Rep. Karen May
Filed: 5/17/2005
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2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2133 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The Unemployment Insurance Act is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Sections 1400 and 1402 and by adding Section 1400.2 as | ||||||
6 | follows:
| ||||||
7 | (820 ILCS 405/1400) (from Ch. 48, par. 550)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 1400. Payment of contributions. On and after July 1, | ||||||
9 | 1937,
contributions shall accrue and become payable by each | ||||||
10 | employer for each
calendar year in which he is subject to this | ||||||
11 | Act, with respect to wages
payable for employment occurring | ||||||
12 | during the six months' period beginning
July 1, 1937, and the | ||||||
13 | calendar years 1938, 1939, and 1940. For the year
1941 and for | ||||||
14 | each calendar year thereafter, contributions shall accrue
and | ||||||
15 | become payable by each employer upon the wages paid with | ||||||
16 | respect to
employment after December 31, 1940. Except as | ||||||
17 | otherwise provided in Section 1400.2, such
Such contributions | ||||||
18 | shall become due
and shall be paid quarterly on or before the | ||||||
19 | last day of the month next
following the calendar quarter for | ||||||
20 | which such contributions have
accrued; except that any employer | ||||||
21 | who is delinquent in filing a
contribution report or in paying | ||||||
22 | his contributions for any calendar
quarter may, at the | ||||||
23 | discretion of the Director, be required to report
and to pay | ||||||
24 | contributions on a calendar month basis. Such contributions
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall not be deducted, in whole or in part, from the wages of
| ||||||
2 | individuals in such employer's employ. If the Director shall | ||||||
3 | find that
the collection of any contributions will be | ||||||
4 | jeopardized by delay, he may
declare the same to be immediately | ||||||
5 | due and payable.
| ||||||
6 | In the payment of any contributions, interest, or | ||||||
7 | penalties, a
fractional part of a cent shall be disregarded | ||||||
8 | unless it amounts to
one-half cent or more, in which case it | ||||||
9 | shall be increased to one cent.
| ||||||
10 | The Director may by regulation provide that if, at any | ||||||
11 | time, a total
amount of less
than $2 is payable with respect to | ||||||
12 | a quarter, including any
contributions, payments in lieu of | ||||||
13 | contributions, interest or
penalties, such amount may be | ||||||
14 | disregarded. Any amounts
disregarded under this paragraph are | ||||||
15 | deemed to have been paid for all
other purposes of this Act. | ||||||
16 | Nothing in this paragraph is intended to
relieve any employer | ||||||
17 | from filing any reports required by this Act or by
any rules or | ||||||
18 | regulations adopted by the Director pursuant to this Act.
| ||||||
19 | Except with respect to the provisions concerning amounts | ||||||
20 | that may be
disregarded pursuant to regulation, this Section | ||||||
21 | does not apply to any
nonprofit organization or any | ||||||
22 | governmental
entity referred to in subsection B of Section 1405 | ||||||
23 | for any
period with respect to which it does not incur | ||||||
24 | liability for the payment
of contributions by reason of having | ||||||
25 | elected to make payments in lieu of
contributions, or to any | ||||||
26 | political subdivision or municipal corporation
for any period | ||||||
27 | with respect to which it is not subject to payments in
lieu of | ||||||
28 | contributions under the provisions of paragraph 1 of Section
| ||||||
29 | 302C by reason of having elected to make payments in lieu of
| ||||||
30 | contributions under paragraph 2 of that Section, or to the | ||||||
31 | State of
Illinois or any of its instrumentalities.
| ||||||
32 | (Source: P.A. 90-554, eff. 12-12-97.)
| ||||||
33 | (820 ILCS 405/1400.2 new) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 1400.2. Annual reporting and paying; household | ||||||
2 | workers. This Section applies to an employer who solely employs | ||||||
3 | one or more household workers with respect to whom the employer | ||||||
4 | files federal unemployment taxes as part of his or her federal | ||||||
5 | income tax return, or could file federal unemployment taxes as | ||||||
6 | part of his or her federal income tax return if the worker or | ||||||
7 | workers were providing services in employment for purposes of | ||||||
8 | the federal unemployment tax. For purposes of this Section, | ||||||
9 | "household worker" has the meaning ascribed to it for purposes | ||||||
10 | of Section 3510 of the federal Internal Revenue
Code. If an | ||||||
11 | employer to whom this Section applies notifies the Director, in | ||||||
12 | writing, that he or she wishes to pay his or her contributions | ||||||
13 | for each quarter and submit his or her wage and contribution | ||||||
14 | reports for each quarter on an annual basis, then the due date | ||||||
15 | for filing the reports and paying the contributions shall be | ||||||
16 | April 15 of the calendar year immediately following the close | ||||||
17 | of the quarters to which the reports and contributions apply, | ||||||
18 | except that the Director may, by rule, establish a different | ||||||
19 | due date for good cause.
| ||||||
20 | (820 ILCS 405/1402) (from Ch. 48, par. 552)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 1402. Penalties. A. If any employer fails, within the | ||||||
22 | time prescribed in this Act as
amended and in effect on October | ||||||
23 | 5, 1980, and the regulations of the
Director, to file a report | ||||||
24 | of wages paid to each of his workers, or to file
a sufficient | ||||||
25 | report of such wages after having been notified by the
Director | ||||||
26 | to do so, for any period which begins prior to January 1, 1982, | ||||||
27 | he
shall pay to the Director as a penalty a sum determined in | ||||||
28 | accordance with
the provisions of this Act as amended and in | ||||||
29 | effect on October 5, 1980.
| ||||||
30 | B. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, any | ||||||
31 | employer who
fails to file a report of wages paid to each of | ||||||
32 | his
workers for any period which begins on or after January 1, | ||||||
33 | 1982, within the
time prescribed by the provisions of this Act |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and the regulations of the
Director, or, if the Director | ||||||
2 | pursuant to such regulations extends the time
for filing the | ||||||
3 | report, fails to file it within the extended time, shall, in
| ||||||
4 | addition to any sum otherwise payable by him under the | ||||||
5 | provisions of this
Act, pay to the Director as a penalty a sum | ||||||
6 | equal to the lesser of (1) $5
for each $10,000 or fraction | ||||||
7 | thereof of the total wages for insured work
paid by him during | ||||||
8 | the period or (2) $2,500, for each month
or part thereof of | ||||||
9 | such failure to file the report. With respect to an employer | ||||||
10 | who has elected to file reports of wages on an annual basis | ||||||
11 | pursuant to Section 1400.2, in assessing penalties for the | ||||||
12 | failure to submit all reports by the due date established | ||||||
13 | pursuant to that Section, the 30-day period immediately | ||||||
14 | following the due date shall be considered as one month.
| ||||||
15 | If the Director deems an employer's report of wages paid to | ||||||
16 | each of his
workers for any period which begins on or after | ||||||
17 | January 1, 1982,
insufficient, he shall notify the employer to | ||||||
18 | file a sufficient report. If
the employer fails to file such | ||||||
19 | sufficient report within 30 days after the
mailing of the | ||||||
20 | notice to him, he shall, in addition to any sum otherwise
| ||||||
21 | payable by him under the provisions of this Act, pay to the | ||||||
22 | Director as a
penalty a sum determined in accordance with the | ||||||
23 | provisions of the first
paragraph of this subsection, for each | ||||||
24 | month or part thereof of such
failure to file such sufficient | ||||||
25 | report after the date of the notice.
| ||||||
26 | For wages paid in calendar years prior to 1988, the penalty | ||||||
27 | or
penalties which accrue under the two foregoing paragraphs
| ||||||
28 | with respect to a report for any period shall not be less than | ||||||
29 | $100, and
shall not exceed the lesser of
(1) $10 for each | ||||||
30 | $10,000 or fraction thereof
of the total wages for insured work | ||||||
31 | paid during the period or (2) $5,000.
For wages paid in | ||||||
32 | calendar years after 1987, the penalty or penalties which
| ||||||
33 | accrue under the 2 foregoing paragraphs with respect to a | ||||||
34 | report for any
period shall not be less than $50, and shall not |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | exceed the lesser of (1)
$10 for each $10,000 or fraction of | ||||||
2 | the total wages for insured work
paid during the period or (2) | ||||||
3 | $5,000.
With respect to an employer who has elected to file | ||||||
4 | reports of wages on an annual basis pursuant to Section 1400.2, | ||||||
5 | for purposes of calculating the minimum penalty prescribed by | ||||||
6 | this Section for failure to file the reports on a timely basis, | ||||||
7 | a calendar year shall constitute a single period. For reports | ||||||
8 | of wages paid after 1986, the Director shall not,
however, | ||||||
9 | impose a penalty pursuant to either of the two foregoing
| ||||||
10 | paragraphs on any employer who can prove within 30 working days | ||||||
11 | after the
mailing of a notice of his failure to file such a | ||||||
12 | report, that (1) the
failure to file the report is his first | ||||||
13 | such failure during the previous 20
consecutive calendar | ||||||
14 | quarters, and (2) the amount of the total
contributions due for | ||||||
15 | the calendar quarter of such report is less than $500.
| ||||||
16 | Any employer who wilfully fails to pay any contribution or | ||||||
17 | part
thereof, based upon wages paid prior to 1987,
when | ||||||
18 | required by the provisions of this Act and the regulations of | ||||||
19 | the
Director, with intent to defraud the Director, shall in | ||||||
20 | addition to such
contribution or part thereof pay to the | ||||||
21 | Director a penalty equal to 50 percent
of the amount of such | ||||||
22 | contribution or part thereof, as the case may
be, provided that | ||||||
23 | the penalty shall not be less than $200.
| ||||||
24 | Any employer who willfully fails to pay any contribution or | ||||||
25 | part
thereof, based upon wages paid in 1987 and in each | ||||||
26 | calendar year
thereafter, when required by the
provisions of | ||||||
27 | this Act and the regulations of the Director, with intent to
| ||||||
28 | defraud the Director, shall in addition to such contribution or | ||||||
29 | part
thereof pay to the Director a penalty equal to 60% of the | ||||||
30 | amount of such
contribution or part thereof, as the case may | ||||||
31 | be, provided that the penalty
shall not be less than $400.
| ||||||
32 | However, all or part of any penalty may be waived by the | ||||||
33 | Director for
good cause shown.
| ||||||
34 | (Source: P.A. 85-956.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | ||||||
2 | 1, 2006.".