Rod Blagojevich



August 11, 2003


To the Honorable Members of the

Illinois Senate

93rd General Assembly


Pursuant to Article IV, Section 9(e) of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby return Senate Bill 629, entitled “AN ACT concerning prisons”, with the following specific recommendations for change:


On page 2, by replacing lines 17 through 21 with the following:

from sales from commissary stores must be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.”; and


by replacing line 33 on page 2 through line 6 on page 3 with the following:

non-tobacco products.”; and


on page 3, line 7, by deleting “agreement”.


With these changes, Senate Bill 629 will have my approval.  I respectfully request your concurrence.



Rod R. Blagojevich
