State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/17/2025, by Sen. Javier L. Cervantes


725 ILCS 5/124A-20

    Amends the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963. Provides that in the assessment waiver provisions, defines "assessments" to include assessments in a county having a population of more than 3,000,000. Deletes a provision that states the provision is inoperative on and after July 1, 2024 that provides that in a county having a population of more than 3,000,000, "assessments" means any costs imposed on a criminal defendant under the Assessment Schedules Article of the Criminal and Traffic Assessment Act, including violation of the Illinois Vehicle Code assessments.

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1    AN ACT concerning criminal law.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 is
5amended by changing Section 124A-20 as follows:
6    (725 ILCS 5/124A-20)
7    Sec. 124A-20. Assessment waiver.
8    (a) As used in this Section:
9    "Assessments" means any costs imposed on a criminal
10defendant under Article 15 of the Criminal and Traffic
11Assessment Act, but does not include violation of the Illinois
12Vehicle Code assessments except in a county having a
13population of more than 3,000,000 as provided in subsection
15    "Indigent person" means any person who meets one or more
16of the following criteria:
17        (1) He or she is receiving assistance under one or
18    more of the following means-based governmental public
19    benefits programs: Supplemental Security Income; Aid to
20    the Aged, Blind and Disabled; Temporary Assistance for
21    Needy Families; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program;
22    General Assistance; Transitional Assistance; or State
23    Children and Family Assistance.



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1        (2) His or her available personal income is 200% or
2    less of the current poverty level, unless the applicant's
3    assets that are not exempt under Part 9 or 10 of Article
4    XII of the Code of Civil Procedure are of a nature and
5    value that the court determines that the applicant is able
6    to pay the assessments.
7        (3) He or she is, in the discretion of the court,
8    unable to proceed in an action with payment of assessments
9    and whose payment of those assessments would result in
10    substantial hardship to the person or his or her family.
11    "Poverty level" means the current poverty level as
12established by the United States Department of Health and
13Human Services.
14    (a-5) (Blank). In a county having a population of more
15than 3,000,000, "assessments" means any costs imposed on a
16criminal defendant under Article 15 of the Criminal and
17Traffic Assessment Act, including violation of the Illinois
18Vehicle Code assessments. This subsection is inoperative on
19and after July 1, 2024.
20    (b) For criminal offenses reflected in Schedules 1, 3, 4,
215, 7, and 8 of Article 15 of the Criminal and Traffic
22Assessment Act, upon the application of any defendant, after
23the commencement of an action, but no later than 30 days after
25        (1) If the court finds that the applicant is an
26    indigent person, the court shall grant the applicant a



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1    full assessment waiver exempting him or her from the
2    payment of any assessments.
3        (2) The court shall grant the applicant a partial
4    assessment as follows:
5            (A) 75% of all assessments shall be waived if the
6        applicant's available income is greater than 200% but
7        no more than 250% of the poverty level, unless the
8        applicant's assets that are not exempt under Part 9 or
9        10 of Article XII of the Code of Civil Procedure are
10        such that the applicant is able, without undue
11        hardship, to pay the total assessments.
12            (B) 50% of all assessments shall be waived if the
13        applicant's available income is greater than 250% but
14        no more than 300% of the poverty level, unless the
15        applicant's assets that are not exempt under Part 9 or
16        10 of Article XII of the Code of Civil Procedure are
17        such that the court determines that the applicant is
18        able, without undue hardship, to pay a greater portion
19        of the assessments.
20            (C) 25% of all assessments shall be waived if the
21        applicant's available income is greater than 300% but
22        no more than 400% of the poverty level, unless the
23        applicant's assets that are not exempt under Part 9 or
24        10 of Article XII of the Code of Civil Procedure are
25        such that the court determines that the applicant is
26        able, without undue hardship, to pay a greater portion



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1        of the assessments.
2    (b-5) For traffic and petty offenses reflected in
3Schedules 2, 6, 9, 10, and 13 of Article 15 of the Criminal and
4Traffic Assessment Act, upon the application of any defendant,
5after the commencement of an action, but no later than 30 days
6after sentencing, the court shall grant the applicant a
7partial assessment as follows:
8        (1) 50% of all assessments shall be waived if the
9    court finds that the applicant is an indigent person or if
10    the applicant's available income is not greater than 200%
11    of the poverty level, unless the applicant's assets that
12    are not exempt under Part 9 or 10 of Article XII of the
13    Code of Civil Procedure are such that the applicant is
14    able, without undue hardship, to pay the total
15    assessments.
16        (2) 37.5% of all assessments shall be waived if the
17    applicant's available income is greater than 200% but no
18    more than 250% of the poverty level, unless the
19    applicant's assets that are not exempt under Part 9 or 10
20    of Article XII of the Code of Civil Procedure are such that
21    the applicant is able, without undue hardship, to pay the
22    total assessments.
23        (3) 25% of all assessments shall be waived if the
24    applicant's available income is greater than 250% but no
25    more than 300% of the poverty level, unless the
26    applicant's assets that are not exempt under Part 9 or 10



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1    of Article XII of the Code of Civil Procedure are such that
2    the court determines that the applicant is able, without
3    undue hardship, to pay a greater portion of the
4    assessments.
5        (4) 12.5% of all assessments shall be waived if the
6    applicant's available income is greater than 300% but no
7    more than 400% of the poverty level, unless the
8    applicant's assets that are not exempt under Part 9 or 10
9    of Article XII of the Code of Civil Procedure are such that
10    the court determines that the applicant is able, without
11    undue hardship, to pay a greater portion of the
12    assessments.
13    (c) An application for a waiver of assessments shall be in
14writing, signed by the defendant or, if the defendant is a
15minor, by another person having knowledge of the facts, and
16filed no later than 30 days after sentencing. The contents of
17the application for a waiver of assessments, and the procedure
18for deciding the applications, shall be established by Supreme
19Court Rule. Factors to consider in evaluating an application
20shall include:
21        (1) the applicant's receipt of needs based
22    governmental public benefits, including Supplemental
23    Security Income (SSI); Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled
24    (AABD); Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF);
25    Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP or "food
26    stamps"); General Assistance; Transitional Assistance; or



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1    State Children and Family Assistance;
2        (2) the employment status of the applicant and amount
3    of monthly income, if any;
4        (3) income received from the applicant's pension,
5    Social Security benefits, unemployment benefits, and other
6    sources;
7        (4) income received by the applicant from other
8    household members;
9        (5) the applicant's monthly expenses, including rent,
10    home mortgage, other mortgage, utilities, food, medical,
11    vehicle, childcare, debts, child support, and other
12    expenses; and
13        (6) financial affidavits or other similar supporting
14    documentation provided by the applicant showing that
15    payment of the imposed assessments would result in
16    substantial hardship to the applicant or the applicant's
17    family.
18    (d) The clerk of court shall provide the application for a
19waiver of assessments to any defendant who indicates an
20inability to pay the assessments. The clerk of the court shall
21post in a conspicuous place in the courthouse a notice, no
22smaller than 8.5 x 11 inches and using no smaller than 30-point
23typeface printed in English and in Spanish, advising criminal
24defendants they may ask the court for a waiver of any court
25ordered assessments. The notice shall be substantially as



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1        "If you are unable to pay the required assessments,
2    you may ask the court to waive payment of them. Ask the
3    clerk of the court for forms."
4    (e) For good cause shown, the court may allow an applicant
5whose application is denied or who receives a partial
6assessment waiver to defer payment of the assessments, make
7installment payments, or make payment upon reasonable terms
8and conditions stated in the order.
9    (f) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to affect
10the right of a party to court-appointed counsel, as authorized
11by any other provision of law or by the rules of the Illinois
12Supreme Court.
13    (g) The provisions of this Section are severable under
14Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes.
15(Source: P.A. 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-620, eff. 8-27-21.)