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Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code. Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop a school district-level Children's Adversity Index to measure community childhood trauma exposure for children by May 31,2025. Requires teachers institutes to provide instruction on trauma-informed practices and certain defined terms. Adds information that must be included in the State Board of Education's school report cards. Requires in-service training to include certain defined terms. Provides that the State Superintendent of Education shall establish a committee of no more than 21 members to make recommendations to the State Board of Education to change the professional educator licensure requirements and Professional Educator License renewal requirements for teachers to include specified requirements. Sets forth the membership of the committee. Reestablishes the Whole Child Task Force created by Public Act 101-654. Provides that the Whole Child Task Force shall reconvene by March 2027 to review progress on a March 2022 report's recommendations and shall submit a new report on its assessment of the State's progress and any additional recommendations to the General Assembly, the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus, the State Board of Education, and the Governor on or before December 31, 2027. Provides that the Whole Child Task Force provisions are repealed on February 1, 2029. Makes other changes.
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