| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning local government.
| |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| |||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Counties Code is amended by changing Section | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | 5-12001.1 as follows:
| |||||||||||||||||||
6 | (55 ILCS 5/5-12001.1)
| |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 5-12001.1. Authority to regulate certain specified | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | facilities of a
telecommunications carrier and to regulate, | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | pursuant to subsections (a) through (g), AM broadcast towers | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | and facilities. | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | (a) Notwithstanding any other Section in this Division, the | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | county board or
board of county commissioners of any county | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | shall have the power to
regulate the location of the | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | facilities, as defined in subsection (c), of a
| |||||||||||||||||||
15 | telecommunications carrier or AM broadcast station established | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | outside the corporate limits of cities,
villages, and | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | incorporated towns that have municipal zoning ordinances in
| |||||||||||||||||||
18 | effect. The power shall only be exercised to the extent and in | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | the manner set
forth in this Section.
| |||||||||||||||||||
20 | (b) The provisions of this Section shall not abridge any | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | rights created by
or authority confirmed in the federal | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | Telecommunications Act of 1996, P.L.
| |||||||||||||||||||
23 | (c) As used in this Section, unless the context otherwise |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | requires:
| ||||||
2 | (1) "county jurisdiction area" means those portions of | ||||||
3 | a county that lie
outside the corporate limits of cities, | ||||||
4 | villages, and incorporated towns that
have municipal | ||||||
5 | zoning ordinances in effect;
| ||||||
6 | (2) "county board" means the county board or board of | ||||||
7 | county commissioners
of any county;
| ||||||
8 | (3) "residential zoning district" means a zoning | ||||||
9 | district that is
designated under a county zoning ordinance | ||||||
10 | and is zoned predominantly for
residential uses;
| ||||||
11 | (4) "non-residential zoning district" means the county | ||||||
12 | jurisdiction area
of a county, except for those portions | ||||||
13 | within a residential zoning district;
| ||||||
14 | (5) "residentially zoned lot" means a zoning lot in a | ||||||
15 | residential zoning
| ||||||
16 | (6) "non-residentially zoned lot" means a zoning lot in | ||||||
17 | a non-residential
zoning district;
| ||||||
18 | (7) "telecommunications carrier" means a | ||||||
19 | telecommunications carrier as
defined in the Public | ||||||
20 | Utilities Act as of January 1, 1997;
| ||||||
21 | (8) "facility" means that part of the signal | ||||||
22 | distribution system used or
operated by a | ||||||
23 | telecommunications carrier or AM broadcast station under a | ||||||
24 | license from the FCC
consisting of a combination of | ||||||
25 | improvements and equipment including (i) one or
more | ||||||
26 | antennas, (ii) a supporting structure and the hardware by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | which antennas
are attached; (iii) equipment housing; and | ||||||
2 | (iv) ancillary equipment such as
signal transmission | ||||||
3 | cables and miscellaneous hardware;
| ||||||
4 | (9) "FAA" means the Federal Aviation Administration of | ||||||
5 | the United States
Department of Transportation;
| ||||||
6 | (10) "FCC" means the Federal Communications | ||||||
7 | Commission;
| ||||||
8 | (11) "antenna" means an antenna device by which radio | ||||||
9 | signals are
transmitted, received, or both;
| ||||||
10 | (12) "supporting structure" means a structure, whether | ||||||
11 | an antenna tower or
another type of structure, that | ||||||
12 | supports one or more antennas as part of a
| ||||||
13 | (13) "qualifying structure" means a supporting | ||||||
14 | structure that is (i) an
existing structure, if the height | ||||||
15 | of the facility, including the structure, is
not more than | ||||||
16 | 15 feet higher than the structure just before the facility | ||||||
17 | is
installed, or (ii) a substantially similar, | ||||||
18 | substantially same-location
replacement of an existing | ||||||
19 | structure, if the height of the facility, including
the | ||||||
20 | replacement structure, is not more than 15 feet higher than | ||||||
21 | the height of
the existing structure just before the | ||||||
22 | facility is installed;
| ||||||
23 | (14) "equipment housing" means a combination of one or | ||||||
24 | more equipment
buildings or enclosures housing equipment | ||||||
25 | that operates in conjunction with
the antennas of a | ||||||
26 | facility, and the equipment itself;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (15) "height" of a facility means the total height of | ||||||
2 | the facility's
supporting structure and any antennas that | ||||||
3 | will extend above the top of the
supporting structure; | ||||||
4 | however, if the supporting structure's foundation extends
| ||||||
5 | more than 3 feet above the uppermost ground level along the | ||||||
6 | perimeter of the
foundation, then each full foot in excess | ||||||
7 | of 3 feet shall be counted as an
additional foot of | ||||||
8 | facility height. The height of a facility's supporting
| ||||||
9 | structure is to be measured from the highest point of the | ||||||
10 | supporting
structure's foundation;
| ||||||
11 | (16) "facility lot" means the zoning lot on which a | ||||||
12 | facility is or will be
| ||||||
13 | (17) "principal residential building" has its common | ||||||
14 | meaning but shall not
include any building under the same | ||||||
15 | ownership as the land of the facility lot.
"Principal | ||||||
16 | residential building" shall not include any structure that | ||||||
17 | is not
designed for human habitation;
| ||||||
18 | (18) "horizontal separation distance" means the | ||||||
19 | distance measured from the
center of the base of the | ||||||
20 | facility's supporting structure to the point where
the | ||||||
21 | ground meets a vertical wall of a principal residential | ||||||
22 | building;
| ||||||
23 | (19) "lot line set back distance" means the distance | ||||||
24 | measured from the
center of the base of the facility's | ||||||
25 | supporting structure to the nearest point
on the common lot | ||||||
26 | line between the facility lot and the nearest residentially
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | zoned lot. If there is no common lot line, the measurement | ||||||
2 | shall be made to
the nearest point on the lot line of the | ||||||
3 | nearest residentially zoned lot
without deducting the | ||||||
4 | width of any intervening right of way; and
| ||||||
5 | (20) "AM broadcast station" means a facility and one or | ||||||
6 | more towers for the purpose of transmitting communication | ||||||
7 | in the 540 kHz to 1700 kHz band for public reception | ||||||
8 | authorized by the FCC.
| ||||||
9 | (d) In choosing a location for a facility, a
| ||||||
10 | telecommunications carrier or AM broadcast station shall | ||||||
11 | consider the following:
| ||||||
12 | (1) A non-residentially zoned lot is the most desirable | ||||||
13 | location.
| ||||||
14 | (2) A residentially zoned lot that is not used for | ||||||
15 | residential purposes is
the second most desirable | ||||||
16 | location.
| ||||||
17 | (3) A residentially zoned lot that is 2 acres or more | ||||||
18 | in size and is used
for residential purposes is the third | ||||||
19 | most desirable location.
| ||||||
20 | (4) A residentially zoned lot that is less than 2 acres | ||||||
21 | in size and is
used for residential purposes is the least | ||||||
22 | desirable location.
| ||||||
23 | The size of a lot shall be the lot's gross area in square | ||||||
24 | feet without
deduction of any unbuildable or unusable land, any | ||||||
25 | roadway, or any other
| ||||||
26 | (e) In designing a facility, a telecommunications carrier |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or AM broadcast station shall consider the
following | ||||||
2 | guidelines:
| ||||||
3 | (1) No building or tower that is part of a facility | ||||||
4 | should encroach onto
any recorded easement prohibiting the | ||||||
5 | encroachment unless the grantees of the
easement have given | ||||||
6 | their approval.
| ||||||
7 | (2) Lighting should be installed for security and | ||||||
8 | safety purposes only.
Except with respect to lighting | ||||||
9 | required by the FCC or FAA, all lighting should
be shielded | ||||||
10 | so that no glare extends substantially beyond the | ||||||
11 | boundaries of a
| ||||||
12 | (3) No facility should encroach onto an existing septic | ||||||
13 | field.
| ||||||
14 | (4) Any facility located in a special flood hazard area | ||||||
15 | or wetland should
meet the legal requirements for those | ||||||
16 | lands.
| ||||||
17 | (5) Existing trees more than 3 inches in diameter | ||||||
18 | should be preserved if
reasonably feasible during | ||||||
19 | construction. If any tree more than 3 inches in
diameter is | ||||||
20 | removed during construction a tree 3 inches or more in | ||||||
21 | diameter of
the same or a similar species shall be planted | ||||||
22 | as a replacement if reasonably
feasible. Tree diameter | ||||||
23 | shall be measured at a point 3 feet above ground
| ||||||
24 | (6) If any elevation of a facility faces an existing, | ||||||
25 | adjoining
residential use within a residential zoning | ||||||
26 | district, low maintenance
landscaping should be provided |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | on or near the facility lot to provide at least
partial | ||||||
2 | screening of the facility. The quantity and type of that | ||||||
3 | landscaping
should be in accordance with any county | ||||||
4 | landscaping regulations of general
applicability, except | ||||||
5 | that paragraph (5) of this subsection (e) shall control
| ||||||
6 | over any tree-related regulations imposing a greater | ||||||
7 | burden.
| ||||||
8 | (7) Fencing should be installed around a facility. The | ||||||
9 | height and
materials of the fencing should be in accordance | ||||||
10 | with any county fence
regulations of general | ||||||
11 | applicability.
| ||||||
12 | (8) Any building that is part of a facility located | ||||||
13 | adjacent to a
residentially zoned lot should be designed | ||||||
14 | with exterior materials and colors
that are reasonably | ||||||
15 | compatible with the residential character of the area.
| ||||||
16 | (f) The following provisions shall apply to all facilities | ||||||
17 | established in
any county jurisdiction area (i) after the | ||||||
18 | effective date of the amendatory Act of
1997 with respect to | ||||||
19 | telecommunications carriers and (ii) after the effective date | ||||||
20 | of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly with | ||||||
21 | respect to AM broadcast stations:
| ||||||
22 | (1) Except as provided in this Section, no yard or set | ||||||
23 | back
regulations shall apply to or be required for a | ||||||
24 | facility.
| ||||||
25 | (2) A facility may be located on the same zoning lot as | ||||||
26 | one or more other
structures or uses without violating any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | ordinance or regulation that prohibits
or limits multiple | ||||||
2 | structures, buildings, or uses on a zoning lot.
| ||||||
3 | (3) No minimum lot area, width, or depth shall be | ||||||
4 | required for a facility,
and unless the facility is to be | ||||||
5 | manned on a regular, daily basis, no
off-street parking | ||||||
6 | spaces shall be required for a facility. If the facility is
| ||||||
7 | to be manned on a regular, daily basis, one off-street | ||||||
8 | parking space shall be
provided for each employee regularly | ||||||
9 | at the facility. No loading facilities
are required.
| ||||||
10 | (4) No portion of a facility's supporting structure or | ||||||
11 | equipment housing
shall be less than 15 feet from the front | ||||||
12 | lot line of the facility lot or less
than 10 feet from any | ||||||
13 | other lot line.
| ||||||
14 | (5) No bulk regulations or lot coverage, building | ||||||
15 | coverage, or floor area
ratio limitations shall be applied | ||||||
16 | to a facility or to any existing use or
structure | ||||||
17 | coincident with the establishment of a facility. Except as | ||||||
18 | provided
in this Section, no height limits or restrictions | ||||||
19 | shall apply to a facility.
| ||||||
20 | (6) A county's review of a building permit application | ||||||
21 | for a facility
be completed within 30 days. If a | ||||||
22 | decision of the county board is required to
permit the | ||||||
23 | establishment of a facility, the county's review of the | ||||||
24 | application
shall be simultaneous with the process leading | ||||||
25 | to the county board's decision.
| ||||||
26 | (7) The improvements and equipment comprising the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | facility may be wholly
or partly freestanding or wholly or | ||||||
2 | partly attached to, enclosed in, or
installed in or on a | ||||||
3 | structure or structures.
| ||||||
4 | (8) Any public hearing authorized under this Section | ||||||
5 | shall be conducted in
a manner determined by the county | ||||||
6 | board. Notice of any such public hearing
shall be published | ||||||
7 | at least 15 days before the hearing in a newspaper of
| ||||||
8 | general circulation published in the county. Notice of any | ||||||
9 | such public hearing shall also be sent by certified mail at | ||||||
10 | least 15 days prior to the hearing to the owners of record | ||||||
11 | of all residential property that is adjacent to the lot | ||||||
12 | upon which the facility is proposed to be sited.
| ||||||
13 | (9) Any decision regarding a facility by the county | ||||||
14 | board or a county
or official shall be supported by | ||||||
15 | written findings of fact. The circuit court
shall have | ||||||
16 | jurisdiction to review the reasonableness of any adverse | ||||||
17 | decision
and the plaintiff shall bear the burden of proof, | ||||||
18 | but there shall be no
presumption of the validity of the | ||||||
19 | decision. | ||||||
20 | (10) Thirty days prior to the issuance of a building | ||||||
21 | permit for a facility necessitating the erection of a new | ||||||
22 | tower, the permit applicant shall provide written notice of | ||||||
23 | its intent to construct the facility to the State | ||||||
24 | Representative and the State Senator of the district in | ||||||
25 | which the subject facility is to be constructed and all | ||||||
26 | county board members for the county board district in the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | county in which the subject facility is to be constructed. | ||||||
2 | This notice shall include, but not be limited to, the | ||||||
3 | following information: (i) the name, address, and | ||||||
4 | telephone number of the company responsible for the | ||||||
5 | construction of the facility; (ii) the name, address, and | ||||||
6 | telephone number of the governmental entity authorized to | ||||||
7 | issue the building permit; and (iii) the location of the | ||||||
8 | proposed facility. The applicant shall demonstrate | ||||||
9 | compliance with the notice requirements set forth in this | ||||||
10 | item (10) by submitting certified mail receipts or | ||||||
11 | equivalent mail service receipts at the same time that the | ||||||
12 | applicant submits the permit application.
| ||||||
13 | (g) The following provisions shall apply to all facilities | ||||||
14 | established (i) after
the effective date of this amendatory Act | ||||||
15 | of 1997 with respect to telecommunications carriers and (ii) | ||||||
16 | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th | ||||||
17 | General Assembly with respect to AM broadcast stations in the | ||||||
18 | county jurisdiction
area of any county with a population of | ||||||
19 | less than 180,000:
| ||||||
20 | (1) A facility is permitted if its supporting structure | ||||||
21 | is a qualifying
structure or if both of the following | ||||||
22 | conditions are met:
| ||||||
23 | (A) the height of the facility shall not exceed 200 | ||||||
24 | feet, except that
if a facility is located more than | ||||||
25 | one and one-half miles from the corporate
limits of any | ||||||
26 | municipality with a population of 25,000 or more the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | height of
the facility shall not exceed 350 feet; and
| ||||||
2 | (B) the horizontal separation distance to the | ||||||
3 | nearest principal
residential building shall not be | ||||||
4 | less than the height of the supporting
structure; | ||||||
5 | except that if the supporting structure exceeds 99 feet | ||||||
6 | in height,
the horizontal separation distance to the | ||||||
7 | nearest principal residential
building shall be at | ||||||
8 | least 100 feet or 80% of the height of the supporting
| ||||||
9 | structure, whichever is greater. Compliance with this | ||||||
10 | paragraph shall only be
evaluated as of
the time that a | ||||||
11 | building permit application for the facility is | ||||||
12 | submitted. If
the supporting structure is not an | ||||||
13 | antenna tower this paragraph is satisfied.
| ||||||
14 | (2) Unless a facility is permitted under paragraph (1) | ||||||
15 | of this subsection
(g), a facility can be established only | ||||||
16 | after the county board gives its
approval following | ||||||
17 | consideration of the provisions of paragraph (3) of this
| ||||||
18 | subsection (g). The county board may give its approval | ||||||
19 | after one public
hearing on the proposal, but only by the | ||||||
20 | favorable vote of a majority of the
members present
at a | ||||||
21 | meeting held no later than 75 days after submission of a
| ||||||
22 | complete application by the telecommunications carrier. If | ||||||
23 | the county board
fails to act on the application within 75 | ||||||
24 | days after its submission,
the application shall be deemed | ||||||
25 | to have been approved. No more than one public
hearing | ||||||
26 | shall be required.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) For purposes of paragraph (2) of this subsection | ||||||
2 | (g), the following
siting considerations, but no other | ||||||
3 | matter, shall be considered by the county
board or any | ||||||
4 | other body conducting the public hearing:
| ||||||
5 | (A) the criteria in subsection (d) of this Section;
| ||||||
6 | (B) whether a substantial adverse effect on public | ||||||
7 | safety will result
from some aspect of the facility's | ||||||
8 | design or proposed construction, but only if
that | ||||||
9 | aspect of design or construction is modifiable by the | ||||||
10 | applicant;
| ||||||
11 | (C) the benefits to be derived by the users of the | ||||||
12 | services to be
or enhanced by the facility and | ||||||
13 | whether public safety and emergency response
| ||||||
14 | capabilities would benefit by the establishment of the | ||||||
15 | facility;
| ||||||
16 | (D) the existing uses on adjacent and nearby | ||||||
17 | properties; and
| ||||||
18 | (E) the extent to which the design of the proposed | ||||||
19 | facility reflects
compliance with subsection (e) of | ||||||
20 | this Section.
| ||||||
21 | (4) On judicial review of an adverse decision, the | ||||||
22 | issue shall be the
reasonableness of the county board's | ||||||
23 | decision in light of the evidence
presented on the siting | ||||||
24 | considerations and the well-reasoned recommendations
of | ||||||
25 | any other body that conducts the public hearing.
| ||||||
26 | (h) The following provisions shall apply to all facilities |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | established
after the effective date of this amendatory Act of | ||||||
2 | 1997 in the county
jurisdiction area of any county with
a | ||||||
3 | population of 180,000 or more. A facility is
permitted in any | ||||||
4 | zoning district subject to the following:
| ||||||
5 | (1) A facility shall not be located on a lot under | ||||||
6 | paragraph (4) of
subsection (d) unless a variation is | ||||||
7 | granted by the county board under
(4) of this | ||||||
8 | subsection (h).
| ||||||
9 | (2) Unless a height variation is granted by the county | ||||||
10 | board, the height
of a facility shall not exceed 75 feet if | ||||||
11 | the facility will
be located in a residential zoning | ||||||
12 | district or 200 feet if the facility will be
located in a | ||||||
13 | non-residential zoning district. However, the height of a
| ||||||
14 | facility may
exceed the height limit in this paragraph, and | ||||||
15 | no height variation shall be
required, if the supporting | ||||||
16 | structure is a qualifying structure.
| ||||||
17 | (3) The improvements and equipment of the facility | ||||||
18 | shall be placed to
with the requirements of this | ||||||
19 | paragraph at the time a building permit
application for the | ||||||
20 | facility is submitted. If the supporting structure is an
| ||||||
21 | antenna tower other than a qualifying structure then (i) if | ||||||
22 | the facility will
be located in a residential zoning | ||||||
23 | district the lot line set back distance to
nearest | ||||||
24 | residentially zoned lot shall be at least 50% of the height | ||||||
25 | of the
facility's supporting structure or (ii) if the | ||||||
26 | facility will be located in a
non-residential zoning |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | district the horizontal separation distance to the
nearest | ||||||
2 | principal residential building shall be at least equal to | ||||||
3 | the height of
the facility's supporting structure.
| ||||||
4 | (4) The county board may grant variations for any of | ||||||
5 | the regulations,
conditions, and restrictions of this | ||||||
6 | subsection (h), after one public hearing
on the
proposed | ||||||
7 | variations held at a zoning or other appropriate committee | ||||||
8 | meeting with proper notice given as provided in this | ||||||
9 | Section, by a favorable vote of a majority of the members | ||||||
10 | present
at a meeting held no later than 75 days after | ||||||
11 | submission of an application by
the telecommunications | ||||||
12 | carrier. If the county board fails to act on the
| ||||||
13 | application within 75 days after submission, the | ||||||
14 | application shall be deemed to
have been approved. In its | ||||||
15 | consideration of an application for variations,
the county
| ||||||
16 | board, and any other body conducting the public hearing, | ||||||
17 | shall consider the
following, and no other matters:
| ||||||
18 | (A) whether, but for the granting of a variation, | ||||||
19 | the service that the
telecommunications carrier seeks | ||||||
20 | to enhance or provide with the proposed
facility will | ||||||
21 | be less available, impaired, or diminished in quality, | ||||||
22 | quantity,
or scope of
| ||||||
23 | (B) whether the conditions upon which the | ||||||
24 | application for variations is
based are unique in some | ||||||
25 | respect or, if not, whether the strict application of
| ||||||
26 | the regulations would result in a hardship on the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | telecommunications carrier;
| ||||||
2 | (C) whether a substantial adverse effect on public | ||||||
3 | safety will result
some aspect of the facility's | ||||||
4 | design or proposed construction, but only if that
| ||||||
5 | aspect of design or construction is modifiable by the | ||||||
6 | applicant;
| ||||||
7 | (D) whether there are benefits to be derived by the | ||||||
8 | users of the
services to
be provided or enhanced by the | ||||||
9 | facility and whether public safety and emergency
| ||||||
10 | response capabilities would benefit by the | ||||||
11 | establishment of the facility; and
| ||||||
12 | (E) the extent to which the design of the proposed | ||||||
13 | facility reflects
compliance with subsection (e) of | ||||||
14 | this Section.
| ||||||
15 | No more than one public hearing shall be required.
| ||||||
16 | (5) On judicial review of an adverse decision, the | ||||||
17 | issue shall be the
reasonableness of the county board's | ||||||
18 | decision in light of the evidence
presented and the | ||||||
19 | well-reasoned recommendations of any other body that
| ||||||
20 | conducted the public hearing.
| ||||||
21 | (i) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the | ||||||
22 | contrary, 30 days prior to the issuance of any permits for a | ||||||
23 | new telecommunications facility within a county, the | ||||||
24 | telecommunications carrier constructing the facility shall | ||||||
25 | provide written notice of its intent to construct the facility. | ||||||
26 | The notice shall include, but not be limited to, the following |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | information: (i) the name, address, and telephone number of the | ||||||
2 | company responsible for the construction of the facility, (ii) | ||||||
3 | the address and telephone number of the governmental entity | ||||||
4 | that is to issue the building permit for the telecommunications | ||||||
5 | facility, (iii) a site plan and site map of sufficient
| ||||||
6 | specificity to indicate both the location of the parcel where
| ||||||
7 | the telecommunications facility is to be constructed and the
| ||||||
8 | location of all the telecommunications facilities within that
| ||||||
9 | parcel, and (iv) the property index number and common address
| ||||||
10 | of the parcel where the telecommunications facility is to be
| ||||||
11 | located. The notice shall not contain any material that appears | ||||||
12 | to be an advertisement for the telecommunications carrier or | ||||||
13 | any services provided by the telecommunications carrier. The
| ||||||
14 | notice shall be provided in person, by overnight private
| ||||||
15 | courier, or by certified mail to all owners of property within
| ||||||
16 | 250 feet of the parcel in which the telecommunications carrier
| ||||||
17 | has a leasehold or ownership interest. For the purposes of this
| ||||||
18 | notice requirement, "owners" means those persons or entities
| ||||||
19 | identified from the authentic tax records of the county in
| ||||||
20 | which the telecommunications facility is to be located. If,
| ||||||
21 | after a bona fide effort by the telecommunications carrier to
| ||||||
22 | determine the owner and his or her address, the owner of the
| ||||||
23 | property on whom the notice must be served cannot be found at
| ||||||
24 | the owner's last known address, or if the mailed notice is
| ||||||
25 | returned because the owner cannot be found at the last known
| ||||||
26 | address, the notice requirement of this paragraph is deemed
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | satisfied. | ||||||
2 | (j) Notwithstanding any other provision or limitation in | ||||||
3 | this Section to the contrary: | ||||||
4 | (1) a facility proposed to be located within 1,000 feet | ||||||
5 | of any residentially zoned lot shall continue to be subject | ||||||
6 | to the siting requirements established by the county board | ||||||
7 | and not inconsistent with federal law including, but not | ||||||
8 | limited to, notice to the public and property owners, | ||||||
9 | public hearings, and reasonable standards for review, | ||||||
10 | approval, denial, or conditions. | ||||||
11 | (2) a facility shall not be approved by the county | ||||||
12 | board or constructed in an unincorporated area within 1,000 | ||||||
13 | feet of any municipal jurisdiction boundary within this | ||||||
14 | State except where such facility has been authorized by an | ||||||
15 | annexation agreement with a municipality or where the | ||||||
16 | municipality waives such a requirement by a vote of its | ||||||
17 | governing body. | ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 96-696, eff. 1-1-10; 97-242, eff. 8-4-11; 97-496, | ||||||
19 | eff. 8-22-11; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12.)
| ||||||
20 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
21 | becoming law.