State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/29/2025, by Rep. Kelly M. Cassidy


720 ILCS 5/8-4  from Ch. 38, par. 8-4
720 ILCS 5/9-1.2  from Ch. 38, par. 9-1.2
720 ILCS 5/10-2  from Ch. 38, par. 10-2
720 ILCS 5/11-1.30  was 720 ILCS 5/12-14
720 ILCS 5/11-1.40  was 720 ILCS 5/12-14.1
720 ILCS 5/12-3.05  was 720 ILCS 5/12-4
720 ILCS 5/18-2  from Ch. 38, par. 18-2
720 ILCS 5/18-4
720 ILCS 5/19-6  was 720 ILCS 5/12-11
730 ILCS 5/5-8-1  from Ch. 38, par. 1005-8-1

    Amends the Criminal Code of 2012 and the Unified Code of Corrections. Provides that certain offenses for which the use of a firearm requires the court to add 15 years, 20 years, or 25 years or up to a term of natural life to the sentence, makes the additional sentences discretionary with the court. Deletes provisions that permit the court in those cases to impose a term of natural life imprisonment upon the defendant. Provides that the court may impose the additional sentences only if the defendant was personally armed with the firearm and was personally displaying the firearm. Provides that the penalty for aggravated criminal sexual assault in which the defendant personally discharged the firearm in the commission of the offense is a Class X felony for which up to 20 years may (rather than 20 years shall) be added to the term of imprisonment imposed by the court and up to 25 years may be added (rather than 25 years or up to a term of natural life imprisonment shall be added) to the term of imprisonment imposed by the court if the discharge proximately caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent disfigurement, or death to another person; Provides that the penalty for home invasion is a Class X felony for which up to 20 years may (rather than 20 years shall) be added to the term of imprisonment imposed by the court if the defendant personally discharged a firearm during the commission of the offense.

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1    AN ACT concerning criminal law.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Criminal Code of 2012 is amended by
5changing Sections 8-4, 9-1.2, 10-2, 11-1.30, 11-1.40, 12-3.05,
618-2, 18-4, and 19-6 as follows:
7    (720 ILCS 5/8-4)  (from Ch. 38, par. 8-4)
8    Sec. 8-4. Attempt.
9    (a) Elements of the offense.
10    A person commits the offense of attempt when, with intent
11to commit a specific offense, he or she does any act that
12constitutes a substantial step toward the commission of that
14    (b) Impossibility.
15    It is not a defense to a charge of attempt that because of
16a misapprehension of the circumstances it would have been
17impossible for the accused to commit the offense attempted.
18    (c) Sentence.
19    A person convicted of attempt may be fined or imprisoned
20or both not to exceed the maximum provided for the offense
21attempted but, except for an attempt to commit the offense
22defined in Section 33A-2 of this Code:
23        (1) the sentence for attempt to commit first degree



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1    murder is the sentence for a Class X felony, except that
2            (A) an attempt to commit first degree murder when
3        at least one of the aggravating factors specified in
4        clauses (iii), (iv), and (v) of subsection (a)(1)(c)
5        of Section 5-8-1 of the Unified Code of Corrections is
6        present is a Class X felony for which the sentence
7        shall be a term of imprisonment of not less than 20
8        years and not more than 80 years;
9            (B) an attempt to commit first degree murder while
10        armed with a firearm is a Class X felony for which up
11        to 15 years may shall be added to the term of
12        imprisonment imposed by the court if the person
13        committed the offense while personally armed with the
14        firearm and while personally displaying the firearm;
15            (C) an attempt to commit first degree murder
16        during which the person personally discharged a
17        firearm is a Class X felony for which up to 20 years
18        may shall be added to the term of imprisonment imposed
19        by the court;
20            (D) an attempt to commit first degree murder
21        during which the person personally discharged a
22        firearm that proximately caused great bodily harm,
23        permanent disability, permanent disfigurement, or
24        death to another person is a Class X felony for which
25        up to 25 years may or up to a term of natural life
26        shall be added to the term of imprisonment imposed by



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1        the court; and
2            (E) if the defendant proves by a preponderance of
3        the evidence at sentencing that, at the time of the
4        attempted murder, he or she was acting under a sudden
5        and intense passion resulting from serious provocation
6        by the individual whom the defendant endeavored to
7        kill, or another, and, had the individual the
8        defendant endeavored to kill died, the defendant would
9        have negligently or accidentally caused that death,
10        then the sentence for the attempted murder is the
11        sentence for a Class 1 felony;
12        (2) the sentence for attempt to commit a Class X
13    felony is the sentence for a Class 1 felony;
14        (3) the sentence for attempt to commit a Class 1
15    felony is the sentence for a Class 2 felony;
16        (4) the sentence for attempt to commit a Class 2
17    felony is the sentence for a Class 3 felony; and
18        (5) the sentence for attempt to commit any felony
19    other than those specified in items (1), (2), (3), and (4)
20    of this subsection (c) is the sentence for a Class A
21    misdemeanor.
22(Source: P.A. 103-51, eff. 1-1-24.)
23    (720 ILCS 5/9-1.2)  (from Ch. 38, par. 9-1.2)
24    Sec. 9-1.2. Intentional homicide of an unborn child.
25    (a) A person commits the offense of intentional homicide



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1of an unborn child if, in performing acts which cause the death
2of an unborn child, he without lawful justification:
3        (1) either intended to cause the death of or do great
4    bodily harm to the pregnant individual or unborn child or
5    knew that such acts would cause death or great bodily harm
6    to the pregnant individual or unborn child; or
7        (2) knew that his acts created a strong probability of
8    death or great bodily harm to the pregnant individual or
9    unborn child; and
10        (3) knew that the individual was pregnant.
11    (b) For purposes of this Section, (1) "unborn child" shall
12mean any individual of the human species from the implantation
13of an embryo until birth, and (2) "person" shall not include
14the pregnant woman whose unborn child is killed.
15    (c) This Section shall not apply to acts which cause the
16death of an unborn child if those acts were committed during
17any abortion, as defined in Section 1-10 of the Reproductive
18Health Act, to which the pregnant individual has consented.
19This Section shall not apply to acts which were committed
20pursuant to usual and customary standards of medical practice
21during diagnostic testing or therapeutic treatment.
22    (d) Penalty. The sentence for intentional homicide of an
23unborn child shall be the same as for first degree murder,
24except that:
25        (1) (blank);
26        (2) if the person committed the offense while



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1    personally armed with a firearm, and while personally
2    displaying the firearm, up to 15 years may shall be added
3    to the term of imprisonment imposed by the court;
4        (3) if, during the commission of the offense, the
5    person personally discharged a firearm, up to 20 years may
6    shall be added to the term of imprisonment imposed by the
7    court;
8        (4) if, during the commission of the offense, the
9    person personally discharged a firearm that proximately
10    caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent
11    disfigurement, or death to another person, up to 25 years
12    may or up to a term of natural life shall be added to the
13    term of imprisonment imposed by the court.
14    (e) The provisions of this Act shall not be construed to
15prohibit the prosecution of any person under any other
16provision of law.
17(Source: P.A. 103-51, eff. 1-1-24.)
18    (720 ILCS 5/10-2)  (from Ch. 38, par. 10-2)
19    Sec. 10-2. Aggravated kidnaping.
20    (a) A person commits the offense of aggravated kidnaping
21when he or she commits kidnapping and:
22        (1) kidnaps with the intent to obtain ransom from the
23    person kidnaped or from any other person;
24        (2) takes as his or her victim a child under the age of
25    13 years, or a person with a severe or profound



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1    intellectual disability;
2        (3) inflicts great bodily harm, other than by the
3    discharge of a firearm, or commits another felony upon his
4    or her victim;
5        (4) wears a hood, robe, or mask or conceals his or her
6    identity;
7        (5) commits the offense of kidnaping while armed with
8    a dangerous weapon, other than a firearm, as defined in
9    Section 33A-1 of this Code;
10        (6) commits the offense of kidnaping while armed with
11    a firearm;
12        (7) during the commission of the offense of kidnaping,
13    personally discharges a firearm; or
14        (8) during the commission of the offense of kidnaping,
15    personally discharges a firearm that proximately causes
16    great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent
17    disfigurement, or death to another person.
18    As used in this Section, "ransom" includes money, benefit,
19or other valuable thing or concession.
20    (b) Sentence. Aggravated kidnaping in violation of
21paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) of subsection (a) is a
22Class X felony. A violation of subsection (a)(6) is a Class X
23felony for which up to 15 years may shall be added to the term
24of imprisonment imposed by the court, if the person committed
25the offense while personally armed with a firearm, and while
26personally displaying the firearm. A violation of subsection



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1(a)(7) is a Class X felony for which up to 20 years may shall
2be added to the term of imprisonment imposed by the court. A
3violation of subsection (a)(8) is a Class X felony for which up
4to 25 years may or up to a term of natural life shall be added
5to the term of imprisonment imposed by the court. An offender
6under the age of 18 years at the time of the commission of
7aggravated kidnaping in violation of paragraphs (1) through
8(8) of subsection (a) shall be sentenced under Section
95-4.5-105 of the Unified Code of Corrections.
10    A person who has attained the age of 18 years at the time
11of the commission of the offense and who is convicted of a
12second or subsequent offense of aggravated kidnaping shall be
13sentenced to a term of natural life imprisonment; except that
14a sentence of natural life imprisonment shall not be imposed
15under this Section unless the second or subsequent offense was
16committed after conviction on the first offense. An offender
17under the age of 18 years at the time of the commission of the
18second or subsequent offense shall be sentenced under Section
195-4.5-105 of the Unified Code of Corrections.
20(Source: P.A. 99-69, eff. 1-1-16; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15;
2199-642, eff. 7-28-16.)
22    (720 ILCS 5/11-1.30)  (was 720 ILCS 5/12-14)
23    Sec. 11-1.30. Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault.
24    (a) A person commits aggravated criminal sexual assault if
25that person commits criminal sexual assault and any of the



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1following aggravating circumstances exist during the
2commission of the offense or, for purposes of paragraph (7),
3occur as part of the same course of conduct as the commission
4of the offense:
5        (1) the person displays, threatens to use, or uses a
6    dangerous weapon, other than a firearm, or any other
7    object fashioned or used in a manner that leads the
8    victim, under the circumstances, reasonably to believe
9    that the object is a dangerous weapon;
10        (2) the person causes bodily harm to the victim,
11    except as provided in paragraph (10);
12        (3) the person acts in a manner that threatens or
13    endangers the life of the victim or any other person;
14        (4) the person commits the criminal sexual assault
15    during the course of committing or attempting to commit
16    any other felony;
17        (5) the victim is 60 years of age or older;
18        (6) the victim is a person with a physical disability;
19        (7) the person delivers (by injection, inhalation,
20    ingestion, transfer of possession, or any other means) any
21    controlled substance to the victim without the victim's
22    consent or by threat or deception for other than medical
23    purposes;
24        (8) the person is armed with a firearm;
25        (9) the person personally discharges a firearm during
26    the commission of the offense; or



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1        (10) the person personally discharges a firearm during
2    the commission of the offense, and that discharge
3    proximately causes great bodily harm, permanent
4    disability, permanent disfigurement, or death to another
5    person.
6    (b) A person commits aggravated criminal sexual assault if
7that person is under 17 years of age and: (i) commits an act of
8sexual penetration with a victim who is under 9 years of age;
9or (ii) commits an act of sexual penetration with a victim who
10is at least 9 years of age but under 13 years of age and the
11person uses force or threat of force to commit the act.
12    (c) A person commits aggravated criminal sexual assault if
13that person commits an act of sexual penetration with a victim
14who is a person with a severe or profound intellectual
16    (d) Sentence.
17        (1) Aggravated criminal sexual assault in violation of
18    paragraph (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), or (7) of subsection
19    (a) or in violation of subsection (b) or (c) is a Class X
20    felony. A violation of subsection (a)(1) is a Class X
21    felony for which 10 years shall be added to the term of
22    imprisonment imposed by the court. A violation of
23    subsection (a)(8) is a Class X felony for which up to 15
24    years may shall be added to the term of imprisonment
25    imposed by the court, if the person committed the offense
26    while personally armed with a firearm, and while



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1    personally displaying the firearm. A violation of
2    subsection (a)(9) is a Class X felony for which up to 20
3    years may shall be added to the term of imprisonment
4    imposed by the court. A violation of subsection (a)(10) is
5    a Class X felony for which up to 25 years may or up to a
6    term of natural life imprisonment shall be added to the
7    term of imprisonment imposed by the court. An offender
8    under the age of 18 years at the time of the commission of
9    aggravated criminal sexual assault in violation of
10    paragraphs (1) through (10) of subsection (a) shall be
11    sentenced under Section 5-4.5-105 of the Unified Code of
12    Corrections.
13        (2) A person who has attained the age of 18 years at
14    the time of the commission of the offense and who is
15    convicted of a second or subsequent offense of aggravated
16    criminal sexual assault, or who is convicted of the
17    offense of aggravated criminal sexual assault after having
18    previously been convicted of the offense of criminal
19    sexual assault or the offense of predatory criminal sexual
20    assault of a child, or who is convicted of the offense of
21    aggravated criminal sexual assault after having previously
22    been convicted under the laws of this or any other state of
23    an offense that is substantially equivalent to the offense
24    of criminal sexual assault, the offense of aggravated
25    criminal sexual assault or the offense of predatory
26    criminal sexual assault of a child, shall be sentenced to



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1    a term of natural life imprisonment. The commission of the
2    second or subsequent offense is required to have been
3    after the initial conviction for this paragraph (2) to
4    apply. An offender under the age of 18 years at the time of
5    the commission of the offense covered by this paragraph
6    (2) shall be sentenced under Section 5-4.5-105 of the
7    Unified Code of Corrections.
8(Source: P.A. 99-69, eff. 1-1-16; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15;
999-642, eff. 7-28-16.)
10    (720 ILCS 5/11-1.40)  (was 720 ILCS 5/12-14.1)
11    Sec. 11-1.40. Predatory criminal sexual assault of a
13    (a) A person commits predatory criminal sexual assault of
14a child if that person is 17 years of age or older, and commits
15an act of contact, however slight, between the sex organ or
16anus of one person and the part of the body of another for the
17purpose of sexual gratification or arousal of the victim or
18the accused, or an act of sexual penetration, and:
19        (1) the victim is under 13 years of age; or
20        (2) the victim is under 13 years of age and that
21    person:
22            (A) is armed with a firearm;
23            (B) personally discharges a firearm during the
24        commission of the offense;
25            (C) causes great bodily harm to the victim that:



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1                (i) results in permanent disability; or
2                (ii) is life threatening; or
3            (D) delivers (by injection, inhalation, ingestion,
4        transfer of possession, or any other means) any
5        controlled substance to the victim without the
6        victim's consent or by threat or deception, for other
7        than medical purposes.
8    (b) Sentence.
9        (1) A person convicted of a violation of subsection
10    (a)(1) commits a Class X felony, for which the person
11    shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not less
12    than 6 years and not more than 60 years. A person convicted
13    of a violation of subsection (a)(2)(A) commits a Class X
14    felony for which up to 15 years may shall be added to the
15    term of imprisonment imposed by the court, if the person
16    committed the offense while personally armed with a
17    firearm, and while personally displaying the firearm. A
18    person convicted of a violation of subsection (a)(2)(B)
19    commits a Class X felony for which up to 20 years may shall
20    be added to the term of imprisonment imposed by the court.
21    A person who has attained the age of 18 years at the time
22    of the commission of the offense and who is convicted of a
23    violation of subsection (a)(2)(C) commits a Class X felony
24    for which the person shall be sentenced to a term of
25    imprisonment of not less than 50 years or up to a term of
26    natural life imprisonment. An offender under the age of 18



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1    years at the time of the commission of predatory criminal
2    sexual assault of a child in violation of subsections
3    (a)(1), (a)(2)(A), (a)(2)(B), and (a)(2)(C) shall be
4    sentenced under Section 5-4.5-105 of the Unified Code of
5    Corrections.
6        (1.1) A person convicted of a violation of subsection
7    (a)(2)(D) commits a Class X felony for which the person
8    shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not less
9    than 50 years and not more than 60 years. An offender under
10    the age of 18 years at the time of the commission of
11    predatory criminal sexual assault of a child in violation
12    of subsection (a)(2)(D) shall be sentenced under Section
13    5-4.5-105 of the Unified Code of Corrections.
14        (1.2) A person who has attained the age of 18 years at
15    the time of the commission of the offense and convicted of
16    predatory criminal sexual assault of a child committed
17    against 2 or more persons regardless of whether the
18    offenses occurred as the result of the same act or of
19    several related or unrelated acts shall be sentenced to a
20    term of natural life imprisonment and an offender under
21    the age of 18 years at the time of the commission of the
22    offense shall be sentenced under Section 5-4.5-105 of the
23    Unified Code of Corrections.
24        (2) A person who has attained the age of 18 years at
25    the time of the commission of the offense and who is
26    convicted of a second or subsequent offense of predatory



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1    criminal sexual assault of a child, or who is convicted of
2    the offense of predatory criminal sexual assault of a
3    child after having previously been convicted of the
4    offense of criminal sexual assault or the offense of
5    aggravated criminal sexual assault, or who is convicted of
6    the offense of predatory criminal sexual assault of a
7    child after having previously been convicted under the
8    laws of this State or any other state of an offense that is
9    substantially equivalent to the offense of predatory
10    criminal sexual assault of a child, the offense of
11    aggravated criminal sexual assault or the offense of
12    criminal sexual assault, shall be sentenced to a term of
13    natural life imprisonment. The commission of the second or
14    subsequent offense is required to have been after the
15    initial conviction for this paragraph (2) to apply. An
16    offender under the age of 18 years at the time of the
17    commission of the offense covered by this paragraph (2)
18    shall be sentenced under Section 5-4.5-105 of the Unified
19    Code of Corrections.
20(Source: P.A. 98-370, eff. 1-1-14; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14;
2198-903, eff. 8-15-14; 99-69, eff. 1-1-16.)
22    (720 ILCS 5/12-3.05)  (was 720 ILCS 5/12-4)
23    Sec. 12-3.05. Aggravated battery.
24    (a) Offense based on injury. A person commits aggravated
25battery when, in committing a battery, other than by the



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1discharge of a firearm, he or she knowingly does any of the
3        (1) Causes great bodily harm or permanent disability
4    or disfigurement.
5        (2) Causes severe and permanent disability, great
6    bodily harm, or disfigurement by means of a caustic or
7    flammable substance, a poisonous gas, a deadly biological
8    or chemical contaminant or agent, a radioactive substance,
9    or a bomb or explosive compound.
10        (3) Causes great bodily harm or permanent disability
11    or disfigurement to an individual whom the person knows to
12    be a peace officer, community policing volunteer, fireman,
13    private security officer, correctional institution
14    employee, or Department of Human Services employee
15    supervising or controlling sexually dangerous persons or
16    sexually violent persons:
17            (i) performing his or her official duties;
18            (ii) battered to prevent performance of his or her
19        official duties; or
20            (iii) battered in retaliation for performing his
21        or her official duties.
22        (4) Causes great bodily harm or permanent disability
23    or disfigurement to an individual 60 years of age or
24    older.
25        (5) Strangles another individual.
26    (b) Offense based on injury to a child or person with an



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1intellectual disability. A person who is at least 18 years of
2age commits aggravated battery when, in committing a battery,
3he or she knowingly and without legal justification by any
5        (1) causes great bodily harm or permanent disability
6    or disfigurement to any child under the age of 13 years, or
7    to any person with a severe or profound intellectual
8    disability; or
9        (2) causes bodily harm or disability or disfigurement
10    to any child under the age of 13 years or to any person
11    with a severe or profound intellectual disability.
12    (c) Offense based on location of conduct. A person commits
13aggravated battery when, in committing a battery, other than
14by the discharge of a firearm, he or she is or the person
15battered is on or about a public way, public property, a public
16place of accommodation or amusement, a sports venue, or a
17domestic violence shelter, or in a church, synagogue, mosque,
18or other building, structure, or place used for religious
20    (d) Offense based on status of victim. A person commits
21aggravated battery when, in committing a battery, other than
22by discharge of a firearm, he or she knows the individual
23battered to be any of the following:
24        (1) A person 60 years of age or older.
25        (2) A person who is pregnant or has a physical
26    disability.



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1        (3) A teacher or school employee upon school grounds
2    or grounds adjacent to a school or in any part of a
3    building used for school purposes.
4        (4) A peace officer, community policing volunteer,
5    fireman, private security officer, correctional
6    institution employee, or Department of Human Services
7    employee supervising or controlling sexually dangerous
8    persons or sexually violent persons:
9            (i) performing his or her official duties;
10            (ii) battered to prevent performance of his or her
11        official duties; or
12            (iii) battered in retaliation for performing his
13        or her official duties.
14        (5) A judge, emergency management worker, emergency
15    medical services personnel, or utility worker:
16            (i) performing his or her official duties;
17            (ii) battered to prevent performance of his or her
18        official duties; or
19            (iii) battered in retaliation for performing his
20        or her official duties.
21        (6) An officer or employee of the State of Illinois, a
22    unit of local government, or a school district, while
23    performing his or her official duties.
24        (7) A transit employee performing his or her official
25    duties, or a transit passenger.
26        (8) A taxi driver on duty.



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1        (9) A merchant who detains the person for an alleged
2    commission of retail theft under Section 16-26 of this
3    Code and the person without legal justification by any
4    means causes bodily harm to the merchant.
5        (10) A person authorized to serve process under
6    Section 2-202 of the Code of Civil Procedure or a special
7    process server appointed by the circuit court while that
8    individual is in the performance of his or her duties as a
9    process server.
10        (11) A nurse while in the performance of his or her
11    duties as a nurse.
12        (12) A merchant: (i) while performing his or her
13    duties, including, but not limited to, relaying directions
14    for healthcare or safety from his or her supervisor or
15    employer or relaying health or safety guidelines,
16    recommendations, regulations, or rules from a federal,
17    State, or local public health agency; and (ii) during a
18    disaster declared by the Governor, or a state of emergency
19    declared by the mayor of the municipality in which the
20    merchant is located, due to a public health emergency and
21    for a period of 6 months after such declaration.
22    (e) Offense based on use of a firearm. A person commits
23aggravated battery when, in committing a battery, he or she
24knowingly does any of the following:
25        (1) Discharges a firearm, other than a machine gun or
26    a firearm equipped with a silencer, and causes any injury



HB1835- 19 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1    to another person.
2        (2) Discharges a firearm, other than a machine gun or
3    a firearm equipped with a silencer, and causes any injury
4    to a person he or she knows to be a peace officer,
5    community policing volunteer, person summoned by a police
6    officer, fireman, private security officer, correctional
7    institution employee, or emergency management worker:
8            (i) performing his or her official duties;
9            (ii) battered to prevent performance of his or her
10        official duties; or
11            (iii) battered in retaliation for performing his
12        or her official duties.
13        (3) Discharges a firearm, other than a machine gun or
14    a firearm equipped with a silencer, and causes any injury
15    to a person he or she knows to be emergency medical
16    services personnel:
17            (i) performing his or her official duties;
18            (ii) battered to prevent performance of his or her
19        official duties; or
20            (iii) battered in retaliation for performing his
21        or her official duties.
22        (4) Discharges a firearm and causes any injury to a
23    person he or she knows to be a teacher, a student in a
24    school, or a school employee, and the teacher, student, or
25    employee is upon school grounds or grounds adjacent to a
26    school or in any part of a building used for school



HB1835- 20 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1    purposes.
2        (5) Discharges a machine gun or a firearm equipped
3    with a silencer, and causes any injury to another person.
4        (6) Discharges a machine gun or a firearm equipped
5    with a silencer, and causes any injury to a person he or
6    she knows to be a peace officer, community policing
7    volunteer, person summoned by a police officer, fireman,
8    private security officer, correctional institution
9    employee or emergency management worker:
10            (i) performing his or her official duties;
11            (ii) battered to prevent performance of his or her
12        official duties; or
13            (iii) battered in retaliation for performing his
14        or her official duties.
15        (7) Discharges a machine gun or a firearm equipped
16    with a silencer, and causes any injury to a person he or
17    she knows to be emergency medical services personnel:
18            (i) performing his or her official duties;
19            (ii) battered to prevent performance of his or her
20        official duties; or
21            (iii) battered in retaliation for performing his
22        or her official duties.
23        (8) Discharges a machine gun or a firearm equipped
24    with a silencer, and causes any injury to a person he or
25    she knows to be a teacher, or a student in a school, or a
26    school employee, and the teacher, student, or employee is



HB1835- 21 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1    upon school grounds or grounds adjacent to a school or in
2    any part of a building used for school purposes.
3    (f) Offense based on use of a weapon or device. A person
4commits aggravated battery when, in committing a battery, he
5or she does any of the following:
6        (1) Uses a deadly weapon other than by discharge of a
7    firearm, or uses an air rifle as defined in Section
8    24.8-0.1 of this Code.
9        (2) Wears a hood, robe, or mask to conceal his or her
10    identity.
11        (3) Knowingly and without lawful justification shines
12    or flashes a laser gunsight or other laser device attached
13    to a firearm, or used in concert with a firearm, so that
14    the laser beam strikes upon or against the person of
15    another.
16        (4) Knowingly video or audio records the offense with
17    the intent to disseminate the recording.
18    (g) Offense based on certain conduct. A person commits
19aggravated battery when, other than by discharge of a firearm,
20he or she does any of the following:
21        (1) Violates Section 401 of the Illinois Controlled
22    Substances Act by unlawfully delivering a controlled
23    substance to another and any user experiences great bodily
24    harm or permanent disability as a result of the injection,
25    inhalation, or ingestion of any amount of the controlled
26    substance.



HB1835- 22 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1        (2) Knowingly administers to an individual or causes
2    him or her to take, without his or her consent or by threat
3    or deception, and for other than medical purposes, any
4    intoxicating, poisonous, stupefying, narcotic,
5    anesthetic, or controlled substance, or gives to another
6    person any food containing any substance or object
7    intended to cause physical injury if eaten.
8        (3) Knowingly causes or attempts to cause a
9    correctional institution employee or Department of Human
10    Services employee to come into contact with blood, seminal
11    fluid, urine, or feces by throwing, tossing, or expelling
12    the fluid or material, and the person is an inmate of a
13    penal institution or is a sexually dangerous person or
14    sexually violent person in the custody of the Department
15    of Human Services.
16    (h) Sentence. Unless otherwise provided, aggravated
17battery is a Class 3 felony.
18    Aggravated battery as defined in subdivision (a)(4),
19(d)(4), or (g)(3) is a Class 2 felony.
20    Aggravated battery as defined in subdivision (a)(3) or
21(g)(1) is a Class 1 felony.
22    Aggravated battery as defined in subdivision (a)(1) is a
23Class 1 felony when the aggravated battery was intentional and
24involved the infliction of torture, as defined in paragraph
25(10) of subsection (b-5) of Section 5-8-1 of the Unified Code
26of Corrections, as the infliction of or subjection to extreme



HB1835- 23 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1physical pain, motivated by an intent to increase or prolong
2the pain, suffering, or agony of the victim.
3    Aggravated battery as defined in subdivision (a)(1) is a
4Class 2 felony when the person causes great bodily harm or
5permanent disability to an individual whom the person knows to
6be a member of a congregation engaged in prayer or other
7religious activities at a church, synagogue, mosque, or other
8building, structure, or place used for religious worship.
9    Aggravated battery under subdivision (a)(5) is a Class 1
10felony if:
11        (A) the person used or attempted to use a dangerous
12    instrument while committing the offense;
13        (B) the person caused great bodily harm or permanent
14    disability or disfigurement to the other person while
15    committing the offense; or
16        (C) the person has been previously convicted of a
17    violation of subdivision (a)(5) under the laws of this
18    State or laws similar to subdivision (a)(5) of any other
19    state.
20    Aggravated battery as defined in subdivision (e)(1) is a
21Class X felony.
22    Aggravated battery as defined in subdivision (a)(2) is a
23Class X felony for which a person shall be sentenced to a term
24of imprisonment of a minimum of 6 years and a maximum of 45
26    Aggravated battery as defined in subdivision (e)(5) is a



HB1835- 24 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1Class X felony for which a person shall be sentenced to a term
2of imprisonment of a minimum of 12 years and a maximum of 45
4    Aggravated battery as defined in subdivision (e)(2),
5(e)(3), or (e)(4) is a Class X felony for which a person shall
6be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of a minimum of 15 years
7and a maximum of 60 years.
8    Aggravated battery as defined in subdivision (e)(6),
9(e)(7), or (e)(8) is a Class X felony for which a person shall
10be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of a minimum of 20 years
11and a maximum of 60 years.
12    Aggravated battery as defined in subdivision (b)(1) is a
13Class X felony, except that:
14        (1) if the person committed the offense while
15    personally armed with a firearm, and while personally
16    displaying the firearm, up to 15 years may shall be added
17    to the term of imprisonment imposed by the court;
18        (2) if, during the commission of the offense, the
19    person personally discharged a firearm, up to 20 years may
20    shall be added to the term of imprisonment imposed by the
21    court;
22        (3) if, during the commission of the offense, the
23    person personally discharged a firearm that proximately
24    caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent
25    disfigurement, or death to another person, up to 25 years
26    may or up to a term of natural life shall be added to the



HB1835- 25 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1    term of imprisonment imposed by the court.
2    (i) Definitions. In this Section:
3    "Building or other structure used to provide shelter" has
4the meaning ascribed to "shelter" in Section 1 of the Domestic
5Violence Shelters Act.
6    "Domestic violence" has the meaning ascribed to it in
7Section 103 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986.
8    "Domestic violence shelter" means any building or other
9structure used to provide shelter or other services to victims
10or to the dependent children of victims of domestic violence
11pursuant to the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 or the
12Domestic Violence Shelters Act, or any place within 500 feet
13of such a building or other structure in the case of a person
14who is going to or from such a building or other structure.
15    "Firearm" has the meaning provided under Section 1.1 of
16the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act, and does not
17include an air rifle as defined by Section 24.8-0.1 of this
19    "Machine gun" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section
2024-1 of this Code.
21    "Merchant" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section
2216-0.1 of this Code.
23    "Strangle" means intentionally impeding the normal
24breathing or circulation of the blood of an individual by
25applying pressure on the throat or neck of that individual or
26by blocking the nose or mouth of that individual.



HB1835- 26 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1(Source: P.A. 103-51, eff. 1-1-24.)
2    (720 ILCS 5/18-2)  (from Ch. 38, par. 18-2)
3    Sec. 18-2. Armed robbery.
4    (a) A person commits armed robbery when he or she violates
5Section 18-1; and
6        (1) he or she carries on or about his or her person or
7    is otherwise armed with a dangerous weapon other than a
8    firearm; or
9        (2) he or she carries on or about his or her person or
10    is otherwise armed with a firearm; or
11        (3) he or she, during the commission of the offense,
12    personally discharges a firearm; or
13        (4) he or she, during the commission of the offense,
14    personally discharges a firearm that proximately causes
15    great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent
16    disfigurement, or death to another person.
17    (b) Sentence.
18    Armed robbery in violation of subsection (a)(1) is a Class
19X felony. A violation of subsection (a)(2) is a Class X felony
20for which up to 15 years may shall be added to the term of
21imprisonment imposed by the court, if the person committed the
22offense while personally armed with a firearm, and while
23personally displaying the firearm. A violation of subsection
24(a)(3) is a Class X felony for which up to 20 years may shall
25be added to the term of imprisonment imposed by the court. A



HB1835- 27 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1violation of subsection (a)(4) is a Class X felony for which up
2to 25 years may or up to a term of natural life shall be added
3to the term of imprisonment imposed by the court.
4(Source: P.A. 91-404, eff. 1-1-00.)
5    (720 ILCS 5/18-4)
6    Sec. 18-4. Aggravated vehicular hijacking.
7    (a) A person commits aggravated vehicular hijacking when
8he or she violates Section 18-3; and
9        (1) the person from whose immediate presence the motor
10    vehicle is taken is a person with a physical disability or
11    a person 60 years of age or over; or
12        (2) a person under 16 years of age is a passenger in
13    the motor vehicle at the time of the offense; or
14        (3) he or she carries on or about his or her person, or
15    is otherwise armed with a dangerous weapon, other than a
16    firearm; or
17        (4) he or she carries on or about his or her person or
18    is otherwise armed with a firearm; or
19        (5) he or she, during the commission of the offense,
20    personally discharges a firearm; or
21        (6) he or she, during the commission of the offense,
22    personally discharges a firearm that proximately causes
23    great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent
24    disfigurement, or death to another person.
25    (b) Sentence. Aggravated vehicular hijacking in violation



HB1835- 28 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1of subsections (a)(1) or (a)(2) is a Class X felony. A
2violation of subsection (a)(3) is a Class X felony for which a
3term of imprisonment of not less than 7 years shall be imposed.
4A violation of subsection (a)(4) is a Class X felony for which
5up to 15 years may shall be added to the term of imprisonment
6imposed by the court, if the person committed the offense
7while personally armed with a firearm, and while personally
8displaying the firearm. A violation of subsection (a)(5) is a
9Class X felony for which up to 20 years may shall be added to
10the term of imprisonment imposed by the court. A violation of
11subsection (a)(6) is a Class X felony for which up to 25 years
12may or up to a term of natural life shall be added to the term
13of imprisonment imposed by the court.
14(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
15    (720 ILCS 5/19-6)  (was 720 ILCS 5/12-11)
16    Sec. 19-6. Home Invasion.
17    (a) A person who is not a peace officer acting in the line
18of duty commits home invasion when without authority he or she
19knowingly enters the dwelling place of another when he or she
20knows or has reason to know that one or more persons is present
21or he or she knowingly enters the dwelling place of another and
22remains in the dwelling place until he or she knows or has
23reason to know that one or more persons is present or who
24falsely represents himself or herself, including but not
25limited to, falsely representing himself or herself to be a



HB1835- 29 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1representative of any unit of government or a construction,
2telecommunications, or utility company, for the purpose of
3gaining entry to the dwelling place of another when he or she
4knows or has reason to know that one or more persons are
5present and
6        (1) While armed with a dangerous weapon, other than a
7    firearm, uses force or threatens the imminent use of force
8    upon any person or persons within the dwelling place
9    whether or not injury occurs, or
10        (2) Intentionally causes any injury, except as
11    provided in subsection (a)(5), to any person or persons
12    within the dwelling place, or
13        (3) While armed with a firearm uses force or threatens
14    the imminent use of force upon any person or persons
15    within the dwelling place whether or not injury occurs, or
16        (4) Uses force or threatens the imminent use of force
17    upon any person or persons within the dwelling place
18    whether or not injury occurs and during the commission of
19    the offense personally discharges a firearm, or
20        (5) Personally discharges a firearm that proximately
21    causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent
22    disfigurement, or death to another person within the
23    dwelling place, or
24        (6) Commits, against any person or persons within that
25    dwelling place, a violation of Section 11-1.20, 11-1.30,
26    11-1.40, 11-1.50, or 11-1.60 of this Code.



HB1835- 30 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1    (b) It is an affirmative defense to a charge of home
2invasion that the accused who knowingly enters the dwelling
3place of another and remains in the dwelling place until he or
4she knows or has reason to know that one or more persons is
5present either immediately leaves the premises or surrenders
6to the person or persons lawfully present therein without
7either attempting to cause or causing serious bodily injury to
8any person present therein.
9    (c) Sentence. Home invasion in violation of subsection
10(a)(1), (a)(2) or (a)(6) is a Class X felony. A violation of
11subsection (a)(3) is a Class X felony for which up to 15 years
12may shall be added to the term of imprisonment imposed by the
13court, if the person committed the offense while personally
14armed with a firearm, and while personally displaying the
15firearm. A violation of subsection (a)(4) is a Class X felony
16for which up to 20 years may shall be added to the term of
17imprisonment imposed by the court. A violation of subsection
18(a)(5) is a Class X felony for which up to 25 years may or up
19to a term of natural life shall be added to the term of
20imprisonment imposed by the court.
21    (d) For purposes of this Section, "dwelling place of
22another" includes a dwelling place where the defendant
23maintains a tenancy interest but from which the defendant has
24been barred by a divorce decree, judgment of dissolution of
25marriage, order of protection, or other court order.
26(Source: P.A. 96-1113, eff. 1-1-11; 96-1551, eff. 7-1-11;



HB1835- 31 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

197-1108, eff. 1-1-13; 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)
2    Section 10. The Unified Code of Corrections is amended by
3changing Section 5-8-1 as follows:
4    (730 ILCS 5/5-8-1)  (from Ch. 38, par. 1005-8-1)
5    Sec. 5-8-1. Natural life imprisonment; enhancements for
6use of a firearm; mandatory supervised release terms.
7    (a) Except as otherwise provided in the statute defining
8the offense or in Article 4.5 of Chapter V, a sentence of
9imprisonment for a felony shall be a determinate sentence set
10by the court under this Section, subject to Section 5-4.5-115
11of this Code, according to the following limitations:
12        (1) for first degree murder,
13            (a) (blank),
14            (b) if a trier of fact finds beyond a reasonable
15        doubt that the murder was accompanied by exceptionally
16        brutal or heinous behavior indicative of wanton
17        cruelty or, except as set forth in subsection
18        (a)(1)(c) of this Section, that any of the aggravating
19        factors listed in subparagraph (b-5) are present, the
20        court may sentence the defendant, subject to Section
21        5-4.5-105, to a term of natural life imprisonment, or
22            (b-5) a A defendant who at the time of the
23        commission of the offense has attained the age of 18 or
24        more and who has been found guilty of first degree



HB1835- 32 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1        murder may be sentenced to a term of natural life
2        imprisonment if:
3                (1) the murdered individual was an inmate at
4            an institution or facility of the Department of
5            Corrections, or any similar local correctional
6            agency and was killed on the grounds thereof, or
7            the murdered individual was otherwise present in
8            such institution or facility with the knowledge
9            and approval of the chief administrative officer
10            thereof;
11                (2) the murdered individual was killed as a
12            result of the hijacking of an airplane, train,
13            ship, bus, or other public conveyance;
14                (3) the defendant committed the murder
15            pursuant to a contract, agreement, or
16            understanding by which he or she was to receive
17            money or anything of value in return for
18            committing the murder or procured another to
19            commit the murder for money or anything of value;
20                (4) the murdered individual was killed in the
21            course of another felony if:
22                    (A) the murdered individual:
23                        (i) was actually killed by the
24                    defendant, or
25                        (ii) received physical injuries
26                    personally inflicted by the defendant



HB1835- 33 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1                    substantially contemporaneously with
2                    physical injuries caused by one or more
3                    persons for whose conduct the defendant is
4                    legally accountable under Section 5-2 of
5                    this Code, and the physical injuries
6                    inflicted by either the defendant or the
7                    other person or persons for whose conduct
8                    he is legally accountable caused the death
9                    of the murdered individual; and (B) in
10                    performing the acts which caused the death
11                    of the murdered individual or which
12                    resulted in physical injuries personally
13                    inflicted by the defendant on the murdered
14                    individual under the circumstances of
15                    subdivision (ii) of clause (A) of this
16                    clause (4), the defendant acted with the
17                    intent to kill the murdered individual or
18                    with the knowledge that his or her acts
19                    created a strong probability of death or
20                    great bodily harm to the murdered
21                    individual or another; and
22                    (B) in performing the acts which caused
23                the death of the murdered individual or which
24                resulted in physical injuries personally
25                inflicted by the defendant on the murdered
26                individual under the circumstances of



HB1835- 34 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1                subdivision (ii) of clause (A) of this clause
2                (4), the defendant acted with the intent to
3                kill the murdered individual or with the
4                knowledge that his or her acts created a
5                strong probability of death or great bodily
6                harm to the murdered individual or another;
7                and
8                    (C) the other felony was an inherently
9                violent crime or the attempt to commit an
10                inherently violent crime. In this clause (C),
11                "inherently violent crime" includes, but is
12                not limited to, armed robbery, robbery,
13                predatory criminal sexual assault of a child,
14                aggravated criminal sexual assault, aggravated
15                kidnapping, aggravated vehicular hijacking,
16                aggravated arson, aggravated stalking,
17                residential burglary, and home invasion;
18                (5) the defendant committed the murder with
19            intent to prevent the murdered individual from
20            testifying or participating in any criminal
21            investigation or prosecution or giving material
22            assistance to the State in any investigation or
23            prosecution, either against the defendant or
24            another; or the defendant committed the murder
25            because the murdered individual was a witness in
26            any prosecution or gave material assistance to the



HB1835- 35 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1            State in any investigation or prosecution, either
2            against the defendant or another; for purposes of
3            this clause (5), "participating in any criminal
4            investigation or prosecution" is intended to
5            include those appearing in the proceedings in any
6            capacity such as trial judges, prosecutors,
7            defense attorneys, investigators, witnesses, or
8            jurors;
9                (6) the defendant, while committing an offense
10            punishable under Section 401, 401.1, 401.2, 405,
11            405.2, 407, or 407.1 or subsection (b) of Section
12            404 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, or
13            while engaged in a conspiracy or solicitation to
14            commit such offense, intentionally killed an
15            individual or counseled, commanded, induced,
16            procured, or caused the intentional killing of the
17            murdered individual;
18                (7) the defendant was incarcerated in an
19            institution or facility of the Department of
20            Corrections at the time of the murder, and while
21            committing an offense punishable as a felony under
22            Illinois law, or while engaged in a conspiracy or
23            solicitation to commit such offense, intentionally
24            killed an individual or counseled, commanded,
25            induced, procured, or caused the intentional
26            killing of the murdered individual;



HB1835- 36 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1                (8) the murder was committed in a cold,
2            calculated and premeditated manner pursuant to a
3            preconceived plan, scheme, or design to take a
4            human life by unlawful means, and the conduct of
5            the defendant created a reasonable expectation
6            that the death of a human being would result
7            therefrom;
8                (9) the defendant was a principal
9            administrator, organizer, or leader of a
10            calculated criminal drug conspiracy consisting of
11            a hierarchical position of authority superior to
12            that of all other members of the conspiracy, and
13            the defendant counseled, commanded, induced,
14            procured, or caused the intentional killing of the
15            murdered person;
16                (10) the murder was intentional and involved
17            the infliction of torture. For the purpose of this
18            clause (10), torture means the infliction of or
19            subjection to extreme physical pain, motivated by
20            an intent to increase or prolong the pain,
21            suffering, or agony of the victim;
22                (11) the murder was committed as a result of
23            the intentional discharge of a firearm by the
24            defendant from a motor vehicle and the victim was
25            not present within the motor vehicle;
26                (12) the murdered individual was a person with



HB1835- 37 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1            a disability and the defendant knew or should have
2            known that the murdered individual was a person
3            with a disability. For purposes of this clause
4            (12), "person with a disability" means a person
5            who suffers from a permanent physical or mental
6            impairment resulting from disease, an injury, a
7            functional disorder, or a congenital condition
8            that renders the person incapable of adequately
9            providing for his or her own health or personal
10            care;
11                (13) the murdered individual was subject to an
12            order of protection and the murder was committed
13            by a person against whom the same order of
14            protection was issued under the Illinois Domestic
15            Violence Act of 1986;
16                (14) the murdered individual was known by the
17            defendant to be a teacher or other person employed
18            in any school and the teacher or other employee is
19            upon the grounds of a school or grounds adjacent
20            to a school, or is in any part of a building used
21            for school purposes;
22                (15) the murder was committed by the defendant
23            in connection with or as a result of the offense of
24            terrorism as defined in Section 29D-14.9 of this
25            Code;
26                (16) the murdered individual was a member of a



HB1835- 38 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1            congregation engaged in prayer or other religious
2            activities at a church, synagogue, mosque, or
3            other building, structure, or place used for
4            religious worship; or
5                (17)(i) the murdered individual was a
6            physician, physician assistant, psychologist,
7            nurse, or advanced practice registered nurse;
8                (ii) the defendant knew or should have known
9            that the murdered individual was a physician,
10            physician assistant, psychologist, nurse, or
11            advanced practice registered nurse; and
12                (iii) the murdered individual was killed in
13            the course of acting in his or her capacity as a
14            physician, physician assistant, psychologist,
15            nurse, or advanced practice registered nurse, or
16            to prevent him or her from acting in that
17            capacity, or in retaliation for his or her acting
18            in that capacity.
19            (c) the court shall sentence the defendant to a
20        term of natural life imprisonment if the defendant, at
21        the time of the commission of the murder, had attained
22        the age of 18, and:
23                (i) has previously been convicted of first
24            degree murder under any state or federal law, or
25                (ii) is found guilty of murdering more than
26            one victim, or



HB1835- 39 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1                (iii) is found guilty of murdering a peace
2            officer, fireman, or emergency management worker
3            when the peace officer, fireman, or emergency
4            management worker was killed in the course of
5            performing his official duties, or to prevent the
6            peace officer or fireman from performing his
7            official duties, or in retaliation for the peace
8            officer, fireman, or emergency management worker
9            from performing his official duties, and the
10            defendant knew or should have known that the
11            murdered individual was a peace officer, fireman,
12            or emergency management worker, or
13                (iv) is found guilty of murdering an employee
14            of an institution or facility of the Department of
15            Corrections, or any similar local correctional
16            agency, when the employee was killed in the course
17            of performing his official duties, or to prevent
18            the employee from performing his official duties,
19            or in retaliation for the employee performing his
20            official duties, or
21                (v) is found guilty of murdering an emergency
22            medical technician - ambulance, emergency medical
23            technician - intermediate, emergency medical
24            technician - paramedic, ambulance driver, or other
25            medical assistance or first aid person while
26            employed by a municipality or other governmental



HB1835- 40 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1            unit when the person was killed in the course of
2            performing official duties or to prevent the
3            person from performing official duties or in
4            retaliation for performing official duties and the
5            defendant knew or should have known that the
6            murdered individual was an emergency medical
7            technician - ambulance, emergency medical
8            technician - intermediate, emergency medical
9            technician - paramedic, ambulance driver, or other
10            medical assistant or first aid personnel, or
11                (vi) (blank), or
12                (vii) is found guilty of first degree murder
13            and the murder was committed by reason of any
14            person's activity as a community policing
15            volunteer or to prevent any person from engaging
16            in activity as a community policing volunteer. For
17            the purpose of this Section, "community policing
18            volunteer" has the meaning ascribed to it in
19            Section 2-3.5 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
20            For purposes of clause (v), "emergency medical
21        technician - ambulance", "emergency medical technician -
22         intermediate", and "emergency medical technician -
23        paramedic", have the meanings ascribed to them in the
24        Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act.
25            (d)(i) if the person committed the offense while
26            personally armed with a firearm, and while



HB1835- 41 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1            personally displaying the firearm, up to 15 years
2            may shall be added to the term of imprisonment
3            imposed by the court;
4            (ii) if, during the commission of the offense, the
5        person personally discharged a firearm, up to 20 years
6        may shall be added to the term of imprisonment imposed
7        by the court;
8            (iii) if, during the commission of the offense,
9        the person personally discharged a firearm that
10        proximately caused great bodily harm, permanent
11        disability, permanent disfigurement, or death to
12        another person, up to 25 years may or up to a term of
13        natural life shall be added to the term of
14        imprisonment imposed by the court.
15        (2) (blank);
16        (2.5) for a person who has attained the age of 18 years
17    at the time of the commission of the offense and who is
18    convicted under the circumstances described in subdivision
19    (b)(1)(B) of Section 11-1.20 or paragraph (3) of
20    subsection (b) of Section 12-13, subdivision (d)(2) of
21    Section 11-1.30 or paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of
22    Section 12-14, subdivision (b)(1.2) of Section 11-1.40 or
23    paragraph (1.2) of subsection (b) of Section 12-14.1,
24    subdivision (b)(2) of Section 11-1.40 or paragraph (2) of
25    subsection (b) of Section 12-14.1 of the Criminal Code of
26    1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, the sentence shall be a



HB1835- 42 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1    term of natural life imprisonment.
2    (b) (Blank).
3    (c) (Blank).
4    (d) Subject to earlier termination under Section 3-3-8,
5the parole or mandatory supervised release term shall be
6written as part of the sentencing order and shall be as
8        (1) for first degree murder or for the offenses of
9    predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, aggravated
10    criminal sexual assault, and criminal sexual assault if
11    committed on or before December 12, 2005, 3 years;
12        (1.5) except as provided in paragraph (7) of this
13    subsection (d), for a Class X felony except for the
14    offenses of predatory criminal sexual assault of a child,
15    aggravated criminal sexual assault, and criminal sexual
16    assault if committed on or after December 13, 2005 (the
17    effective date of Public Act 94-715) and except for the
18    offense of aggravated child pornography under Section
19    11-20.1B, 11-20.3, or 11-20.1 with sentencing under
20    subsection (c-5) of Section 11-20.1 of the Criminal Code
21    of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, if committed on or
22    after January 1, 2009, and except for the offense of
23    obscene depiction of a purported child with sentencing
24    under subsection (d) of Section 11-20.4 of the Criminal
25    Code of 2012, 18 months;
26        (2) except as provided in paragraph (7) of this



HB1835- 43 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1    subsection (d), for a Class 1 felony or a Class 2 felony
2    except for the offense of criminal sexual assault if
3    committed on or after December 13, 2005 (the effective
4    date of Public Act 94-715) and except for the offenses of
5    manufacture and dissemination of child pornography under
6    clauses (a)(1) and (a)(2) of Section 11-20.1 of the
7    Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, if
8    committed on or after January 1, 2009, and except for the
9    offense of obscene depiction of a purported child under
10    paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of Section 11-20.4 of the
11    Criminal Code of 2012, 12 months;
12        (3) except as provided in paragraph (4), (6), or (7)
13    of this subsection (d), for a Class 3 felony or a Class 4
14    felony, 6 months; no later than 45 days after the onset of
15    the term of mandatory supervised release, the Prisoner
16    Review Board shall conduct a discretionary discharge
17    review pursuant to the provisions of Section 3-3-8, which
18    shall include the results of a standardized risk and needs
19    assessment tool administered by the Department of
20    Corrections; the changes to this paragraph (3) made by
21    Public Act 102-1104 this amendatory Act of the 102nd
22    General Assembly apply to all individuals released on
23    mandatory supervised release on or after December 6, 2022
24    (the effective date of Public Act 102-1104) this
25    amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, including
26    those individuals whose sentences were imposed prior to



HB1835- 44 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1    December 6, 2022 (the effective date of Public Act
2    102-1104) this amendatory Act of the 102nd General
3    Assembly;
4        (4) for defendants who commit the offense of predatory
5    criminal sexual assault of a child, aggravated criminal
6    sexual assault, or criminal sexual assault, on or after
7    December 13, 2005 (the effective date of Public Act
8    94-715), or who commit the offense of aggravated child
9    pornography under Section 11-20.1B, 11-20.3, or 11-20.1
10    with sentencing under subsection (c-5) of Section 11-20.1
11    of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012,
12    manufacture of child pornography, or dissemination of
13    child pornography after January 1, 2009, or who commit the
14    offense of obscene depiction of a purported child under
15    paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of Section 11-20.4 of the
16    Criminal Code of 2012 or who commit the offense of obscene
17    depiction of a purported child with sentencing under
18    subsection (d) of Section 11-20.4 of the Criminal Code of
19    2012, the term of mandatory supervised release shall range
20    from a minimum of 3 years to a maximum of the natural life
21    of the defendant;
22        (5) if the victim is under 18 years of age, for a
23    second or subsequent offense of aggravated criminal sexual
24    abuse or felony criminal sexual abuse, 4 years, at least
25    the first 2 years of which the defendant shall serve in an
26    electronic monitoring or home detention program under



HB1835- 45 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1    Article 8A of Chapter V of this Code;
2        (6) for a felony domestic battery, aggravated domestic
3    battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, and a felony
4    violation of an order of protection, 4 years;
5        (7) for any felony described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii),
6    (a)(2)(iii), (a)(2)(iv), (a)(2)(vi), (a)(2.1), (a)(2.3),
7    (a)(2.4), (a)(2.5), or (a)(2.6) of Article 5, Section
8    3-6-3 of the Unified Code of Corrections requiring an
9    inmate to serve a minimum of 85% of their court-imposed
10    sentence, except for the offenses of predatory criminal
11    sexual assault of a child, aggravated criminal sexual
12    assault, and criminal sexual assault if committed on or
13    after December 13, 2005 (the effective date of Public Act
14    94-715) and except for the offense of aggravated child
15    pornography under Section 11-20.1B, 11-20.3, or 11-20.1
16    with sentencing under subsection (c-5) of Section 11-20.1
17    of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012,
18    if committed on or after January 1, 2009, and except for
19    the offense of obscene depiction of a purported child with
20    sentencing under subsection (d) of Section 11-20.4 of the
21    Criminal Code of 2012, and except as provided in paragraph
22    (4) or paragraph (6) of this subsection (d), the term of
23    mandatory supervised release shall be as follows:
24            (A) Class X felony, 3 years;
25            (B) Class 1 or Class 2 felonies, 2 years;
26            (C) Class 3 or Class 4 felonies, 1 year.



HB1835- 46 -LRB104 07318 RLC 17357 b

1    (e) (Blank).
2    (f) (Blank).
3    (g) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act and
4of Public Act 101-652: (i) the provisions of paragraph (3) of
5subsection (d) are effective on July 1, 2022 and shall apply to
6all individuals convicted on or after the effective date of
7paragraph (3) of subsection (d); and (ii) the provisions of
8paragraphs (1.5) and (2) of subsection (d) are effective on
9July 1, 2021 and shall apply to all individuals convicted on or
10after the effective date of paragraphs (1.5) and (2) of
11subsection (d).
12(Source: P.A. 102-28, eff. 6-25-21; 102-687, eff. 12-17-21;
13102-694, eff. 1-7-22; 102-1104, eff. 12-6-22; 103-51, eff.
141-1-24; 103-825, eff. 1-1-25; revised 10-24-24.)