| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning employment.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Prevailing Wage Act is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Sections 2, 4, 7, 9, and 10 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (820 ILCS 130/2) (from Ch. 48, par. 39s-2)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 2. This Act applies to the wages of laborers, | ||||||
8 | mechanics and
other workers employed in any public works, as | ||||||
9 | hereinafter defined, by
any public body and to anyone under | ||||||
10 | contracts for public works. This includes any maintenance, | ||||||
11 | repair, assembly, or disassembly work performed on equipment | ||||||
12 | whether owned, leased, or rented.
| ||||||
13 | As used in this Act, unless the context indicates | ||||||
14 | otherwise:
| ||||||
15 | "Public works" means all fixed works constructed or | ||||||
16 | demolished by
any public body,
or paid for wholly or in part | ||||||
17 | out of public funds. "Public works" as
defined herein includes | ||||||
18 | all projects financed in whole
or in part with bonds, grants, | ||||||
19 | loans, or other funds made available by or through the State or | ||||||
20 | any of its political subdivisions, including but not limited | ||||||
21 | to: bonds issued under the Industrial Project Revenue Bond
Act | ||||||
22 | (Article 11, Division 74 of the Illinois Municipal Code), the | ||||||
23 | Industrial
Building Revenue Bond Act, the Illinois Finance |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Authority Act,
the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority Act, or | ||||||
2 | the Build Illinois Bond Act; loans or other funds made
| ||||||
3 | available pursuant to the Build Illinois Act; loans or other | ||||||
4 | funds made available pursuant to the Riverfront Development | ||||||
5 | Fund under Section 10-15 of the River Edge Redevelopment Zone | ||||||
6 | Act; or funds from the Fund for
Illinois' Future under Section | ||||||
7 | 6z-47 of the State Finance Act, funds for school
construction | ||||||
8 | under Section 5 of the General Obligation Bond Act, funds
| ||||||
9 | authorized under Section 3 of the School Construction Bond Act, | ||||||
10 | funds for
school infrastructure under Section 6z-45 of the | ||||||
11 | State Finance Act, and funds
for transportation purposes under | ||||||
12 | Section 4 of the General Obligation Bond
Act. "Public works" | ||||||
13 | also includes (i) all projects financed in whole or in part
| ||||||
14 | with funds from the Department of Commerce and Economic | ||||||
15 | Opportunity under the Illinois Renewable Fuels Development | ||||||
16 | Program
Act for which there is no project labor agreement; (ii) | ||||||
17 | all work performed pursuant to a public private agreement under | ||||||
18 | the Public Private Agreements for the Illiana Expressway Act or | ||||||
19 | the Public-Private Agreements for the South Suburban Airport | ||||||
20 | Act; and (iii) all projects undertaken under a public-private | ||||||
21 | agreement under the Public-Private Partnerships for | ||||||
22 | Transportation Act. "Public works" also includes all projects | ||||||
23 | at leased facility property used for airport purposes under | ||||||
24 | Section 35 of the Local Government Facility Lease Act. "Public | ||||||
25 | works" also includes the construction of a new wind power | ||||||
26 | facility by a business designated as a High Impact Business |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | under Section 5.5(a)(3)(E) of the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act.
| ||||||
2 | "Public works" does not include work done directly by any | ||||||
3 | public utility company, whether or not done under public | ||||||
4 | supervision or direction, or paid for wholly or in part out of | ||||||
5 | public funds. "Public works" also includes any corrective | ||||||
6 | action performed pursuant to Title XVI of the Environmental | ||||||
7 | Protection Act for which payment from the Underground Storage | ||||||
8 | Tank Fund is requested. "Public works" does not include | ||||||
9 | projects undertaken by the owner at an owner-occupied | ||||||
10 | single-family residence or at an owner-occupied unit of a | ||||||
11 | multi-family residence. "Public works" does not include work | ||||||
12 | performed for soil and water conservation purposes on | ||||||
13 | agricultural lands, whether or not done under public | ||||||
14 | supervision or paid for wholly or in part out of public funds, | ||||||
15 | done directly by an owner or person who has legal control of | ||||||
16 | those lands.
| ||||||
17 | "Construction" means all work on public works involving | ||||||
18 | laborers,
workers or mechanics. This includes any maintenance, | ||||||
19 | repair, assembly, or disassembly work performed on equipment | ||||||
20 | whether owned, leased, or rented.
| ||||||
21 | "Locality" means the county where the physical work upon | ||||||
22 | public works
is performed, except (1) that if there is not | ||||||
23 | available in the county a
sufficient number of competent | ||||||
24 | skilled laborers, workers and mechanics
to construct the public | ||||||
25 | works efficiently and properly, "locality"
includes any other | ||||||
26 | county nearest the one in which the work or
construction is to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be performed and from which such persons may be
obtained in | ||||||
2 | sufficient numbers to perform the work and (2) that, with
| ||||||
3 | respect to contracts for highway work with the Department of
| ||||||
4 | Transportation of this State, "locality" may at the discretion | ||||||
5 | of the
Secretary of the Department of Transportation be | ||||||
6 | construed to include
two or more adjacent counties from which | ||||||
7 | workers may be accessible for
work on such construction.
| ||||||
8 | "Public body" means the State or any officer, board or | ||||||
9 | commission of
the State or any political subdivision or | ||||||
10 | department thereof, or any
institution supported in whole or in | ||||||
11 | part by public funds,
and includes every county, city, town,
| ||||||
12 | village, township, school district, irrigation, utility, | ||||||
13 | reclamation
improvement or other district and every other | ||||||
14 | political subdivision,
district or municipality of the state | ||||||
15 | whether such political
subdivision, municipality or district | ||||||
16 | operates under a special charter
or not.
| ||||||
17 | "Labor organization" means an organization that is the | ||||||
18 | exclusive representative of an
employer's employees recognized | ||||||
19 | or certified pursuant to the National Labor Relations Act. | ||||||
20 | The terms "general prevailing rate of hourly wages", | ||||||
21 | "general
prevailing rate of wages" or "prevailing rate of | ||||||
22 | wages" when used in
this Act mean the hourly cash wages plus | ||||||
23 | annualized fringe benefits for training and
apprenticeship | ||||||
24 | programs approved by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of
| ||||||
25 | Apprenticeship and Training, health and welfare, insurance, | ||||||
26 | vacations and
pensions paid generally, in the
locality in which |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the work is being performed, to employees engaged in
work of a | ||||||
2 | similar character on public works.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 97-502, eff. 8-23-11; 98-109, eff. 7-25-13; | ||||||
4 | 98-482, eff. 1-1-14; 98-740, eff. 7-16-14; 98-756, eff. | ||||||
5 | 7-16-14.)
| ||||||
6 | (820 ILCS 130/4) (from Ch. 48, par. 39s-4)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 4. Ascertaining prevailing wage. | ||||||
8 | (a) The prevailing rate of wages paid to individuals | ||||||
9 | covered under this Act shall not be less than the
rate that | ||||||
10 | prevails for work of a similar character on public works in the | ||||||
11 | locality in which the
work is performed under collective | ||||||
12 | bargaining agreements or understandings between employers
or | ||||||
13 | employer associations and bona fide labor organizations | ||||||
14 | relating to each craft or type of
worker or mechanic needed to | ||||||
15 | execute the contract or perform such work, and collective
| ||||||
16 | bargaining agreements or understandings successor thereto, | ||||||
17 | provided that said employers or
members of said employer | ||||||
18 | associations employ at least 30% of the laborers, workers, or
| ||||||
19 | mechanics in the same trade or occupation in the locality where | ||||||
20 | the work is being performed. | ||||||
21 | (b) If the prevailing rates of wages and fringe benefits | ||||||
22 | cannot reasonably and fairly be applied
in any locality because | ||||||
23 | no such agreements or understandings exist, the Department of | ||||||
24 | Labor
shall determine the rates and fringe benefits for the | ||||||
25 | same or most similar work in the nearest and
most similar |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | neighboring locality in which such agreements or | ||||||
2 | understandings exist. The
Department of Labor shall keep a | ||||||
3 | record of its findings available for inspection by any | ||||||
4 | interested
party in the office of the Department of Labor. | ||||||
5 | (c) In the event it is determined, after a written | ||||||
6 | objection is filed and hearing is held in
accordance with | ||||||
7 | Section 9 of this Act, that less than 30% of the laborers, | ||||||
8 | workers, or
mechanics in a particular trade or occupation in | ||||||
9 | the locality where the work is performed receive
a collectively | ||||||
10 | bargained rate of wage, then the average wage paid to such | ||||||
11 | laborers, workers, or
mechanics in the same trade or occupation | ||||||
12 | in the locality for the 12-month period preceding
the | ||||||
13 | Department of Labor's annual determination shall be the | ||||||
14 | prevailing rate of wage. | ||||||
15 | (d) (a) The public body awarding any contract for public | ||||||
16 | work or
otherwise undertaking any public works , shall ascertain | ||||||
17 | the general
prevailing rate of hourly wages in the locality in | ||||||
18 | which the work is to
be performed, for each craft or type of | ||||||
19 | worker or mechanic needed to
execute the contract, and where | ||||||
20 | the public body performs the work
without letting a contract | ||||||
21 | therefor, shall ascertain the prevailing rate
of wages on a per | ||||||
22 | hour basis in the locality, and such public body shall
specify | ||||||
23 | in the resolution or ordinance and in the call for bids for the
| ||||||
24 | contract, or where the public body performs the work without | ||||||
25 | letting the contract in a written instrument provided to the | ||||||
26 | contractor, that the general prevailing rate of wages in the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | locality for
each craft or type of worker or mechanic needed to | ||||||
2 | execute the contract
or perform such work, also the general | ||||||
3 | prevailing rate for legal holiday
and overtime work, as | ||||||
4 | ascertained by the public body or by the
Department of Labor | ||||||
5 | shall be paid for each craft or type of worker
needed to | ||||||
6 | execute the contract or to perform such work, and it shall be
| ||||||
7 | mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded | ||||||
8 | and upon
any subcontractor under him, and where the public body | ||||||
9 | performs the
work, upon the public body, to pay not less than | ||||||
10 | the specified rates to
all laborers, workers and mechanics | ||||||
11 | employed by them in the execution of
the contract or such work . | ||||||
12 | Compliance with this Act is a matter of statewide concern, and | ||||||
13 | a public body may not opt out of any provisions herein. ; | ||||||
14 | provided, however, that if the public body
desires that the | ||||||
15 | Department of Labor ascertain the prevailing rate of
wages, it | ||||||
16 | shall notify the Department of Labor to ascertain the general
| ||||||
17 | prevailing rate of hourly wages for work under contract, or for | ||||||
18 | work
performed by a public body without letting a contract as | ||||||
19 | required in the
locality in which the work is to be performed, | ||||||
20 | for each craft or type of
worker or mechanic needed to execute | ||||||
21 | the contract or project or work to
be performed. Upon such | ||||||
22 | notification the Department of Labor shall
ascertain such | ||||||
23 | general prevailing rate of wages, and certify the
prevailing | ||||||
24 | wage to such public body. | ||||||
25 | (e) (a-1) The public body or other entity awarding the
| ||||||
26 | contract shall cause to be inserted in the project |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | specifications and the
contract a stipulation to the
effect | ||||||
2 | that not less than the prevailing rate of wages as found by the
| ||||||
3 | public body or Department of Labor or determined by the court | ||||||
4 | on review
shall be paid to all laborers, workers and mechanics | ||||||
5 | performing work
under the contract.
| ||||||
6 | (f) (a-2) When a public body or other entity covered by | ||||||
7 | this Act has awarded work to a contractor without a public bid, | ||||||
8 | contract or project specification, such public body or other | ||||||
9 | entity shall comply with subsection (e) (a-1) by providing the | ||||||
10 | contractor with written notice on the purchase order related to | ||||||
11 | the work to be done or on a separate document indicating that | ||||||
12 | not less than the prevailing rate of wages ascertained as found | ||||||
13 | by the public body or Department of Labor or determined by the | ||||||
14 | court on review shall be paid to all laborers, workers, and | ||||||
15 | mechanics performing work on the project. | ||||||
16 | (g) (a-3) Where a complaint is made and the Department of | ||||||
17 | Labor determines that a violation occurred, the Department of | ||||||
18 | Labor shall determine if proper written notice under this | ||||||
19 | Section 4 was given. If proper written notice was not provided | ||||||
20 | to the contractor by the public body or other entity, the | ||||||
21 | Department of Labor shall order the public body or other entity | ||||||
22 | to pay any interest, penalties or fines that would have been | ||||||
23 | owed by the contractor if proper written notice were provided. | ||||||
24 | The failure by a public body or other entity to provide written | ||||||
25 | notice does not relieve the contractor of the duty to comply | ||||||
26 | with the prevailing wage rate, nor of the obligation to pay any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | back wages, as determined under this Act. For the purposes of | ||||||
2 | this subsection, back wages shall be limited to the difference | ||||||
3 | between the actual amount paid and the prevailing rate of wages | ||||||
4 | required to be paid for the project. The failure of a public | ||||||
5 | body or other entity to provide written notice under this | ||||||
6 | Section 4 does not diminish the right of a laborer, worker, or | ||||||
7 | mechanic to the prevailing rate of wages as determined under | ||||||
8 | this Act. | ||||||
9 | (h) (b) It shall also be mandatory upon the contractor to | ||||||
10 | whom the contract is
to insert into each subcontract | ||||||
11 | and into the project specifications for each
subcontract a | ||||||
12 | written stipulation to the effect that not less than the
| ||||||
13 | prevailing
rate of wages shall be paid to all laborers, | ||||||
14 | workers, and mechanics performing
work under the contract. It | ||||||
15 | shall also be mandatory upon each subcontractor to
cause to be | ||||||
16 | inserted into each lower tiered subcontract
and into the | ||||||
17 | project specifications for each lower tiered subcontract a
| ||||||
18 | stipulation to the effect that not less
than the prevailing | ||||||
19 | rate of wages shall be paid to all laborers, workers, and
| ||||||
20 | mechanics performing work under the contract. A contractor or | ||||||
21 | subcontractor who
fails to comply with this subsection (b) is | ||||||
22 | in violation of this Act.
| ||||||
23 | (i) (b-1) When a contractor has awarded work to a | ||||||
24 | subcontractor without a contract or contract specification, | ||||||
25 | the contractor shall comply with subsection (h) (b) by | ||||||
26 | providing a subcontractor with a written statement indicating |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that not less than the prevailing rate of wages shall be paid | ||||||
2 | to all laborers, workers, and mechanics performing work on the | ||||||
3 | project. A contractor or subcontractor who fails to comply with | ||||||
4 | this subsection (b-1) is in violation of this Act. | ||||||
5 | (j) (b-2) Where a complaint is made and the Department of | ||||||
6 | Labor determines that a violation has occurred, the Department | ||||||
7 | of Labor shall determine if proper written notice under this | ||||||
8 | Section 4 was given. If proper written notice was not provided | ||||||
9 | to the subcontractor by the contractor, the Department of Labor | ||||||
10 | shall order the contractor to pay any interest, penalties, or | ||||||
11 | fines that would have been owed by the subcontractor if proper | ||||||
12 | written notice were provided. The failure by a contractor to | ||||||
13 | provide written notice to a subcontractor does not relieve the | ||||||
14 | subcontractor of the duty to comply with the prevailing wage | ||||||
15 | rate, nor of the obligation to pay any back wages, as | ||||||
16 | determined under this Act. For the purposes of this subsection, | ||||||
17 | back wages shall be limited to the difference between the | ||||||
18 | actual amount paid and the prevailing rate of wages required | ||||||
19 | for the project. However, if proper written notice was not | ||||||
20 | provided to the contractor by the public body or other entity | ||||||
21 | under this Section 4, the Department of Labor shall order the | ||||||
22 | public body or other entity to pay any interest, penalties, or | ||||||
23 | fines that would have been owed by the subcontractor if proper | ||||||
24 | written notice were provided. The failure by a public body or | ||||||
25 | other entity to provide written notice does not relieve the | ||||||
26 | subcontractor of the duty to comply with the prevailing wage |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | rate, nor of the obligation to pay any back wages, as | ||||||
2 | determined under this Act. For the purposes of this subsection, | ||||||
3 | back wages shall be limited to the difference between the | ||||||
4 | actual amount paid and the prevailing rate of wages required | ||||||
5 | for the project. The failure to provide written notice by a | ||||||
6 | public body, other entity, or contractor does not diminish the | ||||||
7 | right of a laborer, worker, or mechanic to the prevailing rate | ||||||
8 | of wages as determined under this Act. | ||||||
9 | (k) (c) A public body or other entity shall also require in | ||||||
10 | all contractor's and subcontractor's bonds
that the contractor | ||||||
11 | or subcontractor include such provision as will guarantee the
| ||||||
12 | faithful performance of such prevailing wage clause as provided | ||||||
13 | by
contract or other written instrument. All bid specifications | ||||||
14 | shall list the specified rates to all
laborers, workers and | ||||||
15 | mechanics in the locality for each craft or type of
worker or | ||||||
16 | mechanic needed to execute the contract.
| ||||||
17 | (l) (d) If the Department of Labor
revises the prevailing | ||||||
18 | rate of hourly wages to be paid by the public body or other | ||||||
19 | entity, the
revised rate shall apply to such contract, and the | ||||||
20 | public body or other entity shall be
responsible to notify the | ||||||
21 | contractor and each subcontractor, of the revised
| ||||||
22 | The public body or other entity shall discharge its duty to | ||||||
23 | notify of the revised rates by inserting a written stipulation | ||||||
24 | in all contracts or other written instruments that states the | ||||||
25 | prevailing rate of wages are revised by the Department of Labor | ||||||
26 | and are available on the Department's official website. This |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall be deemed to be proper notification of any rate changes | ||||||
2 | under this subsection. | ||||||
3 | (m) (e) Two or more investigatory hearings under this | ||||||
4 | Section on the issue
of establishing a new prevailing wage | ||||||
5 | classification for a particular craft
or type of worker shall | ||||||
6 | be consolidated in a single hearing before the
Department. Such | ||||||
7 | consolidation shall occur whether each separate investigatory
| ||||||
8 | hearing is conducted by a public body or the Department. The | ||||||
9 | party requesting
a consolidated investigatory hearing shall | ||||||
10 | have the burden of establishing that
there is no existing | ||||||
11 | prevailing wage classification for the particular craft or
type | ||||||
12 | of worker in any of the localities under consideration.
| ||||||
13 | (n) (f) It shall be mandatory upon the contractor or | ||||||
14 | construction manager
to whom a contract for public works is | ||||||
15 | awarded to post, at a
location on the project site of the | ||||||
16 | public works that is
easily accessible to the workers engaged | ||||||
17 | on the project,
the prevailing wage rates for each craft or | ||||||
18 | type of worker
or mechanic needed to execute the contract or | ||||||
19 | project or
work to be performed. In lieu of posting on the | ||||||
20 | project site of the public works, a contractor which has a | ||||||
21 | business location where laborers, workers, and mechanics | ||||||
22 | regularly visit may: (1) post in a conspicuous location at that | ||||||
23 | business the current prevailing wage rates for each county in | ||||||
24 | which the contractor is performing work; or (2) provide such | ||||||
25 | laborer, worker, or mechanic engaged on the public works | ||||||
26 | project a written notice indicating the prevailing wage rates |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | for the public works project. A failure to post or provide a | ||||||
2 | prevailing wage
rate as required by this Section is a violation | ||||||
3 | of this Act.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 96-437, eff. 1-1-10; 97-964, eff. 1-1-13.)
| ||||||
5 | (820 ILCS 130/7) (from Ch. 48, par. 39s-7)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 7.
The finding of the public body awarding the | ||||||
7 | contract or
authorizing the work or the Department of Labor | ||||||
8 | ascertaining and
declaring the general prevailing rate of | ||||||
9 | hourly wages shall be final for
all purposes of the contract | ||||||
10 | for public work then being considered,
unless reviewed under | ||||||
11 | the provisions of this Act. Nothing in this Act,
however, shall | ||||||
12 | be construed to prohibit the payment to any laborer,
worker or | ||||||
13 | mechanic employed on any public work, as aforesaid, of more
| ||||||
14 | than the prevailing rate of wages; provided further that | ||||||
15 | nothing in this
Act shall be construed to limit the hours of | ||||||
16 | work which may be performed
by any person in any particular | ||||||
17 | period of time.
| ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 81-992.)
| ||||||
19 | (820 ILCS 130/9) (from Ch. 48, par. 39s-9)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 9.
To effectuate the purpose and policy of this Act , | ||||||
21 | the each public
body shall, during the month of June of each | ||||||
22 | calendar year, investigate
and ascertain the prevailing rate of | ||||||
23 | wages as defined in this Act and
publicly post or keep | ||||||
24 | available for inspection by any interested party
in the main |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | office of such public body its determination of such
prevailing | ||||||
2 | rate of wage and shall promptly file, no later than July 15 of
| ||||||
3 | each year, a certified copy thereof
in the office of the
| ||||||
4 | Illinois Department of Labor. The Department of Labor shall , | ||||||
5 | during the month of June of each calendar
year, investigate and | ||||||
6 | ascertain the prevailing rate of wages for each county
in the | ||||||
7 | State and shall publish the prevailing wage schedule | ||||||
8 | ascertained on its official website no later than
July 15 of | ||||||
9 | each year. If the prevailing rate of wages is based on a | ||||||
10 | collective bargaining
agreement, any increases directly | ||||||
11 | ascertainable from such collective bargaining agreement shall
| ||||||
12 | also be published on the website. Further, if the prevailing | ||||||
13 | rate of wages is based on a collective
bargaining agreement, | ||||||
14 | the explanation of classes on the prevailing wage schedule | ||||||
15 | shall be
consistent with the classifications established under | ||||||
16 | the collective bargaining agreement . If a public body does not | ||||||
17 | investigate and ascertain the
rate of wages during | ||||||
18 | the month of June as required by the previous paragraph,
then | ||||||
19 | the prevailing rate of wages for that public body shall be the | ||||||
20 | rate
as determined by the Department under this paragraph for | ||||||
21 | the county in which
such public body is located.
| ||||||
22 | Where the Department of Labor ascertains the prevailing | ||||||
23 | rate of
wages, it is the duty of the Department of Labor within | ||||||
24 | 30 days after
receiving a notice from the public body | ||||||
25 | authorizing the proposed work,
to conduct an investigation to | ||||||
26 | ascertain the prevailing rate of wages as
defined in this Act |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and such investigation shall be conducted in the
locality in | ||||||
2 | which the work is to be performed. The Department of Labor
| ||||||
3 | shall send a certified copy of its findings to the public body
| ||||||
4 | authorizing the work and keep a record of its findings | ||||||
5 | available for
inspection by any interested party in the office | ||||||
6 | of the Department of
Labor at Springfield.
| ||||||
7 | The public body except for the Department of Transportation | ||||||
8 | with
respect to highway contracts shall within 30 days after | ||||||
9 | filing with the Department of Labor, or the Department of Labor | ||||||
10 | shall within 30 days
after filing with such public body, | ||||||
11 | publish in a newspaper of general
circulation within the area | ||||||
12 | that the determination is effective, a
notice of its | ||||||
13 | determination and shall promptly mail a copy of its
| ||||||
14 | determination to any employer, and to any association of | ||||||
15 | employers and
to any person or association of employees who | ||||||
16 | have filed their names and
addresses, requesting copies of any | ||||||
17 | determination stating the particular
rates and the particular | ||||||
18 | class of workers whose wages will be affected
by such rates.
| ||||||
19 | At any time within 30 days after the Department of Labor | ||||||
20 | has published
on its official web site a prevailing wage | ||||||
21 | schedule, any person affected
thereby may object in writing to | ||||||
22 | the determination or such part thereof
as they may deem | ||||||
23 | objectionable by filing a written notice with the
public body | ||||||
24 | or Department of Labor , whichever has made such
determination, | ||||||
25 | stating the specified grounds of the objection. A person filing | ||||||
26 | an objection alleging that the actual percentage of
laborers, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | workers, or mechanics that receive a collectively bargained | ||||||
2 | rate of wage is below the
required 30% shall have the burden of | ||||||
3 | establishing such and shall support the allegation
with | ||||||
4 | competent evidence. During the pendency of any objection and | ||||||
5 | until final determination
thereof, the work in question shall | ||||||
6 | proceed under the rate established by the Department. It shall
| ||||||
7 | thereafter be the duty of the public body or Department of | ||||||
8 | Labor to set
a date for a hearing on the objection after giving | ||||||
9 | written notice to the
objectors at least 10 days before the | ||||||
10 | date of the hearing and said
notice shall state the time and | ||||||
11 | place of such hearing. Such hearing by the Department of Labor | ||||||
12 | a
public body shall be held within 45 days after the objection | ||||||
13 | is filed,
and shall not be postponed or reset for a later date | ||||||
14 | except upon the
consent, in writing, of all the objectors and | ||||||
15 | the Department of Labor public body . If such
hearing is not | ||||||
16 | held by the public body within the time herein specified,
the | ||||||
17 | Department of Labor may, upon request of the objectors, conduct | ||||||
18 | the
hearing on behalf of the public body.
| ||||||
19 | The public body or Department of Labor may , whichever has | ||||||
20 | made such
determination, is authorized in its discretion to | ||||||
21 | hear each written
objection filed separately or consolidate for | ||||||
22 | hearing any one or more
written objections filed with them . At | ||||||
23 | such hearing , the public body or
Department of Labor shall | ||||||
24 | introduce in evidence the investigation it
instituted which | ||||||
25 | formed the basis of its determination, and the public
body or | ||||||
26 | Department of Labor , or any interested objectors may thereafter
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | introduce such evidence as is material to the issue. | ||||||
2 | Thereafter, the
public body or Department of Labor , must rule | ||||||
3 | upon the written objection
and make such final determination as | ||||||
4 | it believes the evidence warrants ,
and promptly file a | ||||||
5 | certified copy of its final determination with such
public | ||||||
6 | body, and serve a copy by personal
service , or registered mail , | ||||||
7 | or electronic mail on all parties to the proceedings. The final
| ||||||
8 | determination by the Department of Labor or a public body shall | ||||||
9 | be rendered
within 30 days after the conclusion of the hearing.
| ||||||
10 | If proceedings to review judicially the final | ||||||
11 | determination of the
public body or Department of Labor are not | ||||||
12 | instituted as hereafter
provided, such determination shall be | ||||||
13 | final and binding.
| ||||||
14 | The provisions of the Administrative Review Law, and all | ||||||
15 | amendments
and modifications thereof, and the rules
adopted | ||||||
16 | pursuant thereto, shall apply to and govern all proceedings for
| ||||||
17 | the judicial review of final administrative decisions of any | ||||||
18 | public body
or the Department of Labor hereunder . The term | ||||||
19 | "administrative decision"
is defined as in Section 3-101 of the | ||||||
20 | Code of Civil Procedure.
| ||||||
21 | Appeals from all final orders and judgments entered by the | ||||||
22 | court in
review of the final administrative decision of the | ||||||
23 | public body or
Department of Labor, may be taken by any party | ||||||
24 | to the action.
| ||||||
25 | Any proceeding in any court affecting a determination of | ||||||
26 | the
Department of Labor or public body shall have priority in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | hearing and
determination over all other civil proceedings | ||||||
2 | pending in said court,
except election contests.
| ||||||
3 | In all reviews or appeals under this Act, it shall be the | ||||||
4 | duty of the
Attorney General to represent the Department of | ||||||
5 | Labor, and defend its
determination. The Attorney General shall | ||||||
6 | not represent any public body,
except the State, in any such | ||||||
7 | review or appeal.
| ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 98-173, eff. 1-1-14.)
| ||||||
9 | (820 ILCS 130/10) (from Ch. 48, par. 39s-10)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 10.
The presiding officer of the public body, or his | ||||||
11 | or her authorized
representative and the Director of the | ||||||
12 | Department of Labor, or his or
her authorized representative | ||||||
13 | may interview workers, administer oaths, take
or cause to be | ||||||
14 | taken
the depositions of witnesses, and require by subpoena the | ||||||
15 | attendance and
testimony of witnesses, and the production of | ||||||
16 | all books, records, and other
evidence relative to the matter | ||||||
17 | under investigation or hearing. Such
subpoena shall be signed | ||||||
18 | and issued by such presiding officer or his or her
authorized | ||||||
19 | representative, or the Director or his or her authorized
| ||||||
20 | representative.
| ||||||
21 | Upon request by the Director of Labor or his or her | ||||||
22 | deputies or agents,
records shall be copied and submitted for | ||||||
23 | evidence at no cost to the
Department of Labor. Every employer | ||||||
24 | upon request shall furnish to the
Director or his or her | ||||||
25 | authorized representative, on demand, a sworn statement
of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | accuracy of the records. Any employer who refuses to furnish a | ||||||
2 | sworn
statement of the records is in violation of this Act.
| ||||||
3 | In case of failure of any person to comply with any | ||||||
4 | subpoena lawfully
issued under this Section section or on the | ||||||
5 | refusal of any witness to produce
evidence or to testify to any | ||||||
6 | matter regarding which he or she may be
lawfully interrogated, | ||||||
7 | it is the duty of any circuit court, upon
application of such | ||||||
8 | presiding officer or his or her authorized representative,
or | ||||||
9 | the Director or his or her authorized representative, to compel | ||||||
10 | obedience by
proceedings for contempt, as in the case of | ||||||
11 | disobedience of the requirements of
a subpoena issued by such | ||||||
12 | court or a refusal to testify therein. The Such presiding
| ||||||
13 | officer and the Director may certify to official acts.
| ||||||
14 | (Source: P.A. 93-38, eff. 6-1-04 .)
| ||||||
15 | (820 ILCS 130/8 rep.)
| ||||||
16 | Section 10. The Prevailing Wage Act is amended by repealing | ||||||
17 | Section 8.