| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning regulation.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Public Utilities Act is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Section 16-102 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (220 ILCS 5/16-102)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 16-102. Definitions. For the purposes of this
Article | ||||||
8 | the following terms shall be defined as set forth in
this | ||||||
9 | Section.
| ||||||
10 | "Alternative retail electric supplier" means every
person, | ||||||
11 | cooperative, corporation, municipal corporation,
company, | ||||||
12 | association, joint stock company or association,
firm, | ||||||
13 | partnership, individual, or other entity, their lessees,
| ||||||
14 | trustees, or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, that
| ||||||
15 | offers electric power or energy for sale, lease or in exchange
| ||||||
16 | for other value received to one or more retail customers, or
| ||||||
17 | that engages in the delivery or furnishing of electric power
or | ||||||
18 | energy to such retail customers, and shall include, without
| ||||||
19 | limitation, resellers, aggregators and power marketers, but
| ||||||
20 | shall not include (i) electric utilities (or any agent of the
| ||||||
21 | electric utility to the extent the electric utility provides
| ||||||
22 | tariffed services to retail customers through that agent),
(ii) | ||||||
23 | any electric cooperative or municipal system as defined
in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 17-100 to the extent that the electric cooperative
or | ||||||
2 | municipal system is serving retail customers within any
area in | ||||||
3 | which it is or would be entitled to provide service
under the | ||||||
4 | law in effect immediately prior to the effective
date of this | ||||||
5 | amendatory Act of 1997, (iii) a public utility
that is owned | ||||||
6 | and operated by any public institution of higher
education of | ||||||
7 | this State, or a public utility that is owned by
such public | ||||||
8 | institution of higher education and operated by
any of its | ||||||
9 | lessees or operating agents, within any area in
which it is or | ||||||
10 | would be entitled to provide service under the
law in effect | ||||||
11 | immediately prior to the effective date of this
amendatory Act | ||||||
12 | of 1997, (iv) a retail customer to the extent
that customer | ||||||
13 | obtains its electric power and energy from that customer's
own | ||||||
14 | cogeneration or self-generation facilities, (v) an
entity that | ||||||
15 | owns, operates, sells, or arranges for the installation of
a | ||||||
16 | customer's own cogeneration or self-generation facilities, but | ||||||
17 | only to
the extent the entity is engaged in
selling or | ||||||
18 | arranging for the installation of such facility,
or operating | ||||||
19 | the facility
on behalf of such customer, provided however that | ||||||
20 | any such
third party owner or operator of a facility built | ||||||
21 | after
January 1, 1999, complies with the labor provisions of | ||||||
22 | Section 16-128(a) as
such third party were an | ||||||
23 | alternative retail
electric supplier,
or (vi) an industrial or
| ||||||
24 | manufacturing customer that owns
its own
distribution | ||||||
25 | facilities, to the extent that the customer provides service | ||||||
26 | from
that distribution system to a third-party contractor |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | located on the customer's
premises that is integrally and | ||||||
2 | predominantly engaged in the customer's
industrial or
| ||||||
3 | manufacturing process; provided, that if the industrial or | ||||||
4 | manufacturing
customer has elected delivery services, the | ||||||
5 | customer shall pay transition
charges applicable to the | ||||||
6 | electric power and energy consumed by the third-party
| ||||||
7 | contractor unless such charges are otherwise paid by the third | ||||||
8 | party
contractor, which shall be calculated based on the usage | ||||||
9 | of, and the base rates
or the contract rates applicable to, the | ||||||
10 | third-party contractor in accordance
with Section 16-102.
| ||||||
11 | An entity that furnishes the service of charging electric | ||||||
12 | vehicles does not and shall not be deemed to sell electricity | ||||||
13 | and is not and shall not be deemed an alternative retail | ||||||
14 | electric supplier, and is not subject to regulation as such | ||||||
15 | under this Act notwithstanding the basis on which the service | ||||||
16 | is provided or billed. If, however, the entity is otherwise | ||||||
17 | deemed an alternative retail electric supplier under this Act, | ||||||
18 | or is otherwise subject to regulation under this Act, then that | ||||||
19 | entity is not exempt from and remains subject to the otherwise | ||||||
20 | applicable provisions of this Act. The installation, | ||||||
21 | maintenance, and repair of an electric vehicle charging station | ||||||
22 | shall comply with the requirements of subsection (a) of Section | ||||||
23 | 16-128 and Section 16-128A of this Act. | ||||||
24 | For purposes of this Section, the term "electric vehicles" | ||||||
25 | has the
meaning ascribed to that term in Section 10 of the | ||||||
26 | Electric Vehicle
Act. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Base rates" means the rates for those tariffed services | ||||||
2 | that the electric
utility is required to offer pursuant to | ||||||
3 | subsection (a) of Section 16-103 and
that were identified in a | ||||||
4 | rate order for collection of the electric
utility's base rate | ||||||
5 | revenue requirement, excluding (i) separate automatic
rate | ||||||
6 | adjustment riders then in effect, (ii) special or negotiated | ||||||
7 | contract
rates, (iii) delivery services tariffs filed pursuant | ||||||
8 | to Section 16-108, (iv)
real-time pricing, or (v) tariffs that | ||||||
9 | were in effect prior to October 1, 1996
and that based charges | ||||||
10 | for services on an index or average of other utilities'
| ||||||
11 | charges, but including (vi) any subsequent redesign of such | ||||||
12 | rates for
services that is authorized by the | ||||||
13 | Commission after notice and hearing.
| ||||||
14 | "Competitive service" includes (i) any service that
has | ||||||
15 | been declared to be competitive pursuant to Section
16-113 of | ||||||
16 | this Act, (ii) contract service, and (iii) services,
other than | ||||||
17 | tariffed services, that are related to, but not
necessary for, | ||||||
18 | the provision of electric power and energy or delivery | ||||||
19 | services.
| ||||||
20 | "Contract service" means (1) services, including the
| ||||||
21 | provision of electric power and energy or other services, that
| ||||||
22 | are provided by mutual agreement between an electric utility
| ||||||
23 | and a retail customer that is located in the electric
utility's | ||||||
24 | service area, provided that, delivery services shall
not be a | ||||||
25 | contract service until such services are declared
competitive | ||||||
26 | pursuant to Section 16-113; and also means (2) the
provision of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | electric power and energy by an electric utility
to retail | ||||||
2 | customers outside the electric utility's service
area pursuant | ||||||
3 | to Section 16-116. Provided, however, contract
service does not | ||||||
4 | include electric utility services provided
pursuant to (i) | ||||||
5 | contracts that retail customers are required
to execute as a | ||||||
6 | condition of receiving tariffed services, or
(ii) special or | ||||||
7 | negotiated rate contracts for electric utility
services that | ||||||
8 | were entered into between an electric utility
and a retail | ||||||
9 | customer prior to the effective date of this
amendatory Act of | ||||||
10 | 1997 and filed with the Commission.
| ||||||
11 | "Delivery services" means those services provided by the
| ||||||
12 | electric utility that are necessary in order for the
| ||||||
13 | transmission and distribution systems to function so that
| ||||||
14 | retail customers located in the electric utility's service
area | ||||||
15 | can receive electric power and energy from suppliers
other than | ||||||
16 | the electric utility, and shall include, without
limitation, | ||||||
17 | standard metering and billing services.
| ||||||
18 | "Electric utility" means a public utility, as defined in
| ||||||
19 | Section 3-105 of this Act, that has a franchise, license,
| ||||||
20 | permit or right to furnish or sell electricity to retail
| ||||||
21 | customers within a service area.
| ||||||
22 | "Mandatory transition period" means the period from the
| ||||||
23 | effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997 through January
| ||||||
24 | 1, 2007.
| ||||||
25 | "Municipal system" shall have the meaning set forth in
| ||||||
26 | Section 17-100.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Real-time pricing" means tariffed retail charges for | ||||||
2 | delivered electric
power and energy that vary
hour-to-hour and | ||||||
3 | are determined from wholesale market prices using a methodology | ||||||
4 | approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission.
| ||||||
5 | "Retail customer" means a single entity using electric
| ||||||
6 | power or energy at a single premises and that (A) either (i)
is | ||||||
7 | receiving or is eligible to receive tariffed services from
an | ||||||
8 | electric utility, or (ii) that is served by a municipal system | ||||||
9 | or electric
cooperative within any area in which the
municipal | ||||||
10 | system or electric cooperative is or would be
entitled to | ||||||
11 | provide service under the law in effect
immediately prior to | ||||||
12 | the effective date of this amendatory Act
of 1997, or (B) an | ||||||
13 | entity which on the effective date of this
Act was receiving | ||||||
14 | electric service from a public utility and
(i) was engaged in | ||||||
15 | the practice of resale and redistribution
of such electricity | ||||||
16 | within a building prior to January 2,
1957, or (ii) was | ||||||
17 | providing lighting services to tenants in a
multi-occupancy | ||||||
18 | building, but only to the extent such resale,
redistribution or | ||||||
19 | lighting service is authorized by the
electric utility's | ||||||
20 | tariffs that were on file with the
Commission on the effective | ||||||
21 | date of this Act.
| ||||||
22 | "Service area" means (i) the geographic area within which
| ||||||
23 | an electric utility was lawfully entitled to provide electric
| ||||||
24 | power and energy to retail customers as of the effective date
| ||||||
25 | of this amendatory Act of 1997, and includes (ii) the location
| ||||||
26 | of any retail customer to which the electric utility was
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | lawfully providing electric utility services on such effective
| ||||||
2 | date.
| ||||||
3 | "Small commercial retail customer" means those
| ||||||
4 | nonresidential retail customers of an electric utility
| ||||||
5 | consuming 15,000 kilowatt-hours or less of electricity
| ||||||
6 | annually in its service area.
| ||||||
7 | "Solar customer" means any class of customer of an electric | ||||||
8 | utility or an alternative retail electric supplier that uses a | ||||||
9 | photovoltaic electric delivery system. | ||||||
10 | "Tariffed service" means services provided to retail
| ||||||
11 | customers by an electric utility as defined by its rates on
| ||||||
12 | file with the Commission pursuant to the provisions of Article
| ||||||
13 | IX of this Act, but shall not include competitive services.
| ||||||
14 | "Transition charge" means a charge expressed in cents
per | ||||||
15 | kilowatt-hour that is calculated for a customer or class
of | ||||||
16 | customers as follows for each year in which an electric
utility | ||||||
17 | is entitled to recover transition charges as provided
in | ||||||
18 | Section 16-108:
| ||||||
19 | (1) the amount of revenue that an electric utility
| ||||||
20 | would receive from the retail customer or customers if it
| ||||||
21 | were serving such customers' electric power and energy
| ||||||
22 | requirements as a tariffed service based on (A) all of
the | ||||||
23 | customers' actual usage during the 3 years
ending 90 days | ||||||
24 | prior to the date on which such customers
were first | ||||||
25 | eligible for delivery services pursuant to
Section 16-104, | ||||||
26 | and (B) on (i) the base rates in effect
on October 1, 1996 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (adjusted for the reductions required
by subsection (b) of | ||||||
2 | Section 16-111, for any reduction resulting from a rate
| ||||||
3 | decrease under Section 16-101(b), for any restatement of | ||||||
4 | base rates made in
conjunction with an elimination
of the | ||||||
5 | fuel adjustment clause pursuant to subsection (b), (d), or | ||||||
6 | (f) of
and for any removal of decommissioning | ||||||
7 | costs from base
rates pursuant to Section 16-114)
and any | ||||||
8 | separate automatic rate adjustment riders (other
than a | ||||||
9 | decommissioning rate as defined in Section 16-114)
under | ||||||
10 | which the customers were receiving or, had they
been | ||||||
11 | customers, would have received electric power and
energy | ||||||
12 | from the electric utility during the year
immediately | ||||||
13 | preceding the date on which such customers
were first | ||||||
14 | eligible for delivery service pursuant to
Section 16-104, | ||||||
15 | or (ii) to the extent applicable, any
contract rates, | ||||||
16 | including contracts or rates for consolidated or
| ||||||
17 | aggregated billing, under which such customers were
| ||||||
18 | receiving electric power and energy from the electric
| ||||||
19 | utility during such year;
| ||||||
20 | (2) less the amount of revenue, other than revenue
from | ||||||
21 | transition charges and decommissioning rates, that the | ||||||
22 | electric utility
receive from such retail customers | ||||||
23 | for delivery services
provided by the electric utility, | ||||||
24 | assuming such customers
were taking delivery services for | ||||||
25 | all of their usage,
based on the delivery services tariffs | ||||||
26 | in effect during
the year for which the transition charge |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | is being
calculated and on the usage identified in | ||||||
2 | paragraph (1);
| ||||||
3 | (3) less the market value for the electric power
and | ||||||
4 | energy that the electric utility would have used to
supply | ||||||
5 | all of such customers' electric power and energy
| ||||||
6 | requirements, as a tariffed service, based on the usage
| ||||||
7 | identified in paragraph (1), with such market value
| ||||||
8 | determined in accordance with Section 16-112 of this Act;
| ||||||
9 | (4) less the following amount which represents the
| ||||||
10 | amount to be attributed to new revenue sources and cost
| ||||||
11 | reductions by the electric utility through the end of the
| ||||||
12 | period for which transition costs are recovered pursuant
to | ||||||
13 | Section 16-108, referred to in this Article XVI as a | ||||||
14 | "mitigation factor":
| ||||||
15 | (A) for nonresidential retail customers, an amount | ||||||
16 | equal to the greater
of (i) 0.5 cents per kilowatt-hour | ||||||
17 | during the period October 1, 1999
through December 31, | ||||||
18 | 2004, 0.6 cents per kilowatt-hour in calendar year | ||||||
19 | 2005,
and 0.9 cents per kilowatt-hour in calendar year | ||||||
20 | 2006, multiplied in
each year by the usage identified | ||||||
21 | in paragraph (1), or (ii) an amount equal to
the | ||||||
22 | following percentages of the amount produced by | ||||||
23 | applying the applicable
base rates (adjusted as | ||||||
24 | described in subparagraph (1)(B)) or contract rate to
| ||||||
25 | the usage identified in paragraph (1): 8% for the | ||||||
26 | period October 1, 1999
through December 31, 2002, 10% |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in calendar years 2003 and 2004, 11% in calendar
year | ||||||
2 | 2005 and 12% in calendar year 2006;
| ||||||
3 | (B) for residential retail customers, an amount
| ||||||
4 | equal to the following percentages of the amount | ||||||
5 | produced by applying the
base rates in effect on | ||||||
6 | October 1, 1996 (adjusted as
described in subparagraph | ||||||
7 | (1)(B)) to the usage
identified in paragraph (1): (i) | ||||||
8 | 6% from May 1, 2002 through December 31,
2002, (ii) 7% | ||||||
9 | in calendar years 2003 and 2004, (iii) 8% in calendar | ||||||
10 | year
2005, and (iv) 10% in calendar year 2006;
| ||||||
11 | (5) divided by the usage of such customers
identified | ||||||
12 | in paragraph (1),
| ||||||
13 | provided that the transition charge shall never be less than
| ||||||
14 | zero.
| ||||||
15 | "Unbundled service" means a component or constituent part
| ||||||
16 | of a tariffed service which the electric utility subsequently
| ||||||
17 | offers separately to its customers.
| ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 97-1128, eff. 8-28-12.)
| ||||||
19 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
20 | becoming law.