State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/17/2025, by Sen. Adriane Johnson


40 ILCS 5/1-110.18 new

    Amends the General Provisions Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that the amendatory Act may be referred to as the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act. With regard to the retirement systems established under the General Assembly, State Employees, State Universities, Downstate Teachers, or Judges Article of the Code and the Illinois State Board of Investment, prohibits direct investment of any additional pension assets in the stocks, securities, or other obligations of any fossil fuel company or any subsidiary, affiliate, or parent of a fossil fuel company. Provides that each board of trustees of a pension system shall ensure the pension system does not make further indirect investments unless, upon exercising due diligence, the board of trustees is satisfied that the investment vehicle is unlikely to have more than 2% of its assets invested in fossil fuel companies. Requires pension system trustees to identify the pension system's holdings, whether directly or indirectly invested, including private investments. Requires pension system trustees to identify holdings that are invested in the stocks, securities, equities, fixed income, corporate bonds, prime commercial paper, or other obligations of fossil fuel companies. Requires pension systems to, in accordance with sound investment criteria and consistent with fiduciary obligations, divest any fossil fuel holdings, which must be completed by January 1, 2030. Requires pension systems to adopt an update to their written investment policies if necessary. Requires each pension system to disclose the analytic methods used, if any, in determining the climate-related financial risks posed by its fossil fuel investments (both publicly traded and private investments) and the results of the analysis. Sets forth provisions concerning definitions, de minimis exposure to fossil fuel securities, and annual reporting. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning public employee benefits.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. This Act may be referred to as the Fossil Fuel
5Divestment Act.
6    Section 5. Findings. The General Assembly finds that:
7        (1) Climate change is a real and serious threat to the
8    health, welfare, and prosperity of all Illinoisans, now
9    and in the future. Scientific evidence indicates that
10    maintaining the status quo of fossil fuel energy
11    production will lead to catastrophic results.
12        (2) Continued investment in the fossil fuel industry
13    is counterproductive to the goals set forth in the Energy
14    Transition Act. That Act, passed by the Illinois General
15    Assembly and signed into law in 2021, commits the State to
16    phasing out carbon emissions from the energy and transport
17    sectors and requires Illinois to be 100% reliant on
18    renewable energy by 2050.
19        (3) The threats posed by climate change, and the
20    necessary transformation of the global energy system to
21    mitigate it, will have a serious negative impact on
22    investors whose assets are not aligned with the goal of
23    keeping the global average temperature increase below 1.5



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1    degrees Celsius.
2        (4) Continued investment in fossil fuel-related
3    industries poses unacceptable risk to the long-term
4    sustainability of State and local pension funds that are
5    under the State Treasurer's control; to the long-term
6    sustainability of $26,000,000,000 of the State's
7    investments, $17,000,000,000 in the programs established
8    pursuant to Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code,
9    $12,000,000,000 of the Illinois Funds, $80,000,000 of the
10    Secure Choice Retirement Savings Programs, and $30,000,000
11    in the ABLE Account Program; and to the sustainability of
12    other Illinois municipal and county funds.
13        (5) Because the continued investment in fossil
14    fuel-related industries poses unacceptable risk to these
15    pension systems and State investments, those who hold
16    investment authority over these systems should divest from
17    fossil fuel companies and fossil fuel infrastructure. Such
18    entities are encouraged to invest in climate change
19    solutions where consistent with acceptable financial risk.
20    Section 10. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by adding
21Section 1-110.18 as follows:
22    (40 ILCS 5/1-110.18 new)
23    Sec. 1-110.18. Fossil fuel investment prohibited.
24    (a) In this Section:



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1    "Fossil fuel" means coal, petroleum, natural gas, or any
2derivative of coal, petroleum, or natural gas that is used for
4    "Fossil fuel company" means any company, including any
5subsidiary, affiliate, or parent of a company, that: (1) is
6among the 200 publicly traded companies with the largest
7fossil fuel reserves in the world; (2) is among the 30 largest
8public company owners in the world of coal-fired power plants;
9(3) has as its core business the construction or operation of
10fossil fuel infrastructure; (4) has as its core business the
11exploration, extraction, refining, processing, or distribution
12of fossil fuels; or (5) receives more than 2% of its gross
13revenue from companies that meet the definition under item
14(1), (2), (3), or (4) of this definition.
15    "Fossil fuel infrastructure" means oil or gas wells; oil
16or gas pipelines and refineries; oil, coal, or gas-fired power
17plants; oil and gas storage tanks; fossil fuel export
18terminals; and any other infrastructure used exclusively for
19fossil fuels.
20    "Indirect investment" means a holding in an investment
21vehicle, whether publicly or privately traded, that directly
22or indirectly owns more than a 1% interest in one or more
23individual fossil fuel companies.
24    "Pension system" means a pension fund or retirement system
25established under Article 2, 14, 15, 16, or 18 or the Illinois
26State Board of Investment.



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1    (b) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act
2of the 104th General Assembly, in accordance with sound
3investment criteria and consistent with fiduciary obligations,
4a pension system shall not directly invest any additional
5pension assets in the stocks, securities, or other obligations
6of any fossil fuel company or any subsidiary, affiliate, or
7parent of any fossil fuel company. In addition, each board of
8trustees of a pension system shall ensure the pension system
9does not make further indirect investments unless, upon
10exercising due diligence, the board of trustees is satisfied
11that the investment vehicle is unlikely to have more than 2% of
12its assets invested in fossil fuel companies. The board of
13trustees of a pension system shall not invest in any prime
14commercial paper or corporate bonds issued by a fossil fuel
16    (c) Within 90 days after the effective date of this
17amendatory Act of the 104th General Assembly, pension system
18trustees shall identify the pension system's holdings, whether
19directly or indirectly invested, including private
20investments. The report shall identify holdings that are
21invested in the stocks, securities, equities, fixed income,
22corporate bonds, prime commercial paper, or other obligations
23of fossil fuel companies. For directly invested assets, the
24name and subject of the investment, the asset class,
25acquisition dates, and its current value shall be identified.
26For indirectly invested assets, including private investments,



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1the name and subject of the investment, the name of the General
2Partner, the investment vehicle, the initial date and amount
3invested, the fee structure, liquidity restrictions, if any,
4and the actual or anticipated exit date shall be disclosed.
5Such information shall be submitted as a report to the General
6Assembly and posted on each pension system's publicly
7accessible website within 180 days after the effective date of
8this amendatory Act of the 104th General Assembly. Such
9reports shall be updated and posted quarterly thereafter.
10    (d)(1) The board of trustees of a pension system shall, in
11accordance with sound investment criteria and consistent with
12fiduciary obligations, divest any fossil fuel holdings.
13Divestment pursuant to this subsection must be completed by
14January 1, 2030. Nothing in this subsection precludes de
15minimis exposure of any funds held by the board to the stocks,
16securities, or other obligations of any fossil fuel company or
17any subsidiary, affiliate, or parent of any fossil fuel
19        (2) Except as otherwise provided, trustees of the
20    pension systems shall, in accordance with sound investment
21    criteria and consistent with fiduciary obligations, divest
22    any indirectly held investments no later than January 1,
23    2030. Funds held in any investment vehicle that imposes
24    liquidity restrictions shall be divested as soon as
25    fiscally responsible but no later than January 1, 2035.
26    Nothing in this subsection precludes de minimis exposure



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1    of any funds held by a pension system in the assets or
2    obligations described in this Section.
3        (3) In the period before divestment pursuant to
4    paragraphs (1) and (2), the pension system may sign
5    engagement letters or participate in shareholder
6    resolutions seeking an agreed-upon divestment of fossil
7    fuels from the pension system's holdings.
8        (4) Nothing in this Section precludes or limits the
9    exercise of shareholder engagement or proxy voting rights
10    as guaranteed by a pension system's de minimis holdings
11    following the pension system's divestment obligations
12    pursuant to this Section.
13    (e) Each board of trustees of a pension system that has
14adopted a written investment policy under Section 1-113.6
15shall adopt an update of its written investment policy, if
16necessary, to meet the requirements of this Section. A copy of
17the updated policy shall be filed with the Department of
18Insurance within 30 days after its adoption.
19    (f)(1) Each pension system shall disclose the analytic
20methods used, if any, in determining the climate-related
21financial risks posed by its fossil fuel investments (both
22publicly traded and private investments) and the results of
23such analysis, including the alignment of each pension system
24with the Paris Climate Agreement and the climate policy goals
25that are included in the Energy Transition Act.
26        (2) Each pension system shall report its



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1    climate-related shareholder engagement activities and
2    outcomes. For publicly traded investments, the report must
3    also include a description of additional action taken, or
4    to be taken, by the board to address climate-related
5    financial risk. The pension system's proxy voting
6    guidelines and climate-related voting record for the year
7    must also be included in the report. For private
8    investments, fund managers must identify all efforts
9    undertaken to decarbonize an existing investment and must
10    further identify all efforts that will be taken to prevent
11    fossil fuel exposure through future private investments.
12        (3) Beginning January 1, 2026 and annually thereafter,
13    each pension system shall issue a report reviewing its
14    environmental, social, and governance investment policy.
15    The report must disclose commonly available environmental
16    performance metrics on the environmental effects of the
17    pension system's investments.
18    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
19becoming law.