after June 30, 1997, which exceeds the
25employee's earnings with that employer for the preceding year
26by more than 20 percent shall be excluded; in the event that an



SB2024- 61 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1employee has more than one employer this limitation shall be
2calculated separately for the earnings with each employer. In
3making such calculation, only the basic compensation of
4employees shall be considered, without regard to vacation or
5overtime or to contracts for summer employment.
6    (h) The following are not considered as earnings in
7determining final rate of earnings: (1) severance or
8separation pay, (2) retirement pay, (3) payment for unused
9sick leave, and (4) payments from an employer for the period
10used in determining final rate of earnings for any purpose
11other than (i) services rendered, (ii) leave of absence or
12vacation granted during that period, and (iii) vacation of up
13to 56 work days allowed upon termination of employment; except
14that, if the benefit has been collectively bargained between
15the employer and the recognized collective bargaining agent
16pursuant to the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act,
17payment received during a period of up to 2 academic years for
18unused sick leave may be considered as earnings in accordance
19with the applicable collective bargaining agreement, subject
20to the 20% increase limitation of this Section. Any unused
21sick leave considered as earnings under this Section shall not
22be taken into account in calculating service credit under
23Section 15-113.4.
24    (i) Intermittent periods of service shall be considered as
25consecutive in determining final rate of earnings.
26(Source: P.A. 98-92, eff. 7-16-13; 99-450, eff. 8-24-15.)



SB2024- 62 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    (40 ILCS 5/15-135)  (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-135)
2    Sec. 15-135. Retirement annuities; conditions.
3    (a) This subsection (a) applies only to a Tier 1 member. A
4participant who retires in one of the following specified
5years with the specified amount of service is entitled to a
6retirement annuity at any age under the retirement program
7applicable to the participant:
8        35 years if retirement is in 1997 or before;
9        34 years if retirement is in 1998;
10        33 years if retirement is in 1999;
11        32 years if retirement is in 2000;
12        31 years if retirement is in 2001;
13        30 years if retirement is in 2002 or later.
14    A participant with 8 or more years of service after
15September 1, 1941, is entitled to a retirement annuity on or
16after attainment of age 55.
17    A participant with at least 5 but less than 8 years of
18service after September 1, 1941, is entitled to a retirement
19annuity on or after attainment of age 62.
20    A participant who has at least 25 years of service in this
21system as a police officer or firefighter is entitled to a
22retirement annuity on or after the attainment of age 50, if
23Rule 4 of Section 15-136 is applicable to the participant.
24    (a-5) A Tier 2 member is entitled to a retirement annuity
25upon written application if he or she has attained age 60; has



SB2024- 63 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1at least 35 years of service credit; and is otherwise eligible
2under the requirements of this Article.
3    A Tier 2 member is entitled to a retirement annuity upon
4written application if he or she has attained age 62; has at
5least 10 years of service credit; and is otherwise eligible
6under the requirements of this Article.
7A Tier 2 member is entitled to a retirement annuity upon
8written application if he or she has attained age 67 and has at
9least 10 years of service credit and is otherwise eligible
10under the requirements of this Article. A Tier 2 member who has
11attained age 62 and has at least 10 years of service credit and
12is otherwise eligible under the requirements of this Article
13may elect to receive the lower retirement annuity provided in
14subsection (b-5) of Section 15-136 of this Article.
15    (a-10) A Tier 2 member who has at least 20 years of service
16in this system as a police officer or firefighter is entitled
17to a retirement annuity upon written application on or after
18the attainment of age 60 if Rule 4 of Section 15-136 is
19applicable to the participant. The changes made to this
20subsection by this amendatory Act of the 101st General
21Assembly apply retroactively to January 1, 2011.
22    (b) The annuity payment period shall begin on the date
23specified by the participant or the recipient of a disability
24retirement annuity submitting a written application. For a
25participant, the date on which the annuity payment period
26begins shall not be prior to termination of employment or more



SB2024- 64 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1than one year before the application is received by the board;
2however, if the participant is not an employee of an employer
3participating in this System or in a participating system as
4defined in Article 20 of this Code on April 1 of the calendar
5year next following the calendar year in which the participant
6attains the age specified under Section 401(a)(9) of the
7Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the annuity payment
8period shall begin on that date regardless of whether an
9application has been filed. For a recipient of a disability
10retirement annuity, the date on which the annuity payment
11period begins shall not be prior to the discontinuation of the
12disability retirement annuity under Section 15-153.2.
13    (c) An annuity is not payable if the amount provided under
14Section 15-136 is less than $10 per month.
15(Source: P.A. 101-610, eff. 1-1-20; 102-210, eff. 7-30-21.)
16    (40 ILCS 5/15-136)  (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-136)
17    Sec. 15-136. Retirement annuities; amount annuities -
18Amount. The provisions of this Section 15-136 apply only to
19those participants who are participating in the traditional
20benefit package or the portable benefit package and do not
21apply to participants who are participating in the
22self-managed plan.
23    (a) The amount of a participant's retirement annuity,
24expressed in the form of a single-life annuity, shall be
25determined by whichever of the following rules is applicable



SB2024- 65 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1and provides the largest annuity:
2    Rule 1: The retirement annuity shall be 1.67% of final
3rate of earnings for each of the first 10 years of service,
41.90% for each of the next 10 years of service, 2.10% for each
5year of service in excess of 20 but not exceeding 30, and 2.30%
6for each year in excess of 30; or for persons who retire on or
7after January 1, 1998, 2.2% of the final rate of earnings for
8each year of service.
9    Rule 2: The retirement annuity shall be the sum of the
10following, determined from amounts credited to the participant
11in accordance with the actuarial tables and the effective rate
12of interest in effect at the time the retirement annuity
14        (i) the normal annuity which can be provided on an
15    actuarially equivalent basis, by the accumulated normal
16    contributions as of the date the annuity begins;
17        (ii) an annuity from employer contributions of an
18    amount equal to that which can be provided on an
19    actuarially equivalent basis from the accumulated normal
20    contributions made by the participant under Section
21    15-113.6 and Section 15-113.7 plus 1.4 times all other
22    accumulated normal contributions made by the participant;
23    and
24        (iii) the annuity that can be provided on an
25    actuarially equivalent basis from the entire contribution
26    made by the participant under Section 15-113.3.



SB2024- 66 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    With respect to a police officer or firefighter who
2retires on or after August 14, 1998, the accumulated normal
3contributions taken into account under clauses (i) and (ii) of
4this Rule 2 shall include the additional normal contributions
5made by the police officer or firefighter under Section
7    The amount of a retirement annuity calculated under this
8Rule 2 shall be computed solely on the basis of the
9participant's accumulated normal contributions, as specified
10in this Rule and defined in Section 15-116. Neither an
11employee or employer contribution for early retirement under
12Section 15-136.2 nor any other employer contribution shall be
13used in the calculation of the amount of a retirement annuity
14under this Rule 2.
15    This amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly is a
16clarification of existing law and applies to every participant
17and annuitant without regard to whether status as an employee
18terminates before the effective date of this amendatory Act.
19    This Rule 2 does not apply to a person who first becomes an
20employee under this Article on or after July 1, 2005.
21    Rule 3: The retirement annuity of a participant who is
22employed at least one-half time during the period on which his
23or her final rate of earnings is based, shall be equal to the
24participant's years of service not to exceed 30, multiplied by
25(1) $96 if the participant's final rate of earnings is less
26than $3,500, (2) $108 if the final rate of earnings is at least



SB2024- 67 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1$3,500 but less than $4,500, (3) $120 if the final rate of
2earnings is at least $4,500 but less than $5,500, (4) $132 if
3the final rate of earnings is at least $5,500 but less than
4$6,500, (5) $144 if the final rate of earnings is at least
5$6,500 but less than $7,500, (6) $156 if the final rate of
6earnings is at least $7,500 but less than $8,500, (7) $168 if
7the final rate of earnings is at least $8,500 but less than
8$9,500, and (8) $180 if the final rate of earnings is $9,500 or
9more, except that the annuity for those persons having made an
10election under Section 15-154(a-1) shall be calculated and
11payable under the portable retirement benefit program pursuant
12to the provisions of Section 15-136.4.
13    Rule 4: A participant who is at least age 50 and has 25 or
14more years of service as a police officer or firefighter, and a
15participant who is age 55 or over and has at least 20 but less
16than 25 years of service as a police officer or firefighter,
17shall be entitled to a retirement annuity of 2 1/4% of the
18final rate of earnings for each of the first 10 years of
19service as a police officer or firefighter, 2 1/2% for each of
20the next 10 years of service as a police officer or
21firefighter, and 2 3/4% for each year of service as a police
22officer or firefighter in excess of 20. The retirement annuity
23for all other service shall be computed under Rule 1. A Tier 2
24member is eligible for a retirement annuity calculated under
25Rule 4 only if that Tier 2 member meets the service
26requirements for that benefit calculation as prescribed under



SB2024- 68 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1this Rule 4 in addition to the applicable age requirement
2under subsection (a-10) of Section 15-135.
3    For purposes of this Rule 4, a participant's service as a
4firefighter shall also include the following:
5        (i) service that is performed while the person is an
6    employee under subsection (h) of Section 15-107; and
7        (ii) in the case of an individual who was a
8    participating employee employed in the fire department of
9    the University of Illinois's Champaign-Urbana campus
10    immediately prior to the elimination of that fire
11    department and who immediately after the elimination of
12    that fire department transferred to another job with the
13    University of Illinois, service performed as an employee
14    of the University of Illinois in a position other than
15    police officer or firefighter, from the date of that
16    transfer until the employee's next termination of service
17    with the University of Illinois.
18    (b) For a Tier 1 member, the retirement annuity provided
19under Rules 1 and 3 above shall be reduced by 1/2 of 1% for
20each month the participant is under age 60 at the time of
21retirement. However, this reduction shall not apply in the
22following cases:
23        (1) For a disabled participant whose disability
24    benefits have been discontinued because he or she has
25    exhausted eligibility for disability benefits under clause
26    (6) of Section 15-152;



SB2024- 69 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1        (2) For a participant who has at least the number of
2    years of service required to retire at any age under
3    subsection (a) of Section 15-135; or
4        (3) For that portion of a retirement annuity which has
5    been provided on account of service of the participant
6    during periods when he or she performed the duties of a
7    police officer or firefighter, if these duties were
8    performed for at least 5 years immediately preceding the
9    date the retirement annuity is to begin.
10    (b-5) (Blank). The retirement annuity of a Tier 2 member
11who is retiring under Rule 1 or 3 after attaining age 62 with
12at least 10 years of service credit shall be reduced by 1/2 of
131% for each full month that the member's age is under age 67.
14    (c) The maximum retirement annuity provided under Rules 1,
152, 4, and 5 shall be the lesser of (1) the annual limit of
16benefits as specified in Section 415 of the Internal Revenue
17Code of 1986, as such Section may be amended from time to time
18and as such benefit limits shall be adjusted by the
19Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and (2) 80% of final rate of
21    (d) A Tier 1 member whose status as an employee terminates
22after August 14, 1969 shall receive automatic increases in his
23or her retirement annuity as follows:
24    Effective January 1 immediately following the date the
25retirement annuity begins, the annuitant shall receive an
26increase in his or her monthly retirement annuity of 0.125% of



SB2024- 70 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1the monthly retirement annuity provided under Rule 1, Rule 2,
2Rule 3, or Rule 4 contained in this Section, multiplied by the
3number of full months which elapsed from the date the
4retirement annuity payments began to January 1, 1972, plus
50.1667% of such annuity, multiplied by the number of full
6months which elapsed from January 1, 1972, or the date the
7retirement annuity payments began, whichever is later, to
8January 1, 1978, plus 0.25% of such annuity multiplied by the
9number of full months which elapsed from January 1, 1978, or
10the date the retirement annuity payments began, whichever is
11later, to the effective date of the increase.
12    The annuitant shall receive an increase in his or her
13monthly retirement annuity on each January 1 thereafter during
14the annuitant's life of 3% of the monthly annuity provided
15under Rule 1, Rule 2, Rule 3, or Rule 4 contained in this
16Section. The change made under this subsection by P.A. 81-970
17is effective January 1, 1980 and applies to each annuitant
18whose status as an employee terminates before or after that
20    Beginning January 1, 1990, all automatic annual increases
21payable under this Section shall be calculated as a percentage
22of the total annuity payable at the time of the increase,
23including all increases previously granted under this Article.
24    The change made in this subsection by P.A. 85-1008 is
25effective January 26, 1988, and is applicable without regard
26to whether status as an employee terminated before that date.



SB2024- 71 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    (d-5) A retirement annuity of a Tier 2 member shall
2receive annual increases on the January 1 occurring either on
3or after the attainment of age 67 or the first anniversary of
4the annuity start date, whichever is later. Each annual
5increase shall be calculated at 3% or one half the annual
6unadjusted percentage increase (but not less than zero) in the
7consumer price index-u for the 12 months ending with the
8September preceding each November 1, whichever is greater
9less, of the originally granted retirement annuity. If the
10annual unadjusted percentage change in the consumer price
11index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding
12each November 1 is zero or there is a decrease, then the
13annuity shall not be increased.
14    (e) If, on January 1, 1987, or the date the retirement
15annuity payment period begins, whichever is later, the sum of
16the retirement annuity provided under Rule 1 or Rule 2 of this
17Section and the automatic annual increases provided under the
18preceding subsection or Section 15-136.1, amounts to less than
19the retirement annuity which would be provided by Rule 3, the
20retirement annuity shall be increased as of January 1, 1987,
21or the date the retirement annuity payment period begins,
22whichever is later, to the amount which would be provided by
23Rule 3 of this Section. Such increased amount shall be
24considered as the retirement annuity in determining benefits
25provided under other Sections of this Article. This paragraph
26applies without regard to whether status as an employee



SB2024- 72 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1terminated before the effective date of this amendatory Act of
21987, provided that the annuitant was employed at least
3one-half time during the period on which the final rate of
4earnings was based.
5    (f) A participant is entitled to such additional annuity
6as may be provided on an actuarially equivalent basis, by any
7accumulated additional contributions to his or her credit.
8However, the additional contributions made by the participant
9toward the automatic increases in annuity provided under this
10Section shall not be taken into account in determining the
11amount of such additional annuity.
12    (g) If, (1) by law, a function of a governmental unit, as
13defined by Section 20-107 of this Code, is transferred in
14whole or in part to an employer, and (2) a participant
15transfers employment from such governmental unit to such
16employer within 6 months after the transfer of the function,
17and (3) the sum of (A) the annuity payable to the participant
18under Rule 1, 2, or 3 of this Section (B) all proportional
19annuities payable to the participant by all other retirement
20systems covered by Article 20, and (C) the initial primary
21insurance amount to which the participant is entitled under
22the Social Security Act, is less than the retirement annuity
23which would have been payable if all of the participant's
24pension credits validated under Section 20-109 had been
25validated under this system, a supplemental annuity equal to
26the difference in such amounts shall be payable to the



SB2024- 73 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

2    (h) On January 1, 1981, an annuitant who was receiving a
3retirement annuity on or before January 1, 1971 shall have his
4or her retirement annuity then being paid increased $1 per
5month for each year of creditable service. On January 1, 1982,
6an annuitant whose retirement annuity began on or before
7January 1, 1977, shall have his or her retirement annuity then
8being paid increased $1 per month for each year of creditable
10    (i) On January 1, 1987, any annuitant whose retirement
11annuity began on or before January 1, 1977, shall have the
12monthly retirement annuity increased by an amount equal to 8ยข
13per year of creditable service times the number of years that
14have elapsed since the annuity began.
15    (j) The changes made to this Section by this amendatory
16Act of the 101st General Assembly apply retroactively to
17January 1, 2011.
18(Source: P.A. 101-610, eff. 1-1-20.)
19    (40 ILCS 5/15-198)
20    Sec. 15-198. Application and expiration of new benefit
22    (a) As used in this Section, "new benefit increase" means
23an increase in the amount of any benefit provided under this
24Article, or an expansion of the conditions of eligibility for
25any benefit under this Article, that results from an amendment



SB2024- 74 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1to this Code that takes effect after June 1, 2005 (the
2effective date of Public Act 94-4). "New benefit increase",
3however, does not include any benefit increase resulting from
4the changes made to Article 1 or this Article by Public Act
5100-23, Public Act 100-587, Public Act 100-769, Public Act
6101-10, Public Act 101-610, Public Act 102-16, or this
7amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly or this
8amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
9    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or
10any subsequent amendment to this Code, every new benefit
11increase is subject to this Section and shall be deemed to be
12granted only in conformance with and contingent upon
13compliance with the provisions of this Section.
14    (c) The Public Act enacting a new benefit increase must
15identify and provide for payment to the System of additional
16funding at least sufficient to fund the resulting annual
17increase in cost to the System as it accrues.
18    Every new benefit increase is contingent upon the General
19Assembly providing the additional funding required under this
20subsection. The Commission on Government Forecasting and
21Accountability shall analyze whether adequate additional
22funding has been provided for the new benefit increase and
23shall report its analysis to the Public Pension Division of
24the Department of Insurance. A new benefit increase created by
25a Public Act that does not include the additional funding
26required under this subsection is null and void. If the Public



SB2024- 75 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1Pension Division determines that the additional funding
2provided for a new benefit increase under this subsection is
3or has become inadequate, it may so certify to the Governor and
4the State Comptroller and, in the absence of corrective action
5by the General Assembly, the new benefit increase shall expire
6at the end of the fiscal year in which the certification is
8    (d) Every new benefit increase shall expire 5 years after
9its effective date or on such earlier date as may be specified
10in the language enacting the new benefit increase or provided
11under subsection (c). This does not prevent the General
12Assembly from extending or re-creating a new benefit increase
13by law.
14    (e) Except as otherwise provided in the language creating
15the new benefit increase, a new benefit increase that expires
16under this Section continues to apply to persons who applied
17and qualified for the affected benefit while the new benefit
18increase was in effect and to the affected beneficiaries and
19alternate payees of such persons, but does not apply to any
20other person, including, without limitation, a person who
21continues in service after the expiration date and did not
22apply and qualify for the affected benefit while the new
23benefit increase was in effect.
24(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19;
25101-610, eff. 1-1-20; 102-16, eff. 6-17-21.)



SB2024- 76 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1    (40 ILCS 5/16-203)
2    Sec. 16-203. Application and expiration of new benefit
4    (a) As used in this Section, "new benefit increase" means
5an increase in the amount of any benefit provided under this
6Article, or an expansion of the conditions of eligibility for
7any benefit under this Article, that results from an amendment
8to this Code that takes effect after June 1, 2005 (the
9effective date of Public Act 94-4). "New benefit increase",
10however, does not include any benefit increase resulting from
11the changes made to Article 1 or this Article by Public Act
1295-910, Public Act 100-23, Public Act 100-587, Public Act
13100-743, Public Act 100-769, Public Act 101-10, Public Act
14101-49, Public Act 102-16, Public Act 102-871, or this
15amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly or Public Act
16102-16 this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
17    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or
18any subsequent amendment to this Code, every new benefit
19increase is subject to this Section and shall be deemed to be
20granted only in conformance with and contingent upon
21compliance with the provisions of this Section.
22    (c) The Public Act enacting a new benefit increase must
23identify and provide for payment to the System of additional
24funding at least sufficient to fund the resulting annual
25increase in cost to the System as it accrues.
26    Every new benefit increase is contingent upon the General



SB2024- 77 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1Assembly providing the additional funding required under this
2subsection. The Commission on Government Forecasting and
3Accountability shall analyze whether adequate additional
4funding has been provided for the new benefit increase and
5shall report its analysis to the Public Pension Division of
6the Department of Insurance. A new benefit increase created by
7a Public Act that does not include the additional funding
8required under this subsection is null and void. If the Public
9Pension Division determines that the additional funding
10provided for a new benefit increase under this subsection is
11or has become inadequate, it may so certify to the Governor and
12the State Comptroller and, in the absence of corrective action
13by the General Assembly, the new benefit increase shall expire
14at the end of the fiscal year in which the certification is
16    (d) Every new benefit increase shall expire 5 years after
17its effective date or on such earlier date as may be specified
18in the language enacting the new benefit increase or provided
19under subsection (c). This does not prevent the General
20Assembly from extending or re-creating a new benefit increase
21by law.
22    (e) Except as otherwise provided in the language creating
23the new benefit increase, a new benefit increase that expires
24under this Section continues to apply to persons who applied
25and qualified for the affected benefit while the new benefit
26increase was in effect and to the affected beneficiaries and



SB2024- 78 -LRB103 27748 RPS 54126 b

1alternate payees of such persons, but does not apply to any
2other person, including, without limitation, a person who
3continues in service after the expiration date and did not
4apply and qualify for the affected benefit while the new
5benefit increase was in effect.
6(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-49, eff. 7-12-19;
7101-81, eff. 7-12-19; 102-16, eff. 6-17-21; 102-558, eff.
88-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-871, eff. 5-13-22; revised
10    Section 90. The State Mandates Act is amended by adding
11Section 8.47 as follows:
12    (30 ILCS 805/8.47 new)
13    Sec. 8.47. Exempt mandate. Notwithstanding Sections 6 and
148 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for
15the implementation of any mandate created by this amendatory
16Act of the 103rd General Assembly.
17    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
18becoming law.