Rep. John Bradley
Filed: 5/19/2016
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2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 2813 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The Coal Mining Act is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Sections 5.06, 5.09, 5.10, 5.11, 6.01, 6.04, 6.05, 6.10, 6.11, | ||||||
6 | 6.12, 6.15, 6.16, 16.11, 25.01, 25.02, 25.04, 25.05, 29.01, | ||||||
7 | 31.03, 31.04, 31.05, 31.06, 31.10, and 31.30 and by adding | ||||||
8 | Section 1.25 as follows: | ||||||
9 | (225 ILCS 705/1.25 new) | ||||||
10 | Sec. 1.25. Recorder. "Recorder" means a person with a mine | ||||||
11 | manager certification or mine examiner certification who is | ||||||
12 | trained and designated by the operator as the individual | ||||||
13 | responsible for recording the mine examiner's examination of | ||||||
14 | the underground workings of the mine.
| ||||||
15 | (225 ILCS 705/5.06) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 506)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 5.06.
The mine manager shall be responsible for the | ||||||
2 | performance of all
the functions and duties prescribed in | ||||||
3 | Sections 5.07 to 5.25, both
inclusive. The mine manager may not | ||||||
4 | perform the duties of a mine examiner while serving in the | ||||||
5 | capacity of a mine manager.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
7 | (225 ILCS 705/5.09) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 509)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 5.09. (A) In all gassy mines:
| ||||||
9 | 1. When the mine is to be operated , he shall have the | ||||||
10 | prescribed
working places of such mine examined by a certified | ||||||
11 | mine examiner within 3
4 hours before the workers of any shift, | ||||||
12 | other than the examiner or the
examiners designated by the mine | ||||||
13 | manager to make the examination, enter
the underground areas of | ||||||
14 | such mine. Have the mine examiner inspect
every active working | ||||||
15 | place in the mine and make tests therein with a multi-gas | ||||||
16 | detector
permissible flame safety lamp for accumulation of | ||||||
17 | methane and oxygen
deficiency in the air therein; examine | ||||||
18 | intake seals used to ventilate a working section and doors to | ||||||
19 | determine
whether they are functioning properly; inspect and | ||||||
20 | test the roof, face
and rib conditions in the working areas and | ||||||
21 | on active roadways and
travelways; inspect active roadways, | ||||||
22 | travelways, approaches to abandoned
workings and accessible | ||||||
23 | falls in active sections for explosive gas and
other hazards; | ||||||
24 | and inspect to determine whether the air in each split is
| ||||||
25 | traveling in its proper course and in normal volume.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 2. On " non-coal producing shifts " , if the mine has a | ||||||
2 | minimum of 120 psi seals, he shall have the mine examined by a | ||||||
3 | certified mine examiner in any area where any person is | ||||||
4 | scheduled to work or travel underground. If the mine has less | ||||||
5 | than 120 psi seals, he shall have the mine examined by a | ||||||
6 | certified mine examiner in
its entirety the same as for a coal | ||||||
7 | producing shift, except where
persons are to work only in the | ||||||
8 | shaft, slope, drift , or on the immediate
shaft or slope bottom, | ||||||
9 | then only that area immediately surrounding the
bottom shall be | ||||||
10 | examined. If the mine has a minimum of 120 psi seals and the | ||||||
11 | mine has not been examined in its entirety for 7 consecutive | ||||||
12 | days, he shall have a certified mine examiner conduct a full | ||||||
13 | mine examination, including seals and escape ways, prior to | ||||||
14 | anyone other than the mine examiner or mine examiners | ||||||
15 | designated by the mine manager to make the examination enter | ||||||
16 | the underground areas of such mine. If it is known that the air | ||||||
17 | downwind of a minimum 120 psi seals when tested at a point not | ||||||
18 | less than 12 inches from the roof, face, or rib contains more | ||||||
19 | than 1.0% of methane as determined by permissible methane | ||||||
20 | detector, air analysis, or other recognized means of accurately | ||||||
21 | detecting such gas, he shall have the mine examined in its | ||||||
22 | entirety the same as for a coal producing shift, except where | ||||||
23 | persons are to work only in the shaft, slope, or drift or on | ||||||
24 | the immediate shaft or slope bottom, then only that area | ||||||
25 | immediately surrounding the bottom shall be examined.
| ||||||
26 | 3. He shall see that no person, other than competent |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | personnel,
enters any underground area in a gassy mine, except | ||||||
2 | during a
coal-producing shift, unless an examination of such | ||||||
3 | area has been made
by a mine examiner within 12 hours | ||||||
4 | immediately preceding his entrance
into such area.
| ||||||
5 | 4. If the mine has constructed a minimum of 120 psi seals, | ||||||
6 | he shall have a certified mine examiner conduct weekly | ||||||
7 | examinations at each seal along return and bleeder air courses | ||||||
8 | and at each seal along intake air courses where intake air | ||||||
9 | passing by the seal is not used to ventilate a working section. | ||||||
10 | If the mine has constructed less than 120 psi seals, he shall | ||||||
11 | have a certified mine examiner conduct a daily examination of | ||||||
12 | each seal along return and bleeder air courses. If it is known | ||||||
13 | that the air downwind of a minimum 120 psi seals when tested at | ||||||
14 | a point not less than 12 inches from the roof, face, or rib | ||||||
15 | contains more than 1.0% of methane as determined by permissible | ||||||
16 | methane detector, air analysis, or other recognized means of | ||||||
17 | accurately detecting such gas, he shall have each seal along | ||||||
18 | return and bleeder air courses and at each seal along intake | ||||||
19 | air courses where intake air passing by the seal not used to | ||||||
20 | ventilate a working section to be examined by a certified mine | ||||||
21 | examiner before the workers of any shift, other than the | ||||||
22 | examiner or the examiners designated by the mine manager to | ||||||
23 | make the examination, enter the underground areas of such mine. | ||||||
24 | 5. He shall have a certified mine examiner conduct weekly | ||||||
25 | examinations of escape ways required by Sections 19.11 and | ||||||
26 | 19.13. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (B) In non-gassy mines:
| ||||||
2 | 1. Have the underground areas examined by a certified mine | ||||||
3 | examiner
at least once in each calendar day during which coal | ||||||
4 | is produced. Such
examination shall be made within 4 hours | ||||||
5 | immediately preceding the
beginning of the first | ||||||
6 | coal-producing shift on such day.
| ||||||
7 | 2. On idle days, have all sections of the mine examined | ||||||
8 | where men
are to be required to work.
| ||||||
9 | 3. On idle nights, when the mine has been examined for the | ||||||
10 | day shift
and the men are to work in sections previously | ||||||
11 | examined and no coal is
to be mined, no further examination | ||||||
12 | shall be required.
| ||||||
13 | (C) One examination on each day when workers perform | ||||||
14 | production or
idle day work shall include the escape ways | ||||||
15 | required by Sections 19.11
and 19.13.
| ||||||
16 | (Source: P.A. 81-992.)
| ||||||
17 | (225 ILCS 705/5.10) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 510)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 5.10.
To have the underground working places in the | ||||||
19 | mine examined for
hazards by competent personnel designated by | ||||||
20 | the operator to do so, at
least once during each coal-producing | ||||||
21 | shift, or oftener if necessary for
safety. Examinations In a | ||||||
22 | gassy mine such examinations shall include tests with a | ||||||
23 | multi-gas detector
permissible flame safety lamp for methane | ||||||
24 | and oxygen deficiency. In all
underground face workings in a | ||||||
25 | gassy mine where electrically driven
equipment is operated, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | examinations for methane shall be made with a multi-gas | ||||||
2 | detector
permissible flame safety lamp by a person trained in | ||||||
3 | the use of such multi-gas detector lamp
before equipment is | ||||||
4 | taken into or operated in face regions, and frequent
| ||||||
5 | examinations for methane shall be made during such operations.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
7 | (225 ILCS 705/5.11) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 511)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 5.11.
To see that a mine examiner makes the | ||||||
9 | examinations provided in
Articles 5, 6, and 31 of this Act , and | ||||||
10 | that he enters his report either by calling the results of the | ||||||
11 | examination to a recorder on the surface or by personally | ||||||
12 | recording the report. The recorder or mine examiner shall | ||||||
13 | record the report in a book or computer system that is thereof
| ||||||
14 | with indelible pencil or ink in a well-bound or properly | ||||||
15 | protected loose
leaf book provided by the operator for that | ||||||
16 | purpose , and the book or computer system shall be secure and | ||||||
17 | not susceptible to alteration .
| ||||||
18 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
19 | (225 ILCS 705/6.01) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 601)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 6.01.
Each applicant for a certificate of competency | ||||||
21 | as mine examiner
shall produce evidence satisfactory to the | ||||||
22 | Mining Board that he is a
citizen of the United States, at | ||||||
23 | least 21 years of age and of good
repute and temperate habits | ||||||
24 | and that he has had at least 4 years
practical underground |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | mining experience,
and has been issued a First Class | ||||||
2 | Certificate of Competency by the
Department of Natural | ||||||
3 | Resources.
He shall pass an examination as to his
experience in | ||||||
4 | mines generating dangerous gases, his practical and
| ||||||
5 | technological knowledge of the nature and properties of mine | ||||||
6 | gases, the laws
of ventilation, the structures and use of | ||||||
7 | multi-gas detectors safety lamps , and the laws of
this State | ||||||
8 | relating to safeguards against fires from any source in mines.
| ||||||
9 | He shall also submit to the Mining Board satisfactory evidence | ||||||
10 | that he has
completed a course of training in first aid to the | ||||||
11 | injured and mine rescue
methods and appliances prescribed by | ||||||
12 | the Department. Persons who
have graduated and hold a degree in | ||||||
13 | engineering or an approved 4-year program
in coal mining | ||||||
14 | technology
from an accredited
school, college, or university, | ||||||
15 | are required to have only 2 years of
practical underground | ||||||
16 | mining experience to qualify for the examination for a
| ||||||
17 | certificate of competency.
| ||||||
18 | Persons who have graduated and hold a two-year Associate in | ||||||
19 | Applied
Science Degree in Coal Mining Technology from an | ||||||
20 | accredited school, college
or university are required to have | ||||||
21 | only 3 years' practical underground
mining experience to | ||||||
22 | qualify for the examination for a Certificate of
Competency as | ||||||
23 | a Mine Examiner.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)
| ||||||
25 | (225 ILCS 705/6.04) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 604)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 6.04. (A) In all gassy mines:
| ||||||
2 | 1. When the mine is to be operated , he shall examine the | ||||||
3 | prescribed
working places of such mine within 3 4 hours before | ||||||
4 | any workers in such
shift, other than the examiner or the | ||||||
5 | examiners designated by the mine manager Mine
Manager to make | ||||||
6 | the examination, enter the underground areas of the
mine. | ||||||
7 | Examine every active working place in the mine and make tests
| ||||||
8 | therein with a multi-gas detector permissible flame safety lamp | ||||||
9 | for accumulation of methane
and oxygen deficiency in the air | ||||||
10 | therein; examine intake seals used to ventilate a working | ||||||
11 | section and doors to
determine whether they are functioning | ||||||
12 | properly; inspect and test the
roof, face , and rib conditions | ||||||
13 | in the working areas and on active
roadways and travelways; | ||||||
14 | inspect active roadways, travelways, approaches
to abandoned | ||||||
15 | workings , and accessible falls in active sections for
explosive | ||||||
16 | gas and other hazards; and inspect to determine whether the
air | ||||||
17 | in each split is traveling in its proper course and in normal
| ||||||
18 | volume.
| ||||||
19 | 2. On non-coal producing shifts , if the mine has a | ||||||
20 | constructed minimum of 120 psi seals, he shall examine the mine | ||||||
21 | in any area where any person is scheduled to work or travel | ||||||
22 | underground. If the mine has less constructed than 120 psi | ||||||
23 | seals, he shall examine the mine in its
entirety the same as | ||||||
24 | for a coal producing shift, except where men are to
work only | ||||||
25 | in the shaft, slope , or drift or on the immediate shaft
bottom, | ||||||
26 | then only that area immediately surrounding the bottom need be
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | examined. If the mine has a minimum of 120 psi seals and the | ||||||
2 | mine has not been examined in its entirety for 7 consecutive | ||||||
3 | days, a full mine examine shall be conducted, including seals | ||||||
4 | and escape ways, prior to anyone other than the examiner or the | ||||||
5 | examiners designated by the mine manager to make the | ||||||
6 | examination enter the underground areas of such mine. If it is | ||||||
7 | known that the air downwind of a minimum 120 psi seals when | ||||||
8 | tested at a point not less than 12 inches from the roof, face, | ||||||
9 | or rib contains more than 1.0% of methane as determined by | ||||||
10 | permissible methane detector, air analysis, or other | ||||||
11 | recognized means of accurately detecting such gas, he shall | ||||||
12 | examine the mine in its entirety the same as for a coal | ||||||
13 | producing shift, except where persons are to work only in the | ||||||
14 | shaft, slope, or drift or on the immediate shaft or slope | ||||||
15 | bottom, then only that area immediately surrounding the bottom | ||||||
16 | shall be examined.
| ||||||
17 | 3. If the mine has constructed a minimum of 120 psi seals, | ||||||
18 | he shall conduct weekly examinations at each seal along return | ||||||
19 | and bleeder air courses and at each seal along intake air | ||||||
20 | courses where intake air passing by the seal is not used to | ||||||
21 | ventilate a working section. If such mine has constructed less | ||||||
22 | than 120 psi seals, he shall conduct a daily examination of | ||||||
23 | each seal along return and bleeder air courses. If it is known | ||||||
24 | that the air downwind of a minimum 120 psi seals when tested at | ||||||
25 | a point not less than 12 inches from the roof, face, or rib | ||||||
26 | contains more than 1.0% of methane as determined by permissible |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | methane detector, air analysis, or other recognized means of | ||||||
2 | accurately detecting such gas, he shall examine each seal along | ||||||
3 | return and bleeder air courses and at each seal along intake | ||||||
4 | air courses where intake air passing by the seal not used to | ||||||
5 | ventilate a working section before the workers of any shift may | ||||||
6 | enter the underground areas of such mine. | ||||||
7 | 4. Conduct weekly examinations of escape ways required by | ||||||
8 | Sections 19.11 and 19.13. | ||||||
9 | (B) In non-gassy mines:
| ||||||
10 | 1. He shall examine the underground areas in the mine at | ||||||
11 | least once
in each calendar day during which coal is produced. | ||||||
12 | Such examination
shall be made within 4 hours immediately | ||||||
13 | preceding the beginning of the
first coal-producing shift on | ||||||
14 | such day.
| ||||||
15 | 2. On idle days he shall examine all sections of the mine | ||||||
16 | where men
are required to work.
| ||||||
17 | 3. On idle nights, if the mine has been examined for the | ||||||
18 | day shift
and the men are to work in sections previously | ||||||
19 | examined and no coal is
to be mined, no further examination | ||||||
20 | shall be required.
| ||||||
21 | (C) One examination on each day when workers perform | ||||||
22 | production or
idle day work shall include the escape ways | ||||||
23 | required by Sections 19.11
and 19.13.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 81-992.)
| ||||||
25 | (225 ILCS 705/6.05) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 605)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 6.05.
When in the performance of his duties, he shall | ||||||
2 | carry with him a multi-gas detector
safety lamp in proper order | ||||||
3 | and condition and a rod or bar for sounding the
| ||||||
4 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
5 | (225 ILCS 705/6.10) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 610)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 6.10.
Upon completing his examination, he shall make a | ||||||
7 | daily record either by calling out the results of the | ||||||
8 | examination to a recorder on the surface or by personally | ||||||
9 | recording the report. The recorder or mine examiner shall | ||||||
10 | record the report in a book or computer system that is provided | ||||||
11 | by the operator for that purpose, and the book or computer | ||||||
12 | system shall be secure and not susceptible to alteration. The | ||||||
13 | examination report is of
the same in a book kept for that | ||||||
14 | purpose, for the information of the
company, the State Mine | ||||||
15 | Inspector , and all other persons interested; and
this report | ||||||
16 | shall be recorded before the miners are permitted to enter the | ||||||
17 | mine. If the examination report is called out by the mine | ||||||
18 | examiner to a recorder, the recorder must place his signature, | ||||||
19 | certificate number, and date in the book or computer system | ||||||
20 | record shall be made each morning before the miners are | ||||||
21 | permitted to
enter the mine. If the examination report is | ||||||
22 | called out, the mine examiner shall verify the report by his | ||||||
23 | signature, certificate number, and date by or at the end of his | ||||||
24 | shift. If the mine examiner finds an omission or error in the | ||||||
25 | report, the report shall be corrected and he must immediately |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | notify the shift mine manager of the omission or error.
| ||||||
2 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
3 | (225 ILCS 705/6.11) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 611)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 6.11.
Should any dangerous conditions be found as | ||||||
5 | described in Section
6.09, he shall immediately notify the | ||||||
6 | shift mine manager record the same in the daily record book of | ||||||
7 | examinations ,
setting forth the nature of the conditions found | ||||||
8 | and the location of same.
| ||||||
9 | (Source: Laws 1955, p. 2012.)
| ||||||
10 | (225 ILCS 705/6.12) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 612)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 6.12.
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any | ||||||
12 | mine to have in his
service as mine examiner any person who | ||||||
13 | does not hold a certificate of
competency issued by the Mining | ||||||
14 | Board except that anyone holding a mine
manager's certificate | ||||||
15 | may serve as a mine examiner . The ; but in any mine
employing | ||||||
16 | more than 25 men, the mine manager shall not act in the | ||||||
17 | capacity
of mine examiner while acting as mine manager. | ||||||
18 | However, whenever any
exigency arises by which it is impossible | ||||||
19 | for any operator to secure the
immediate services of a | ||||||
20 | certificated examiner, he may employ any
trustworthy and | ||||||
21 | experienced man of the mine inspection district to act as
| ||||||
22 | temporary mine examiner for a period not exceeding 7 days, and | ||||||
23 | with the
approval of the State Mine Inspector of the district, | ||||||
24 | for a further period
not exceeding 23 days. The employment of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | persons who do not hold
certificates as mine examiners shall in | ||||||
2 | no case exceed the limit of time
specified herein, and the | ||||||
3 | State Mine Inspector shall not approve of the
employment of | ||||||
4 | such persons beyond the 23 day limit.
| ||||||
5 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
6 | (225 ILCS 705/6.15) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 615)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 6.15.
A In mines classified as gassy, a sufficient | ||||||
8 | number of men trained
in the use of a multi-gas detector | ||||||
9 | permissible flame safety lamp shall be employed by the
| ||||||
10 | operator, who shall examine the mine for obnoxious and | ||||||
11 | inflammable gases
while men are working therein.
| ||||||
12 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
13 | (225 ILCS 705/6.16) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 616)
| ||||||
14 | Sec. 6.16.
When in the judgment of the State Mine | ||||||
15 | Inspector, expressed in
writing to the mine operator, certain | ||||||
16 | sections of a mine generate dangerous
quantities of explosive | ||||||
17 | gases, the State Mine Inspector shall require those
sections of | ||||||
18 | the mine to be examined for gas in a prescribed manner and at
| ||||||
19 | shorter intervals of time than 3 4 hours preceding the time the | ||||||
20 | day shift
goes on duty for every day in which the mine is to be | ||||||
21 | operated.
| ||||||
22 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
23 | (225 ILCS 705/16.11) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 1611)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 16.11.
Socketed ropes shall be cut off and resocketed | ||||||
2 | pursuant to the manufacturer's recommendation, if found to be | ||||||
3 | damaged or defective at least once
each six months, or more | ||||||
4 | often if necessary , and a notice shall be posted
in the engine | ||||||
5 | room giving the date when the rope was installed and when
| ||||||
6 | resocketed.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
8 | (225 ILCS 705/25.01) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 2501)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 25.01.
Multi-gas detectors Not less than two | ||||||
10 | permissible flame safety lamps and a
barometer, all in proper | ||||||
11 | working condition, shall be kept available at each
mine for the | ||||||
12 | use of authorized persons. Only permissible multi-gas | ||||||
13 | detectors flame safety
lamps, permissible methane detectors, | ||||||
14 | or air sampling and analysis shall be
used for determining the | ||||||
15 | presence of methane and other gases in mine air.
| ||||||
16 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
17 | (225 ILCS 705/25.02) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 2502)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 25.02.
Mine In gassy mines, mine officials whose | ||||||
19 | regular duties require
them to inspect working places shall | ||||||
20 | have in their possession, when underground,
a permissible | ||||||
21 | multi-gas detector flame safety lamp in safe working condition, | ||||||
22 | for the detection
of methane and oxygen deficiency.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 80-296.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (225 ILCS 705/25.04) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 2504)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 25.04.
All multi-gas detectors safety lamps shall be | ||||||
3 | the property of the operator and when
not in use shall remain | ||||||
4 | in the custody of the mine manager or other
competent person | ||||||
5 | designated by him, who shall be responsible for the maintenance | ||||||
6 | and calibration of the detectors to ensure that they are in | ||||||
7 | safe working condition clean, fill, trim, examine
and deliver | ||||||
8 | same, locked and in safe condition to the men when they enter
| ||||||
9 | the mine, or at some underground station designated by the mine | ||||||
10 | manager for
that purpose. He shall also receive the lamps from | ||||||
11 | the men when they leave
the mine or as they pass the | ||||||
12 | underground lamp station at the end of their
shift .
| ||||||
13 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
14 | (225 ILCS 705/25.05) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 2505)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 25.05.
The person to whom multi-gas detectors lamps | ||||||
16 | are given shall be responsible for the
condition and proper use | ||||||
17 | of the multi-gas detectors safety lamps while in their | ||||||
18 | possession , and
their return to the lamp station .
| ||||||
19 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
20 | (225 ILCS 705/29.01) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 2901)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 29.01.
In all mines adequate telephone service or | ||||||
22 | equivalent 2-way
communication facilities , including, but not | ||||||
23 | limited to, 2-way text messages, shall be provided at the top | ||||||
24 | and bottom of each
main shaft or slope, and from the bottoms to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the working sections of the
mine. Text messaging communications | ||||||
2 | systems used as communication facilities must be approved by | ||||||
3 | the Department. If text messaging is used, pre-programmed text | ||||||
4 | messages shall be capable of providing information to the | ||||||
5 | surface necessary to determine the status of the miners and the | ||||||
6 | conditions in the mine, as well as providing the necessary | ||||||
7 | emergency response information to the miners.
| ||||||
8 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
9 | (225 ILCS 705/31.03) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3103)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 31.03.
In every mine the minimum quantity of air shall | ||||||
11 | not be less than
150 cubic feet per minute for each person | ||||||
12 | employed, measured at the foot of the
downcast and of the | ||||||
13 | upcast.
However, in any mine wherein explosive gas is being | ||||||
14 | generated in such
quantities that it can be detected by a | ||||||
15 | multi-gas detector an approved safety lamp , the minimum
| ||||||
16 | quantity of air shall not be less than 200 cubic feet per | ||||||
17 | minute for each
person employed therein. The State Mine | ||||||
18 | Inspector shall have power by order
in writing to require these | ||||||
19 | quantities to be increased.
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 89-657, eff. 8-14-96.)
| ||||||
21 | (225 ILCS 705/31.04) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3104)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 31.04.
If the air at an underground working face in a | ||||||
23 | mine, when tested
at a point not less than 12 inches from the | ||||||
24 | roof, face , or rib , contains more
than 1.0% of methane as |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | determined by permissible methane detector, a multi-gas | ||||||
2 | detector
permissible flame safety lamp , air analysis, or other | ||||||
3 | recognized means of
accurately detecting such gas, changes or | ||||||
4 | adjustments shall be made at once
in the ventilation in such a | ||||||
5 | mine so that such air shall not contain more
than 1.0% of | ||||||
6 | methane.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
8 | (225 ILCS 705/31.05) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3105)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 31.05.
If a split of air returning from active | ||||||
10 | underground working
places in a mine contains more than 1.0% of | ||||||
11 | methane as determined by a
permissible methane detector, a | ||||||
12 | multi-gas detector permissible flame safety lamp , air
| ||||||
13 | analysis, or other recognized means of accurately detecting | ||||||
14 | such gas,
changes or adjustments shall be made at once in the | ||||||
15 | ventilation in such
mine so that such returning air shall not | ||||||
16 | contain more than 1.0% of
| ||||||
17 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
18 | (225 ILCS 705/31.06) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3106)
| ||||||
19 | Sec. 31.06.
If a split of air returning from active | ||||||
20 | underground
working places in a mine contains as much as 1.5% | ||||||
21 | of methane as
determined by a permissible methane detector, a | ||||||
22 | multi-gas detector permissible flame safety
lamp , air | ||||||
23 | analysis , or other recognized means of accurately detecting
| ||||||
24 | such gas, the employees shall be withdrawn from the portion of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the mine
endangered thereby and all power shall be cut off from | ||||||
2 | such portion of
the mine until the quantity of methane in such | ||||||
3 | split shall be less than
1.5%. However, in virgin territory in | ||||||
4 | mines ventilated by exhaust fans,
where methane is liberated in | ||||||
5 | large amounts, if the quantity of air in a
split ventilating | ||||||
6 | the workings in such territory equals or exceeds twice
the | ||||||
7 | minimum volume of air prescribed in Section 31.02 and if only
| ||||||
8 | permissible electric equipment is used in such workings and the | ||||||
9 | air in
the split returning from such workings does not pass | ||||||
10 | over trolley or
other bare power wires, and if a certified | ||||||
11 | person designated by the mine
operator is continually testing | ||||||
12 | the gas content of the air in such split
during mining | ||||||
13 | operations in such workings, it shall be necessary to
withdraw | ||||||
14 | the employees and cut off all power from the portion of the
| ||||||
15 | mine endangered by such methane only when the quantity thereof | ||||||
16 | in the
air returning from such workings exceeds 2%, as | ||||||
17 | determined by a
permissible methane detector, a multi-gas | ||||||
18 | detector permissible flame safety lamp , air
analysis, or other | ||||||
19 | recognized means of accurately detecting such gas.
| ||||||
20 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
21 | (225 ILCS 705/31.10) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3110)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 31.10.
If the State Mine Inspector finds methane with | ||||||
23 | a multi-gas detector permissible
flame safety lamp , | ||||||
24 | permissible methane detector, air analysis , or other
| ||||||
25 | recognized means, in the amount of 0.25% or more, in any open |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | workings of
such mine when tested at a point not less than 12 | ||||||
2 | inches from the roof,
face or rib the mine shall be classified | ||||||
3 | as gassy. Nothing in this Act
shall preclude the | ||||||
4 | reclassification of a mine that has been classified
gassy if a | ||||||
5 | subsequent examination, made by the State Mine Inspector in the
| ||||||
6 | method provided herein, shows the methane content to be less | ||||||
7 | than 0.25%.
| ||||||
8 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
9 | (225 ILCS 705/31.30) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3130)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 31.30.
In gassy mines worked by the so-called | ||||||
11 | "enclosed panel system"
where rooms are driven off of both | ||||||
12 | sides of the panel entries and
ventilated by one side of the | ||||||
13 | panel as the intake airway and the other side
as the return, | ||||||
14 | the following shall govern the method of working this type
of | ||||||
15 | panel: When the top end or inby end of the panel begins to | ||||||
16 | squeeze, work
or more as the result of extraction of coal and | ||||||
17 | the area cannot be
examined, men working in the said panel and | ||||||
18 | rooms shall be removed until
movement has abated and the | ||||||
19 | presence of gas cannot be detected with a multi-gas detector
| ||||||
20 | permissible flame safety lamp . However, if in such panels fire, | ||||||
21 | barrier or
cutoff pillars are left in the center of the panel | ||||||
22 | of adequate thickness
and the entries have been sealed in line | ||||||
23 | with the pillars with adequate
roof support on the inby side of | ||||||
24 | the seals isolating the worked out area
from the live works, | ||||||
25 | then mining operations may be resumed. This shall not
apply to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | panels worked with rooms on the intake side only, or panels | ||||||
2 | with
bleeder entry system whereby the gas released in the | ||||||
3 | squeezed area will not
contaminate the ventilating air current | ||||||
4 | used to ventilate active workings
within the panel.
| ||||||
5 | (Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
| ||||||
6 | (225 ILCS 705/25.03 rep.) | ||||||
7 | (225 ILCS 705/25.06 rep.) | ||||||
8 | (225 ILCS 705/25.07 rep.) | ||||||
9 | Section 10. The Coal Mining Act is amended by repealing | ||||||
10 | Sections 25.03, 25.06, and 25.07.".