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2 | WHEREAS, Article XI, Section 1 of the Illinois Constitution | ||||||
3 | states, "The public policy of the State and the duty of each | ||||||
4 | person is to provide and maintain a healthful environment for | ||||||
5 | the benefit of this and future generations"; and
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6 | WHEREAS, A capital construction program is urgently needed | ||||||
7 | and would fix aging infrastructure in Illinois, create jobs for | ||||||
8 | working men and women, and stimulate the economy; and
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9 | WHEREAS, Previous capital construction proposals have | ||||||
10 | called for as much as $34 billion in spending; and
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11 | WHEREAS, The potentially massive public expenditure | ||||||
12 | involved in a capital plan represents a once-in-a-generation | ||||||
13 | opportunity to modernize and improve the basic infrastructure | ||||||
14 | of our State; and
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15 | WHEREAS, The 21st century has already witnessed the | ||||||
16 | development of technologies that promise to improve | ||||||
17 | significantly the energy efficiency of buildings; to limit the | ||||||
18 | environmental impact of new roads, bridges, and structures; to | ||||||
19 | bring information technology resources to underserved areas; | ||||||
20 | and to conserve and manage water resources; and
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1 | WHEREAS, Previous capital proposals have allocated vast | ||||||
2 | financial resources to projects unguided by the principles of | ||||||
3 | environmental protection, energy efficiency, and | ||||||
4 | sustainability; and | ||||||
5 | WHEREAS, Numerous scientific studies have concluded that | ||||||
6 | the health of our people can be directly affected by the | ||||||
7 | products used in our buildings and that utilizing alternative | ||||||
8 | green products can greatly reduce the risk of health problems | ||||||
9 | caused by, among other things, volatile organic compounds; and | ||||||
10 | WHEREAS, Green and sustainable principles and practices | ||||||
11 | promote environmental health and offer significant energy | ||||||
12 | savings; therefore, be it
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15 | SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that the General Assembly, together | ||||||
16 | with the Governor, ought to make passage of a green and | ||||||
17 | sustainable comprehensive capital construction plan a top | ||||||
18 | priority; and be it further
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19 | RESOLVED, That the principles of environmental health, | ||||||
20 | environmental protection, energy efficiency, and | ||||||
21 | sustainability ought to guide the allocation of all funds in | ||||||
22 | any capital construction plan; and be it further |
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1 | RESOLVED, That in providing funding for the construction of | ||||||
2 | new buildings or the renovation of existing buildings, the law | ||||||
3 | should require builders to adhere to sustainable building | ||||||
4 | standards including the U.S. Green Building Council's | ||||||
5 | Leadership in Environment and Energy Design (LEED) standards or | ||||||
6 | substantially equivalent standards; and be it further | ||||||
7 | RESOLVED, That in determining the allocation of | ||||||
8 | transportation funding, the State should give due | ||||||
9 | consideration to new public transportation, including rail, in | ||||||
10 | the interest of planning sustainable transportation | ||||||
11 | infrastructure for a more densely-populated society; and be it | ||||||
12 | further | ||||||
13 | RESOLVED, That in providing for the construction and | ||||||
14 | improvement of roads, the State should prioritize the laying of | ||||||
15 | fiber-optic lines, particularly to rural areas and other | ||||||
16 | regions of the State historically lacking in technological | ||||||
17 | infrastructure; and be it further | ||||||
18 | RESOLVED, That the State should consider and prioritize | ||||||
19 | each project in light of its potential to create jobs, its | ||||||
20 | environmental impact, and its long-term energy savings.