Rep. Robert Rita
Filed: 5/23/2014
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2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3796 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The Freedom of Information Act is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Sections 2, 3, 6, and 9.5 and by adding Sections 3.6 | ||||||
6 | and 8.5 as follows:
| ||||||
7 | (5 ILCS 140/2) (from Ch. 116, par. 202)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Act:
| ||||||
9 | (a) "Public body" means all legislative,
executive, | ||||||
10 | administrative, or advisory bodies of the State, state | ||||||
11 | universities
and colleges, counties, townships, cities, | ||||||
12 | villages, incorporated towns,
school districts and all other | ||||||
13 | municipal corporations,
boards, bureaus, committees, or | ||||||
14 | commissions of this State, any
bodies of any of the | ||||||
15 | foregoing including but not limited to committees and
| ||||||
16 | subcommittees thereof, and a School Finance Authority created |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | under
Article 1E of the School Code.
"Public body" does not | ||||||
2 | include a child death review team
or the Illinois Child Death | ||||||
3 | Review Teams
Executive Council
established under
the Child | ||||||
4 | Death Review Team Act.
| ||||||
5 | (b) "Person" means any individual, corporation, | ||||||
6 | partnership, firm,
or association, acting | ||||||
7 | individually or as a group.
| ||||||
8 | (c) "Public records" means all records, reports, forms, | ||||||
9 | writings, letters,
memoranda, books, papers, maps, | ||||||
10 | photographs, microfilms, cards, tapes,
electronic | ||||||
11 | data processing records, electronic communications, recorded | ||||||
12 | information and all other
materials pertaining to | ||||||
13 | the transaction of public business, regardless of physical form | ||||||
14 | or characteristics, having been
prepared by or for, or having | ||||||
15 | been or being used by, received by, in the possession of, or | ||||||
16 | under the
any public body. | ||||||
17 | (c-5) "Private information" means unique identifiers, | ||||||
18 | including a person's social security number, driver's license | ||||||
19 | number, employee identification number, biometric identifiers, | ||||||
20 | personal financial information, passwords or other access | ||||||
21 | codes, medical records, home or personal telephone numbers, and | ||||||
22 | personal email addresses. Private information also includes | ||||||
23 | home address and personal license plates, except as otherwise | ||||||
24 | provided by law or when compiled without possibility of | ||||||
25 | attribution to any person. | ||||||
26 | (c-10) "Commercial purpose" means the use of any part of a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | public record or records, or information derived from public | ||||||
2 | records, in any form for sale, resale, or solicitation or | ||||||
3 | advertisement for sales or services. For purposes of this | ||||||
4 | definition, requests made by news media and non-profit, | ||||||
5 | scientific, or academic organizations shall not be considered | ||||||
6 | to be made for a "commercial purpose" when the principal | ||||||
7 | purpose of the request is (i) to access and disseminate | ||||||
8 | information concerning news and current or passing events, (ii) | ||||||
9 | for articles of opinion or features of interest to the public, | ||||||
10 | or (iii) for the purpose of academic, scientific, or public | ||||||
11 | research or education.
| ||||||
12 | (d) "Copying" means the reproduction of any public record | ||||||
13 | by means of any
photographic, electronic, mechanical or other | ||||||
14 | process, device or means now known or hereafter developed and | ||||||
15 | available to the public body.
| ||||||
16 | (e) "Head of the public body" means the president, mayor, | ||||||
17 | chairman,
officer, director, superintendent, | ||||||
18 | manager, supervisor or individual otherwise
holding primary | ||||||
19 | executive and administrative authority for the public
body, or | ||||||
20 | such person's duly authorized designee.
| ||||||
21 | (f) "News media" means a newspaper or other periodical | ||||||
22 | issued at regular
intervals whether in print or electronic | ||||||
23 | format, a news service whether
in print or electronic format, a | ||||||
24 | radio
station, a television station, a television network, a | ||||||
25 | community
antenna television service, or a person or | ||||||
26 | corporation engaged in making news
reels or other motion |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | picture news for public showing.
| ||||||
2 | (g) "Recurrent requester", as used in Section 3.2 of this | ||||||
3 | Act, means a person that, in the 12 months immediately | ||||||
4 | preceding the request, has submitted to the same public body | ||||||
5 | (i) a minimum of 50 requests for records, (ii) a minimum of 15 | ||||||
6 | requests for records within a 30-day period, or (iii) a minimum | ||||||
7 | of 7 requests for records within a 7-day period. For purposes | ||||||
8 | of this definition, requests made by news media and non-profit, | ||||||
9 | scientific, or academic organizations shall not be considered | ||||||
10 | in calculating the number of requests made in the time periods | ||||||
11 | in this definition when the principal purpose of the requests | ||||||
12 | is (i) to access and disseminate information concerning news | ||||||
13 | and current or passing events, (ii) for articles of opinion or | ||||||
14 | features of interest to the public, or (iii) for the purpose of | ||||||
15 | academic, scientific, or public research or education. | ||||||
16 | For the purposes of this subsection (g), "request" means a | ||||||
17 | written document (or oral request, if the public body chooses | ||||||
18 | to honor oral requests) that is submitted to a public body via | ||||||
19 | personal delivery, mail, telefax, electronic mail, or other | ||||||
20 | means available to the public body and that identifies the | ||||||
21 | particular public record the requester seeks. One request may | ||||||
22 | identify multiple records to be inspected or copied. | ||||||
23 | (h) "Voluminous request" means a request that: (i) includes | ||||||
24 | more than 5 individual requests for more than 5 different | ||||||
25 | categories of records or a combination of individual requests | ||||||
26 | that total requests for more than 5 different categories of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | records in a period of 20 business days; or (ii) requires the | ||||||
2 | compilation of more than 500 letter or legal-sized pages of | ||||||
3 | public records unless a single requested record exceeds 500 | ||||||
4 | pages. "Single requested record" may include, but is not | ||||||
5 | limited to, one report, form, e-mail, letter, memorandum, book, | ||||||
6 | map, microfilm, tape, or recording. | ||||||
7 | "Voluminous request" does not include a request made by | ||||||
8 | news media and non-profit, scientific, or academic | ||||||
9 | organizations if the principal purpose of the request is: (1) | ||||||
10 | to access and disseminate information concerning news and | ||||||
11 | current or passing events; (2) for articles of opinion or | ||||||
12 | features of interest to the public; or (3) for the purpose of | ||||||
13 | academic, scientific, or public research or education. | ||||||
14 | For the purposes of this subsection (h), "request" means a | ||||||
15 | written document, or oral request, if the public body chooses | ||||||
16 | to honor oral requests, that is submitted to a public body via | ||||||
17 | personal delivery, mail, telefax, electronic mail, or other | ||||||
18 | means available to the public body and that identifies the | ||||||
19 | particular public record or records the requester seeks. One | ||||||
20 | request may identify multiple individual records to be | ||||||
21 | inspected or copied. | ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 96-261, eff. 1-1-10; 96-542, eff. 1-1-10; | ||||||
23 | 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 97-579, eff. 8-26-11.)
| ||||||
24 | (5 ILCS 140/3) (from Ch. 116, par. 203)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 3.
(a) Each public body shall make available to any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | person for
inspection or copying all public records, except as | ||||||
2 | otherwise provided in
Sections Section 7 and 8.5 of this Act.
| ||||||
3 | Notwithstanding any other law, a public body may not grant to | ||||||
4 | any person
or entity, whether by contract, license, or | ||||||
5 | otherwise, the exclusive right to
access and disseminate any | ||||||
6 | public record as defined in this Act.
| ||||||
7 | (b) Subject to the fee provisions of Section 6 of this Act, | ||||||
8 | each public
body shall promptly provide, to any person who | ||||||
9 | submits a request,
a copy of any public record required to be | ||||||
10 | disclosed
by subsection (a) of this Section and shall certify | ||||||
11 | such copy if so requested.
| ||||||
12 | (c) Requests for inspection or copies shall be made in | ||||||
13 | writing and directed to the public body. Written requests may | ||||||
14 | be submitted to a public body via personal delivery, mail, | ||||||
15 | telefax, or other means available to the public body. A public | ||||||
16 | body may honor oral requests for inspection or copying. A | ||||||
17 | public body may not require that a request be submitted on a | ||||||
18 | standard form or require the requester to specify the purpose | ||||||
19 | for a request, except to determine whether the records are | ||||||
20 | requested for a commercial purpose or whether to grant a | ||||||
21 | request for a fee waiver. All requests for inspection and | ||||||
22 | copying received by a public body shall immediately be | ||||||
23 | forwarded to its Freedom of Information officer or designee. | ||||||
24 | (d) Each public body shall, promptly, either comply with or | ||||||
25 | deny a
request for public records within 5 business days after | ||||||
26 | its receipt of the request, unless the time for response is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | properly extended under subsection (e) of this Section. Denial
| ||||||
2 | shall be in writing as provided in Section 9 of this Act. | ||||||
3 | Failure to comply with
a written request, extend the time for | ||||||
4 | response, or deny a request within 5 business days after its | ||||||
5 | receipt shall be considered a
denial of the request. A public | ||||||
6 | body that fails to respond to a request within the requisite | ||||||
7 | periods in this Section but thereafter provides the requester | ||||||
8 | with copies of the requested public records may not impose a | ||||||
9 | fee for such copies. A public body that fails to respond to a | ||||||
10 | request received may not treat the request as unduly burdensome | ||||||
11 | under subsection (g).
| ||||||
12 | (e) The time for response under this Section may be
| ||||||
13 | extended by the public body for not more than 5 business days | ||||||
14 | from the original due date for any
of the following reasons:
| ||||||
15 | (i) the requested records are stored in whole or in | ||||||
16 | part at other
than the office having charge of | ||||||
17 | the requested records;
| ||||||
18 | (ii) the request requires the collection of a | ||||||
19 | substantial number of
specified records;
| ||||||
20 | (iii) the request is couched in categorical terms and | ||||||
21 | requires an
search for the records responsive to | ||||||
22 | it;
| ||||||
23 | (iv) the requested records have not been located in the | ||||||
24 | course of routine
search and additional efforts are being | ||||||
25 | made to locate them;
| ||||||
26 | (v) the requested records require examination and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | evaluation by personnel
having the necessary competence | ||||||
2 | and discretion to determine if they are
exempt from | ||||||
3 | disclosure under Section 7 of this Act or should be | ||||||
4 | revealed
only with appropriate deletions;
| ||||||
5 | (vi) the request for records cannot be complied with by | ||||||
6 | the public body
within the time limits prescribed by | ||||||
7 | paragraph (c) of this Section without
unduly burdening or | ||||||
8 | interfering with the operations of the public body;
| ||||||
9 | (vii) there is a need for consultation, which shall be | ||||||
10 | conducted with all
practicable speed, with another public | ||||||
11 | body or among two or more components
of a public body | ||||||
12 | having a substantial interest in the determination or in
| ||||||
13 | the subject matter of the request.
| ||||||
14 | The person making a request and the public body may agree | ||||||
15 | in writing to extend the time for compliance for a period to be | ||||||
16 | determined by the parties. If the requester and the public body | ||||||
17 | agree to extend the period for compliance, a failure by the | ||||||
18 | public body to comply with any previous deadlines shall not be | ||||||
19 | treated as a denial of the request for the records. | ||||||
20 | (f) When additional time is required for any of the above | ||||||
21 | reasons, the
public body shall, within 5 business days after | ||||||
22 | receipt of the request, notify the person making the request of | ||||||
23 | the reasons
for the extension and the date by which the | ||||||
24 | response will be forthcoming. Failure to respond within the | ||||||
25 | time permitted for extension shall be considered a denial of | ||||||
26 | the request. A public body that fails to respond to a request |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | within the time permitted for extension but thereafter provides | ||||||
2 | the requester with copies of the requested public records may | ||||||
3 | not impose a fee for those copies. A public body that requests | ||||||
4 | an extension and subsequently fails to respond to the request | ||||||
5 | may not treat the request as unduly burdensome under subsection | ||||||
6 | (g).
| ||||||
7 | (g) Requests calling for all records falling within a | ||||||
8 | category shall be
complied with unless compliance with the | ||||||
9 | request would be unduly burdensome
for the complying public | ||||||
10 | body and there is no way to narrow the request and the
burden | ||||||
11 | on the public body outweighs the public interest in the | ||||||
12 | information.
Before invoking this exemption, the public body | ||||||
13 | shall extend to the person
making the request an opportunity to | ||||||
14 | confer with it in an attempt to reduce
the request to | ||||||
15 | manageable proportions. If any public body responds to a | ||||||
16 | categorical
request by stating that compliance would unduly | ||||||
17 | burden its operation and
the conditions described above are | ||||||
18 | met, it shall do so in writing, specifying
the reasons why it | ||||||
19 | would be unduly burdensome and the extent to which compliance
| ||||||
20 | will so burden the operations of the public body. Such a | ||||||
21 | response shall
be treated as a denial of the
request for | ||||||
22 | information. | ||||||
23 | Repeated requests from the same person for the same records | ||||||
24 | that are unchanged or identical to records previously provided | ||||||
25 | or properly denied under this Act shall be deemed unduly | ||||||
26 | burdensome under this provision.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (h) Each public body may promulgate rules and regulations | ||||||
2 | in conformity
with the provisions of this Section pertaining to | ||||||
3 | the availability of records
and procedures to be followed, | ||||||
4 | including:
| ||||||
5 | (i) the times and places where such records will be | ||||||
6 | made available, and
| ||||||
7 | (ii) the persons from whom such records may be | ||||||
8 | obtained.
| ||||||
9 | (i) The time periods for compliance or denial of a request | ||||||
10 | to inspect or copy records set out in this Section shall not | ||||||
11 | apply to requests for records made for a commercial purpose , | ||||||
12 | requests by a recurrent requester, or voluminous requests . Such | ||||||
13 | requests shall be subject to the provisions of Sections Section | ||||||
14 | 3.1 , 3.2, and 3.6 of this Act , as applicable . | ||||||
15 | (Source: P.A. 96-542, eff. 1-1-10.)
| ||||||
16 | (5 ILCS 140/3.6 new) | ||||||
17 | Sec. 3.6. Voluminous requests. | ||||||
18 | (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act to the | ||||||
19 | contrary, a public body shall respond to a voluminous request | ||||||
20 | within 5 business days after receipt. The response shall notify | ||||||
21 | the requester: (i) that the public body is treating the request | ||||||
22 | as a voluminous request; (ii) the reasons why the public body | ||||||
23 | is treating the request as a voluminous request; (iii) that the | ||||||
24 | requester must respond to the public body within 10 business | ||||||
25 | days after the public body's response was sent and specify |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | whether the requester would like to amend the request in such a | ||||||
2 | way that the public body will no longer treat the request as a | ||||||
3 | voluminous request; (iv) that if the requester does not respond | ||||||
4 | within 10 business days or if the request continues to be a | ||||||
5 | voluminous request following the requester's response, the | ||||||
6 | public body will respond to the request and assess any fees the | ||||||
7 | public body charges pursuant to Section 6 of this Act; (v) that | ||||||
8 | the public body has 5 business days after receipt of the | ||||||
9 | requester's response or 5 business days from the last day for | ||||||
10 | the requester to amend his or her request, whichever is sooner, | ||||||
11 | to respond to the request; (vi) that the public body may | ||||||
12 | request an additional 10 business days to comply with the | ||||||
13 | request; (vii) of the requester's right to review of the public | ||||||
14 | body's determination by the Public Access Counselor and provide | ||||||
15 | the address and phone number for the Public Access Counselor; | ||||||
16 | and (viii) that if the requester fails to accept or collect the | ||||||
17 | responsive records, the public body may still charge the | ||||||
18 | requester for its response pursuant to Section 6 of this Act | ||||||
19 | and the requester's failure to pay will be considered a debt | ||||||
20 | due and owing to the public body and may be collected in | ||||||
21 | accordance with applicable law. | ||||||
22 | (b) A public body shall provide a person making a | ||||||
23 | voluminous request 10 business days from the date the public | ||||||
24 | body's response pursuant to subsection (a) of this Section is | ||||||
25 | sent to amend the request in such a way that the public body | ||||||
26 | will no longer treat the request as a voluminous request. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) If a request continues to be a voluminous request | ||||||
2 | following the requester's response under subsection (b) of this | ||||||
3 | Section or the requester fails to respond, the public body | ||||||
4 | shall respond within the earlier of 5 business days after it | ||||||
5 | receives the response from the requester or 5 business days | ||||||
6 | after the final day for the requester to respond to the public | ||||||
7 | body's notification under this subsection. The response shall: | ||||||
8 | (i) provide an estimate of the fees to be charged, which the | ||||||
9 | public body may require the person to pay in full before | ||||||
10 | copying the requested documents; (ii) deny the request pursuant | ||||||
11 | to one or more of the exemptions set out in this Act; (iii) | ||||||
12 | notify the requester that the request is unduly burdensome and | ||||||
13 | extend an opportunity to the requester to attempt to reduce the | ||||||
14 | request to manageable proportions; or (iv) provide the records | ||||||
15 | requested. | ||||||
16 | (d) The time for response by the public body under | ||||||
17 | subsection (c) of this Section may be extended by the public | ||||||
18 | body for not more than 10 business days from the final day for | ||||||
19 | the requester to respond to the public body's notification | ||||||
20 | under subsection (c) of this Section for any of the reasons | ||||||
21 | provided in subsection (e) of Section 3 of this Act. | ||||||
22 | The person making a request and the public body may agree | ||||||
23 | in writing to extend the time for compliance for a period to be | ||||||
24 | determined by the parties. If the requester and the public body | ||||||
25 | agree to extend the period for compliance, a failure by the | ||||||
26 | public body to comply with any previous deadlines shall not be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | treated as a denial of the request for the records. | ||||||
2 | (e) If a requester does not pay a fee charged pursuant to | ||||||
3 | Section 6 of this Act for a voluminous request, the debt shall | ||||||
4 | be considered a debt due and owing to the public body and may | ||||||
5 | be collected in accordance with applicable law. This fee may be | ||||||
6 | charged by the public body even if the requester fails to | ||||||
7 | accept or collect records the public body has prepared in | ||||||
8 | response to a voluminous request.
| ||||||
9 | (5 ILCS 140/6) (from Ch. 116, par. 206)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 6. Authority to charge fees.
| ||||||
11 | (a) When a person requests a copy of a record maintained in | ||||||
12 | an electronic format, the public body shall furnish it in the | ||||||
13 | electronic format specified by the requester, if feasible. If | ||||||
14 | it is not feasible to furnish the public records in the | ||||||
15 | specified electronic format, then the public body shall furnish | ||||||
16 | it in the format in which it is maintained by the public body, | ||||||
17 | or in paper format at the option of the requester. A public | ||||||
18 | body may charge the requester for the actual cost of purchasing | ||||||
19 | the recording medium, whether disc, diskette, tape, or other | ||||||
20 | medium. If a request is not a request for a commercial purpose | ||||||
21 | or a voluminous request, a A public body may not charge the | ||||||
22 | requester for the costs of any search for and review of the | ||||||
23 | records or other personnel costs associated with reproducing | ||||||
24 | the records , except for commercial requests as provided in | ||||||
25 | subsection (f) of this Section . Except to the extent that the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | General Assembly expressly provides, statutory fees applicable | ||||||
2 | to copies of public records when furnished in a paper format | ||||||
3 | shall not be applicable to those records when furnished in an | ||||||
4 | electronic format. | ||||||
5 | (a-5) If a voluminous request is for electronic records and | ||||||
6 | those records are not in a portable document format (PDF), the | ||||||
7 | public body may charge up to $20 for not more than 2 megabytes | ||||||
8 | of data, up to $40 for more than 2 but not more than 4 megabytes | ||||||
9 | of data, and up to $100 for more than 4 megabytes of data. If a | ||||||
10 | voluminous request is for electronic records and those records | ||||||
11 | are in a portable document format, the public body may charge | ||||||
12 | up to $20 for not more than 80 megabytes of data, up to $40 for | ||||||
13 | more than 80 megabytes but not more than 160 megabytes of data, | ||||||
14 | and up to $100 for more than 160 megabytes of data. If the | ||||||
15 | responsive electronic records are in both a portable document | ||||||
16 | format and not in a portable document format, the public body | ||||||
17 | may separate the fees and charge the requester under both fee | ||||||
18 | scales. | ||||||
19 | If a public body imposes a fee pursuant to this subsection | ||||||
20 | (a-5), it must provide the requester with an accounting of all | ||||||
21 | fees, costs, and personnel hours in connection with the request | ||||||
22 | for public records. | ||||||
23 | (b) Except when a fee is otherwise fixed by statute, each | ||||||
24 | public body may charge fees
calculated to
| ||||||
25 | its actual cost for reproducing and certifying public records | ||||||
26 | and for the
use, by any person, of the equipment of the public |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | body to copy records. No fees shall be charged for the first 50 | ||||||
2 | pages of black and white, letter or legal sized copies | ||||||
3 | requested by a requester. The fee for black and white, letter | ||||||
4 | or legal sized copies shall not exceed 15 cents per page. If a | ||||||
5 | public body provides copies in color or in a size other than | ||||||
6 | letter or legal, the public body may not charge more than its | ||||||
7 | actual cost for reproducing the records.
In calculating its | ||||||
8 | actual cost for reproducing records or for the use of the | ||||||
9 | equipment of the public body to reproduce records, a public | ||||||
10 | body shall not include the costs of any search for and review | ||||||
11 | of the records or other personnel costs associated with | ||||||
12 | reproducing the records, except for commercial requests as | ||||||
13 | provided in subsection (f) of this Section. Such fees shall be | ||||||
14 | imposed
according to a standard scale of fees, established and | ||||||
15 | made public by the
body imposing them. The cost for certifying | ||||||
16 | a record shall not exceed $1.
| ||||||
17 | (c) Documents shall be furnished without charge or at a | ||||||
18 | reduced
charge, as determined by the public body, if the person | ||||||
19 | requesting the
documents states the specific purpose for the | ||||||
20 | request and indicates that a
waiver or reduction of the fee is | ||||||
21 | in the public interest. Waiver or
reduction of the fee is in | ||||||
22 | the public interest if the principal purpose of
the request is | ||||||
23 | to access and disseminate information regarding the health,
| ||||||
24 | safety and welfare or the legal rights of the general public | ||||||
25 | and is not for
the principal purpose of personal or commercial | ||||||
26 | benefit.
For purposes of this subsection, "commercial benefit" |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall not apply to
made by news media when the | ||||||
2 | principal purpose of the request is to access and
disseminate | ||||||
3 | information regarding the health, safety, and welfare or the | ||||||
4 | legal
rights of the general public.
In setting the
amount of | ||||||
5 | the waiver or reduction, the public body may take into
| ||||||
6 | consideration the amount of materials requested and the cost of | ||||||
7 | copying
| ||||||
8 | (d) The imposition of a fee not consistent with subsections
| ||||||
9 | (6)(a) and (b) of this Act constitutes a denial of access to | ||||||
10 | public
records for the purposes of judicial review.
| ||||||
11 | (e) The fee for each abstract of a driver's record shall be | ||||||
12 | as provided
in Section 6-118 of "The Illinois Vehicle Code", | ||||||
13 | approved September 29,
1969, as amended, whether furnished as a | ||||||
14 | paper copy or as an electronic copy.
| ||||||
15 | (f) A public body may charge up to $10 for each hour spent | ||||||
16 | by personnel in searching for and retrieving a requested record | ||||||
17 | or examining the record for necessary redactions . No fees shall | ||||||
18 | be charged for the first 8 hours spent by personnel in | ||||||
19 | searching for or retrieving a requested record. A public body | ||||||
20 | may charge the actual cost of retrieving and transporting | ||||||
21 | public records from an off-site storage facility when the | ||||||
22 | public records are maintained by a third-party storage company | ||||||
23 | under contract with the public body. If a public body imposes a | ||||||
24 | fee pursuant to this subsection (f), it must provide the | ||||||
25 | requester with an accounting of all fees, costs, and personnel | ||||||
26 | hours in connection with the request for public records. The |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | provisions of this subsection (f) apply only to commercial | ||||||
2 | requests. | ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 96-542, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; | ||||||
4 | 97-579, eff. 8-26-11.)
| ||||||
5 | (5 ILCS 140/8.5 new) | ||||||
6 | Sec. 8.5. Records maintained online. | ||||||
7 | (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act to the | ||||||
8 | contrary, a public body is not required to copy a public record | ||||||
9 | that is published on the public body's website. The public body | ||||||
10 | shall notify the requester that the public record is available | ||||||
11 | online and direct the requester to the website where the record | ||||||
12 | can be reasonably accessed. | ||||||
13 | (b) If the person requesting the public record is unable to | ||||||
14 | reasonably access the record online after being directed to the | ||||||
15 | website pursuant to subsection (a) of this Section, the | ||||||
16 | requester may re-submit his or her request for the record | ||||||
17 | stating his or her inability to reasonably access the record | ||||||
18 | online, and the public body shall make the requested record | ||||||
19 | available for inspection or copying as provided in Section 3 of | ||||||
20 | this Act. | ||||||
21 | (5 ILCS 140/9.5) | ||||||
22 | Sec. 9.5. Public Access Counselor; opinions. | ||||||
23 | (a) A person whose request to inspect or copy a public | ||||||
24 | record is denied by a public body, except the General Assembly |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and committees, commissions, and agencies thereof, may file a | ||||||
2 | request for review with the Public Access Counselor established | ||||||
3 | in the Office of the Attorney General not later than 60 days | ||||||
4 | after the date of the final denial. The request for review must | ||||||
5 | be in writing, signed by the requester, and include (i) a copy | ||||||
6 | of the request for access to records and (ii) any responses | ||||||
7 | from the public body. | ||||||
8 | (b) A person whose request to inspect or copy a public | ||||||
9 | record is made for a commercial purpose as defined in | ||||||
10 | subsection (c-10) of Section 2 of this Act may not file a | ||||||
11 | request for review with the Public Access Counselor. A person | ||||||
12 | whose request to inspect or copy a public record was treated by | ||||||
13 | the public body as a request for a commercial purpose under | ||||||
14 | Section 3.1 of this Act may file a request for review with the | ||||||
15 | Public Access Counselor for the limited purpose of reviewing | ||||||
16 | whether the public body properly determined that the request | ||||||
17 | was made for a commercial purpose. | ||||||
18 | (b-5) A person whose request to inspect or copy a public | ||||||
19 | record was treated by a public body, except the General | ||||||
20 | Assembly and committees, commissions, and agencies thereof, as | ||||||
21 | a voluminous request under Section 3.6 of this Act may file a | ||||||
22 | request for review with the Public Access Counselor for the | ||||||
23 | purpose of reviewing whether the public body properly | ||||||
24 | determined that the request was a voluminous request. | ||||||
25 | (c) Upon receipt of a request for review, the Public Access | ||||||
26 | Counselor shall determine whether further action is warranted. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | If the Public Access Counselor determines that the alleged | ||||||
2 | violation is unfounded, he or she shall so advise the requester | ||||||
3 | and the public body and no further action shall be undertaken. | ||||||
4 | In all other cases, the Public Access Counselor shall forward a | ||||||
5 | copy of the request for review to the public body within 7 | ||||||
6 | business days after receipt and shall specify the records or | ||||||
7 | other documents that the public body shall furnish to | ||||||
8 | facilitate the review. Within 7 business days after receipt of | ||||||
9 | the request for review, the public body shall provide copies of | ||||||
10 | records requested and shall otherwise fully cooperate with the | ||||||
11 | Public Access Counselor. If a public body fails to furnish | ||||||
12 | specified records pursuant to this Section, or if otherwise | ||||||
13 | necessary, the Attorney General may issue a subpoena to any | ||||||
14 | person or public body having knowledge of or records pertaining | ||||||
15 | to a request for review of a denial of access to records under | ||||||
16 | the Act. To the extent that records or documents produced by a | ||||||
17 | public body contain information that is claimed to be exempt | ||||||
18 | from disclosure under Section 7 of this Act, the Public Access | ||||||
19 | Counselor shall not further disclose that information. | ||||||
20 | (d) Within 7 business days after it receives a copy of a | ||||||
21 | request for review and request for production of records from | ||||||
22 | the Public Access Counselor, the public body may, but is not | ||||||
23 | required to, answer the allegations of the request for review. | ||||||
24 | The answer may take the form of a letter, brief, or memorandum. | ||||||
25 | The Public Access Counselor shall forward a copy of the answer | ||||||
26 | to the person submitting the request for review, with any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | alleged confidential information to which the request pertains | ||||||
2 | redacted from the copy. The requester may, but is not required | ||||||
3 | to, respond in writing to the answer within 7 business days and | ||||||
4 | shall provide a copy of the response to the public body. | ||||||
5 | (e) In addition to the request for review, and the answer | ||||||
6 | and the response thereto, if any, a requester or a public body | ||||||
7 | may furnish affidavits or records concerning any matter germane | ||||||
8 | to the review. | ||||||
9 | (f) Unless the Public Access Counselor extends the time by | ||||||
10 | no more than 30 business days by sending written notice to the | ||||||
11 | requester and the public body that includes a statement of the | ||||||
12 | reasons for the extension in the notice, or decides to address | ||||||
13 | the matter without the issuance of a binding opinion, the | ||||||
14 | Attorney General shall examine the issues and the records, | ||||||
15 | shall make findings of fact and conclusions of law, and shall | ||||||
16 | issue to the requester and the public body an opinion in | ||||||
17 | response to the request for review within 60 days after its | ||||||
18 | receipt. The opinion shall be binding upon both the requester | ||||||
19 | and the public body, subject to administrative review under | ||||||
20 | Section 11.5. | ||||||
21 | In responding to any request under this Section 9.5, the | ||||||
22 | Attorney General may exercise his or her discretion and choose | ||||||
23 | to resolve a request for review by mediation or by a means | ||||||
24 | other than the issuance of a binding opinion. The decision not | ||||||
25 | to issue a binding opinion shall not be reviewable. | ||||||
26 | Upon receipt of a binding opinion concluding that a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | violation of this Act has occurred, the public body shall | ||||||
2 | either take necessary action immediately to comply with the | ||||||
3 | directive of the opinion or shall initiate administrative | ||||||
4 | review under Section 11.5. If the opinion concludes that no | ||||||
5 | violation of the Act has occurred, the requester may initiate | ||||||
6 | administrative review under Section 11.5. | ||||||
7 | A public body that discloses records in accordance with an | ||||||
8 | opinion of the Attorney General is immune from all liabilities | ||||||
9 | by reason thereof and shall not be liable for penalties under | ||||||
10 | this Act. | ||||||
11 | (g) If the requester files suit under Section 11 with | ||||||
12 | respect to the same denial that is the subject of a pending | ||||||
13 | request for review, the requester shall notify the Public | ||||||
14 | Access Counselor, and the Public Access Counselor shall take no | ||||||
15 | further action with respect to the request for review and shall | ||||||
16 | so notify the public body. | ||||||
17 | (h) The Attorney General may also issue advisory opinions | ||||||
18 | to public bodies regarding compliance with this Act. A review | ||||||
19 | may be initiated upon receipt of a written request from the | ||||||
20 | head of the public body or its attorney, which shall contain | ||||||
21 | sufficient accurate facts from which a determination can be | ||||||
22 | made. The Public Access Counselor may request additional | ||||||
23 | information from the public body in order to assist in the | ||||||
24 | review. A public body that relies in good faith on an advisory | ||||||
25 | opinion of the Attorney General in responding to a request is | ||||||
26 | not liable for penalties under this Act, so long as the facts |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | upon which the opinion is based have been fully and fairly | ||||||
2 | disclosed to the Public Access Counselor.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 96-542, eff. 1-1-10; 97-579, eff. 8-26-11.)
| ||||||
4 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
5 | becoming law.".