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1 | AN ACT concerning revenue.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Section 909 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (35 ILCS 5/909) (from Ch. 120, par. 9-909)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 909. Credits and Refunds.
| ||||||
8 | (a) In general. In the case of any overpayment, the | ||||||
9 | Department, within the applicable period of limitations for a | ||||||
10 | claim for refund, may
credit the amount of such overpayment, | ||||||
11 | including any interest allowed
thereon, against any liability | ||||||
12 | in respect of the tax imposed by this Act,
regardless of | ||||||
13 | whether other collection remedies are closed to the
Department | ||||||
14 | on the part of the person who made the overpayment and shall
| ||||||
15 | refund any balance to such person or credit any balance to that | ||||||
16 | person pursuant to an election under subsection (b) of this | ||||||
17 | Section .
| ||||||
18 | (b) Credits against estimated tax. The Department shall may
| ||||||
19 | prescribe regulations providing for a taxpayer election on an | ||||||
20 | original return, an amended return, or otherwise for the | ||||||
21 | crediting against the estimated tax
for any taxable year of the | ||||||
22 | amount determined by the taxpayer or the
Department to be an | ||||||
23 | overpayment of the tax imposed by this Act for a
preceding |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | taxable year.
| ||||||
2 | (c) Interest on overpayment. Interest shall be allowed and | ||||||
3 | paid at the
rate and in the manner prescribed in Section 3-2 of | ||||||
4 | the Uniform Penalty and
Interest Act upon any overpayment in | ||||||
5 | respect of the tax imposed by this
Act. For purposes of this | ||||||
6 | subsection, no amount of tax, for any taxable
year, shall be | ||||||
7 | treated as having been paid before the date on which the tax
| ||||||
8 | return for such year was due under Section 505, without regard | ||||||
9 | to any
extension of the time for filing such return.
| ||||||
10 | (d) Refund claim. Every claim for refund shall be filed | ||||||
11 | with the
Department in writing in such form as the Department | ||||||
12 | may by regulations
prescribe, and shall state the specific | ||||||
13 | grounds upon which it is founded.
| ||||||
14 | (e) Notice of denial. As soon as practicable after a claim | ||||||
15 | for refund
is filed, the Department shall examine it and either | ||||||
16 | issue a notice of
refund, abatement or credit to the claimant | ||||||
17 | or issue a notice of denial.
If the Department has failed to | ||||||
18 | approve or deny the claim before the
expiration of 6 months | ||||||
19 | from the date the claim was filed, the claimant may
| ||||||
20 | nevertheless thereafter file with the Department a written | ||||||
21 | protest in such
form as the Department may by regulation | ||||||
22 | prescribe, provided that, on or after July 1, 2013, protests | ||||||
23 | concerning matters that are subject to the jurisdiction of the | ||||||
24 | Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal shall be filed with the | ||||||
25 | Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal and not with the Department. | ||||||
26 | If the protest is subject to the jurisdiction of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department,
the Department shall consider the claim and, if the | ||||||
2 | taxpayer has so
requested, shall grant the taxpayer or the | ||||||
3 | taxpayer's authorized
representative a hearing within 6 months | ||||||
4 | after the date such request is filed.
| ||||||
5 | On and after July 1, 2013, if the protest would otherwise | ||||||
6 | be subject to the jurisdiction of the Illinois Independent Tax | ||||||
7 | Tribunal, the claimant may elect to treat the Department's | ||||||
8 | non-action as a denial of the claim by filing a petition to | ||||||
9 | review the Department's administrative decision with the | ||||||
10 | Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal, as provided by Section 910. | ||||||
11 | (f) Effect of denial. A denial of a claim for refund | ||||||
12 | becomes final 60
days after the date of issuance of the notice | ||||||
13 | of such denial except for
such amounts denied as to which the | ||||||
14 | claimant has filed a protest with the
Department or a petition | ||||||
15 | with the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal, as provided by | ||||||
16 | Section 910.
| ||||||
17 | (g) An overpayment of tax shown on the face of an unsigned | ||||||
18 | return
shall be considered forfeited to the State if after | ||||||
19 | notice and demand for
signature by the Department the taxpayer | ||||||
20 | fails to provide a signature and 3
years have passed from the | ||||||
21 | date the return was filed.
An overpayment of tax refunded to a | ||||||
22 | taxpayer whose return was filed
electronically shall be | ||||||
23 | considered an erroneous refund under Section 912 of
this Act | ||||||
24 | if, after proper notice and demand by the
Department, the | ||||||
25 | taxpayer fails to provide a required signature document.
A | ||||||
26 | notice and demand for signature in the case of a return |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | reflecting an
overpayment may be made by first class mail. This | ||||||
2 | subsection (g) shall apply
to all returns filed pursuant to | ||||||
3 | this Act since 1969.
| ||||||
4 | (h) This amendatory Act of 1983 applies to returns and | ||||||
5 | claims for
refunds filed with the Department on and after July | ||||||
6 | 1, 1983.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 97-507, eff. 8-23-11; 97-1129, eff. 8-28-12; | ||||||
8 | 98-463, eff. 8-16-13.)