Rep. Michael W. Tryon
Filed: 4/3/2009
| |||||||
| |||||||
| ||||||
2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2989 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The Election Code is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Section 7-8 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (10 ILCS 5/7-8) (from Ch. 46, par. 7-8)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 7-8. The State central committee shall be composed of | ||||||
8 | one member or two
members from each legislative congressional | ||||||
9 | district in the State and shall be elected as
| ||||||
10 | State Central Committee
| ||||||
11 | (a) Within 30 days after the effective date of this | ||||||
12 | amendatory Act of
1983 the State central committee of each | ||||||
13 | political party shall certify to
the State Board of Elections | ||||||
14 | which of the following alternatives it wishes
to apply to the | ||||||
15 | State central committee of that party.
| ||||||
16 | In each legislative district at the general primary |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | election held in 2010 and every 4 years thereafter, the | ||||||
2 | candidate receiving the highest number of votes for State | ||||||
3 | central committeeman shall be declared elected State central | ||||||
4 | committeeman from the district. | ||||||
5 | To qualify as a candidate for election or appointment to | ||||||
6 | fill a vacancy as a State central committeeman, a person must | ||||||
7 | be a resident of the legislative district and must have voted | ||||||
8 | in 3 of the 4 most recent primary elections of the political | ||||||
9 | party. Alternative A. | ||||||
10 | Whenever At the primary in
1970 and at the general primary | ||||||
11 | election held every 4 years thereafter, each primary
elector | ||||||
12 | may vote for one candidate of his party for member of the State
| ||||||
13 | central committee for the congressional district in which he | ||||||
14 | resides.
The candidate receiving the highest number of votes | ||||||
15 | shall be declared
elected State central committeeman from the | ||||||
16 | district. A political party
may, in lieu of the foregoing, by a | ||||||
17 | majority vote of delegates at any State
convention of such | ||||||
18 | party, determine to thereafter elect the State central
| ||||||
19 | committeemen in the manner following:
| ||||||
20 | At the county convention held by such political party State | ||||||
21 | central
committeemen shall be elected in the same manner as | ||||||
22 | provided in this
Article for the election of officers of the | ||||||
23 | county central committee, and
such election shall follow the | ||||||
24 | election of officers of the county central
committee. Each | ||||||
25 | elected ward, township or precinct committeeman shall cast
as | ||||||
26 | his vote one vote for each ballot voted in his ward, township, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | part of a
township or precinct in the last preceding primary | ||||||
2 | election of his
political party. In the case of a county lying | ||||||
3 | partially within one
congressional district and partially | ||||||
4 | within another congressional district,
each ward, township or | ||||||
5 | precinct committeeman shall vote only with respect
to the | ||||||
6 | congressional district in which his ward, township, part of a
| ||||||
7 | township or precinct is located. In the case of a congressional | ||||||
8 | district
which encompasses more than one county, each ward, | ||||||
9 | township or precinct
committeeman residing within the | ||||||
10 | congressional district shall cast as his
vote one vote for each | ||||||
11 | ballot voted in his ward, township, part of a
township or | ||||||
12 | precinct in the last preceding primary election of his
| ||||||
13 | political party for one candidate of his party for member of | ||||||
14 | the State
central committee for the congressional district in | ||||||
15 | which he resides and
the Chairman of the county central | ||||||
16 | committee shall report the results of
the election to the State | ||||||
17 | Board of Elections. The State Board of Elections
shall certify | ||||||
18 | the candidate receiving the highest number of votes elected
| ||||||
19 | State central committeeman for that congressional district.
| ||||||
20 | The State central committee shall adopt rules to provide | ||||||
21 | for and govern
the procedures to be followed in the election of | ||||||
22 | members of the State central
| ||||||
23 | After the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st | ||||||
24 | General
Assembly, whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of | ||||||
25 | Chairman of a State
central committee, or at the end of the | ||||||
26 | term of office of Chairman, the State
central committee of each |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | political party that has selected Alternative A shall
elect a | ||||||
2 | Chairman who shall not be required to be a member of the State | ||||||
3 | Central
Committee. The Chairman shall be a
registered voter in | ||||||
4 | this State and of the same political party as the State
central | ||||||
5 | committee.
| ||||||
6 | Alternative B. Each congressional committee shall, within | ||||||
7 | 30 days after
the adoption of this alternative, appoint a | ||||||
8 | person of the sex opposite that
of the incumbent member for | ||||||
9 | that congressional district to serve as an
additional member of | ||||||
10 | the State central committee until his or her successor
is | ||||||
11 | elected at the general primary election in 1986. Each | ||||||
12 | congressional
committee shall make this appointment by voting | ||||||
13 | on the basis set forth in
paragraph (e) of this Section. In | ||||||
14 | each congressional district at the
general primary election | ||||||
15 | held in 1986 and every 4 years thereafter, the
male candidate | ||||||
16 | receiving the highest number of votes of the party's male
| ||||||
17 | candidates for State central committeeman, and the female | ||||||
18 | candidate
receiving the highest number of votes of the party's | ||||||
19 | female candidates for
State central committeewoman, shall be | ||||||
20 | declared elected State central
committeeman and State central | ||||||
21 | committeewoman from the district. At the
general primary | ||||||
22 | election held in 1986 and every 4 years thereafter, if all a
| ||||||
23 | party's candidates for State central committeemen or State | ||||||
24 | central
committeewomen from a congressional district are of the | ||||||
25 | same sex, the candidate
receiving the highest number of votes | ||||||
26 | shall be declared elected a State central
committeeman or State |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | central committeewoman from the district, and, because of
a | ||||||
2 | failure to elect one male and one female to the committee, a | ||||||
3 | vacancy shall be
declared to exist in the office of the second | ||||||
4 | member of the State central
committee from the district. This | ||||||
5 | vacancy shall be filled by appointment by
the congressional | ||||||
6 | committee of the political party, and the person appointed to
| ||||||
7 | fill the vacancy shall be a resident of the congressional | ||||||
8 | district and of the
sex opposite that of the committeeman or | ||||||
9 | committeewoman elected at the general
primary election. Each | ||||||
10 | congressional committee shall make this appointment by
voting | ||||||
11 | on the basis set forth in paragraph (e) of this Section.
| ||||||
12 | The Chairman of a State central committee composed as | ||||||
13 | provided in this
Alternative B must be selected from the | ||||||
14 | committee's members.
| ||||||
15 | Except as provided for in Alternative A with respect to the | ||||||
16 | selection of
the Chairman of the State central committee, under | ||||||
17 | both of the foregoing
alternatives, the
committee | ||||||
18 | of each political party shall be composed of members elected
or | ||||||
19 | appointed from the several legislative congressional districts | ||||||
20 | of the State,
and of no other person or persons whomsoever. The | ||||||
21 | members of the State
central committee shall, within 41 days | ||||||
22 | after each quadrennial election of
the full committee, meet in | ||||||
23 | the city of Springfield and organize
by electing a chairman, | ||||||
24 | and may at such time
elect such officers from among their own | ||||||
25 | number (or otherwise), as they
may deem necessary or expedient. | ||||||
26 | The outgoing chairman of the State
central committee of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | party shall, 10 days before the meeting, notify
each member of | ||||||
2 | the State central committee elected at the primary of the
time | ||||||
3 | and place of such meeting. In the organization and proceedings | ||||||
4 | of
the State central committee, each State central committeeman | ||||||
5 | and State
central committeewoman shall have one vote for each | ||||||
6 | ballot voted in his or her
legislative congressional district | ||||||
7 | by the primary electors of his or her party at the
primary | ||||||
8 | election immediately preceding the meeting of the State central
| ||||||
9 | committee. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the State central | ||||||
10 | committee of any
political party, the vacancy shall be filled | ||||||
11 | by appointment of
the chairmen of the county central committees | ||||||
12 | of the
political party
of the counties located within the | ||||||
13 | legislative congressional district in which the vacancy
occurs | ||||||
14 | and,
if applicable, the ward and township committeemen of the
| ||||||
15 | political
party in counties of 2,000,000 or more inhabitants | ||||||
16 | located within the
legislative congressional
district. If the | ||||||
17 | legislative congressional district in which the vacancy occurs | ||||||
18 | lies
wholly within a
county of 2,000,000 or more inhabitants, | ||||||
19 | the ward and township committeemen
of the political party in | ||||||
20 | that legislative congressional district shall vote to fill the
| ||||||
21 | vacancy. In voting to fill the vacancy, each chairman of a | ||||||
22 | county central
committee and
each ward and township | ||||||
23 | committeeman in counties of 2,000,000
more inhabitants shall | ||||||
24 | have one vote for each ballot voted in each precinct of
the | ||||||
25 | legislative congressional district in which the vacancy exists | ||||||
26 | of
his or her
county, township, or ward cast by the primary |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | electors of his or her party
at the
primary election | ||||||
2 | immediately preceding the meeting to fill the vacancy in the
| ||||||
3 | State
central committee. The person appointed to fill the | ||||||
4 | vacancy shall be a
resident of the
legislative congressional | ||||||
5 | district in which the vacancy occurs and , shall be a qualified | ||||||
6 | voter who voted in 3 of the 4 most recent primary elections of | ||||||
7 | the political party ,
and, in a committee composed as provided | ||||||
8 | in Alternative B, shall be of the
sex as his or her
| ||||||
9 | predecessor . A political party may, by a majority vote of the
| ||||||
10 | delegates of any State convention of such party, determine to | ||||||
11 | return
to the election of State central committeeman and State | ||||||
12 | central
committeewoman by the vote of primary electors.
Any | ||||||
13 | action taken by a political party at a State convention in | ||||||
14 | accordance
with this Section shall be reported to the State | ||||||
15 | Board of Elections by the
chairman and secretary of such | ||||||
16 | convention within 10 days after such action.
| ||||||
17 | On and after the date of organization of a State central | ||||||
18 | committee whose members are elected at the 2010 general | ||||||
19 | primary, a reference in this Code or other statute to a State | ||||||
20 | central committee organized or operating under Alternative A or | ||||||
21 | Alternative B is a reference to a State central committee whose | ||||||
22 | predecessor was organized or operated under the Alternative A | ||||||
23 | or Alternative B authorized by this subsection (a) before the | ||||||
24 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General | ||||||
25 | Assembly. | ||||||
26 | The changes made to this subsection (a) by this amendatory |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Act of the 96th General Assembly apply to State central | ||||||
2 | committees elected at or after the 2010 general primary. | ||||||
3 | Ward, Township and Precinct Committeemen
| ||||||
4 | (b) At the primary in 1972 and
at the general primary | ||||||
5 | election every 4 years thereafter, each primary elector in | ||||||
6 | cities having a
population of 200,000 or over may vote for one | ||||||
7 | candidate of his party in
his ward for ward committeeman. Each | ||||||
8 | candidate for ward committeeman
must be a resident of and in | ||||||
9 | the ward where he seeks to be elected ward
committeeman. The | ||||||
10 | one having the highest number of votes shall be such
ward | ||||||
11 | committeeman of such party for such ward. At the primary | ||||||
12 | election
in 1970 and at the general primary election every 4 | ||||||
13 | years thereafter,
each primary elector in counties containing a | ||||||
14 | population of 2,000,000 or
more, outside of cities containing a | ||||||
15 | population of 200,000 or more, may
vote for one candidate of | ||||||
16 | his party for township committeeman. Each
candidate for | ||||||
17 | township committeeman must be a resident of and in the
township | ||||||
18 | or part of a township (which lies outside of a city having a
| ||||||
19 | population of 200,000 or more, in counties containing a | ||||||
20 | population of
2,000,000 or more), and in which township or part | ||||||
21 | of a township he seeks
to be elected township committeeman. The | ||||||
22 | one having the highest number
of votes shall be such township | ||||||
23 | committeeman of such party for such
township or part of a | ||||||
24 | township. At the primary
in 1970 and at the general primary | ||||||
25 | election every 2 years thereafter, each primary elector,
except | ||||||
26 | in counties having a population of 2,000,000 or over, may vote
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | for one candidate of his party in his precinct for precinct
| ||||||
2 | committeeman. Each candidate for precinct committeeman must be | ||||||
3 | a bona
fide resident of the precinct where he seeks to be | ||||||
4 | elected precinct
committeeman. The one having the highest | ||||||
5 | number of votes shall be such
precinct committeeman of such | ||||||
6 | party for such precinct. The official
returns of the primary | ||||||
7 | shall show the name of the committeeman of each
political | ||||||
8 | party.
| ||||||
9 | Terms of Committeemen. All precinct committeemen elected | ||||||
10 | under the
provisions of this Article shall continue as such | ||||||
11 | committeemen until the
date of the primary to be held in the | ||||||
12 | second year after their election.
Except as otherwise provided | ||||||
13 | in this Section for certain State central
committeemen who have | ||||||
14 | 2 year terms, all State central committeemen, township
| ||||||
15 | committeemen and ward committeemen shall continue as such | ||||||
16 | committeemen
until the date of primary to be held in the fourth | ||||||
17 | year after their
election. However, a vacancy exists in the | ||||||
18 | office of precinct committeeman
when a precinct committeeman | ||||||
19 | ceases to reside in the precinct in which he
was elected and | ||||||
20 | such precinct committeeman shall thereafter neither have
nor | ||||||
21 | exercise any rights, powers or duties as committeeman in that | ||||||
22 | precinct,
even if a successor has not been elected or | ||||||
23 | appointed.
| ||||||
24 | (c) The Multi-Township Central Committee shall consist of | ||||||
25 | the precinct
committeemen of such party, in the multi-township | ||||||
26 | assessing district formed
pursuant to Section 2-10 of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Property Tax Code and shall be organized for the purposes set | ||||||
2 | forth in Section
45-25 of the Township Code. In the | ||||||
3 | organization and proceedings of the
Multi-Township Central | ||||||
4 | Committee each precinct committeeman shall have one vote
for | ||||||
5 | each ballot voted in his precinct by the primary electors of | ||||||
6 | his party at
the primary at which he was elected.
| ||||||
7 | County Central Committee
| ||||||
8 | (d) The county central committee of each political party in | ||||||
9 | each
county shall consist of the various township committeemen, | ||||||
10 | precinct
committeemen and ward committeemen, if any, of such | ||||||
11 | party in the county.
In the organization and proceedings of the | ||||||
12 | county central committee,
each precinct committeeman shall | ||||||
13 | have one vote for each ballot voted in
his precinct by the | ||||||
14 | primary electors of his party at the primary at
which he was | ||||||
15 | elected; each township committeeman shall have one vote for
| ||||||
16 | each ballot voted in his township or part of a township as the | ||||||
17 | case may
be by the primary electors of his party at the primary | ||||||
18 | election
for the nomination of candidates for election to the | ||||||
19 | General Assembly
immediately preceding the meeting of the | ||||||
20 | county central committee; and
in the organization and | ||||||
21 | proceedings of the county central committee,
each ward | ||||||
22 | committeeman shall have one vote for each ballot voted in his
| ||||||
23 | ward by the primary electors of his party at the primary | ||||||
24 | election
for the nomination of candidates for election to the | ||||||
25 | General Assembly
immediately preceding the meeting of the | ||||||
26 | county central committee.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Cook County Board of Review Election District Committee
| ||||||
2 | (d-1) Each board of review election district committee of | ||||||
3 | each political
party in Cook County shall consist of the
| ||||||
4 | various township committeemen and ward committeemen, if any, of | ||||||
5 | that party in
the portions of the county composing the board of | ||||||
6 | review election district. In
the organization and proceedings | ||||||
7 | of each of the 3 election
district committees, each township | ||||||
8 | committeeman shall have one vote for each
ballot voted in his | ||||||
9 | or her township or part of a township, as the case may be,
| ||||||
10 | the primary electors of his or her party at the primary | ||||||
11 | election immediately
preceding the meeting of the board of | ||||||
12 | review election district committee; and
in the organization and | ||||||
13 | proceedings of each of the 3 election district
committees, each | ||||||
14 | ward committeeman shall have one vote for each
ballot voted in
| ||||||
15 | his or her ward or part of that ward, as the case may be, by the | ||||||
16 | primary
electors of his or her party at the primary election | ||||||
17 | immediately preceding the
meeting of the board of review | ||||||
18 | election district committee.
| ||||||
19 | Congressional Committee
| ||||||
20 | (e) The congressional committee of each party in each | ||||||
21 | congressional
district shall be composed of the chairmen of the | ||||||
22 | county central
committees of the counties composing the | ||||||
23 | congressional district, except
that in congressional districts | ||||||
24 | wholly within the territorial limits of
one county, the | ||||||
25 | precinct
committeemen, township committeemen and ward | ||||||
26 | committeemen, if any, of
the party representing the precincts |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | within the limits of the
congressional district, shall compose | ||||||
2 | the congressional committee. Each A
State central committeeman | ||||||
3 | in each district shall be a member and the
chairman or, when a | ||||||
4 | district has 2 or more State central committeemen, a | ||||||
5 | co-chairman
of the congressional committee, but shall not have | ||||||
6 | the right to
vote except in case of a tie.
| ||||||
7 | In the organization and proceedings of congressional | ||||||
8 | committees
composed of precinct committeemen or township | ||||||
9 | committeemen or ward
committeemen, or any combination thereof, | ||||||
10 | each precinct committeeman
shall have one vote for each ballot | ||||||
11 | voted in his precinct by the primary
electors of his party at | ||||||
12 | the primary at which he was elected, each
township committeeman | ||||||
13 | shall have one vote for each ballot voted in his
township or | ||||||
14 | part of a township as the case may be by the primary
electors | ||||||
15 | of his party at the primary election immediately preceding the
| ||||||
16 | meeting of the congressional committee, and each ward | ||||||
17 | committeeman shall
have one vote for each ballot voted in each | ||||||
18 | precinct of his ward located
in such congressional district by | ||||||
19 | the primary electors of his party at
the primary election | ||||||
20 | immediately preceding the meeting of the
congressional | ||||||
21 | committee; and in the organization and proceedings of
| ||||||
22 | congressional committees composed of the chairmen of the county | ||||||
23 | central
committees of the counties within such district, each | ||||||
24 | chairman of such
county central committee shall have one vote | ||||||
25 | for each ballot voted in
his county by the primary electors of | ||||||
26 | his party at the primary election
immediately preceding the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | meeting of the congressional committee.
| ||||||
2 | Judicial District Committee
| ||||||
3 | (f) The judicial district committee of each political party | ||||||
4 | in each
judicial district shall be composed of the chairman of | ||||||
5 | the county
central committees of the counties composing the | ||||||
6 | judicial district.
| ||||||
7 | In the organization and proceedings of judicial district | ||||||
8 | committees
composed of the chairmen of the county central | ||||||
9 | committees of the
counties within such district, each chairman | ||||||
10 | of such county central
committee shall have one vote for each | ||||||
11 | ballot voted in his county by the
primary electors of his party | ||||||
12 | at the primary election immediately
preceding the meeting of | ||||||
13 | the judicial district committee.
| ||||||
14 | Circuit Court Committee
| ||||||
15 | (g) The circuit court committee of each political party in | ||||||
16 | each
judicial circuit outside Cook County shall be composed of | ||||||
17 | the chairmen
of the county central committees of the counties | ||||||
18 | composing the judicial
| ||||||
19 | In the organization and proceedings of circuit court | ||||||
20 | committees, each
chairman of a county central committee shall | ||||||
21 | have one vote for each
ballot voted in his county by the | ||||||
22 | primary electors of his party at the
primary election | ||||||
23 | immediately preceding the meeting of the circuit court
| ||||||
24 | committee.
| ||||||
25 | Judicial Subcircuit Committee
| ||||||
26 | (g-1) The judicial subcircuit committee of each political |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | party in
each judicial subcircuit in a judicial circuit divided | ||||||
2 | into subcircuits
shall be composed of (i) the ward and township | ||||||
3 | committeemen
of the townships and wards composing the judicial | ||||||
4 | subcircuit in Cook County and
(ii) the precinct committeemen of | ||||||
5 | the precincts
composing the judicial subcircuit in any county | ||||||
6 | other than Cook County.
| ||||||
7 | In the organization and proceedings of each judicial | ||||||
8 | subcircuit committee,
each township committeeman shall have | ||||||
9 | one vote for each ballot voted in his
township or part of a | ||||||
10 | township, as the case may be, in the judicial
subcircuit by the | ||||||
11 | primary electors of his party at the primary election
| ||||||
12 | immediately preceding the meeting of the judicial subcircuit | ||||||
13 | committee;
each precinct committeeman shall have one vote for | ||||||
14 | each ballot voted in his
precinct or part of a precinct, as the | ||||||
15 | case may be, in the judicial subcircuit
by the primary electors | ||||||
16 | of his party at the primary election immediately
preceding the | ||||||
17 | meeting of the judicial subcircuit committee;
each ward | ||||||
18 | committeeman shall have one vote for each ballot voted in his
| ||||||
19 | ward or part of a ward, as the case may be, in the judicial | ||||||
20 | subcircuit by
the primary electors of his party at the primary | ||||||
21 | election immediately
preceding the meeting of the judicial | ||||||
22 | subcircuit committee.
| ||||||
23 | Municipal Central Committee
| ||||||
24 | (h) The municipal central committee of each political party | ||||||
25 | shall be
composed of the precinct, township or ward | ||||||
26 | committeemen, as the case may
be, of such party representing |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the precincts or wards, embraced in such
city, incorporated | ||||||
2 | town or village. The voting strength of each
precinct, township | ||||||
3 | or ward committeeman on the municipal central
committee shall | ||||||
4 | be the same as his voting strength on the county central
| ||||||
5 | committee.
| ||||||
6 | For political parties, other than a statewide political | ||||||
7 | party,
established only within a municipality or
township, the | ||||||
8 | municipal or township managing committee shall be composed
of | ||||||
9 | the party officers of the local established party. The party | ||||||
10 | officers
of a local established party shall be as follows: the | ||||||
11 | chairman and
secretary of the caucus for those municipalities | ||||||
12 | and townships authorized
by statute to nominate candidates by | ||||||
13 | caucus shall serve as party officers
for the purpose of filling | ||||||
14 | vacancies in nomination under Section
7-61; for municipalities | ||||||
15 | and townships authorized by statute or ordinance
to nominate | ||||||
16 | candidates by petition and primary election, the party officers
| ||||||
17 | shall be the party's candidates who are nominated at the | ||||||
18 | primary. If no party
primary was held because of the provisions | ||||||
19 | of Section 7-5, vacancies in
nomination shall be filled by the | ||||||
20 | party's remaining candidates who shall
serve as the party's | ||||||
21 | officers.
| ||||||
22 | Powers
| ||||||
23 | (i) Each committee and its officers shall have the powers | ||||||
24 | usually
exercised by such committees and by the officers | ||||||
25 | thereof, not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Article. | ||||||
26 | The several committees
herein provided for shall not have power |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to delegate any of their
powers, or functions to any other | ||||||
2 | person, officer or committee, but this
shall not be construed | ||||||
3 | to prevent a committee from appointing from its
own membership | ||||||
4 | proper and necessary subcommittees.
| ||||||
5 | (j) The State central committee of a political party which | ||||||
6 | elects it
members by Alternative B under paragraph (a) of this | ||||||
7 | Section shall adopt a
plan to give effect to the delegate | ||||||
8 | selection rules of the national political
party and file a copy | ||||||
9 | of such plan with the State Board of Elections when
approved by | ||||||
10 | a national political party.
| ||||||
11 | (k) For the purpose of the designation of a proxy by a | ||||||
12 | Congressional
Committee to vote in place of an
absent State | ||||||
13 | central committeeman or committeewoman at meetings of the
State | ||||||
14 | central committee of a political party which elects its members | ||||||
15 | by
Alternative B under paragraph (a) of this Section, the proxy | ||||||
16 | shall be
appointed by the vote of the ward and township | ||||||
17 | committeemen, if any, of the
wards and townships which lie | ||||||
18 | entirely or partially within the
Congressional District from | ||||||
19 | which the absent State central committeeman or
committeewoman | ||||||
20 | was elected and the vote of the chairmen of the county
central | ||||||
21 | committees of those counties which lie entirely or partially | ||||||
22 | within
that Congressional District and in which there are no | ||||||
23 | ward or township
committeemen. When voting for such proxy the | ||||||
24 | county chairman, ward
committeeman or township committeeman, | ||||||
25 | as the case may be shall have one
vote for each ballot voted in | ||||||
26 | his county, ward or township, or portion
thereof within the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Congressional District, by the primary electors of his
party at | ||||||
2 | the primary at which he was elected. However, the absent State
| ||||||
3 | central committeeman or committeewoman may designate a proxy | ||||||
4 | when permitted
by the rules of a political party which elects | ||||||
5 | its members by Alternative B
under paragraph (a) of this | ||||||
6 | Section.
| ||||||
7 | Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a person is | ||||||
8 | ineligible to hold the position of committeeperson in any | ||||||
9 | committee established pursuant to this Section if he or she is | ||||||
10 | statutorily ineligible to vote in a general election because of | ||||||
11 | conviction of a felony. When a committeeperson is convicted of | ||||||
12 | a felony, the position occupied by that committeeperson shall | ||||||
13 | automatically become vacant.
| ||||||
14 | (Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05; 95-6, eff. 6-20-07; 95-699, | ||||||
15 | eff. 11-9-07.)
| ||||||
16 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
17 | becoming law.".