SR1313LRB103 42875 ECR 76126 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Shirley Spear of Oak Park, who passed
4away on December 22, 2023 at the age of 94; and
5    WHEREAS, Shirley Spear was born to Vernon and Mary Wagner
6in Seneca County, Ohio in June 1929; and
7    WHEREAS, Shirley Spear graduated from Old Fort High School
8and attended Bowling Green State University; and
9    WHEREAS, Shirley Spear met her husband, Walter Spear, at
10Bowling Green State University, and they raised two children
11together in Cleveland, where she taught; and
12    WHEREAS, Shirley Spear and her husband then moved to
13Nashville, Tennessee in 1979, where they enjoyed sailing on
14Kentucky Lake; they also spent many winters chartering
15sailboats in the Virgin Islands with other couples; and
16    WHEREAS, Shirley Spear taught in Michigan, Tennessee, and
17Ohio; she also worked as a camp song director and a tour guide
18at Nashville's Parthenon; and
19    WHEREAS, Shirley Spear enjoyed singing throughout her life



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1as a member of church and college choirs; while living in
2Nashville, she was a member of the Nashville Symphony; and
3    WHEREAS, Shirley Spear was an active volunteer with her
4church, the YWCA, the League of Women Voters, and the American
5Red Cross; and
6    WHEREAS, Shirley Spear moved to Oak Park in 2003 to be near
7family; she became a member of the River Forest United
8Methodist Church, participating in the choir; and
9    WHEREAS, Shirley Spear spent her time in Oak Park tutoring
10English as a Second Language, as well as writing a newsletter
11for the Brookdale retirement home and serving on their
12Resident Board of Directors; and
13    WHEREAS, Shirley Spear was preceded in death by her
14husband of 39 years, Walter; her brother, Ellis (Judy); and
15her sister, Annette (Bill Franklin); and
16    WHEREAS, Shirley Spear is survived by her children, Greg
17(Mary Kelly) and Jill Spear; five grandchildren; and four
18great-grandchildren; therefore, be it
20ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of



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1Shirley Spear and extend our sincere condolences to her
2family, friends, and all who knew and loved her; and be it
4    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
5presented to the family of Shirley Spear as an expression of
6our deepest sympathy.