Sen. Don Harmon
Filed: 3/23/2015
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2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 874 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The Property Tax Code is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Sections 22-5 and 22-40 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (35 ILCS 200/22-5)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 22-5. Notice of sale and redemption rights. In order | ||||||
8 | to be
entitled to a tax deed, within 4 months and 15 days after | ||||||
9 | any
sale held under this Code, the purchaser
or his or her | ||||||
10 | assignee shall deliver to the county clerk a notice
to be given | ||||||
11 | to the party in whose name the taxes are last assessed as
shown | ||||||
12 | by the most recent tax collector's warrant books, in at least | ||||||
13 | 10
point type in the following form completely filled in:
| ||||||
| ||||||
15 | County of ...............................................
| ||||||
16 | Date Premises Sold ......................................
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Certificate No. .........................................
| ||||||
2 | Sold for General Taxes of (year) ........................
| ||||||
3 | Sold for Special Assessment of (Municipality)
| ||||||
4 | and special assessment number ...........................
| ||||||
5 | Warrant No. ............... Inst. No. .................
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
8 | Property located at .........................................
| ||||||
9 | Legal Description or Property Index No. .....................
| ||||||
10 | .............................................................
| ||||||
11 | .............................................................
| ||||||
12 | This notice is to advise you that the above property has | ||||||
13 | been
sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of | ||||||
14 | redemption from
the sale will expire on ....................*
| ||||||
15 | This notice is also to advise you that a petition will be | ||||||
16 | filed for a
tax deed which will transfer title and the right to | ||||||
17 | possession of this
property if redemption is not made on or | ||||||
18 | before .....................................................*
| ||||||
19 | At the date of this notice the total amount which you must | ||||||
20 | pay in order
to redeem the above property is ................
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
23 | Redemption can be made at any time on or before .... * by | ||||||
24 | applying to
the County Clerk of .... County, Illinois at the | ||||||
25 | Office of the County Clerk in
...., Illinois.
| ||||||
26 | The above amount is subject to increase at 6 month |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | intervals from the
date of sale. Check with the county clerk as | ||||||
2 | to the exact amount you owe
before redeeming. Payment must be | ||||||
3 | made by certified check, cashier's check,
money order, or in | ||||||
4 | cash.
| ||||||
5 | For further information contact the County Clerk
| ||||||
6 | ADDRESS:............................
| ||||||
7 | TELEPHONE:..........................
| ||||||
8 | ...............................
| ||||||
9 | Purchaser or Assignee
| ||||||
10 | Dated (insert date).
| ||||||
11 | * If this date is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the time to | ||||||
12 | redeem shall automatically be extended to the next day the | ||||||
13 | office of the county clerk is open to the public for business.
| ||||||
14 | Within 10 days after receipt of said notice, the county | ||||||
15 | clerk shall mail
to the addresses supplied by the purchaser or | ||||||
16 | assignee, by registered or
certified mail, copies of said | ||||||
17 | notice to the party in whose name the taxes
are last assessed | ||||||
18 | as shown by the most recent tax collector's warrant books.
The | ||||||
19 | purchaser or assignee shall pay to the clerk postage plus the | ||||||
20 | sum of $10.
The clerk shall write or stamp the date of | ||||||
21 | receiving the notices upon the
copies of the notices, and | ||||||
22 | retain one copy.
| ||||||
23 | The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of | ||||||
24 | the 97th General Assembly apply only to tax sales that occur on |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th | ||||||
2 | General Assembly. | ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 97-557, eff. 7-1-12 .)
| ||||||
4 | (35 ILCS 200/22-40)
| ||||||
5 | (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 98-1162 )
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 22-40. Issuance of deed; possession.
| ||||||
7 | (a) If the redemption period expires
and the property has | ||||||
8 | not been redeemed and all taxes and special assessments
which | ||||||
9 | became due and payable subsequent to the sale have been paid | ||||||
10 | and all
forfeitures and sales which occur subsequent to the | ||||||
11 | sale have been redeemed and
the notices required by law have | ||||||
12 | been given and all advancements of public
funds under the | ||||||
13 | police power made by a city, village or town under Section
| ||||||
14 | 22-35 have been paid and the petitioner has complied with all | ||||||
15 | the provisions of
law entitling him or her to a deed, the court | ||||||
16 | shall so find and shall enter an
order directing the county | ||||||
17 | clerk on the production of the certificate of
purchase and a | ||||||
18 | certified copy of the order, to issue to the purchaser or his | ||||||
19 | or
her assignee a tax deed. The court shall insist on | ||||||
20 | substantial compliance with Section 22-5 and strict compliance | ||||||
21 | with
Section 22-10 through 22-25. In the event a current or | ||||||
22 | former owner of the property alleges and the court finds that | ||||||
23 | the tax purchaser failed to substantially comply with Section | ||||||
24 | 22-5, the court shall presume the owner was prejudiced by the | ||||||
25 | error contained in the notice. Prior to the entry of an order |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | directing the
issuance of a tax deed, the petitioner shall | ||||||
2 | furnish the court with a report of
proceedings of the evidence | ||||||
3 | received on the application for tax deed and the
report of | ||||||
4 | proceedings shall be filed and made a part of the court record.
| ||||||
5 | (b) If taxes for years prior to the year or years sold are | ||||||
6 | or become
delinquent subsequent to the date of sale, the court | ||||||
7 | shall find
that the lien of those delinquent taxes has been or | ||||||
8 | will be merged into the tax
deed grantee's title if the court | ||||||
9 | determines that
the tax deed grantee or any prior holder of the | ||||||
10 | certificate of purchase, or
person or entity under common | ||||||
11 | ownership or control with any such grantee or
prior holder of | ||||||
12 | the certificate of purchase, was at no time the holder of any
| ||||||
13 | certificate of purchase for the years sought to be merged.
If | ||||||
14 | delinquent taxes are merged into the tax deed pursuant to this | ||||||
15 | subsection,
the court shall enter an order declaring which | ||||||
16 | specific taxes have been or
be merged into the tax deed | ||||||
17 | title and directing the county treasurer and county
clerk to | ||||||
18 | reflect that declaration in the warrant and judgment records;
| ||||||
19 | provided,
that no such order shall be effective until a tax | ||||||
20 | deed has been issued and
timely recorded. Nothing contained in | ||||||
21 | this Section shall relieve any owner
liable for delinquent | ||||||
22 | property taxes under this Code from the payment of the
taxes | ||||||
23 | that have been merged into the title upon issuance of the tax | ||||||
24 | deed.
| ||||||
25 | (c) The county clerk is entitled to a fee of $10 in | ||||||
26 | counties of
3,000,000 or more
inhabitants and $5 in counties |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants for the
issuance of the | ||||||
2 | tax deed. The clerk may not include in a tax deed more than
one | ||||||
3 | property as listed, assessed and sold in one description, | ||||||
4 | except in cases
where several properties are owned by one | ||||||
5 | person.
| ||||||
6 | Upon application the court shall, enter an order to place | ||||||
7 | the tax deed
grantee or the grantee's successor in interest in | ||||||
8 | possession of the property and may enter orders and grant | ||||||
9 | relief as
may be necessary or desirable to maintain the grantee | ||||||
10 | or the grantee's successor in interest in possession.
| ||||||
11 | (d) The court shall retain jurisdiction to enter orders | ||||||
12 | pursuant to
subsections (b) and (c) of this Section. This | ||||||
13 | amendatory Act of the 92nd
General Assembly and this amendatory | ||||||
14 | Act of the 95th General Assembly shall be construed as being | ||||||
15 | declarative of existing law
and not as a new enactment.
| ||||||
16 | (e) The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act | ||||||
17 | of the 99th General Assembly apply only to tax sales that occur | ||||||
18 | on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
19 | 99th General Assembly. | ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 95-477, eff. 6-1-08 .)
| ||||||
21 | (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 98-1162 )
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 22-40. Issuance of deed; possession.
| ||||||
23 | (a) If the redemption period expires
and the property has | ||||||
24 | not been redeemed and all taxes and special assessments
which | ||||||
25 | became due and payable subsequent to the sale have been paid |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and all
forfeitures and sales which occur subsequent to the | ||||||
2 | sale have been redeemed and
the notices required by law have | ||||||
3 | been given and all advancements of public
funds under the | ||||||
4 | police power made by a county, city, village or town under | ||||||
5 | Section
22-35 have been paid and the petitioner has complied | ||||||
6 | with all the provisions of
law entitling him or her to a deed, | ||||||
7 | the court shall so find and shall enter an
order directing the | ||||||
8 | county clerk on the production of the certificate of
purchase | ||||||
9 | and a certified copy of the order, to issue to the purchaser or | ||||||
10 | his or
her assignee a tax deed. The court shall insist on | ||||||
11 | substantial compliance with Section 22-5 and strict compliance | ||||||
12 | with
Section 22-10 through 22-25. In the event a current or | ||||||
13 | former owner of the property alleges and the court finds that | ||||||
14 | the tax purchaser failed to substantially comply with Section | ||||||
15 | 22-5, the court shall presume the owner was prejudiced by the | ||||||
16 | error contained in the notice. Prior to the entry of an order | ||||||
17 | directing the
issuance of a tax deed, the petitioner shall | ||||||
18 | furnish the court with a report of
proceedings of the evidence | ||||||
19 | received on the application for tax deed and the
report of | ||||||
20 | proceedings shall be filed and made a part of the court record.
| ||||||
21 | (b) If taxes for years prior to the year or years sold are | ||||||
22 | or become
delinquent subsequent to the date of sale, the court | ||||||
23 | shall find
that the lien of those delinquent taxes has been or | ||||||
24 | will be merged into the tax
deed grantee's title if the court | ||||||
25 | determines that
the tax deed grantee or any prior holder of the | ||||||
26 | certificate of purchase, or
person or entity under common |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | ownership or control with any such grantee or
prior holder of | ||||||
2 | the certificate of purchase, was at no time the holder of any
| ||||||
3 | certificate of purchase for the years sought to be merged.
If | ||||||
4 | delinquent taxes are merged into the tax deed pursuant to this | ||||||
5 | subsection,
the court shall enter an order declaring which | ||||||
6 | specific taxes have been or
be merged into the tax deed | ||||||
7 | title and directing the county treasurer and county
clerk to | ||||||
8 | reflect that declaration in the warrant and judgment records;
| ||||||
9 | provided,
that no such order shall be effective until a tax | ||||||
10 | deed has been issued and
timely recorded. Nothing contained in | ||||||
11 | this Section shall relieve any owner
liable for delinquent | ||||||
12 | property taxes under this Code from the payment of the
taxes | ||||||
13 | that have been merged into the title upon issuance of the tax | ||||||
14 | deed.
| ||||||
15 | (c) The county clerk is entitled to a fee of $10 in | ||||||
16 | counties of
3,000,000 or more
inhabitants and $5 in counties | ||||||
17 | with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants for the
issuance of the | ||||||
18 | tax deed. The clerk may not include in a tax deed more than
one | ||||||
19 | property as listed, assessed and sold in one description, | ||||||
20 | except in cases
where several properties are owned by one | ||||||
21 | person.
| ||||||
22 | Upon application the court shall, enter an order to place | ||||||
23 | the tax deed
grantee or the grantee's successor in interest in | ||||||
24 | possession of the property and may enter orders and grant | ||||||
25 | relief as
may be necessary or desirable to maintain the grantee | ||||||
26 | or the grantee's successor in interest in possession.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (d) The court shall retain jurisdiction to enter orders | ||||||
2 | pursuant to
subsections (b) and (c) of this Section. This | ||||||
3 | amendatory Act of the 92nd
General Assembly and this amendatory | ||||||
4 | Act of the 95th General Assembly shall be construed as being | ||||||
5 | declarative of existing law
and not as a new enactment.
| ||||||
6 | (e) The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act | ||||||
7 | of the 99th General Assembly apply only to tax sales that occur | ||||||
8 | on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | ||||||
9 | 99th General Assembly. | ||||||
10 | (Source: P.A. 98-1162, eff. 6-1-15.)
| ||||||
11 | Section 95. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes | ||||||
12 | changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text | ||||||
13 | that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section | ||||||
14 | represented by multiple versions), the use of that text does | ||||||
15 | not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the changes | ||||||
16 | made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any other | ||||||
17 | Public Act.
| ||||||
18 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
19 | becoming law.".