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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Galen L. Gockel of Oak Park, who
4passed away on January 21, 2024 at the age of 91; and
5    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel was born in the City of Anna to
6Herman and Mildred Gockel; he earned a Bachelor of Arts from
7the University of Valparaiso in 1953; that same year, he
8joined the U.S. Navy, serving as a naval officer aboard the USS
9Rochester and teaching fleet air defense in San Diego; and
10    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel met his wife, Marge, in San Diego,
11where she taught junior high school students; they married
12soon after and moved to Chicago; and
13    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel received a Master of Arts in Social
14Work and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago in
151971; during his time at the university, he served as a field
16director for the National Opinion Research Center, analyzing
17data of a national study of racially integrated neighborhoods;
19    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel was active in the civil rights
20movement while in graduate school, participating in the
21Freedom Summer project of 1964, which sought to register



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1African Americans in the south to vote; during his training in
2non-violent resistance, he collaborated with civil rights
3icons, including Bayard Rustin and Fannie Lou Hamer; and
4    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel was committed to racial justice, and
5he and his wife acted as "straw buyers" for a Black family
6after that family experienced discrimination from local
7realtors in their efforts to purchase homes in the Village of
8Oak Park; and
9    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel moved from Chicago's south side to
10Oak Park with his wife in 1969; they purchased a house on
11Lombard Ave, a location that would later become the home to the
12new Oak Park Village Hall; and
13    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel joined the Associated Colleges of
14the Midwest in 1969, serving as a faculty member and later as
15the director of the Urban Studies Program; he retired in 1995,
16after helping build a program that taught 65 students each
17semester about the challenges and triumphs of urban America;
19    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel was elected to the District 97
20School Board in 1971; he and fellow community members formed
21the Committee for Tomorrow's Schools and devised a plan to
22encourage the integration of Oak Park schools by redrawing



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1boundaries and creating two junior high schools, now Gwendolyn
2Brooks Middle School and Percy Julian Middle School; and
3    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel helped establish pillars of the Oak
4Park community; he partnered with his wife and founded the Oak
5Park Farmer's Market in 1976 to provide fresh and local
6produce to Oak Park residents, and they helped fund the
7Wednesday Journal community newspaper in 1980; and
8    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel was elected a township assessor in
91993, serving in that role until 2001; he fostered positive
10relationships with members of the Oak Park Township Committee
11and served as a mentor to Ali ElSaffar, who succeeded him and
12presently serves in the role; and
13    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel was elected to the Village Board of
14Oak Park in 2001, serving as a village trustee and becoming one
15of the few people in the history of Oak Park to be elected to
16three government positions; he served one term on the Village
17Board and was later asked to return to fill a vacancy in 2006;
19    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel engaged with the community outside
20of his government roles; he was asked to join the board of the
21Festival Theater in 2002; though reluctant at first, he
22ultimately joined and later became the CEO; he is honored for



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1his role at the Festival Theater through the Galen Gockel
2Internship Fund, which provides stipends to theater students
3participating in the Festival Theater summer program; he was
4also awarded a Community Service Award by the Park District of
5Oak Park for his work with the Festival Theater; and
6    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel continued his contributions to his
7community after his retirement, serving as a chairperson for
8other Oak Park organizations, including the Unity Temple
9Concert Series and the Senior Citizens Center; and
10    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel, whose wise input and ideas were
11valued and sought, was a good friend, neighbor, and counsel to
12many, including Illinois Senate President Don Harmon, a
13lifelong Oak Park resident; in his later years, he helped host
14an annual Town Hall Meeting with Senator Harmon for residents
15of his Brookdale living facility, known as Brookdale
16University, and this event became a highlight of the year for
17Senator Harmon as much as for the attendees and Brookdale
18audience; and
19    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel was recognized as a model of good
20citizenry; he was quick to listen and collaborate; he rarely
21took credit for his accomplishments and instead heaped praise
22upon others; he was thoughtful and considerate though he
23always spoke his mind; his commitment to equity and



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1community-building have indelibly shaped the spirit of Oak
2Park; and
3    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel was preceded in death by his
4parents; his wife; his sister, Greta Ann Heinemeier; and his
5son, Timothy J. Gockel; and
6    WHEREAS, Galen Gockel is survived by his children, Andrew
7Gockel and Rebecca Kutak; eight grandchildren; and three
8great-grandchildren; therefore, be it
10ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
11Galen L. Gockel and extend our sincere condolences to his
12family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
14    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15presented to the family of Galen Gockel as an expression of our
16deepest sympathy.