Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB4289
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

 Bill Status of HB4289  103rd General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. Ryan Spain and Jackie Haas

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  1/7/2025HouseSession Sine Die

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
25 ILCS 170/2from Ch. 63, par. 172

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Lobbyist Registration Act. Specifies that, as used in the Act, "official" includes specified officials of a unit of local government. Modifies "lobby" and "lobbying", as used in the Act, to add illustrative examples and to provide that a person has not communicated for the ultimate purpose of influencing a State or local governmental action solely by submitting an application for a government permit or license or by responding to a government request for proposals or qualifications. Changes the definition "lobbyist", as used in the Act, to mean a natural person who, on behalf of any person other than himself or herself, or as any part of his or her duties as an employee of another, undertakes to influence or lobby for any executive, legislative, or administrative action for State government or a unit of local government, and includes illustrative examples of lobbyists.

DateChamber Action
  12/19/2023HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Ryan Spain
  1/16/2024HouseFirst Reading
  1/16/2024HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  2/20/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Jackie Haas
  1/7/2025HouseSession Sine Die

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