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1 | AN ACT concerning utilities.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 1. Public Utility Fund base maintenance | ||||||
5 | contribution; continuation; validation.
| ||||||
6 | (a) The General Assembly finds and declares:
| ||||||
7 | (1) Section 2-203 of the Public Utilities Act provided | ||||||
8 | for its repeal on
January 1, 2009.
| ||||||
9 | (2) Senate Bill 1987 of the 95th General Assembly, | ||||||
10 | among other things,
changed the language of Section 2-203 | ||||||
11 | repealing that Section on January 1, 2009 to January 1, | ||||||
12 | 2014.
Senate Bill 1987 passed both houses of the General | ||||||
13 | Assembly on November 20, 2008.
Senate Bill 1987 was | ||||||
14 | approved by the Governor on January 12, 2009 and will take | ||||||
15 | effect
on June 1, 2009 as Public Act 95-1027. It was the | ||||||
16 | intention of the General Assembly
in passing Senate Bill | ||||||
17 | 1987 that Section 2-203 of the Public Utilities Act not be
| ||||||
18 | repealed.
| ||||||
19 | (3) The Statute on Statutes sets forth general rules on | ||||||
20 | the repeal of
statutes, but Section 1 of that Act also | ||||||
21 | states that these rules will not be
when the | ||||||
22 | result would be "inconsistent with the manifest intent of | ||||||
23 | the General
Assembly or repugnant to the context of the | ||||||
24 | statute".
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (4) The actions of the General Assembly clearly | ||||||
2 | manifest the intention of
the General Assembly not to | ||||||
3 | repeal Section 2-203 of the Public Utilities Act.
Any | ||||||
4 | construction of Public Act 95-1027 that results in the | ||||||
5 | repeal of Section 2-203 of the Public Utilities Act on | ||||||
6 | January 1, 2009 would be inconsistent with the
manifest | ||||||
7 | intent of the General Assembly.
| ||||||
8 | (b) It is hereby declared to have been the intent of the | ||||||
9 | General Assembly,
enacting Public Act 95-1027, that Section | ||||||
10 | 2-203 of the Public Utilities Act be
to, among other | ||||||
11 | things, change its repeal to January 1, 2014 and that it not be | ||||||
12 | subject to
repeal on January 1, 2009.
| ||||||
13 | (c) Section 2-203 of the Public Utilities Act is deemed to | ||||||
14 | have been in
continuous effect since its original effective | ||||||
15 | date, and it shall continue to
be in effect until
it is | ||||||
16 | otherwise repealed.
| ||||||
17 | (d) All otherwise lawful actions taken in reliance on or | ||||||
18 | pursuant to Section 2-203 of the Public Utilities Act before | ||||||
19 | the effective date of this amendatory Act of
the 96th
General | ||||||
20 | Assembly by any officer or agency of State government or any | ||||||
21 | other
person or
entity are validated.
| ||||||
22 | (e) To ensure the continuing effectiveness of Section 2-203 | ||||||
23 | of the Public Utilities Act, it is set forth in full and | ||||||
24 | re-enacted by this Act. This re-enactment
is intended as a | ||||||
25 | continuation of Section 2-203 of the Public Utilities Act.
| ||||||
26 | (f) This amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | applies to all claims,
actions, proceedings, and returns | ||||||
2 | pending on or filed on, before, or after the
effective date
of | ||||||
3 | this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly.
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Public Utilities Act is amended by | ||||||
5 | reenacting Section 2-203 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (220 ILCS 5/2-203)
| ||||||
7 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2014)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 2-203. Public Utility Fund base maintenance | ||||||
9 | contribution. Each electric
utility as defined in Section | ||||||
10 | 16-102 of this Act providing service to more than
12,500 | ||||||
11 | customers in this State on January 1, 1995 shall contribute | ||||||
12 | annually a
pro rata share of a total amount of $5,500,000 based | ||||||
13 | upon the number of
kilowatt-hours delivered to retail customers | ||||||
14 | within this State by each such
electric utility in the 12 | ||||||
15 | months preceding the year of contribution. On or
before May 1 | ||||||
16 | of each year, the Illinois Commerce Commission shall determine | ||||||
17 | and
notify the Illinois Department of Revenue of the pro rata | ||||||
18 | share owed by each
electric utility based upon information | ||||||
19 | supplied annually to the Commission. On
or before June 1 of | ||||||
20 | each year, the Department of Revenue shall send written
| ||||||
21 | notification to each electric utility of the amount of pro rata | ||||||
22 | share they owe.
These contributions shall be remitted to the | ||||||
23 | Department of Revenue no earlier
that July 1 and no later than | ||||||
24 | July 31 of each year the contribution is due on a
return |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | prescribed and
furnished by the Department of Revenue showing | ||||||
2 | such information as the
Department of Revenue may reasonably | ||||||
3 | require. The Department of Revenue shall
place the funds | ||||||
4 | remitted under this Section in the Public Utility Fund in the
| ||||||
5 | State treasury. The funds received pursuant to this Section | ||||||
6 | shall be subject to
appropriation by the General Assembly. If | ||||||
7 | an electric utility does
not remit its pro rata share to the | ||||||
8 | Department of Revenue, the Department of
Revenue must inform | ||||||
9 | the Illinois Commerce Commission of such failure. The
Illinois | ||||||
10 | Commerce Commission may then revoke the certification of that | ||||||
11 | electric
utility. This Section is repealed on January 1, 2014.
| ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 95-1027, eff. 6-1-09.)
| ||||||
13 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
14 | becoming law.