| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning State government.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Department of Commerce and Economic | ||||||
5 | Opportunity Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is | ||||||
6 | amended by adding Section 605-425 as follows: | ||||||
7 | (20 ILCS 605/605-425 new) | ||||||
8 | Sec. 605-425. Illinois Steel Development Board.
| ||||||
9 | (a) The Illinois Steel Development Board is established
as an | ||||||
10 | advisory board to the Department of Commerce and
Economic | ||||||
11 | Opportunity. The Board shall be composed of the
following | ||||||
12 | voting members: the Director of Commerce and
Economic | ||||||
13 | Opportunity, who shall be Chairman of the Board, the
Deputy | ||||||
14 | Director of the Bureau of Business Development within the | ||||||
15 | Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, 4 members
of | ||||||
16 | the General Assembly (one each appointed by the President
of | ||||||
17 | the Senate, the Senate Minority Leader, the Speaker of the
| ||||||
18 | House of Representatives, and the House Minority Leader), and 8 | ||||||
19 | persons
appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent | ||||||
20 | of the
Senate. Members appointed by the Governor must include: | ||||||
21 | (1) one member shall be a member of the faculty of a school of | ||||||
22 | business located within Illinois; (2) one member shall be a | ||||||
23 | member of the faculty of a school of engineering located within | ||||||
24 | Illinois; (3) one member shall represent a labor union that | ||||||
25 | represents steelworkers; and (4) 5 members shall represent the | ||||||
26 | Illinois steel industry, including but not limited to | ||||||
27 | technology, transportation, financial, production, and use. | ||||||
28 | Members
appointed by the Governor shall be chosen from persons | ||||||
29 | of
recognized ability and experience in their designated | ||||||
30 | field. | ||||||
31 | The members appointed by the Governor shall serve for
terms | ||||||
32 | of 4 years. The initial terms of the initial
appointees shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | expire on July 1, 2009. A member appointed
by a legislative | ||||||
2 | leader shall serve for the duration of the
General Assembly for | ||||||
3 | which he or she is appointed, so long as
the member remains a | ||||||
4 | member of that General Assembly. | ||||||
5 | The Board shall meet at least annually or at the call of
| ||||||
6 | the Chairman. At any time the majority of the Board may
| ||||||
7 | petition the Chairman for a meeting of the Board. Nine
members | ||||||
8 | of the Board shall constitute a quorum. | ||||||
9 | Members of the Board shall be reimbursed for actual and
| ||||||
10 | necessary expenses incurred while performing their duties as
| ||||||
11 | members of the Board from funds appropriated to the
Department | ||||||
12 | for that purpose. | ||||||
13 | (b) The Board shall provide advice and make recommendations | ||||||
14 | to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
on the | ||||||
15 | following: | ||||||
16 | (1) The development of an annual agenda that may
| ||||||
17 | include, but is not limited to, research, marketing, and
| ||||||
18 | promotional methodologies conducted for the purpose of
| ||||||
19 | increasing the use of American steel
produced, used, or | ||||||
20 | transported by Illinois companies with
emphasis on the | ||||||
21 | following areas: maintaining and
increasing employment of | ||||||
22 | Illinois workers in the steel
industry; steel preparation | ||||||
23 | and characterization;
marketing; public awareness and | ||||||
24 | education;
transportation; and environmental impacts. | ||||||
25 | (2) The support and coordination of American
steel | ||||||
26 | research, marketing, and promotion; the
approval of | ||||||
27 | projects consistent with the annual agenda
and budget for | ||||||
28 | steel research, marketing, and promotion;
and the approval | ||||||
29 | of the annual budget and operating plan
for administration | ||||||
30 | of the Board. | ||||||
31 | (3) The promotion and coordination of available
| ||||||
32 | research, marketing, and promotional information on the
| ||||||
33 | production, preparation, distribution, and uses of
| ||||||
34 | American steel. The Board shall advise the
existing | ||||||
35 | research institutions within the State on areas
where | ||||||
36 | research may be necessary. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (4) The cooperation to the fullest extent possible
with | ||||||
2 | State and federal agencies and departments,
independent | ||||||
3 | organizations, and other interested groups,
public and | ||||||
4 | private, for the purposes of promoting
American steel | ||||||
5 | resources. | ||||||
6 | (5) The submission of an annual report to the
Governor | ||||||
7 | and the General Assembly outlining the progress
and | ||||||
8 | accomplishments made during the calendar year and
| ||||||
9 | furnishing other relevant information. | ||||||
10 | (6) Focusing on existing steel research, marketing,
| ||||||
11 | and promotion efforts in carrying out its mission, ways
to | ||||||
12 | make use of existing facilities in Illinois or other
| ||||||
13 | institutions carrying out research, marketing, and
| ||||||
14 | promotion of American steel and, as far as
practical, to | ||||||
15 | make maximum use of the facilities
available in Illinois, | ||||||
16 | including universities and
colleges located within the | ||||||
17 | State of Illinois, and the
creation of a consortium or | ||||||
18 | center that conducts,
coordinates, and supports steel | ||||||
19 | research, promotion, and
marketing activities in the State | ||||||
20 | of Illinois.
Programmatic activities of the consortium or | ||||||
21 | center shall
be subject to approval by the Department and | ||||||
22 | shall be
consistent with the purposes of this Section. The
| ||||||
23 | Department may authorize the expenditure of funds in
| ||||||
24 | support of the administrative and programmatic operations
| ||||||
25 | of the center or consortium that are consistent with its
| ||||||
26 | authority. Administrative actions undertaken by or for
the | ||||||
27 | center or consortium shall be subject to the approval
of | ||||||
28 | the Department. | ||||||
29 | (7) Reasonable ways, before initiating any
research, | ||||||
30 | to avoid duplication of effort and expense
through the | ||||||
31 | coordination of the research efforts of
various agencies, | ||||||
32 | departments, universities, or
organizations. | ||||||
33 | (8) The adoption, amendment, and repeal of rules,
| ||||||
34 | regulations, and bylaws governing the Board's
organization | ||||||
35 | and conduct of business. | ||||||
36 | (9) The search for, the acceptance of, and the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | expenditure of gifts or grants in any form, from any
public | ||||||
2 | agency or from any other source. The gifts and
grants may | ||||||
3 | be held in trust by the Department and
expended at the | ||||||
4 | direction of the Department and in the
exercise of the | ||||||
5 | Department's powers and performance of
the Department's | ||||||
6 | duties. | ||||||
7 | (10) The publication, from time to time, of the
results | ||||||
8 | of American steel research,
marketing, and promotion | ||||||
9 | projects funded through the
Department. | ||||||
10 | (c) The Board shall also provide advice and make
| ||||||
11 | recommendations to the Department on the following: | ||||||
12 | (1) The creation and maintenance of current and
| ||||||
13 | accurate records on all markets for and actual uses of
| ||||||
14 | steel processed, utilized, or transported in Illinois and
| ||||||
15 | ways of making those records available to the public upon
| ||||||
16 | request. | ||||||
17 | (2) The identification of all current and
anticipated | ||||||
18 | future technical, economic, institutional,
market, | ||||||
19 | environmental, regulatory, and other impediments
to the | ||||||
20 | use of American steel and the
Illinois steel industry. | ||||||
21 | (3) The identification of alternative plans or
actions | ||||||
22 | that would maintain or increase the use of
American steel | ||||||
23 | and the Illinois steel
industry. | ||||||
24 | (4) The development of strategies and proposing
| ||||||
25 | policies to promote responsible uses of American
steel | ||||||
26 | processed, used, or transported by the
Illinois steel | ||||||
27 | industry.