

                                     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a

 1                    AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 3765

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill 3765,  by  deleting
 3    everything  after  the  enacting clause and inserting in lieu
 4    thereof the following:

 5                             "ARTICLE 1

 6        Section 1.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
 7    as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter
 8    named,  are  appropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to meet the
 9    ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department   of
10    Transportation:
12                             OPERATIONS
13      For Personal Services ........................ $ 22,622,800
14      For Employee Retirement Contributions
15       Paid by State ...............................      904,000
16      For State Contributions to State
17       Employees' Retirement System ................    3,040,300
18      For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,708,000
19      For Contractual Services .....................    4,594,600
20      For Travel ...................................      689,200
21      For Commodities ..............................      530,200
22      For Printing .................................      549,600
                            -2-      HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1      For Equipment ................................      417,600
 2      For Equipment:
 3       Purchase of Cars & Trucks ...................            0
 4      For Telecommunications Services ..............      462,500
 5      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........      171,800
 6        Total                                         $35,690,600

 7                              LUMP SUMS
 8        Section  1a.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
 9    thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
10    Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
11    purposes hereinafter named:
12      For Planning, Research and Development
13       Purposes .................................... $    500,000
14      For costs associated with asbestos
15       abatement....................................      575,400
16      For metropolitan planning and research
17       purposes as provided by law, provided
18       such amount shall not exceed funds
19       to be made available from the federal
20       government or local sources .................   15,000,000
21      For metropolitan planning and research
22       purposes as provided by law .................    1,300,000
23      For federal reimbursement of planning
24       activities as provided by the Transportation
25       Equity Act for the 21st Century .............    1,750,000
26      For the federal share of the IDOT
27       ITS Program, provided expenditures
28       do not exceed funds to be made available
29       by the Federal Government ...................    2,100,000
30      For the state share of the IDOT
31       ITS Corridor Program ........................    3,500,000
32      For the Department's share of costs
33       with the Illinois Commerce
                            -3-      HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1       Commission for  monitoring railroad
 2       crossing safety .............................      300,000
 3        Total                                         $25,025,400

 4                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
 5        Section 1b.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
 6    thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
 7    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
 8    purposes hereinafter named:
 9      For Tort Claims, including payment
10       pursuant to P.A. 80-1078 .................... $    515,000
11      For representation and indemnification
12       for the Department of Transportation,
13       the Illinois State Police and the
14       Secretary of State provided that the
15       representation required resulted from
16       the Road Fund portion of their normal
17       operations ..................................      260,000
18      For Transportation Enhancement, Congestion
19       Mitigation, Air Quality, High Priority and
20       Scenic By-way Projects not Eligible for
21      Inclusion in the Highway Improvement
22        Program Appropriation.......................   10,000,000
23      For auto liability payments for the
24       Department of Transportation, the
25       Illinois State Police and the
26       Secretary of State provided that
27       the liability resulted from the
28       Road Fund portion of their
29       normal operations ...........................    1,932,200
30      For grants to Illinois Universities
31      for applied research on transportation........      520,000
32      For payment of claims as provided by the
33       "Workers' Compensation Act" or the "Workers'
                            -4-      HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1       Occupational Diseases Act", including
 2       Treatment, Expenses and Benefits Payable
 3       for Total Temporary Incapacity for Work
 4       for State Employees whose salaries are paid
 5       from the Road Fund:
 6      For Awards and Grants ........................   10,600,000
 7        Total                                         $23,827,200
 8        Expenditures   from   appropriations  for  treatment  and
 9    expense may be made after the  Department  of  Transportation
10    has  certified  that the injured person was employed and that
11    the nature of the injury is compensable  in  accordance  with
12    the  provisions  of  the  Workers'  Compensation  Act  or the
13    Workers' Occupational Diseases Act, and then  has  determined
14    the  amount  of  such  compensation to be paid to the injured
15    person.  Expenditures for this purpose may  be  made  by  the
16    Department  of  Transportation  without  regard to the fiscal
17    year in  which  benefit  or  service  was  rendered  or  cost
18    incurred   as   allowable   or   provided   by  the  Workers'
19    Compensation Act or the Workers' Occupational Diseases Act.

21                       PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS
22        Section 2.  The sum of $7,500,000, or so much thereof  as
23    may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the
24    Department of  Transportation   for  the  purchase  of  land,
25    construction,   repair,   alterations   and  improvements  to
26    maintenance and  traffic  facilities,  district  and  central
27    headquarters facilities, storage facilities, grounds, parking
28    areas  and  facilities,  fencing  and  underground  drainage,
29    including   plans,   specifications,   utilities   and  fixed
30    equipment installed and all costs and charges incident to the
31    completion thereof at various locations.
33                             OPERATIONS
                            -5-      HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Section 3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
 2    thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
 3    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
 4    purposes hereinafter named:
 5      For Personal Services ........................ $  5,403,300
 6      For Employee Retirement Contributions
 7       Paid by State ...............................      216,100
 8      For State Contributions to State
 9       Employees' Retirement System ................      726,200
10      For State Contributions to Social Security ...      407,900
11      For Contractual Services .....................    6,154,600
12      For Travel ...................................       52,700
13      For Commodities ..............................       25,200
14      For Equipment ................................        6,500
15      For Electronic Data Processing ...............    1,233,400
16      For Telecommunications .......................    1,161,000
17        Total                                         $15,386,900

18        Section  4.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
19    thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
20    Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
21    purposes hereinafter named:
23                             OPERATIONS
24      For Personal Services ........................ $ 28,609,700
25      For Extra Help ...............................      872,900
26      For Employee Retirement Contributions
27       Paid by State ...............................    1,179,300
28      For State Contributions to State
29       Employees' Retirement System ................    3,962,000
30      For State Contributions to Social Security ...    2,225,900
31      For Contractual Services .....................    5,301,400
32      For Travel ...................................      540,900
33      For Commodities ..............................      389,000
                            -6-      HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1      For Equipment ................................      738,900
 2      For Equipment:
 3       Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................            0
 4      For Telecommunications Services ..............    2,754,000
 5      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........      323,200
 6        Total                                         $46,897,200

 7                              LUMP SUM
 8        Section 4a.  The sum of $660,000, or so much  thereof  as
 9    may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the
10    Department  of  Transportation  for  repair  of  damages   by
11    motorists  to  state vehicles and equipment or replacement of
12    state vehicles and equipment, provided such amount shall  not
13    exceed  funds  to  be  made  available  from collections from
14    claims filed by the Department to recover the costs  of  such
15    damages.

16                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
17        Section 4b.  The sum of $2,105,600, or so much thereof as
18    may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the
19    Department   of   Transportation   for    reimbursement    to
20    participating  counties  in the County Engineers Compensation
21    Program, providing those reimbursements do not  exceed  funds
22    to  be  made available from their federal highway allocations
23    retained by the Department.

24        Section  4b1.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so  much
25    thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
26    Fund  to the Department of Transportation for grants to local
27    governments for the following purposes:
28    For reimbursement of eligible expenses
29      arising from local Traffic Signal
30      Maintenance Agreements created by Part
31      468 of the Illinois Department of
                            -7-      HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1      Transportation Rules and Regulations.......... $  3,000,000
 2    For reimbursement of eligible expenses
 3      arising from City, County, and other
 4      State Maintenance Agreements..................    8,522,000
 5        Total                                         $11,522,000

 6        Section 4c.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
 7    thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
 8    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
 9    purposes hereinafter named:
10                            CONSTRUCTION
11      For Maintenance, Traffic and Physical
12       Research Purposes (A) ....................... $ 26,129,100
13      For Maintenance, Traffic and Physical
14       Research Purposes (B) .......................   10,139,000
15      For costs associated with the
16       identification and disposal of hazardous
17       materials at storage facilities .............    1,158,600
18      For repair of damages by motorists
19       to highway guardrails, fencing,
20       lighting units, bridges, underpasses,
21       signs, traffic signals, crash
22       attenuators, landscaping, roadside
23       shelters, rest areas, fringe parking
24       facilities, sanitary facilities,
25       maintenance facilities including salt
26       storage buildings, vehicle weight
27       enforcement facilities including scale
28       houses, and other highway appurtenances,
29       provided such amount shall not exceed
30       funds to be made available from collections
31       from claims filed by the Department
32       to recover the costs of such
33       damages .....................................    5,500,000
                            -8-      HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Total                                         $42,926,700

 2                               REFUNDS
 3        Section  4d.  The  following  named  amount,  or  so much
 4    thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Road
 5    Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
 6    purposes hereinafter named:
 7      For Refunds ...................................... $ 28,000

 8        Section 5.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
 9    as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter
10    named,  are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department
11    of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses of
12    the Division of Traffic Safety:

13                           TRAFFIC SAFETY
14                             OPERATIONS
15      For Personal Services ........................ $  5,560,200
16      For Employee Retirement Contributions
17       Paid by State ...............................      222,400
18      For State Contributions to State
19       Employees' Retirement System ................      747,200
20      For State Contributions to Social Security ...      419,800
21      For Contractual Services .....................    1,310,400
22      For Travel ...................................       56,200
23      For Commodities ..............................      100,200
24      For Printing .................................      282,300
25      For Equipment ................................       76,100
26      For Equipment:
27        Purchase of Cars and Trucks ................            0
28      For Telecommunications Services ..............      113,900
29      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........       85,100
30        Total                                          $8,973,800
31                               REFUNDS
                            -9-      HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Section 5a.  The  following  named  amount,  or  so  much
 2    thereof  as  may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Road
 3    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
 4    purposes hereinafter named:

 5      For Refunds.......................................  $ 9,200

 6        Section 5b.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
 7    as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter
 8    named,  are appropriated from the Cycle Rider Safety Training
 9    Fund, as authorized by Public Act 82-0649, to the  Department
10    of  Transportation  for the administration of the Cycle Rider
11    Safety Training Program by the Division of Traffic Safety:
12      For Personal Services ........................ $    148,500
13      For Employee Contribution to
14       Retirement System by Employer ...............        5,800
15      For State Contributions to State
16       Employees' Retirement System ................       20,000
17      For State Contributions to Social Security ...       11,000
18      For Group Insurance ..........................       33,000
19      For Contractual Services .....................       10,500
20      For Travel ...................................       13,700
21      For Commodities ..............................        1,000
22      For Printing .................................        2,300
23      For Equipment ................................        2,400
24      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........        5,100
25        Total                                            $253,300

26                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
27        Section 5b1.  The sum of $2,600,000, or so  much  thereof
28    as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the Cycle Rider
29    Safety Training Fund, as authorized by Public Act 82-0649, to
30    the Department of Transportation for reimbursement  to  State
31    and  local  universities  and colleges for Cycle Rider Safety
32    Training Programs.
                            -10-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Section 6.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
 2    thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
 3    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
 4    purposes hereinafter named:
 5                              DAY LABOR
 6                             OPERATIONS
 7      For Personal Services ........................ $  4,635,000
 8      For Employee Retirement Contributions
 9       Paid by State ...............................      185,400
10      For State Contributions to State
11       Employees' Retirement System ................      622,900
12      For State Contributions to Social Security ...      349,900
13      For Contractual Services .....................    1,001,100
14      For Travel ...................................      246,700
15      For Commodities ..............................      103,800
16      For Equipment ................................      210,300
17      For Equipment:
18       Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................       88,600
19      For Telecommunications Services ..............       24,800
20      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........      299,800
21        Total                                          $7,768,300

22        Section  7.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
23    thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
24    Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
25    purposes hereinafter named:
26                    DISTRICT 1, SCHAUMBURG OFFICE
27                             OPERATIONS
28      For Personal Services ........................ $ 79,546,100
29      For Extra Help ...............................    4,906,200
30      For Employee Retirement Contributions
31       Paid by State ...............................    3,899,300
32      For State Contributions to State
33       Employees' Retirement System ................   11,349,500
                            -11-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1      For State Contributions to Social Security ...    6,400,400
 2      For Contractual Services .....................   15,767,800
 3      For Travel ...................................      225,600
 4      For Commodities ..............................    5,379,200
 5      For Equipment ................................    1,258,200
 6      For Equipment:
 7       Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................    2,995,200
 8      For Telecommunications Services ..............    1,746,700
 9      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    7,449,300
10        Total                                        $140,923,500

11        Section 8.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
12    thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
13    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
14    purposes hereinafter named:
15                      DISTRICT 2, DIXON OFFICE
16                             OPERATIONS
17      For Personal Services ........................ $ 25,306,900
18      For Extra Help ...............................    1,726,400
19      For Employee Retirement Contributions
20       Paid by State ...............................    1,243,500
21      For State Contributions to State
22       Employees' Retirement System ................    3,633,000
23      For State Contributions to Social Security ...    2,041,000
24      For Contractual Services .....................    3,577,000
25      For Travel ...................................      225,900
26      For Commodities ..............................    2,150,700
27      For Equipment ................................      914,000
28      For Equipment:
29       Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................    1,051,700
30      For Telecommunications Services ..............      394,500
31      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    2,423,900
32        Total                                         $44,688,500
                            -12-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Section  9.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
 2    thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
 3    Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
 4    purposes hereinafter named:
 5                      DISTRICT 3, OTTAWA OFFICE
 6                             OPERATIONS
 7      For Personal Services ........................ $ 23,124,100
 8      For Extra Help ...............................    1,573,100
 9      For Employee Retirement Contributions
10       Paid by State ...............................    1,136,100
11      For State Contributions to State
12       Employees' Retirement System ................    3,319,100
13      For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,864,600
14      For Contractual Services .....................    2,977,600
15      For Travel ...................................      118,300
16      For Commodities ..............................    2,387,900
17      For Equipment ................................      971,400
18      For Equipment:
19       Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................    1,073,100
20      For Telecommunications Services ..............      239,900
21      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    2,597,300
22        Total                                         $41,382,500

23        Section 10.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
24    thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
25    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
26    purposes hereinafter named:
27                      DISTRICT 4, PEORIA OFFICE
28                             OPERATIONS
29      For Personal Services ........................ $ 21,105,100
30      For Extra Help ...............................    1,763,200
31      For Employee Retirement Contributions
32       Paid by State ...............................    1,051,900
33      For State Contributions to State
                            -13-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1       Employees' Retirement System ................    3,073,300
 2      For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,726,600
 3      For Contractual Services .....................    3,936,500
 4      For Travel ...................................      129,400
 5      For Commodities ..............................    1,149,900
 6      For Equipment ................................    1,109,200
 7      For Equipment:
 8       Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................      773,900
 9      For Telecommunications Services ..............      221,500
10      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    1,765,800
11        Total                                         $37,806,300

12        Section  11.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
13    thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
14    Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
15    purposes hereinafter named:
16                      DISTRICT 5, PARIS OFFICE
17                             OPERATIONS
18      For Personal Services ........................ $ 22,176,500
19      For Extra Help ...............................    1,328,200
20      For Employee Retirement Contributions
21       Paid by State ...............................    1,081,200
22      For State Contributions to State
23       Employees' Retirement System ................    3,158,800
24      For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,774,600
25      For Contractual Services .....................    2,893,700
26      For Travel ...................................       83,700
27      For Commodities ..............................    1,335,500
28      For Equipment ................................      728,300
29      For Equipment:
30       Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................      831,400
31      For Telecommunications Services ..............      152,800
32      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    2,132,500
33        Total                                         $37,677,200
                            -14-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Section 12.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
 2    thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
 3    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
 4    purposes hereinafter named:
 5                   DISTRICT 6, SPRINGFIELD OFFICE
 6                             OPERATIONS
 7      For Personal Services ........................ $ 23,945,300
 8      For Extra Help ...............................    1,311,800
 9      For Employee Retirement Contributions
10       Paid by State ...............................    1,161,800
11      For State Contributions to State
12       Employees' Retirement System ................    3,394,300
13      For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,906,900
14      For Contractual Services .....................    3,251,100
15      For Travel ...................................      116,900
16      For Commodities ..............................    1,735,300
17      For Equipment ................................      734,100
18      For Equipment:
19       Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................      755,800
20      For Telecommunications Services ..............      250,700
21      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    2,345,100
22        Total                                         $40,909,100

23        Section  13.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
24    thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
25    Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
26    purposes hereinafter named:
27                    DISTRICT 7, EFFINGHAM OFFICE
28                             OPERATIONS
29      For Personal Services ........................ $ 15,228,800
30      For Extra Help ...............................      779,300
31      For Employee Retirement Contributions
32       Paid by State ...............................      736,500
33      For State Contributions to State
                            -15-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1       Employees' Retirement System ................    2,151,300
 2      For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,208,600
 3      For Contractual Services .....................    2,015,300
 4      For Travel ...................................      152,100
 5      For Commodities ..............................      813,400
 6      For Equipment ................................      652,200
 7      For Equipment:
 8       Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................      539,200
 9      For Telecommunications Services ..............      149,500
10      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    1,097,700
11        Total                                         $25,523,900

12        Section 14.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
13    thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
14    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
15    purposes hereinafter named:
16                   DISTRICT 8, COLLINSVILLE OFFICE
17                             OPERATIONS
18      For Personal Services ........................ $ 29,347,700
19      For Extra Help ...............................    1,538,500
20      For Employee Retirement Contributions
21       Paid by State ...............................    1,420,800
22      For State Contributions to State
23       Employees' Retirement System ................    4,150,800
24      For State Contributions to Social Security ...    2,331,900
25      For Contractual Services .....................    5,692,900
26      For Travel ...................................      200,900
27      For Commodities ..............................    1,347,700
28      For Equipment ................................    1,363,500
29      For Equipment:
30       Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................    1,373,800
31      For Telecommunications Services ..............      622,600
32      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    2,093,100
33        Total                                         $51,484,200
                            -16-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Section  15.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
 2    thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
 3    Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
 4    purposes hereinafter named:
 5                    DISTRICT 9, CARBONDALE OFFICE
 6                             OPERATIONS
 7      For Personal Services ........................ $ 15,340,000
 8      For Extra Help ...............................    1,232,400
 9      For Employee Retirement Contributions
10       Paid by State ...............................      762,300
11      For State Contributions to State
12       Employees' Retirement System ................    2,227,200
13      For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,251,200
14      For Contractual Services .....................    2,225,900
15      For Travel ...................................       69,100
16      For Commodities ..............................      785,000
17      For Equipment ................................      720,300
18      For Equipment:
19       Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................      617,000
20      For Telecommunications Services ..............      111,800
21      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    1,273,200
22        Total                                         $26,615,400

23        Section 16.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
24    thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
25    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
26    purposes hereinafter named:
27                        CONSTRUCTION DIVISION
28                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
29      For apportionment to counties for
30       construction of township bridges 20
31       feet or more in length as provided
32       in Section 6-901 through 6-906 of the
33       "Illinois Highway Code" ..................... $ 15,000,000
                            -17-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1       For apportionment to counties
 2       under 1,000,000 in population,
 3       $8,000,000 of the total apportioned
 4       in equal amounts to each eligible
 5       county, and $13,800,000 apportioned
 6       to each eligible county in proportion
 7       to the amount of motor vehicle license
 8       fees received from the residents of
 9       eligible counties............................  21,800,000
10      For apportionment to needy Townships and
11       Road Districts, as determined by the
12       Department in consultation with the County
13       Superintendents of Highways, Township
14       Highway Commissioners, or Road District
15       Highway Commissioners .......................   10,014,300
16      For apportionment to high-growth cities over
17       5,000 in population, as determined by the
18       Department in consultation with the Illinois
19       Municipal League ............................    4,000,000
20        Total                                         $50,814,300

21                            CONSTRUCTION
22        Section  16b.   The following sums, or so much thereof as
23    may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to  the
24    Department  of Transportation for preliminary engineering and
25    construction engineering and contract costs of  construction,
26    including  reconstruction, extension and improvement of State
27    highways, arterial highways, roads,  access  areas,  roadside
28    shelters,  rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary
29    facilities, and  such  other  purposes  as  provided  by  the
30    "Illinois  Highway Code"; for purposes allowed or required by
31    Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public
32    Act 78-0850; and for land acquisition and  signboard  removal
33    and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of
                            -18-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    natural  beauty;  and for capital improvements which directly
 2    facilitate an effective vehicle weight  enforcement  program,
 3    such  as  scales  (fixed  and portable), scale pits and scale
 4    installations,  and  scale   houses,   in   accordance   with
 5    applicable laws and regulations as follows:

 6     District 1, Schaumburg ......................             $0
 7     District 2, Dixon ...........................              0
 8     District 3, Ottawa ..........................              0
 9     District 4, Peoria ..........................              0
10     District 5, Paris ...........................              0
11     District 6, Springfield......................              0
12     District 7, Effingham........................              0
13     District 8, Collinsville.....................              0
14     District 9, Carbondale.......................              0
15     Statewide ...................................    414,200,000
16     Engineering .................................              0
17        Total                                        $414,200,000

18        Section  16b1.  The following sums, or so much thereof as
19    may  be  necessary,    are  appropriated   from   the   State
20    Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation
21    for  preliminary engineering and construction engineering and
22    contract costs  of  construction,  including  reconstruction,
23    extension   and   improvement  of  State  highways,  arterial
24    highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas,
25    fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities,  and  such
26    other  purposes  as  provided by the "Illinois Highway Code";
27    for purposes allowed or required by  Title  23  of  the  U.S.
28    Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-0850; and for
29    land  acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard
30    removal and control and preservation of natural  beauty;  and
31    for   capital   improvements  which  directly  facilitate  an
32    effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as  scales
                            -19-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations, and
 2    scale   houses,   in  accordance  with  applicable  laws  and
 3    regulations as follows:

 4     District 1, Schaumburg ........................           $0
 5     District 2, Dixon .............................            0
 6     District 3, Ottawa ............................            0
 7     District 4, Peoria ............................            0
 8     District 5, Paris .............................            0
 9     District 6, Springfield .......................            0
10     District 7, Effingham .........................            0
11     District 8, Collinsville ......................            0
12     District 9, Carbondale ........................            0
13     Statewide .....................................  798,436,400
14        Total                                        $798,436,400

15         Section 16b2.  The  sum  of  $450,000,000,  or  so  much
16    thereof  as  may  be necessary, for statewide use pursuant to
17    Section 4(a)(1)  of  the  General  Obligation  Bond  Act,  is
18    appropriated  from  the  Transportation Bond Series A Fund to
19    the  Department  of  Transportation  for  land   acquisition,
20    engineering     (including    environmental    studies    and
21    archaeological activities and other  studies  and  activities
22    necessary  or  appropriate to secure federal participation in
23    the project),  and  construction,  including  reconstruction,
24    extension   and   improvement  of  State  highways,  arterial
25    highways, roads, structures separating highways and railroads
26    and bridges and for purposes allowed or required by Title  23
27    of  the  U.S. Code as provided by law in order to implement a
28    portion of the Fiscal Year 2000 road improvements program.

29                      GRADE CROSSING PROTECTION
30                            CONSTRUCTION
31        Section 17.  The sum of $23,250,000, or so  much  thereof
                            -20-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    as  may be necessary, is appropriated from the Grade Crossing
 2    Protection Fund to the Department of Transportation  for  the
 3    installation   of   grade   crossing   protection   or  grade
 4    separations at  places  where  a  public  highway  crosses  a
 5    railroad  at  grade,  as  ordered  by  the  Illinois Commerce
 6    Commission, as provided by law.

 7        Section 17a.The sum of $3,000,000, or so much thereof  as
 8    may  be  necessry,  is  appropriated  from the Grade Crossing
 9    Protection Fund to the Department of Transportation for noise
10    abatement in counteis with  over  3,000,000,  in  population,
11    where  a  public  highway  crosses  a  railroad  at grade, as
12    ordered by the Illinois Commerce Commission, as  provided  by
13    law.

14        Section 18.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
15    as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter
16    named,  are  appropriated to the Department of Transportation
17    for the  ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  Aeronautics
18    Operations:
19                        AERONAUTICS DIVISION
20                             OPERATIONS
21    For Personal Services:
22      Payable from the Road Fund ................... $  4,762,800
23    For Employee Retirement Contributions
24     Paid by State:
25      Payable from the Road Fund ...................      219,100
26    For State Contributions to State
27     Employees' Retirement System:
28      Payable from the Road Fund ...................      640,100
29    For State Contributions to Social Security:
30      Payable from the Road Fund ...................      359,600
31    For Contractual Services:
32      Payable from the Road Fund ...................    3,225,000
33      Payable from Air Transportation
                            -21-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1       Revolving Fund ..............................      800,000
 2    For Travel:
 3      Payable from the Road Fund ...................      115,000
 4    For Travel:  Executive Air Transportation
 5     Expenses of the General Assembly:
 6      Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........      190,100
 7    For Travel:  Executive Air Transportation
 8     Expenses of the Governor's Office:
 9      Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........      181,600
10    For Commodities:
11      Payable from Aeronautics Fund ................      299,500
12      Payable from the Road Fund ...................      280,000
13    For Equipment:
14      Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........    3,037,500
15      Payable from the Road Fund ...................      161,100
16    For Equipment; Purchase of Cars and Trucks:
17      Payable from the Road Fund ...................            0
18    For Telecommunications Services:
19      Payable from the Road Fund ...................      105,800
20    For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
21      Payable from the Road Fund ...................       24,400
22        Total                                         $14,401,600
23                               REFUNDS

24        Section  18a.  The  following  named  amount,  or so much
25    thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the
26    Aeronautics Fund to the Department of Transportation for  the
27    objects and purposes hereinafter named:

28      For Refunds.........................................  $ 500

29        Section  18a1.  The  following  named  amount, or so much
30    thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General
31    Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Transportation  for  the
32    objects and purposes hereinafter named:
                            -22-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1      For Refunds .....................................  $ 35,000

 2                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
 3        Section  18b.  The sum of $71,763,100, or so much thereof
 4    as may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Federal/Local
 5    Airport  Fund to the Department of Transportation for funding
 6    the local or federal share of  airport  improvement  projects
 7    undertaken  pursuant  to  pertinent  state  or  federal laws,
 8    provided such amounts shall not exceed funds  available  from
 9    federal and/or local sources.

10        Section 18b1.  The sum of $16,032,300, or so much thereof
11    as may be necessary, is appropriated from Transportation Bond
12    Series  B  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for
13    financial  assistance  to  airports pursuant to Section 34 of
14    the Illinois Aeronautics Act, as amended, for  such  purposes
15    as  are described in that Section and for airport acquisition
16    and development  pursuant  to  Section  72  of  the  Illinois
17    Aeronautics  Act,  as  amended,  for  such  purposes  as  are
18    described  in  that  Section and for making deposits into the
19    Airport Land  Loan  Revolving  Fund  for  loans  pursuant  to
20    Section  34b of The Illinois Aeronautics Act, as amended, for
21    such purposes as are described in that Section.

22        Section 18b1a.  The sum of $5,000,000 or so much  thereof
23    as  may be necessary, is appropriated from the Transportation
24    Bond Series B  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation,
25    pursuant  to Section 4(c) of the General Obligation Bond Act,
26    for expenses associated with land acquisition for  the  third
27    Chicago area major airport.

28        Section 18b2.  The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as
29    may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
30    Fund to the Department of Transportation for such purposes as
                            -23-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    are  described  in  Sections  31  and  34  of  the   Illinois
 2    Aeronautics Act, as amended.

 3        Section  18b3.  The sum of $5,600,000, or so much thereof
 4    as may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Airport  Land
 5    Loan  Revolving  Fund to the Department of Transportation for
 6    loans to airport sponsors for all costs associated with  land
 7    acquisition.

 8        Section 19.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
 9    as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
10    purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General
11    Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Transportation  for  the
12    ordinary   and   contingent   expenses   incident  to  Public
13    Transportation and Railroads Operations:
15                             OPERATIONS
16      For Personal Services ........................ $  1,636,800
17      For Employee Retirement
18       Contributions ...............................       65,500
19      For State Contributions to State
20       Employees' Retirement System ................      220,000
21      For State Contributions to Social
22       Security ....................................      120,000
23      For Contractual Services .....................       21,900
24      For Travel ...................................       16,900
25      For Commodities ..............................        2,400
26      For Equipment ................................       15,500
27      For Telecommunications Services ..............       21,300
28      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........        8,200
29        Total                                          $2,128,500

30                              LUMP SUMS
31        Section 19a.  The sum of $90,000, or so much  thereof  as
                            -24-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
 2    Fund  to  the  Department  of   Transportation   for   public
 3    transportation technical studies.

 4        Section 19a1.  The sum of $551,900, or so much thereof as
 5    may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Federal Mass
 6    Transit Trust Fund to the Department  of  Transportation  for
 7    federal  reimbursement  of transit studies as provided by the
 8    Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century.

 9        Section 19a2.  The sum of $369,100, or so much thereof as
10    may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
11    Fund  to  the Department of Transportation for administrative
12    expenses incurred in connection with the purposes of  Section
13    18  of  the Federal Transit Act (Section 5311 of the USC), as
14    amended,  provided  such  amount  shall  not   exceed   funds
15    available from the Federal government under that Act.

16                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
17        Section  19b.  The sum of $350,000, or so much thereof as
18    may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
19    Fund to the Department of Transportation for making grants to
20    eligible  recipients  of  funding  under  Article  II  of the
21    Downstate  Public  Transportation  Act  for  the  purpose  of
22    reimbursing the recipients which provide  reduced  fares  for
23    mass   transportation   services  for  students,  handicapped
24    persons and the elderly.

25        Section 19b1.  The sum of $40,000,000, or so much thereof
26    as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
27    Fund to the Department of Transportation for making grants to
28    the Regional Transportation  Authority  for  the  purpose  of
29    reimbursing  the  Service  Boards for providing reduced fares
30    for mass transportation services  for  students,  handicapped
                            -25-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    persons,  and  the  elderly  to  be allocated proportionately
 2    among the Service Boards based upon actual costs incurred  by
 3    each Service Board for such reduced fares.

 4        Section  19b2.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so much
 5    thereof as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  from  the
 6    Transportation  Bond  Series  B  Fund  to  the  Department of
 7    Transportation for  construction  costs,  making  grants  and
 8    providing   project  assistance  to  municipalities,  special
 9    transportation districts, private non-profit  carriers,  mass
10    transportation  carriers,  and the Intercity Rail Program for
11    the acquisition, construction, extension, reconstruction, and
12    improvement  of  mass  transportation  facilities,  including
13    rapid transit, intercity rail, bus and other  equipment  used
14    in connection therewith, as provided by law, as follows:

15    Pursuant to Section 4(b)(1) of the
16      General Obligation Bond Act,
17      as amended ................................... $ 76,000,000
18    For the counties of the state outside
19      the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane,
20      McHenry, and Will pursuant to
21      Section 4(b)(1) of the General
22      Obligation Bond Act, as amended ..............    5,000,000
23    For Operation Green Light Program...............   15,000,000
24        Total                                         $96,000,000

25        Section  19b3.  The  sum  of  $186,000,000,  or  so  much
26    thereof  as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Public
27    Transportation Fund to the Department of  Transportation  for
28    the   purpose  stated   in  Section  4.09  of  the  "Regional
29    Transportation  Authority Act", as  amended.

30        Section 19b4.  The sum of $55,000,000, or so much thereof
                            -26-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the   Public
 2    Transportation  Fund  to the Department of Transportation for
 3    making a grant to the Regional Transportation  Authority  for
 4    Additional  State  Assistance  to be used for its purposes as
 5    provided in the "Regional Transportation Authority Act",  but
 6    in  no event shall this amount exceed the amount provided for
 7    in Sections 4.09 (c) and 4.09 (d) with respect  to  Strategic
 8    Capital    Improvement   bonds   issued   by   the   Regional
 9    Transportation   Authority   pursuant   to    the    Regional
10    Transportation Authority Act as amended in 1989.

11        Section 19b5.  The sum of $73,000,000, or so much thereof
12    as   may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Public
13    Transportation Fund to the Department of  Transportation  for
14    making  a  grant to the Regional Transportation Authority for
15    Additional Financial Assistance to be used for  its  purposes
16    as  provided  in the "Regional Transportation Authority Act",
17    but in no event shall this amount exceed the amount  provided
18    for  in  Sections  4.09  (c-5)  and  4.09 (d) with respect to
19    Strategic Capital Improvement bonds issued  by  the  Regional
20    Transportation    Authority    pursuant   to   the   Regional
21    Transportation Authority Act as amended in 1999.

22        Section 19b6.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so  much
23    thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  from the
24    Downstate Public Transportation Fund  to  the  Department  of
25    Transportation  for  operating assistance grants to provide a
26    portion of the eligible operating expenses for the  following
27    carriers  for the purposes stated in Article II of Public Act
28    78-1109, as amended:
29                           URBANIZED AREAS
30    Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District ......... $ 10,375,200
31    Greater Peoria Mass Transit District............    8,636,900
32    Rock Island County Metropolitan
                            -27-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1      Mass Transit District.........................    5,991,600
 2    Rockford Mass Transit District..................    6,134,400
 3    Springfield Mass Transit District...............    5,965,500
 4    Bloomington-Normal Public Transit System .......    2,853,200
 5    City of Decatur ................................    2,852,700
 6    City of Pekin ..................................      428,300
 7    River Valley Metro Mass Transit District........      966,300
 8    City of South Beloit ...........................       38,800
 9        Total, Urbanized Areas                        $44,242,900
10                         NON-URBANIZED AREAS
11    City of Danville ............................... $  1,037,600
12    City of Quincy .................................    1,426,400
13    RIDES Mass Transit District ....................    1,320,300
14    South Central Illinois
15      Mass Transit District ........................    1,345,300
16    City of Galesburg ..............................      648,500
17    Jackson County
18      Mass Transit District.........................      110,000
19        Total, Non-Urbanized Areas                     $5,888,100

20        Section 19b7.  The sum of $17,500,000, or so much thereof
21    as may be necessary, is  appropriated  from  the  Metro  East
22    Public    Transportation    Fund   to   the   Department   of
23    Transportation for operating assistance grants subject to the
24    provisions of the "Downstate Public Transportation  Act",  as
25    amended by the 81st General Assembly.

26        Section 19b8.  The sum of $15,000,000, or so much thereof
27    as  may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Federal Mass
28    Transit Trust Fund to the Department  of  Transportation  for
29    the federal share of capital, operating, consultant services,
30    and   technical   assistance   grants,   as   well  as  state
31    administration  and  interagency  agreements,  provided  such
32    amounts shall not exceed funds to be made available from  the
                            -28-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    Federal Government.
 2        Section 19b9.  The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as
 3    may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Downstate Public
 4    Transportation Fund to the Department of  Transportation  for
 5    audit  adjustments  in  accordance  with  Section 15.1 of the
 6    "Downstate Public Transportation  Act",  approved  August  9,
 7    1974, as amended.

 9                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
10        Section  20a.  The sum of $12,100,000, or so much thereof
11    as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
12    Fund to the Department  of  Transportation  for  funding  the
13    State's  share of intercity rail passenger service and making
14    necessary  expenditures  for  services  and   other   program
15    improvements.

16        Section  20a1.  The  sum of $0, or so much thereof as may
17    be necessary, is appropriated from the General  Revenue  Fund
18    to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for the Rail Freight
19    Services  Assistance  Program,  created  by  Section   49.25a
20    through   49.25g-1   of  the  Civil  Administrative  Code  of
21    Illinois.

22        Section 20a2.  The sum of $3,341,000, or so much  thereof
23    as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated from the State Rail
24    Freight Loan  Repayment  Fund  for  funding  the  State  Rail
25    Freight Loan Repayment Program created by Section 49.25g-1 of
26    the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.

27        Section  20a3.  The sum of $1,100,000, or so much thereof
28    as may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Rail  Freight
29    Loan  Repayment  Fund to the Department of Transportation for
30    the Rail  Freight  Service  Assistance  Program,  created  by
                            -29-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    Section  49.25a  through 49.25g-1 of the Civil Administrative
 2    Code of Illinois.

 3        Section 20a4.  The sum of $356,000, or so much thereof as
 4    may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
 5    Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation for funding the
 6    State's share of the  Rail  Freight  Loan  Repayment  Program
 7    created  by  Section  49.25a  through  49.25g-1  of the Civil
 8    Administrative Code of Illinois.

 9        Section 20a5.  The sum of $5,000,000, or so much  thereof
10    as  may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Federal High
11    Speed Rail Trust Fund to the Department of Transportation for
12    the federal share of the High Speed Rail Project.

13        Section 20a6.  The sum of $20,000,000 or so much  thereof
14    as  may  be necessary is appropriated from the Transportation
15    Bond Series B  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation,
16    pursuant  to  Section  4(b)(1) of the General Obligation Bond
17    Act,  for  track  and  signal  improvements,  AMTRAK  station
18    improvements, rail  passenger  equipment,  and  rail  freight
19    facility improvements.

20        Section 21.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
21    as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Motor Fuel Tax
22    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and
23    contingent  expenses incident to the operations and functions
24    of administering the  provisions  of  the  "Illinois  Highway
25    Code",  relating  to  use  of  Motor  Fuel  Tax  Funds by the
26    counties, municipalities, road districts and townships:
28                             OPERATIONS
29      For Personal Services ........................ $  7,554,300
30      For Employee Retirement
                            -30-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1       Contributions Paid by State..................      302,200
 2      For State Contributions to State
 3       Employees' Retirement System ................    1,015,200
 4      For State Contributions to Social Security ...      575,100
 5      For Group Insurance ..........................    1,331,000
 6      For Contractual Services .....................       61,000
 7      For Travel ...................................       88,900
 8      For Commodities ..............................        7,200
 9      For Printing .................................       36,900
10      For Equipment ................................       49,300
11      For Telecommunications Services ..............       23,000
12      For Operation of Automotive Equipment.........        7,100
13        Total                                         $11,051,200

14                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
15        Section  21a.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so  much
16    thereof as are available for distribution in accordance  with
17    Section  8  of  the Motor Fuel Tax Law, are appropriated from
18    the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to the Department  of  Transportation
19    for the purposes stated:
20                         DISTRIBUTIVE ITEMS
21      For apportioning, allotting, and paying
22       as provided by law:
23        To Counties ..............................   $225,100,000
24        To Municipalities ........................    315,700,000
25        To Counties for Distribution to
26         Road Districts ..........................    102,200,000
27        Total                                        $643,000,000

28        Section 22.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
29    as  may  be necessary for the agencies hereinafter named, are
30    appropriated  from   the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
31    Transportation for implementation  of  the  Commercial  Motor
32    Vehicle  Safety  Program  under provisions of Title IV of the
                            -31-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended  by
 2    the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century:
 4      For Personal Services ........................ $    737,800
 5      For Employee Retirement Contributions
 6       Paid by the State ...........................       29,500
 7      For State Contributions to State
 8       Employees' Retirement System ................       99,200
 9      For State Contributions to Social Security ...       55,700
10      For Contractual Services .....................      328,400
11      For Travel ...................................       73,200
12      For Commodities ..............................       23,800
13      For Printing .................................       34,000
14      For Equipment ................................       47,100
15      For Telecommunications Services...............        1,900
16      For Operation of Automotive Equipment.........        4,900
17        Total                                          $1,435,500
19      For Personal Services ........................ $  4,336,700
20      For Employee Retirement Contributions
21       Paid by the State ...........................      233,800
22      For State Contributions to State
23       Employees' Retirement System ................      582,800
24      For State Contributions to Social Security ...       64,600
25      For Contractual Services .....................      452,900
26      For Travel ...................................      322,800
27      For Commodities ..............................      247,300
28      For Printing .................................       89,000
29      For Equipment ................................      601,800
30      For Equipment:
31       Purchase of Cars and Trucks..................            0
32      For Telecommunications Services...............      241,000
33      For Operation of Automotive Equipment.........      306,900
34        Total                                          $7,479,600
                            -32-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 2      For Personal Services ........................ $          0
 3      For Employee Retirement Contributions
 4       Paid by the State ...........................            0
 5      For State Contributions to State
 6       Employees' Retirement System ................            0
 7      For State Contributions to Social Security ...            0
 8        Total                                                   $

 9        Section 23.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
10    as  may  be necessary for the agencies hereinafter named, are
11    appropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department   of
12    Transportation  for  implementation  of  the Illinois Highway
13    Safety Program  under  provisions  of  the  National  Highway
14    Safety Act of 1966, as amended:
15                     FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE
16      For Personal Services ........................ $    128,300
17      For Employee Retirement Contributions
18       Paid by the State ...........................        7,100
19      For State Contributions to State
20       Employees' Retirement System ................       17,200
21      For State Contributions to Social Security ...        9,900
22      For Contractual Services .....................       66,000
23      For Travel ...................................        2,100
24      For Commodities ..............................        3,000
25      For Printing..................................        2,700
26      For Equipment ................................        6,400
27      For Operation of Automotive Equipment.........       12,800
28        Total                                            $255,500
30      For Personal Services ........................ $  1,247,600
31      For Employee Retirement Contributions
32       Paid by the State ...........................       68,100
33      For State Contributions to State
                            -33-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1       Employees' Retirement System ................      167,700
 2      For State Contributions to Social Security ...       18,500
 3      For Contractual Services .....................       14,900
 4      For Travel ...................................        2,000
 5      For Commodities ..............................       14,000
 6      For Equipment ................................            0
 7      For Operation of Auto Equipment...............       95,200
 8        Total                                          $1,628,000
10      For Contractual Services ..................... $          0
11      For Equipment.................................            0
12      For Equipment:
13       Purchase of Cars and Trucks..................            0
14        Total                                                   $
16      For Personal Services ........................ $  1,186,900
17      For Employee Retirement Contributions
18       Paid by the State ...........................       47,500
19      For State Contributions to State Employees'
20       Retirement System ...........................      159,500
21      For State Contributions to Social Security ...       89,600
22      For Contractual Services .....................    1,513,300
23      For Travel ...................................       79,200
24      For Commodities ..............................      190,500
25      For Printing .................................      172,400
26      For Equipment ................................       15,300
27      For Telecommunications Services ..............        2,200
28        Total                                          $3,456,400
30      For Contractual Services ..................... $     91,000
31      For Travel ...................................        1,000
32      For Commodities ..............................        7,700
33        Total                                             $99,700
                            -34-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1                      STANDARDS TRAINING BOARD
 2      For Contractual Services ..................... $     80,000
 3      For Printing .................................        5,000
 4        Total                                             $85,000
 5                     FOR THE STATE FIRE MARSHALL
 6      For Contractual Services.....................$       30,000
 7      For Commodities ..............................       77,000
 8      For Printing..................................       15,000
 9      For Travel....................................       $3,000
10        Total                                            $125,000
12      For Contractual Services...................... $          0
13      For Travel ...................................            0
14      For Printing..................................            0
15        Total                                                   $

16                        FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
17      For Local Government Projects by
18       Municipalities and Counties ................... $5,269,200

19        Section 24.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
20    as  may  be  necessary  for the agencies hereafter named, are
21    appropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department   of
22    Transportation  for  implementation  of  the  Alcohol Traffic
23    Safety Programs of Title XXIII of the Surface  Transportation
24    Assistance  Act  of  1982,  as  amended by the Transportation
25    Equity Act for the 21st Century:
27      For Contractual Services ..................... $     13,000
28      For Travel ...................................       19,000
29        Total                                             $32,000
31      For Contractual Services ..................... $          0
32      For Travel ...................................        3,100
                            -35-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1      For Commodities ..............................      141,000
 2      For Printing .................................      107,900
 3      For Equipment.................................       74,300
 4        Total                                            $326,300
 5                  FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE (410)
 6      For Personal Services ........................ $     16,000
 7      For Employee Retirement Contributions
 8       Paid by the State ...........................          900
 9      For the State Contribution to State
10       Employees' Retirement System ................        2,200
11      For the State Contribution to Social
12       Security ....................................          300
13      For Contractual Services .....................        2,000
14      For Travel ...................................        3,500
15      For Commodities ..............................       40,000
16      For Printing .................................       16,200
17      For Equipment.................................        5,000
18      For Telecommunication Services ...............        1,000
19        Total                                             $87,100
21      For Personal Services ........................ $    595,200
22      For Employee Retirement Contributions
23       Paid by the State ...........................       32,600
24      For the State Contribution to State
25       Employees' Retirement System ................       80,000
26      For the State Contribution to Social
27       Security ....................................        7,900
28      For Commodities ..............................        3,400
29      For Equipment ................................            0
30      For Operation of Auto Equipment...............       54,800
31        Total                                            $773,900
33                   STANDARDS TRAINING BOARD (410)
34      For Contractual Services ....................$      145,000
                            -36-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1      For Printing..................................        5,000
 2        Total                                            $150,000
 3                        FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
 4    For Local Government Projects by
 5      Municipalities and Counties .................... $1,593,200

 6        Section 25.  The following named sums or so much  thereof
 7    as  may  be  necessary  for the agencies hereafter named, are
 8    appropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department   of
 9    Transportation for implementation of the Section 163 Impaired
10    Driving  Incentive  Grant Program (.08 Alcohol) as authorized
11    by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century:
13      For Contractual Services ..................... $  2,579,500
14      For Equipment.................................      295,600
15      For Telecommunications........................        1,000
16        Total                                          $2,876,100
18      For Equipment................................. $          0
19        Total                                                   $
20                  FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE (.08)
21      For Personal Services ........................ $     31,000
22      For Employee Retirement Contributions
23       Paid by the State ...........................        2,000
24      For the State Contribution to State
25       Employees' Retirement System ................        4,200
26      For the State Contribution to Social
27       Security ....................................        2,500
28      For Contractual Services .....................       41,100
29      For Travel ...................................        7,000
30      For Commodities...............................          500
31      For Printing..................................        8,000
32      For Equipment ................................       20,000
33      Telecommunications Services...................        1,000
                            -37-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Total                                            $117,300

 3      For Contractual Services ..................... $     55,000
 4      For Travel ...................................        2,900
 5      For Commodities...............................          500
 6      For Printing..................................       34,800
 7        Total                                             $93,200

 9      For Contractual Services.....................$            0
10        Total                                                   $

11                     FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (.08)
12      For Local Government Projects
13       by Municipalities and Counties............... $  1,311,400

14        Section 26.  The sum of $409,400, or so much  thereof  as
15    may  be  necessary  is  appropriated from the General Revenue
16    Fund to the Department of Transportation for the expenses  of
17    an  emissions  testing/inspection  program for diesel powered
18    vehicles in the counties of  Cook,  DuPage,  Lake,  Kane,  Mc
19    Henry,  Will, Madison, St. Clair and Monroe and the townships
20    of Aux Sable, Goose Lake and Oswego.

21        Section  30.  No  contract  shall  be  entered  into   or
22    obligation   incurred   or   any  expenditure  made  from  an
23    appropriation herein made in

24    Section 2        Permanent Improvements
25    Section 16b2     Series A Road Program
26    Section 18b1     Series B (Aeronautics)
27    Section 18b1a    Series B Land Acquisition Third Airport
28    Section 18b2     GRF Capital (Aeronautics)
                            -38-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    Section 18b3     Airport Land Loan Revolving Fund
 2    Section 19b      GRF Reduced Fares Downstate
 3    Section 19b1     GRF Reduced Fares RTA
 4    Section 19b2     Series B (Transit)
 5    Section 19b4     SCIP Debt Service I
 6    Section 19b5     SCIP Debt Service II
 7    Section 19b9     GRF Capital (Transit)
 8    Section 20a      GRF Rail Passenger
 9    Section 20a1     GRF Rail Freight Program
10    Section 20a2     State Rail Freight Loan Repayment
11    Section 20a3     Fed Rail Freight Loan Repayment
12    Section 20a4     GRF Rail Freight Match
13    Section 20a5     Fed High Speed Rail Trust
14    Section 20a6     Series B Rail
15    of this Article until after the purpose  and  the  amount  of
16    such   expenditure  has  been  approved  in  writing  by  the
17    Governor.

18                              ARTICLE 2

20                              LUMP SUMS
21        Section 1a.  The sum of $730,200, or so much  thereof  as
22    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
23    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
24    reappropriation  heretofore  made  in  the  line  item,  "For
25    Planning, Research and Development Purposes" for the  Central
26    Offices,  Administration  and Planning in Article 51, Section
27    1a and Article 52,  Section  1a  of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
28    reappropriated   from  the  Road  Fund  to  theDepartment  of
29    Transportation for the same purposes.

30        Section 1a1.  The sum of $1,842,300, or so  much  thereof
31    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
                            -39-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
 2    reappropriation concerning Asbestos Abatement heretofore made
 3    in Article 51, Section 1a and  Article  52,  Section  1a1  of
 4    Public  Act  92-538,  is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
 5    the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

 6        Section 1a2.  The sum of $39,153,600, or so much  thereof
 7    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
 8    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
 9    reappropriation heretofore made for metropolitan planning  in
10    Article  51, Section 1a and Article 52, Section 1a2 of Public
11    Act 92-538, is reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
12    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

13        Section  1a3.  The  sum of $3,732,400, or so much thereof
14    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
15    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
16    reappropriation heretofore made in Article 51, Section 1a and
17    Article  52, Section 1a3 of Public Act 92-538, as amended, is
18    reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
19    Transportation   for   metropolitan   planning  and  research
20    purposes.

21        Section 1a4.  The sum of $2,657,700, or so  much  thereof
22    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
23    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
24    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section 1a4 of Public Act
25    92-538,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund   to   the
26    Department  of  Transportation  for  Phase  II of the ADVANCE
27    demonstration project for the state share as provided by law.

28        Section 1a5.  The sum of $4,511,200, or so  much  thereof
29    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
30    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
                            -40-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section 1a5 of Public Act
 2    92-538,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund   to   the
 3    Department  of  Transportation  for  Phase  II of the ADVANCE
 4    demonstration project for the federal and  private  share  as
 5    provided by law.

 6        Section  1a6.  The sum of $19,396,200, or so much thereof
 7    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
 8    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
 9    reappropriation heretofore made in Article 51, Section 1a and
10    Article   52,   Section   1a6   of   Public  Act  92-538,  is
11    reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
12    Transportation for the federal share of the IDOT ITS Program.

13        Section  1a7.  The sum of $13,624,000, or so much thereof
14    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
15    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
16    reappropriation heretofore made in Article 51, Section 1a and
17    Article  52, Section 1a7 of Public Act 92-538, as amended, is
18    reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
19    Transportation for the state share of the IDOT ITS Program.

20                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
21        Section  1b.  The  sum of $40,307,300, or so much thereof
22    as may be necessary,  and remains unexpended at the close  of
23    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
24    reappropriation heretofore made in Article 51, Section 1b and
25    Article  52,  Section 1b of Public Act 92-538, as amended, is
26    reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
27    Transportation  for Enhancement and Congestion Mitigation and
28    Air Quality Projects.

29        Section 1b1.  The sum of $84,900, or so much  thereof  as
30    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
                            -41-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
 2    concerning  the  Interstate  355  Southern Extension Corridor
 3    Planning Council heretofore made in Article 52,  Section  1b1
 4    of  Public Act 92-538, as amended, is reappropriated from the
 5    General Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation  for
 6    the same purposes.

 7        Section  1b2.  The  sum of $1,346,300, or so much thereof
 8    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
 9    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
10    reappropriation heretofore made in Article 51, Section 1b and
11    Article  52, Section 1b2 of Public Act 92-538, as amended, is
12    reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
13    Transportation   for  grants  to  Illinois  Universities  for
14    applied research on Transportation.

16                       PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS
17        Section 2.  The sum of $18,616,600, or so much thereof as
18    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
19    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
20    reappropriation  concerning Permanent Improvements heretofore
21    made in Article 51, Section 2 and Article 52,  Section  2  of
22    Public  Act  92-538,  is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
23    the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

25                              LUMP SUM
26        Section 3.  The sum of $487,500, or so  much  thereof  as
27    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
28    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
29    reappropriation concerning vehicle damages heretofore made in
30    Article 51, Section 4a and Article 52, Section  3  of  Public
31    Act  92-538,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road Fund to the
                            -42-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

 2                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
 3        Section 3a.  The sum of $5,390,200, or so much thereof as
 4    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 5    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 6    concerning   railroad   relocation   demonstration   projects
 7    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  3a  of  Public  Act
 8    92-538,   is   reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
 9    Department of Transportation for the same purposes,  provided
10    such  amount  does not exceed funds to be made available from
11    the federal government.

12        Section 3a1.  The sum of $18,519,900, or so much  thereof
13    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
14    business on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriations  and
15    reappropriations  heretofore  made  for  Local Traffic Signal
16    Maintenance Agreements  and  City,  County  and  other  State
17    Maintenance Agreements in Article 51, Section 4b1 and Article
18    52,  Section  3a1  of  Public  Act  92-538,  as  amended,  is
19    reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department of
20    Transportation for the same purposes.

21        Section 3a2.  The sum of $155,600, or so much thereof  as
22    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
23    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
24    concerning   the   State   share   of   railroad   relocation
25    demonstration projects heretofore made in Article 52, Section
26    3a2 of Public Act 92-538,  as amended, is reappropriated from
27    the  Road  Fund  to  the Department of Transportation for the
28    same purposes.

29                            CONSTRUCTION
30        Section 3b.  The sum of 99,230,400, or so much thereof as
                            -43-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 2    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  an  the  appropriations
 3    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  3b of Public Act
 4    92-538, for Engineering and  Consultant  Contracts  only,  is
 5    reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department of
 6    Transportation for the same purposes.

 7        Section 3b1.  The sum of $27,112,300, or so much  thereof
 8    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
 9    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from   the   reappropriations
10    heretofore  made  in   Article  52, Section 3b1 of Public Act
11    92-538, for Engineering and  Consultant  Contracts  only,  is
12    reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department of
13    Transportation for the same purposes.

14        Section 3b2.  The sum of $8,664,400, or so  much  thereof
15    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
16    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
17    heretofore made for "Engineering and Consultant Contracts" in
18    Article   52,   Section   3b2   of   Public  Act  92-538,  is
19    reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
20    Transportation for the same purposes.

21        Section 3b3.  The sum of $179,603,400, or so much thereof
22    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
23    business on June 30, 2003, from the appropriation  heretofore
24    made  for  "Engineering  and Consultant Contracts" in Article
25    51, Section 16b of Public Act 92-538, is reappropriated  from
26    the  Road  Fund  to  the Department of Transportation for the
27    same purposes.

28        Section 3b4.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof  as
29    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
30    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from   the   reappropriations
                            -44-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section 3b3 of Public Act
 2    92-538, for preliminary engineering  for  western  access  to
 3    O'Hare  Airport,  is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the
 4    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

 5        Section 3b5.  The sum of $5,644,300, or so  much  thereof
 6    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
 7    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
 8    reappropriation  concerning  hazardous  materials   made   in
 9    Article  51, Section 4c and Article 52, Section 3b4 of Public
10    Act 92-538, is reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
11    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

12        Section  3b6.  The sum of $18,958,900, or so much thereof
13    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
14    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
15    reappropriation  heretofore  made for Formal Contracts in the
16    line item, "For Maintenance, Traffic  and  Physical  Research
17    Purposes  (A)" for the Central Offices, Division of Highways,
18    in Article 51, Section 4c and  Article  52,  Section  3b5  of
19    Public  Act  92-538,  is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
20    the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

21        Section 3b7.  The sum of $4,793,300, or so  much  thereof
22    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
23    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
24    reappropriation concerning Highway Damage  Claims  heretofore
25    made in Article 51, Section 4c and Article 52, Section 3b6 of
26    Public  Act  92-538,  is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
27    the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

28                     DIVISION OF TRAFFIC SAFETY
29                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
30        Section 4.  The sum of $3,041,900 or so much  thereof  as
                            -45-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
 2    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
 3    reappropriation  heretofore made in Article 51,  Section  5b1
 4    and   Article   52,  Section  4  of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
 5    reappropriated from the Cycle Rider Safety Training  Fund  to
 6    the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

 7                        CONSTRUCTION DIVISION
 8                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
 9        Section  5a.  The  sum of $18,135,500, or so much thereof
10    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
11    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
12    reappropriation  heretofore  made  for  township  bridges  in
13    Article  51,  Section 16 and Article 52, Section 5a of Public
14    Act 92-538, is reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
15    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

16                            CONSTRUCTION

17        Section  5b1.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so  much
18    thereof  as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the
19    close of business on June 30, 2003, from  the  appropriations
20    heretofore  made  in  Article  51,  Section 16b of Public Act
21    92-538,  are  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to   the
22    Department  of Transportation for preliminary engineering and
23    constructions engineering and contract costs of construction,
24    including reconstruction, extension and improvement of  State
25    highways,  arterial  highways,  roads, access areas, roadside
26    shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and  sanitary
27    facilities,  and  such  other  purposes  as  provided  by the
28    "Illinois Highway Code"; for purposes allowed or required  by
29    Title 23 of the U.S. Code, for bikeways as provided by Public
30    Act  78-850;  and  for land acquisition and signboard removal
31    and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of
                            -46-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    natural beauty; and for capital improvements  which  directly
 2    facilitate  an  effective vehicle weight enforcement program;
 3    such as scales (fixed and portable),  scale  pits  and  scale
 4    installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable
 5    laws and regulations as follows:

 6     District 1, Schaumburg ........................ $612,238,800
 7     District 2, Dixon .............................   55,305,600
 8     District 3, Ottawa ............................   29,714,000
 9     District 4, Peoria ............................   29,906,300
10     District 5, Paris .............................   39,667,700
11     District 6, Springfield........................   46,196,400
12     District 7, Effingham..........................   42,463,600
13     District 8, Collinsville.......................   78,688,000
14     District 9, Carbondale.........................   26,488,700
15     Statewide .....................................  118,496,200
16        Total                                        $1,079,165,300

17        Section 5b2.  The sum of $306,242,200, or so much thereof
18    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
19    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from   the   reappropriations
20    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section 5b1 of Public Act
21    92-538,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund   to   the
22    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

23        Section 5b3.  The sum of $230,940,100, or so much thereof
24    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
25    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from   the   reappropriations
26    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section 5b2 of Public Act
27    92-538,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund   to   the
28    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

29        Section  5b4.  The sum of $63,313,300, or so much thereof
30    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
                            -47-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    business   on   June  30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriations
 2    heretofore made in Article 52,  Section  5b3  of  Public  Act
 3    92-538,   is   reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
 4    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

 5        Section 5b5.  The sum of $28,973,400, or so much  thereof
 6    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
 7    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from   the   reappropriations
 8    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section 5b4 of Public Act
 9    92-538,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund   to   the
10    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

11        Section 5b6.  The sum of $117,411,100, or so much thereof
12    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
13    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from   the   reappropriations
14    heretofore  made  in Article 52, Section 5b5 of Public Act of
15    Public Act 92-538, is reappropriated from the  Road  Fund  to
16    the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

17        Section  5b7.  The sum of $201,100, or so much thereof as
18    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
19    business   on   June   30,  2003  from  the  reappropriations
20    heretofore made in Article 52,  Section  5b6  of  Public  Act
21    92-538,  is  reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
22    to the Department of Transportation for use as matching funds
23    for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement program  for  the
24    Historic Preservation Agency.

25        Section  5b8.  The  sum of $27,200, or so much thereof as
26    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
27    business   on   June  30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriations
28    heretofore made in Article 52,  Section  5b7  of  Public  Act
29    92-538,  is  reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
30    to the Department of Transportation for use as matching funds
                            -48-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement program  for  the
 2    Department of Natural Resources.

 3        Section  5b9.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so  much
 4    thereof  as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the
 5    close of business on June 30, 2003, from  the  appropriations
 6    heretofore  made  in  Article  51, Section 16b2 of Public Act
 7    92-538,  are  reappropriated  from  the  State   Construction
 8    Account   Fund   to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for
 9    preliminary  engineering  and  construction  engineering  and
10    contract costs  of  construction,  including  reconstruction,
11    extension   and   improvement  of  state  highways,  arterial
12    highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas,
13    fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities,  and  such
14    other  purposes  as  provided by the "Illinois Highway Code";
15    for purposes allowed or required by  Title  23  of  the  U.S.
16    Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-0850; and for
17    land  acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard
18    removal and control and preservation of natural  beauty;  and
19    for   capital   improvements  which  directly  facilitate  an
20    effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as  scales
21    (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations, and
22    scale   houses,   in  accordance  with  applicable  laws  and
23    regulations as follows:

24     District 1, Schaumburg ........................ $160,103,300
25     District 2, Dixon .............................   23,310,800
26     District 3, Ottawa ............................   15,011,900
27     District 4, Peoria ............................   12,487,900
28     District 5, Paris .............................   16,505,800
29     District 6, Springfield........................   30,236,400
30     District 7, Effingham..........................   16,393,700
31     District 8, Collinsville.......................   37,855,300
32     District 9, Carbondale.........................   14,439,700
                            -49-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1     Statewide .....................................   40,485,500
 2        Total                                        $366,830,300

 3        Section  5b10.  The  sum  of  $217,888,500,  or  so  much
 4    thereof as may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the
 5    close of business on June 30, 2003, from the reappropriations
 6    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section 5b8 of Public Act
 7    92-538, is reappropriated from the State Construction Account
 8    Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  the  same
 9    purposes.

10        Section 5b11.  The sum of $73,432,900, or so much thereof
11    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
12    business   on   June  30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriations
13    heretofore made in Article 52,  Section  5b9  of  Public  Act
14    92-538,   as   amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  State
15    Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation
16    for the same purposes.

17        Section 5b12.  The sum of $14,134,800 or so much  thereof
18    as  may  be  necessary, and remain unexpended at the close of
19    business on June 30, 2003, from the appropriations heretofore
20    made in Article 52, Section 5b10 of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
21    reappropriated  from  the  State Construction Account Fund to
22    the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

23        Section 5b13.  The sum of $7,682,200, or so much  thereof
24    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
25    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from   the   reappropriations
26    heretofore  made  in  Article  52, Section 5b11 of Public Act
27    92-538, is reappropriated from the State Construction Account
28    Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  the  same
29    purposes.
                            -50-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Section 5b14.  The sum of $20,716,100, or so much thereof
 2    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
 3    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 4    heretofore made in Article 52, Section  5b12  of  Public  Act
 5    92-538, is reappropriated from the State Construction Account
 6    Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  the  same
 7    purposes.

 8        Section  5b15.  The  sum  of  $470,811,500,  or  so  much
 9    thereof  as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the
10    close of business on June 30, 2003,  from  the  appropriation
11    and  reappropriation  heretofore  made in Article 51, Section
12    16b2  of  Public  Act  92-538,  for  statewide  purposes,  is
13    reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series A Fund  to
14    the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

15        Section  5b16.  The  sum  of  $155,227,800,  or  so  much
16    thereof  as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the
17    close of business on June 30, 2003, from the  reappropriation
18    heretofore  made  in  Article  52, Section 5b13 of Public Act
19    92-538, for statewide purposes, is  reappropriated  from  the
20    Transportation  Bond  Series  A  Fund  to  the  Department of
21    Transportation for the same purposes.

22        Section 5b17.  The sum of $18,279,600, or so much thereof
23    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
24    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
25    heretofore made in Article 52, Section 5b13a  of  Public  Act
26    92-538,  for  statewide  purposes, is reappropriated from the
27    Transportation Bond  Series  A  Fund  to  the  Department  of
28    Transportation for the same purposes.

29        Section 5b18.  The sum of $71,597,500, or so much thereof
30    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
                            -51-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
 2    reappropriation heretofore made for grade crossing protection
 3    or grade separation in Article 51, Section 17 and Article 52,
 4    Section 5b14 of Public Act 92-538, is reappropriated from the
 5    Grade  Crossing  Protection  Fund  to   the   Department   of
 6    Transportation for the same purpose.

 7                        AERONAUTICS DIVISION
 8                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
 9        Section  6a.  The sum of $349,199,300, or so much thereof
10    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended, less 100,000,000
11    to be lapsed, at the close of business on June 30, 2003, from
12    the appropriation  and  reappropriation  heretofore  made  in
13    Article  51, Section 18b and Article 52, Section 6a of Public
14    Act  92-538,  as  amended,   is   reappropriated   from   the
15    Federal/Local    Airport    Fund   to   the   Department   of
16    Transportation for the same purposes.

17        Section 6a1.  The sum of $47,366,600, or so much  thereof
18    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
19    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
20    reappropriation concerning  airport  improvements  heretofore
21    made  in Article 51, Section 18b1 and Article 52, Section 6a1
22    of Public Act 92-538, as amended, is reappropriated from  the
23    Transportation  Bond  Series  B  Fund  to  the  Department of
24    Transportation for the same purposes.

25        Section 6a2.  The sum of $1,295,900, or so  much  thereof
26    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
27    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
28    reappropriation concerning  airport  improvements  heretofore
29    made  in Article 51, Section 18b2 and Article 52, Section 6a2
30    of Public Act 92-538, as amended, is reappropriated from  the
31    General  Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation for
                            -52-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    the same purposes.

 2        Section 6b.  The sum of $36,000,000, or so  much  thereof
 3    as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
 4    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
 5    heretofore  made in Article 51, Section 18b1a and Article 52,
 6    Section  6b  of   Public   Act   92-538,   as   amended,   is
 7    reappropriated  from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to
 8    the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

10                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
11        Section 7a.  The sum of $10,426,700, or so  much  thereof
12    as   may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended  from  the
13    appropriation and reappropriation concerning  Highway  Safety
14    Grants  heretofore made in Article 51, Section 23 and Article
15    52, Section 7a of Public Act 92-538, is  reappropriated  from
16    the  Road  Fund  to  the Department of Transportation for the
17    purpose of Local Government Projects  by  Municipalities  and
18    Counties.

19        Section  7a1.  The  sum of $3,409,900, or so much thereof
20    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
21    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
22    reappropriation   concerning  Section  163  Impaired  Driving
23    Incentive Grants (.08 alcohol) heretofore made in Article 51,
24    Section 25 and Article 52, Section 7a1 of Public Act  92-538,
25    is  reappropriated  from  the  Road Fund to the Department of
26    Transportation for the purpose of Local  Government  Projects
27    by Municipalities and Counties.

28        Section  7a2.  The  sum of $4,090,800, or so much thereof
29    as  may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended   from  the
30    appropriation and reappropriation concerning Alcohol  Traffic
                            -53-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    Safety Grants (410) heretofore made in Article 51, Section 24
 2    and Article 52, Section 7a2 of Public Act 92-538, as amended,
 3    is  reappropriated  from  the  Road Fund to the Department of
 4    Transportation for the purpose of Local  Government  Projects
 5    by Municipalities and Counties.

 7                              LUMP SUMS
 8        Section  8a.  The  sum of $388,800, or so much thereof as
 9    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
10    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
11    reappropriation  heretofore  made  for  public transportation
12    technical studies in Article 51, Section 19a and Article  52,
13    Section   8a   of   Public   Act   92-538,   as  amended,  is
14    reappropriated  from  the  General  Revenue   Fund   to   the
15    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

16        Section  8a1.  The  sum of $2,058,800, or so much thereof
17    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
18    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
19    reappropriation  heretofore  made in Article 51, Section 19a1
20    and Article 52, Section 8a1 of Public Act 92-538, as amended,
21    is reappropriated from the Federal Mass Transit Trust Fund to
22    the Department of Transportation for federal reimbursement of
23    transit studies as provided by the Transportation Equity  Act
24    for the 21st Century.

25                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
26        Section 8b.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
27    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
28    business on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriations  and
29    reappropriations  heretofore made in Article 51, Section 19b2
30    and  Article  52,  Section  8b  of  Public  Act  92-538,  are
31    reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund  to
                            -54-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    the  Department  of  Transportation  for the same purposes as
 2    follows:
 3      Pursuant to Section 4(b)(1) of the
 4       General Obligation Bond Act,
 5       as amended .................................. $236,536,900
 6      For the counties of the State outside
 7       the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane,
 8       McHenry, and Will, pursuant to
 9       Section 4(b)(1) of the General
10       Obligation Bond Act, as amended .............   24,699,000
11      For the Department of Transportation's
12       Greenlight Program pursuant to
13      Section 4(b)(1) of the General
14       Obligation Bond Act, as amended..............   68,253,500
15      To extend the metrolink rail line
16       to Mid-America Airport.......................    5,000,100
17        Total                                        $334,489,500

18        Section  8b1.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so  much
19    thereof as may be necessary, and  remain  unexpended  at  the
20    close    of   business   on   June   30,   2003,   from   the
21    reappropriations heretofore made in Article 52,  Section  8b1
22    of   Public   Act   92-538,   are   reappropriated  from  the
23    Transportation Bond  Series  B  Fund  to  the  Department  of
24    Transportation for the same purposes as follows:
25      Pursuant to Section 4(b)(1) of the
26       General Obligation Bond Act, as amended...... $  3,071,100
27      For the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane,
28       Lake, McHenry and Will, pursuant to
29       Section 4(b)(2) of the General
30       Obligation Bond Act, as amended .............    3,101,300
31      For the counties of the State outside
32       the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane,
33       Lake, McHenry and Will, pursuant to
                            -55-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1       Section 4(b)(3) of the General Obligation
 2       Bond Act, as amended ........................      871,800
 3        Total                                          $7,044,200

 4        Section  8b2.  The  sum of $5,670,200, or so much thereof
 5    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
 6    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 7    heretofore made in Article 52,  Section  8b2  of  Public  Act
 8    92-538, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series
 9    B  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation for the same
10    purposes.

11        Section 8b3.  The sum of $14,304,200, or so much  thereof
12    as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
13    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
14    reappropriation concerning Public  Transportation  heretofore
15    made  in Article 51, Section 19b9 and Article 52, Section 8b3
16    of Public Act 92-538, as amended, is reappropriated from  the
17    General  Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation for
18    the same purposes.

19        Section 8b4.  The sum of $66,962,000, or so much  thereof
20    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
21    business on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriations  and
22    reappropriations  heretofore made in Article 51, Section 19b8
23    and Article 52, Section 8b4 of Public Act 92-538, as amended,
24    is reappropriated from the Federal Mass Transit Trust Fund to
25    the Department of Transportation for  the  federal  share  of
26    capital,   operating,   consultant  services,  and  technical
27    assistance  grants,  as  well  as  state  administration  and
28    interagency  agreements,  provided  such  amounts  shall  not
29    exceed  funds  to  be  made  available   from   the   Federal
30    Government.
                            -56-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 2                          AWARDS AND GRANTS
 3        Section 9a.  The sum of $6,879,900, or so much thereof as
 4    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
 5    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
 6    reappropriation concerning Rail  Freight  Service  Assistance
 7    Program  heretofore  made  in  Article  51,  Section 20a1 and
 8    Article 52, Section 9a of Public Act 92-538, as  amended,  is
 9    reappropriated   from   the   General  Revenue  Fund  to  the
10    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

11        Section 9a1.  The sum of $13,723,100, or so much  thereof
12    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
13    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
14    reappropriation heretofore made in Article 51,  Section  20a2
15    and Article 52, Section 9a1 of Public Act 92-538, as amended,
16    is  reappropriated from the State Rail Freight Loan Repayment
17    Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  the  same
18    purposes.

19        Section 9a2.  The sum of $3,389,300, or so  much  thereof
20    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
21    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
22    reappropriation concerning the  federal  share  of  the  Rail
23    Freight Loan Repayment Program heretofore made in Article 51,
24    Section  20a3  and  Article  52,  Section  9a2  of Public Act
25    92-538, as amended, is reappropriated from the  Rail  Freight
26    Loan  Repayment  Fund to the Department of Transportation for
27    the same purposes.

28        Section 9a3.  The sum of $1,710,000, or so  much  thereof
29    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
30    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
31    reappropriation concerning the  State's  share  of  the  Rail
                            -57-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    Freight Loan Repayment Program heretofore made in Article 51,
 2    Section  20a4  and  Article  52,  Section  9a3  of Public Act
 3    92-538, is reappropriated from the General  Revenue  Fund  to
 4    the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

 5        Section  9a4.  The  sum of $21,800, or so much thereof as
 6    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 7    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 8    heretofore made in Article 52,  Section  9a4  of  Public  Act
 9    92-538,  is  reappropriated  from the General Revenue Fund to
10    the Department of Transportation for the federal share of the
11    High Speed Rail Project.

12        Section 9a5.  The sum of $14,449,600, or so much  thereof
13    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
14    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
15    reappropriation heretofore made in Article 51,  Section  20a5
16    and  Article  52,  Section  9a5  of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
17    reappropriated from the Federal High Speed Rail Trust Fund to
18    the Department of Transportation for the federal share of the
19    High Speed Rail Project.

20        Section  9a6.  The sum of $525,400, or so much thereof as
21    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
22    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
23    heretofore made in Article 52,  Section  9a6  of  Public  Act
24    92-538,  is  reappropriated  from the General Revenue Fund to
25    the Department of Transportation for the state share  of  the
26    High Speed Rail Project.

27        Section  9a7.  The sum of $38,834,300, or so much thereof
28    as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
29    business  on  June  30,  2003,  from  the  appropriation  and
30    reappropriation  heretofore  made in Article 51, Section 20a6
                            -58-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    and  Article  52,  Section  9a7  of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
 2    reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund  to
 3    the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

 4                         GA PROJECT ADD-ONS

 5        Section 10.  The sum of $5,630,000, or so much thereof as
 6    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
 7    business on June 30, 2003, from the appropriation  heretofore
 8    made  in  Article  52,  Section  10  of Public Act 92-538, is
 9    reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
10    Transportation  for  preliminary engineering and construction
11    and  contract  costs  of  construction,  including,  but  not
12    limited to,  reconstruction,  extension  and  improvement  of
13    highways,  arterial  highways,  roads, access areas, roadside
14    shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities, storage  and
15    sanitary  facilities,  equipment, traffic control, sidewalks,
16    pedestrian overpasses and such other purposes as provided  by
17    the "Illinois Highway Code"; for purposes allowed or required
18    by  Title  23  of  the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by
19    Public Act 78-0500; and for land  acquisition  and  signboard
20    removal   and  control,  junkyard  removal  and  control  and
21    preservation of  natural  beauty;  for  signage  and  warning
22    lights;   and   for   capital   improvements  which  directly
23    facilitate an effective vehicle weight  enforcement  program,
24    such  as  scales  (fixed  and portable), scale pits and scale
25    installations,  and  scale   houses,   in   accordance   with
26    applicable  laws and regulations; and for any grants to units
27    of local government to undertake any  of  the  aforementioned
28    activities.

29        Section 11.  The sum of $9,815,000, or so much thereof as
30    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
31    business on June 30, 2003, from the appropriation  heretofore
                            -59-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    made  in  Article  52,  Section  11  of Public Act 92-538, is
 2    reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
 3    Transportation  for  preliminary engineering and construction
 4    and  contract  costs  of  construction,  including,  but  not
 5    limited to,  reconstruction,  extension  and  improvement  of
 6    highways,  arterial  highways,  roads, access areas, roadside
 7    shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities, storage  and
 8    sanitary  facilities,  equipment, traffic control, sidewalks,
 9    pedestrian overpasses and such other purposes as provided  by
10    the "Illinois Highway Code"; for purposes allowed or required
11    by  Title  23  of  the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by
12    Public Act 78-0500; and for land  acquisition  and  signboard
13    removal   and  control,  junkyard  removal  and  control  and
14    preservation of  natural  beauty;  for  signage  and  warning
15    lights;   and   for   capital   improvements  which  directly
16    facilitate an effective vehicle weight  enforcement  program,
17    such  as  scales  (fixed  and portable), scale pits and scale
18    installations,  and  scale   houses,   in   accordance   with
19    applicable  laws and regulations; and for any grants to units
20    of local government to undertake any  of  the  aforementioned
21    activities.

22        Section 12.  The sum of $9,671,700, or so much thereof as
23    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
24    business on June 30, 2003, from the appropriation  heretofore
25    made  in  Article  52,  Section  12  of Public Act 92-538, is
26    reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
27    Transportation  for  preliminary engineering and construction
28    and  contract  costs  of  construction,  including,  but  not
29    limited to,  reconstruction,  extension  and  improvement  of
30    highways,  arterial  highways,  roads, access areas, roadside
31    shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities, storage  and
32    sanitary  facilities,  equipment, traffic control, sidewalks,
33    pedestrian overpasses and such other purposes as provided  by
                            -60-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    the "Illinois Highway Code"; for purposes allowed or required
 2    by  Title  23  of  the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by
 3    Public Act 78-0500; and for land  acquisition  and  signboard
 4    removal   and  control,  junkyard  removal  and  control  and
 5    preservation of  natural  beauty;  for  signage  and  warning
 6    lights;   and   for   capital   improvements  which  directly
 7    facilitate an effective vehicle weight  enforcement  program,
 8    such  as  scales  (fixed  and portable), scale pits and scale
 9    installations,  and  scale   houses,   in   accordance   with
10    applicable  laws and regulations; and for any grants to units
11    of local government to undertake any  of  the  aforementioned
12    activities.

13        Section  13.  The  sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof
14    as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
15    business  on June 30, 2003, from the appropriation heretofore
16    made in Article 52, Section  13  of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
17    reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department of
18    Transportation for preliminary engineering  and  construction
19    and  contract  costs  of  construction,  including,  but  not
20    limited  to,  reconstruction,  extension  and  improvement of
21    highways, arterial highways, roads,  access  areas,  roadside
22    shelters,  rest areas, fringe parking facilities, storage and
23    sanitary facilities, equipment, traffic  control,  sidewalks,
24    pedestrian  overpasses and such other purposes as provided by
25    the "Illinois Highway Code"; for purposes allowed or required
26    by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for  bikeways  as  provided  by
27    Public  Act  78-0500;  and for land acquisition and signboard
28    removal  and  control,  junkyard  removal  and  control   and
29    preservation  of  natural  beauty;  for  signage  and warning
30    lights;  and  for   capital   improvements   which   directly
31    facilitate  an  effective vehicle weight enforcement program,
32    such as scales (fixed and portable),  scale  pits  and  scale
33    installations,   and   scale   houses,   in  accordance  with
                            -61-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    applicable laws and regulations; and for any grants to  units
 2    of  local  government  to undertake any of the aforementioned
 3    activities.

 4        Section 14a1.  The sum of $255,800, or so much thereof as
 5    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 6    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 7    heretofore made in Article 52, Section  14a1  of  Public  Act
 8    92-538,   is   reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
 9    Department of Transportation for all  costs  associated  with
10    streetscaping  and  other improvements to the entrance of Oak
11    Ridge Cemetery in Springfield.

12        Section 14a2.  The sum of $26,700, or so much thereof  as
13    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
14    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
15    heretofore  made  in  Article  52, Section 14a2 of Public Act
16    92-538,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund   to   the
17    Department  of  Transportation  for  the  widening of Route 1
18    south of Paris.

19        Section 14a3.  The sum of $317,700, or so much thereof as
20    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
21    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
22    heretofore made in Article 52, Section  14a3  of  Public  Act
23    92-538,   is   reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
24    Department of Transportation for all  costs  associated  with
25    infrastructure  improvements  including  replacement  of,  or
26    closure of the Gaumer bridge near Alvin.

27        Section  14a4.  The  sum of $8,600, or so much thereof as
28    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
29    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
30    heretofore made in Article 52, Section  14a4  of  Public  Act
                            -62-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    92-538,  as  amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
 2    the Department of Transportation  for  all  costs  associated
 3    with  Phase  II  planning  and engineering of improvements to
 4    East Main Street in Danville.

 5        Section 14a5.  The sum of $732,800, or so much thereof as
 6    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 7    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 8    heretofore made in Article 52, Section  14a5  of  Public  Act
 9    92-538,  as  amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
10    the  Department  of  Transportation  for  Phases  I  and   II
11    environmental  studies  and  engineering  for  the Lynch Road
12    beltline.

13        Section 14a6.  The sum of $39,200, or so much thereof  as
14    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
15    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
16    heretofore  made  in  Article  52, Section 14a6 of Public Act
17    92-538, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road  Fund  to
18    the  Department  of  Transportation  for all costs associated
19    with the upgrade of roads accessing the Catlin  Coal  Company
20    to make the roads accessible to vehicles up to 80,000 pounds.

21        Section  14a7.  The  sum of $0, or so much thereof as may
22    be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business
23    on June 30, 2003, from the reappropriation heretofore made in
24    Article 52, Section 14a7 of Public Act 92-538, as amended, is
25    reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
26    Transportation  for  traffic improvements at Morton West High
27    School.

28        Section 14a8.  The sum of $278,400, or so much thereof as
29    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
30    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
                            -63-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    heretofore made in Article 52, Section  14a8  of  Public  Act
 2    92-538,   is   reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
 3    Department of Transportation for the resurfacing of Route  25
 4    from Bluff City Boulevard to Congdon Avenue in Elgin.

 5        Section 14a9.  The sum of $195,700, or so much thereof as
 6    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
 7    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
 8    heretofore  made  in  Article  52, Section 14a9 of Public Act
 9    92-538, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road  Fund  to
10    the  Department  of  Transportation  for all costs associated
11    with stop light synchronization in the City of Springfield.

12        Section 14a10.  The sum of $142,200, or so  much  thereof
13    as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
14    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
15    heretofore  made  in  Article 52, Section 14a10 of Public Act
16    92-538, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road  Fund  to
17    the  Department  of  Transportation  for all costs associated
18    with the reconstruction of Broadway Avenue in Rockford.

19        Section 14a11.  The sum of $200, or so  much  thereof  as
20    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
21    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
22    heretofore  made  in  Article 52, Section 14a11 of Public Act
23    92-538, is reappropriated from the General  Revenue  Fund  to
24    the  Illinois Department of Transportation for a grant to the
25    University of  Illinois  at  Chicago's  Urban  Transportation
26    Center to study the PACE bus system in DuPage County.

27        Section 14a12.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
28    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
29    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
30    heretofore  made  in  Article 52, Section 14a12 of Public Act
                            -64-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
 2    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
 3    a grant to the Village of Morrison for road improvements  for
 4    the Morrison Industrial Spur.

 5                         GA PROJECT ADD-ONS
 6        Section 15.  The sum of $3,048,400, or so much thereof as
 7    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
 8    business on June 30, 2003 from the reappropriation heretofore
 9    made in Article 52, Section  15  of  Public  Act  92-538,  as
10    amended,   is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
11    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

12                         GA PROJECT ADD-ONS
13        Section 16s1.  The sum of $0, or so much thereof  as  may
14    be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business
15    on June 30, 2003, from the reappropriation heretofore made in
16    Article   52,   Section   16s1   of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
17    reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Illinois  Department
18    of    Transportation    for   all   costs   associated   with
19    rehabilitation  of  the   Old   State   Capitol   Square   in
20    Springfield.

21        Section 16s2.  The sum of $354,500, or so much thereof as
22    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
23    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
24    heretofore  made  in  Article  52, Section 16s2 of Public Act
25    92-538,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund   to   the
26    Department  of  Transportation  for  expenses associated with
27    work on the US 20 by-pass at Elgin.

28        Section 17.  The sum of $32,000, or so  much  thereof  as
29    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
30    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
                            -65-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  17 of Public Act
 2    92-538, is reappropriated from the General  Revenue  Fund  to
 3    the  Department of Transportation for the Village of Berkeley
 4    for all costs associated with  the  resurfacing,  rebuilding,
 5    reconstruction,  and  replacement of St. Charles Road between
 6    Interstate 290 and Wolf Road.

 7        Section 18.  The sum of $25,300, or so  much  thereof  as
 8    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
 9    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
10    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  18 of Public Act
11    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
12    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
13    the  City  of  Darien  for  all  costs  associated  with  the
14    rebuilding,   reconstruction,   resurfacing,   removal,   and
15    replacement of the south frontage road of Interstate 55.

16        Section 20.  The sum of $264,700, or so much  thereof  as
17    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
18    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
19    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  20 of Public Act
20    92-538, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road  Fund  to
21    the  Illinois  Department  of  Transportation,  for  the same
22    purposes.

23        Section 22.  The sum of $0, or so much thereof as may  be
24    necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on
25    June  30,  2003,  from the reappropriation heretofore made in
26    Article 52, Section 22 of Public Act 92-538, as  amended,  is
27    reappropriated  from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois
28    Department of Transportation for the Village of  Libertyville
29    for signalization at Route 21 and Condell Drive.

30        Section  23.  The  sum of $247,900, or so much thereof as
                            -66-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 2    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 3    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  23  of  Public  Act
 4    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
 5    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
 6    the Village of LaGrange to resurface LaGrange Road from Ogden
 7    to I-55.

 8        Section  25.  The  sum  of $15,000, or so much thereof as
 9    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
10    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
11    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  25  of  Public  Act
12    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
13    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
14    Phase  I  engineering  for  an overpass on Veteran's Memorial
15    Drive over I-57 to Wells Bypass  Road  in  the  City  of  Mt.
16    Vernon.

17        Section  26.  The  sum of $165,500, or so much thereof as
18    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
19    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
20    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  26  of  Public  Act
21    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
22    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
23    a  study  of  the  expansion  of  Route 23 to four lanes from
24    Streator to Ottawa.

25        Section 27.  The sum of $12,600, or so  much  thereof  as
26    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
27    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
28    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  27 of Public Act
29    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
30    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
31    topical resurfacing of existing roadway from Kedzie Avenue to
                            -67-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    Bell Avenue.

 2        Section 28.  The sum of $385,100, or so much  thereof  as
 3    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
 4    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
 5    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  28 of Public Act
 6    92-538, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road  Fund  to
 7    the  Illinois  Department  of  Transportation for the City of
 8    Chicago for the same purposes.

 9        Section 29.  The sum of $325,100, or so much  thereof  as
10    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
11    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
12    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  29 of Public Act
13    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
14    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
15    intersection improvements and traffic lights installation  at
16    94th and Kedzie Avenue in Evergreen Park.

17        Section  30.  The  sum  of $27,700, or so much thereof as
18    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
19    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
20    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  30  of  Public  Act
21    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
22    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
23    the  City  of  Chicago  for curbs and roadway improvements on
24    Foster Avenue.

25        Section 31.  The sum of $75,000, or so  much  thereof  as
26    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
27    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
28    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  31 of Public Act
29    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
30    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
                            -68-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    the City of Chicago for curbs and roadway improvements  along
 2    Elston Avenue between Central and Milwaukee Avenues.

 3        Section  32.  The  sum  of $26,500, or so much thereof as
 4    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 5    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 6    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  32  of  Public  Act
 7    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Capital
 8    Development Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation
 9    for  the  City  of  Chicago for preliminary engineering for a
10    pedestrian  crossing  over  the  Canadian  National  Railroad
11    tracks at West 79th Street and South Central Park Avenue.

12        Section 33.  The sum of $233,800, or so much  thereof  as
13    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
14    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
15    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  33 of Public Act
16    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
17    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
18    the City of Chicago for resurfacing Pulaski Road from 79th to
19    87th.

20        Section 34.  The sum of $250,900, or so much  thereof  as
21    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
22    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
23    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  34 of Public Act
24    92-538, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road  Fund  to
25    the  Illinois  Department  of  Transportation  for  all costs
26    associated with preliminary planning, design, engineering and
27    construction of the system of access roads parallel to  I-190
28    between Mannheim Road and the Tri-State Tollway.

29        Section  35.  The  sum of $204,100, or so much thereof as
30    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
                            -69-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 2    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  35  of  Public  Act
 3    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
 4    Revenue  Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation to
 5    resurface or repair Martin Luther King Drive between 67th and
 6    79th Streets.

 7        Section 36.  In addition to any other funds that  may  be
 8    appropriated  for  the same purpose, the sum of $4,800, or so
 9    much thereof as may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at
10    the   close   of   business   on  June  30,  2003,  from  the
11    reappropriation heretofore made in Article 52, Section 36  of
12    Public  Act  92-538,  as  amended, is reappropriated from the
13    General  Revenue  Fund  to   the   Illinois   Department   of
14    Transportation  for  necessary,  studies  for  sound barriers
15    along I-90/94 Dan Ryan Expressway between 35th and 95th.

16        Section 37.  The sum of $175,700, or so much  thereof  as
17    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
18    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
19    heretofore  made  in  Article  52  Section  37  of Public Act
20    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
21    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
22    resurfacing and cold milling  on  Illinois  River  Bridge  in
23    Morris.

24        Section 38.  The sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as may
25    be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business
26    on June 30, 2003, from the reappropriation heretofore made in
27    Article  52,  Section 38 of Public Act 92-538, as amended, is
28    reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the  Illinois
29    Department of Transportation for Lake County for intersection
30    improvements at Route 132 and Deep Lake Road.
                            -70-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Section  39.  The  sum of $870,000, or so much thereof as
 2    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 3    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 4    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  39  of  Public  Act
 5    92-538,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
 6    Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
 7    reconstructing  and  resurfacing  Wood  Street  from Illinois
 8    Route 83 to 171st Street and traffic lights at  162nd  Street
 9    in Markham.

10        Section  40.  The  sum  of $22,700, or so much thereof as
11    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
12    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
13    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  40  of  Public  Act
14    92-538,  is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
15    to the Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant  to  the
16    Village of Olympia Fields for the purpose of completing Phase
17    I of Transit Oriented Development.

18        Section  41.  The  sum  of $30,200, or so much thereof as
19    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
20    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
21    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  41  of  Public  Act
22    92-538,   is   reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
23    Department of Transportation for an engineering study for  an
24    interchange of I-80 at Mile Marker 101 in LaSalle County.

25        Section  42.  The  sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
26    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
27    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
28    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  42  of  Public  Act
29    92-538,  is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
30    to the Department of Transportation for a grant to  the  City
31    of   Wheeling   for   the   purpose  of  pedestrian  crossing
                            -71-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    improvements.

 2        Section 43.  The sum of $3,671,800, or so much thereof as
 3    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 4    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 5    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  43  of  Public  Act
 6    92-538,  is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
 7    to  the  Department   of   Transportation   for   preliminary
 8    engineering  and  construction engineering and contract costs
 9    of   construction,   including,   but   not    limited    to,
10    reconstruction,   extension   and  improvement  of  highways,
11    arterial highways, roads, access  areas,  roadside  shelters,
12    rest  areas,  fringe parking facilities, storage and sanitary
13    facilities, equipment, traffic control, sidewalks, pedestrian
14    overpasses, and  such  other  purposes  as  provided  by  the
15    "Illinois  Highway Code"; for purposes allowed or required by
16    Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public
17    Act 78-850; and for land acquisition  and  signboard  removal
18    and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of
19    natural  beauty;  for  signage  and  warning  lights; and for
20    capital improvements which directly facilitate  an  effective
21    vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and
22    portable),  scale  pits  and  scale  installations, and scale
23    houses, in accordance with applicable laws  and  regulations;
24    and  for any grants to units of local government to undertake
25    any of the aforementioned activities.

26        Section 44.  The sum of $373,400, or so much  thereof  as
27    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
28    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
29    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  44 of Public Act
30    92-538, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois'  Future
31    to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant to the
32    Madison County Transit District for the construction  of  the
                            -72-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    Collinsville Transit Center.

 2        Section  45.  The  sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
 3    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 4    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 5    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  45  of  Public  Act
 6    92-538,  is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
 7    to the Department of Transportation for the  installation  of
 8    crossing  gates  at  Westleigh  Road  and the installation of
 9    crossing gates at Old Elm Road grade crossing.

10        Section 46.  The sum of $300,000, or so much  thereof  as
11    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
12    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
13    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  46 of Public Act
14    92-538, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois'  Future
15    to  the Department of Transportation for a grant to Metra for
16    the purpose of landscaping, remodeling, and repairing of  the
17    embankments and viaducts from 47th to 57th Streets.

18        Section  47.  The  sum  of $23,800, or so much thereof as
19    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
20    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
21    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  47  of  Public  Act
22    92-538,  is  reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
23    to the Department of Transportation for costs associated with
24    the reconstruction of Industrial Drive.

25        Section 48.  The sum of $10,100, or so  much  thereof  as
26    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
27    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
28    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  48 of Public Act
29    92-538, is reappropriated from the Capital  Development  Fund
30    to the Department of Transportation for costs associated with
                            -73-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    the reconstruction of Airport Road and Chartres Street.

 2        Section  49.  The  sum  of $75,000, or so much thereof as
 3    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 4    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 5    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  49  of  Public  Act
 6    92-538,  is  reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
 7    to the Department of Transportation for a traffic  signal  at
 8    51st Street West in Rock Island.

 9        Section 50.  The sum of $8,300, or so much thereof as may
10    be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business
11    on June 30, 2003, from the reappropriation heretofore made in
12    Article   52,   Section   50   of   Public   Act  92-538,  is
13    reappropriated from the Fund  for  Illinois'  Future  to  the
14    Department  of  Transportation  for repair of 1st Street from
15    Water Street and Brunner Street to Bucklin Street in LaSalle.

16        Section 51.  The sum of $616,500, or so much  thereof  as
17    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
18    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
19    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  51 of Public Act
20    92-538, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois'  Future
21    to   the  Department  of  Transportation  for  infrastructure
22    improvements, including but not limited  to  engineering  and
23    construction   engineering,  extension  and  improvements  of
24    highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas,
25    fringe parking facilities, storage and  sanitary  facilities,
26    equipment, traffic controls, sidewalks, signage.

27        Section  52.  The  sum  of $50,000, or so much thereof as
28    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
29    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
30    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  52  of  Public  Act
                            -74-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    92-538,  is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
 2    to the Department of Transportation  for  renovation  of  the
 3    Wood Dale METRA station.

 4        Section  53.  The  sum of $493,700, or so much thereof as
 5    may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 6    business   on   June   30,  2003,  from  the  reappropriation
 7    heretofore made in Article  52,  Section  53  of  Public  Act
 8    92-538,  is  reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
 9    to the Department  of  Transportation  for  the  contract  or
10    intergovernmental   agreement   costs   associated  with  the
11    projects described below and having the  estimated  costs  as
12    follows:
13      For a pedestrian overpass and
14       other transportation related
15       activities in the Village
16       of Buffalo Grove........................................$0
17      For improvements to St. Clair
18       Avenue and drainage improvements
19       in Granite City.........................................$0
20      For improvements to streets,
21       sewers and sidewalks in
22       Washington Park...................................$450,000
23      For traffic signal intersection
24       improvements at Manhattan Road,
25       Route 52 and Foxford Drive in
26       the Village of Manhattan...........................$36,100
27      For improvements to Matherville Road in
28       Mercer County ......................................$7,600

29        Section 54.  The sum of $1,200,600, or so much thereof as
30    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
31    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
32    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  54 of Public Act
                            -75-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    92-538,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund   to   the
 2    Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

 3        Section  55.  The sum of $0, or so much thereof as may be
 4    necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on
 5    June 30, 2003, from the reappropriation  heretofore  made  in
 6    Article   52,   Section   55   of   Public   Act  92-538,  is
 7    reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
 8    Department  of Transportation for a grant to to McLean County
 9    for   all   costs   associated    with    the    resurfacing,
10    reconstruction,  and  replacement  of the Towanda-Barnes Road
11    and its related infrastructure funds.

12        Section 56.  The sum of $474,000, or so much  thereof  as
13    may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
14    business  on  June  30,  2003,   from   the   reappropriation
15    heretofore  made  in  Article  52,  Section  56 of Public Act
16    92-538, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois'  Future
17    to   the   Department   of   Transportation  for  preliminary
18    engineering and construction engineering and  contract  costs
19    of    construction,    including,   but   not   limited   to,
20    reconstruction,  extension  and  improvement   of   highways,
21    arterial  highways,  roads,  access areas, roadside shelters,
22    rest areas, fringe parking facilities, storage  and  sanitary
23    facilities, equipment, traffic control, sidewalks, pedestrian
24    overpasses,  and  such  other  purposes  as  provided  by the
25    "Illinois Highway Code"; for purposes allowed or required  by
26    Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public
27    Act  78-850;  and  for land acquisition and signboard removal
28    and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of
29    natural beauty; for  signage  and  warning  lights;  and  for
30    capital  improvements  which directly facilitate an effective
31    vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and
32    portable), scale pits  and  scale  installations,  and  scale
                            -76-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    houses,  in  accordance with applicable laws and regulations;
 2    and for any grants to units of local government to  undertake
 3    any of the aforementioned activities.

 4        Section  57.  The  amount of $500,000, or so much thereof
 5    as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
 6    business  on  June 30, 2003, from an appropriation heretofore
 7    made in Article 52, Section  57  of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
 8    reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department of
 9    Transportation for the purpose of a  grant  to  the  City  of
10    Rockford  for all costs associated with the construction of a
11    road around the Rockford airport.

12        Section 58.  The amount of $200,000, or so  much  thereof
13    as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
14    business on June 30, 2003, from an  appropriation  heretofore
15    made  in  Article  52,  Section  58  of Public Act 92-538, is
16    reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
17    Transportation  for  the  purpose  of  a grant to the Chicago
18    Department of Transportation for installation  of  a  traffic
19    light at 103rd and Corliss Street.

20        Section  59.  The  amount of $200,000, or so much thereof
21    as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
22    business  on  June 30, 2003, from an appropriation heretofore
23    made in Article 51, Section  59  of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
24    reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department of
25    Transportation for the purpose of  a  grant  to  the  Chicago
26    Department  of  Transportation  for installation of a traffic
27    light at 127th and Stewart Street.

28        Section 60.  The amount of $1,320,000, or so much thereof
29    as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
30    business  on  June 30, 2003, from an appropriation heretofore
                            -77-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1    made in Article 51, Section  60  of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
 2    reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department of
 3    Transportation for the purpose of  a  grant  to  the  Chicago
 4    Department   of   Transportation   for   street  resurfacing,
 5    sidewalks, curbs, and gutters on Michigan Avenue  from  103rd
 6    Street to 127th Street.

 7        Section  61.  The  amount of $800,000, or so much thereof
 8    as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
 9    business  on  June 30, 2003, from an appropriation heretofore
10    made in Article 51, Section  61  of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
11    reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department of
12    Transportation for the purpose of a grant to the  Chicago  of
13    Transportation  for street resurfacing, sidewalks, curbs, and
14    gutters on King Drive from 100th Street to 115th Street.

15        Section 62.  The amount of $1,350,000, or so much thereof
16    as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
17    business  on  June 30, 2003, from an appropriation heretofore
18    made in Article 51, Section  62  of  Public  Act  92-538,  is
19    reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department of
20    Transportation for the purpose of  a  grant  to  the  Chicago
21    Department   of   Transportation   for   street  resurfacing,
22    sidewalks, curbs, and gutters on  111th  Street  from  Bishop
23    Ford Expressway to State Street.

24        Section 63.  The sum of $2,300,000, or so much thereof as
25    may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
26    business on June 30, 2003, from an  appropriation  heretofore
27    made  in  Article  1a,  Section  11  of Public Act 92-717, is
28    reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
29    Department  of  Transportation  for corridor protection along
30    Route 158.
                            -78-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Section  63.  No  contract  shall  be  entered  into   or
 2    obligation   incurred   or   any   expenditure  made  from  a
 3    reappropriation herein made in

 4    Section 2       Permanent Improvements
 5    Section 3a      Rail Relocation - Federal
 6    Section 3a2     Rail Relocation - State
 7    Section 5b6     CDB - Enhancement
 8    Section 5b7     CDB - Enhancement
 9    Section 5b13    Series A (Road Program)
10    Section 6a1     Series B (Aeronautics)
11    Section 6a2     GRF Capital (Aeronautics)
12    Section 6b      Series B (Land Acquisition Third Airport)
13    Section 8b      Series B (Transit)
14    Section 8b1     Series B (Transit)
15    Section 8b2     Series B (Transit)
16    Section 8b3     GRF Capital (Transit)
17    Section 9a      GRF Rail Freight Program
18    Section 9a1     State Rail Freight Loan Repayment
19    Section 9a2     Federal Rail Freight Loan Repayment
20    Section 9a3     GRF Rail Freight Match
21    Section 9a4     GRF High Speed Rail - Federal
22    Section 9a5     FHSRTF High Speed Rail - Federal
23    Section 9a6     GRF High Speed Rail - State
24    Section 9a7     Series B (Rail)
25    Section 32      Canadian National Railroad Tracks
26    Section 47      Reconstruction of Industrial Drive
27    Section 48      Reconstruction of Airport Rd and Chartres St
28    Section 49      Traffic signal at 51st St West in Rock Island
29    Section 53      Various Improvement Projects
30    Section 55      Reconstruction of Towanda-Barnes Road
31    of this Article until after the purpose  and  the  amount  of
32    such   expenditure  has  been  approved  in  writing  by  the
33    Governor.
                            -79-     HDS093 00095 CNW 00095 a
 1        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act  takes  effect  on
 2    July 1, 2003.".