State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/17/2025, by Sen. Terri Bryant


10 ILCS 5/2A-1.2  from Ch. 46, par. 2A-1.2
10 ILCS 5/2A-56 new
10 ILCS 5/10-6  from Ch. 46, par. 10-6
10 ILCS 5/10-9  from Ch. 46, par. 10-9
10 ILCS 5/22-1  from Ch. 46, par. 22-1
10 ILCS 5/22-7  from Ch. 46, par. 22-7
105 ILCS 5/1A-1  from Ch. 122, par. 1A-1
105 ILCS 5/1A-2  from Ch. 122, par. 1A-2
105 ILCS 5/1A-2.1  from Ch. 122, par. 1A-2.1
105 ILCS 5/1A-4  from Ch. 122, par. 1A-4

    Amends the Election Code and the School Code. Provides for 5 additional members of the State Board of Education to be elected at the general election in 2028 and every 4 years thereafter. Provides that one member shall be elected from each judicial district. Provides that the 5 members shall be elected on a nonpartisan basis. Provides that a petition for nomination of a candidate for member of the State Board shall be signed by at least 0.5% of the total number of registered voters in the judicial district. Provides that beginning on the date when the 5 members initially elected take office, a majority of the State Board shall constitute a quorum. Makes related changes.

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1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Election Code is amended by changing
5Sections 2A-1.2, 10-6, 10-9, 22-1, and 22-7 and by adding
6Section 2A-56 as follows:
7    (10 ILCS 5/2A-1.2)  (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-1.2)
8    Sec. 2A-1.2. Consolidated schedule of elections; offices
10    (a) At the general election in the appropriate
11even-numbered years, the following offices shall be filled or
12shall be on the ballot as otherwise required by this Code:
13        (1) Elector of President and Vice President of the
14    United States.
15        (2) United States Senator and United States
16    Representative.
17        (3) State Executive Branch elected officers.
18        (4) State Senator and State Representative.
19        (5) County elected officers, including State's
20    Attorney, County Board member, County Commissioners, and
21    elected President of the County Board or County Chief
22    Executive.
23        (6) Circuit Court Clerk.



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1        (7) Regional Superintendent of Schools, except in
2    counties or educational service regions in which that
3    office has been abolished.
4        (8) Judges of the Supreme, Appellate and Circuit
5    Courts, on the question of retention, to fill vacancies
6    and newly created judicial offices.
7        (9) (Blank).
8        (10) Trustee of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation
9    District of Greater Chicago, and elected Trustee of other
10    Sanitary Districts.
11        (11) Special District elected officers, not otherwise
12    designated in this Section, where the statute creating or
13    authorizing the creation of the district requires an
14    annual election and permits or requires election of
15    candidates of political parties.
16        (12) Beginning with the 2024 general election, the
17    elected members of the Chicago Board of Education; the
18    election of members of the Chicago Board of Education
19    shall be a nonpartisan election as provided for under this
20    Code and may be conducted on a separate ballot.
21        (13) Beginning on November 7, 2028, 5 members of the
22    State Board of Education.
23    (b) At the general primary election:
24        (1) in each even-numbered year candidates of political
25    parties shall be nominated for those offices to be filled
26    at the general election in that year, except where



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1    pursuant to law nomination of candidates of political
2    parties is made by caucus.
3        (2) in the appropriate even-numbered years the
4    political party offices of State central committeeperson,
5    township committeeperson, ward committeeperson, and
6    precinct committeeperson shall be filled and delegates and
7    alternate delegates to the National nominating conventions
8    shall be elected as may be required pursuant to this Code.
9    In the even-numbered years in which a Presidential
10    election is to be held, candidates in the Presidential
11    preference primary shall also be on the ballot.
12        (3) in each even-numbered year, where the municipality
13    has provided for annual elections to elect municipal
14    officers pursuant to Section 6(f) or Section 7 of Article
15    VII of the Constitution, pursuant to the Illinois
16    Municipal Code or pursuant to the municipal charter, the
17    offices of such municipal officers shall be filled at an
18    election held on the date of the general primary election,
19    provided that the municipal election shall be a
20    nonpartisan election where required by the Illinois
21    Municipal Code. For partisan municipal elections in
22    even-numbered years, a primary to nominate candidates for
23    municipal office to be elected at the general primary
24    election shall be held on the Tuesday 6 weeks preceding
25    that election.
26        (4) in each school district which has adopted the



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1    provisions of Article 33 of the School Code, successors to
2    the members of the board of education whose terms expire
3    in the year in which the general primary is held shall be
4    elected.
5    (c) At the consolidated election in the appropriate
6odd-numbered years, the following offices shall be filled:
7        (1) Municipal officers, provided that in
8    municipalities in which candidates for alderperson or
9    other municipal office are not permitted by law to be
10    candidates of political parties, the runoff election where
11    required by law, or the nonpartisan election where
12    required by law, shall be held on the date of the
13    consolidated election; and provided further, in the case
14    of municipal officers provided for by an ordinance
15    providing the form of government of the municipality
16    pursuant to Section 7 of Article VII of the Constitution,
17    such offices shall be filled by election or by runoff
18    election as may be provided by such ordinance;
19        (2) Village and incorporated town library directors;
20        (3) City boards of stadium commissioners;
21        (4) Commissioners of park districts;
22        (5) Trustees of public library districts;
23        (6) Special District elected officers, not otherwise
24    designated in this Section, where the statute creating or
25    authorizing the creation of the district permits or
26    requires election of candidates of political parties;



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1        (7) Township officers, including township park
2    commissioners, township library directors, and boards of
3    managers of community buildings, and Multi-Township
4    Assessors;
5        (8) Highway commissioners and road district clerks;
6        (9) Members of school boards in school districts which
7    adopt Article 33 of the School Code;
8        (10) The directors and chair of the Chain O Lakes - Fox
9    River Waterway Management Agency;
10        (11) Forest preserve district commissioners elected
11    under Section 3.5 of the Downstate Forest Preserve
12    District Act;
13        (12) Elected members of school boards, school
14    trustees, directors of boards of school directors,
15    trustees of county boards of school trustees (except in
16    counties or educational service regions having a
17    population of 2,000,000 or more inhabitants) and members
18    of boards of school inspectors, except school boards in
19    school districts that adopt Article 33 of the School Code;
20        (13) Members of Community College district boards;
21        (14) Trustees of Fire Protection Districts;
22        (15) Commissioners of the Springfield Metropolitan
23    Exposition and Auditorium Authority;
24        (16) Elected Trustees of Tuberculosis Sanitarium
25    Districts;
26        (17) Elected Officers of special districts not



SB0116- 6 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1    otherwise designated in this Section for which the law
2    governing those districts does not permit candidates of
3    political parties.
4    (d) At the consolidated primary election in each
5odd-numbered year, candidates of political parties shall be
6nominated for those offices to be filled at the consolidated
7election in that year, except where pursuant to law nomination
8of candidates of political parties is made by caucus, and
9except those offices listed in paragraphs (12) through (17) of
10subsection (c).
11    At the consolidated primary election in the appropriate
12odd-numbered years, the mayor, clerk, treasurer, and
13alderpersons shall be elected in municipalities in which
14candidates for mayor, clerk, treasurer, or alderperson are not
15permitted by law to be candidates of political parties,
16subject to runoff elections to be held at the consolidated
17election as may be required by law, and municipal officers
18shall be nominated in a nonpartisan election in municipalities
19in which pursuant to law candidates for such office are not
20permitted to be candidates of political parties.
21    At the consolidated primary election in the appropriate
22odd-numbered years, municipal officers shall be nominated or
23elected, or elected subject to a runoff, as may be provided by
24an ordinance providing a form of government of the
25municipality pursuant to Section 7 of Article VII of the



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1    (e) (Blank).
2    (f) At any election established in Section 2A-1.1, public
3questions may be submitted to voters pursuant to this Code and
4any special election otherwise required or authorized by law
5or by court order may be conducted pursuant to this Code.
6    Notwithstanding the regular dates for election of officers
7established in this Article, whenever a referendum is held for
8the establishment of a political subdivision whose officers
9are to be elected, the initial officers shall be elected at the
10election at which such referendum is held if otherwise so
11provided by law. In such cases, the election of the initial
12officers shall be subject to the referendum.
13    Notwithstanding the regular dates for election of
14officials established in this Article, any community college
15district which becomes effective by operation of law pursuant
16to Section 6-6.1 of the Public Community College Act, as now or
17hereafter amended, shall elect the initial district board
18members at the next regularly scheduled election following the
19effective date of the new district.
20    (g) At any election established in Section 2A-1.1, if in
21any precinct there are no offices or public questions required
22to be on the ballot under this Code then no election shall be
23held in the precinct on that date.
24    (h) There may be conducted a referendum in accordance with
25the provisions of Division 6-4 of the Counties Code.
26(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21; 102-177, eff. 6-1-22;



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1102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-691, eff. 12-17-21.)
2    (10 ILCS 5/2A-56 new)
3    Sec. 2A-56. State Board of Education; time of election.
4Five members of the State Board of Education shall be elected
5at the general election in 2028 and at the general election
6every 4 years thereafter.
7    (10 ILCS 5/10-6)  (from Ch. 46, par. 10-6)
8    Sec. 10-6. Time and manner of filing. Except as otherwise
9provided in this Code, certificates of nomination and
10nomination papers for the nomination of candidates for offices
11to be filled by electors of the entire State, or any district
12not entirely within a county, or for congressional, state
13legislative, or judicial offices, or elected members of the
14State Board of Education, shall be presented to the principal
15office of the State Board of Elections not more than 169 nor
16less than 162 days previous to the day of election for which
17the candidates are nominated. The State Board of Elections
18shall endorse the certificates of nomination or nomination
19papers, as the case may be, and the date and hour of
20presentment to it. Except as otherwise provided in this Code,
21all other certificates for the nomination of candidates shall
22be filed with the county clerk of the respective counties not
23more than 169 but at least 162 days previous to the day of such
24election. Certificates of nomination and nomination papers for



SB0116- 9 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1the nomination of candidates for school district offices to be
2filled at consolidated elections shall be filed with the
3county clerk or county board of election commissioners of the
4county in which the principal office of the school district is
5located not more than 141 nor less than 134 days before the
6consolidated election. Except as otherwise provided in this
7Code, certificates of nomination and nomination papers for the
8nomination of candidates for the other offices of political
9subdivisions to be filled at regular elections other than the
10general election shall be filed with the local election
11official of such subdivision:
12        (1) (blank);
13        (2) not more than 141 nor less than 134 days prior to
14    the consolidated election; or
15        (3) not more than 141 nor less than 134 days prior to
16    the general primary in the case of municipal offices to be
17    filled at the general primary election; or
18        (4) not more than 127 nor less than 120 days before the
19    consolidated primary in the case of municipal offices to
20    be elected on a nonpartisan basis pursuant to law
21    (including, without limitation, those municipal offices
22    subject to Articles 4 and 5 of the Municipal Code); or
23        (5) not more than 141 nor less than 134 days before the
24    municipal primary in even numbered years for such
25    nonpartisan municipal offices where annual elections are
26    provided; or



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1        (6) in the case of petitions for the office of
2    multi-township assessor, such petitions shall be filed
3    with the election authority not more than 113 nor less
4    than 134 days before the consolidated election.
5    However, where a political subdivision's boundaries are
6co-extensive with or are entirely within the jurisdiction of a
7municipal board of election commissioners, the certificates of
8nomination and nomination papers for candidates for such
9political subdivision offices shall be filed in the office of
10such Board.
11(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21; 103-600, eff. 7-1-24.)
12    (10 ILCS 5/10-9)  (from Ch. 46, par. 10-9)
13    Sec. 10-9. The following electoral boards are designated
14for the purpose of hearing and passing upon the objector's
15petition described in Section 10-8.
16        1. The State Board of Elections will hear and pass
17    upon objections to the nominations of candidates for State
18    offices, nominations of candidates for the elected members
19    of the State Board of Education, nominations of candidates
20    for congressional or legislative offices that are in more
21    than one county or are wholly located within a single
22    county with a population of less than 3,000,000 and
23    judicial offices of districts, subcircuits, or circuits
24    situated in more than one county, nominations of
25    candidates for the offices of State's attorney or regional



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1    superintendent of schools to be elected from more than one
2    county, and petitions for proposed amendments to the
3    Constitution of the State of Illinois as provided for in
4    Section 3 of Article XIV of the Constitution.
5        2. The county officers electoral board of a county
6    with a population of less than 3,000,000 to hear and pass
7    upon objections to the nominations of candidates for
8    county offices and judicial offices of a district,
9    subcircuit, or circuit coterminous with or less than a
10    county, for any school district offices, for the office of
11    multi-township assessor where candidates for such office
12    are nominated in accordance with this Code, and for all
13    special district offices, shall be composed of the county
14    clerk, or an assistant designated by the county clerk, the
15    State's attorney of the county or an Assistant State's
16    Attorney designated by the State's Attorney, and the clerk
17    of the circuit court, or an assistant designated by the
18    clerk of the circuit court, of the county, of whom the
19    county clerk or his designee shall be the chair, except
20    that in any county which has established a county board of
21    election commissioners that board shall constitute the
22    county officers electoral board ex-officio. If a school
23    district is located in 2 or more counties, the county
24    officers electoral board of the county in which the
25    principal office of the school district is located shall
26    hear and pass upon objections to nominations of candidates



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1    for school district office in that school district.
2        2.5. The county officers electoral board of a county
3    with a population of 3,000,000 or more to hear and pass
4    upon objections to the nominations of candidates for
5    county offices, candidates for congressional offices and
6    representatives in the General Assembly if the district is
7    wholly within a county with a population of 3,000,000 or
8    more, unless the district is wholly or partially within
9    the jurisdiction of a municipal board of election
10    commissioners, and judicial offices of a district,
11    subcircuit, or circuit coterminous with or less than a
12    county, for any school district offices, for the office of
13    multi-township assessor where candidates for such office
14    are nominated in accordance with this Code, for all
15    special district offices, and for candidates for the
16    Senate, shall be composed of the county clerk, or an
17    assistant designated by the county clerk, the State's
18    Attorney of the county or an Assistant State's Attorney
19    designated by the State's Attorney, and the clerk of the
20    circuit court, or an assistant designated by the clerk of
21    the circuit court, of the county, of whom the county clerk
22    or his designee shall be the chair, except that, in any
23    county which has established a county board of election
24    commissioners, that board shall constitute the county
25    officers electoral board ex-officio. If a school district
26    is located in 2 or more counties, the county officers



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1    electoral board of the county in which the principal
2    office of the school district is located shall hear and
3    pass upon objections to nominations of candidates for
4    school district office in that school district.
5        3. The municipal officers electoral board to hear and
6    pass upon objections to the nominations of candidates for
7    officers of municipalities shall be composed of the mayor
8    or president of the board of trustees of the city, village
9    or incorporated town, and the city, village or
10    incorporated town clerk, and one member of the city
11    council or board of trustees, that member being designated
12    who is eligible to serve on the electoral board and has
13    served the greatest number of years as a member of the city
14    council or board of trustees, of whom the mayor or
15    president of the board of trustees shall be the chair.
16        4. The township officers electoral board to pass upon
17    objections to the nominations of township officers shall
18    be composed of the township supervisor, the town clerk,
19    and that eligible town trustee elected in the township who
20    has had the longest term of continuous service as town
21    trustee, of whom the township supervisor shall be the
22    chair.
23        5. The education officers electoral board to hear and
24    pass upon objections to the nominations of candidates for
25    offices in community college districts shall be composed
26    of the presiding officer of the community college district



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1    board, who shall be the chair, the secretary of the
2    community college district board and the eligible elected
3    community college board member who has the longest term of
4    continuous service as a board member.
5        6. In all cases, however, where the Congressional,
6    Legislative, or Representative district is wholly or
7    partially within the jurisdiction of a single municipal
8    board of election commissioners in Cook County and in all
9    cases where the school district or special district is
10    wholly within the jurisdiction of a municipal board of
11    election commissioners and in all cases where the
12    municipality or township is wholly or partially within the
13    jurisdiction of a municipal board of election
14    commissioners, the board of election commissioners shall
15    ex-officio constitute the electoral board.
16    For special districts situated in more than one county,
17the county officers electoral board of the county in which the
18principal office of the district is located has jurisdiction
19to hear and pass upon objections. For purposes of this
20Section, "special districts" means all political subdivisions
21other than counties, municipalities, townships and school and
22community college districts.
23    In the event that any member of the appropriate board is a
24candidate for the office with relation to which the objector's
25petition is filed, he shall not be eligible to serve on that
26board and shall not act as a member of the board and his place



SB0116- 15 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1shall be filled as follows:
2        a. In the county officers electoral board by the
3    county treasurer, and if he or she is ineligible to serve,
4    by the sheriff of the county.
5        b. In the municipal officers electoral board by the
6    eligible elected city council or board of trustees member
7    who has served the second greatest number of years as a
8    city council or board of trustees member.
9        c. In the township officers electoral board by the
10    eligible elected town trustee who has had the second
11    longest term of continuous service as a town trustee.
12        d. In the education officers electoral board by the
13    eligible elected community college district board member
14    who has had the second longest term of continuous service
15    as a board member.
16    In the event that the chair of the electoral board is
17ineligible to act because of the fact that he or she is a
18candidate for the office with relation to which the objector's
19petition is filed, then the substitute chosen under the
20provisions of this Section shall be the chair; In this case,
21the officer or board with whom the objector's petition is
22filed, shall transmit the certificate of nomination or
23nomination papers as the case may be, and the objector's
24petition to the substitute chair of the electoral board.
25    When 2 or more eligible individuals, by reason of their
26terms of service on a city council or board of trustees,



SB0116- 16 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1township board of trustees, or community college district
2board, qualify to serve on an electoral board, the one to serve
3shall be chosen by lot.
4    Any vacancies on an electoral board not otherwise filled
5pursuant to this Section shall be filled by public members
6appointed by the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court for the
7county wherein the electoral board hearing is being held upon
8notification to the Chief Judge of such vacancies. The Chief
9Judge shall be so notified by a member of the electoral board
10or the officer or board with whom the objector's petition was
11filed. In the event that none of the individuals designated by
12this Section to serve on the electoral board are eligible, the
13chair of an electoral board shall be designated by the Chief
15(Source: P.A. 103-467, eff. 8-4-23.)
16    (10 ILCS 5/22-1)  (from Ch. 46, par. 22-1)
17    Sec. 22-1. Abstracts of votes. Within 21 days after the
18close of the election at which candidates for offices
19hereinafter named in this Section are voted upon, the election
20authorities of the respective counties shall open the returns
21and make abstracts of the votes on a separate sheet for each of
22the following:
23        A. For Governor and Lieutenant Governor;
24        B. For State officers;
25        C. For presidential electors;



SB0116- 17 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1        D. For United States Senators and Representatives to
2    Congress;
3        E. For judges of the Supreme Court;
4        F. For judges of the Appellate Court;
5        G. For judges of the circuit court;
6        H. For Senators and Representatives to the General
7    Assembly;
8        I. For State's Attorneys elected from 2 or more
9    counties;
10        J. For amendments to the Constitution, and for other
11    propositions submitted to the electors of the entire
12    State;
13        K. For county officers and for propositions submitted
14    to the electors of the county only;
15        L. For Regional Superintendent of Schools;
16        M. For trustees of Sanitary Districts; and
17        N. For Trustee of a Regional Board of School Trustees;
18    and .
19        O. For elected members of the State Board of
20    Education.
21    Each sheet shall report the returns by precinct or ward.
22    Multiple originals of each of the sheets shall be prepared
23and one of each shall be turned over to the chair of the county
24central committee of each of the then existing established
25political parties, as defined in Section 10-2, or his duly
26authorized representative immediately after the completion of



SB0116- 18 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1the entries on the sheets and before the totals have been
3    The foregoing abstracts shall be preserved by the election
4authority in its office.
5    Whenever any county clerk is unable to canvass the vote,
6the deputy county clerk or a designee of the county clerk shall
7serve in his or her place.
8    The powers and duties of the election authority canvassing
9the votes are limited to those specified in this Section.
10    No person who is shown by the election authority's
11proclamation to have been elected at the consolidated election
12or general election as a write-in candidate shall take office
13unless that person has first filed with the certifying office
14or board a statement of candidacy pursuant to Section 7-10 or
15Section 10-5, a statement pursuant to Section 7-10.1, and a
16receipt for filing a statement of economic interests in
17relation to the unit of government to which he or she has been
18elected. For officers elected at the consolidated election,
19the certifying officer shall notify the election authority of
20the receipt of those documents, and the county clerk shall
21issue the certification of election under the provisions of
22Section 22-18.
23(Source: P.A. 100-1027, eff. 1-1-19.)
24    (10 ILCS 5/22-7)  (from Ch. 46, par. 22-7)
25    Sec. 22-7. Canvass of votes; declaration and proclamation



SB0116- 19 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1of result. The State Board of Elections, shall proceed within
231 days after the election, and sooner if all the returns are
3received, to canvass the votes given for United States
4Senators and Representatives to Congress, State executive
5officers, elected members of the State Board of Education,
6judges of the Supreme Court, judges of the Appellate Court,
7judges of the Circuit Court, Senators, Representatives to the
8General Assembly, State's Attorneys and Regional
9Superintendents of Schools elected from 2 or more counties,
10respectively, and the persons having the highest number of
11votes for the respective offices shall be declared duly
12elected, but if it appears that more than the number of persons
13to be elected have the highest and an equal number of votes for
14the same office, the electoral board shall decide by lot which
15of such persons shall be elected; and to each person duly
16elected, the Governor shall give a certificate of election or
17commission, as the case may require, and shall cause
18proclamation to be made of the result of the canvass, and they
19shall at the same time and in the same manner, canvass the vote
20cast upon amendments to the Constitution, and upon other
21propositions submitted to the electors of the entire State;
22and the Governor shall cause to be made such proclamation of
23the result of the canvass as the statutes elsewhere provide.
24The State Board of Elections shall transmit to the State
25Comptroller a list of the persons elected to the various
26offices. The State Board of Elections shall also transmit to



SB0116- 20 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1the Supreme Court the names of persons elected to judgeships
2in adversary elections and the names of judges who fail to win
3retention in office.
4    No person who is shown by the canvassing board's
5proclamation to have been elected at the consolidated election
6or general election as a write-in candidate shall take office
7unless that person has first filed with the certifying office
8or board a statement of candidacy pursuant to Section 7-10 or
9Section 10-5, a statement pursuant to Section 7-10.1, and a
10receipt for filing a statement of economic interests in
11relation to the unit of government to which he or she has been
12elected. For officers elected at the consolidated election,
13the certifying officer shall notify the election authority of
14the receipt of those documents, and the county clerk shall
15issue the certification of election under the provisions of
16Section 22-18.
17(Source: P.A. 93-847, eff. 7-30-04; 94-645, eff. 8-22-05.)
18    Section 10. The School Code is amended by changing
19Sections 1A-1, 1A-2, 1A-2.1, and 1A-4 as follows:
20    (105 ILCS 5/1A-1)  (from Ch. 122, par. 1A-1)
21    Sec. 1A-1. Members and terms.
22    (a) (Blank).
23    (b) The State Board of Education shall consist of 5
24members initially to be elected under this amendatory Act of



SB0116- 21 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1the 104th General Assembly and 8 appointed members and a
2chairperson, who shall be appointed by the Governor with the
3advice and consent of the Senate from a pattern of regional
4representation as follows: 2 appointees shall be selected from
5among those counties of the State other than Cook County and
6the 5 counties contiguous to Cook County, one of whom must
7represent the educator community; 2 appointees shall be
8selected from Cook County, one of whom shall be a resident of
9the City of Chicago and one of whom shall be a resident of that
10part of Cook County which lies outside the city limits of
11Chicago and of whom one must represent the educator community;
122 appointees shall be selected from among the 5 counties of the
13State that are contiguous to Cook County, one of whom must
14represent the educator community; and 3 members shall be
15selected as members-at-large (one of which shall be the
16chairperson). With respect to the educator community
17appointments, no more than one member may be employed as a
18district superintendent, principal, school business official,
19or teacher and no more than one may be employed by the same
20school district or school. The changes made to this Section by
21this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly apply to
22appointments made after the effective date of this amendatory
23Act of the 100th General Assembly. The Governor who takes
24office on the second Monday of January after his or her
25election shall be the person who nominates members to fill
26vacancies whose terms begin after that date and before the



SB0116- 22 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1term of the next Governor begins.
2    The term of each member of the State Board of Education
3whose term expires on January 12, 2005 shall instead terminate
4on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd
5General Assembly. Of these 3 seats, (i) the member initially
6appointed pursuant to this amendatory Act of the 93rd General
7Assembly whose seat was vacant on April 27, 2004 shall serve
8until the second Wednesday of January, 2009 and (ii) the other
92 members initially appointed pursuant to this amendatory Act
10of the 93rd General Assembly shall serve until the second
11Wednesday of January, 2007.
12    The term of the member of the State Board of Education
13whose seat was vacant on April 27, 2004 and whose term expires
14on January 10, 2007 shall instead terminate on the effective
15date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly. The
16member initially appointed pursuant to this amendatory Act of
17the 93rd General Assembly to fill this seat shall be the
18chairperson and shall serve until the second Wednesday of
19January, 2007.
20    The term of the member of the State Board of Education
21whose seat was vacant on May 28, 2004 but after April 27, 2004
22and whose term expires on January 10, 2007 shall instead
23terminate on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the
2493rd General Assembly. The member initially appointed pursuant
25to this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly to fill
26this seat shall serve until the second Wednesday of January,



SB0116- 23 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

2    The term of the other member of the State Board of
3Education whose term expires on January 10, 2007 shall instead
4terminate on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the
593rd General Assembly. The member initially appointed pursuant
6to this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly to fill
7this seat shall serve until the second Wednesday of January,
9    The term of the member of the State Board of Education
10whose term expires on January 14, 2009 and who was selected
11from among the 5 counties of the State that are contiguous to
12Cook County and is a resident of Lake County shall instead
13terminate on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the
1493rd General Assembly. The member initially appointed pursuant
15to this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly to fill
16this seat shall serve until the second Wednesday of January,
18    Upon expiration of the terms of the members initially
19appointed under this amendatory Act of the 93rd General
20Assembly and members whose terms were not terminated by this
21amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, their respective
22successors shall be appointed for terms of 4 years, from the
23second Wednesday in January of each odd numbered year and
24until their respective successors are appointed and qualified.
25    (c) Of the 4 members, excluding the chairperson, whose
26terms expire on the second Wednesday of January, 2007 and



SB0116- 24 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1every 4 years thereafter, one of those members must be an
2at-large member and at no time may more than 2 of those members
3be from one political party. Of the 4 members whose terms
4expire on the second Wednesday of January, 2009 and every 4
5years thereafter, one of those members must be an at-large
6member and at no time may more than 2 of those members be from
7one political party. Party membership is defined as having
8voted in the primary of the party in the last primary before
10    (c-5) Five members of the State Board of Education shall
11be elected on a nonpartisan basis at the general election in
122028 and every 4 years thereafter. One member shall be elected
13from each of the judicial districts. A petition for nomination
14of a candidate for member of the State Board of Education shall
15be signed by at least 0.5% of the total number of registered
16voters in the judicial district in which the person is a
17candidate for nomination. Each of these members shall serve
18for a term of 4 years, from the second Wednesday of January
19until after the member's election and until the member's
20successor takes office.
21    (d) Vacancies in appointed terms shall be filled by
22appointment by the Governor with the advice and consent of the
23Senate for the extent of the unexpired term. If a vacancy in
24membership occurs at a time when the Senate is not in session,
25the Governor shall make a temporary appointment until the next
26meeting of the Senate, when the Governor shall appoint a



SB0116- 25 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1person to fill that membership for the remainder of its term.
2If the Senate is not in session when appointments for a full
3term are made, the appointments shall be made as in the case of
5    (d-5) Beginning on the date when all of the new members
6initially to be elected under this amendatory Act of the 104th
7General Assembly have taken office, vacancies in elected terms
8shall be filled by appointment and confirmed by the remaining
9members of the State Board of Education. A person selected to
10fill a vacancy left by an elected member must meet all
11eligibility requirements for the position.
12(Source: P.A. 100-1135, eff. 11-28-18.)
13    (105 ILCS 5/1A-2)  (from Ch. 122, par. 1A-2)
14    Sec. 1A-2. Qualifications. In order to be a member The
15members of the State Board of Education, a person must be a
16citizen shall be citizens of the United States and a resident
17residents of the State of Illinois. To be an elected member, a
18person must also be a resident of the judicial district from
19which the person was elected. Appointed members and shall be
20selected as far as may be practicable on the basis of their
21knowledge of, or interest and experience in, problems of
22public education. No elected member of the State Board of
23Education may be employed by a public or nonpublic school; a
24college, including a community or junior college; a
25university; the State Board of Education; a regional office of



SB0116- 26 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1education; or any other educational institution. No elected
2member of the State Board of Education may be a member of the
3governing board of a school district or a charter or nonpublic
4school. No member of the State Board of Education shall
5benefit from funds provided by the State Board of Education to
6an institution of higher learning, public or private, within
7Illinois, nor shall members be school trustees of a public or
8nonpublic college, university or technical institution within
9Illinois. No member shall be appointed to more than 2 4-year
10terms. No member may be elected to more than 2 consecutive
114-year terms. Members shall be reimbursed for all ordinary and
12necessary expenses incurred in performing their duties as
13members of the Board. Expenses shall be approved by the Board
14and be consistent with the laws, policies, and requirements of
15the State of Illinois regarding such expenditures, plus any
16member may include in the member's his or her claim for
17expenses $50 per day for meeting days.
18(Source: P.A. 100-1135, eff. 11-28-18.)
19    (105 ILCS 5/1A-2.1)  (from Ch. 122, par. 1A-2.1)
20    Sec. 1A-2.1. Vacancies. The Governor may remove for
21incompetence, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office any
22member of the State Board of Education. A vacancy also exists
23on the State Board of Education when one or more of the
24following events occur:
25        1. A member dies.



SB0116- 27 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1        2. A member files a written resignation with the
2    Governor.
3        3. A member is adjudicated to be a person under legal
4    disability under the Probate Act of 1975 or a person
5    subject to involuntary admission under the Mental Health
6    and Developmental Disabilities Code.
7        4. For appointed members, a A member ceases to be a
8    resident of the region from which the member he or she was
9    appointed.
10        5. A member is convicted of an infamous crime or of any
11    offense involving a violation of his or her duties under
12    this Code.
13        6. A member fails to maintain the qualifications
14    stated in Sections 1A-1 and 1A-2 of this Code.
15(Source: P.A. 100-1135, eff. 11-28-18.)
16    (105 ILCS 5/1A-4)  (from Ch. 122, par. 1A-4)
17    Sec. 1A-4. Powers and duties of the Board.
18    A. (Blank).
19    B. The Board shall determine the qualifications of and
20appoint a chief education officer, to be known as the State
21Superintendent of Education, who may be proposed by the
22Governor and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and
23pursuant to a performance-based contract linked to statewide
24student performance and academic improvement within Illinois
25schools. Upon expiration or buyout of the contract of the



SB0116- 28 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1State Superintendent of Education in office on the effective
2date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, a
3State Superintendent of Education shall be appointed by a
4State Board of Education that includes the 7 new Board members
5who were appointed to fill seats of members whose terms were
6terminated on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the
793rd General Assembly. Thereafter, a State Superintendent of
8Education must, at a minimum, be appointed at the beginning of
9each term of a Governor after that Governor has made
10appointments to the Board. A performance-based contract issued
11for the employment of a State Superintendent of Education
12entered into on or after the effective date of this amendatory
13Act of the 93rd General Assembly must expire no later than
14February 1, 2007, and subsequent contracts must expire no
15later than February 1 each 4 years thereafter. No contract
16shall be extended or renewed beyond February 1, 2007 and
17February 1 each 4 years thereafter, but a State Superintendent
18of Education shall serve until his or her successor is
19appointed. Each contract entered into on or before January 8,
202007 with a State Superintendent of Education must provide
21that the State Board of Education may terminate the contract
22for cause, and the State Board of Education shall not
23thereafter be liable for further payments under the contract.
24With regard to this amendatory Act of the 93rd General
25Assembly, it is the intent of the General Assembly that,
26beginning with the Governor who takes office on the second



SB0116- 29 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1Monday of January, 2007, a State Superintendent of Education
2be appointed at the beginning of each term of a Governor after
3that Governor has made appointments to the Board. The State
4Superintendent of Education shall not serve as a member of the
5State Board of Education. The Board shall set the compensation
6of the State Superintendent of Education who shall serve as
7the Board's chief executive officer. The Board shall also
8establish the duties, powers and responsibilities of the State
9Superintendent, which shall be included in the State
10Superintendent's performance-based contract along with the
11goals and indicators of student performance and academic
12improvement used to measure the performance and effectiveness
13of the State Superintendent. The State Board of Education may
14delegate to the State Superintendent of Education the
15authority to act on the Board's behalf, provided such
16delegation is made pursuant to adopted board policy or the
17powers delegated are ministerial in nature. The State Board
18may not delegate authority under this Section to the State
19Superintendent to (1) nonrecognize school districts, (2)
20withhold State payments as a penalty, or (3) make final
21decisions under the contested case provisions of the Illinois
22Administrative Procedure Act unless otherwise provided by law.
23    C. The powers and duties of the State Board of Education
24shall encompass all duties delegated to the Office of
25Superintendent of Public Instruction on January 12, 1975,
26except as the law providing for such powers and duties is



SB0116- 30 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1thereafter amended, and such other powers and duties as the
2General Assembly shall designate. The Board shall be
3responsible for the educational policies and guidelines for
4public schools, pre-school through grade 12 and Vocational
5Education in the State of Illinois. Beginning July 1, 2024,
6educational policies and guidelines pertaining to pre-school
7and the Prevention Initiative program shall be done in
8consultation with the Department of Early Childhood. The Board
9shall analyze the present and future aims, needs, and
10requirements of education in the State of Illinois and
11recommend to the General Assembly the powers which should be
12exercised by the Board. The Board shall recommend the passage
13and the legislation necessary to determine the appropriate
14relationship between the Board and local boards of education
15and the various State agencies and shall recommend desirable
16modifications in the laws which affect schools.
17    D. Two members of the Board shall be appointed by the
18chairperson to serve on a standing joint Education Committee,
192 others shall be appointed from the Board of Higher
20Education, 2 others shall be appointed by the chairperson of
21the Illinois Community College Board, and 2 others shall be
22appointed by the chairperson of the Human Resource Investment
23Council. The Committee shall be responsible for making
24recommendations concerning the submission of any workforce
25development plan or workforce training program required by
26federal law or under any block grant authority. The Committee



SB0116- 31 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1will be responsible for developing policy on matters of mutual
2concern to elementary, secondary and higher education such as
3Occupational and Career Education, Teacher Preparation and
4Licensure, Educational Finance, Articulation between
5Elementary, Secondary and Higher Education and Research and
6Planning. The joint Education Committee shall meet at least
7quarterly and submit an annual report of its findings,
8conclusions, and recommendations to the State Board of
9Education, the Board of Higher Education, the Illinois
10Community College Board, the Human Resource Investment
11Council, the Governor, and the General Assembly. All meetings
12of this Committee shall be official meetings for reimbursement
13under this Act. On the effective date of this amendatory Act of
14the 95th General Assembly, the Joint Education Committee is
16    E. Until the 5 members initially to be elected under this
17amendatory Act of the 104th General Assembly have taken
18office, 5 Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
19Beginning on the date when the 5 members initially to be
20elected under this amendatory Act of the 104th General
21Assembly have taken office, a majority of the Board shall
22constitute a quorum. Until the 5 members initially to be
23elected under this amendatory Act of the 104th General
24Assembly have taken office a A majority vote of the members
25appointed, confirmed, and serving on the Board is required to
26approve any action, except that the 7 new Board members who



SB0116- 32 -LRB104 04019 LNS 14043 b

1were appointed to fill seats of members whose terms were
2terminated on the effective date of this amendatory act of the
393rd General Assembly may vote to approve actions when
4appointed and serving. Beginning on the date when the 5
5members initially to be elected under this amendatory Act of
6the 104th General Assembly have taken office, a majority vote
7of the elected members and the members appointed, confirmed,
8and serving on the Board is required to approve any action.
9    F. Upon appointment of the 7 new Board members who were
10appointed to fill seats of members whose terms were terminated
11on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd
12General Assembly, the Board shall review all of its current
13rules in an effort to streamline procedures, improve
14efficiency, and eliminate unnecessary forms and paperwork.
15(Source: P.A. 102-894, eff. 5-20-22; 103-594, eff. 6-25-24.)