State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/9/2025, by Rep. David Friess


110 ILCS 190/10
110 ILCS 190/15

    Amends the Student-Athlete Endorsement Rights Act. Provides that if a student-athlete earns more than $250,000 from the use of the name, image, likeness, or voice of the student-athlete, then any academic scholarship granted to the student-athlete shall be reduced by $1 per dollar the student-athlete earns over $250,000.

LRB104 04876 LNS 14903 b





HB1116LRB104 04876 LNS 14903 b

1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Student-Athlete Endorsement Rights Act is
5amended by changing Sections 10 and 15 as follows:
6    (110 ILCS 190/10)
7    Sec. 10. Compensation.
8    (a) Except as provided in Section 15:
9        (1) A student-athlete may earn compensation,
10    commensurate with market value, for the use of the name,
11    image, likeness, or voice of the student-athlete and
12    obtain and retain an agent for any matter or activity
13    relating to such compensation.
14        (2) A student-athlete may not earn compensation under
15    this Act in exchange for the student-athlete's athletic
16    ability or participation in intercollegiate athletics or
17    sports competition.
18        (3) (Blank).
19        (4) This Act may not be interpreted to consider a
20    student-athlete as an employee, agent, or independent
21    contractor of an association, a conference, or a
22    postsecondary educational institution.
23    (b) If a student-athlete earns more than $250,000 from the



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1use of the name, image, likeness, or voice of the
2student-athlete, then any academic scholarship granted to the
3student-athlete shall be reduced by $1 per dollar the
4student-athlete earns over $250,000.
5(Source: P.A. 102-42, eff. 7-1-21; 102-892, eff. 5-20-22;
6103-724, eff. 1-1-25.)
7    (110 ILCS 190/15)
8    Sec. 15. Postsecondary educational institutions;
9limitations; prohibitions.
10    (a) Except as provided in this Act, a postsecondary
11educational institution shall not uphold any contract, rule,
12regulation, standard, or other requirement that prevents a
13student-athlete of that institution from earning compensation
14as a result of the use of the student-athlete's name, image,
15likeness, or voice. Any such contract, rule, regulation,
16standard, or other requirement shall be void and unenforceable
17against the postsecondary educational institution or the
18student-athlete. Except as provided in subsection (b) of
19Section 10, compensation Compensation from the use of a
20student-athlete's name, image, likeness, or voice may not
21affect the student-athlete's scholarship eligibility,
22grant-in-aid, or other financial aid, awards or benefits, or
23the student-athlete's intercollegiate athletic eligibility.
24Nothing in this Act is intended to alter any State or federal
25laws, rules, or regulations regarding the award of financial



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1aid at postsecondary educational institutions.
2    (b) Except as provided in this Act, an athletic
3association, conference, or other group or organization with
4authority over intercollegiate athletic programs, including,
5but not limited to, the National Collegiate Athletic
6Association, the National Association of Intercollegiate
7Athletics, and the National Junior College Athletic
8Association, shall not prevent, or otherwise enforce a
9contract, rule, regulation, standard, or other requirement
10that prevents a student-athlete at a postsecondary educational
11institution from earning compensation as a result of the use
12of the student-athlete's name, image, likeness, or voice.
13    (c) To protect the integrity of its educational mission
14and intercollegiate athletics program, a postsecondary
15educational institution may impose reasonable limitations on
16the dates and time that a student-athlete may participate in
17endorsement, promotional, social media, or other activities
18related to the license or use of the student-athlete's name,
19image, likeness, or voice. Nothing in this Act shall restrict
20a postsecondary educational institution from exercising its
21sole discretion to control the authorized use of its marks or
22logos or to determine a student-athlete's apparel, gear, or
23other wearables during an intercollegiate athletics
24competition or institution-sponsored event. A student-athlete
25may not receive or enter into a contract for compensation for
26the use of the student-athlete's name, image, likeness, or



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1voice in a way that also uses any registered or licensed marks,
2logos, verbiage, name, or designs of a postsecondary
3educational institution, unless the postsecondary educational
4institution has provided the student-athlete with written
5permission to do so prior to execution of the contract or
6receipt of compensation. If permission is granted to the
7student-athlete, the postsecondary educational institution, by
8an agreement of all of the parties, may be compensated for the
9use in a manner consistent with market rates. A postsecondary
10educational institution may also prohibit a student-athlete
11from wearing any item of clothing, shoes, or other gear or
12wearables with the name, logo, or insignia of any entity
13during an intercollegiate athletics competition or
14institution-sponsored event.
15    (d) An athletic association, conference, or other group or
16organization with authority over intercollegiate athletics
17programs, including, but not limited to, the National
18Collegiate Athletic Association, the National Association of
19Intercollegiate Athletics, and the National Junior College
20Athletic Association, shall not enforce a contract, rule,
21regulation, standard, or other requirement that prevents a
22postsecondary educational institution from participating in an
23intercollegiate athletics program as a result of the
24compensation of a student-athlete for the use of the
25student-athlete's name, image, likeness, or voice.
26    (e) If allowed by a court order, a settlement agreement,



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1an athletic association, conference, or other group or
2organization with authority over intercollegiate athletics
3programs, or a policy of a postsecondary educational
4institution, the postsecondary educational institution,
5athletic association, conference, or other group or
6organization with authority over intercollegiate athletics
7programs, including, but not limited to, the National
8Collegiate Athletic Association, the National Association of
9Intercollegiate Athletics, and the National Junior College
10Athletic Association, may directly or indirectly:
11        (1) enter into, or offer to enter into, a publicity
12    rights agreement with a prospective or current
13    student-athlete; or
14        (2) provide a prospective or current student-athlete
15    or the student-athlete's family compensation in relation
16    to the use of the student-athlete's name, image, likeness,
17    or voice.
18    (f) A postsecondary educational institution, athletic
19association, conference, or other group or organization with
20authority over intercollegiate athletics programs, including,
21but not limited to, the National Collegiate Athletic
22Association, the National Association of Intercollegiate
23Athletics, and the National Junior College Athletic
24Association, shall not prevent a student-athlete from
25obtaining professional representation for purposes of this Act
26in relation to name, image, likeness, or voice, or to secure a



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1publicity rights agreement, including, but not limited to,
2representation provided by athlete agents or legal
3representation provided by attorneys. A student-athlete shall
4provide the postsecondary educational institution with written
5notice and a copy of the agreement in the manner and at a time
6prescribed by the institution.
7(Source: P.A. 102-42, eff. 7-1-21; 102-892, eff. 5-20-22;
8103-724, eff. 1-1-25.)