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2 | WHEREAS, Governor Rauner has called for a bold, pragmatic | ||||||
3 | new approach to criminal justice, correctly noting that our | ||||||
4 | prison system is significantly overcrowded and the corrections | ||||||
5 | budget is far too large; and
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6 | WHEREAS, Governor Rauner has created the Illinois State | ||||||
7 | Commission on Criminal Justice and Sentencing Reform to | ||||||
8 | deliberate on the most fundamental questions of criminal | ||||||
9 | justice policy, with a mandate to provide recommendations to | ||||||
10 | the General Assembly by December of 2015; and
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11 | WHEREAS, Governor Rauner's Executive Order establishing | ||||||
12 | the Commission reaffirmed that, under Article I, Section 11 of | ||||||
13 | the Illinois Constitution, sentencing statutes must embrace | ||||||
14 | the twin goals of prescribing penalties commensurate with the | ||||||
15 | seriousness of the offense and restoring offenders to useful | ||||||
16 | citizenship; and
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17 | WHEREAS, The Commission's task is to reduce the State's | ||||||
18 | prison population by 25% over the next 10 years, from the | ||||||
19 | current 49,000 prisoners to a more manageable 35,000 prisoners; | ||||||
20 | and
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21 | WHEREAS, The growth of the prison population to such |
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1 | unsustainable figures stems from several factors, including 2 | ||||||
2 | policy decisions by previous General Assemblies: the abolition | ||||||
3 | of parole in 1979 and the elimination in 1998 of the ability to | ||||||
4 | earn good conduct credit in prison for a large number of | ||||||
5 | offenses, which triggered far lengthier sentences for inmates | ||||||
6 | than had previously been the case; and
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7 | WHEREAS, The lack of any sentence review by a parole board | ||||||
8 | or a judge for inmates sentenced after 1979 has left thousands | ||||||
9 | of prisoners who no longer pose any threat to public safety and | ||||||
10 | are truly remorseful for their crimes stuck in prison at | ||||||
11 | tremendous taxpayer cost; and
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12 | WHEREAS, The elimination of the ability to earn good | ||||||
13 | conduct in prison for a large number of offenses effectively | ||||||
14 | doubled the sentences for those offenses, creating a major cost | ||||||
15 | driver for taxpayers; and
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16 | WHEREAS, In order to bring our prison capacity and the | ||||||
17 | Illinois Department of Corrections budget under control, we as | ||||||
18 | a State must find a safe, reasonable, and intelligent method to | ||||||
19 | release some prisoners earlier than their original sentence | ||||||
20 | length that considers their changed circumstances and remorse, | ||||||
21 | as well as the impact on victims and communities, while | ||||||
22 | allowing for healing and reconciliation whenever possible; and
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1 | WHEREAS, Illinois' large prison population forces | ||||||
2 | difficult budgetary decisions, including the reduction of | ||||||
3 | programs that facilitate rehabilitation; and | ||||||
4 | WHEREAS, Rehabilitation is possible for offenders, | ||||||
5 | particularly youthful offenders and offenders who receive | ||||||
6 | educational programming; and | ||||||
7 | WHEREAS, Without some sort of sentence review process | ||||||
8 | implemented, Illinois will not be able to meet the Governor's | ||||||
9 | visionary and pragmatic goal of reducing our prison population | ||||||
10 | by 25% over the next 10 years; therefore, be it
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13 | congratulate Governor Rauner on his leadership and vision in | ||||||
14 | criminal justice reform; and be it further
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15 | RESOLVED, That we call upon the members of the Illinois | ||||||
16 | State Commission on Criminal Justice and Sentencing Reform to | ||||||
17 | deliberate and develop a 21st century method of implementing a | ||||||
18 | sentencing review regime that alleviates taxpayers of the | ||||||
19 | burden of housing and feeding inmates that no longer pose any | ||||||
20 | threat to public safety and are truly remorseful for their | ||||||
21 | crimes; and be it further |
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1 | RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | ||||||
2 | delivered to the Governor and the members of the Illinois State | ||||||
3 | Commission on Criminal Justice and Sentencing Reform.