| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | AN ACT in relation to taxation.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Property Tax Code is amended by changing | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Sections 9-100, 9-155, 12-25, 12-65, and 15-172 as follows:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | (35 ILCS 200/9-100)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 9-100. Assessment list; Delivery of books. Before | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | January 1 in each
year of the general assessment, as provided | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | in Sections 9-215 through 9-225,
each county clerk shall make | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | up the list of property to be assessed for taxes
for the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | townships or taxing districts in the county, in books for that | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | purpose.
Annually, before January 1, he or she shall make up | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | lists of properties which
are taxable, or which become taxable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | for the first time, and which are not
already listed, and make | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | up lists of properties which have been subdivided and
not | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | listed by the proper description. The county clerk shall enter | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | in the
proper column, opposite the respective parcels, the name | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | of the owner, or other
such persons, so far as he is able to | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | ascertain the names. The lists shall
contain columns to show | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | the number of acres or any other land unit of comparison
lots | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | improved , the total assessed value,
and the assessed
value; the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | assessed value of improvements; the total value; and other
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | information as may be required. The county clerk shall also | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | have prepared and
ready for delivery all blanks necessary in | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | the assessment of property, and
shall deliver those blanks to | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | the assessors along with the assessment books or
lists. The | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | books or lists may be completed and delivered by townships or | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | taxing
districts without waiting for the completion of all the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | books or lists, but all
assessment books or lists shall be | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | delivered by the county clerk to the chief
county assessment | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | officer on or before January 1. The books or lists shall be
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | made in duplicate.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: P.A. 86-1481; 88-455.)
| ||||||
2 | (35 ILCS 200/9-155)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 9-155. Valuation in general assessment years. On or | ||||||
4 | before June 1 in
each general assessment year in all counties | ||||||
5 | with less than 3,000,000
inhabitants, and as soon as he or she | ||||||
6 | reasonably can in each general assessment
year in counties with | ||||||
7 | 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, or if any such county is
divided | ||||||
8 | into assessment districts as provided in Sections 9-215 through | ||||||
9 | 9-225,
as soon as he or she reasonably can in each general | ||||||
10 | assessment year in those
districts, the assessor, in person or | ||||||
11 | by deputy, shall actually view and
determine as near as | ||||||
12 | practicable the value of each property listed for taxation
as | ||||||
13 | of January 1 of that year, or as provided in Section 9-180, and | ||||||
14 | assess the
property at 33 1/3% of its fair cash value, or in | ||||||
15 | accordance with Sections
10-110 through 10-140 and 10-170 | ||||||
16 | through 10-200, or in accordance with a county
ordinance | ||||||
17 | adopted under Section 4 of Article IX of the Constitution of
| ||||||
18 | Illinois. The assessor or deputy shall set down, in the books | ||||||
19 | furnished for
that purpose the number of acres or any other | ||||||
20 | land unit of comparison and
assessed valuation of properties in | ||||||
21 | one column, the assessed
value of improvements in another, and | ||||||
22 | the total valuation in a separate column.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 86-1481; 87-1189; 88-455.)
| ||||||
24 | (35 ILCS 200/12-25)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 12-25. Contents of assessment list publication; | ||||||
26 | payment. In all
counties, the expense of printing and | ||||||
27 | publication of assessment lists shall be
paid out of the county | ||||||
28 | treasury. The publication of the assessments shall
include the | ||||||
29 | name of the owner or of the person who last paid the taxes on | ||||||
30 | each
property , and the total amount of its assessment and how | ||||||
31 | much of the assessment
is attributable to the improvements on | ||||||
32 | the property . When any property so
assessed is susceptible of | ||||||
33 | description or identification by street name and
street or | ||||||
34 | house number, or by a property index number, the publication of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the
street name and street or house number, or property index | ||||||
2 | number shall
constitute a sufficient description of the | ||||||
3 | property for the purposes of
publication required by this Code.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88-455.)
| ||||||
5 | (35 ILCS 200/12-65)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 12-65. Publication fee. Any newspaper publishing the | ||||||
7 | list of Board of
Review changes shall be paid a fee according | ||||||
8 | to the following schedule:
| ||||||
9 | (a) For a parcel listing including the name of the property | ||||||
10 | owner, a
property index number, the previous total assessment | ||||||
11 | and the new total
assessment, $1.20 per parcel;
| ||||||
12 | (b) For a parcel listing including the name of the property | ||||||
13 | owner, a
property index number, the previous assessed value of | ||||||
14 | improvements, the
previous total assessment, the new assessed | ||||||
15 | value of improvements and the new
total assessment, $1.50 per | ||||||
16 | parcel;
| ||||||
17 | (b)
(c) For a parcel listing including the name of the | ||||||
18 | property owner, a
legal description of the property, the | ||||||
19 | previous total assessment and the
new total assessment, $2 per | ||||||
20 | parcel;
| ||||||
21 | (c)
(d) For a parcel listing including the name of the | ||||||
22 | property owner, a
property index number, a legal description, | ||||||
23 | the previous total assessment and
the new total assessment, | ||||||
24 | $2.40 per parcel; and
| ||||||
25 | (e) For a parcel listing including the name of the property | ||||||
26 | owner, a
legal description, the previous assessed value of | ||||||
27 | improvements, the new
assessed value of improvements, the | ||||||
28 | previous total assessment and the new
total assessment, $2.80 | ||||||
29 | per parcel;
| ||||||
30 | (f) For a parcel listing including the name of the property | ||||||
31 | owner, a
property index number, a legal description, the | ||||||
32 | previous assessed value of
improvements, the new assessed value | ||||||
33 | of improvements, the previous total
assessment and the new | ||||||
34 | total assessment, $3 per parcel; and
| ||||||
35 | (d)
(g) For the preamble, headings, and any other |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | explanatory matter
either required by law, or requested by the | ||||||
2 | board of review, the newspaper's
published rate for such | ||||||
3 | advertising.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 85-696; 88-455 .)
| ||||||
5 | (35 ILCS 200/15-172)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 15-172. Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze Homestead | ||||||
7 | Exemption.
| ||||||
8 | (a) This Section may be cited as the Senior Citizens | ||||||
9 | Assessment
Freeze Homestead Exemption.
| ||||||
10 | (b) As used in this Section:
| ||||||
11 | "Applicant" means an individual who has filed an | ||||||
12 | application under this
| ||||||
13 | "Base amount" means the base year equalized assessed value | ||||||
14 | of the residence
plus the first year's equalized assessed value | ||||||
15 | of any added improvements which
increased the assessed value of | ||||||
16 | the residence after the base year.
| ||||||
17 | "Base year" means the taxable year prior to the taxable | ||||||
18 | year for which the
applicant first qualifies and applies for | ||||||
19 | the exemption provided that in the
prior taxable year the | ||||||
20 | property was improved with a permanent structure that
was | ||||||
21 | occupied as a residence by the applicant who was liable for | ||||||
22 | paying real
property taxes on the property and who was either | ||||||
23 | (i) an owner of record of the
property or had legal or | ||||||
24 | equitable interest in the property as evidenced by a
written | ||||||
25 | instrument or (ii) had a legal or equitable interest as a | ||||||
26 | lessee in the
parcel of property that was single family | ||||||
27 | residence.
If in any subsequent taxable year for which the | ||||||
28 | applicant applies and
qualifies for the exemption the equalized | ||||||
29 | assessed value of the residence is
less than the equalized | ||||||
30 | assessed value in the existing base year
(provided that such | ||||||
31 | equalized assessed value is not
on an
assessed value that | ||||||
32 | results from a temporary irregularity in the property that
| ||||||
33 | reduces the
assessed value for one or more taxable years), then | ||||||
34 | that
subsequent taxable year shall become the base year until a | ||||||
35 | new base year is
established under the terms of this paragraph. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | For taxable year 1999 only, the
Chief County Assessment Officer | ||||||
2 | shall review (i) all taxable years for which
applicant | ||||||
3 | applied and qualified for the exemption and (ii) the existing | ||||||
4 | base
The assessment officer shall select as the new base | ||||||
5 | year the year with the
lowest equalized assessed value.
An | ||||||
6 | equalized assessed value that is based on an assessed value | ||||||
7 | that results
from a
temporary irregularity in the property that | ||||||
8 | reduces the assessed value for one
or more
taxable years shall | ||||||
9 | not be considered the lowest equalized assessed value.
The | ||||||
10 | selected year shall be the base year for
taxable year 1999 and | ||||||
11 | thereafter until a new base year is established under the
terms | ||||||
12 | of this paragraph.
| ||||||
13 | "Chief County Assessment Officer" means the County | ||||||
14 | Assessor or Supervisor of
Assessments of the county in which | ||||||
15 | the property is located.
| ||||||
16 | "Equalized assessed value" means the assessed value as | ||||||
17 | equalized by the
Illinois Department of Revenue.
| ||||||
18 | "Household" means the applicant, the spouse of the | ||||||
19 | applicant, and all persons
using the residence of the applicant | ||||||
20 | as their principal place of residence.
| ||||||
21 | "Household income" means the combined income of the members | ||||||
22 | of a household
for the calendar year preceding the taxable | ||||||
23 | year.
| ||||||
24 | "Income" has the same meaning as provided in Section 3.07 | ||||||
25 | of the Senior
Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief | ||||||
26 | and Pharmaceutical Assistance
Act, except that, beginning in | ||||||
27 | assessment year 2001, "income" does not
include veteran's | ||||||
28 | benefits.
| ||||||
29 | "Internal Revenue Code of 1986" means the United States | ||||||
30 | Internal Revenue Code
of 1986 or any successor law or laws | ||||||
31 | relating to federal income taxes in effect
for the year | ||||||
32 | preceding the taxable year.
| ||||||
33 | "Life care facility that qualifies as a cooperative" means | ||||||
34 | a facility as
defined in Section 2 of the Life Care Facilities | ||||||
35 | Act.
| ||||||
36 | "Residence" means the principal dwelling place and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | appurtenant structures
used for residential purposes in this | ||||||
2 | State occupied on January 1 of the
taxable year by a household | ||||||
3 | and so much of the surrounding land, constituting
the parcel | ||||||
4 | upon which the dwelling place is situated, as is used for
| ||||||
5 | residential purposes. If the Chief County Assessment Officer | ||||||
6 | has established a
specific legal description for a portion of | ||||||
7 | property constituting the
residence, then that portion of | ||||||
8 | property shall be deemed the residence for the
purposes of this | ||||||
9 | Section.
| ||||||
10 | "Taxable year" means the calendar year during which ad | ||||||
11 | valorem property taxes
payable in the next succeeding year are | ||||||
12 | levied.
| ||||||
13 | (c) Beginning in taxable year 1994, a senior citizens | ||||||
14 | assessment freeze
homestead exemption is granted for real | ||||||
15 | property that is improved with a
permanent structure that is | ||||||
16 | occupied as a residence by an applicant who (i) is
65 years of | ||||||
17 | age or older during the taxable year, (ii) has a household | ||||||
18 | income
of $35,000 or less prior to taxable year 1999,
$40,000 | ||||||
19 | or less in taxable years 1999 through 2003, and $45,000 or less | ||||||
20 | in taxable year 2004 and thereafter, (iii) is liable for paying | ||||||
21 | real property taxes on
property, and (iv) is an owner of | ||||||
22 | record of the property or has a legal or
equitable interest in | ||||||
23 | the property as evidenced by a written instrument. This
| ||||||
24 | homestead exemption shall also apply to a leasehold interest in | ||||||
25 | a parcel of
property improved with a permanent structure that | ||||||
26 | is a single family residence
that is occupied as a residence by | ||||||
27 | a person who (i) is 65 years of age or older
during the taxable | ||||||
28 | year, (ii) has a household income of $35,000 or less prior
to | ||||||
29 | taxable year 1999, $40,000 or less in taxable years 1999 | ||||||
30 | through 2003, and $45,000 or less in taxable year 2004 and | ||||||
31 | thereafter,
has a legal or equitable ownership interest | ||||||
32 | in the property as lessee, and (iv)
is liable for the payment | ||||||
33 | of real property taxes on that property.
| ||||||
34 |
The amount of this exemption shall be the equalized | ||||||
35 | assessed value of the
residence in the taxable year for which | ||||||
36 | application is made minus the base
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | When the applicant is a surviving spouse of an applicant | ||||||
2 | for a prior year for
the same residence for which an exemption | ||||||
3 | under this Section has been granted,
the base year and base | ||||||
4 | amount for that residence are the same as for the
applicant for | ||||||
5 | the prior year.
| ||||||
6 | Each year at the time the assessment books are certified to | ||||||
7 | the County Clerk,
the Board of Review or Board of Appeals shall | ||||||
8 | give to the County Clerk a list of increased total assessed | ||||||
9 | value attributable to added improvements for
of the assessed | ||||||
10 | values of improvements on each parcel qualifying for this
| ||||||
11 | exemption that were added after the base year for this parcel | ||||||
12 | and that
increased the assessed value of the property .
| ||||||
13 | In the case of land improved with an apartment building | ||||||
14 | owned and operated as
a cooperative or a building that is a | ||||||
15 | life care facility that qualifies as a
cooperative, the maximum | ||||||
16 | reduction from the equalized assessed value of the
property is | ||||||
17 | limited to the sum of the reductions calculated for each unit
| ||||||
18 | occupied as a residence by a person or persons (i) 65 years of | ||||||
19 | age or older, (ii) with a
household income of $35,000 or less | ||||||
20 | prior to taxable year 1999, $40,000 or
less in taxable years | ||||||
21 | 1999 through 2003, and $45,000 or less in taxable year 2004 and | ||||||
22 | thereafter, (iii) who is liable, by contract with the
or | ||||||
23 | owners of record, for paying real property taxes on the | ||||||
24 | property, and (iv) who is
an owner of record of a legal or | ||||||
25 | equitable interest in the cooperative
apartment building, | ||||||
26 | other than a leasehold interest. In the instance of a
| ||||||
27 | cooperative where a homestead exemption has been granted under | ||||||
28 | this Section,
the cooperative association or its management | ||||||
29 | firm shall credit the savings
resulting from that exemption | ||||||
30 | only to the apportioned tax liability of the
owner who | ||||||
31 | qualified for the exemption. Any person who willfully refuses | ||||||
32 | to
credit that savings to an owner who qualifies for the | ||||||
33 | exemption is guilty of a
Class B misdemeanor.
| ||||||
34 | When a homestead exemption has been granted under this | ||||||
35 | Section and an
applicant then becomes a resident of a facility | ||||||
36 | licensed under the Nursing Home
Care Act, the exemption shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be granted in subsequent years so long as the
residence (i) | ||||||
2 | continues to be occupied by the qualified applicant's spouse or
| ||||||
3 | (ii) if remaining unoccupied, is still owned by the qualified | ||||||
4 | applicant for the
homestead exemption.
| ||||||
5 | Beginning January 1, 1997, when an individual dies who | ||||||
6 | would have qualified
for an exemption under this Section, and | ||||||
7 | the surviving spouse does not
independently qualify for this | ||||||
8 | exemption because of age, the exemption under
this Section | ||||||
9 | shall be granted to the surviving spouse for the taxable year
| ||||||
10 | preceding and the taxable
year of the death, provided that, | ||||||
11 | except for age, the surviving spouse meets
other | ||||||
12 | qualifications for the granting of this exemption for those | ||||||
13 | years.
| ||||||
14 | When married persons maintain separate residences, the | ||||||
15 | exemption provided for
in this Section may be claimed by only | ||||||
16 | one of such persons and for only one
| ||||||
17 | For taxable year 1994 only, in counties having less than | ||||||
18 | 3,000,000
inhabitants, to receive the exemption, a person shall | ||||||
19 | submit an application by
February 15, 1995 to the Chief County | ||||||
20 | Assessment Officer
of the county in which the property is | ||||||
21 | located. In counties having 3,000,000
or more inhabitants, for | ||||||
22 | taxable year 1994 and all subsequent taxable years, to
receive | ||||||
23 | the exemption, a person
may submit an application to the Chief | ||||||
24 | County
Assessment Officer of the county in which the property | ||||||
25 | is located during such
period as may be specified by the Chief | ||||||
26 | County Assessment Officer. The Chief
County Assessment Officer | ||||||
27 | in counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants shall
annually | ||||||
28 | give notice of the application period by mail or by | ||||||
29 | publication. In
counties having less than 3,000,000 | ||||||
30 | inhabitants, beginning with taxable year
1995 and thereafter, | ||||||
31 | to receive the exemption, a person
submit an
application | ||||||
32 | by July 1 of each taxable year to the Chief County Assessment
| ||||||
33 | Officer of the county in which the property is located. A | ||||||
34 | county may, by
ordinance, establish a date for submission of | ||||||
35 | applications that is
different than
July 1.
The applicant shall | ||||||
36 | submit with the
application an affidavit of the applicant's |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | total household income, age,
marital status (and if married the | ||||||
2 | name and address of the applicant's spouse,
if known), and | ||||||
3 | principal dwelling place of members of the household on January
| ||||||
4 | 1 of the taxable year. The Department shall establish, by rule, | ||||||
5 | a method for
verifying the accuracy of affidavits filed by | ||||||
6 | applicants under this Section.
The applications shall be | ||||||
7 | clearly marked as applications for the Senior
Citizens | ||||||
8 | Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption.
| ||||||
9 | Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, in | ||||||
10 | counties having fewer
than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if an | ||||||
11 | applicant fails
to file the application required by this | ||||||
12 | Section in a timely manner and this
failure to file is due to a | ||||||
13 | mental or physical condition sufficiently severe so
as to | ||||||
14 | render the applicant incapable of filing the application in a | ||||||
15 | timely
manner, the Chief County Assessment Officer may extend | ||||||
16 | the filing deadline for
a period of 30 days after the applicant | ||||||
17 | regains the capability to file the
application, but in no case | ||||||
18 | may the filing deadline be extended beyond 3
months of the | ||||||
19 | original filing deadline. In order to receive the extension
| ||||||
20 | provided in this paragraph, the applicant shall provide the | ||||||
21 | Chief County
Assessment Officer with a signed statement from | ||||||
22 | the applicant's physician
stating the nature and extent of the | ||||||
23 | condition, that, in the
physician's opinion, the condition was | ||||||
24 | so severe that it rendered the applicant
incapable of filing | ||||||
25 | the application in a timely manner, and the date on which
the | ||||||
26 | applicant regained the capability to file the application.
| ||||||
27 | Beginning January 1, 1998, notwithstanding any other | ||||||
28 | provision to the
contrary, in counties having fewer than | ||||||
29 | 3,000,000 inhabitants, if an applicant
fails to file the | ||||||
30 | application required by this Section in a timely manner and
| ||||||
31 | this failure to file is due to a mental or physical condition | ||||||
32 | sufficiently
severe so as to render the applicant incapable of | ||||||
33 | filing the application in a
timely manner, the Chief County | ||||||
34 | Assessment Officer may extend the filing
deadline for a period | ||||||
35 | of 3 months. In order to receive the extension provided
in this | ||||||
36 | paragraph, the applicant shall provide the Chief County |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Assessment
Officer with a signed statement from the applicant's | ||||||
2 | physician stating the
nature and extent of the condition, and | ||||||
3 | that, in the physician's opinion, the
condition was so severe | ||||||
4 | that it rendered the applicant incapable of filing the
| ||||||
5 | application in a timely manner.
| ||||||
6 | In counties having less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, if an | ||||||
7 | applicant was
denied an exemption in taxable year 1994 and the | ||||||
8 | denial occurred due to an
error on the part of an assessment
| ||||||
9 | official, or his or her agent or employee, then beginning in | ||||||
10 | taxable year 1997
applicant's base year, for purposes of | ||||||
11 | determining the amount of the exemption,
shall be 1993 rather | ||||||
12 | than 1994. In addition, in taxable year 1997, the
applicant's | ||||||
13 | exemption shall also include an amount equal to (i) the amount | ||||||
14 | of
any exemption denied to the applicant in taxable year 1995 | ||||||
15 | as a result of using
1994, rather than 1993, as the base year, | ||||||
16 | (ii) the amount of any exemption
denied to the applicant in | ||||||
17 | taxable year 1996 as a result of using 1994, rather
than 1993, | ||||||
18 | as the base year, and (iii) the amount of the exemption | ||||||
19 | erroneously
denied for taxable year 1994.
| ||||||
20 | For purposes of this Section, a person who will be 65 years | ||||||
21 | of age during the
current taxable year shall be eligible to | ||||||
22 | apply for the homestead exemption
during that taxable year. | ||||||
23 | Application shall be made during the application
period in | ||||||
24 | effect for the county of his or her residence.
| ||||||
25 | The Chief County Assessment Officer may determine the | ||||||
26 | eligibility of a life
care facility that qualifies as a | ||||||
27 | cooperative to receive the benefits
provided by this Section by | ||||||
28 | use of an affidavit, application, visual
inspection, | ||||||
29 | questionnaire, or other reasonable method in order to insure | ||||||
30 | that
the tax savings resulting from the exemption are credited | ||||||
31 | by the management
firm to the apportioned tax liability of each | ||||||
32 | qualifying resident. The Chief
County Assessment Officer may | ||||||
33 | request reasonable proof that the management firm
has so | ||||||
34 | credited that exemption.
| ||||||
35 | Except as provided in this Section, all information | ||||||
36 | received by the chief
county assessment officer or the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department from applications filed under this
Section, or from | ||||||
2 | any investigation conducted under the provisions of this
| ||||||
3 | Section, shall be confidential, except for official purposes or
| ||||||
4 | pursuant to official procedures for collection of any State or | ||||||
5 | local tax or
enforcement of any civil or criminal penalty or | ||||||
6 | sanction imposed by this Act or
by any statute or ordinance | ||||||
7 | imposing a State or local tax. Any person who
divulges any such | ||||||
8 | information in any manner, except in accordance with a proper
| ||||||
9 | judicial order, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
| ||||||
10 | Nothing contained in this Section shall prevent the | ||||||
11 | Director or chief county
assessment officer from publishing or | ||||||
12 | making available reasonable statistics
concerning the | ||||||
13 | operation of the exemption contained in this Section in which
| ||||||
14 | the contents of claims are grouped into aggregates in such a | ||||||
15 | way that
information contained in any individual claim shall | ||||||
16 | not be disclosed.
| ||||||
17 | (d) Each Chief County Assessment Officer shall annually | ||||||
18 | publish a notice
of availability of the exemption provided | ||||||
19 | under this Section. The notice
shall be published at least 60 | ||||||
20 | days but no more than 75 days prior to the date
on which the | ||||||
21 | application must be submitted to the Chief County Assessment
| ||||||
22 | Officer of the county in which the property is located. The | ||||||
23 | notice shall
appear in a newspaper of general circulation in | ||||||
24 | the county.
| ||||||
25 | Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of the State Mandates Act, | ||||||
26 | no reimbursement by the State is required for the | ||||||
27 | implementation of any mandate created by this Section.
| ||||||
28 | (Source: P.A. 93-715, eff. 7-12-04.)
| ||||||
29 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
30 | becoming law.