State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 2/18/2025, by Rep. Maurice A. West, II, Laura Faver Dias and Diane Blair-Sherlock


New Act

    Creates the Prohibition of Discriminatory Disability Mascots Act. Restricts a public educational institution from the adoption or continued use of discriminatory disability mascots. Allows a public educational institution to continue to use uniforms or other materials bearing a prohibited name, logo, or mascot that were purchased on or before the effective date of the Act until September 1, 2028 if certain requirements.

LRB104 11255 LNS 21338 b





HB3527LRB104 11255 LNS 21338 b

1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Prohibition of Discriminatory Disability Mascots Act.
6    Section 5. Purpose. To ensure that all public educational
7institutions provide a respectful and inclusive environment,
8free from the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes or
9discrimination based on disability.
10    Section 10. Definitions. In this Act:
11    "Discriminatory disability mascot" means any name, logo,
12or mascot that is derogatory or representative of an
13individual or group based on disability, as defined by the
14federal Americans with Disabilities Act.
15    "Public educational institutions" means any kindergarten
16through grade 12 school, public university, or community
17college receiving public funding within the State.
18    Section 15. Discriminatory disability mascots prohibited.
19    (a) A public educational institution shall prohibit the
20adoption or continued use of discriminatory disability



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1    (b) A public educational institution may continue to use
2uniforms or other materials bearing a prohibited name, logo,
3or mascot that were purchased on or before the effective date
4of this Act until September 1, 2028 if all the following
5requirements are met:
6        (1) The public educational institution selects a new
7    school or athletic team name, logo, or mascot that does
8    not violate the prohibition under subsection (a).
9        (2) The public educational institution refrains from
10    purchasing, acquiring, or using resources for the purpose
11    of distribution or sale to pupils or school employees any
12    uniform that includes or bears the prohibited school or
13    athletic team name, logo, or mascot.
14        (3) The public educational institution refrains from
15    purchasing, acquiring, or using resources for the purpose
16    of distribution or sale to pupils or school employees any
17    yearbook, newspaper, program, or other tangible material
18    that includes or bears the prohibited school or athletic
19    team name, logo, or mascot in the logo or title of the
20    yearbook, newspaper, program, or other tangible material.
21        (4) If a public educational institution facility bears
22    the prohibited school or athletic team name, logo, or
23    mascot, the school removes the prohibited name, logo, or
24    mascot no later than the next time that part of the
25    facility where the name, logo, or mascot is located is
26    remodeled or replaced in the normal course of maintenance



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1    and the public educational institution refrains from
2    purchasing or constructing a marquee, sign, or other new
3    or replacement fixture that includes or bears the
4    prohibited school or athletic team name, logo, or mascot.