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2    WHEREAS, The people of Illinois seek to uphold the values
3that make the United States and the State of Illinois great,
4those of freedom, opportunity, equal justice under law for
5all, and all civil liberties enshrined in the United States
6and Illinois Constitutions; and
7    WHEREAS, Anti-immigrant sentiment and anti-immigrant
8extremism have factored into discrimination against Asian
9Americans and other marginalized people throughout our history
10and caused real harm to individuals and communities; and
11    WHEREAS, The people and the State of Illinois have a duty
12to uphold our founding values and actively work to learn from
13our history and prevent the mistakes and tragedies of our
14past, including the unconstitutional use of executive orders
15to deny the guaranteed rights of citizenship; and
16    WHEREAS, It is most appropriate and necessary to
17commemorate those incredible individuals who have defended
18civil liberties and resisted oppression within our great
19nation; and
20    WHEREAS, An assault on civil liberties was launched on
21February 19, 1942 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed



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1Executive Order No. 9066, authorizing the internment of all
2people of Japanese descent in the United States; under the
3order, those of Japanese ancestry, many American citizens,
4were subject to a curfew, ordered to submit to imprisonment,
5and placed in American internment camps without trial, access
6to legal counsel, or notice of any criminal charges; and
7    WHEREAS, Fred T. Korematsu of Oakland, California
8valiantly refused to comply with these directives in an
9admirable display of civil disobedience and continued to
10proudly live his life as a free American citizen; he was
11subsequently arrested and tried for refusing to comply with
12Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34, which was authorized by
13Executive Order No. 9066, and he was sent to Topaz internment
14camp in Utah; and
15    WHEREAS, Fred Korematsu, in a selfless act of sacrifice,
16agreed to be the representative for those wrongfully
17imprisoned and appealed his case with the help of Earnest
18Besig of the American Civil Liberties Union; the case was
19heard by the United States Supreme Court; and
20    WHEREAS, The Supreme Court upheld the decision to imprison
21Fred Korematsu in a 6-3 ruling, as well as the
22constitutionality of discrimination against a racial group as
23justified under conditions of war; that decision remains a



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1stain upon civil liberties and American values of equal
2protection under law; his conviction was overturned via a writ
3of error coram nobis on November 10, 1983 by the United States
4District Court of Northern California; the Supreme Court
5decision has yet to be challenged; and
6    WHEREAS, Fred Korematsu and his legal team appealed to
7overturn his conviction, inspiring the Civil Liberties Act of
81988, which was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan and
9which formally apologized to those wrongfully incarcerated
10under Executive Order No. 9066 and acknowledged the order was
11issued because of "racial prejudice, wartime hysteria, and a
12failure of political leadership"; he was later awarded the
13Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Bill Clinton, the
14highest honor awarded to a civilian who has admirably served
15the interests of the nation; and
16    WHEREAS, Fred Korematsu continued throughout his life to
17raise his voice for the voiceless and defend the defenseless
18in solidarity with those denied civil liberties, including
19speaking out against the solitary confinement of an American
20Muslim man in a United States military prison without trial;
22    WHEREAS, Fred Korematsu passed away on March 30, 2005;
23today, the Fred Korematsu Institute works to educate people



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1about his life story and the importance of civil liberties;
2the institute also aims to promote awareness of his life and
3work by schools, the general public, and state and federal
4legislators of his life with the observation of his birthdate,
5January 30, as Fred T. Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the
6Constitution; therefore, be it
9SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we commend Fred T. Korematsu
10for his courageous efforts for civil liberties; and be it
12    RESOLVED, That we honor the legacy of Fred Korematsu, his
13institute, and his children who work so diligently to educate
14the public by encouraging schools and institutes of higher
15learning throughout the State of Illinois to incorporate his
16story and valiant stand for American values of justice into
17their curriculum; and be it further
18    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
19presented to the Illinois State Board of Education and each
20Illinois state university.