| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning regulation.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Public Utilities Act is amended by changing | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Section 16-111 as follows:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | (220 ILCS 5/16-111)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 16-111. Rates and restructuring transactions during
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | and after mandatory transition period. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | (a) During the mandatory transition period,
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | notwithstanding any provision of Article IX of this Act, and
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | except as provided in subsections (b), (d), (e), and (f)
of | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | this Section, the Commission shall not (i) initiate,
authorize | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | or order any change by way of increase (other than in | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | connection with
a request for rate increase which was filed | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | after September 1, 1997 but prior
to October 15, 1997, by an | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | electric utility serving less than 12,500 customers
in this | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | State), (ii)
initiate or, unless requested by the electric | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | utility,
authorize or order any change by way of decrease,
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | restructuring or unbundling (except as provided in Section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | 16-109A), in the
rates of any electric
utility that were in | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | effect on October 1, 1996, or (iii) in any order approving
any | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | application for a merger pursuant to Section 7-204 that was | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | pending as of
May 16, 1997, impose any condition requiring any | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | filing for an increase,
decrease, or change in, or other review | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | of, an electric utility's rates or
enforce any such condition | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | of any such order;
however, that this subsection | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | shall not prohibit the
Commission from:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | (1) approving the application of an electric utility
to | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | implement an alternative to rate of return regulation
or a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | regulatory mechanism that rewards or penalizes the
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | electric utility through adjustment of rates based on
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | utility performance, pursuant to Section 9-244;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) authorizing an electric utility to eliminate its
| ||||||
2 | fuel adjustment clause and adjust its base rate tariffs
in | ||||||
3 | accordance with subsection (b), (d), or (f) of Section
| ||||||
4 | 9-220 of this Act, to fix its fuel adjustment factor in
| ||||||
5 | accordance with subsection (c) of Section 9-220 of this
| ||||||
6 | Act, or to eliminate its fuel adjustment clause in | ||||||
7 | accordance with subsection
(e) of Section 9-220 of this | ||||||
8 | Act;
| ||||||
9 | (3) ordering into effect tariffs for delivery
services | ||||||
10 | and transition charges in accordance with
Sections 16-104 | ||||||
11 | and 16-108, for real-time pricing in
accordance with | ||||||
12 | Section 16-107, or the options required
by Section 16-110 | ||||||
13 | and subsection (n) of 16-112,
allowing a billing experiment | ||||||
14 | in accordance with
Section 16-106, or modifying delivery | ||||||
15 | services tariffs in accordance with
Section 16-109; or
| ||||||
16 | (4) ordering or allowing into effect any tariff to
| ||||||
17 | recover charges pursuant to Sections 9-201.5, 9-220.1,
| ||||||
18 | 9-221, 9-222 (except as provided in Section 9-222.1), | ||||||
19 | 16-108, and 16-114 of
Act, Section 5-5 of the | ||||||
20 | Electricity Infrastructure Maintenance Fee Law, Section
| ||||||
21 | 6-5 of the Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Coal | ||||||
22 | Resources Development
Law of 1997, and Section 13 of the | ||||||
23 | Energy Assistance Act.
| ||||||
24 | After December 31, 2004, the provisions of this subsection | ||||||
25 | (a) shall not
apply to an electric utility whose average | ||||||
26 | residential retail rate was less
than or equal to 90% of the | ||||||
27 | average residential retail rate for the "Midwest
Utilities", as | ||||||
28 | that term is defined in subsection (b) of this Section, based | ||||||
29 | on
data reported on Form 1 to the Federal Energy Regulatory | ||||||
30 | Commission for
calendar year 1995, and which served between | ||||||
31 | 150,000 and 250,000 retail
customers in this State on January | ||||||
32 | 1, 1995
unless the electric utility or its holding company has | ||||||
33 | been acquired by or
merged with an affiliate of another | ||||||
34 | electric utility subsequent to January 1,
2002. This exemption | ||||||
35 | shall be limited to
this subsection (a) and shall not extend to | ||||||
36 | any other provisions of this Act.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), each | ||||||
2 | Illinois electric
utility serving more than 12,500 customers in | ||||||
3 | Illinois shall file tariffs (i)
reducing, effective August 1, | ||||||
4 | 1998, each component of its base rates to
residential retail
| ||||||
5 | customers by 15% from the base rates in effect immediately | ||||||
6 | prior to January 1,
1998 and (ii) if the public utility | ||||||
7 | provides electric service to (A) more
customers | ||||||
8 | but less than 1,000,000 customers in this State on January 1,
| ||||||
9 | 1999,
reducing, effective May 1, 2002, each component of its
| ||||||
10 | base rates to residential retail customers by an additional 5% | ||||||
11 | from the base
rates in effect immediately prior to January 1, | ||||||
12 | 1998, or (B) at least
1,000,000 customers in this State on | ||||||
13 | January 1, 1999,
reducing, effective October 1, 2001, each | ||||||
14 | component of its
base rates to residential retail customers by | ||||||
15 | an additional
5% from the base rates in effect immediately | ||||||
16 | prior to
January 1, 1998.
Provided, however, that (A) if an | ||||||
17 | electric utility's average residential
rate is less than | ||||||
18 | or equal to the average residential retail
rate for a group
of | ||||||
19 | Midwest Utilities (consisting of all investor-owned electric | ||||||
20 | utilities with
annual system peaks in excess of 1000 megawatts | ||||||
21 | in the States of Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, | ||||||
22 | Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin), based on
reported on Form | ||||||
23 | 1 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for calendar
year | ||||||
24 | 1995,
then it shall only be required to file tariffs (i) | ||||||
25 | reducing, effective August
1, 1998, each component of its base | ||||||
26 | rates to residential
retail customers by
5% from the base rates | ||||||
27 | in effect immediately prior to January 1, 1998, (ii)
reducing, | ||||||
28 | effective October 1, 2000, each component of its base
rates to | ||||||
29 | residential retail customers by the lesser of 5% of the base | ||||||
30 | rates in
effect immediately prior to January 1, 1998 or the
| ||||||
31 | percentage by which the electric utility's average residential | ||||||
32 | retail rate
exceeds the average residential retail rate of the | ||||||
33 | Midwest Utilities,
based on data
reported on Form 1 to the | ||||||
34 | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for calendar
year 1999, | ||||||
35 | and (iii) reducing, effective October 1, 2002, each component | ||||||
36 | of its
base rates to
residential retail customers by an
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | additional amount equal to the lesser of 5% of the base rates | ||||||
2 | in effect
immediately prior to January 1, 1998 or the | ||||||
3 | percentage by which
the electric utility's average residential | ||||||
4 | retail rate exceeds the average
residential retail rate of the | ||||||
5 | Midwest Utilities,
based on data reported on Form
1 to the | ||||||
6 | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for calendar year 2001; | ||||||
7 | and (B)
if the average residential retail rate of an electric | ||||||
8 | utility serving between
and 250,000 retail customers in | ||||||
9 | this State on January 1, 1995 is less than or
equal to 90% of
| ||||||
10 | the average residential retail rate for the Midwest Utilities, | ||||||
11 | based on data
on Form 1 to the Federal Energy | ||||||
12 | Regulatory Commission for calendar year 1995,
then it shall | ||||||
13 | only be required to file tariffs (i) reducing, effective August
| ||||||
14 | 1,
1998, each component of its base rates to residential retail | ||||||
15 | customers by 2%
from the base rates in effect immediately prior | ||||||
16 | to January 1, 1998; (ii)
reducing, effective October 1, 2000, | ||||||
17 | each component of its base rates to
residential retail | ||||||
18 | customers by 2% from the base rate in effect immediately
prior | ||||||
19 | to January 1, 1998; and (iii) reducing, effective October 1, | ||||||
20 | 2002, each
component of its base rates to residential retail | ||||||
21 | customers by 1% from the base
rates in effect immediately prior | ||||||
22 | to January 1, 1998.
further, that any electric | ||||||
23 | utility for which a decrease in base rates has been
or is | ||||||
24 | placed into effect between October 1, 1996 and the dates | ||||||
25 | specified in the
preceding sentences of this subsection, other | ||||||
26 | than pursuant to the requirements
of this subsection,
shall be | ||||||
27 | entitled to reduce the amount of any reduction or reductions in | ||||||
28 | its
base rates required by this subsection by the amount of | ||||||
29 | such other decrease.
The tariffs required under this
subsection | ||||||
30 | shall be filed 45 days in advance of
the effective date.
| ||||||
31 | Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 9-220 of | ||||||
32 | this Act, no
restatement of base rates in conjunction with the | ||||||
33 | elimination of a fuel
adjustment clause under that Section | ||||||
34 | shall result in a lesser decrease in base
rates than customers | ||||||
35 | would otherwise receive under this subsection had the
electric | ||||||
36 | utility's fuel adjustment clause not been eliminated.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) Any utility reducing its base rates by 15% on August 1, | ||||||
2 | 1998 pursuant
shall include the following | ||||||
3 | statement on its bills for residential customers
from August 1 | ||||||
4 | through December 31, 1998: "Effective August 1, 1998, your | ||||||
5 | rates
have been
reduced by 15% by the Electric Service
Customer | ||||||
6 | Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997 passed by the Illinois | ||||||
7 | General
Assembly.". Any utility reducing its base rates by 5% | ||||||
8 | on August 1, 1998,
pursuant to subsection (b) shall include the | ||||||
9 | following statement on its bills
for residential customers from | ||||||
10 | August 1 through December 31, 1998: "Effective
August 1,
1998, | ||||||
11 | your rates have been reduced by 5% by the Electric Service | ||||||
12 | Customer
Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997 passed by the | ||||||
13 | Illinois General Assembly.".
| ||||||
14 | Any utility reducing its base rates by 2% on August 1, 1998 | ||||||
15 | pursuant to
subsection (b) shall include the following | ||||||
16 | statement on its bills for
residential customers from August 1 | ||||||
17 | through December 31, 1998: "Effective
August 1, 1998, your | ||||||
18 | rates have been reduced by 2% by the Electric Service
Customer | ||||||
19 | Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997 passed by the Illinois | ||||||
20 | General
| ||||||
21 | (d) During the mandatory transition period, but not before | ||||||
22 | January 1, 2000,
and notwithstanding
the provisions of | ||||||
23 | subsection (a), an electric
utility may request an increase in | ||||||
24 | its base rates if the
electric utility demonstrates that the | ||||||
25 | 2-year average of its
earned rate of return on common equity, | ||||||
26 | calculated as its net
income applicable to common stock divided | ||||||
27 | by the average of
its beginning and ending balances of common | ||||||
28 | equity using data
reported in the electric utility's Form 1 | ||||||
29 | report to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission but adjusted | ||||||
30 | to remove
the effects of accelerated depreciation or | ||||||
31 | amortization or
other transition or mitigation measures | ||||||
32 | implemented by the
electric utility pursuant to subsection (g) | ||||||
33 | of this Section
and the effect of any refund paid pursuant to | ||||||
34 | subsection (e)
of this Section, is
below the 2-year average for | ||||||
35 | the same 2 years of the monthly average yields of
U.S. | ||||||
36 | Treasury bonds published by the Board of Governors of the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Federal Reserve System in its weekly H.15 Statistical Release | ||||||
2 | or
successor publication.
The Commission shall review the | ||||||
3 | electric utility's request, and may review the
justness and | ||||||
4 | reasonableness of all rates for tariffed services, in
| ||||||
5 | accordance with the provisions of Article IX of this Act, | ||||||
6 | provided that the
Commission shall consider any special or | ||||||
7 | negotiated adjustments to the
revenue requirement agreed to | ||||||
8 | between the electric utility and the other
parties to the | ||||||
9 | proceeding. In setting rates under this Section, the Commission
| ||||||
10 | shall exclude the costs and revenues that are associated with | ||||||
11 | competitive
services and any billing or pricing experiments | ||||||
12 | conducted under Section 16-106.
| ||||||
13 | (e) For the purposes of this subsection (e) all | ||||||
14 | calculations and
comparisons shall be performed for the | ||||||
15 | Illinois operations
multijurisdictional utilities. During | ||||||
16 | the mandatory transition period,
notwithstanding the | ||||||
17 | provisions
of subsection (a), if the 2-year
average of an | ||||||
18 | electric utility's earned rate of return on
common equity, | ||||||
19 | calculated as its net income applicable to
common stock divided | ||||||
20 | by the average of its beginning and
ending balances of common | ||||||
21 | equity using data reported in
the electric utility's Form 1 | ||||||
22 | report to the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission but adjusted | ||||||
23 | to remove the
effect of any refund paid under this subsection | ||||||
24 | (e),
and further adjusted to include the annual amortization of | ||||||
25 | any difference
between the consideration received by an | ||||||
26 | affiliated interest of the electric
utility in the sale of an | ||||||
27 | asset which had been sold or transferred by the
electric | ||||||
28 | utility to the affiliated interest subsequent to the effective | ||||||
29 | date of
amendatory Act of 1997 and the consideration for | ||||||
30 | which such asset had been sold
or transferred to the affiliated | ||||||
31 | interest, with such difference to be amortized
ratably from the | ||||||
32 | date of the sale by the affiliated interest to December 31,
| ||||||
33 | 2006,
exceeds the 2-year average of the Index for the same 2
| ||||||
34 | years by 1.5 or more percentage points, the electric
utility | ||||||
35 | shall make refunds to customers beginning the
first billing day | ||||||
36 | of April in the following year in the
manner described in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | paragraph (3) of this subsection.
For purposes of this | ||||||
2 | subsection (e),
the "Index" shall be the sum of (A) the average | ||||||
3 | for
the 12 months ended September 30
of the monthly average | ||||||
4 | yields of 30-year U.S. Treasury
bonds published by the Board of | ||||||
5 | Governors of the Federal
Reserve System in its weekly H.15 | ||||||
6 | Statistical Release or
successor publication for each year 1998 | ||||||
7 | through 2006, and (B) (i)
percentage points for
each of | ||||||
8 | the 12-month periods ending September 30, 1998 through
| ||||||
9 | September 30, 1999 or
8.00 percentage points if the electric | ||||||
10 | utility's average
residential retail rate is less than or equal | ||||||
11 | to 90% of the average residential
retail rate
for the "Midwest | ||||||
12 | Utilities", as that term is defined in subsection (b) of this
| ||||||
13 | Section, based on data reported on Form 1 to the Federal Energy | ||||||
14 | Regulatory
Commission for calendar year 1995, and the electric | ||||||
15 | utility served between
150,000 and 250,000 retail customers on | ||||||
16 | January 1, 1995,
(ii) 7.00
percentage points for each of the | ||||||
17 | 12-month periods ending September 30, 2000
through September | ||||||
18 | 30, 2006 if the electric utility was providing
service to
at | ||||||
19 | least 1,000,000 customers in this State on January 1, 1999,
or | ||||||
20 | 9.00 percentage points if the
average | ||||||
21 | residential retail rate is less than or equal to 90% of the | ||||||
22 | average
residential retail rate for the "Midwest Utilities", as | ||||||
23 | that term is defined in
subsection (b) of this Section, based | ||||||
24 | on data reported on Form 1 to the Federal
Energy Regulatory | ||||||
25 | Commission for calendar year 1995 and the electric utility
| ||||||
26 | served between 150,000 and 250,000 retail customers in this | ||||||
27 | State on January
1, 1995, (iii) 11.00 percentage points for | ||||||
28 | each of the
12-month periods ending
September 30, 2000 through | ||||||
29 | September 30, 2006, but only if the
utility's average | ||||||
30 | residential retail rate is less than or equal to 90% of the
| ||||||
31 | average residential retail rate for the "Midwest Utilities", as | ||||||
32 | that term is
defined in subsection (b) of this Section, based | ||||||
33 | on data reported on Form 1 to
the Federal Energy Regulatory | ||||||
34 | Commission for calendar year 1995, the electric
utility served | ||||||
35 | between 150,000 and 250,000 retail customers in this State on
| ||||||
36 | January 1, 1995, and the electric utility offers delivery |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | services on or before
June 1, 2000 to retail customers whose | ||||||
2 | annual electric energy use comprises 33%
of the kilowatt hour | ||||||
3 | sales to that group of retail
customers that are classified | ||||||
4 | under Division D, Groups 20 through 39 of the
Standard | ||||||
5 | Industrial Classifications set forth in the Standard | ||||||
6 | Industrial
Classification Manual published by the United | ||||||
7 | States Office of Management and
Budget, excluding the kilowatt | ||||||
8 | hour sales to those customers that are eligible
for delivery | ||||||
9 | services pursuant to Section 16-104(a)(1)(i), and offers | ||||||
10 | delivery
services to its remaining retail customers classified | ||||||
11 | under Division D, Groups
20 through 39 on or before October 1, | ||||||
12 | 2000, and, provided further, that the
utility commits | ||||||
13 | not to petition pursuant to Section 16-108(f) for entry of an
| ||||||
14 | order by the Commission authorizing the electric utility to | ||||||
15 | implement
transition charges for an additional period after | ||||||
16 | December 31, 2006, or (iv)
5.00 percentage points for each of | ||||||
17 | the 12-month periods
ending September 30, 2000 through | ||||||
18 | September 30, 2006 for all other
utilities or 7.00 | ||||||
19 | percentage points for such utilities for
each of the 12-month | ||||||
20 | periods ending September 30, 2000 through September 30,
2006 | ||||||
21 | for any such utility that commits not to petition pursuant to
| ||||||
22 | Section
16-108(f) for entry of an order by the Commission | ||||||
23 | authorizing the electric
utility to implement transition | ||||||
24 | charges for an additional period after December
31, 2006 or | ||||||
25 | 11.00 percentage points for each of the
12-month periods ending | ||||||
26 | September 30, 2005 and September 30, 2006 for each
electric | ||||||
27 | utility providing service to fewer than 6,500, or between | ||||||
28 | 75,000 and
150,000, electric
retail customers in this State
on | ||||||
29 | January 1, 1995 if such utility commits not to petition | ||||||
30 | pursuant to Section
16-108(f) for entry of an order by the | ||||||
31 | Commission authorizing the electric
utility to implement | ||||||
32 | transition charges for an additional period after December
31, | ||||||
33 | 2006.
| ||||||
34 | (1) For purposes of this subsection (e), "excess
| ||||||
35 | earnings" means the difference between (A) the 2-year
| ||||||
36 | average of the electric utility's earned rate of return
on |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | common equity, less (B) the 2-year average of the sum
of | ||||||
2 | (i) the Index applicable to each of the 2 years and
(ii) | ||||||
3 | 1.5 percentage points; provided, that "excess
earnings" | ||||||
4 | shall never be less than zero.
| ||||||
5 | (2) On or before March 31 of each year 2000 through | ||||||
6 | 2007 each
utility shall
file a report with the | ||||||
7 | Commission showing its earned rate
of return on common | ||||||
8 | equity, calculated in accordance with
this subsection, for | ||||||
9 | the preceding calendar year and the
average for the | ||||||
10 | preceding 2 calendar years.
| ||||||
11 | (3) If an electric utility has excess earnings,
| ||||||
12 | determined in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2) of
| ||||||
13 | this subsection, the refunds which the electric utility
| ||||||
14 | shall pay to its customers beginning the first billing
day | ||||||
15 | of April in the following year shall be calculated
and | ||||||
16 | applied as follows:
| ||||||
17 | (i) The electric utility's excess earnings
shall | ||||||
18 | be multiplied by the average of the beginning
and | ||||||
19 | ending balances of the electric utility's common
| ||||||
20 | equity for the 2-year period in which excess
earnings | ||||||
21 | occurred.
| ||||||
22 | (ii) The result of the calculation in (i) shall
be | ||||||
23 | multiplied by 0.50 and then divided by a number
equal | ||||||
24 | to 1 minus the electric utility's composite
federal and | ||||||
25 | State income tax rate.
| ||||||
26 | (iii) The result of the calculation in (ii)
shall | ||||||
27 | be divided by the sum of the electric
utility's | ||||||
28 | projected total kilowatt-hour sales to
retail | ||||||
29 | customers plus projected kilowatt-hours to be
| ||||||
30 | delivered to delivery services customers over a one
| ||||||
31 | year period beginning with the first billing date in
| ||||||
32 | April in the succeeding year to determine a cents
per | ||||||
33 | kilowatt-hour refund factor.
| ||||||
34 | (iv) The cents per kilowatt-hour refund factor
| ||||||
35 | calculated in (iii) shall be credited to the
electric | ||||||
36 | utility's customers by applying the factor
on the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | customer's monthly bills to each kilowatt-hour sold or | ||||||
2 | delivered until
the total amount
calculated in (ii) has | ||||||
3 | been paid to customers.
| ||||||
4 | (f) During the mandatory transition period, an electric
| ||||||
5 | utility may file revised tariffs reducing the price of any
| ||||||
6 | tariffed service offered by the electric utility for all
| ||||||
7 | customers taking that tariffed service, which shall be
| ||||||
8 | effective 7 days after filing.
| ||||||
9 | (g) During the mandatory transition period, an electric
| ||||||
10 | utility may, without obtaining any approval of the Commission | ||||||
11 | other than that
provided for in this subsection and
| ||||||
12 | notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any rule or
| ||||||
13 | regulation of the Commission that would require such approval:
| ||||||
14 | (1) implement a reorganization, other than a merger of | ||||||
15 | 2 or
more public utilities as defined in Section 3-105 or | ||||||
16 | their
holding companies;
| ||||||
17 | (2) retire generating plants from service;
| ||||||
18 | (3) sell, assign, lease or otherwise transfer assets to | ||||||
19 | an
affiliated or unaffiliated entity and as part of such
| ||||||
20 | transaction enter into service agreements, power purchase
| ||||||
21 | agreements, or other agreements with the transferee; | ||||||
22 | provided,
however, that the prices, terms and conditions of | ||||||
23 | any power
purchase agreement must be approved or allowed | ||||||
24 | into effect by
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; or
| ||||||
25 | (4) use any
accelerated cost recovery method including | ||||||
26 | accelerated depreciation,
accelerated amortization or | ||||||
27 | other capital recovery
methods, or record reductions to the | ||||||
28 | original cost of its
| ||||||
29 | In order to implement a reorganization, retire
generating | ||||||
30 | plants from service, or sell, assign, lease or
otherwise | ||||||
31 | transfer assets pursuant to this Section, the
electric utility | ||||||
32 | shall comply with subsections (c) and (d) of Section
16-128, if | ||||||
33 | applicable, and subsection (k) of this Section, if applicable,
| ||||||
34 | and provide the Commission with at
least 30 days notice of the | ||||||
35 | proposed reorganization or
transaction, which notice shall | ||||||
36 | include the following
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (i) a complete statement of the entries that the
| ||||||
2 | electric utility will make on its books and records of
| ||||||
3 | account to implement the proposed reorganization or
| ||||||
4 | transaction together with a certification from an
| ||||||
5 | independent certified public accountant that such | ||||||
6 | entries
are in accord with generally accepted | ||||||
7 | accounting
principles and, if the Commission has | ||||||
8 | previously approved
guidelines for cost allocations | ||||||
9 | between the utility and
its affiliates, a | ||||||
10 | certification from the chief accounting
officer of the | ||||||
11 | utility that such entries are in accord
with those cost | ||||||
12 | allocation guidelines;
| ||||||
13 | (ii) a description of how the electric utility will
| ||||||
14 | use proceeds of any sale, assignment, lease or transfer
| ||||||
15 | to retire debt or otherwise reduce or recover the costs
| ||||||
16 | of services provided by such electric utility;
| ||||||
17 | (iii) a list of all federal approvals or approvals
| ||||||
18 | required from departments and agencies of this State,
| ||||||
19 | other than the Commission, that the electric utility | ||||||
20 | has
or will obtain before implementing the | ||||||
21 | reorganization or
| ||||||
22 | (iv) an irrevocable commitment by the electric
| ||||||
23 | utility that it will not, as a result of the | ||||||
24 | transaction,
impose any stranded cost charges that it | ||||||
25 | might otherwise
be allowed to charge retail customers | ||||||
26 | under federal law
or increase the transition charges | ||||||
27 | that it is otherwise
entitled to collect under this | ||||||
28 | Article XVI; and
| ||||||
29 | (v) if the electric utility proposes to sell,
| ||||||
30 | assign, lease or otherwise transfer a generating plant
| ||||||
31 | that brings the amount of net dependable generating
| ||||||
32 | capacity transferred pursuant to this subsection to an
| ||||||
33 | amount equal to or greater than 15% of the electric
| ||||||
34 | utility's net dependable capacity as of the effective
| ||||||
35 | date of this amendatory Act of 1997, and enters into a
| ||||||
36 | power purchase agreement with the entity to which such
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | generating plant is sold, assigned, leased, or | ||||||
2 | otherwise
transferred, the electric utility also | ||||||
3 | agrees, if its
fuel adjustment clause has not already | ||||||
4 | been eliminated,
to eliminate its fuel adjustment | ||||||
5 | clause in accordance
with subsection (b) of Section | ||||||
6 | 9-220 for a period of time
equal to the length of any | ||||||
7 | such power purchase agreement
or successor agreement, | ||||||
8 | or until January 1, 2005,
whichever is longer; if the | ||||||
9 | capacity of the generating
plant so transferred and | ||||||
10 | related power purchase agreement
does not result in the | ||||||
11 | elimination of the fuel adjustment
clause under this | ||||||
12 | subsection, and the fuel adjustment clause has not | ||||||
13 | already
been eliminated, the electric utility shall
| ||||||
14 | agree that the costs associated with the transferred
| ||||||
15 | plant that are included in the calculation of the rate
| ||||||
16 | per kilowatt-hour to be applied pursuant to the | ||||||
17 | electric
utility's fuel adjustment clause during such | ||||||
18 | period shall
not exceed the per kilowatt-hour cost | ||||||
19 | associated with
such generating plant included in the | ||||||
20 | electric utility's
fuel adjustment clause during the | ||||||
21 | full calendar year
preceding the transfer, with such | ||||||
22 | limit to be adjusted
each year thereafter by the Gross | ||||||
23 | Domestic Product
Implicit Price Deflator.
| ||||||
24 | (vi) In addition, if the electric utility proposes | ||||||
25 | to sell, assign, or
lease, (A) either (1) an amount of | ||||||
26 | generating plant that brings the amount of
net | ||||||
27 | dependable generating capacity transferred pursuant to | ||||||
28 | this subsection to
an amount equal to or greater than | ||||||
29 | 15% of its net dependable capacity on the
effective | ||||||
30 | date of this amendatory Act of 1997, or (2) one or more | ||||||
31 | generating
plants with a total net dependable capacity | ||||||
32 | of 1100 megawatts, or (B)
transmission and | ||||||
33 | distribution facilities that either (1) bring the | ||||||
34 | amount of
transmission and distribution facilities | ||||||
35 | transferred pursuant to this
subsection to an amount | ||||||
36 | equal to or greater than 15% of the electric utility's
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | total depreciated original cost investment in such | ||||||
2 | facilities, or (2) represent
an investment of | ||||||
3 | $25,000,000 in terms of total depreciated original | ||||||
4 | cost, the
electric utility shall provide, in
addition | ||||||
5 | to the information listed in subparagraphs
(i) through | ||||||
6 | (v), the following information: (A) a description of | ||||||
7 | how the
electric utility will meet its service | ||||||
8 | obligations under this Act in a safe and
reliable | ||||||
9 | manner and (B) the electric utility's projected earned | ||||||
10 | rate of
return on common equity, calculated in | ||||||
11 | accordance with subsection (d) of this
Section, for | ||||||
12 | each year from the date of the notice through December | ||||||
13 | 31,
both with and without the proposed | ||||||
14 | transaction. If
the Commission has not issued an order | ||||||
15 | initiating a hearing on the proposed
transaction | ||||||
16 | within 30 days after the date the electric utility's | ||||||
17 | notice is
filed, the transaction shall be deemed | ||||||
18 | approved. The Commission may, after
notice and | ||||||
19 | hearing,
prohibit the proposed transaction if it makes | ||||||
20 | either or both of the following
findings: (1) that the | ||||||
21 | proposed transaction will render the electric utility
| ||||||
22 | unable to provide its tariffed services in a safe and | ||||||
23 | reliable manner, or (2)
that there is a strong | ||||||
24 | likelihood that consummation of the proposed | ||||||
25 | transaction
will result in the electric utility being | ||||||
26 | entitled to request an increase in
its base rates | ||||||
27 | during the mandatory transition period pursuant to | ||||||
28 | subsection
(d) of this Section. Any hearing initiated | ||||||
29 | by the Commission into the proposed
transaction shall | ||||||
30 | be completed, and the Commission's final order | ||||||
31 | approving or
prohibiting the proposed transaction | ||||||
32 | shall be entered, within 90 days after the
date the | ||||||
33 | electric utility's notice was filed.
Provided, | ||||||
34 | however, that a sale, assignment, or lease of | ||||||
35 | transmission facilities
to an independent system | ||||||
36 | operator that meets the requirements of Section 16-126
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall not be subject to Commission approval under this | ||||||
2 | Section.
| ||||||
3 | In any proceeding conducted by the Commission | ||||||
4 | pursuant to this
(vi), intervention shall | ||||||
5 | be limited to parties with a direct interest in the
| ||||||
6 | transaction which is the subject of the hearing and any | ||||||
7 | statutory consumer
protection agency as defined in | ||||||
8 | subsection (d) of Section 9-102.1.
Notwithstanding the | ||||||
9 | provisions of Section 10-113 of this Act, any | ||||||
10 | application
seeking rehearing of an order issued under | ||||||
11 | this subparagraph (vi), whether
filed by the electric | ||||||
12 | utility or by an intervening party, shall be filed | ||||||
13 | within
10 days after service of the order.
| ||||||
14 | The Commission shall not in any subsequent proceeding or
| ||||||
15 | otherwise, review such a reorganization or other transaction
| ||||||
16 | authorized by this Section, but shall retain the authority to | ||||||
17 | allocate costs as
stated in Section 16-111(i). An entity to | ||||||
18 | which an electric
utility sells, assigns, leases or transfers | ||||||
19 | assets pursuant to
this subsection (g) shall not, as a result | ||||||
20 | of the transactions
specified in this subsection (g), be deemed | ||||||
21 | a public utility
as defined in Section 3-105. Nothing in this | ||||||
22 | subsection (g)
shall change any requirement under the | ||||||
23 | jurisdiction of the
Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety | ||||||
24 | including, but not
limited to, the payment of fees. Nothing in | ||||||
25 | this subsection
(g) shall exempt a utility from obtaining a | ||||||
26 | certificate
pursuant to Section 8-406 of this Act for the | ||||||
27 | construction of
a new electric generating facility. Nothing in | ||||||
28 | this
subsection (g) is intended to exempt the transactions | ||||||
29 | hereunder from the
operation of the federal or State antitrust
| ||||||
30 | laws. Nothing in this subsection (g) shall require an electric
| ||||||
31 | utility to use the procedures specified in this subsection for
| ||||||
32 | any of the transactions specified herein. Any other procedure
| ||||||
33 | available under this Act may, at the electric utility's
| ||||||
34 | election, be used for any such transaction.
| ||||||
35 | (h) During the mandatory transition period, the
Commission | ||||||
36 | shall not establish or use any rates of
depreciation, which for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | purposes of this subsection shall
include amortization, for any | ||||||
2 | electric utility other than
those established pursuant to | ||||||
3 | subsection (c) of Section 5-104
of this Act or utilized | ||||||
4 | pursuant to subsection (g) of this
Section. Provided, however, | ||||||
5 | that in any proceeding to review an electric
utility's rates | ||||||
6 | for tariffed services pursuant to Section 9-201, 9-202, 9-250
| ||||||
7 | or
16-111(d) of this Act, the Commission may establish new | ||||||
8 | rates
of depreciation for the electric utility in the same | ||||||
9 | manner provided in
subsection (d) of Section 5-104 of this Act.
| ||||||
10 | An electric utility implementing an accelerated cost
recovery | ||||||
11 | method including accelerated depreciation,
accelerated | ||||||
12 | amortization or other capital recovery methods, or
recording | ||||||
13 | reductions to the original cost of its assets,
pursuant to | ||||||
14 | subsection (g) of this Section, shall file a
statement with the | ||||||
15 | Commission describing the accelerated cost
recovery method to | ||||||
16 | be implemented or the reduction in the
original cost of its | ||||||
17 | assets to be recorded. Upon the filing
of such statement, the | ||||||
18 | accelerated cost recovery method or the
reduction in the | ||||||
19 | original cost of assets shall be deemed to be
approved by the | ||||||
20 | Commission as though an order had been entered
by the | ||||||
21 | Commission.
| ||||||
22 | (i) Except as provided in subsection (l) of this Section, | ||||||
23 | subsequent
Subsequent to the mandatory transition period, the
| ||||||
24 | Commission, in any proceeding to establish rates and charges
| ||||||
25 | for tariffed services offered by an electric utility, shall
| ||||||
26 | consider only (1) the then current or projected revenues,
| ||||||
27 | costs, investments and cost of capital directly or
indirectly | ||||||
28 | associated with the provision of such tariffed
services; (2) | ||||||
29 | collection of transition charges in accordance
with Sections | ||||||
30 | 16-102 and 16-108 of this Act; (3) recovery of
any employee | ||||||
31 | transition costs as described in Section 16-128
which the | ||||||
32 | electric utility is continuing to incur, including
recovery of | ||||||
33 | any unamortized portion of such costs previously
incurred or | ||||||
34 | committed, with such costs to be equitably
allocated among | ||||||
35 | bundled services, delivery services, and
contracts with | ||||||
36 | alternative retail electric suppliers; and (4)
recovery of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | costs associated with the electric utility's
compliance with | ||||||
2 | decommissioning funding requirements; and
shall not consider | ||||||
3 | any other revenues, costs, investments
or cost of capital of | ||||||
4 | either the electric utility or of any
affiliate of the electric | ||||||
5 | utility that are not associated with the provision of
tariffed | ||||||
6 | services. In setting rates for tariffed services, the | ||||||
7 | Commission
shall equitably allocate joint and common costs and | ||||||
8 | investments between the
electric utility's competitive and | ||||||
9 | tariffed services. In determining the
justness and
| ||||||
10 | reasonableness of the electric power and energy component of
an | ||||||
11 | electric utility's rates for tariffed services subsequent
to | ||||||
12 | the mandatory transition period and prior to the time that
the | ||||||
13 | provision of such electric power and energy is declared
| ||||||
14 | competitive, the Commission shall consider the extent to which
| ||||||
15 | the electric utility's tariffed rates for such component for
| ||||||
16 | each customer class exceed the market value determined
pursuant | ||||||
17 | to Section 16-112, and, if the electric power and
energy | ||||||
18 | component of such tariffed rate exceeds the market
value by | ||||||
19 | more than 10% for any customer class, may
establish such | ||||||
20 | electric power and energy component at a rate
equal to the | ||||||
21 | market value plus 10%.
In any such case, the Commission may | ||||||
22 | also elect to extend the provisions of
Section 16-111(e) for | ||||||
23 | any period in which the electric utility is collecting
| ||||||
24 | transition charges, using information applicable to such | ||||||
25 | period.
| ||||||
26 | (j) During the mandatory transition period, an electric
| ||||||
27 | utility may elect to transfer to a non-operating income
account | ||||||
28 | under the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts
either or | ||||||
29 | both of (i) an amount of unamortized investment tax
credit that | ||||||
30 | is in addition to the ratable amount which is
credited to the | ||||||
31 | electric utility's operating income account
for the year in | ||||||
32 | accordance with Section 46(f)(2) of the
federal Internal | ||||||
33 | Revenue Code of 1986, as in effect prior to P.L. 101-508, or
| ||||||
34 | (ii) "excess tax reserves",
as that term is defined in Section | ||||||
35 | 203(e)(2)(A) of the federal
Tax Reform Act of 1986, provided | ||||||
36 | that (A) the amount
transferred may not exceed the amount of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the electric
utility's assets that were created pursuant to | ||||||
2 | Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 71 which the | ||||||
3 | electric
utility has written off during the mandatory | ||||||
4 | transition
period, and (B) the transfer shall not be effective | ||||||
5 | until
approved by the Internal Revenue Service. An electric | ||||||
6 | utility
electing to make such a transfer shall file a statement | ||||||
7 | with
the Commission stating the amount and timing of the | ||||||
8 | transfer
for which it intends to request approval of the | ||||||
9 | Internal
Revenue Service, along with a copy of its proposed | ||||||
10 | request to
the Internal Revenue Service for a ruling. The | ||||||
11 | Commission
shall issue an order within 14 days after the | ||||||
12 | electric
utility's filing approving, subject to receipt of | ||||||
13 | approval
from the Internal Revenue Service, the proposed | ||||||
14 | transfer.
| ||||||
15 | (k) If an electric utility is selling or transferring
to a | ||||||
16 | single buyer 5 or more generating plants located in this State | ||||||
17 | with a
total net dependable capacity of 5000 megawatts or more
| ||||||
18 | pursuant to subsection (g) of this Section and has obtained
a | ||||||
19 | sale price or consideration that exceeds 200% of
the book value | ||||||
20 | of such plants, the electric utility must
provide to the | ||||||
21 | Governor, the President of the Illinois
Senate, the Minority | ||||||
22 | Leader of the Illinois Senate, the
Speaker of the Illinois | ||||||
23 | House of Representatives, and the
Minority Leader of the | ||||||
24 | Illinois House of Representatives no
later than 15 days after | ||||||
25 | filing its notice under subsection
(g) of this Section or 5 | ||||||
26 | days after the date on which this
subsection (k) becomes law, | ||||||
27 | whichever is later, a written
commitment in which such electric | ||||||
28 | utility agrees to expend
$2 billion outside the corporate | ||||||
29 | limits of any municipality
with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants | ||||||
30 | within such electric
utility's service area, over a 6-year | ||||||
31 | period beginning
with the calendar year in which the notice is | ||||||
32 | filed, on
projects, programs, and improvements within its | ||||||
33 | service area
relating to transmission and distribution | ||||||
34 | including, without
limitation, infrastructure expansion, | ||||||
35 | repair and
replacement, capital investments, operations and
| ||||||
36 | maintenance, and vegetation management.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (l) After the mandatory transition period, the Commission | ||||||
2 | may not initiate, authorize, or order any increase in the | ||||||
3 | residential electric rates of AmerenIP, AmerenCILCO, or | ||||||
4 | AmerenCIPS that exceed the following: (1) in calendar year | ||||||
5 | 2007, 9% of the rate authorized in calendar year 2006; (2) in | ||||||
6 | calendar year 2008, 8% of the rate authorized in calendar year | ||||||
7 | 2007; and (3) in calendar year 2009, 7% of the rate authorized | ||||||
8 | in calendar year 2008. | ||||||
9 | Beginning in calendar year 2010 and ending in calendar year | ||||||
10 | 2012, the Commission must include in the residential electric | ||||||
11 | rates of AmerenIP, AmerenCILCO, and AmerenCIPS the portion of | ||||||
12 | the costs of procuring electricity of AmerenIP, AmerenCILCO, | ||||||
13 | and AmerenCIPS not recovered in the residential electric rates | ||||||
14 | in calendar years 2007, 2008, and 2009, plus interest at 2%. | ||||||
15 | The deferred costs, plus interest at 2%, must be recovered in | ||||||
16 | the residential electric rates of AmerenIP, AmerenCILCO, and | ||||||
17 | AmerenCIPS in calendar years 2010 through 2012.
| ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 91-50, eff. 6-30-99; 92-537, eff. 6-6-02; 92-690, | ||||||
19 | eff. 7-18-02;
revised 9-10-02.)
| ||||||
20 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
21 | becoming law.