State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/24/2025, by Sen. John F. Curran


720 ILCS 5/12-3.4  was 720 ILCS 5/12-30
720 ILCS 5/12-3.8
720 ILCS 5/12-3.9

    Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that violation of an order of protection is a Class 4 felony if the defendant has any prior conviction violation of a civil no contact order, violation of a stalking no contact order, or any prior conviction under the law of another jurisdiction for an offense that could be charged in the State as violation of a civil no contact order or violation of a stalking no contact order. Provides that violation of a civil no contact order is a Class 4 felony if the defendant has any prior conviction for violation of an order of protection, violation of a civil no contact order, or violation of a stalking no contact order, or any prior conviction under the law of another jurisdiction for an offense that could be charged in the State as a violation of an order of protection, violation of a civil no contact order, or violation of a stalking no contact order. Provides that violation of a stalking no contact order is a Class 4 felony if the defendant has any prior conviction under the Code for a violation of an order of protection, violation of a stalking no contact order, or violation of a civil no contact order, or any prior conviction under the law of another jurisdiction for an offense that could be charged in the State as a violation of an order of protection, violation of a civil no contact order, or violation of a stalking no contact order.

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1    AN ACT concerning criminal law.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Criminal Code of 2012 is amended by
5changing Sections 12-3.4, 12-3.8, and 12-3.9 as follows:
6    (720 ILCS 5/12-3.4)  (was 720 ILCS 5/12-30)
7    Sec. 12-3.4. Violation of an order of protection.
8    (a) A person commits violation of an order of protection
10        (1) He or she knowingly commits an act which was
11    prohibited by a court or fails to commit an act which was
12    ordered by a court in violation of:
13            (i) a remedy in a valid order of protection
14        authorized under paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (14), or
15        (14.5) of subsection (b) of Section 214 of the
16        Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986,
17            (ii) a remedy, which is substantially similar to
18        the remedies authorized under paragraphs (1), (2),
19        (3), (14) or (14.5) of subsection (b) of Section 214 of
20        the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986, in a valid
21        order of protection, which is authorized under the
22        laws of another state, tribe or United States
23        territory,



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1            (iii) any other remedy when the act constitutes a
2        crime against the protected parties as the term
3        protected parties is defined in Section 112A-4 of the
4        Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963; and
5        (2) Such violation occurs after the offender has been
6    served notice of the contents of the order, pursuant to
7    the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 or any
8    substantially similar statute of another state, tribe or
9    United States territory, or otherwise has acquired actual
10    knowledge of the contents of the order.
11    An order of protection issued by a state, tribal or
12territorial court related to domestic or family violence shall
13be deemed valid if the issuing court had jurisdiction over the
14parties and matter under the law of the state, tribe or
15territory. There shall be a presumption of validity where an
16order is certified and appears authentic on its face. For
17purposes of this Section, an "order of protection" may have
18been issued in a criminal or civil proceeding.
19    (a-5) Failure to provide reasonable notice and opportunity
20to be heard shall be an affirmative defense to any charge or
21process filed seeking enforcement of a foreign order of
23    (b) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to diminish
24the inherent authority of the courts to enforce their lawful
25orders through civil or criminal contempt proceedings.
26    (c) The limitations placed on law enforcement liability by



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1Section 305 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986
2apply to actions taken under this Section.
3    (d) Violation of an order of protection is a Class A
4misdemeanor. Violation of an order of protection is a Class 4
5felony if the defendant has any prior conviction under this
6Code for domestic battery (Section 12-3.2), or violation of an
7order of protection (Section 12-3.4 or 12-30), violation of a
8civil no contact order (Section 12-3.8), violation of a
9stalking no contact order (Section 12-3.9), or any prior
10conviction under the law of another jurisdiction for an
11offense that could be charged in this State as a domestic
12battery or violation of an order of protection, violation of a
13civil no contact order, or violation of a stalking no contact
14order. Violation of an order of protection is a Class 4 felony
15if the defendant has any prior conviction under this Code for
16first degree murder (Section 9-1), attempt to commit first
17degree murder (Section 8-4), aggravated domestic battery
18(Section 12-3.3), aggravated battery (Section 12-3.05 or
1912-4), heinous battery (Section 12-4.1), aggravated battery
20with a firearm (Section 12-4.2), aggravated battery with a
21machine gun or a firearm equipped with a silencer (Section
2212-4.2-5), aggravated battery of a child (Section 12-4.3),
23aggravated battery of an unborn child (subsection (a-5) of
24Section 12-3.1, or Section 12-4.4), aggravated battery of a
25senior citizen (Section 12-4.6), stalking (Section 12-7.3),
26aggravated stalking (Section 12-7.4), criminal sexual assault



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1(Section 11-1.20 or 12-13), aggravated criminal sexual assault
2(Section 11-1.30 or 12-14), kidnapping (Section 10-1),
3aggravated kidnapping (Section 10-2), predatory criminal
4sexual assault of a child (Section 11-1.40 or 12-14.1),
5aggravated criminal sexual abuse (Section 11-1.60 or 12-16),
6unlawful restraint (Section 10-3), aggravated unlawful
7restraint (Section 10-3.1), aggravated arson (Section 20-1.1),
8aggravated discharge of a firearm (Section 24-1.2), or a
9violation of any former law of this State that is
10substantially similar to any listed offense, or any prior
11conviction under the law of another jurisdiction for an
12offense that could be charged in this State as one of the
13offenses listed in this Section, when any of these offenses
14have been committed against a family or household member as
15defined in Section 112A-3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of
161963. The court shall impose a minimum penalty of 24 hours
17imprisonment for defendant's second or subsequent violation of
18any order of protection; unless the court explicitly finds
19that an increased penalty or such period of imprisonment would
20be manifestly unjust. In addition to any other penalties, the
21court may order the defendant to pay a fine as authorized under
22Section 5-9-1 of the Unified Code of Corrections or to make
23restitution to the victim under Section 5-5-6 of the Unified
24Code of Corrections.
25    (e) (Blank).
26    (f) A defendant who directed the actions of a third party



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1to violate this Section, under the principles of
2accountability set forth in Article 5 of this Code, is guilty
3of violating this Section as if the same had been personally
4done by the defendant, without regard to the mental state of
5the third party acting at the direction of the defendant.
6(Source: P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
7    (720 ILCS 5/12-3.8)
8    Sec. 12-3.8. Violation of a civil no contact order.
9    (a) A person commits violation of a civil no contact order
11        (1) he or she knowingly commits an act which was
12    prohibited by a court or fails to commit an act which was
13    ordered in violation of:
14            (A) a remedy of a valid civil no contact order
15        authorized under Section 213 of the Civil No Contact
16        Order Act or Section 112A-14.5 of the Code of Criminal
17        Procedure of 1963; or
18            (B) a remedy, which is substantially similar to
19        the remedies authorized under Section 213 of the Civil
20        No Contact Order Act or Section 112A-14.5 of the Code
21        of Criminal Procedure of 1963, or in a valid civil no
22        contact order, which is authorized under the laws of
23        another state, tribe, or United States territory; and
24        (2) the violation occurs after the offender has been
25    served notice of the contents of the order under the Civil



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1    No Contact Order Act, Article 112A of the Code of Criminal
2    Procedure of 1963, or any substantially similar statute of
3    another state, tribe, or United States territory, or
4    otherwise has acquired actual knowledge of the contents of
5    the order.
6    A civil no contact order issued by a state, tribal, or
7territorial court shall be deemed valid if the issuing court
8had jurisdiction over the parties and matter under the law of
9the state, tribe, or territory. There shall be a presumption
10of validity when an order is certified and appears authentic
11on its face.
12    (a-3) For purposes of this Section, a "civil no contact
13order" may have been issued in a criminal or civil proceeding.
14    (a-5) Failure to provide reasonable notice and opportunity
15to be heard shall be an affirmative defense to any charge or
16process filed seeking enforcement of a foreign civil no
17contact order.
18    (b) Prosecution for a violation of a civil no contact
19order shall not bar a concurrent prosecution for any other
20crime, including any crime that may have been committed at the
21time of the violation of the civil no contact order.
22    (c) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to diminish
23the inherent authority of the courts to enforce their lawful
24orders through civil or criminal contempt proceedings.
25    (d) A defendant who directed the actions of a third party
26to violate this Section, under the principles of



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1accountability set forth in Article 5 of this Code, is guilty
2of violating this Section as if the same had been personally
3done by the defendant, without regard to the mental state of
4the third party acting at the direction of the defendant.
5    (e) Sentence. A violation of a civil no contact order is a
6Class A misdemeanor. Violation of a civil no contact order is a
7Class 4 felony if the defendant has any prior conviction under
8this Code for a violation of an order of protection, violation
9of a civil no contact order, or violation of a stalking no
10contact order, (Section 12-3.4, 12-3.8, 12-3.9, or 12-30), or
11any prior conviction under the law of another jurisdiction for
12an offense that could be charged in this State as a violation
13of an order of protection, violation of a civil no contact
14order, or violation of a stalking no contact order for a first
15violation, and a Class 4 felony for a second or subsequent
17(Source: P.A. 100-199, eff. 1-1-18.)
18    (720 ILCS 5/12-3.9)
19    Sec. 12-3.9. Violation of a stalking no contact order.
20    (a) A person commits violation of a stalking no contact
21order if:
22        (1) he or she knowingly commits an act which was
23    prohibited by a court or fails to commit an act which was
24    ordered by a court in violation of:
25            (A) a remedy in a valid stalking no contact order



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1        of protection authorized under Section 80 of the
2        Stalking No Contact Order Act or Section 112A-14.7 of
3        the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963; or
4            (B) a remedy, which is substantially similar to
5        the remedies authorized under Section 80 of the
6        Stalking No Contact Order Act or Section 112A-14.7 of
7        the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963, or in a valid
8        stalking no contact order, which is authorized under
9        the laws of another state, tribe, or United States
10        territory; and
11        (2) the violation occurs after the offender has been
12    served notice of the contents of the order, under the
13    Stalking No Contact Order Act, Article 112A of the Code of
14    Criminal Procedure of 1963, or any substantially similar
15    statute of another state, tribe, or United States
16    territory, or otherwise has acquired actual knowledge of
17    the contents of the order.
18    A stalking no contact order issued by a state, tribal, or
19territorial court shall be deemed valid if the issuing court
20had jurisdiction over the parties and matter under the law of
21the state, tribe, or territory. There shall be a presumption
22of validity when an order is certified and appears authentic
23on its face.
24    (a-3) For purposes of this Section, a "stalking no contact
25order" may have been issued in a criminal or civil proceeding.
26    (a-5) Failure to provide reasonable notice and opportunity



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1to be heard shall be an affirmative defense to any charge or
2process filed seeking enforcement of a foreign stalking no
3contact order.
4    (b) Prosecution for a violation of a stalking no contact
5order shall not bar a concurrent prosecution for any other
6crime, including any crime that may have been committed at the
7time of the violation of the civil no contact order.
8    (c) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to diminish
9the inherent authority of the courts to enforce their lawful
10orders through civil or criminal contempt proceedings.
11    (d) A defendant who directed the actions of a third party
12to violate this Section, under the principles of
13accountability set forth in Article 5 of this Code, is guilty
14of violating this Section as if the same had been personally
15done by the defendant, without regard to the mental state of
16the third party acting at the direction of the defendant.
17    (e) Sentence. A violation of a stalking no contact order
18is a Class A misdemeanor. Violation of a stalking no contact is
19a Class 4 felony if the defendant has any prior conviction
20under this Code for a violation of an order of protection,
21violation of a stalking no contact order, or violation of a
22civil no contact order (Section 12-3.4, 12-3.8, 12-3.9, or
2312-30), or any prior conviction under the law of another
24jurisdiction for an offense that could be charged in this
25State as a violation of an order of protection, violation of a
26civil no contact order, or violation of a stalking no contact



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1order for a first violation, and a Class 4 felony for a second
2or subsequent violation.
3(Source: P.A. 100-199, eff. 1-1-18.)