
                                     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a

 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1074

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 1074, AS  AMENDED,
 3    by  replacing  everything  after the enacting clause with the
 4    following:
 5        "Section 5.  The  School  Code  is  amended  by  changing
 6    Sections   1A-4,   2-3.11,   10-21.9,  10-22.20a,  10-22.24a,
 7    10-22.34, 14-1.09.1,  14-8.05,  14C-2,  21-1,  21-1a,  21-1b,
 8    21-1c,  21-2,  21-2.1, 21-2b, 21-3, 21-4, 21-5, 21-5a, 21-5b,
 9    21-5c, 21-5d, 21-7.1, 21-9, 21-10, 21-11.1, 21-11.2, 21-11.3,
10    21-11.4, 21-12, 21-14, 21-16, 21-17, 21-19,  21-21,  21-21.1,
11    21-23,  21-23b,  21-24,  21-25, 21-27, 34-18.5, and 34-83 and
12    adding Section 21-0.05 as follows:

13        (105 ILCS 5/1A-4) (from Ch. 122, par. 1A-4)
14        Sec. 1A-4.  Powers and duties of the Board.
15        A.  Upon the appointment of new Board members as provided
16    in  subsection  (b)  of  Section  1A-1  and  every  2   years
17    thereafter, the chairperson of the Board shall be selected by
18    the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, from
19    the  membership  of  the  Board to serve as chairperson for 2
20    years.
21        B.  The Board shall determine the qualifications  of  and
22    appoint  a  chief  education officer to be known as the State
23    Superintendent of Education who shall serve at  the  pleasure
                            -2-      LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    of  the  Board  and  pursuant to a performance-based contract
 2    linked  to  statewide  student   performance   and   academic
 3    improvement  within  Illinois  schools.  No performance-based
 4    contract   issued   for   the   employment   of   the   State
 5    Superintendent of Education shall be for a term longer than 3
 6    years and no contract shall be extended or renewed  prior  to
 7    its   scheduled   expiration   unless   the  performance  and
 8    improvement goals contained in the contract  have  been  met.
 9    The  State  Superintendent  of Education shall not serve as a
10    member of the State Board of Education.  The Board shall  set
11    the compensation of the State Superintendent of Education who
12    shall serve as the Board's chief executive officer. The Board
13    shall  also establish the duties, powers and responsibilities
14    of the State Superintendent, which shall be included  in  the
15    State  Superintendent's performance-based contract along with
16    the goals and indicators of student performance and  academic
17    improvement used to measure the performance and effectiveness
18    of the State Superintendent. The State Board of Education may
19    delegate   to  the  State  Superintendent  of  Education  the
20    authority  to  act  on  the  Board's  behalf,  provided  such
21    delegation is made pursuant to adopted board  policy  or  the
22    powers  delegated are ministerial in nature.  The State Board
23    may not delegate authority under this Section  to  the  State
24    Superintendent  to  (1)  nonrecognize  school  districts, (2)
25    withhold State payments as  a  penalty,  or  (3)  make  final
26    decisions under the contested case provisions of the Illinois
27    Administrative  Procedure  Act  unless  otherwise provided by
28    law.
29        C.  The powers and duties of the State Board of Education
30    shall  encompass  all  duties  delegated  to  the  Office  of
31    Superintendent of Public Instruction  on  January  12,  1975,
32    except  as  the  law  providing for such powers and duties is
33    thereafter amended, and such other powers and duties  as  the
34    General   Assembly  shall  designate.   The  Board  shall  be
                            -3-      LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    responsible for the educational policies and  guidelines  for
 2    public  schools,  pre-school  through grade 12 and Vocational
 3    Education in the State of Illinois.  The Board shall  analyze
 4    the  present  and  future  aims,  needs,  and requirements of
 5    education in the State  of  Illinois  and  recommend  to  the
 6    General  Assembly the powers which should be exercised by the
 7    Board.   The  Board  shall  recommend  the  passage  and  the
 8    legislation   necessary   to   determine   the    appropriate
 9    relationship  between the Board and local boards of education
10    and the various State agencies and shall recommend  desirable
11    modifications in the laws which affect schools.
12        D.  Two  members  of  the Board shall be appointed by the
13    chairperson to serve on a standing joint Education Committee,
14    2  others  shall  be  appointed  from  the  Board  of  Higher
15    Education, 2 others shall be appointed by the chairperson  of
16    the  Illinois  Community College Board, and 2 others shall be
17    appointed by the chairperson of the Human Resource Investment
18    Council.  The  Executive  Director  and  2  members  of   the
19    Professional Teacher Standards Board shall also be members of
20    the Committee.  The Committee shall be responsible for making
21    recommendations  concerning  the  submission of any workforce
22    development plan or workforce training  program  required  by
23    federal   law  or  under  any  block  grant  authority.   The
24    Committee  will  be  responsible  for  developing  policy  on
25    matters of mutual concern to elementary, secondary and higher
26    education such as Occupational and Career Education,  Teacher
27    Preparation    and    Certification,   Educational   Finance,
28    Articulation  between  Elementary,   Secondary   and   Higher
29    Education  and  Research  and  Planning.  The joint Education
30    Committee shall  meet at least quarterly and submit an annual
31    report of its findings, conclusions, and  recommendations  to
32    the  State Board of Education, the Board of Higher Education,
33    the Illinois Community  College  Board,  the  Human  Resource
34    Investment Council, the Professional Teacher Standards Board,
                            -4-      LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    the  Governor, and the General Assembly. All meetings of this
 2    Committee shall be official meetings for reimbursement  under
 3    this Act.
 4        E.  Five  members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
 5    A majority vote  of  the  members  appointed,  confirmed  and
 6    serving on the Board is required to approve any action.
 7        The  Board  shall  prepare  and  submit  to  the  General
 8    Assembly  and  the Governor on or before January 14, 1976 and
 9    annually thereafter a report or reports of its  findings  and
10    recommendations.  Such annual report shall contain a separate
11    section which provides a critique and analysis of the  status
12    of  education  in  Illinois and which identifies its specific
13    problems and recommends express  solutions  therefor.    Such
14    annual  report  also  shall contain the following information
15    for the preceding  year  ending  on  June  30:  each  act  or
16    omission  of  a  school  district of which the State Board of
17    Education  has  knowledge  as  a  consequence  of  scheduled,
18    approved visits  and  which  constituted  a  failure  by  the
19    district  to  comply with applicable State or federal laws or
20    regulations relating to public education, the  name  of  such
21    district,  the  date  or  dates  on  which the State Board of
22    Education  notified  the  school  district  of  such  act  or
23    omission, and what action, if any, the school  district  took
24    with  respect  thereto  after  being  notified thereof by the
25    State Board of Education. The report shall also  include  the
26    statewide  high  school  dropout rate by grade level, sex and
27    race and the annual student dropout rate of and the number of
28    students who graduate from, transfer from or otherwise  leave
29    bilingual  programs.   The  Auditor  General  shall  annually
30    perform  a compliance audit of the State Board of Education's
31    performance of the reporting duty imposed by this  amendatory
32    Act  of  1986.  A  regular system of communication with other
33    directly related State agencies shall be implemented.
34        The requirement for reporting  to  the  General  Assembly
                            -5-      LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    shall  be  satisfied  by filing copies of the report with the
 2    Speaker, the Minority Leader and the Clerk of  the  House  of
 3    Representatives  and  the  President, the Minority Leader and
 4    the Secretary of the Senate and the Legislative  Council,  as
 5    required  by Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization
 6    Act,  and  filing  such  additional  copies  with  the  State
 7    Government  Report  Distribution  Center  for   the   General
 8    Assembly  as  is required under paragraph (t) of Section 7 of
 9    the State Library Act.
10    (Source: P.A. 89-430, eff.  12-15-95;  89-610,  eff.  8-6-96;
11    89-698, eff. 1-14-97; 90-548, eff. 1-1-98.)

12        (105 ILCS 5/2-3.11) (from Ch. 122, par. 2-3.11)
13        Sec.  2-3.11.   Report  to Governor and General Assembly.
14    To report to the Governor and General Assembly annually on or
15    before January 14 the condition of the schools of  the  State
16    for the preceding year, ending on June 30.
17        Such  annual  report  shall  contain reports of the State
18    Teacher  Certification  Board;  the  schools  of  the   State
19    charitable institutions; reports on driver education, special
20    education,  and  transportation; and for such year the annual
21    statistical  reports  of  the  State  Board   of   Education,
22    including the number and kinds of school districts; number of
23    school  attendance centers; number of men and women teachers;
24    enrollment  by   grades;   total   enrollment;   total   days
25    attendance;  total  days  absence;  average daily attendance;
26    number of elementary and secondary school graduates; assessed
27    valuation; tax levies and tax  rates  for  various  purposes;
28    amount  of teachers' orders, anticipation warrants, and bonds
29    outstanding; and number of men and women teachers  and  total
30    enrollment  of private schools. The report shall give for all
31    school districts receipts from all sources  and  expenditures
32    for  all  purposes for each fund; the total operating expense
33    and  the  per  capita  cost;   federal  and  state  aids  and
                            -6-      LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    reimbursements; new school buildings, and recognized schools;
 2    together with such other information and suggestions  as  the
 3    State  Board  of  Education may deem important in relation to
 4    the schools and  school  laws  and  the  means  of  promoting
 5    education throughout the state.
 6    (Source: P.A. 84-1308; 84-1424.)

 7        (105 ILCS 5/10-21.9) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-21.9)
 8        Sec. 10-21.9.  Criminal background investigations.
 9        (a)  After  August  1,  1985,  certified and noncertified
10    applicants for employment  with  a  school  district,  except
11    school  bus driver applicants, are required as a condition of
12    employment to authorize an investigation to determine if such
13    applicants have been  convicted  of  any  of  the  enumerated
14    criminal  or  drug offenses in subsection (c) of this Section
15    or have been convicted, within 7 years of the application for
16    employment with the school  district,  of  any  other  felony
17    under  the  laws of this State or of any offense committed or
18    attempted in any other state  or  against  the  laws  of  the
19    United  States that, if committed or attempted in this State,
20    would have been punishable as a felony under the laws of this
21    State. Authorization for the investigation shall be furnished
22    by the applicant to the school district, except that  if  the
23    applicant  is a substitute teacher seeking employment in more
24    than  one  school  district,  a  teacher  seeking  concurrent
25    part-time employment positions  with  more  than  one  school
26    district  (as a reading specialist, special education teacher
27    or otherwise), or an educational support  personnel  employee
28    seeking employment positions with more than one district, any
29    such   district   may   require   the  applicant  to  furnish
30    authorization  for  the   investigation   to   the   regional
31    superintendent of the educational service region in which are
32    located  the  school  districts  in  which  the  applicant is
33    seeking employment as a substitute  or  concurrent  part-time
                            -7-      LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    teacher or concurrent educational support personnel employee.
 2    Upon  receipt  of  this authorization, the school district or
 3    the appropriate regional superintendent, as the case may  be,
 4    shall  submit  the applicant's name, sex, race, date of birth
 5    and social security number to the Department of State  Police
 6    on   forms   prescribed   by  the  Department.  The  regional
 7    superintendent submitting the requisite  information  to  the
 8    Department  of  State Police shall promptly notify the school
 9    districts in which the applicant is seeking employment  as  a
10    substitute  or  concurrent  part-time  teacher  or concurrent
11    educational support personnel employee that the investigation
12    of the applicant has been requested. The Department of  State
13    Police  shall  conduct  an  investigation to ascertain if the
14    applicant being considered for employment has been  convicted
15    of  any  of  the  enumerated  criminal  or  drug  offenses in
16    subsection (c) or has been convicted, within 7 years  of  the
17    application  for  employment with the school district, of any
18    other felony under the laws of this State or of  any  offense
19    committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws
20    of  the United States that, if committed or attempted in this
21    State, would have been punishable as a felony under the  laws
22    of  this  State.    The  Department  shall  charge the school
23    district or the appropriate regional superintendent a fee for
24    conducting such investigation, which fee shall  be  deposited
25    in  the  State  Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the
26    cost of the inquiry; and the applicant shall not be charged a
27    fee for such investigation by the school district or  by  the
28    regional  superintendent.   The  regional  superintendent may
29    seek reimbursement from the State Board of Education  or  the
30    appropriate school district or districts for fees paid by the
31    regional  superintendent  to  the Department for the criminal
32    background investigations required by this Section.
33        (b)  The Department shall furnish, pursuant  to  positive
34    identification,  records  of  convictions, until expunged, to
                            -8-      LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    the president of the school board  for  the  school  district
 2    which   requested  the  investigation,  or  to  the  regional
 3    superintendent  who   requested   the   investigation.    Any
 4    information  concerning the record of convictions obtained by
 5    the  president  of  the  school   board   or   the   regional
 6    superintendent   shall   be  confidential  and  may  only  be
 7    transmitted to the superintendent of the school  district  or
 8    his  designee, the appropriate regional superintendent if the
 9    investigation was  requested  by  the  school  district,  the
10    presidents   of   the   appropriate   school  boards  if  the
11    investigation was requested  from  the  Department  of  State
12    Police    by   the   regional   superintendent,   the   State
13    Superintendent  of  Education,   the   Professional   Teacher
14    Standards  Board  State  Teacher  Certification  Board or any
15    other  person  necessary  to  the  decision  of  hiring   the
16    applicant   for   employment.    A  copy  of  the  record  of
17    convictions obtained from  the  Department  of  State  Police
18    shall  be  provided  to  the  applicant for employment. If an
19    investigation of an applicant for employment as a  substitute
20    or  concurrent  part-time  teacher  or concurrent educational
21    support personnel employee in more than one  school  district
22    was   requested  by  the  regional  superintendent,  and  the
23    Department of State Police upon investigation ascertains that
24    the applicant has not been convicted of any of the enumerated
25    criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) or has  not  been
26    convicted,  within  7 years of the application for employment
27    with the school district, of any other felony under the  laws
28    of this State or of any offense committed or attempted in any
29    other state or against the laws of the United States that, if
30    committed  or  attempted  in  this  State,  would  have  been
31    punishable  as  a  felony under the laws of this State and so
32    notifies  the  regional  superintendent,  then  the  regional
33    superintendent shall issue to  the  applicant  a  certificate
34    evidencing that as of the date specified by the Department of
                            -9-      LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    State  Police  the applicant has not been convicted of any of
 2    the enumerated criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) or
 3    has not been convicted, within 7 years of the application for
 4    employment with the school  district,  of  any  other  felony
 5    under  the  laws of this State or of any offense committed or
 6    attempted in any other state  or  against  the  laws  of  the
 7    United  States that, if committed or attempted in this State,
 8    would have been punishable as a felony under the laws of this
 9    State.  The school board of any school  district  located  in
10    the   educational  service  region  served  by  the  regional
11    superintendent who issues such a certificate to an  applicant
12    for  employment as a substitute teacher in more than one such
13    district may rely on the certificate issued by  the  regional
14    superintendent  to  that  applicant,  or may initiate its own
15    investigation of the  applicant  through  the  Department  of
16    State  Police  as  provided in subsection (a). Any person who
17    releases any confidential information concerning any criminal
18    convictions of an applicant for employment shall be guilty of
19    a Class A misdemeanor, unless the release of such information
20    is authorized by this Section.
21        (c)  No school board shall knowingly employ a person  who
22    has  been  convicted  for  committing  attempted first degree
23    murder or for committing or attempting to commit first degree
24    murder or a Class  X  felony  or  any  one  or  more  of  the
25    following offenses: (i) those defined in Sections 11-6, 11-9,
26    11-14,  11-15,  11-15.1, 11-16, 11-17, 11-18, 11-19, 11-19.1,
27    11-19.2, 11-20, 11-20.1, 11-21, 12-13, 12-14, 12-14.1,  12-15
28    and  12-16 of the "Criminal Code of 1961"; (ii) those defined
29    in  the  "Cannabis  Control  Act"  except  those  defined  in
30    Sections 4(a), 4(b) and 5(a) of that Act; (iii) those defined
31    in the "Illinois Controlled Substances  Act";  and  (iv)  any
32    offense  committed or attempted in any other state or against
33    the  laws  of  the  United  States,  which  if  committed  or
34    attempted in this State, would have been punishable as one or
                            -10-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    more of the foregoing  offenses.  Further,  no  school  board
 2    shall  knowingly employ a person who has been found to be the
 3    perpetrator of sexual or physical abuse of any minor under 18
 4    years of age pursuant to proceedings under Article II of  the
 5    Juvenile Court Act of 1987.
 6        (d)  No  school board shall knowingly employ a person for
 7    whom  a  criminal  background  investigation  has  not   been
 8    initiated.
 9        (e)  Upon  receipt  of the record of a conviction of or a
10    finding of child abuse by a holder of any certificate  issued
11    pursuant  to  Article  21  or  Section 34-8.1 or 34-83 of the
12    School  Code,  the  appropriate  regional  superintendent  of
13    schools  or  the  State  Superintendent  of  Education  shall
14    initiate   the   certificate   suspension   and    revocation
15    proceedings authorized by law.
16        (f)  After January 1, 1990 the provisions of this Section
17    shall  apply  to  all  employees  of persons or firms holding
18    contracts with any school district including, but not limited
19    to, food  service  workers,  school  bus  drivers  and  other
20    transportation employees, who have direct, daily contact with
21    the  pupils  of  any school in such district. For purposes of
22    criminal background investigations on employees of persons or
23    firms holding contracts with more than  one  school  district
24    and  assigned  to more than one school district, the regional
25    superintendent of the educational service region in which the
26    contracting school districts are located may, at the  request
27    of any such school district, be responsible for receiving the
28    authorization   for   investigation  prepared  by  each  such
29    employee and submitting the same to the Department  of  State
30    Police.   Any information concerning the record of conviction
31    of any such employee obtained by the regional  superintendent
32    shall   be   promptly   reported  to  the  president  of  the
33    appropriate school board or school boards.
34    (Source: P.A. 90-566, eff. 1-2-98; 91-885, eff. 7-6-00.)
                            -11-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        (105 ILCS 5/10-22.20a) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.20a)
 2        Sec. 10-22.20a.  Advanced  vocational  training  program,
 3    and  career  education.  To  enter into joint agreements with
 4    community college districts and other  school  districts  for
 5    the   purpose  of  providing  career  education  or  advanced
 6    vocational training of students in the 11th and higher grades
 7    who desire  preparation  for  a  trade.   Transportation  for
 8    students  to  any  facility  covered  by a joint agreement as
 9    described  in  this  Section  shall  be   provided   by   the
10    participating school district, or by the participating school
11    district  in conjunction with other school districts.   Joint
12    agreements  entered  into  under  this  Section  may  include
13    provisions for joint authority to acquire and improve  sites,
14    construct  and  equip  facilities thereon and lease and equip
15    facilities deemed necessary  by  the  parties  to  the  joint
16    agreement,  to maintain programs and to provide for financing
17    of the foregoing jointly by the respective  parties,  all  in
18    accordance with the terms of the joint agreement.
19        Nothing  herein  contained shall be construed to restrict
20    or prohibit the rights  of  community  college  districts  or
21    school  districts  to  enter  into joint agreements under the
22    provisions of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act,  as  now
23    or hereinafter amended.
24        The   duration   of  the  career  education  or  advanced
25    vocational training program  shall  be  such  period  as  the
26    school district may approve but it may not exceed 2 years for
27    any  school  district pupil.  Participation in the program is
28    accorded the same credit toward a high school diploma as time
29    spent in other courses.
30        The  participating  community  college  shall  bill  each
31    participating student's school district for an  amount  equal
32    to  the  per  capita  cost of operating the community college
33    attended or  a  charge  for  participation  may  be  made  in
34    accordance  with  the  joint  agreement between the community
                            -12-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    college district and the  student's  school  district.   Such
 2    agreement  shall  not  provide  for payments in excess of the
 3    actual cost of operating the course or courses in  which  the
 4    student  is  enrolled.   Participating  high  schools may use
 5    State aid monies to pay the charges.
 6        The  community  college  instructors  teaching  in   such
 7    programs  need  not  be certified by the Professional Teacher
 8    Standards Board State Teacher Certification Board.
 9    (Source: P.A. 79-76.)

10        (105 ILCS 5/10-22.24a) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.24a)
11        Sec.  10-22.24a.   School  counselor.  To  employ  school
12    counselors.  A  school  counselor  is  a  qualified  guidance
13    specialist  who  holds  or  is  qualified  for an elementary,
14    secondary,  or  special  K-12  certificate  issued   by   the
15    Professional    Teacher   Standards   Board   State   Teacher
16    Certification  Board   and   a   School   Service   Personnel
17    certificate  endorsed  in guidance issued by the Professional
18    Teacher Standards Board State  Teacher  Certification  Board.
19    Individuals  who  have  completed  approved programs in other
20    states may apply for a School Service  Personnel  certificate
21    endorsed  in  guidance  if  a  review  of  their  credentials
22    indicates  that  they hold or qualify for an elementary, high
23    school, or special certificate in their own state.
24    (Source: P.A. 91-70, eff. 7-9-99.)

25        (105 ILCS 5/10-22.34) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.34)
26        Sec. 10-22.34.  Non-certificated personnel.
27        (a)  School Boards may employ non-teaching  personnel  or
28    utilize volunteer personnel for:  (1) non-teaching duties not
29    requiring instructional judgment or evaluation of pupils; and
30    (2) supervising study halls, long distance teaching reception
31    areas  used incident to instructional programs transmitted by
32    electronic media such as computers,  video,  and  audio,  and
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 1    detention   and   discipline   areas,   and  school-sponsored
 2    extracurricular activities.
 3        (b)  School  boards   may   further   utilize   volunteer
 4    non-certificated   personnel   or   employ   non-certificated
 5    personnel  to  assist  in the instruction of pupils under the
 6    immediate  supervision  of  a  teacher,   holding   a   valid
 7    certificate,  directly  engaged in teaching subject matter or
 8    conducting activities.  The  teacher  shall  be  continuously
 9    aware  of  the non-certificated persons' activities and shall
10    be able to control or modify them. The  Professional  Teacher
11    Standards  Board  State  Board  of Education, in consultation
12    with the State Teacher Certification Board,  shall  determine
13    qualifications  of  such  personnel and shall prescribe rules
14    for determining the duties and activities to be  assigned  to
15    such  personnel.  In  the  determination of qualifications of
16    such personnel, the State Board  of  Education  shall  accept
17    coursework  earned  in  a  recognized  institution or from an
18    institution  of  higher  learning  accredited  by  the  North
19    Central Association or other comparable regional  accrediting
20    association.
21        (b-5)  A  school  board  may  utilize volunteer personnel
22    from a regional School  Crisis  Assistance  Team  (S.C.A.T.),
23    created  as  part  of  the  Safe to Learn Program established
24    pursuant to Section 25 of the  Illinois  Violence  Prevention
25    Act  of  1995,  to  provide assistance to schools in times of
26    violence  or  other  traumatic  incidents  within  a   school
27    community by providing crisis intervention services to lessen
28    the  effects  of  emotional  trauma  on  individuals  and the
29    community.  The  School  Crisis  Assistance   Team   Steering
30    Committee shall determine the qualifications for volunteers.
31        (c)  School  boards  may  also  employ students holding a
32    bachelor's degree from a  recognized  institution  of  higher
33    learning  as teaching interns when such students are enrolled
34    in a college or  university  internship  program,  which  has
                            -14-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    prior  approval  by  the Professional Teacher Standards Board
 2    State Board of Education,  in  consultation  with  the  State
 3    Teacher Certification Board, leading to a masters degree.
 4        Regional  offices  of  education  have  the  authority to
 5    initiate and collaborate with institutions of higher learning
 6    to  establish  internship   programs   referenced   in   this
 7    subsection  (c).   The  State  Board of Education has 90 days
 8    from receiving a written proposal to establish the internship
 9    program to  seek  the  State  Teacher  Certification  Board's
10    consultation  on  the internship program.  If the State Board
11    of Education does not consult the State Teacher Certification
12    Board within 90 days, the regional office  of  education  may
13    seek  the  State  Teacher  Certification Board's consultation
14    without the State Board of Education's approval.
15        (d)  Nothing  in  this  Section  shall  require  constant
16    supervision of  a  student  teacher  enrolled  in  a  student
17    teaching  course  at  a  college or university, provided such
18    activity has the prior approval of the representative of  the
19    higher   education   institution   and  teaching  plans  have
20    previously  been  discussed  with   and   approved   by   the
21    supervising  teacher  and further provided that such teaching
22    is within guidelines established by the Professional  Teacher
23    Standards Board State Board of Education in consultation with
24    the State Teacher Certification Board.
25    (Source: P.A. 92-200, eff. 1-1-02; 92-724, eff. 7-25-02.)

26        (105 ILCS 5/14-1.09.1)
27        Sec.  14-1.09.1.  School  psychological services.  In the
28    public schools, school  psychological  services  provided  by
29    qualified   specialists  who  hold  Type  73  School  Service
30    Personnel Certificates endorsed for school psychology  issued
31    by  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards Board State Teacher
32    Certification Board may include, but are not limited to:  (i)
33    administration   and   interpretation  of  psychological  and
                            -15-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    educational   evaluations;   (ii)   developing   school-based
 2    prevention programs, including violence prevention  programs;
 3    (iii)  counseling  with  students,  parents,  and teachers on
 4    educational and mental health issues; (iv) acting as liaisons
 5    between public schools and community agencies; (v) evaluating
 6    program effectiveness;  (vi)  providing  crisis  intervention
 7    within  the  school setting; (vii) helping teachers, parents,
 8    and others involved in the  educational  process  to  provide
 9    optimum  teaching  and  learning conditions for all students;
10    (viii) supervising school psychologist  interns  enrolled  in
11    school   psychology   programs   that   meet   the  standards
12    established  by  the  State  Board  of  Education;  and  (ix)
13    screening of school  enrollments  to  identify  children  who
14    should  be  referred  for  individual study.  Nothing in this
15    Section  prohibits   other   qualified   professionals   from
16    providing   those   services   listed   for  which  they  are
17    appropriately trained.
18    (Source: P.A. 89-339, eff. 8-17-95.)

19        (105 ILCS 5/14-8.05) (from Ch. 122, par. 14-8.05)
20        Sec. 14-8.05.  Behavioral intervention.
21        (a)  The  General  Assembly  finds  and   declares   that
22    principals and teachers of students with disabilities require
23    training   and   guidance   that  provide  ways  for  working
24    successfully with children who have  difficulties  conforming
25    to  acceptable  behavioral  patterns  in  order to provide an
26    environment in which learning can occur.  It is the intent of
27    the General Assembly:
28             (1)  That when behavioral  interventions  are  used,
29        they  be  used  in  consideration of the pupil's physical
30        freedom and social interaction, and be administered in  a
31        manner  that  respects human dignity and personal privacy
32        and that ensures a pupil's  right  to  placement  in  the
33        least restrictive educational environment.
                            -16-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             (2)  That  behavioral  management plans be developed
 2        and used, to the extent possible, in a consistent  manner
 3        when a local educational agency has placed the pupil in a
 4        day or residential setting for education purposes.
 5             (3)  That  a statewide study be conducted of the use
 6        of   behavioral   interventions   with   students    with
 7        disabilities  receiving  special  education  and  related
 8        services.
 9             (4)  That   training   programs   be  developed  and
10        implemented in  institutions  of  higher  education  that
11        train  teachers, and that in-service training programs be
12        made available  as  necessary  in  school  districts,  in
13        educational    service    centers,    and   by   regional
14        superintendents of  schools  to  assure  that  adequately
15        trained  staff are available to work effectively with the
16        behavioral   intervention   needs   of   students    with
17        disabilities.
18        (b)  On   or   before   September  30,  1993,  the  State
19    Superintendent of Education shall conduct a  statewide  study
20    of  the  use  of  behavioral interventions with students with
21    disabilities  receiving   special   education   and   related
22    services.   The  study  shall include, but not necessarily be
23    limited to identification of the  frequency  in  the  use  of
24    behavioral   interventions;  the  number  of  districts  with
25    policies  in  place  for  working  with  children  exhibiting
26    continuous serious behavioral problems; how policies,  rules,
27    or  regulations within districts differ between emergency and
28    routine  behavioral  interventions  commonly  practiced;  the
29    nature and extent of costs for training provided to personnel
30    for  implementing  a  program   of   nonaversive   behavioral
31    interventions;  and  the  nature  and  extent  of  costs  for
32    training  provided  to  parents of students with disabilities
33    who would be receiving behavioral interventions.   The  scope
34    of  the  study  shall  be  developed  by  the  State Board of
                            -17-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Education,  in  consultation  with  individuals  and   groups
 2    representing    parents,    teachers,   administrators,   and
 3    advocates.  On or before June 30, 1994, the  State  Board  of
 4    Education   shall  issue  guidelines  based  on  the  study's
 5    findings.  The guidelines shall address, but not  be  limited
 6    to, the following:  (i) appropriate behavioral interventions,
 7    and  (ii)  how  to  properly document the need for and use of
 8    behavioral  interventions  in  the  process   of   developing
 9    individualized    education    plans    for   students   with
10    disabilities.  The guidelines shall be used as a reference to
11    assist  school  boards  in  developing  local  policies   and
12    procedures  in accordance with this Section.  The State Board
13    of Education, with the advice of  parents  of  students  with
14    disabilities  and  other  parents,  teachers, administrators,
15    advocates for persons with disabilities, and individuals with
16    knowledge or expertise in the development and  implementation
17    of  behavioral  interventions  for persons with disabilities,
18    shall review its behavioral intervention guidelines at  least
19    once   every   3   years   to   determine   their  continuing
20    appropriateness  and  effectiveness  and  shall   make   such
21    modifications in the guidelines as it deems necessary.
22        (c)  Each  school  board  must  establish  and maintain a
23    committee to develop policies and procedures on  the  use  of
24    behavioral  interventions  for students with disabilities who
25    require behavioral intervention.  The policies and procedures
26    shall be adopted and implemented by school boards by  January
27    1,  1996,  shall  be  amended as necessary to comply with the
28    rules established by  the  State  Board  of  Education  under
29    Section  2-3.130  of this Code not later than one month after
30    commencement of the school year  after  the  State  Board  of
31    Education's  rules  are  adopted, and shall: (i) be developed
32    with the advice of parents with  students  with  disabilities
33    and  other  parents,  teachers, administrators, advocates for
34    persons with disabilities, and individuals with knowledge  or
                            -18-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    expertise in the development and implementation of behavioral
 2    interventions  for  persons with disabilities; (ii) emphasize
 3    positive interventions  that  are  designed  to  develop  and
 4    strengthen  desirable behaviors; (iii) incorporate procedures
 5    and methods consistent with generally  accepted  practice  in
 6    the  field  of behavioral intervention; (iv) include criteria
 7    for determining when a student with disabilities may  require
 8    a   behavioral   intervention  plan;  (v)  reflect  that  the
 9    guidelines of the State Board of Education have been reviewed
10    and considered and provide the address of the State Board  of
11    Education  so  that  copies  of  the State Board of Education
12    behavioral guidelines may  be  requested;  and  (vi)  include
13    procedures  for  monitoring the use of restrictive behavioral
14    interventions.  Each school board shall (i) furnish a copy of
15    its local policies and procedures to parents and guardians of
16    all students with individualized education  plans  within  15
17    days  after  the policies and procedures have been adopted by
18    the school board, or within 15 days after  the  school  board
19    has  amended  its  policies and procedures, or at the time an
20    individualized education plan is first  implemented  for  the
21    student,  and  (ii)  require  that  each  school  inform  its
22    students  of  the  existence  of  the policies and procedures
23    annually.  Provided, at the annual  individualized  education
24    plan  review,  the  school  board shall (1) explain the local
25    policies and procedures, (2) furnish  a  copy  of  the  local
26    policies  to  parents  and guardians, and (3) make available,
27    upon request of any parents and guardians, a  copy  of  local
28    procedures.
29        (d)  The   Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State
30    Superintendent    of    Education    shall    consult    with
31    representatives of institutions of higher education  and  the
32    State  Teacher  Certification  Board in regard to the current
33    training requirements for teachers to ensure that  sufficient
34    training is available in appropriate behavioral interventions
                            -19-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    consistent   with   professionally   accepted  practices  and
 2    standards for people entering the field of education.
 3    (Source: P.A. 91-600, eff. 8-14-99; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01.)

 4        (105 ILCS 5/14C-2) (from Ch. 122, par. 14C-2)
 5        Sec. 14C-2. Definitions.  Unless  the  context  indicates
 6    otherwise,  the terms used in this Article have the following
 7    meanings:
 8        (a)  "State Board" means the State Board of Education.
 9        (b)  "Certification Board" means the Professional Teacher
10    Standards Board State Teacher Certification Board.
11        (c)  "School  District"   means   any   school   district
12    established under this Code.
13        (d)  "Children of limited English-speaking ability" means
14    (1)  children  who  were  not born in the United States whose
15    native tongue is a language other than English  and  who  are
16    incapable  of  performing  ordinary classwork in English; and
17    (2) children who were born in the United  States  of  parents
18    possessing no or limited English-speaking ability and who are
19    incapable of performing ordinary classwork in English.
20        (e)  "Teacher  of transitional bilingual education" means
21    a teacher with a speaking and reading ability in  a  language
22    other  than English in which transitional bilingual education
23    is offered and with communicative skills in English.
24        (f)  "Program in transitional bilingual education"  means
25    a  full-time  program of instruction (1) in all those courses
26    or subjects which a child is required by law to  receive  and
27    which are required by the child's school district which shall
28    be  given  in  the native language of the children of limited
29    English-speaking ability who are enrolled in the program  and
30    also in English, (2) in the reading and writing of the native
31    language  of the children of limited English-speaking ability
32    who  are  enrolled  in  the   program   and   in   the   oral
33    comprehension,  speaking, reading and writing of English, and
                            -20-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    (3) in the history and culture of the country,  territory  or
 2    geographic  area  which  is the native land of the parents of
 3    children of limited English-speaking ability who are enrolled
 4    in the program and in the history and culture of  the  United
 5    States;  or  a  part-time program of instruction based on the
 6    educational   needs   of   those    children    of    limited
 7    English-speaking  ability who do not need a full-time program
 8    of instruction.
 9    (Source: P.A. 86-1028.)

10        (105 ILCS 5/21-0.05 new)
11        Sec. 21-0.05.  Professional Teacher Standards Board.
12        (a)  The Professional Teacher Standards Board  is  hereby
13    created.  The  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  shall
14    consist  of  11  members  appointed by the Governor, with the
15    advice  and  consent  of  the  Senate.  Of  the  members   so
16    appointed,  one  shall  be  a  faculty  member  of  a  public
17    university  located  in  the  State,  one  shall be a faculty
18    member of a private college  or  university  located  in  the
19    State,  2  shall  be  school  administrators  employed in the
20    public schools of the State who have  been  nominated  by  an
21    administrator  organization, one shall be a representative of
22    the business community of the State who  is  a  parent  of  a
23    student  attending  a  public school in the State and who has
24    been nominated by a statewide business  organization,  and  6
25    shall be classroom teachers employed in the public schools of
26    the  State  (with  3  nominated by one professional teachers'
27    organization  and  3  nominated   by   another   professional
28    teachers'  organization).  At  least  one  of  the  classroom
29    teachers  so  appointed  shall  be  an  employee  of a school
30    district that is subject to the provisions of Article  34  of
31    this Code. Whenever a vacancy in a classroom teacher position
32    on  the  Professional Teacher Standards Board is to be filled
33    as provided  in  this  Section,  the  professional  teachers'
                            -21-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    organization that nominated the member who vacated the office
 2    is  entitled  to  nominate  a  candidate for the vacancy. The
 3    nominations of a professional teachers' organization shall be
 4    submitted by the organization to the Governor not  less  than
 5    60  days  prior  to  the  expiration  of the term of a person
 6    holding a classroom  teacher  position  on  the  Professional
 7    Teacher  Standards  Board  or  not  more than 60 days after a
 8    vacancy in such a position occurs for any other  reason.  The
 9    nominations  shall  be  in writing and shall be signed by the
10    president and secretary of the  organization  submitting  the
11    nominations.  Of  the  members  initially  appointed  to  the
12    Professional Teacher Standards Board: the faculty member of a
13    public university shall be appointed to serve a term expiring
14    on the third Monday of January, 2006; the faculty member of a
15    private  college  or university shall be appointed to serve a
16    term expiring on the third Monday of January,  2008;  one  of
17    the  2  school  administrators  shall be appointed to serve a
18    term expiring on the third Monday of January, 2006,  and  the
19    other school administrator shall be appointed to serve a term
20    expiring   on   the   third  Monday  of  January,  2008;  the
21    representative of the business community shall  be  appointed
22    to  serve  a  term  expiring  on the third Monday of January,
23    2006; and 3 of the 6 classroom teachers shall be appointed to
24    serve terms expiring on the third Monday  of  January,  2006,
25    with  the  remaining  3 classroom teachers being appointed to
26    serve terms expiring on the third Monday  of  January,  2008.
27    The  successors  in office of the members initially appointed
28    under this subsection shall each  serve  terms  of  4  years,
29    commencing  on the third Monday of January of the appropriate
30    even-numbered year. All members shall serve until a successor
31    is appointed, and any vacancy shall be filled for the balance
32    of the unexpired term in the same manner  as  an  appointment
33    for a full term is made.
34        (b)  The  State  Teacher Certification Board is abolished
                            -22-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    and the terms of its members are terminated  when  6  of  the
 2    initial  members of the Professional Teacher Standards Board,
 3    which shall constitute a quorum of that Board, are  appointed
 4    as   provided   in   subsection  (a).   The  members  of  the
 5    Professional Teacher Standards Board shall  take  office  and
 6    assume,   exercise,  and  perform  the  powers,  duties,  and
 7    responsibilities of that Board  under  this  Article  when  a
 8    quorum  of  the  initial  members of that Board is appointed.
 9    Matters pending before the State Teacher Certification  Board
10    at the time of its abolition shall continue as matters before
11    the  Professional  Teacher  Standards Board.  Until the State
12    Teacher Certification Board is abolished upon the appointment
13    of 6 persons to serve as initial members of the  Professional
14    Teacher  Standards  Board,  but  not  thereafter,  the  State
15    Teacher  Certification  Board  shall  exercise the powers and
16    duties that it was authorized or  required  to  exercise  and
17    perform  under  this  Code  or  any  other  law  prior to its
18    abolition. Until a quorum  of  the  initial  members  on  the
19    Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board is appointed, but not
20    thereafter, the  State  Board  of  Education  and  the  State
21    Superintendent  of  Education  shall  exercise the powers and
22    duties that the  State  Board  of  Education  and  the  State
23    Superintendent  of  Education  were authorized or required to
24    exercise and perform under this Code prior to the  giving  of
25    those powers and duties to the Professional Teacher Standards
26    Board under this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly.
27        (c)  The   chairperson   of   the   Professional  Teacher
28    Standards Board shall be elected by the members of the  Board
29    from  among  their number to serve for a term of one year.  A
30    person elected to serve as chairperson of the  Board  may  be
31    reelected  by  the members of the Board to succeed himself or
32    herself in that office.   The  members  of  the  Professional
33    Teacher   Standards   Board  shall  meet  promptly  upon  the
34    appointment  of  a  quorum  of  the   members   to   organize
                            -23-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    themselves,  elect  from  their number a chairperson and such
 2    other officers as they  deem  necessary,  and  establish  the
 3    dates  of the regular meetings of the Board. The Board  shall
 4    hold special meetings upon the call of the chairperson  or  a
 5    majority of its members.  Members of the Professional Teacher
 6    Standards  Board  shall  be  reimbursed  for all ordinary and
 7    necessary expenses incurred in  performing  their  duties  as
 8    members of the Board.
 9        (d)  The Professional Teacher Standards Board, as a State
10    agency that is eligible for appropriations, shall comply with
11    the  provisions of the Bureau of the Budget Act applicable to
12    State agencies.
13        (e)  The Professional Teacher Standards Board, acting  in
14    accordance with the provisions of this Article and exercising
15    the exclusive powers granted to it under Section 21-1c, shall
16    have the power and authority to do all of the following:
17             (1)  set  standards  for  teaching,  supervising, or
18        holding  other  certificated  employment  in  the  public
19        schools, and  administer  the  certification  process  as
20        provided in this Article;
21             (2)  approve  and evaluate teacher and administrator
22        preparation programs;
23             (3)  revoke  and  suspend  certificates  issued  for
24        teaching,  supervising,  or  holding  other  certificated
25        employment in the public schools for immorality or  other
26        unprofessional conduct;
27             (4)  enter   into   agreements   with  other  states
28        relative  to   reciprocal   approval   of   teacher   and
29        administrator preparation programs;
30             (5)  establish  standards  for  the  issuance of new
31        types of certificates;
32             (6)  employ and direct an  Executive  Director  (who
33        shall  be  responsible for negotiating contracts, hiring,
34        and establishing payroll and who shall be responsible for
                            -24-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        non-bargaining employees) and such  other  staff  as  the
 2        Board  deems  necessary to exercise its powers and duties
 3        under this Article, subject to the following  conditions:
 4        all  employees  of  the State Board of Education who lose
 5        their employment with the State Board of Education as the
 6        result of the establishment of the  Professional  Teacher
 7        Standards  Board  and the attendant transfer of power and
 8        duties to the Professional Teacher Standards Board  shall
 9        be  afforded  the  right  to  transfer  their  employment
10        without interruption from the State Board of Education to
11        the Professional Teacher Standards Board, retaining their
12        seniority  status  and  salary as it then exists with the
13        State Board of Education;
14             (7)  establish standards for  induction,  mentoring,
15        and professional development programs;
16             (8)  take   such   other   action  relating  to  the
17        improvement of instruction in the public schools  through
18        teacher  education  and professional development and that
19        attracts  qualified  candidates  into  teacher   training
20        programs as is appropriate and consistent with applicable
21        laws;
22             (9)  subject  to  appropriation,  provide  financial
23        assistance  for  programs that promote teacher education,
24        professional development, and the mentoring and retention
25        of teachers; and
26             (10)  make and prescribe rules and regulations  that
27        are necessary for the administration of this Article.
28        With  respect  to subdivision (6) of this subsection (e),
29    personnel  employed  by  the  State  Board  of  Education  on
30    December 31, 2003 or on the date immediately before the  date
31    that  a  quorum  of  the  initial members on the Professional
32    Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever occurs later,
33    to  perform  duties  pertaining  to  certification  shall  be
34    transferred on January 1, 2004 or on the date that  a  quorum
                            -25-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    of  the initial members on the Professional Teacher Standards
 2    Board  is  appointed,  whichever   occurs   later,   to   the
 3    Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board.  The rights of State
 4    employees under applicable collective  bargaining  agreements
 5    and  retirement plans are not affected by this amendatory Act
 6    of the 93rd General Assembly. All transferred employees shall
 7    remain in the same retirement system that they were in before
 8    the transfer. All transferred employees who  are  members  of
 9    collective  bargaining  units  shall  retain their seniority,
10    continuous service, salary, and accrued benefits. During  the
11    pendency of the existing collective bargaining agreement, the
12    rights  provided  for  under that agreement and memoranda and
13    supplements to that agreement, including  without  limitation
14    the  rights  of  employees  performing  duties  pertaining to
15    certification under the State Board of Education,  shall  not
16    be  abridged.  The Professional Teacher Standards Board shall
17    continue  to  honor  during  their  pendency  all  bargaining
18    agreements in effect at the  time  of  the  transfer  and  to
19    recognize  all  collective bargaining representatives for the
20    employees who perform or will perform  functions  transferred
21    by  this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly. For all
22    purposes with respect  to  the  management  of  the  existing
23    agreement and the negotiation and management of any successor
24    agreements, the Professional Teacher Standards Board shall be
25    deemed  to  be  the employer of employees who perform or will
26    perform functions transferred  to  the  Professional  Teacher
27    Standards  Board  by  this amendatory Act of the 93rd General
28    Assembly.
29        (f)  The  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board   shall
30    create  the  administrator  certification subcommittee, which
31    shall   be   advisory.   The   administrator    certification
32    subcommittee  shall  consist  of  the  2 school administrator
33    members of the Professional Teacher  Standards  Board  and  4
34    members appointed by the Professional Teacher Standards Board
                            -26-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    as follows:
 2             (1)  Two   school  administrators  nominated  by  an
 3        administrator organization.
 4             (2)  One administrator  who  is  an  employee  of  a
 5        school  district  that  is  subject  to the provisions of
 6        Article 34 of this Code.
 7             (3)  One regional superintendent of schools.
 8        The Professional Teacher Standards Board shall create the
 9    higher   education   program    approval    and    evaluation
10    subcommittee,  which  shall be advisory. The higher education
11    program approval and evaluation subcommittee shall consist of
12    the 2 university faculty members of the Professional  Teacher
13    Standards  Board  and 4 members appointed by the Professional
14    Teacher Standards Board as follows:
15             (1)  Three faculty members from a public  university
16        located in this State.
17             (2)  One  faculty  member  from a private college or
18        university located in this State.
19        In addition the Professional Teacher Standard  Board  may
20    establish  advisory  committees  if the Board determines that
21    such action may be necessary or appropriate.
22        (g)  Decisions  of  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards
23    Board with regard to the approval and evaluation  of  teacher
24    and  administrator  preparation programs may be appealed to a
25    committee consisting of members  appointed  by  the  Governor
26    with the advice and consent of the Senate as follows:
27             (1)  One   member   nominated   by   a  professional
28        teachers' organization.
29             (2)  One member nominated  by  another  professional
30        teachers' organization.
31             (3)  One   member   nominated  by  an  administrator
32        organization.

33        (105 ILCS 5/21-1) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-1)
                            -27-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        Sec. 21-1.  Qualification of teachers.   No  one  may  be
 2    certified to teach or supervise in the public schools of this
 3    State who is not of good character, good health, a citizen of
 4    the  United  States  or  legally  present  and authorized for
 5    employment, and at least 19 years of age.  If the holder of a
 6    certificate under this Section is not a citizen of the United
 7    States 6 years after the date of the issuance of the original
 8    certificate, any certificate held by such person on that date
 9    shall be cancelled by the board of  education  and  no  other
10    certificate  to  teach  shall  be issued to such person until
11    such person is a citizen of the United States.
12        Citizenship  is  not  required  for  the  issuance  of  a
13    temporary part-time certificate to participants  in  approved
14    training  programs  for  exchange  students  as  described in
15    Section 21-10.2.  A certificate issued under this plan  shall
16    expire  on  June 30 following the date of issue.  One renewal
17    for one year is  authorized  if  the  holder  remains  as  an
18    official participant in an approved exchange program.
19        In  determining  good  character  under this Section, any
20    felony  conviction  of  the  applicant  may  be  taken   into
21    consideration,  but  such a conviction shall not operate as a
22    bar to registration.
23        No person otherwise qualified shall be denied  the  right
24    to  be  certified,  to  receive  training  for the purpose of
25    becoming a teacher or to engage in practice teaching  in  any
26    school  because  of  a  physical disability including but not
27    limited to visual and hearing  disabilities;  nor  shall  any
28    school  district  refuse to employ a teacher on such grounds,
29    provided that the person is able to carry out the  duties  of
30    the position for which he applies.
31        No  person  may be granted or continue to hold a teaching
32    certificate who has knowingly altered or  misrepresented  his
33    or  her  teaching  qualifications  in  order  to  acquire the
34    certificate.  Any other certificate held by such  person  may
                            -28-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    be suspended or revoked by the Professional Teacher Standards
 2    Board  State  Teacher Certification Board, depending upon the
 3    severity of the alteration or misrepresentation.
 4        No one may teach or supervise in the public  schools  nor
 5    receive  for  teaching  or supervising any part of any public
 6    school fund, who does not hold a certificate of qualification
 7    granted, on or after January 1, 2004 or on or after the  date
 8    that  a  quorum  of  the  initial members on the Professional
 9    Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever occurs later,
10    by the Professional Teacher Standards Board, or granted prior
11    to that date by the State Board of Education or by the  State
12    Teacher  Certification Board and a regional superintendent of
13    schools as hereinafter provided, or by the board of education
14    of a city having a population exceeding 500,000  inhabitants,
15    except as provided in Section 34-6 and in Section 10-22.34 or
16    Section 10-22.34b. However, the provisions of this Article do
17    not  apply to a member of the armed forces who is employed as
18    a teacher of subjects in the Reserve Officer's Training Corps
19    of any school.  Sections 21-2 through 21-24 do not  apply  to
20    cities  having  a  population  exceeding 500,000 inhabitants,
21    beginning until July 1, 1988.
22        Notwithstanding any other  provision  of  this  Act,  the
23    board  of  education  of  any  school district may grant to a
24    teacher of the district a leave of absence with full pay  for
25    a  period of not more than one year to permit such teacher to
26    teach in a foreign state under the provisions of the Exchange
27    Teacher  Program  established  under  Public  Law  584,  79th
28    Congress, and Public Law 402, 80th Congress, as amended.  The
29    school board granting such leave of absence may  employ  with
30    or  without  pay  a national of the foreign state wherein the
31    teacher on leave of absence will teach, if  the  national  is
32    qualified  to  teach  in  that  foreign  state,  and  if that
33    national will teach in a grade level similar to the one which
34    was taught in such foreign state.  The  Professional  Teacher
                            -29-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Standards Board State Board of Education shall promulgate and
 2    enforce  such  reasonable  rules  and  regulations  as may be
 3    necessary to effectuate the provisions of this Article or may
 4    adopt for such purposes any  of  the  rules  and  regulations
 5    promulgated  prior  to  January  1, 2004 or prior to the date
 6    that a quorum of the  initial  members  on  the  Professional
 7    Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever occurs later,
 8    by  the  State  Board  of  Education  or by the State Teacher
 9    Certification Board prior to  the  abolition  of  that  Board
10    paragraph.
11    (Source:  P.A.  88-189;  89-159,  eff.  1-1-96;  89-397, eff.
12    8-20-95; 89-626, eff. 8-9-96.)

13        (105 ILCS 5/21-1a) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-1a)
14        Sec. 21-1a. Tests required for certification and  teacher
15    preparation.
16        (a)  After  July  1,  1988,  in  addition  to  all  other
17    requirements,  early  childhood,  elementary,  special,  high
18    school,  school  service personnel, or, except as provided in
19    Section 34-6, administrative certificates shall be issued  to
20    persons who have satisfactorily passed a test of basic skills
21    and  subject  matter knowledge. The tests of basic skills and
22    subject matter knowledge shall be the tests which  from  time
23    to  time are designated by the Professional Teacher Standards
24    Board State Board of Education in consultation with the State
25    Teacher Certification Board and may be tests prepared  by  an
26    educational  testing  organization  or  tests designed by the
27    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
28    in consultation with the State Teacher  Certification  Board.
29    The  areas  to  be  covered by the test of basic skills shall
30    include the basic skills of  reading,  writing,  grammar  and
31    mathematics.   The  test  of  subject  matter knowledge shall
32    assess content knowledge in the specific subject  field.  The
33    tests shall be designed to be racially neutral to assure that
                            -30-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    no  person  in  taking  the  tests  is  thereby discriminated
 2    against on the basis of race, color, national origin or other
 3    factors unrelated to the person's ability  to  perform  as  a
 4    certificated  employee.  The score required to pass the tests
 5    of basic skills and subject matter knowledge shall  be  fixed
 6    by  the  Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Board of
 7    Education   in   consultation   with   the   State    Teacher
 8    Certification  Board.  The tests shall be held not fewer than
 9    3 times a year at such time and place as may be designated by
10    the Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board  of
11    Education    in   consultation   with   the   State   Teacher
12    Certification Board.
13        (b)  Except as provided in Section 34-6,  the  provisions
14    of  subsection (a) of this Section shall apply equally in any
15    school district subject to  Article  34,  provided  that  the
16    State  Board  of Education shall determine which certificates
17    issued under Sections 34-8.1 and 34-83 prior to July 1,  1988
18    are comparable to any early childhood certificate, elementary
19    school   certificate,   special   certificate,   high  school
20    certificate,  school   service   personnel   certificate   or
21    administrative  certificate  issued  under this Article as of
22    July 1, 1988.
23        (c)  A person who holds an early  childhood,  elementary,
24    special,  high school or school service personnel certificate
25    issued under this Article on or at any time  before  July  1,
26    1988,  including  a  person  who  has  been  issued  any such
27    certificate pursuant to Section 21-11.1 or in exchange for  a
28    comparable   certificate  theretofore  issued  under  Section
29    34-8.1 or Section 34-83, shall not be  required  to  take  or
30    pass  the  tests in order to thereafter have such certificate
31    renewed.
32        (d)  (Blank).   The   State   Board   of   Education   in
33    consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board shall
34    conduct a pilot administration of the tests by  administering
                            -31-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    the test to students completing teacher education programs in
 2    the  1986-87  school  year for the purpose of determining the
 3    effect and impact of testing candidates for certification.
 4        Beginning with the 2002-2003 academic year, a student may
 5    not enroll in a teacher preparation program at  a  recognized
 6    teacher  training  institution until he or she has passed the
 7    basic skills test.
 8        Beginning with the 2004-2005 academic year, a  preservice
 9    education  teacher  may not student teach until he or she has
10    passed the subject matter test in the discipline in which  he
11    or she will student teach.
12        (e)  The rules and regulations developed to implement the
13    required  test  of  basic skills and subject matter knowledge
14    shall include the requirements of subsections (a),  (b),  and
15    (c)  and  shall  include  specific regulations to govern test
16    selection; test validation and  determination  of  a  passing
17    score;    administration   of   the   tests;   frequency   of
18    administration;  applicant  fees;  frequency  of  applicants'
19    taking the tests; the years for which a score is valid;  and,
20    waiving  certain additional tests for additional certificates
21    to individuals who have satisfactorily  passed  the  test  of
22    basic  skills  and  subject  matter  knowledge as required in
23    subsection (a).  The  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board
24    State  Board  of  Education  shall provide, by rule, specific
25    policies that assure uniformity in the  difficulty  level  of
26    each  form  of  the basic skills test and each subject matter
27    knowledge  test  from  test-to-test  and  year-to-year.   The
28    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
29    shall also set a passing score for the tests.
30        (f)  (Blank). The State Teacher Certification  Board  may
31    issue  a  nonrenewable  temporary certificate between July 1,
32    1988 and August 31, 1988 to individuals who  have  taken  the
33    tests of basic skills and subject matter knowledge prescribed
34    by  this  Section  but  have not received such test scores by
                            -32-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    August 31, 1988.  Such temporary certificates shall expire on
 2    December 31, 1988.
 3        (g)  Beginning February 15, 2000  and  until  January  1,
 4    2004  or  until  a  quorum  of  the  initial  members  on the
 5    Professional Teacher Standards Board is appointed,  whichever
 6    occurs  later,  the State Board of Education, in consultation
 7    with the State Teacher Certification Board,  shall  implement
 8    and administer the a new system of certification for teachers
 9    in the State of Illinois. Beginning on January 1, 2004 or the
10    date that a quorum of the initial members on the Professional
11    Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever occurs later,
12    the Professional Teachers Standards Board shall implement and
13    administer  this  system  of  certification. The Professional
14    Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board  of   Education,   in
15    consultation  with  the  State  Teacher  Certification Board,
16    shall design and  implement  a  system  of  examinations  and
17    various  other  criteria which shall be required prior to the
18    issuance  of  Initial  Teaching  Certificates  and   Standard
19    Teaching  Certificates.   These  examinations  and indicators
20    shall be based on national and  State  professional  teaching
21    standards,   as   determined   by  the  Professional  Teacher
22    Standards Board State Board  of  Education,  in  consultation
23    with  the State Teacher Certification Board. The Professional
24    Teacher Standards Board State Board of  Education  may  adopt
25    any and all regulations necessary to implement and administer
26    this Section.
27        (h)  The  State  Board  of  Education shall report to the
28    Illinois   General   Assembly   and   the    Governor    with
29    recommendations  for  further changes and improvements to the
30    teacher certification system no later than July 1,  1999  and
31    on an annual basis until July 1, 2001.
32    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99; 92-734, eff. 7-25-02.)

33        (105 ILCS 5/21-1b) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-1b)
                            -33-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        Sec.  21-1b.   Subject  endorsement on certificates.  All
 2    certificates initially issued under this Article  after  June
 3    30,  1986,  shall be specifically endorsed by the State Board
 4    of Education for each subject the holder of  the  certificate
 5    is  legally  qualified to teach, such endorsements to be made
 6    in accordance with standards promulgated by the  Professional
 7    Teacher   Standards   Board   State  Board  of  Education  in
 8    consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board.  All
 9    certificates which are issued under  this  Article  prior  to
10    July  1, 1986 may, by application to the Professional Teacher
11    Standards Board State Board  of  Education,  be  specifically
12    endorsed  for each subject the holder is legally qualified to
13    teach.  All subject endorsements made on or after January  1,
14    2004  or  on  or  after the date that a quorum of the initial
15    members  on  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  is
16    appointed,  whichever  occurs  later,  to  new  or   existing
17    certificates as provided in this Section shall be made by the
18    Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board.  Endorsements issued
19    under this Section shall not apply  to  substitute  teacher's
20    certificates issued under Section 21-9 of this Code.
21        Commencing July 1, 1999, each application for endorsement
22    of an existing teaching certificate shall be accompanied by a
23    $30  nonrefundable  fee.   There  is hereby created a Teacher
24    Certificate Fee Revolving Fund as a special fund  within  the
25    State  Treasury.   The proceeds of each $30 fee shall be paid
26    into the Teacher Certificate  Fee  Revolving  Fund;  and  the
27    moneys in that Fund shall be appropriated to the Professional
28    Teacher Standards Board and used by that Board to provide the
29    technology  and  other resources necessary for the timely and
30    efficient processing of certification requests.
31    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)

32        (105 ILCS 5/21-1c) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-1c)
33        Sec. 21-1c.  Exclusive certificate authority.   Only  the
                            -34-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
 2    and  State  Teacher Certification Board, acting in accordance
 3    with the applicable provisions of this  Act  and  the  rules,
 4    regulations  and standards promulgated thereunder, shall have
 5    the authority to issue or endorse  any  certificate  required
 6    for  teaching, supervising or holding certificated employment
 7    in the public schools; and no other State agency  shall  have
 8    any  power  or  authority  (i)  to establish or prescribe any
 9    qualifications or other requirements applicable to teacher or
10    administrator training and certification or to  the  issuance
11    or   endorsement   of  any  such  certificate,  required  for
12    teaching, supervising, or holding certified employment in the
13    public  schools,  or  (ii)  to  establish  or  prescribe  any
14    licensure or equivalent requirement which must  be  satisfied
15    in  order to teach, supervise or hold certificated employment
16    in the public schools.  This Section does  not  prohibit  the
17    Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State  Board  of
18    Education,   in   consultation   with   the   State   Teacher
19    Certification   Board,   from    delegating    to    regional
20    superintendents  of  schools the authority to grant temporary
21    employment  authorizations  to   teacher   applicants   whose
22    qualifications   have  been  confirmed  by  the  Professional
23    Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board  of   Education,   in
24    consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board.
25    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)

26        (105 ILCS 5/21-2) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-2)
27        Sec. 21-2.  Grades of certificates.
28        (a)  All  certificates issued under this Article shall be
29    State certificates valid, except as limited in Section  21-1,
30    in  every school district coming under the provisions of this
31    Act and shall be limited in time and designated  as  follows:
32    Provisional  vocational  certificate,  temporary  provisional
33    vocational    certificate,   early   childhood   certificate,
                            -35-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    elementary school certificate, special certificate, secondary
 2    certificate,   school    service    personnel    certificate,
 3    administrative   certificate,  provisional  certificate,  and
 4    substitute certificate.  The requirement of student  teaching
 5    under   close  and  competent  supervision  for  obtaining  a
 6    teaching  certificate  may  be  waived  by  the  Professional
 7    Teacher Standards Board  State  Teacher  Certification  Board
 8    upon  presentation  to  that  the  Board  by  the  teacher of
 9    evidence of 5 years successful teaching experience on a valid
10    certificate and graduation from a recognized  institution  of
11    higher learning with a bachelor's degree.
12        (b)  Initial  Teaching Certificate.  Persons who (1) have
13    completed an approved teacher preparation  program,  (2)  are
14    recommended  by  an approved teacher preparation program, (3)
15    have   successfully   completed    the    Initial    Teaching
16    Certification   examinations  required  by  the  Professional
17    Teacher Standards Board State Board  of  Education,  and  (4)
18    have  met  all other criteria established by the Professional
19    Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board   of   Education   in
20    consultation  with  the  State  Teacher  Certification Board,
21    shall be issued an Initial Teaching Certificate valid  for  4
22    years  of teaching, as defined in Section 21-14 of this Code.
23    Initial Teaching Certificates shall be issued for  categories
24    corresponding  to Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, and
25    Special K-12, with  special  certification  designations  for
26    Special  Education, Bilingual Education, fundamental learning
27    areas  (including  Language   Arts,   Reading,   Mathematics,
28    Science,  Social  Science,  Physical  Development and Health,
29    Fine Arts, and Foreign Language), and other areas  designated
30    by  the  Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Board of
31    Education,   in   consultation   with   the   State   Teacher
32    Certification Board.
33        (c)  Standard Certificate.
34        (1)  Persons who (i) have completed 4 years of  teaching,
                            -36-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    as  defined  in  Section  21-14 of this Code, with an Initial
 2    Certificate or an Initial  Alternative  Teaching  Certificate
 3    and  have  met  all  other  criteria established by the State
 4    Board of Education in consultation  with  the  State  Teacher
 5    Certification Board before January 1, 2004 or before the date
 6    that  a  quorum  of  the  initial members on the Professional
 7    Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever occurs later,
 8    and by the Professional Teacher Standards Board on and  after
 9    January 1, 2004 or on and after the date that a quorum of the
10    initial  members  on the Professional Teacher Standards Board
11    is appointed, whichever occurs later, (ii) have  completed  4
12    years  of  teaching  on  a  valid  equivalent  certificate in
13    another State or territory of  the  United  States,  or  have
14    completed  4  years  of  teaching  in  a  nonpublic  Illinois
15    elementary or secondary school with an Initial Certificate or
16    an Initial Alternative Teaching Certificate, and have met all
17    other  criteria  established by the State Board of Education,
18    in consultation with the State Teacher  Certification  Board,
19    before  January  1,  2004 or before the date that a quorum of
20    the initial members on  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards
21    Board  is  appointed,  whichever  occurs  later,  and  by the
22    Professional Teacher Standards Board on and after January  1,
23    2004  or  on  and after the date that a quorum of the initial
24    members  on  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  is
25    appointed, whichever  occurs  later,  or  (iii)  were  issued
26    teaching  certificates  prior  to  February  15, 2000 and are
27    renewing those certificates after February 15, 2000, shall be
28    issued a Standard Certificate valid for 5 years, which may be
29    renewed thereafter every 5 years by the Professional  Teacher
30    Standards  Board  State  Teacher Certification Board based on
31    proof of continuing education  or  professional  development.
32    Beginning July 1, 2003, persons who have completed 4 years of
33    teaching,  as  described  in  clauses  (i)  and  (ii) of this
34    paragraph (1), have successfully completed  the  requirements
                            -37-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    of  paragraphs  (2)  through  (4) of this subsection (c), and
 2    have met all other criteria established by  the  Professional
 3    Teacher   Standards   Board  State  Board  of  Education,  in
 4    consultation with  the  State  Teacher  Certification  Board,
 5    shall be issued Standard Certificates.  Standard Certificates
 6    shall   be  issued  for  categories  corresponding  to  Early
 7    Childhood, Elementary,  Secondary,  and  Special  K-12,  with
 8    special  certification  designations  for  Special Education,
 9    Bilingual Education, fundamental  learning  areas  (including
10    Language Arts, Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Science,
11    Physical  Development  and  Health,  Fine  Arts,  and Foreign
12    Language), and other areas  designated  by  the  Professional
13    Teacher   Standards   Board  State  Board  of  Education,  in
14    consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board.
15        (2)  This paragraph (2) applies  only  to  those  persons
16    required  to  successfully  complete the requirements of this
17    paragraph under paragraph (1) of  this  subsection  (c).   In
18    order  to  receive  a Standard Teaching Certificate, a person
19    must satisfy one of the  following  requirements,  which  the
20    person must identify, in writing, as the requirement that the
21    person  has  chosen  to  satisfy  to  the  responsible  local
22    professional  development  committee  established pursuant to
23    subsection (f) of Section 21-14 of this Code:
24             (A)  Completion  of  a  program  of  induction   and
25        mentoring  for new teachers that is based upon a specific
26        plan approved by the Professional Teacher Standards Board
27        State Board of Education, in consultation with the  State
28        Teacher  Certification  Board. The plan must describe the
29        role of mentor teachers, the  criteria  and  process  for
30        their selection, and how all the following components are
31        to be provided:
32                  (i)  Assignment  of  a  formally trained mentor
33             teacher to each new teacher for a  specified  period
34             of time, which shall be established by the employing
                            -38-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             school  or  school  district but shall be at least 2
 2             school years in duration,  provided  that  a  mentor
 3             teacher  may  not directly or indirectly participate
 4             in the evaluation  of  a  new  teacher  pursuant  to
 5             Article 24A of this Code or the evaluation procedure
 6             of the school.
 7                  (ii)  Formal mentoring for each new teacher.
 8                  (iii)  Support for each new teacher in relation
 9             to the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards, the
10             content-area   standards   applicable   to  the  new
11             teacher's area of certification, and any  applicable
12             local    school    improvement    and   professional
13             development plans.
14                  (iv)  Professional   development   specifically
15             designed to foster the growth of each new  teacher's
16             knowledge and skills.
17                  (v)  Formative  assessment that is based on the
18             Illinois   Professional   Teaching   Standards   and
19             designed to provide feedback to the new teacher  and
20             opportunities   for   reflection   on   his  or  her
21             performance, which must  not  be  used  directly  or
22             indirectly  in  any  evaluation  of  a  new  teacher
23             pursuant   to  Article  24A  of  this  Code  or  the
24             evaluation procedure of the school  and  which  must
25             include  the activities specified in clauses (B)(i),
26             (B)(ii), and (B)(iii) of this paragraph (2).
27                  (vi)  Assignment    of    responsibility    for
28             coordination of the induction and mentoring  program
29             within  each  school  district  participating in the
30             program.
31             (B)  Successful completion of 4  semester  hours  of
32        graduate-level  coursework on the assessment of one's own
33        performance in  relation  to  the  Illinois  Professional
34        Teaching  Standards.   The coursework must be approved by
                            -39-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        the Professional Teacher Standards Board State  Board  of
 2        Education,   in   consultation  with  the  State  Teacher
 3        Certification  Board;  must  be  offered  either  by   an
 4        institution  of  higher education, by such an institution
 5        in partnership with a teachers' association or  union  or
 6        with a regional office of education, or by another entity
 7        authorized  to  issue  college  credit;  and must include
 8        demonstration of performance through all of the following
 9        activities for each of the Illinois Professional Teaching
10        Standards:
11                  (i)  Observation, by the course  instructor  or
12             another  experienced  teacher,  of the new teacher's
13             classroom practice (the observation may be  recorded
14             for  later  viewing)  for the purpose of identifying
15             and describing how  the  new  teacher  made  content
16             meaningful  for  students; how the teacher motivated
17             individuals and the group and created an environment
18             conducive to positive  social  interactions,  active
19             learning,  and  self-motivation;  what instructional
20             strategies the teacher used to  encourage  students'
21             development  of  critical thinking, problem solving,
22             and performance; how the teacher communicated  using
23             written, verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication
24             techniques; and how the teacher maintained standards
25             of  professional  conduct and provided leadership to
26             improve students' learning.
27                  (ii)  Review  and  analysis,  by   the   course
28             instructor   or   another  experienced  teacher,  of
29             written   documentation   (i.e.,    lesson    plans,
30             assignments,  assessment instruments, and samples of
31             students' work) prepared by the new teacher  for  at
32             least  2  lessons.  The  documentation  must provide
33             evidence  of  classroom   performance   related   to
34             Illinois  Professional  Teaching Standards 1 through
                            -40-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             9, with an emphasis on how the teacher used  his  or
 2             her  understanding of students, assessment data, and
 3             subject matter to decide on learning goals; how  the
 4             teacher   designed   or   selected   activities  and
 5             instructional materials and aligned  instruction  to
 6             the  relevant  Illinois  Learning Standards; how the
 7             teacher  adapted  or  modified  curriculum  to  meet
 8             individual students'  needs;  and  how  the  teacher
 9             sequenced   instruction  and  designed  or  selected
10             student assessment strategies.
11                  (iii)  Demonstration of professional  expertise
12             on  the part of the new teacher in reflecting on his
13             or her practice, which  was  observed  under  clause
14             (B)(i)  of  this  paragraph (2) and documented under
15             clause (B)(ii) of this paragraph (2),  in  terms  of
16             teaching strengths, weaknesses, and implications for
17             improvement  according  to the Illinois Professional
18             Teaching Standards.
19             (C)  Successful  completion  of  a  minimum   of   4
20        semester  hours  of  graduate-level coursework addressing
21        preparation to meet the requirements for certification by
22        the National Board for  Professional  Teaching  Standards
23        (NBPTS).    The   coursework  must  be  approved  by  the
24        Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board  of
25        Education,  in  consultation  with  the   State   Teacher
26        Certification  Board,  and  must  be offered either by an
27        institution of higher education, by such  an  institution
28        in  partnership  with a teachers' association or union or
29        with a regional office of education, or by another entity
30        authorized to issue  college  credit.   The  course  must
31        address  the  5  NBPTS  Core  Propositions  and  relevant
32        standards through such means as the following:
33                  (i)  Observation,  by  the course instructor or
34             another experienced teacher, of  the  new  teacher's
                            -41-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             classroom  practice (the observation may be recorded
 2             for later viewing) for the  purpose  of  identifying
 3             and  describing  how  the  new  teacher made content
 4             meaningful for students; how the  teacher  motivated
 5             individuals and the group and created an environment
 6             conducive  to  positive  social interactions, active
 7             learning, and  self-motivation;  what  instructional
 8             strategies  the  teacher used to encourage students'
 9             development of critical thinking,  problem  solving,
10             and  performance; how the teacher communicated using
11             written, verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication
12             techniques; and how the teacher maintained standards
13             of professional conduct and provided  leadership  to
14             improve students' learning.
15                  (ii)  Review   and   analysis,  by  the  course
16             instructor  or  another  experienced   teacher,   of
17             written    documentation    (i.e.,   lesson   plans,
18             assignments, assessment instruments, and samples  of
19             students'  work)  prepared by the new teacher for at
20             least 2  lessons.  The  documentation  must  provide
21             evidence of classroom performance, including how the
22             teacher  used  his or her understanding of students,
23             assessment data, and subject  matter  to  decide  on
24             learning goals; how the teacher designed or selected
25             activities  and  instructional materials and aligned
26             instruction  to  the  relevant   Illinois   Learning
27             Standards;  how  the  teacher  adapted  or  modified
28             curriculum  to  meet individual students' needs; and
29             how the teacher sequenced instruction  and  designed
30             or selected student assessment strategies.
31                  (iii)  Demonstration  of professional expertise
32             on the part of the new teacher in reflecting on  his
33             or  her  practice,  which  was observed under clause
34             (C)(i) of this paragraph (2)  and  documented  under
                            -42-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             clause  (C)(ii)  of  this paragraph (2), in terms of
 2             teaching strengths, weaknesses, and implications for
 3             improvement.
 4             (D)  Receipt  of  an   advanced   degree   from   an
 5        accredited   institution   of   higher  education  in  an
 6        education-related  field,  provided  that  at   least   8
 7        semester hours of the coursework completed count toward a
 8        degree, certificate, or endorsement in a teaching field.
 9             (E)  Accumulation   of  60  continuing  professional
10        development units (CPDUs), earned by completing  selected
11        activities  that  comply  with  paragraphs (3) and (4) of
12        this subsection (c).   However,  for  an  individual  who
13        holds  an  Initial  Teaching Certificate on the effective
14        date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly,
15        the number of CPDUs  shall  be  reduced  to  reflect  the
16        teaching   time   remaining   on   the  Initial  Teaching
17        Certificate.
18             (F)  Completion    of    a    nationally     normed,
19        performance-based  assessment,  if  made available by the
20        Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board  of
21        Education  in  consultation  with   the   State   Teacher
22        Certification Board, provided that the cost to the person
23        shall  not exceed the cost of the coursework described in
24        clause (B) of this paragraph (2).
25        (3)  This paragraph (3) applies  only  to  those  persons
26    required  to  successfully  complete the requirements of this
27    paragraph under paragraph (1) of  this  subsection  (c).   At
28    least  one-half  the  CPDUs  a person must accrue in order to
29    qualify for a Standard Teaching Certificate  must  be  earned
30    through   completion   of  coursework,  workshops,  seminars,
31    conferences, and  other  similar  training  events  that  are
32    pre-approved  by  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards Board
33    State Board of Education,  in  consultation  with  the  State
34    Teacher Certification Board, for the purpose of reflection on
                            -43-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    teaching  practices  in  order to address all of the Illinois
 2    Professional  Teaching  Standards  necessary  to   obtain   a
 3    Standard  Teaching  Certificate.   These activities must meet
 4    all of the following requirements:
 5             (A)  Each activity must be  designed  to  advance  a
 6        person's  knowledge and skills in relation to one or more
 7        of the Illinois Professional  Teaching  Standards  or  in
 8        relation  to the content-area standards applicable to the
 9        teacher's field of certification.
10             (B)  Taken together, the activities  completed  must
11        address   each  of  the  Illinois  Professional  Teaching
12        Standards as provided in  clauses  (B)(i),  (B)(ii),  and
13        (B)(iii) of paragraph (2) of this subsection (c).
14             (C)  Each  activity  must  be  provided by an entity
15        approved by  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board
16        State  Board of Education, in consultation with the State
17        Teacher Certification Board, for this purpose.
18             (D)  Each  activity,  integral  to  its   successful
19        completion,  must require participants to demonstrate the
20        degree to which  they  have  acquired  new  knowledge  or
21        skills,  such as through performance, through preparation
22        of a  written  product,  through  assembling  samples  of
23        students'  or teachers' work, or by some other means that
24        is appropriate to the subject matter of the activity.
25             (E)  One CPDU shall be available for  each  hour  of
26        direct  participation  by a holder of an Initial Teaching
27        Certificate in a qualifying activity.  An activity may be
28        attributed to more than one of the Illinois  Professional
29        Teaching  Standards, but credit for any activity shall be
30        counted only once.
31        (4)  This paragraph (4) applies  only  to  those  persons
32    required  to  successfully  complete the requirements of this
33    paragraph under paragraph (1) of this  subsection  (c).   The
34    balance of the CPDUs a person must accrue in order to qualify
                            -44-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    for  a  Standard  Teaching  Certificate,  in combination with
 2    those earned pursuant to paragraph  (3)  of  this  subsection
 3    (c), may be chosen from among the following, provided that an
 4    activity  listed in clause (C) of this paragraph (4) shall be
 5    creditable only if its provider is approved for this  purpose
 6    by  the  Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Board of
 7    Education,   in   consultation   with   the   State   Teacher
 8    Certification Board:
 9             (A)  Collaboration   and   partnership    activities
10        related to improving a person's knowledge and skills as a
11        teacher, including all of the following:
12                  (i)  Peer review and coaching.
13                  (ii)  Mentoring  in a formal mentoring program,
14             including   service   as   a   consulting    teacher
15             participating  in  a  remediation process formulated
16             under Section 24A-5 of this Code.
17                  (iii)  Facilitating parent  education  programs
18             directly   related  to  student  achievement  for  a
19             school,  school  district,  or  regional  office  of
20             education.
21                  (iv)  Participating  in  business,  school,  or
22             community partnerships directly related  to  student
23             achievement.
24             (B)  Teaching college or university courses in areas
25        relevant  to a teacher's field of certification, provided
26        that the teaching may only be  counted  once  during  the
27        course of 4 years.
28             (C)  Conferences,  workshops,  institutes, seminars,
29        and symposiums related to improving a person's  knowledge
30        and skills as a teacher, including all of the following:
31                  (i)  Completing  non-university credit directly
32             related  to  student   achievement,   the   Illinois
33             Professional  Teaching  Standards,  or  content-area
34             standards.
                            -45-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1                  (ii)  Participating   in   or   presenting   at
 2             workshops,  seminars,  conferences,  institutes, and
 3             symposiums.
 4                  (iii)  Training as external reviewers  for  the
 5             State Board of Education.
 6                  (iv)  Training   as   reviewers  of  university
 7             teacher preparation programs.
 8             (D)  Other  educational   experiences   related   to
 9        improving  a  person's knowledge and skills as a teacher,
10        including all of the following:
11                  (i)  Participating  in  action   research   and
12             inquiry projects.
13                  (ii)  Observing   programs   or   teaching   in
14             schools,  related  businesses,  or  industry that is
15             systematic, purposeful, and relevant to a  teacher's
16             field of certification.
17                  (iii)  Participating in study groups related to
18             student   achievement,   the  Illinois  Professional
19             Teaching Standards, or content-area standards.
20                  (iv)  Participating in work/learn  programs  or
21             internships.
22                  (v)  Developing  a  portfolio  of students' and
23             teacher's work.
24             (E)  Professional leadership experiences related  to
25        improving  a  person's knowledge and skills as a teacher,
26        including all of the following:
27                  (i)  Participating in curriculum development or
28        assessment activities at  the  school,  school  district,
29        regional office of education, State, or national level.
30                  (ii)  Participating   in   team  or  department
31             leadership in a school or school district.
32                  (iii)  Participating on  external  or  internal
33             school or school district review teams.
34                  (iv)  Publishing educational articles, columns,
                            -46-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             or   books   relevant   to   a  teacher's  field  of
 2             certification.
 3                  (v)  Participating   in   non-strike    related
 4             activities  of  a  professional association or labor
 5             organization  that  are  related   to   professional
 6             development.
 7        (5)  A person must complete his or her chosen requirement
 8    under  paragraph  (2)  of  this  subsection  (c)  before  the
 9    expiration  of  his  or  her Initial Teaching Certificate and
10    must  submit  evidence  of  having  done  so  to  the   local
11    professional  development  committee.   Within  30 days after
12    receipt of a  person's  evidence  of  completion,  the  local
13    professional development committee shall forward the evidence
14    of  completion  to the responsible regional superintendent of
15    schools  along  with  the  local   professional   development
16    committee's  recommendation,  based  on  that evidence, as to
17    whether the person is eligible to receive a Standard Teaching
18    Certificate.  The local  professional  development  committee
19    shall  provide  a copy of this recommendation to the affected
20    person.
21        The regional superintendent of schools shall  review  the
22    evidence  of completion submitted by a person and, based upon
23    compliance with all of the  requirements  for  receipt  of  a
24    Standard   Teaching   Certificate,   shall   forward  to  the
25    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
26    a recommendation for issuance or non-issuance.  The  regional
27    superintendent of schools shall notify the affected person of
28    the recommendation forwarded.
29        Upon  review  of  a  regional  superintendent of school's
30    recommendations, the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board
31    State  Board  of  Education  shall  issue  Standard  Teaching
32    Certificates  to those who qualify and shall notify a person,
33    in  writing,  of  a  decision  denying  a  Standard  Teaching
34    Certificate.  Any decision denying  issuance  of  a  Standard
                            -47-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Teaching Certificate to a person may be appealed to the State
 2    Teacher Certification Board.
 3        (6)  The Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board
 4    of   Education,   in  consultation  with  the  State  Teacher
 5    Certification  Board,  may  adopt  rules  to  implement  this
 6    subsection (c) and  may  periodically  evaluate  any  of  the
 7    methods  of  qualifying  for  a Standard Teaching Certificate
 8    described in this subsection (c).
 9        (d)  Master Certificate.  Persons who  have  successfully
10    achieved  National  Board  certification through the National
11    Board for Professional Teaching Standards shall be  issued  a
12    Master   Certificate,   valid  for  10  years  and  renewable
13    thereafter   every   10   years   through   compliance   with
14    requirements set forth by the State Board  of  Education,  in
15    consultation  with  the  State  Teacher  Certification Board,
16    before January 1, 2004 or before the date that  a  quorum  of
17    the  initial  members  on  the Professional Teacher Standards
18    Board is  appointed,  whichever  occurs  later,  and  by  the
19    Professional  Teacher Standards Board on and after January 1,
20    2004 or on and after the date that a quorum  of  the  initial
21    members  on  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  is
22    appointed, whichever occurs later.  However, each teacher who
23    holds  a  Master Certificate shall be eligible for a teaching
24    position in this State in the areas for which he or she holds
25    a   Master   Certificate   without   satisfying   any   other
26    requirements of this  Code,  except  for  those  requirements
27    pertaining  to  criminal  background  checks.   A teacher who
28    holds a Master Certificate shall  be  deemed  to  meet  State
29    certification  renewal  requirements in the area or areas for
30    which he or she holds a Master Certificate  for  the  10-year
31    term of the teacher's Master Certificate.
32    (Source:  P.A.  91-102,  eff.  7-12-99; 91-606, eff. 8-16-99;
33    91-609,  eff.  1-1-00;  92-16,  eff.  6-28-01;  92-796,  eff.
34    8-10-02.)
                            -48-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        (105 ILCS 5/21-2.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-2.1)
 2        Sec. 21-2.1.  Early childhood certificate.
 3        (a)  An early childhood certificate shall be valid for  4
 4    years  for  teaching children up to 6 years of age, exclusive
 5    of children enrolled in kindergarten, in facilities  approved
 6    by   the   Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State
 7    Superintendent  of  Education.   Beginning July 1, 1988, such
 8    certificate shall be valid for 4 years for Teaching  children
 9    through   grade   3  in  facilities  approved  by  the  State
10    Superintendent of Education before January 1, 2004 or  before
11    the  date  that  a  quorum  of  the  initial  members  on the
12    Professional Teacher Standards Board is appointed,  whichever
13    occurs later, and by the Professional Teacher Standards Board
14    on  and after January 1, 2004 or on and after the date that a
15    quorum of the initial members  on  the  Professional  Teacher
16    Standards   Board   is  appointed,  whichever  occurs  later.
17    Subject to the provisions  of  Section  21-1a,  it  shall  be
18    issued  to  persons  who  have  graduated  from  a recognized
19    institution of higher learning with a bachelor's  degree  and
20    with not fewer than 120 semester hours including professional
21    education  or  human  development  or, until July 1, 1992, to
22    persons who have early childhood  education  instruction  and
23    practical  experience involving supervised work with children
24    under 6 years of age or with children through grade  3.  Such
25    persons   shall   be  recommended  for  the  early  childhood
26    certificate by a recognized institution as  having  completed
27    an   approved  program  of  preparation  which  includes  the
28    requisite hours and academic  and  professional  courses  and
29    practical  experience  approved  by  the Professional Teacher
30    Standards  Board  State  Superintendent   of   Education   in
31    consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board.
32        (b)  Beginning  February  15,  2000, Initial and Standard
33    Early Childhood Education Certificates  shall  be  issued  to
34    persons  who meet the criteria established by the State Board
                            -49-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    of Education before January 1, 2004 or before the date that a
 2    quorum of the initial members  on  the  Professional  Teacher
 3    Standards  Board is appointed, whichever occurs later, and by
 4    the Professional Teacher Standards Board on and after January
 5    1, 2004 or on and after the date that a quorum of the initial
 6    members  on  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  is
 7    appointed, whichever occurs later.
 8    (Source: P.A. 90-548,  eff.  1-1-98;  90-811,  eff.  1-26-99;
 9    91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)

10        (105 ILCS 5/21-2b) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-2b)
11        Sec.  21-2b.   Teacher  education  program  entrance.  In
12    consultation with the State Teacher Certification  Board  The
13    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
14    shall  develop  procedures  which  ensure  that  all students
15    entering approved teacher education programs  are  proficient
16    in the areas of reading, mathematics and language arts.  Each
17    institution   of   higher   learning   shall  submit  to  the
18    Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State    Teacher
19    Certification  Board  a  plan which sets forth procedures for
20    implementation of this Section.
21    (Source: P.A. 84-126.)

22        (105 ILCS 5/21-3) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-3)
23        Sec. 21-3.  Elementary certificate.
24        (a)  An elementary school certificate shall be valid  for
25    4  years  for teaching in the kindergarten and lower 9 grades
26    of the common schools.  Subject to the provisions of  Section
27    21-1a,  it shall be issued to persons who have graduated from
28    a recognized institution of higher learning with a bachelor's
29    degree and with not fewer than 120 semester hours and with  a
30    minimum  of  16  semester  hours  in  professional education,
31    including  5  semester  hours  in  student   teaching   under
32    competent  and  close  supervision.  Such  persons  shall  be
                            -50-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    recommended  for  the  elementary certificate by a recognized
 2    institution  as  having  completed  an  approved  program  of
 3    preparation which includes intensive preservice  training  in
 4    the   humanities,  natural  sciences,  mathematics,  and  the
 5    academic   and   professional   courses   approved   by   the
 6    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent  of
 7    Education    in   consultation   with   the   State   Teacher
 8    Certification Board.
 9        (b)  Beginning February 15, 2000,  Initial  and  Standard
10    Elementary  Certificates  shall be issued to persons who meet
11    all of  the  criteria  established  by  the  State  Board  of
12    Education  for elementary education before January 1, 2004 or
13    before the date that a quorum of the initial members  on  the
14    Professional  Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever
15    occurs later, and by the Professional Teacher Standards Board
16    on and after January 1, 2004 or on and after the date that  a
17    quorum  of  the  initial  members on the Professional Teacher
18    Standards Board is appointed, whichever occurs later.
19    (Source: P.A. 90-548,  eff.  1-1-98;  90-811,  eff.  1-26-99;
20    91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)

21        (105 ILCS 5/21-4) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-4)
22        Sec. 21-4.  Special certificate.
23        (a)  A special certificate shall be valid for 4 years for
24    teaching  the special subjects named therein in all grades of
25    the common schools. Subject  to  the  provisions  of  Section
26    21-1a,  it shall be issued to persons who have graduated from
27    a recognized institution of higher learning with a bachelor's
28    degree and with not fewer than 120 semester hours including a
29    minimum of 16 semester hours in professional education, 5  of
30    which  shall be in student teaching under competent and close
31    supervision. When the holder of such certificate has earned a
32    master's degree, including 8 eight semester hours of graduate
33    professional  education  from  a  recognized  institution  of
                            -51-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    higher learning and with 2 two years' teaching experience, it
 2    may be endorsed for supervision.
 3        Such  persons  shall  be  recommended  for  the   special
 4    certificate  by  a recognized institution as having completed
 5    an approved program of preparation  which  includes  academic
 6    and professional courses approved by the Professional Teacher
 7    Standards   Board   State   Superintendent  of  Education  in
 8    consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board.
 9        (b)  Those  persons  holding  special   certificates   on
10    February 15, 2000 shall be eligible for one of the following:
11             (1)  The   issuance   of   Standard  Elementary  and
12        Standard Secondary Certificates with appropriate  special
13        certification  designations  as  determined  by the State
14        Board  of  Education,  in  consultation  with  the  State
15        Teacher Certification Board, before January  1,  2004  or
16        before  the  date that a quorum of the initial members on
17        the Professional Teacher Standards  Board  is  appointed,
18        whichever  occurs  later, and by the Professional Teacher
19        Standards Board on and after January 1, 2004  or  on  and
20        after  the  date  that a quorum of the initial members on
21        the Professional Teacher Standards  Board  is  appointed,
22        whichever occurs later, and consistent with rules adopted
23        by the State Board of Education before January 1, 2004 or
24        before  the  date that a quorum of the initial members on
25        the Professional Teacher Standards  Board  is  appointed,
26        whichever  occurs  later, and by the Professional Teacher
27        Standards Board on and after January 1, 2004  or  on  and
28        after  the  date  that a quorum of the initial members on
29        the Professional Teacher Standards  Board  is  appointed,
30        whichever  occurs  later.   These  certificates  shall be
31        renewed as provided in subsection (c) of Section 21-2.
32             (2)  The   issuance   of   Standard   Special   K-12
33        Certificates  with  appropriate   special   certification
34        designations,  which  shall  be  renewed  as  provided in
                            -52-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        subsection (c) of Section 21-2.  These certificates shall
 2        not be eligible for additional certification designations
 3        except as approved by the Professional Teacher  Standards
 4        Board  State Board of Education, in consultation with the
 5        State Teacher Certification Board.
 6        (c)  Those persons eligible to receive K-12 certification
 7    after February 15, 2000 shall be  issued  Initial  Elementary
 8    and  Initial  Secondary Certificates with appropriate special
 9    certification  designations  pursuant  to  this  Section   or
10    Initial  Special  K-12  Certificates with appropriate special
11    certification designations pursuant to this  Section.   These
12    Initial  K-12  Special Certificates shall not be eligible for
13    additional certification designations except as  approved  by
14    the  State Board of Education, in consultation with the State
15    Teacher Certification Board, before January 1, 2004 or before
16    the date  that  a  quorum  of  the  initial  members  on  the
17    Professional  Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever
18    occurs later, and by the Professional Teacher Standards Board
19    on and after January 1, 2004 or on and after the date that  a
20    quorum  of  the  initial  members on the Professional Teacher
21    Standards Board is appointed, whichever occurs later.
22        (d)  All persons holding a  special  certificate  with  a
23    special  education endorsement are exempt from the provisions
24    of Section 2-3.71 of this Code, provided they  meet  all  the
25    other   requirements  for  teaching  as  established  by  the
26    Professional  Teacher  Standards   Board   State   Board   of
27    Education,   in   consultation   with   the   State   Teacher
28    Certification Board.
29        Beginning  February  15,  2000,  all persons exchanging a
30    special  certificate  pursuant  to  subsection  (b)  of  this
31    Section with a special education endorsement or  receiving  a
32    special education designation on either a special certificate
33    or  an  elementary  certificate issued pursuant to subsection
34    (c) of this Section are exempt from the provisions of Section
                            -53-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    2-3.71 of  this  Code,  provided  they  meet  all  the  other
 2    requirements  for  teaching as established by the State Board
 3    of  Education,  in  consultation  with  the   State   Teacher
 4    Certification  Board,  before  January  1, 2004 or before the
 5    date that a quorum of the initial members on the Professional
 6    Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever occurs later,
 7    and by the Professional Teacher Standards Board on and  after
 8    January 1, 2004 or on and after the date that a quorum of the
 9    initial  members  on the Professional Teacher Standards Board
10    is appointed, whichever occurs later.
11        Certificates  exchanged  or  issued  pursuant   to   this
12    subsection  (d)  shall  be  valid  for teaching children with
13    disabilities, as defined in Section 14-1.02 of this Code, and
14    these  special  certificates  shall  be  called  Initial   or
15    Standard Special Preschool - Age 21 Certificates.  Nothing in
16    this  subsection  (d)  shall be construed to adversely affect
17    the rights of any person presently certificated,  any  person
18    whose  certification  is currently pending, or any person who
19    is currently enrolled or enrolls prior to February  15,  2000
20    in an approved Special K-12 certification program.
21    (Source:  P.A.  90-548,  eff.  1-1-98;  90-653, eff. 7-29-98;
22    90-811, eff. 1-26-99;  91-102,  eff.  7-12-99;  91-765,  eff.
23    6-9-00.)

24        (105 ILCS 5/21-5) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-5)
25        Sec. 21-5.  High school certificate.
26        (a)  A high school certificate shall be valid for 4 years
27    for  teaching  in  grades  6  to  12  inclusive of the common
28    schools. Subject to the provisions of Section 21-1a, it shall
29    be issued to persons who have  graduated  from  a  recognized
30    institution  of  higher learning with a bachelor's degree and
31    with not fewer than 120 semester hours including 16  semester
32    hours  in  professional  education,  5  of  which shall be in
33    student teaching under competent and  close  supervision  and
                            -54-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    with  one  or  more  teaching  fields.  Such persons shall be
 2    recommended for the high school certificate by  a  recognized
 3    institution  as  having  completed  an  approved  program  of
 4    preparation  which  includes  the  academic  and professional
 5    courses approved by the Professional Teacher Standards  Board
 6    State  Superintendent  of  Education in consultation with the
 7    State Teacher Certification Board.
 8        (b)  Beginning February 15, 2000,  Initial  and  Standard
 9    Secondary  Certificates  shall  be issued to persons who meet
10    all of  the  criteria  established  by  the  State  Board  of
11    Education  before  January  1, 2004 or before the date that a
12    quorum of the initial members  on  the  Professional  Teacher
13    Standards  Board is appointed, whichever occurs later, and by
14    the Professional Teacher Standards Board on and after January
15    1, 2004 or on and after the date that a quorum of the initial
16    members  on  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  is
17    appointed, whichever occurs later, for secondary education.
18    (Source: P.A. 90-548,  eff.  1-1-98;  90-811,  eff.  1-26-99;
19    91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)

20        (105 ILCS 5/21-5a) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-5a)
21        Sec. 21-5a.  Alternative math-science certification.  The
22    Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State  Board  of
23    Education,   in   consultation   with   the   State   Teacher
24    Certification  Board,  shall  establish  and  implement   and
25    administer  an  alternative certification program under which
26    persons who qualify for admission to,  and  who  successfully
27    complete  the  program  and  meet the additional requirements
28    established by  this  Section  shall  be  issued  an  initial
29    teaching  certificate  for  teaching  mathematics, science or
30    mathematics and science in grades 9 through 12 of the  common
31    schools.    In   establishing  an  alternative  certification
32    program  under  this  Section,   the   Professional   Teacher
33    Standards  Board  State Board of Education shall designate an
                            -55-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    appropriate area within the State where the program shall  be
 2    offered and made available to persons qualified for admission
 3    to  the  program.   In  addition,  the  Professional  Teacher
 4    Standards Board State Board of Education, in cooperation with
 5    one or more recognized institutions of higher learning, shall
 6    develop,  evaluate,  and  revise as necessary a comprehensive
 7    course of study that persons admitted  to  the  program  must
 8    successfully  complete  in order to satisfy one criterion for
 9    issuance of an initial certificate under  this  Section.  The
10    comprehensive  course of study so developed shall include one
11    semester of practice teaching.
12        An initial teaching certificate, valid for  4  years  for
13    teaching  mathematics, science, or mathematics and science in
14    grades 9 through 12 of the common schools  and  renewable  as
15    provided in Section 21-14, shall be issued under this Section
16    21-5a to persons who qualify for admission to the alternative
17    certification  program and who at the time of applying for an
18    initial teaching certificate under this Section:
19             (1)  have  graduated  with  a  master's  degree   in
20        mathematics or any science discipline from an institution
21        of   higher  learning  whose  scholarship  standards  are
22        approved by  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board
23        State  Board of Education for purposes of the alternative
24        certification program;
25             (2)  have been employed for at least 10 years in  an
26        area  requiring  knowledge  and  practical application of
27        their academic background in  mathematics  or  a  science
28        discipline;
29             (3)  have  successfully  completed  the  alternative
30        certification  program  and  the  course of comprehensive
31        study,  including  one  semester  of  practice  teaching,
32        developed as part of the  program  as  provided  in  this
33        Section   and   approved   by  the  Professional  Teacher
34        Standards Board State Board of Education; and
                            -56-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             (4)  have  passed  the  examinations   required   by
 2        Section 21-1a.
 3        The    alternative   certification   program   shall   be
 4    implemented at the commencement  of  the  1992-1993  academic
 5    year.
 6        The  Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Board of
 7    Education shall  establish  criteria  for  admission  to  the
 8    alternative  certification  program and shall adopt rules and
 9    regulations that are consistent with this  Section  and  that
10    the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board of
11    Education deems necessary  to  establish  and  implement  and
12    administer the program.
13    (Source: P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98.)

14        (105 ILCS 5/21-5b)
15        Sec. 21-5b.  Alternative certification.  The Professional
16    Teacher   Standards   Board  State  Board  of  Education,  in
17    consultation with  the  State  Teacher  Certification  Board,
18    shall  establish  and  implement an alternative certification
19    program under which persons who meet the requirements of  and
20    successfully complete the program established by this Section
21    shall  be  issued  an  alternative  teaching  certificate for
22    teaching in the schools. The program shall be limited to  not
23    more  than  260  new  participants  during each year that the
24    program is in effect.   The  Professional  Teacher  Standards
25    Board  State  Board  of  Education,  in  cooperation  with  a
26    partnership  formed  with  a  university  that  offers 4-year
27    baccalaureate and masters  degree  programs  and  that  is  a
28    recognized institution as defined in Section 21-21 and one or
29    more  not-for-profit organizations in the State which support
30    excellence in teaching, shall within 30 days after submission
31    by the partnership approve a course of study developed by the
32    partnership that persons in  the  program  must  successfully
33    complete in order to satisfy one criterion for issuance of an
                            -57-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    alternative  certificate  under this Section. The Alternative
 2    Teacher Certification program course of  study  must  include
 3    the  current content and skills contained in the university's
 4    current courses  for  State  certification  which  have  been
 5    approved  by  the  Professional Teacher Standards Board State
 6    Board of Education, in consultation with  the  State  Teacher
 7    Certification  Board,  as  the  requirement for State teacher
 8    certification.
 9        The alternative certification program  established  under
10    this  Section  shall  be  known  as  the  Alternative Teacher
11    Certification program.  The Alternative Teacher Certification
12    Program shall be offered by the  submitting  partnership  and
13    may be offered in conjunction with one or more not-for-profit
14    organizations  in  the  State  which  support  excellence  in
15    teaching.   The program shall be comprised of the following 3
16    phases: (a) the first phase is the course of study offered on
17    an  intensive  basis  in  education   theory,   instructional
18    methods,  and  practice teaching; (b) the second phase is the
19    person's assignment to a full-time teaching position for  one
20    school  year;  and  (c)  the  third  phase is a comprehensive
21    assessment of the person's  teaching  performance  by  school
22    officials    and   the   partnership   participants   and   a
23    recommendation by the partner institution of higher education
24    to the Professional Teacher Standards Board  State  Board  of
25    Education  that  the  person be issued a standard alternative
26    teaching   certificate.    Successful   completion   of   the
27    Alternative Teacher Certification program shall be deemed  to
28    satisfy  any  other  practice or student teaching and subject
29    matter requirements established by law.
30        A provisional alternative teaching certificate, valid for
31    one year of teaching in the common schools and not renewable,
32    shall be issued under this Section 21-5b to  persons  who  at
33    the time of applying for the provisional alternative teaching
34    certificate under this Section:
                            -58-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             (1)  have  graduated  from  an accredited college or
 2        university with a bachelor's degree;
 3             (2)  have successfully completed the first phase  of
 4        the Alternative Teacher Certification program as provided
 5        in this Section;
 6             (3)  have  passed  the  tests  of  basic  skills and
 7        subject matter knowledge required by Section 21-1a; and
 8             (4)  have been employed for a period of at  least  5
 9        years   in   an   area   requiring   application  of  the
10        individual's education; however,  this  requirement  does
11        not  apply  with  respect  to  a  provisional alternative
12        teaching certificate for teaching in schools situated  in
13        a  school  district  that  is  located in a city having a
14        population in excess of 500,000 inhabitants.
15        A person possessing a provisional alternative certificate
16    under this Section shall be treated as a regularly  certified
17    teacher  for  purposes  of  compensation, benefits, and other
18    terms and conditions of employment afforded teachers  in  the
19    school who are members of a bargaining unit represented by an
20    exclusive bargaining representative, if any.
21        Until  February 15, 2000, a standard alternative teaching
22    certificate, valid for 4 years for teaching  in  the  schools
23    and  renewable  as provided in Section 21-14, shall be issued
24    under this Section 21-5b to persons who  first  complete  the
25    requirements   for   the   provisional  alternative  teaching
26    certificate and who at the time of applying  for  a  standard
27    alternative  teaching  certificate  under  this  Section have
28    successfully completed the second and  third  phases  of  the
29    Alternative Teacher Certification program as provided in this
30    Section.  Alternatively,  beginning February 15, 2000, at the
31    end of the 4-year validity period,  persons who were issued a
32    standard alternative teaching certificate shall be  eligible,
33    on    the  same  basis  as  holders  of  an  Initial Teaching
34    Certificate issued under subsection (b) of  Section  21-2  of
                            -59-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    this  Code,  to  apply  for  a Standard Teaching Certificate,
 2    provided they  meet the requirements  of  subsection  (c)  of
 3    Section  21-2 of this Code and further provided that a person
 4    who does not  apply  for  and  receive  a  Standard  Teaching
 5    Certificate  shall  be able to teach only in schools situated
 6    in a school district that is  located  in  a  city  having  a
 7    population in excess of 500,000 inhabitants.
 8        Beginning  February  15, 2000, persons who have completed
 9    the  requirements  for  a   standard   alternative   teaching
10    certificate  under  this  Section  shall be issued an Initial
11    Alternative  Teaching  Certificate  valid  for  4  years   of
12    teaching  and  not  renewable.   At  the  end  of  the 4-year
13    validity period, these persons shall be eligible, on the same
14    basis as  holders of an Initial Teaching  Certificate  issued
15    under  subsection (b) of Section 21-2 of  this Code, to apply
16    for a Standard Teaching Certificate, provided they  meet  the
17    requirements of subsection (c) of Section 21-2.
18        This   alternative   certification   program   shall   be
19    implemented   so   that  the  first  provisional  alternative
20    teaching certificates issued under this Section are effective
21    upon the commencement of the 1997-1998 academic year and  the
22    first standard alternative teaching certificates issued under
23    this  Section  are  effective  upon  the  commencement of the
24    1998-1999 academic year.
25        The Professional Teacher Standards Board State  Board  of
26    Education,  in  cooperation with the partnership establishing
27    the Alternative Teacher Certification  program,  shall  adopt
28    rules  and  regulations that are consistent with this Section
29    and that the Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board
30    of Education deems necessary to establish and  implement  the
31    program.
32    (Source: P.A. 91-609, eff. 1-1-00.)

33        (105 ILCS 5/21-5c)
                            -60-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        Sec.  21-5c.  Alternative route to teacher certification.
 2    The Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board  of
 3    Education,   in   consultation   with   the   State   Teacher
 4    Certification   Board,   shall  establish  and  implement  an
 5    alternative route  to  teacher  certification  program  under
 6    which  persons  who meet the requirements of and successfully
 7    complete the program established by  this  Section  shall  be
 8    issued  an  initial  teaching  certificate  for  teaching  in
 9    schools  in  this  State.  The Professional Teacher Standards
10    Board State Board of Education  shall  approve  a  course  of
11    study  that persons in the program must successfully complete
12    in  order  to  satisfy  one  criterion  for  issuance  of   a
13    certificate  under  this  Section.   The Alternative Route to
14    Teacher Certification program course of  study  must  include
15    the  current  content  and skills contained in a university's
16    current courses  for  State  certification  which  have  been
17    approved  by  the  Professional Teacher Standards Board State
18    Board of Education, in consultation with  the  State  Teacher
19    Certification  Board,  as  the  requirement for State teacher
20    certification.
21        The program established under this Section shall be known
22    as the Alternative Route to  Teacher  Certification  program.
23    The  program  may  be offered in conjunction with one or more
24    not-for-profit organizations in the State.  The program shall
25    be comprised of the following 3 phases: (a) a course of study
26    offered  on  an  intensive   basis   in   education   theory,
27    instructional   methods,   and  practice  teaching;  (b)  the
28    person's assignment to a full-time teaching position for  one
29    school year, including the designation of a mentor teacher to
30    advise  and  assist the person with that teaching assignment;
31    and (c) a comprehensive assessment of the  person's  teaching
32    performance  by school officials and program participants and
33    a recommendation by the institution of  higher  education  to
34    the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board of
                            -61-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Education that the  person  be  issued  an  initial  teaching
 2    certificate.   Successful completion of the Alternative Route
 3    to Teacher Certification program shall be deemed  to  satisfy
 4    any  other  practice  or  student teaching and subject matter
 5    requirements established by law.
 6        A provisional alternative teaching certificate, valid for
 7    one year of teaching in the common schools and not renewable,
 8    shall be issued under this Section 21-5c to  persons  who  at
 9    the time of applying for the provisional alternative teaching
10    certificate under this Section:
11             (1)  have  graduated  from  an accredited college or
12        university with a bachelor's degree;
13             (2)  have been employed for a period of at  least  5
14        years   in   an   area   requiring   application  of  the
15        individual's education;
16             (3)  have successfully completed the first phase  of
17        the Alternative Teacher Certification program as provided
18        in this Section; and
19             (4)  have  passed  the  tests  of  basic  skills and
20        subject matter knowledge required by Section 21-1a.
21        An initial teaching certificate, valid  for  teaching  in
22    the  common  schools,  shall  be issued under Section 21-3 or
23    21-5 to persons who first complete the requirements  for  the
24    provisional  alternative  teaching certificate and who at the
25    time of applying for an  initial  teaching  certificate  have
26    successfully  completed  the  second  and third phases of the
27    Alternative  Route  to  Teacher  Certification   program   as
28    provided in this Section.
29        A person possessing a provisional alternative certificate
30    or  an initial teaching certificate earned under this Section
31    shall  be  treated  as  a  regularly  certified  teacher  for
32    purposes of  compensation,  benefits,  and  other  terms  and
33    conditions  of employment afforded teachers in the school who
34    are members of a bargaining unit represented by an  exclusive
                            -62-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    bargaining representative, if any.
 2        The  Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Board of
 3    Education may adopt rules and regulations that are consistent
 4    with this Section and that the Professional Teacher Standards
 5    Board State Board deems necessary to establish and  implement
 6    the program.
 7    (Source: P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98.)

 8        (105 ILCS 5/21-5d)
 9        Sec.   21-5d.    Alternative   route   to  administrative
10    certification.   The  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board
11    State Board of Education,  in  consultation  with  the  State
12    Teacher  Certification Board and an advisory panel consisting
13    of no less than  7  administrators  appointed  by  the  State
14    Superintendent of Education, shall establish and implement an
15    alternative  route  to  administrative  certification program
16    under  which  persons  who  meet  the  requirements  of   and
17    successfully complete the program established by this Section
18    shall  be  issued  a  standard administrative certificate for
19    serving as an administrator in schools in  this  State.   For
20    the  purposes  of  this Section only, "administrator" means a
21    person  holding  any  administrative  position  for  which  a
22    standard   administrative   certificate   with   a    general
23    administrative  endorsement,  chief  school business official
24    endorsement,  or  superintendent  endorsement  is   required,
25    except   a   principal   or   an  assistant  principal.   The
26    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
27    shall approve a course of study that persons in  the  program
28    must  successfully complete in order to satisfy one criterion
29    for issuance  of  a  certificate  under  this  Section.   The
30    Alternative  Route  to  Administrative  Certification program
31    course of study must include the current content  and  skills
32    contained   in  a  university's  current  courses  for  State
33    certification which have been approved  by  the  Professional
                            -63-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Teacher   Standards   Board  State  Board  of  Education,  in
 2    consultation with the State Teacher Certification  Board,  as
 3    the requirement for administrative certification.
 4        The program established under this Section shall be known
 5    as  the  Alternative  Route  to  Administrative Certification
 6    program.  The program shall be comprised of the  following  3
 7    phases:  (a)  a course of study offered on an intensive basis
 8    in  education  management,  governance,   organization,   and
 9    planning; (b) the person's assignment to a full-time position
10    for   one   school  year  as  an  administrator;  and  (c)  a
11    comprehensive  assessment  of  the  person's  performance  by
12    school officials and a  recommendation  to  the  Professional
13    Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board of Education that the
14    person  be  issued  a  standard  administrative  certificate.
15    Successful   completion   of   the   Alternative   Route   to
16    Administrative  Certification  program  shall  be  deemed  to
17    satisfy any other supervisory, administrative, or  management
18    experience requirements established by law.
19        A  provisional  alternative  administrative  certificate,
20    valid  for  one  year  of  serving as an administrator in the
21    common schools and not renewable, shall be issued under  this
22    Section  21-5d to persons who at the time of applying for the
23    provisional alternative administrative certificate under this
24    Section:
25             (1)  have graduated from an  accredited  college  or
26        university  with  a master's degree in a management field
27        or with a  bachelor's  degree  and  the  life  experience
28        equivalent  of a master's degree in a management field as
29        determined by the Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board
30        State Board of Education;
31             (2)  have  been  employed for a period of at least 5
32        years in a management level position;
33             (3)  have successfully completed the first phase  of
34        the  Alternative  Route  to  Administrative Certification
                            -64-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        program as provided in this Section; and
 2             (4)  have passed any  examination  required  by  the
 3        Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board  of
 4        Education.
 5        A  standard  administrative  certificate  with  a general
 6    administrative endorsement, chief  school  business  official
 7    endorsement,  or  superintendent  endorsement,  renewable  as
 8    provided  in  Section  21-14,  shall  be issued under Section
 9    21-7.1 to persons who first complete the requirements for the
10    provisional alternative administrative certificate and who at
11    the  time  of  applying   for   a   standard   administrative
12    certificate  have successfully completed the second and third
13    phases   of   the   Alternative   Route   to   Administrative
14    Certification program as provided in this Section.
15        The Professional Teacher Standards Board State  Board  of
16    Education may adopt rules and regulations that are consistent
17    with this Section and that the Professional Teacher Standards
18    Board  State Board deems necessary to establish and implement
19    the program.
20    (Source: P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98.)

21        (105 ILCS 5/21-7.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-7.1)
22        Sec. 21-7.1.  Administrative certificate.
23        (a)  After July 1, 1999,  an  administrative  certificate
24    valid  for  5  years  of supervising and administering in the
25    public common schools (unless changed under subsection  (a-5)
26    of  this Section) may be issued to persons who have graduated
27    from a regionally accredited institution of  higher  learning
28    with  a  master's  degree  and who have been recommended by a
29    recognized institution of higher learning as having completed
30    a  program  of  preparation  for  one  or   more   of   these
31    endorsements.  Such  programs  of  academic  and professional
32    preparation required for endorsement shall be administered by
33    the institution in accordance with standards set forth by the
                            -65-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    State Superintendent of Education in  consultation  with  the
 2    State  Teacher  Certification Board before January 1, 2004 or
 3    before the date that a quorum of the initial members  on  the
 4    Professional  Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever
 5    occurs later, and by the Professional Teacher Standards Board
 6    on and after January 1, 2004 or on and after the date that  a
 7    quorum  of  the  initial  members on the Professional Teacher
 8    Standards Board is appointed, whichever occurs later.
 9        (a-5)  Beginning  July  1,  2003,  if  an  administrative
10    certificate holder holds a Standard Teaching Certificate, the
11    validity period of the administrative  certificate  shall  be
12    changed,  if  necessary,  so  that the validity period of the
13    administrative certificate coincides with the validity period
14    of the Standard Teaching Certificate. Beginning July 1, 2003,
15    if  an  administrative  certificate  holder  holds  a  Master
16    Teaching   Certificate,   the   validity   period   of    the
17    administrative  certificate  shall  be  changed  so  that the
18    validity period of the administrative  certificate  coincides
19    with the validity period of the Master Teaching Certificate.
20        (b)  No  administrative  certificate  shall be issued for
21    the first  time  after  June  30,  1987  and  no  endorsement
22    provided  for  by this Section shall be made or affixed to an
23    administrative certificate for the first time after June  30,
24    1987   unless   the   person   to  whom  such  administrative
25    certificate is  to  be  issued  or  to  whose  administrative
26    certificate  such  endorsement  is  to  be  affixed  has been
27    required to demonstrate as a part of a program of academic or
28    professional   preparation   for   such   certification    or
29    endorsement: (i) an understanding of the knowledge called for
30    in establishing productive parent-school relationships and of
31    the   procedures   fostering   the   involvement  which  such
32    relationships  demand;  and  (ii)  an  understanding  of  the
33    knowledge required for establishing  a  high  quality  school
34    climate   and   promoting  good  classroom  organization  and
                            -66-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    management, including  rules  of  conduct  and  instructional
 2    procedures   appropriate   to   accomplishing  the  tasks  of
 3    schooling; and (iii) a demonstration  of  the  knowledge  and
 4    skills called for in providing instructional leadership.  The
 5    standards   for   demonstrating   an  understanding  of  such
 6    knowledge shall be set  forth  by  the  Professional  Teacher
 7    Standards Board State Board of Education in consultation with
 8    the   State   Teacher   Certification  Board,  and  shall  be
 9    administered  by  the  recognized  institutions   of   higher
10    learning as part of the programs of academic and professional
11    preparation  required for certification and endorsement under
12    this Section.  As  used  in  this  subsection:  "establishing
13    productive  parent-school relationships" means the ability to
14    maintain effective communication between parents  and  school
15    personnel,  to  encourage  parental involvement in schooling,
16    and  to  motivate  school  personnel  to  engage  parents  in
17    encouraging student achievement, including the development of
18    programs and policies which serve to accomplish this purpose;
19    and "establishing a high quality school  climate"  means  the
20    ability   to   promote   academic  achievement,  to  maintain
21    discipline,  to  recognize  substance  abuse  problems  among
22    students and utilize appropriate law  enforcement  and  other
23    community  resources  to  address  these problems, to support
24    teachers  and  students  in  their  education  endeavors,  to
25    establish learning objectives and  to  provide  instructional
26    leadership,   including   the  development  of  policies  and
27    programs  which  serve  to  accomplish  this   purpose;   and
28    "providing  instructional  leadership"  means  the ability to
29    effectively evaluate school  personnel,  to  possess  general
30    communication  and interpersonal skills, and to establish and
31    maintain appropriate classroom  learning  environments.   The
32    provisions  of  this  subsection shall not apply to or affect
33    the initial issuance or making on or before June 30, 1987  of
34    any  administrative  certificate  or endorsement provided for
                            -67-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    under this Section, nor shall such  provisions  apply  to  or
 2    affect   the   renewal  after  June  30,  1987  of  any  such
 3    certificate or endorsement initially issued  or  made  on  or
 4    before June 30, 1987.
 5        (c)  Administrative certificates shall be renewed every 5
 6    years  with  the  first  renewal  being 5 years following the
 7    initial receipt of an administrative certificate, unless  the
 8    validity  period  for the administrative certificate has been
 9    changed under subsection (a-5) of this Section, in which case
10    the certificate shall be renewed at the same  time  that  the
11    Standard or Master Teaching Certificate is renewed.
12        (c-5)  Before  July  1,  2003,  renewal  requirements for
13    administrators whose positions require certification shall be
14    based upon  evidence  of  continuing  professional  education
15    which   promotes   the   following   goals:   (1)   improving
16    administrators'  knowledge  of  instructional  practices  and
17    administrative procedures; (2) maintaining the basic level of
18    competence   required  for  initial  certification;  and  (3)
19    improving the mastery of skills and knowledge  regarding  the
20    improvement  of teaching performance in clinical settings and
21    assessment of the levels  of  student  performance  in  their
22    schools.  Evidence  of continuing professional education must
23    include verification of  biennial  attendance  in  a  program
24    developed   by   the  Illinois  Administrators'  Academy  and
25    verification of annual participation  in  a  school  district
26    approved    activity    which   contributes   to   continuing
27    professional education.
28        (c-10)  Beginning  July  1,  2003,  except  as  otherwise
29    provided  in  subsection  (c-15)  of  this  Section,  persons
30    holding   administrative   certificates   must   follow   the
31    certificate renewal procedure set forth  in  this  subsection
32    (c-10),  provided  that  those persons holding administrative
33    certificates  on  June  30,  2003  who  are  renewing   those
34    certificates  on  or  after  July 1, 2003 shall be issued new
                            -68-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    administrative certificates valid for 5 years (unless changed
 2    under subsection (a-5) of this Section), which may be renewed
 3    thereafter as set forth in this subsection (c-10).
 4             (1)  A person holding an administrative  certificate
 5        and  employed  in  a  position  requiring  administrative
 6        certification,  including  a  regional  superintendent of
 7        schools,  must  develop  an  administrative   certificate
 8        renewal  plan  for satisfying the continuing professional
 9        development required to renew his or  her  administrative
10        certificate.  An  administrative certificate renewal plan
11        must include a minimum of 3 individual improvement  goals
12        developed  by  the  certificate  holder  and must include
13        without limitation the following continuing  professional
14        development purposes:
15                  (A)  To  improve  the administrator's knowledge
16             of  instructional   practices   and   administrative
17             procedures   in   accordance   with   the   Illinois
18             Professional School Leader Standards.
19                  (B)  To  maintain the basic level of competence
20             required for initial certification.
21                  (C)  To improve the administrator's mastery  of
22             skills  and  knowledge  regarding the improvement of
23             teaching  performance  in  clinical   settings   and
24             assessment  of  the levels of student performance in
25             the schools.
26        An administrative certificate renewal plan must include a
27        description of  how  the  improvement  goals  are  to  be
28        achieved  and  an  explanation of the selected continuing
29        professional development activities to be completed, each
30        of  which  must  meet  one  or  more  of  the  continuing
31        professional  development  purposes  specified  in   this
32        paragraph (1).
33             (2)  In  addition  to  the requirements in paragraph
34        (1)  of  this  subsection  (c-10),   the   administrative
                            -69-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        certificate  renewal  plan  must include the following in
 2        order for the certificate to be renewed:
 3                  (A)  Participation in  continuing  professional
 4             development  activities,  which must total a minimum
 5             of 100 hours of continuing professional  development
 6             and   which   must   meet   all   of  the  following
 7             requirements:
 8                       (i)  The participation must consist  of  a
 9                  minimum  of 5 activities per validity period of
10                  the certificate.
11                       (ii)  The  activities  must  address   the
12                  goals  in the certificate holder's professional
13                  development plan.
14                       (iii)  The activities must be aligned with
15                  the   Illinois   Professional   School   Leader
16                  Standards.
17                       (iv)  A portion  of  the  activities  must
18                  address   the   certificate   holder's   school
19                  improvement  plan  at  either  the  district or
20                  school level.
21                       (v)  The  participation  must  include   a
22                  communication,  dissemination,  or  application
23                  component.
24                       (vi)  There   must   be  documentation  of
25                  completion of each activity.
26                  (B)  Participation every year  in  an  Illinois
27             Administrators'  Academy course, which participation
28             must total a minimum of 36  continuing  professional
29             development   hours   during   the   period  of  the
30             certificate's validity and which must include all of
31             the following:
32                       (i)  Completion  of  applicable   required
33                  coursework,  as  defined  by  the  Professional
34                  Teacher   Standards   Board   State   Board  of
                            -70-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1                  Education.
 2                       (ii)  Completion   of   a   communication,
 3                  dissemination, or application component.
 4                       (iii)  Documentation of completion of each
 5                  activity.
 6             (3)  Each  administrator  who  is  subject  to   the
 7        requirements  of  this  subsection  (c-10) but who is not
 8        serving as  a  district  or  regional  superintendent,  a
 9        director  of  a  cooperative program or special education
10        program, or a director of a  State-operated  school  must
11        submit his or her administrative certificate renewal plan
12        for  review to the superintendent of the employing school
13        district or to the director of the cooperative or special
14        education program or State-operated  school  (or  to  the
15        superintendent's  or  director's designee). Each district
16        or regional superintendent,  director  of  a  cooperative
17        program  or  special  education program, or director of a
18        State-operated   school   must   submit   his   or    her
19        administrative  certificate  renewal plan for review to a
20        review  panel  comprised  of  peers  established  by  the
21        regional superintendent of  schools  for  the  geographic
22        area  where  the  certificate  holder  is  employed as an
23        administrator.
24             (4)  If  the  certificate  holder's  plan  does  not
25        conform to the requirements of  this  subsection  (c-10),
26        the  reviewer or review panel must notify the certificate
27        holder, who must revise  the  administrative  certificate
28        renewal  plan. A certificate holder who is not a regional
29        superintendent of schools may appeal  that  determination
30        to   the  regional  superintendent  of  schools  for  the
31        geographic area where the certificate holder is  employed
32        as  an  administrator.  A  certificate  holder  who  is a
33        regional  superintendent  of  schools  may  appeal   that
34        determination to the Professional Teacher Standards Board
                            -71-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        State   Superintendent   of   Education.   The   regional
 2        superintendent of schools (or his or her designee) or the
 3        Professional Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent
 4        of  Education  (or the regional superintendent's or State
 5        Superintendent's   designee)   shall    facilitate    any
 6        modification  of  the  plan,  if  necessary,  to  make it
 7        acceptable.
 8             (5)  A certificate holder  may  modify  his  or  her
 9        administrative  certificate  renewal  plan  at  any  time
10        during   the   validity   period  of  the  administrative
11        certificate through the process  outlined  in  paragraphs
12        (3) and (4) of this subsection (c-10).
13             (6)  Evidence of completion of the activities in the
14        administrative certificate renewal plan must be submitted
15        to  the  responsible reviewer or review panel. Before the
16        expiration  of  the   administrative   certificate,   the
17        certificate  holder  must  request  from  the responsible
18        reviewer or  review  panel  a  signed  verification  form
19        developed  by  the  Professional  Teacher Standards Board
20        State Board of Education confirming that the  certificate
21        holder  has met the requirements for renewal contained in
22        this Section. A certificate holder who is not a  regional
23        superintendent  of  schools  must submit this form to the
24        responsible regional superintendent of schools (or his or
25        her designee) at the time of application for  renewal  of
26        the  certificate.  A certificate holder who is a regional
27        superintendent of  schools  must  submit  this  form  for
28        validation  to  the  Professional Teacher Standards Board
29        State  Superintendent  of  Education  (or  his   or   her
30        designee)  at  the time of application for renewal of the
31        certificate.
32             (7)  The regional superintendent  of  schools  shall
33        review   and   validate   the  verification  form  for  a
34        certificate holder. Based on compliance with all  of  the
                            -72-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        requirements  for renewal, the regional superintendent of
 2        schools shall forward a  recommendation  for  renewal  or
 3        non-renewal  to  the Professional Teacher Standards Board
 4        State Superintendent of Education and  shall  notify  the
 5        certificate    holder    of   the   recommendation.   The
 6        Professional Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent
 7        of Education shall review the recommendation to renew  or
 8        non-renew  and  shall notify, in writing, the certificate
 9        holder of a  decision  denying  renewal  of  his  or  her
10        certificate.  Any  decision  regarding  non-renewal of an
11        administrative certificate may be appealed to  the  State
12        Teacher Certification Board.
13        The  Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Board of
14    Education,   in   consultation   with   the   State   Teacher
15    Certification Board, shall  adopt  rules  to  implement  this
16    subsection (c-10).
17        The  regional superintendent of schools shall monitor the
18    process   for   renewal   of   administrative    certificates
19    established in this subsection (c-10).
20        (c-15)  This  subsection  (c-15)  applies  to  the  first
21    period  of  an  administrative  certificate's validity during
22    which the holder  becomes  subject  to  the  requirements  of
23    subsection (c-10) of this Section if the certificate has less
24    than  5  years'  validity  or has less than 5 years' validity
25    remaining when the certificate holder becomes subject to  the
26    requirements  of  subsection  (c-10)  of  this  Section. With
27    respect  to  this  period,  the  100  hours   of   continuing
28    professional development and 5 activities per validity period
29    specified in clause (A) of paragraph (2) of subsection (c-10)
30    of  this  Section shall instead be deemed to mean 20 hours of
31    continuing professional development and one activity per year
32    of the certificate's validity or remaining validity  and  the
33    36  continuing  professional  development  hours specified in
34    clause (B) of paragraph (2)  of  subsection  (c-10)  of  this
                            -73-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Section  shall  instead  be  deemed  to mean completion of at
 2    least one course per year of the  certificate's  validity  or
 3    remaining  validity.  If the certificate has 3 or fewer years
 4    of validity or 3 or fewer years of  validity  remaining,  the
 5    certificate  holder  is  not  subject to the requirements for
 6    submission and approval of plans for continuing  professional
 7    development  described  in  paragraphs  (1)  through  (4)  of
 8    subsection (c-10) of this Section with respect to that period
 9    of the certificate's validity.
10        (c-20)  The  Professional  Teacher  Standards Board State
11    Board of Education, in consultation with  the  State  Teacher
12    Certification  Board,  shall develop, evaluate, and revise as
13    necessary procedures for implementing this Section and  shall
14    administer   the   renewal  of  administrative  certificates.
15    Failure  to  submit  satisfactory  evidence   of   continuing
16    professional  education  which  contributes  to promoting the
17    goals  of  this  Section  shall   result   in   a   loss   of
18    administrative certification.
19        (d)  Any  limited  or life supervisory certificate issued
20    prior to July 1, 1968 shall continue  to  be  valid  for  all
21    administrative   and  supervisory  positions  in  the  public
22    schools for which it is valid as of that date as long as  its
23    holder  meets the requirements for registration or renewal as
24    set forth in the statutes or until revoked according to law.
25        (e)  The  administrative  or  supervisory  positions  for
26    which the certificate shall be valid shall be  determined  by
27    one  or  more of 3 endorsements: general supervisory, general
28    administrative and superintendent.
29        Subject to the provisions of Section 21-1a,  endorsements
30    shall  be  made  under  conditions set forth in this Section.
31    The Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board  of
32    Education  shall,  in  consultation  with  the  State Teacher
33    Certification Board, adopt rules  pursuant  to  the  Illinois
34    Administrative  Procedure  Act, establishing requirements for
                            -74-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    obtaining  administrative  certificates  where  the   minimum
 2    administrative  or supervisory requirements surpass those set
 3    forth in this Section.
 4        If the Professional Teacher Standards  Board  establishes
 5    State  Teacher  Certification Board shall file with the State
 6    Board of Education a written recommendation when  considering
 7    additional administrative or supervisory requirements, those.
 8    All additional requirements shall be based upon the requisite
 9    knowledge  necessary  to  perform the those tasks required by
10    the certificate.  The Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board
11    State Board of Education shall in consultation with the State
12    Teacher  Certification  Board, establish standards within its
13    rules which  shall  include  the  academic  and  professional
14    requirements  necessary  for  certification.  These standards
15    shall at a minimum contain, but not be limited to, those used
16    by the Professional Teacher Standards Board  State  Board  of
17    Education in determining whether additional knowledge will be
18    required.   Additionally,  the Professional Teacher Standards
19    Board State Board of Education shall in consultation with the
20    State  Teacher  Certification  Board,  establish   provisions
21    within  its  rules  whereby  any  member  of  the educational
22    community  or  the  public  may   file   a   formal   written
23    recommendation or inquiry regarding requirements.
24             (1)  Until  July  1,  2003,  the general supervisory
25        endorsement  shall  be  affixed  to  the   administrative
26        certificate  of  any  holder who has at least 16 semester
27        hours  of  graduate  credit  in  professional   education
28        including   8   semester  hours  of  graduate  credit  in
29        curriculum and research and who has at least 2  years  of
30        full-time teaching experience or school service personnel
31        experience   in   public   schools,   schools  under  the
32        supervision of the  Department  of  Corrections,  schools
33        under   the   administration   of   the   Department   of
34        Rehabilitation Services, or nonpublic schools meeting the
                            -75-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        standards  established  by  the  State  Superintendent of
 2        Education   or   comparable   out-of-state    recognition
 3        standards   approved   by  the  State  Superintendent  of
 4        Education.
 5             Such endorsement shall be required for  supervisors,
 6        curriculum  directors  and  for  such similar and related
 7        positions as determined by the  State  Superintendent  of
 8        Education   in   consultation   with  the  State  Teacher
 9        Certification Board.
10             (2)  The general administrative endorsement shall be
11        affixed to the administrative certificate of  any  holder
12        who  has at least 20 semester hours of graduate credit in
13        educational administration and supervision and who has at
14        least 2 years of full-time teaching experience or  school
15        service  personnel  experience in public schools, schools
16        under the supervision of the Department  of  Corrections,
17        schools  under  the  administration  of the Department of
18        Rehabilitation Services, or nonpublic schools meeting the
19        standards established  by  the  State  Superintendent  of
20        Education    or   comparable   out-of-state   recognition
21        standards  approved  by  the  State   Superintendent   of
22        Education.
23             Such  endorsement  shall  be required for principal,
24        assistant    principal,    assistant     or     associate
25        superintendent,  junior  college  dean and for related or
26        similar  positions  as  determined  by  the  Professional
27        Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent of Education
28        in consultation  with  the  State  Teacher  Certification
29        Board.
30             Notwithstanding  any  other  provisions of this Act,
31        after January 1, 1990 and  until  January  1,  1991,  any
32        teacher  employed  by  a  district  subject to Article 34
33        shall  be   entitled   to   receive   an   administrative
34        certificate  with  a  general  administrative endorsement
                            -76-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        affixed thereto if he or she: (i) had at least 3 years of
 2        experience as a certified teacher for such district prior
 3        to August 1, 1985; (ii) obtained a Master's degree  prior
 4        to  August  1, 1985; (iii) completed at least 20 hours of
 5        graduate credit in education courses (including at  least
 6        12  hours  in educational administration and supervision)
 7        prior to September 1,  1987;  and  (iv)  has  received  a
 8        rating of superior for at least each of the last 5 years.
 9        Any person who obtains an administrative certificate with
10        a  general  administrative  endorsement  affixed  thereto
11        under  this  paragraph shall not be qualified to serve in
12        any administrative position except assistant principal.
13             (3)  The chief school business official  endorsement
14        shall be affixed to the administrative certificate of any
15        holder  who  qualifies  by  having a Master's degree, two
16        years of administrative  experience  in  school  business
17        management,  and  a  minimum  of  20  semester  hours  of
18        graduate   credit   in   a  program  established  by  the
19        Professional Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent
20        of Education  in  consultation  with  the  State  Teacher
21        Certification   Board   for  the  preparation  of  school
22        business administrators.  Such endorsement shall also  be
23        affixed  to  the administrative certificate of any holder
24        who qualifies by having a  Master's  Degree  in  Business
25        Administration,  Finance  or Accounting from a regionally
26        accredited institution of higher education.
27             After June  30,  1977,  such  endorsement  shall  be
28        required  for  any  individual  first employed as a chief
29        school business official.
30             (4)  The superintendent endorsement shall be affixed
31        to the administrative certificate of any holder  who  has
32        completed 30 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the
33        master's  degree  in  a  program  for  the preparation of
34        superintendents of schools including 16 semester hours of
                            -77-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        graduate credit in professional education and who has  at
 2        least   2   years   experience  as  an  administrator  or
 3        supervisor in the public schools or the  State  Board  of
 4        Education   or  education service regions or in nonpublic
 5        schools meeting the standards established  by  the  State
 6        Superintendent  of  Education  or comparable out-of-state
 7        recognition   standards    approved    by    the    State
 8        Superintendent of Education and holds general supervisory
 9        or  general  administrative endorsement, or who has had 2
10        years of experience  as  a  supervisor  or  administrator
11        while  holding  an all-grade supervisory certificate or a
12        certificate comparable in validity  and  educational  and
13        experience requirements.
14             After  June  30,  1968,  such  endorsement  shall be
15        required for  a  superintendent  of  schools,  except  as
16        provided  in  the second paragraph of this Section and in
17        Section 34-6.
18             Any   person   appointed   to   the   position    of
19        superintendent between the effective date of this Act and
20        June  30, 1993 in a school district organized pursuant to
21        Article 32 with an enrollment of at least  20,000  pupils
22        shall be exempt from the provisions of this paragraph (4)
23        until June 30, 1996.
24        (f)  All  official  interpretations or acts of issuing or
25    denying administrative certificates or  endorsements  by  the
26    State Teacher's Certification Board, State Board of Education
27    or the State Superintendent of Education, from the passage of
28    P.A.  81-1208  on November 8, 1979 through September 24, 1981
29    are hereby declared valid and legal acts in all respects  and
30    further  that  the purported repeal of the provisions of this
31    Section by P.A. 81-1208 and P.A. 81-1509 is declared null and
32    void.
33    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99; 92-796, eff. 8-10-02.)
                            -78-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        (105 ILCS 5/21-9) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-9)
 2        Sec.  21-9.   Substitute  certificates   and   substitute
 3    teaching.
 4        (a)  A  substitute teacher's certificate may be issued by
 5    the Professional Teacher Standards Board for teaching in  all
 6    grades of the common schools.  Such certificate may be issued
 7    by  the  Professional Teacher Standards Board upon request of
 8    the  regional superintendent of schools  of  any   region  in
 9    which  the  teacher  is  to  teach.   A  substitute teacher's
10    certificate is valid for teaching in the  public  schools  of
11    any   county.    Such   certificate  may  be  issued  by  the
12    Professional Teacher Standards Board to  persons  who  either
13    (i)  (a)  hold a certificate valid for teaching in the common
14    schools as shown on the face of  the  certificate,  (ii)  (b)
15    hold  a bachelor of arts degree from an institution of higher
16    learning accredited by the North Central Association or other
17    comparable regional  accrediting  association  or  have  been
18    graduated  from  a  recognized institution of higher learning
19    with a bachelor's degree, or (iii) (c) have had  2  years  of
20    teaching experience and meet such other rules and regulations
21    as may be adopted by the Professional Teacher Standards Board
22    State  Board  of  Education  in  consultation  with the State
23    Teacher Certification Board.  Such certificate  shall  expire
24    on June 30 in the fourth year from date of issue.  Substitute
25    teacher's  certificates  are  not  subject  to endorsement as
26    described in Section 21-1b of this Code.
27        (b)  A teacher holding a substitute teacher's certificate
28    may teach only in the place of a  certified  teacher  who  is
29    under  contract  with  the employing board and may teach only
30    when no appropriate fully certified teacher is  available  to
31    teach  in  a substitute capacity.  A teacher holding an early
32    childhood certificate,  an  elementary  certificate,  a  high
33    school   certificate,  or  a  special  certificate  may  also
34    substitute teach in grades K-12 but only in the  place  of  a
                            -79-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    certified  teacher  who  is under contract with the employing
 2    board.  A substitute teacher may teach only for a period  not
 3    to exceed 90 paid school days or 450 paid school hours in any
 4    one  school district in any one school term. However, for the
 5    2001-2002, 2002-2003, and 2003-2004 school years,  a  teacher
 6    holding  an  early  childhood,  elementary,  high  school, or
 7    special certificate may substitute teach for a period not  to
 8    exceed  120  paid school days or 600 paid school hours in any
 9    one school district  in  any  one  school  term.  Where  such
10    teaching  is partly on a daily and partly on an hourly basis,
11    a school day shall be considered as  5  hours.  The  teaching
12    limitations  imposed by this subsection upon teachers holding
13    substitute  certificates  shall  not  apply  in  any   school
14    district operating under Article 34.
15    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99; 92-184, eff. 7-27-01.)

16        (105 ILCS 5/21-10) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-10)
17        Sec. 21-10. Provisional certificate.
18        (A)  (Blank).  Until  July  1,  1972,  the  State Teacher
19    Certification Board may issue a provisional certificate valid
20    for teaching in elementary, high school  or  special  subject
21    fields subject to the following conditions:
22        A  provisional  certificate may be issued to a person who
23    presents certified evidence of  having  earned  a  bachelor's
24    degree from a recognized institution of higher learning.  The
25    academic  and  professional courses offered as a basis of the
26    provisional certificate shall  be  courses  approved  by  the
27    State  Board  of  Education  in  consultation  with the State
28    Teacher Certification Board.
29        A certificate earned under this plan may  be  renewed  at
30    the  end of each two-year period upon evidence filed with the
31    State Teacher Certification Board that the holder has  earned
32    8  semester  hours  of credit within the period; provided the
33    requirements for the certificate of the same type issued  for
                            -80-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    the teaching position for which the teacher is employed shall
 2    be  met  by  the  end of the second renewal period.  A second
 3    provisional certificate shall not be issued.  The credits  so
 4    earned  must  be  approved by the State Board of Education in
 5    consultation with the State Teacher Certification  Board  and
 6    must   meet  the  general  pattern  for  a  similar  type  of
 7    certificate issued on the basis of credit.  No  more  than  4
 8    semester hours shall be chosen from elective subjects.
 9        (B)  After  July  1,  1972  and  until January 1, 2004 or
10    until the date that a quorum of the initial  members  on  the
11    Professional  Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever
12    occurs later,  the  State  Teacher  Certification  Board  may
13    issue,  and  on and after January 1, 2004 or on and after the
14    date that a quorum of the initial members on the Professional
15    Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever occurs later,
16    the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  may  issue,   a
17    provisional   certificate   valid   for   teaching  in  early
18    childhood, elementary, high school or special subject fields,
19    or for providing service as school service personnel  or  for
20    administering  schools subject to the following conditions: A
21    provisional certificate may be issued to a person  who  meets
22    the  requirements  for  a  regular  teaching,  school service
23    personnel or administrative certificate in another State  and
24    who presents certified evidence of having earned a bachelor's
25    degree from a recognized institution of higher learning.  The
26    academic  and  professional courses offered as a basis of the
27    provisional certificate shall  be  courses  approved  by  the
28    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
29    in  consultation  with the State Teacher Certification Board.
30    A certificate earned under this plan is valid for a period of
31    2 years and shall not be renewed; however, the individual  to
32    whom  this  certificate  is issued shall have passed or shall
33    pass the examinations set forth by the  Professional  Teacher
34    Standards  Board  State Board of Education within 9 months of
                            -81-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    the date of issuance of the provisional certificate.  Failure
 2    to pass the tests, required in Section 21-1a, shall result in
 3    the cancellation of the provisional certificate.
 4        (C)  The   Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State
 5    Teacher Certification Board  may  also  issue  a  provisional
 6    vocational certificate and a temporary provisional vocational
 7    certificate.
 8             (1)  The  requirements  for a provisional vocational
 9        certificate  shall  be  determined  by  the  Professional
10        Teacher Standards Board,  State  Board  of  Education  in
11        consultation  with the State Teacher Certification Board;
12        provided that, as a minimum requirement,  the  person  to
13        whom  the  certificate  is  to  be issued has earned, the
14        following minimum requirements are met: (a) after July 1,
15        1972, at  least  30  semester  hours  of  credit  from  a
16        recognized  institution of higher learning; and (b) after
17        July 1, 1974, at least 60 semester hours of credit from a
18        recognized institution of higher learning.
19             (2)  The requirements for  a  temporary  provisional
20        vocational   certificate   shall  be  determined  by  the
21        Professional Teacher  Standards  Board,  State  Board  of
22        Education   in   consultation   with  the  State  Teacher
23        Certification  Board;  provided  that,   as   a   minimum
24        requirement,  the person to whom the certificate is to be
25        issued has, the following minimum requirements  are  met:
26        (a)  after  July  1,  1973,  at least 4,000 hours of work
27        experience in the skill to be certified for teaching; and
28        (b) after July 1, 1975, at  least  8,000  hours  of  work
29        experience  in  the  skill  to be certified for teaching.
30        Any certificate  issued  under  the  provisions  of  this
31        paragraph  shall  expire on June 30 following the date of
32        issue.  Renewals may be granted on a  yearly  basis,  but
33        shall not be granted to any person who does not file with
34        the  Professional  Teacher  Standards Board State Teacher
                            -82-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        Certification Board  a  transcript  showing  at  least  3
 2        semester  hours of credit earned during the previous year
 3        in  a  recognized  institution  of  learning.   No   such
 4        certificate  shall be issued except upon certification by
 5        the employing board,  subject  to  the  approval  of  the
 6        regional  superintendent  of  schools,  that no qualified
 7        teacher holding a regular certificate  or  a  provisional
 8        vocational  certificate  is  available  and  that  actual
 9        circumstances and need require such issuance.
10        The courses or work experience offered as a basis for the
11    issuance  of  the  provisional  vocational certificate or the
12    temporary  provisional  vocational   certificate   shall   be
13    approved  by  the  Professional Teacher Standards Board State
14    Board of Education in consultation  with  the  State  Teacher
15    Certification Board.
16        (D)  Until  July 1, 1972, the State Teacher Certification
17    Board  may  also  issue  a   provisional   foreign   language
18    certificate  valid  for  4  years  for  teaching  the foreign
19    language named therein in all grades of  the  common  schools
20    and  shall  be  issued  to  persons who have graduated from a
21    recognized institution of higher learning with not fewer than
22    120  semester  hours  of  credit  and  who  have  met   other
23    requirements as determined by the State Board of Education in
24    consultation  with the State Teacher Certification Board.  If
25    the holder of a provisional foreign language certificate that
26    was issued under this subsection before July 1, 1972 has been
27    suspended because the holder of that provisional  certificate
28    did not become is not a citizen of the United States within 6
29    years  of  the  date of issuance of the original certificate,
30    such certificate shall remain be suspended  by  the  regional
31    superintendent  of  schools of the region in which the holder
32    is engaged to teach  and  shall  not  be  reinstated  by  the
33    Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board until the holder is a
34    citizen of the United States.
                            -83-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        (E)  Notwithstanding  anything  in  this   Act   to   the
 2    contrary,  the  Professional  Teacher Standards State Teacher
 3    Certification  Board  shall   issue   part-time   provisional
 4    certificates  to  eligible  individuals who are professionals
 5    and craftsmen.
 6        The requirements for  a  part-time  provisional  teachers
 7    certificate  shall  be determined by the Professional Teacher
 8    Standards Board State Board of Education in consultation with
 9    the State Teacher Certification Board, provided the following
10    minimum requirements are met:  60 semester  hours  of  credit
11    from  a  recognized  institution  of  higher learning or 4000
12    hours of work experience in the skill  to  be  certified  for
13    teaching.
14        A  part-time  provisional  certificate  may be issued for
15    teaching no more than 2 courses of study for grades 6 through
16    12.
17        A part-time provisional  teachers  certificate  shall  be
18    valid  for  2  years  and may be renewed at the end of each 2
19    year period.
20    (Source: P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98; 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

21        (105 ILCS 5/21-11.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-11.1)
22        Sec.    21-11.1.      Certificates     for     equivalent
23    qualifications. An applicant who holds or is eligible to hold
24    a  teacher's certificate or license under the laws of another
25    state or territory of the United  States  may  be  granted  a
26    corresponding   teacher's  certificate  in  Illinois  on  the
27    written authorization of the Professional  Teacher  Standards
28    Board   State  Board  of  Education  and  the  State  Teacher
29    Certification Board upon the following conditions:
30             (1)  That the applicant is at least 19 years of age,
31        is of good character, good health and a  citizen  of  the
32        United States; and
33             (2)  That  the  requirements for a similar teacher's
                            -84-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        certificate in the particular state or territory were, at
 2        the date of issuance of  the  certificate,  substantially
 3        equal  to  the  requirements  in  force  at  the time the
 4        application is made for the certificate in this State.
 5        After January 1, 1988,  in  addition  to  satisfying  the
 6    foregoing  conditions  and  requirements,  an applicant for a
 7    corresponding teaching certificate in Illinois also shall  be
 8    required   to   pass  the  examinations  required  under  the
 9    provisions of Section 21-1a as directed by  the  Professional
10    Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education.
11        In  determining  good  character  under this Section, any
12    felony  conviction  of  the  applicant  may  be  taken   into
13    consideration,  but the conviction shall not operate as a bar
14    to registration.
15        The Professional Teacher Standards Board State  Board  of
16    Education    in   consultation   with   the   State   Teacher
17    Certification Board shall  prescribe  rules  and  regulations
18    establishing  the  similarity of certificates in other states
19    and  the  standards  for  determining  the   equivalence   of
20    requirements.
21    (Source: P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98.)

22        (105 ILCS 5/21-11.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-11.2)
23        Sec.   21-11.2.    Additional  certificates;  experienced
24    employed teachers.  Experienced certified  teachers  employed
25    in  Illinois  public  or  private  elementary  and  secondary
26    schools  seeking additional teaching certificates as provided
27    in Sections 21-2.1,  21-3,  21-4,  and  21-5  may  submit  an
28    application for evaluation of credentials to the Professional
29    Teacher  Standards  Board  State Teacher Certification Board.
30    Individuals obtaining a certificate by transcript  evaluation
31    shall  meet  the  minimum requirements for the certificate as
32    approved by the Professional Teacher  Standards  Board  State
33    Superintendent  of  Education  in consultation with the State
                            -85-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Teacher Certification Board.
 2    (Source: P.A. 82-911.)

 3        (105 ILCS 5/21-11.3) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-11.3)
 4        Sec. 21-11.3.  Resident teacher certificate.  A  resident
 5    teacher certificate shall be valid for 4 years for employment
 6    as a resident teacher in a public school.  It shall be issued
 7    only   to  persons  who  have  graduated  from  a  regionally
 8    accredited institution of higher education with a  bachelor's
 9    degree, who are enrolled in a program of preparation approved
10    by   the   Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State
11    Superintendent  of  Education  in consultation with the State
12    Teacher  Certification  Board,  and  who  have   passed   the
13    appropriate  tests  as  required  in  Section  21-1a  and  as
14    determined  by the Professional Teacher Standards Board State
15    Board of Education.  A resident teacher  certificate  may  be
16    issued  for  teaching  children through grade 3 or for grades
17    K-9, 6-12, or K-12 in a special subject area and may  not  be
18    renewed.   A  resident  teacher  may  teach  only  under  the
19    direction of a certified teacher as  the  resident  teacher's
20    mentor  and  shall not teach in place of a certified teacher.
21    The holder of a resident teacher certificate shall be  deemed
22    to  have  satisfied  the  requirements  for the issuance of a
23    Standard Teaching Certificate if he or she  has  completed  4
24    years  of  successful  teaching,  has  passed all appropriate
25    tests, and has earned a master's degree in education.
26    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99; 92-560, eff. 6-24-02.)

27        (105 ILCS 5/21-11.4)
28        Sec. 21-11.4.  Illinois Teacher Corps.
29        (a)  The General Assembly finds and determines  that  (i)
30    it   is   important  to  encourage  the  entry  of  qualified
31    professionals into elementary and  secondary  teaching  as  a
32    second career; and (ii) there are a number of individuals who
                            -86-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    have bachelors' degrees, experience in the work force, and an
 2    interest  in serving youth that creates a special talent pool
 3    with great potential for  enriching  the  lives  of  Illinois
 4    children  as  teachers.  To provide this talent pool with the
 5    opportunity to serve children as teachers, school  districts,
 6    colleges,  and  universities  are  encouraged, as part of the
 7    public policy of this  State,  to  enter  into  collaborative
 8    programs   to   educate   and  induct  these  non-traditional
 9    candidates into the teaching profession.  To  facilitate  the
10    certification   of   such  candidates,  Professional  Teacher
11    Standards Board the State Board of Education, in consultation
12    with the State  Teacher  Certification  Board,  shall  assist
13    institutions  of  higher  education and school districts with
14    the implementation of the Illinois Teacher Corps.
15        (b)  Individuals who wish to become  candidates  for  the
16    Illinois  Teacher  Corps program must earn a resident teacher
17    certificate as defined in Section 21-11.3, including:
18             (1)  graduation   from   a   regionally   accredited
19        institution of higher education with a bachelor's  degree
20        and at least a 3.00 out of a 4.00 grade point average;
21             (2)  a minimum of 5 years of professional experience
22        in the area the candidate wishes to teach;
23             (3)  passing   the   examinations  required  by  the
24        Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Board  of
25        Education;
26             (4)  enrollment in a  Masters  of  Education  Degree
27        program  approved  by  the Professional Teacher Standards
28        Board State Superintendent of Education  in  consultation
29        with the State Teacher Certification Board; and
30             (5)  completion of a 6 week summer intensive teacher
31        preparation  course  which  is the first component of the
32        Masters Degree program.
33        (c)  School districts may hire an Illinois Teacher  Corps
34    candidate  after  the  candidate  has  received  his  or  her
                            -87-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    resident  teacher  certificate.   The school district has the
 2    responsibility of ensuring that the  candidates  receive  the
 3    supports   necessary   to  become  qualified,  competent  and
 4    productive teachers.  To be eligible to  participate  in  the
 5    Illinois Teacher Corps program, school districts must provide
 6    a minimum of the following supports to the candidates:
 7             (1)  a  salary  and  benefits  package as negotiated
 8        through the teacher contracts;
 9             (2)  a mentor certified  teacher  who  will  provide
10        guidance  to  one  or  more  candidates  under  a program
11        developed collaboratively  by  the  school  district  and
12        university;
13             (3)  at  least  quarterly  evaluations  performed of
14        each candidate jointly by  the  mentor  teacher  and  the
15        principal of the school or the principal's designee; and
16             (4)  a  written  and signed document from the school
17        district outlining the support the  district  intends  to
18        provide   to   the   candidates,   for  approval  by  the
19        Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board   State   Teacher
20        Certification Board.
21        (d)  Illinois institutions of higher education shall work
22    collaboratively  with  school  districts and the Professional
23    Teacher Standards Board State Teacher Certification Board  to
24    academically   prepare   the   candidates  for  the  teaching
25    profession.  To be eligible to participate,  the  College  or
26    School  of  Education of a participating Illinois institution
27    of higher education must develop a curriculum that  provides,
28    upon  completion,  a  Masters  Degree  in  Education  for the
29    candidates.  The Masters Degree program must:
30             (1)  receive approval from the Professional  Teacher
31        Standards Board State Teacher Certification Board; and
32             (2)  take  no  longer  than 3 summers and 2 academic
33        years  to  complete,  and  balance  the  needs  and  time
34        constraints of the candidates.
                            -88-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        (e)  Upon successful completion  of  the  Masters  Degree
 2    program,   the   candidate    receives  an  Initial  Teaching
 3    Certificate in the State of Illinois.
 4        (f)  If an individual wishes to become a candidate in the
 5    Illinois Teacher Corps program, but does not possess 5  years
 6    of  professional  experience,  the individual may qualify for
 7    the  program  by  participating  in  a  one  year  internship
 8    teacher preparation program with a school district.  The  one
 9    year  internship  shall  be  developed collaboratively by the
10    school  district  and  the  Illinois  institution  of  higher
11    education, and shall be approved by the Professional  Teacher
12    Standards Board State Teacher Certification Board.
13        (g)  The Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board
14    of   Education  is  authorized  to  award  grants  to  school
15    districts that seek to prepare candidates  for  the  teaching
16    profession  who have bachelors' degrees and professional work
17    experience in subjects relevant to teaching fields,  but  who
18    do  not  have formal preparation for teaching.  Grants may be
19    made to school districts for up to $3,000 per candidate  when
20    the  school district, in cooperation with a public or private
21    university and the school district's teacher bargaining unit,
22    develop a program designed to prepare  teachers  pursuant  to
23    the Illinois Teacher Corps program under this Section.
24    (Source: P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98; 91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)

25        (105 ILCS 5/21-12) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-12)
26        Sec.  21-12. Printing; Seal; Signature; Credentials.  All
27    certificates shall be printed by and bear the  signatures  of
28    the  Executive  Director chairman and of the secretary of the
29    Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State    Teacher
30    Certification   Board.    Each  certificate  shall  show  the
31    integrally printed seal of the Professional Teacher Standards
32    Board  State  Teacher  Certification  Board.    All   college
33    credentials  offered  as  the basis of a certificate shall be
                            -89-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    presented  to  the  secretary  of  the  Professional  Teacher
 2    Standards  Board  State  Teacher  Certification   Board   for
 3    inspection and approval.
 4        Commencing   July   1,   1999,  each  application  for  a
 5    certificate or evaluation of credentials shall be accompanied
 6    by  an  evaluation  fee  of  $30   payable   to   the   State
 7    Superintendent  of Education before January 1, 2004 or before
 8    the date  that  a  quorum  of  the  initial  members  on  the
 9    Professional  Teacher Standards Board is appointed, whichever
10    occurs later, and to the Professional Teacher Standards Board
11    on and after January 1, 2004 or on and after the date that  a
12    quorum  of  the  initial  members on the Professional Teacher
13    Standards Board is appointed, whichever occurs  later,  which
14    is  not  refundable, except that no application or evaluation
15    fee  shall  be  required  for  a  Master  Certificate  issued
16    pursuant to subsection (d) of Section 21-2 of this Code.  The
17    proceeds of each $30 fee  shall  be  paid  into  the  Teacher
18    Certificate  Fee  Revolving Fund, created under Section 21-1b
19    of  this  Code;  and  the  moneys  in  that  Fund  shall   be
20    appropriated  to the Professional Teacher Standards Board and
21    used by that  Board  to  provide  the  technology  and  other
22    resources  necessary  for the timely and efficient processing
23    of certification requests.
24        When evaluation verifies the  requirements  for  a  valid
25    certificate,  the  applicant  shall  be issued an entitlement
26    card that may be presented to a  regional  superintendent  of
27    schools for issuance of a certificate.
28        The applicant shall be notified of any deficiencies.
29    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99; 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

30        (105 ILCS 5/21-14) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-14)
31        Sec. 21-14. Registration and renewal of certificates.
32        (a)  A  limited  four-year  certificate  or a certificate
33    issued  after  July  1,  1955,  shall  be  renewable  at  its
                            -90-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    expiration  or  within  60  days  thereafter  by  the  county
 2    superintendent of schools having supervision and control over
 3    the school where  the  teacher  is  teaching  upon  certified
 4    evidence  of meeting the requirements for renewal as required
 5    by this Act and prescribed by the State Board of Education in
 6    consultation  with  the  State  Teacher  Certification  Board
 7    before January 1, 2004 or before the date that  a  quorum  of
 8    the  initial  members  on  the Professional Teacher Standards
 9    Board is  appointed,  whichever  occurs  later,  and  by  the
10    Professional  Teacher Standards Board on and after January 1,
11    2004 or on and after the date that a quorum  of  the  initial
12    members  on  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  is
13    appointed, whichever occurs later.  An elementary supervisory
14    certificate  shall  not  be  renewed  at the end of the first
15    four-year period covered by the certificate unless the holder
16    thereof has filed certified evidence  with  the  Professional
17    Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Teacher Certification Board
18    that he has a  master's  degree  or  that  he  has  earned  8
19    semester   hours  of  credit  in  the  field  of  educational
20    administration and supervision in a recognized institution of
21    higher  learning.   The  holder  shall  continue  to  earn  8
22    semester hours of credit each  four-year  period  until  such
23    time as he has earned a master's degree.
24        All  certificates  not  renewed  or  registered as herein
25    provided shall lapse after a  period  of  5  years  from  the
26    expiration   of   the   last   year  of  registration.   Such
27    certificates may be reinstated for a  one  year  period  upon
28    payment   of   all   accumulated   registration  fees.   Such
29    reinstated certificates shall only be renewed: (1) by earning
30    5 semester hours of credit in  a  recognized  institution  of
31    higher  learning in the field of professional education or in
32    courses related to the holder's contractual teaching  duties;
33    or  (2)  by  presenting  evidence  of holding a valid regular
34    certificate of some  other  type.   Any  certificate  may  be
                            -91-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    voluntarily   surrendered   by  the  certificate  holder.   A
 2    voluntarily surrendered certificate shall  be  treated  as  a
 3    revoked certificate.
 4        (b)  When   those  teaching  certificates  issued  before
 5    February 15, 2000  are  renewed  for  the  first  time  after
 6    February  15,  2000,  all such teaching certificates shall be
 7    exchanged for Standard Teaching Certificates as  provided  in
 8    subsection  (c)  of  Section  21-2.  All Initial and Standard
 9    Teaching Certificates, including those issued to persons  who
10    previously  held teaching certificates issued before February
11    15, 2000, shall be renewable under the conditions  set  forth
12    in this subsection (b).
13        Initial  Teaching  Certificates  are nonrenewable and are
14    valid for 4 years of teaching. Standard Teaching Certificates
15    are renewable every 5 years as provided in subsection (c)  of
16    Section  21-2  and  subsection  (c)  of  this  Section.   For
17    purposes of this Section, "teaching" is defined as employment
18    and  performance  of  services  in  an  Illinois  public   or
19    State-operated   elementary   school,  secondary  school,  or
20    cooperative or joint agreement with a governing body or board
21    of control, in a certificated teaching position, or a charter
22    school operating in compliance with the Charter Schools Law.
23        (c)  In compliance with subsection (c) of Section 21-2 of
24    this  Code,  which  provides   that   a   Standard   Teaching
25    Certificate  may  be  renewed  by  the  Professional  Teacher
26    Standards  Board State Teacher Certification Board based upon
27    proof   of   continuing   professional    development,    the
28    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
29    and the State Teacher Certification Board shall jointly:
30             (1)  establish  a  procedure  for  renewing Standard
31        Teaching Certificates, which shall  include  but  not  be
32        limited  to  annual timelines for the renewal process and
33        the components set forth in subsections (d)  through  (k)
34        of this Section;
                            -92-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             (2)  establish   the   standards   for   certificate
 2        renewal;
 3             (3)  approve    the    providers    of    continuing
 4        professional development activities;
 5             (4)  determine  the maximum credit for each category
 6        of continuing professional development activities,  based
 7        upon    recommendations   submitted   by   a   continuing
 8        professional development activity task force, which shall
 9        consist of 6  staff  members  from  the  State  Board  of
10        Education,  appointed  by  the  State  Superintendent  of
11        Education,  and  6 teacher representatives, 3 of whom are
12        selected by the Illinois Education Association and  3  of
13        whom are selected by the Illinois Federation of Teachers;
14             (5)  designate  the type and amount of documentation
15        required to show that continuing professional development
16        activities have been completed; and
17             (6)  provide, on a  timely  basis  to  all  Illinois
18        teachers,  certificate  holders, regional superintendents
19        of schools, school districts, and others with an interest
20        in continuing professional development, information about
21        the standards and requirements  established  pursuant  to
22        this subsection (c).
23        (d)  Any   Standard   Teaching  Certificate  held  by  an
24    individual employed and performing services  in  an  Illinois
25    public or State-operated elementary school, secondary school,
26    or  cooperative  or  joint agreement with a governing body or
27    board of control in a certificated  teaching  position  or  a
28    charter  school  in  compliance  with the Charter Schools Law
29    must be  maintained  Valid  and  Active  through  certificate
30    renewal  activities  specified  in  the  certificate  renewal
31    procedure  established  pursuant  to  subsection  (c) of this
32    Section, provided  that  a  holder  of  a  Valid  and  Active
33    certificate  who is only employed on either a part-time basis
34    or day-to-day basis as a substitute teacher  shall  pay  only
                            -93-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    the required registration fee to renew his or her certificate
 2    and  maintain  it  as  Valid  and Active.  All other Standard
 3    Teaching Certificates held may be  maintained  as  Valid  and
 4    Exempt  through  the registration process provided for in the
 5    certificate  renewal  procedure   established   pursuant   to
 6    subsection   (c)   of  this  Section.   A  Valid  and  Exempt
 7    certificate must be immediately activated, through procedures
 8    developed jointly by the Professional Teacher Standards Board
 9    State Board of Education and the State Teacher  Certification
10    Board,  upon  the  certificate  holder  becoming employed and
11    performing services in an Illinois public  or  State-operated
12    elementary  school, secondary school, or cooperative or joint
13    agreement with a governing body or  board  of  control  in  a
14    certificated  teaching position or a charter school operating
15    in compliance with the Charter Schools Law.  A  holder  of  a
16    Valid   and  Exempt  certificate  may  activate  his  or  her
17    certificate  through   procedures   provided   for   in   the
18    certificate   renewal   procedure   established  pursuant  to
19    subsection (c) of this Section.
20        (e)(1)  A Standard Teaching  Certificate  that  has  been
21    maintained  as  Valid  and  Active  for  the  5  years of the
22    certificate's validity shall be renewed as Valid  and  Active
23    upon  the  certificate  holder:  (i)  completing  an advanced
24    degree from an approved institution in  an  education-related
25    field;   (ii)   completing  at  least  8  semester  hours  of
26    coursework as described in subdivision (B) of  paragraph  (3)
27    of  this subsection (e); (iii) earning at least 24 continuing
28    education units as described in subdivision (C) of  paragraph
29    (3)  of  this  subsection  (e);  (iv) completing the National
30    Board  for  Professional  Teaching   Standards   process   as
31    described  in  subdivision  (D)  of  paragraph  (3)  of  this
32    subsection  (e);  or  (v) earning 120 continuing professional
33    development units ("CPDU") as described in subdivision (E) of
34    paragraph (3) of this subsection (e).  The maximum continuing
                            -94-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    professional   development   units   for   each    continuing
 2    professional  development activity identified in subdivisions
 3    (F) through (J) of paragraph (3) of this subsection (e) shall
 4    be jointly determined by the Professional  Teacher  Standards
 5    Board   State  Board  of  Education  and  the  State  Teacher
 6    Certification Board. If, however, the certificate holder  has
 7    maintained  the certificate as Valid and Exempt for a portion
 8    of the 5-year period of validity, the  number  of  continuing
 9    professional   development   units   needed   to   renew  the
10    certificate as Valid  and  Active  shall  be  proportionately
11    reduced  by  the amount of time the certificate was Valid and
12    Exempt. Furthermore, if a certificate holder is employed  and
13    performs  teaching services on a part-time basis for all or a
14    portion of the certificate's 5-year period of  validity,  the
15    number of continuing professional development units needed to
16    renew the certificate as Valid and Active shall be reduced by
17    50%  for  the  amount of time the certificate holder has been
18    employed and  performed  teaching  services  on  a  part-time
19    basis.   Part-time  shall  be defined as less than 50% of the
20    school day or school term.
21        (2)  Each Valid and Active Standard Teaching  Certificate
22    holder   shall   develop   a  certificate  renewal  plan  for
23    satisfying   the    continuing    professional    development
24    requirement provided for in subsection (c) of Section 21-2 of
25    this  Code.  Certificate  holders  with multiple certificates
26    shall develop a certificate renewal plan that addresses  only
27    that  certificate  or those certificates that are required of
28    his or her certificated teaching position, if the certificate
29    holder is employed and performing  services  in  an  Illinois
30    public or State-operated elementary school, secondary school,
31    or  cooperative  or  joint agreement with a governing body or
32    board of control, or that certificate or  those  certificates
33    most  closely related to his or her teaching position, if the
34    certificate holder is employed in a charter  school.   Except
                            -95-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    as  otherwise  provided in this subsection (e), a certificate
 2    renewal  plan  shall  include  a  minimum  of  3   individual
 3    improvement  goals  developed  by  the certificate holder and
 4    shall reflect purposes (A), (B),  and  (C)  and  may  reflect
 5    purpose   (D)   of   the  following  continuing  professional
 6    development purposes:
 7             (A)  Advance both the certificate holder's knowledge
 8        and skills as a  teacher  consistent  with  the  Illinois
 9        Professional  Teaching Standards and the Illinois Content
10        Area Standards  in  the  certificate  holder's  areas  of
11        certification,  endorsement,  or  teaching  assignment in
12        order to keep the certificate  holder  current  in  those
13        areas.
14             (B)  Develop  the certificate holder's knowledge and
15        skills  in  areas  determined  to  be  critical  for  all
16        Illinois teachers, as defined by the Professional Teacher
17        Standards Board State Board of Education, known as "State
18        priorities".
19             (C)  Address the knowledge, skills, and goals of the
20        certificate holder's local school  improvement  plan,  if
21        the   teacher  is  employed  in  an  Illinois  public  or
22        State-operated elementary school,  secondary  school,  or
23        cooperative  or  joint agreement with a governing body or
24        board of control.
25             (D)  Expand the certificate holder's  knowledge  and
26        skills  in  an  additional  teaching  field or toward the
27        acquisition of another teaching certificate, endorsement,
28        or relevant education degree.
29    A certificate renewal plan must include a description of  how
30    these goals are to be achieved and an explanation of selected
31    continuing   professional   development   activities   to  be
32    completed, each of  which  must  meet  one  or  more  of  the
33    continuing  professional  development  purposes  specified in
34    this  paragraph  (2).   The  plan  shall  identify  potential
                            -96-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    activities  and  include  projected   timelines   for   those
 2    activities that will assure completion of the plan before the
 3    expiration  of  the  5-year validity of the Standard Teaching
 4    Certificate. Except as otherwise provided in this  subsection
 5    (e),  at  least  50%  of  continuing professional development
 6    units must relate to purposes (A) and (B) set forth  in  this
 7    paragraph  (2):  the  advancement  of  a certificate holder's
 8    knowledge  and  skills  as  a  teacher  consistent  with  the
 9    Illinois Professional Teaching  Standards  and  the  Illinois
10    Content  Area  Standards in the certificate holder's areas of
11    certification, endorsement, or teaching assignment  in  order
12    to keep the certificate holder current in those areas and the
13    development of a certificate holder's knowledge and skills in
14    the  State  priorities that exist at the time the certificate
15    renewal plan is developed.
16        A  speech-language  pathologist  or  audiologist  who  is
17    licensed under the  Illinois  Speech-Language  Pathology  and
18    Audiology  Practice  Act  and  who  has  met  the  continuing
19    education  requirements of that Act and the rules promulgated
20    under  that  Act  shall  be  deemed  to  have  satisfied  the
21    continuing professional development requirements  established
22    by  the  Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Board of
23    Education and the Teacher  Certification  Board  to  renew  a
24    Standard Certificate.
25        (3)  Continuing   professional   development   activities
26    included  in  a certificate renewal plan may include, but are
27    not limited to, the following activities:
28             (A)  completion  of  an  advanced  degree  from   an
29        approved institution in an education-related field;
30             (B)  at  least  8 semester hours of coursework in an
31        approved education-related program, of which at  least  2
32        semester  hours  relate  to  the  continuing professional
33        development purpose set forth in purpose (A) of paragraph
34        (2) of this subsection (e), provided  that  such  a  plan
                            -97-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        need   not  include  any  other  continuing  professional
 2        development activities nor reflect or contain  activities
 3        related  to the other continuing professional development
 4        purposes set forth in paragraph (2)  of  this  subsection
 5        (e);
 6             (C)  continuing  education  units  that  satisfy the
 7        continuing professional development purposes set forth in
 8        paragraph  (2)  of  this  subsection   (e),   with   each
 9        continuing   education  unit  equal  to  5  clock  hours,
10        provided that a plan that includes at least 24 continuing
11        education units (or 120  clock/contact  hours)  need  not
12        include  any  other  continuing  professional development
13        activities;
14             (D)  completion   of   the   National    Board    of
15        Professional   Teaching   Standards   ("NBPTS")  process,
16        provided that a plan  that  includes  completion  of  the
17        NBPTS  process  need  not  include  any  other continuing
18        professional  development  activities  nor   reflect   or
19        contain activities related to the continuing professional
20        development  purposes  set  forth  in  paragraph  (2)  of
21        subsection (e) of this Section;
22             (E)  completion   of   120  continuing  professional
23        development   units   that   satisfy    the    continuing
24        professional  development purposes set forth in paragraph
25        (2) of  this  subsection  (e)  and  may  include  without
26        limitation  the activities identified in subdivisions (F)
27        through (J) of this paragraph (3);
28             (F)  collaboration   and   partnership    activities
29        related  to  improving the teacher's knowledge and skills
30        as a teacher, including the following:
31                  (i)  participating  on  collaborative  planning
32             and professional improvement teams and committees;
33                  (ii)  peer review and coaching;
34                  (iii)  mentoring in a formal mentoring program,
                            -98-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             including   service   as   a   consulting    teacher
 2             participating  in  a  remediation process formulated
 3             under Section 24A-5 of this Code;
 4                  (iv)  participating in site-based management or
 5             decision making teams, relevant committees,  boards,
 6             or   task   forces   directly   related   to  school
 7             improvement plans;
 8                  (v)  coordinating   community   resources    in
 9             schools,  if  the  project is a specific goal of the
10             school improvement plan;
11                  (vi)  facilitating  parent  education  programs
12             for a school, school district, or regional office of
13             education directly related to student achievement or
14             school improvement plans;
15                  (vii)  participating in  business,  school,  or
16             community  partnerships  directly related to student
17             achievement or school improvement plans; or
18                  (viii)  supervising  a   student   teacher   or
19             teacher education candidate in clinical supervision,
20             provided  that  the  supervision may only be counted
21             once during the course of 5 years;
22             (G)  college or  university  coursework  related  to
23        improving the teacher's knowledge and skills as a teacher
24        as follows:
25                  (i)  completing   undergraduate   or   graduate
26             credit   earned   from   a   regionally   accredited
27             institution    in   coursework   relevant   to   the
28             certificate area being renewed, including coursework
29             that   incorporates   induction    activities    and
30             development  of  a  portfolio  of  both  student and
31             teacher work that provides experience in  reflective
32             practices,  provided  the  coursework meets Illinois
33             Professional Teaching Standards or Illinois  Content
34             Area    Standards   and   supports   the   essential
                            -99-     LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             characteristics of quality professional development;
 2             or
 3                  (ii)  teaching college or university courses in
 4             areas  relevant  to  the  certificate   area   being
 5             renewed,  provided  that  the  teaching  may only be
 6             counted once during the course of 5 years;
 7             (H)  conferences, workshops,  institutes,  seminars,
 8        and   symposiums   related  to  improving  the  teacher's
 9        knowledge  and  skills  as  a  teacher,   including   the
10        following:
11                  (i)  completing  non-university credit directly
12             related to student achievement,  school  improvement
13             plans, or State priorities;
14                  (ii)  participating   in   or   presenting   at
15             workshops,  seminars,  conferences,  institutes, and
16             symposiums;
17                  (iii)  training  as  external   reviewers   for
18             Quality Assurance; or
19                  (iv)  training   as   reviewers  of  university
20             teacher preparation programs;
21             (I)  other  educational   experiences   related   to
22        improving   the  teacher's  knowledge  and  skills  as  a
23        teacher, including the following:
24                  (i)  participating  in  action   research   and
25             inquiry projects;
26                  (ii)  observing   programs   or   teaching   in
27             schools,  related  businesses,  or  industry that is
28             systematic, purposeful, and relevant to  certificate
29             renewal;
30                  (iii)  traveling   related   to  ones  teaching
31             assignment, directly related to student  achievement
32             or school improvement plans and approved at least 30
33             days  prior  to the travel experience, provided that
34             the traveling shall not include time spent commuting
                            -100-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             to destinations where the learning  experience  will
 2             occur;
 3                  (iv)  participating  in study groups related to
 4             student achievement or school improvement plans;
 5                  (v)  serving on a  statewide  education-related
 6             committee,   including   but   not  limited  to  the
 7             Professional Teacher Standards Board  State  Teacher
 8             Certification   Board,   State  Board  of  Education
 9             strategic  agenda  teams,  or  the  State   Advisory
10             Council on Education of Children with Disabilities;
11                  (vi)  participating  in  work/learn programs or
12             internships; or
13                  (vii)  developing a portfolio  of  student  and
14             teacher work;
15             (J)  professional  leadership experiences related to
16        improving  the  teacher's  knowledge  and  skills  as   a
17        teacher, including the following:
18                  (i)  participating in curriculum development or
19             assessment   activities   at   the   school,  school
20             district, regional office of  education,  State,  or
21             national level;
22                  (ii)  participating   in   team  or  department
23             leadership in a school or school district;
24                  (iii)  participating on  external  or  internal
25             school or school district review teams;
26                  (iv)  publishing educational articles, columns,
27             or  books  relevant  to  the  certificate area being
28             renewed; or
29                  (v)  participating   in   non-strike    related
30             professional   association   or  labor  organization
31             service  or  activities  related   to   professional
32             development.
33        (4)  A   certificate   renewal  plan  must  initially  be
34    approved  by  the  certificate  holder's  local  professional
                            -101-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    development committee, as provided for in subsection  (f)  of
 2    this   Section.    If   the  local  professional  development
 3    committee does not approve the certificate renewal plan,  the
 4    certificate  holder  may  appeal  that  determination  to the
 5    regional  professional  development  review   committee,   as
 6    provided  for  in  paragraph  (2)  of  subsection (g) of this
 7    Section.  If the  regional  professional  development  review
 8    committee  disagrees  with the local professional development
 9    committee's determination, the certificate renewal plan shall
10    be deemed approved  and  the  certificate  holder  may  begin
11    satisfying the continuing professional development activities
12    set   forth  in  the  plan.   If  the  regional  professional
13    development  review   committee   agrees   with   the   local
14    professional   development   committee's  determination,  the
15    certificate renewal plan  shall  be  deemed  disapproved  and
16    shall  be  returned  to  the  certificate holder to develop a
17    revised certificate renewal plan.  In all cases, the regional
18    professional development review committee  shall  immediately
19    notify  both the local professional development committee and
20    the certificate holder of its determination.
21        (5)  A  certificate  holder  who  wishes  to  modify  the
22    continuing professional development activities  or  goals  in
23    his  or her certificate renewal plan must submit the proposed
24    modifications to his or her  local  professional  development
25    committee  for  approval  prior  to  engaging in the proposed
26    activities.  If the local professional development  committee
27    does  not  approve the proposed modification, the certificate
28    holder  may  appeal  that  determination  to   the   regional
29    professional  development  review  committee, as set forth in
30    paragraph (4) of this subsection (e).
31        (6)  When a certificate  holder  changes  assignments  or
32    school   districts   during   the   course  of  completing  a
33    certificate renewal plan, the  professional  development  and
34    continuing education credit earned pursuant to the plan shall
                            -102-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    transfer  to  the new assignment or school district and count
 2    toward the total requirements. This certificate renewal  plan
 3    must  be  reviewed  by  the  appropriate  local  professional
 4    development  committee  and  may  be  modified to reflect the
 5    certificate  holder's  new  work  assignment  or  the  school
 6    improvement  plan  of  the  new  school  district  or  school
 7    building.
 8        (f)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of  this  Code,
 9    each  school  district,  charter  school,  and cooperative or
10    joint agreement with a governing body  or  board  of  control
11    that   employs   certificated   staff,  shall  establish  and
12    implement, in conjunction with its exclusive  representative,
13    if   any,   one   or   more  local  professional  development
14    committees, as set forth in this subsection (f), which  shall
15    perform the following functions:
16             (1)  review  and  approve  certificate renewal plans
17        and any modifications  made  to  these  plans,  including
18        transferred plans;
19             (2)  maintain a file of approved certificate renewal
20        plans;
21             (3)  monitor   certificate   holders'   progress  in
22        completing approved certificate renewal  plans,  provided
23        that a local professional development committee shall not
24        be   required   to   maintain   materials   submitted  by
25        certificate holders  to  demonstrate  their  progress  in
26        completing  their  certificate  renewal  plans  after the
27        committee has reviewed the materials and the credits have
28        been awarded;
29             (4)  assist  in  the  development  of   professional
30        development   plans   based   upon  needs  identified  in
31        certificate renewal plans;
32             (5)  determine whether certificate holders have  met
33        the  requirements  of their certificate renewal plans and
34        notify certificate holders of its determination;
                            -103-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             (6)  provide   a   certificate   holder   with   the
 2        opportunity  to  address  the  committee  when   it   has
 3        determined  that  the  certificate holder has not met the
 4        requirements of his or her certificate renewal plan;
 5             (7)  issue and forward recommendations  for  renewal
 6        or  nonrenewal  of certificate holders' Standard Teaching
 7        Certificates to the appropriate  regional  superintendent
 8        of  schools,  based upon whether certificate holders have
 9        met  the  requirements  of  their  approved   certificate
10        renewal   plans,   with  30-day  written  notice  of  its
11        recommendation provided to the certificate  holder  prior
12        to   forwarding   the   recommendation  to  the  regional
13        superintendent of schools, provided  that  if  the  local
14        professional  development  committee's  recommendation is
15        for certificate nonrenewal, the written  notice  provided
16        to the certificate holder shall include a return receipt;
17        and
18             (8)  reconsider  its  recommendation  of certificate
19        nonrenewal, upon request of the certificate holder within
20        30 days of receipt of written notification that the local
21        professional  development  committee  will  make  such  a
22        recommendation,   and    forward    to    the    regional
23        superintendent  of  schools  its recommendation within 30
24        days of receipt of the certificate holder's request.
25        Each  local  professional  development  committee   shall
26    consist  of at least 3 classroom teachers; one superintendent
27    or  chief  administrator  of  the  school  district,  charter
28    school, or cooperative or  joint  agreement  or  his  or  her
29    designee;  and  one at-large member who shall be either (i) a
30    parent, (ii) a member of  the  business  community,  (iii)  a
31    community  member,  or (iv) an administrator, with preference
32    given to an individual chosen from among those persons listed
33    in  items  (i),  (ii),  and  (iii)   in   order   to   secure
34    representation  of an interest not already represented on the
                            -104-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    committee.  Except in a school district in a  city  having  a
 2    population    exceeding   500,000,   a   local   professional
 3    development committee shall be responsible for no  more  than
 4    200  certificate  renewal  plans  annually  unless  otherwise
 5    mutually  agreed upon by the school district, charter school,
 6    or governing body or board of control  of  a  cooperative  or
 7    joint agreement and its exclusive representative, if any.  If
 8    mutually  agreed upon by the school district, charter school,
 9    or governing body or board of control  of  a  cooperative  or
10    joint  agreement  and  its  exclusive representative, if any,
11    additional members may  be  added  to  a  local  professional
12    development  committee,  provided  that a majority of members
13    are classroom teachers.  Except in a  school  district  in  a
14    city  having  a  population  exceeding 500,000, if additional
15    members  are  added  to  a  local  professional   development
16    committee,  the  maximum  number of certificate renewal plans
17    for which the committee shall annually be responsible may  be
18    increased  by  50  plans  for  each additional member, unless
19    otherwise  mutually  agreed  upon  by  the  school  district,
20    charter school, or governing body or board of  control  of  a
21    cooperative    or   joint   agreement   and   its   exclusive
22    representative, if any.  The school district, charter school,
23    or governing body or board of control  of  a  cooperative  or
24    joint  agreement  and  its  exclusive representative, if any,
25    shall determine the term of service of the members of a local
26    professional development committee.  All individuals selected
27    to serve on local professional development committees must be
28    known to demonstrate the best practices in teaching or  their
29    respective field of practice.
30        The  exclusive  representative,  if any, shall select the
31    classroom  teacher  members   of   the   local   professional
32    development   committee.    If  no  exclusive  representative
33    exists,  then  the  classroom  teacher  members  of  a  local
34    professional development committee shall be selected  by  the
                            -105-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    classroom  teachers  that  come within the local professional
 2    development  committee's  authority.   The  school  district,
 3    charter school, or governing body or board of  control  of  a
 4    cooperative   or   joint   agreement   shall   select  the  2
 5    non-classroom teacher members (the  superintendent  or  chief
 6    administrator  of  the  school  district,  charter school, or
 7    cooperative or joint agreement or his or her designee and the
 8    at-large  member)  of  a   local   professional   development
 9    committee.   Vacancies  in  positions on a local professional
10    development committee shall be filled in the same  manner  as
11    the original selections.  The members of a local professional
12    development  committee  shall  select  a  chairperson.  Local
13    professional  development   committee   meetings   shall   be
14    scheduled  so  as  not  to  interfere with committee members'
15    regularly scheduled teaching duties,  except  when  otherwise
16    permitted  by the policies of or agreed to or approved by the
17    school district, charter school, or governing body  or  board
18    of  control  of  a  cooperative  or  joint  agreement, or its
19    designee.
20        The board of education or governing board  shall  convene
21    the  first  meeting  of  the  local  professional development
22    committee.  All  actions  taken  by  the  local  professional
23    development  committee  shall  require  that  a  majority  of
24    committee  members be present, and no committee action may be
25    taken unless  50%  or  more  of  those  present  are  teacher
26    members.
27        The  Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Board of
28    Education and the State  Teacher  Certification  Board  shall
29    jointly  provide  local  professional  development  committee
30    members with a training manual, and the members shall certify
31    that they have received and read the manual.
32        Notwithstanding  any  other provisions of this subsection
33    (f), for a teacher employed  and  performing  services  in  a
34    nonpublic  or  State-operated elementary or secondary school,
                            -106-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    all references to a local professional development  committee
 2    shall  mean  the  regional  superintendent  of schools of the
 3    regional office of education for the  geographic  area  where
 4    the teaching is done.
 5        (g)(1)  Each  regional  superintendent  of  schools shall
 6    review and concur or nonconcur with each  recommendation  for
 7    renewal  or  nonrenewal of a Standard Teaching Certificate he
 8    or  she  receives  from  a  local  professional   development
 9    committee   or,   if   a   certificate   holder  appeals  the
10    recommendation  to  the  regional  professional   development
11    review   committee,   the   recommendation   for  renewal  or
12    nonrenewal he or she receives from  a  regional  professional
13    development  review  committee and, within 14 days of receipt
14    of the recommendation, shall provide the Professional Teacher
15    Standards  Board  State  Teacher  Certification  Board   with
16    verification of the following, if applicable:
17             (A)  a   certificate  renewal  plan  was  filed  and
18        approved   by   the   appropriate   local    professional
19        development committee;
20             (B)  the  professional  development  and  continuing
21        education   activities   set   forth   in   the  approved
22        certificate  renewal  plan   have   been   satisfactorily
23        completed;
24             (C)  the  local  professional  development committee
25        has recommended the renewal of the  certificate  holder's
26        Standard   Teaching   Certificate   and   forwarded   the
27        recommendation,  along  with all supporting documentation
28        as jointly required by the Professional Teacher Standards
29        Board State Board of  Education  and  the  State  Teacher
30        Certification  Board,  to  the regional superintendent of
31        schools;
32             (D)  the certificate holder has appealed his or  her
33        local professional development committee's recommendation
34        of  nonrenewal  to  the regional professional development
                            -107-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        review committee and the result of that appeal;
 2             (E)  the  regional  superintendent  of  schools  has
 3        concurred or nonconcurred  with  the  local  professional
 4        development    committee's   or   regional   professional
 5        development review committee's recommendation to renew or
 6        nonrenew  the  certificate  holder's  Standard   Teaching
 7        Certificate and made a recommendation to that effect; and
 8             (F)  the   established   registration  fee  for  the
 9        Standard Teaching Certificate has been paid.
10    At the same  time  the  regional  superintendent  of  schools
11    provides  the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State
12    Teacher  Certification Board with the notice required by this
13    subsection (g), he or she shall also notify  the  certificate
14    holder  in  writing that this notice has been provided to the
15    Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State    Teacher
16    Certification  Board, provided that if the notice provided by
17    the regional superintendent of schools  to  the  Professional
18    Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Teacher Certification Board
19    includes a  recommendation  of  certificate  nonrenewal,  the
20    written notice provided to the certificate holder shall be by
21    certified mail, return receipt requested.
22        (2)  Each  certificate  holder  shall  have  the right to
23    appeal his or her local professional development  committee's
24    recommendation  of  nonrenewal  to  the regional professional
25    development review committee, within 14 days  of  receipt  of
26    notice  that the recommendation has been sent to the regional
27    superintendent of schools.  Each regional  superintendent  of
28    schools  shall  establish a regional professional development
29    review committee or committees for the  purpose  of  advising
30    the  regional  superintendent  of  schools, upon request, and
31    handling certificate holder appeals.   This  committee  shall
32    consist    of    at   least   4   classroom   teachers,   one
33    non-administrative  certificated  educational   employee,   2
34    administrators,  and  one at-large member who shall be either
                            -108-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    (i) a parent, (ii) a member of the business community,  (iii)
 2    a community member, or (iv) an administrator, with preference
 3    given to an individual chosen from among those persons listed
 4    in   items   (i),   (ii),   and  (iii)  in  order  to  secure
 5    representation of an interest not already represented on  the
 6    committee.   The  teacher and non-administrative certificated
 7    educational employee members of the review committee shall be
 8    selected by their exclusive representative, if any,  and  the
 9    administrators  and  at-large member shall be selected by the
10    regional   superintendent    of    schools.     A    regional
11    superintendent  of  schools may add additional members to the
12    committee, provided that the same proportion of  teachers  to
13    administrators  and  at-large  members  on  the  committee is
14    maintained.  Any additional  teacher  and  non-administrative
15    certificated  educational  employee members shall be selected
16    by their exclusive  representative,  if  any.   Vacancies  in
17    positions  on  a  regional  professional  development  review
18    committee  shall be filled in the same manner as the original
19    selections.  Committee members shall serve  staggered  3-year
20    terms.    All  individuals  selected  to  serve  on  regional
21    professional development review committees must be  known  to
22    demonstrate   the   best   practices  in  teaching  or  their
23    respective field of practice.
24        The exclusive representative responsible for choosing the
25    individuals that serve on a regional professional development
26    review committee shall notify each school  district,  charter
27    school,   or   governing  body  or  board  of  control  of  a
28    cooperative or  joint  agreement  employing  the  individuals
29    chosen  to  serve  and provide their names to the appropriate
30    regional superintendent of  schools.   Regional  professional
31    development  review  committee meetings shall be scheduled so
32    as not to interfere with  the  committee  members'  regularly
33    scheduled teaching duties, except when otherwise permitted by
34    the  policies  of  or  agreed  to  or  approved by the school
                            -109-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    district, charter school,  or  governing  body  or  board  of
 2    control of a cooperative or joint agreement, or its designee,
 3    provided   that  the  school  district,  charter  school,  or
 4    governing body or board of  control  shall  not  unreasonably
 5    withhold permission for a committee member to attend regional
 6    professional development review committee meetings.
 7        In a city having a population exceeding 500,000 that does
 8    not have a regional office of education, one or more separate
 9    regional  professional development review committees shall be
10    established as mutually agreed upon by the board of education
11    of the school district organized under  Article  34  of  this
12    Code  and  the  exclusive representative.  The composition of
13    each  committee  shall  be  the  same  as  for   a   regional
14    professional   development   review  committee,  except  that
15    members of the committee shall be jointly  appointed  by  the
16    board  of  education  and  the  exclusive representative. All
17    other  provisions  of  this   Section   concerning   regional
18    professional  development  review  committees  shall apply to
19    these committees.
20        The regional professional  development  review  committee
21    may  require  information in addition to that received from a
22    certificate holder's local professional development committee
23    or request that the  certificate  holder  appear  before  it,
24    shall  either  concur  or nonconcur with a local professional
25    development committee's  recommendation  of  nonrenewal,  and
26    shall  forward  to the regional superintendent of schools its
27    recommendation of renewal or nonrenewal.  All  actions  taken
28    by  the  regional  professional  development review committee
29    shall require a quorum and be by a simple majority  of  those
30    present  and  voting.    A  record  of  all  votes  shall  be
31    maintained.  The committee shall have 45 days from receipt of
32    a  certificate  holder's appeal to make its recommendation to
33    the regional superintendent of schools.
34        The Professional Teacher Standards Board State  Board  of
                            -110-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Education  and  the  State  Teacher Certification Board shall
 2    jointly  provide  regional  professional  development  review
 3    committee members with a training  manual,  and  the  members
 4    shall  be  required  to attend one training seminar sponsored
 5    jointly by the Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State
 6    Board of Education and the State Teacher Certification Board.
 7        (h)(1)  The  Professional  Teacher  Standards Board State
 8    Teacher  Certification  Board  shall  review   the   regional
 9    superintendent   of  schools'  recommendations  to  renew  or
10    nonrenew   Standard   Teaching   Certificates   and    notify
11    certificate  holders  in  writing  whether their certificates
12    have been renewed or nonrenewed within 90 days of receipt  of
13    the recommendations, unless a certificate holder has appealed
14    a  regional  superintendent  of  schools'  recommendation  of
15    nonrenewal,  as  provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection
16    (h).  The Professional Teacher Standards Board State  Teacher
17    Certification  Board shall verify that the certificate holder
18    has met the renewal criteria set forth in  paragraph  (1)  of
19    subsection (g) of this Section.
20        (2)  Each  certificate  holder  shall  have  the right to
21    appeal a regional superintendent of  school's  recommendation
22    to  nonrenew  his or her Standard Teaching Certificate to the
23    Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State    Teacher
24    Certification Board, within 14 days of receipt of notice that
25    the  decision  has  been  sent  to  the  Professional Teacher
26    Standards Board  State  Teacher  Certification  Board,  which
27    shall hold an appeal hearing within 60 days of receipt of the
28    appeal.   When  such  an  appeal  is  taken,  the certificate
29    holder's Standard Teaching Certificate shall continue  to  be
30    valid   until   the   appeal   is  finally  determined.   The
31    Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State    Teacher
32    Certification  Board shall review the regional superintendent
33    of  school's  recommendation,   the   regional   professional
34    development  review  committee's  recommendation, if any, and
                            -111-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    the local professional development committee's recommendation
 2    and  all  relevant  documentation  to  verify   whether   the
 3    certificate  holder has met the renewal criteria set forth in
 4    paragraph  (1)  of  subsection  (g)  of  this  Section.   The
 5    Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State    Teacher
 6    Certification  Board  may request that the certificate holder
 7    appear before it.  All  actions  taken  by  the  Professional
 8    Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Teacher Certification Board
 9    shall require a quorum and be by a simple majority  of  those
10    present   and   voting.  A  record  of  all  votes  shall  be
11    maintained.  The Professional Teacher Standards  Board  State
12    Teacher  Certification  Board  shall  notify  the certificate
13    holder in writing, within 7 days of  completing  the  review,
14    whether  his  or  her  Standard Teaching Certificate has been
15    renewed or nonrenewed,  provided  that  if  the  Professional
16    Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Teacher Certification Board
17    determines to nonrenew  a  certificate,  the  written  notice
18    provided  to  the  certificate  holder  shall be by certified
19    mail, return receipt requested. All  certificate  renewal  or
20    nonrenewal  decisions  of  the Professional Teacher Standards
21    Board State Teacher Certification Board are final and subject
22    to administrative review, as set forth in  Section  21-24  of
23    this Code.
24        (i)  Holders  of  Master Teaching Certificates shall meet
25    the same requirements  and  follow  the  same  procedures  as
26    holders  of Standard Teaching Certificates, except that their
27    renewal cycle shall be as set  forth  in  subsection  (d)  of
28    Section 21-2 of this Code.
29        A   holder  of  a  teaching  certificate  endorsed  as  a
30    speech-language  pathologist  who  has   been   granted   the
31    Certificate   of   Clinical   Competence   by   the  American
32    Speech-Language Hearing Association  may  renew  his  or  her
33    Standard Teaching Certificate pursuant to the 10-year renewal
34    cycle  set  forth  in  subsection (d) of Section 21-2 of this
                            -112-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Code.
 2        (j)  Holders of Valid  and  Exempt  Standard  and  Master
 3    Teaching  Certificates  who  are  not employed and performing
 4    services in an Illinois public or  State-operated  elementary
 5    school,  secondary  school, or cooperative or joint agreement
 6    with a governing body or board of control, in a  certificated
 7    teaching    position,    may   voluntarily   activate   their
 8    certificates  by  developing  and  submitting  a  certificate
 9    renewal plan to the regional superintendent of schools of the
10    regional office of education for the  geographic  area  where
11    their teaching is done, who, or whose designee, shall approve
12    the   plan  and  serve  as  the  certificate  holder's  local
13    professional  development   committee.    These   certificate
14    holders shall follow the same renewal criteria and procedures
15    as   all  other  Standard  and  Master  Teaching  Certificate
16    holders,   except   that   their   continuing    professional
17    development plans shall not be required to reflect or address
18    the   knowledge,   skills,   and  goals  of  a  local  school
19    improvement plan.
20        (k)  Each school district, charter school, or cooperative
21    or joint agreement shall be paid an annual amount of not less
22    than $1,000, as determined by a formula based on  the  number
23    of Standard Teaching and Master Teaching Certificate holders,
24    subject  to  renewal  and  established by rule, not to exceed
25    $1,000,000  annually  for  all  school   districts,   charter
26    schools,   and   cooperatives   or   joint   agreements,  for
27    administrative costs associated with conducting the  meetings
28    of   the   local   professional   development  committee,  as
29    determined in consultation with the committee.  Each regional
30    office of education shall  receive  $2,000  annually  to  pay
31    school  districts,  charter schools, or cooperatives or joint
32    agreements for costs, as defined by rule, incurred  in  staff
33    attendance   at   regional  professional  development  review
34    committee meetings and the training  seminar  required  under
                            -113-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    paragraph (2) of subsection (g) of this Section.
 2        (l)  The Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board
 3    of  Education and the State Teacher Certification Board shall
 4    jointly contract with  an  independent  party  to  conduct  a
 5    comprehensive  evaluation  of  the certificate renewal system
 6    pursuant  to  this  Section.   The  first  report   of   this
 7    evaluation  shall  be  presented  to  the General Assembly on
 8    January 1,  2005  and  on  January  1  of  every  third  year
 9    thereafter.
10        (m)  The   Professional   Teacher   Standards  Board  has
11    jurisdiction over and the  responsibility  for  any  and  all
12    committees  created  under this Section.  The changes made in
13    this subsection (m)  by  this  amendatory  Act  of  the  93rd
14    General Assembly are declaratory of existing law.
15    (Source:  P.A.  91-102,  eff.  7-12-99;  92-510, eff. 6-1-02;
16    92-796, eff. 8-10-02.)

17        (105 ILCS 5/21-16) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-16)
18        Sec. 21-16. Fees; requirement for registration.
19        (a)  Until February 15, 2000, every applicant when issued
20    a certificate shall pay to  the  regional  superintendent  of
21    schools  a  fee of $1, which shall be paid into the institute
22    fund. Every certificate issued under the provisions  of  this
23    Act  shall  be  registered  annually or, at the option of the
24    holder of the certificate, once every 3 years.  The  regional
25    superintendent of schools having supervision and control over
26    the  school  where  the  teaching  is done shall register the
27    certificate before the holder begins to teach,  otherwise  it
28    shall  be  registered in any county in the State of Illinois;
29    and one fee of $4 per year for registration or renewal of one
30    or more certificates which  have  been  issued  to  the  same
31    holder shall be paid into the institute fund.
32        Until February 15, 2000, requirements for registration of
33    any  certificate  limited  in  time shall include evidence of
                            -114-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    professional growth defined as successful teaching experience
 2    since  last  registration  of  certificate,   attendance   at
 3    professional    meetings,    membership    in    professional
 4    organizations,   additional   credits  earned  in  recognized
 5    teacher-training  institutions,   travel   specifically   for
 6    educational  experience,  reading  of  professional books and
 7    periodicals, filing all reports as required by  the  regional
 8    superintendent  of  schools  and  the State Superintendent of
 9    Education  or   such   other   professional   experience   or
10    combination  of  experiences  as are presented by the teacher
11    and are approved by the State Superintendent of Education  in
12    consultation  with  the  State Teacher Certification Board. A
13    duplicate certificate may be issued to the holder of a  valid
14    life  certificate or valid certificate limited in time by the
15    State Superintendent of Education; however, it shall only  be
16    issued  upon  request of a regional superintendent of schools
17    and upon payment to the regional  superintendent  of  schools
18    who requests such duplicate a fee of $4.
19        (b)  Beginning  February  15,  2000,  all persons who are
20    issued Standard Teaching Certificates pursuant to clause (ii)
21    of paragraph (1) of subsection (c) of Section  21-2  and  all
22    persons  who renew Standard Teaching Certificates shall pay a
23    $25 fee for  registration  of  all  certificates  held.   All
24    persons  who  are issued Standard Teaching Certificates under
25    clause (i) of paragraph (1) of subsection (c) of Section 21-2
26    and all other applicants for Standard  Teaching  Certificates
27    shall  pay  an  original application fee, pursuant to Section
28    21-12, and a $25 fee for  registration  of  all  certificates
29    held.    These  certificates  shall  be  registered  and  the
30    registration fee paid once every 5 years.  Standard  Teaching
31    Certificate  applicants  and holders shall not be required to
32    pay any other registration fees for issuance  or  renewal  of
33    their  certificates,  except  as provided in Section 21-17 of
34    this Code.  Beginning  February  15,  2000,  Master  Teaching
                            -115-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Certificates  shall be issued and renewed upon payment by the
 2    applicant or certificate holder of a $50 fee for registration
 3    of  all  certificates  held.   These  certificates  shall  be
 4    registered and the fee paid  once  every  10  years.   Master
 5    Teaching  Certificate  applicants  and  holders  shall not be
 6    required to pay any other application  or  registration  fees
 7    for  issuance  or  renewal  of  their certificates, except as
 8    provided  in  Section  21-17  of  this   Code.    All   other
 9    certificates  issued  under the provisions of this Code shall
10    be registered for the validity period of the  certificate  at
11    the  rate  of  $5  per year for the total number of years for
12    which the  certificate  is  valid  for  registration  of  all
13    certificates  held,  or  for  a  maximum  of 5 years for life
14    certificates.  The regional superintendent of schools  having
15    supervision and control over the school where the teaching is
16    done  shall register the certificate before the holder begins
17    to teach, otherwise it shall be registered in any  county  in
18    the  State of Illinois. Each holder shall pay the appropriate
19    registration fee to the regional superintendent  of  schools.
20    The  regional  superintendent  of  schools  shall deposit the
21    registration fees into the institute fund.   Any  certificate
22    holder  who  teaches  in  more  than  one educational service
23    region shall register the certificate or certificates in  all
24    regions  where the teaching is done, but shall be required to
25    pay one registration fee for all certificates held,  provided
26    holders  of  certificates  issued pursuant to Section 21-9 of
27    this Code shall be required to pay one registration  fee,  in
28    each   educational   service  region  in  which  his  or  her
29    certificate  or  certificates   are   registered,   for   all
30    certificates held.
31        A  duplicate certificate may be issued to the holder of a
32    valid life certificate or valid certificate limited  in  time
33    by   the   Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State
34    Superintendent of Education; however, it shall only be issued
                            -116-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    upon request of a regional superintendent of schools and upon
 2    payment   to  the  regional  superintendent  of  schools  who
 3    requests the duplicate a fee of $4, which shall be  deposited
 4    into the institute fund.
 5    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99; 92-796, eff. 8-10-02.)

 6        (105 ILCS 5/21-17) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-17)
 7        Sec.  21-17.  Fee and duplicate certificate.  A duplicate
 8    certificate shall  be  issued  by  the  Professional  Teacher
 9    Standards   Board  State  Superintendent  of  Education  when
10    requested  by  the  regional  superintendent  of  schools  as
11    provided in  Section  21-16.  The  request  for  a  duplicate
12    certificate  shall be accompanied by a fee of $4, which shall
13    be deposited into the Teacher Certificate Fee Revolving Fund.
14    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)

15        (105 ILCS 5/21-19) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-19)
16        Sec. 21-19. Annual  report  by  certificate  holder.  The
17    holder  of  any  certificate,  shall  annually within 30 days
18    after assuming the duties of any teaching position report  to
19    the  regional  superintendent  having supervision and control
20    over the school where the  teacher  is  employed  information
21    relative  to  training,  experience,  salary  and  other data
22    required by the Professional Teacher  Standards  Board  State
23    Board  of  Education.  The  reports shall be collected in the
24    office of the regional  superintendent  and  filed  with  the
25    Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State  Board  of
26    Education.
27    (Source: P.A. 81-1508.)

28        (105 ILCS 5/21-21) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-21)
29        Sec.  21-21.   Definitions;  granting   of   recognition;
30    regional accreditation.
31        (a)  "Recognized",  as used in this Article in connection
                            -117-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    with the word "school" or "institution", means  such  school,
 2    college, university, private junior college, public community
 3    college  or special or technical school as maintains a course
 4    of study, a standard of scholarship  and  other  requirements
 5    set  by  the Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board
 6    of  Education  in  consultation  with   the   State   Teacher
 7    Certification  Board.  Application  for  recognition  of such
 8    school or institution  as  a  teacher  education  institution
 9    shall  be  made  to  the Professional Teacher Standards Board
10    State Board of Education. The Professional Teacher  Standards
11    Board State Board of Education in consultation with the State
12    Teacher  Certification  Board shall set the criteria by which
13    the school or institution shall be  judged  and  through  the
14    Secretary  of  that  the  Board shall arrange for an official
15    inspection and shall grant  recognition  of  such  school  or
16    institution  as  may  meet  the  required standards.  If such
17    standards include requirements with regard  to  education  in
18    acquiring  skills  in  working  with  culturally  distinctive
19    students,  as  defined  by the Professional Teacher Standards
20    Board State  Board  of  Education,  then  the  rules  of  the
21    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
22    shall  include  the criteria used to evaluate compliance with
23    this  requirement.  No  school  or  institution  shall   make
24    assignments  of  student  teachers  or  teachers for practice
25    teaching so as to promote segregation on the basis  of  race,
26    creed, color, religion, sex or national origin.
27        All recommendations for initial or standard certification
28    shall  be  made  by a recognized teacher training institution
29    operating  a  program  of  preparation  for  the  certificate
30    approved by the Professional Teacher  Standards  Board  State
31    Superintendent  of  Education  in consultation with the State
32    Teacher  Certification  Board.   The   Professional   Teacher
33    Standards Board State Board of Education in consultation with
34    the State Teacher Certification Board shall have the power to
                            -118-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    define  a major or minor when used as a basis for recognition
 2    and certification purposes.
 3        (b)  "Regionally accredited" or "accredited" as  used  in
 4    this  Article  in connection with a university or institution
 5    shall mean an institution of higher education  accredited  by
 6    the  North  Central  Association or other comparable regional
 7    accrediting association.
 8    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)

 9        (105 ILCS 5/21-21.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-21.1)
10        Sec.   21-21.1.     Denial    of    recommendation    for
11    certification.    Each  college  or  university  providing  a
12    teacher education program approved and recognized pursuant to
13    the provisions of this Article shall establish procedures and
14    standards to assure that no student is denied the opportunity
15    to receive the institutional recommendation for certification
16    for reasons which are not directly related to the candidate's
17    anticipated performance as  a  certificated  employee.   Such
18    standards  and procedures shall include the specific criteria
19    used  by  the  institution  for  admission,  retention,   and
20    recommendation for certification, periodic evaluations of the
21    candidate's  progress toward an institutional recommendation,
22    counseling and  other  supportive  services  to  correct  any
23    deficiencies which are considered remedial, and provisions to
24    assure  that  no person is discriminated against on the basis
25    of race, color, national origin or a disability unrelated  to
26    the  person's  ability to perform as a certificated employee.
27    Each institution shall also establish a  grievance  procedure
28    for   those  candidates  who  are  denied  the  institutional
29    recommendation  for  certification.   Within   10   days   of
30    notification  of such denial, the college or university shall
31    notify the candidate, in writing,  of  the  reasons  for  the
32    denial  of  recommendation for certification.  Within 30 days
33    of notification of the denial, the candidate may request  the
                            -119-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    college  or  university  to  review the denial.  If, after an
 2    additional 30 days to complete such review, the candidate  is
 3    denied  recommendation  for  certification, the candidate may
 4    appeal to the  Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board  State
 5    Teacher  Certification  Board  within 10 days of notification
 6    for a review of the institution's  decision.   The  candidate
 7    shall  have  the  right  to be present at any such review, to
 8    present evidence, and to be  represented  by  counsel.   Upon
 9    such  review  the  Professional Teacher Standards Board State
10    Teacher Certification Board shall take recommend  appropriate
11    action  to  the  State  Superintendent  of  Education.   Each
12    institution's   standards   and   procedures,  including  the
13    criteria for  admission,  retention,  and  the  institutional
14    recommendation   for  certification,  and  the  institution's
15    grievance procedures, shall be subject  to  approval  by  the
16    Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent of
17    Education   in   consultation   with   the   State    Teacher
18    Certification  Board.   Each  applicant  to the institution's
19    teacher education program shall be provided with  a  copy  of
20    the procedures established pursuant to this Section.
21    (Source: P.A. 89-397, eff. 8-20-95.)

22        (105 ILCS 5/21-23) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-23)
23        Sec. 21-23.  Suspension or revocation of certificate.
24        (a)  Any  certificate  issued  pursuant  to this Article,
25    including but not limited to any  administrative  certificate
26    or  endorsement,  may be suspended for a period not to exceed
27    one calendar year by the regional  superintendent  or  for  a
28    period  not  to  exceed  5  calendar  years  by the Executive
29    Director of the Professional Teacher  Standards  Board  State
30    Superintendent  of  Education  upon evidence of immorality, a
31    condition of health detrimental to  the  welfare  of  pupils,
32    incompetency,  unprofessional  conduct,  the  neglect  of any
33    professional duty, willful failure to report an  instance  of
                            -120-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    suspected  child  abuse  or neglect as required by the Abused
 2    and Neglected  Child  Reporting  Act,  failure  to  establish
 3    satisfactory  repayment  on an educational loan guaranteed by
 4    the Illinois Student Assistance  Commission,  or  other  just
 5    cause.   Unprofessional  conduct  shall  include  refusal  to
 6    attend  or  participate  in,  institutes, teachers' meetings,
 7    professional  readings,   or   to   meet   other   reasonable
 8    requirements  of  the  regional  superintendent  or Executive
 9    Director of the Professional Teacher  Standards  Board  State
10    Superintendent  of  Education.   Unprofessional  conduct also
11    includes conduct that  violates  the  standards,  ethics,  or
12    rules applicable to the security, administration, monitoring,
13    or   scoring  of,  or  the  reporting  of  scores  from,  any
14    assessment test or the Prairie State Achievement  Examination
15    administered  under  Section  2-3.64  or  that  is  known  or
16    intended  to  produce  or  report  manipulated or artificial,
17    rather than actual,  assessment  or  achievement  results  or
18    gains from the administration of those tests or examinations.
19    It  shall also include neglect or unnecessary delay in making
20    of statistical and other reports required by school officers.
21    The regional superintendent  or  Executive  Director  of  the
22    Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent of
23    Education shall upon receipt of  evidence  of  immorality,  a
24    condition  of  health  detrimental  to the welfare of pupils,
25    incompetency, unprofessional  conduct,  the  neglect  of  any
26    professional duty or other just cause serve written notice to
27    the  individual  and  afford the individual opportunity for a
28    hearing prior to  suspension.   If  a  hearing  is  requested
29    within  10 days of notice of opportunity for hearing it shall
30    act as a stay of proceedings  not  to  exceed  30  days.   No
31    certificate  shall  be  suspended  until  the  teacher has an
32    opportunity for a hearing at the educational service  region.
33    When  a  certificate  is suspended, the right of appeal shall
34    lie to the Professional Teacher Standards Board State Teacher
                            -121-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    Certification Board.  When an appeal is taken within 10  days
 2    after  notice  of  suspension  it  shall  act  as  a  stay of
 3    proceedings not to exceed  60  days.   If  a  certificate  is
 4    suspended  for  a period greater than one year, the Executive
 5    Director of the Professional Teacher  Standards  Board  State
 6    Superintendent of Education shall review the suspension prior
 7    to  the  expiration  of  that period to determine whether the
 8    cause for the suspension has been remedied  or  continues  to
 9    exist.   Upon  determining  that the cause for suspension has
10    not  abated,  the  Executive  Director  of  the  Professional
11    Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent of Education may
12    order that the suspension be  continued  for  an  appropriate
13    period.  Nothing in this Section prohibits the continuance of
14    such  a  suspension for an indefinite period if the Executive
15    Director of the Professional Teacher  Standards  Board  State
16    Superintendent  determines  that the cause for the suspension
17    remains unabated.  Any certificate may  be  revoked  for  the
18    same  reasons  as for suspension by the Executive Director of
19    the Professional Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent
20    of Education. No  certificate  shall  be  revoked  until  the
21    teacher   has   an  opportunity  for  a  hearing  before  the
22    Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State    Teacher
23    Certification  Board,  which  hearing  must be held within 60
24    days from the date the appeal is taken.
25        The Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board  may
26    refuse  to issue or may suspend the certificate of any person
27    who fails to file a return, or to pay  the  tax,  penalty  or
28    interest  shown  in  a  filed  return,  or  to  pay any final
29    assessment of tax, penalty or interest, as  required  by  any
30    tax  Act  administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue,
31    until such time as the requirements of any such tax  Act  are
32    satisfied.
33        (b)  Any  certificate issued pursuant to this Article may
34    be suspended for an appropriate length of time as  determined
                            -122-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    by  either  the regional superintendent or Executive Director
 2    of   the   Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State
 3    Superintendent of Education upon evidence that the holder  of
 4    the  certificate  has  been  named  as  a  perpetrator  in an
 5    indicated report filed pursuant to the Abused  and  Neglected
 6    Child  Reporting Act, approved June 26, 1975, as amended, and
 7    upon proof by clear and convincing evidence that the licensee
 8    has caused a child to be an abused child or  neglected  child
 9    as  defined  in that the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
10    Act.
11        The regional superintendent or Executive Director of  the
12    Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent of
13    Education  shall,  upon  receipt   of   evidence   that   the
14    certificate  holder  has  been  named  a  perpetrator  in any
15    indicated report, serve written notice to the individual  and
16    afford  the  individual  opportunity  for  a hearing prior to
17    suspension.  If a hearing is  requested  within  10  days  of
18    notice  of opportunity for hearing, it shall act as a stay of
19    proceedings not to exceed 30 days.  No certificate  shall  be
20    suspended  until the teacher has an opportunity for a hearing
21    at the educational service  region.  When  a  certificate  is
22    suspended,  the right of appeal shall lie to the Professional
23    Teacher Standards Board State  Teacher  Certification  Board.
24    When  an  appeal  is  taken  within  10  days after notice of
25    suspension it shall act as  a  stay  of  proceedings  not  to
26    exceed  60  days.  The Executive Director of the Professional
27    Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent may  revoke  any
28    certificate  upon  proof  at  hearing by clear and convincing
29    evidence that the certificate holder has caused a child to be
30    an abused child or neglected child as defined in  the  Abused
31    and  Neglected  Child Reporting Act.  No certificate shall be
32    revoked until the teacher has an opportunity  for  a  hearing
33    before the Professional Teacher Standards Board State Teacher
34    Certification  Board,  which  hearing  must be held within 60
                            -123-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    days from the date the appeal is taken.
 2        (c)  The Executive Director of the  Professional  Teacher
 3    Standards Board State Superintendent of Education or a person
 4    designated  by  him or her shall have the power to administer
 5    oaths to  witnesses  at  any  hearing  conducted  before  the
 6    Professional    Teacher   Standards   Board   State   Teacher
 7    Certification Board pursuant to this Section.  The  Executive
 8    Director  of  the  Professional Teacher Standards Board State
 9    Superintendent of Education or a person designated by him  or
10    her   is   authorized   to  subpoena  and  bring  before  the
11    Professional   Teacher   Standards   Board   State    Teacher
12    Certification  Board  any  person  in  this State and to take
13    testimony either orally or by deposition or by exhibit,  with
14    the  same  fees  and  mileage  and  in  the  same  manner  as
15    prescribed  by law in judicial proceedings in the civil cases
16    in circuit courts of this State.
17        Any circuit court, upon the application of the  Executive
18    Director  of  the  Professional Teacher Standards Board State
19    Superintendent of Education,  may,  by  order  duly  entered,
20    require  the  attendance  of  witnesses and the production of
21    relevant books  and  papers  at  any  hearing  the  Executive
22    Director  of  the  Professional Teacher Standards Board State
23    Superintendent of Education is authorized to conduct pursuant
24    to this Section, and the court may compel  obedience  to  its
25    orders by proceedings for contempt.
26        (d)  As  used in this Section, "teacher" means any school
27    district employee regularly  required  to  be  certified,  as
28    provided  in  this Article, in order to teach or supervise in
29    the public schools.
30    (Source: P.A. 89-610, eff. 8-6-96.)

31        (105 ILCS 5/21-23b) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-23b)
32        Sec. 21-23b.  Conviction of felony.
33        (a)  Whenever the holder of any certificate issued  under
                            -124-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    this  Article  is  employed by the school board of any school
 2    district, including a  special  charter  district  or  school
 3    district organized under Article 34, and is convicted, either
 4    after a bench trial, trial by jury, or plea of guilty, of any
 5    offense   for  which  a  sentence  to  death  or  a  term  of
 6    imprisonment in a  penitentiary  for  one  year  or  more  is
 7    provided,   the   school  board  shall  promptly  notify  the
 8    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
 9    in writing of the name of the certificate holder, the fact of
10    the conviction, and the name and location  of  the  court  in
11    which the conviction occurred.
12        (b)  Whenever  the  Professional  Teacher Standards Board
13    State Board of Education  receives  notice  of  a  conviction
14    under  subsection (a) or otherwise learns that any person who
15    is a "teacher" as that term is defined in Section  16-106  of
16    the  Illinois Pension Code has been convicted, either after a
17    bench trial, trial by jury, or plea of guilty, of any offense
18    for which a sentence to death or a term of imprisonment in  a
19    penitentiary   for   one   year  or  more  is  provided,  the
20    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
21    shall promptly notify in writing the board of trustees of the
22    Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois, and the
23    board of trustees of the Public School Teachers' Pension  and
24    Retirement  Fund  of the City of Chicago, and the State Board
25    of Education  of  the  name  of  the  certificate  holder  or
26    teacher, the fact of the conviction, the name and location of
27    the  court  in  which the conviction occurred, and the number
28    assigned in that court to the case in  which  the  conviction
29    occurred.
30    (Source: P.A. 87-1001.)

31        (105 ILCS 5/21-24) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-24)
32        Sec. 21-24.  Administrative Review Law. The provisions of
33    the   Administrative  Review  Law,  and  all  amendments  and
                            -125-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    modifications thereof and the rules adopted pursuant thereto,
 2    shall apply to and govern all proceedings instituted for  the
 3    judicial  review  of  final  administrative  decisions of the
 4    Professional  Teacher  Standards   Board   State   Board   of
 5    Education,  the  State  Teacher  Certification Board, and the
 6    regional superintendent of schools under  this  Article.  The
 7    term "administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101
 8    of  the  Code  of  Civil  Procedure.  The commencement of any
 9    action for review shall operate as a stay of enforcement  and
10    no  action  based on any decision of the Professional Teacher
11    Standards Board  State  Board  of  Education,  State  Teacher
12    Certification Board or the regional superintendent of schools
13    shall be taken pending final disposition of such review.
14    (Source: P.A. 84-551.)

15        (105 ILCS 5/21-25) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-25)
16        Sec. 21-25.  School service personnel certificate.
17        (a)  Subject to the provisions of Section 21-1a, a school
18    service  personnel  certificate  shall  be  issued  to  those
19    applicants  of  good character, good health, a citizen of the
20    United States and at  least  19  years  of  age  who  have  a
21    Bachelor's degree with not fewer than 120 semester hours from
22    a  regionally  accredited  institution of higher learning and
23    who meets the requirements established  by  the  Professional
24    Teacher  Standards Board State Superintendent of Education in
25    consultation with the State Teacher Certification  Board.   A
26    school  service  personnel  certificate  with  a school nurse
27    endorsement may be issued to a person who holds a bachelor of
28    science  degree  from  an  institution  of  higher   learning
29    accredited   by   the  North  Central  Association  or  other
30    comparable regional accrediting association.  Persons seeking
31    any  other  endorsement  on  the  school  service   personnel
32    certificate  shall  be  recommended  for the endorsement by a
33    recognized teacher education institution as having  completed
                            -126-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    a program of preparation approved by the Professional Teacher
 2    Standards   Board   State   Superintendent  of  Education  in
 3    consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board.
 4        (b)  Until August 30, 2002, a  school  service  personnel
 5    certificate  endorsed for school social work may be issued to
 6    a student who has completed a school social work program that
 7    has  not  been  approved  by  the  State  Superintendent   of
 8    Education,  provided that each of the following conditions is
 9    met:
10             (1)  The program was offered by a recognized, public
11        teacher  education  institution   that   first   enrolled
12        students in its master's degree program in social work in
13        1998;
14             (2)  The  student  applying  for  the school service
15        personnel certificate was enrolled in  the  institution's
16        master's  degree  program  in social work on or after May
17        11, 1998;
18             (3)  The  State  Superintendent  verifies  that  the
19        student has completed coursework  that  is  substantially
20        similar  to  that required in approved school social work
21        programs, including (i) not fewer than 600 clock hours of
22        a supervised internship in a school setting  or  (ii)  if
23        the student has completed part of a supervised internship
24        in  a  school setting prior to the effective date of this
25        amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly and  receives
26        the prior approval of the State Superintendent, not fewer
27        than  300  additional clock hours of supervised work in a
28        public  school  setting  under  the  supervision   of   a
29        certified  school  social  worker  who certifies that the
30        supervised work was completed in a  satisfactory  manner;
31        and
32             (4)  The  student  has passed a test of basic skills
33        and the test of  subject  matter  knowledge  required  by
34        Section 21-1a.
                            -127-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        This subsection (b) does not apply after August 29, 2002.
 2        (c)  A  school  service  personnel  certificate  shall be
 3    endorsed with the  area  of  Service  as  determined  by  the
 4    Professional  Teacher Standards Board State Superintendent of
 5    Education   in   consultation   with   the   State    Teacher
 6    Certification Board.
 7        The  holder  of such certificate shall be entitled to all
 8    of the rights and  privileges  granted  holders  of  a  valid
 9    teaching    certificate,    including    teacher    benefits,
10    compensation and working conditions.
11        When the holder of such certificate has earned a master's
12    degree,  including  8 semester hours of graduate professional
13    education from a recognized institution of  higher  learning,
14    and  has  at  least  2  years of successful school experience
15    while  holding  such  certificate,  the  certificate  may  be
16    endorsed for supervision.
17    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99; 92-254, eff. 1-1-02.)

18        (105 ILCS 5/21-27)
19        Sec. 21-27.  The Illinois  Teaching  Excellence  Program.
20    The   Illinois   Teaching   Excellence   Program   is  hereby
21    established  to  provide  categorical  funding  for  monetary
22    incentives and bonuses  for  teachers  who  are  employed  by
23    school  districts  and  who  hold  a Master Certificate.  The
24    Professional Teacher Standards Board State Board of Education
25    shall allocate and distribute  to  each  school  district  an
26    amount  as annually appropriated by the General Assembly from
27    federal funds for the Illinois Teaching  Excellence  Program.
28    Fiscal  year  2004  appropriations  to  the  State  Board  of
29    Education   for   this   purpose   may  be  expended  by  the
30    Professional  Teacher  Standards  Board.    Unless  otherwise
31    provided by  appropriation,  each  school  district's  annual
32    allocation  shall  be  the  sum of the amounts earned for the
33    following incentives and bonuses:
                            -128-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1             (1)  An annual payment of $3,000 to be paid to  each
 2        teacher who successfully completes the program leading to
 3        and  who receives a Master Certificate and is employed as
 4        a teacher by a  school  district.   The  school  district
 5        shall distribute this payment to each eligible teacher as
 6        a single payment or in not more than 3 payments.
 7             (2)  An  annual  incentive  equal to $1,000 shall be
 8        paid to each teacher who holds a Master Certificate,  who
 9        is  employed  as  a teacher by a school district, and who
10        agrees, in writing, to  provide  60  hours  of  mentoring
11        during  that  year to classroom teachers.  This mentoring
12        may  include,  either  singly  or  in  combination,   (i)
13        providing  high  quality professional development for new
14        and experienced teachers,  and  (ii)  assisting  National
15        Board   for   Professional   Teaching  Standards  (NBPTS)
16        candidates through the NBPTS certification process.   The
17        school  district  shall  distribute  50%  of  each annual
18        incentive payment upon completion  of  30  hours  of  the
19        required mentoring and the remaining 50% of the incentive
20        upon  completion  of  the required 60 hours of mentoring.
21        Credit may not  be  granted  by  a  school  district  for
22        mentoring  or  related services provided during a regular
23        school day or during the total number of days of required
24        service for the school year.
25             (3)  An annual incentive equal to  $3,000  shall  be
26        paid  to each teacher who holds a Master Certificate, who
27        is employed as a teacher by a school  district,  and  who
28        agrees,  in  writing,  to  provide  60 hours of mentoring
29        during that year to classroom teachers in schools on  the
30        Academic Early Warning List or in schools in which 50% or
31        more  of  the  students  receive  free  or  reduced price
32        lunches, or both. The school  district  shall  distribute
33        50%  of  each annual incentive payment upon completion of
34        30 hours of the required mentoring and the remaining  50%
                            -129-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        of the incentive upon completion of the required 60 hours
 2        of  mentoring.   Credit  may  not  be granted by a school
 3        district  for  mentoring  or  related  services  provided
 4        during a regular school day or during the total number of
 5        days of required service for the school year.
 6        Each regional superintendent  of  schools  shall  provide
 7    information  about  the  Master  Certificate  Program  of the
 8    National Board for Professional  Teaching  Standards  (NBPTS)
 9    and  this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly to each
10    individual seeking to register or renew a  certificate  under
11    Section 21-14 of this Code.
12    (Source: P.A. 91-606, eff. 8-16-99; 92-796, eff. 8-10-02.)

13        (105 ILCS 5/34-18.5) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.5)
14        Sec. 34-18.5.  Criminal background investigations.
15        (a)  After  August  1,  1985,  certified and noncertified
16    applicants  for  employment  with  the  school  district  are
17    required  as  a  condition  of  employment  to  authorize  an
18    investigation to  determine  if  such  applicants  have  been
19    convicted  of any of the enumerated criminal or drug offenses
20    in subsection (c) of this Section  or  have  been  convicted,
21    within  7  years  of  the application for employment with the
22    school district, of any other felony under the laws  of  this
23    State  or  of any offense committed or attempted in any other
24    state or against the laws  of  the  United  States  that,  if
25    committed  or  attempted  in  this  State,  would  have  been
26    punishable  as  a  felony  under  the  laws  of  this  State.
27    Authorization for the investigation shall be furnished by the
28    applicant   to  the  school  district,  except  that  if  the
29    applicant is a substitute teacher seeking employment in  more
30    than  one  school  district,  or a teacher seeking concurrent
31    part-time employment positions  with  more  than  one  school
32    district  (as a reading specialist, special education teacher
33    or otherwise), or an educational support  personnel  employee
                            -130-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    seeking employment positions with more than one district, any
 2    such   district   may   require   the  applicant  to  furnish
 3    authorization  for  the   investigation   to   the   regional
 4    superintendent of the educational service region in which are
 5    located  the  school  districts  in  which  the  applicant is
 6    seeking employment as a substitute  or  concurrent  part-time
 7    teacher or concurrent educational support personnel employee.
 8    Upon  receipt  of  this authorization, the school district or
 9    the appropriate regional superintendent, as the case may  be,
10    shall  submit  the applicant's name, sex, race, date of birth
11    and social security number to the Department of State  Police
12    on   forms   prescribed   by  the  Department.  The  regional
13    superintendent submitting the requisite  information  to  the
14    Department  of  State Police shall promptly notify the school
15    districts in which the applicant is seeking employment  as  a
16    substitute  or  concurrent  part-time  teacher  or concurrent
17    educational support personnel employee that the investigation
18    of the applicant has been requested. The Department of  State
19    Police  shall  conduct  an  investigation to ascertain if the
20    applicant being considered for employment has been  convicted
21    of  any  of  the  enumerated  criminal  or  drug  offenses in
22    subsection (c) or has been convicted, within 7 years  of  the
23    application  for  employment with the school district, of any
24    other felony under the laws of this State or of  any  offense
25    committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws
26    of  the United States that, if committed or attempted in this
27    State, would have been punishable as a felony under the  laws
28    of  this  State.   The  Department  shall  charge  the school
29    district or the appropriate regional superintendent a fee for
30    conducting such investigation, which fee shall  be  deposited
31    in  the  State  Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the
32    cost of the inquiry; and the applicant shall not be charged a
33    fee for such investigation by the school district or  by  the
34    regional  superintendent.   The  regional  superintendent may
                            -131-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    seek reimbursement from the State Board of Education  or  the
 2    appropriate school district or districts for fees paid by the
 3    regional  superintendent  to  the Department for the criminal
 4    background investigations required by this Section.
 5        (b)  The Department shall furnish, pursuant  to  positive
 6    identification,  records  of  convictions, until expunged, to
 7    the president of  the  board  of  education  for  the  school
 8    district   which  requested  the  investigation,  or  to  the
 9    regional superintendent who requested the investigation.  Any
10    information concerning the record of convictions obtained  by
11    the  president  of  the  board  of  education or the regional
12    superintendent  shall  be  confidential  and  may   only   be
13    transmitted  to  the  general  superintendent  of  the school
14    district  or   his   designee,   the   appropriate   regional
15    superintendent  if  the  investigation  was  requested by the
16    board of education for the school district, the presidents of
17    the appropriate board of education or school  boards  if  the
18    investigation  was  requested  from  the  Department of State
19    Police   by   the   regional   superintendent,   the    State
20    Superintendent   of   Education,   the  Professional  Teacher
21    Standards Board State  Teacher  Certification  Board  or  any
22    other   person  necessary  to  the  decision  of  hiring  the
23    applicant for employment. A copy of the record of convictions
24    obtained  from  the  Department  of  State  Police  shall  be
25    provided to the applicant for employment. If an investigation
26    of an applicant for employment as a substitute or  concurrent
27    part-time teacher or concurrent educational support personnel
28    employee  in  more  than one school district was requested by
29    the regional superintendent,  and  the  Department  of  State
30    Police  upon  investigation ascertains that the applicant has
31    not been convicted of any of the enumerated criminal or  drug
32    offenses  in subsection (c) or has not been convicted, within
33    7 years of the application for  employment  with  the  school
34    district, of any other felony under the laws of this State or
                            -132-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    of  any  offense committed or attempted in any other state or
 2    against the laws of the United States that, if  committed  or
 3    attempted  in  this  State,  would  have been punishable as a
 4    felony under the laws of  this  State  and  so  notifies  the
 5    regional  superintendent,  then  the  regional superintendent
 6    shall issue to the applicant a certificate evidencing that as
 7    of the date specified by the Department of State  Police  the
 8    applicant  has  not  been  convicted of any of the enumerated
 9    criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) or has  not  been
10    convicted,  within  7 years of the application for employment
11    with the school district, of any other felony under the  laws
12    of this State or of any offense committed or attempted in any
13    other state or against the laws of the United States that, if
14    committed  or  attempted  in  this  State,  would  have  been
15    punishable  as  a  felony  under the laws of this State.  The
16    school  board  of  any  school  district   located   in   the
17    educational   service   region   served   by   the   regional
18    superintendent  who issues such a certificate to an applicant
19    for  employment  as  a  substitute  or  concurrent  part-time
20    teacher or concurrent educational support personnel  employee
21    in  more  than  one such district may rely on the certificate
22    issued by the regional superintendent to that  applicant,  or
23    may  initiate  its own investigation of the applicant through
24    the Department of State Police as provided in subsection (a).
25    Any  person  who  releases   any   confidential   information
26    concerning  any  criminal  convictions  of  an  applicant for
27    employment shall be guilty of a Class A  misdemeanor,  unless
28    the  release  of  such  information  is  authorized  by  this
29    Section.
30        (c)  The  board of education shall not knowingly employ a
31    person who has been convicted for committing attempted  first
32    degree murder or for committing or attempting to commit first
33    degree  murder  or a Class X felony or any one or more of the
34    following offenses:  (i)  those  defined  in  Sections  11-6,
                            -133-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    11-9,  11-14,  11-15,  11-15.1,  11-16,  11-17, 11-18, 11-19,
 2    11-19.1,  11-19.2,  11-20,  11-20.1,  11-21,  12-13,   12-14,
 3    12-14.1,  12-15  and 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 1961; (ii)
 4    those defined in  the  Cannabis  Control  Act,  except  those
 5    defined  in  Sections  4(a), 4(b) and 5(a) of that Act; (iii)
 6    those defined in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act;  and
 7    (iv) any offense committed or attempted in any other state or
 8    against  the laws of the United States, which if committed or
 9    attempted in this State, would have been punishable as one or
10    more  of  the  foregoing  offenses.  Further,  the  board  of
11    education shall not knowingly employ a person  who  has  been
12    found  to  be  the perpetrator of sexual or physical abuse of
13    any minor under 18 years of age pursuant to proceedings under
14    Article II of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987.
15        (d)  The board of education shall not knowingly employ  a
16    person  for  whom a criminal background investigation has not
17    been initiated.
18        (e)  Upon receipt of the record of a conviction of  or  a
19    finding  of child abuse by a holder of any certificate issued
20    pursuant to Article 21 or Section  34-8.1  or  34-83  of  the
21    School   Code,   the   board   of   education  or  the  State
22    Superintendent of Education shall  initiate  the  certificate
23    suspension and revocation proceedings authorized by law.
24        (f)  After March 19, 1990, the provisions of this Section
25    shall  apply  to  all  employees  of persons or firms holding
26    contracts with any school district including, but not limited
27    to, food  service  workers,  school  bus  drivers  and  other
28    transportation employees, who have direct, daily contact with
29    the  pupils  of  any school in such district. For purposes of
30    criminal background investigations on employees of persons or
31    firms holding contracts with more than  one  school  district
32    and  assigned  to more than one school district, the regional
33    superintendent of the educational service region in which the
34    contracting school districts are located may, at the  request
                            -134-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    of any such school district, be responsible for receiving the
 2    authorization   for   investigation  prepared  by  each  such
 3    employee and submitting the same to the Department  of  State
 4    Police.   Any information concerning the record of conviction
 5    of any such employee obtained by the regional  superintendent
 6    shall   be   promptly   reported  to  the  president  of  the
 7    appropriate school board or school boards.
 8    (Source: P.A. 90-566, eff. 1-2-98; 91-885, eff. 7-6-00.)

 9        (105 ILCS 5/34-83) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-83)
10        Sec.   34-83.    Board   of    examiners     Certificates
11    Examinations.  A  board  of  3  examiners  shall  examine all
12    applicants required to hold certificates  to  teach  and  the
13    board of education shall issue gratuitously to those who pass
14    a   required  test  of  character,  scholarship  and  general
15    fitness,  such  certificates  to  teach  as  they  are  found
16    entitled to receive. No person may be granted or continue  to
17    hold  a  teaching  certificate  who  has knowingly altered or
18    misrepresented his or her teaching qualifications in order to
19    acquire the certificate.  Any other certificate held by  such
20    person may be suspended or revoked by the board of examiners,
21    depending   upon   the   severity   of   the   alteration  or
22    misrepresentation. The board of examiners  shall  consist  of
23    the  general superintendent of schools and 2 persons approved
24    and appointed by the board of education upon  the  nomination
25    of  the  general  superintendent  of  schools.  The  board of
26    examiners shall  hold  such  examinations  as  the  board  of
27    education  may  prescribe,  upon  the  recommendation  of the
28    general superintendent  of  schools  and  shall  prepare  all
29    necessary  eligible  lists, which shall be kept in the office
30    of the general superintendent  of  schools  and  be  open  to
31    public  inspection.  Members  of the board of examiners shall
32    hold office for a term of 2 years.
33        The  board  of  examiners  created  herein  is  abolished
                            -135-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    effective July 1, 1988.  Commencing July  1,  1988,  all  new
 2    teachers   employed   by   the   board  shall  hold  teaching
 3    certificates issued by the State Teacher Certification  Board
 4    under   Article   21.    The  State  Board  of  Education  in
 5    consultation with  the  board  of  examiners  and  the  State
 6    Teacher  Certification Board shall develop procedures whereby
 7    Teachers currently holding valid certificates issued  by  the
 8    board  of  examiners prior to its abolition, and all teachers
 9    employed by the board after August 1, 1985 and prior to  July
10    1,   1988,   shall  no  later  than  July  1,  1988  exchange
11    certificates issued by the board of examiners for  comparable
12    certificates  issued  under  Article  21 by the State Teacher
13    Certification Board.  On the exchange of a certificate on  or
14    before  July  1,  1988, the State Teacher Certification Board
15    shall not  require  any  additional  qualifications  for  the
16    issuance  of  the comparable certificate are not required. If
17    prior to July 1, 1988 the board of examiners has issued types
18    of teaching certificates which  are  not  comparable  to  the
19    types  of  certificates  issued under Article 21 by the State
20    Teacher Certification Board, such certificates shall continue
21    to be valid  for  and  shall  be  renewable  by  the  holders
22    thereof,  and  no additional qualifications shall be required
23    by the Professional Teacher  Standards  Board  State  Teacher
24    Certification   Board  for  any  such  renewal;  however,  no
25    individual who received a letter  of  continuing  eligibility
26    shall  be issued an Initial or Standard Teaching Certificate,
27    as provided  in  Section  21-2  of  this  Code,  unless  that
28    individual also holds such a valid and renewable certificate.
29        The  State  Board  of  Education  shall report by July 1,
30    1986, to the Illinois General Assembly on the procedures  for
31    exchange  it  has developed in consultation with the board of
32    examiners  and  the  State  Teacher  Certification  Board  as
33    required in this Section.
34    (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)
                            -136-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        Section 10.  The Higher Education Student Assistance  Act
 2    is amended by changing Section 65.20 as follows:

 3        (110 ILCS 947/65.20)
 4        Sec. 65.20.  Science-mathematics teacher scholarships.
 5        (a)  The  Commission  may  annually  award  a  number  of
 6    scholarships,  not  to  exceed  200, to persons holding valid
 7    teaching certificates issued under Article 21 of  the  School
 8    Code.  Such scholarships shall be issued to teachers who make
 9    application  to  the Commission and who agree to take courses
10    at  qualified  institutions  of  higher  learning  that  will
11    prepare them to teach science or mathematics at the secondary
12    school level.
13        (b)  Scholarships awarded under  this  Section  shall  be
14    issued pursuant to regulations promulgated by the Commission;
15    provided  that no rule or regulation promulgated by the State
16    Board of Education  prior  to  the  effective  date  of  this
17    amendatory Act of 1993 pursuant to the exercise of any right,
18    power,  duty,  responsibility  or  matter of pending business
19    transferred  from  the  State  Board  of  Education  to   the
20    Commission  under this Section shall be affected thereby, and
21    all such rules and regulations shall  become  the  rules  and
22    regulations  of  the  Commission until modified or changed by
23    the  Commission  in  accordance  with   law.    In   awarding
24    scholarships,  the  Commission  shall  give priority to those
25    teachers with the greatest amount of seniority within  school
26    districts.
27        (c)  Each scholarship shall be utilized by its holder for
28    the payment of tuition at any qualified institution of higher
29    learning.   Such  tuition shall be available only for courses
30    that will enable the teacher to be certified to teach science
31    or mathematics at the secondary school level. The Commission,
32    in consultation with the Professional Teacher Standards Board
33    State Teacher  Certification  Board,  shall  determine  which
                            -137-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    courses are eligible for tuition payments under this Section.
 2        (d)  The  Commission shall make tuition payments directly
 3    to the qualified institution of  higher  learning  which  the
 4    teacher  attends  for  the  courses  prescribed  or  may make
 5    payments to the teacher.  Any teacher who  receives  payments
 6    and  who  fails  to  enroll  in  the courses prescribed shall
 7    refund the payments to the Commission.
 8        (e)  Following the completion of the  program  of  study,
 9    the  teacher  must  accept  employment  within  2  years in a
10    secondary school in Illinois within 60 miles of the teacher's
11    residence to teach science or mathematics; provided, however,
12    that the teacher  instead  may  elect  to  accept  employment
13    within  such 2 year period to teach science or mathematics in
14    a secondary school in Illinois which is more  than  60  miles
15    from  the  teacher's  residence.  Teachers who fail to comply
16    with this provision  shall  refund  all  of  the  scholarship
17    awarded   to  the  Commission,  whether  payments  were  made
18    directly to the institutions of higher  learning  or  to  the
19    teachers, and this condition shall be agreed to in writing by
20    all  scholarship  recipients  at  the time the scholarship is
21    awarded.  No teacher shall  be  required  to  refund  tuition
22    payments  if  his  or  her  failure to obtain employment as a
23    mathematics or science teacher in a secondary school  is  the
24    result  of financial conditions within school districts.  The
25    rules and regulations promulgated as provided in this Section
26    shall include provisions regarding the waiving  and  deferral
27    of such payments.
28        (f)  The  Commission,  with  the cooperation of the State
29    Board  of  Education,  shall   assist   teachers   who   have
30    participated  in  the scholarship program established by this
31    Section  in  finding    employment  to   teach   science   or
32    mathematics at the secondary level.
33        (g)  This  Section  is  substantially the same as Section
34    30-4b of the School Code, which Section is repealed  by  this
                            -138-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    amendatory   Act  of  1993,  and  shall  be  construed  as  a
 2    continuation of the science-mathematics  teacher  scholarship
 3    program  established  by  that prior law, and not as a new or
 4    different science-mathematics  teacher  scholarship  program.
 5    The   State   Board   of  Education  shall  transfer  to  the
 6    Commission, as the successor to the State Board of  Education
 7    for  all  purposes  of  administering    and implementing the
 8    provisions of this Section,  all  books,  accounts,  records,
 9    papers,   documents,   contracts,   agreements,  and  pending
10    business in  any  way  relating  to  the  science-mathematics
11    teacher scholarship program continued under this Section; and
12    all  scholarships  at any time awarded under that program by,
13    and all applications for any such scholarships  at  any  time
14    made  to, the State Board of Education shall be unaffected by
15    the transfer to the Commission of all responsibility for  the
16    administration  and implementation of the science-mathematics
17    teacher scholarship program  continued  under  this  Section.
18    The  State Board of Education shall furnish to the Commission
19    such other information  as  the  Commission  may  request  to
20    assist it in administering this Section.
21        (h)  Appropriations for the scholarships outlined in this
22    Section   shall   be   made  to  the  Commission  from  funds
23    appropriated by the General Assembly.
24        (i)  For the purposes of this Section:
25        "Qualified institution  of  higher  learning"  means  the
26    University of Illinois, Southern Illinois University, Chicago
27    State  University,  Eastern  Illinois  University,  Governors
28    State  University,  Illinois  State  University, Northeastern
29    Illinois University, Northern  Illinois  University,  Western
30    Illinois   University,  and  the  public  community  colleges
31    subject to the Public Community College Act.
32        "Secondary school level" means grades 9 through 12  or  a
33    portion of such grades.
34    (Source:  P.A.  88-228;  88-670,  eff.  12-2-94;  89-4,  eff.
                            -139-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    1-1-96.)

 2        Section  15.   The Clinical Psychologist Licensing Act is
 3    amended by changing Section 4 as follows:

 4        (225 ILCS 15/4) (from Ch. 111, par. 5354)
 5        Sec. 4.  Application of Act.
 6        (a)  Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit  the
 7    activities  of  and services of a student, intern or resident
 8    in psychology seeking to fulfill educational requirements  or
 9    the experience requirements in order to qualify for a license
10    under  this  Act,  or  an  individual  seeking to fulfill the
11    postdoctoral experience requirements in order to qualify  for
12    licensure  under  this  Act provided that such activities and
13    services are under the direct supervision, order, control and
14    full  professional  responsibility  of  a  licensed  clinical
15    psychologist and  provided  that  such  student,  intern,  or
16    resident  be  designated by a title "intern" or "resident" or
17    other designation of trainee status.   Supervised  experience
18    in  which  the  supervisor receives monetary payment or other
19    considerations from the supervisee or in which the supervisor
20    is hired by or otherwise employed by the supervisee shall not
21    be accepted by the Department as  fulfilling  the  practicum,
22    internship  or  2 years of satisfactory supervised experience
23    requirements for licensure. Nothing contained in this Section
24    shall be construed as permitting such students,  interns,  or
25    residents  to  offer their services as clinical psychologists
26    to any other person or persons and to accept remuneration for
27    such  clinical   psychological   services   other   than   as
28    specifically  excepted herein, unless they have been licensed
29    under the provisions of this Act.
30        (b)  Nothing in this Act shall be construed as permitting
31    persons licensed as clinical psychologists to engage  in  any
32    manner  in the practice of medicine as defined in the laws of
                            -140-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    this State.  Persons licensed as clinical  psychologists  who
 2    render services to persons in need of mental treatment or who
 3    are  mentally  ill  shall  as  appropriate  initiate  genuine
 4    collaboration  with  a  physician  licensed  in  Illinois  to
 5    practice medicine in all its branches.
 6        (c)  Nothing   in   this   Act   shall  be  construed  as
 7    restricting an individual certified as a school  psychologist
 8    by  the State Board of Education, who is at least 21 years of
 9    age and has had at least 3 years of full-time experience as a
10    certified school psychologist, from using  the  title  school
11    psychologist   and  offering  school  psychological  services
12    limited  to  those  services  set  forth  in  the  rules  and
13    regulations that govern the administration and  operation  of
14    special  education pertaining to children and youth ages 0-21
15    prepared by the State Board of  Education.   Anyone  offering
16    such  services  under  the provisions of this paragraph shall
17    use the term school psychologist and describe  such  services
18    as  "School Psychological Services".  This exemption shall be
19    limited  to  the  practice  of  school  psychology  only   as
20    manifested  through psychoeducational problems, and shall not
21    be construed to allow a school psychologist to function as  a
22    general practitioner of clinical psychology, unless otherwise
23    licensed  under this Act.  However, nothing in this paragraph
24    prohibits a  school  psychologist  from  making  evaluations,
25    recommendations  or  interventions regarding the placement of
26    children  in  educational  programs  or   special   education
27    classes,  nor  shall  it  prohibit  school psychologists from
28    providing   clinical   psychological   services   under   the
29    supervision  of  a  licensed  clinical  psychologist.    This
30    paragraph   shall  not  be  construed  to  mandate  insurance
31    companies to reimburse school psychologists directly for  the
32    services  of school psychologists.  Nothing in this paragraph
33    shall be construed to exclude anyone duly licensed under this
34    Act  from  offering  psychological  services  in  the  school
                            -141-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    setting.  School psychologists providing services  under  the
 2    provisions  of this paragraph shall not provide such services
 3    outside their employment to any child who is a student in the
 4    district or districts which employ such school  psychologist.
 5    School  psychologists,  as described in this paragraph, shall
 6    be under the regulatory  authority  of  the  State  Board  of
 7    Education  and the Professional Teacher Standards Board State
 8    Teacher Certification Board.
 9        (d)  Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit  the
10    activities and use of the official title of "psychologist" on
11    the  part  of  a  person  not  licensed  under  this  Act who
12    possesses a doctoral degree earned in a program  concentrated
13    primarily  on  the  study  of  psychology  and is an academic
14    employee of a duly chartered institution of higher  education
15    insofar  as  such  person  engages in public speaking with or
16    without remuneration, provided that such person is not in any
17    manner  held  out  to  the  public  as  practicing   clinical
18    psychology  as  defined  in  paragraph 5 of Section 2 of this
19    Act, unless he or she has been licensed under the  provisions
20    of this Act.
21        (e)  Nothing  in this Act shall be construed to regulate,
22    control, or restrict the  clinical  practice  of  any  person
23    licensed,  registered,  or  certified in this State under any
24    other Act, provided that such person is  not  in  any  manner
25    held  out  to  the public as rendering clinical psychological
26    services as defined in paragraph 7 of Section 2 of this Act.
27        (f)  Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit  the
28    activities and use of the title "psychologist" on the part of
29    a  person  who  practices  psychology and (i) who possesses a
30    doctoral degree earned in a program concentrated primarily on
31    the study of psychology; and (ii) whose services involve  the
32    development  and  application  of  psychological  theory  and
33    methodology  to  problems  of  organizations  and problems of
34    individuals  and  groups  in  organizational  settings;   and
                            -142-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    provided  further  that such person is not in any manner held
 2    out to the public as practicing clinical  psychology  and  is
 3    not  held  out  to  the  public  by any title, description or
 4    designation stating or implying that he or she is a  clinical
 5    psychologist  unless  he  or  she has been licensed under the
 6    provisions of this Act.
 7    (Source: P.A. 89-702, eff. 7-1-97.)

 8        Section 20.   The  Professional  Counselor  and  Clinical
 9    Professional  Counselor  Licensing Act is amended by changing
10    Section 15 as follows:

11        (225 ILCS 107/15)
12        (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
13        Sec. 15.  Exemptions.
14        (a)  This Act  does  not  prohibit  any  persons  legally
15    regulated in this State by any other Act from engaging in the
16    practice for which they are authorized as long as they do not
17    represent   themselves   by   the   title   of  "professional
18    counselor",  "licensed  professional  counselor",   "clinical
19    professional  counselor",  or "licensed clinical professional
20    counselor". This  Act  does  not  prohibit  the  practice  of
21    nonregulated  professions  whose practitioners are engaged in
22    the delivery of human services as long as these practitioners
23    do  not  represent  themselves  as  or  use  the   title   of
24    "professional  counselor", "licensed professional counselor",
25    "clinical  professional  counselor",  or  "licensed  clinical
26    professional counselor".
27        (b)  Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit  the
28    activities  and services of a student, intern, or resident in
29    professional counseling or clinical  professional  counseling
30    seeking  to  fulfill  educational  requirements  in  order to
31    qualify for a license under this Act if these activities  and
32    services constitute a part of the student's supervised course
                            -143-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    of study, or an individual seeking to fulfill the post-degree
 2    experience  requirements  in  order  to qualify for licensing
 3    under this Act, as long as the activities  and  services  are
 4    not  conducted in an independent practice, as defined in this
 5    Act,  if  the  activities  and  services  are  supervised  as
 6    specified in this Act,  and  that  the  student,  intern,  or
 7    resident  is  designated by a title "intern" or "resident" or
 8    other designation of trainee  status.  Nothing  contained  in
 9    this  Section shall be construed to permit students, interns,
10    or  residents  to  offer  their  services   as   professional
11    counselors  or  clinical professional counselors to any other
12    person and  to  accept  remuneration  for  such  professional
13    counseling or clinical professional counseling services other
14    than  as  specifically  excepted in this Section, unless they
15    have been licensed under this Act.
16        (c)  Corporations,  partnerships,  and  associations  may
17    employ practicum students, interns, or post-degree candidates
18    seeking  to   fulfill   educational   requirements   or   the
19    professional  experience requirements needed to qualify for a
20    license under this  Act  if  their  activities  and  services
21    constitute a part of the student's supervised course of study
22    or  post-degree professional experience requirements. Nothing
23    in this paragraph shall prohibit a corporation,  partnership,
24    or  association  from contracting with a licensed health care
25    professional to provide services that they  are  licensed  to
26    provide.
27        (d)  Nothing in this Act shall prevent the employment, by
28    a  professional counselor or clinical professional counselor,
29    person, association, partnership, or a corporation furnishing
30    professional counseling or clinical  professional  counseling
31    services   for  remuneration,  of  persons  not  licensed  as
32    professional counselors or clinical  professional  counselors
33    under  this  Act to perform services in various capacities as
34    needed if these persons are not in any manner held out to the
                            -144-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    public or do not hold themselves out to  the  public  by  any
 2    title  or  designation  stating  or  implying  that  they are
 3    professional counselors or clinical professional counselors.
 4        (e)  Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit  the
 5    services  of  a  person, not licensed under the provisions of
 6    this Act, in the employ  of  a  federal,  State,  county,  or
 7    municipal   agency   or   other   political   subdivision  or
 8    not-for-profit corporation providing human  services  if  (1)
 9    the  services are a part of the duties in his or her salaried
10    position, (2) the services are performed solely on behalf  of
11    his  or  her  employer,  and  (3) that person does not in any
12    manner represent himself or herself as or use  the  title  of
13    "professional  counselor", "licensed professional counselor",
14    "clinical  professional  counselor",  or  "licensed  clinical
15    professional counselor".
16        (f)  Duly   recognized   members   of    any    religious
17    organization  shall  not  be  restricted  from functioning in
18    their ministerial capacity provided  they  do  not  represent
19    themselves  as  being  professional  counselors  or  clinical
20    professional   counselors,   or  as  providing  "professional
21    counseling" or "clinical professional counseling".  This  Act
22    shall  not  apply  or  be  construed  so  as  to apply to the
23    employees or agents of a church or religious organization  or
24    an  organization  owned,  controlled,  or  affiliated  with a
25    church  or  religious  organization,   unless   the   church,
26    religious  organization,  or owned, controlled, or affiliated
27    organization designates or holds these  employees  or  agents
28    out  to  the  public  as  professional counselors or clinical
29    professional counselors or holds out their services as  being
30    "professional    counseling"    or   "clinical   professional
31    counseling".
32        (g)  Nothing in this Act shall prohibit  individuals  not
33    licensed  under  the  provisions  of  this  Act  who  work in
34    self-help groups or programs or not-for-profit  organizations
                            -145-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    from   providing  services  in  those  groups,  programs,  or
 2    organizations, as long as those persons are not in any manner
 3    held out to the public as practicing professional  counseling
 4    or   clinical   professional   counseling,  or  do  not  hold
 5    themselves out to the public  by  any  title  or  designation
 6    stating  or implying that they are professional counselors or
 7    clinical professional counselors.
 8        (h)  Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit  the
 9    activities  and  use  of  the official title of "professional
10    counselor" or "clinical professional counselor" on  the  part
11    of  a  person  not licensed under this Act who is an academic
12    employee of a duly chartered institution of higher  education
13    and  who  holds  educational  and professional qualifications
14    equivalent to those required for licensing  under  this  Act,
15    insofar as such activities are performed in the person's role
16    as an academic employee, or insofar as such person engages in
17    public speaking with or without remuneration.
18        (i)  Nothing  in  this  Act shall be construed to require
19    licensure under this Act or limit the services  of  a  school
20    counselor  certified  by  the  Professional Teacher Standards
21    Board State  Teacher  Certification  Board  and  employed  as
22    authorized  by  Section  10-22-24a or any other  provision of
23    the School Code as long as that person is not in  any  manner
24    held  out  to  the  public  as  a "professional counselor" or
25    "clinical professional counselor" or does not hold out his or
26    her services as being "professional counseling" or  "clinical
27    professional counseling".
28        (j)  Nothing  in  this  Act shall be construed to require
29    any hospital, clinic, home health agency, hospice,  or  other
30    entity  that  provides  health  care to employ or to contract
31    with a person licensed under this Act to provide professional
32    counseling  or  clinical  professional  counseling  services.
33    These persons  may  not  hold  themselves  out  or  represent
34    themselves to the public as being licensed under this Act.
                            -146-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1        (k)  Nothing  in  this  Act shall be construed to require
 2    licensure under this Act or limit the services  of  a  person
 3    employed  by  a  private  elementary  or secondary school who
 4    provides counseling within the scope of his or her employment
 5    as long as that person is not in any manner held out  to  the
 6    public   as   a   "professional   counselor"   or   "clinical
 7    professional  counselor"  or  does  not  hold  out his or her
 8    services as  being  "professional  counseling"  or  "clinical
 9    professional counseling".
10        (l)  Nothing  in  this  Act shall be construed to require
11    licensure under this Act or limit  the  services  of  a  rape
12    crisis  counselor  who  is an employee or volunteer of a rape
13    crisis organization as defined in Section 8-802.1 of the Code
14    of Civil Procedure as long as  that  person  is  not  in  any
15    manner  held  out to the public as a "professional counselor"
16    or "clinical professional counselor" or does not hold out his
17    or  her  services  as  being  "professional  counseling"   or
18    "clinical professional counseling".
19        (m)  Nothing  in  this  Act shall be construed to prevent
20    any licensed social worker, licensed clinical social  worker,
21    or    licensed    clinical   psychologist   from   practicing
22    professional counseling as long as that person is not in  any
23    manner  held out to the public as a  "professional counselor"
24    or "clinical professional counselor" or does not hold out his
25    or  her  services  as  being  "professional  counseling"   or
26    "clinical professional counseling".
27        (n)  Nothing  in this Act shall be construed to limit the
28    activities and use of the  official  title  of  "professional
29    counselor"  or  "clinical professional counselor" on the part
30    of a person not licensed under this Act who  is  a  physician
31    licensed  to  practice  medicine in all of its branches under
32    the Medical Practice Act of 1987.
33        (o)  Nothing in this Act shall be  construed  to  require
34    licensure  under this Act or limit the services of a domestic
                            -147-    LRB093 06577 AMC 14116 a
 1    violence counselor who is  an  employee  or  volunteer  of  a
 2    domestic  violence  program  as defined in Section 227 of the
 3    Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986.
 4    (Source: P.A. 92-719, eff. 7-25-02.)

 5        (105 ILCS 5/2-3.9 rep.)
 6        (105 ILCS 5/21-0.01 rep.)
 7        (105 ILCS 5/21-13 rep.)
 8        (105 ILCS 5/21-26 rep.)
 9        Section 25.  The School  Code  is  amended  by  repealing
10    Sections 2-3.9, 21-0.01, 21-13, and 21-26.

11        Section  99.   Effective  date.  This Act takes effect on
12    January 1, 2004.".