| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT in relation to public employee benefits.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Sections 2-121, 3-109, 4-109.1, 7-141.1, and 14-104 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (40 ILCS 5/2-121) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 2-121)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 2-121. Survivor's annuity - conditions for payment.
| ||||||
8 | (a) A survivor's annuity shall be payable to a surviving | ||||||
9 | spouse or
eligible child (1) upon the death in service of a | ||||||
10 | participant with at least
2 years of service credit, or (2) | ||||||
11 | upon the death of an annuitant in receipt
of a retirement | ||||||
12 | annuity, or (3) upon the death of a participant who terminated
| ||||||
13 | service with at least 4 years of service credit.
| ||||||
14 | The change in this subsection (a) made by this amendatory | ||||||
15 | Act of 1995
applies to survivors of participants who die on or | ||||||
16 | after December 1, 1994,
without regard to whether or not the | ||||||
17 | participant was in service on or after
the effective date of | ||||||
18 | this amendatory Act of 1995.
| ||||||
19 | (b) To be eligible for the survivor's annuity, the spouse | ||||||
20 | and the
participant or annuitant must have been married for a | ||||||
21 | continuous period of at
least one year immediately preceding | ||||||
22 | the date of death, but need not have
been married on the day of | ||||||
23 | the participant's last termination of service,
regardless of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | whether such termination occurred prior to the effective date
| ||||||
2 | of this amendatory Act of 1985.
| ||||||
3 | (c) The annuity shall be payable beginning on the date of a
| ||||||
4 | participant's death, or the first of the month following an | ||||||
5 | annuitant's
death, if the spouse is then age 50 or over, or | ||||||
6 | beginning at age 50 if the
spouse is then under age 50. If an | ||||||
7 | eligible child or children of the
participant or annuitant (or | ||||||
8 | a child or children of the eligible spouse
meeting the criteria | ||||||
9 | of item (1), (2), or (3) of subsection (d) of this
Section) | ||||||
10 | also survive, and the child or children are under
the care of | ||||||
11 | the eligible spouse, the annuity shall begin as of the date of
| ||||||
12 | a participant's death, or the first of the month following an | ||||||
13 | annuitant's
death, without regard to the spouse's age.
| ||||||
14 | The change to this subsection made by this amendatory Act | ||||||
15 | of 1998
(relating to children of an eligible spouse) applies to | ||||||
16 | the eligible spouse
of a participant or annuitant who dies on | ||||||
17 | or after the effective date of this
amendatory Act, without | ||||||
18 | regard to whether the participant or annuitant is in
service on | ||||||
19 | or after that effective date.
| ||||||
20 | (c-5) Upon the death in service of a participant during the | ||||||
21 | 90th General Assembly, the survivor's annuity shall be payable | ||||||
22 | prior to age 50, notwithstanding subsection (c) of this | ||||||
23 | Section, provided that the deceased participant had at least 6 | ||||||
24 | years of service. This subsection (c-5) applies to the eligible | ||||||
25 | spouse of a deceased participant without regard to whether the | ||||||
26 | deceased participant was in service on or after the effective |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly, and | ||||||
2 | retroactive benefits may be paid for periods of eligibility | ||||||
3 | after February 28, 2009. | ||||||
4 | (d) For the purposes of this Section and Section 2-121.1, | ||||||
5 | "eligible child"
means a child of the deceased participant or | ||||||
6 | annuitant
who is at least one of the following:
| ||||||
7 | (1) unmarried and under the age of 18;
| ||||||
8 | (2) unmarried, a full-time student, and under the age | ||||||
9 | of 22;
| ||||||
10 | (3) dependent by reason of physical or mental | ||||||
11 | disability.
| ||||||
12 | The inclusion of unmarried students under age 22 in the | ||||||
13 | calculation of
survivor's annuities by this amendatory Act of | ||||||
14 | 1991 shall apply to all
eligible students beginning January 1, | ||||||
15 | 1992, without regard to whether the
deceased participant or | ||||||
16 | annuitant was in service on or after the effective
date of this | ||||||
17 | amendatory Act of 1991.
| ||||||
18 | (e) Remarriage of a surviving spouse prior to attainment of | ||||||
19 | age 55
shall disqualify the surviving spouse from the receipt | ||||||
20 | of a survivor's
annuity, if the remarriage occurs before the | ||||||
21 | effective date of this
amendatory Act of the 91st General | ||||||
22 | Assembly.
| ||||||
23 | The changes made to this subsection by this amendatory Act | ||||||
24 | of the 91st
General Assembly (pertaining to remarriage prior to | ||||||
25 | age 55) apply without
regard to whether the deceased | ||||||
26 | participant or annuitant was in service on or
after the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | effective date of this amendatory Act.
| ||||||
2 | (Source: P.A. 95-279, eff. 1-1-08.)
| ||||||
3 | (40 ILCS 5/3-109) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 3-109)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 3-109. Persons excluded.
| ||||||
5 | (a) The following persons shall not be eligible to | ||||||
6 | participate in a fund
created under this Article:
| ||||||
7 | (1) part-time police officers, special police | ||||||
8 | officers, night watchmen,
temporary employees, traffic | ||||||
9 | guards or so-called auxiliary police officers
specially | ||||||
10 | appointed to aid or direct traffic at or near schools or | ||||||
11 | public
functions, or to aid in civil defense, municipal | ||||||
12 | parking lot attendants,
clerks or other civilian employees | ||||||
13 | of a police department who perform
clerical duties | ||||||
14 | exclusively;
| ||||||
15 | (2) any police officer who fails to pay the | ||||||
16 | contributions required
under Section 3-125.1, computed (i) | ||||||
17 | for funds established prior to August
5, 1963, from the | ||||||
18 | date the municipality established the fund or the date of
a | ||||||
19 | police officer's first appointment (including an | ||||||
20 | appointment on probation),
whichever is later, or (ii) for | ||||||
21 | funds established after August 5, 1963,
from the date, as | ||||||
22 | determined from the statistics or census provided in
| ||||||
23 | Section 3-103, the municipality became subject to this | ||||||
24 | Article by attaining
the minimum population or by | ||||||
25 | referendum, or the date of a police officer's
first |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | appointment (including an appointment on probation), | ||||||
2 | whichever is
later, and continuing during his or her entire | ||||||
3 | service as a police officer; and
| ||||||
4 | (3) any person who has elected under Section 3-109.1 to | ||||||
5 | participate in
the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund | ||||||
6 | rather than in a fund established
under this Article, | ||||||
7 | without regard to whether the person continues to be
| ||||||
8 | employed as chief of police or is employed in some other | ||||||
9 | rank or capacity
within the police department, unless the | ||||||
10 | person has lawfully rescinded that
| ||||||
11 | (b) A police officer who is reappointed shall, before being | ||||||
12 | declared
eligible to participate in the pension fund, repay to | ||||||
13 | the fund as required
by Section 3-124 any refund received | ||||||
14 | thereunder.
| ||||||
15 | (c) Any person otherwise qualified to participate who was
| ||||||
16 | excluded from participation by reason of the age restriction | ||||||
17 | removed by
Public Act 79-1165 may elect to participate by | ||||||
18 | making a written application
to the Board before January 1, | ||||||
19 | 1990. Persons so electing shall begin
participation on the | ||||||
20 | first day of the month following the date of
application. Such | ||||||
21 | persons may also elect to establish creditable service
for | ||||||
22 | periods of employment as a police officer during which they did | ||||||
23 | not
participate by paying into the police pension fund, before | ||||||
24 | January 1, 1990,
the amount that the person would have | ||||||
25 | contributed had deductions from
salary been made for such | ||||||
26 | purpose at the time such service was rendered,
together with |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | interest thereon at 6% per annum from the time such service
was | ||||||
2 | rendered until the date the payment is made.
| ||||||
3 | (d) A person otherwise qualified to participate who was | ||||||
4 | excluded from
participation by reason of the fitness | ||||||
5 | requirement removed by this amendatory
Act of 1995 may elect to | ||||||
6 | participate by making a written application to the
Board before | ||||||
7 | July 1, 1996. Persons so electing shall begin participation on
| ||||||
8 | the first day of the month following the month in which the | ||||||
9 | application is
received by the Board. These persons may also | ||||||
10 | elect to establish creditable
service for periods of employment | ||||||
11 | as a police officer during which they did not
participate by | ||||||
12 | paying into the police pension fund, before January 1, 1997, | ||||||
13 | the
amount that the person would have contributed had | ||||||
14 | deductions from salary been
made for this purpose at the time | ||||||
15 | the service was rendered, together with
interest thereon at 6% | ||||||
16 | per annum, compounded annually, from the time the
service was | ||||||
17 | rendered until the date of payment.
| ||||||
18 | (e) A person employed by the Village of Shiloh who is | ||||||
19 | otherwise qualified to participate and was excluded from
| ||||||
20 | participation by reason of his or her failure to make written | ||||||
21 | application to the Board within 3 months after receiving his or | ||||||
22 | her first appointment or reappointment as required under | ||||||
23 | Section 3-106 may elect to participate by making a written | ||||||
24 | application to the
Board before July 1, 2008. Persons so | ||||||
25 | electing shall begin participation on
the first day of the | ||||||
26 | month following the month in which the application is
received |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | by the Board. These persons may also elect to establish | ||||||
2 | creditable
service for periods of employment as a police | ||||||
3 | officer during which they did not
participate by paying into | ||||||
4 | the police pension fund, before January 1, 2009, the
amount | ||||||
5 | that the person would have contributed had deductions from | ||||||
6 | salary been
made for this purpose at the time the service was | ||||||
7 | rendered, together with
interest thereon at 6% per annum, | ||||||
8 | compounded annually, from the time the
service was rendered | ||||||
9 | until the date of payment. The Village of Shiloh must pay to | ||||||
10 | the System the corresponding employer contributions, plus | ||||||
11 | interest.
| ||||||
12 | (f) A person who has entered into a personal services | ||||||
13 | contract to perform police duties for the Village of | ||||||
14 | Bartonville on or before the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
15 | Act of the 96th General Assembly may be appointed as an officer | ||||||
16 | in the Village of Bartonville within 6 months after the | ||||||
17 | effective date of this amendatory Act, but shall be excluded | ||||||
18 | from participating under this Article. | ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 95-483, eff. 8-28-07.)
| ||||||
20 | (40 ILCS 5/4-109.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 4-109.1)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 4-109.1. Increase in pension.
| ||||||
22 | (a) Except as provided in subsection (e), the monthly | ||||||
23 | pension of a
firefighter who retires after July 1, 1971 and | ||||||
24 | prior to January 1, 1986, shall,
upon either the first of the | ||||||
25 | month following the first anniversary of the date
of retirement |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | if 60 years of age or over at retirement date, or upon the | ||||||
2 | first
day of the month following attainment of age 60 if it | ||||||
3 | occurs after the first
anniversary of retirement, be increased | ||||||
4 | by 2% of the originally granted monthly
pension and by an | ||||||
5 | additional 2% in each January thereafter. Effective January
| ||||||
6 | 1976, the rate of the annual increase shall be 3% of the | ||||||
7 | originally granted
monthly pension.
| ||||||
8 | (b) The monthly pension of a firefighter who retired
from | ||||||
9 | service with 20 or more years of service, on or before
July 1, | ||||||
10 | 1971, shall be increased, in January of the year
following the | ||||||
11 | year of attaining age 65 or in January
1972, if then over age | ||||||
12 | 65, by 2% of the originally granted monthly
pension, for each | ||||||
13 | year the firefighter received pension payments.
In each January | ||||||
14 | thereafter, he or she shall receive an additional
increase of | ||||||
15 | 2% of the original monthly pension. Effective
January 1976, the | ||||||
16 | rate of the annual increase shall be 3%.
| ||||||
17 | (c) The monthly pension of a firefighter who is receiving
a | ||||||
18 | disability pension under this Article shall be increased, in
| ||||||
19 | January of the year following the year the firefighter attains
| ||||||
20 | age 60, or in January 1974, if then over age 60, by 2% of the
| ||||||
21 | originally granted monthly pension for each
year he or she | ||||||
22 | received pension payments.
In each January thereafter, the | ||||||
23 | firefighter shall receive an additional
increase of 2% of the | ||||||
24 | original monthly pension. Effective January 1976,
the rate of | ||||||
25 | the annual increase shall be 3%.
| ||||||
26 | (c-1) On January 1, 1998, every child's disability benefit |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | payable on that
date under Section 4-110 or 4-110.1 shall be | ||||||
2 | increased by an amount equal to
1/12 of 3% of the amount of the | ||||||
3 | benefit, multiplied by the number of months for
which the | ||||||
4 | benefit has been payable. On each January 1 thereafter, every
| ||||||
5 | child's disability benefit payable under Section 4-110 or | ||||||
6 | 4-110.1 shall be
increased by 3% of the amount of the benefit | ||||||
7 | then being paid, including any
previous increases received | ||||||
8 | under this Article. These increases are not
subject to any | ||||||
9 | limitation on the maximum benefit amount included in Section
| ||||||
10 | 4-110 or 4-110.1.
| ||||||
11 | (c-2) On July 1, 2004, every pension payable to or on | ||||||
12 | behalf of a minor
or disabled surviving child that is payable | ||||||
13 | on that date under Section 4-114
shall be increased by an | ||||||
14 | amount equal to 1/12 of 3% of the amount of the
pension, | ||||||
15 | multiplied by the number of months for which the benefit has | ||||||
16 | been
payable. On July 1, 2005, July 1, 2006, July 1, 2007, and | ||||||
17 | July 1, 2008, every pension payable to or on behalf
of a minor | ||||||
18 | or disabled surviving child that is payable under Section 4-114
| ||||||
19 | shall be increased by 3% of the amount of the pension then | ||||||
20 | being paid,
including any previous increases received under | ||||||
21 | this Article. These increases
are not subject to any limitation | ||||||
22 | on the maximum benefit amount included in
Section 4-114.
| ||||||
23 | (d) The monthly pension of a firefighter who retires after | ||||||
24 | January 1,
1986, shall, upon either the first of the month | ||||||
25 | following the first
anniversary of the date of retirement if 55 | ||||||
26 | years of age or over, or
upon the first day of the month |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | following attainment of
age 55 if it occurs after the first | ||||||
2 | anniversary of retirement, be increased
by 1/12 of 3% of the | ||||||
3 | originally granted monthly pension for each full
month that has | ||||||
4 | elapsed since the pension began, and by an
additional 3% in | ||||||
5 | each January thereafter.
| ||||||
6 | The changes made to this subsection (d) by this amendatory | ||||||
7 | Act of the 91st
General Assembly apply to all initial increases | ||||||
8 | that become payable under this
subsection on or after January | ||||||
9 | 1, 1999. All initial increases that became
payable under this | ||||||
10 | subsection on or after January 1, 1999 and before the
effective | ||||||
11 | date of this amendatory Act shall be recalculated and the | ||||||
12 | additional
amount accruing for that period, if any, shall be | ||||||
13 | payable to the pensioner in a
lump sum.
| ||||||
14 | (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), upon | ||||||
15 | the
first day of the month following (1) the first anniversary | ||||||
16 | of the date of
retirement, or (2) the attainment of age 55, or | ||||||
17 | (3) July 1, 1987, whichever
occurs latest, the monthly pension | ||||||
18 | of a firefighter who retired on or after
January 1, 1977 and on | ||||||
19 | or before January 1, 1986 and did not receive an
increase under | ||||||
20 | subsection (a) before July 1, 1987,
shall be increased by 3% of | ||||||
21 | the originally granted monthly pension for
each full year that | ||||||
22 | has elapsed since the pension began, and by an
additional 3% in | ||||||
23 | each January thereafter. The increases provided under
this | ||||||
24 | subsection are in lieu of the increases provided in subsection | ||||||
25 | (a).
| ||||||
26 | (f) In July 2009, the monthly pension of a
firefighter who |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | retired before July 1, 1977 shall be recalculated and increased | ||||||
2 | to reflect the amount that the firefighter would have received | ||||||
3 | in July 2009 had the firefighter been receiving a 3% compounded | ||||||
4 | increase for each year he or she received pension payments | ||||||
5 | after January 1, 1986, plus any increases in pension received | ||||||
6 | for each year prior to January 1, 1986. In each January | ||||||
7 | thereafter, he or she shall receive an additional
increase of | ||||||
8 | 3% of the amount of the pension then being paid. The changes | ||||||
9 | made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 96th General | ||||||
10 | Assembly apply without regard to whether the firefighter was in | ||||||
11 | service on or after its effective date. | ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 93-689, eff. 7-1-04.)
| ||||||
13 | (40 ILCS 5/7-141.1)
| ||||||
14 | Sec. 7-141.1. Early retirement incentive.
| ||||||
15 | (a) The General Assembly finds and declares that:
| ||||||
16 | (1) Units of local government across the State have | ||||||
17 | been functioning
under a financial crisis.
| ||||||
18 | (2) This financial crisis is expected to continue.
| ||||||
19 | (3) Units of local government must depend on additional | ||||||
20 | sources of
revenue and, when those sources are not | ||||||
21 | forthcoming, must establish
cost-saving programs.
| ||||||
22 | (4) An early retirement incentive designed | ||||||
23 | specifically to target
highly-paid senior employees could | ||||||
24 | result in significant annual cost
| ||||||
25 | (5) The early retirement incentive should be made |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | available only to
those units of local government that | ||||||
2 | determine that an early retirement
incentive is in their | ||||||
3 | best interest.
| ||||||
4 | (6) A unit of local government adopting a program of | ||||||
5 | early retirement
incentives under this Section is | ||||||
6 | encouraged to implement personnel procedures
to prohibit, | ||||||
7 | for at least 5 years, the rehiring (whether on payroll or | ||||||
8 | by
independent contract) of employees who receive early | ||||||
9 | retirement incentives.
| ||||||
10 | (7) A unit of local government adopting a program of | ||||||
11 | early retirement
incentives under this Section is also | ||||||
12 | encouraged to replace as few of the
participating employees | ||||||
13 | as possible and to hire replacement employees for
salaries | ||||||
14 | totaling no more than 80% of the total salaries formerly | ||||||
15 | paid to the
employees who participate in the early | ||||||
16 | retirement program.
| ||||||
17 | It is the primary purpose of this Section to encourage | ||||||
18 | units of local
government that can realize true cost savings, | ||||||
19 | or have determined that an early
retirement program is in their | ||||||
20 | best interest, to implement an early retirement
| ||||||
21 | (b) Until the effective date of this amendatory Act of | ||||||
22 | 1997, this
Section does not apply to any employer that is a | ||||||
23 | city, village, or incorporated
town, nor to the employees of | ||||||
24 | any such employer. Beginning on the effective
date of this | ||||||
25 | amendatory Act of 1997, any employer under this Article, | ||||||
26 | including
an employer that is a city, village, or incorporated |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | town, may establish an
early retirement incentive program for | ||||||
2 | its employees under this Section. The
decision of a city, | ||||||
3 | village, or incorporated town to consider or establish an
early | ||||||
4 | retirement program is at the sole discretion of that city, | ||||||
5 | village, or
incorporated town, and nothing in this amendatory | ||||||
6 | Act of 1997 limits or
otherwise diminishes this discretion. | ||||||
7 | Nothing contained in this Section shall
be construed to require | ||||||
8 | a city, village, or incorporated town to establish an
early | ||||||
9 | retirement program and no city, village, or incorporated town | ||||||
10 | may be
compelled to implement such a program.
| ||||||
11 | The benefits provided in this Section are available only to | ||||||
12 | members
employed by a participating employer that has filed | ||||||
13 | with the Board of the
Fund a resolution or ordinance expressly | ||||||
14 | providing for the creation of an
early retirement incentive | ||||||
15 | program under this Section for its employees and
specifying the | ||||||
16 | effective date of the early retirement incentive program.
| ||||||
17 | Subject to the limitation in subsection (h), an employer may | ||||||
18 | adopt a resolution
or ordinance providing a program of early | ||||||
19 | retirement incentives under this
Section at any time.
| ||||||
20 | The resolution or ordinance shall be in substantially the | ||||||
21 | following form:
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | WHEREAS, Section 7-141.1 of the Illinois Pension Code | ||||||
2 | provides that a
participating employer may elect to adopt an | ||||||
3 | early retirement
incentive program offered by the Illinois | ||||||
4 | Municipal Retirement Fund by
adopting a resolution or | ||||||
5 | ordinance; and
| ||||||
6 | WHEREAS, The goal of adopting an early retirement program | ||||||
7 | is
to realize a substantial savings in personnel costs by | ||||||
8 | offering early
retirement incentives to employees who have | ||||||
9 | accumulated many years of
service credit; and
| ||||||
10 | WHEREAS, Implementation of the early retirement program | ||||||
11 | will provide a
budgeting tool to aid in controlling payroll | ||||||
12 | costs; and
| ||||||
13 | WHEREAS, The (name of governing body) has determined that | ||||||
14 | the adoption of an
early retirement incentive program is in the | ||||||
15 | best interests of the (name of
participating employer); | ||||||
16 | therefore be it
| ||||||
17 | RESOLVED (ORDAINED) by the (name of governing body) of | ||||||
18 | (name of
participating employer) that:
| ||||||
19 | (1) The (name of participating employer) does hereby adopt | ||||||
20 | the Illinois
Municipal Retirement Fund early retirement | ||||||
21 | incentive program as provided in
Section 7-141.1 of the | ||||||
22 | Illinois Pension Code. The early retirement incentive
program | ||||||
23 | shall take effect on (date).
| ||||||
24 | (2) In order to help achieve a true cost savings, a person | ||||||
25 | who retires under
the early retirement incentive program shall | ||||||
26 | lose those incentives if he or she
later accepts employment |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | with any IMRF employer in a position for which
participation in | ||||||
2 | IMRF is required or is elected by the employee.
| ||||||
3 | (3) In order to utilize an early retirement incentive as a | ||||||
4 | budgeting
tool, the (name of participating employer) will use | ||||||
5 | its best efforts either
to limit the number of employees who | ||||||
6 | replace the employees who retire under
the early retirement | ||||||
7 | program or to limit the salaries paid to the employees who
| ||||||
8 | replace the employees who retire under the early retirement | ||||||
9 | program.
| ||||||
10 | (4) The effective date of each employee's retirement under | ||||||
11 | this early
retirement program shall be set by (name of | ||||||
12 | employer) and shall be no
earlier than the effective date of | ||||||
13 | the program and no later than one year after
that effective | ||||||
14 | date; except that the employee may require that the retirement
| ||||||
15 | date set by the employer be no later than the June 30 next | ||||||
16 | occurring after the
effective date of the program and no | ||||||
17 | earlier than the date upon which the
employee qualifies for | ||||||
18 | retirement.
| ||||||
19 | (5) To be eligible for the early retirement incentive under | ||||||
20 | this Section,
the employee must have attained age 50 and have | ||||||
21 | at least 20 years of creditable
service by his or her | ||||||
22 | retirement date.
| ||||||
23 | (6) The (clerk or secretary) shall promptly file a | ||||||
24 | certified copy of
this resolution (ordinance) with the Board of | ||||||
25 | Trustees of the Illinois
Municipal Retirement Fund.
| ||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | I, (name), the (clerk or secretary) of the (name of | ||||||
2 | participating
employer) of the County of (name), State of | ||||||
3 | Illinois, do hereby certify
that I am the keeper of the books | ||||||
4 | and records of the (name of employer)
and that the foregoing is | ||||||
5 | a true and correct copy of a resolution
(ordinance) duly | ||||||
6 | adopted by the (governing body) at a meeting duly convened
and | ||||||
7 | held on (date).
| ||||||
8 | SEAL
| ||||||
9 | (Signature of clerk or secretary)
| ||||||
10 | (c) To be eligible for the benefits provided under an early | ||||||
11 | retirement
incentive program adopted under this Section, a | ||||||
12 | member must:
| ||||||
13 | (1) be a participating employee of this Fund who, on | ||||||
14 | the effective date of
the program, (i) is in active payroll | ||||||
15 | status as an employee of a participating
employer that has | ||||||
16 | filed the required ordinance or resolution with the Board,
| ||||||
17 | (ii) is on layoff status from such a position with a right | ||||||
18 | of re-employment or
recall to service, (iii) is on a leave | ||||||
19 | of absence from such a position, or (iv)
is on disability | ||||||
20 | but has not been receiving benefits under Section 7-146 or
| ||||||
21 | 7-150 for a period of more than 2 years from the date of | ||||||
22 | application;
| ||||||
23 | (2) have never previously received a retirement | ||||||
24 | annuity under
this Article or under the Retirement Systems | ||||||
25 | Reciprocal Act using service
credit established under this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Article;
| ||||||
2 | (3) (blank);
| ||||||
3 | (4) have at least 20 years of creditable service in the | ||||||
4 | Fund by the date
of retirement, without the use of any | ||||||
5 | creditable service established under this
| ||||||
6 | (5) have attained age 50 by the date of retirement, | ||||||
7 | without the use of any
age enhancement received under this | ||||||
8 | Section; and
| ||||||
9 | (6) be eligible to receive a retirement annuity under | ||||||
10 | this Article by the
date of retirement, for which purpose | ||||||
11 | the age enhancement and creditable
service established | ||||||
12 | under this Section may be considered.
| ||||||
13 | (d) The employer shall determine the retirement date for | ||||||
14 | each employee
participating in the early retirement program | ||||||
15 | adopted under this Section. The
retirement date shall be no | ||||||
16 | earlier than the effective date of the program and
no later | ||||||
17 | than one year after that effective date, except that the | ||||||
18 | employee may
require that the retirement date set by the | ||||||
19 | employer be no later than the June
30 next occurring after the | ||||||
20 | effective date of the program and no earlier than
the date upon | ||||||
21 | which the employee qualifies for retirement. The employer shall
| ||||||
22 | give each employee participating in the early retirement | ||||||
23 | program at least 30
days written notice of the employee's | ||||||
24 | designated retirement date, unless the
employee waives this | ||||||
25 | notice requirement.
| ||||||
26 | (e) An eligible person may establish up to 5 years of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | creditable service
under this Section. In addition, for each | ||||||
2 | period of creditable service
established under this Section, a | ||||||
3 | person shall have his or her age at
retirement deemed enhanced | ||||||
4 | by an equivalent period.
| ||||||
5 | The creditable service established under this Section may | ||||||
6 | be used for all
purposes under this Article and the Retirement | ||||||
7 | Systems Reciprocal Act,
except for the computation of final | ||||||
8 | rate of earnings and the determination
of earnings, salary, or | ||||||
9 | compensation under this or any other Article of the
| ||||||
10 | The age enhancement established under this Section may be | ||||||
11 | used for all
purposes under this Article (including calculation | ||||||
12 | of the reduction imposed
under subdivision (a)1b(iv) of Section | ||||||
13 | 7-142), except for purposes of a
reversionary annuity under | ||||||
14 | Section 7-145 and any distributions required because
of age. | ||||||
15 | The age enhancement established under this Section may be used | ||||||
16 | in
calculating a proportionate annuity payable by this Fund | ||||||
17 | under the Retirement
Systems Reciprocal Act, but shall not be | ||||||
18 | used in determining benefits payable
under other Articles of | ||||||
19 | this Code under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act.
| ||||||
20 | (f) For all creditable service established under this | ||||||
21 | Section, the
member must pay to the Fund an employee | ||||||
22 | contribution consisting of 4.5%
of the member's highest annual | ||||||
23 | salary rate used in the determination of the
final rate of | ||||||
24 | earnings for retirement annuity purposes for each year of
| ||||||
25 | creditable service granted under this Section. For creditable | ||||||
26 | service
established under this Section by a person who is a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | sheriff's law
enforcement employee to be deemed service as a | ||||||
2 | sheriff's law enforcement
employee, the employee contribution | ||||||
3 | shall be at the rate of 6.5%
of highest annual salary per year | ||||||
4 | of creditable service granted.
Contributions for fractions of a | ||||||
5 | year of service shall be prorated.
Any amounts that are | ||||||
6 | disregarded in determining the final rate of earnings
under | ||||||
7 | subdivision (d)(5) of Section 7-116 (the 125% rule) shall also | ||||||
8 | be
disregarded in determining the required contribution under | ||||||
9 | this subsection (f).
| ||||||
10 | The employee contribution shall be paid to the Fund as | ||||||
11 | follows: If the
member is entitled to a lump sum payment for | ||||||
12 | accumulated vacation, sick leave,
or personal leave upon | ||||||
13 | withdrawal from service, the employer shall deduct the
employee | ||||||
14 | contribution from that lump sum and pay the deducted amount | ||||||
15 | directly
to the Fund. If there is no such lump sum payment or | ||||||
16 | the required employee
contribution exceeds the net amount of | ||||||
17 | the lump sum payment, then the remaining
amount due, at the | ||||||
18 | option of the employee, may either be paid to the Fund
before | ||||||
19 | the annuity commences or deducted from the retirement annuity | ||||||
20 | in 24
equal monthly installments.
| ||||||
21 | (g) An annuitant who has received any age enhancement or | ||||||
22 | creditable service
under this Section and thereafter accepts | ||||||
23 | employment with or enters into a
personal services contract | ||||||
24 | with an employer under this Article thereby forfeits
that age | ||||||
25 | enhancement and creditable service; except that this | ||||||
26 | restriction
does not apply to (1) service in an elective |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | office, so long as the annuitant
does not participate in this | ||||||
2 | Fund with respect to that office and (2) a person appointed as | ||||||
3 | an officer under subsection (f) of Section 3-109 of this Code . | ||||||
4 | A person
forfeiting early retirement incentives under this | ||||||
5 | subsection (i) must repay to
the Fund that portion of the | ||||||
6 | retirement annuity already received which is
attributable to | ||||||
7 | the early retirement incentives that are being forfeited, (ii)
| ||||||
8 | shall not be eligible to participate in any future early | ||||||
9 | retirement program
adopted under this Section, and (iii) is | ||||||
10 | entitled to a refund of the employee
contribution paid under | ||||||
11 | subsection (f). The Board shall deduct the required
repayment | ||||||
12 | from the refund and may impose a reasonable payment schedule | ||||||
13 | for
repaying the amount, if any, by which the required | ||||||
14 | repayment exceeds the refund
| ||||||
15 | (h) The additional unfunded liability accruing as a result | ||||||
16 | of the adoption
of a program of early retirement incentives | ||||||
17 | under this Section by an employer
shall be amortized over a | ||||||
18 | period of 10 years beginning on January 1 of the
second | ||||||
19 | calendar year following the calendar year in which the latest | ||||||
20 | date for
beginning to receive a retirement annuity under the | ||||||
21 | program (as determined by
the employer under subsection (d) of | ||||||
22 | this Section) occurs; except that the
employer may provide for | ||||||
23 | a shorter amortization period (of no less than 5
years) by | ||||||
24 | adopting an ordinance or resolution specifying the length of | ||||||
25 | the
amortization period and submitting a certified copy of the | ||||||
26 | ordinance or
resolution to the Fund no later than 6 months |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | after the effective date of the
program. An employer, at its | ||||||
2 | discretion, may accelerate payments to the Fund.
| ||||||
3 | An employer may provide more than one early retirement | ||||||
4 | incentive program
for its employees under this Section. | ||||||
5 | However, an employer that has provided
an early retirement | ||||||
6 | incentive program for its employees under this Section may
not | ||||||
7 | provide another early retirement incentive program under this | ||||||
8 | Section until the liability arising from the earlier program | ||||||
9 | has been fully paid to
the Fund.
| ||||||
10 | (Source: P.A. 94-456, eff. 8-4-05.)
| ||||||
11 | (40 ILCS 5/14-104) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 14-104) | ||||||
12 | Sec. 14-104. Service for which contributions permitted.
| ||||||
13 | Contributions provided for in this Section shall cover the | ||||||
14 | period of
service granted. Except as otherwise provided in this | ||||||
15 | Section, the
contributions shall be based upon the employee's | ||||||
16 | compensation and
contribution rate in effect on the date he | ||||||
17 | last became a member of the
System; provided that for all | ||||||
18 | employment prior to January 1, 1969 the
contribution rate shall | ||||||
19 | be that in effect for a noncovered employee on
the date he last | ||||||
20 | became a member of the System. Except as otherwise provided
in | ||||||
21 | this Section, contributions permitted under this Section shall | ||||||
22 | include
regular interest from the date an employee last became | ||||||
23 | a member of the System
to the date of payment.
| ||||||
24 | These contributions must be paid in full before retirement | ||||||
25 | either in
a lump sum or in installment payments in accordance |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | with such rules as
may be adopted by the board.
| ||||||
2 | (a) Any member may make contributions as required in this | ||||||
3 | Section
for any period of service, subsequent to the date of | ||||||
4 | establishment, but
prior to the date of membership.
| ||||||
5 | (b) Any employee who had been previously excluded from | ||||||
6 | membership
because of age at entry and subsequently became | ||||||
7 | eligible may elect to
make contributions as required in this | ||||||
8 | Section for the period of service
during which he was | ||||||
9 | ineligible.
| ||||||
10 | (c) An employee of the Department of Insurance who, after | ||||||
11 | January 1,
1944 but prior to becoming eligible for membership, | ||||||
12 | received salary from
funds of insurance companies in the | ||||||
13 | process of rehabilitation,
liquidation, conservation or | ||||||
14 | dissolution, may elect to make
contributions as required in | ||||||
15 | this Section for such service.
| ||||||
16 | (d) Any employee who rendered service in a State office to | ||||||
17 | which he
was elected, or rendered service in the elective | ||||||
18 | office of Clerk of the
Appellate Court prior to the date he | ||||||
19 | became a member, may make
contributions for such service as | ||||||
20 | required in this Section. Any member
who served by appointment | ||||||
21 | of the Governor under the Civil Administrative
Code of Illinois | ||||||
22 | and did not participate in this System may make
contributions | ||||||
23 | as required in this Section for such service.
| ||||||
24 | (e) Any person employed by the United States government or | ||||||
25 | any
instrumentality or agency thereof from January 1, 1942 | ||||||
26 | through November
15, 1946 as the result of a transfer from |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | State service by executive
order of the President of the United | ||||||
2 | States shall be entitled to prior
service credit covering the | ||||||
3 | period from January 1, 1942 through December
31, 1943 as | ||||||
4 | provided for in this Article and to membership service
credit | ||||||
5 | for the period from January 1, 1944 through November 15, 1946 | ||||||
6 | by
making the contributions required in this Section. A person | ||||||
7 | so employed
on January 1, 1944 but whose employment began after | ||||||
8 | January 1, 1942 may
qualify for prior service and membership | ||||||
9 | service credit under the same
| ||||||
10 | (f) An employee of the Department of Labor of the State of | ||||||
11 | Illinois who
performed services for and under the supervision | ||||||
12 | of that Department
prior to January 1, 1944 but who was | ||||||
13 | compensated for those services
directly by federal funds and | ||||||
14 | not by a warrant of the Auditor of Public
Accounts paid by the | ||||||
15 | State Treasurer may establish credit for such
employment by | ||||||
16 | making the contributions required in this Section. An
employee | ||||||
17 | of the Department of Agriculture of the State of Illinois, who
| ||||||
18 | performed services for and under the supervision of that | ||||||
19 | Department
prior to June 1, 1963, but was compensated for those | ||||||
20 | services directly
by federal funds and not paid by a warrant of | ||||||
21 | the Auditor of Public
Accounts paid by the State Treasurer, and | ||||||
22 | who did not contribute to any
other public employee retirement | ||||||
23 | system for such service, may establish
credit for such | ||||||
24 | employment by making the contributions required in this
| ||||||
25 | Section.
| ||||||
26 | (g) Any employee who executed a waiver of membership within
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 60 days prior to January 1, 1944 may, at any time while in the | ||||||
2 | service of a
department, file with the board a rescission of | ||||||
3 | such waiver. Upon
making the contributions required by this | ||||||
4 | Section, the member shall be
granted the creditable service | ||||||
5 | that would have been received if the
waiver had not been | ||||||
6 | executed.
| ||||||
7 | (h) Until May 1, 1990, an employee who was employed on a | ||||||
8 | full-time
basis by a regional planning commission for at least | ||||||
9 | 5 continuous years may
establish creditable service for such | ||||||
10 | employment by making the
contributions required under this | ||||||
11 | Section, provided that any credits earned
by the employee in | ||||||
12 | the commission's retirement plan have been terminated.
| ||||||
13 | (i) Any person who rendered full time contractual services | ||||||
14 | to the General
Assembly as a member of a legislative staff may | ||||||
15 | establish service credit for up
to 8 years of such services by | ||||||
16 | making the contributions required under this
Section, provided | ||||||
17 | that application therefor is made not later than July 1,
| ||||||
18 | (j) By paying the contributions otherwise required under | ||||||
19 | this Section,
plus an amount determined by the Board to be | ||||||
20 | equal to the employer's normal
cost of the benefit plus | ||||||
21 | interest, but with all of the interest calculated
from the date | ||||||
22 | the employee last became a member of the System or November 19,
| ||||||
23 | 1991, whichever is later, to the date of payment, an employee | ||||||
24 | may establish
service credit
for a period of up to 4 years | ||||||
25 | spent in active military service for which he
does not qualify | ||||||
26 | for credit under Section 14-105, provided that (1) he was
not |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | dishonorably discharged from such military service, and (2) the | ||||||
2 | amount
of service credit established by a member under this | ||||||
3 | subsection (j), when
added to the amount of military service | ||||||
4 | credit granted to the member under
subsection (b) of Section | ||||||
5 | 14-105, shall not exceed 5 years. The change
in the manner of | ||||||
6 | calculating interest under this subsection (j) made by this
| ||||||
7 | amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly applies to credit | ||||||
8 | purchased by an
employee on or after its effective date and | ||||||
9 | does not entitle any person to a
refund of contributions or | ||||||
10 | interest already paid.
In compliance with Section 14-152.1 of | ||||||
11 | this Act concerning new benefit increases, any new benefit | ||||||
12 | increase as a result of the changes to this subsection (j) made | ||||||
13 | by Public Act 95-483
is funded through the employee | ||||||
14 | contributions provided for in this subsection (j). Any new | ||||||
15 | benefit increase as a result of the changes made to this | ||||||
16 | subsection (j) by Public Act 95-483
is exempt from the | ||||||
17 | provisions of subsection (d) of Section 14-152.1.
| ||||||
18 | (k) An employee who was employed on a full-time basis by | ||||||
19 | the Illinois
State's Attorneys Association Statewide Appellate | ||||||
20 | Assistance Service
LEAA-ILEC grant project prior to the time | ||||||
21 | that project became the State's
Attorneys Appellate Service | ||||||
22 | Commission, now the Office of the State's
Attorneys Appellate | ||||||
23 | Prosecutor, an agency of State government, may
establish | ||||||
24 | creditable service for not more than 60 months service for
such | ||||||
25 | employment by making contributions required under this | ||||||
26 | Section.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (l) By paying the contributions otherwise required under | ||||||
2 | this Section,
plus an amount determined by the Board to be | ||||||
3 | equal to the employer's normal
cost of the benefit plus | ||||||
4 | interest, a member may establish service credit
for periods of | ||||||
5 | less than one year spent on authorized leave of absence from
| ||||||
6 | service, provided that (1) the period of leave began on or | ||||||
7 | after January 1,
1982 and (2) any credit established by the | ||||||
8 | member for the period of leave in
any other public employee | ||||||
9 | retirement system has been terminated. A member
may establish | ||||||
10 | service credit under this subsection for more than one period
| ||||||
11 | of authorized leave, and in that case the total period of | ||||||
12 | service credit
established by the member under this subsection | ||||||
13 | may exceed one year. In
determining the contributions required | ||||||
14 | for establishing service credit under
this subsection, the | ||||||
15 | interest shall be calculated from the beginning of the
leave of | ||||||
16 | absence to the date of payment.
| ||||||
17 | (l-5) By paying the contributions otherwise required under | ||||||
18 | this Section,
plus an amount determined by the Board to be | ||||||
19 | equal to the employer's normal
cost of the benefit plus | ||||||
20 | interest, a member may establish service credit
for periods of | ||||||
21 | up to 2 years spent on authorized leave of absence from
| ||||||
22 | service, provided that during that leave the member represented | ||||||
23 | or was employed as an officer or employee of a statewide labor | ||||||
24 | organization that represents members of this System. In
| ||||||
25 | determining the contributions required for establishing | ||||||
26 | service credit under
this subsection, the interest shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | calculated from the beginning of the
leave of absence to the | ||||||
2 | date of payment.
| ||||||
3 | (m) Any person who rendered contractual services to a | ||||||
4 | member of
the General Assembly as a worker in the member's | ||||||
5 | district office may establish
creditable service for up to 3 | ||||||
6 | years of those contractual services by making
the contributions | ||||||
7 | required under this Section. The System shall determine a
| ||||||
8 | full-time salary equivalent for the purpose of calculating the | ||||||
9 | required
contribution. To establish credit under this | ||||||
10 | subsection, the applicant must
apply to the System by March 1, | ||||||
11 | 1998.
| ||||||
12 | (n) Any person who rendered contractual services to a | ||||||
13 | member of
the General Assembly as a worker providing | ||||||
14 | constituent services to persons in
the member's district may | ||||||
15 | establish
creditable service for up to 8 years of those | ||||||
16 | contractual services by making
the contributions required | ||||||
17 | under this Section. The System shall determine a
full-time | ||||||
18 | salary equivalent for the purpose of calculating the required
| ||||||
19 | contribution. To establish credit under this subsection, the | ||||||
20 | applicant must
apply to the System by March 1, 1998.
| ||||||
21 | (o) A member who participated in the Illinois Legislative | ||||||
22 | Staff
Internship Program may establish creditable service for | ||||||
23 | up to one year
of that participation by making the contribution | ||||||
24 | required under this Section.
The System shall determine a | ||||||
25 | full-time salary equivalent for the purpose of
calculating the | ||||||
26 | required contribution. Credit may not be established under
this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsection for any period for which service credit is | ||||||
2 | established under
any other provision of this Code.
| ||||||
3 | (p) By paying the contributions otherwise required under | ||||||
4 | this Section,
plus an amount determined by the Board to be | ||||||
5 | equal to the employer's normal
cost of the benefit plus | ||||||
6 | interest, a member may establish service credit
for a period of | ||||||
7 | up to 8 years during which he or she was employed by the
| ||||||
8 | Visually Handicapped Managers of Illinois in a vending program | ||||||
9 | operated under
a contractual agreement with the Department of | ||||||
10 | Rehabilitation Services or its successor agency.
| ||||||
11 | This subsection (p) applies without regard to whether the | ||||||
12 | person was in service on or after the effective date of this | ||||||
13 | amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly. In the case of a | ||||||
14 | person who is receiving a retirement annuity on that effective | ||||||
15 | date, the increase, if any, shall begin to accrue on the first | ||||||
16 | annuity payment date following receipt by the System of the | ||||||
17 | contributions required under this subsection (p).
| ||||||
18 | (q) By paying the required contributions under this | ||||||
19 | Section, plus an amount determined by the Board to be equal to | ||||||
20 | the employer's normal cost of the benefit plus interest, an | ||||||
21 | employee who was laid off but returned to State employment | ||||||
22 | under circumstances in which the employee is considered to have | ||||||
23 | been in continuous service for purposes of determining | ||||||
24 | seniority may establish creditable service for the period of | ||||||
25 | the layoff, provided that (1) the applicant applies for the | ||||||
26 | creditable service under this subsection (q) within 6 months |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th | ||||||
2 | General Assembly, (2) the applicant does not receive credit for | ||||||
3 | that period under any other provision of this Code, (3) at the | ||||||
4 | time of the layoff, the applicant is not in an initial | ||||||
5 | probationary status consistent with the rules of the Department | ||||||
6 | of Central Management Services, and (4) the total amount of | ||||||
7 | creditable service established by the applicant under this | ||||||
8 | subsection (q) does not exceed 3 years. For service established | ||||||
9 | under this subsection (q), the required employee contribution | ||||||
10 | shall be based on the rate of compensation earned by the | ||||||
11 | employee on the date of returning to employment after the | ||||||
12 | layoff and the contribution rate then in effect, and the | ||||||
13 | required interest shall be calculated from the date of | ||||||
14 | returning to employment after the layoff to the date of | ||||||
15 | payment.
| ||||||
16 | (r) A member who participated in the University of Illinois | ||||||
17 | Government Public Service Internship Program (GPSI) may | ||||||
18 | establish creditable service for up to 2 years
of that | ||||||
19 | participation by making the contribution required under this | ||||||
20 | Section, plus an amount determined by the Board to be equal to | ||||||
21 | the employer's normal cost of the benefit plus interest.
The | ||||||
22 | System shall determine a full-time salary equivalent for the | ||||||
23 | purpose of
calculating the required contribution. Credit may | ||||||
24 | not be established under
this subsection for any period for | ||||||
25 | which service credit is established under
any other provision | ||||||
26 | of this Code. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (s)
A member who worked as a nurse under a contractual | ||||||
2 | agreement for the Department of Public Aid, or its successor | ||||||
3 | agency, the Department of Human Services, in the Client | ||||||
4 | Assessment Unit and was subsequently determined to be a State | ||||||
5 | employee by the United States Internal Revenue Service and the | ||||||
6 | Illinois Labor Relations Board may establish creditable | ||||||
7 | service for those contractual services by making the | ||||||
8 | contributions required under this Section. To establish credit | ||||||
9 | under this subsection, the applicant must apply to the System | ||||||
10 | by July 1, 2008. | ||||||
11 | The Department of Human Services shall pay an employer | ||||||
12 | contribution based upon an amount determined by the Board to be | ||||||
13 | equal to the employer's normal cost of the benefit, plus | ||||||
14 | interest. | ||||||
15 | In compliance with Section 14-152.1 added by Public Act | ||||||
16 | 94-4, the cost of the benefits provided by Public Act 95-583
| ||||||
17 | are offset by the required employee and employer contributions.
| ||||||
18 | (t) Any person who rendered contractual services on a | ||||||
19 | full-time basis to the Illinois Institute of Natural Resources | ||||||
20 | and the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources may | ||||||
21 | establish creditable service for up to 4 years of those | ||||||
22 | contractual services by making the contributions required | ||||||
23 | under this Section, plus an amount determined by the Board to | ||||||
24 | be equal to the employer's normal cost of the benefit plus | ||||||
25 | interest at the actuarially assumed rate from the first day of | ||||||
26 | the service for which credit is being established to the date |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of payment. To establish credit under this subsection (t), the | ||||||
2 | applicant must apply to the System within 6 months after the | ||||||
3 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General | ||||||
4 | Assembly. | ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 94-612, eff. 8-18-05; 94-1111, eff. 2-27-07; | ||||||
6 | 95-483, eff. 8-28-07; 95-583, eff. 8-31-07; 95-652, eff. | ||||||
7 | 10-11-07; 95-876, eff. 8-21-08.)
| ||||||
8 | Section 90. The State Mandates Act is amended by adding | ||||||
9 | Section 8.33 as follows: | ||||||
10 | (30 ILCS 805/8.33 new) | ||||||
11 | Sec. 8.33. Exempt mandate. Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 | ||||||
12 | of this Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the | ||||||
13 | implementation of any mandate created by this amendatory Act of | ||||||
14 | the 96th General Assembly.
| ||||||
15 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
16 | becoming law.