Sen. Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant
Filed: 3/21/2014
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2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 3310, AS AMENDED, | ||||||
3 | by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the | ||||||
4 | following:
| ||||||
5 | "Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Sections | ||||||
6 | 10-20.36 and 10-22.39 as follows:
| ||||||
7 | (105 ILCS 5/10-20.36)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 10-20.36. Psychotropic or psychostimulant medication;
| ||||||
9 | disciplinary
| ||||||
10 | (a) In this Section:
| ||||||
11 | "Psychostimulant medication" means medication that | ||||||
12 | produces increased
levels of mental and physical energy and | ||||||
13 | alertness and an elevated mood
by stimulating the central | ||||||
14 | nervous system.
| ||||||
15 | "Psychotropic medication" means psychotropic medication as
| ||||||
16 | defined in Section 1-121.1 of the Mental Health and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Developmental
Disabilities Code.
| ||||||
2 | (b) Each school
must adopt and implement a policy | ||||||
3 | that prohibits any disciplinary action
that is based totally or | ||||||
4 | in part on the refusal of a student's parent or
guardian to | ||||||
5 | administer or consent to the administration of
psychotropic or | ||||||
6 | psychostimulant medication to the student.
| ||||||
7 | The policy must require that , at least once every 2 years, | ||||||
8 | the in-service
training of certified school personnel and | ||||||
9 | administrators include training
on current best practices | ||||||
10 | regarding the identification and treatment of
attention | ||||||
11 | deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, | ||||||
12 | the
application of non-aversive behavioral interventions in | ||||||
13 | the school
environment, and the use of psychotropic or | ||||||
14 | psychostimulant medication for
school-age children.
| ||||||
15 | (c) This Section does not prohibit school medical staff, an
| ||||||
16 | individualized educational program team, or a professional | ||||||
17 | worker (as defined
in Section 14-1.10 of this Code)
from | ||||||
18 | recommending that a
student be evaluated by an appropriate | ||||||
19 | medical practitioner or prohibit
school personnel from | ||||||
20 | consulting with the practitioner with the consent
of the | ||||||
21 | student's parents or guardian.
| ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
| ||||||
23 | (105 ILCS 5/10-22.39)
| ||||||
24 | Sec. 10-22.39. In-service training programs. | ||||||
25 | (a) To conduct in-service training programs for teachers. |
| |||||||
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1 | (b) In addition to
other topics at in-service training
| ||||||
2 | programs, school guidance counselors, teachers, school social | ||||||
3 | workers, and
other school personnel who work with pupils in | ||||||
4 | grades 7 through 12 shall be
trained to identify the warning | ||||||
5 | signs of mental illness and suicidal behavior in adolescents
| ||||||
6 | and teens and shall be taught appropriate intervention and | ||||||
7 | referral techniques.
| ||||||
8 | (c) (Blank). School guidance counselors, nurses, teachers | ||||||
9 | and other school personnel
who work with pupils may be trained | ||||||
10 | to have a basic knowledge of matters
relating to acquired | ||||||
11 | immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), including the nature
of the | ||||||
12 | disease, its causes and effects, the means of detecting it and
| ||||||
13 | preventing its transmission, and the availability of | ||||||
14 | appropriate sources of
counseling and referral, and any other | ||||||
15 | information that may be appropriate
considering the age and | ||||||
16 | grade level of such pupils. The School Board shall
supervise | ||||||
17 | such training. The State Board of Education and the Department
| ||||||
18 | of Public Health shall jointly develop standards for such | ||||||
19 | training.
| ||||||
20 | (d) In this subsection (d): | ||||||
21 | "Domestic violence" means abuse by a family or household | ||||||
22 | member, as "abuse" and "family or household members" are | ||||||
23 | defined in Section 103 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of | ||||||
24 | 1986. | ||||||
25 | "Sexual violence" means sexual assault, abuse, or stalking | ||||||
26 | of an adult or minor child proscribed in the Criminal Code of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 in Sections 11-1.20, 11-1.30, | ||||||
2 | 11-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, 12-7.3, 12-7.4, 12-7.5, 12-12, | ||||||
3 | 12-13, 12-14, 12-14.1, 12-15, and 12-16, including sexual | ||||||
4 | violence committed by perpetrators who are strangers to the | ||||||
5 | victim and sexual violence committed by perpetrators who are | ||||||
6 | known or related by blood or marriage to the victim. | ||||||
7 | An At least once every 2 years, an in-service training | ||||||
8 | program for school personnel who work with pupils, including, | ||||||
9 | but not limited to, school and school district administrators, | ||||||
10 | teachers, school guidance counselors, school social workers, | ||||||
11 | school counselors, school psychologists, and school nurses, | ||||||
12 | must be conducted by persons with expertise in domestic and | ||||||
13 | sexual violence and the needs of expectant and parenting youth | ||||||
14 | and shall include training concerning (i) communicating with | ||||||
15 | and listening to youth victims of domestic or sexual violence | ||||||
16 | and expectant and parenting youth, (ii) connecting youth | ||||||
17 | victims of domestic or sexual violence and expectant and | ||||||
18 | parenting youth to appropriate in-school services and other | ||||||
19 | agencies, programs, and services as needed, and (iii) | ||||||
20 | implementing the school district's policies, procedures, and | ||||||
21 | protocols with regard to such youth, including | ||||||
22 | confidentiality. At a minimum, school personnel must be trained | ||||||
23 | to understand, provide information and referrals, and address | ||||||
24 | issues pertaining to youth who are parents, expectant parents, | ||||||
25 | or victims of domestic or sexual violence.
This training is | ||||||
26 | required only upon employment of a person, the renewal of a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | person's license, or a change to a person's job duties that | ||||||
2 | would require this training. | ||||||
3 | (e) At least every 2 years, an in-service training program | ||||||
4 | for school personnel who work with pupils must be conducted by | ||||||
5 | persons with expertise in anaphylactic reactions and | ||||||
6 | management.
| ||||||
7 | (f) At least once every 2 years, a school board shall | ||||||
8 | conduct in-service training on educator ethics, | ||||||
9 | teacher-student conduct, and school employee-student conduct | ||||||
10 | for all personnel. | ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13; 98-471, eff. 1-1-14.)
| ||||||
12 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, | ||||||
13 | 2014.".