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2     WHEREAS, There are 39 public community college districts
3 serving all 102 counties within the State of Illinois; and
4     WHEREAS, Within the 39 community college districts, there
5 are 48 community colleges, serving nearly one million
6 Illinoisans annually; and
7     WHEREAS, Over the past decade, enrollment at the 48
8 community colleges has increased by more than 20%, and the role
9 of the community college has expanded dramatically; and
10     WHEREAS, The system serves displaced workers, students in
11 adult education, students learning English as their second
12 language, students seeking transfer degrees, students seeking
13 certificates and degrees for immediate employment, and
14 students with degrees returning to upgrade skills; and
15     WHEREAS, 81.2% of all high school remediation is done at
16 community colleges, making the colleges the frontlines for
17 ensuring that students have the technical aptitude, including
18 functional math and science knowledge, to fill jobs; and
19     WHEREAS, More than 75% of all minorities in Illinois public
20 higher education attend a community college; and



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1     WHEREAS, In the Fall of 2007, total enrollment figures for
2 Illinois community colleges showed that just under 40% of its
3 students were minority students; and
4     WHEREAS, Nearly 12,500 students with disabilities and
5 66,000 students with limited English proficiency are served
6 annually at an Illinois community college; and
7     WHEREAS, The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that by the
8 end of this decade, 85% of all jobs in the State of Illinois
9 that are capable of sustaining a middle-class lifestyle will
10 require access to post-secondary education; and
11     WHEREAS, According to an economic impact study done by the
12 Northern Illinois University Center for Governmental Studies
13 in 2007, more than 8 out of 10 employers hired a community
14 college student at some point during the 10-year timeframe of
15 the study; and during that same timeframe, there was a 62.9%
16 increase in students completing community college programs;
17 and
18     WHEREAS, According to the study done by Northern Illinois
19 University, students who completed their Illinois community
20 college education in Fiscal Year 2005 and worked full-time
21 realized a 31% increase in earnings over their pre-enrollment



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1 wages; and over the course of a lifetime, a 25-year-old
2 graduate can expect to see a 55% increase over the projected
3 $1.2 million in total earnings he or she would have earned had
4 he or she not completed an Illinois community college program;
5 and
6     WHEREAS, President Obama has urged every American to commit
7 to at least one year of postsecondary education, and according
8 to Georgetown University's Center for Education and the
9 Workforce, at least 54% of the new positions created by the
10 federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 will
11 require at least a postsecondary certificate; and
12     WHEREAS, In the State of Illinois, 64% of all students
13 attending public institutions of higher education attend a
14 community college, while only 13% of State instructional
15 funding is appropriated to community colleges; and
16     WHEREAS, The philosophy of funding community colleges'
17 dates back to 1965 when the Public Community College Act was
18 created, and it is based on the concept of shared
19 responsibility between the State, local community college
20 district residents, and students; and
21     WHEREAS, The generally accepted goal of one-third of the
22 costs being distributed equally has shifted to a burden on



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1 students and local taxpayers; the current statewide funding
2 ratio is 40% local taxes, 32% student tuition, and 28% State
3 funds; and
4     WHEREAS, Nine out of 10 Illinois community college
5 graduates live, work, pay taxes, and raise their families in
6 Illinois; therefore, be it
8 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that there is created a Task
9 Force on Illinois Community College System Funding for the
10 purpose of reviewing the present community college system and
11 making recommendations to the Senate pertaining to whether the
12 community college system is adequately funded; and be it
13 further
14     RESOLVED, That the Task Force on Illinois Community College
15 System Funding shall study the impact that the present funding
16 system for community colleges has on both regional and racial
17 diversity in the Illinois community college system today,
18 including, but not limited to, reviewing the process of how
19 community college capital projects are ranked by priority, and
20 make recommendations regarding any improvements that are
21 necessary to make the funding system more equitable; and be it
22 further



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1     RESOLVED, That the Task Force on the Illinois Community
2 College System Funding shall consist of the following members:
3         (1) 2 co-chairpersons, each a member of the Senate,
4     with one appointed by the President of the Senate and one
5     appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate;
6         (2) 4 spokespersons, with 2 appointed by the President
7     of the Senate and 2 appointed by the Minority Leader of the
8     Senate;
9         (3) 2 members of the Illinois Community College Board
10     appointed by the Illinois Community College Board;
11         (4) 2 members who are statewide educational labor union
12     representatives from a 2-year higher education
13     institution, with each member appointed by the union that
14     he or she represents;
15         (5) 2 community college trustees appointed by the
16     Illinois Community College Trustees Association; and
17         (6) 4 chief fiscal officers of Illinois community
18     colleges from the following regional areas of the State:
19     (i) one chief fiscal officer from the City Colleges of
20     Chicago appointed by the Chancellor of the City Colleges of
21     Chicago; (ii) one chief fiscal officer from a community
22     college in a non-metropolitan county in the central region
23     of the State, as determined and appointed by the Illinois
24     Community College Board; (iii) one chief fiscal officer
25     from a community college in a non-metropolitan county in
26     the southern region of the State, as determined and



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1     appointed by the Illinois Community College Board; and (iv)
2     one chief fiscal officer from a community college in a
3     metropolitan county in the northern region of the State, as
4     determined and appointed by the Illinois Community College
5     Board; and be it further
6     RESOLVED, That the members of the Task Force on Illinois
7 Community College System Funding shall serve on a voluntary
8 basis and shall be responsible for any costs associated with
9 their participation on the task force; and be it further
10     RESOLVED, That the Task Force on Illinois Community College
11 System Funding shall meet initially at the call of the
12 co-chairpersons of the task force, in consultation with the
13 Chairperson of the Illinois Community College Board, and
14 thereafter as necessary and shall report its findings and
15 recommendations to the Senate by filing a copy of its report
16 with the Secretary of the Senate no later than December 31,
17 2009; and that upon filing its report, the task force is
18 dissolved; and be it further
19     RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
20 delivered to the Chairperson of the Illinois Community College
21 Board, the Illinois Community College Trustees Association,
22 and the Chancellor of the City Colleges of Chicago.